2 --' : Lancaster daily intelligences. Wednesday august i. i?3 - - 'T '! r. Inncaster Jntelligmcct. WEDNESDAY FVK SING, AUG. 1, I8?t A UTTLK OBAUE D&BUHU. Heeae of a wewbIbc ttey by Yeung Girl wba bad Leareed te Kew and Swim. David Atkinson is a bridgeman of the Liberty street ferry at Communipaw, New Yerk, and has occupied that position for eighteen years. His eldest child, Mary Anne, in 14 years old. She has bright brown eyes, dark auburn hair, and rosy cheeks somewhat bronzed from expexure te wind and son. She has been hei father's housekeeper since the death of her mother a year and a half age. " And a right geed housekeeper she is, tee," said her father yesterday, ' and that is net all. I never knew until a few weeks age that she bad become an accomplished boatman for a girl of her age." Many young ladies of Jersey City prac tise rowing daily in the basin south of Communipaw. After attending te her household duties, Mary Aune would hasten te the basin and go rowing with tha gir Is, who took considerable interest in her, and seen taught her the use of the ears. She Boen became se expert that she could dis tance her teachers in beat races. She is also a geed swimmer and with these ae oemplisbments the waters ei the basin bad no terrors for her. Last Sunday afternoon, as she was about te step into her beat, she was attracted by the shouts of four small boys in a rowboat about 100 yards from the bauk. Only one of the boys appeared te be able te handle the ears. He was about 12 years e'd. He Anally get up te shift his posi tion and in doing se fell overbeirl The boys were paralyzed with terror and Could render no assistance. Miss Atkinson, springing into her beat, pulled with vigorous strokes te the drowning boy. He sank twice before she reached him, and as she threw down her ears te grasp him he was sinking the third time. At this moment the brave little girl made a supreme effort, and, leaning ever the Bide of the beat, caught the drowning boy's hand. With a few vigorous pulls she lauded the senseless form of the boy in her beat, and rowed te the shore. A crowd had collected mean while, and experienced hands resuscitated the boy. His name was Themas Keslow. Miss Atkiusen did net forget the fright ened boys left in the beat, but rowing baek, she towed their beat ashore. Mr. Atkinson is justly proud of bis daughter, and new says he is glad she learned te row. A LABUIS PUKUUASB. 8.CO0 Acres In Plkn Ueuury te be Turned luie a Urauberry swamp. A large tract of upland, forest and swamp, about 8, COO acres, lying in the township of Shohola and Blooming Gre e, has been sold within the past month te H. Herbert Thompson, of New Yerk, who will at once begin operations for its im provement. The Blooming Oreve associ ation's celebrated park adjoins the land en one side. The famous Shohola falls are included in the tract, which is one of the most picturetque of Pike county's many tine scenes. The purchaser intends te drain the swamp that supplies the Shohola creek, and the plan proposed is te cut down the crest of the falls and deepen the chaunel above the precipice for some distance. After the drainage is completed the wettest portion of the tract will be used as a vast cranberry marsh. The soil and beg are particularly well fitted for the growing of cranberries, of which large quantities are already found en this land, and finding a ready sale in Philadelphia and New Yerk markets. Mueh valuable pine aud oak, which the laud contains, greatly enhance the value of the tract. Boesenoia Market. DAIRY. Butter fl ft 1720c Cup cheese, 2 cups 5c Cottage cheese. 