f -y -i ti." - s ?$&:- - -' VX? " A BM i i .Sa . J 4aBBSSS94(sS5BCTTBHSSSBS3fr- BJ SN .a. a. BaH - .a. H .. .r .A. S . A y J . .' A V- V.I .te- XIX--Ne 28. LANCASTEK, PA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1, 183. Price Twe Ceats. . me S4HC0, AWAjM I lvvV WJtTXJt COOLER, JtC. "pLINN BKENEIUB. TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transaction would yen be willing te pay one riellai ter an article yen could purchase for ninety cents ? We are the agents ler Lancaster arid vicinity ter Wadsworth, Martinez & Longman's Pare Prepared Paints. And we claim that they are the best and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make this assertion and leave It unsupported. Paint one-half of any surface or one-halt el any building wlili this p;lnt and taaetfecr half with s'xlctly pure White Lead and Linseed Oil. or any e; her mixed painta la this ceHntry, and If the part painted with this paint does net cost ten per cent, less than ter paint -ased, we will make no charge ter our paint. And lurther, any building that has been-painted-with this paint that is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining se for a proper term of years, we will repaintateur own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many et the prepared painta are adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal eiler. We will pay one thousand dollars for any benzine r water leund In any original package of WAD8WOBTH. MARTI NEZ LONGMAN'S PUKE PREPARED PAINTS. FLINIST & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ttiVMBlSU AXli JOHN L.. AKNULD. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. ESTineit Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. litTMRY TT ODOHTONU HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRI8T-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, K ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. CLOJUlNOfVtlVICKWJSAR, C. B. HOSTKTTKB HUN. R CLOTHING Never was Cheaper. NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY ! We bave determined te close out the bal ance et our SPUING AND SUMMUR STOCK, and In order te de se will sell them out at a sacrifice. , The greater part of the stock Is of. Medium Weight and nuttabla ler Fall and Winter. Nete the great reductions. Suits Formerly 815.00, New $12 00 14.00, 1100 " 1S.OO, " 10.00 " 12.00, " 9.00 10.00, " 8.00 ALL OUR STOCK Reduced in Proportion, ANDALLOFOUll OWN MANUFACTURE. The Sizes will net last lone at these prices, se It trill be te your art vantage, It intending tu buy, te give us an early call. D. B. Hosteller i Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. XXTILLIAIUBON & rOSTBK Fine Clothing, Fine Furnishing Goods, Fine Hats and Caps, Fine Beets' Shoes, AT THE LOWEST C1TT PRICES. Everything is narked In plain figures and Bany or the goods hare been cut in price until all profits te us are gene, and with many things part et the C03T. WILLIAMSON :& FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. P. 8. Our store opens at 6 a. re. and closes at 6 p. m., except Saturday, until lurther notice. D OMT ruRGKT THKTWO SMALL HA vana clears ter fie cenuine article, at HARTMAN' YELLOW FRONT ClUAU OlIJKB. w OBKIMUXKJN BauVU) CALL AT BEOHTOLD'S, And tee the NEW PATENT OVERALL, the best In the market. One pair equal te two. Shirts, btecklnvs, Suspenuers and Notions generally. AH cheap ler cash. HENRY BEcHTOLD. Ne. A2 North Queen Street, t P. 8. Mere and dwelling for sale or rent. ImmeJlate r-eeeeslOB. JebJ-lyd LANCASTER, PA GAB flTTINO. STAR CIS. BATS AND CAPS. s HULTZ'S 8UNB. ST RAW GOODS. Our prices of the last few weeks have done a great deal for us in the way of helping us out with our Straw Goods. But we had a big stock and many lets are still almost unbroken. There are a few of the Tayler Mackinaws left, and we are sell ing them for what was the price of a common Hat early in the season. If you buy one of these new you will have a geed Hat te wear all next summer; SHULTZ'S SONS. (Gundaker'sOldStanf,) 144 North Queen St., Lancaster, Fa. mar27-lydftw excursions. qniK fcXCUKSlON NKA80N UF 1883. TO THE SUMMER RESORTS AND EXCURSION POINTS OX OR VIA The Shenandoah Valley Railroad. THE CAVERNS OF LUBAY. TUB NATURAL BRIDGE. THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS, &a Ac. Perfect previsions at LURAT ler the ac commodation of Excursion Parties et all sizes. Transportation Rates arranged ler parties et various numbers from S te 500. Correspondence invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, ter the armugemectet Special Rates una Excursion Days. Transportation iurnlshed en SPECIAL TRAINS when the Else et the party Justifies. Application through the General Passenger Agent or Superintendent of the Read en which the Excursion Party originates, te either et the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. .. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LURAY INN can also be cared ler by similar application. Round Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPRINGS and SOUTHERN 14UMMER RE SORTS en sale en and alter JUNE 1. at the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. SUMMERTOURIST GUIDE BOOKS and all inlormatien furnished en application te the f asscnger Agents, Shenandoah Valley R. R. or the Virginia, Tennessee A Georgia Air Line. A. POPE, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., O. HOWARD ROYER, Lynchburg. Va. Division Pass'r Agt.. Hagerstown, Md. maySO-Smd TIM WARM, JtC. J OHM P. SUHAUM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARUE LOT OF CHANDELIERS AND GAS FTKTXIRES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, Plumbing and GasflttiDgRoeflng and Spouting. AT JOHN P. SCHAUJTS, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STBEET, tebZMyd LANCASTER. PA. STEVKMB HOU8B BHAVING ANO HAIR DRESSING , . 8ALOON. Oea Journeymen and prices same as ether loons. ' UL WAGNER, BtfU-Ua Managtr. IEDICAL. f MTf IUUKA SKIN HUMORS. Wenderfal Cere of a Lad 12 Years old, who for 8 years, from the top of his head te his ankles, was one Kass of Scabs. My son, a lad twelve years et age. was af flicted with the worst form of Fciema for a period of eight years. Se virulent was It that train the top et his head te within a tew Inches of bis ankles he was one mass of scabs, which refused te yield te any treatment that was suggested by irif hrf or physicians was tried in vain. Allepathy, boreoeopatuy.heibs.root, salt-water baths, flaxseed peultl es, tOap ointments, and In short everything that could be done te eradicate the disorder s tmeu only te aggravate It and the child's life becamu a burden te hlm.and the expense of the various niperlmenta waa a constant drain upon our resources. My wlfti. reading the a Ivertiseraent of the Cutictjra Kcmedies In one cf tc dally papers, resolved te make et e mere attempt at a cure. (The disease was new encroaching upon Ms face, and seemtd incurable.) 1 fiavc a reluc tant consent te the prope-al.and an interview was sought wl h a famous lady pin s'cian el New Yerk, who made a me-t thorough exami nation et the case. an premised a cure with out the least hesitation by the use et your CtmcuRA Remedies. In ewe week there was a marked change: the raw and at gry sores be gan te grew pale and along the eut-r edges scaled off, and as time were en they began te dl.-appeur entlrel . until at the present writ ing the only vestige is one snail ppet upon the leiearw, scarcely visible and test dlsap pearl g. Thus ulter elxht years et expense and anxiety, we have the Inteuse nati-fuctien of seeing the child's skin an talrand smooth t? it, was b-'teru this dreadful cutaneeus disorder attacked him. Sincerely your. CHiS. EAYltKHINKLE. 249 Kaibmeunt Ave , Jersey City Heights, N. J. Childhood and youth ate the periods when such diseases yiHd almost readily te thee un failing Skin and B'oed Siecitics, Ccticura Reselvent, the nen Kloed f uritter, and ctrn cuiiAaud Cuticuha eap the great Shin Cures. Pr ce of uticdka, s "all boxes, SO cts , large boxes, 11.00. Cuticura Reselvent, $100 per bottle. CuncrRA SeAr, 25 cts.: Cuticuba Shav i no go Ar, 15 els. Sold by ail druggist. Pot Pet ter Drug and t'bem Ce , uosteu. RARY Fer Infantile a rt Birth Hu- uaui mew, Ueu-h, Chapped, or RRAilTflPIRR Greasy Skins, eule hash, DlirlU J IP IfiH pimpieg and ftkin Blemishes use Cuticura Seap, an exquisite skih Beauti fur. amt Toilet, Bath and Nursery Sanative. Fragrant with delicious flower odors ami Cu ticura tialsjms. Absolutely pure ; highly medicinal Indorsed by physicians: pre ferred by the elite. Sales in 1881 and 18i2. 