RP "'.iH.TI IK t;$ .4 -ni.s "" 5is .u rz - Si LANCA8TEB DAILY INTELLieENGER SATUBI)YJ Jlflfe 2& lSft&J2 r' i accident at Read's read station whieh de tained both that and the milk train until afcer eleven a'cleck. Just as the train was passing the station there was a jolting and before the engine cenld be stepped three freight cars had left the track and had their trucks badly wrecked. The track was also badly tern up, and the wreck was of such an extent that it was found necessary te send for the wreck train. It is net known what caused the accident, but it is thought one of the brake lis tures of a freight car dropped en the track. Brakesman McClure, who was en one of the freight cars when it left the track, jumped off, landing safely in a field. Toe trains did net reach this place until after midnight. COLUJBBIA NKWS. Frem Our ttepilar Correspondent. The Columbia wreckers attended the wreck ou the P. R. R. nca- Leaman Place yesterday afternoon. On the return trip a number of extra car trucks which had been secured te the rear of the wrecking car broke loose. The mishap was discov ered by a track walker of the company, who was nearly killed by them as he stepped upon the track after the wrecker had passed, net noticing the trucks at first. The train was stepped and was then dashed into by them, piling the trucks one upon another. After this wreck had been cleared away the train proceeded te .its destination. Kellglens Items. Ne services will be held at the Methe dist church tomorrow. Communion ser vices will be celebrated at St. Paul's P. E. church in the morning. The pastor of the latter church, Rev. R. C. Searing, will leave en Monday with his family for a month's vacation at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Ne services will be held during his absence. Rev. G. W. Ely, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will also leave en a month's vacation next week. He will go te Connecticut with his family. During his absence no services will be held, as repaiis en the church will then be in pro gress. A farewell Supper. The complimentary supper which was given the professional brethren of Dr. T. W. Kay te him last evening, at Dr. J. K. Lineaweaver's residence, was a grand sue cobs. The doctor was presented by his entertainers with a handsome geld ring and geld penholder,as testimonials of their regard for their departing friend. Toasts and speeches followed the banquet, and the merry making was continued until after midnight. Met a Uueat. The suspicious neises heard iu Mr. Frederick Bucher's new Walnut street houses last night proved, ou investigation te proceed from a tramp who was endeav oring te find a geed lodging placa for the night. The superstitious thought or ghosts when they heard the unusual sounds in the house. Personal. Mrs. Jessel left te day for the scasht'ie Cape May. Mr. J. M. Ward and wife have relumed from a trip te New Yerk state. Mr. Geerge Sides and wife, of Baiu bridge, are the guests of Mr. F. P. Miller, en 3d street. The Misses Auuie Fasig, Gracie Felk and Annie Humphriss are tentiug at the Lamlisville campmceting. Happenings Around Town. Pennsylvania Castle Ne. 76, A. O. K.ef M. C. meets te night. Twe train jumpers were taken te jail by the Pennsylvania railroad police this moru meru ir.ir. Yesterday's game of baseball between the Riversides and a picked nine, resulted in a victory for the former. The mud scow of th,e Pennsylvania canal company is operating ou the mud bank at t lie mouth of the new outlet here The R. & C. railroad efnccals hore state liiut yesterday's excursion from Reading te Lititz numbered net less than 1,000 person?. Mr. Charles Yeung and Miss Lena Quinzcr, both of town, were united in marriage by the Rjv. Rablcr, of Sitem Lutheran church, last evening. A party el Columbians aw holding .1 picnic at Wild Cat Falls te-day. Anether party from town spent yesteiday p'enic ing at the Wrightsvilhi greve yesterday. Kinzer Heckey, an empleye of Brunei's 00 al yard, had the fe fiuger of his right hand se badly crushed by heisting m.i chinery, that amputation at the tirst joint was necessary. On the R. As C. railreai te-morrow trains for Landiriville c.tmpiueetinij will leave here at 8:413 a. m , and 1:15 and C::!0 p. m On the P. it. It. trains will leave at 8:05 a. 111. aud 1:20 p 111. Until trip fare ever both reads 40 cants i.ahiivii.i.k -l,amimu;;ti.nij A Warm Day In tbe Weeds This is the warmest day at the camp grounds since the opening, but notwith standing the number of arrivals is larger than upon any previous day. This is al ways the case ou Saturday, as many per sons ceme te remain ever Sunday. Among the new arrivals are Rev. J. M. Wheeler, Millersville ; Prof. Kirkpatrick, of Phila delphia and many ethers. Last evening the regular service was held at 7:30 when Rev. .1. R. Baily.ef Bird-in-Hand, preached the sermon te a large audience taking his text from Thes. iv 13th. " But I would net have you te be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow net even as ethers which ha 70 no hope." A prayer meeting followed the regular nervice at whieh there were two converts. At C o'clock this morning the regular prayer meeting was led by Rev. Robinson, and the one at 8 o'clock by Rev. J. P. Powick, of Lancaster. At 10 o'clock this morning the usual