LANCASTERtDAILY INTEL.LLGEKCER, FBIttkYv JTOTE 29;'1883. h GOLUMBIANEWS. UVli KKOULAK COBRESFONUKWIH5 Krentu Along the Huquehnna Itcmi Interest In and Around the Borough picked np by tbe Intelli gencer Reporter. s Tiie river has fallen several inches since last evening at 8 o'clock. The R. & C. coal wharf was partly covered by tbe water yesterday, as was also low lying parts of the shore. Many low islands below the dam are covered by the swollen river. The fishermen's fishing batteries have received damage te some extent, and a number of their fishing stands have been washed away. The borough alleys were all cleaned. Bicycles and horseback exercising will begin again, new that the weather bids far te be a little mero settled again. Boat Beat ing will net become popular again uutil the river has less of a current tluu at present. Rowing new is hard weik rather than pleasure. l'ersenal. Miss Anna Uumphriss hai returned from a trip t Raading. Miss Rjljieca Slaymaker, of Lancaster, is visiting Miss Rella Redsecker, en Third street. Mr. M. liachenheimer and family have gene te Ephrata, Pa., where they will remain a ceuple or woeks. D. Alex. Uraigaud wife leturned home yesterday from a tour in te West. Ituslneas Itrleh. If the Shawnee rolling mill could only be put into full opsratien at least a thou sand mere pcople would be added te the population and business would be profited. A foundry 53x30 feet is being erected by Mr. 1$. P. Stener at his rcel works, and the old blacksmith shop is being replaced by a new oue, which will be 00x30 feet in j.ze and two stories high. Numereus erdcis for goods are en hand. Mr. P. P. XV. Shearf has succeeded Mr. P. C. Sny tier at his confectionery making establish ment en Walnut street Mr. Jehn Walsh hab removed his photograph gallery from the Pive Points hem te Wrights ville. Accidents. Wm. Stiyker, a young drygoeJs meichaut from Pmniinerville, N. J , had his right feet Clashed between the bull noses of two cars at this place te day at neon, while ridingena fieight tiain. lie i : new receiving surgiealfaid at the P. R. R. hospital liaie. A boy named William llirlia.dseu, 10 of age, fell from a cherry tice at the St. Charles furnace .veMeitlay and breke both arm. .Ancient ami Modern Weapon. Mi. Isaac Snjder, jr., has a sword ustd by an aiu'i'htet in the Revolution It is a hhert, en" i dgi'd we.ipeu. with biass hill, and the scabb.u il is a, .simple leather ease. The weap n is quite a curie ,ity ; as mueli en account of it-, peculiar style of mike as its histeiieal oenneetioiis A $10 shot uu will be chane.'d ntl'te night by the Mystic Chiin ledge. i mi i eluir. The young ladies and gentlemen e Cliiriuru wsll held another dancing putj en (Jliiqnes lock te moriew altcinoe:i and eveuiug. Thcii Ja-t puty theie was spoiled by a heavy storm Te night a ledge of theewler of lleptas'iphs will be eiganized in the Franklin house parleis It will have a charter of about twenty tuembeis. The Prcsbyteiian Sunday school cxcwieii tt Li tit, took about 400 poisons with it. IIKANlii: ISI.U-StlMS I Wcddlnc at niuuut Jey. A mere brilliant assembly never graced Mount .Tey than that which gat heicd at ' Sunuy&ide," the pleasant home of Mr. J. E. Cassell, en Thuisday evening, the ec casieu being the man iage of his daughter, Miss Ella M. Cissell, te Mr. Ch tiles S. ! . ider of the fiim of P. (J. Snyder & Bre., .i this eity. Thcie were about two lmu died gucstr. piesent including the elite of Mount Jey, sceics of friends from Lancas ter, and smaller paitics fiem adjacent towns, as well as fiem Philadelphia, Har liibuig, Biltimoieaud ethci cities. The spacious mansion was profusely and elegantly dcceiated with flewcis and vines anil goigeeus loliage plants, while the lawn ami gaideus weie illuminated with many Chinese lauterus. The marriage service took place at 9 o'clock in the eveuiug and was conducted by Rew C. Whitcomb, of Mt. Jey, assisted by Rev. Charles L. Piy, of Trinity church, this city. The bride, who was elegantly eestumed. was attended by Miss Edith Johnsten, of this city, as bridesmaid, th j gioein being attended by his brother, Air. Etlvr. Snyder as croemsman. Messrs. Em'l Cassel, of Mt. Jey.and James Miller, Wm. llarlcius and Jehn E. Mnsseliuan, of Lancaster, officiated as ushers. Prof. F. W. Haas performed a grand wedding inai eh ou the piano. Many of the ladies in attendance were elegantly attired, and the scene was brilliant beyond descrip tion. After congratulations had been extended the happy ceuple, the dining-r join was thiewn open and tables woie also en the lawn, and an elegantly prepaied banquet was partaken of by huudiedsef guests. Vecal and iustiutnciitai intiMe lollewrd, Mrs. Whitcomb, wife el the officiating elcigyman, singing admirably seveial tine selections, and the Laucister quartet, ("impost d of Me&sis. Drachbar. Zimmerman, Bailsman and Mellmgei, singing some of their best pieces. Mi. liewaul Eheily, of Mount Jey, ren dered sotne line cornet music, and Mr. Cliailes Meweiy, of this city, some line pieces en the violin. A season of waltzing folio aimI, aud between 12 and 1 oVieek many of the guests took lcave, 10 turning te their homes. Many ethers m maincd an hour later, and accompanied the Initie and gioem te the lailread