S5 Ti4W - vir-i - -"3X-I id H TK Price Tire Cents. Telame XIX-Ne. 299. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY. AUGUST 18, 1383. A: i fr IV 1r.4r.BB coezxsm, &c. TCLINN a UKENEMAr, TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transaction would yen be willing te pay ene dollar ler an article yen could .purchase for ninety cents T We are the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity ler Wadsworth, Martinez & Longman's Fare Prepared Paints. And we claim that they are the best and cheapest points in America. And we don't make this assertion and leave it unsupported. Faint 'one-half el any surface or one-hall el any building with this paint and the ether half with strictly pure White Lead and Linseed Oil, or uny oilier mixed paints In this country, and 11 the part painted with this paint docs net cost ten per cent, less than ler paint used, we will make no charge ler enr paint. And lurther, any building that has been painted with this paint that is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining se for a proper term of years, wc will repaint at our own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many el the prepared paints ere adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal eiler. We will pay one thousand dollars for any benzine or water ieund in any original package of WADSWORTH, MARTI NE & LONGMAN'S I'URE PREPARED PAINTS. FLINN & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, WIN VS ANJ1 E STAHI.ISHKD 1785. WINES AND At REIGART'S OLD WINE STORE, 1 29 East ill H. CALL AND We have just received direct lrem the- Island el Madcria the iollewing Wines : Yerdelhe, Vintage 1870 : Sercial, Vintage 1840, Which we eiler te our customers, together with our old 1SO0, 1SU, 1S17, 1813 and 1SS7 MA DBIIIAH; mid FINK OLD SHERRIES. BRANDIES as follews: Vintage 1S00, ISiO, 1SU, 1S50. ISM. Fine Old ItVK WHISKIES. JAMAICA SPIRITS. N. K. BUM, Ac. FRENCH CORDIALS, Burgundies and Clarets. We have the following Champagne Wines : I'clpcr Hcldselck, U. II. Mumm & Ce.'s Dry Verzenay and Extra Dry, L. Recderer's Carte Blanche, renimcry Sec Vruve Cllquet, Yellow Label Dry, Krug A Ce.'s Private Cuvee, Jules Champien. And the GREAT WESTERN EX. DRY WINE, Frem the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. This is the Finest Ainei lean Wine In the market, having been awarded the highest honors at the following Expositiens: At Paris ltC7, Vienna 187:1 and Philadelphia 1870. S. CLAY MILLBE, Wines, BranAies, (rins, Old Eye WbisMes, &c, Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. fJjVMHIlfO AMU JOHN I.. AKNOI.t). PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. ("Finest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HVJSKY II milllH'tO'H. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS nORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIKS AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, '.ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. llttOKS an it J OIIN It ARK'S SONS. SCHOOL Scheel Supplies and Stationery, WHOLESALE AT SPECIAL RATES, ATTIIK BOOKSTORE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nes. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA. 11VJUAN r-IKANUKIt PKKTII.I7.KK CO HTJMAJNT Cempcsed of Pure Human Excrement and Urine. Tobaeco, Grass, Cern, &c. -SOU) WM. II. .IONES, Ne. l.CJl Maikct Sticet; C. II. BOtiKItS, Ne. 133 Maikct fctrcet; GIIAHAM EMLEN A rASSMOBH. Ne. C31 Market Street ; J. UIUEIt & SON, Branchtewn, Philadelphia, and respon-iliie dealers generally. OFFICE. Ne. 333 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. tiuglS Cmil CAKKLAUJSH, tfO. Standard Carriage Werk OK LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., PINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MAKRKT STREET, KKAU OK CENTUAL MAKKET HOUSES, LANCASTER, I A. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. All Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We uge only the best selectee' material and employ only Hie best mechanics. Fer quality el weik our prices are the cheapest in the slate. We buy ler tell ami sell en the most reasonable tci ..- Giveus a call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ler that pur 1080. 