services was held at which Rev. Dr. Deb bins, formerly of Lancaster, but new of Reading, preached. Hi? text was from St. Matthew, vi, 13 : " And lead us net into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and ths power, and the glory forevor and ever Amen.'' The children's meeting at 1 o'clock by Miss Lizzie Sharp and Dr. Sweeney was largely attended. This afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. J. T. Satchell, of the Duke street M. E. church, led the service. His text was found in Psalm, 140, ix : " This honor have al: his saints. Praise ycthe Lord." This evening a twilight service will be held and Rev. W. J. Mills, of Philadel phia, will preach at 7:30. It is expected that the attendance to morrow will be larger than upon any pre vious Sunday in the history of the camp frtvitinlc rPlin cprviilta will La nnnsiiallv -t ti. .. ---v" "v--- -;r.";: interesting, in tue morning at u e ciucit there will be a prayer meeting with a leva fiastatSL The sermons during the day will lie delivered as fellows : 10:30 a. ui. Rev. Dr. Helmes, Pittsburgh ; 3 p. m. Rev. W. II. Elliett, Lebanon ; 7:30 Rev. R. W. Humphries, Columbia. v .Excursion Trains. The Pennsylvania and Reading railroads will both run excursion trains ever their lines te Landisville. They will leave the Pennsylvania depot at 8:15 and 8:50 a. m., 1:55, 3:15 and U:30 p. m. Returning they will leave Landisville at 9:20 a. m., 12:10, 2:30, 0:00 and 7:00 p. m. Over the Reading read they will leave King street at 8:25 and 10:10 a. m. and 1:45 p. m. Returning they will leave Landisville at 12:00 m.,4:45 aud 8:00 p. m. Twenty Ave cents for the round trip en both reads. Tees Mashed, Yesterday afternoon a boy named Peter Nissley, of Landisville, had several, tees of his feet mashed by having them caught between some beards en a wagon en which be was riding. A UBAMD FESTIVAL. Medication or Htennercber Ball. The festival attending the dedication of the new Maennercher hall premises te be one of the finest affairs of the kind ever witnessed in this city. The cemmittee of arrangements have almost completed their work and announced that the following musical organizations will be present and participate in the festivi- , ties : Germama Mamnercher of Balti mere, vt meniDers, witn soie quartet, m mixed voices ; Harmonica Msennercber of Reading, 24 members ; Harmonica Maen Maen nercber of Philadelphia, 80 members and mixed chorus ; Teutonic Sacngerbund of Philadelphia, 28 members ; Liederkranz of Lancaster, 20 members. The festival will open en Monday after noon, August 13th, at 3 o'clock. There will be a general rehearsal at 4 o'clock,and the dedication concert will take place at 8.0'cleck p. m., free te all members, their families and guetts. On Tuesday after noon there will be a general rehearsal, and in the evening a grand concert, open te the public, as well as members, at 50 cents a ticket. This will be the grand foature of the festival as the mixed choruses and soles will be rendered only during this evening. On Wednesday, the 15th, there will be a grand parade and picnic at Recky Springs, aud the festival will close en Thursday evening with a craud ball. Prlza right Matters. In reply te the challenge of Alf. Mills, Frank Scherwoed says that Mills knows mere than he does if he understands that he wants te fight, as he has a business that pays him better than prize fighting. He does net want his name used by Mills in his advertisements. He also advises Mills, if he desires te fight, te tackle Pattey Sheppard who, he says, whipped him be bo be fere. J. Owen, for Frank Montreville who was challenged te fight by Alf Mills writes that all Mills has te de is te jpest 650 in a bank or in the hands of R. K. Fex and it will immediately he covered. He says Mills can pest tbe money for himself or his unknown. The offer is open both te fight or spar for three months, and Owens' man will weigh 110 pounds. CTOSS Butts. Wm. Butler, colored, was arrested and locked up for a hearing before Alderman McConemy, of a complaint of assault and battery made against him by his wife Bill Butler has brought suit against his wife Nan, bofero Aldermau A. F. Dennelly, charging her with assault and battery. They had a fight and Nan is alleged te have chased her husband with a butcher knife Malicious Mischief. Margaret Deeff, charged with entering the premises of Jennie Pentz, aud destroy ing flowers, vegetables, grapevines, Asa , wasanei-t.nl for malicious mischief and held for a hcaiin bcfeie Alderman Spur ritr. Cruelty te lulmais. This afternoon Officer Smith arrested Frederick Holtzworth aud Otte Kech for cruelly beating and abusing a horse they weie diiving. Beth men we 10 intoxicated and weie locked up for a hearing before Alderman Feidccy. Smallpox. Dr. Fitzpatiick n -ports two new cases of smallpox te rfny. The patients are Miss Ellie Gress, agtd 21 years, of 337 North Mary street, and Sallie Bonasch, ah eleven months old child of North street. Te-aay's Kxcursleu. Thore were 50 excursionists te Atlantic city this morning via the Pennsylvania railroad, and 0 via the Reading read. tluni Injured. Martin Ehhlcman, of Terre Hill, while catching a base ball had his hand badly hurt by having i, split between the thumb and forefinger. Tiik Allunll.