' s - Cr'wlHBWHHBMBHlBH sr.'i- jLt-'jfv i.trs'2,- ft.rBPrrs:v.-H i- ; . . "v.'i.-nvnr4 a. aH ,. N -' ' y -i " t " "" . x. vCxVuL9u4iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBuuiBlMBjVV I W A bbY ibV " Lr " r " rzir. vi . . -4 't-eV O-'l Volume XIX-Ne. 266. LANCASTER, PA. WEDNESDAY. JULY LI, 1883. Price Twe Ceats. j, ."-.riBBV rTflBM A -- - ' Tui-. -ini-.i i WATMM COOZMBB, AC. TjjILINN BKKHEMAN. TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. Aa a business transaction would you be willing te pay one dollar ler an article yen could purchase for ninety cents ? We are the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity for Wadsworth, Martinez k Longman's Fare Prepared Paints. And we claim that they are the beat and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make this assertion and leave It unsupported. Paint one-half of any surface or one-halt of. any building with this pilnt and the ether hair with s'xlctly purn White Lead and Linseed Oil, or any ether mixed paints in this country, and 11 the part painted with this paint docs net cost ten percent, less than ler paint used, we will make no charge for our paint. And further, any building that lias been painted with this paint that Is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining se for a proper term of years, we will repaint at our own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ether paint he may select. As many of the prepared paints are adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal eiler.- We will pay one thousand dollars for any benzine or water leund In any original package of W ADS WORTH, MARTI NK,4 LONGMAN'S PURE PREPARED PAINTS. FLINN & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 1 KO. -M. STK1NMAN & GO. GBEAT SEDUCTION IN' PiUCK OF Refrigerators, Ice- Chests and Water Coelers. They must be sold te malie room ler ether goods. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce., 26 and 28 WEST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. Junc23-tld&w " DMT auODS. pEOKUK FAUNKSTOUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BALE'S OLD STAND. ) NO. 14 EAST KING STBEET. Ladies' Jerseys, Misses Jerseys, Children's Jerseys, IN ALL COl.ORS-Maroen, Cardinal, Electric, Navy Blue, Brown. Black und Myrtle. Perfect Kitting in all Sizes. An Elegant Assortment of these Goods, Frem $2.50 Up. ALfcO.JEItSEYCLOiHBYTUK VAUU, IN ALL COLORS. LADIES' CASUMKRK AND SHETLAND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY AT LOWEST PRICKS. G-EOEG-E FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. HIVJCKV H OUGIITON'S. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Sireet ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. fLVMBINO AMD .1 OIIN L. ARNOLD. DON'T FORGET YOUR Winter Clothing Until the Meth Destroys Them. JUST RECEIVED FRESH SUPPLY CARBOLIZED PAPER. TOHN L. ARNOLD, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOOKS AND I OHN IIAMlt'S SONS. JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 AND 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Writing Papers, Envelopes, Decorated Correspondence Stationery, Bank-Nete Beeks, Peeket Beeks, New Leather Hand-Bags E&At;the Sigu of the Big Boek. TIMWAJSB, AC. TeurrVTsutiAUM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHKK LARUE let or CHANDELIERS -AND GAS FIXTURES, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS. Vlambing and GasflttingCRoeQng and Spouting. AT JOHN P. SCHADM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, teb27-lyd LANCASTER. PA. T OCHER-S UXKS. A 5c. Package e LOCHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE OOODS THAN ANY OT1IEH DYE IN THE MARKET. Fer sale by CHAS. A. LOCHER, NO. 9 EAST KINO 8TRMBT, LANCASTER. PA. I) OW'T MIROKT THETWU kHALLHA vana cigars for f c. genuine article, at 11.ARTUAN': YKLLOtV KUONT CIQAK UTOUK. LANCASTER, PA STABLE. UAH 1T1TT1MO. STATION r J! Y. OH ASS AND QUEENS H A Jt.. lOM m HAKT1M H AT- CHINA HALL. A LAEGE LOT OK Table Glassware, Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, JELLY CUPS, JELLY CUPS, AT High & Martin's, 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCAHTKK. PA. TTTOKKINOHEN AND OTHERS HAVING TJBASE DOLLARS, Can exchange tiem at PAB en Ladles' anil Gent's Fnrnlablng goods. At Very Low Lew est cash prices at