1, 000,000 cakes. Alse tpcctally prepared for Shav ing. CATARRH. Complete Treatment $1. A single dose et Sanferrt'H Radical Cere in stantly relibves the most violent bneezing or Head Ce'ds, clears the Head as by magic, steps Watery Discharges from the Nese and Eyes, prevents Ringing Noises In the Head, cures Nervous Headaeue and subdues Chills and Kev. r. In chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of tout mucus restores the senses of smell, taste and hearing when ut-it-cted, trees tl e head, thteat and bronchial tubes ofenvnsive matter, s-weetens and puii lies the breatn, stnns the cough and arrests the progress et Unarm toward Cen-umptiin One bottle Radical Cure, one Bex Catarrhal Solvent and Dr. Sinterd's Inhaler, all in ene package, of all druggists ter $1. Ask fob pamdfprd'b Radical Cure Petter Druq a md Chemical Ce., Bosten. COLLINS' ic Fer the relief und prevention, the Inxtaut It iHappileil of Kheuinatism, Neuralgia, Selali ca, Coughs, Colds. Weak Back, Stomach and Bowels, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, Hysteria, Female Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaria and Epi demics, use Uelilns' riaaierx, (an Kinctrlc Battery combined with a fertius Plaster) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere. Angl-lydW,8,Aw BKXSOM 'S UAPVINE POROUS PLASTERS :i i-il.lJi- cJ A Little Etnry wltb a Large Morat-Ose Man TVhu knew his own Bbcibm. "Ne, my dear," tald the venerable keeper et a country store te a timid little girl, whose bead sea cely came up te the level of the counter. "e, my dear, we haven't any red flannel, but we have some first rate New Or leans molasses." Softly hinting that she didn't thine that would answer the purpose quite as well, the child went her way In search of the article she wanted. "Have you BKNON'S CAPCINK PLAS TERS ? ' asked a gentleman et a certain drug gist whose name could be given were it de sired. "I am troubled just new with a touch of my old friend, the lumbago, and the Ben Ben eon's Plaster seams te go te the spot almost as seen as it touches the skin.'. "Net at present," replied the druggist, geni ally, "but we have lets or plasters Just as geed. There Is Allcock's, the Carelcum and etlurs won't one et them de as wtll't" "My dear sir," retorted the gentleman, with a slight show et temper,"! say nothing against these articles, but 1 am a business man, and always ask for precisely what 1 want, and for nothing else. I may enlighten you, however, when I say that some time age, ler another disease, of which the Capclne has sinca cured me, I tried all these you mention with no ap preciable benefit. They are inefficient, every one of them, the meanest act et the proprie tors of some of them being this: that they make plasters with similar sounding names te deceive the unwary into bell.ving that they are the same thing. Experience taught me the difference. I'll go te the next man in y jur line. Ge d day." Be en your guard against imitations. The gennlne has the word CAPCINE cut cleanly In the middle of the plaster. All ethers are Impositions. Seabury & Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. augl-WASw. GROCRRZE8. T BUBSK'B. PICNIC SUPPLIES. CORNED BEEF, POTTED MEATS, viz.: Ham, Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Ac. Lunch Tongue, Hams, Dried Beet (chipped), Sardines in oil and mustard. Fresh Lebster, Fresh Salmen, Fresh Mack eral In 1 pound cans, Soured Mackeral In 2 pound cans. 8chrimps, Olives and Pickets in small bot tles. Cress & Blackwell's Pickles. Lea A Per rln's Worcestershire Sauce. Jellies, Marmalades, Fine Locust and Clever Heney. CHOICE CREAM CHEESE. PINEAPPLE AND EDOM CHEESE. WOODEN PICNIC PLATES. -AT BTJKSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. YKLLOW FUOltT CIGAR STORK, 21 .rtu Queen street. Headquarters ler tne.best 6c cigar In tbe city. " DEATH IN ISCHIA. THIS ffOKK Of TUB ClKTUyUAKB. Continuing the Search ter Dead Bodies ether new of Lata Occurrence Clip ped lrem tlie Morning .matin The search of the ruins Ter bodies of victims et tbe earthquake en the island of lechia was continued last night. Hun dreds of half naked men and women, wild with terror aud griel ran te and fro among the ruins with torehjes, looking for missing frieuds. All the bodies recovered are buried immpdiattly te prevent miasma. An eye witness describes tbe scene at the theatre Casamicciela, when the earth quake occurred, as an awful one. Tbe curtain bad juat risen when a tiernndeus shock was felt A fearful rear followed, and tbe ground rocked like tbe sea in a storm. A great cry of terror arose from the audience, who Were thrown into a heap, and a large number of them were buried beneath the timbers of the build ing, which fell upon them. Twe mere shocks occurred. All who could rushed outside et tbe theatre, and hundreds of poisons clambered into the trees in the vicinity for safety. Most of the people, however, escaped te the shore, where bon fires were lighted as signals of distress. Among