- and l'.icillc Tea company lias been connected with the Telephone Ki change. CuniST's Kvangellcal l.ulhciati Church, which has been closed ler tbe past six wrote, will reopen te morrow at 10:30 a. in. KellKluus. Uev. 1. II. Ueissinger, el Easten, I'm., v.ill preucli in the pulpit el Trinity Lutheran church te morrow morning. Theuvcnlngser vice will commence at n.11 irtc.r befere 8 o'clock. Tbe members el the Weman's Christian Temperance Union who wish te attend tli meetings en Temperance day. Tuesday, the 31t. at Landisvillu camp meeting, can reach there in time by taking the 0:30 a. in. train en tin-1'. it. It. Expcnsts, Including omnibus te tliu grounds i.nd gate fee, 75 ecu In. The S.imaier l9sue or Strawbridgc & Cloth ier's Quarterly, Just out. is a splendid number : every page la 01 interest te the ladies. Ne lancy-werk designs and stitches;; instructions 111 amateur art, and hew te adorn the por.sen and decorate the home ; a pretty pleca el new vocal music ; and the summer fashions in every department el dry goods lully Illus trated. Price, 15 cents ; get a copy trem your news-dcaler or send te StrawbrldgeA Clothier Philadelphia juner3-2wd&4lw The Wonderful Luuu'rR Clialr. New en exhibition and sale at Ne. 123 Lo cust street, Columbia, a low doe.s above the posteflice, Is claimed te be tbe most complete piece of lurniture ever Invented, having ever llitychangjset position. It Is Impossible te conceive a posture el the human body It can net be made te conform. Is especially adapted ler Parler, Library or Sitting lloem and is sold as low as six dollars, ar rice never known of heretofore ler a chair combining se many different articles of lurniture. The Luburf? Manutacturlng Company, el Philadelphia, who are the sol j manufacturers, will remain in Columbia butashert time, and we would suggest te our readers te call and see this great Invention, for It Is worth while spending a little time In viewing something you may never have an opportunity el seeing again. Agencies are being established all ever the country by the company, who v. m give exclusive light te parties el geed address with moderate capital. Thousands of these chairs are being sold, and the demand Is Increasing dally. Don't fall te see the noted Invention which has no equal. It SPKOLAL NOTICEB. g- Every color et the Diamond Dye Is per iod Unequalled for biilliancy. See the sam ples or the eoleret1 cloth at the druggists. Tub public lacks net a genuine remedy for skin diseases in Glenn's Sulphur Seap. "Hill's Hair Dye," b ack or brown, nlty cents ty23-lwdeed4w Peit l.ame Back, aide or Chest use Sill. LOU'S POROUS IPL.ASTER. Price, 25 cent Sold by H. li. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen trect, Lancaster. icblleedc 49Plain Talk from dr. a way nb Te Whom It May Cencern: Itching Piles is one et the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Every one can tell whether he Is thus afflicted by observing the following symp toms : Intense Itching, particularly atter get ting warm. It seems as It pin worms were crawling in or about the rectum. Small lumps sometimes fenn. The private parts are often affected. The mere you scratch the worse the itching. Knewing that my ointment Is super super ler te any article in the market, I guarantee it te cure the worst case et itching plies in exist ence. rSigned, U.8WAVNK, M. D. Dr. Sway no's Ointment is also a pleasant and oilective euro ler tetter, itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas, barber's itch, pimples, and all scaly, crusty, itchy skin eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent for 50 eta. (In 3c stamps), 3 boxes, $1.25. Address, Dr. Swayne ft Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ! ectll-lydTu.ThASAw nOWEBS HDKST. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, - Lancaster, Pa SUMMER SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. TO CLOSE OUT BALANCE OF STOCK. WE SHALL OFFER BARGAINS IN THESE GOODS. BLAuK SILKS ! BLACK SILKS 1 We are selling an Excellent Black Silk at IL00, and very geed Black Silks as low down as 0 cents per yanl. BLACK CASHMEBRS I We offer none but the very best makes which we can lreely guarantee te give "perfect satisfaction. We have them at all prices. BLACK CBEPES! BLACK CBEPES! Extra wide and Extra Quality. BLACK THIBET SHAWLS in Singlc'and Deuble. Special attention paid te selection of MOURNING GOODS of which we keep a lull line. m TRADE DOLLARS TAKEN AT FULL VALUE.-l BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. .... LANCASTER, FA. J NO. s. mvi.Kit & CO. AURORA WITH THE Summer Dress Goods, Silks, Sun Umbrells and Parasols, AT REDUCED PRICES. ETRADB DOLLARS TAKEN AT PAR. "S3 JSTO. S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East King Street, .TNO. S. GIVLER. 