I. " -. I A. , iAyeEB AlfrYTrjgTEI l5 1883i i Lancaster Jntelltgenccr. WEDNESDAY KVKNINQ, AUG. 15, 1888, Mew Xlvttt DIM. Paris Figare. It seems that Riviere bad coaeooted a plan te capture Tonkin without risking the Urea of his sen, in the same way that Hanei and Nam-Dinh had been taken, the besiegers being protected by the fire of the fteneh gunboats. First of all, bow. ever, he resolved te redoee SenTaL a stronghold situated a little above Hanei en the Bed river and a great resort of the Black Flags.- Riviere waited for the annual rise of the river te ascend it with the flotilla. Bnt during the delay the Black Flags kept up a continual skirmish ins fire, annoying the Freneh garrison at Hanei very grevieusly. Thirty peunder cannonades, presented te the Annamities in 1874, were turned te geed account by the Black Flags. Every evening they were brought within range upon the backs of elephants and trained upon the Freneh quarters, which were regularly cannonaded ail night Early at daybreak the elephants would carry the cannon away again te the unknown interior. At last the fort was regularly besieged, and Biviere,after repalling several attacks, was compelled te beg for reinforcements. Five powerful gunboats ascended the river, and Riviere's force was strengthened by the arrival of 350 marines with repeat ing rifles and several breech leading steel guns. His total force was thus raised te 700 men. On the 19tb, early in the morn ing, Riviere led out a reoennoitering partyef400men upon the Sen-Tai read, where the Black Flags were heavily mus tered. They encountered no enemy for nearly two miles, and crossed a river un opposed. Then suddenly a force of 1,500 A-Hm-niM seemed te issue from the ground, or rather from the bamboos, and poured a terrifle volley into the Freneh column with breech leading rifles. In a moment the artillery was in the enemy's hands and the little force of marines and soldiers surrounded. Most of the officers were killed. Lieutenant De Brisis, of the marines had half of his face shoe away, and finding es cape impossible blew out his brains te save himself from falling into the ene my's hands. Meulin, a non-commissioned officer, seeing himself en the point of baing taken prisoner, also blew his Drains out. Riviere lay prostrate but alive with three rifle balls in his body ; he ordered the men te leave him, te cut their way through and retreat. But they refused te abandon him, and a desperate struggle ensued about the fallen person of the wounded leader. Jacquin, captain of the marines, steed beside Riviere. "Jaquin," said Riviere, " you cannot save me. There is only one thing te de blew my brains out before these fellows get sue into their hands." Jacquin obeyed, and the next moment fell dead beside his commanding officer. The remnant of the column cut itswaybaokte the fort. These who fell alive into the hands of the Black Flags may have had time te regret that they had net followed the example of Meulin and De Brisis. Riviere's action was the most heroic, if it is true that the men might have saved him by a desperate effort, and that he ordered an officer te kill him rather than allow the lives of his men te be wasted in what he deemed a useless struggle, as his wounds would probably have in any case, proved ultimately mor tal. m t An Old Permit ueveked. In 1866 Hugh MoCulIeugb, then secre tary of the treasury at Washington, D. U., granted permission te certain parties te make photographs, en small cards, of various denominations of treasury notes then in circulation, for distribution as curiosities. When issued, they bore en their backs a facsimile of the secretary's letter of permission and were eagerly sought in all directions, the dealers mak ing a handsome profit out of their sales. Fer years nene have been seen until within the past month, when agents of the secret