the persons who were en the island en Saturday night, and who has been niis&ing since the earthquake occur red, was a Mr. Semuei1. an English or American gentleman. He resided at the Hetel IdeLza. A Miss Ven Allen, an American, was also slightly injured. King Humbert, who has beeu sojourning at Meuza, has gene te Casamacciela. Tbe burials of victims of tbe earthquake was continued thiougheut the day. 230 bodies were buried at Casamicciela, 90 at Lacco and 29 at Forie. The latest esti mate places the number of deaths at be tween 4,000 and 5,000. As it would be impossible te recover and bury all tbe Lelies, Signer Gencla, minister of public works, baB ordered that in view of tbe horrible exhalations from the decomposing remains, the uucevered corpses be left who e they lie and liquid lime be peuied ever the ruins made by the earth quake. Casamicciela will thus be con verted into a vast cemetery. Help Ktem Vienna. At Vienna the municipality has voted la favor of deuatiug a large sum of money toward the relief of the earthquake suffer ers in Ischia. Vesuvius tn -tuiitlen. Mount Vesuvieus is in a state of cru pt'.en. Lava is descending from the crater in tbe direction el Torre del Grece, at the south west loot of the mountain. The inhabit ants are fleeing for their lives. MA1TEK8 MISCKLLAM. semelieing from Vailous Sources. The Southern exhibition in Louisville will be formally opened yesterday. A telegram from Louisville siys : ''The city is ene mass of Haunting flags, both in the business aud residence portions, and pictures of Lincoln, Garfield, Grant aud Arthur greet the eye en every side, as if this were a thoroughly Northern city iu Btead of a thoroughly Southern one." The president and party, General Shei idan aud ether distinguished persons have arrived in Louisville and will attend the opening In tbe United States circuit court at "Chicago, yesterday, application was made by Granville D. Brananter leave te file a petition for a receiver ler the Teledo Ciu cinnati and St. Leuis railroad. The pet itioner, who is one of the large stock holders of the read, alleges that it is " se iuvelved financially that it must step business, unless a receiver is appointed." Tie read runs from Teledo te St. Leuis, with branches te Cincinnati and tbe coal fields of Indiana and Illinois, making a to tal of 830 miles operator. A meeting of prominent Israelites was held last evening in Baltimore te consider the expediency of giving further aid te the colony of Russian refugees in Middlesex, Virginia. After hearing the report of a committee who had vitited the colony, it was decided te make further efforts in be half of the colonists Contributions will be asked te enable the committee te pay $200 per month for the relief of pressing wants and the purchase of farm imple ments. The colony cumbers about GO persons. Senater Dawes, of Mass , chairman of the select committee of the United States Senate te investigate the grievaucas of the Indians en Mentana and Dakota reserva tions has arrived in, Chicago. The ether members of the committee are expected there te day, when a! plan of action will be outlined, and the mepbers will probably go en te St. Paul. ' A telegram from Uenver, uei., says : "The report that a Grand Army of the Republic train had been wrecked and many lives lest, is absolutely without foundation. Nothing has occurred te mar the pleasure of the excursion," The U. S. ships Constellation and Dale sailed from Portsmouth, N. H , yesterday for a cruise southward. The association of; Union Army pay masters will held a reunion at Capa May en the Oth inst, Monday next. It is said at the .treasury department that the reduction of the public debt for July, if there be any; is very small. THt, UGADJ DIPLOMAT. Removal or the tfamatns of tbe Spanish minister te tbe steamer It was a strange fmneral precession that slowly made its way; from the Albemarle hotel te the Marble Cemetery, New Yerk, Tuesday, but far ere strange was the line of carriages, preceded by a truck, which rolled en the pier of tbe French line and stepped In front of the gang way of the steamship Normandie. The remains of Sener Barca,the Spanish minis ter, who killed himself en Sunday morning were starting en the first stages toward their final resting place in Spain. One of the first callers en Senera Barca in the morning was an officer in full uni form from Governer's Island, who offered in behalf of General Hancock a battallien of marines te accompany the body of tbe dead minister te the steamship. Shortly