r LANCASTER DAJLY IN TfelXlG EN Cmf MONDAY AUGUST 6, lfcfe3 fcancastrr Jnttlltgenccr. MONDAY EVENING, AUC 6, 18b3. bbuictDc Out tne Miiishlee. The UhtVfd Pretbyterian says : " We de well te threw ej-en the windows of our heuls and let iu the light Jut-t a8 the grass acd flowers Deed the BUtisbine, &e di our hearts need it if they are te keep fresli and sweet and give out jjoed icflucccps. When the inexperienced amateur iu tl ri culture puts her rare plant in a shaded room, wnich-si'se she closed up carefull against the bright light, sue theupht she was doing it the greatest kindness, but her only reward waB its decline as it wilted and then died away. Christian people often act with the same kind of wisdom, or rather unwisdem, in their moral treat ment, and they hare the result. There is death when they expected life. They draw down all the curtains of their soul and fasten the shutters outside, hoping in the dimness thus produced te live free from sin and hence grew in gra -e. Sometimes they call it 'shutting out the world,' again they name it 'living in lotreat,' or probably it is mere arobitieufely called retiriug in company with the Master,' but whatever the name the end is the game. Tlie meld gathers where tfce-e should be healthy fragrance, and ever the life that pieper treatment would have clothed with spiritual beauty, the heavy folds of a tattered sackcloth fall and hang like the drapery of death. The Master is net feuDd in such conditions. He is where His seny is, the conversation, the throb bing of human iuteiest and earnestness, and gives the blessings as rie receives his praises, iu the glaaess of the sunshine and the joy of gen'.Ie winds." MltCMlappeiiH M Uers. The steamship Berkshire, from Baltl raeib, went a&hera en Lavill'n island, iu Bosten harbor, yesterd.-ty nierniu. S'inie of her parent, iis were taken ashore, but the rest remained ou the vessel It wah said sbe wap net damaged and would prebrhly float at high tide. The state election in Keutnrky is held te-day. The Democratic ttata ticket, heided by Pmcter Knett for governor, is expected te he successfu' by about the usual majority. The question of a con ventien te revise the state constitution will Le voted up in. The a.i'e treasurer of Vermont iu his r.nnual report pl.iCPK the debr of that com wunwcalth at $170 00, of which $.135 000 is hfndd. The receipts for tlie year were $583, COO and the disbursements 532 C70. The bpeeial tram conveying the presi dential parly te the Yellow-teno region arrived ycsteidny n-einiug at Giti-n river, Wyoming. The paity were te take special wagons for Washkakie last eveuiug. TIij-1 Flames. Tha bush firns en Vaueouver's Island and in British Columbia are said te have "spread ever the whole country," aud everywhere "flame acd smoke reign su preeo." Tl.e smeke is tee dense te bp pierced by the sun's says. Ne rain ha, fallen in that section for t' roe months. About two thiids of a block, of buildings en Pest etreer, Sin Fraucisc , innludiiii.' the old Winter Garden the.itre, Diuul's hall and the Pacific college were destroyed by fire seen after 1 o'clock en S.iMirduy morning. Tbe less is estimated at $200, -000. Ilarvey Morgan, an actor, was burned te death ami several peis'eus we:e injured by jumping from windows. the stave weiks of C. E. Menree & Ce , aud a quan tity of lumber belonging te ether firms in Viuacnne.s, led., were destieyed en Friday by an incudiaiy Are. Less, $00 COO A lire : ''aree, Dakota, en Friday, destroy ed a eain. two saloons, harness shop and a pawn shop, causing a less estimated at SeO.OOO. A fire iu Canten, III , ou Satur day. destroyed one block of buildings and part of another. Less, $27,000 FElUAt, Nlftf re " Meilier ."HVal.'rt lVurm jsyrup." Infallible, tntek"-s. harmless, cathartic : tei levcrNhnes-', lX'Mtlesvnesi, wnnni, censlipa Hen. "Jie. I recennnend Lady C.imclii's Seciel ei Veutii and Iteauty ter the complexion as b tug farsupeiier toanviiitlcle I ever used. It positively removes Ficcklcs, am will remove Tan in one application. Pi ice 0c. Fer sale at all tlru;KisN. MhS. .1. MUSS K SMITH, je '3-CmdMAS Newark, N. J. The ramt popular and fragrant Te lumeel tlieday'-UACKAlETACK." Try it. fceld by 11. 15. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 13 North Queen street teb7-eed3 l'liylrlatii Prescribe In Kpllepsy. " I prescribe 1- in my practice." is the ex pression used by Dr. J. A. I'atmer. et Itiley, lnd. He reterred te Samaritan Kervlne and lurther along says: Hemes epileptic fit-.." jy.'OT- wdeed&w Pr. J. Marien fcims, N. V.. endows Darby's Pxephylac.ic Fluid. See a-lvert -i ment- It is the manliest destiny et Olenn's sul phur Seap te supersede oily unguents ler cu cu taneous eruptions. jy:je lwdeed&w A. Fine Hit. When the propii"ters of linrtleck Jtloed 1'ittcrs put this renowned medicine en the market the hit It exactly. They hitdyspep sia, indigestion, and liver and "kidney com plaints a hard blew, lrem which they will never 'ocever. Fer sale bv 11. B. Cochran, druirj'' .t. 137 and 130 Norh Queen strtet. A Geed Thing. " J sometime' -wish I could take held et the site et JPiome' Ecleclrlc Oil ler I tell jeu it 1 a granil 'him;, t:iil 1 um eons. lentieus in saying 1 com', den gee. work.'- Rev. n.. F Ciar, Cerrv Pa. Fer sale by II B Cochran. druKKls.1 17 and i: North Qnivn street. O-A pint et the linest ink ler tamiiies or sehoe - can n madi lrem a cn-cent psckatre of Dl-ime ui Dye. They color Hllr, Weel or Cotten. Dr. it-m'enV-kln Curccenwiats of internal and ex ernal treatment at same time audit makes the skin white, sol and smrelh. It ceutslnt. no poisonous di us. : at druaists "Jam truly thankful that J ever med Dr. Sanson's Celery and Chamomile Pt'is, for they cured my periodical headache."1 Mis. J. It l'addlsen, l'eiul Caswell, N. c. Mc.nts, at ''n-.ijlsts. fletherx IMntnergi Methert-1 A-e you disturbed at 'liht aud b token el your rest ey a ick e.itd ufiVriug and cryina with the cxcruci.i'inT pain of cutting teeth ? If se, go at ei teand get a bottleelMltS. WIN SLOWS SOOTH INb sYhl P. Jt will reliev. the peer utile Miflerer imine lately .'ep.-ni upon it: there is no Mistake about it. There i i net a motheren ,'artli wlie lia ever used it wl.e will net tell ye;i at once that it will ulate the benei- .iiid ive lest, te the aietlier. and reliel and heallh te the child, op crating liki magic. lsperb r-tly sate te u;t in all cim;", aim pleasant te the. taste, am' i the prc-crlptlea 'f en- of the el 'est and best female physicians in the Unuel States. Se!fi everywhere. 25 cents a betue. mayl-M.W.S&w Contagion destroyed iv luu by M Prophylac tic Flu'd. See a.lvei tH' ini.t. Every Persen te De h Ileal fraccen In this Hie must have a specialty ; that 'h. must roucent ale the abilities of body ai'ii mlml en scme one pursuit. Murdoch Jlloeti Jiiller have llielr speciilty as a cnui lete and ra'iiCHl enroet dyspepsia, and liver and kid ney affections. Fer sale by II. Jt. Cochran, ''r.i,zUV-il and IKS North 'Jueen street. Je exi f-ielleve It. 1 hat. in this tnm theie air; spires of persons parsing iv store every Oh y whose lives are nadi misfcrable by Indigestion, Dyspeiisia, .Sour nri'l dt,T'?sei stemnch. Liver Coni Ceni V'vnt, CnsTpntlf.'