8VUVIA.I. NOTIVKS. " Mether swan's Werm Syrup." lnlalliblc, tasteless, harmless, cathartic ; ler leycrishness, restlessness, worms, constipa tion. iSc. Well bs Kver. Lettio Heward wiitclrein Buffalo, N. V.. " My system became greatly debilitated through arduous professional duties. Suffer ed Itein nansca, sick headacne. and bilious ness. Tried 11 unlock Bleed Sltlerx with the most beneficial ellecl. Am well ns ever." for aale by II. It Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street. Ne iiiattnr what may be the name, or hew long standing the trouble. Dr. Botisen's Skin Cure will always cure skin diseases. Gratclul hundreds el enred patients attest this tact. $1. at druggists. " I buy Dr. liaison's Celery and Chamomile Pills and introduce them wherever I ye. Per sonal knowledge and experience of their effects en ethers prompts this act." i:ev. J. P. Fugett, Recter St. Lukes Cli., Mycrsburg, Pa. 50 cts. at druggists. Celuen's Liquid Beet Tonic Is admirably adapted ter females in dellcate health. Col Cel den's; no ether. jy23-lwdeed&w Ne fear et Small Pox It Darbys Prophylactic fluid lj med Ircciy. it destroys the very germ. I recommend Lady Camelia's Secret el Youth and Beauty for the complexion as be ing far superior te any ai tide 1 ever used. It positively removes Freckles, and will remove Tan in one application. Price tee. Ker sale at all druggists. MUS. J. ltKNNti SMITH, ieW-CuidMJLS Newaik, N. .1. UISA.'U. Buhl. In this city, en the 23th int., Michael 1 .11 hi, aged M years, 3 months and 19 days. The relatives and lrlends et the family are respectlully invited te attend the funeral trem his lale residonce. Ne. !i40 Woodward slr.-et, en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Iuiennent at Zlen cemetery. 2t IfJSW AlirmiTlSJtMUNTH. WANTED- A SITUATION TO IHCIVK a business wagon. Apply at this office. It It SOUK Kit OUT l.L'NCH THIS EVENING, at UreMzIngcr's Saleen, Ne. EOl BeckJand st cet. The best et beer en tap. It SODItKltOUT 1.UNCU AND PIG'S KEKT thlfc (SATUKDAY) evening at Albeit Kehlhais' Maner Street Saleen. Best beer In the city en tap: It riKIIUitI IfKOGSI I; Turtle "eup, Chicken Cern Soup. Spiing Cc.lckens, Deviled Crabs. Cape May Suite and all ether do.icucies of the season this and nverv evening at MILLER'S ItESTA U BANT, Ne. a? North Queen street. it w ANTCI). ATAtt TIMICS. IIICKOUY PLANK. ALtTKED DILLEK, Cerner of Lemen and Water streets. jy2l-2tdSR Lancaster. Pa. FOIt SAIK CHKAI-. A DOUBLE-SEATED CARRIAGE, made at one el the best Lancaster factories, nearly new. Inquire at this office. jy2Slwd WANTKU-PIKTir UOOD UIUaK Mfkti. ei sand 5 or C geed strippers at NO. 405 SOUTH WATER STREET. It LADIKV raUSLIN UNOKKWKAK AT cost, Linen Lawns reduced from aic. te 20c, elegant, styles. Alse, Parasols at and be low cost. .Inst received New Spanish and ether Laces, Lace Cellars and Velvet Ribbons. Above Goods at Lewest Pi ices at SWARR'S, febl7-lyTn&S Ne. 50 North Queen Street PKOFLK'I Bim.DI.NO, LOAN AND DK DK peslt Company. Monthly meeting I his evenlne, at "ly o'clock, at Majer Relneehl's office, Ne. 44 North Duke street. Sleek In 17th series ler ab. Ne dues i eccived at the D lec tors' meeting. Meney sold at 9 o'clock, if A. 8. VILLE, Secretary. PROPOSALS FUR CURBING. Sealed proposals will be received by the Building Committee of tne Eastern Market Heuse up te 10 o'clock a. m. en WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, torlrem COO te G e loot et Granite Curbing, 20 Inches deep and sis inches thick. Proposals te be left at the office el Allen a. Herr. Ne. 1C8 East King street. jy23-3t J. F. 8ENBR, Chairman. IUHLIl) SAL.K OF HORSES. On MONDAY, JULY 30. 1883. will be sold at D. Legan's Sale Stables, Market street, rear ui McGrann Heuse. Lancaster, Pa., 20 HEAD OF OHIO HORSES. Among them are a pair el matched horses and some line drivers. Sale n commence at 1 o'clock p. in. A credit et 60 days will be given. DANIEL LOGAN. Samuel Hess, Auct. It NOTICE IT HAVING KKbN DKUir.KD by the courts that Liking water Irem a city or water company without paying for it is larceny, punishable bv fine or Imprison ment, therefore notice is hereby given that anv person detected In stealing city water will be prosecuted according te law. By order of the WATER COMM ITTEE. Jy2S-3tdS,WAS .ISTATE OK ANNIE G. RAYMOND, LATE JCi et Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make imme diate pajment, and these having claims or demands acrainst tbe same, will present them without delay ter settlement te the under signed, residing in Maytown, Lancaster, county. Pa. jESSE KLUGIL Administrator. A. F. Shekck, Att'y. J23-CtdS F?OK 8ALK-TBK ENTIRE STOCK AND ' Fixtures et tbe Millinery and Notion store, situated Ne. 22 West -King street, Lan caster, Pa., consisting ei Notions, Hosiery, Gloves. Zephyr Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Cor sets, Underwear and everything pertaining te a first-class Millinery and Notion Stere : also two Shew Cases, three Counters, Shelv ln?. Desk, sign, Steve, etc. Call or address, 1uly2S-lwd INTELLIGENCE!!. SPECIAL. ItAKUAINS. In order te introduce their Cet!ccs mere extensively, tbe American Tea Company of 2G Centre Square are giving away ONE POUND OF GRANULATED SUGAR WITH KVERY POUND OF THEIR CREAM RIO COFFEE AT 25c PER POUND. CHEAPEST SUGAE IN LANCASTER. American Tea Ce., 2tW4S Ne. 26 Centre Square. NEW ADTXMTXSBMMNTB. ANOTHER LARGE LOT OP CARPET SWEEPERS, LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, AT THE NEW PRICE, 3.00. MSW AVrUKTlSKMkNTS. ( EURflU FAUNKSTOCK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, HAIR'S OLD STAND. ) NO. 14 EAST KfNG STPEET. Ladies' Jerseys, Misses' Jerseys, IN ALL COLOUS Maroen, Cardinal, Klectrlc, Navy Blue, Brown. Black and Myrtle. Perfect Fitting in all Sizes. An Elegant Assortment el these Goods, Frem $2. BO Up. ALSO. JEISSEV CLOTH BY TUB YA1CD, IN ALL COLORS. LADIES' CASHMEUK