V "--SJV ' TT3T (k ..'- r-- , - - . JM" JlWWJ&rt-tr .c jtK-4J - -A. .t-- k -- TVi-rr rwvr-arft-, ?'.ae-V3.3Mfu 55WSyrAwg 1ifrr -: v.' vw r- r ' '-.t ' " V - !-. t? J - r- - - , '-'"'-fc-. jf r T -- I 3&-J .-.."13 IS-- Aijti 5&J Ik ---,.. . . - .-- ... Til.im XIX- -Ne 283. WATMB COOLKVB, JtC. TflSHtf m BKEMEMAH. TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transaction would you be willing te pay one dollar ler an article you could purchase for ninety cents ? We are the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity ter Wadswerlh, Martinez & Longman's Fare Prepared Paints. And we claim that tbcy are tbe best and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make thin assertion and leave it unsupported. Paint one-half of any surface or one-half el any building with this p int and the ether half with B'-rictly pure White Lead and Linseed Oil, or any eiher mixed paints In this country, and if the part painted with this paint does net cost ten per cent, less than for paint used, we will make no charge ter our paint. And further, any building that has been painted with this paint that is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining se for a proper term of years, w- win repaint at our own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many of the prepared paints are adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal eiler. We will pay one thousand dollars for any benzine or water found In any original package of WADSWOUTU, MARTI NEZ ft LONGMAN'S PUKE PREPARED PAINTS. FLIEHST & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, JtRT flKOBGK V-AHNK8TOUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BAIR'S OLD STAND. ) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. Ladies' Jerseys, Misses' Jersevs. Children's Jerseys, IN ALL COLORS Maroen, Cardinal, Electric, Navy Blue, Brown, Black and Myrtle. Perfect Fitting In all Sizes. An Elegant Assortment of these Goods, Frem $2. BO Up. ALSO. JERSEY CLOTH BY THK YARD, IN ALL COLORS. LADIES' CASHMERE AND SHETLAND SHAWLS IN GHEAT VARIETY AT LOWEST PillCES. GEOKG-E FAHJSTESTOOK, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. 1-l.UMBIJfU ASli .1 OUM L.. ARNOLD. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. ITinest Werk, Best Workmen. leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JjIVXBY TT OUOUTOS'H. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, Hear of Old Black Herse Hetel. BOOKS ASD JOHN HAlsB'B SONS. JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 AND 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Writing Papers, Envelopes, Decorated Correspondence Stationery, Bank-Nete Beeks, Pocket Beeks, New Leather Hand-Bags tyAt the Sign of the Big Boek. I1ATB AND CAPS. OUDLTZ-S SON8. STRAW GOODS. Our prices of the last few weeks have done a great deal for us in the way of helping us out with our Straw Goods. But we had a big stock and many lets are still almost unbroken. There are a few of the Tayler Mackinaws left, and we are sell ing them for what was the price of a common Hat early in the season. If you buy one of these new you will have a geed Hat te wear all next summer. SHULTZ'S SONS. (Gundaker's Old Stan) 144 North Qneen St., Lancaster, Pa. mar27-lyd&w OMOCEMIEB. T BUBSK.'U. PICNIC SUPPLIES. CORNED BEEF, POTTED HEATS, viz.: Ham, Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Ac. Lunch Tongue, Hams, Dried Beel (chipped), Sardines in oil and mustard. Fresh Lebster, Fresh Salmen. Fresh Mack eral In 1 pound cans, Soured Mackeral in 2 pound cans. Schrimps, Olives and Fickels in small bot tles. Cress & Blackwell's Pickles. Lca&Per rln's Worcestershire Sauce. Jellies, Marmalades, Fine Locust and Clever Heney. CHOICE CREAM CHEESE. PINEAPPLE AND EDOM CHEESE. WOODEN PICNIC PLATES. AT BUBSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KINGr STREET. LANCASTER, PA. YELLOW rBOfll CIGAR STOBB, 81 Aerth Qneen street. Headquarters ler tce.best 6c cigar in the city, at HAKXMAIT'8. LANCASTER, PA OOODB. LANCASTER, PA. FITTING. B TABLE. BTATIOXJPJiX. EXCURSIONS. riTOK EXCURSION SEASON OF 1883. TO THE SUMMER RESORTS AND EXCURSION POINTS OW OB VIA The Shenandoah Valley Railroad. THE CAVEENS OF LURAY. THE NATUKAL BRIDGE. THE VIRUIN1A SPUlNGS, Ac., Ae. PciTcct previsions at LURAY ler the ac commodation of