.. -vi,..n ler 75c. we will sell tr.9r --blien's Vitt'i7r, guaianteed te cure tlv r Sold by M. i:. Cechmti. druggist, Nes. lV j4' 1 1 Nrrth (Jnnen strrft. feb7-oed2 'tfytti Crnnnrt re Y,rU I bound te rlse. (.lenvi U(IWII ,lrf( oniether the trulb as you may eenc rriinjf Themas'1 JCc lerfrie Oil vet tne in -is ,vi I iis up Hint It is en1 '.' the best reme ies 'or acnes, spinlns anil p-ilns that bus ver ve bf-en interned' for raie ey n B, Cochran, druggist, 137 and J39 North Queen street MKDICAh. IIKNSOS'H SKIN CUnt; from the Bultiuiore American. MYSTERIOUS Arllcbs with High Sounding Crack Jaw Sames arc Net a Sncccss'. A REFRESHING CHANGE Te Plain English. Every reader et newspapers 1 as observed lime, anditialu, In the advertising column-, many singular ami frequently unprouounc unpreuounc unproueunc abie names of medicinal remedied. TJic GnJek and Latin languages especially, navebeen drawn upon te furnish names by which paten' med'clnc could be Introduced te "the pub le. The Inference is, In many cases at lea-t. that llielr proprietors depend mere upon the attraction et high sounding titles than upon the essential merits of the reine dies theui'.ielres. It h leMeslilng orce In a while te Hilda medicine advertised, whes J simple, Inte llgl tile name iu English at once conveys te the reader an understanding of the usei and pur poses el the remedy. A notable instance of this kind Is found in the medicines et Dr. C. W. Bnsen, who-e skin Cpbk and Celmiy and Chamo mile Tills impart at ence in th-ir names, either tlieir purpose or the Ingredients which eomneso them. Dr. .Bensen's Ski Cukk is warranted te heal all diseases of the skin, such as tetters, numers, inflammation, milk crust, eczema, diseases et the hair and scalp, screrula, ulcers, pimples and Itching en all parts et the body. It makes the skin white, soft and sme tb, lemeves tan and freckles, and Is the best toilet dressing In existence, lis popularity is attested by the Immense rales et it which are inking place everywhere. - It is the only genuine " Skin Cnre " and all should beware et the various rem dies wlileli have been ntru gllng for existence, and new endeavor te ride Inte pepul irity by ad vertising thein-elves as "The Grtat Skin Cures." Th-re Is only one, and that 1" Pr. llensen's. lie sure and get it. DOES YOUR HEAD ACH i Ne Matter What Online, Hlett. erveui, Jeu ralRle, Uynpeptlc. Which is it ? A revolution In the treatmen t et nervous tilseiises is new takinz jilace. Dr. C. rt'. Bensen lias discovered a sure remedy in Ids Ceb-ry anil Chamomile I'ills tliey per manently cuie sick and neiveus heaaache, neura.lia, d spepia, slcplessnesa a -d all nervous dl-ets'.'S. Sold by all rtrusrgiitw. Price .V) cents a box. Address, Baltimore, Md By mall, two boxes ler f 1, or sir boxes for $l.r.0. C. N. Cuittkntek, New Yerk, is the Whole silo Agent ler W C. Bonen's remedies. iy9-lmdM,W&Stw 0JWAltlTAN NKKVliJS The only known specific for Epileptic Fits. ft-A!:-( ler ."-pasnis and Falling &lcknes Nervous Weakness it iii'tuntly relieveiand cum'j. Ceiisi s bleed and quicken- slujrgi-h eiiculaiien. Neutralizes terras el disease and saves s'ckn ss. Cures ugly blotches and stub- A SKEPTIC SAID born bleed sores. Eliminates Bells, Ckibunclu-. and scalds. S-I'ermanenlly an 1 pnunptly cures paralysis. Yes, it is a eh.irinui;; and heal'hlul Ap-rient. Kills Screiula and Kings Evil, twin bretner-. changes ba.l bietllu IO goetl. removing thu caue. Ueutjj bilious, ten- NAHARITAN XERYLXE denclesand makes clcarcomplexien. Equalleil bj none iu the, . eliiium of fever. A cLaruitnir lesnlvenl and a matchless laxative. It drive-. Sick Headache like the wind. 3-Ceiitnn- no lia-tric catha'-tic or opiate". Kelie-s ili brain or morbid lancies. I'remptly cmes Tie Bnnt Mm GBEpnr II lieu mat ism by leutlm; it. Itesteres llfe-)iv. Ini; propel ties te Hie bleed. Ih fjuaranteed le cure all .crvousduerders, a3lti'llabb when all opiate tail, ltetreshis llie miiul and In vigerates thebeay. Cures djspepsia or money relunded. NEVER FAILS. Diseases