-7 , ? sjaH J . J- i ?" - 1 "I . . 5'ifli3;jerI nje, vt - au, .. Te!n:ne XIX- -Ke. 293. LANCASTEK, PA. SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1883. Price Twe Coite. SBS- .JS BBBB1 BBS BSBi BBB1 1BB1 - BBSS EM X BBB1 BBM . BBBBk. BBBL BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBVBBBBBBSBB- BBBB BBBV. .BBB1 BBBM .; . BBBB "i ESSE - BEET . BBBB IEEE t ESSE T BBBB v EBBE BBB1 BBBB BBBI BBBI BBBI l C SbbbBEESSbBEEeHBESSEbSB V V K' ' W - - "'T.5 ' .jy, ' WATMM COOZKJBM, SO. TfLinn m bkbmemaj, TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transaction would you be willing te pay one dollar ler an article yen could purchase for ninety cents T We are the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity ler Wwtewerth, Martinez & LeftgsmaM'g Pare Prepared Paints. And we claim that they are the best and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make thu assertion and leave It unsupported. Faint building with this paint and the ether naif with any ether mixed paints In this country, and 11 the part painted with this paint does net cost ten per cent. less than ter paint used, we will make no charge ler our paint. And farther, any building that has been painted with this paint that is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining eofer a proper term of years, we will repaint at our own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many et the prepared paints are adulterated with benslne and water we make this liberal ener. We will pay ene thousand dollars for any benslne or water lennd In any original package of WADSWORTtf. MABTI NK ft LONGMAN'S PURE PREPARED PAINTS. FLUSH & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, WISES AMD TCSTABL1SBKD 1785. WINES AND LIQUORS! At BEIGART'S OLD WIE STORE, 1. 29 M Eilg M CALL AND We have Just received direct trem the Island el Maderia the tollewlng Wines : Yerdelhe, Vintage 1870 ; Sercial, Vintage 1840, Which we etTer te enr customers, together with our old 1800, 1811,, 1817, 1818 and I8t7 MA DEIS. AS; and KINK OLD 8HERKIB8. BRANDIES as lellnws : Vintage 1SK, 1BU, 18U, 1850, 1858. Fine Old RYE WHISKIES. JAMAICA SPIRITS, N. E. RUM, Ac. FRENCH CORDIALS, Burgundies and Clarets. We have the folio wire Champagne Wines : Pelper Heldseick, (T. If. Muram ft Ce.'s Dry Verzenay and Extra Dry, L. Reederer's Carte Blanche, Pemmery Sec. Veuve Cllquet, Yellow Label Dry, Krug ft Ce.'s Private Cnvee, Jules Champien. And the GREAT WESTERN EX. DRY WINE, Frem the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. This Is the Finest American Wine in the market, havlne been awarded the hlerhest honors at the tollewlng Expositions : At Paris If 07, Vienna 1873 and Philadelphia 1876. H. E. Slaymaker, agent. S. CLAY MILLER, Wines, Brandies, Bins, Oil Bye Hies, U., Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. VLVMBINU AND "JOHN L.. ARNOLD. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters. KTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. LTTBBV H OUGHTOV8. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT Stables Ne. 44 BOOKS AND ruilM BAKU'S SONS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, WHOLESALE AT SPECIAL BATES, AT TUB BOOKSTOBE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nes. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST. , LANCASTER, FA. PAVKB BAXUMllttB, C IBAUES W. FIIT. We were out et certain sizes et SCREEN FRAMES, but we liave filled up again and are ready te fill orders promptly 23, 25, 27, 29. 31, 83 and 35 Inches hlgUand32te381ncbesrtde; they can be i educed te 24 inches In a lew minutes. They make the CHEAPEST and BEST screen In the market, superior te the old style and lower in price. KEW PATTERNS or WALL PAPERS. ODDS AND ENDS AT HALF-PRICE. An Elegaut Line et NEW PATTERN DADO SHADES. PLAIN GOODS IN ALL COLORS. LACE CURTAINS trem a Dellar a Pair up. PHARES W. FRY. 57 NORTH QUBEN ST. BAKUAIITS IN WATCHES, ULOOK Chains. Rlnin. SDectecIes. Ac Remlrin et all kinds will receive my personal atten tien. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. IMS North gneen street. Remember name and number. Dl teMly opposite City Hetel, near Pennaylvana railroad depot. dee 28 lvd J OCBKK'S UXKS. A 5c. Package aw LOCHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE GOODS THAN ANT OTHER DTE IN THE MARKET, Fer sale by CHAS. A. LOCHEB. NO, 9 MAST KINO STBEBT, LANCABTEB. PA. ene-naif el any surlace or one-ball e! -any s'xlitly pare White Lead and Linseed Oil, or LANCASTER, PA Z1QUOM3. EXAMINE. "33 UAH E1XXUTO. STABLE. ALL TIMES. Market Seet, ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. BTATIOKXRY. T1X WARE, tO. J OHM P. SUHACM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARUE LOT OP CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, numbing and Gasfltting, Reefing and Spenting. JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, teb27-lyd LANCA8TEU. PA. CLOTBLNU. A T BURSK'H. BUNTING FLAGS. Any size BEST BUNTING FLAGS inrnlshed at a lew days' notice. Simple Kla?. 6x9 feet, In store. Muslin Flass and Chinese Lanterns ALWAYS IN uTOCK, AT Bursk's, 17 East King St. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Jelly Pets, All Kinds Stoneware- LARGE VARIETY PLAIN AMD PAINTED FLOWERPOTS, AT BTJESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KLNG STREET. LANCASTER, PA., MEDICAL. ' TOTICUKA SKIN HUMORS. Wonderful Cure of, a Lad 12 Yean old, who for 8 years, from the top of his lead te his ankles, was one Mass of Scabs. My son, a lad twelve years ei age, was af flicted with the worst form of Eczema for a period of eight years. Se virulent was it that trem the top et his head te within a tew Inches of his ankles he was one mass of scabs, which refused te yield te any treatment that was suggested by friends or physicians was tried In vain. Allepathy, homccepattiy.uerbs.roots, salt-water batbs, flaxseed poultices, teaps. ointments, and in short evervtiiinir that could be done te eradicate the disorder seemed only te aggravate it and the child's 11 re became a baraen te nlm.and the expense of the various experiments was a constant drain upon our resources. My wife, reading the advertisement of the Cuncu&A. Rxkkdiks in one of the daily papers, resolved te make one mere attempt at a cure. (The disease was new encroaching upon Ms face, and seemed incurable.) I gave a reluc tant consent te the propesaLand an Interview was sought Willi a famous ladyphys'clan el New Yerk, who made a most thorough exami nation eithe c&se. anf premised a cure with out the least hesitation by the use el your Cuticdba Remedies. In one week there was a marked change; the raw and ancry sores be gan te grew pale and along the eutar edges scaled off, and as time were en they began te disappear entirely, until at the present writ ing the only vestige is one small spot upon the forearm, scarcely visible and fast disap pearing. Thus alter eight years el cxpense and anxiety, we bave the intense satisfaction of seeing the child's skin as fair and smooth is It was before this dreadful cutaneeus disorder attacked him. Sincerely yours. CHAS. EAYllh' IIINKLE. 219 Pairveuxt Ave., Jersey Citv 11 eights. N. J. Childhood and veuth are the ncrieds when such diseases yield almost readily te these un rolling sinn ana uioea specifics, cuticura Reselvent, the new Bleed turifler. and mii- cxntAand Cuticcra Seap the gieat Shin Cures. Price of Cuticura, small boxes, SO cts., large boxes, 11.00. cuticera Reselvent, $uoe per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cts.; Cuticura Shav ing Seap, 15 cts. Sold by ail clruggl3ts. rot ret ter Dreg und Cliem Ce., Bosten. RARY Ferlnianttleand Birth Hu utxui mers, Rough, Chapped, or RWAIlTIfllER Greasy Skins. Nettle Hash, DCJiiU lir 1EIH rimpies and Skin lilemishcs use Cuticura Seap, an exquisite Skin Bbadti pier, ana Toilet, Bath anil Nursery Sanative. Fragrant with delicious flower cders and Cu ticura balsam1?. Absolutely pure ; highly medicinal. Indorsed by physicians ; pre terred by the elite. Sales, in ltttl and 132, 1, 000,000 cakes. Alse spcctally prepared for Shav ing. CATARRH. Complete Treatment $1. A single dese otSanferd'H Kadlcal cure In stantly relibves the most violent Sneezing or .Head Colds, clears the Head as by magic, steps Watery Discharges from the Nese ana Eyes, prevents Ringing Noises In the Head, cuies Nervous Headacne and subdues Chills and Fever. In chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of leul mucus, restores the eenses of smell, taste and hearing when af fected, frees the head, threat and bronchial tubes of ettenslve matter, sweetens and puri nes the breath, steps the cough and arrests the progress et Catarrh toward Consumption Ohe bottle Radical Cure, one Bex Catarrhal Solvent and Dr. Sanferd's Inhaler, all In ene package, of all druggists ler $1. Ask for mandpprd's Radical Curb I'cttkr Drue and Chemical