BEOHTOLD'S, NO. E2 NORTH QUEEN STREET, -8lgn of the Big Stocking. feb3-lyd BAKUAIHS IN HTATOBK8, ULOOK; Chains, Kings, Spectacles, Ac. Bepalrlng et all kinds will receive my personal atten tion. LOUIS WEBER, NalfejJ North Queen street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsylvans nUromadepet. decmya MEDICAL. ODIICUBA. SALT SHE HI. Wenderltal Cares of Salt Blienm when Physicians, Hospitals and all ether means railed. SALT RHEUM I have been a great sufferer with Salt Hlieutn for thirty years, commencing in my head and lace and extending ever the greater part of my body. I baye taken gallons of medicines ler the bleed of different kinds and t.ied geed physician, all of which did me no geed, and I canu) te the conclusion that 1 could net be cured. But a friend called my attention te CutIcuba Bkxedies. Get them ana used them until my skin is perfectly smooth and I con sider myself entirely cured. Yours truly, Aeawam, Mass. B. WILSON LOU 0 . SALT RHEUM. Ceticdea Remedies are the greatest medi cines en earth. Had the worst case et Salt liheum In this country. My mother bad it twenty years, and In tact died from It I be lieve Cuticuka would have saved her life. My arms, breast and head were ceveied ler three years, which nothing relieved or enred unil I used the Cuticuka Reselvent (bleed purifier) internally, and Cuticuka. and Ccticura Ser (the great skin cures) externally. Newark, Ohie. J. Y. ADAMS. SALT RHEUM. 1 liave tried everything 1 had heard et In the East und West for Salt Rheum. My case was considered a very bad one. My lace, head, and some parts or mv body were almost raw. Head covered with scabs and sores. Suffering fearlul. One very skilllul physician s-aid he would rather net treat It, and some el them think new 1 am only cured temporarily. 1 think net. ler I have net a particle of Salt Rheum abeutme, and my case is considered wendcrlul. Tlianks te Cuticuka Remedies. Decatur. Mich. MRS. 8. E. Wll IVl'LH. SALT RHEUM, Ne system et remedi-s ever compounded se thoroughly eradicate the diseases ler which the are intended as the Cuticuka Remedies. Many remarkable cures have come te my knowledge, and I feel sale in warrant lng sat sat islaetlen it directions arc followed. Medicines that infallibly cure Salt Rheum, e Cuticura Remedies de, will cure en.v kind of skin diS' eases. CHAS. 1L MORSE, Druggist, Proprietor Merse's DvsritrsiA cure. Her.i.isTON, Mass. Trice: Cuticuka, 50c. and $1.00 per be v. Re Re eolvent, $1.00 per bottle. Cuticura Seap. 2."e. Cuticura Suavine Seav, 15c. Seln everywhere. Petter Drag and Chemical Ce , ISonteu. TYT A XT A 'CI RATH, ler Rough, Chapped JJJLeJN JO. O or Greasy Skin. Black Heads, Pimples, Skin Rlemlshes, and InJantlle Hu mors, Is Cutlcnra Soup, an exquisite Skin UeauUUer and Toilet, Itat hand Nursery San ative. C1DTICUKA KKMKUIH.S tfOH HA- AT j II. B. Cochran's drug store, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street. CATARRH. Sanferd's Radical Cure. Head Ce'.ils, Walery Dischaiges from the Nese and Kyes, Ringing Noises in the Head, Nervous Headaehe anil Fev r instantly re lieved. Choking mucus dl-ledged, im'inbr.ine ch-anscd and healed, brcalu sweetened, smell, taste and hearing restored, and rav ages checked Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings into llui I hreat. Tains In the Chest. Dyspepsia, Wast ing effctrength and Klesh, Less et Sleep, etc.. ciued. , . One bottle Radical Cim one Uex Catarrhal Solvent and one bettle Dr. Sanferd's Inhaler, in en) package, of all druggists ler $1. Ass for .""AW word's Radical Cure n pui distilla tion et Witch Hazel, Am. Pine. Cn t ir. Mar. Mar. geld. Clever Blossoms, etc. ! tter Drue and Chemical Ce., Bosten. COLLINS' Ker the relict and prevention, the limtHiil ft ih applied of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, SctaM ca, Coughs, Colds. Weak Rack, Stomach and llewcls, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, Hysteria, Female Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia. Livei Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaria and I'.pi deinics, use Cellins' nanterr, (an Kiec-trlc Uattery combined with a ireus I'luster) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere. julyl-lydW,S,&w II KN.SONVS CAI'UINK I'liml.S PI.ASTKKS HOME COMFORT After a Kulny Klde a country