ek ""$ Tilnnf SIX Ne 289. LANCASTEK, PA. TUESDAY. AUGUST 7, 183. Price TwtCwits. IT.4T.XJt COOLKKB, JtO. ULINM BKBMEMAJ, TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transaction would you be willing te pay one dellai ter an article you could purchase for ninety cents T We are the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity ter Wadsworth, Martinez & Longman's Fare Prepared Paints. And we claim that tbey are the best and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make this assertion and Jeavc it unsupported. Paint one-half et any surlace or one-ball el any building wllh this plnt and the ether hair with s rlctly pure White Lead and Linseed OH, or any ether mixed paints In this country, and 11 the part painted with this paint does net cost ten per cent. less than ter paint used, we will make no charge ter our paint. And lnrther, any building that has been painted with this paint that is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining se for a proper term of years, we nil! repaint at our own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many et the prepared paints are adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal otter. We will pay one thousand dollars for any benzine or water found In any original package of WAD8WOBTH, M ARTI HE A LONGMAN'S PUKE PREPARED PAINTS. FLINN & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, DKT 1EUKUK JTAHNKSTOUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BAIR'B OLD 8TAND. ) NO. 14 EAST KING STPEET. Ladies' Jerseys, Misses' Jerseys, Children's Jerseys, IN ALL COLOKS-Marenn, Cardinal, Electric, Navy Blue, Brown. Black and Myrtle. Perfect Kitting in all Sizes. An Elegant Assortment el these Goods, Frem $2. BO Up. ALSO. JERSEY CLOTH BY THK YAKD, IN ALL COLORS. LAMES' CASIIMERK AND SHETLAND SHAWLS IN UKEAT VARIETY At' LOWEST PRICES. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO- 14 EAST KINO STREET, ritVXBINU AMV "IOUM L.. -ARNOLD. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Geld Case Heaters. ESTinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. Z.IVXRY H UUGHTUN'S. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT Stables Ne. 44 HOOKS AND fUHN BACK'S HUMS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, WHOLESALE AT SPECIAL. BATES, ATTUE BOOKSTORE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST. , LANCASTER, PA. PAlfKM UAMUMIHtB, C HAKKS W. FKY. We were out et certain sizes et SCREEN FRAMES, but we have filled up attain and are ready te fill orders promptly 23. 25, 27, 29. 31, 33 and 35 inches high and 32 te 33 inches wide ; tliev can be i educed te 24 Inches in a lew minutes. They make theCHKAPKST and BKST screen in thu market, superior te the old style and lower in price. HEW PATTERNS OF WATT. PAPERS. ODDS AND ENDS AT HALF-PRICK. An Elegant Line et NEWT PATTERN DADO SHADES. PLAIN GOODS IN ALL COLORS. LACE CURTAINS lrem a Dellar a Pair up. PHARES W. FRY. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. GMOCXKIM8. T BDB8K.ti. JUST RECEIVED, A LOT OF FINE-COMB HONEY, In two-pound frames, selling at 25 cents per pound. Alse a let et Choice lieney extracted xrem the comb, by the Jar. Just received, a Fresh Let of POTTED HA.K and POTTED TONGUE. Alse whole OX TuNGUE. COFFEES! COFFEES! We have the Finest Line et JAVA, KIO. LAGUAZRA and MOCHA COFFEES In the city. Always rresh Roasted. Jnst received, a New Invoice et FINK FOR. MOSA COLONY TEA. AT BTJESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. P. 8. The name goods at the Branch, Cnest nnt and Mary street. en WILL ALWAV9 ffIND A VULL. line et Connecticut agara andJFeunUJa Fine cut tobacco, at HABTMAJTg YKLLOW.reOST CIGAB TOSK. LANCASTER, PA OOODB. LANCASTER, PA. OAB riTTLSO. BTA.BL.B. ALL TIMES. Market Seet, Hear of Old Black Herse Hetel. STATIONERY. T1X W AXE, JtV, rUHN P. 8UHAUM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST BECEIVED ANOTHER LARUE LOT OF CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTURBS, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS. Plumbing and Gasfltting, Reefing and Spouting. AT JOHN P. SCHAUFS, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, teu27-tyd LANCASTEK. PA. jcxvujtaiejfa. rpHB 