1128-ttdftW NOTICK XKKrsl'ASS'B.USJ JkUli UU2I NEKS. All persons ara hereby lerbldtlen te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon ami Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or mi mi Inclesed, cither ter the purpese et sheeting ei fishing, as the law will be rigidly enlercei) against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this neUce. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. l'ERCY ALOEN. KDWABO C. FREEMAN, Attorney ler R. W. cnlHinau's Heirs OlS-tfdAw LANCASTER, PA LIQUORS. LIQUORS! EXAMINE. "53 H. E. Slaymaker, AGENT. a AM JUTTING. HTAM.B. station fur. BOOKS, GUANO. g-tja.ne. Unrivaled for Wheat, BY VOAJj, B. B. MAKT1M Wholesale and Retail Dealer !n all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. ford : Ne. 420 North Water and iTlnce treels aiieve Lomen Lancaster. n3-lyd CIOAI. I -COAL. I j The undersigned has for sale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts., alarge assortment of the very best kinds et Ocal for Family Use, which lie will deliver, carefully weighed and screened, te any part et the city at the lowest market rates. Orders by mail or telephone tilled promptly. Julyin-tld PHILIP CINDER. MANUKK AMU COAL. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herso Ma nure by the carload at reduced prices. All Hie BEST GRADES OK COAL, Beth ler Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by the barrel. HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Yari 315 Uarrlsburg Pike. General Office 20j East Chestnut si rent Eaufiman, Keller & Ce. aDri-lyd pOAL. M. V. B. COHO gSn NUJiTU WATKH H1, Lancaster, mi Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Uounectien With the Telephonic xchn;;t , Yard nnd Office Ne. &) NORTH WA'l K STREET i...'Mv LITKVKN8 HOU8K O SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journeymen and prices same as ethei saloons. H. WAGNER, mylB-ttd Manager. MEDICAL,. ' WTICUKA SKIN HUMORS. Wonderful Cere of a Lad 12 Years old, who for 8 years, from the top of his bead te his ankles, was one Mass of Scabs. My son, a lad twelve years et age, was af flicted with tlie worst form of Eczema ler a period of eight years. Se virulent was It that lrem the top et his head te within a law inches of his ankles he was one mass of scabs, which refused te yield te any treatment that was suggested by friends or physicians was tried in vain. Allepathy, homajepatliy.herbs.roots, salt-water baths, flaxseed poultices, teaps. ointments, and in short everything that could be done te eradicate the disorder seemed only te aggravate it and the child's life became u burden te him.and the expense of the various experiments was a constant drain upon our resources. My wife, reading the advertisement of tlie Cuticura Remedies in one el the daily papers, resolved te make ene mpre attempt at u cure. (The disease was new encroaching upon his lace, and seemed incurable.) 1 pave a reluc tant consent te the propeal,and an interview was sought with a lameus lady phys'cian el New Yerk, who made a meat thorough exami nation el the ease, anr piemised a cuic with out the least hesitation by the use et jour Cuticuka Kkmkuiks. In em: week there was a marked change; the raw and angry sores be gan te grew pale and along the outer edges sealed en", and as time were en they began te disappear entiicly, until at the present writ ing the only vestlge is one small spot upon the forearm, scat cely visibie and lust dlsap. pearl ng. Thus alter eight years et cxpense and anxiety, we have the intonse satisfaction of seeing the child's skin as lair and smooth as it was before this dreadful cutaneeus disorder attacked htm. Sinrerelv yours, Cll&d. EAYREIIINKLK. 