I'liyt-Iciiui Tells What Ue Thinks et Seme Peeple. "1 wish te gracious some people would learn when they need a djcter and when they don't." exclaimed Docter E , as lie enter- cd his house in a cesy little village in the in terior el the Slate el New Voik, altera ted. ted. eus night ride et many mlics. " 1 have been down among the mountains te see U man, who the messenger said, was very sick and- net Ukel te live 'ti:l morning, nnlt'ss liu li id im mediate help ; and leund him sullcrlng from a rather sharp attack nt colic, which his Uin Ily might have rolleved in tun minutes, if they had a grain el sense and two or three simple remedies in the home. Ilut no; they must remain ignorant as pigs, and wh-jn the least ache or pain takes theni, send ler a doc tor, whether they ever pay him or net." " Why, Docter, what kind el simple reme dies, as you call them, de you expect people te keep in the house?" aske.1 his wile, as she pouted him a cup of het tea. ' in this case," answered the Docter, if they had only put a BENSON'S CAl'CINE POROUS PLASTER en the 'man's stomach, he would have been all right in an hour, and saved ine a dreary ride." In all ordinary complaints it cures nt once. All diseases are eliminated Irem the system by what may be roughly callel expulsion or extraction, or by a union et the two pre cesses. Bensen's Plaster promotes both. It Incites the torpid organs te act, and sends its healing, seething influence through the myriad poresef the skin. All ethor plasters obliged the patient te wait. They give him hope for lo-inerrow. Bensen's plaster give him help today. Which is better de yen think ? Buy the CAPCINE and keep It In the house, l'rice 25 cents. Scabury & Jehnsen, Pharmaceutical Chem ists, New Yerk. jiM-iwdW&S&w BKMSON'S PLASTKK3 FUK SALK AT H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 13! North Queen street, niariWuid w KW1LL MAKKAN KATIKKCHAMOK Ot PHOTOGRAPHS At the entrance te the Gallery en North Qnecn street in a lew days, and THE SAME KIND OF WORK YOU SEE THERE WE WILL MAKE FOR YOU By the Quick-Working Precess. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 NORTH QUEEN .STREET juneMtd MAKK NO M18TAKK, FOK YOU CAN buy the best fc. Havana cigar In the i n a i tr a t nt U&.RTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR 8TORE. MR ARTHUR A THUKODOHLY MASCULINE in AM. What a Fashionable Lady Told About Onr Fashionable President A Favorlte or the Widows and Maidens. Washington Herald. " Should you bave thought that Presi dent Arthur is a very susceptible man ?" said a fashionable woman, who has a very thorough Knowledge et the world, te me the ether evening. "Well, he is," con tinueu she. " And he can no mere help making leve te a pretty woman than he can help breathing. In the first place, he is a masculine man : by that I mean he is manly in every respect, and women like that. Then, as I said, he cannot help making love te a pretty and clever woman, i don't mean that he gees at it in a half sheepish, half rough ancl tumble way, or tells every woman that he meets that she has fassinated him, as very young men are prone te de", but there are ways and and ways of making leve. An accomplish ed man of the world can court a woman and never say a sentimental word te her. There is a way of saying and doing things ; it is the je ne saispas rjuoiet delicate devo tion which attracts a woman of brains and culture, when the spoken word would pro bably repel. This the president under stands in the highest degree. A score of women widows,some ethers unmarried bave felt their pulses quicken under some wetd or leek, and straightway the most am bitieii3 fancies takes possession of them. When in fact there was nothing further from the president's fancy than anything beyond innate politeness, the compliment any well-bred man pays as his homage te the sex. Half a dozen girls and their ambitious mothers have believed they had fairly 'bagged' Mr. Arthur, when in liict he never thought the second time about them. I knew of some very fuany things "rewiusj out of this sort of fancy. will tell you ene. Last winter there was a very pretty girl bore from the principal city of a great Western state, and she was presented te the president. Of ceurse he was polite, as he ulwajs is, and she imme diately thought she 