fflk -r- ..-. i : j S t ' - 1 I tXAjt - - - f . j :: ; Te ume XIX- -Ne 291. LANCASTEB, PA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 9, 1833. Priee,TwtCMrtr.. i WATMB COOLERS, JtO. TjLINM m BkBNEKAJ, TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transaction would you be willing te pay one dollar ler an article you could purchase for ninety cents ? We are the agents ter Lancaster and vicinity for Wadsworth, Martinez k Longman's Fere Prepared Faints. And we claim that they are the best and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make this assertion and leave It unsupported. Faint one-half of any surface or one-bait el any building with this pilnt and the ether half with strictly pure White Lead and Linseed Qll, or any ether mixed paints in this country, and If the part painted with this paint does net cost ten per cent, less than ter paint used, we will make no charge ler our paint. And further, any building that has been painted with this paint that ts net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining se for a proper term of years, we 111 repaint at our own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may Fclect. As many et the prepared paints are adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal efler. We will pay one thousand dollars or any benzine or water found In any original package of W ADS WORTH. MABTI NE A LONGMAN'S PUKE PREPARED PAINTS. FLINlSr & BBENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, JtMtr niOBGE rAUMKSTOUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BAEB'S OLD STAND.) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, HEADQUARTERS FOB Jersey Waists and Jackets IN ALL QUALITIES AND COLOR8, FOB LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDBEN. JERSEY CLOTH BY THE YABD, ALL COLOBS. NEW GOODS IN KVEBY DEPARTMENT AT THE LOWEST PB1CES. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO- 14 EAST KLNGr STREET. LANCASTER. PA. IVjVMBlim AND -OHM 1,. ARNOLD. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. "Finest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. ZirjIRV H OUGHTON'H. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; AL80, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT Stables Ne. 44 BOOKS AND fUHM BAB.K'S SONB. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, WHOLESALE AT SPECIAL. BATES, AT THE BOOKSTORE OP JOHN BAKR'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST. , LANCASTER, PA. FAPXH HANtttNttB, me. kHAKES W. FRY. We were out et certain sizes et SCREEN FRAMES, but we liave filled up again and are ready te fill orders promptly 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 and 35 Inches high and 32 te 38 Inches wide ; tber can tee i educed te 24 Inches in a lew minutes. They make the CHEAPEST and BEST screen in the market, superior te the old style and lower in price. SEW PATTERNS OF WALL PAPERS. ODDS AND ENDS AT HALF-PRICE. An Elegant Line et NEW PATTEKN DADO SHADES. PLAIN GOODS IN ALL COLOBS. LACE CURTAINS lrem a Dellar a Pair up. PHARES W. FRY. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. OMOCEMIES. k T KURSK'S. JUST BECE1VED, A LOT OF FINE-COMB HONEY, In two-pound frames, selling at 25 cents per pound. Alse a let et Choice Heney extract, lrem the comb, toy the Jar. Just received, a Fresh Let of POTTED HA.M and POTTED TONGUE. Alse whole OXTuNGUE. COFFEES! COFFEES! We have the Finest Line et JAVA, BIO. LAGUAZBA and MOCHA COFFEES in the city. Always Fresh Boasted. Just received, a New Invoice et FINE FOB MOSA COLONY TEA. AT BTJKSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST "KING STREET. LANCASTEB, PA. P. 8. The same goods at the Branch, Chest nut and Mary streets. ClcB.UAnfcS. A FULL LANK FROM fie. up. at WABTMAN'B YELLOW FBONTC1GAB 8TOKX. LANCASTER, PA HOODS. UAH FMTT1NO. " AT' STABLE. ALL TIMES. Market Seet, I. ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. STATIONERY. TJUD WAKE, JtO. rOHN F. SUHAUM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER .LARGE LOT OK CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, Linmbing and Gasfltting, Reefing and Spouting. AT JOHN P. SCHAUFS, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, febZMyd LANCASTEB. PA. EXCURSIONS. rpau excursion heasen ur 1883. TO THE SUMMEB RESORTS AND EXCURSION POINTS OirOBTIA The Shenandoah Valley Railroad. THE CAVERNS OF LUBAY. THE NATUBAL BBIDGE. THE VIUUIN1A SPRINGS, Aa, 4a Perfect previsions at LUBAY ter the ac commodation el Excursion Parties et all sizes. Transportation Bates arranged ler parties et various numbers lrem 5 te 500. Correspondence Invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, ler the arrangementet Special Bates and Excursion Days. Transportation iurnlsbed en SPECIAL TRAINS when thesise et the party Justifies. Application through the General Passenger Agent or Superintendent of the Bead en which the Excursion Party originates, te either et the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. Small parties destrinz accommodations at the LUBAY INN can also be cared ler by similar application. Bound Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPBINGS and SOUTHERN SUMMER BE BOUTS en sale en and after JUKE 1, at the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. 8UMMERTOURIST GUIDE BOOKS and all Information furnished en application te the Passenger Agents, Shenandoah Valley B. R. or the Vlirinia, Tennessee Georgia Air Line. A. POPJf, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., O. HOW ABO UOVEB, Lynchburg, Vs, 'Uvlslea PassT Agt. Hagerrtewn, Md, mayJWmd IHOLtrBA ! CHOLERA! FBOF. DAEBYS Prophylactic Fluid. Tfce Most Powerful Antiseptic Khewb. WILL PREVENT the CHOLERA. It Destroys THK Grrxs or Disk ask. It ts a f ict established by science that many The most pewerml An listptlc agent which chemistry has pro duced. Its use either inter nallv or externallu run ders all 1 1 comes in con tact with, pure, sweet d i s e escs are Intro duced by pntrlfactlen, which reproduces it self and propegates and clean, the produc tion of disease g6rms ceases and the patient recovers. When used en Ulcers me disease in ever widening circles. Tt ese disease s gen cr Scalds, Burns, Erup tions and Seres it steps all pain, sweetens the parts and promotes the rapid formation of healthy flesh. ate contagion and fill the air with dcatn. Such is that dread Ter rer. Asiatic Cfcelera, which is new devastat tng the East and ad vancing en its mission of death raDtulv te It Puiipies the Atmesfrbre. wards our shore Other! aiseases et tli same sort are Dlehtheria Its exposure in a Sick Jte'jm, Celltr, Closet or elable puri fies i lie Atmesiiheru and drives away the germs ct disease and death. Taken internally, it Typhoid Fever, 6'earltt Fever, unallpex, Mea- tiet, xeuew never. jnrgtipeiat, etc. All these generate centa gien. Other tseases Fever and Ague, Ma lar ii I Fever, etc-, ari.e from contagion which comes from dampness, unhealthy situation or purifies the stomach. giving it tone ana healthy vigor, it Is thus that it cures Indi gestion and lspcp sla. When used as a Le. uncleanllness. All these Diseases can be cured only by stepping the produc tion of Disease Germs and destroying these already produced. Beth thee results aie accomplished by the use of Prof. Dar by's preparation et Beracic Acid and Chlorine known as 1rbt s Paerui lactie Fluid. lien it Uestieys all rrecKles ana tsjotcn tsjetcn tsjotcn ,;rednclnir germs. leaving the skin clear, wlilte ami transpa' ent as that of a little chiid. It renders all it oemks in con cen TACT with Pure AHU HEALTUT. Spae does net permit us te name many et t house j te which this great Gerui-Uestruyer is applicable. Ask your druggist ter printed matter descriptive of its uselulness, or ml or ess J. II. ZE1LIN ft CO.. Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. SO cents per bottle. Pint bottles, $1.(10. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen street, Lancaster, 1'a. lanl4-lyeedw T7IUNKT-WOBT. SIGNIFICANT SPRING. A Dissertation Cpnn Its Advent, and Its i-trect Upen Mauklud. " The green leat et the new come Spring." Shak. Eveiybedy recognizes spring, when it Is once upon us, but many persons are net la ini lar with the exact date et its appta'ance. Webster, the world tcnewned lexicographer, givesusadetinltien, which may net be inap propriate here. Spring," says he, " is the season of the year when plants begin te vege vege tite and rise; t hi vernal i-ensen, comprehend ing the months et March, April and May, In tne middle latitudes north of the equator." Thompson, in his "Seasons," and Sheks pcare In many et his works, have, perhaps, no peers In describing it, and yet "etheilal spring " U freighted with malaria, " that In sidious tee, lurking in the very air we breathe " It spreads ever the tilrest portions of our land; brings