Ce., Bosten. OOLLINS' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the rclief and prevention, the Instant It tit applied of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciati ca, Coughs, Colds, Weak Back, Stomach and Bowels, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, llystcila, Female rains. Palpitation, Dy&pepsia. Liver Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaria and Epi demics, use Ceiilns' naftterr, (an JSIectrle Uattery combined With a l'eruns Piaster) and laugh at pain. 25c. every whem. Augl-lydW,S,Aw B KNSON'SUAPUINKPOKOUS l'LASTERS SLIGHT ODDS. A Little frtnry with a Large moral Una nan Who Knew bis emu Business. "Ne, my dear," said the venerable keeper el a country stere te a timid little girl, whose head sea-cely came up te the level of the counter. ".Ne, my dear, we haven't any red flannel, but we have some first rate New Or leans molasses." Eeltly hinting that she didn't thine that would answer the purpose quite as well, the child went her way in search of the artlcle she wanted. "Have you BENSON'S CAl'CINB PLAS TERS ? ' asked a gentleman ei a certain drug gist whose name could be given were it de sired. "I am troubled just new with a touch of my old friend, the lumbago, and the Ben Ben eon's Plaster seams loge te the spot almost as seen as It touches the skin.'. "Net at present," rcplle.l the druggist, geni ally, "but we have lets or plasters just as geed. There Is Aliccck', the Cut slcum und ethers won't ene ettlicni de as vlll" "My dear sir," retorted U13 gentleman, with a blight show el tcmpcr,"Ibay nothing against these article?, but lam a business man, and always ask for precisely what I want, and for nothing else. 1 may enlighten you, however, when I say that some tline age, ler another disease, of which the Capcino has since cured me, I tried all these you mention with no ap preciable benefit. They are inefficient, every one of them, the meanest act ei the proptle preptle proptle tersofsome of them being this: that they make plasters with similar t enndlng names te deceive the unwary into believing that they are the same thing. Experience taught me the difference. I'll go te the next man in your line. Ue;d day." Be en your guard against Imitations. The gennine has the word CAPCINK cut cleanly in the middle of the plaster. All ethers are impositions. Seabury ft Jehnsen, Chemlsta, New Yerk. augl-W&Sw. IKKT'3 CHARCOAL LOZKINUKS. . Fer Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Headache, Bad Breath trem smoking, etc., Constipation, Sour Stomach and all disorders et the Stomach and Digestive Organs. Being a purely vegetable, sate, simple and eheap lemedy, it readily commends it sell te the public Buflering from the above disorders. Try It. Price 25c. per Bex, sent anywhere by moil. Prepared and sold by ANDREW U.FREY, ORUUU1ST. 23 E.Orange St., Cor. Christian, apr27-lyd&w Lancaster, Vu, tiUOUa AJfV STATIONEMI N Kff HOOKS. FOR SUMMER BLADING. Mr. Isaacs," by S. Marien Crawford. 4 Dr. Claudius," by S. Marien i-rawtetd ' Through One Administration," Uv Burnett. " But Yet a Weman." by cardy. Successful Men et Tc-rfay." And all the Lai est Seasides aud Magiriucs L. M. F LYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING eTBBET. STEVKN8 HOUSK SHAVINU AN 11 II AIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journeymen and price i .-ame its ethet saloons. . II. WAUNKIt, myl5-tid Manager. RETRIBUTION. EXECUTION OF Was. H. OBTRAJfDKK. doing te HU Death Wltn Venw ea Lips -The General JNewa or tn Day from all Pelats. William Henry Oatrander was hanged at Utica, N. Y., at 10:36 o'clock Friday morning for the murder of bis brother, Geerge Lyman Ostrander, December 20, 1830, near West Camden. Ostrander kept awake all night and was singing and shouting all morning, till the offices and people began te arrive. At about half past eight o'clock, en looking out of his cell window into the jailyaid, where he could see the people, be became greatly excited and yelled out : "I'm going te be hung atten o'clock and the gallows are already in the yard. I'll walk out, by , aud tell them te cut the rope. I'll go plump te hell in a minute and in a wheelbarrow, tee, and the man who cuts the rope will be in hell te meet me." The Rev. Father Ryan, a young Catho lic priest, labored long and hard with him during the morning and Ostrander said he wanted te receive the sacrament ana was ready for baptism, but when the priest told him he must prepare te confess