5S - " ta LANCASTER PA. MONDAY. AUGUST 6, Hs3. rriee Twe Centi- V-Hm XIX--Ne 288. i i i WATKK COOLKltH, AC. yi.lH 4e L'J'.KKKilAJN. TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. Ai a business transaction would yen Iks willing te pay one dellai ler an article yen could uielia lur ninety cents ? We arc the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity ler Wads-worth, Martinez & Longman's Pure Preparert Paints. .'mil we claim that tliev are the best and cheapest paints in America. And we don't make this a-serllrm am! leave It unsupported, Paint one-half et any suilace or one-ballet any building with ihisp 1 ii tnndtliu ether half with strictly pure. White Lead and Linseed OH, or any e her mi 1 paints In this country, ami 11 the part painted with this paint does net cost ten percent. 1 "is than ter paint used, we will make no charge ler our paint. And lurther, any building that has been painted with this paint that is net satisfactory te the owner, and net jenm'nlngtofer a proper termer years, wi- will repaint at our own expense with White i end and Unseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many et the prepared paints are iidultfraled with benzine and water we make this liberal eiler. We will pay one thousand dell rs I.r any benzine or water leund in any original package of WADSWOttTH, MARTI V h & LONGMAN'S PUKE PREPARED PAlXTS. FLINN & BEENEMAN, tfe. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, BKX lEOKtiK rAHKMTUUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BAIR'S OLD STAND. ) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. Ladies' Jerseys, Misses Jerseys, I.V ALL COLORS-Maroen, Cardinal. Electric, Navy Hliie, Urewn. Klnck and Myrtle. Perfect r Itling in all Sizes. An Elegant Assortment el these Goods, Frem $2.50 Up. AL'J.JUIlsEl C'LOrilHY TUB YARD, IN ALL CO LOUS. LADIES' CASHMERE AND bll KTLAND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY A V LOWEST PRICES. G-EOKGE FAHNESTOCK, NO- 14 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rzvjuniifa akh 1i I.. AKNOI.U. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. CSTFinest "Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. J.1TJSRY IT 'uijmiTii s. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FIUST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, l. ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. 11UOH8 ASlt TDHN V.Ar.K'S SONS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, WHOLESALE AT SPECIAL BATES, Al'TlKC KOOUSTORE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Ncs. 15 and 17 MORTHQTJEEM ST., LANCASTER, PA. t'Attlti JIJ.HU Mitts, r I I:Ai:5Jft IV. Tit l i. ViVwct oulei certain sizes et SCREEN FllAMES, 1ml v.-n Ii:i7e tilled up again and are icady te illl mders promptly il. Si, 11, ). 31, S-i anil .'5 IucUc-i hljjli aii'l.! te."31iicli(!b wide ; the :iu b i'imc'j:t l "1 Incises In .1 low minutes. They make IbeUHKAl'EftTanil IJKST screen in Uie lauikui, a-jpeiier te the old style and lower in price. m:v i'.vttekns ok YTALL PAPERS. OIl)S AND ENDS AT UAI.F-l'ttlUK. An Elegant Line et N SV 1'ATTEKN DADO SHADES. I'LAIN GOODS IN ALL COLOItS. LACE CUUTAINb Iresu a Dellar a Pair up. PHARES W. FRY. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. gx:ecKIs:s. T HUKSK'M. JUsT KECEIVED, A LOT OF FINE-COMB HONEY, In two-pound lramcs, sel'lng at 25 cents per pound. Alse a let et Choice ileney extracted lreui tliu comb, by the jar. Just received, a Fresh Let of POTTED 1!.U and POTTED TONUUK. AJse whole ex tongue. COFFEES! COFFEES! We have the Finest Line et JAVA, 1110. LAGUAZUA ausl JIOCH v COFFEES in the city. Al waj s Fresh Ke.itted. Just received, a New Invoice et JUNK FOR MOSA COLONY TEA. BTJESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. P. S. The same goetis at the Branch, Chest nut :md Mary gtiett-". YOO WILL, AbWAlU t?lln A FULL lineet Connecticut cigars undFeuntiJn Flna cut tobacco, at HAIiTilAH'S YKLLOWFEONTCieAB 5TOUK. LANCASTER, PA UOODH. Children's Jerseys, i.t fitting. BTAJtLE. STATION F1CX. TLSWAliE, JtC. J OUS 1'. SUUACM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOXHEtt LAEGfi LOT OF CHANDELIERS -AKD- GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, numbing