210 Fairmount Ave., Ieusky City Heights, N. J. Childhood and youth are the periods when such diseases yield almost readily te Ihose un lading Skin and Bleed Specifics, Cuticura Kkselvunt, the new Bleed x'uiiher, and cun cuKAand C'UTicmiA Seap Him gieal Skin Cuies. l'rice of Cuticura, small boxes, 50 els , large boxes, $1.00. cuticuka Ueselvknt, $1.00 per bottle. Cuticura Seav, 25 cts.; Cuticuka Siiav inu Seav, 15 els. Sold by ml druggists, l'ot l'et ter Drug unit Uhein Ce., Ifosten. MM Fer Infantile, and Birth Hu mers. Keiigb, Chapped, or RWAnTIIFIIiMl Ureasy skins, Nettle hash, DEJilU lirilm piuiples and Skin Blemishes use Cuticura Soai an exquisite Skin Beauti fied, aim Toilet, Hath and Nuraciy Sanative. Fragrant Willi delicious flower odors and Cu ticura lials:iins. Absolutely pute; higlily niediclnal. Imleised by physicians; pie lerrcd by the ellte. Sales in Ibal and 18,1, OOO.OfX) Ciikes. Alte specially prepared for Shav ing. CATARRH. Complete Treatment $1. A binyle desu el Sunrerd's Kudlcnl tinre in st.tnlly lclibvt s Hie ine.t violent fcnerzing or Head Colds, deais tlie Head as by maic, steps Wateiy Dischaiges iiein tlie Ne&e and Eyes, pi events Hinging Noises in the Head, ernes Nervous Headache and subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages et lenl mucus, resteies the senses of smell, laste anil hearing when at tectcd, tiecs He head, 1 In eat, and bronchial lubes el elb n.siw matter, sweetens andpuii lles tlie biealn. ht)ps llieceughaud anesls the piogresjet Catarrh ieward Consumption One bottle Radical Cure, ene ISex Catai rhal Solvent and Jr. S.inlerd's Inli.iler, all in one package, of all diuggist.s ler . Ask kek MlANDKOltK'H ItADICAI. ClTKK I'i TTUR IHtlUI NO Chemical Ce., Bosten. 0OLLINS' feltaic Electric Plasters. Fer tlie leliel and pievontien, tlm instant 11 ixapplled eriHieuinatisiu, Neunilgia, Scia'i ea, Coughs, Colds, Weak Back, Stemacli and I'.ewels, Slioetlng Tains. Numbness, Hysteua, Female Pains, l'alpitalieu, Dyspepsia, Mvci Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaii.i and hpi lcmics, iise Cevins' l'lastcrc, (an l.lectrlc Uattery combined with a Pereus Plaster) and lauL'ii at pain. 25c. every wlioie. Augl-lydW,S.&w I KNSUNV 1 OKOSlS I'l.AH TSCltS. BEYOND THE RIVER. Away Acrr.gi. the nilctifcbliipl Jtivcr in ilel.l a Convincing 'onvfratlen. ' I tell jeu sir. 1 hat they are one el llieneat llieneat llieneat estcomblnaliensev;r pieduccd, and my ex ex peilcnccef teat soil et thing lia? bten wide enough te entitle my judgment te soineie seineie spect." "Oh, 1 don't knew," responded the Hist speakci's friend, with a little yaw n as though he didn't take much interest in the "ubject, "I have never been aide te see much illeience in these llilni's. Thov are nrct'v nearly the same size, and made et about tlie batne stuff " The talk, et which the foregoing is a frag ment, took place in Gallatin, Mkseiul, net longsige, In the snug cilice et Dr. M. P. Flow ers, one et the leading physicians el the state, who followed up the vein in which he had !n !n tieduccd It substantially in these weids "Nonsense, that is Hie llginaiele et a boy, or rather, et a man who either doesn't knew or dne.-n'l cue what he says. These things, as you call them, aie Jiui as ditleient as the moon is lrem gieen clieise. New, liniments, lotions and ointment. s are very geed in ine it cases ter tlie relief of pain or Inflammation. But, in the Mr t pUee, they are unclean. They sol! the hands and the linen, besides being alwajs nutel re.ieh when ticy ate most wanted." " Well, my dear doctor," sighed tlie tiaelcr fiein the Neitli." wli it would you have .' This is a wretched wei Id" anyhow, and nothing is ever at hand when it is wanted. Yeu ran't suggest anything " " Ye-", I cau,'' breke in the doctor, thumping the table with his list, "I can suggest BEN SON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. I have tried it en my patients, and I have tried it en myself ler an attack et Pneumonia, and in all cases lclicfhas followed in lrem three le lertj -night heuis. The old plasters are stase coaches the Capclne is a lelegnipn dispatch. Fer instance, in caacs el Neuralgia, Muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, letarded action of Kidneys, and " " I glve it up, doctor, and In case el need I'll buy Bcnsen'e." said Hie traveler, pleasantly. Inthocentrco thegenuins is cur the word CAHCINE. Scabury & .lohnsen, C hemists. New Yerk. auglG-lmW,S&v TIM IV Alt, JtV. J OHN P. SCHAUM. GREAT BARGAINS. .1 U.ST RECEIVED ANOTI LOT OF I Kit J.AUGE HANDELIERS - AND- GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, Pliniibiiig and (Jusfittiiig, Keoling anil Spouting. AT JOHN P. SCHAUFS, HO. 24 SOUTH lebU7-lyd QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER PA. THE CHINESE. TUliiK STEADY AND BIAUKED OKESS. YBA1- The Past History and tbe Present Doings of the People el China Their Wide