2 pieces 5c Dutch cheese t lump 8l0c POUITRT. Chickens ft pair (live) $11.25 " fl piece (cleaned) B0iS0c Spring chickens pair C0!H)c Pigeons, JJ pr -.5&30c MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter qt 25c EggsfUlez 1820e Heney per ft 2"-e Lard fl lb I2l4c Mince Meat ?? lb l-ic MIBIT8. Apricots t qt 1215c readies $1 pk 40c Plums per qt 15x Oc Raspberries leg 15c Huckleberries l qt iec .Blackberries ? qt. 10fjl2c Apples, ft a pk 25c llananas f piece 3g5t: Currants, fl box cc Coceanuls each 812c Currants, dried, fl ft iec Dried Apples fl qt iec " Peaches ft qt 12c Lemens y dez 2c Oranges fl Uez e 7."c Cherries pr. qt (Siffiec Cantaloupes 5l-c Watermelons 20Q50c VEGETABLES. Tomatoes pr. Kpk 10c Beans, Lima, fl qt. uc Carrots ft bunch 5c Cabbage, ft head 310c Egg Plants l't12c Head salad 35c Peas fl if pk: lOl.-ic Beans ft X pk 5g8c Onions ft pk -ec New Potatoes fl pk iec " flbus cec Radishes fl bunch 5c Green Cen. pr. dez 15c Soup Beans fl qt vie Salsify y bunch I520c Turnips fl y pk gc Rhubarb 5C Squashes pr piece 2f.c Cucumbers per dez 5i0c fish. Catfish ft .... 5c Perch 15c HOC" 2c riKOa 1012C Spanish Mackerel -j! ft 15c Trout ............ ..........I2c Clams per 100 sec MEATS. Best Steak, ft lb I220c " Beast(rib) fl lb lG920c " " (chuck)?) ft 1215c I! sstSj'y B i2i4c , Dried, fl ft............ 35c Bologna dried 35c Pressed beet per ft 24c Bacen fl lb 'i6C Calves Liver 20c gam, sliced, ft ;..24c Ham, whole fl ft 1718c Spring Lambfl ft c Yearling...... ...'.ltic tTu wp 16 P r ,T V 12lGc Shoulder ft lb V1y,c Sausage fl .... 15016c smoked fl ft T!.16e Pudding 710c OOAIK. Cern ft bus 652270' Cleveraced, fl bus $10.50 Fleur ft qr. 7501.OJ Cern meal, fl qt ..5c SI,?1 51 iV -c v Timcthy fl ten $10012 Oats flbus 5easBc Bye fi bus C570c Timethy Seed fl bus 2.753.C0 Wheat eus iii ik Flaxseed, fl bus .72 tO Bathe the hands lu Darbys Prophylactic Fluid and no contagion will attack you. Kvary Persen te be a Keal Success In this life mnst h-ive a specialty ; that fs, must concentrate the abilities et body and mlnu en some one pursuit, Burdock liloed Bitters hive their specialty as a complete and radical cure et dyspepsia, and liver and kid ney affections. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 189 North Queen street. He Deception Used. It Is strange se many people will continue te suffer day after day with Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Constipation, 8eur Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procure at our store SHILOH'S VITAL1ZEK, tree of cost it it uues uutcureer reneve tuum. Price. 75 cents. Sold by H. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. ledltcedS Troth Crashed te Earth Is bound te rise. Ciewd down and smother rbe truth as yen may concerning Themu' kc lectric Oil yet the facts will rise up that it Is one et the best remedies ler aches, sprains. Hnd pains that has ever yet been invented! ,er-6ait y H-B- Cecnran, druggist, 187 and 139 North Queen street, a MBDICAIj. TKNSUN,8 SKIM CUKE. from the Baltimore American. MYSTERIOUS Articles with High eundlBg, Crack Jaw Karnes are Net a Success. A. REFRESHING CHANGE Te Plain English. Every reader et newspapers ras observed Hm, and again, In the advertising column, many singular and frequently unpronounc unprenounc unproneunc nbH) names or medicinal remedies. The Greek and Latin languages especially have been drawn upon te furnish names by which patpn medicines could be introduced te the put Ic. The Inference Is, in many cases at IvattU that their proprietors depend mere upon the attraction et high sounding titles than upon the essential merits or the reme dies themselves. It is refreshing once in a while te find a medicine advertised, whose simple, lnto'ligl lnte'ligl ble name in English at once conveys te the reader an understanding or the