STv-,1. . .Arf nl-TB '; ; '-V11 V,J- y! '.Vs 5.7 - i?:T -T?" v. 5WT35Kn5ra5JFLV,:Hj?Wr? 4, ifc. i, iS?feVi?ifesWSiTSr WC-jK 5-5i'Wf,iS'S3 'irvcr. r-."' .-?. -' - nm- .H . Vyl j.'?i .J LANCA8TEB DAILY CNTBLLteBNCBBUMOHUAY, JULY 23.1883. f.i ii . . , i i i ) i i -i -v a mmsw ' i-m J- p J - COLUMBIA NEWS. CK RKUULAK Kventa Along tbe isUTNt Za ad AiemmA ricked sp by the gencer Reporter. At tbe Democratic primary elections en Saturday evening tbe following delegates lu me ceuuiy vuuveuuuu, WU1BU will DO held in Lancaster en Wednesday, July 25, were chosen. First Ward. Messrs. Gee. T.lle, C. F. Yeung, Albert M. Slade, Jehn Swartz, and Jacob Sneath. Mr. C. F. Yeung was elected a member of the oeanty committee. Second Ward. Messrs. H. M. North, Wt Hayes Grier, Geerge Bchroe Bchree dcr, Jehn Clark, and Wm. Patten. Mr. W. Hayes Grier was ohesen a member of tbe county committee. Third Ward. Messrs. Frank Jansen, Jes. Kauffman, sr., Floren Hauk, Wm. H. Lindsay, and, Gee. Zeigler. Mr. Frank Jansen was elected a county committeeman. Pergenal. Mr. J. A. Meyers, wife, and son James, and Mr. Alrred Bruner, left te-day for a two weeks' trip te Halifax, Neva Scotia. Mr. L. W. Richards, from near Chester, and Mr. Rebert Dean, of Bosten, are new en visits te their homes here. Dr. T. W. Kay will leave en Tuesday a week for Syria, where he wili occupy the position of physician te a Presbyterian hospital. His fiiends here will give him a farewell danc ing picnie iu Heise's weeds en Thursday. Tbe Misses Myra and Mattie Conard re luiiiLd home te Philadelphia ou Saturday after a week's visit here te their sister, Mis. James Perrettet. Mr. Ed. Beeth, of Philadelphia, spent the sabbath at bis old home here. Mute Around Tgwn. A peel of stagnant water at the corner of 7th and Chestnut streets has remained undisturbed for several weeks past. That disease breeding hole should be immedi ately filled dp A large number of persons followed the remains of the late CharleB H. Dean te tbe grave yesterday. In line were about 100 Odd Fellows, members of the Columbia and Wrightsville ledges, and 60 P. 11 It louudheuso empleyes. During a fight ou Saturday evening, at the corner of Perry and Third streets, one of tbe combatants was struck en tbe beaJ with a stone and knocked down. War i ants for their arrest are out. Twe Lancaster teams brought a party of visitors te town yesterday. On their letuiutiip one of the animals fell dead at Mouutville. Mr. Jeshua Heurbeer, residing near town, lebt 30 per ceut. of his wheat crop liy tbearmy worm a ravages. Impeitanl ordeis will he before company C te night, tendance in desirable. Saturday evening's rain piesented A geed at prevented much promenading Usually a great deal of tbiH gees en upeu that evening Ou the Klver. Four catamarans passed through heie jesteidav en route for tbe Chesapeake bay. The occupants staited in them fiem Williamsport last Tuesday a week. Theie was but little travel ever tbe liver bridge 1 yesterday. The weather was tee warm ter much walking. Navigation en the Tidewater canal has again been interrupt ed by a " waheut " ou the long level. itaseball. The game of baseball between the Quicksteps of town, aud tbe Vigils of Newtown, en Satuiday afternoon, was in tcmiptcd by the tain which began about :i:30 p. m. Each club had played two innings and the score steed 3 te 2,iu favor of tbe Vigils. The game will be repeated ou Satuiday a week. The Vigils play a Marietta club next Saturday llcllgleua. The Ciircb of Ged picnic will be held iu lleite's weeds ou August 2. A refresh ment ftaud Mill pievide eatables for these net eating te tuke lunch along with them. Rev. Gee. W. Kly, paster of the Pres byteiiuu chinch, will leave hereon a trip for bis health en August 1. Extensive lepaii.: will be ni.tde en the church during bis abhiince. Kin-men" Practice. A practice exercise of tbe Pennsylvania rauiead roundhouse lire brigade was held en Saturday A la -go bontlre was kindled near the roundhouse, tbe signal for the nieu te take Mit-ir proper statieus given, ana iu 1 minute and 25 seoends a stream of water was playing en the flames Quick time, that. DEDICATORY KXKKUISKS. L'lihiala Union Sunday Scheel Chapel. The dedication of this chapel took place en .Sunday morning. Tbe dedicatory ser nuin was pleached by Rev. J. A. Peters, pastor of tbe Fiis; Reformed church, Lau laatcr, from Jehn iv, 23-24 after which the dedication services were read by Rev. ,1. V. Eckert, of this city, iu which the chapel was eet apait for the cause of re ligious work iu tbe Sunday school aud tbe vwu-ihip of the Almighty Ged. The Suu ti.iy school was held at 2 o'clock in the atieitioen, when exercises appropriate te the special occasion were held and addrebs CO uciivuicu uj m. Lviueii, ui uiuaiu i springs, ev. u. cay. or, ui .uuu.u, uu Uev. Mr. I'eters or Lancaster in the J evening Rev J. V. Kckert preached from : "VtSS:.2! u n.w , ,. ' supeiiutendeucyef Dr.D. Rhine Hertz, and is iu a prosperous cuditien. The priu ipil eause which led te the erection of this ebapel was tha desire en the part of the Lutheran congregation te have an cxclu sively congregational Sunday school iu their church, wboie such a sobeol ha J beeu held since tb.3 erection of the church many years age. This move en the p irt of the Lutheran congregatieu te change the Union school te a congregational scb el caused controversy and division, aud the friends of the Unieu school were compel I ed te go out and erect this ebapel in which te bold their Sunday school. The chapel is also, by charter, under tbe control of fire trustees who are elected by the members of the Sunday school association te which the chapel belongs. According te the charter and by-laws ministers of all Protec Pretec tant denominations are granted the rijbt te held occasional services, but no one is permitted te bold regular services from the begiuning te the end of the year, nor te organize congregations. The chapel is merely desigued for Sunday school pur poses, aud occasional religious service, and moral and educatieual lectures. Fer these purposes and no ether it was set . U. . WM.W .