afterward Superintendent Walling offered a guard of police, and beiere neon uoienei Baker, representing Secretary of War Lincoln, asked thi liberty of detailing a company of United States soldiers te act as an escort. Seaer De Leme declined each of the offers, saying that it was the widow's wish te have the funeral as quiet as possible. The' morning was passed in receiving the cards of the visitors, and, en the part of Sener De Leme, in attending te the business of the legation. There were at first many objections made by the officials of the steamship line te transporting the remains of Sener Barca te Spain, but finally, through the intercession of the French consul general, the privilege was granted. Sener Barca expressed a wish te have a public funeral, bnt his widow ebiected te it, and, cense quently, when Senors Gonzales, Sanchez and Beera, representing the Spanish soeie ties in New Yerk, asked Sener De Leme for his consent te fellow the funeral, he re quested them net te de se. The remains will be taken directly from Havre te Madrid, where state funeral ser vices will be helJ r.eiuiem masses will be celebrated at the Spanish legation at Washington when news is received that the body has arrived in Madrid. When the Normandie sails at neon it will carry Senera Barca and her daughter from the country where they have met se great a sorrow. Political Point. The 38th joint ballet for U. S. senator in tbe New Hampshire Legislature was taken yesterday and resulted as fellows : Ladd, Stevens, Tilton, Ela, Benten, Burnbam and Patterson 1 each ; Carrier. Spalding, Prescott and Rollins 2 each ; Gillinger, 6 ; Tappau, 7 ; Chandler. 21 ; Marsten, 33 ; Burns. 39: Pike. 80; Bingham. 114 Necessary te a choice, 158. J. B. Yellewly, lately a candidate for lieutenant governor, and James Hill, colored candidate for " congressman against Barksdale, in Mississippi, last fall, have coma out in favor of the Democratic Republican fusion ticket in Madisen county, in that state. Tbe Democratic convention of Anne Arundel county, Maryland, met yesterday in Annapolis. Dr. Geerge Wells was re re eominated for state senator. The dele gates elected te- tbe state convention are understood te be opposed te tbe renom renem renom inatien of Gov. Hamilton. The Republican state convention of Massachusetts will meet at Bosten en September 19. Charles R. Cedmau, of Bosten, has been invited by the state coramittce te preside. A full meeting of the Democratic state committee of New Yerk has been called for the 23d inst., at Saratoga. Trade Nete. Only one dress and cloak manufacturing firm in New Yerk the Manhattan suit and cloak company is new holding out against the striking empleyes. Of 230 outside contractors, 124 have yielded and most et the remainder have intimated a willingness te yidd. Charles Parrish, after having for twenty years operated the mines owned by the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre c.ial company, today severed bis connection with them as contractor, and the company will hereafter mine its own coal. Tbe Pennsylvania railroad company yesterday suspended 150 workmen from its machine shops in Fert Wayne, Indiana, owing te the lightness of freight business during the last menh. It is thought tl e men will be reempleyed in six or eight weeks. There is no change in the cigarmakers1 lockout at New Yerk. The empleyes say that all but 1,200 of the looked out men have obtained work in different factories throughout the eity. The caulkers at several beat yards in Seuth Pittsburgh struck yesterday against a t eductien of 25 per cent. The rtre Recerd. A fire at Tulare, California, en Monday night, caused a less estimated at $120,000. The hide mill of Jehn D. and Charles Kings, at Johnstown, New Yerk, was burned en Monday night, with 1,000 skins. Less about $50,000. The Oscoda salt and lumber company's mill at Oscoda, Michigan, was burned en Monday. Less heavy.' Jehn Walters' oilcloth factory in Albany, New Yerk, was damaged yester day morning by fire te the extent of $75, 000. Jee! Woodward's flour mill at New ark, Delaware, was destroyed by an incen diary fire en Monday night. Less$10,000. A fire at Nashville, yesterday afternoon, :chtreyid the buildings of the Nashville cotton compress and the sheds of tbe Nashville warehouse company, with 4,000 bales of cotton and a large quantity of bay aud grain. Less $04,000. The large stables of the Gorden house, at Orange ville, Ontario, were burned yesteiday, with a number of valuable horses, among them the