1-.XCUKSION SEASON OF 1883. TO TUB SUMMER RESORTS AND EXCURSION POINTS OH OB VTA The Shenandoah Valley Railroad. THE CAVERNS OF LURAY. THK NATURAL BRIDGE. THE VIKUIN1A SPBiNGS, Ac., 4a Perfect previsions at LURAY ter the ac commodation of Excursion Parties et all sizes. Transportation Bates arranged ter parties et various numbers from S te SOU. Correspondence Invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, ter the arrangement et Special Bates and Excursion Days. Transportation rurnished en SPECIAL TRAINS when the size et the party Justifies. ADnllcatlen through the General Passemrer Agent or Superintendent of the Read en which the Excursion Party originates, te attention. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LUBAY INN can also be cared ter by similar application. Bound Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPRINGS and SOUTHERN MUMMER RE SORTS en sale en and after JUNE l t the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. SUMMEBTOUBIST GUIDE BOOKS and all lnter matlen furnished en application te the Passenger Agents, Shenandoah Valley B.R. or the Vlnrfnia, Tennessee Georgia Air Line. A. POPE, Gen. Pass. TJct.Agt., O, HOWARD BOYXB, Lynchburg, Va. JVlBlenPaB8r Agt. Hagentewn, HO, mgyJMma pHOLfKA! CHOLERA! PEOF. DABBTS Prepliylactic Fluid. The Most Pewerfal Antiseptic Known. WILL PREVENT the CHOLERA. It Destroys tub Grems or Disbasb. It Is a f ict established by science that irans The meat powerful An-tlst-ntlc agent which chemistry has pro duced. Its use either inter nally or externally ren ders all 1 1 comet) in con tact with. pure, tweet d i s e uses are intro duced by putrlfactlen. and clean, the produc tion of disease gfcrtns ceiist-8 mid the patient recovers. When xit'd en Ulcers wiucn reproduce l sclt and propegates me disease in ever widening circles. Tl esedlseasrsKer-er- Scalds, Burns, Erup atecontieleu and till the air wtth dcut'i. tiens and Seres it steps all pain, sweetens the parts and promotes the rapid Jormatien of healthy flesh. Such t that dread Ter rer. Asiatic Cholera, which Is new devastat lng the East and ad vancing en Itsmb-slen of death rapidly te wards our shore Other diseases of thn same sort arc Diphtheria It Pm ifibs THK ATMOSrilERK. Its exposure in a Typhoid Fever, Scarlet Sirk Heatn, Celler, fever, Smallpox, Mea sles, Yellow Jeter, Erysipelas, etc. All these generate conta gion. Other ilseHse .Ferer and Ague, Ma larnl Fever.uie , ane from con.aglen which comes from dampness unhealthy situation or uucleanllness. All these Diseases can be cured only by stenpina the vreduc-l Closet or atable puri ties i lie Atmosphere and drives away the germs et disease and death. Taken internally, it purifies the stomach ifiving ii rene aim ueaitny vigor, it is thus that it cures Indi gestien and Djspep sia. When used as a Le. lien it destreya all Hen of Disease Germs I Freckus and lilotcu liletcu lilotcu rreiluclnir germs. ana aesireying inese already produced Beth these results are accomplished by the use of Prof. Dar by's preparation el Beracic Acid and Chlorine known as Darbts Profhtlactie Fluid. leaving the skin clear, whlte ami transpa-- ent as that of a. little child. It rencers all it comes in con cen TACT with Pere AND UEALTUT. Spaedees net permit U3 te name many et the usej te which this great Gerin-Iestruyer jb applicable. Ask your druggist ier printed mailer descriptive of its usefulness, or ad i. less J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., Manufacturing Chenclsts, PHILADELPHIA. SO cents per bottle. Pint bottles, tl.OO. Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. I&nlt-lyeed&w T7"1UNKY-W'JKT. SIGNIFICANT SPRING. A Dissertation Upen Its Advent, and Us fcrTect Upen Mankind. " The green leat et the new come Spring." Shak. Everybody recognizes spring, when It is once upon us, but many persons are net ta int iar with the exact date et its appeaance. Webster, the world renowned lexicographer, gives us a definition, which may net be inap propriate here. ' Spring," says he, " is the season of the year when plants begin te vege tite and rise; tin vernalseisun, comprehend ing the mouths et March, April and May, In the middle latitudes nertli of the equator." Thompson, In bis "Seasons," and Shak-j. pcare in many et his works, have, perhaps, no peers in describing if, and yet ''ctbetial spring " ii freighted with malaria, " that In sidious fee, lurking in the very air we breathe." it spreads ever the fairest portions of our land ; brings death and ulscaa te theusiuds ; cuts off scores and t cores et our children aud youth, as well as these In ad vanced lite. A pestilence is regard ed with l.ttle less appichcnslen, and people every where are asking, " What is it ?' ' Where does it come from t" " What wlU cure It 1" Kidnet-Wertasa Spring Medicine. When you begin te lese appetite have a headache, a pain in your side, back and shoulders te toss about at night In restlus dreams wake in the morning with afoul mouth and tui red tongue Icel disinclined te go about your work, heavy in body and op pressed in mind have a fit et the blues when your urine getsjeanty or high colored te suf fer with constipation, diarrheea, or indlgcs tlen have a pasty, sallow face, dull eyes and a blotched skin one or all of these common complaints will certainly be evidences that your liver is disordered, torpid, or perhaps diseased. A bottle of Kidney-Wert is, under such clicumstances, a priceless been te such a person. Bare assertions of proprietors have ceme te possess less force than they frequently merit. The cause of this condition et popular skep ticism is, in the main, te be found in the tact that charlatanism covers our bread land. Meritorious articles are tee frequently found In bad company. The proprietors et Kidney-Wert always lireve all their assertions, touching the merits of their preparations. When we affl rm, t here fore, that Kidney-1 ere is a specific ter Just such disorders as have been mentioned in this article, the proof, tee, belongs te and shall, fellow this statement. A Physician's Experience. Dr. B. K. Clark, a regu'ar physician et ex tensive practice In Grand Isle County, and a worthy deacon of the Congregational Church, at Seuth Here, Vt., has used Kidney-Wert ler several years in his practice, and before the present proprietors purchased an interest in its favor. This opinion has net changed. It has done better than any ether remedy I have ever used," says the doctor, and, farther en he writes : " I de net recollect an instance where the patient te whom 1 have given it has failed te receive benefit from Its use, and lit some severe cases most decidedly se." These are strong words. They are from a representa tive, conscientious, ever-approachable public citizen, however, aud better still they are true. Kidney Wert will bear all the encomiums lavished upon it by its lrlends and their name is legion. " I will swear by Kidney Kidney Wert alt the time," writes Mr. J. R. Kauffman, et Lancaster, Pa. We will supplement this by asserting, as a matter or tact, and one capable of demonstration, that all honest patrons of this remedy are its friends andadvecates. a3-M,W4F 1 KAY'S MfKUiriU mtSDIUINK. TUB jr Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for lmpetency, and all Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision. Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Cen. sumptien and a Premature Grave. Feil par ttcuiars in our pamplet, which we desire te send free by mail te every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages ter IB, or will be sent free by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, H. B. Cochran, 137 and 189 North Queen street. On account et counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Guarantees eleure Issued by us. for sale in Lancaster by H. B. Cechian, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. THE GRAY MEDICINE O..N.Y. NO REASONABLE OFFER RKFUgED Fer any kind et 8UMMBRWEAR. Ladies', Gent's and Misses Hese, of Spring Styles, closing out without regard te cost, te make room for Pall Goods. Working Pants, New Make et Overalls, Shirts and Staple Goods cheaper than ever. HENRY BECHTOLD. Ne. 52 North Queen street. P, 8f Stere and rtweUlug Jer sale, or rent. BUCHANAN'S BIOGRAPHY SOME T11INU3 IT 'MAKES PLAIN. The Kve of tbe Rebellion -Tba Allseed Trauster