of the bleed own it a conqueror. Endorsed In wilting by ever tllty thousand leading citizens, clergymen and physicians in U. S and Europe. .es-Feiale by all leading dnu?pists. $1.50. The Dr. . A. Uiciuuenit Medical Ce., Preps., St. Jesejih, Jle. (:() Charles N. Critlenien, Agent,New Yerk CHy. a!8-lyced&w HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Hestetter's Stomach Bitters, by increasing vital power, and rendering the physical func tions regular aud active, keeps the system in geed working order, aud protects it against disease. Fer constipatien.dyspepsitand liver complaint nervousness, kidney and rheuma tic ailments. It Is invaluable, and it affords a sure defence against malarial levers, besides removing all traces el such disease lrem the system. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, aiil-lmdcert&w Ot;BKHS OIE. A 5c. Package e LOCHER'S DYH WILL COLUB MOBE GOODS THAN ANX OTUEHDYE IN THE MABKET. Fer sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. ASIUNKD tSTAIBOWM. A. lliVl.h, and -wile, of Lancaster City, Lancaster county. Tne undersigned (Auditor uppe nt ed te distribute the baliince lemainiuu iu the bands of Cbas. B. Kaufman, cq., --si nee. te and i.meng these legally entitle.) te lIie -!ime will sit ter that purpose en FHID.W, AI"G. 10, 1S33, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. In llie Library Hoetn et the Court Heuse, in the City el Lan caster, where all persons interested in said dlstribu'ien may attend. Jyl-fittlM H. CABPEKTEK, Auditor. TAB. TOWHSKNU' KtiMEDT. REV. HENRY WARD BEECEER JjAYB OF DR. TOWNSEND'S REMEDY ter Fever, Asthma and Catnrrli : Bwkjki.yw. V, 1'., Sept. 21, H-81 " I belle e it will bu sine in niiittv cases m a hundred." Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct. 17. li-S.5. "I am bnppy te any tliat your icmcdy lias served me a second season fully ua well as the last year." Pamphlets with Mr. ueccher's full letters nr.d ether testimonials iurnif bed en application. Prepared eulv by. UK. M. M. TUVV3tNO. rrestburg, Md. Price. 50 ccnte'and tl 50 rer fceuie. Fer Htle by CH 4BLES DENNIN, First Place MIu court t, Brooklyn, f'and by thi drag trade generally. je25-4tdeew TTf gJPOJVfr'J J." MAK11N CO. 1IKADQUAKTKUS KOlt 1 QP 1)1 KOU Tallies. Geuls and Children. In ALL SIZES and In three Dlilcrent Makes from the Cheapest te Best. WE .BUY OUK Gossamer Rubber Clothing Direct lrem the manufacturers, sell them at a close flgur.. and miarantee each and every garment. CLOSI.NC; OUT I5.K(JAI.S. About 100 ltnbbcr G.nrnienls ler Ladies, Cents and Children at li than cost. .Every garinent warranted. 5-Tiade Dollars taken at Full Value. J.B.IARTDI&CO.'S, Cor. W King and Prince Sts., LANCASTER. 1' A. VTBW YlKK 8XOKE. Watt, Sliand & Ce. Black Cashmeres, Black Cashmeres. NEW IMPORTATION OF BLACK CASHMERES, AT OLD PRICES. We hove f pencil the. Fall Llneet our Famous Blench Cashmere which have a'v ' e much satisfaction te our nnmerens cu-ieiueisand which we have found t-cennd i. nene in COLOR, yUALlTl and FIMSII All-Weel Black Cachmeres, i!7c, 4ic, L0- a yunl. 40-Inch All-Weel French Casbmeres tee, ej.-, 6ic ;7c, )C, 87Mc, $1.00 a yard. 45-Inch AlS-Woel FrfBuh Castmeres, s;c, $1.00, H.25 a yard. ELEGANT SILK WAItP HENRIETTA CLOTHS, $1.00, $1 er a yard. Just Opened, another Large Invoice et JERSEY JACKETS, At Popular Prices. NEW YORK STORE. SOS. 8 and 10 EAST KING ST. UATH AND Cifl. HULTZ'S SONS. Hats for the Saengerfest ! The Hats for the Maenner Maenner cher and Liederkrantz for the Saengerfest are ready new. The members of these societies should call for them as seen as possible, especially these who did net give us their sizes. SHULTZ'S SONS. (Gundaker's Old Stan.',) 144 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. mar27-lyd&w