'had' him. Her knowledge of the world was extremely superficial, and her mother had very little sense or knewledge of the usages of the best society. She boasted of her daughter's conquest te her acquaintances, aud finally the story was telegraphed te a Western paper. A friend of the president saw the dispatch and showed it te him. That evening there was something going en at the White Heuse. Our Jlambeyant child of the Occident was there, clothed in her radiant loveliness and a perfectly fit ting gown from Pingat's, and she was very pretty. She had intimated te about twenty friends that she meant te parade her captive. Se, with an air et assurance bei n of her coarse vanity, she endeavored Se monopolize him. But te her utter mazenient she could net get into the circle el the tnlimes at all. He barely looked at her, did net ask her te prome nade, and when supper came took down a ngiuia cousin of his late wife, who was neither young nor pretty, and had never heard of Pingat. The girl went home ciying with mortification and rage, and Mr. Arthur was never pelite te her again." " Well, but is the president a marrying man ?" I asked. " Ne, t thiuk net. If- he had cared te he might have married an immense fortune bofero this. There is a lady in New Yerk, the widow of a man five times a millionaire. She is net ever 30 and ene of the handsomest women in America. She would be very glad te marry him, I knew and at one time I thought he meant something by his at tentions in that quarter. There are ether instances, but this is the only ene iu which I saw any possibilities. Ne; I de net believe he will ever marry. He was devoted te his wife, and new thatliis daughter is growing up, she will seen fill in her father's house te some degree the place of her mother. Then, tee, he has only a short time te serve as president, that is, if he is net re-elected, and that he cannot be unless he can harmonize his party in New Yerk, which I am afraid he cannot de. There are many women of rank, wealth, and high position who would be tempted te marry him, te be the first lady in America, but if that temptation were removed I de net knew hew it would be. Still, you cannot tell what men can de," said she, continuing the conversation. ''Ner women either," I observed in a musing way. " I believe Mr. Arthur really admired Mrs Craig Wadsweith mere than anybody he has known since he became president," continued my interviewee ; " but I never believed the story of their engagement. I knew Mrs. Wadsworth better than any ene here when she came te Washington, for I had known her when she was Miss Peters, of Philadelphia. She never in our most confidential talks and we did bave some intimated anything that would in dicate an engagement. I think there was nothing in it." "Dut," said I, "didn't the president scud her llewers every day while she was at the seashore last year ?' " What if he did ?" I was answered ; " that means nothing at all, as you ought te knew. Flowers are only pelite atten tions. Their acceptance has no signifi cance new." " Then," said I, "you think that Mr. Arthur is heart whole and fancy free ?" " Yes, I believe he is. " " Why would it net be a geed idea te marry him te the Princess Beatrice, of England ?" I said. "It would boa brilliant diplomatic stroke for the venerable secretary of state. Seme one ought te suggest it te him. She might go further and fare worse." "The days for presidents te marry prin cesses have passed," the lady replied, " if they ever existed. Prince Jehn Van Burcn was in England when his father was president, and it is said, and with truth, tee, that Queen Victeria was very much pleased with him, and in fact was almost in love with him at one time. But all this is vain and unprofitable and then it is gos sip, se you must net dare te write a word of what I have said, will you ?" And I solemnly declared I would net, knowing perfectly well that the lady would eagerly scan the humble column per- mitted te the Lounger, ezpeeting te see it all in print. i AN ATTEMPT AT SDIUlDE. A Yeung Wire, Sepplaated by Her Sister, Peiera te Dl. Mre. Minnie Peist, wife of William B. Peist, in the employ of the Citizens' Rail way company, residing en Saratoga street, near Gilmero, Baltimere, has attempted te cemmitt suicide by taking laudanum, while