-. .. ,, w..w. .V .w. -..w , apart, and hence the village of Epbrata has tbiec Suuday schools, one Union, one Lutheran, and one United Brethren, which give the children ample accommodations and the families a choice of Sunday schools. Uoruer-Mtene L.ajlDg. The corner-stone of the Bishop Syberl's memorial of the Evangelical association of Manheim, will be laid en Sunday, July 29. Rev. Solemon Neitz, of Reading, a famous pulpit orator and author of the book, "Bishop Sybert's Works and Life," will officiate, and will be assisted by ether eminent divines. Services at 10 a, m., 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. llunaway Accident. Saturday afternoon two horses attached te Philip Ginder's coal wagon took fright in Water street, ran off, npset tbe wagon and Bp:l!ed some coal . Ne ether damage was done, except that the horses were somewhat cut in tbe legs. a Herse. A valuable mare belonging te Isaac Fowl, liveryman, and attaened te one of his large emnibusses died in the yard of Witmer's hotel, MeantvUla, last evening, while returning from Colombia, , bmaixtext Tbe uiM.e fUpidljr Abating r The Epbrata iJeriew-makes tbe ,. j . mvmwvu Kuan vu euiaijnA i spreading te tbe business portions of the SMnnatrt raremsnr thr ttiA amnlltveT te - city, from which it will be carried and,! and will find its way te the country if persen1 visiting the city are net judic ious." . ,, New the truth of the matter is there has net been a new case reported sines last Wednesday, and there has net been a death for the past twenty three days, except one in the hospital. Instead of the disease " spreading te the central part of the city, "there has net been at any time a single case within three squares of tbe centre of the city. Of the four principal streets leading into the city there has net been a single case en any of them, except Wett King street, and these that were iu the jail at the extreme east cud of East King ; and at the present time there is net a case en either of the: e streets, and net mere than one or two severe cases auywheie iu the city. Tbe disease is rapidly dying out, and under tbe active efforts of tbe beard of health will very seen entirely disappear. full re Case. Henry Williams, colored, was arrested aud held for a bearing before Alderman McConeniy en the charge of threatening te kill David Morgen, also colored. Albert Beam has been held by Alderman Bair for a bearing eu'tbe charges of assault aud battery aud surety of the peace, pre ferred by his wife. The mayor had six cases te-day. Twe drunks paid costs aud were discharged. One of them was Henry Smith, a colored mau, who became involved in a quarrel with Henry .lacebs, a much elder man, at tbe Central market heuse ou Saturday evening. There was considerable noise but no ene -was hurt. One drunk get 30 days and three were diseharged. One of the latter was a harmless old man who is considerably annoyed by the boys who call him names aud in ether ways tease him. A number of colored men and women are in the station house awaiting hearings en charges of being drunk and disorderly in Faegleysville. Lint of Cuc:almMi Letter. The following is a list of letters remain ing in the posteflice at Laudater for the week ending July 23, 18S3 : Ladies T.isl Miss Rachel Aaren, Miss Annie M. W. Becker, Lucy Beulver, Mis. Belle Claik, Miss Lizzie Eaby, Miss Alice Garber, Mit-s Jennette Grane, Mrs. Hester Gibbs, Miss Clara Hartman, Mrs. Aunie Huber, Hatlie Jehns, Miss Sal lie E. Mac Neal. Susan Miller, Miss Liddie Pfautz, MRs Lydia A. Senger, Miss Lizzie Smith, EmmaG. Urbiu, Mrs. Barbara Wiker. dents' List. DauM Bedger. C. G. Bahs ier, Jehn W. Batten, Sherman Bruckart, James Coyne, James B. U. Elliett, Fred. Fountain, E I). Gibney, Matthias Gleaner, Heury ITcln, II. Hill, Chas. Hinder, Rev. C. A. lveppernagri, Wm. Lausb, S. M McCrackeu, Jac. Miller, A. V. Ramsey(2), G. Rapotte, Geerne Rogers, Charles N. Roberts, Ludwig Rest, J. A. Spuigel, J. N . Weaver. Geerge Zarge. Illtciilra of Walten. This morning Messrs. Jehn Kepner, Jas. R. Garvin, Ed. R Garvin, Alf. Clay a:nl .Tas. Wilsen started for tbe river, whom they will spend today fishing at Hatber. The party, with the exception of tbe first named geutleman, will push further down the Susquehanna and spend several days at Munderf's and Hartmau's islauds. They go well equipped for war en the finny tribe, but are net at all partic ular as te what kind, just se it is fish they get even if it should happen te be a stnue-cattie or an eel. Mr. Frank Gerreeht, of the Examiner, left en Saturday evening for Jacksen's mountain, below Fite's" Eddy, where be will spend two weeks angling for the gamy bass of the Susquehanna and tin mere wary trout in a geed trout stream in that locality. KiinerRl of Mrs. Welter Tbe rtmaius of the late Mis. Weller whose sudden death from apoplexy was noted in Friday's Intkij-tg:enceii, were conveyed te Ironville yesterday morning, being accompanied by a large number of relatives and friends from this city. Ser vices were held in the Irenville United Brethren church aud a very fercible ser meu preached from Prev. xiii. 32. by Rev. M. J. Mtiruma, after which the interment was made in the graveyard attanhed te tbe church. A sad circumstance in connec tion with this funeral was the fact that the relatives were obliged te proceed there there feom te Columbia, te attend the last rites of Mr. Chas. II. Deen, a member of the same family. Tbe Laniltiville C'ainpmeetlnp. The Methodist campmeeting at Landis ville opens te-morrow and will contiune for ten days. The Pennsylvania and Reai' ing i ailread will sell excursion tiekets te Landisville. Distinguished clergymen, will be presontfrem Philadelphia, Harris burg, New Yerk and Pittsburgh during tbe week, aud the first exercises will be . .. . tnnrrew BVfiIliu TLe Ch b of Q ( ; bed meeti the 8anlc Brounds.cemmenoing Augusfs and continuing te the 20th. Kun away. A horse belonging te Fred. Heise, of Mountville. iid attached te a top buggy