Emigration. Scotsman. Like snakes in Ireland, progress in China is generally supposed te be non existent, immobility in the ce!estial being con sidered equally ineradieable with the leopard's spots and the Etheepian's skin. This, however, is net the opinion of these best acquainted with the past history and present doings of the Chinese. Their rate of progress is net enrs, they meve mere slowly ; but then the vastnesa of the body te be moved must be taken into account. China is nearly as large as Europe, and contains a much larger population, every third man in the world being, it is calcu lated, a Chinamau. Their progress in the past has been most marked ; thus tbe Chinese appear te have been among the earliest, if net the very earliest, of the human race te emerge from barbarism. They have a literature elder than the days of Moses, and astronomical observations that go back at least te the days of Abra ham. Comparing their early progress with that of European nations, they were clothed in silk robes when our savage an. cesters still painted their naked bodies. They invented printing, and had printed books about the middle of tenth century, 500 years before the time of Caxton. Gun powder and the manner's compass were Chinese inventions long before they were known te Europeans. Lieut. II. N. Shero pointed out, in a recent paper read before the society of at ts, that in the matter of canals, the utilization of carrier piteous, the artificial culture of oysters, lish and poultry, and in the satisfactory solution of the frre.it sewage question, the Chinese have been before us in time, and, in seme of theso at least, aie still ahead of us in results. Their progress in the past can not be gainsaid ; it may, however, be con tended that they have new reached the limit of their capacity, and that no lurther progress need be anticipated. This, te say the least of it, is exceedingly uu uu likely in a people acknowledged by anthro pologists te be the biggest brained race in the world, while facts are again.st it, for signs of progress are net wanting among the celestials of the present day. The mei stiikiug and, significant of these is their progress ever the glebe.Until comparatively recent times, China was a world within a world. It was as nearly as possible self contained, its Buddhistic religion being the only thing it is known te have borrowed from abroad. The Chinese knew almost as little about, and cared about as little te visit, the outer world as they would had it been a differ ent planet. This is totally changed new. Frem the chief ports along the Chinese ceat-t a constant stream of emigration Hews, and has llewed for many years with the icsult, that next te ourselves, they are new the greatest colonists iu the world. The climate of Further India, Siam, Malaya, and the yast chain of isl ands, gieat and small, extending from Su matra te Australia, .suits them admirably, and these are being gradually peopled by this obhque eyed Mongolian race. Rangoon, in British Burmah, contains 10,000 of them ; Singapore, tlie great com mercial capital of Malaya, has 80,000 out of a total population ei 1)5,000. Java has 100,000 ; while the Straights Settlement, acceidiug te a rocent travelcr, " aie new viitually Chinece colonies ttudcr the British Jlag." They are net mcicly uum cieus iu the Ma'.ay Archipelago, they are also infiucntial, the commerce of theso regions being almost entitely in their hands. Iu Australia they have obtained a footing and can make fortunes at the geli diggings by working ever again the rofuse hcap3 of the European digger. That they are no mean competitors in the industrial race is seen in the icstrict'10113 put en their entrance into the Australian colenics. They have roade their way te all the chief groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean, and have new beceme an influential element in the population of the Sandwich Islands, wheic they aie fast superseding the indo lent natives. They have cressed te the New World, and are gradually spreading eastward from California and the Pacific slope. Here they have shown themselves able, and, te judge from the prosecution they have been subjected te, mero than able te held their own against the Ameiicans in tue labor market. The United States