PJf&? 283S35 & 3l IT If. r 71 S?'f5ir." I V-S A'' ..:;- SJ.Vf W.W3a " - !jc - ?T-'ft-i . - ?5 " LANCASTER, PA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20, 1883. TS.ur PrieeTweGeite jrsn Volume XIX Ne 249. " jtj -f i - - -V ' , VftVSi- -f '- 1. ." ;3JrJirw - . " VI r " .-. - r l- 2" J" "'T ,T V" ?7T '(' " i S wH.T-2 f ..'.Iv t L7 5.-- -T "5tr.t-.!T "ri ' 1-VV: r' J, -?", A "i. Jt w .lT'W f-ttSJr-?im 5'. -- '- vi - , VLOTUINO. w ANAMaKEK & ItKOWN. Choice at Beth Ends. The American Mills Men's Serge Suits at $10.00 down from $14.00, and the Hatherleigh's silk trimmed at $20.00 down from $24.00. Each line offers " gainful transactions te retail buyers." The higher grades are gems of tailoring, the lower are strong, honest, neat and cheap. Between the extremes we have variety enough te try your patience, WANAMAKER & BROWN, Oak Hall, S. E. Cerner Sixth and Market Streets', PHILADELPHIA. V. YATKS & CO. TALLY HO ! FOR YATES'. The rush continues. We have just marked down another jag of Suit lets, and all splendid things at that. We mention a lew: Ne. fi,0-MKN'S KINK IMPORTED SCOTCH SUITS, SILK I.INKD $28.00 ; new $22.00. Ne. C.S9I MEN'S FINE IMPORTED ENGLISH CORKSCREW SUITS 2T..00; new 20.00. Ne C.t75-MEN'3EINE BLUE CROSS-BAR SUITS &1.M) ; new 20 00. Ne. G.732 MKN'.S FINE FANCY CASSIMERE SACK SUITS 22 00; new 18.00. YOUTHS' SUITS REDUCED IN SAME PROPORTION. Bear in mind that our Clothing ranks First in th market and that yen can get hack your money en all goods that don't snit yen. LEDGER BUILDING ! A. C. YATES & CO. 23 PHILADELPHIA. iVATElt COOI.KKH, JtV. "C'LINN Si IfllKMUMAN. FLINN & BRBNBMAN ARE OFFERING BARGAINS IN Children's Cnrriuges, Velocipedes, Express Wagons, Hammocks, Croquet, (Jueits, Base Balls, Water Coelprs, Kelrigeraters, Ice Cream Freezers, lec Machines, Ice Ticks, Ice Chests, Lemen Squeezers, FLINN & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, VMM 111 NU AND J IIIN !. ARNOLD. DON'T FORGET YOUR Winter Clothing Until the Meth Destroys Them. JUST RECEIVED FRESH SUPPLY CARBOLIZED PAPER. JOHN L. Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE UKMOVAL. R KMOVAL. Removed te Ne. 46 EAST KING F0N DEKSMITH'S Will I ie wmevcil te Ne. 40 EAST KING Street, directly opposite the Court Heuse, wliere tlieru will !; Inuiiil n Ceiuplctu New Stock of Heeks, Stationery and Fancy Goods. G. L. FON DERSMITH, Bookseller and Stationer, iu:ir20-t (VI NO. 46 EAST KING STREET. JCXCVKSIOSS. mill? hXCUKSlON SKASON 1V 1883. TO TIIK KUMMKIt ItKSOUTS AND EXiUilSlON POINTS ONOU VIA The Sheuandeah Valley Railroad. TIIK CAVKUNS OF LUUAY. TIIK NATURAL ItKIUtiK. THE VIUUlNlA SPISlNGS, 4a, &0. lVrrect previsions at LUKAY ler the ac commodation of Kxenraien Tartics el all si.es. Transportation Kates arranged ler parties et various numbers from 5 te 500. Correspondence Invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, ter the urraiii'mentet Special Kates and Excursion Days. Transportation lurnished en Sl'ECIAl, TRAINS when theslEu et the party justifies. Application through the General Passenger Agent or Superintendent, of the Kead en -which the Excursion Party originates, te cither et the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LUUAY INN can also hi cared ter by similar application. Round Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPRINGS and SOUTHERN .SUMMER RE SORTS en sale en and after JUNE 1, at tin: principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. SUMMERTOURIST GUIDE COOKS and all 'information furnished en application te the rasscnger Agents, Shenandoah Valley R. R, or the Viiplnla, Tennessee A Georgia Atr Line. A. .POPE, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., O. HOWARD ROVER, Lynchburg. Va. Division Pass'r Agt.. llagcrstewn, Md may30-3md YKI.LOW PROMT UIOAK STOKE, SI erth Queen street. Headquarters ter the best 5c cigar in the city, at HARTMAN'S. FKATBKRS ULEANED. The only place in town where leathers are cleaned, curled and dyed In all the latest shades, Is at E. THOMAE'S. 2 North Queen street Short notice. Lewest prlees. Jeaimd NUT1CK U TKKSrASSfctfcJ Ajfli UV S E KS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un inclesed, either ler the purpose et sheeting or llslilng, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN KREKMAN R. PERCY ALDKX, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney.terU.Vf Oelemn'8,Ueu . olrew numbing, Reefing Tin, Pumps and l'ipes, Has Fixtures, Ceal Oil Fixtures, Oil Steves, (Jas Stores. LANCASTER, PA. UAH FITTING. ARNOLD, STREET, LANCASTER, PA. STREET. After April 1, 1883. BOOK-STORE 11 ATS AND CAPS. OUULT.'S