t.ta ; tien, wishing them gedspeed en tneir wed ding tour, which embraces a tiip te llar-li-bnrg, Pa., Frederick, Baltimore, and Hagerstewu, Md., the Luray caverns and Natmal Bridge in Virginia, Washing ton, Leng Branch and Philadelphia, leturning te Lancaster in about a month. The bride was made the recipient of hundicds of olegant and costly presents, including a full silver service, the gift of Miss Serena Snyder, the groom's sister, a magnificent pair of vases by Miss Dresher, of Norristown, and scores of ethers no less beautiful nor scarcely less valuable. There was but oue drawback te the happy occasion : the absence of the bride's brother, Mr. J. C. Cassell, who expected te act as oue of the groomsmen, but who being train master aud genial superintSBn dent of the telegraph department of the Shenandoah Valley railroad, was uscessarily ou duty ou ae jXXmt of the extraordinary num her of passengers en the read con sequent upon the uuveiling of the Lpe monument at Lexington, Va. The beau -tiful and accomplished Miss Dresher, of Norristown, who expacted te officiate as one of the bridesmaids, was also absent by reason of serious illness. But the kind tokens of remembrance and kinder words sent by the absent ones, in seme measure compensated for their enforced absence. Larceny of Cherries. Jeseph Ilear has brought a suit for lar ceny against Wm. Sanders, Jehn Hagel ganz and Christian Brudcr, who, it is alleged, have been stealing his cherries. They gave bail before Alderman Perdney or a hearing en Monday, Assault and Battery. Bes-ie Clark has been held by Alderman A. F. Dennelly te answer at court the chai go of assault and battery upe t Alice Bienicnidci fcr. Mayer's Court. The mayor this morning had four eases. Twe drunks wenf out for twenty days, one for ten and one paid costs. COUNCILS HK0T1KG. A Beard of Healtb Ordinance. A special meeting of councils was held last evening te consider an ordinance en larging the powers of the beard of healtb. Common council was called te order by J President Hurst, the following members being present: Messrs. Adams, Beard, Bolenius, Cor Cer meny, Demuth, Eberman, Evarts, Henry, Kendig, MeKillips, Powell, Pewer.Riddle, Sebum, Spaeth, Stermfeltz, Hurst presi dent. The president stated the business for which councils was called together. Cletk Deen then read the following petition from the beard of health : Te the Honorable the Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Lancaster . "The petition of the undersigned Beard of Healtb, of the city of Lancaster,respect fully represents that the laws and ordi nances regulating the duties and fixing the powers of the Beard of Health are found se deficient and lame that during the present prevalence of smallpox iu tun city, it is impossible te compel obedience te our rules and 1 evolutions, aud, theie theie fere, cannot perfei in our duty te the ex pectations et the community in preserving the public health. The beaid, thercfore, have, by gieat labor and care, compiled an ordinance, as the law en the subject for the Beard of Health and the citizens of the city, aud believe that it is as parfect as can be arranged at present, aud that its immedia'e passage by ceuueils will enable the Beard of Health te perform its duties effectually aud with great geed te the public. "We therefore pray the immediate pas sage of the ordinance accompanying this petititien and will ever pray, etc." Signed. Christian Zeciier, M. F. STEIGEKWALT, J. A. E. Reed, Jehn Levekgoed, HughR. Fulton, Beard of Health." An uidiuance " Te protect the public health" prepaied by the Beard of Health was lcacl. Mr. Beleuius seemed te think that this erdiuauee was needed, but rather thought that it was get up huriiedly. He then moved that t!u oidiauce be referred te the n nance committee, aud that they be in structed te report te councils at next meet ing. Mr. Ruldle, allheugh hedid net pr&ume te speak fet the finance committee, said he did uet believe that the would be adopted. Mr. Belenins's motion was then cat tied. Mr. Riddle suggested that as the Be tid of Health had inserted a elause in the oidinauce imposing a line upon these who neglect te repeit eases of which they Knew, a was ii it ac iinnitiiidablc featiue. Adje'iiin d. spinet Council. Tim following membcis of select ceuu cil weie piesent : Messrs. Brown, Bald win, Dillci, Ev.uis, Wise, Zechur and Bergei, pit'sideut. Piusident Bergei stated that the meet ing hul been e. died te take ailie l en au oidinauce, which is intended te "menus,; the powers of the beard of health. A communication from the beard of health in tegaid te the introduction of tin; erdi uaneu was leid, aftei which select c mneil adjourned 'llie Ordinance. I'lie oidinauce which has been piej.ei.ted fei the coiiMileralieu of council is com posed of twenty six sections and would occupy s-wcial columns of type. It pie vides for a health commissioner ; ('r reports of infectious diseases, fnun ;.hy siciaus, landlords and heusekcepeis.maua ei.s of public institutions, school tcacheis and ethcisin position te be informed ; for the quarantining of the city aud viriens lemedial ineasiues ; for onipulseiy vac ciuatieu ; te prevent the conveyance in public caiiiagcs of infected poisons ; te provide