of Anna te the Heutn tbe President' liued Faltb. N. Y. Sun Review. In bis biography of the fifteenth presi dent, Mr. Geerge Tickuer Curtis is net, of .;... ..tnt-cn tsrlff, ftpfinllltr Ami ffafMtlfl ing Mr. Buchanan's view of the relation of the federal government toward a seceded state, or of the duties which, at' such a juncture, devolved upon the executive authority. He is also at much pains te meet each of the charges which, as public opinion became mere embittered at the North, were made against Mr. Buchanan by these who desired te palliate their ewu shortcemiug8, or te account for the dis couraging results of the war by impeach ing tbe levalty of Mr. Lincoln's predeces sor. It will be found that Mr Curtis is completely successful in the task of ex culpatien se far as the proof of geed iu teutieDS is concerned, though it may be thought that one of the mistakes commit ted by the outgoing administration, viz., the neglect iu forwarding reinforcements te Fert Sumter, although unquestionably due te honorable motives, betrayed a want of perspicacity, of a power te measure the imminence of danger, en the put of the agi nts whose judgment was relied upon by the chief magistrate. One of the most explicit and grievous imputations en Mr. Buchauan's geed faith was formulated iu November, 1862, by Qav. Scott, by whom it has b9eu justly ta;d that when he approached an inkstand it was bis feet, and net his pen that he put iu it. At the date mentioned, however, when the people of the North were smart ing under a cerieB of unexpected defeats, and were casting about for scapegoats and for plausible explanations of their discom fiture, there were thousands who gave ear te the calumnious story set alleat by Gen Scott, although the slight substratum of fact which underlay bis statement had been carefully scrutinized by an uufrieudly committee et the Heuse of Representatives almost two years before. Gen. Scott alleged in this letter that Secretary Floyd removed aud the implication was that tbe step was takeu by the order or with the connivance of the president ' $115, 000 extra muskets and rifles, with all their implements and ammunition, from North ern repositories te Southern arsenals, se that en the breaking out of the maturing rebellion they might be feuud without cost, except te the United States, in the most convenient positions for distribution ameug the insurgents. Se, tee, of the 140 pieces of he..vy artillery which the same secretary ordered from Pittsburg te Like Bergne, aud Galveston in Texas for torts net erected. Accidentally learning early in March that under this posthumous order the shipment of these goods had commenced, I communicated the fact te Seeretary Helt, aeting for Secretary Cam Cam eeon, just in time te defeat the robbery." Mr. Curtis finds it easy te demonstrate that part of this statement is obviously false, and that much of the rest is tainted with the least creditable form of prevari catien, the tuggestie falsi, or imputation of a corrupt motive for an act indisputably iunecent. All the facts bearing en this subject were brought out by an inquiry ordered by the Heuse of Representatives ou Dec. 31, 18C0 and embracing the follow ing queries, viz : What arm had been sold; what arms had been distributed te the states ; what arms had been sent for storage iu Southern arreiial.ef the United States ; and finally, what ordnance had been transferred lrem Northern arsenals of the United States te Southern forts ?" Touching the first subject of investigation the committee ascertained and reported that iu the spring of 1859 50,000 muskets, condemned by the inspecting officers, " as unsuitable for the public service," were duly offered for sale under the act of March 3, 1825. Here, then, about a year belere Mr. Lincoln's nomination, as Mr. Buchanan dryly pointed out iu the course of the controversy into which Gen. Scott had forced htm, tbe cotton states, which are alleged te have thus early meditated rebellion, lest a precious opportunity te buy a let of discaided firearms. Iu reality, the only Southern state that made a bid was Louisiana, which purchased 5,000 of these condemned rausket8,audliually took but 