v.: ia IWJfe ! S7i..W .r-yr'ij" ij 'tt.-' 'JJZ J: T?-SV? ' -r . -. zt"', .Vi . 'J.r' -5 M -, T til? --. jf rev f"L IiAKCASTER DAHiY INTEIiLIGENeER TUESDAY JUNE 12, 183 iWM?w! s?ss5SESBra?i - - ... - r - - - ' - - w- - w - 7s. h .- I - I) - ILancastet Jntelligencct, j TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1883. WELCOME HUME TO THE AUTHOU OF SWEET HOME." Burled In Oak Hilt "Cemetery, Washington , if. C, J one 9, 1883. Ob, dews and flowers of splendid June Willi pearls and garlands grace his tomb Who taught Milan's dear Maid tiie tunc That times tbe whole world's levinir left Te which all golden hearts shall beat, Where'er they wait or weep or ream. Ot " Hexe, 8 eet Heme" forever. Oar mariner ontbe Spanish main. The tattered miner in his tent. The wanderer en the throbbing plain Where yellow noens by simoens wheeled Smite Desolation's flinty shield, A second Bew el IIepc Is bent In "Heme, Sweet Heme," lore ver. And when te bugle and tbe blast Where battle turns the lilies red. Through Hashing columns standing fast The soldier cuts his narrow lane That lets him thieugh te Glery'J 'ne He hears an angel overhead 81ng " Heme, Sweet Heme" forever. The weary traveler who waits In twilight's dim and drear aboie The epening et the Pearly Gales That some faint ray or friendly star Muy shine abroad through doers ajar, And show his lading eyes the read. Sighs "Heme, Sweet llem-j" lerevcr. A camp of Ulue, a camp el Gray, A peaceful river rolled between, Were pitched two ri lie-shots away ; The sun had set the Westaglev, The evening clouds were crimson snow. The twinkling camp-llres faintly wees Acress the dark'ning river. Then floated from the Federal band The "Spangled lUm.erV' starry strain. The Grays struck up their " Dixie Land," And " Rally Round" and " Renny HIuc" And " Red and White" ultei nate Hew Ah, no such flight shall cress :igain The Rappjdianneck River! And then, above the glancing " be tin OJ song," a bugle warbled low. Like some bird st'irtled lrem a dicam, 'Heme, Heme. S'vect IIeun)," and echoes rang And Gray and illuc harmonious sang All ether songs were like t lie snow Among tlm pines wlien winds are stilled. And lieait.sand voices thtebbed and thrilled Willi " Heme, Sweet Heme" forever. Ne matter what the Flag nniurled Ah, Dmx'E Demum rules the weilu ! Sweet Singer el the Seng of men, Theu cemest lute te claim thine own. But when tlm dallies rl-e again Arrayed in all thy boriewid dusl, The weild will held thy wents in tiust And agas elunt lrem zone te zone Thy " Heme, Sweet Heme." lerevcr. ThoMeinuen iuiiiiniiic.il song, thuy the.ight. When dawning d ly his lips impresse I And Hushing nrirhle wanned and caught The sweet Ionic el tlm Gict-k ; Ah, truer lar thy lips shall speak Ner wait the touch el sun or star Fer thee the night li.ne h is no bars -Welcome, deir heail, and take thy i st At "lleine, Sweet Heme," loiever. Ilcnimnin '. 'J'ttiler. Seme t:tiisesf Anlm:il lilnea en. Germantown Telejiaph. It was fei mcrly a encnil bflief, cspc eially ainetif; farmei.s, that many diseases, such-as Blablteriug in hor.ses, staggers in sbeep, anil many diseases in cattle were produced by certain weeds or herbage in the feed, c-itrcially tli pasture they con sumed. It may be that in fao;ne cases it is se, and in fast wn are quite confident that slabbuin aie caused by ceitain weeds in Augiibt pastuies, if net by some of tbe early autumn j:,S3CS- Still, witb tbe progress of discovery it lias been found tbat plants aie net neatly te mttcb te blame as we ene time supposed. It was for instances ouce an almost univcisal belief tbat tbe Texan cattle fevcr was brought about by some small fungoid vegetation which existed iu the Texas prairies ; but a commission appointed by the Dcpait ment of Agriculture, went te Texas and reported that there was net bing whatevei te warrcnt the popular belief. Se with the staggers in sheep, which se eften pteves a fatal disisas-e, and subjects sheep raisers te gieat less. It was common te attribute it te plants and which was cat Jed by the shcep-bieeders stagger-bush en this aceuut. Besides this, vaiieus etliei plants in ether sections have been sup posed te pioduee the sarae disease. But new it is known veiy clearly that no plant has anything te de with it, but that it results from a small wormy parasite, which after dovclepiug in its early st.i-.re3 in the stomach of thcanimial, works its way te the bead and feeds en the sheep's brains. All this is well known new, but it is net be well known hew these parasites aie produced, aud are scatteicd about se as te be introduced into places which were once free from it. Tke clue was furnished fiorae few years age in I he case of the trichina' at work. It was found that a parasite often found a home in the tles'.i of the hoc, and fearful lcsults followed en the human frame iu many cases. There was no doubt but tbe very same insect could be communicated fiem the animal eaten te the human system. But sub.se quent experiments proved without the