for disinfecting and fumigating private property and te punish false alatir.s ei epidemic. NKKililtUUUOOl NKWl. ISvenlH Nmr anil Acrusi tlie Cnmily I. turn. Wilcox & Driesbach, contracteis of Biadferd, have been awared the contract for building the new line of the Baltimeie ami Ohie raihead from Washington te Philadelphia, a distance el sixty miles The contract piice is $1,500,000, and the lead is te be finished early iu the fall. Tbe class day exercises of the 8th annual commencement of the statu normal school at West Chester, Pa., took place yesteiday Twenty-ene giaduates iccoive their diplo mas. The degree of Bacheler of Science was cenfeued ou Prof. Toniliusen. of Oxford, and Piofessor Markely, et West Chester. J Augustus Nebinger.the ex postmaster at Stcdten who was arrested several nieiiMis age, charged with embezzling money elder funds, and who failed te appear lei trial at the Febiuary session of the United St atcs district ceuit, was taken te Philadelphia yecrday by bis bonds men and delivered te United States Mar shall Kerns His bondsmen wero Jehn W. Giove an 1 A. B. Ridur, both residents of Dauphin county. He was held for trial at the next teim of the United States court. A Cbe in Mystery. W.Ht (Mieeier I oenl News. Ou Sunday last a Mr. Supplee, icsiding en the Bany farm, in East Whileland township, went te Lancaster county with his family, leaving at home a little girl Muy, daughter of Wm Qitay,ind a young lad a trifle elder. On the leturu of the family, Sunday evening, they feuud the boy at home, but the little gill was mis sing. The boy professed te kuew nothing about her whereabouts. Search was in ado throughout the neighboiheod and en the place nearly all night, but nothing could be seen or heaid of her uutil late Monday afleiuueu, when she was found under a chci ry tree and iu au unconscious stite She was at ence lcmeved te the house, and Dr. Caiey, of Qlculech, was sent ler. Au examination of her person wasinide, but nothing could be found te show that she had been assaulted, as was at first thought, and the supposition new is that she had been iu the tree picking cherries and had fallen and injured her self. Our iufeimant states that tbe child was still unconscious ou Tuesday. Salt ler Damages. When a man is injured by another, in tentionally, he usually brings a suit for assault and battery iu the criminal court. Hairy Slegcl, of this city, has adopted another method, aud has brought a civil suit in common pleas court against Jes. J. Decsch, the North Queen street saloon keeper. Slegel alleges that a few even ings age he went into the saloon of Deesch'e, with uhein he get into an al tercation. Deesch finally picked up a picce of gum hose, striking him en the hand seveial times and breaking the limb iu two placed. He wants 300 dam age j. Sent Out. Michael and Kate Farley wero com plained against before Alderman Fordney, by Jehn Frances, colored, who charged them with being drunk and disorderly. Officer Smith ai rested them and the alderman scut thorn te the work heuse for 10 days each. Grading. The Pheeuixville Independent is author. ity for saying that tbe grading en the Laneaster railroad will be begun in a few days. The read runs through the finest farming land in the state. Down tin Conestoga it takes in no less than 53 Heur-1 ing raiUB. the production of seme of them beuvj 100 barrels per day. ' BaMball. Nine empleyes from each of A. C. Kep ler's and Stcinman & Ce.'s hardware stores, will play a match game of baseball en the morning of the Fourth of July at 8 o'clock. After sending telegrams and letters and all Kinds of messages te tbe Yerk baseball club, in reference te a game here en Sat urday, and receiving no replies, Manager Speece, of tbe Ironsides club, went ever te Yerk yesterday. After considerable dim culty he managed te fce a man who said heboleugcd te the club. When asked why he d d net answer the telegiams he. could net tell. He premised te have the club held a meeting last night and consider this matter. Mr. Specce returned te this city last night aud has since received a dispatch that the club will net ceme te morrow. By tbe feeling around of tbe Yerk club (if there really is an organized club there) the Ironsides have been put te considerable trouble and annoyance, as they weie compelled te wait several days without receiving any reply te their inqui rics. Ne game will be plavcd te-morrow, unless arrangements can be made with the Molineaux club of Philadelphia, which is one of the best in Uih city, outside of the professional teams If tbe Yerk team had come here they would have been well paid aud it would have been little trouble for them. I'Uh S7.lALI.reX. Ltter's Cae a False Alarm. Ne deaths from smallpox have been re ported te-day, aud there is bat one new case. That is Mis. Jeremiah Cooper, of Ne. 1j32 East Orange street, who is suffer ing from varioleid. Dr. Fitzpahick at ence quarantined the house. It is said that most of the cases iu the city, cutside of the Carr family, have been vai lelmd. Everybody is getting vaccinated and the offices of the physician j are besieged during their hours, by perbens easier te have their arms scratched Ciewds of men, women and children can be b- ou stand ing around the street with