death and uiscas te thousands; cuts off scores and t cores of our children and youth, as well as these in ad vanced lite. A pestilence Is regarded with Lttle less appiehensien, and people every where are asking, " What Is It ?' ' Where does It come from V ' What will cure It T" Kidney-Wert as a Spring Medicine. When you begin te lese appetite hare a headache, a pain In your side, back and shoulders te toss about at night In rest lea dreams wake in tin morning with afoul mouth and furred tongue feel disinclined te go about your work, heavy In body and op ep pressei in mind havea tltet the blues when your urine gets scanty or high colored te suf fer with constipation, dlarihcea, or indiges tion have a pasty, sallow face, dull eyes and a blotched skin one or all of these common complaints will certainly be evidences that your liver is disordered, torpid, or perhaps diseased. A bottle etMldney- Wert is, under such circumstances, a priceless been te such a person. Bare assertions of proprietors have ccine te possess less force than they frequently merit. The cause of this condition et popular skep ticism is, In the main, te be found in the fact that charlatanism covers our bread land. Meritorious articles are tee frequently found in bad company. The proprietors el Kidney-Wert always prove all their assertions, touching the merits of their preparations. When we affirm, there tore, that Kidney-were Is a specific ter Just such disorders as have been mentioned in this article, the proof, tee, belongs te and shall, fellow this statement. A Physician's Experience. Dr. B. K. Clark, a regular physician et ex tensive practice In Grand Isle County, and a worthy deacon of the Congregational Church, at Seuth Here, Vt., has used Kidney-Wert ler several years In his practice, and before the present proprietors purchased an interest in its favor. This opinion has net changed. It has done better than any ether remedy I have ever used," says the doctor, and, further en he writes: " I de net recollect an instance where the patient te whom 1 have given it has failed te receive benefit from Its use, and In some severe cases most decidedly se." These are strong words. They are from a representa tive, conscientious, ever-approachable public citizen, however, and better still they are true. Kidney Wert will bear all the encomiums lavished upon It by Its friends and their name is legion. " I will swear by Kidney- Wert all the time," writes Mr. J. B. Kauffmau. et Lancaster, Pa. We will supplement this by asserting, as a matter of fact, and one capable of demonstration, that all honest patrons of this remedy are its friends and advocates. a3-lweed i kaV'8 Hl-KUiriU HKU1U1NJS. T111S VJT Great English Bemedy. An unfailing cure for impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain In the Back, Dimness el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Fall par ticulars In our pamplet, which we desire te send tree by mall te every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at f 1 per pack age, or six packages ter $5, or will be sent tree telts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Guarantees etcure Issued by us. Fer sale In Lancaster by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, 187 and 139 North Queen street. THE GBAY MEDICINE O., N. 1 . rrta lvtw -vi u'iivk iu xitr.3fAseE.tw and uua ll NEBS. AH persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or nn nn Inclesed, either ter the purpose of sheeting ei ushing, as the law wilt be rigidly enlorcee against all trespassing en said lands of the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FBXXMAN1 B.PKBCYALDEN. EDWABD C. FBBEKAN, Attorney ler Jt. W. Wteum't Heirs, a-tJ0w FABM NOTES. Ill TS FOB THE HUSBANDMAN. Hen Heuse una uarden Held a .d Stable Orcbmrd and Granary The Utility et small Farina. Germantown Telegiaph. Jehn D. Shute, of Mantua township, Gloucester county, N. J., has five acres of early rose potatoes, from which he expects te gather 2,500 baskets. Frem less thaa an acre he has filled 500 baskets of about two pecks each The Guinea beu often selects isolated places for depositing its eggs, which accu mulate in large numbers. 