SONS. A Pew Words te These Who Are Wanting Hats. Te the many who failed en Saturday te get one of our Tay Tay eor's Celebrated Mackinaw hats we desire te say that we have received another let of the finest in the market. We are selling them very low. Drep in early. They may or may net be gene before long, however we are re ceiving New Goods daily. Gun daker's old stand was swarmed with buyers en Saturday. Our stock will be kept attractive all this month. We show our'con eur'con our'cen fidence by preparing for the peo ple and they by coming. We keep all the celebrated makes. All the latest styles. Whatever the season calls for we have probably the largest collection in the city. SHULTZ'S SONS. (GnnOaker's Old Stan) 144 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. mar27-lydw BOOKS AND BTATIONSU1 TKW BOOKS. FOR SUMMER READING. " Mr. Isaacs," by S. Marlen Crawford. ' Dr. Claudius," by S. Marien Crawlerd. " Through One Administration," by Burnett. " But Yet a Weman." by Cardy. 'Successful Men et Te-day." And all the Latest Seasides and Magazines a L. M.FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WMST KING 8TRBHT. MEDICAL. UTICUKA. Skin Diseases. Fifteen Years of Suffering. Bedy Covered with Humer.-Had Twelve Doctets. Paid Oat S500. e Cure Ne Hepe. I will new state that I made a miraculous cure et one et the worst cases of skin diseases known. The patient is ainan forty years old ; had sutiered fifteen years. His eyes, scalp, and nearly his whole body presented a fright ful appearance. Had . had the attention 'of twelve different aliyaiclans, who prescrlDed the best remedies known te the profession, such as iodide potassium. arsenic, corrosive sublimate, sursaparilla, etc. Had paid $500 ler medical treatment, w.th but little relief. I prevailed upon him te use Cbticura Resolv Reselv ent (bleed purifier) internally, ani the Cuti cdba and CtmcURA Seap externally. He did se, and was completely cured. The skin en his head, face, and many ether parts of his body, which presented a met loathsome appear ance, is new as soft and smooth as an infant's, and no scar or trace et the disea-c left behind. He has new been cured twelve months. He ported by k II. RROWN, Ksq.,I5arnwell, S. C. Relerence, Dr. II. Baer, Charleston, S. C Helpless for Klght Years. Unable te Walk fur One 1 ear. Get About en Hands and Knees A Wonderful Cure 1 have had a most wenderlul cure et Salt Rheum. Fer seventeen years I sutlered with Salt Rheum ; 1 had it en ray head, lace, neck, arms and legs. 1 was net able te walk, only en my hands and knees, for one year. 1 have net been able te help my.4elt for eight ycats. I tried hundmls et remedies ; net one had the least effect. The doctors -said my case was in curable. Se my parents tried everything that came along, i saw your advertisement and concluded te try Cuticura Remedies. The Cuticdra brought the humor te the surface of my HKin. it would arep eit as it came our, until new I am entirely well. All 1 can Is, 1 thank you most heartily ler my cure. Any person who thinks this letter a fraud, let them writeorcemo and see me, and find out for themselves. ' WILLMcDOVALD, Ne. 2.12 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. Tlie Cuticura Treatment, for the euro of Skin, Scalp anil Bleed Diseases, "consists in the internal use et Cuticura Reselvent, the new Uloed Purifier, and the external use of Cuticura. anil Cuticura se.vr, the Great Skin Cures. Price et Cuticcra, small boxes, 50 cents : large boxes, 1. Cuticura Reselvent 1 per bottle. Cuticdra Seap, 25 cmts. Cuti cuka Shavine Seap, fs cents. Sold byall drug gists. Petter Drug and Chemical Ce.. Bosten. I) A l)T for Infantile and I'.irth Humors IJiVlJ X and Skin ISlcinishes use CUTI CURA. SOAP, a delicately perfumed SKIN lSKAUTlKlKlt. and Toilet, Uathand Nursery Sanative. Absolutely pure. Sales 1331 and its.', 1,(10-1,000 cakes. C1UTIUIJKA ICHAlttUIUfc r"0C SALIC AT II. fi. Cochran's drug store, Nes. 137 and 13!) North Queen street. CATARRH. Sanferd's Radical Cure. Tbe Great Ifatsaintn Distillation of Wltrh IJnznl, American Pine, Canadian Fur Marlgefd, Clever ISlosjeui, Ktc. Fer tl.e Immediate Relief and Permanent Cureetev-ry ierm of Catarrh, from a Simple Head Celd or Influenza te the Less et Sin II, Taste and h aring. Cough, llrenchttis, and In cipient Consumption. Relief in five minutes in any and every case. Nothing like It. Grate lul, fragrant, wholesome. Cure beging from tlistapplicatle, and is r.ipid, rail cal, perma nent and never falling. One bottle Radical Cure, one- JJex Catarrhal Solvent and San lord's Inhaler, all in enn package, forming a complete treatment, of all druggists ler $1. Ass for Sahdfpud's Radi cal Cure Petter Drue ni Chemical Ce., Uosten. COLLINS' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the relief and prevention, the Instant It ih applied of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciati ca, Coughs, Colds, Weak Rack, Stomach and Rowels, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, Hysteria, female Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, lillieus Fever. Malaria and Epi demics, use Cellins' Piaster, (an KlectrlC itattery combined 'vith a Pereus Plaster) and laugh tit pain. 25c. everywhere. unel-lydW,S.