trotters General Beamish and Highland, jr. Deplorable story et Neglect of tbe Dead. The relatives of the late Themas Heyne, who was killed in the late accident en the Reme, Watertown & Ogdensburg read, give a deplorable recital of the condition of affairs in and about the wreck, and up braid severely the alleged neglect of the railway officials. A son of Mr. Heyne relates that the train men refused te allow the coffin te be opened te guard against the possibility of mistaken identity, tie was unable by any process te reach the scene of the disaster by making application te the railway authorities. The daughter of Mr. Hoyue relates that no attention was paid te the dead after tbe accident, aud that bodies were lying en the side of the read exposed te the sun fourteen hours after the disaster. It is further de clared that parties were epeuing valises and searching the dead bodies while the empleyes of the read were removing the debris. Mr. Heyne had a large sum of money with him, but his relatives state thai his watch aud all ether valuables are missing, though a portion of them may be in the custody of the coroner. Murderous Deaths. Alexander Wilsen, colored, was shot dead in LaGrange, Missouri, yesterday by Maxwell K. Maxwell, of Des Moines, Iowa. Maxwell was drunk, arid get into a collision with Wilsen, who cut him ; hence the sheeting. Peter Bnnnelle ana Jehn Shertsleeves, both drunk, fought yesterday in Milten, "Vermont, aud Bnn Bnn Bnn nolle was se badly injured that he died. Shertsleeves fled. Jehn Brixius, jr., shot his uncle, Jehn Brixius, sr., and then committed suicide in Newark, N. J last evening. Cause, family troubles. The uncle is expected te recover. Tbe death warrant of Jehn McGinnis, of Philadel phia was issued yesterday by Governer Pattison. The execution will take place en October 4. The wife of Charles Burke drowned herself in the lake at Cleveland, Ohie, en Monday night. Her neighbors say she was made insane by her husband's treatment of her 18 year old beh by a former husband. Accidents. A wagon containing two men, named Stadtlander and Sidlinger, was struck by an express train at a crossing in Cincin nati yesterday, and Stadtlander was kiiled Sidlinger being fatally injured. Three men, employed as pile drivers en the government works near Marysville, Miss issippi, fell overboard yesterday and were drowned. William Eckenrod.ef Lebanon, was killed by the cars yesterday at Ply mouth, Pa. The canal freight steamer Octerara, of the Ericssen line, plying between New Yerk and Baltimore, was sunk near Chesapeake city en Monday nii?ht bv collision with the Elizabeth, of r.hn name line, rnnnincr between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Ne person was drowned or injured. Twe boatmen, a woman and two children were drowned yesterday in the St Lawrence near Montreal while trying te cress the river in a storm. Tbe Old 'Red Church" Tern Down. The famous old " Red Church," located near Orwigsburn, was razed te the ground Monday. The last services in the vener able and antiquated structure took place en Sunday, wbeu many prominent citizens of Schuylkill county were in attendance. Tbe church's history was a most interest ing one, covering the era of the rise and progress of the new greatest anthracite region in the world. A larger and mere modern structuie will new be erected in its stead. A Demestic Tragedy I Ohie. Mrs, Charle Burke, aged 43 years, left her dwelling en Cliften street, Cleveland, last night, attired only in ber night drees, walked te the lake at the feet of Wasen street and drowned herself. Her husband when questioned, was reticent concerning her probable motive. Tbe neighbors have a theory that she was driven insane by Burke's treatment of her eighteen year old son by a former husband, whom he lately drove from home. A ratal right en the Ktver. A fight occurred en beard the dredge Commedore, in tbe Delaware river, below New Castle, Del., between Gee. Christo pher, mate, and Geerge Smith, one of tbe bands. Richard Spittall, another of the hands interferred and struck Smith en tbe head with a hammer, inflicting a wound that will probably prove fatal. Spittal was taken te New Castle and locked up. RAILROAD EMPLOYEES. The leading business men of Providence, R. I., compose the Hunt's Remedy Ce., and ihey guarantee all testimonials published by them te be genuine The lollewing dated May 4, 1S8J, from V. H. itlanchard, Lewell, Hesj., is but ene et the thousand lemarkuble cures that are being made by this wonderful medi