his sins, repent and receive absolution, he said : "I guess I'll worry along as I am." The priest nevertheless rematned with him till the last, excepting daring the time when the Rav. Dr. Bigelow, a Methodist minister, who was appointed his spiritual adviser, was with him. The drop foil at thirty six minutes past ten. The fall failed te disca'ate Ostrand er's neck and his struggles, were horrible. He was pronounced dead in fourteen and cut down in seventeen minutes. He died with an oath en his Hp3, cursing his moth er and sisters, whose testimony brought him te the scaffold, and protesting bis innocence. He also cursed the court elfi cers and even the friend who Had shown him favors while he was in jail. Other wise his harangue en the scaffold was wild and incoherent. Although labored with all the morning by the priest he bluntly refused te implore Ged's forgiveness, but persisted in his protestations of innocence. The body was sent te the county cemetery at Reme for interment, but will probably fall into the hands of physicians. During the execution a military company guarded the outside of the jail aud a squad of sol diers was stationed inside. FISH AMD SNAK.K STORY. Battle Between a t'Jckerel and Kittlesnalte In Klffe Kange L.atce. Near Streudsbur, Pa., Rifle Range lake is a celebrated resort for pickerel Ashmen. A party were fishing there a few days age. Towards evenini; a splashing and commotion were seen in the water about a hundred yards from shore. A beat was rowed out te the spot. The cause of the disturbance was a struggle between a large pickerel and a rattlesnake. The pickerel had the snake between its jaws, having seized it midway between its head and rattles. Toe snake was at a great disadvantage, because the flsh was at home under water, and th9 moment the snake was pulled beneath the surface its power was gene. The light seemed te be au effort en the part of the snake te keep its head out of water, and a determination en the part of the pickerel te draw its would-be victim under the water and drown it. The suake was of unusual size, and was mere than the fish cenld carry off bodily. The combatants seemed te pay no attention te the specta tors in the beat, which had been rowed te within three feet of them. The water was covered with bleed, all of which seemed te have been shed by the snake. When the fishermen saw that the pickerel would conquer the snake in a short time, ene of them drew his revolver and shot it, the ball passing through the snake's body at the same time. The rattler had evi dently started te swim across the lake, and the pickerel, notwithstanding the great size of the serpent five feet long, as big around in the middle as a man's wrist, and had thirteen rattles had seized it for its supper. The pickerel weighed five pounds. ON A. JMSaBKBlAN'd HOOK. A Crane That bad Swallowed an isel that bad Swallewen a Chub. Clark Cable, of Willowemee, N. J., is a hunter and fisherman. The ether day he was fishing in the Delaware. He hooked a fine chub, but lest it raising it from the water. Boen afterward a two pound eel took the bait, but that slipped off two. Cable quit fishing in disgust. On his way home he discovered a large crane standing in the river watching for a fish. Cable hurried home, get his gun, and went baek te kill the crane. He get a fair sight at it at short range, fired, but missed it. The crane flew Blewly away. Cable said he guessed it wasn't his day for sport and went home. The same night Cable placed a set line in the river. Whee he weni te it next morning he saw a craue standing in the water direetly ever the line. It raised te fly, but something pulled it baek. Cable caught it. It had swallowed one of his hooks. Further investigatieu revealed the fact that the reason the crane had swallowed the book was becausa there was a two pound cel en it at the timj, and the further fact that one pound ebub had taken the hook before the eel had swal lowed it. The chub had been caught en the bait. The eel had come along and gobbled the chub. Then the crane took in the eel, and Cable took them all in. He insists that the chub, the eel, and the crane are the same ones that ha had lest during the day. KUUOATOKS UV 111JE SKA. Proceedings ei XVsterday'a Session of the National Association at Ocean Oreve. The morning session of the second day (Friday) of the national ednoatien associa tion was mainly devoted te consideration of the question of