&w TTAUIOHS O HACKS. VARIOUS QUACKS. Wli'i Kacli wltli IHm own JVt Srlirme -Ciiltl vat the Field of iSiimnn Watuie. There have always been quacks ; legal iiiael;a, theological quacks, scicnlillc quacks and medical quacks. Seme et them arc bland, oily fellows who trgnis and smile the world into believing in their favorite bite! humbug. Others pompous anil pretentious parasites. But they make il pay. Men neem te love te he .swindle. I, stipulatingenly that that it shall be neatly done. The dear public are erju-illy liberal te the electric and magnetic fraud This fellow is a genius in his line, lie will put a magnetic bait around your waist, a magnetic necklace under jour chin, or III yen out with an entire suitet magnetic clothes, warranted te serve the purpesti of ordinary garments, and at the same lime tecmv all dlseases, from whooping cough te hasty consumption. - Mejt of these have no mero i lectric or mag netic power about them than resides li woolen blankets or in girdles or sackcloth. Only when applied by tin expert Is electricity et the slightest use as a me ticlnal agent, and even then Its value Is grossly overstated. What. Is the strengesl pessible presumptive evidence in laver et a particular remedy 7 Clearly that ft should have prepa oil by re sponsible persons of acknowledged skill In the treatment of disease. Squarely en this foundation stands RKN SOV'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTKR. En dorsed by 5,0(0 physicians, pharmacists, drug gl ts and chemists, it necdsuotuithcrapelogy nor introduction. It Is t.m one and only true and tried external application. (Juacks of all kinds pay the Capclne the compliment et tuelr dislike, as Satan is said te hate holy water. Loek in the middle of the plaster ler the word CAPCINE." Price 25 cents. Seabnry & Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. 19-2wW.Sw BKMMON'S PLASXKRS FOR SALK AT H. It. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 130 North Queen street. mai2-tnd G KAY'S SPKCIlftC; aiV.UlUINK. TUB Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure ter lmpetency, and all Diseases that fellow less el Memery, Universal Lassi tude Pain In the Rack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether dls&ases that lead te Insanity or Cen. sumptien and a Prematuie Grave. Full par ticulars In our nam plet, which we desire te send tree by mail te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggUts at 1 per pack age, or six packages for 5, or will be sent tree by maU en the receipt el the money, by ad dressing the agent, II. B. Cochran, 137 and 13 North Queen street. On account et ceuuu r f el ts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Guarantees etenre Issued by us. Fer sale In Lancaster by H. li. Cectir-n Druggist, 137 and i: North Queen strict. -THEGRAY MKDICINK ...! iriwvii IBKITS UB&BCOAL LOZKMUKS. 1 The most reliable and surest cure for Headache. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Bed Breath and alt diseases arising from a disordered stomach. Price 25c. per Bex, mailable. Prepared and sold by ANDREW G. FREY, DRUGGIST, 29 E. Orange St., cer. Christian, Lancaster, Pa. Drugs, Chemicals, etc, always en liana at the meat reasonable prices. a27-lydAw OUEMANUFACTITBES. THEIB TONNAGE ON THE RAILROADS Tne Relation of tne Manufaetwlng Kstao Kstae Kstao ItehmenU of Lancaster te Transpor tation Oar lflverclty jOf Intereiu. Lancaster county, se justly, is proud of its pre-eminence as an agricultural dis trict, ranking first in the United States in that resnecL that these who share in this satisfaction are apt te overlook the adrceuid scar0ely be held by four men vantages and importance of ita county sear- as the centre of manufacturing industry. And yet Lancaster has steadily increased the number and variety of iU industrial establishments until, in the latter respect, it stands unsurpassed in the state except by Philadelphia and Pi ttsburgh.Of