their sleeves up "drying it." The inquiry ' did it take '." is ou the lips of all. The case of Rebert Ettcr, yesteiday pronounced varioleid, after an examina tion by Dr. Fitzpatiick, acting health commissioner, is said net te be el that chaiactcr at all ; and the lawyers for whom " Bebby " opened clams se assiduously at TucEilny'ft picnic aie greatly lelieved. .'t Clilld Prewueil. Yesterday Ilany M. KaufTman a 17 months old son of Abraham Kauiruian was found drowned. It apptais that the elder childicn weie sent out iu a let te hee, and Il.ury, th' jeungct, in .some way get out of the .ud and wandeied te a pond info which he fell Deputy Corener T. J. Aim stieng iniraticlled a juiy, con isting or Henry Hen man. Jacob Acker, Win. II. Acker, S. fl. Knufi'inau, Ucnjainin John John Jehn eon aud Alfred Keen, and a veidiet of ac cidental di owning was lendered. it!'-' Inatltuln I'.x.milii.itieit.'. institute has just elosed its sixth jcar with a five days en! and. It ten examination. Ni.nly.itl of the boys passed thieugh the .siege .villi ciedit te tbcm:lvrs and te theii teachei.s. The following beyj had an of 1)0 par cent, anil ever: F. Robinson, II. Hepkins, N. Reynolds, l.enj. Atlee. (., E Hepkins, A. Natiman, II Mers is, Gee. 'Allee, J. Ehy. The. aveiagu for the whole school in the final eviniinatiens was b pel eent. At I lninltKlM'.r. The 71th atiiiiial dfotiibutsen of piemi urns and cenfeiiing of honors took plare at St. Jeseph's academy yesteiday morn ing The .occasion was graced by the piewi'cn of Aichbishep Gibben-, of Ca'ti meie, Uishep; Watteisen, Elder and Gilmer, and a large nuiubci of the Cat he lie cleigy. Among the giaduates was Misj M. Reilly, of thi eity Sli" leceived ageld medal and Fceeiul houei for ami ible de)0itment and ebsei vauce el (he acailm lobulatiens. 1 tmehlit: Blnncy Ordem. On an after June 2, a single domestic ineney oider maybe issued for any amount fiem one eent up te (me huudicd liellars. The fees ler eidcis net ever 10 will be 8j ; fiem $10 te $li", 10c ; fiem .?15 te &.0, 15c ; for eaah additional $10, uj te $30, ."ia extra, and from $80 te $100, 45c. Moie than thiee eiders will net be issued en the ; same ilay te the same 1 emitter, for the uimepaiee and payable at the same oflice. IMrctlen uf Mlirtrt.. C mneil Ne. 22, Jr. O. U. A. M held last cvenin-.', insulted as follews: C, J. Like ; V. C , E. E. Ilumphreville ; A R S J. Kempf ; Cenl., L. K. Deinait; Wa:d , J. 1). Housei ; 1, S , W. Mu-wi ; O. S, W. L. Palmer: Tiu-'av, J. I). Ueuser ; State Council, Jehn ('. tfwept , W. 11. McConibey. Uaie DIMUl-eed. Jehn dimmer, of Middle stieet, who has made himself notorious ineveiai difluient ways, iiad a healing bef.ue xVldciman A. P Daiiuelly last evening jii the ebarije et stealiu money fiem the house of Jeseph The evidence was net sufli eient te held him and the eve vasdi- miscd. Togs cut cm "Themas Stiihei, a tramp, ittt.mptcd te beaid a fici;ht tiain ai Celum bia te-day for the purpee of riding e t-it. He fell under a car, which jnssnl ever oi.e feel, cutting off POeial tees. He v. as bieujdit te this city en Fsederick accom modation and taken te the hospital. .St. ilOHnpn'M fair. The ameuut of money realized at the St. Jeseph fair, which closed en Wednes day eveuiug last, after deducting all tlu cxpemes, is J2.73-1 3S, which will net euli pay off the eutiie itidebtednces, bin, lcave a large fciun tewaids the election ei the new church. In tlie Court IleuFfl. Court will meet i-monew morning at 10 o'clock for the tiau.sactien of cnrient business. The shei ifl' s des will take place in lii.) eiphans' ceuit loom at 2 o'clock. Mercantile Tax. The merchants of the county should bear in mind that the mercantile licaiiFO i due at the treasuier's oflice ou or befcie the 1st of July. If net paid they knew the consequences. : lie 1'rlfen Keeper' sHnrnea Mulen. It is pretty rough when the prison Let par le'-es goods by theft, but last night v. thief stele a cellar, bridle aud pair of leins fiem Prison Keeper Jli'ikhelder. The Market Houses. Tne foundation for the Ea-tein market is beimr laid, and yesteiday workmen beau digging the cnll.'r market. for tbe We.steiu Fourth ei July Chimp Kxcurslen. Citizens' nnnnal ccur-i,n te Atlantic City and Philadelphia en Wednesday, July t Hound tup tickets, geed ler three days, only $3.fO. Train leaves Lancaster, King street, at 5:10, Columbia 5:10. LandNville ces, Al.inheiin C2i,LltitzG-3Dun I Kplmta at 7.03. Fer par ticulars see cliculars. jel"i,27,2.),!j 2,3<w UXA.VUS. Wilkv. June 28. 