the negre in America. Addresses en the subject were delivered by Rebert R. Doherty, of the Christian Advocate : Rev. Dr. W. H. Ward, of the Independent : Rev. J. C. Price, colored, of Salisbury, N. C-, and Rev. Dr. B. T. Tan ner, of the Christian Recorder, Philadel -phia. At the afternoon session Dexter Haw kins, of New Yerk, read a paper upon the relation of education te wealth and mor ality and pauperism and crime. Rev. C. W. Cushing, D. D., of Rochester, N. Y., spoke en the relation of education te moral character. Rev. A. D. Maye, of Bosten, spoke en the educational oppor tunity and duties of the Seuth. In the evening a pnblie reception was held of missionary teachers and preachers who have labored Seuth since the war. Six thousand persons were present. The Rev. C. H. Fowler, D. D., of New Yerk, missionary secretary of the Methodist Episcopal church, presided. The Indian brass band from the training school at Carlisle furnished the music NEWS MIBOKLLANBT. Several Faragrapka ef UuTmwAt Sorts. The Pennsylvania division of the league of American wheelsnn nave decided te held a. general; meet ja conjunction, with the fifth annual 'meet of Philadelphia wheelmen and the race meet of the Ger mantewn and Pennsylvania bicycle dabs in Philadelphia en September 29th. There urne change te note im the relative-positions of the' .striking thleeraph operators ia. Philadelphia and the com panies, each side expressing oenfidenee ia its ability te held; out longer than the ether. At a meeting" ef Philadelphia pressmen's union last-evening, $100 was voted for the benefit of the strikers. William' Sheppard, of DaavillelTirBinia was shot dead by three colored men yes terday near that place, while going home in a wagon with his little son. It is sup-' posed robbery was the motive. -The mur derers have been arrested. Amasa Lucas, of Stboghten,Mass.,agent of a Bosten flour firm, is reported te have disappeared under circumstances indica tive of finaneial embarrassment. Charles Austin, of Bridgeboro, Burling ton county, committed suicide by hanging en Thursday evening., r ."V Geerge E. Kates, of Camden, was dan dan gereusly wounded by the discharge of a pistol which he was handling" last even ing. The.city council of Chicago, en Thursday night,after an exciting debate, indefinitely postponed action en the ordinance fixing saloon licenses at (500, te comply with the state law. The union regatta of the Eastern and New Yerk yacht clubs, for cups offered by the latter, was sailed yesterday off Marblehead Reck. The winners were the Halcyen, Clie,. Wenonah and Vixen. Various Calamities. A staging en the fourth story of a build ing in course of erection in Bosten, fell yesterday, throwing four men te the ground. All were severely injured and one of them, Frank Roberts, is net expec ted te survive. P. Caldwell was killed and L. Harwick fatally injured by a boiler explosion at St. William's, Ontario, yes terday. A. Ress, editor of the Bosten Advertiser, one of the" Yellowstone excur sionists, was severely injured yesterday afternoon at Soranten while trying te beard a morning train Twe coal trains en the Reading railroad collided yesterday at Leslie run. One engine was wrecked, and Herman Freeman, a brakeman, was killed. A heavy wind and rain storm at Paris, Kentucky, yesterday afternoon, did much damage te the crops and blew down a circus tent. Mrs. Dr. Hurst, had a leg broken, aud several ethers were injured. The British Canadian lumber company's mill and a large quantity of lumber in Midland, Ontario, were burned last night. The less is estimated at $100.000. It is reported that the crops in Virginia are suffering for want of ram. In soma sec tions of the state no rain has fallen for six weeks. U. S. Marshal nughas, at Richmond. Va., yesterday served subpoenas en Cap tain Tedd and the crew of the schooner E. J. Irwin, te held them as witnesses against the vessel for au alleged attempt te violate the neutrality laws by furnishing war material te the Haytieu rebels. The Haytien minister at Washington claims that the evidence against the parties is conclusive. The Chicago Times publishes a story that secret agents of the Canadian govern ment have been in Chicago for some time "shadowing prominent Irish Nationalists, aud that they have positive information of a premeditated design te destroy the Welland canal by the use of explosives." The Times asserts that "a request has beeu made te the United States