course, some of the heavy iron making towns like Johnstown, Harrisbnrg and Reading, ex cel it in aggregate product and value of plant, but their pre-eminence is almost entirely due te great iron works, while in the variety of their industries they de net approaeh Lancaster. And, important as are the size and number of empleyes of great iron and steel mills, there are many considerations which make it a source of great advantage te a city te have a diver sity of the lighter and smaller iudustries ; and such an exhibit Lancaster presents. Freight Agent W. B. Wsen, of the Pennsylvania railroad company,has been se much surprised at the growth and extent of the manufacturing interests of Lancaster that he set te work te collect some statistics with regard te them and their relation te transportation, and as a result he furnishes us with the following tables, which show the freight conveyed by railroads, in a year, te and from certain branches of our industrial interests. The first of these snows the supplies received and the second the product shipped away : i. Supplies Received. Description. JYeiglU In Pounds. Reller Iren Ajeniijjs Carriage Material Cigar Bex Material Lepjicr. Copperas Cotten Mill Supplies Cerk Weed .Coah Anthracite Ceal, Bituminous "ye etiiiis. 800,000 0,000 8,700,000 1,155.100 130,010 15.000 70,01.0 50,000 2.550,000 36,918,000 3I,500,0UO ;,40J,0 0 40,000 tire u net, wire, Oil, c , uetenu- J meratei. Supplies for Iren anil C.GSO.OOO Machine Works Grindstones'. ." 12.C00 Herns 344,000 Hides 910,000 Iren Ore 13,000,000 Iren Nuts 81,000 Iren Reds 403.;e Iren, Malablu ami Steel 778,000 Iren Pig, Scrap, Old Halls and Plate 32,CCO,O0O Indigo 22,000 Jute Butts and Paper, ana Mill Cnemtcals 1,759,000 Lumber 0,4I0,(;00 Leatbei.&c 104,000 Leather, Rough 30,000 Leck Supplies .' 302 00J Limestone .'... 12,000,00 Machinery 100,000 Oils. ...............a........ ........... 4el,7MI ICOpe ................................... l),iJOlJ Rags and Paper Meck. .'. 4,800,103 Starch 191,000 Sleel (casi) '14, COO .-anil 2,C50,000 Teel Handles, ISerax and Eftiery... 2,000 Weel 40,000 i am ............ .i,uuu Total.. 172,2 I2.9C0 II. Products forwarded. Description. Weight in Pounds. Axles (Iren Car) Belts, Axle Clippings, ete Rene (( emb refuse) Brick Machines, etc U. Carriage Hardware Boilers and Castings 1,700,000 1,300,000 89,100 672,500 140,000 8C0.003 3,075,000 39,000 100,000 40.0W) 120,000 12.000 5,127,004 i,70o,e;o 9,500,00 1 13,500 200,000 8CO.0OO 21,000 18,(i00 80,890 200.900 120.000 70.000 24,0 0.000 28.1,009 887,000- 18,100 l,31ti,800 7E0.000 2,000.000 12,000,009 222,800 3.000.0CO 31,500 200,000 1,920,000 G5.000 Carriages (est.)..., Cigar Bexes Combs (Hern) Ceil Doer Springs. ............. . ........ ... epper Kettles Cotten Goods Cerks and Ground Cerk... Cinder (Mill) Kdge Toels fV Elevators, etc Fan Blewer, Forge, Tuycrs, Tire Bcuders and Drill Bre-ses. "p nm urease (Tanners') ,;. Hern Tips Hern Waste Herse Cellars... a Hair (Tauuers') t Iren (Bar) J. LOCKS ... Leather (Harness) i Leather Scraps . Machinery Paper (Wrapping) Paper (Prinlingund Heek) X lg iron.. ................... ........ (uiiih, etc.... ............... ?plKCS... ............................... Sicum Pumps ashand Blinds ...T..... Wagen and Carriage Rows. Rims ) Snatis, Spokes, Felloe; Wheels and Hubs.... ..... .. ......... ) x arns. ............. ........t. ........... Total 7i.W8.051 Seme conception of this vast aggregate can be bad from the Illustration that it would lequire 100 locomotives, each draw ing 100 cars, each carrying 12 tens, te convey the freight shipped annually te and from the above etftablishments. Ner does this table include the supplies fur nished in this city and the prod net con sumed here. The freight and expressage of the watch factory, of the entire leaf and manufactured tobacco trade, printing aud jewelry, and of many of the smaller and lighter industries, is also net included herein. The value of the above product is estimated at thrce tirees that of the en tire tobacco crop of the county. And for all these industries, Mr. Wilseu suggests the entire water supply is dependent upon one machine at the city works ! The cheapness of living, the completion ofiaiiread systems, tbe wealth of the surrqunding country, the abundanea of iron and limestone and the proximity of coal are a few of the many advantages enjoyed by Lancaster, as a manufactur ing centre, and only alittle mere enter prise is needed te swell the proportions of our present interests. DKCKASEU MAUINATIUN. Remarkable Case at 0ruab Valley, Pa. Three Maniacs. A