Excursion Parties et all sizes. Transportation Bates arranged ler parties et various numbers Irem 5 te 5(H). Correspondence invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, ler the arraugenicntet Special Bates and Excursion Days. Transportation inrnished en SPECIAL. TRAINS when the site et the party Justifies. Application threugn the General Passenger ARent or Superintendent of the Bead en which the Excursion Party originates, te cither el the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LURAY INN can also be cared ler by similar application. Bound Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPRINGS and SOUTHERN HUMMER RE SORTS en sale en and alter JUNE 1. at the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. SUMMERTOUBIST GUIDE BOOKS and all inloruiatlen furnished en application te the t'asscnger Agents, snenanaean valley B. b. or the Virginia, Tennessee Georgia Air Line. A. POPE, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., O. HOWARD ROYER. Lynchburg, Va. Division Pass'r Agt.. Hagerstown, Md. may30-3md TlH W ABE, JtO. J OUM F. BVOAVm. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS. Plumbing and GasfittingRoeflng and Spouting. -AT JOHN P. SOHAUffS, NO. 24 BOUTH QUMN STRBBT, eW7-lya LAXCASXXB, FA. LASIC ASTEE, PA. TOTSDAY. JULY 31, 183. TRACTS. FACTS CONCERNING MALARIA. Slight impurities in the air appear te be ab sorbed and affect tbe health 01 p rsens deli cately constituted. I can recollect where a delicate child, eme three yeai-sag', wi.s taken Irem a beat land ng, 1 11 a pier ne: ever one hundred feet long, across a mirsb caused by the ebb and flew et the tides, overgrown by deck needs. The next day the child had chills ant fever, although It was never before se affected. Aft -r taking the pteper remedy, olDiiaens Liver Regulator, It was entirely restereu te health and con tinued se ter ever twelve months, when the same trip was again taken, the same marsh crewed ever, and the same way as before the child was taken with chills ami fever, though net having had any ter ever a year, and has never had one since, fully demonstrating hew trifling tbe cause, and hew insidious tout air Is te penetrate the system. A DAMP CELLAR, A CONFINED CLOSET. A BADLY VENTILATED ROOM, A LITTLE DECAYED MATTER OR BAD WATER WILL PRODUCE MALARIA. This Poisonous Germ can be DESTROYED (for we knew what we say), by at intervals exposing In SUaPECTED PLACES. Darbyg Prophylactic Fluid. . Scientific men have in vain looked ler a mere effectual Destroyer et Contaalenor In In lectlen. than Chlorine, und when the talent et Pret. Darby, professor el chemistry in Will iams College, discovered the combination und was enabled te produce this Ozenized Chlo rine, the most effectual, searching und pone trail n j malarial untldete was secured ler CHOLERA, SCARLET FEVER, SMALLPOX. YELLOW FEVEU. This very bcautltul reynl purple colored fluid has never been kne vti te be excelled. Thousand et bottles et it are sold, ter 1 is a household remedy that does net confine itself te being int-rcly a disinfectant, bui ler tne bath is delightful, ter burns unequa ed. IN DIPHTHERIA, a bleesing wltneut price. TO PREVENT SICKNESS. TO CURE SICKNESS. TO ERADICATE MALARIA. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM. TO PURIFY THE AIR. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid Is mere thorough and effectual tf-an any known remedy. " The undenditm-d lias no hesitation in as serting that the Judicious usn et Simmons Liver Retiu.ater, us a preventive and tonic te the sytem, will secure immunity from the weakening and dangerous effects el malaria and will effect a cure of chills and lever and all malarial disorders. " If. H Jeiies, Ed. Macen, Ga., ' Telegraph.' .1. Marien Slme, M. I)., New Yerk : I am convinced Pret- Darbys Prophylactic Fluid Is a most valuable disinleclant. Simmen's Liver Regulator and Daiby's Preptn lactic Klul 1 for s lie bv II. R. Cochran, druggist, i:t7:ind I'M North Queen street. Lan caster, I'a. J. UZEILIN & CO, Manuf. Chemists, Phlla ciphia. Fer sale by druggists. 50 cents per bottle. Pint bottles, 11.00. lanl4-lyeed&w K IUNEY-WOR-r Has been proved the surest euro ter KIDNEY DISEASES. Dees a lame back or disordered urine !ndi rate 'hut you are a victim? THEN DO NOT HESITATE ; use Kid ney- Wert at once (drug gists recommend it ) and It willspeedily over come the dlttase and restore healthy action. 