and Gasfltting, Koeflug and Speutin g. AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, fb27-lyd LANCASTEli 1A. HXVVliblOXS. riUK KXUUUSI6N KASON r 1883. TO TUE SUMMEE KESOIITS AND EXeUSSION POINTS ON OR VIA The Shenandoah Valley Railroad, THECAVEKNSOFLURAY. ' TUB NATUBAL UIUDGK. THE VlltUlNIA SPUiNGS, 4c, &a. Perfect previsions at LUKA Y ler .the -accommodation el Excursion Parties, et all sizes. Transportation Bates arranged ler parties el various numbers lrem 5 te 500. Correspondence Invited from Schools. Churches, Societies and. Associations, ler the aiTaugemeatet Special Bates and Excursion Days. Transportation iurnished en SPECIAL THAIXS when the size et the party justifies. Application threugn the General Passenger Agent or Superintendent of the Kead en which the Excursion Party originates, te either el the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LUBAY INN can also be cared, ler by ' similar application. Bound Trip Tickets te the VIBGINIA ISPBINGS and SOOTHEBN SUMMEU KE 1 SORTS en sale en and alter JUNE 1, at the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. I SUMMEBTOUBIST GUIDE BOOKS and all inlorinatien furnished en application te the Passenger Agents, Shenandoah Valley B. B. cr the Virginia, Tennessee Georgia Air Line. A. FOPJI, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt O. HOWABD BOYEB, Lynchburg, Va. Division Pass'r Agt. Hagerstown, Md. rnay30-3md pttOUK.4 ! CHOLERA! PEOP. DAEBYS Prophylactic Eluid. Tlie Met Powerful Antisrinic Kueitd. WILL PREVENT the CHOLERA. It Destroys tub Griims or Disease. Thcmotpewci-iul An llitptlc agfiit which clieinistry has pro duced. Itn use cither inter nally or externally ren del all Uconies In con tact with, pure, sweet rnd clean, the produc tion of disease gt-rms cea-cs und the patient recover. When uxrd en Ulcers It Is a f ict cstabll-hed by science that irany disevses aie intro- ducel by pu'ilfactien which repreduce-t I -selt and propegaies Hie disease In ever widening circles. TL cs- cliseasf s ger cr ate co nt men and 1111 'he air with dent i. Nuch is that dread Ter Ter eor. Scalds. Jiurns Krup tiens and Seres it e; j all pain, sweetens the , parts ana pr,,meiesmei..r ... ;,..,, ,,. .,, fr)in tbe rapid Jormalien e healthy jlcsli Asiatic Cholera, which is new devastat ing the East and ad vancing en it'.ml'-sleii of death rapidly te wcrds our shere.Other diseases of tlr atr.e It Pui ikies tub Atmosphere. sort are Diphtheria Iti exposure in (",""'" j Timht.ia Ffrnr Srnrltl '. tiirk Hntlil. Celler. Fever, Smallpox, Jlea-fl lout or ctable jiuil- I AlCS. lellew lever, ,ni-s Tiic Aliiiesiiueru Kraslnelas, etc. All Und dllVCS away th9 i ihrse genemte centa-. germs el li-tasu and glen. Other .il-ea-deiith. Fever and Ayue. Ma- Taken internally. it larfi t erer.eic , anr Irnni con.agien which comes fieiu duinpnt -s unheal! hv situation r miclea'illn33. All these Diseases caii be cured only by, sleppiny the produc tion of Disease Germs and destroying these purifies the stomach giving it tone and lieulihy vigor. It H tluisthat it cures Imll Imll gestien. una Disyep si:i. When used as a Le. lien it ilestrevs all Kreekiia and Uletch- le.iucin-' si or ins. already predut td luaving the skin clear, while and trampu -ent as Iliit et a lltllu chilli. IT IMHfiXRS ALL IT COMICS IN COM- TACT with Pure AKU llKALTUV. Uetli the-e lfsullt aie accomplished by the use of Prof. Uar- bv's piepai'ailen el lleracic Acid and Cherine known as Dauby s I'nenii LACTie Fluid. Spa' e does net penult us te name many el theivei te which thi3 gn-at Gerni-l)estryer is appllc.ible. Ask jour diuggist :or printed mailer lUseiiptive et its uselulnesi, or ad iress J. H. Z El LIN & CO., Manufacturing Oheu.ist8, PHILADELPHIA. 50 cents per bottle. Pint bottles, tl.00. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggi-it, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. lanl4-lyeed&w T7IUNHY-W iKT. SIGNIFICANT SPRING. A Ul,isrrtat!im Upen Itit Advent, and Its i.trci Upen nianklml. " The green leal et the new come Spring.'" Shak. Everybody recognizes spring, when It is once upon us, but many persons are net la iuI i.ir with the exact date et Us uppc-a ance Webster, the world lenewned lexicographer, givcsusadeilnllien, which may net be inap propriate here. ' Spiing," says he, "is the season et the year when plants begin te vege tate aud'rlse ; tin vernal -easjn, comprehend ing tnu months et March, April and May, in . the middle latitudes north of the equator." Tnompsen, in his " Seasons," anil Shak pearu in many el his wei ks, have, perhaps, no peers in describing it, and yet "etheiiali spiing " is freighted wlih malaria, " th it in- sldieus fee, lurking in the very air wc ' breathe." It spreiiU ever the I '.'.rest portions i of our land; brings death ami .ilseas lOwheiul877 dived from a iiKiuiiima; i-uis ou scores aim 'Ciius ii uui ciiiiniuii auu.yeuiu, ai wen ui inusu iu.ui- vanced lite. A pestilence is icgtrdal with I 1 ttlc less uppiehenslen, and peopie every whcie are asking, "What is it V Where does it come from V ' What will cuie it 7" KlDNET-WOHTASA SrTOQ MEDICINE. When you begin te lese appetite have a headache, a pain in your side, back and shoulders te toss about at night in restles dreams wake In the morning with afoul mouth and lurrul ten;uc leel disinclined te go about your wei k, hea-'y in body and op pressed in mlnd-h.ivea rtt et the blues when your mine gets scanty or liign colored te snf- . ter wlih constipa'ieu, dianhe'i, or indlgis j tieu hav.j a nasty, sallow face, dull eyes and a blotched skin-one or all of these common complaints will certainly be evidences tlut your liver U disordered, torpid, or perhaps difcased. A boitleef Kidney-Wert is, under such cii cumstauces, a priceless been te such a person. Bare assertions or proprietors have ciua. te possess less fo'ce than they irequently merit. Thoeanscof this condition el popular skep ticism is, In the main, te be found in the lact that charlatanism eerers our bread land. Meritorious articles arc tee frequently leund in bad company. The pioprieters el Kidney-Wert always prove al I their assertions, touching the merits et their preparations. When weafllrm, there- lore, that Kidney-. r1 ere is a ppacitic ter just such disorders as have been mentioned in this article, the proel, tee, belongs te and shall, fellow this statement, A Physician's Experience. Dr. B. K. Clark, a rcgu'ar physician of ex tensive practice In Grand Isle County, and a worthy deacon et the Congregational Church, at Seuth Here, Vt., has used Kidney-Wert ler several years in his practice, and before the present proprietors purchased an inteiestln its laver. This opinion his net changed. 11 has done better than any ether remedy I have ever used," s-tys ihe doctor, and, lurther en he writes: " 1 de net recolleet an Instance where the patient te whom 1 have given it has failed te receive benefit lrem Its ise, and in some severe cists most decidedly se." Theseare strong words. They are lrem a representa tive, conscientious, ever-appreachable public citizen, however, aud better still they are true. Kidney Wert will bear all the encomiums lavished upon it by its iriends and their name is legion. " 1 will sieear by Kidney Kidney Wert all 1 he time," writes Mr. .T. B. Kauffman, el Lancaster, Pa. We will supplement this by asserting, as a matter of lact, and one capable of demonstration, that all honest patrons of this remedy are its friends andadvecates. a3-M,W&F 1 KAY'S SFBU1K1U B1BIUOINK. TUB XX Great English Beinedy. An unlailmg cure ter impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less el Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain In the Hack, Dimness el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te -Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars In our pamplet, which we desire te send tree by maif te every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at f 1 per pack age, or six packages ler $5, or will fce sent lice by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, II. B. Cochran, 137 and 13u North Queen street. On account et counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; theenly genuine. Guarantees eleure issued by us. Fer ealeln Lancaster by II. I. Cechian, Drugslst, 137 and 139 North Queen street. THEGKAY MEDIC1NK O., N.. Mrl3-lvdT Tv'O