singular case of insanity, creating mneh excitement, comas Irem Brush Val ley, a small town near Ashland, Pa. Mrs. Moere, a widow lady, living with her son, was alarmed at the noise he made during the progress of a thunder storm She succeeded in quieting him, when he said that, during the raging storm, he was stat tied by seeing, bjcthe dim light of a lamp which burred in tbe room, a man raising the window. Almest paralyzed with fear, be sat In bed unable te move? until, by the. aid of a vivid flash of lightning, he perceived the features of the maq te be similar te these of his father, who was killed in the mines. With the shriek that se startled bis mother be sank en the bed, and the iutru der fled hastily When the mother had heard the story tbe tee perceived the same face en the "panes of glass She sprang te the window and fell a distance of 22 feet, receiving severe injuries. Tue neighbors breughther te her senses, and when she glanced it young Moere she burst into a violent fit of laughing. Yeung Moere was taken with spasmodic attacks. He foamed at the mouth and barked like a deg. A young farmer named Herrick at tempted te quiet him, and took held of his hand. Np soeaJBr had be done se than he was seized with fearful spasms, and laid en the fleer in intense agony by the ethers, exhibiting the same symptoms as the ethers. The neighbors assembled be came frightened and ran away leaving the three maniacs alone. Mrs. Moere was raving mad, and the two young men com menced demolishing the farniture. A physician seen arrived and attended te the cases. Herrick was taken te his home and will be taken te an asylum. Ne hope is entertained of Mrs. Moero's re cevery, lier son was very vielent and Burial of tbe Victl ms. In Sunderland, Eng., the funeral of a great many of the victims of Saturday's disaster took place en Tuesday. The streets were crowded with sympathetic people, most of whom were dressed in mourning. The blinds of the houses were drawn, and the church iu which the fun oral services were held displayed a black flag were hung at half mast. One hun dred frce graves have been' prepared in ene cometery for the reception of bodies of victims, oxclusive of theso for which parents of children who lest their lives in the disaster will pay. Fifty-four bodies were interred in this ceuetary and 31 in a smaller cemetery. Large numbers of jjenereu's subscrip tion are arriving in Sunderland from diff erent points te he.lp the fuueral expenses of the unfortunate children. Among the subscriptions is ene of 100 from Mr. An drew Carnegie, of New Yerk. The balance of the fund, after the funeral expenses have been defrayed, will be devoted te the Children's Convalescent Heme. WIS SHOULD UELP ON1S ANOTUER Mr. Nerman Hunt, of Ne. 1C9 Chestnut St., Springfield, Mass., writes April 10.18S3, saying: 'Having the atlllctien caused by kidney and liver diseases, and after enduring the aches, pains, and weakness, rnd depression incldent therete until body uml soul were nearly dis tracted, I sought for relief and a cure from my trouble, and was told by a friend who had been cured by it himself, that the best and only sure euro was Hunt's Remedy, and upon his recommendation I commenced taking It, and the first tew dees impieved my condi tion in a very marked manner, and a contin uance et its u40 his juslilled all that my friends claimed for It. thai It was a sure and permanent cure ter all diseases of the kidneys and liver. Several of my friends In Spring field have used it with the most gratifying re suits, and I leel it my duty as well as a pleas ure te me te recommend Hunt's Remedy! the highest possible terms." IMANUFAUrUKKSt'.l Tr.STIH'NV. Mr. II. W. Paymc, manufacturer el harness, saddlery, trunks, valise1, "e. Ne. 477 Main Street, Springfield, Mass., writes us under date et April 10, lfttt : GKM-LKME.V : 1 have nwd Hunt's l.emedy, the best medicine ter diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, and urinary organs, and have received great benellt te my health Irem its use, and I llnd that il will de just what Is, claimed ter it, ; It will cure disease and restore health. I therefore pronounce it the best medicine that 1 ever used." KOSTtlN & AL.UA3V KAILKOAO. Aimjn-r Helt, Ksq," paymaster, Uosten and Albany Railroad, at Springfield, Mass , writes April 2:i, 1m3 : " I h.iv u'scd Hunt's Remedy, and my experience with it has been such tnat I can cheerfully say that 1 am satisfied that it will de just what 11 premises te de, if used ac cording te directions. ilS-M.W&PAw HURT'S KK.ttftOY foil S.Al.K AT 11. It Cochran's Drugstore. 