ewes te them the constiuctienof the Califerniau section of the great Pacific tail way; and if M. de Lesscps should ever succeed in cutting his canal through Central Ameri ca, it will most probably be by the aid of Chinese muscle. Chinamen are new also found in the West Indies and Guiana ; while it must net be forgotten that they are spreading westward from China into Thibet, Mongolia, and Asiatic Russia. Many of the Chinese return te their own land te spend the evening of their days, where, no doubt, the sight of their wealth forms a stimulant te further emigration, while their accounts of Western civilizi- I tien, with its telegrapbF, telephones, and locametives must gradually prepare tueir countrymen for the introduction into China of tho?e improvements in communi cation. It is as a great colonizing power that China has a very special interest for this country, the reason being, as was rrccntly stated by Sir Rutherford Alcock, that, " taking their numbers and our own, it did net require te carry one's views very far into futurity te see that thera would be eventually two races which would occupy the greater part of the world ene was the English speaking race, which had already filled North America and stretched into the Australian continent and the surrounding islands, and would very seen count up te 200,000,000, and the ether was the 400,000,000 of Chinese." !5U01C1I MOKALITY. Its Contrast with the Morality of tha Uentl- ncnt. A correspenpent writes te the Glasgow Herald: "Your recent remarks en the fair holidays and comments en the rude ness of our population have, I see, touched the public conscienco. Letters in the Herald sincojyeur article appearel show that doubts exist as te the undoubted su perierity of the Scotch mera!?, miner or major. 'Lutetia' wanted statistics te cempare with thorespectivo state of things and I think the wish is a proper ene. We hava plenty of evidence as te the bearing of the people of the continent as compared with ours. Every ene who has traveled knew s the comparison is against us ; but we want te knew tha private state of mat ters the numbers of wife beaters, cruel step mothers, conditions as te hon esty, unchastity, brutal assaults &c, together with the relative state as te cleanliness, industry, and thrift (I quote from memory the wishes of ' Lutctia ') as compared with the Bible loving peeple of Scotland. The Bible-loving Scotch will have it that thcre is seme terrible state of matters in France going en under the rose, which makes mero thau compensation for the superior public appearance e the French and of the continental people iu freneral. Tne Scotch fas we might infer irem their peculiar literature) are a jeal-1 ens people ana given te imagine wnenr when r they cannot descry. One of your corres pondents, in pointing out the superiority of the Scotch, says in the matter of duels tbe J; rench might take a lessen from us. The gentleman's remark shows he is net in the issue he talks away from the mark but he is right. The days for lighting duels or anything else openly or gentlemanly have passed away from Scot land. Sanctimonious driveling, preaching, a ' pointing of the finger at your sin,' have taken the place of manliness. Loek at the occupation of the knighthood of Scotland, (and I must have England in here), and you will knew my meaning. But it was net of the class who fight duels te which the Herald article referred, "but te the great mob or the great unwashed. By ' miner morals' I suppose you meant ' major manners,' and you could net say enough in reprobation of the condition in whicu the Scotch lower and middle (com niereial) classes are sunk a condition attributable entirely te the low breeding and consequently vulgar manners of the Scotch clericals, in general, and the dis senting sections in particular. Nothing but strife and contention is heard from our pulpits by the most ' beloved breth ren.' Nothing but strife and contention at the public meetings of these our standards of and consequently our educators in 'miner morals.' 