KKASONAISLi: OFFHIt UKFUSCD JL Foranvktudet .sUMMKllWKAIl. Ladles'. Gem's and MUses Iloie, of Spring Sty es, ele-ing out without re a il te cost, te luafce loom ler Full uoeds. Working Pants, .New Make ei overalls, shirts and Staple Gbe 'a ehi ancr than ever. HKNKY 1JEOI1TOLD, Ne. bZ Neith Queen street. P, 3, Stere and dwelling ler sale or rent. Ieb3-lyd MURDERED FOR MONEY. STaKTLING SENSATION 1J OUIO. A. Mystery Bevealed The uUxppearance et a New Yerk M4 aed 30,000 explained. The little town of Matamoras, Ohie, 33 miles below Wuecliug,hs just experienced a piupular and unrnrallelled sedation. In 18G4 a 2few Yerk sndicate keut a man te Matamoras te prospect for oil lands. lie came witli a line team aurl Lad about $50,000 in greenbacks. He went from Matamoras te Archer's Felk, a short distance above, and stepped with a man named Waid, whom lie te,k iate his employ. He and W.ird pic&pecttd about the country for a t me, win-n suddenly he disappeared His team remained at Ward's, but that individual said he had abxeoeded with his employers' lunds and had left him the team in payment for his tei vices. This story was touted, but thiie vtas no evi dence of ether facts and it therefore had te be accepted. Soen afterwaid Waia's eir cumstauces underwent a !ieatchai)e. He was a peer man and owned a m:iu!j and sterile farm, which he d.i-pesfcd .d ..Ld moved te Metameras, when- lit' i u cb.it.ed a hotel property and brauc.icd cat amaz jnnly. About thrce ears a''e. Ward, yau house, tbiew his bands up, and exckiimiufr " Ob. my Ged !" dreuped dead. With his death all talk of the disappearance of the New Yerker ended, until it was brought back in a thrilling way recently. A Murderer' Confession. James West, a soel-fornauKut bout ATatqfnili-ia urllrl I1(1 CIlflHpfllv ftlMPl lOtf) rC'FSeShlOIl Ol motley. 10011 time iXliO, WcIS taken down with all illness whieti proved .. L r...i 'C:..... I.,V .... ......... .l.ir,.r l" " ""' A'limiug ihb nw u.uU.uS neSilHl l ililve a ion ou iisuiobuie iaj make ; seud for a minister." The minis ter came, and West p-mred out the long hidden mystery cenceitpiisr the stianjjer. Ward had eome te Wfst and told liimef the prospector's money w id liev. easily they mijjht obtain it. The two men decided te murder him, and took into their con fidence a man named Kirkbride, a butcher in Matamoras. The three waU.iid the strauj;er eue d.uk night at Archer's Perks and, while Waid aLd Wtfct held him, Kirkbride cut his threat with a butcher knife. They then robbed him of his jew elry and about $30,000 in money. Ou one finger was a geld ring which li ted se tightly they could net remove it, and they therefore decided te allow it te remain. They buried the body under a manure pile for a few days, then dragged it up and threw it into a weil en Ward's place and filled up the Well. Ward gave out that the well bad cav'd m, in elder te cover the crime. The thiee divided tin money equally and kept their mouths bhut. West said, in conclusion, they might find the skeleton in the well, and could ideutify it by the geld rirg. Shortly after making his confession West gave up the ghost. The disclosure created the most intense consternation and excitement in Motamo ras, though no prompt mcisuics were taken te institute the search suggested. Kirkbride was there, and denied aud rid iculed the story ; but after seiuejiittle time had passed the filled well was looked ler, found and ceaichcd, and the excavation brought te light a skeleton, with a geld ling clinging te the bony finger. At this the town went vi'.d, and Kirk bride was pLicrd under arict te auswer the chaige. UOJNU TO JOIN WEUB. CaptHln J. I). Klunit'B i'roiieses te Sli Hie Niagara Whirlpool. Captain J. D. Rhodes, of HabtuAi.c.i, a swimmer of some note, having a lite p ,,p. ,rrnflr mtfnfnrl li' Imii&cll, and stjging one bundled leet high near the feny laiKt;:!, . , , f u ,,,,,;,. ... 