uses and pur poses et the remedy. A notable Instance or this kind Is round in the medicines ei Dr. C. W. Bensen, whose Fkin Cubic and Celery and Chamo mile Pills impart at once In their names, either their purpose or the Ingredients which compose them. Dr. Bensen's Ekis Curs is warranted te heal all diseases of the sktu, such as tetters, humors. Inflammation, milk crust, eczema, diseases et the hair and scalp, screrula, ulcers, pimples and Itching en all parts et the body. It makes the skin white, sort and smooth, ic moves tan and freckles, and is the best toilet dressing lu existence. Its popularity Is attested by the Immense tales et it which arc taking place everywhere. tar It is the only genuine " Skin Cure " and all should beware et the various remedies which have been struggling for existence, and new endeavor te ride into popularity by ad vertising themselves as "The Great Skin Cures." There is only one, and that is Dr. Bensen's. Be sure and get it. DOES YOUR HEAD ACHE? Ne Matter What Cause, 810k. Nervous, ea rulglc, Uyapeptle. Which Is it t A revolution in the treatment et nervous diseases Is new taking place. Dr. C. W. Bensen has discovered a sure remedy in his Celery and Chamomile Pills they per manently cure sick and nervous headache, neuralgia, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and all nervous diseases. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. Address, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes ler f 1, or six boxes for 12.50. C. N. Crittehten, New Yerk, Is the Whole sale Agent ler W. C. Bensen's remedies. ly9-lmdM.WASlw HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Ilestctter's Stomach Bitters, by increasing vital power, and rendering the physical func tions regular and active, keeps the system in geed working order, and protects it against disease. Fer constlpatien.dyspepsiaand liver complaint nervousness, kidney and rheuma t'c ailments, it Is invaluable, and It affords a sure defence against malarial fevers, besides removing all traces et such disease from the system. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, aul-lmdeetl&w QJAMARITaN NERVINE NKVKIt FAIL. SAMARITAN NERVINE! THE GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR. The only known specific ter Epileptic Flts.St 3-Als j ler Spasms and Falling Sickness.- Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cmed. Equalled by none in delirium of fever.-S. 4&Ncutralizcsgcrniset diseases and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn bleed sores Cleanses bleed, quickens sluggish circulation Eliminates Bells, Carbuncles and Scalds." 05-Permauently and promptly cures paraly sis. Tcs.it Is acharmingand healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and King's Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath te geed, removing cause. 43ileuts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming reselvent and matchless laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the wind.g JtS-Centains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures rheumatism by routing it,"ea Restores lite giving properties te the bleed. Is guaranteed te cure ufl nervous disorders. 43-Kellable when all opiates fall.cx Refreshes the mind and Invigorates the body, Cuics dyspepsia or money retundcd.sa 49-Endorsed In writing by ever fltty thou sand Leading physicians In U. S. and Europe.- Leading clergymen in U. S. and Kurepe.-SS Diseases or the bleed own It a conqueror." Fer sale by all leading druggists. $1.50.