service engaged in hunting up swindlers who advertise te sell hundreds of dollars for a nominal sum discovered that these cards were being sent out te these foolish enough te be caught The attention of Secretary Felger being called te the matter, he revoked the per mit, and hereafter it will be a violation of law te photograph, print or sell sueh arti cle. Ne lear of Small Pox it Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is used froely. It destroys the very germ. Would Bare Been Set Cpen. Had net Burdock Bleed Bitters been a re medy or unquestionable merit tney would have been set down upon by the public as thousands et :nodlclnes have been when tbeir worthlessness was discovered. Burdock Bleed Bitters bave received unbounded praises from the sick, thus establishing their merit beyond dispute. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Ne Ueceptlen Used. It Is strange se many peeple will continue te suffer day alter day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procure at our store SHILOH'S VITALIZE!!, tree of cost it it does net cure or relieve them. Price, 75 cents. Sold by H. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. ledU-eedS Humbugsi Imposters! Thieves I The above are terms applied te the unreli-al-le and dishonest. Dr. Themas' Ecleclric Oil ter diphtheria, catarrh, asthma, rheumatism, and all aches, sprains, and pains is net a thing et deception but a pleasant and honest re medy. It Is honestly put up, honestly sold, and does what is claimed ler it. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. xxcvssiens. T 1BE EXUUK8ION SEASON OK 1883. TO THE SUMMER HESOBTS AND EXCURSION POINTS OH OB VIA The Shenandoah Valley ltailrend. THE CAVEBNS OF LUBAY. THE NATURAL BRIDGE. THE VIKUINIA SPBlNGS, e., Ae. Perfect previsions at LUBAY for the ac commodation of Excursion Parties el all sizes. Transportation Bates arranged ler parties et various numbers from 0 te Boe. Correspendenee Invited from Schools. Churches, Societies and Associations, ter the arrangementet Special Bates and Excursion Days. Transportation tarnished en SPECIAL TRAINS when tbe size et tbe party Justifies. Application through tbe General Passenger Agent or Superintendent of the Bead en which the Excursion Party originates, te either el the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. r Small parties desiring accommodations at the LUBAY INN can also be cared ler by similar application. Keund Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPBINGS and SOUTHERN SUMMER RE SORTS en sale en and alter JUNE 1. at the principal Ticket Offices or connecting lines. SUMMERTOURIST bUlDE BOOKS and all Information furnished en apnl.'cnllen te the Passenger Agents, Shenandoah Valley R. B or the Virginia, Tennessee A Georgia Air Line. a. POPE, Gen. Pass. & Tfct Agt. O. HOWARD BOYEB. Lynchburg. Va, MvtalenPass'r Agt. """",. Hagerstown, Md. may30-3md NOTICE te TKJBMiWtia AHD GUM NEBS. AU persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any or the lands et the Cern wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un lnclesed, either for the purpose of sheeting ei fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands el the undersigned alter this notice. B. PERCY ALDEN, . ?WABD C. FREEMAN, irlMflftw0""7 " Cotemn' Hd BJK?AMl. WATOHE8, CLOCK Chitos. Kings, Spectacles, Tc. Bendring et all kinds will receive my Dersenalattfin a,TenTbfrBiSl JLEMGAS. TKNSOB-8 SKIM CVMM. from Andrews American Queen. CLEOPATRA OB THE Queen of Sheeba's Beauty WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. The renowned Queen et gheba, with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel and brilliant retinue, would never have appeared within the presence of the grandest et the monarch et the past, bad she net also possessed that which la the crowning glory or the female person