1 oHiea '"r complaints peculiar te XJOiUlOe. your sex. such us pain and weaknjsses. Kidney-Wert is tinsui passed, us it will act promptly and safely. Eithrrscx. Incontinence, retention et urine, brick dust or ropy depe-its, und dull, dragging pains, all speedily yluld te Its curative power. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, rrlce, 1. KIDNEY-WORT Acts at the same time en ttie Kidneys, Livei and Ben els. A well-known clergyman, Bev. N. Cook, et Trempelean, Wis., says : "1 find Kidney-Wert a ture cure for kidney and liver trouble s." RIDNET-WOKT 18 A Sure Cere for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It has specific action en this most Import ant organ, enabling it te threw oft torpidity and inaction. Stimulating the healthy secre tion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free condition, effecting Its regular discharge. IVyTalevna It yen are suffering Irem ma- XYLcUcU leb larla, have the chills, are bil ious, dyspeptic or constipated, Kidney-Wert will surely relieve and quickly cure. In the Spring te cleanse the System, every one i-heuld take a thorough course el it. Sold by Druggists. Price, SI. KIDNEY-WORT. " Last year I went te Europe," says Henry Ward, late Cel. 09th Uec, N. G. S. N. Y., new living at 173 W. Side Ave., J. C. Hights. N. J., "only te return worse from chronic liver complaint. Kidney -Wert, as a last resort, has given me btttci health than I've heretofore enjoyed for many, many years." He's cured new and consequently happy. -IT- IDNEY-W OBT Fer the Permanent Cure of CONSTIPATION. N e ether disease is se prevalent in this coun try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wert as a cure. Whateverthe cause, however obstinate the case, this remedy will overcome it. Acts at the same time en Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. TX1 ae This distressing complaint is very JTllXXi, apt te be complicated with const! patlen. Kidney-Wert strengthens the weak ened parts and quickly cures all kinds et Piles even when physicians and medicines have be fore tailed. eg If you have eltber el these troubles use K1DNEK-WORT. Druggists sell 1L " I will recommend It everywhere," writes Jas. B. Meyer, Caniage Manufacturer, Mjer Mjer tewn, pa., "because it" Kidney-Wert " cured my piles. ' KIDNKV-WUKT. THK OBEAT CURB FOB R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M. As it is ter aU the painful diseases et the KIDNETtS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system et the acrid poison that causes the dreadful suffering which only the victims of Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES et the worst forms el this terrible disease have been quickly relieved, and in short time PERFECTLY CURED. Price, SI. Liquid or Dry, Sold by Druggists. Dry can be sent by mail. WELLS, BICHABDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. 'Mr. Walter Cress, my customer, was pros trated with rheumatism ter two years ; tried, in vain, all remedies; Kidney-Wert alone cured Aim. I have tried it mysf it, and knew that it is geed." Portion of a letter Irem J. L. Wlilett, Druggist, Flint, Mich. Jy30-lwdM,WF&w CIKAV'S SfKUiriU mKDIOINK. T11JC JT Great English Remedy. An unfailing enre ter Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less of Memery, Universal Lassi tude, Pain In the Back, Dimness el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars in our pain plot, which we desire te -end trtt- by uiuli te every one. Tne Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at 1 per pack pack age, or six packages ter 95, or will be sent free by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, H. B. Cochran, 137 and 13a North Queen street. Ob account et counter ceunter fe is, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; tneenly genuine. Guarantees eleure Issued by as Fer sale in lancaster by H. B. Coeurn. Druggis:, 137 and IX) North Queen street. THK GRAY MEDICINE O..N. i. aerJ3-lvdw NEWS BY MAIL. DOME MATfKBS OF LEGAL IHPOBT. A Condensed Besaiue et Recent Happen ing The Varied Calendar et Crime and Calamity. Henry T. King, eq ex-city solicitor of Philadelphia appeared before the sob committee en law of councils