at her mother's residence, 147 Linden avenue. The aet was committed in the presence of her husband. The unfortunate woman is still very low and grave doubts are entertaiued for her recovery. Mrs. Peist gives as the cause of her conduct that since her marriage, about three or four -years age, her sister, Miss Leu Baker, has attempted te supplant her in her husband's affection?, and for the past two years the conduct of the two has been improper, te say the least. Despite the wife's pretests these iclatiens were continued, and they at last became unendurable te the wife; Then Mrs. Peist insisted upon a separation, and Miss Baker, who up te this time lived with her sister, was directed te leave the house, which she did,, going te reside with her mother at 147 Linden avenue. This, however, did net break up the intimate relations or the pair, the husband visiting Miss Baker frequent ly. Finally Mrs. Peist -told her husband that she could net stand this conduct any longer and attempted te take her life, as stated. Mrs. Peist is an industrious wo man and has been a meat devoted wife and mother. She has one ehild. SHOT BY A. BOY. Killing a Gardener ter Ordering Him Off His Employer's Ground. James Clinten, a fourteen year old boy residing with ,his parents en Lafayette avenue, Baltimore, shot and killed Jehn Maquire, aged 3a years, living near Wind, ser station en the Western Maryland rail road. Yeung Clinten, in company with a younger brether and a boy named Harry Gaskins, 1G years of age, went te the summer residence of Dr. Frank Slinglnff, one mile from the city limits, where they amused themselves by sheeting frogs in a pond. Maguire, who was superintendent and gardener of Dr. Slingluff, came out and ordered them off. All the boys left except James Clinten. Then Maguire came up, and with threatening tone told him if be did net leave he would sheet him. .Clinten thereupon walked ever te the railroad near by, and, turning around saw Maguire in the cornfield. The boy then, whether with, deadly intent or net is unknown, fired two shots from a Reming ton revolver of thirty-two calibre. One of the balls entered the left side and passed through te a position under the skin of the right side. The wounded man survived only a few minutes. The boys separated, and Gaskins, find ing .be was pursued, attempted te make his escape, but was seen caught and turn ed ever te an officer. Clinten was cap tured as he was about te enter his home in the city. The murdered man was well known and highly respected in the neigh borhood where he resided and leaves a wife and three children, who were de pendent upon him for their support. Jas. Clinten, who fired the fatal shot, is a, handsome and intelligent boy and was 14 years e.'d last March. He is spoken of as being a boy of geed disposition and no reasen can be assigned for the commission of the fearful act. His father is engaged in the dry goods business in New Yerk, but his residence is in Baltimore. NO KEST DAT UK MIGHT. In the Fall el 1S75 my sufferings were terri ble. 1 was swollen te such proportions that 1 feared my limbs would burst. 1 hed the best medical talent obUlnable, an.l at the worst stage of my illness, when my husband and many irlends had given me up te die, the late Dr. Jehn Woodbury made a thoieugh exami nation of my water, and pronounced my case acute kidney disease, an 1 accompanied by gravel, and recommend d the Immediate use of Hunt's Kemedy. At this t me I was suller ing most terrible pain in my back, limbs, and head, and could lind no rest day or night ler weeks", anil 1 was growing weaker daily until this kind physician ordered me te take Hunt's Remedy. ISctetu taking halfet ene bottle I commence?! :e improve, and alter taking six bottles was entirely cured. This was nearly eight yeai sage, and 1 have had no return et the disease. 1 have recommended Hunt's Re medy te ethers iu .-similar cases, and It has never failed te cure. I have also used it ler sick headache, and leund In It a sure relief. I think it the best medicine made, and cheer fully icceiumeud it te all. MRS. V. II. STILSON, Ne. IB Tyler f trect, Bosten, Mass. April IS, 188.!. AWKLk-KNUWH MAN. Hunt's Itcmcdy .laving been recommended te me ler klduev and liver complaints, I pur chased some at the "People's Drugstore" and used It iu my tamlly.and found it te be a very valuable medicine, and I gladly recommend It highly te my friends.knewing it te be bene ficial te these troubled with kidney or liver tlisease. Kcspectlnlly yours, ELISK&NOYSE. April 14. 