1883. in this city. Alexander 'iltJ ased W years, 8 months anil 13 days. iIlvitcd teattend the funeral from his late rcai aence. New street, en Sunday altorneou at 2 o'clock Interment at Shrelner's cemetery. tfJ&7')AJtVBTiaEaiEST8. f- BAND OrKJJIKU OF K. BL DAN UK ft VT Ce.'s Ice Cream Cardan, Se. CIS Seuth Queen street, en te-morrow (Saturday) even ing. The New Providence Cornet Band will be present. It TTOSIKKirSl-IyAliIJA(K ASH RbETS SOHROYER'3 MARKET STAND, It TO-MOItKOW. Die. c a. iiiiewn. rinsiciAX ANI OCUMST, Has IlemoveU te Se. 20 WKST OUA.NGE ST. Kyc and Ear treated. Glasses adjusted. Su perior ancctaeIC3 en liiud and te order. Ic21 lydTU 'PUOhE WlSUINU Ti TAtti: SfARKING J. lesens wilt please call en AH. Mills, at Charles II Zieplel'u abuy, b. C angle Ccntre Squaie, IreniT toOe'cIocr, lertliuir tickets, ltd YOtX WILT. ALWAYS FIND A FULL, line el Connecticut ci.113 amljr'eunudn r inc Cut tobacco, at IIMITMAN'S YELLOW FKONT CIGAR i'reiir: WAKxKD KY A YOUNG MAN. ID ytaiseld.ii situation as verler in a store, or te attend te two or three liei-e. Or uiestnuy kind et ether work. Inqniie at the I:tk LieE-.cmOlliec. It. T)Ui:L!USA!.i: rU-31"KUOW JKVKNIAU, .InneJO, 18S.5, .it Xe..'01 Neith Queen St.. will be old te cWhe out a let el oil blinds and futures, syiuiw, tea, spices and cans, jdass jars, etc , together w Itli a let el dry yoeds. no tions and store flxtuie. Sale te c enimence at 7X o'clock in the evening. It OUDiCK OUlt lIKV'Il.UU UltAIiS AND Spiced Ojsters ler tie Fourth et July. Jtest :dl the vegetables I sell are rai-ed in our county. 1 will receive this evening J00 pounds et inych ice Creamciy Ilutter. CIIAS. XV. KCKEUT, Il- Ne. 1 ' Ka!t King Street. v TK WILL SlAKi.AN t:.Tl KKCIIANGK Of PHOTOGRAPHS At the nuance te the Gallery en North Queen siieel in i lew day, and Tin: '-ami: kiiu ok weitK you see TllhUE VC WILL MAKE FOU YOU Uy the Quu k-Weikiii;; I'reccss. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 NORTH QUEEN STREET, jnue2-lld MVBB-" i:A't'IIK(N Step and Think! It is a COOll TIIIN; for a man when he is ilhniil bnyei-i: hi'i WI.AUlM; AI't'AKKLtO jl'er ANI THINK el the many eletlners heie li.euls bidilin;; lei Ins trade, and whether or no! their is one iiineni; II clot who'll by liktly te l( lieltur by him than 'ill the icdt. Rlyeis .t Hatlien new exhibital) tliedustr aid .NO KL'lIESaiidS'1'ANIiAJtnSTll.hSct ihuMc.unn wide h inrciti ill tv, style and inake ii p hai cveiy icmi i te be'iii". e te he the bust shown In ii'.'ilieiits. li Ices heie :ne !ev,laee! upon -liiliikaKU .ilucel woolen lain us, the createatercr ex peiiiured liv the trade. We'ie net low- en u lew j i' leit'i eidy, lull upr.n the en'ire stecli: ; we lin'nt a l.ijr, tutt and bobtail stect el " te- " niarkeil dew n leu the puipesu of bi; ailveiliiiiiK htui.ih, but all tin- eewest.lnlght-e-st, most sljINIi siuil siilwlantlal wi-aung gneil' in the ' nUet Tlio-e .hn eeiuc le TlilUK eeliliim tail te r.iiY. enrt letiiim; is iin.ii in uuauk mid Dim liMU's sill ll is eiu'll In I'Ui'ly te (uy nil I ii'.t i;i limbic. 5"(.DUI. AM.iKi:.'i' Myers & Satlifen, i'.tilitis; ii.iU(Ms1nr riolliiers, NO. 19. BAST KINO- STRB3T, yyr -i:i:ivni Sxiraerlinary Inducemer-h ! We hue sl.'iitnla Great Slaughtering Sale- 'iVhieli will eentiniH- until en.-entire Suuunci hlci'k ii lesi-d eul 'I liin . ee-lc wi- went thieii';li e in nine Meck el ri! .OTHiISLa, AM) FURNISHING GOODS. Ami iihiut(jKi i':tu;i:s wirueur itK- (.AI'.D Til COST. TlicCeniK MUSI" KK '-OLD wlthl.. thunuM 'Jul.ij i. :is we must li.r.i1 the -pact thev oecu eecu pv tei the Ine IIp- et Fall anil Winter Clelliin wlueli we :ue new iu mutactuiin ; A sepai ate loom fei ODD GARMENTS, COAT, I NTi .in l ViiVrs eme et them lei eiu -loin i het iheir alue. (Jieit ilii'ee in Sn-isiieUi r and Ciele Suits, Alpici Coin, I i leu 1'iiiils .mil e)th r oeil' .ii table lei w.m-i (.'either A lu'l line et (jeuts liiniisliing i-oeds Ot nil de-ei i)!Ieiij, a b itteni pi tee i 63ASpeenI ISai -Mill In 10 PO.KX JK.VS Diiwi:ii- .it :. ie iiekn caui: 50e. CALL L UiNl.L. Eirsh k Brether ri!'N MALI CI.Ol'lllMi UOUmK. Ner, 2 & 4 North Queen Street. UPfrUIAI.TIKH. ASTR10H BR0THKR8, At,18 PALACE OF FASHION, NO 13 KiVSTKIMJT;$HET, LAcsri:i:, i. WHITE GOODS. We have ju-t icceued a New Line et FINE WlllTi: ilt!.'Si:)(t)S, tin! wiue utleiiiiK at VKlll nw i-uinis ' . . 1 -v 11 ., .-iei Ii. .mt ' wnite Jjresses. , ic..uir-Mil" Diessei ii c eiu pleln and feci eon tiilentifli',liiK utile te pit a-30 the liie-t I isiidieiis. We invite all le (eni jiiiui leek thieugh eurstclc. Childrena' Dresses We liaeiil iifje stock et Childien's Dresses, in While' and Celer -it, in ni! izi:, and s.t all pi ice ", from 23c. .ipu upa;dd. iICD&VJUUUO, ui') nesi- veiy iniidi ICllllCl.d. LADIES' 2IUSLTN UNDERWEAR. We hive. i eiv laie as ertment of the-e Goed-tand thepiic.e-3 t the &aiiiu ale much lower tluin tne fjneds could he ni'idii ler. A liritc line et 1XKVNTS' WBAIt UdKKS. DKli'SKS, CLU VKs, Mvli:i., &c , at VEIIY I.OWl'ltKJhS. We aie closing out :i line let el Ohild'a Fancy Cotten Hose, Full Kegulir made, at 23c. a pair. Ferme ly :;-c n. We sell a Heavy Twilled All silk l'AUAMlli t'e i.2."i. .Special JJargaln in La dies' LlbLE (i LOVi:s, two elndics, at 23c. a pdr KKlia Fi'ieJKU-KY MSLK OLOVKS, ..Oc. a ii tir. .lust epnel a laige let el NEK IIMCnUUK KDUlMJ, 7 te it mthfs wide, at .I'le. and J'ic. a i-il. v'vssj binliuiideiy at 12c". .md l"ic PA.vs! PAai PANd! LACK illlTS a very larjjr aseitnient, (iauze Uiuleishir: 23e. S".iicatUcductien in our Millinery Department. AU our Colored U.itrlnnned IlaU, in Milan. Chip anil satin hti-aw, at 48c. White Chip and Milan Hats at rceluccd prices. AU our Tuscan Hats and Uennets at 23c. Tip3 and IMnmej at reduced prices. bargains in Sash Ribbons : & wSffi C5c.5 Klght inch Alf-SIlk Black Watered, Sic.; Nine inch Ad-ilk ttlack Wntered, $1 oe. ' SECOND-EDITIO'N. FBI DAY BYBNINQ, JUNE 29,1833. THE DAEK SIDE. TUE TRAIL. OK DASTABULV CKIME. A Oaarrel itetnreen two Vamllla la