investigating ihe highway mandamus cases, yesterday, and stated that every case" during his term of office, with one exception, was defended by hiuiself or assistants. The exception was a confession of judgment in open court. Judge Yerkes said that from his own investigation the payments in two instances were short of the limitation in the ordinance and the contract price. He asked that the records of the highway department from 1873 te 1876 inclusive be produced befeie the committee. Peter Lane testified te the disbursement of a portion of the money he received, and Wm. J. Veine, an ex contractor, testified that be knew nothing of mandamuses for rock excavations, and did net share in the money received. He said he had found en his former partner's books a record of $585 paid te a then member of councils, which he supposed was a fee for putting an ordinance through councils. His part ner drew, he said, in 1870, en one of these cases, $500 mere than the contract priee. Mr. Addis, agent of the Committee el One Hundred, stated that the papers in about fifty of the mandamus cases were missing and th.t it would be several weeks before he ceu'd carry en his investigation suffic iently te present any facts te the commit tee. An adjournment was then had until cept. 5. A list of about seventeen cases, which will. net come under the statute of limitation until alter that date, was pre sented. In St. Leuis, Monday morning, 235 war rants were sworn out against violators of the new Sunday law which went into effect the day before. Among these re ported as having violated the law wet e keepers of livery stables, breweries, cigar stores, barbeis, hackmeu, theatres, uews paper men from the proprietors down, street railway and express companies, the Union depot company for sending out trains, and various ether persons. The prosecuting attorney decided te drop cases against liverymen ou the ground that their business was " a work of necessity." Test cases are te be advanced en the dockets against the street car companies and the newspapers. The warrants issued Monday included only the offenders in the ceutral pollen district; the ether districts will come up te-day. The beer saloons in the ceutral portion of the city closed en Sun day before neon, but it is estimated that the entire sales of liquor in St. Leuis ou that day reached $00,000. Charles H. Gegel had a heariug yoster yester day in Baltimore, en the charge uf havirg obtained $12,080 from the National Uaieu bank of that city ou forged paper. He waived an examination and was commit ted te await the action of the grand jury. It is said that besides the Union bank, the manufacturers' and Heward b-inksand the banking house of Nichelson & Sens, held discounted notes, the endorsements en which are alleged te be forged, amount ing te $50,000. A court intrtial has been ordered te meet at Vancouver barracks, Washington territory, en the 30th of August, te try Second Lieutenant Samuel U. Robinson, charged with duplicating his pay acceuuts for the month of June last. In Jeisey City, yesterday, ex Peliearaau Jehn Nugent and Edward Parrel), con victed of attempting te rob a bank ollicer of $10,000, en a railroad train, were sen tenced each te ten years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. Miscellaneous Matters. Several heavy features in the bvwt and shoe and leather trade were reported yes tertlay. P. Shaw & Brether, of Bosten, said te be the most extensive tanners in tie world, made an assignment. Liabilities, $3,500,000 ; assets nominally $5 000,000. C. W. Copeland & Ce., who have a fac tory at Brockton, Massachusetts, also fuspended, with liabilities estimated at $7,500,080. Jeseph Pratts, wholesale shoe manufacturers, of Chicago; Stcdman & Ce., of New Yerk, aud W. N. Teler & Ce., of Baltimore, are ai-ie reported te have failed. The steel mill at Bethlehem, Pa., was in full operation yesterday and at night the double shift was started. It is announced that "the old mill will be put in operation the latter part of the week and by Monday next all departments may be working. Four blast furnaces are weikiug and two will be rebuilt." Twe men yesterday escaped in a beat from a vessel quarantined at Ship Island, and made their way te Pass Christian. They were arrested by direction of