took fright, upset the 'vehicle and ran off at tbe east end of the village last even ing The occupants were thiewu out, but. fertuately net much injured, and the top was broken from the buggy. Tbe horse ran furiously through tbe village and a distance of about a mile beyond before be ing captured. The itank lu Quarrjvllle. On Saturday the directors of tbe ntw Quarryville national held a -meeting at Quarryville. Jehn D. Haines was unani mously chosen cashier. Mr. Haines is new paying teller of the Rising Sun, Md., bank. It was also agreed te purchase a Diebold safe with time lock. The feuuda tien wall of the bank building are almost finished and the bricklayers will com mence work this week. The New Helland Burglars David aud Andrew Hanck, and Geerge Ayres, charged with being concerned in the robbery of Shiffer's stere in New Helland, and who have been in jail for some time awaiting a hearing, wiil be heard before Alderman Spurrier, en Fri-' day next at 10 o'clock a. m. Stepped Upna a Nail. This morning as a horse attached te Flinn & Brenemau's business wagon was being driven up North Queen street, near Orange, the horse stepped up m a nail which penetrated tbe feet te the djpth of two inches. A pair of blacksmith pincers were obtained and the nail was extracted. Tlie wound bled profusely. Trever and Conversion. Jehn and. Cenrad Mehring, formerly members of the Keystone baud, aud who are charged with having retained their uniforms ard clarienets when they, left tbe b.nd, bad a hearing before Aldeiuian Span ier te answer a charge of trever aud e inversion. The aldermau gave judgun-ul against them. ' Held rer reatage. Letters addressed as fellows are held at the posteQicd for lack of, stamps :.. " Mr. A. K. Grabill. Earlvilleposteffije, Lan. Ce., Pa." " Mr. Theodere Benze, care of- Be v. Lee. Benze, Erie, Pa." iHuvmrt DeMoIaycemBMndsrjjEnightsTempI&r, I ' of Heading, who wul attend the conclave ' at San Francisce ou August 21, will j J.erT0 Reading en Saturday, August in a Pullman sleeping car ; at St.'vLeuia Missouri., .en "$ Monday, August 6th. for Kansas City and Denver, arriving in Denver en Wednesday at7:30 a. m. Leave Denver en Sunday, August, 12; via Union Pacific railway. The party will I arrive." at Salt Lake City en Monday, August 13th. Twe nights and a day will be devoted te this city. Leaving that place en Wednesday via Central Pacific, the party will arrive in San Francisce en Thursday, August 1G. Ten days will be devoted te sight seeing in and around that city. The party will leave San Fran cisce en Sunday afternoon for the return home. frecr Children at one tsrrtb. Yerk Dally. Last evening between six and seveu o'clock, tbe wife of Geerge F. Rehbein, who tesides at 401 West Princess street, gave birth le four living cbildien, all boys. Uufeitunately tbe births were premature, aud although the babies were perfectly fetmed and fully developed, they all expir ed after living a short time. Mrs. Rehbein is forty years of age and is doing well. She has been the mother of twelve boys, eight of whom are living. ."lauder suit. Annie Miller, of Providence township, by her father, Samuel Miller, has brought a suit for slander against Jacob Stock, re. siding near Stiebm's mill. It is alleged that he circulated uutrue aud ebscene reports concerning the young woman. Kallread Accident. A hrakeman en the south track of the Pennsylvania railroad, east of Leaman Place, caused some delay of trains this morning. The Harrisburg express east and some ether trains were obliged te switch off te the north track te avoid the break. Lets of Frelzela. Wm. Eichler, the steam pretzel baker, shipped te New Yerk last Satuiday, 90 bairels of pretzels. Lancaster aud Lititz pretzels have always had the call ever these baked anywhere elese. The Slimmer Issue of StrawbriOge tt Cloth ier's Quarterly.ivl out. Is n splendid number i every jme Is ei 1 merest le the ladle. New taucy-wei-k designs and stitches.; Insl meltens in imiuleur art, and liew te adorn the person and decorate the home ; a pretty piece et new vocal music; and the summer fashions In every department el dry goods tally illus trated. Price, IS cents ; get a copy train your news-dealer or end le Htruvlrld?e & Clothier Philadelphia. junel.t'2wd&4tw uk a ru. Wolf. In this cltv. en .1 uly 21, 1SS1. 51 Iclmel Welt, In tbe Mst year et Ids age. Ills relatives and fiieiiils aie respectfully Invited te at lend the tuneral Iretn his late resi dence, Ne. 31 North Mary street, en te-morrow (Tuesday )'afternoeu ut 2 o'clock. Services at ion's Lutheran church. it S'CJL KOTIOHH. UnrtBleiM Kpllepry Cured. "The doctors pronounced my case te he one et hopeless epilepsy," says enr correspondent, W. C Itrewnlmj,, .iudsen, Aik., -'and'' -dared death te he. my only re lief, tlamarltan Nervine lias enroll ine.'' (Jet ut druggist! 1 recommend Katly Cimella's feeret of Youth and llcauty Ter the complexion as be in;; lur supei ler te any aitlclu 1 ever used, it positively removes Freckles, am! will remove Tan lu one application. ii ice see. Fer ale at all druggists. MUS. J. HKNNK SMITH, e.'.l-(iinilM&t: Newark, N. .1. li. Henen's Skin (Jure is without a peer. 1 t.nsHt et heth external and internal treat ment and costs only $. per package, at drug gists. ' I wouldn't lie without lir. Jlensen's Celery anil Cltmnemilepilli ijthey eetl $1 a pill they vred me of neuralgia of n years x!uiullng.n Jeseph Snvder, I'axleus, Pa, M c -nt j per I mix al diiigglsU. Itnerlier'H Ituil Head. Fer two mouths in the year Henry Waul lleccher can'l preach. In August and Septem ber lie takes his vac 1 1 ion und endures the enset of the hay lever. And It Is se he says, something terrible and tremendous. A man Willi hay lever isn't accountable ter his ac tions He Ismeiely a wild beast trautlc will snulllng, sneezing and headache ills eyes are ted and se is his nose. Every nerve in Ills skull thrills with distress and hii heudlsa leuutalu et tears, lie lives only le Myireiu seaside te ninuiilaln-tep in s.e:ueh el relief. And yet. whether we call this lerui el