'The ether day eighty-four were feuud in a Guinea's nest en the farm et Jeseph Bell, near Bridgeteu, N. J. The fowl is a prolific layer. An immense quantity of blackberries and raspberries are raised in the vicinity of HamonteD, N. J. Over one hundred thousand quarts were lately forwarded in one day from th.it place, for which the shippers received about $7,000. New is the time for gardeners te stir the soil frequently. There is nothing, net even watering at this season, does mere te promote tbe health of vegetables than the stirring of the ground about them. Yeung trees of all kinds, transplanted last spring, will be particularly benefitted. Crep and Experts. We are pleased te notice by the publish ed reports of the national bureau of sta tistics at Washington, that all the experts of domestic breadstuffs, previsions, butter and lard for the fiscal year closing en the first of July, 1883, exhibit a handsome in crease as compared with the corresponding figures for the piuvieus fiscal year Of course this improvement results fiem the fact that the crops generally during the first six meuthh of the present calendar year have been large, flourishing and pre fitable, whilegtbesu of the year 1882 were generally short. We ueed scarcely say that these fac s aud figures serve te sh.w te hew very large extent the whele for fer eigu commerce and internal trade of tbe country are shaped and governed by our national agt iculture, for that fact-, ought by this time te be well known te every school boy iu the laud. Nevertheless, it seems necessary te keep the fact constant ly before the public, in order te preveut undue importance beiug given te the mere trading interests at the exponse of the farmers In point of fact, it is no exag geration te say that the present favorable balance of trade as between this republic and the rest el the commercial world is mainly the work of our national agricul ture. Smith's enter Apple. It is a very remarkable fact that though Pennsylvania has native apples of superior quality in every respect, most of the kinds grown iu our orchards are varieties that have ebtaiued a name iu ether localities and ate net near as geed as many of the state's seedlings be fore referred te. An An other curious point is that wheu by diut of sheer traveling from farm te farm a first class variety is grown generally in the state, it seldom becomes known te any ureat extent auy where else. We have heatd this attributed te jealousy en the part of fruit propagators in ether states, but this is nonsense. A fruit grower wants the best, and se that it is the best it makes no difference te him whether it comes from New Yerk, Pennsylvania or Timbuctoo. Smith's cider apple is one of thebe de mesticated fruits wuic'u has developed very little disposition te go abroad. It is very little met with elsewhere, aud yet it is one no Pennsylvaniau who kuews what's what would willingly ba without. It cannot be termed lirs'-rate iu quality, and yet it is considered te be fully equal te the widely known aud widely grown Rhede Island Greening and Baldwin, and will beat either of them in productiveness It never makes a very large tree, and requires geed land aud an occasional tup dressing or manuiiug in borne tit ay in order te get fruit of the very best qutlity ; but then it bears every year, and there i no alternate resting year about it. It is a geed keepe, and serves as well for the table as for cooking purposes. Why it was ever called a cider apple is incempre hensible, as it has n claims te that dis tinction. Of course it will make cider as any apple will, but there is nothing se pre eminently ciderish about this as te entitle it te the distiLc'ive name. A prominent Pennsylvania nurseryman tells us that be soils in the state pethaps a hundred of Smith's cider apple for one of any ether kind, while orders outside the Btate rarely mention it. He observed that in one sense he was sorry for this great do de maud for it, as it was of slower growth. Any ether three would make as geed a growth iu three years that a Smith's cider would in four ; but the people were begin ning te knew this, and Smith's Cider was net new expected te be as large as Palla water, Northern Spy, or ether strong growing kipds. We are quite sure that wueu our distant friends get better ac quainted with this Pennsylvania seedling their regard for it will increase. Are Ten Acres isnoegb? That depends te what purpose the ten acres are te be applied. Hundreds of men are drawn every year from pursuits which afford them a fair living, te farms and colenics, and settlements of various kinds, only te meet with untold privations and discomforts