the president of the health beard of Louisiana and handed ever te the Uuited States authorities te answer the charge of steal ing the beat. Surgeon General Hamilton yesterday received a cable dispatch from Havana saying that the steamship City of Merida, from Vera Cruz te New Yerk, left eleven cases of yellow fever at that pert The City of Merida was disinfected en Satur day. The name of the posteffice at Fisherville in New Hampshire has been changed te Penacook. Governer Crittenden, of Missouri, ar rived at Ogden, Utah, en Sunday night, en his way te California. It is said he has "made a careful study of the working of Utah commissions and the Mermen pro blem, and expressed the opinion that while the last commission bad accem plished all the law allowed them te de, further and mere decided legislation was necessary." Neaily 1,000 persons left Ottawa, Can., last night en the annual pilgrimage te the shrine of St. Anne de Feaupre. They were accompanied by the Reman Catholic bishop of Ottawa and a number of priests. Among the pilgrims were " scores of inva lids en crutches and blind men and women," who hope te be cured through the intercession of St. Anne.. Accident and Death. A Reme, "Watertown & Ogdensburg freight train yesterday ran into a New Yerk Central passenger train, at Charlette, 7 miles north of Rochester. Three of the passenger coaches were upset and one was wrecked. The concrhetor and three pas senders were severely injured. The boiler in a saw mill at Russelville, Ark., burst yesterday, killing William Hudsen and injuring two ether men, ene.named Payne Hudsen, fatally. Charles rioen ana Ja .ward Sisson, of Pawtucket, R. I. were drowned at Wanton Hill en Sunday niglit, by thetpsettingef abeat. Sam'l Pollock, dry goods merchant of Montgomery, Ala., was drowned en Sunday at Leng Branch. His body was recovered yesterday. Wil lie Cassidy, aged 15 years, son of James M. Cassidy, of Camden, New Jersey, was drowned yesterday while bathing in the pond near Pitman Greve. His body was recovered. Cenrad Spiese, a prominent citizen of Pert Carben, Pa., was killed yesterday by a runaway accident. The steamship Nettleawertb, which left Mon treal a week age in ballait,js ashore en one of the Magdalen islands. A vessel 1 has been sent te her relief. DYING TOGETHER. AHesbmadand Wife round Dead In Bed -A Last letter. The persons residing in the house Ne. 211 West Twenty-second street, New Yerk,' were startled between 9 and 10 o'clock Monday morning by hearing the report of two pistol shots proceeding from the front room en the third fleer, which wa occupied by Mr. Herace B Shephard and wife. The deer was tried and found te be looked, and then the police of the West Twentieth street station were neti Med. On the arrival of policemen Clark: and Knolhef the deer was broken open. The sight that met the gaze of the policemen and these of the occupants of the house who followed them upstairs was horrible in the extreme. On the bed, in their night dresses, lay Mr. Shephard and his wife, a bullet wound in the right hide of the head of each, the bedding and fleer saturated with their life bleed and a forty-two calibre Smith & Wessen revol ver and two chambers empty lying be tween them. When the bodies were BT.-iminerl it was found that life bad been extinct several minutes, though the body rvf tlie man van.9 still warm. CftOtain Mc- Elwain entered the house a few moments later and made a thorough examination of the effects of the deceased. The only thing found that bore any relation te the tragedy was the following letter, which was addressed te Rev. P. L. Shephard, Saybrook, Conn. : July 20, 1883. My Dear Father and Metheb: Kittie and I were secretly married. There will be nothing revealed of the ceremony. We have been very happy together in life, but we will be happier in death, which seems se pleasant. Our last wish and request is that we may rest together. With all our love and devotion we are your affectionate Ren and daughter. KlTTIE AND HOKACK SlIEl'HARD. It will be seen that for ever a week they had deliberated upon the question of suicide, but had net Anally determined upon it till Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Shephard were known very little about the house in which they i est tied. They arrived there en the 