a skin unchallenged ler Irs Oriental softness and lta almost transcendental purity Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and rul ing empires by her word, had quickly lest her charm and power by one attack of blotches, or et pimples, or et horrid tan and freckles. WOXA.H KDLBS THK WOBXO. by her beauty, net less than by her purity el character, loveliness or disposition and nnscl fish devotion. Indeed, In the estimation of perhaps tee many men beanty In a body takes precedence eyer every ether consideration Beauty thus ienns an Important part of woman's " working capital, " without which tee many, (If net bankrupts In what relates te Influence within tne circle where they move), are pewerlees for great Keed. Hence we Bee net only the pro priety but tbe duty et every lady preserv ing with zealous care that which te her Is es sential te success, and Influence, and useful ness In life. And, since " beauty is bnt skin deen." the utmost care and vigilance are re el ulred te guara It against the many Ills tha nesuisneirte. Among tne great ana annoy ing enemies et beauty, OV BTTHKB SEX as well as et comfort, happiness and health, are these pcstiforeua and horrid skin diseases tetters, humors, eczema (salt rheum), rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases et the hair and scalp. Fer the cure of all tnese, Dr. C. W. Bensen, of Baltimore, alter vears et tiatlent studvand Investigation devoted te diseases of the skin, at last brought iertn ms ceieeratea bkiic uubx, which has alteady by I s marvelous cures, estab llatied Itself as the great remedy ter all disease of tbe skin, whatever be their names or charac ter. Its success has been Immense and un paralleled. All druggists have It. It Is ele gantly put up, two bottles in one package. In ternal and external treatment. Price, $1.00. XVKBTOmt PRAI8K8. blck headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless ness and brain diseases, positively cured by Dr. C. W. Bensen's Celery and Chamomlle i'ills. Tbey contain no opium, quinine or ether harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price. 60 cents per bottle. Si ter two. S2.80 ler six, postage free. Dr. C. W. Bensen, Baltl mere, Hd. C. N. Crittxmten, New Yerk, Is the Whole sale Agent ter W. C. Bensen's remedies. augll-lmdM,W&Sw N KVEU FAILS. SAMARITAN NERVINE. " YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH for Sjlharitam Nkrvihe," says a skeptic. "Hew can one med icine be a specific ler EPILEP8Y, DYSPEP SIA. ALCOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, RHEUMATISM. SPERM ATORRH-S, or SEM INAL WEAKNESS and fifty ether com- piamisT" weciaimua specific, simpiy De cause the virus of all diseases arises from the bleed. Its Nervine, Reselvent. Alterative, and Laxative properties meet all tbe cendi tiens herein referred te. It's known world wide ss THE GREAT Nerve Conqueror. Itqulets and composes the patient net by the introduction of opiates and drastic catbarties, but by the restoration of activity te the stom ach and nervous system, wherebv the brain is relieved of morbid fancies, which are cre ated Dyine causes aDovereierrea te. Te clergymen. Lawyers. Llterarv Men. Mer- chants. Bankers, Ladies, and all these whose sedentary employment causes nervous pros tration. Irregularities of the bleed, stomach. bowels or kidneys, or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaiutah Nervine is invaluable. Thousands proclaim It the most wonderful lnvlgerant that ever sustained me sinaing system, si.tu. sela by all Druggists. The DR. S. A. RICHMOND MED. CO., Proprietors, St. Jeseph, Me. CHAS. N. CRITTENTON, Agent, New Yerk City. a2l lyeed&w () 1 UAY'B MKKU1VIU MKDIUINtS. TMH VJT Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure ter lmpetency, and all Diseases thai iouew less ex uemery, universal Lassi tude. Pain in the Back, Dimness