t,'a larrh hay lever, rose-lever, bay.ceM or rose cold, Kly's Cream Ilulni will cuie It. This re medy is simple, pleasant and cay et applica tion. Placed in the nostrils It penetrates ami seethes the affected parts at once, lesteres the impaired senses and creates healthy seda seda teons in cases et the longest tanning. Yeu cannot inn away hay lever, but you can dilvu it lieni you by using Kly's Cream lialm. ivl'-iwdee.l&w Tue public lac 5s net. a genuine lemedv ler skin diseases In li lean's Sulphur Seap. "Hill's Hair Oye," b ack or brown, fitly cents Flie and Hugs. Flies, reaches, ants, hed-lings, nils, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Heugh en Hats." lfie. . . Small Pox eindlcatel.small t'evcnred.Smalt Pox pilitngs prevented l-y Darhj.s I'rnphyjitc tic Fluid. Sources et I'rellr. There are many sources el pretli te these who are Ingenious and enterprising. Jiurdeck Bleed IHttert are a source or profit in every way. Tliev build up the health surely, spetd lly, and eirectuaily, which is saying a great deal. Fer sale by 11. U. Cochran, druggist, K17 and 1.7) North (jueen street. Feu Lame Back, sioe or Chest use Sill. L.OIP.S POROUS riiASTKU. 1'ilce, 25 cent' :old by U. U. Cochran, 1.17 and 139 North Queen I reel. Lancaster. leblfeedC W With Diamond Dyes any lady can get as geed results as Uip best practical Over. Kvcry dye warranted trne te name and sample. First Class Insurance. Insure with Therna JCclectric OU. It Is the cheapest und best methods of insurance we knew et. liy its use you are sure te escape many grevleus aches and pain 9 Pellcle at u obtainable at all drugei ts In the lerm of bet tles at .ri) cents and SI each. Fer sale by If. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami i:i'l North Queen street. Celdkn's Liquid Beet Tonic is admirably adapted for females in delicate health. Cel den's : no ether. ,' Jy2.l lwdeed&w HKln UUeiuica. "S wayne's Ointment"-! Cures thuinest invet- "S wayne's Ointment" "Swayne's Ointment" derate cases el skin di-- "swayne's Ointment" i Swayne's Ointment" cases, such as tetter, "Swayne's Ointment" ,, rIllM,ln ..,., hPRll "Swayne's Ointment" )9al1 "'enm.seani head. "Swayne's Ointment" baiter's Itch, sores, all "Swayne's Ointment" lv . i,cllln., "Swayne's Ointment" )crusly' sc-"y "cl,lnS "Swayne's Ointment" skin crupllnns, and Swayne's Ointment" I.,.-. (n,tivssliin. Pm. "Swayne'a01ntment"ltMl1 "wssing coni ceni coni "Swayne's Ointment" plaint, Itching piles, "Swayne's Ointment' ) ... llv eHetua, ,.,, u 'Swayne s Ointment" y "" OI1,y ene"uaicuie "Swayne's Ointment" no matter hew ebsll "Swayne's Ointment" nate or long stamllng. Ask for it and nse no oilier. It CURK't where all else tails. Sold by all druggists, A Couch, linld or Mere Thront lU-tii!it-3 Immediate attention. A neglect Ir rltnles the lungs and an Incurabje disease is elten the rtunlt JJK. SWANK"S COM POUNJJ SYKUt WIKD CIlEKItV " cures the most severe coughs and colds, acLsdlrectly ou the lungs, threat and chest, purines lha bleed. A and ler bienchlal, asthma all pnlmenary ai- lectionset long Btandinx, itis the best remedy ever discovered. Price 25 cents aud tl p.-r bottle. Tiie large size is tbe most economical Sold bv all best drmaiists. . 119-M W4 Jlvd w Are you disturbed at Blght'BDd-treken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying wtui tiieirnmnnjrTsiBeiTmunijrTeeui t Ii se, go at once and getnM nmKS.'.WlK- SLOWS SOOTHING SYKUF. It will relieved tbepoer-Uttle suSerer immediatelydepend npett'lt ; there Is no mistake about it. There Is 'net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once tliat it will regulate the bowels and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, op erating like magic. It is perfectly sate te ise in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription of ene of the eMest and best female physicians in the United States. Sold everywhere. 23 cents a bottle. mayl-M.W,84w KK8CU1SU raUM IJICATU. The tollewlngstateroentof William J. Cough In, et SemervUle, Mass., Is se remarkable that we beg te ask for It the attention et our read ere. He says : "In the tall et 187G I was token with a violent bleeding of the lungs, followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was se weak at ene time that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer el 1877 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While-there the doctors said 1 had a hole in 'my leltlung as big as a half-dollar. I expend ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med icines. 1 was se tar gene at ene time a report went around that I was dead. I gave np hepe I but a trteud told me et UK. WM. HALL'S UALSAli FOU Til K LUNGS. I laughc at my friends, thinking my case incurable, but I get a he ttle te satisfy them, when te my sur prise a d gratification, 1 commenced te feel better My hope, once dead, began te revive, and te lay I leel In better spirits than I have the past three years. " I writetbis hoping you will publish it, se that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be Induced te UikeDK. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOU THE LUNGS, and be convinced that 'CONSUMPTION CAN UK CUUKD. I have taken two bottle" and can positively say tbSt it lias done me mere geed than all the ether medicines I huve taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and 1 shall seen be able te go te work.'i sold bv U. It. Cochran, 137 North Queen street NEW AltriCRTVIMSMttNTH. W ANTED-TWO GIKLS, OWIl POtTuKK eral housework and one ter upstairs. Apply at lt NO. 43 SOUTH DUKKSTltlSET. 117-AIlTEII-A YOUNG MAM WAWTS T T a situation in a Grocery Stere ; has been in the business; retcience given. Apply ut this ettice. it w fANTKU A 8AL.K3MAN IN A DKV Goods Stere in this city. All cemmuni catiens strictly confidential. Address DUY GOODS. It At this ettice. ri'UK KEOULAK MONTHLY SI KltTINU OK I the American Mechanics' Building and Lean Association will be held this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, at W. II. Iteland s oftlce 20 Seuth Duke street. Meney ler sale. It K.J. KU1SMAN, Secretary. WKOUUUT IRON FKNOE.