231 eflast May, and hired the room which they died iu merely as a furnished room, taking their meals outside. Monday they left the house early in the morning and did net return uutil late at night. Mr. Shephard was in the employ of the Her ting safe company, Ne 252 Broadway, for the past three years as shippiner clerk. He was highly respected by his employers and considered te be a young man of excellent character and principles. M1MSTKK BAKOAS SCIC1DK. The tsedy t be Taken te Spain Palmul Sceue at tne Hetel. The body of Sener Barca, the Spanish m'nistcr, who killed himself Suuday, was taken fiem the Albemarle hotel, N. Y., te an uudeitakers' Monday afternoon and em balmed. Notwithstanding- his written request te be buried in the United States, his sorrowing widow insists that the body shall be taken te Spiin for interment. It is the opiuien of Mr. Jese F. De Navarre, the dead minister's friend, Censul General Suarez, Ssner Da Leme, seeretary of the Spanish legation, and ether intimate ac quaintances of the deceased, that he shot himself in a fit of temporary insanity. Mr. Navarre says it is net true that Sener Barca was greatly indebted. On the cetitiary, se far as it is new known, ha nnly owed in the neighborhood of $2,000 and he could, without difficulty, have ob taiued that sum of moaey. Sanora Barca, it is said, had recently fallen heir te a censidei able estate by the death of her father, but she had net yet secured her prepsrty. The minister some time age requested of his government an extended leave of absence that he might ac company his wife abroad. The leave was refused him, boeause of important business requiring his presence in Wash ington. He was informed however, that at future time his request would be willingly granted. The idea of separation from his family, together with lack of ready money te meet outstanding ebliga tiens, is believed te have-se preyed upon his mind as te cause him te commit sui cide. One circumstance that opposes the theory of temporary insanity is that en Saturday last, 24 hours before he fired the fatal shot, he telegraphed Sener De Leme te come te New Yerk te iake charge of the legation. This telegram was sent, it is thought, after the minister had decided te commit suicide. The scene in the room where the body lay at the Albemarle was painful. The young daughter of the dead man sat beside the coffin apparently dazed by the calamity. The -wife of the minister was inconsolable. She wept and moaned incessantly and it was with difficulty that she was persuaded te leave the body of her husband. CAREY SHOT. Dogged by an implacable Avenger. The report of the sheeting of James Carey, in the steamer Melrose, by O'Denuell. earned intense excitement in the West End of Londen and in the Heuse of Commens. Later advices about the killing of Carey show that he was shot while landing from Melrose at Pert Elizibeth. O'Dennel, his slayer, is in custody. The government bad taken special and expensive measures te protect Carey. It appears that O'Donnell dogged Carey from Londen. Beth sailed in the steamer Kilfaun's Castle. At Dublin the news of James Carey's death caused many exhibitions of delight en the streets. Carey was traveling under the name of Power. His family were with him. He embarked at Dartmouth. Frem Maderia he wrote a letter te the author ities, in which he described the voyage and said he had shared iu a conversation in which the Invincibles and " the mis creant Carey" were especially denounced. He said he intended te forget that Ireland ever existed. The Londen Daily Telegraph says : The government have little doubt that Carey was followed from Dublin. They believe that the Fenians bad taken most elaborate measures te prevent his escape. According te the latest accounts the murder occurred at sea. Carey was net killed outright, bnt died shortly after he was shot. O'Donnell surrendered himself quietly. He was placed in irons and was banded ever te the police when the Melrose arrived at Pert Elizabeth. A 8TBDGGLE WITH OUTLAWS. Twe PrU eners Killed la m Desperate Kn gacemeat. An officer and posse in pursuit of the Montgomery, Yell and Garland county outlaws came up with the Daniel Brethers and their bind en the mountains, in Perry county, Ark., en the headwaters of the Feurche la U ave river en ennaay. The fugitives were in a stronghold and a des perate fight followed, resulting -in the killing of two of the prisoners, Spelton Caldwell, of Garland county, and Charles Carter, or Dardahelle. A man named Barnes, of Dardanelle,-was' also killed, rtnn AfittiA hlnnrlhennda. whink Msemnan- ied the posse was Bhet down. The prison. era naa oeen urawu iaw uhuwbb, waien the desperadoes had fortified and ambush ed. The outlaws escaped without injury. 