2,500. With regard te the second inquiry bear ing en the quantity of arms distributed among the states and territories since Jau. 1, 18G0, the committee reported that the whole number et muskets apportioned ameug the states, North and Seuth, was 8,422. These were army muskets of the best quality, but neither Aikansas, Dela ware, Kentucky, North Carolina nor Texas received one of tbem, because these states would net take the trouble te ask for the quotas te which they were entitled. The ether slave states, which did apply for their allotments, received in the ag grcgate 2,091 el these army muskets, or less than one fourth of the whole quautity distributed. Mr. Curtis gees en te show from tbe report of the committee that of long range rifles of the army calibre all tbe states received iu 18G0 only 1,728, of which just 758 fell te the slave states. Iu ether words, the eight Southern states, collectively, obtained a less number of improved muskets and rifles than would be required te properly equip two regi ments. In relation, next, te the old arms, alleged te have been transferred te tbe Southern arsenals of the United States, the committee ascertained that en Dec. 29, 1859, mere than ten months befere the election of Mr. Lincoln, and several months before his nomination, the secre tary of war ordered one fifth of the old fiint-leck and percussion muskets te be removed from the Springfield armory in Massachusetts te five Southern arsenals of the United States for storage. This per fectly regular and proper order was car ried eat by tbe ordnance bureau in the usual course of administration, without reference te the president, 105,000 of these flint-lock and percussion muskets, which were in every way inferior te the new rifled muskets then manufactured for the United States army, being gradually trans ferred te the Southern arsenals. There were also transferred under tbe same order 10,000 of the old percussion rifles. These constituted the 115.000 "extra muskets and rifles," which Gen. Scott, in 1862, asserted had been sent into the Seuth for the express purpose of arming the insurgents, who, as he averred, -were mak ing ready ten months before Mr. Lincoln's election te commence the eivil war. If this were se, it must be owned that the rebels had small cause te be grateful te Mr. Floyd, since for every one of the cast off muskets which tbey received, net less than four were retained in a single North ern arsenal. The committee also reported in flagrant contradiction te Gen. Scott's assertion that no ammunition was em braced in the secretary's order, and none accompanied the muskets. The suspicion caused by the cider or Secretary Floyd, given en December 20, I860, and directing the ordnance .bureau te send 124 heavy guns te Southern feits. was by no means equally unfounded, as is plain enough te these who knew the real cause of Us, Fleyti't resignation and tardy conversion from an earnest advocacy of the Union te a zealous supporter of the secession movement. The committee of the Heuse of Representatives report tbat this order was issued without the knowl edge of Mr. Buchanan, who first heard of it six or seven days after it was given; meanwhile Seeretary Floyd had been called upon te resign in consequence of discover ies seriously affecting bis official intregrity and en the very day, December 29, when Mr. Helt, the new secretary of war, entered upon tbe duties of his office, the latter was directed by the presi dent te rescind the order relating te the transfer of ordnance. With this trans action Gen. Scott had absolutely nothing te de ; although in 18G2 he pretended that he bad discovered in March, 1861, some thing that really happened in December, 18G0, and that, by communicating this precious information te Secretary rieit,he had caused the issuing of an order which in fact had been given and obeyed two months earlier. Gen. Scott chose te regard the error in dates as immaterial, but impartial men will hardly fail te recognize a trace of malice in the blunder, siuce the iuevitable and doubtless intended inference from Scott's language was that Mr. Buchanan had permitted bis adminis tratien te expire, leaving in force