-TUK Un dersigned will receive proposals ler 403 lett of Wrought Iren Fence ( lobe erected at Lancaster cemetery ), until 12 M., JULY 23 Fer particulate apply at Ne. 23 West Chestnut street. C. ZKCHEB, ly21 2td chairman. SOIIOUt. TAX 1883. The duplicate Is in the hands or the Trcasmer. :t percent, oil until August 1st. W. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer. Ne. 12 Centre Square. Ottice hours from 9 a. m.le 4 p. in. JS-ttdlt riWK MKMUKKS OF BED JAUKBT 1 Tribe. Ne. 44,1. O. U. M., are requested te meet at their wigwam en Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, for tbe purpose et attending the tuneral et their brother, Michael Wolf. Mem bers et ether tribes are also invited. OTTO 1'ACHKLBKL. It Secretary. BUUWKISKIt AMI GlflUKBALE. 1 have just received a fresh let et the cele brated Umtweiser beer and ginger ale. Per sons desirous et purchasing for retail or ler private use, call en the undersigned, either by telephone or postal, consult your family physician helere purchasing. GBOUGK WALL, 20-2ld Southern Exchange Hetel. AMSIUNKD KSTATEOF WM. A. DOILK, and witc, et Lancaster City. Lancaster county. Tne undersigned iAudlter appoint ed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Chas. U. Kaufman, esq., nssUnee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will lt ter that purpose en "UIDAY, AUG. 10, 1B$1, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in the Library Roem et the Coutt Heuse, in the City of Lan caster, where all persons interested iu said distribution may attend. jyl-CtdM II. CAUPENTKU, Auditor. rpilKSElUlKTlNO ACTION OKTHENllIM JL Is very much influenced by the condition nt t he circulation and nervous system, as seen In the cold perspiration attending syncope, ami the dryness of the skin which .nvceni pa nics nervous excitement. All Skin Diseases, Cauc era, Tumors, Chronic ami 1'iivate Diseases permanently cured bv I) ItS. tl. D. and 51. A. LONGAKK1C. Olllce 13 Kast Walnut street, Lancaster. Fa. Consultation free. jy23-3tdAw F UK TUK ltKST IIARUAINS IN LADIES' AND GENTS' FUUN1S11ING GOODS, go te UKCHTOLD'S. Ne reasonable eiler refused. As the Fall Goens require all the room I have, aud have nodffirete cairy any Summer Goods ever thesKtsen. TICADK DOLLARS TAKEN AT PAK. Henry Beohteld's, NO. f2 NORTH QUKKN STUKET, SirSign et the l'.ltr stocking. teh.1-lyd Gl ItAKII FUCK INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets ever ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Insures l'reperty at Cuirent'Uates. Lesses 1'iemptly Settled and Paid. RIFE & KAUFMAIS, AG EN IS, Ne. 19 East King Street lUl'-KuidM.WAHl: N TJlXT UUUK I'll TUh COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S eee-NED THIS DAY ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, IN ALL DESIRABLE SHADES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER B.E. LANCASTER, PA. FWTCK NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT H0US& K MONDAY BVENINO, JULY. 33, 1833. STATE OF. THE, STEKE. TELtOKAPUEBSriBMAlfU BOPKrCI.. The Situation Uenermlly tJnc&atd Tfc Kmpleycn Affected Satisfaction A Qlaace Over Um Veaatry. New Yere, July 23. Dispatches en the telegraphers strike at St. Leuis, Chi cago and Cincinnati of yesterday were received here this morning tee late for this morning's papers. There is no material change in the situational any of tLs points named. The telegraph effieiab say that everything is progressing smoothly, that business is being promptly handled and that they are constantly receiving ac cessions te their forces. The members of the brotherhood at St. Leuis have added 150 te their number since the strike. At Chicago a meeting of the brother hood was held in the afternoon which was largely attended. They claim te have 1,000 members in that city. Advices here from Harrisburg said it was untrue that the strikers had returned te work at the latter place Officials of the telephone company at Chicago say that some unknown persons have been cutting their wires in the test boxes and cupolas at five different places in the city. In Philadelphia. Philadelphia, July 24. There is no chance injtbe situation of tbe telegraphers' strike here te-day. The force jit the Western Union office remains the same as en Saturday and the officials say that all business offered is being handled without delay. The strikers are apparent ly firm and hopeful. They occupied the morning at their headquarters in exchang ing dispatches of a congratulatory charac ter with their brethern in ether cities. TUB UHOLKRa. Tne Death Sen Jfait Increasing-. Alexandria, July 23. The report of the deaths en Sunday from cholera is as fellows : At Damietta 57. Mansurah 10, Samanend 23, Tantah 17, Chobar 17, Chibir 33, at nine ether places 78.' There were were 295 deaths from the. disease at Caire during the same time. Tbe Cholera iu Boineay. Londen, July 23. A serious outbreak of cholera is expected at Bombay, India, as there were 37 sporadic cases of the dis ease there during last week. At Suez the qnarautine against arrivals from infected anil suspected ports has been renewed. ATragdyiu Indiana. Cincinnati. July 23. At Flera, In diana, yesterday afternoon Blexis Keys shes and killed Saul Stewart. Seme time age Keys was compelled te mair Stewart' daughter, whom be had ruined , but whom he subsequently abandoned. Stewart sent for him te discuss tbe matter and a quarrel ensued, during which Stewart and his seu assaulted Keys, whereupon the latter drew a revolver and fired the fatal shot. A t-'alennkecper Shet and Killed. Galveston, Tex., July 33. A special dispatch te tbe News from Fert Werth says that Harry Merchant, a saloonkeeper, was shot en Saturday night at his bar in a desperate affray with Charley Ilinseu, a railroad" conductor. Tbe difficulty arose ever a bar bill of five dollars. AUnlted States Unueral Dlea or Yellow Fever. Havana, July 23. General E. O. Cord, of the United States army, who took passage ou the steamer City of Washing ton at