1 Niagara liver, new writes te Sui -"-'" " ""; ..r.". .. . cut Neilson, el Pr)i-pet p,u-k, Np; i Falls, that he will asa hi" dnnu- a.irt givj $1,000 bends te swim the rani-Is avA whirlpool nuring this sutnmei,1 at, a-iy t-irTi beiv.'n few Yt i rl i ?if!nlit!r 25 aitd he desires te make arraugein Mits with tl e I nark company, effeiing te dopes t !1, 0(K) , as security. Neilson wrote hiin, declining i (n be a t,nrtv ti tl.e suicidal attempt. I Captain Rhodes then replied that he should ! come te the falls aad if the authorities ! would net give hitn au oppe; tut.itv would ; cress te the Canadian side liem Captain Webb's startiui pjiut and show te tte world what his life having ai icer will de. He hays : "It is net for ;'.iy noteiirty or money that I bhall make the attempt, but purely te demonstrate that t.he arfur I wear will, with my ability s':id r-ticcgth, carry me safely through. I shall come te the falls within nine days., and mike my points aud cany out my plan;;, and the liist perten who shall cud. . iver te ictard my pregiess I shall la'ie umlcr n-y aim a'id give him a bath.' An oil bn.-l half filled with water, thcu Leaded ti, a . and decorated with Hags, v.e'. t safely t ..jigh the rapids this meruirg ind ; '- n tmie was entirely submerged. l'ralrle Hay ler tne 2ji. Iii the northwestern pirt of Iowa are thousands of acres of wild piairie ceveicd with a luxurious growth of bucculeut aud nutritious grass. Rich companies have been formed te maiket this grass aud hundreds of acres aie new sheas ing these bread acres. The grass, properly cured and very tightly compressed into bales weighing from CO te 100 pounds, bound with wire, will be snut te Xew "fork and ether eastern markets. Tim tr..llis was begun last year in a small way . an ex periment and proved a eu-cts-. This s,ea son transportation companies have pro vided hay cas te meet the demands of what will be a heavy business. All the work of feecuriusr this hay is dene by ma chinery, except feeding the bailing presser and fastening the wire bands. Tne cost per ten of cutting, curing aud baling ready for shipment is about 81.50 It is asseited that when properly cured this hay will reach New Yerk in midwinter as fresh aud green in color as en the day it was baled ; that placed side by side with the best timothy and clever, before a horse, tbe prairie bay will be eaten aud the ether left ; aud that a horse will keep in better flesh with less grain when fed ou this hay than when fed en cultivated bay. This hay can be delivered and sold in Hew Yerk at a price much below that of culti vated hay. Strikes and Buslntss Failures. Charles W. Clements, beet and shoe manufacture of Dever, New Hampshire, made an assignment en Saturday. The liabilities are ever $500,000 ; assets un known. Clements had factories also in five Massachusetts towns, aud employed nearly 1.000 hands. The leather firm of Hersey, Whittles & Wyman, of Bosten, is a'80renerted te have failed with $500,000 liabilities. The operators of Austin & Parkins Bhoe simps near Dever, New Hampshire, have stiuck because the boss bottemer was discharged and another e-c appointed who is obnoxious te them. One hundred laborers in the Erie flour house at Buffalo, strask ou Saturday for higher wages. The dr v b of the Belt Line Rail road in Washington, struck en Saturday for $1.75 and ten henrs per day. The truble bi'.zeen 1-: c'.gamakers and their employers in New Yerk, have partly brok en out aeain. Tbe progressive union men in Ottenberg's shop quitted work en Sat urday because their employer engaged ten men belonging te tbe international union. Pestilence. A parly of New Yerk physicians am mg them Drs. Fex and Williams, and Piofes Piefes Piofes sers Pardee and Creasby, have returned from New Brunswick, where they have been studying the ciscs of leprosy in the Tracadie lazaretto. The disease there ap pears te be dying out as only 24 cases are new in the lazaretto against 36 in 1S78. All are well in the steamships Califor Califer nian and Andean, quarantined at Lvnn Haven Bay, and the men transferred te the hospital barge Selden for treatment are convalescent The Norwegian bark Vasco de Gauva, from Vera Cruz, was spoken elF Mobile bay. en Friday, with yellow fever en beard, bat all tha sick were reported te be convalescent. She was ordered te Ship Island. Decapitated by the Uar. An ecceutric citizen named Wm. Seere, being tired, sat down by the side of the railroad track at Union City, Erie eennty. He fell