this posthumous order of Secretary Floyd te de its harmful work aTt.u- Mr. Lincoln's accession. Time, as Mr. Curtis says, was of the essence of this charge against the Buchanan administration, for Gan. Scott bad imputed te tbe outgoing president a delay of mere than two months in counter manding a mischievous order, and claimed for himself the whole merit of the discov ery and countermand. There was another matter as te which it can be shown that Gen. Scott's memory was strangely at fault in 1862. He then averred tbat President Buehanau had re fused te allow any attempt te be made te reenferce Fert Sumter, because he was holding negotiations with the Seuth Care lina commissioners, and " that afterward Secretary Helt and myself (Gen. Scott) endeavored in vain te obtain a ship et war for the purpose, and were finally obliged te employ tbe passenger steamer Star of the West." The facts are, as Mr. Curtis is able te demonstrate, that the Seuth Carolina commissioners arrived in Wash ington en Dee. 27 ; that en Dec. 30 they received the president's answer rejecting their prepositions ; that en the same day Gen. Scott's request for permission te send reenforcements te Fert Sumter was made te tbe president, and that en De cember 31, the orders for the sleep of-war Brooklyn te sail were iu Gen. Ssett's hauds. A few days afterward, the sub stitution of the Star of the West for the Brooklyn was made in compliance with Gen. Scott's advice. The further charge brought forward by Gen. Scott iu 18G2, that Mr. Buchanan was trammelled by a species of truce or armistice, had but little foundation, though there was a pre text for it, which will be found revealed with entire candor in this narrative. It is certain and Gen. Scott from his official position could hardly fail te knew that no truce or armistice was entered into by the president or anybody embracing the two harbors of Charleston and Pensaoela. With regard te Pensaoela, indeed, there was a special arrangement in no way connected with the state of things iu Charleston, and the result of this arraugemeut was that Fert Pickens remained iu the possession of the feleral government. With reference te Charleston, ou the ether hand, there was only a temporary agreement between Majer Andersen aud Gov. Pickans, made without the president's knowledge and terminable en a certain event, viz , upon the receipt of instructions by Mijer An An derseu from his government. We may here remark that Mr. Curtis makes it man ifest that the person really chargeable with the failure te reinforce Fert Sumter was Majer Andersen himself, who from the date et his removal from Fert Moultrie up te the writing of the letter received en March 4, 1861, continually pronounced the position perfectly secure, and expressed the hope that no attempt would be made te threw iu supplies. The private letters written by Mr. Buchanan te members of his cabinet, and printed in this biogra phy, prove hew astounded and incensed he was te learn from Majer Andersen's extraordinary dispatch received at the war department en March 4, that Fert Sumter could net be held without a force of 15,000 or 20,000 men te destroy the batteries which, under Majer Audersen's eyes had been erected around it. It must be remem bered that Majer Andersen had regularly and frequently reported the progress of the batteries which were being taised around him, but he had never said a word which could be construed as a suggestion that these works compromised his safety. Ne wonder that tbe declaration, abruptly made by the major in the beginning of March, that he would net be willing te ribk his reputation en an attempt te re tain possession of Charleston harbor, with out a large military force, took the war department by surprise. During the same year, 1862, in which Gen. Scott saw fit te print a tissue of misstatements in the National Intelligen cer, Mr. Thurlow Weed published in the Londen Observer a curious letter, which was immediately copied and extensively ciiculated in this country. Mr. Weed asserted that four members of Mr. Bu chanan's cabinet had, by a threat of resig nation, compelled the president te recede from something he proposed te