Vera Cruz for New Yerk, aud was taken with yellow fever, compelling his removal te the shore while the vessel was heie, died from tbs disease last eveniug A Public Man Ilaugerenaly 111. Washington, Juiy 23. Hen. Thes. Swann ex-mayor of Baltimore, ex-gever nor of Maryland and ex member of Con gress is lying dangerously ill at his coun try residence near Leisburg. ' Commedore J error' Ileatb Kxpected. Washington, July 23. Commedore William N. Jeffers, who is lying y?ry ill in this city, is reported te be very low te-day, remaining iu a stupor. His death is expected at any moment. WISATHKK INDICATIONS. Washington, July 23. Fer tbe Middle Atlantic states, fair weather in tbe south ern portions ; fair, followed by partly cloudy weather aud local .rains in tbe northern peitinns, stationary or lower barometer, stationary temperature iu the feeulbciu portions ; stationary or a slight fall iu northern peitinns, westerly winds. Tne Mermen fliartyr. Belle Harris is a bereiue aud martyr iu the eyes of (be Moimeus. She is confined iu the penitentiary near Salt Lake City, where the is daily visited by ineu and women hih in the church, who continually exhort her te beM tinn, aud net betray her Saviour into the hands of the Gentiles. In tbe Mei men belief, a woman's husband is ber only Saviour, and she cannot be raised after death except through him. Belle's case is a test one under the Edmunds law. Several y tars age a saint named Clarence Men ill took her for his third wife She has born two children, whose pater nity has never bteu questioned. Merrill is baiug ptesecnled ler polygamy. Bella Harris was nummened as a witness. Were you ever inairied '! St.e refused te answer questions as te her man iage. Consequent ly she was adjudged guilty of contempt of court and sentenced te pay a tine of $25, also te be imprisoned until she should be come a tiaetable witness. A Vulnerable Candidate. Truth. Niles, Republican candidate for auditor general, led tbe light iu the Heuse against tbe Humes' treasury bill, which checks the practice of the ttate tieasury rings iu par celing the state's money among favorite banks and private bankers, aud without security, ler purposes of speculation and note shaving and for tbe benefit of tbe in terest which is stolen Remember that. Niles. Republican candidate ler auditor general, led tbe fight against the Hall bill exempting the capital stock of buildiug associations from state taxation. Had tbe biil been defeated it would bave driven nine tenths of the buildiuir assoeia tiens, which have largely built up tbe cities of Pennsylvania, and which have furnished thousands upon thousands of peer men with comfortable homes, either into liquidation or bankruptcy. Remem ber that. A DOG'S HU1U1UK. He Prefer te Strangle ftatber Then Werk a Churning Macalne. A deg owned by Garret Bredbead, Del aware township, Pike county, had been working a churning maehiue, which bad for three years been a part of his daily duties. When fasteued en tbe tread-wheel en Friday last he refused te work, and let the rope en circling his ueck strangle him. Mr. Broadhead took tbe animal from the ma chine, whereupon he jumped around as lively as ever. When he was put back en tbe tread te work again he repeated his former proceeding aud again was strangled In order te Ged out just hew long hiaob--stinaey-wbuld bold out, he'.wisallewe'd'fb remain hanging by the reps until he 'bad ceased te breathe; I --lit t - i ,j ? 4 - I XBMXXXSmvmMXKDVXUlMMXS. f Vmakee XMeUarO; Wife. Old Charlie Robinsea.wara.wrr ;pee liar man. He was small in stature ana he " followed the read" asa peddler. He was afflicted with reea-eyea andanerveus affection that kept -his head constantly bebing te and fro. He also possessed many strange traits of character, and his wonderful ability te put into verse en the instant a description of anything and everything that might hapneu in his pres. ence was a feature of the man that gave him wide celebrity. His personal acquaint ances were legion. He was full of anima tion and fun. He would crack a joke with anyone, but could net stand te be ridienJeabecanse of the unfortunate con dition of his eyes. One evening Robinson was comfortably anchored at a friend's house in Horseneck, where he had what is new called a "mash " en the rosy-cheeked help. He was seated near a weed stove, which needed fuel te keep the fire going. His host, warm-hearted old Colonel Rioh, said te him that he would either have te move from his position or turn in and keep tbe fire up Of course he courteously assayed te feed the stove mere weed, and thus relieve the members of the household from that duty. It was an old fashioned weed stove, and when Robinson touched it off came the deer from its hinges and it fell te his feet. In an instant he said : As I came here te night te see a girl Wnem 1 love, and shall love evermore. I went te put some weed in tbe stove. And straightway down fell tbe dcer. Having this power of provisatien and a thousand ways of provoking fun and mer iment, Robinson never lacked hespitable friends. Wherever night overtook him, there he found a friend who housed him until the next morning. Among these be was accustomed te visit en bis trips was the cousin above alluded te. This relative was an exception in that he was tbe only one who would persistently make fun of Robinson's cress eyes and attempt te mimic his ether peculiar antics. It was, of course, done in geed part, and no one ever showed the least anger because of it. Net even the unfortunate peddler would admit that he felt the Bting deeply, but be did. The cousin who did this was abacheler, living near Dublin, in Fairfield county. One day it was announced that he was going te take unto himself a wife from the many olive branches of old Simen Loekwood, of MianuB. The wedding cer emony took place in the old church ou Horseneck bills aud Robinson happened te come along te the merry-making which followed at tbe bridegroom's beuse. As usual he stayed. His cousin's wife was a buxom lass, as all tbe Loekwoods are, and