- The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Ce. Preps, su Jeseph. Me. Chas. N. Crittenden, Agent, New Yerk City, aprll-lyeedctw (2) T OCHKffS UXKS. A 5c. Package LOCHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE GOODS THAN ANT OTHER DYE IN THE MARKET, Fer sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. GHAT'S HPKUIITIU BtKUIUlNJE. TUB Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lassl- miue. ram in ine jtsacjc, uimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticnlars in our pamplet, which we desire te send tree by mall te every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at SI per pack ae, or six packages ter $5, or will ce sent free by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent. H. B.Cechran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. On account et counter felts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; theenlygenulne. Guarantees of cure Issued by us. Fer sale In Lancaster by H. B. Cochran. Til GRAY MEDICINE O..N.X. wrlS-lvfAw f tAMBB, MnU, A FULL J.1NB FBOH fie. U up, at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAB" 8XORE. FUR HALK-TBE KHTIRB HTUUK AND Futures et the Millinery and Notion Stere, situated Ne. 8! West Kins; street Lan caster, Pa., cenlstlng of Notions, Hosiery. Gloves. Zephyr Goods, Ribbons, Laces. Cor sets, Underwear and everything pertalnlnc te a first-class Millinery and Notion store; also two Shew Cases, three Counters. Shelv lnr, Desk, Sign, Steve, etc Call or address, iHlyJMwa IHTXLUGSJTCKJt. STOIaRH Br DKT OOODB. T U. MARTIN CO. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THE SHIRT DEPARTMENT. We are closing out all et this season's pat terns of colored Shirts, including the Print, Percale and Cheviot Shirts, at a reduced price some b lng at cost and the majority at less than cost. NEW STYLES INPRKCALE SHIRTS CON bTANTLV ARRIVING. A few of the Special Bargains are : f. dez. PRINT SHIRTS, - - - 25c. - 40c. 4SC. COC. - 6JC 70c. - PEiC ALE SHIRTS. All the higher priced PERCALE SHIRTS, Includlngtbese we sold at 91 37. S1.50 and $1.75. nre REDUCED TO Sl.OO, which la less than cost. J.B.MAETnr&CO.'S, Cor. W Kins and Prince Sts., LANCASTER. PA. VTBW YORK STORK. Watt, Stand & Ge. HAVE MADE A LARGE CLEARING SALE OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S GAUZE UNDERWEAR AT HALF THE USUAL PRICES. Ladies' India Gauze Vests : Lew Neck and Short Sleeves, - 85c. High Neck and Short Sleeves, - - 5e. High Neck and Leng Sleeves. - 25c. Very Fine Quality, - 37&C. Gents' Gauze underwear, 25c. Gents' Balbriggan Shirts, 25c. Gents' Finest Gossamer Shirts, 37c. CLEARING SALE OF SUMMER SILKS. DRESS SILKS at 44c worth 50c DRESSSILUS at 50c. worth 62KC DRESS 8 1 LKS at 62Kc, worth 75c . An Elegant BLACK DRESS SILK at $1.(0 a yard, usually sold at $1.25. SPECIAL BARGAIN? IN QUILTS. 1 Case, full size, $1.00 each, worth $1 25. 1 Case Marseilles Quilts. $1.00, usually sold at $1.25. Trade Dollars Still Werth 100 cts. AT NEW YORK STORE. N OT1CK. NEB & MIIMAFS Cheap Stere. BLA.CK CASHMERES, 12J, 18, 23e. BLACK CASHMERES, 37, 45, 50c. BLACK CASHMERES, CO, 75. 87ic. BLACK CASHMERES, $1.00, 1.12, 1.25. The Cheapest Let in This City. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILK8. BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBL E SHAWLS, We have a Large Assortment of all et the above Goods from AUCTION SALES AT VER1 CHEAP PRICES AT & Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel 'Herse Hetel.) N T1SXT liOOK XO TUB COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S OPENED THIS DAY ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, IN ALL DESIRABLE SHADES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER IK LANCASTER, PA. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. BAMOAIXm IK WATCHBS, ULOCK? et all kinds will recerra my nersenalattea tkra. LOUM WEBER, Kc-liHerttQSSn F1KT0CK HO. 8. CMTLKK OO. ATJEOEA WITH THE Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Sun Umbrells and Parasols, AT REDUCED PRICES. t&TRADB DOLLARS TAKEN AT PAR.