Vir- ClniaR8nIt4ln Murder Utner Fbuea of WlckedneM On tbe Gkllewa. Danville, Va, Jnne 29. A few days age a quarrel arose between tbe urant ana Manning families, residents of the north em part of Pittsylvania county about some fowl which J. W. Manning was accused of Killing, it is stated that Uee. r. Urant was thereupon urged by his mother te kill Manning, and that he crept en him while ha was-at work in a field, and shot him five times and afterwards beat him with his fist and stamped upon him, say ing, " New, d m you, die." Manning died the following day, and Grant escaped. a Detperade'a 'Deed. St. Leuis, Jnne 29. At Blende City, Kasper county, Missouri, yester day. Lane Britten was arrested en a charge of murder committed sometime age, in Newton, after his arrest. Britten was permitted te go into his house te get his coat. He reappeared with a re volver and opened fire en his cap tors, instantly killing one of them, Censtable A. M. Davis, and mortally wounding the ether G. G. Davis. He then mounted a horse and lied. A large party of citizens is in pursuit, but Britten has probably escaped into the Indian territory. He is a desperate man and has ence befere been tried for murder. Hanged for Felonious Assault. Wilmington, Del., Jane 29. Gee. Lake (colored) was hanged at Cambridge, Md , at 11:44 o'clock this morning, for committing a felonious assault upeu Mrs. Stewart C. Simmons,, in April last. Lake slept well last night and ate a hearty breakfast this morning. He maintained a steady uerve te the last. The execution was witnessed by about 30 persons. H oue of Lake's family were present. Lake's neck was net broken and he died of strangulation showing only three slight convulsions. Life was pro nounced extinct in G and ahalf minutes. Murder and Suicide. Nkitiiskurg, 111.; June 29. H. Blair shot his wife ou Saturday and then com mitted suicide. The wife may recover. The cause was jealousy. Xlv. Keilcy Kxpresaea His Displeasure. Sfiungfikld, Mass., June 29. In a a speech at a banquet last night, Jehn Kelley sharply criticized Mr. Tilden for ' net courageously calling ou the people te sustain him for assuming the presi dency of the United States in 187C." He a?&e said " Mr. Tilden tried te get the nomination in 1880, and failing in this used his iuflucnce in New Yerk te defeat Gen. Hancock." At llarrlsuure. IlAnmsnuuG, Pa , June 29. Nothing of import auce trauspircd iu the Senate this morning In the Heuso Mr. Colburn's Republican congressional apportionment bill was de feated by a paity vote. After considera ble discussion and "much bitter fealiug it passed second leading. The governor te day vetoed four mero bilb. 'i he Ceal 1'rlceH. PniLAunLi'iiiv, June 29. Committees of the Lehigh and Schuylkill coal ex changes met te day and agreed te make no change in the line and city and harbor pi ices of coal during July. The Philadelphia & Heading coal and iien company this afternoon issued its July circular of juices for the eastern trade. They embody au advance of 15 C3iits per ten for white ash, egg, and 25 cuts for stnve aud chestnut. Mere IterRH County l'lagnes RnviuNti, June 29. Reports received fiem vaiieus sections of Heiks county indicate that in 'addition te the Hessian fly, the picseuce of a small green weitn iu the wheat, which cats off the grain at the head the latter then dropping te the ground and retting. Old farmcis say that tbe same worm played havoc with wheat 25 years age. I he lielmvare KlverVery High. TnxNTON, N. J., June 29. The Dela ware liver is higher te day than it has been te; ni.myycais. Information from points up the river show that the heavy rains have swollen the streams which empty into the Delaware te an extent that ex ceeds an) thing knewu during the past twenty four jcais The river is still ris ing. Charges Uutrue Nr.w Yerk, Juuj 29. Postmaster Pcaibiw, of this city, states that any charges that he i.s personally or pecuniari ly interested iu any concern or corporation that is antagonistic te tbe United States postal service uie entirely unwarranted and wnti ue. m l'uuper Iminlsranttf. Costen, June 29 Within the past six mouths the peit physician has examined S.i.iiuO assisted immigrants. Many of them ..te tee froble by reason of age or othei infiimilies for telt suppeit, and must he aided by private aud public charities. KeIIIiih ttO Ue.iel. Conceud, N. II , June 20. A ballet to day for United States s jnater resul ted iu only 2ovetes being cast. There was no cpieium present The r.gyptmu PlaKiie. Damietta, Juue29 neon. The total number ei deaths here from cholera dur ing the last 24 hours was 107. Three deaths from cholera occurred at Mausurah dm in,' the same period. .