AND SHETLAND SHAWLS IN Git K AT VAUIETY AT LOWEST PKICES. GEORGE EAHNESTOOK, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, NEW ADVJillTIHJSMlSXTa. irAM'EU-AT THE LANUASTKC UuLT VV Works, a lew boys between the ages of 13 ami 18 years. jy2G-3td SCHOOL TAX 18S3. The duplicate is in the hands of the Trpasiucr. :t percent, oil until August 1st. W. O. MAUSHALL, Tieasurcr, Ne. VI Centra Sijuare. Otlice hours from 9 a. m. te 4 p. in. JO-tldK MeCAKTKK BRO.N(). fi31 NOKTI1 Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. ELECTROPLATING WORKS. Silver, Geld tnd Nickel Platers. Medel making and nil kinds et repairing of every description. Alse retiiililshing of all kinds et plated work. jy2G-lwd w OitKIMi.MKN NIUlUl.l) CALL AT BEOHTOLD'S, And see the NEW PATENT OVKRALI , the best iu the niaikct. One pair equal te two. Shirts, Stockings, Suspenders and Notions generally. All cheap ler cash. HENRY BECHTOLD, Ne. 52 Neith Queen Street. P. S. Stere and dwelling ter nalc or rent. Immediate possession. teb:t-lyd R HADING & UOlIIAIUIa K. It. SUNDAY, JULY 29, Snec-iul Trains will inn te and lieui Lancaster ( King street) and Landisville as fellows : Leave Lancaster ( King street), 8:25 and 10:10 a. m.: 1,45 p, m. Returning, leave Landisville. 12:00 neon ; 1:45 and S:00 p. in. Fare for Round Trip, only 25c. jy25-3tdW.F3 JOK SALtT " Valuable City Building Leta. Situate en the northeast corner et North I ime and Janie:t street. These lets will maku elegant building sites, being situated in a last improving vart et the city. Ker lu it her Information call ou ALLE.N A. HKRR& CO., Real K.state Agents, Ne. 108 fast King Street, Lancaster, P i. j ulyl20td&eaw Klttt rlUltMC SAI.ROPONB ;aic lead ok uoRSEs.-en Monday, .iulvse. isss will be sold at public sale, at the Merrimac Heuse, C. A. Mllle , proprietor, Lancaster city. Pa., the following livestock, te wit : ONE CAR LOAD OK HORSES : 1 ear lead et Seuth em Indiana and Illinois Horses, Kine Drivers, Geed Steppers, Horses ler general Kami use and Feeder". The above MticK must be as represented by t lie undersign' d ar no sale. A ereditet 00 days will be given. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., et said day, when attendance will be siven by GtiORGK GROSSMAN. J. Kkumai:. jy27-2t '1 IRAKI) Flltr. INSUKANCK company OF PHILADELPHIA. i Assets ever ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDREP- THOUSAND DOLLARS. j Insures Property at Currenl'lJates. Lesses Promptly Settled and Paid. RIFE & KAUFMAN, j AGENTS, Ne. 19;East Kinjr Street inl2-(!muM.W&SR )KOPOSAI.S FOR STI.AM POMP. Proposals will be received at 1 he Mayer's Office. Lancaster. Pa., until FRIDAY, AUG. 17, 18S3. for a Condensing Pumping Engine te be erected at the Citv Water Works with a capacity of 6,000,t00 in 24 hours, delivered at a height of tee feet. Bidders te make all exca vations, build lonndatiens, make all pump wells, lurnish cbeck valve en pumping main, all steam plpts and material necessary te put the pump in perfect working order. Steam cylinders and heads, steiui chests and all steam pipes te be ceveicd with asbestos, weed pulp, or any ether Improved ptpe covering ether than hair lelL All work te be et the best character, and subject te the approval of the Wafer C- mmlttce. Prepcsals te be addre-sed te the " Water Committee, Lancaster, Pa." The cemmittee rrservc the right te reject anv or all bids. Fer further information address " TNO. T. MAcGONlGLE, Mayer, Chairman el the Water Committee jy28Aaugl,4,81ll YALUABI.E BUSINESS PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Situated NOS. 34 AND 30 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa., midway between Centre Square and Stevens Heuse and Read ing Railroad Depot, and opposite Cooper's Kcd Lien Hetel, and new occupied by A. N. i5ren cinan. It lias a frontage of 23 feet7inct.es,. running back 132 feet, with the right of wky te the iWcet alley en the west, while ever the alley the second, third and fourth stories belong te tbe property, making the wnelc IrOnt 32 feet, 7 inches, exclusive of the alley wav. te which it lias rlehtet tree Ingress and egress at any and all times through te West Mifflin street. This property is in geed repair, and has been used as a shoe store and dwelling for nearly 60 years. Ker further Information apply te jAtuu r. uw, neaijEsiaie Agenx, iulyl4 2mdS,U Ne, G West King St. Lancaster, Fa. GEO. F. RATHVON. Children's Jerseys, LANCASTER, PA. MiW A-DViSKTISEMMStHIS. AriOUlAI. 1'KJNU! liYTHK LANOASTKK Typographical Union, Ne. 70, will be held atdecky Springs en MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1883. Houghten'somnibuses will leave Centre square at 11 o'clock a. m., and run all altcr altcr altcr noen ; laie for the round trio, S5 cents, lie lie ircshmcntsen the ground. Tayler's Orches tra. Jy28-2tS S WITHIN V. SHOKTI.IDGK'.S At'AUKHI for Yeung Meu and Beys. Media, Penn'a., I2in. from Philadelphia, school year opens !3ept. 12. Fizcd price f evers every expense, even books. tc. Ne extra charges. Ne Inci dental expenses. Ne examination ler admis sion. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities ler apt students te advance rapidly. Special drill for dull and backward I eys. Patrons or stu dents may select any studies, or cheese the regular English.Scfcntltlc, Business, Classical or Civil Engineering Course. Students fitted at Media Academy are new in Harvard, 1 ale and ten ether Colleges and Polytechnic schools. A Physical and a Ciicmlcal Labra Labra tery ; a line Gymnasium and Ball ground. 