- JTNTO. S. Ne. 25 East King Street, JNO. 8. GIVLER. H AtiEK BKOTBKB. SUMMER WEARS. WHITE GOODS, LACES, &e. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND CLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. WHITE GOODS, LACES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, CAMKlAStMU, ttV. WHS Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET 8TREET, REAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, LANCASTER, PA. We make every style Bugtry and Carriage desired. All Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality et work our prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give us a call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set ei workmen especially employed ler that pur pose. nas-ttrtjfw OAMVKXtt, A FAIR FXELU AMU CaIU PIjAV," IS ALL THEY ASK AT Shirk's Carpet Hall, COB. W. KING AND WATER STS. Competition is the lite et trade, and this house defies competition in the quality and prices of its goods. BRUSSELS CARPETS, IN VERY CHOICE PATTERNS, Will new be sold considerably below cost te make room ler THE IMMENSE STOCK COMING IN FOR THE FALL TRADE. Ingrain, Chain and Bag Carpets, AT A SACRIFICE. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Cor. W. King & Water Sts., LANCASTER, PA. ULAtitl AJtJt QVJSJSMHHAJlIi. prien m MAKT1H. Ul - -AT- CHINA HALL. A LARGE LOT OF Table Glassware, Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, JELLY CUPS, JELLY CUPS, -AT- High & Mill's 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. VOA1, B. HABTM Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds m LUMBER AND COAL. 1 JwTard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince treeta above Lemen Lancaster. n3-lvd The undersigned has for sale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts., a large assortment of the very best kinds et Ocal for Family Use, which he will deliver, carefully weighed and screened, te any part et the city at the lowest market rates. Orders by mall or telephone filled promptly. julyi9-tfd PHILIP GINDER. MANURE AHII OOAL. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herse Ma nure by the carload at reduced prices. All the BEST GRADES OF COAL, Beth for Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by the barrel. HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Yabd-316 Harrlsburg Pike. Gbxxsai Omex-20g East Chestnut street Kauffinan, Keller & Oe. aerl-lyd rwAt., M. V. JB. COHO BSO MOMTM WATMM MT Twmtmntr, rm.t Wholesale and Retail Sealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. OeBBMttra With tee Telephone JExefcaag, aJi,SBd fflce ,Ne- 8 NORTH WATK M0AXXKKBnO9.-ne. 631 MOKTU ,Ju8!9l?HS?t' Incaster, Pa. , LCTK0PI'ATING WORKS. Silver. Geld ml im..i.i m- w ... SSSSSiSS . 2?JLA wV S ?Ty et plated work. t jyai.iW(i SHASXMAJIt YJtLLOgFRQHX CISAR VMT CrOODS, ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF CAJRPET 8EEPEES, LATE3T IMPROVEMENTS, AT THE NEW PRICE, $3.00. GIVLER JfOTlOXS. s FECIAL. BARGAINS. ASTRICH BROS',, , Palace of Fashion, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JERSEYS -FOR- LADIES AND CHILDREN. IN ALL COLORS AND BLACK, FROM $2.50 UP. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR BARGAIN SALE FOB TWO WEEKS L0NGEB. COME EARLY AND GET THE BEST BARGAINS. 