de. According te this edifying document, Majer Andersen, in February, 1861, trans ferred his garrison te Fert Sumter, where upon Secretary Floyd declared tbat unless the major was remanded te Fert Moultrie, he should resign the war office. The president, according te Mr. Weed, pro posed te comply with this demand, but was prevented from doing se by the indignaut pretest of Mr. Stanten, Mr. Black, Mr. Helt and Gen. Dix. Hew much ground there was for this story is shown by a letter from Secretary Black, one of the members of the cabinet al leged te have taken part in the patriotic demonstration. In the first place, it was net in February, but in December, that Fert Moultrie was evacuated. On the ether hanc",'t is true that en Dee. 27th Mr. Floyd made Majer Andersen's removal a pretext for resignation, but the attempt te explain his withdrawal en that ground was treated by the president and his cabinet with silent contempt, for Floyd's resig resig atien bad been demanded several days before en account of bis connection with the fraudulent abstraction and sale of bends belonging te the department of the interior. Alter recapitulating these facts and pointing out that Gen. Dix was net at this time a member of the cabinet Judge Black gees en te say that en no occasion did Mr. Stanten make any speech inconsistent with the most perfect res pect for the president, and that neither he nor Mr. Helt ever spoke te Mr. Buchanan about resigning upon any con tingency whatever before the incoming of the new administration. ' Pint JUvlvcd nd tarn Carcd. "Was troubled ter a year with torpid liver and Indigestion, and after trylHgevery thing imaginable used Burdock Bleed Bitter. The first bottle revived me ana the second cured me entirely. J. S. Williamson, N. Y. for sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist. 7 and LJ9 Werth Queen street. OF BXTTEKS. A-Great-PreWem. TAKE ALL. THE KIDNEY AND LIVER Medicines. BLOOD PURIFIERS, RHEUMATIC Remedies. DYSPEPSIA And Indigestion Cures. AGUE, FEVER, And Bilious Specifics BRAIN AND NERVE Force Revivers. GREAT HEALTH Restorers. IN SHOKT.TAKE ALLTIIE BtSTquallfes et all these, and the best qualities of all the best medicines or the world, and you will find tbat HOP mXTKKS have th9 best curative qualities and powers et all concentrated in tbem, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined, fail. A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. JulylO-lmd Small Pox drlveu from a community by Darby's Prepliyactic Fluid. See advertise ment. HucItlen'B Arnica salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily cure burns. Bruises, Cuts, Uicers, Salt Kheum, Fever sores. Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all skin eruptions, guaranteed te cure In every instance, or money refunded. 25 cents per box. Fer sale by Cbas. A. Lechor. e25-lyeedAw An Kxplanatlen. Ne one medicine will cure everythinpr. hut it Is an lncentestlble tact that Themas' Eclec tric Oil will euro aspraln.abruUe, a bite, or an ache, and is also an active and pren unccd cure for neuralgia and rheumatism. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shiloh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, in as much as It will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than allethere. It will cure where they tail, it 1 pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10c.. 50c and $1.00. If your Lungs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by H. B. Cochran, druggist. Nes. 137 aud 139 North Queen street. fel7-eed 1 A Lire Saving Present. Mr. M. K. Allisen, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple Trial Bettle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which caused him te procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change et climate and everything else had tailed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Tbieat and Lung diseases. It Is guaranteed te cure. Trial bottles tree at Uhas. A. Lecher's Drug Stere. Large size, $1.00. VIsOiaiNOfUSUKKWXAU, sc. H. MKBHAKT. SPEIM OPEHIirG AT H. GERHARTS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, OF THE LARGEST ASSORTME&Z OF FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING AND SPMNU OYEKCOATIN0, Kverjbreught te the City et Lancaster, Sorbese desirous of securing Choice Styles are Invited te call earlv. M YKKS & KATUFUM. REASONS WHY. Nothing se easy as te explain why buyers of BBADY-MADB CLOTHING can benefit them selves by dealing with us. In tbe first place, we have Always a very LABQE STOCK te se lect from. In the next place, we take tbe utmost pains te bring out the VEttY BEST GARMENTS that can be made at every price we touch. The question with ua is net hew much we can make en a SUIT or part or one, but hew geed and acceptable a bUlT we can sell ler a given price. This is our policy, and whatever sum intend ing purchasers et KBADY-M ADE CLOTHING wish te pay, they can BELY en finding the best value ler that sum here. Our stock is being constantly replenished with NEW AND DK8IKAULK PATTERNS, which Insure an excellent a-sertment lrem which te make selections. We pay as much attention te details in the making et LOW PB1CED SUITS as te these costing mere money, and critically examine each garment belere offering it ter sale. We are in a position te give yen Excellent Dress and net fine you heavily for it. Come and see. Myers & EatMen, . Lsadiig Lancaster Clothiers NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. TMS BXMiaMftM PKOUUUKU BX A CAK certratMtfM small chronic tvne are at first altktjiMy ser severe, generally a lew sudden patas, varying in severity from the dart or a needle te tJM plunge mt a knife, are complained et at flm appearance or the tumors. " -,e i vCANCEM,-TUMOR?, SKIN DISBA8KS DISBA8KS alse. Chronic and Private Diseases success inlly tnatMLfcy DBS. H. D. and M. A. LONtt AKEB. OfflOB-13 East Walnut itreelaCW- H MKIHVAX. A BK7t BAIK YIOOK.' If veu are Gray nr Bald ; If your Hair Is Thin,. Brushy. Dry. Harsh, or Weak ; It you are troubled with Dandruff, It chin?, or any Humer or Disease et the Scalp, use Ayer's lair Viger. it heals nearly every disease peculiar te the scalp checks the falling out et the Hair and prevents it lrem lurntng gray, and is aa on en equalled dressing and toilet article. 1 map arid bt Dr. j. C. Ajers & Ce., Lewell, Mags. Sold by all Druggists. aug6-12-lydAw. OKKKY DAVIS'S JfAIM tULLKK. CHOLERA! CHOLERA. MORBUS CHOLERA INFANTUM ASIATIC CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES TIELD TO THE IJIFLUEHCE OF Perry Davis's Fain Killer. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR EVERY KIND OF BOWEL DISORDER. Captain Ira It. Poss.ef GoIdsberough,Malne. says: " One of my sailors was attacked sever Iy with cholera merbus. We administered Pain Killer, and saved him." J. W. Simonds. Umttlebore. Vt , says; "In cnes of cielera merbus and sudden attacks of sum e or complaints, I have never found It te fall." ALL THE DRUOGI3Td SFLL IT. aug 1 Imd&w Uttt HOUUB. N EXT UUOK IO TUB COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOGK'S OPENED THIS DAY ANOTHEB LAUGE LOT OF Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, IN ALL DESIUABLE SHADES D1KECT PltOM THE MANUFACTURER B.E. LANCASTER, PA. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE- N OX1UE. HETZGEB & BAUGRMS Cheap Stere. BLACK CASHMERES, 121, 18, 2oe. BLACK CASHMERES, 37L 45, 50c. BLACK CASHMERES, GO, 75, 87c. BLACK CASHMERES, $1.00, 1.12, 1.25. The Cheapest let in This City. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE 8HAWL8, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS. SHAWLS, BLACK BLACK BLACK THIBET SINGLE THIBET SINGLE THIBET DOUBLE BLACK THIBEl DOUBLE BLACK THIBET DOUBLE Wc have a Large Assortment of all of the above Uoeds from AUCTION SALES AT VEttl CHEAP PKICES AT hetzgeb & mmm Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST LAHCASTIl. (Between the Cooper Heuse aad Serrel .Herse' HeteL) J. K.KUIC There has been auch a demand for LARGE PHOTOUUAPUS that I was compelled te get a VKBY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make you a PHOTO aa small as the smallest locket will held up te a 5-inch face, te lit an 18x21 Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 103 Norte 3?J Strewt. Junea-UlJ FHTOCK -a -sag ti n -. ' a,i -t i H -'11 l i- 1 " 43 rl - " t i x. ?-:. "I t s. V A "II