1,500 vels, added te Library In 18S3. Apparatus doubled In lbS.1. Ten students sent te college in 1SS1. A graduating clas in Commercial Department in 1S-3. Media has 7 churches and a temperance charter which piohi'elts the sale of all intoxicating drinks, ter new Illustrated Ci'cular address the Piinclpaland Pioprleter, SW1THJN V. 8HOKTL1UGE, a. Ri. ( Har vard University Graduate ), Mrdia, Penn'a. jy27-lind&w S1GNKI'S SAI.IC. ASSIGNEES' SALE, BY ORDER OF THE CREDITORS, A FULL LINE OF Men's, Youth's and Bey's TO BE fcOLD AT 50cts. 0JT THE DOLLAR, IN THE BASEMENT OF NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. Sale will Commenceon SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 28, And will Continue until all goods are sold. iu2(2t 'A w I'Allt I'lKI.O A0 Allt PL. AY,'- IS ALL THEY ASIC AT Shirk's Carpet Hall, COR. W. KING AND WATER ST3. Competition is the life et trade, and this house defies competition iu the quality aud prices et lis goods. BRUSSELS CARPETS, IN VERY CHOICE PATTERNS, Will new be sold cons! icralily b3lew eon te make loom ter THE IMMENSE STOCK COMING IN FOR THE FALL TRADE. Ingrain, Chain and Kag Carpets, AT A SACRIFICE. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. W. King & Water Sts., LANCASTER, PA. aitecxMHca. T KURSK'S. PICNIC SUPPLIES. CORNED BEEF, POTTED MEATS, viz.: Ham, Beer, Turkey, Chicken, Ac. Lunch Tongue. Hams, Dried Beet (chipped), Sardines in oil and mustard. Fresh Lebster, Fresh Salmen, Fresh Mack oral In 1 pound cans, Soured Mackcral in 2 pound cans. Schrimps, Olives and Pickets In small bot tles. Cress & Blackwell's Pickles. Lea & Per rln's Worcestershire Sauce. Jellies, Marmalades, Fine Locust and Clever Heney. CHOICE CREAM CHEESE. PINEAPPLE AND EDOM CHEESE. WOODEN PICNIC PLATES. AT BUESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING , STREET. Rw nil LANCASTER, FA. SECOND EDITION. SABTUOAY EVENING, JULY 28,11833 STATE OF THE STRIKE. THE WESTKRN UNION STILT. FIBM. Tbe 'Movement te Construct a New Line Tbe Fbnsdelpbte Commercial Ex- change Pretest Against the Stricers and Empleyes. Baltimore, Md., July, 28. Referring te the recent conferences between the Baltimore & Ohie telegraph company and the Brotherhood of Telegraphers the Sun te-day says: "Mr. Herace O. Steltz of the .Baltimore strikers J nas expiajnea tne inwardness of the recent conferences be tween himself and Superintendent Stew art, of the Baltimore and Ohie. He says that last Tuesday Mr. Stewart called at his residence, Ne.184 North Calvert street, and there proposed te him that if he would get authority from the ex ecutive committee of the brotherhood for the appointment of a treaty committee composed exclusively of Baltimore and Ohie empleyes, that company would con sider their grievances. Mr. Steltz went te New Yerk and get the required authority, but since his return Mr. Stewart has de clined him au interview. Mr. Steltz did net make his explanation until after mid night, and it was impossible te see Mr. Stewart. It is said at the Baltimore and Ohie office, however, that Mr. Stewart's conferences were of an unofficial charac ter." Tbe Movement for a New Line. Mr. Steltz has received from New Yerk the circular of the " merchants and tele graphists association," which is an out growth of the strike a new company te be gotten up by business men and tele graphers, and te have offices in every im. pertant town iu the United States. The capital stock is te be $10,000,000,te be con tributed by 50,000 members of $200 each. Au organization is te be effected as seen as 10,000 members are secured, and subsequent applications for membership must be approved by the beard of direc tors, who are te be elected by the stock holder. Mr. Steltz says he will lay the matter bofero tue Baltimore strikers to day. He thinks well of the project, and will go into it himself and advise ethers te de likewise. It could be made a power ful rival of the Western Union, he says, and could be put in running order te many important points in about three months' time. Tbe Figbt et the Companies. The American Rapid telegraph company has notified the Baltimore As Ohie telegraph company that it can not receive messages Irem that com pany tobe ferwarded evor the American Rapid wires, the operators refusing te handle them. On the ether hand the Bal timore & Ohie company has sent netice te the American Rapid cempanv that no mere of the business will be allowed ever the Baltimore & Ohie wires. Tbe Cemiiit.rcl.