1SS.1. lii G St , Se. i. os ten, Mass. A LAST AIANUITACTUREK. 1 have used Hunt's Remedy for the kidney complaint, ami, having been fully restored te health by its use, l can testify te its value. Daily I recommend it te some one et my Iricnds, all et whom 1 knew have been bene fited by its use. Gratefully, GEORGE P. COX. Mai.des, Mass., April 2.!, 1S83. jyO-lwdM.WAl!' HUMT'S KKDlfcUV FOK SALK AY U. It . Cochran's Drug Stere. 137 and 139 North Queen street. mar2-;;md Uucklen's Arnica salve. Tliegieatest mcelcal wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily cure burns, Bruises; Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever sores. Can' cers. Piles, Chilblains, corns. Tetter, Chapped Hands aud all skin eruptions, guaranteed te cure in every instance, or money reiundeu. 25 cents per box. Fer sale by Chas. A. Lecher. e-25-lyeed&w Put Upen Hla Feet. "Set up in bed and coughed till the clothing was wet with perspiration. My wile Insisted that I u-e Themas' Eclectric Oil. The first teaspoon inl relieved ine, and two bottles have cured me. I can honestly recommend it." . II. Perkins, Creek Centre, N. Y. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. De Yeu Believe It. That in this town there are scores et persons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distressed Stomach, Liver com plaint, Constipation, when for 75c. we will sell them Shiloh's Vltallzer, guaranteed te cure them. Sold by II. K. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 117 and 139 North Queen street. feb7-eed2 " Heme Sweet Heme." This song is very geed in its way, but Is there any sickness In the household? It se, home cannot be always pleasant. We take esDccial pleasure in recommending Burdock Bleed Balers, a bona fide and certain cure' for dyspepsia, and all diseases of the liver and kidneys. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. i A Wide Awake DruggUt Mr. Chas. W. Lechor is always wide awake in his business, and spares no pains te secure the best et every article in his line. He has secured the agency rer the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only certain cure known ter Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenesa, Asthma, nay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection et the Threat and Lungs. Held en positive guaran tee. Will give you a Trial Bettle Free. Regu lar size, $1X0. FKATtlKlCS CLEANED. The only place la town where teatheis ure cleaned, curled and dyed in all the latest shades, is at K. THOMAK'S, 2) North Qneen street Short notice. Lewest prices. je9-lmd G ray's sr Euiriu jubduwuc. Turn Great English Remedy. An unfailing core ler lm potency, and aU Diseases that fellow less el Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain in the Back, Dlmnesa el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par tlcnfars in our pamplet, which we desire te sand tree by mail te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack--age, or six packages ler $3, or will be -sent tree by mall en the receipt el the money, by ad dressing the agent, H. B. Cochran, 137 and 13. North Queen street. On account et counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wnippur theenly genuine. Guarantees elcure issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by, II. R. Cecirun Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. J TUEGRAY MKD1CINK II.. N. t. nr!-lv-tw YELLOW FKOHT CIGAR STOKE, 21 erth Qneen street. Headquarters ler tbelbest 5c cigar In the city, at HARTMAN'a. MXDIOAL. H ALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer. Tim Beat is tne caeaK. Safety I Economy!! ' Oeratlaty or Geed Basalts!!! These qualities are el prime importance In the aedectlen et a preparation ler the hair. De net experiment with new remedies which may e harm rather than geed; hut profit by the experience el ethers., Buy and use with per lect confidence an-article which everybody Knows te de geed, hall's hair kssewxr win net disappoint you. PRXPABXD BT B. P. HALL ft CO., NASHUA, . H. Sold by all Druggists. july9 15-lydAw. EKRY