OAUUlAOICtf, 0. TEE Standard Carriage "Werk OF LAKCASTEB COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, ARRET STREET, .u. . P.EAK OF CIJNTUAL MAKKKT UOL'SfcS, LANCASTKB, PA. We make every style Buggy and Carriage destrtd. All Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant tuylu. We use euiy the best seleetee' material and emoley only the beet mechanic-.. Fer quality et weik our piltes are the eheantt in the state. We buy for cash and sell "en the most icasenable terms. Give us a call. All work warranted. Bepalring prerantlv attended te One set el workmen especially employed iei that pur pose. .'u-ttdw -UlSAfKK THAN EVEH. THE n a "F? -pir-n s ' A A X A. A. Jm A hmJ AT Shirk's Carpet Hall, COB. W. ICING & WATER STS. We don't exactly give them away. But we come as neta te it as we can, Without depriving ourselves of a living. Come and learn our Latest and Lewest PBIOK LIST, in order te leduce oursteck prewratery te laying in our Immense sleck ler the full trade. (SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Cor. W. King & Water St3,, LANCASTEB, PA. fiAtKrs,yAnh.S. AFlItL LlNBl'ItOM Re. '' liTMAN'S 1'ELLOW FKONT CIGAR 8'IOKK. i,'Ki-.V'S UtIAKUUAL LOZKNGE8. J? Fer Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heirtbnm, Headaclie, Had Ureith nom smoking, etc., Constipation, Sour Ktetnach and all dieerders et tlie Mtemnch and Dlgnstive Organs. Being tl purely vegetable, sate, simple and cheap lemeily, it readily cemmcnits itself te the public sullcring lrem the abeve the above IHerders. Irj it. l'rlce i!5c. per lief. sent auyu'liere by iuhII. Prepared and eeld bv ANDREW G.FKEY, DUCUG1ST, 29 E. Orange St., Cor. Christian, 8pr27-lyd4'r Lancaster, Pa, GlOtOlli H AtlKK HKOTIIfcK. SUMMER WEARS. WHITE GOOT3S, LACES, &e. WII1TE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVE?. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND CLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, J NO. S. OlVl.t.K JSs te. ATJEOEA CAEPET SEEPEES, "WITH TUE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, AT THE NEW PRICE, $3.00. Summer Dress AT REDUCED PRICES. tFTEADB DOLLARS TAKEN AT PAR."1 JNO. S. GIVLER & Ne, 25 East King Street, JNO. S. GIVLER. B OTViSSiS & UL'K'sT. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, DUEING WE DRY GOODS AJStJD TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK. We have. Full Assortment In All Departments and would be pleased te nave you call. Neb. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. VIMXULNO. Final Closing Sale OF SUMMER CLOTHING Has commenced and everything en our ceun ters will be sold at GREAT SACRIFICES! Te make room for our Immense stock et Fall and Winter Clothing which we are new maim lacturinir. Among the above let9 which we have li-nrketl down mere than one-half, are 1.1GIIT and DAKIi COLUUliU Caesimere, Cheviot. Serge, Worsted and Flannel Suits. BIG DRIVES In Beys' and Children's CLOTHING. ALSO, CBKOLE SUITS, WHITE VhSTS LINEN PANTS and VESTS, SEEK- SUCKEK COATS, And anything in the way of cool cletLing Just received another let et these 75c. OVERALLS. Hest in the market, four pockets, rlvetee but tons and warranted net te rip. Large line et Gents' Furnishing Goods, AT LOWEST riUCES. HIRSH & BRO., PENN HALL CLOTHING HOUSE. 2 and 4 Serth Qusen Street. 43-Tradc Dollars taken at Far, -r OAiSaaiAN a iske. ABOUT CLOTHING. HOW IS IT THAT WE ARE BUSY NOW WHIuE SO MANY AUE DULL? 1st. Our goods have steed the test, and mere tlmn steed the test In comparison with these offered at ether houses. Thev are leund te be literally the best, and there is no old sleck. 