asleep and his bead dropped across tin rail, his neck lyiug en the metal. A train came along aud struck the head from the trunk, severing it a3 clean as though cut with a knife. m OUAY S FAIBUSaUK. .Steuger' Kconemy In Official Advertising. Delaware Ceuuty Kozerd, Bep. A statement has just been issued from the state department at Harrisburg which is net a little significant, and which we deem weithy of reproduction. In 1882 it cost the state 10,793.15 te advertise for supplies for the Legislature aud state de pal tmeuts; tbe amount expended this eai (1833,) for the same item of adver tiaing for supplies ler the Legislature and state departments amounts te but $1,030,00 ; a difference of $9,253,13 in one item of expenditure alone. We repeat, these figures are net a little significant, aud furnish the general reader a clue why the Htm. Matthew Stanley Quay is se generally spoken by the press in the most eudearin terms. True, he is sometimes by this class addressed as Matt." Quay, that but evinces a degree of familiarity bred of long aud close intimacy. He is regarded by them as the prince of geed fellows ; hospitable, free, generous. Of the latter quality no nuu can doubt, much less rebut, that is, when the issue is con sidered in conjunction with state funds. When Matthew Stanley Quay was secre tary of this commonwealth, be " divided " the geed things around. Especially was this the esse prier te election times, and in the matter of newtptpeis. Newspapers ate generally suppestd te ieflect public sentiment ; advocate just principle! and teach great truths. But the figures jint quoted show that the Hen. MatWiew Stanley Quay regarded newspapers as mediums te reflect the opinens of the Hen. Mattew Stanley Quay, and of the " machine " he se devetsdly represented. Did an organ weaken before the force of publ'i demand then did the Hen. Matthew Stanley Quay, alias Matt. Qnay, sweep down upon it with his pateuted back bone stiff ener. Did one of the leadiug metro politan journals dare I e intrude upon the privacy of caucus matteis ; or lay bare the schemes ard devices of the machine," and immef' ately the Hen. Matthew Stan ley Quay dipped di3p in the coffers of the treasury, and scattered bfs "quietener" with the largesse of a freebooter. He's a geed fellow, is "Matt," the press the palladium or our liberties says se, and who then, dare doubt it ? He's jelly, fre9, hearty and auimated with a princely i:en eresity nt the expense of the state. His generosity en be measured by his capa city te get at the public coffers ; his geed fellowship is borne of that easy-gemcr, delusive escus", the. stale pays the bill. Iu proof of which let it be lempered that the Hen. Matthew Stanley Qmy speBt evor ten thousand dellais of the state's money (is i corruption fuml1'ev the purpose of sh wing hew much the people et the state d. Mted re letuiu the puweis of an admin- Natien which passively allowed a gang ' unorupuleus je'ibers te p-uuuer us r.'vejm.:-, te prostitute and stitle a free, enlightened aud progressive press-the palladium of our liberties, aud tue nepe ei the race. . And just here it mhs, p uhaps, bn well t.iuquirc,if the inverse et the preposition. that, n it requirui a certain amount; ei uatrouage te scaure the approval ei the press, hew much of the antagonism of said palladiums of our liberties i3 due te a lack eT that patron igc? Gov. Pattiseu is subject te much contumely ; te much btraiued, uufair and unmanly criticism ; is it because he or his secietaryhas failed te apply the lien. Matthew Stanley Quiy's pttunt backbone stirfeuer ? We submit this conundrum te seme of the gieat metropolitan journals, the palla dium of our iihcities and the hope of the racj. Il.l!SK?IKS. Frem Uath, lie., we have received, under dateet May 15, 18S:1, the lolie wing statement le uEe. W. llAitiu30N,tiie popular proprietor of 'The Restaurant" : " A lew years slnc3 1 was troubled se severely with kidney and bladder attcctien that there was b ick-Uust deposits In my urine, and continual desire te urinate, with severe, darting, sharp pains through my bladder and side, aid again, dull, heavy pros sure, very tedious te endure. I consulted one el our