'miner morals,' ' geed manners ' forsooth, why! the reverse is inculcated, and from sermon after sermon and meeting after meetiug the votaries are sent forth, charged as full of spitefuluess as enraged cats, and as ready te fly in the faces of the first neighbors they meet. Ignorance, gross and extreme, exists even among our middle classes, but they knew it net, as the want is compensated by their stock of sectarian pride, and te let drop a philo sophic doubt or scientific truth in the presence of these peeple, one must be pre pared for at least crucifixion. With such superiors, what cau we expect from their social inferiors ? Truculonce is the leading principle of the Scotch mob. I'm as geed a man as yen ! Who are yen ? I'll de what I like ! I don't care a for you I and the slightest indication of civility ap plied te them is construed into aa indica tion of weakness and rewarded with in sults. It is net se much the effeet of the want af enr better classes (as en the con tinent) mixing with the lower elements of seciety, but that we have no higher class (mentally and morally) te mix with and mellow them. The nouveau riche in Scot land (where philosophical speculation is tabooed) is a vulgar and vulgarizing ele ment, a'ld its example is deter iorating instead of clevating. The merchant becomes an elder in seme dissenting conventiole may ba a deacon or manager of his kirk, perhaps gets the chance of representing his body at their great annual powwows rests con tented and dies happy. What mere can man want ? The mob can go te Meedy and Sankey or join the Salvation Army (whose sheutings just new vex my ear) they are net his care. I have mere te say, but this is enough te feteh the flies about my cars, and the socratie method is easier than working up both sides of a question one's self. Heap Again. N. . Weild. The ptate Prohibition convention of Michigan has met in session at Eaten Rapids. One would naturally expect a slate Prohibition convention te show a standard of of virtue as high as its aspira tions and as pure as the fluid with which the movement is associated. Yet the first proceedings of the conven tion was te vote in favor of raising 100, 000 as a campaign fund. What does this mean ? In Missemi, where thore is also a strong prohibition mevement, Elder Brookes, the leader of the movement, has repeatedly declared that if some"euo would give him 100,000 for campaign purposes he would carry the state for prohibition in two years. It is impossible te mistake the meaning of declarations se significant. They mean that the Republican idea of " soap " has bcen adopted even by these who aspire te reform both our politics and our morals. They mean that the use of our large sums of meney " for campaign purposes " is publicly avowed by theso who will net give any public accounting of the way in which the meney is applied. The Prohibitionists of Michigan are net ene of the great parties of the state. At the last election the highest vote they polled was 4,CC0 out of a total of mero than 300,000 vetes cast. Thore are less than 5.000 Prohibitionist voters in Michi gan, and yet these 5,000 citizens anneunce that they need 100,000 for campaign pur pese or 20 for each voter. This is worse than iu Indiana in 1880, where $400,000 of " soap " was considered sufficient for campaign purposes among 232,000 voters. The Prohibitionist party has less need of money than any e:her party. It certainly cannot feel cilled en te spend money in treating ; it cannot be supposed te bribe men te vete the Prohilvtien ticket. It does nut appeal te the ordinary sordid political interests. Its appeal is te the highest motives. Its triumph, when achieved, docs net represent office holding and spoils, but merely the establishment of a certain reform. Tim use of large sums of money for campaign purposes by such a paity is the most shameless outrage in the history of a growing system of abuse. The lcmcdy for such a state of affairs is imperatively called for. Theusoef money iu elections here is as universal and as dis honest as it was in England in pirliaraecS tary elections. The remedy needed heie is the ene which has been tried there. This is te provide for legal supervision ever and exact accounting for all election expenses. That is what we will have te ceme te. It is the only way te put an end te the ru!e of "soap." Small Tet, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, el low Fever, etc.. can't exist where Daibys Pro phylactic Fluid is used. ISuclcbm's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily euro burns, IJruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Uhciiin, Fever sores. Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, corn?, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all skin eruptions, guaranteed te cine in eveiy instance, or money relunded. a cents per box. Fer sale by Chas. A. Lecher. Ic25-1ycedftw A l'leaf.int Acknowledgment. "Had sour stomach and miserable appetite ler months, and grew thin every day. 1 used JiurUeck J Heed Jiilters with the most marvel ous results ; feel splendid." Mrs. Jeseph Jehnsen, ritlsburg, la Fer sale by II. . Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Oueen street. Excited Tbetuands. All ever tlie land are golnglnte ccstacy ever llr. King's New Discovery ler Consumption. Their iinloebcd ler recovery by the timely use of this great lire saving remedy, causes them te go nearly wild in lis praise. It is guaran teed le positively euro Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bay Fever, Bronchitis, Uearscness, Less of Voice, or any affection or the Threai and Lungs. Trial bottles tree at Ohas. A. Lechcr's Drug Stere. Large size. IL00. Be Yen Believe It. That in this town there are scores el persons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, I SUU1 illlt-1 UIOUWOUU OWMIltVU, MIIVl wui- I plaint. Constipation, 'when ter 75c. we will sell IIICLIL uiiMUii e aMava, iutMua . ,v vuig 1,1 It 111 sew py . it.uecuran, nruggisr, nes. 147amii39 North. Queen street. fob7-eed2 OF BITTEKS. If and If. " It you are snOerlng from peer health or languishing en a bed or sickness. 1 take cheer. It you ara simply ailing-, or 11 you leal weak and dispirited, wlth ' out clearly knowing why, Hep Bitters will surely cure you." " it you are a Minister, and have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties, or a 'Mether, worn out with care and work, or a 'man os business or laborer weakened by the 'strain et your cveryday duties, or a man et ' letters, toiling ever your midnight work, Hep ' Hitters will sure strengthen you." " If you are suffering 'lrem ever -eating or ' drinking, any indlscre ' tien or dissipation, or ' are young and growing ' tee fast, as is often tne case." " Or If yen are in the workshop, en the ' farm, at the desk, anywhore, and feci ' that yenr system needs cleansing, ten- lng, or stimulating, without lntexicat- lng, if you are old, bleed thin and lih lih 'pure, pulse feeble, nerves unsteady, ' laculUes waning. Hep Bitters is what ' you need te give .yen new lile, health, ' and vigor." If you arc costive or dyspeptlc, or suf fering from any ether et the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault it you remain ill. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, step tempting death this moment and turn for a cure te Hep Bitters. If you are sick wilh that terrible sickness. Nervousness, you will linda "Balm In Gil cad" in Hep Bitters. It yen are a f reqnenter, or n resident or a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all coun ceun triesmalaria, epidemic, bilious and Intermittent levers by tlie use of Hep Bitters. It you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath. Hep Bitters will give you lair skin, rich bleed, the sweetest breath and health. $500 will be paid for a case they will net cure or heip. That peer, bedridden, invalid wile, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture et health by a tew bottles of Hep Bitters cost lngbut a trifle, a'J-lmdTu,Tli4S Tbe New Tricycle. This machine Is propelled by steam.and will carry two peeple twenty miles in an hour, it is said. It is quite an invention but docs net cempare witu Burdock Bleed Bitters, which will carry the invalid alenfr the read te health te beat ail. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 13!) North Queen street. JUSlilVAL. A XEK'S HAIR VIOOK. Colds. " Orrville, Ohie, Sept. 10, 18S2. " Having been subject te a bren chial afrectleD, with liequcnt celrtu, ler a number et years, I hereby eertity that Aykr's Cakruv rKCTORAt. gives lue prompt relief, and is the most effective remedy I haveever tried. Jaubs A Hamilton, Editor el The Crescent." tTVvnrrVna " Mt. Gilcad, O,, June 26 1SJ. VULlgiie, i have used Aykr's CheiuiY 1'ectebal this spring ler a severe cough and lung trouble with geed etlcct, and I am pleased te recommend it te anyene similarly atlected. Harvey Baueiiman. l'roicter Glebe Hetel." rKBPAHBD BY Dr. j. C. Aycrs & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. auglS ln-iydAw. pKKBV DAVIS'S rAIN KILLF.K. CHOLERA! CtlOLEUA MORBUS CnOLERA INFANTUM ASIATIC CnOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES YIELD TO THE INFLUENCE OF Perry Dam's Pain Kir. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR EVERY KIND OF BOWEL DISORDER. Captain Ira II. Fossef Goldsberongb.Malne, says: "One of my sailors was attacked sovor sevor sover ly with cholera merbus. We adininistcred l'ain Killer, and saved him." J. W. Slmenils. Urattlcbore, Vt, says; "In cases of c.ielcra merbus and sudden attacks of sum-rer complaints, I have never found It te tall." ALL THE augl DRUGGISTS SFLL. IT. Imd&w HOTJOHH. w TIUIC. ASTRICH BROS'., ,. Palace of Fashion. Ne. 13 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTEK, iA. THE ONLY STORE -IN- LANCASTER WHERE YOU CAN BUY ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH -UV GOODS -FOR A TRADE DOLLAR. AHtlALL UANUEIC TUlrtOK i UFTKN far mere painful than a much larger one under apparently similar circumstances. The same tumor may be very painful when small, and cease te give mach trouble when ;it has CANCKBA TUMOR?, SKIM PISEASKS PISEASKS alse. Chronic and Frivate Diseases success fully treated by y DBS. II. D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, ta. Consultation tree. auli;-3tdw H CLQlHIlfa,ViritKMWKAJC, c. pUKW IT'S MOT. CHAK3B YOUK UNDERWEAR. GAUZG UNDEBSHIKTS In Sizes lrem 31 te 60 inches. Ganze, Muslin and Jean Drawers. Camibeles, Filet Je Saate Four lfemmes Fancy Hosiery, New Ties and Cellars at Erisman's, the Shirtmaker, BLUE FRONT GENTS' FURNISHING STORE; Ne. 17 Wert Kins Street. TNi.J. SIHAtuINU. t I WILL CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF MY Spring & Summer Goods AT COST, IN OUDERTO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL GOODS. J- Call and see Bargains. JN0. J. SMALING. (TAILOR,) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. iikriit:tc' TO THKl'UKLIU. A NEW Tailoring Establishment. I would respeetluily notify the citizens et Lancaster and vicinity itliat 1 have opened this day a Merchant Tailoring Establishment -AT 129 ana 131 Nertn Qneen St., And keep en hand a large assortment of the LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE EUROPEAN MARKETS FOR Men's Wear, Which I MAKE TO ORDER at Short Netice In the LATEST STYLES. The workmanship FIRST-CLASS only. J Terms Strictly Gash! Jehn G. Haas. augl4-3uid II."" tltltAKT. SPRING OPEOTG AT H. GERHART'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. fi KAST KING STREET, OF TUB 1. Alia EST ASSORTMKH2, or FINE SUITING, PANTALOON1NG AND SPK1NU OYEKCOATINti, Kvnr brought te the City et Lancaster, O-These ile-ireus or securing CheieeStyle are Invited te call carlv. IONSMAN UKO. J. ABOUT CLOTHING. HOW IS IT THAT WE ARE BUSY i'OW Willi. K SO MANY ARE DULL? 1st. Our goods have steed the lest, and mere than steed the test in comparison with these ettered at ether houses. They artr found te be literally the best, and there is no old stock. 2il. Our prices are found te Ik. the le wist, while the filty cents en the dollar and oilier mat keii cewn humhu.s have long f-lnce In en deletted. The Best Clothing -AND- , , THE LOWEST PRICES. Men's.Suits celling new at tJ.OO.'s 1.00, $5.00, $fi.ie, 17 00, ., fie , 2.ce and irv.Ce. ' Beys1 and Children's- Suits enr great specialty.' sellinj new at $1.50. 'f ?.0O, rUO, t-1.00. $4.00, $9.00, $0.00, $7.00 and 19.90. Men' Varna at 75c., U.OO.fl.JO, $$2.00, $3.00, npto$5jje. Don't miss the present oppertnnlty.as we arc bound te reduce our stock in order te make room for our large fall stock new being manufactured. L. Gansman & Bre,, THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS A CLOTHIERS, GC-'JS MOUTH QUEEN STREET, r tgli .m the Southwest Cerner et i Orange St. LANCASTER. l'A. a-iih-i every' evening nntll 0 e'ekek Satuida 1 o'clecK;. Special .b.rj A --vs-j j?SI - iU-".M m i fcT3'J . .t?A - 1 vi rai -4H i&l . rt ' Ml i l .V'i 1 stlM - 'r 4 1 t i 4T &rt 'it TV ? , n i -ii X J1 -Si -- H ;1 ;m " -V