govern- J raent te assist in tuwarting the alleged conspiracy." The English sleep Photographer has been seized at Pert Townsend, Washington territory for smuggling Chinamen into that territory from British Columbia. Iteunlens. In the forestry congress in St. Paul en Thursday night a committee was appoint ed, te report at the next meeting, en the subject of memorializing Congress for the establishment of experimental forestry stations. Resolutions were adopted re commending the establishment of " Arber Day " throughout the United States and Canada. The American microscepical society, in session at Chicago, yesterday elected the following officers : J. D. Cox, of Ohie, president ; J. T. Burrell and W. A. Rog ers, vice presidents ; D. S. Killicett, sec retary ; Geerge A. Bell, treasurer ; H. A. Chester, H. A. Jehnsen and General Wm. Humphries, executive committee. The fifth annual session of the summer school of philosophy at Concord, Mass., clesed last evening, Frank B. Shanberne lecturing en the "Vital Philosophy of Ralph Walde Emersen." The children's temple at Chautauqua, New Yerk, having accommodations for 12,000 persons, was crowded yesterday morning, and Rev. B. F. Vincent, of Phil adelphia, and Mr. F. Beard, of New Yerk, taught the auditors. Mr. Beard illustrated his lessens with crayon sketches. A little quarterly paper, the Assembly Herald, is printed en the grounds every morning and distributed te the children. The Chau tauqua university having been incorper ated under the laws of New Yerk, Rev. Dr. J. H Vincaat, the8'jparintendent,ha? been made chancellor. A rennien of the ex-Confederate soldiers of Warren county, N. C, was heldyester day, about 7,000 persons being present. Senater Ramsen delivered a " patriotic and eloquent address." The San Francisce club, of Philadelphia, left Denver at neon en Thursday, in con tinuation of its " pilgrimage " te San Franoiseo. Bal'.read Nete. The Reading railroad company has been negotiating for a lease of the Water Power of Trenten, New Jersey. se that they could run their tracks by the factories along the power and secure a central sta tion. The Pennsylvania railroad also de sired four freight traeks ever the Water Power. "Therefore," yesterday afternoon " forty men snddenly appeared along the Water Power, just above Union street and in a few hours spanned the power with two tracks, elevated about two feet above the old tracks." Mr. Stokes, of the Water Power company, said last night that " they would net interpose and that the new traeks would net interfere with the line ei the Reading." Bradley Barlew denies that the Seuth eastern railroad has been sold te the na tional construction company of New Jesey, though he " hopes te sell the read te these parties," The stockholders of the Bosten and Northern telephone company yesterday voted in favor of the proposed consolida tion of New England telephone cempa nies. Voyages of VeeMla. The U. S. fish oemmiawion steamer, Albatross, has just returned te New Yerk from a cruise in search of menhaden. She reports that she saw large bodies of them 20 miles south by east te southeast of Shinnecock light,L. I., with'ne menhaden vessels in sight. Sheals of small mackerel were seen from block island te Nantucket; aud many sword fish 20 miles south of Ne Man's Land. The steamer Agate has arrived at New Bedford from the - uatteras . whaling grounds with 130 barrels of sperm oil, 240 1 I brrek of humpback oil, and 500 pound I of whalebone.' The Iutatheasrf at Cape Charles. MdV, is seimg eadengered fcy the enoeaohments of the sea. Tas water; lias la advancing at the rate ofalatest SO feet per -year, and a systsai of jetties, te cost about . $15,000' is reoemmdnded'for the protection of the Hghk: u ' ' A Traa SUatec'a xemUe IMata. . Friday afternoon fourteen ears, with an SBfiae ia .front and one, behind, started from Washington, Pa., for Pittsburg. When making the grade abere the brick yard, near town, the oenpling or draw bar between the engine and the water tank- Drete loose, letting a. x rung, train taster, who was standing upon the apron of the engine, down beneath the wheels of the tender, whieh severed his head from his body, one rolling en one side of the rail and the ether en the opposite side. As "he fell he grappeled the fireman, who came down with and struck the rail, but fertnn. ately escaped getting under the wheels and came off with a severely sprained hand. Mr. King was a married