cine. Mr. Ulanchard says : " I have been greatly troubled ter ever six years with acute kidney disease with severe pain In my back and hips. I was termerly employed en the Bosten and Lewell Railroad, bit was obliged, owing te the constant Jar, te give up the rail road business, as many ethers have been obliged te de. en account et Kidney dlsea e. I nave tried many medicines, but received no permanent relief. A friend recommended me te use Hunt's Remedy. I purchased a bottle el one et our druggists In Lewell, and com menced te improve at once, and alter using two bottles 1 was entirely tree lrem all patn. and consider myself cured, und 1 cheerfully recommend this wenterlul medicine. Hunt's Remedy, te all the stilteiers tieui kidney and liver distase." AT LIBERTY. Fer a number et years I was ulllictcd with kidney and gravel disease, and suffered with pains in my limbs and b.ickut times se eeverc ly that It seemed that 1 could net endurn it, I used several se-called cures recommended ler these diseases, but they did me no geed A friend el mine that hail used Hum's Remedy, and proneuueed itthe best In use, u.'ged me te try It, and i purchased a bottle at Ucerge K. Hall's drug store, in Manchester, and be fore I had used one bettle I began te feel much better, the pains in the bluddcr and kidneys were reduced a geed deal, and after iiilng five bottles I found that Hunt's Remedy hed dene all that it was recommended te de. It had removed all the pain, my appetite im proved and I gained several pounds in a few weeks. I have renewed vier und strength ler one et my years (54). an.U can only thank the proprietors et Hunt's Re-nedy ler my geed heilthet te-day, and you are at liberty te publish this, that it may be the means et sorne one being cured by the ue et your truly wonderful remedy. W. H. Tkbiull. Goitstewn, N. H., May 7, 18S1. jy30-lwdM,W4F4w Hucklen'a Arnica salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily cure burns, Itruises, Cuts, U'Cers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores. Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, corns. Tetter, Chapped Hands mul all skin eruptions, guaranteed te cure In eveiy lustunce. or money relunded. 25 cents per box. Fer sule by Ch.w. A. Lecher. ie25-lyeedftw First Kevlved nod theu Cured. " Was troubled ler n year with torpid liver and Indigestion and atler trying everything imaginable used Burdock Jlloed Bitters. The fint bottle revived me und tne second cured me entirely. J. S. Williamson, N. Y. Fer sale by H. II. Cechnn, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Small Pox, Diphtheria, Starlet Fever, Yellow Fever, etc.. can't exist where Darbys Prep, y lactic Fluid Is used. A Great Discovery. Th3t is daily bringing joy te the homes el thousands by Having many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hrenchttls, Hay Fever. Less of Voice, Tickling In the Threat. Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease et the Threat ami Lungs a pos itive cure. Guaranteed. Trialjbettles Iree at Ohas. A. Lecher'e Drug Stere." Large size, $100. 1 Wish Everybody te Knew. Rev. Geerge II. Thayer, an old citizen of this vicinity known te every one as a most influential citizen and christian minister et the M. K. church. Just this moment stepped In our store te say, I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myselt and wire ewe our lives te Shiloh's Consumption Cure." It is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and is giving perfect satisfaction in all cases et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DRS.MATCHETT A FRANCE. lierRBOir. Ind., May 15, '78. Sold by H.B. Cochran, diugglst, Nes. 137 and 139 Ner th Queen street. Lancaster. lcbl4eed4 An Explanation Nn nnn medicine will cure everything, but it is an inceutestlble tact that 'Themas' Kclec tric Oil wlli cure a sprain, a bruise, a bite, or an ache, and is also an active and pren mnced cure for neuralgia und rheumatism. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. fAi'MR JAJHlAtB, c pHABKH W. FRY. We were out et certain sizes et SCREEN FRAMES, but we have tilled up again and are ready te nil orders preinptly-23. 25, 27, 29. 31, 33 and : Inches high and 32 te 33 Inches wide ; thev can he i educed te 24 inches in a lew minutes. They make theCHKAPEST and REST screen In the market, superior te the old style and lower in price. .NEW PATTERNS Or WALL PAPERS. ODDS AND ENDS AT HALF-PRICE. An Elegant Line el NEW PATTERN DADO SHADES. PLAIN GUUD3 IN ALL COLORS. LACE CURTAINS lrem a Dellar a Pair up. PHARES W. FRY. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. w AKB NO MISTAKE, FOB YOU CAN buy the best 5c. Havana cigar in the market, at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAB STORE. J. JC KUTK. There has been such a demand for LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS tliat I was compelled te get a VERY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make you a PHOTO as small as tbe smallest locket will held up te a 5-lnch lace, te fit an 18x22 Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 North Queen Street, June3-tia irDlCAI k YKK'4 SAR8APAK1LX.A. TIDETl flTTT The distressing feell 1 I txfcJj UU 1 . or weirlness.et exhaus tion without trterr, which makes Hie a bur den toemanvpeopl'.linn te the fact that tbe bee i is peer, and tiin vitality consequently rveblc. If you are suturing from inch reel ings, Ayeis Sarsaparilla s isjnst what you need, and will de you incal culable geed. Ne ether prevmrntlin se cencentiates and combines bleed purltylng, vitalizing, enrieh- ng and luvlgera ing qualities ei Atbi's Sassavari la. r-EBrAitxD BT Dr. j. C. Ayera & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ' JulySO ang5-lydw. OKKKY DAVIS'S fAIM KILLER. CHOLERA! CHOLERA MORBUS CHOLERA. INFANTUM ASIATIC CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES YIELD TO THE INFLUENCE OF Furry Davis's Fain Killer. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR EVERY KIND OF BOWEL DISORDER. Captain Ira 11. Foss.ef Goldsberougb.Maine. says: "One of my sailors was attacked sever ly lth cholera merbus. We administered Pain Killer, and saved him." J. W. SlinendB. lirnttlebern. Vt. says; "In cases el" e leleni merbus and sudden attacks of sum er complain is, I have never round It te fall.". ALL. THE DRU0GIST3 SFLIi IT. nug 1 lmdAw CLUTUJJfO. pHEWt 'I'd UUI. CUAN'JK YOUR UNDERWEAR. GAUZE UNDERSHIRTS In Sizes from 34 te SO Inches, tiauzc. Muslin and Jean Drawers. Camibeles, Filet De Sante Pour il'emmei Fancy Hosiery, New Ties and Cellars at Erisman's, the Shirtmaker, RLUE FRONT GENTS' FURNISHING STORE. Ne 17 "West Kins Street. rimis Final Closing Sale or SUMMER CLOTHING Has commenced aud everything en our ceun ters will be sold at GREAT SACRIFICES! Te make room for our Immense stock et Fall and Winter Cletntnsj which woarenowinauu wearenowinauu woarenewinauu tactnring. Among the tibove leta which we have marked down mero than enc-lialf. are LIGHT and DARK. COLORED Gaesimere, Cheviot, Serge, Worsted and Flannel Suits. BIG DRIVES In Beys' and Children's CLOTHING-. ALSO, CREOLE SUITS, WHITE VE.8T8 LINEN PANTS and VEST8, SEER SUCKER COATS, And anything in the way of ccel Clothing .1 ust received another let et these 75c. OVERALLS. Beat in the market, four pockets, riveted but tons and warranted net te rip. Large line el Gents' Furnishing Goods, AT LOWEST PRICKS. HIRSH & BRO., PENN HALL CLOTHING HOUSB. 2 and 4 North Queen Street. 4-TraiTe Dollars taken at Par. L. OAN8HAM BBO. ABOUT CLOTHING. HOW IS IT THAT WE AKB BUSY NOW WUIwESOMANY ARE DULLt 1st. Our goods have steed the test, and mere tlmn steed the test In comparison with these offered at ether houses. They are teund te b literally the best, and there Is no old stock. 2d. Our prices are round te be the lowest; while the titty cents en the dollar and ether marked neiru humbugs have long since been detected. The Best Clothing -AND THE LOWEST PBIOES. Men'a .Suits selling new at S 1.00. $1.00, S.Qf, $5 CO, $7.00, 00, $!0.0u, 12.00 and 115.00. Beys1 and Children's Suits our great specialty, selling new at $1.50. $?M, $2.50. 13.00. (4.00. $5.00, ).U, $7.(10 and W.00. Men's Pants at 75c., U.tO, $1.50, W2.00, $1.00, up te ITi.50. Don't mist the present opportunity, as we are bound te reduce our stock In order te make room for our large fall stock new being manulacturcd. L. Gansman & Biu, THErASHIONABLBMERCHANT - TAILORS CLOTHIJ5R8, 66 G8 KOBTU QUEER STBEET, Right en the Southwest Cerner el Oruf St --l LANCASTER, PA. X Jurupcn every avenlng until 9 o'clock ; Hatuiilav 10 o'clock. T?BEra ubarceal luzzjiukb. ir P Thn meat mllahln and surest cars for - el Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbuin, - f Bad Breath and all diseases arising lrem a , --- aiseraercu Bunnaca. r-rica jc pwt nu, mailable. Prepared and eeld by ANDREW G. FREY, DRUGGIST, MB nranim St f'Jir nimuMM.a TjfcnfMacte vm " Drugs, Chemicals, etc., always en nantlu 'm uie mvgt iwevwwwu s wi ., , n-iyumw v :wa - v jfcffl . "X i ;1 i 1 i a :i t -m j ' J v-s-i - : M ' fit 1 ? -'-5 .. ..2