-il Exchange Oilers Resolu tions. Philadelphia, July 28. At a meeting of the commercial exchange, held at neon te day, in rofcrence te the telegraph strike, resolutions were adopted declariug that the "present difficulty between the telegraph companies could and should have been avoided, and that the action of both parties in the controversy was equally reprehensible." A resolution was also adopted asking Congress te take s;ns!i action as will prevent similar troubles in the future Superintendent Ztjubliu, of the Western Union company was net prcs ent at the meeting, ' aud objection was raised when President Cununings at tempted te read a telegram icceivcd from him. Funds for tbe Strikers. PiTTSisuROir, July 28. District Secre tary Hughes, the second grand officer of the Brotherhood of Telegraphers, received word fiem Grand Secretary Rebert D. Lavton. of the Knights of Laber, that the general eili- ccrsefthat organization, through mm, , 1 - 1 .1 I A. "T - .1 nau issucu tue nisi, requisition tu Liie district and local assemblies let funds for the support of the mem bers of the brotherhood of tole graphers new en a stiike. This aatiiwi will place $100,000 at the hands of Urn n-vpmit-iwrt nftlmr nl" t.lin lkrfiMlftt linnil im Monday. Secretary Hughes states th:i. J .1 ;il : it l.i.1 .: T f lUCy Will COIltlllllt) IIH! UillllU Utl-ll.lilv'll'll if it should became l pessary. T..e V. U lu WeiklbgUnlei'. New Yerk, July 28 The W..ser: Union telegrapli company te-day took down the notices " subject te delay," and all business is new taken as bofero t.Iie strike I.'ean TBXlS UALAMITir.x. A Most Ilastaritl; Alumcr at n liaiwe Galvksten, Tex., July 28. Nigh before last dining a ball at Ebaiii'.c Ranch 25 miles up the Rie Grandf, Apalonio Keys am! Macedonia Mials, bhui and killed a woman named Rice, who luvi been living with Kcjs, but who discarJed him for another cavalier. Keys and Mials approached the woman from behind ji s . as tihe had finished a ilauce and shot her in the back. Her pirtner drew a ,)istel and tired at the woman's assailants, bu' immediately received a ball iu the stomach and a bystander was also sh-it in the arm and through the lungs. A Bride Klilmt by Lightning. A dispatch from Troup says Mrs. Ged den, who resides eight miles from there, was struck by lightning te day aud in stantly killed. She W3S a brida of two davs Terrible Kallread Accident. Albien, July 28. A tcrrible accident occurred en the Reme, Watertown As Ongcnsbuig railroad at Carlyn last even ing and seven persone were killed and fourteen injuicd. As the Thousand Islands train was running at high 6pced near Carlten, the engineer saw a single car standing en the track ahead of him ; he put en the air brake and reversed lever, but before speed could be slacked the engine dashed into the obstructions and in an instant all was a scene of confusion and the air was filled with the groans of dead and dying. Engineer Herreyally, who remained at his pest, was fatally injured, and the fireman who steed by him te the last was instantly killed. Fourteen dead bodies were taken from the wreck at last advices It is believed that the car which causal the disaster was blown en te the main line from a bran ch track by the high wind which p revailed at the time of the accident. Dcatn.rrem Cbelera. Alexandria, July 28. The number of deaths from cholera at Caire yesterday was 277. at Chibin 105, at Mchalla 52, at Teutah 28 and Ismalia 3. Three British soldiers were among the deaths at Caire and one at Ismalia. Several cases of cholera were repcrtsd in this city te day, one of which was fatal. If the epidemic attacks the British troops, a camp will ,be formed outside the Rosette gate and another at Ramleh. A Horrible Death. Wilmington, Del., July 28. Wiliiam Wilsen attempted te jump upon the clos ing draw of the Market street bridge here this morning, when he was caught bo be tween the draw and the approach and in stantly killed. His head was crushed te a shapeless mass. He leaves six children. Arrival of a Steamer with Tellow JTevar. , . .Baltimore, Md., July 28. The steam ship California from the West Indies ar rived at quarantine last night with four cases of yellow fever en beard. She passed in the capes and up the Chesapeake bay without notice from the health au thorities. She is closely quarantined. WKATHKK INUIUATIONS. Washington, July 28. Fer the Middle Atlantie states, partly cloudy weather, and local rains followed by clearing weather Sunday morning, southwest shifting te northwest winds, falling followed by rising barometer, stationary or slight fall in tem perature. A Bedy Keceversa. Philadelphia, July 28. The body of Maggie Cramp, the young lady who was drowned by falling into the Delaware river from the new steamship Alameda, en Thursday evening, was recovered te-day. A Feliew en a Floating Trjclcle. Dovek, England, July 28. A man named Terry left here this morning ou a tleating trycicle, his intention being te cress the channel te France. Tbe Virginia C&mpilgn. At Richmond, Va., some interest is felt te knew whether the headquarters of the new Democratic state committee will bj located there during the present campaign. The selection of Mr. Barbour as chairman of the state cemmittee will encourage the Democrats ber mero than anything that has been done. The work of ihe convention meets with the hearty appeal of the members of the party all ever the State. If the Democrats are success ful iu securing control of the Legis lature, it is their purpose te give the teachers as pledged in the platform adopt ed by the Lynchburg convention. The school fund will be distributed pre rata among the schools of the two races that is, the colored schools will receive the amount of school money in proportion te the number of pupils of that race in the state. Of ceurse the amount of taxes paid by them will net and cannot enter into the question of this scheme of distribution. This