el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. The Snacfflc Medicine Is sold by all druggists at 91 per pack age, ur Hii pucsuges iure, or win de sent rree by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent. H.B. Cochran, 137 and 139 nerui vfuueu sixeeu un account ei counter felts. webaveadODted the Yellow Wrannar the only genuine. Guarantees eleure Issued by as. Fer sale In Lancaster by H. B. Cochran, uruKgisi i- ami ion norm uueen street. THE GBAY MEDICINE .. M. Y. imrl2.1vd C1HKONIO IRITIS THE SYMPTOMS here are generally but slightly marked, or are almost se entirely absent thattbepa- uuui u uui uware uuu were is unyimng lue waiter wuu 111a uye, except a sngni weakness or cold In It, as he frequently expresses it. All diseases el the EYE, EAR, THROAT -also, chronic and Private Diseases success fully treated by DRS. H. D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation tree. aul3-3td&w BOOTS Jt HB.OES. VVriLLlAMSUN ft FOSTER. -IN OUR SHOEDEPARTflEHT ABE INFANT'S SHOES, Banging In Price from 20 cents te 91.0) CHILDREN'S SHOES, Frem 75 cents te 92.00. MISSES' SHOES, Frem 91.23 up te Il.tO- LADIES' SHOES, Frem 91.00 up te 96. 7. BOI'S SHOES, Frem 91.25 up te $3.50. MEN'S SHOES, Frem 915 up te 97.5 AND THE BEST OF VALUE FOR THE PBICE. FINE GOODS In All Grades are Made a Specialty, and when you want something fine either for a lady or a gent de net buy till you have at least looked at the goods at the ONE PRICE HOUSE. Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 38 EA8T KHTG ST. LANCASTER, PA. fXAnma, uahbs. a full lui from 5c. HAR'tMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR Mtjr moeom. I OUR STOCK or Sner Dry Ms WE ARE CLOSING OUT AT Greatly Reduced Prices, Te make room ter tall purchases. We nave been busy during the past week In looking ever our stock and redaefng goods of all-de-erlptkms ten price which must sell them, and are showing 9 Special Bargains in Iyitj Deptrtwet. Ladies' Jerseys, Hisses' Jerseys, Children's Jerseys, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURE, IN ALL DESIRABLE SHADES. Mesquite Canopies are a specialty with us. and we have them in all sizes and at LOWEST PRICES. Ne extra charge for putting up. N OT1CK. HETZ6EB & E06HMS Cheap Stere. BLACK CASHMERES, 12. 18, 25e. BLACK CASHMERES, 87J, 45, 60e. BLAUh. UABrULErUSg, W, 15, 870. BLACK CA8HMERE8, 11.00, 1.12 J, 1.25. The Cheapest Let in This City. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK BILKS, BLACK SILKS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE BHAWL8, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, We have a Large Assortment or all of the aoeve uoeas irem AUCTION SALES AT VERY CHEAP PBICES AT mi & HaUGflMS Cheap Stere, 43 WIST KING ST., LlNCASTEfi, (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse ueieui NJ EXT UOOB TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOGK'S OPENED THIS DAY ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, IN ALL DE3IKABLE SHADES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER IK LANCASTER, PA. NEXT DOOR :T0 THE COURT HOUSE. OXOGJMZZK9. A T flUBSKIf. BUNTING FLAGS. Anv bIra RRAT RITVPT V1 Vf l no s . at & lew dfLVR TirtMiW Hnmnla Vle ei Ja.4 in store. "' "-" Muslin Fitters and Chinese lanterns ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT Bursk's, 17 East King St. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Jelly Pets, All Kinds Stoneware, LARGE VARIETY PLAIN AND PAINTED FLOWERPOTS, AT BUBSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. T OOBKB'5 UXK5. ' A 5c, Package LOCHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORS GOODS THAN ANT OTHER DTE IN THE MARKET, Fer sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 BAST ZING 8TBUT, LANCASTER. PA. HAVANA AMU TABS UIOAKS OMLT fie. the best for the money In tne town, at HARTMAN'8 YELLOW FRONT CI9AR FABTOK H AQKK BKOTBJEX. JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OP LADIES' JERSEYS, SINGLE BREASTED, DOUBLE BREASTED AND PLEATED, LN REGULAR AND SUPERIOR QUALITIES. Alse, "White Goods, Laees, Hosiery and Gloves. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KINCr STREET, LANCASTER, PA. UOWBK8 BUBST. Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, ... Lancaster, Pa DURING WE DRY GOODS AND TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK. We hare Full Assortment In All Departments and would be pleased te have yen call. BOWEES & HTJE8T, Neb. 26. and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET fOHN B. G1TLKB OO. BLACK AND MOURNING GOODS I THE CITY. ISAU Goods Marked in Plain Figure?. One Price Only, and that invariably tne lowest. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East King Street, JNO. S. GIVLER. CZOTMXITO. rMO. J.SHAUHU. I WILL CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF MY Spring & Slimmer Goods AT COST, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MT FALL GOODS. M8r Call and see Bargains. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAILOR,) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. N( OTIOKTO TBEPUBLIU. A NEW Tailoring Establishment. I would respect! ally notify the citizens et Lancaster and vicinity that I nave opened tnladaya Merchut Tailoring Establishment -AT 1M131MQMSL, And keep en nand a large assortment et tbe LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE EUROPEAN MARKETS FOR Men's Wear, Which I MAKE TO ORDER at Short Netice &SLeJLAT 8T1TLE8. The workmanship FIRST-CLASS only. 17" Terms Strictly Cash. Jehn G. Haas. augli-Smd J.K . BHAUHO. CLOSING OUT ALL OUR LIGHT-WEIGHTS ATA GREAT SACRIFICE. CHOICE LINE OF THE BEST GOODS IN THE ;MARKET. Call at once and secure BARGAINS AT Sgecial Amimii. 121 North Queen Street. j, k. mmm VMT moos, Se. BOWERS & HURST, THE MONTH OF SHALL OFFER MANY BARGAINS IN THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS. -ftTOTIOK. ASTRICH BROS'., Palace of Fashion. Ne. 13 EAST KLNG STREET. LANCASTER, PA. THE ONLY STORE IN LANCASTER WHERE YOU CAN BUY ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOODS -FOR A TRADE DOLLAR. MDUCJLTIOlfJLZ. S WITHIN O. BHOKTUOGE'S AOAOKMX for Yeung Men and Beys, Media, Fenn'a., 12m. from Philadelphia, school year opens Sept. 12. Fixed price covers every expense, even books, fcc. Ne extra charges. Ne Inci dental expenses. Ne examination for admis sion. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities ler apt students te advance rapidly. Special drill for dull and backward boys. Patrons or stu dents may select any studies, or cheese the regular English, Scientific, Business, Classical or Civil Engineering Course. Students fitted at Media Academy are new In Harvard, Yale and ten ether Colleges and Polytechnic Bchoels. A Physical and a Chemical Labra Labra tery ; a fine Gymnasium and Ball ground. 1,500 vels, added te Library in 1883. Apparatus doubled In 1883. Ten students sent te college In 1883. A graduating class in Commercial Department In 1883. Media has 7 churches and a temperance charter which prohibits the sale of all Intoxicating drinks. Fer new Illustrated Circular address the Principal and Proprietor, swiTBUr c. buortudeb, a. M. (Har vard University Graduate ), Media, Penn'a. lyzj-imaaw GEORGETOWN OOLLEGZ, D. O. Founded in 1789. Rxv. JAMES A. DOOM AN. S. J., Phxsiebht. AOAiiEMxandBUlcnTiFioscueoLsopen en Thursday, Sept 13, 1883. Beard, tuition, etc., 1300 per annum, Fer particulars address PRESIDENT GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.C. THE school of MJEDIOIME opens en Mon day, Sept. 14th, 1883. Terms ter tbe lull Course or Lectures, tlCO. Address J. W. H. LOYEJOY, M. D., Dean, 800 12th St, N. W., Washington, D. C. THE BUHOUL OF LAW opens en Thursday. Oct 4. 