Robinseu patiently awaited tbe time when he would be presented te ber. Finally the introduction took place with all due solemnity. It was expected by every ene that the pod Ier would produce a verse or two that would de him credit and please the bride. Imagine then, the as tenishment of the bride and the whole, party when Robinson blurted out. " I congratulate you upon your rnarriage but I hope you'll have thirteen children and that every one of them will be crossed eyed." This speech astounded the househeM. Its effect passed off, however, and noth ing mere was thought of it until the newly made Benedict became the father of a cie.'s eyed child. This :-et Robinson's cousin te thinking of tbe days when he had se inju diciously " plagued Robinson about his eyes." He was net supsrstitieus, but sti I he could net get ever tbe fact that the mi tunate pcdler's had something te de with the deformed eyes of bis babe. Year after year rolled by, and each ene brought a cress-eyed child, until the man became a misanthrope aud tbe mother broken hearted. Thirteen came and no mere, and twelve were cress eyed. Who Is Responsible. N. V Sun. The man who, mero than auybedy else, is responsible for tbe drunkenness that disgraces the army and navy of the United States is R. B. Hayes, of Fremont, Ohie. He made convictieu and puuisbmcut for drunkenness a farce by reinstating the convicted officers as fast as they were dis missed fiem the services. This is the man who, while iu the white house, never drank wine at bis own expense. Jehn Suiltb In Trouble. That particular Jehn Smith who lives al Cherry, Pa., is very rich, premiueut in local politics and for fifteen years lias been a justice of tbe pcacj. He is new furthur distinguisbed from ether Jehn Smiths by paying a $500 fine and going te the peui teutiary ene year uuder a conviction of perjury. He became very fend of litij;:i tien and iu one suit swore tee ficely in ln-t own behalf. SIKC1AL. NOT IMS. Ne tV-ar et Small Pox It Uarbys Prephy .iu--lc Fluid 1 ude.l tn-i'.y. It destroy-) the vrry germ. MrWii'M Hiitioeliejil t'auacea. -t the most etlecllve 1'aln Destroyer In the world. Will medi surely quicken the Mesul whether taken Internally or applied cltr nally, ami thereby mom certainly UHI.IICVK PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It It warranted dou ble the strength than any ether similar prepa prepa rat'en. It cures pain In tin) Side, Hack or Uewela, Sere Threat, Uhfuniallaui, Toothache, and AM. Adit's, and Is The Urent ICellevcr of Palu. "BKOWN'S IIOUSKHOI.D PANACK V should belli every tumlly. A teaspoenlu! et the Panacea lu a tumbler el het water m -!, ened. If preleried, taken at bedtime, will liltKAK UP A COM). i'i cents a bottle insvl-T.Th.K4w J-rLAlN TALK VKOK OR SWAYMK TO WhOVl 11 May Cencern: Itching Piles Is one of tbu most annoying eemplaluts known te physi cians. Every one can tell whether he Is thus afflicted by observing the following syinj syinj tems : Intense itching, particularly alter pel ting warm. It seems as it pin worms were crawling in or about the rectum. Small lumps sometimes form. The private parts are often affected. The mere you scratch the wew: the Itching. Knewing that my ointment is super ior te any article in the market, I guarantee it te cure the worst case et itching piles In exist ence. Signed, 1I.SWAYNK, M. I). Dr. Swaync's01ntmenLLsalseaplra9aiilaiil effective cure ler tetter. Itch, salt lheuui, ery sipelas, barber's itch, pimple.", and all scaly, crnsty, itchy skin eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent ter Sects. (in 3c. stamps), 3 boxes, $l.'ir. Address, Dr Swayne ft Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ectl4-lydTu,Th4S4w new te secure Uealtb. t seems strange that any one will sutler from tbe many derangements brought ou by an Impure condition et the bleed, whan SCO VILL'SSARSAPARILLAANDSTILLINOIA, or BLOOD AND MVER SYRUP will restore perfect health te the physical organization. It is indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te lake, aid has proven itself te be the best IILOOD PURIFIER ever discovered, ellcel ually curing Screlnla, Syphllttc disorders, Weakness et the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bil ious complaints and all diseases indicating an Impure condition et the-Bleed, Liver, Kid ncys. Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects indl gestien. A single bottle will preve te you Its merits as a health renewcr, ter it ACTS LIK K A CHARM, especially when the complaint I et an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain and tier veus system. KEH'S PAIN PANACKA Cures a pain In man and beast. Fer nse externally ami inter nally. KKDHORsE POWUKItS cure all diseased orberee,'ca"tUe7 6heep,heg; poultry und all Live Stock. APOSIT1VE CU KB. may-.'l- Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drus store 137 North Queen street PHiLABBBfKXA, JOUy StIlmr fUr de auuid ; ttaperfiae. $3-St ; Kxtra,tt7 4 ; Pean'a ifamlly, $1 9SS Mr Mian. xxrm.i Rveflenr at S3 2S4U50. Wheat dull, lower; Ne. 2 Western Ked, II 17: Ne. 3 de $1 141 IS; Ne. 1 Peana. Red, si is. Cern active, firm ; Sail Yellow. 636SWe; de mixed. GlQ&c ; Se. 3 Mixed. 37061c. Oats tinner; Ne. 1 White, 45U42e: Ne. 2 de.-MJic; Ne. 3 de, c;Ne. 2 Mixed, 41X9 tie. Seeds-Timethy dnll at $1S01 90 ; Flaxseed Arm at SI 55. Previsions tlrm; lair demand; Mess perk; $10 75Q17 50: smoked bams, 13Ku14Wc; pickled liams. 11Q12. . Lard tlrm; City Keflned, lOflWc; loose butchers', tK13)fc ; prime steam, $9 se. Bntter market quiet; Pa. and Western Creamery extra, 2lS23c: Western extra, 16 or 17c : de Koeii te choice, HQlSe. Rolls dull at saiSc. Eggs steady: Penn'a extra, I'JfllOWc; Western, lSlDc. Cheese qnlet and steady: N. v. lull cream. letu ; Western de, SXfl9a ; de fair te geed, TKflSe ; Pa. part skims, 46c ; de full, lCtc. Petroleum tinner ; Refined, Sa'ijc. Whisky at S119 New Tork Markets. New Yerk, July 3. Fleur dull and prices uechauged. Wheatepened tirm. afterwards K&a ; trade moderate ; Ne. 2 Red, An?, SI 15k I '; Sept.. fl 1851 13; Oct-J SI 20fll 20?