resident phjslclani, but I lcceivcd no benetit lreui the treatment, and fearing that my symptoms Indicated ' IJrlght's Disease.' the most dreadful et all diseases, I made up my mind that 1 must obtain rr liel speedily or I would be pist cure. I consulted my drug gist, Mr. Webber, and after ascertaining my symptems.he recommended Ihe use of Hunt's Remedy, as he knew of many succcsstul cures cllectcd by that iue:iclne lu similar cases here in ISaih. I purchased a bottle, aud before 1 nad used the n i st het tie I found I had received a great benefit, as I sullercd less pain, my water became mere natural, and 1 began te impieve se much that the sccondbettle effect ed a complete cure; and my thanks arc due te Hunt's Kemedy ler restored health, and I cheerfully recommend this most valuable and reliable medicine te my iriends, as I consider It a duty as well as a pleasure te de se." "Ueing well acquainted with Mr. Geerge W. Harrison at the time el bis sickness, referred te In the foregoing testimonial, I can certify te the correctness of the statement made by him. W. G. Webber, Druggist. " Bath, Me., May 15. 1833." BLACKSMITHS' 'THOUBLKS. Having had occasion te use a remedy for kidney troubles, I noticed an advertisement in one or the papers et the remarkable cures that Hunt's Kemedy hail made all ever the country- 1 purchased a bottle at one et our druggists here in Manchester, and after using It ler a short time found that it was helping me wenderlully, and one bottle lias cured me completely luive no indigestion, and am hearty ami healt y for one et my years (65), and can truly say that Hunt's Kemedy Is a medicine that has real merit.aml 1 de net hes itate te recommend It te the public in general. J. Jk WoeDr.ctiY. 55 Manchester St. Manchester, N. II. Ma y 7, 1SS3. anG-M,W&F&w Small l'ex driven from a community by Darbj's Pienhyuciis i'luld. Bee advertisement, Itucklea's Armies Salve. 'The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily care burns. Bruises, Cuts. Ulcers, Salt Bhcum, Fever serc-. Can eers. Piles. Chilblains. Cerns, Tetter. Chapped Sands and all skin eruptions. guaranteed te Cure In every Instance, or money relunded. J5 cents per box i'er sale by Cha. A. Lecher. 1eJ5-lyeedw rirt Kevlved nd Iheu Cared. , " Was troubled ler a year with torpid liver and Indigestion and alter trying everything Imaginable used Burdock Bleed Bitters. The fint bottle revived n-e and the second cured me entirely. J. S. Williamson, N. Y. Fer saje by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 103 North Queen street. An Explanation. Ne one medicine will cure everything, but It Is an incontestible lact that Themas'" Aclec frie Oil will cure a sprain, a bruise, a bite, or an ache, and Is also an active and pren uneed ienre for neuralgia anil rheumatism. Fer sale by II. a. cecuran, uruggisi, ut aim ijj .erin Queen street. We Challenge the Werm. When we say we believe, we nave evidence te prove that Shiloh's consumption Cure 1 decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, In as much as It will core a common or Chronic Cough lnene-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough. Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where they lail, It 1 pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Trice, 10c., 50c and $1.00. If your Lungs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist. Nes. U7 and i39 North Qneen street. foi7-eedl CLOTHlXtifUXliUitHlCAH, iC. H. HKKHAItT. SPEIIG OPENIIG -AT- H. GERHARTS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, M. 6 EAST KING STREET, OF TUB LARGEST AS80RTMEM OF FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING AND SL'KISU OYEKCOATINtt, Everjbreught te the City et Lancaster, S-Tbce desirous of securing Choice Styles are invited te call early. M YKKS A KATHFOK. REASONS WHY. Nothing se easyasleexplilnwhy buyers of KKADY-MADB CLOTlllNGcin beneUt them selves by dealing with us. In the llrst place, we have Always a very LARGE STOCK te se lect from. In the next place, we take the utmost pains te bring et the VEUY BEST GARMENTS that can be made at every price we touch. The qusstien with U3 Is net hew much we can make en a SUIT or pait or