for years and years, if net end in absolute ruin. We all remember hew some twenty years age, thousands were unsettled in their scenes and their homes, by the appearance of a little book entitled, 'Ten Acres Enough." Any one who read it attentively might see that iu the fictitious stretch given of the one who suc ceeded as well, most of the success was te depend en tbe sale of high prices of a new blackberry root. A' man could de this as well en one acre as ten, but the chance of a new root of this character will net come te one man in a thousand, or one man in a lifetime, and te take such very rate instances into account in the general product of ten acres is an absurd ity. Still, the public generally de net dwell long enough en these things as they read them, but, taking in the general phrase, "Ten Acres Enough," madly rushed en te destruction. In the ease of this little book, the author who was sketching his own success with tenacies, wrote his manual a few years tee seen, as the final ending of his experi ment was net a success. It is true it en abled him te sell thousands, and perhaps tens of thousands, of blackberry roots, but the whole community could net make fortunes out of a berry, which a few per sons might de if they knew hew. These sketches or brochures only tend te mislead these who have been slowly but surely trudging along in their original business, making a comfortable living and some meny besides for old age. We re member a very wealthy family, who brought up in Philadelphia a large family respectably and as well as most hard working people de, and had progressed beyond middle life, send most of their children were grown up ani doing for themselves. They began with starting a small store or shop, whien was mostly at tended te by the wife with fc' e help of one or two of the children s ihsy beme old enough, while the huband did bis daily work as a mechanic. It was a fair suc cess, and in the end of ten te twelve years they had succeeded in saving about three thousand dollars. They had read, hew ever, a number of exaggerated reports of the enoimeus profits of farming en a small or moderate scale, and regarding it as a fine opening for them, and that their old mode of "making money" was tee slew for people advancing in years and savieg se little, they sold out their store, and the husband quit his work in the shop, and buying a farm in a neighboring county, and stocking it with every thiug of the best and newest, set te work te realize a hasty fortune. But unfortunately they left the business that they well under steed for another which they knew nothing about, aud in a few years their little sav ings had all disappeared ; at least leaving them but a few hundred dollars, after selling off everything, with which they went back again, making their home with their children until there should appear an opening in their old line of business, in whieh, if they were net doing as well as they would like, they were making a cer tain living aud steadily Uyieg something by. This is net merely the history of this family, or of a family here and there, but of hundreds. They forget that farming has te be learned like any ether business, aud te succeed it must be prosecuted grad ually, and requires, as ether business, constant watehfulness, care and hard work, aud is subjected te many risks. Farming will only pay in this way whether the farm be larga or small. Aud ten acres miy be enough for fruit and vegetables within easy reach of a ready cash market. But then you must knew thoroughly hew all these thihscauba produced at the earliest date, iu the greatest abundance, aid el' the fiusst varieties and best quality. i m CANDIDATE fUffELL. Honored Where Me la Bet Known Tewauda Daily Beview. On Saturday evening a large nnmber of our citizens teined in an impromptu sere nade te Hen. Jeseph Powell, candidate for state treasurer. The Garmama band en livened the occasion with some of its choicest selections, maintaining its high reputation as a body of excellent musicians. A precession was formed en lower Main street and marched, te the music of the band, up town te the residence of Mr. Powell, en Yerk avenue. The spacious and beautiful grounds in front of the house were soeu occupied by the throng of fi ieuds and neighbors. After the band had discoursed an appropriate piece, Mr. Powell appeared en the perch and was received with hearty