-. TLflt't IMtfltllVIOHM. Washington, June 29. Fer the Middle Atlantic states sli;htly warmci Jair weath er, south te west winds stationary orlewor baiemcter. HAItKJlltl. Philadelphia market I'liiLADELPHtA, June 29. Fleur quiet. IS ye Heur at f.ifi2S3 75 Whctfdeaily utH der-linc ; Ne. 2 Western Ucil. $1 !"; Ne 3 de $110; Ne. 1 l'eiina. Ked ?1 IGjfJl 18. Coin dull, but weak; all Yellow and Mixed, 583Ic ; Ne. 3 Allied, 5753c. Oats dull and steady: Se. 1 White, 43c; Ne. 2 de, 42c; Ne. 3 de, 41llc;Ne. 2 Mixed. jrniiOz, i ye dull at b3g97c. "M-til-i unchanged. li e isieiid eluil. L'iril dull. iiuttcr 11 rm and active. ICeils null. Kggs dull anil ea-y. Clicese dull, but steady ler choice. Petroleum dull. Whia fey at $119 New Yerk BKerKCts. New Yerk, June 29. Fleur dull ; in buyers' favor. Wlieat 4Qilc lower; unsettled and tev-r-i-li,; fdr business, mainly in options; Ne. 2 Ued.lury,$ll2l 12; Aug., 1 UJHHl 15; NepL, $1 !7Jil 17K. Cern Qljc lower; heavy; Mixed West ern spot, 4sae ; de future, 60fiC4c. Oats opened lic lewrer; afterwards re acted liaise ; Ne. 2 July, C9Q40c ; Aug., 37J4 Live Stock Price. New Yerk. Cattle Hec ipts.SOOJhead ; shlp menis, 2,760 heal; half fat and rough weaker; experts, 5 9088 2J; geed te choice shipping, $5 7535 90 ; common te fair shipping, $3 75tf 5 91 ; common te fair. $4 9035 SO. SliL'i-p Ueteipts, 1.300 head; shipments, 1,00.) head ; market linn ; fairly active ; com mon te fair, te 50Q2 ; geed, $450 ; choice, $1 75. KectHDts. 19.M0 head: shlemenu. 19M Mad; Market demoralized; prices 34c lower than ea Tuesday : mixed, $5 7D605 , heavy, S6 25 ; light, te 756 3J; ships, W 000 590. Kin Libutt Cattle Receipts 1,015 head ; market alew at yesterday's prices. Hogs Receipts 690 head ; market slew ; Philadelprdas. 96 6006 70 ; Yorkers. $6 4096 50. Sheep Receipts 3.000 bead; market slew; linraii suaue ou rrem yesieraay. mock narKeta. Quotations by Kecd. McGrann era, Lancaster, Pa. 11 a. m. Micnlaan Central. 95X A Ce , Bank 12 if. a p.m. New Yerk Central 12 Kew Jersey Central 86 Oble Central. 10'4 SeLLack. western.... 1; Denver & Bie Grande.... Kansas ft Texas. Lake Shere.... ...... ...... Chicago S. XV., com.... N. N., Ont. A Western.... St. Paul A Omaha JrlCiuO AxfUl BecheaterA Plttsbureh.. 43 37X aevi is2 St. Paul 104! Texas Paciflc Union Paciflc Wabash Common Wabash Preferred.. West'rn Union Telegraph Louisville & Nashville... N. Y., ChL St. L Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Pennsylvania Reading.. P. T. A Buffalo Northern Paclflc-Cem... Northern Paciflc Pref... Hestonvllle tl4 29X 801Z 52 71 454f 5 & 89X 51J 89i '2lVi 6Sll Philadelphia A Krle 21! Nortnern Central SS Underground Canaea Southern 66 People's Passenger. Oi 1.4 K 118 11SJ4 flaw xerk. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks quiet, fraction lower. Meney, New Yerk Central Krle Hallread Adam? Express Michigan Central Hull read Michigan Southern Railroad Illinois Central Railroad Cleveland A Pittsburgh Railroad Chicago A Reck Island RallreaeL Pittsburgh A fort Wayne Railroad 2Kt3a ...120 ... 37J ...129X yt .. iu ...132 ...13.1 ...125'4 ...131 .. VSM ... 29ft ... KJ ... -t.ji western union xeiegrupn company..., Teledo A Wabash New Jersey Central New Yerk Ontario A Western rmimdelpbia. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks strong. Philadelphia A ErleR. R. 21'4 Reading Railroad 294 Pennsylvania Railroad 59-jjj Lehigh Velley Railroad 59 United Companies or New Jersey 19-2 Northern Pacific. 515 Northern Pacific Prefcrrel S"vji Nerthern Central Railroad i& Lehigh Navigation Company 4rj Norristown Railroad 1C9J Central Transportation Cempuny 40 l'ittsb'g. Titusvllle A yx Little Schuylkill Railroad VM SfEVIAl. NOT1V4.H. The most popular ana fragrant I'o.tuiiieer the day '-HACKMETACK." Try it. Sold by II. It. Cochran, druggist. Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street leb7-ee,l3 45" Nothing se simple and perfect for color ing as the Diamond Dyes. Fer carpet rags, better and cheaper than any ether dyc-s tells. Ciiabuinq features may be rendered actually ropnlsive by blotches or pimples. Glenn's Sulphur Seap remedic j all com plosien blem ishes. jl8-lwdeedAw HJSW ADVMtTISHMETITS. C1AWKS, CANE-V. A FULL LINK Fit O. II He j up, at If AUTMAN'S YKLI.OW KUUNT ClOAIC S 1'OKK. WAIST U A MKST-CLAS8 ItAKltHU Seber, industrious, white and cnpahle et running n shop ; unmarried. Geed witges. Address, CLEMKNT IIOtJSK, Je27-3t bunbury, l'a. SCHOOL TAX 1883. The duplicate is in the hands of the Treasurer. 3 per ccnL oil for prompt pay ment. W. O. MAISsIlALL, Treasurer. Ne. 12 Cuntiu Square. Ottice hours from 9 a. 111. te I p. in. j9-tldll NOTICK-SATUKDAY. JUNK 30, WILL. be tr.e last elay le pay the city tax, te get the 3 per cent, abatement. Oillce hours from 9 te 3 o'clock. 1023-1 wd " C. V. M Y ERS, City Treasurer. fPIlK SKIN IS A VAST KMDNOTOK1 OK 1 gan, civingeir an average of eleven grains et secretion per minute, or two pounds In twenty-lour hours, or which one hiinilted groins are nitrogenous. All Skin Diseases, Cancels, Tumors. Chronic and Privatn Diseases permanently cued liv DRS. II. D. and At. A. LONGAKKU. Oitice 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, l'a. Consul tation free. 1)UHLIU HALK WILL 1112 NOLU TDfS DAY.JULY3.18S3, by the uuileiblgned at Cox's old coach factory, Jll and 3IJ Church street, a let et tit si class carilagca. Alse, ceachmukcr's mateilal, oflice furniture aud ether articles. Sale te commence at I) a. m., when terms Will be msde known by JNO.Q. MERCKR, JACORGAIILI':, Administrators ei Thes.ll. Cox, iIlcM. jc:; (.uiAitw rrilKKCV JOUN Ii. ntULUULLANUM.A L en retiring fiem the l'rincipalship et the Yeates Institute, this early opportunity te announce his puipose te open in Lancas ter 'beakding and day school FOU Yeung Ladies and Uirls, ia September. The Scheel will be