man, aged about forty years, and resided in Washington borough. Tbe Sparrows are Uelag. Edward Lafferty, the geese egg eater of Boyerstewn, has a rival in the way of heavy feeding. William Quinter, of Frest Valley, Berks county, has eaten fifteen sparrows at one meal, and he thinks that he can increase the number te twenty-four each day, and keep it np for thirty days." He would like some one te accept a wager, but no one around the village seems te care about running the risk, as it is said Quinter is a tremendous consumer of feed. There is some talk among the sporting class of having Quinter undertake the task. He has been a resident of the place for the past year. He is a strong raw-boned fellow with an iron constitution. rear Persona Lest by a Collision. The steamship Wm. Lawrence, Captain Heeper, from Savannah, collided at 3:20 Friday morning off Point Lookout, with the schooner Sarah Lavinia, from Havre de Grace for Norfolk, with coal. Captain Wm. H. Andersen, of the schooner, with four of his crew, was rescued by the steamer, but Captain Andersen's wife and two children and Jeseph Leavitt, the cook' of ' the schooner, went down with the vessel. She sank as seen as she was struek and lies in ten fathoms of water. The matter will be investigated by the local inspectors. The Sarah Lavinia be longs te Greenleaf, Jehnsen & Ce., of Baltimore. Singing While at Werk. One of the practices peculiar te Japan, and one that naturally excites the curiosi ty of the stranger, is tbe singing men at work upon the foundation and frame of any building that is new being erected. There is no set song they sing, bnt they give voice te their wishes for theprosperi thepresperi ity of the owner and builder, coining their song as they proceed with their labor, in voking the favor of the gods for their em ployer and all having any interest in the strnc'ure they are ereeting. H OF BITTEltS. If and If. " It you are sutler! ng irem peer health ' or languishing en a bed of sickness, 4 take cheer, II you arj simply ailing, or ii you tool weak and dispirited, with ' out clearly knowing why, Hep Bitters will surely cure you." " it yen are a Minister, and have overtaxed 'yourself with your pastoral duties, or a ' Mether, worn out with care and work, or a ' man os business or laborer weakened by the strain et your everyday duties, or a man et ' letters, telling ever your midnight work. Hep ' Hitters will sure strengthen you." " If you are suffering 'from ever -eating or ' drinking, any indiscre ' tien or dissipation, or 'are yeungand growing ' tee last, as is often tna ' case." " Or if you are in the workshop, en the ' tarm, at the desk, anywhere, and feci ' that your system needs cleansing, ton ten ' ing, or stimulating, without intoxicat intexicat ' ing. If you are old, bleed thin and lin ' pure, pulse ieeb, nerves unsteady, ' faculties waning. Hep Bitters is what ' you need te give you new lite, ncalth, and vigor.'- If yen are costive or dyspeptlc, or suf fering trem any ether et the numerous dlscas s of the stomach or bowels, it is yenr own fault it yea remain 111. iryeu are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, step tempting death this moment and turn for a cure te Hep Bitters. It you are sick with that terrible iickness. Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in Gil cad" in Hep Bitters. It yea are a f reqnenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade yenr system against the scourge of all coun tries malaria, epidemic, bilious and Intermittent fevers by the use et Hep Bitters. It you uaye rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath. Hep Bitters will give you lair skin, rich bleed, thy sweetest breath and health. S5C0 will be pal.l for a case they will net cure or heip. Qatnnn. luut.tilan ln.rntf.1 .ltr. 1. ..... mother, or daughter, can be made the picture et health by a tew bottles of Hep Bitters cost lngbuta trifle, aO-lmdTu.ThAS The surest preventive against Small 1'exis Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, it destroys con tagion. Backlen'a Arnica Salve. Tbe greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted ;te speedily cure burns. Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Bbeum, Fever sores. Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all skin etuptlens, guaranteed te cure In every Instance, or money refunded. 