8 e Harden. A 17-year old boy named Silvey, stabbed bisjelder berther tejdeath near Centerville, Georgia, vesterday. Patrick Moulten. aged 44 years, was killed by Bernard Me Caffrey, aged 33, in Trey, New Yerk, yes terday morning, in a quarrel about a woman. Sabato Alexander, convicted of murder at Easten, Pa., is trying te starve himself te death. He has refused feed since Thursday last. Dying at OneHaanred. Mrs. Mary Shaughnessy, who came te Erie from Limencr, Ireland, hair a cen tury age, died there Monday morning en the hundredth anniversary of her birth day. She was the mother of a large and respected family. Her great desire of late years was te see her centennial year, and, realizing the sole object of the last days of her life, she died. H OP B1TTEKS. A-Great-Problem. TAKE ALL THE KIDNEY AND LIVER Medicines. BLOOD PURIFIERS, RHEUMATIC Remedies. DYSPEPSIA And Indigestion Ouree. AGUE, FEVER, And Bilious Specifics BRAIN AND NERVE Force Revivers. GREAT HEALTH Restorers. IN SHOUT, TAKE ALL THE BESTqualitlcs et all these, audtlie best qualities of all tbe best medicines of tbe world, and you will find that HOP BITTERS nave tbe best curative qualities and powers et all concentrated In them, and that they will cure wben any or all or these, singly or combined, fail. A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. JulylO-lmd ttncklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder or tbe world. Warranted te speedily cure burns, Bruises, Cute, U cera. Salt Ubeum, Fever sores. Can cers, Plies, Cbllb-ains, corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all stein eruptions, guaranteed te euro in evciy Instance, or money relunded. 5 cents per box. Fer sale by Chaa. A. Lecher. ie25-lyeedftw The Han Who Talks Much. We want, te say a word te you wh make a living with your tongue. Ven certainly must have a clear, strong voice te encsge your listeners. Br. Tftemfw' JScleelric OU for sere threat, colds, and hoarseness Is unex celled. Use and admire. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street. " Fire Bint Oat." This 1 i a common remark when roughs and rewdys Insult public decency by their un seemly ways. Dyspepsia Is a nerrld bore. Fire 1' cut with Burdock Bleed Bitters. Yeu can de it. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Small Pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Yellow Fever, etc.. can't exist where Darbys Propny Prepny lactic Fluid is used. - A Great Discovery. That is daily bringing joy te tbe homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for -Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Less of Voice, Tickling in the Threat, Pain Inside and Chest, or any disease of the Threat ami Lungs a pos itive cure. Guaranteed. Trial bottles lree at Ohaa. A. Lecher'a Drug Stere. Large size, $100. . I Wish everybody te Knew. Rev. Geerge H. Thayer, an old citizen el this vicinity known te every one as a most Influential citizen and christian minister el the SI. E. church. Just this moment stepped In our store te say, " I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ewo our lives te Slitleh's consumption Cure." it Is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and is giving perfect satisfaction in ail cases et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DBS. MATCHETT X FRAN UK. Bourbex. Ind., May 15, '78. Sold by H. B. Cochran, djugglst, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. tel14eed4 .KAFJCJC MAXVlAttB, C pHAKKS XV. FRY. Weweroentof certain sizes et SCREEN FRAMES, but we have filled up again and are ready te fill orders promptly-23. 25, 27, 2D. 31, 33 and 35 inches high and 32 te 33 inches wide ; they can be i ednced te 24 inches in a lew minutes. They make the CHEAPEST and BEST screen in the market, superior te the old style and lower in price. NEW PATTERNS OF WALL PAPERS. ODDS AND ENDS AT HALF-PRICE. An Elegant Line et NEW PATTERN DADO SHADES. PLAIN GOODS IN ALL COLORS. LACE CURTAINS from a Dellar a Pair up. PHARESW.FRY. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. MASK HO MISTAKE, FOB YOU CAW buy the best 5c. Havana cigar In the market, at UARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAS STORE. J. K. KOTK. There has been such a demand for LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS that I was compelled te get a VERY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make yen a PHOTO as small as the smallest locket will bold np te a CTSfchrJace. te fit an 18x22 Frame. J- E. ROTE, No."lb6Nertn Queen Street. JnneZ-iid Price Twe Goats. MKDICAJL. I YCK'd AB3AF.K1LLA. i TIDim flTTT The distressing feeling I 1 IIxEjJL? UU 1 . ofweuriness.ot exhaus tien witneut enerr. wnicn makes 1110001 den te se many people, U dan te the fact that theb'oe its peer, and the vitality consequently feeble. If yea are suffering from suchleel Jngs, Iyer's Sarsaparilla Isjust what yen need, and will de you Incal culable geed. Ne ether preparation 30 concentrates and combines bleed purifying, vitalizing, enrich- ng ami luvigera ing quaimes or atdb Sabsapari la. rRSPABD BT Dr. a. C. Ayers & Ce., Lewell, Mass; Sold by all Druggists. July30 augS-lydJkw. T)KKKY DAVIS'S rAIM KILLER. STJHER I mpru deuces ABB SURE TO BRING ON SUMMER DISEASES. INDIGESTION, DIARRHG3A, DYSENTEItY, COLIC, CRAMPS, BOWEL COMPLAIT3, FEVERS, &c, &c. BUT Perry Davis's Pain Killer. DmvE8 Them Awat. Drives Tiiem Away. DmvEs Tii km Awav. D0N-T BE WITHOUT PAIN KILLER, BUY OF ANY DRUGGIST. Julyl-lydw VLOTUllfO. Uf2Vl '1'4 tiOT. CHANGE YOUR UNDERWEAR. GAUZE UNDERSHIRTS in Sizes from 34 te 50 Inches. Gauze, Muslin and Jean Drawers. Camlbeles, Filet De Cuntc Pour H'einmea fancy Hosiery, New Ties and Cellars at Erisman's, tne Shirtmaker, BLUE PRONT GENTS' FURNISHING STORE. Ne 17 West Kinff Street. Final Closing Sale -or SUMMER CLOTHING Has commenced and everything en our cenn. ters will be sold at GREAT SACRIFICES! Te make room for our immense stock et Fall and Winter Clothing wlilcll we arenew manu facturing. Among the above lets which we have marked :.wn mere than one-half, are LIGHT ami DA It It COLORED Gaeeimere, Cheviot, Serge, Wonted and Flannel Baits. BIO DRIVES in Beys' and Children's CLOTHING. ALSO, CREOLE SUITS. WHITE VESTS LINEN PANTS and VESTS, SEER SUCKER COATS, And anything in the way of ccel Clothing J ust received another let el these 75c. OVERALLS. Best In the market, four pockets, riveted but tons and warranted net te rip. Large line et Gents' Furnishing Goods, AT LOWEST PRICES. HIRSH & BRO., PENN HALL CLOTHING HOUSE. 2 and 4 Kerta Queen Street. JVTrade Dollars taken at Par. T QAN3BIAN BRU. ABOUT CLOTHING. HOW IS IT THAT WE ARE BU8T NOW WUluESOMANY ARE DULL? 1st. Our goods have steed the test, and mere than steed the test In comparison with these offered at ether hensca. They are found te be literally the best, and there is no old stock. 2d. Our prices are found te bfe tbe lowest, while the Ulty cents en the dollar and ether marked (town humbugs have long since been detected. The Best Clothing . -AND-V THE LOWEST PRICES. Men's ults selling new at $1.00. 11.00. $5.00. $5 00, $7.00, $'.0O, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00. Beys1 and Children's Suits our great specialty, selling new at $1.50, ?J, $2.50. (3.00. $1.00, $3.00. $3.00, $7.00 and $fcOB. Men'. Panis at 75c., U.10, $1.50, $W, iUO, up te $5.50. Don't miss the present opportunity, me we are bound te reduce our stock In order te , make room for our larg j fall stock new being manufactured. L. Gansmaji & Bre., THE rASUIONAULKMERCHANT TAILORS & CLOTHIERS, 66 68 NORTH QUEEN STiEET, Right ea the Southwest Cerner el Oraaga St. LANCASTER, PA. 4-open every evening until 9 o'clock; Saturday 10 o'clock. IlKKVS UHAKCUAL 1AJZJEJKMB. 1 The most reliable and surest cure for Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, . Bad Breath and all diseases arising Irem a disordered stomach. Price S9c. per Bex, mailable. Prepared and sold by ANDREW O. FRET, DRUGGUST. 23 E. Orange St., COT. Chmtlae;i Lancaster, ira. Drugs, Chemicals, etc, always en hand at , the most reasonable price a27-lydw - '"V.I JT2 M l VJ -II M SA i '.' A . - -'SH '? ri "4 ""i