1UMCAH.. nriLuex WHITB THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LTJOKENBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortment of the various styles con stan tly en hand and ler sale en the most lib eral terms ler Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these instruments, which will be found te be very Superior In Quality and Moderate In Price. . Having severed my connections with the Estey Organ Company, I take this method te inform my rriends in Lancaster county, I am new selling an Organ equal te any and sur passed by none. Please call and ezamlne one et tbe most beantltul-tened Organs manu factured In the United States. Mr. Luckenbach Is also agent for the famous "Knabe," MePhail, Vese & Sens, trrevenstein & Fuller, Hallet & Davis, AndsAveral ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from $225 upwards. febl7-d MD VCAIIOlfAZ. GEORGETOWN OOLLEGB, O. O. founded in 1780. Rxv. JAMES A. DOON AN, S. J., President. AOAUEMX aadSUUSIITiriOSUHOOLs open en Thursday, Sept 13. 1883. Beard, tuition, etc., $300 per annnm. Fer particulars address PRESIDENT GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, D.C. THE school or HKDieiMK opens en Mon day. Sept. 14th, 1883. Terms ier the loll Course et Lectures, ilCO. Address J. W. H. LOVEJOY,M.D..Dean,900i2th Et , N. W., Washington, D. C. THE buheul. OF LAW opens en Thursday, Oct. 4.1883. Course et studies extended and re-arranged. Faculty : Hen. B, T. Merrick. Hen. Jere. M. Wilsen, Judge W. A. Richard son (U.S. Court et Claims j. Martin F. Mor Mer ris, LL. D. and J. J. Darlington, esq. C. W. Heffman, LL. D., Dean. Terms, $80 per an num. Address SAM'L M. YEATMAN.caq., Secretary, 1425 N. Y. Avenue, N. W.. Wash Wash lngten, D. C. Julyl6-lmd S WITHIN O. SHUKIX.IDGK'S AUAOKRIT for Yeung Men and Beys. Media, Penn'a., 12m. from Philadelphia. Scheel year opens Sept. 12. Fixed price rovers every expense, even books, tfc. Ne extra charges. Ne inci dental expenses. Ne examination for admis sion. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities ler apt students te advae ce rapidly. Special drill for dull and backward I eys. Patrons or stu dents may select any studies, or cheese the "S?.18 ngHsh, Scientific, Business, Classical or ClvU Engineering Course. Students fitted at Media Academy are new in Harvard, late and ten ether Colleges and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical Labra Labra tery ; a fine Gymnasium and Ball ground. i800, TPi8 a,difd S? """? 1883. Apparatus doubled In 1883. Ten students sent te college In 1883. A graduating class in Commercial Departmentln 13&. Media baa 7 churches and a temperance charter which prohibits the sale of all Intoxicating drinks. Fer new Illustrated CI' cular address tha Principal and Proprietor. HWITHJW C. HUOKTXUjSv, A. M? ( Ha vard Unlvers:ty Graduate ), Media. Pens'. 1y27-lmdftw I If OAUa Or UAMOUTHKKC ABBTUK widest variations In tbe degrees of pain ; neither the size nor tbe duration or period et the tumor seem te Influence the amount et pain with certainty. CANCERS. TUMORS. SKIN DISEA8KS also, Chronic and Prlvae Diseases sneoess sneeess fu ly treated by DBS. H. D. and M. A. LONGAKER Offlce-l$ East Walnut Street, Lancaster. Pa. COMulUtten tree, Jy3tdw & CO, Lancaster, Pa. GEO. F. RATHVON. LANCASTER, PA. VLOTU1NO. M YERS A BATUFON. ABOUT TROUSERS. Of the many SUITS purchased In Early Spring, mere than a lew before this have don den ned a shabby leek. TROUSERS, because of the mere and harder service received, usually are the first te go. Fiequent brushing and fixing up often makes them leek passably well, buttney're seedy looking withal. Yeu kn ew it. You're net content. This se, many find themselves In need of such TKOUSKRS KB co te brighten up the leeks et the Ceat and Vest ter.tbe present and he time Intervening when it becomes neces sary ter one te put en tbe WINTER SUIT. The ASSORTMENT OF TROUSERS here Is Large and Varied, in Neatest, Prettiest and Most Substantial Patterns, from which