preposition meets with the heartiest approval of many of the tneBt intelligent colored men there. H1AUICJZ7H. I'lillailulimia enuruet. ruiLADitLi'iiiA. July JS. Fleur steaily. Uye Heur at :: r.0. Wheat tlull and lower ; Ne. 2 Western Ueil, SI 1C ; Ne. 3 de $1 13J: Ne. 1 l'enna. Kel, l 17. Cern in trli' demand : sail yellew Hcarcent. fisacec: de mixed, eigcc; Ne.rtMIxrii, G03G2XC. Oats dull ; Ne. 1 Wblte, 45Kc ; Ne. de. lc; Ne. 3 ile,4.lc. Uye nominal at KtftC'ic. Seeds unchanged. Previsions linn. Lard linn. "niter quiet ami steady. Kelldilull. Kggs scarce unit Urn. Clieese linn. Petroleum firm. Whlssv at 1 19 New Yerk Markets. New Yeiik, July Si. Fleur dull and about' sternly Wbeat HiiJr. lower, unsettled and feverish ; mero Ieiii in epslnns ; Ne 2 Kcd, Aii.. I ll',i m WA; &ent., $i u;;i 17'i; Oct..$t ins l w- Cern -JbiiC low r; moderately uetivu; Mixed Western, aj;et, 02G2Ji-: de Intufe, Oats !4lc lower and mero ilein: Ne. 1! An'f., WbX&.fiyjz ; Seiit., :rlAI! Kicc ; Oct., :!Ti 35c. Live Stock I'rlces. Ciiicaoe Hogs UeceipL1, l.l.OOO bead ; ship ments, 1, 700 head : market brisk uud .rigl(ic higher: mixed. ." 305.1 75 . Iieuvv. i.r "ii'tf 1" ; lllit. S5 fcOgO 3" ; HKin-i. 1.1 7jf3r 1- Cattle ItceeiptH, S.fKX) head; shipments, 1,100 bead ; best radei brisk mid 5c higher; experts. I.ri!)f5;2'i; f?""l te kIioIce sh p. luif. $5 W)Sji7t 75; common te medium, $1 4Uj7)r 35. Sheep Kcceipts.l.SJ) head; shipments, none, marcet dull and IOkUc lower; Inferlorie fair. $i7."S3 fe ; common te geed, J4 25. M.,k: rcarKOts. Quotations by icecil, McUrann & Ce., Uank Jr.x. rj, i.anc:uiu'r. ra. 11 A.M. lilt. V.V.& 1. c Allcliiiiuii L:iili:il , New Vl.tl. Central New .ler.iny Central.., Ohie Central Del. Lack. A Western. Denver A Kie UiamUi I 1" K iiiwi-i k Tevis Lake .Shere . S7i . b7 . ya . v. W . ;; . I(i74 . vnx '. 45 . :m 17 . 1U34 . ::t?S . '.MJ-.J . 2.-.;;; . 3"'i H74i S7-& iu iu;k 7 37 !'4 3SJ..J Si'i x,y, -x,yt ?;, v.vh my, wiy I28J4 liS;i .... my, 15 45'i :& 374 wy VA vnyt ii.:: TO- '.:' 3'j :sj ? wii .'V4 .'e2 iiij 70K 45S 2)f, CS 5-1(1 14 4: myt Chicago a N. w., com ... N. N., Out. x WVittun M.l'aiil&Oiiialei I'aeine .Mail Iteche.ster k l'ltiK!urli. ui, L till Texas I'uellic Union I'uellic Wabaili Omnium Wabiisb l'rclerrcil West'rn Union Telegraph Louisville A Nashville... N. Y.. (Ill i M. I. Lehigh Valley Lclii;;h Navigation Pennsylvania Reading l T. & l'.uilule Northern I'acillr-Ceut .. Northern rucllic 1'n-t . ileslenville l'lilimlelphla 8. Kile Neitueiii Central Unde! ground Cauu't'i Southern 5H 2S i-!C 14 I'.) H.SJ4 rrv; 1034 103 I'eoele'.s l'u-sener. t'iiliHiieli!ila. Quotation lrv AseeUU il Tress. bteeks dull, but. steaily. I'lliladelpliia x l-;rln K. l ite.ulln; l'..ilire::il rennylvanla ICailrn.ul , L higli Valley Cailrei'l IJiiiti-d Ciim:i'ii:iesel New Jersey Nertl'ni I'aeilie. verthern Pacllic I'letcn-1 Northern Central Kailre.i-I L(:iil"b N'avijratleu Cen;.in. ........ Nonisien Ilailiead..... Ccuti'al Trunsp irtatleu C''iitany. .. IMttsb'tf, Titusvllle& ISiitt ie tt. II.... Little Schuylkill li.illrei-1 20 2S .18 70 . . ..i'.H ...'.'.. rty, wu i.rVi 110 Mew l'erz. Quotations bj Associated Trcsi. ttecks quiet. New Yerk Cent nil IWi l-.rie i.aiireai t..... ................ e.i, Adams Kxpu'-,s ...13.1 Allcblgan Cenlral llallread 874 Michigan Southern Kail read K'7 lllliie!-! (.'cntral Uallread 13 Clevt'and tt I'lttMburgll Kalliead 133 Ctilcie A i:eek I.slamt llallread liKi J'ittMiurgli & fort Wayne Railroad 131 Western Union Telegraph Company..... W) To:c.le& Wabash...! 25i New J-rey Centrul 87', Nhw Yerk Ontario A Western 24?-; an: in val. T)AftKKS:,S TUNIC. With Pen and PencU. " Ne, sir , I don't baliuve newspaper meu are any mere dissipated than any ether class efmen who earn their living by their brains, said Mr. A IE. Siegfried, manager et the ml veitlslns dopartmenter the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Still, tlio'-e el them who de work are tempted te stimulate, for it's very hard en the nerves and stomach.' " As for example V " As ler example. In my own case, I stuck te my deske i this paper uutil mjr nerves were like a bunch or telegraph wires atter a gale, and my stomach kept about as goe.l time as a two dollar watch. My Iriends suggested this and tSe doctors advised that, but one day I 'caught en te an ad,' or 1'akic kr'b Tonic, and tried It. I have never cinlors cinlers a proprietary medicine belore. but I shall de part irem my rule and say that the Tonic is net merely the best thlcg, but the only thins that breaks up these attacks All desk work ers should meke a note of 1L" This preparation which lia-j been known as Barker's CSiseuR Teaic, mill beralter bead bead vertisedandseld simply under the name et Tabker's Tesic. As unprincipled dealers are constantly deceiving tbelr cu9t3mcr.s by sub mitting interior articles under the nncnu et ginger, and usglngcr'la really an unimport ant ingredient, we drop the misleading word. Tin m Is no chanae, however, in the prepi prepi ratien itselt.aud all bottles remaining lu the hands et dealers, wrapped under the imhic et I'ARKKU'S GlNQEK TOKIC. COIltaill the RPmilllrt medicine It thetac simile signature et Ilisces X Ce. Is at the bottom et tbe outside wzappcr, lulyl-lnul&w m ? 3 V M i . j, VJ,J Htl -? ! X 3 -1 . sil - .'I i i , v"i A . i & -.;sti