2d. Our prices are leund te be the lowest, while the iltty cents en the dollar and ether maiked i.ewn humbuls have long since been delected. Tlie Best Clothing AND THE LOWEST PRICES. Men's ,3ults soiling new atf3.00, $1.00, $5.03, $0 oe, $7 w, J8.00, $10 ije, jii.ie and 15.C0. Beys' and Children's Suits our great specialty, selling new at S1.W. $2 00, $2.50. .0O. $4.0(1, $5.( 0, IG.00, S7.0) and J9.00. Men's Pems at 73c., l.oe, $1.50, ioe, $3 00, up te $5.50. Don't miss the present opportunity, as we are bound te reduce our stock- in order te make room ter our large fall stock new being manutucturcd. L. Gansman & Bre., THE KASUIONAIJLEMKKCHANT TA1LOKS & CLOTUIEUS, 66nS8 XORTII QUEEN STREET, Right en the Southwest Cerner el Orange St. IiANCASTEE. PA. Wopea every evening until 9 o'clock:; Siturday 10 o'clock. Heutm ami ttrATieAJcuy "XJKW BOOKS. FOR SUMMER RE3ADING. " Mr. Isaacs," by S. Mr.rlen Crawford. " r. Claudius," by S. Marien urawierrt. ' TUreueliOne Admini3tratien,"blJiunHl. " But Yet a Weman." ty cardy. Succcfastul Men et Te-riay." And all Ihe Latest Seasides and Magazines L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 "WEST KING STREET. DUNT rRGET TIIBTWO SjMAUUA vana cigars for 8c, genuine article, at UAUTMAM'S YELLOW JTJttONT C1UAU 8XOUE. - VHX.MOOtm, at. ANOTHER LARGE LOT OP Goods, Silks, Sen Umbrella and Parasols, & HURST, THE MONTH OF SHALL OFFER MANY BARGAINS IN BOEE8 & HTJEBT, OZ.AJH AUD QVEElibHAXA. H iuu a hiabiu. I AT CHINA HALL. A LAttGE LOT OF Table Glassware, Fruit Jais, JeUy Tumblers, JELLY CUPS, JELLY CUPS, AT High & lartia's 15 EAST KING STREET, LAVOASTEU. PA Hit VVA TIOHAL. ( EUKObl'OWN OOI.LHIK, U. . V. Jt founded in USD. Rev. JAMES A. DOOM AN, S. J., President. AVAUKAlYandBlUKNTIKlOHUHOOl.sepen en Thursday, Sept 13. 18S3. Beard, tuition, etc., $300 per annum. Fer particulars tuldress PUE&IDENT GEOHGfcTOWN COLLEGE, D.C. TUESCiioeLOKMKDiniHKopcns en Mon day, Sept. 14th, 1883. Terms ier the lull Course et Lectures, IIC0. Address J. W. II. LOVEJOY, M. D., Dean, 900 J2th St, N. W., Washington, D. C. TauBuHdeL of law opens en Thursday, Oct. 4.1883. Course et studies extended and re-arrauged. Faculty : Hen. It. T. Merrick. Hen. Jere. M. Wilsen, Judge W. A. Richard son (U.S. Court et Claims j. Martin F. Mor Mer ris. LL. D. and J. J. Darlington, esq. C. W. Heffman, LL. D., Dean. Terms, $8e per an num. Address S A M'L M. YEATMAN.c&q., Secietary, 14-25 N. Y. Avenue. N. W.. Wash ingten, D. C. JulylO-lmd SW1TMIMU. SHeKUIllfiE'S AUAUr.uY for Yeung Men and Beys. Media, Penn'a., 12m. from Pliiludelphla. fcchoel year opens Sept. 12. Fixed price covers every expense, even book". Cc. Ne extra charges. Ne lni dental expenses. Ne examination ler admis sion. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates, fepecial opportunities ler aDt students te advance rupiuiy. Special drill for dull and backward i eya. Patrons or stu dents may sebct any studlps, or cheese the legular Knglisli.Scientiflc, Business, Classical or Civil Engineering Course, students lltte.t at Media Academy are new in Harvard, a'e and ten ether Colleges and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical Labra Labra tery ; a line Gymnasium and Ball ground. 1,500 vels, added te Library in 1SS3. Appaiatus doubled in lt83. Ten etu dents sent te college In 188:;. A graduating cla3 m C mmercial Department in 1&3. eicdia lias 7 churches and a temperance charter which piolii'elts the sale of all intoxicating drinks. Jf or new Illustrated CI cular address th I'rincipaland Proprietor, swiTiiiN v. suoUTLluer, a. m. ( Har vard Univcrs ty Graduate ), Media, I'enu'u. jy27-lmd&v tJOAJj. B. b. as art in Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all Mnda el LUMBER AND COAL. -rard:Na 420 North Water and Prince treets abeve Lemen liancaster. n.'Mvrt COAL! UUAbl The undersigned lias for sale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts., alarge assortment of the very best kinds et Ocal for Family Use, which he will deliver, caitffully weighed and screened, te any part et the city at the lowest market rites. Orders by mall or telephone lllleu promptly. Julyl9-tld PHILIP GINDEK. MANURE AND COAL.. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herse Ma nure by the car lead at reduced prices. All the BEST GRADES OF COAL, Beth ier Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by the barrel. HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Yard 315 Hiirrisburg Pike. Guxeuat. Office Wyi East Chestnut street Kaufiman, Keller & Ce. aur4-lyd ""WAIi. M. V. . COHO V'i XUifZH WAl'CSi s?., Ziznctmtr, tra.. Wholesale and Uetall Dealera In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection TTltb tbe "Aphonic Exchange. Yard and Office He. S20 NORTH WATE STUEBX. ateMS-lVU LANCASTER, PA. CO., Lancaster, Pa. GEO. F. RATHVON. Lancaster, Pa AUGU i'ii u a- :j. IW . NOTIONS, LANCASTER. PA. VJ.OTUIHO. IJHEW ! 'l'S HOT. CHANGE YOUB UNDERWEAR. GAUZE UNDEUSHIRTS in Sizes lrem 31 te 50 inches. Gauze, Muslin and Jean Drawers. Camibeles, Filet De Saute Pour H'emtius Fancy Hosiery, New Ties and Cellars at Erisman's, the Shirtmaker, BLUE FRONT GENTS' FURNISHING STORE. Ne 17 "West King Street. n.K HOSTKTTKK SON. CLOTHING Never was Cheaper. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! We have determined te close ent the bal ance et our SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, and iu order te de se will sell them out ata sucnlice. The greater part of the stock 1 et Medium Weight aud suitable Jer Fall and Winter. Nete tlie great reductions. Suits Formerly 815.00, New $12 00 14.00, " 1100 " 13 OO, " IO.OO 12.00, ' 9.00 " 10.00, " 8.00 ALL OURSTOCK Eeduced in Proportion, AND ALL OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. The Sizes will net last long at these prices, se It will be te your advantage, It intending te buy, te give us an early call. mm i Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. OMAUNU'S SPRING OHKfllKO. SMALING. OPENING -or- SPRIM NOVELTIES. ALL THE LATEST; PARISIAN and LONDON STYLES. MAKUAinH IN WA1UUKS, CLOCK 1 Chains, nines. Spectacles, 4c Repairing et ail kinds will receive my personal atten tien. LOUIS W KBER, Ne. 159) North Queen stiei-U Uemembtr name and number. DI DI ie rtiy opneilln City Hetel, near'Pennsylvans railroad depot. , decSBlvd TnATBZCRif' T ASCASTKS AND S1K. .ci;.-v:iv --.it 1 J t Huts; tiit, na IrU.w ' Leave Lancjitssr :p. i: .-:-u' u.1 7, - n.i U'On. m., ami 2, 4, t- acu ?--v p. hi- kxi '' eis 8aturday, when tlta liist cur leaves at Oup. l Leave Jtillersvtlle (lower end) at 5,5, ansS.l ft. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 3 p. in. Cars run dally en .- ive ttrer ceTt en fna d-tv CSOM3MU1A A fOKT I.KHiMT BA1I- KOA11 TIME lAlsl.K Trtdnsnew run :ef;r.;iivei tlie Celumbirk Pert L'epc-it B-Hrifii en the following time: SQCrilWAT.P. -T.lTlu.N-. i V M A2 A 1 8:4i 10ra ..". Columbia.... 65 llhS U :ishme.Uni... 8:42 10-JC) Ciu-sfll .... 70 10 . .. Safe llather... 7rf met SheiikV Keny.. 7K 11:KJ lViuta .... 7:1" 1I:0S Yerk furnace.. 7:17 11:10 Tiiciu:it 7ri 11:15 MM all's terry. 7:37 UrJB Kite's 1 di! .. 7:11 ll:3li Ki-'iiu( re. k. 7H MIS' 7:10 ..1'ench llettum.. 8KllI5l 7r27 ...tene -uie... r.x. 8:13 12:0:1 7:37 . .. Oc- S:V, lilft 8;lfl ...1'f -i L.-it.. 12:30 ii.20 ... Pei i Mile.... I eimiVAV.D a.m ir.M.jp.i. i-.1i d: S.OJ iri' . I- S-il ;:45 7:tt .V0I - l:" 7:. 7:31 7- 7:23 7:10 flV 7' 7-fc ti:!l 1:1-. I t;-Ti tirJ1 LO.".. 7.-2C 7:17 7:u: 3.41 HK AMIjNO&IJOI.V.TIIHA ;,5v. ABEASQKMKKT OF rASSBNGEH'OiAi-NS MONDAY, NOVEMl'.KU l'Ta. IS! NOK"'!-. ABl). IMA.TB. JL.a. t.M. r. M. A.rf. Qnarryville G-.'ia ... 