1883. Course et studies extended and re-arranged. Faculty : Hen. B. T. Merrick, Hen. Jere. M. Wilsen, Judge W. A. Richard son (U.S. Court of Claims;, Martin F. Mor Mer ris, LL. D. and J. J. Darlington, esq. C. W. Heffman, LL. D., Dean. Terms, $80 per an num. Address 8 AM'L M. YEATMAN.esq., Secretary, 1425 N. Y. Avenue, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. Julylft-lmd BOOKS JJflt BWJ.TJMWMMX. N: EW BOOKS. FOB SUMMBB READING. " Mr. Isaacs," by 8. Marlen Crawford. ' Dr. Claudius," by 8. Marlen Crawford. ' ThreughOne Administration," by Burnett. " But Yet a Weman." by Cardy. " Successful Men et Te-day." And all the Latest Seasides and Magazines L.M.FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WBST KINO STRUT: YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A FULL line et Connecticut cigars and Fountain Fine Cut tobacco, at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR TORS. AUGUST NOTIONS, LANCASTER, PA. Lancaster, Fa. GEO. F. RATHVON. OX.OurS9,VmMKWXAMt c. nOEWt TSHOT. CHANGE YOUR UNDERWEAR. GAUZE UNDERSHIRTS In Sizes from 34 te SO inches. Gauze, Muslin and Jean Drawers. Camlbeles, Filet De Sante Pour H'emmes Fancy Hosiery, New Ties and Cellars at Erisman's, the Shirtmaker, BLUE FRONT GENTS' FURNISHING STORE. Ne. 17 West King Street. L. GANSMAIf BRO. ABOUT CLOTHING. HOW 18 IT THAT WE ABE BUSY NOW WHIUESOMANY ABE DULL 1st Our goods have steed the test, and mere than steed the test In comparison with these offered at ether houses. They are found te be literally the best, and there Is no old stock. 2d. Our prices are leund te b6 the lowest, while the fifty cents en the dollar and ether marked down num bugs have long since been detected. The Best Clothing AND THE LOWEST PRICES. Men's aSuits selling new at S3.00, S1.00, S5.00, $6.00, 17.00, $8.00, $10.00, I12.C0 and S16.00. Beys' and Children's Suits our great specialty, selling new at $1.60. $2.00, $2.60. $3.00. $4.00. $5.00. $6.00. S7.00 and S9.00. Men's Pants at 76c., tl.00, $1X0, $$2.00, 13.00, upte$50. Don't miss the present opportunity, as we are bound te reduce our stock In order te make room for our large fall stock new being manufactured. L. Bailsman & Bre,, THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS & CLOTHIERS, 66.68 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Rlghten the Southwest Cerner et Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. SWepen every evening until 9 o'clock ; Saturday 10 o'clock. H. HKRHART. SPRING 0PENIN6 -AT H. GERHARTS TAILORING 8STABLISHMINT, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, OF TBR LARGEST ASSORTJiXAt -OF FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING -AND SFJtIHO OYEKCOAT1NG, Ever brought te the City et Lancaster, j$7Tbese desirous of securing Choice Styles are Invited te call earlr. ttUUJM LAHOASTTO A1W 1M.lCK8Tll.Ui K. St . Caarwaaattlews) , Tawftesr (P.R Depot;, at 7, 9, an.. Djasa-Mand , ana 8-Jsp.sBezemit en stnrday .waen the last ear lesTes at fc p. ia Leave XUiMsrUle (lower end) at ft, 8, and! a.Mandl,3,5aad7p.M. Cars ran daily en aMre X3ma exeept en San GaVw COLUMBIA OKT OSPOUX v mhim iiax 1A1ILI IK"7 tte Celm-abla Pert time: en the following SOOTHWAnp. STATIONS.. wiriTi. T.M. XMAK &9B 190 10-J3 T.H. ...-Columbia.... ...Washington... . . ii ess w eu .... ...Safe Harber... .JBhenkl Ferry.. JrOQQOft ..YexkFnrnace.. .....Tneqnan JlcCaU's Ferry. ...FlW'sXddy... ..Fishing Creek.. ..Peach Bettem.. ...Conewlno... MllUt TMUM 709U 7:17 7 737 11U6 UOS U 7:41 uje 70 fcfle 7UI) 7S7 7J7 70 7:86 738 7:17 75 r.x. ISM 1206 8:13 &3B ...OetCfntra..... ..ort Kepealt.. 138 SC9B i.f tflff VUlOa T EADUTO m COLUMBIA K. X. ARRANGEMENT OFPA8SENGXR TRAIN ft MONDAY, AUGUST 13m, ISfS, NORTHWARD. TJU.TB. li.IL A.H. r.M. 8.