demonstrations of favor and respect. When this had sub sided, S. It. Payne, esq , candidate for district attorney, steppzd out from the crowd, and addressing Mr. Powell, said : Sir. Fay no's Speech. " Mr Powell Your te wnsmeu, neigh bors and friends, without distinction of party, have come te your heus9 this even tng te pay you their respects. The life which you have lived in their midst ; the great aid and encouragement which you have given te various interests of trade and industry, during se many years, te the common advantage of the people ; the prosperity which has attended vast busi ness enterprises under your personal guidance these, no less than your hon ored course as a national legislator, have all received a wide aud merited recogni tion, and have contributed te bring upon yourself and upon your town and county the deserved distinction whieh has been conferred by a great party in our com monwealth. " If the political wisdom which pre vailed at the convention, and made you a candidate, shall bear sway at the polls and make you an officer, your neighbors here well knew, and the people every where may be fully assured, that their public interests will 'lever suffer under your management. Your fellow citizens congratulate you upon your nomination for the high and impertaut office of treas urer of Pennsylvania, and would be glad te hear anything you may think proper te say te them en this occasion." Mr. fe well's Speech. Mr. Powell responded as fellows : " Neighbeks and Fellow Citizens. In response te this friendly demonstration I present myself te thank you and express my warm appreciation of your kindness. This is the third occasion upon which I have appeared before you in the capacity of a candidate, asking your suffrages. On each, the position has been unsolicited by myself, and has been offered me by your free and spontaneous action. On the pre sent occasion, after I had consented te the use of my name as a candidate, I did net feel the weight of the responsibility until the excitement of the convention had died away. I new find myself the nominee of a great party for one of the most import ant and responsible positions within the gift of the people of this great common wealth. I already feel the burdens of the coming contest pressing heavily upon me, and I ask you, one and all, for your active and earnest cooperation and suppart. Should our efforts be crowned with suc cess, as I hope aud believe they will be, I am confident that you knew me well enough te believe that no act of mine in the dis charge of my duties will briDg reproach upon you." The speech was warmly applauded ; music again filled the air, then followed a speech from Prof. A. D. Albert, giving an able and interesting acoeunt of the pro pre pro cedings of the state convention, of which body he was a member from this county. He was followed by S. W. Little, esq , another delegate, who entertained the company in his usual dignified and attrac tive style. After mere music by the band the people listened te a short but earnest address from Captain Daniel Meegan, of Wysox. At the conclusion of the spaeeh making, Mr. Powell mingled with the crowd, when hand shaking aud congratu lations were iu order. The whole affiir was very enjoyable and was participated in by our best citizens, regardless of political faith ; all classes uniting te de honor te a distinguished and esteemed townsman. Captain Taggart at Heme. Tidioute News, Bep. The Democratic state convention did itself and the party an honor when it nominated Capt. Itebt. Taggart as its can didate for auditor general. We, who knew the captain, who meet him every day, who de business with him, knew hew .geed a citizen, hew prompt a business man, hew entirely and thoroughly reliable he is. Fer his sake, for the geed of the state, we should like te see him elected te the pesi tien. If all the candidates of both parties are as clean headed and upright as Capt. Taggart, this campaign will, of necessity, be one devoid of mud slinging. We don't subscribe te the .captain's politics, but we bear willing, unasked testimony te his worth and capabilities. ' " ' e Standard Han. Erie Herald. It is tee early in the campaign for such ridiculous roerbacks as that of the Pitts burg Commercial, and Erie Gazette, about Capt. Taggart being in some wayoonneet wayeonneet wayoenneet ed with the Standard oil company. Among the oil producers Capt. Taggart