137 anil 139 North Queen street. niar2-:!md The Celluloid Kye-Uhnses de net break llkt' shell or rubber nor rust, like steel. Get a pair te suit you and jeh will liud them a faithful friend. Ker sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. jlrt-lwdeed Will It Really Cure KIimiiiiiuIIhiu ? We answer, honor bright, it will cure l hen -matlsui. and the sevcic-tt cases tee Dr. Thomai' Eclectric Oil was specially prepare I forthe rheumatic and lame. Netico letters from the people relative I its merits In near ly every paper in the country. Ker sale by H. IS. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13!) North Queen street. Ne Oeceptlen Used. It is strange se many peep'e will continue te sutfertlay after day with Dyspepsia, ijlvcr Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procur,e atom store SHII.OH'S V1TAMZK::, lrceofcest it it docs net cure or relieve them. Price. 75 cents. Sold by II. R. Cochran, '.'rand 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. led!4-eed5 tirltiH. Pleasant, healthy grins are seen only en the faces et lu-allhy persens. The dyspeptic and debilitate. I am smile only In a halt-hearted way. Piiiily the bleed, tenetlie stomach, and strengthen t it: tissu-.'s with Burdock Bleed Bitters. II you wish te laugh well and e.teu. Ker sale by II. 15. Cechrtn, druggist, 137 and 139 North Oueen street. aiEiuv.u.. 4 YEK'S HAKSAPAKII.TjA. rpjnT?T "lilT1 Thodlstrcsslngfee'.ln'i 1 1 1 LdU U U 1 ief weariness, et e.thau---tlen without pirert, which makes II e a burd n te se many people, is due te the fact that t:i bleed Is peer, and the vitality consequently feeble. It you are sullering from such feel ings, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is Just what yen nee 1, anil will de you incal culable gee'. Ne ether preparation se concentrates anil combines bleed-purifying, vitalizing, enrich ing and Invigorating iiuallt'es as Aver's Sar saparilla. piikvarbd bv Dr. J. C. AYEK & CO.. Lewell, Mass. Sold byall Druggists. $1, six bottles, Ti. Junel3 24-lydAw. IKKItY DAVIS'S rMIN KIL.I.KK. Caught a Bad Geld. The SUMMER COLDS ana Coughs are quite as dangerous as these of midwinter. But they yield te the same treat ment and ought te be taken in time. Fer all diseases of THROAT. NOS TRILS, HEAD or BREATHING APPARATUS Perry Davis's Pain Killer. Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy. ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER. Jenel-lydAw mXDIOAL.. PAKE suras' Liver Begat Fer Dyspepsia, Cestlveness, Side Headache, Chronic Diarrheea, Jaundice, Impurity et the Bleed, Fever and Augue, Malaria and all dis eases caused by Derangement of IJver, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Bad Breath , Fain Jn the 81de, sometimes tbe vain Is lelt under the Shoulder-blade, mis taken ter Kheumatlsan ; general less et appe tite. Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax: the head Is troubled with pain, Is dull and heavy, with considera ble less of memory, accompanied with a pain ful sensation et leaving undene something whleh ought te have been dene ; a slight, dry cough and flushed lace is sometimes an at tendant, often mistaken for consumption : the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled ; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation et the skin ex ists ; spirits are low and despondent, and although satisfied that exerclse would be ben eficial, yet one can hardly summon up forti tude te try it in lact distrusts every remedy. Several et the above symptoms attend the dlsease, but cases have occurred when but lew et them existed, vet examination after Ceath has shown the Liver te have been ex tensively deranged. It should be used by all persons, old and " young, whenever any of the abeve symptoms appear. Persons traveling or living in Unhealthy caiities, ey taKing a uese occasionally te ft en the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaiii, Bilious attacks. Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness. Depression et Spirits, etc It will Invigorate like a glass of wlne, but is no Intoxicating beverage. It you have eaten anything hard or diges tion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleepless at night, take a dose and yen will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Begnlater in the Heuse ! Fer, whatever the ailment may be, a tho roughly sate purgative, alternative and tonic can never be out et place. The remedy is harmless and does net interfore with busi ness or pleasure. IT IS PUltKLV VEGETABLE, And has all the power aud efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any t f the injurious afier effects. A Governer's Testimony. Simmons I. Iver Regulator has been in u.c In my family for some time, and lamsatln lamsatln tled it is a valuable addition te the medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governer of Alabama. Hen. Alexander II. Stephens, et Oa.. says: Have derivetl some benefit Irem tlirf use el Simmons Liver Regulator, anil wish te give it a further trial. "The only Thing that never rails te Relieve." 