selec tions are easily made, and at prices all can afford te buy. Every Garment our own supe supe ner manufacture, made strong and servicea ble, and all but button-holes hand-made. WORKING TROUSERS all kinds, all price. We otter you Excellent in Grade, but Lew in Price, which we warrant te Wtar Well and Loek Well as long as they last. lyers & Eathfen, Leading Lancaster Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. CHAL1NU8 SPRING OPEMlrlU. ID SMALING. OPENING OF SPBUM NOVELTIES, ALL THE LATEST! PARISIAN and LONDON STYLES. H. OKBHABT. SPRHTG OPEOTG -AT H. GERHARTS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, OF THE LARQE&T A8S0RTMBM -OF FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING -AND-SPRINti OYEKCOATllf S, Everjbreught te the City et Lancaster, J$-These desirous of securing Choice Stylet are Invited te call early. BOOttB AND BTATIOMMMI. N EW BOOK. FOB SUMMBB RSADING. " Mr. Isaacs," by 8. Marlen Crawford. ' Dr. Claudla&rby S. Manen Crawford ThreughOne Administration "bv Burnett. " But Yet a Weman," by Cardy. successful Men et Te-day." And all the Latest Seasides and Magazines L.M.FLYNN'S, Ne. 43 WSBT KMQ BTBUT: TMUMMW VVJVM LAMC'ASTKK AND JkUlO-lklUtVILX. n. JC J Cars run aa fellows : Leave Lancatser (P. K l-'npe:.. tt 7, 9, .uJ llaOa. nu, and L t anu ts-JD p. m uxenct et. Satunlay when the last car leaves at p. u. Leave MUlersvllle (leww eud) at . 8, J.d.W a. M., and 1, 3. 8 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en n ivn time eieupt en Sua " div pOLTJMBlA a rOKT IIKFOMT HAIL J, ROAD TIM K 1 A BLE. TSS8BowrnB,ea,rlven the Columbia Pert Deposit Railroad en the follewtag time: OOTBWAKP. STATIONS. WOaTHWAD r.x. A.SL A.M. &ae 6dB 6:43 71B0 7:86 7 7UJ 7:17 MB 737 r.x. 10ri Colombia.... ...Washington... ....Ciesswell.... ...Sate Harber... ..Sbenk's Ferry.. Pequea ..Yerk Furnace.. .....Tucquan .McCall's Ferry. ...Fife's Eddy... ..Fishing Crerk.. ..Peach Bettem.. ...Coneviiio... ....OCm.. .... ...Pert J.cpeslt,. ... Perryville.... vrs- lft3 Uh 11 IL-08 11.-05 U:10 11:15 llr 7:41 11J0 1138 730 8Kb 7:10 77 7: 73 7s 7:17 7:05 11:54 P.M. Ii03 12:15 8:13 835 737 80 1230 &a 1)KADINU4MLUMH1A B.K. ARRANGEMENT OFPAS8KNGCR TRAINS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13TM, 1882 NORTHWARD. uan. Qearryvllle Lancaster, Xing St Lancaster.... ........... Oelnmbla. aaarvm, 6:30 230 730 3:ir 730 3:4Ti 830 3:40 530 7:40 73t 10 1:10 3.-20 i .iiiin........., i vm SOUTHWARD, kaava. A.M. r.a. : 8.-W na, 8HW 5r3 8.0S 50 7:45 55 7:4U 5:01 736 4Ai 734 li 7:2 431 73 4:47 TU0 43t. 7". 43:t 637 ri 6:41 4:12 632 4:06 6:2t) 335 r.a 7.-2S Columbia.. 9:44 930 sail 53 Lancaster, King St.... Qnarrrvllle. ........... 9:40 10:40 630 xraina connect at Reading with trains iena from Philadelphia, PettavUle, Harrtebnrg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At celnmbu with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. ", M. WILSON. Sunt. PKMMbXLVASlA KAIIiUOAU-MCW SCHEDULE On and after BUNDAi MAY 13th, 1883. trains en the Pennsyl vaaia Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lanc-nster and Philadelphia depots as fellows : Lev Ar LanPhU XaaTWAxn. A.X. A.tf 235 5:15 730 1030 Mall Express , Philadelphia Express Fast Line ., Harrlsbnrg Ex"-w3 Yerk Accemn:dda.iu arrives...., Lancaster Actem. laUen arrives. Columbia Accem jW "Jen 12:42 3:12 535 8:10 8U0 835 93P 11:46 r.x. Frederick Accommodation arrive Sea Shere Express 1231 1238 305 r.x, Sunday Man Johnstown Express Day Express... Harrlsbnrs Accommodation. 