$. Cern a shade better, bnt very little deinpr : Mixed Western, spot, 50fJGle ; de rature, 5'Jk OC-ic. Oats dull and without decide J change. m Live Stock Prteca. CuiCAuo-Hegs Ilcceipts, 8.QC0 Lead ; ship ments, a.oeo head; market active and 5t)l0e higher : mixed, f.1 1505 53 ; heavy, 93 5T G: light, K WQG 25 : skips. S3 2505. Cattle Receipts. 2,400 head; shipments, 3 000 head; market steady, firm; experts, 13 80t r. 10; geed te eholce - shipping steer'. S3 50fS: 75; common te medium, $ WQ 5 40. Sheep ltccelpls, 1.CC0 head: shipments, 200 head : market steady ; Inferior te lalr, $3 008:: te ; geed, te choice. ' muck niarxetr. Quotations by need, McUrann ers, Lancaster. Pa. 11 A. M. Michigan Central $7i 4 Ce , llan, llv. :tr. it. S7X 115 121! 5 1074 127JS fi :w I7K 102 40 7'JJi; 50 71& 6sv 2 n 43 864 20" 5Ui ri" 101 new ieric central i"n5S U5? 123K 38k 34 274 10754 - 12iJ-i 2KS: 41X :ay: s :iUi 7SJA V$U 7l" 45 ?s i-it; New Jersey Central. 87 Ohie Central Del. Lack. 4 Western. Denver ft Kie Grande. nne. KmsilH 4 Texas Lake Shere Chicago 4 N. W., com. N. N.."Ont. Western. St. Paul 4 Omaha . 1211 . 35?S . iSJfi . 0iyt . 127 . 24.'2 . 44 Pacific Mail Rochester 4 Pittsburgh.. Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash Common Wabash Preferred West'rn Union Telegraph Louisville 4 Nashville... N. Y., Chi. 4 St I Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Pennsylvania Reading P. T. 4 Kutrale Northern Pacific com... Northern Pacillc Pief... IlestnnvlUn Philadelphia 4 Krle Nertnern Central Underground Canada Southern Peeple's Passenger. :t7f: 17?i 34 Jl a: i Mil 7l" 53i 28H 14 x i"6" ..; 1014 pntiaaeipu. QuotaUens by Associated Press. Stocks weak. Philadelphia 4 Erie R. It. Ucadlng Rtllread Pennsylvania Kallread Lehigh Valley Itftllread United Companies or New Jersey.... Neithern I'acltlc. Northern Pacific IVefurre! Northern Central Kallread.. I.eni'ili Navigation Company Norristewu Kallread Central Transportation Company... Plttsb'g, Titusvllle 4 lEuUale U. It... .... '.'0 tJ .... 38Vi .... 71 ....192 .... 48 Hi' .... 16 .... ASM ....110 .... 3 .... 14 i.iiueucnuyiKiii Kallread ! I flew xetk. Quotations by Associated Press. stocks lower. Meney, 2c New Yerk Central : Krle Itailread Adams Kxpress Michigan Central Itailread Michigan Seuthrn Railroad Illinois Central Railroad Cleveland 4 Pittsburgh Kallread Chic.ige4 Keck Island Kallread Pittsburgh 4 Fert Wayne Railroad... Western Union Telegraph Company. Teledo 4 Wabasb. New .Ji-rey Central New Yerk Ontario 4 Western 11 V e7V .... 107M Mi? 133 JWI !""l31 .... 79 ati .. .. 80 Lecal htecks aad Bend Keperteil by J. 15. Ijeng. I'ai I, -tt val. (-.tie. . ':vCjorct,Lean,ilnel582...ji0i iies " 1885... 100 11-8 ?i lf0... 100 117 . u 1805... IOC I'M 5 per cu in 1 or 30 years.. 100 100JW ' f pur ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 102 l " lu ler 20 years., low leu 4 " In !i or 20 years.. 100 100 " 1 " In 10 or 20 years, tee loe'i Mmilieliii lioreughloan loe lui MI30XJ.AWBOUlt BTOWUJ. tii-iriyvllle ll. K $50 riie MillersvllleStreetCar M .'15.25 Inquirer I'riutiug Company fle 4i Witteli Factory Km ijd Uea Lfg.'it and Fuel Ceinp.iuy 30 Slevens Heuse (Bends) lug ft) Columbia Gils Company Columbia Wider Coin puny. Sus(uehanna iron Company. ...... 100 100 60 SO 50 2 5.25 ii 15 iiouewwarc Stevcns lionse.......... S Kj j ."111 ( Kant Hra-.nly wine 4 Wayueab'g.... 16 1 21 100JS5 U5.5) 10b 102 10b 103 iiiiier.Hviiiii normal scuoei Northern Market MIKOItLLAHlIOL'S DOHDB. Quarryville ::. K.,duel8U3 100 :: jiiii;; a Ceiumbi.t a. k5's 100 l.ieie:e-ter Wateti Ce.. due. I&MJ 100 Mincficr Uit.-. Light and Fuel Ce.. due In ler'.-u years 100 tinciiHter ;hm Light and Fuel Ce., iliie 1S ..... ........... 100 TUKKVIK s nreuKH. Itlg Spring A diuveE Vdliey '25 10. Itridgepert 4 lleresliue 13f 23 i i i wu imi .t i;:ii34iiuii nil: -J3 '.'eluuihlaA V:tshtngteu 25 (Viluinbla4 lilg Spring 25 Celumblii Marietta 25 IS 2U 181 30 10 47.1 JI 2 1 te 31 DO 54 7f 105 13X10 41 : 7-J '-. .ll!. 1U.M) !U) lln.'i 150 118 "u lid 150.21 7'. 13 120 Maytown 4 hlizabethtnwn 25 Laucastcr4 Kphrata 25 Lancaster Willow Street 25 Straseurg ft Millport 25 Marietta Maytown 5 Marietta 4 Mount Jev 25 Lane. Kll7.abthl'n 4 Mtddlet'n 100 Lnncaster Krultvlile. 50 LaneaslerA Miltz 25 Lanc.Lster A WIlllamatOTyn 25 LaneanlerA Maner... ."-e l.:'.n-.i-.!er,t Manheim Ut Li-.iicntcr A 5!:iriulla St LaneanU'r 4 New Helland .". .. Kie l.!tnciiler .t Snsiiiieli.mii.i M0 BA.a bte;ch. riit Nallenui um. .....UUU F:inner' National Bank 50 Fulton National Uunk ...:.-? 100 !.::. -.t-iU-r County Na'.leuiil Kant. ri Ceiiiinl.U National Rtnk MO t. In isllana National Uauk 100 i:,itrata National Baak int Fli st National Kauk'. CeiumbU.. .. ICO r'n-Mt Vatlenal isanir, .UriMihk;... 1h UrilNal lenat Uauk. Marietta V-ti lri Kattenal Cank. Mount .fey.. llii) in'ilz National Itauk...... Iiie 5'!ii1.ii National Hank '. t; Hti!.i!i Iliiuk. Uo-.cit.ley. :u Vet? lleltitml Natlenul Hank....... Ii ilai Naiteual Itank 100 MAK.K M( M1HTAKK, rOB lOD OA1. buy the bejt 5c. Havana cigar in th market, al IIAUTMAN'S YELLOW KRONT CIGAR STORK. YTKl.mV FKUHT CIGAR STOKB, 2T. 1 eith Queen siieet. Headquarters loc st f c cigar in the city, at UARTMAN'S. H AIKKALMAOI. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A beneficial dressing preferred te similar articles because of Its purity and rlcb pei fume. It RESTORES TO ORAYI1AIR lHhi YOUTIlk'UL COLOR and prevent dandrnX and tailing et the hair. 50c and 11.00. II13COX 4 CO., N. Y. FL0REST0N. Excels the fined t flower in richness. Del( catn very lasting. Ne odor like it. Be snr Seu get k'LOKKSTON Cologne, signature of iixcex 4 Ce.. N. Y., en every label. i5 an.i 75 cents, atiiruugista ami dealers In perfume. COLOGNE. 112-lywoewftdTu DB. V. a. BROWN. ' PHYSICIAN AND OCULIST. Has Removed te Se. 20 WEST ORANG EST. Eye and Ear treated. Glasses adituted. he,, perler spectacles en liand and te order. , ieSllydTb, v:, w-i"! 31 - Al ?Y: A ? " I ; i V rfl ' . J rfl i" 1 F. 1 A 'fl w l JF 's. -iKl - ri f.A.i