-SS BJB &0S 530 7:46 6:05 7:40 6M 7J8 48 7M 4M 78 41 7:31 4:47 7J0 46 7K 43 67 4:26 6:41 4:12 62 4:05 630 35 Km! a.n. 7:30 9":1C 93C usarxTviue ......... ...... Lancaster, King St. 630 70 7:40 Chlekles., 730 7:50 Marietta Junction. Columbia. 70 9:45 SOUTHWARD. L&1VB. Reading... r.v. r.K. .... se .... 8:40 lt 30 3.3U .... 4:00 1UC S:4C 331 6JK r.at 735 Marietta Junction 9:15 Chlekles 9:45 Columbia 9:40 Lancaster. 90 10 &13 5:15 Lancaster, King St. 9:40 .... 835 535 QuarryvUle 10:40 .... 95 60 Trains connect at Reading with trains teund from Philadelphia, Pettsvllle, HarrUburg, AI lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Creek At Columbia with trains te and tram Yerk. Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltl. mera. A. M. WILSON. Sunt PMHHhYLVAMIA KA1LROAU MEW SCHEDULE On and after 8CNOA MAY Uth, 1883, trains ea the Pencsyl vanla Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as fellows : Lev Ar LanPhU Eabtwabe. A.M. A.M 28 5:15 70 1030 Mall Ejipieas .., Philadelphia Express , Fast Line Harrlsburg Express , Yerk Accommedaann arrives , Lancaster Aceesc laUen arrives..., Columbia Aoeonmod- tlen 12:42 3:12 65 8:10 8d0 85 90 UM3 Ir.x. 123 Frederick Accommodation arrives.. Sea Shere Express 128 306 r.K. Sunday Mall Johnstown Express Day Express............ ....... Harrlsburs Accommodation. 2:42 230 635 6.45 5:45 56 735 9:46 SI Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9-.4S, will run through te Hanover dally, exeept Bnnday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:36, will run through te Frederick. iLe. Ar. WssTWAxn. jMUli A.XL A.X. 635 6:30 90 96 9:45 90 News Express Way Passenger. Mall Train. Ne. L via. Mt Jey- 40 40 70 7:40 Mall Train, No.2,vlaCelumbla,leave8 JuagaraAxpress Hanover Accommodation leaves.. r.x. Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leaves. 11:05 1:35 10 530 211 70 7:40 U:10 1:40 r.x. Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accennr edati en Harrlsburg Express... ............ Western Express Paclfie Express 204 'V:4i 5:40 96 1130 Harrlsburg Express, west at 5:e p. va., naa direct connections (wltheutcbange of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged. Will step at Downlngtewn.CoatesvUle, ParkcB. burg, Mount Jey, EUzabethtewn and Middle, town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express, Mat . Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacific Ex press run dallv. MUSICAL.. w ILOOXa WHITE -TaE- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LTJOKHNBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortmentef the various styles con stantly en hand and ler sale en the most lib eral terms ter Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these Instruments, which will be found te be very Superior In Quality and Moderate In Price. Having severed my connections with the Estey Organ Company, I take this method te Inform my friends in Lancaster county, I am new selilntr an Organ equal te any and sur passed by none. Please call and examine one et the most beantltul-tened Organs manu factured In the United States. Mr. Luckenbach Is also agent ler the famous "Knabe," McPhail, Veee & Eons, Grrerensteln & Fuller, Hallet & Davis, And several ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from $225 upwards. febl7-tld &ZAMB AMD UUJUUUtHAKA. H 1UH MAKTI. Glassware. - - Glassware. AT- CHINA HALL. A LARGE LOT OF Table Glassware, Fruit Jars. Jelly Tumblers,! JELLY CUPS, JELLY CUPS, AT High & Martin's 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. J. K.BOTE. There has been such a demand for LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS that I was compelled te get a VERY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make yen a PHOTO as small as the smallest locket wBl held up te a 5-inch face, te tit an 18x22 Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 North Queen Street. )nne2-1td X. TM. U0 8:10 r.x. 8.01 .... 8:30 SdO 836 SUO 80S .... 835 .... 95