2:42 230 535 5:45 56 735 9:45 6.45 flanever Accommetlatlon west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9.45, wQl run through te Hanover dally, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:35, wlu run through te Frederick. ILe. 1 !Pbll AT, Wktwakd. A.M. 430 430 730 7:40 4.W. 6:25 6:30 9:30 9:35 9:45 950 r.x. 135 130 530 230 730 7:40 11:10 1:40 News Express Way Passenger. Mail Train. Ne. L via. Mt. Jev Mall Train, No.2,vlaCelumbla,leaves xiiugera Xtxpiess... ....... ........... Hanover Accommodation leaves.. Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leaves. Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accomnedat'on Harrlsburg Express Western Express Pacific Express 1135 r.x. 2:14 4-41 5:40 936 1130 Harrlsburg Express, west, at S:e p. m.t taut direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, wUlstopatDewnlnj'town.Couteavllle, Paries, burg, Mount Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Middle, town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express, Mai . Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacific Ex press run dallv. X.BOAJ. NOTICE. EHTATJg OF PATRICK O'KIBrP, late of the City el Lancaster, dee'd. The undersigned auditor appointed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Thes. F. McKlllettand Geerge Ganse, executers et the will ; and Jehn A. Coyie, trustee te sell the real estate et Patrick O'Kletf tbe account acceunt account antseo and among these legally entitled te tbe same, and te p.iss upon exceptions filed, will sit for that purpose en WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15, 18KL at lu o'clock, a. m.. In the Library Roem et tbe Court Heuse. In the City et Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. WM. D. WEAVER. June20 6tdeawW Auditor. mtsuiVA.1.. fNO. J. 8MAL1NU. i L I WILL CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF MY Spring & Summer Goods AT COST. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL GOODS. 49 Call and see Bargains. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAILOR,) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. YOU W1U. ALWAYS FIND A FULL line et Connecticut cigars and; Fountain Fine cut tobacco, at UARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR OTORJC NOTICE 1U TKIrASHS ADD GUM NERS. All persons are bereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon ana Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un Inclesed, either ter thsjpurpese et sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly entercev against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN. EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney ter R. W Celeman's Heir- nlS-tfdAw. TJA1& BALSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A beneficial dressing preferred te similar articles because of Its purity and rich per fume. It RESTORES TO GRAY HAIR THE YOUTHFUL COLOR and prevent dandruH and tailing of the hair. 50c and 11.00. HISCOX CO., N. Y. FL0REST0N. Excels the finest flower In richness. Deli cate, very lasting. Ne odor like it. Be sure you get FLORKSTON Cologne, signature et Hlxcex ft Ce., N. Y., en every label. 13 and 75 cents, at druggists ami dealers In perfume. COLOGNE. dl2-lyweewAdTu T-B. TOWflHEMUV KJLMKUY. RET. HENRY WARD BEECHES J&IT8 0F DR. T0WNSEND-S REMEDY vex Hay Ftvar, Asthma ted G&terrh : BBOexXYir. N. Y., Bept-SI, 1881. " I belle e It will be sure In ninety cases In a hundred." BioeKXTs. N. T., Oct 17. 1883. "I am happy te say that your remedy has servea me a ecnu wnaua imiy as well as the IhmI. vear." Pamphlets with Mr. ueecber's full letters and etner lesumenuua xurnxnea en application. Prepared only by. DK.M. M. TOWSUHD. WMatkerg. Hd. Price. 59 cents and B5finr hettie. Fersale by CHARLES DKNNiN, First Place and Court St, Broeklym, S. Y- and by the arug uaue genwnu ly. je-iutcuw X. TM. 3M 6:10 2U0 835 110 8:13 835 .... 939 su 'tr-iSKte - 2- -1" '