1 1 ave used many remedies for Dyspepsia, Liver Atlectien and Debility, but never have found anything te benefit me te the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. 1 sent Irem Minnesota te Georgia for li and would semi further for such a medicine, and would ad vise all who are similarly alluded te give it a trial as 11 seems tlioenly thing that never fails te relieve. P. M. J ANN KY, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Masen says : Frem actual experi ence in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice 1 have been ami am satisfied te use and prescribe It as a purgative medicine. 49-Takc only the GKNUINE. which always has en the wrapper the RED TUADE-MARK anil SIGNATURE OK J. II. ZK1L1N&CO. Fer sale by 11. B. t.'echran. Drngginf, 137 ami 3D North Queen street. ' KORSAL.KBY AM. DRUGGISTS, laull-lyeed&w TfT-IONKY-U-OKT. Biliousness and Bilious Patients. ertnlnlng te Ke, llillouq.'Symptemp, Ulll Ulll eu8 Temperaments. :jTUK KKMKUV Tne ltilien, is a disorder or the human sys tem. A technical deflnJtlftn or the term is till? : " Pertaining te the Idle : disordered In respect te the bile ; :ts. ubiVieuspaliuul; de de pendantcn an excess of bile ; as, bilieu tem perament ; bilious symptoms. The word bile, when employed in the souse in which It Is te be 'understood in tills article, -i nltlcs, according te the dlctlenari s, " a yellow, greenish, bitter, viscid, nauseous lluld secreted by the -liver." " Any derange ment el the bile at one inantlesrs Itself in great bodily discomfort. In less el app tlte, and despondency," recently remarked an au thor Ota valnable trea'l-e upon this stibjec The same writer further adds: "Sem.t of the lollewing symptoms nre usually promi premi nent: Pain in the right side, wjiicli is very -ensllive te pre-sure. Tlu pain will somt. semt. tlmc appear te be located under the shoulder blade. There is also Irregular appctlt'S llatu lence, aseme eftullncsi iu the region of Ihe stomach, and, sooner or later, the kln and whites of the eyes become yellow, the stoel-t clay colored ami the urine yellow, depositing a copler.s sediment." fhts balance of the te. familiar train et ills n!ed no further mention here. The bilious i.'i, as will be seen, an ailliellen et great mtgni'mle, and et varied in? et direct and indirect appearance. The disease Is no respect-r of persons or localities. Its deadly and implacable enemy Is 'found In Kidney-Wert. It acts en the liver and the kidneys at the same time, and by Its mild but efficient ca thartic ellccts moves the beweU freely. The morbid poisons that have been the cause et all this disease and suffering will lu thrown etr; new lite will be thrown into every organ, and nature, thus aided, will seen restore the patient te health. Physicians of repute and standing, men who ate honored ter their prebitj, ami respee'ed and Uusted for their ecicntiflc attainments, are using Kidney-Wert in their practice regu larly. Ne stronger evidence et the worth et the remedy would seem te be nccesiary. Such endorsements are tew and far between. We had almost said that tliey were without pre cedent in the history et a proprietary remedy. Be that as it may, however, the fact remains established that Kidney-Wert is a matchleii remedy, and one that needs only te be tested te demonstrate its rare merit as a healer et the common maladies of the human family. Dr. PiHLtip C. Baueu, lives In Monkton, Vt. Under date el April SI, 1832, the doctor wrote te the proprietors et Kidney -Wert, and said, among ether things : " Nearly a year age I wrote you about the suc cess I had had in the use et Kidney-Wert in my practice Tlu past year I have used It mere than ever and with the best results. It cured Mr. Ethan Lawrence, of this town, of a terrible case of bleated Kidney disorder. 