one, but hew geed and acceptable a SUIT we can sell ter a given price. This is our policy, and whatevcrsum intend ing purchasers et READY-MADE CLOTHING wish te pay, they can KELY en llndlng the best value'ler that sum here. Our stock Is being constantly replenished With NEW AND DESIKAULE PATTERNS, which Insure an excellent a-sertment lrem which te irake selections. We pay as much attention te details in the making ei LOW PR1CEIJ SUITS astethOiO co-ding mero money, and criiically examine each garment before etTenng It ler tale. We are in it position te give you Excellent Dress and net line you heavily for it. Come and, see. lyers & Rathfon, Leading Lancaster Clothiers, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. w ILL1AMSON & rOSTKB KAIE" COATS Fer ladies and Misses. We have 'Jl Ladies' anil Mlses Gossamer Rubber Coats et the Very llcst Makes we could find in the market, el both One and medium grae'es. ALSO A LAItGE ASSORTMENT OV D1F EEliENT KINDS AND PRICES FOR MSN AND BOYS. Tiir. i.niiif.s'and Misses wchavenut at prices far below what they usually sell at as we no ... M l.n m Innnnl. Til I a 11 net mienn Keeping Liicui u ' ..-.-a rare chance for any one wishing a geed coat ter a little money. The Gents' and Bey's wc will centinne te keep a lull stock of at all times and et the Rest Makes only. WILLIAISON & EOSTEE, K0S. 32, 34, 36 & 38 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA. IVfOTlCE XO XKKJslAr.tS AD OU- 1 NEKS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn Cern wall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclestd or un un lnclesed, either ler the purpose el sheeting or flshlng.aa the law will be rigldlyj enlorcee against all trespassing en said lands el tne undersigned alter this notice. . ' . v WM. COLEMAN FKESMAX K. PBBC1 A1jIk. i unwAED C. FREEMAN. Attorney.ter !'. XT. COlemcii's'Us, 01B-UOW IBBICAJL. 1 HSU'S BAIR T1GUB.1 If veu are Gray or Bald ; it your Hair is ThlH, Urasliy. Drv, Harsh, or Weak ; it you aie . troubled with Dandruff", Itcnln-r.er-any Humer or Disease el the Scalp, nse Ayer's Mr Viger. It heals nearly every disease peculiar te the scalp checks the falling out et the Hair and prevents it lrem turning gray, and Is an un equalled dressing and toilet article. rUKFARED BT ttr. j. C. Ajera & Ce., Lewell, Mass Sold by all Druggists. augS-12-lydAw. 1J1:kKY DAVIS'S 1"AIN KILLER. CHOLERA! CHOLERA MORDL'S CHOLERA. INPANTUif ASIATIC CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES YIELD TO THE INFLTJEUCE OF Perry Davis's Pain Killer. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR EVERY KIND OF BOWEL DISORDER. C.iptainlra IS. Koss.etGoUNborough.Malne. says: "One of my sailors was attacked sever ly with cholera merbus. We administered Pam Killer, and acd Iilm." J. W. Slmeni's. itnttli-berti. Vt . says; "In caes of c.ielera merb'is and sudden attacks ei mini i cr complaints, I have never leund it te tail." ALL. THE5 ungl DRUGGI3T3 SFLL. IT. lmd&w itttt UOOUB. N HXT WOOlt TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOGK'S OPENED THIS DAY AKOTUElt LARGE LOT OF Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, IN ALL DESIltAULE SHADES DIBECT FROM THE MANUFACTUKEB I E. FAHNESTOCK, LANCASTER PA. NEXT DOOR TO THE CURT HOUSE. N exicr. Wm & HAUuHMS Cheap Stere. BLACK CASHMERES, 12J, 18, . 23c. BLACK CASHMERES, 37$, 45, 50e. BLACK CASHMERES, GO, 75, 87Jc. BLACK CASHMERES, $1.00, 1.12, 1.25. The Cheapest Let in This City.- BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, 15 LACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE' SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, VTe have ft Larg above Goods from Assortment of all of the AUCTION SALES AT VEUTf CIIKAP PKICES AT DER & HnUKHMAfi'S Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTIB.- (Between tie Cooper Heuse and Serrel ;Her39 Hetel.) J.E KOTE. There has been such a denrand for LARGE PUOTOGKAPI1S that I was compelled te get a VEttY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make you a PHOTO as small as the smallest locket will held up te a Mnch lace, te fit an 18x22 Frame. J. E. ROTE1 Ne. 106 Nertb Qxieea Street. IeneU -i S..VS M ! . r?i -- t 5 m ?3" m SJ