2-.se 7i"i' Lancaster, Ring St 7:20 .... 3:4" "-.ll Lancaster 7:4e lrt 3:SH Columbia. 7:3' 1:10 3:40 .. AJUUVU. Bftcdlng 0-.4C 3r2t BJe .... SOUTHWARD. i.uivk. a.u. m. r.M. r.K ttOhdlng 7:i"i 12:00 6:lt AKIUVS. P.M. Columbia 9:10 2:10 855 .... Lancaster. 9:30 2.10 8:12 5:15 Laniaisler, King St ! ... 855 55T Quarryvtlle I0:fj .... 9:C5 S:a Trains connect at Hradlmr Willi ir:ln e mv from PhUadelpbl" , Pe - vl'JJa, ILtrrlsbun', Al Al Al lontewn and N. w " f. via Bound .Croen Reute. At Columbia v.ith fain.? te and lrem YerJr, Uanever, Uetty -: -.i, rederlek and Balti more. "" i'. wiLsey. Sunn ItSWiliI.VAl All.i(OAl NK1 I n I att-.r SUN DA' X :3CUiDULK On MAY Will. 1- 2. trjl'.i en the Penns-l-will siT'V i nt and le .ve tie Uih'delP'itii dopetsas to'lews . V". Il' L.i''f U'lrenrt I'.tfvl Ar I LaajPhil KASTAae. A.M. A. It Mall Ezprss Philadelphia fcipri- .. Fast Line Hariisburg Kx-."..., eik Accenii. -ii ion Lancaster ic.-n I.uj Columbia Ac.""1 12:4'J 'M5 5:13 3:1 r.:3.r 8:U 3:10 tOMO arrivra ... arrivts. Ien 8: Q-W il: r.M rcderlelc 'iveiiiir Sea Shoi-e i.')it-M. i.iflen arrives.. 3:15 I'.M. 5:in H-.i'S 720 Sunday Jlail Johnstown K'."iv Day Evpii'-s llarrlsbur" Accemim' l.,.t1en. 2: If ri Hanover Acceim , at Luncastei ;.: will run threu Sunday. Frederlctr Ac-... i at Luncaster 1 .. run tareuab te . ,n;lm v.-e,t, cenneefng ira Espress at U4j, j-.never ditUy, fcxeei.t .'i . Ien, west, connecting : l.tne, we-it, at lu&, will ;i.-. Ar. "MlfLan WBf.TW.MV S..M. NewsExpre Way i'M'sunger... Mali TraLi, Se. x. v Mall Train, Ne ivr Nlllgfim Kvjtr.',.--.. Hanevi-i ice i . :i5 '. 50 it 35 !M5 950 r.M. 1:35 ISO 5:20 30 7:a "Hi .1:10 l:ie tIt..Jiy nb!.i,le:ive 7.(1" 7:4 Fast Ltne. .. Frederick e. U:0f. P.M. 2:1! lommeilation leaves. Harris!'! ,' Accoti"iiintntlen Lancast' y ciomiu'i',..'e:i leaves. Celuititib. .Vccnmir rVjr. IIarri.ibi p Sxp'e' i Wesleru Lipress . Parltlc txprc?a V:i 5:4' ')-.a ii-s Ilarrl-Lui-g Erjui -, v t, at U:vj . iii . hwu direct connections (v. Uiieut change et .-firsj te Columbia ana Ye. k. Fast Llue, wuji, en bund ay. when fiuggeii, will stonatDe ningtev n,CeaW3ville,I'arn'B. burg, I.tount.le 2Uz?.bothiewn and Mlil-'le. town. Day Ezpre'y, Fa"t Lli-e, Ne'vs Espres, Mai Train, Ne. 1, We firii K.pres3 and l'ucltlc Ex press run dailv. jHTtO.rtt. erxsciAi B&IMA2S. ASTRiCH BROS',, a., Palace of Fashion, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET. LAJ eASTXi:, PA. K R YS J '.I fc'OR LADIES AND CHILDREN, IN ALL COLONS AND lil.ACK, FROM $2.50 UP. W B V-1 L L CONT1.N LIE OUR BARGAIN SALE FOP TWO VEEKS L0HGER COMB EARLY AND GET THK UKST P.ARUAI3S. juaaivAC, w 1LVOX . WiillM THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Wareroeme, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LTJCKENBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortmentet the various styles con stantly en hand and ler pale en the most lib eral terms ler Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. ..... The public 13 roost cordially Invited te call and examine tnest Instruments, which will be tennu te !p very s- perler In Quality and Moderate In Price. Having tcercil lay connections with the Estey "rp-j.n Company, 1 take thli method te lnlbrn. my irlrndsln Lancaster county, I am new ft-l.l iu' !.n Organ equal te any aud sur passed by .eae. i'lease cill and examine one et tin- mi -t bcautltul-leucif Oiguns xaanu lacturi"! tliu United States. Mr. JtVi Jicnbach Is also agent ler the tiuceua "Kn&bp," McPhail, Veee & Sens, v2rreven2tein & Fuller, Hal'Cu & Davis, And Bvcml ctiier Desirable Planolertes, at prices from f225 upwards. tebl"-ttd SiliVKNS uu-n SlIAVINir AND HAIR DRESSING b A LOON. GceV Journeymen and prlce-j fame as ethet saletma., . U. WAGNER, m15-d Manager. a3. .j. ' . -