1 have also treated many ether diseases tuccesi fully with it. Conslipat'en, in all Us forms, yields te it, and in rheumatic affections I have known it te give almost immediate relief. In temale disorders It is equally successful Take italllu all it is the most wenderlul med icine I have ever u led." Dr. Rallou de.s net stand alone in hlsexpsrlene with this reme dy. R. K. Clark, M. D , et Seuth Here, Vt., says: "Kidney-Wert does all tint is claimed for it" Whilst Dr. C. M. bummerlln, et Snn Hill. Washington county, Georgia, says, In a n'.tshell: "Kidney-Wert cured my wire when my own and ether physicians' prescriptions only palliated her troubles." JeI5-lwM,W,F KIDNKV WORT rUK S4LE AT 11. B. Cochran's Drugstore, 1.17 and 139 .North Queen street. mar2 'Jinn HAV-MAKINO ANU HAKVKST HANDS. Should call and see the Working Pants from 40c. and up. Overalls from 33e. up te the best In the market. Shirts, Gauze Underwear. Hats. Stockings Irem G pair ler a quarter up te the best British. Neckwear and Notions. All cheap for cash. HFJNRY BEOHTOLD, NO. 52 NOR . II QUEEN ST. Sign of the Big Stocking. Sharp Sand ler Building and Paving pur poses. febS-lyd D ,0T ruBGBT THB TWO SMALL HA- vana clears for Be., genuine article, at UAUTMAN' YELLOW rRONTClUAK 8TOMJC vlothise. w & KATHFOK Among the Thousands Ot people hereabouts there must be quite -a number of MEN" and BOYS who .have CLOTHES te buy, and we would be' neg lecting our duty It we did net keep tell I ng them WHERE TO GO Ter their ap parel. CLOTHING for the present warm days. In CASSIMERE3, CHEVIOTS, SERGES, WORSTED. ALPACAS. LIN. ENS. SEERSUCKERS, BLUE FLAN NELS, etc., etc.. are bore In full supply, and te the economically Inclined our immense stock et PIECE GOODS, READY-MADE SUITS and ODD GARMETS offer greater value ler the money Invested than la otter etter ed elsewhcre In Lancaster. We sell only . such goods as we can recommend. It Is our cardinal principle te please customers. All we ask Is te give us a fair trial, and we are cnntidcntet your centinned patronage. Myers <otMeii, Leading Lancaster Clothiers, . NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, TT OKKHAKT. SPMM OPENUSfG AT- H. GERHARTS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 0 FAST KING STREET, OF THE I.ARUh&T ASSORTUKbl' OK FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING . AND SPKINU OVKKCUATINB, Kver brought te the tity el Lancaster 49-These do-drens or securing Choice Styles ure Invited le rail early. TilKK NOTIUK. ' CLOSING SALE or Spring and Summer CLOTHINa. Teiualce room for the stock or WINTER CLO I'll 1 N G w hich we are new manufacturing and for which we need the room new eccu- lliril 1V Olll l.iL'ht. Wtiir'lit. Cfinria we iim tillering ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CLOSE THEM OUT. We are selling GOOD LIGHT COLORED SUITS at $4 fi.;, $7. JS and $10, which Is at least eneliult lest than their value." ODD COATS, PANTS AND VKSTS at your own prices. CtIII.DRKN'4. BOY'S and YOUTH'S 1?U1T3 at a reduction et M per cent. THIN COATS, SUMMER UNDERWEAR and FURNISHING GOODS very low In price. A bargain J list received In MEN'S and BOY'S GOSSAMKK COATS AND HATS. A .sew Letet 2.i Dezen et the Celebrated PENN HALL WHITE SHIRTS. Price 8.1 Cents. .1 nst Received. Abent 4.i or thesti CHEAP BLUE SACK COAT'S, at I2.1M, are all we have left. Alse these Extra Quality OVER-PANTS at 75 (.cuts we de net want you te forget. ffirsh & Brether, PENN HALL CLOTHING HOUSE. Ner, 2 & 4 North Queen Street. IO IN.-tMAN Sc UKO. U LESS TALK AND Mere Real Bargains AT L. GANSMAN & BRO.. Oer. Orange and North Queen Sta, THAN ANYWHERE ELSE YOU CAN GO TO. Men's Suits at f?.(J0, $3.TjO, J4.(W, f.i.00, 10.CO jaw, ie. si'2, up tejia. Men's PanW at 7.ic, 90c., fl.M),f 1.50, fZOO. fi50, f.100 up le 5 0. Lewt st prices for latest Beys' ami Children's Suilsatf 1.50, i00.-fZ5O. $. ca. W f.i.e'i, ft; de up te f9.w. Lewestptices ter tin: latest styles, and we are doing the business. Sharp prices; excellent work te measure, $12. An Indigo iflue Suit te measure, f 14. A bet ter quality Inillje Blue Suit te measure at i5.v A geed selection el Cheviot and Cftsslmeres te measure at fia. An excellent Indigo Blue Suit te measure. Pants te measure from $3.W) upward. New est Reeds, latest styles, thoroughly geed work. Whoever wants spring Clothing this Is tna time te get It; the season Is well advanced : we have a large stock and must sell IL L. Gansman & Sre.. THE rASHION ABLE MERCHANT TAILORS ft CLOTHIERS, tiG8 NOBTH QUEEN STRICT, eight en the Southwest Cerner et Oraage St, LANCA3TIB, PA. iTept.- evening nntll a o'clock ; Saturday IfAKE MO UMBMKK. IOR YOU OAtt OX buy the bait tje. Havana -cigar in the market, at- ' ' HARTMAN'S TWJW, FRONT CIGAJL rraiv ' --ft ?a . .&i 5 ..23 r. . - "V.-3 CMl ' 1 M -"FS -S vJ : 1 , 3 f J.r I- . I : -;j aVI r- wM . A M-i s cr - if .& ' 3 as '-& -"s.'Zt' C'W ?? - 'i , Tt TT- -i