DAVIS'S fAIN KILLER. SUMMER Imprudences ABE SURE TO BRING ON SUMMER, DISEASES. INDIGESTION, DIARRHffiA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, CRAMPS, BOWEL COMPLAITS, FEVERS, &c, &c. BUT Perry Daiis's Pain Killer. Drives TnKM Away. Drives Them Away. Drives TnEii Away. DON-T BE WITHOUT PAIN KILLER, BUY OF ANY DRUGGIST. Julyl-lydAw VI.OTUIXO. M YBBS A RATHFON. GET OUE BEST! Did it ever occur te you that the FIN KST CLOTHING was THK CHEAPEST ? . It is se irem the start, and all through te the end. If you want the KINKST CLOTHING, the finest without question, we knew or no ether place you'll be likely te get it se surely. There Is satisfaction In having a FULL STOCK, et such goods as you want te pick out or. Our FINK CLOTHING trade is large enough te warrant us In keeping a full assortment of VINE CLOTHS at all seasons. A gain as te price. Ne matter what unusual strain may be put en elsewhere te ferce busi ness we will net be out done In proper methods, and the people may rely en right service from us. lyers & Eatnfen, Leading Imciister Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, S1 MALINU'S SPRING OPENING. SMALING. OPENING OK SPRING NOVELTIES. ALL THE LATEST; PARISIAN and LONDON STYLES. i. B. HOSTKTTKK HON. CLOTHE. - CLOTHING. SPRING-WEIGHT CLOTHING' IN PULL ASSORTMENT FOR Men and Beys. Andlt the question with you is where te buy, give us a trial, and we will show you one etthe Largest and Best Selected Stocks of Olethinsr in the City. We have a lew et these ALL-WOOL, MEN'S SUITS AT $10 Ie'lt, aad And they are givlnggoed satisfaction for the money. REMEMBER WE MANUFACTURE ALL ' OUR OWN CLOTHING. D.B:gip&S0O ; 24.einte squabs, r LANOASTSR,FA. cxeTAure, w ANAMAKKB BKOWN. Light and light-colored suits are going at closest prices. We can fit anybody, from -little boys te large men; as te assortments, there's almost no end te them: and as te prices, we can fit any purse, no matter hew light, no matter hew heavy. i Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall, s. k. cernkr sixth amd market. PHILADELPHIA. 'I'AKK NOTIUK 1 7T TRADE DOLLARS TAKEN AT PAR FOR CLOTHING! OUR SMALL RALANCE OF Light Colored Suits FOR Men, Youth's Hots' ami riifMreii, WE ARK SELLING FOR ONE HALF THEIR VAL.UB, As we need the room ler our Heavy Suits and Overcoats, which we ure new manutartnrlng. Hirsli & Brether, I'ENN HALL OI.OTUIVU IIOUHK. Ner, 2 &4 North Queen Street TRADE DOLLARS TAKEN AT l'AR. H." KKHAKT. SPRLTC OPENING AT H. GERHART'S TAILORING KSTAEUSHMENl', NO. )i.sT KING STREET, iUF VHH J.AKUtCbV AHHOKTMKb'l OK FINE SUITING, PANTALOONINO AND KI'KIMU OVKIUOATINH, Kver brought te the City. of l-iincaster 49-These devious el securing Choice Styles arttn vlled te c-nll eai ly. JOINSMAN St KKO. J. LESS TALK AND Sere Real Bargains AT L. GANSMAN & BRC. - Cor. Orange and North Qneen Sta, TIIANANVWUKRK ELSE YOU CAN GO TO. Men's Suits at $1.00, $3J, f4.An, $3.00, 1 6.C0, $8.00, 110.112, np te $18. Men's Pants at 75c., 90c., $1 00, $1.50,92.09. $i50, 43 00 up te $Ti0J l.ewist prices ler latest stylus Lej s. and Children's Suits at$I.M. $2.00. $2.50, $3.00. $1 00, $3.00, $C CO tip te 99 oe. Lewest prices ter the latest styles, and we are doing the business- Sharp prices ; excellent work te measure, 912. Anlndtge Blue Suit te measure, $U. Abet ter quality Indije Blue Suit te measure at 9i5. Age d selection et Cheviot anil Cnsslm-res te measure at 918. An excellent Indigo Blue Suit te measure. Pants te measure Irem 93.60 upward. New est goods, latest styles, thoroughly geed work. Whoever wants spring Clothing this la thi time te get it; the season is well advanced we have a large stock and must sell It. L. Gansman & Bra, TUB FASIIIONABLKMKKCHANT TAILORS A CLOTHIERS,, ;;-;8 north queen street, Right en the Southwest Cerner of Orange Si. LANCASTER. FA. ren,. evening until 9 o'clock ; Satuiday 10. FKKXV4 CHARCOAL LUZKNUES. Tt:i most reliable and surest 'cure ler Headache. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Bad Breath and all diseases arising Irem a disordered stomach. Price 25c. per Bex, mailable. Prepared and sold by ANDREW O.FREY, DRUHUIST. 21 E. Orange St., Cor. Christian. Lancaster. Pa. Drntts. Chemicals, etc.. alwavs en hum: at Hie most reasonable prices. a27-lydAw X?l il 3l J '1 '31 VJ ifl -l A fc-ff-crtfcg.,,-,