ia' well known aa having been an active member 1 of all the association erganised te oppeM the Standard monopoly. His geed judg ment and active exertions in their "behalf are Jully appreciated. Fer ever a year the writer served with-hiae -ia the monthly nettings of the famous producers asso ciation of 1878 0, and can bear testimony te' tie zeal and ability of Capt. Taggart in opposing all monopolies and, laboring for the; best interests of the oil country. H OF BITTEKS. If and If. " It you are suffering from peer health or languishing en a bed of sickness. J take cheer, it you ar i simply ailing, or If you feel weak and dispirited, with out clearly knowing why. Hep Bitters will surely enre you." "it you are a Minister, and have overtaxed 'yourself with your pastoral duties, or a Mether, worn out with care and work, or a man os business or laborer weakened by the strain et your everyday duties, or a man el ' letters, toiling overyeur miJnlght work, Hep Bitters will sure strengthen you." " If you are suffering ' lrem ever - eating or drinking, any indiscre ' tlen or dissipation, or ' are young and growing ' tee fast, as is eiten the ' case." " Or U you are lu the workshop, en tte tarm,atthe desk, anywhere, and feci 'that your system needs cleansing, ten- lng, or stimulating, without lntoxlcat lntexlcat Mng.U you are old, bleed thin and lm 'pure, pulse feeble, nerves unsteady, faculties waning. Hep Bitters Is what k you need te give you new We, health, ' and vigor.' If you are costive or dyspeptic, or sut- ferlng trem any ether et the numerous dlseas s of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault it you remain ill. H you are wasting away with any tenn of Kidney disease, step tempting death this moment and turn for a cure te Hep Bitters. It you are sick with that terrible sickness. Nervousness, you will find a "Balm In Gil ead" In Hep Bitters. It you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge or all coun ceun triesmalaria, epidemic, bilious and Intermittent levers by the use et Hep Bitters. 11 you haye rough, pimply, or sallow skip, bad breath. Hep Bitters will feive you lair skin, rich bleed, the sweetest breath and health. 5C0 will be paid for a case they wUl net cure or heip. That peer, bedridden. Invalid wite, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture et health by a lew bottles of Hep Bitters cost lng but a trifle, a0-imdTu,Th4S Small Pox driven from a community by Darby's PrepUyactlc Fluid. See advertise ment. Hucklen's Arnica salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily cure burns, Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Fait Bheum, Fever soree. Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all skin eruptions, guaranteed te euro In eveiy Instance, or money retunded. 25 cents per box. or sale by Chaa. A. Lecher. JeiVlycedw What we Want. Give Homeopath his pellets. Aiiepith his pills ; but ter rneumatisin. ter aches for pains and sprains, Themas' Ecleclric Oil is ineffa bly superior te either. It has benefited an many people as It has had purclmsers Ah All druggists sell it. Fer sale by n. B. Coch ran, druggist,-137 and 139 North Queen street. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shlleh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, in as much as It will euro u common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough. Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where theylail, it is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10c., 50c and 11.00. If your Lungs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shlleh's Pereus Plas ter, sold by U. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street. feb7-eedl Urunt It Out." The above is an old saw as savage as It Is senaeleas. Yeu can't " grunt out' uyspepsia, nor liver com elaint, nor nervousness if they once get a geed held. They don't remove themselves in that way. The taking a lew dozes if Burdock Bleed Bitters Is better than jrruutinglteut." What we can cure let's net endure. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. A Lire Saving Present. Mr. M. E. Allisen, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple Trial Bettle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him te procure a large bottle.- that completely cured him, when Doctors, ehange, et climate and everything else had tailed.. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bevere; Coughs, and all Thieat and Lung diseases, it is; guaranteed te cure. Trial bottles tree at Olias.' A. Lecher's Drug Stere. Large size, $1.00. MOTIONS. TirOKE BKDOCTIOHS. ASTRICH BROS1,, . Palace of Fashion, Ne. 13 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTEB, PA. MOBE KEDUCTIONS have been made thts week. We hive reduced all of our l'.!c. Lawns te 8c., our 56c. Satines te 15c, plaid and striped Gingham from 12KC- te 8c. plain color Chambray f rem 12Hc and 15c. te 10c, Whlte India Linens from 35c. te 25c, from 25c. te 18c, from 18c. te 12c, lrem 12c te 10c. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS IN OUB Ladies' Underwear Department. This Stock is tee large te quote prices, but suffice te say that Chemise and Panties range from 25c upwards. Skirts lrem 40c. upwards, Night Gowns from 50c. up, Corset Cevers trem 25c. up. Children's Dresses. All of our Children's CALICO DRESSES re duced te 23c. And all the better goods at comparatively low prices. A SPECIAL LOT OF BLACK CASHMERES That we have Just bought enables us te sell a GBEAT BABGA1N in tbli linn et goods. Tela week we are offering Special Bargains it Hamburg Edging?. Wide Embroideries, 7 te 9 Inches wide, ele gant patterns, at 25c. a yar.l. One let et new Embroideries from 7 te 12c a yard. A large assortment of Ladies' White and Colored Hese FBOM5C A PAIB UP. LACE MITTS reduced from 25c te 12c, from 60c te 39c, trem 75c. te 60c, from ILC0 te 75c. Bargains in Lisle Thread Gloves, AT 20c, 23c. AND 3Cc Ladles' and Children's BLACK COTTON HOSE at 25c per pair. Child's fine India GAUZE SHIBTS, lu long or short sleeves, at 15c, Ladies', Gents' and Beys' Gauze Undershirts In long or short sleeves at 25 cents. Bargains in Every Department. BOOKB AXD STATIONMM' N EW BOOKS. FOB SUMMER READING. " Mr. Isaacs," by 8. Marlen Crawford. " Dr. Claudius," by 8. Marien Crawford. " Through One Administration," by Burnett. " Bnt Yet a Weman." by Cardy. " Buccesstal Men et Te-day." And all the Latest Seasides and Magazines L.M.FLYMN'S, Ma 42 WSBT KINGr BTBlRt IKOIOAZ. A wan HAW YMHM0 i t 1 . " " f If vba are Gray or Bald; It yeurilalrls Tal; ' jirasny. iry. uarsn, or wew; u job. are j vuuDieu wuu Lianuruu, iicainT.er any Humer or Disease el the - yc2 ScalB, US67 ,1 ' jiyer's Hair Viger. ,. It heals nearly every disease peculiar te the -scalp checks the falling out et the, Hair aatf -prevents it trem turning gray, and is an ua equalled dressing and toilet article. vaxrxame by Dr. j. C. Ajera & C0., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. "' augs-lS-lydAw. t TKKKY DAVIS'S fAIN Klf.f.BTK. CHOLERA MORBUS CHOLERA INFANTUM ASIATIC CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES YIELD TO THE IffFLITElCCE OF ferry Davis's Pi Kir. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR EVERY KIND OF BOWEL DISORDER. 1 Captain Ira B. Foss.ef Goldsberougb,Malne. says: "One of my sailors was attacked Bever ly with cholera merbus. We administered -, Pain Killer, and saed him." J. W. SImends. BratUeberu. Vt . says; "In cases of c.ielera merbus and sudden attacks of sum rer complaints, I have never teuad it i te fall." ALL, THB DRUQaiBTS STI1I1 IT. aug 1 lmdAw DHt HOODS. N tXT JJOOK TO TUB COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S OPENED THIS DAT ANOTHER LABGE LOT or Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, d'.rf Jersey Waists, IV ALL DESIUABLE SHADES D1KJECT' FBOM THE MANUFACTURER IE. LANCASTKR, PAi' :' 1 NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE N UIllK. METB & HAUIIAIFS Cheap Stere. ' " BLACK CASHMERES, 12, 18, 25c. BLACK CASHMERES, 87i, 45, 50e. BLACK CASHMERES, 60, 75, 87ic. BLACK CASHMERES, $1.00, 1.12, 1.25. The Cheapest let in TKite City. BLACK SILKS, BitACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, We have a Large Assortment of all of the above Goods from AUCTION SALES AT VERY CHEAP PRICES AT netzger & wmm Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST L1NCASTM. (Between the Cooper Heuse sad Serrel .Herse Hetel.) K. KUTS. . .'i There has been such a demand for LABGE PHOTOGBAPHS that' I was compelled te get a VERY LAR&E camera BOX te meet .the aenaad. We can new make, yen , a PHOTO as small as tne smallest 'locket nil! bold up te a 5-lnch lace, te lit sa 18x22 Frame. J. E. ROT ,. Ne. 103 Nertb QuweiJBireei F1KW f -A XW. L-"ZL 71 . - " - -vi -S A ' l 4 - j A ' .' . PI .el 1 J rfy. i ? : ! -rj;- iyi r5