25 cents per box. Fersaleby Chas.A.Lecher. le-2S-lyeedAw Wnat we Want. Give Homeopath his pellets, Allepath his pills ; bnt ter rheumatism, ler aches, for pains ami sprains, Themat" Scleetrie Oil is ineffa bly superior te either. It has benefited as many people as It has had purchasers. All All druggists sell it. Fer sale by IL B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. I, Wish everybody te Knew. Bev. Geerge H. Thayer, an old citizen et this vicinity known te every one as a most influential citizen and christian minister ei the M. K. clrarch, Just this moment stepped in our store te say, I wish everybody te knew that 1 consider that both myselt and wife ewe our lives te ShUeh's Consumption Cure." it Is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and Is giving perfect satisfaction In all cases et Lang Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DBS. M ATCHBTT FRANC K. BotntBea. Ind., May 15, 78. Sold by U. B. Cochran, djuggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster, f ebl4eed4 Urunt It Oat." The above U an old saw as savage as It Is senseless. Yea can't " grunt out' dyspepsia, nerUver complaint, nor nervousness if they onee get a geed held. They don't remove themselves in that way. The taking a lew dozes it Burdock Bleed Bitter Is better than '-grunting it out." What we can cure let's net endure. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Uueen street. A life Saviag Present, Mr. M. K. Allisen, Hutchinson. Kanl: Saved Ids life by a simple Trial Bettle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him te procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, whoa Doctors, change et climate and everything else had falied. Asthma, .Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Tlu eat and Lang diseases, lt! rranteed te euro. Trial bottles tree at Obas. Lecher's Drug Stere. Large size, 11.00. DOHT ruROKT TBKTNO eaTALL UA vana cigars for 6c. genuine article, at UAllTMAN'3 YBLLOW FRONT CUiAit STOBJt, - "A IKBIIBAIS TISOS. MKDXCAX. i ,& nil - j u yea are erar or Bald :li rear Hair Tbta ejraauy. wry, uarsn, or weaK; ir ytra'are1- 1 w t . w . z r ' "" i - troubled with DeadrnSQ ti'iii , . .any Hamer etDteeaea etthe , ,.; " It heel Mearlv mn'nuiM ,i.. -w 'scalp, checks the falling out et the Hair and' E prevents lt.frem turning gray and tfaSn-5 equaiieu uressiag ana teuet article.: "veJtf ii : Dr.'. C. Ayers -Art's., LeweUajfbMB.' - se:a&yaUDruaKW, "..-', r . augS-U-lydafw. . z v y XKBKT' DAVIS'S IfADT BUXXBOS.-; ; C. M? iu CHOLERA MORBC8 CHOLERA INFANTUM' ASIATIC CHOLERA . ' i i It T. CHOLERA f rr. 1 ' t id s -) ALL. CHOLERA DISEASES' " ' " '" YIELD TO THE IFLUE0E; 0j i PBIT7 LMft lain KIM; THE GREAT REMEDY FOR 1YERT KIND;0 OF BOWEL DISORDER. Captain Ira B.Kess, of GoUlsberouglt,Maie. I says: ".One of ray sailors was attacked, sjever ly with cholera merbus. We administered ' Pain Killer, and saved him." v VttUu n J. W.Slmeml9. BrattleberTi. Vt , say;''Itt;i cases of caelera merbus and sadden attackan el simmer complaints, I have never teundit" te mi." ' 'Jleitaj ALL, THE! aug I DRUGGISTS SFLLIT. lmd&w DMX OOOXM. ifc. NJ BXT IKJOIC TO THE q , COURT HOU3E; -i;f FAHNESTOCK'S QPND THIS DAY AHOTHEK LABOB LOT, Or Jersey Waists, ..- Jersey Waists, Ht- Jersey Waists, IN ALL DK31B ABLE SHADES D1BKCT, KBOM THE MANUrACTUBKK LANCASTl!R,PA. NEXT DOOR JT0 THE C3URT HOUSE. IM tlTICK. Cheap Stere. BLACK CASHMERES, 124, 18L..S5e. BLACK CASHMERES. 37j, 45, 50c. BLACK CASHMERES, CO,, 75, 874e. BLACK CASHMERES, $1.00, 1.12$, 1.25. The Cheapest Let in Thlg City. BLACK SILKS, , ' BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS,- " BLACK SILKS. " ij. BLACK THIBET SINGLE. SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE, SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLESHAWLs! BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBL E SHAWLS, We have a Large Assortment of all of the above Goods from . AUCTION SALES A-T VEUI CHEAP Pit ICES ,AT CL3 HEfZGilHWHN'S Cheap Stere, 43 WIST UNO ST. LUiOASTlR. (Between the Cooper Hesse sad Senet Jterse , Hetau J.B BOTE". B. E. FAKTOCK, BER & Hks There has been- saek adenaadfer LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS that 1. was compelled te get a VKBY LARGE CAMEBA BOX -te meet the aenintl. We can new. make .you a PHuTOuh small a the smallest, letket will bold 1Jf up te, a s-lncb lace, te "fit "an J 18x22 Frame. ' J. E. ROTEr Ve. 106 North Que Street. luaewa, K li.il 1$I vi -J :-f5J :kI r.l si i M ?l J ,-! -a. 4 iVj ' ti 1 -J 3 -l r 2fJ -.J? :