FIRST-CLASS in all its appointments. FRENCH, TAUGHT UY A FRENCH LADY WILL RE MADE A SPECIALTY AND PARTICULAR ATTENTION WILL KK PAID TO CONVERSATION. A pregramme will be issued in August. Fer iuither information upp'lcatlen can be made during July at thn eittlec of fcamuel II. Rej Rej nelds. esej.. Ne. iti East King street. Lancas ter, l'a. je25-lmeed It OUT a SHOES. IluK A'l Till". Prices Lewer ten Ever. THE LANCASTER SHOE RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Ladies' Fiiie Kid Butten Shee, $2,00. The Finest Kid Butten Shoes with Worked Butten Heles, 82 50. Canvas Shoes and Baseball Shoes, Beys, 75c, Men's, $1.00, $1.25. Mieses' Pebble Butten Shoes, Size 11 te 2, $125. Bey a' Butten or Lace Shoes, $1 25. Ladies1 Lew Cut Opera Slippers, 50c and 75c. Ladies' Geed Butten Shoes, $150. With Worked Butten Heles. Ladies' Lasting Lace' Shoes. $100 . Ladies' Leather Heuso Slippers, 50 Cents. Men's Butten Shoes, $1.50. Werth $2.50. Men's Fine Calf Butten Shoes, $f .50, 49- We also have en hand a Larue Stock or BURT'S CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. Shots made te order of every description. J. H1EMENZ, Ne. 51 NORTH QUEEN ST., INQUIRER BUILDING. Repairing di H at low prices. ruar23t!dF no Eaeatntt. 19.M0 head: shlDBMnta. ncv nrnmnmrn. -.- 96 93 120H 119. 8G 60 10W 10ii -123K 12S4 44 43Ji 37K 37)2 soil JH 111 ltwi 1325 3tye 26K 46 40K 42 42 18?S 19 104K :mk 37?2 372 94'i 93 29?i 2 43JS 43 52 HIM 10 70 70X 45 45JJ 59K 19 294 29 9-16 PRIDAY-FAIK AUD WARS. A daily ramble through the store discovers some new thing- of interest somewhere. In sum- v mer and winter, at " the height of the season " or when- busi ness lags, there is still a steady stream of new goods coming in . that keeps every point fresh. Many of the hotels en the con-y tinent are named " Le Ouatre ' Saison," or Hetel of the" Four Seasons, and this store might fitly be called the store of all . , seasons, inasmuch as the stocks are net suffered te run down, though unexpected sales often clean out certain things entirely , before we can duplicate them. Our constant aim and effort is te foresee the movements of trade and keep up the stock every day alike, se that cus tomers may rely en finding at all times what is wanted. Each department is under strict com mand te keep up a perfect as sortment, and if it is net at the counters somebody's at fault. Our customers could net de us a better service than te drop a postal te us at their conveni ence when they find our stocks deficient. JOHN WANAMAKER. Mr. Barnes, the head of the Lace stock, sailed in the " Wer ra " yesterday te make personal selection of Laces for the au tumn. Selling Laces at moder ate profits has built up a won derful business in this depart ment, andyet we have sufficient, when we go direct te the makers in Brussels, Paris and elsewhere for their productions. Lace Department, main aisle, near centre JOHN WANAMAKER. Ladies' Leng Black Lisle Hese, with underfoot as white as snow, straight by cable from Merley, Londen. One dollar is the price. " They asked me just $2.50 mere per pair for this same makeel'Silk Drawers at ." She would have been out of pocket $10 en the four pairs if she hadn't looked in ether stores. Who makes " lookers " se welcome as we, and why de we de it but te show up our goods and prices ? A quarter dollar buys a let of comfort when it gees for these Ladies' Gauze Vests, with low neck and short sleeves. Children's Solid Celer Hese of a deservedly noted German maker, at 25 and 30 cents, ac cording te size. Gentlemen's geed English Lisle Half Hese, clocked and plain, for 25 cents. Arcade, wist. JOHN WANAMAKER. Men's Lew Shoes hand and machine sewed, all the leading shapes and styles of the day ; prices, $3, $4, $5 and $6 per pair. These shoes are made expressly for us and under our own personal direction. Market -lrett lient, we-t of central able. JOHN WANAMAKER. Linen Lawns at 25, 31 and 37 cents a yard, with ever four hundred different patterns te select from ; all the 28-cent Lin en Lawns are new 25 cents. Is there anything se comfortable these warm days as a real Linen Lawn Dress? Twe hundred dozens of Ladies' Linen Hand kerchiefs, with wide hemstitched colored borders ; price has been ' 35 cents until Thursday morn ing, new .they are down te 1 5 cents. Cost of full name written, en the Handkerchief in indelible ink, 3 cents each. White Silk Handkerchiefs, at same counter ; Hemstitched, 65c. te $2.50 ; Plain Bordered White Silk Handkerchiefs, 45c. te 75c, hemmed ready for use. Just nstde the Che-dnur street entrance, llt JOHN WANAMAKER. In Ladies' Muslin Underwear there are some broken lets en" the bargain table ; Chemises, trimmed with fine Hamburg, mat were 51, 1.10 ana $1.25, new 75 cents. Drawers, with Hamburg in serting and edging. $2.25 and $2.50, new-$1.25. Corset Cevers at same rate. These are all first class goods, made from geed materials and nicely finished, but tumbled up by the handling of the crowds in our salesrooms. 7 Arcade, cost. Jehn Wanamakek. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Mar&ct; streets una City Hall Square Philadelphia, '" .- : " V VVi .i - j - -. "V r i- v A V r ." f r mf . 1 V t 4- 1' ,& - SA ; ..-.! if - - "c'?rJ M V ;-l -.-Sv?-, a yr' S --SS5I