slightest doubt that high heat totally de stroyed the enemy and that thcrcfoie meat that was thoroughly cooked was iuuocueiis. Since then it has been placed beyond ques tion that some ether feaiful pirasites tbat once in a while infest the human system, come from impeifectly cooked beef. Haw beef cures have been popular with some empirical mendicants, and the parasites which have followed ha-e been a matter of calculation with no doubt as te the origin. Tbe great question has been hew these troublesome things first get into these an imals. Seme time age, in seme auatemical lectures in Philadelphia, Dr. Jeseph Lcidy, who pi ebably stands at tbe head of his branch of science in this ceun'ry, gave it as a result of his ewu personal researches, that the animals which cat raw meat cats, dogs, and-se feith take in the eggs with the raw meat they cat, which pass though their system unchanged and that then the eggs become scattered eventually among tbe herbage and again ate taken into tbe system of herbivorous animals ; and in this way plants are often blamed fei results wlfch really are in no way connected with them. Dr. L is strongly of opinion that where ilecks and herds are followed as a business, no her bivorous animal tbat may be connected with the cstablisment should be fed en raw feed, but that the meat they eat should be as well cooked for them as for human beings. Hew far these views may be true or net we are unable te say ; but as the result of the studies of one of the best scientists and most thoughtful men of tbe day, they are worthy of respect. These diseases are very troublesome when they once get into a let of cattle, and any simple thing which does net take much time or money te attend te, is usually well worth ebscrv ing. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence ?P.?T.1 thj Shiloh's uonsumDtlen Cuc Is ihC?yl,10.V.e8t Lum? Medicine made, In as . SS,i,. i.lw1,11 ,?ure a common or Cllrenlc S,Wri?h?;l?a,tl,ot,nean,l rc'e Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Couch. CreuD and all ethers. It will cure where thevfail it u PjfE1111, tak0 Armless te the ye Surest child and wa cmnrnntea,. '" ' J"l,f?esl ,- ;' r r-;:-" "" we sav. rni. S&ffi.2L. "zJSff S5 ter. T " -.., UBO OUUIIU'H t'nrntlfl Pan. I le3,- efeVf I and " Wbat umnc be Cared Hut be JEaaanal This old adage does net signify that wemast suffer the miseries et dyspepsia, when a medi cine with the curative properties et Burdock Bleed Bitter m is available. It Is one i of the most substantial and tellable remedies Beld, uj-uay. x or saie uy a. a. vecuran, uruggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Gallant Bsseaea. There can be something heroic in a medi cine as well as In Individuals. Burdock Bleed Bitters have effected many a gallant rescue among the suffering sick. Thousands have escaped the miseries of dyspepsia and nerv ous debility through the use et this wonder ful medicine. It is emphatically the best stomach and bleed tonic In the world. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. MBVICAJj. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED Hestctter's Stomach Bitters meets the 10 10 'luircments of II ic ralienal medical philoso phy which at present prevails. It lsaper lccily pure vegetable remedy, embracing tbe three important properties of a preventive, a tonic and an alterative. It lertllics the body against disease, Invigorates aud revitalizes the torpid stomach and liver, and ellects a sal utary change in the entire system. Fer sale bv all Druggists and Healers gen erally. jl-lmilced&w TtANVAHTKU WATOUEtt rim. Lancaster Mies. POPULAR GRADES. GILDED MOVEMENTS: " NEW ERA," " WEST EN1V FKANKLIN," i:v f' FULTON," keystene: irt LANCASTER, NICKEL MOVEMENTS. t MELROSE," 4C LANCASTER The Manufacture el the full Line of K ivei ite Movements, with the adoption et the l.lue el Dust-1'roer Movements, and Ladies' Walci.p, gees fei ward with Increased Energy. OKOCJSRIES. A1 T HUKSK'S. FIREWORKS. FIREWORKS. TO DEALERS :- We new liave in store a full stock of K1UK WOKKS et every descriptieu which we are prepared te Jeb te the trade at LOWEST L'ltlUKS. (iive us a call. BTJRSK'S, 17 EAST KING STKEET. Ne We have a few Dezen California Fruits, viz. Apiicetts, Kgg Plums and Green Gages which we an selling at ilic. u can ; these are bar gains We want te close out the let. We still have -I cans Tomatoes ler i"c ; :i cans Cern for 25c; Mar Fat Peas, 10c.; String Beans, l'Jc ; Fiesh Canned Apples, 12e; KePs Cern, 10c, c.,.tc, At Bursk's, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. VAMJfJSXB. TT IS NOlHTItlNUK THAT ALL WHO GO TO SHIRK'S FOR CARPETS, GO AGAIN WHEN THEY WANT ANOTHER CARPET. it is because Goods are Just as Represented, AND SOLD AT A MERE LIVING PROFIT. The Biggest Line of Carpets, el every variety and grade, Te be Fennil la the City of Lancaster. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cerner West King and Water Sts., LA' ' TER, I A. (JAHKlAtUCH, &C. Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, XAUKET STBEET, . REAR OP CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, LANCASTER, PA. 3tL1?ak2,?!?ryJ,!yle Bu&gy and Carriage forteblo and elegant style. We use only the best selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Per quaUty oiweric enr prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy for cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give us a call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One setet workmen especially employed ler tbat pur. Ven. n96-Udw STOMACH BITTER JRI GOODS. rpDESDAY rAtK AND wakm. One of the largest manufac turers of Ladies' Suits just com mencing en winter work makes us a geed efier en all his sum mer goods. We bought the entire let because the price was net much ever half of what we would have had te pay if we had ordered them probably one month age. This is one of these chances that are always eccuring in trade. We can generally take all such geed-sized lets if the things are really geed, because we have coming and going through our building the crowds of people, residents and strang ers, that seen pull down even the largest piles of stock. Given a geed article and a low price and it would be hard te find tee large a let. The present let of Ready Made Dresses was made this season and contains Black Lawns, Ginghams, Sateens and White Suits. The prices beginj at $2.50 and run up te $30. There is net many of any one kind, and in dismissing the sub ject with this one notice, we have te say that net one of these dresses will be marked at mere than half the usual price. 1301 Chestnut, second lloer. Take house car. JOHN WANAMAKEH. Commencing with one small counter, wc new have seven long counters full of Laces, Fichus, Tidies, Tics, Ruchings, Cellars and Cuffs, in the centre, toward Chestnut street. The leading lace of the season seems te be the Pompadour. Our as sortment of Valenciennes and real Spanish are complete. An An other new let of Egyptian just opened. A special let of Gui pure marked below usual price. Spanish Laces in all the new colors, cream and black colors, 35 cents te 80 cents ; cream, 18 cents te 3 ; black, 1 8 cents te $5. An elegant line of fine mull. lace and ether fichus and ties for the het season. Lets of ruch ings new in and mere coming from our own workrooms every day. JOHN WANAMAKEH. Beys' Shirt Waists for 23 cents each, made in our own workrooms ; material is seer sucker stripe, plaited front and back, sevving and fit all right. There is but a little ever a hun dred dozens, and at this low price we shall net make any mere of them. We have never sold them se low as this by the dozen. Fine percale waists at half a dollar each. White u n 1 a u n d r i c d waists, linen cellar and cuffs, 65 dents. Reys' Clothing lu-paitmcnt near Mailed street entiance. JOHN WANAMAKEH. Seme new books and their prices here and by mail : Life of Bishop Wilbcr force. Uy C.uieii sli- weli anil It. Wiibei force. $.'.'i"i; bv mail. $2 50. " Recollections of My Youth. I5y Ernest Kenan. uleth, 75 cents; piper rovers, KM ems: bv mail, 5 cents inoie. Retrospect of a Lewj Life RySC. Mall i.7" ; bv mall Jt.'.K). Daniel Webster. Henry Ciliet, Ledge American .Statesmen Series, it'i cents : by mail, $1 05. Lucca Delia Rettia. ISy LeauderScetl. Ureal Artists Scrle--. 75 cents : hy in-ill, M) cents. Life en the Jfisiiuippi. I5y Ji:uk Twain ..)D; by mall, $S 25. Sinners and Saints : A tour across the Slates aud around thorn, liy Phil Robinson. $1 le ; by mail, $1.30. A llsit te Ceylon. Uy Kriist llacekel f 1.10 ; by mail, $1.25. Underground Russia, liy btepnl.ilc. '.!" cents: by mail, $1 05. Sketching from A'aturc Uy T. .1 IClhs. 7ft cents ; by mail, 8U cents. Thirteenth slicct, centie entr.iuc ', i iglit. JOHN WANAMAKEH. Silk Jersey Gloves open this morning, but the let is small. 12-button length at 1.50;. the regular price, $2. Cuestnnl s-tieet front, Ai cade, west. JOHN WANAMAKEH. A new Parasol bargain is our Extra Black Satin, 10 Gilt Ribs, Spanish Lace, lined all colors, $3-75- We will be glad for compari son with any ordinary $5 Para sol. Chestnut street front, Arcade, wed. Jehn Wanamakeu. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Marknt streets and City Hall Square Philadelphia. DISEASES OF Till: SKIN HAVE KEEN tee much sunarated from ether diseases, and the skin has been looked upon tee much as independent et ether parts. All Diseases el the Skin, Cancer and Private Diseases permanentfy cured by DR. II. D. LONGAKER. Office -13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation free. j i l-rjautv BAKUAIKS IN WATCHES, Ul,OUI! Chains, Rings, Spectacles, &c Repairing et aU kinds wUl receive my personal atten Uen. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. 159JC North tjnren street. Remember name and number. DI reetly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsylvana railroad depot. dec2Slvd UOWEBS & IlUllST. BOWERS & Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. JUST OPENKD, an Kleg.int Line et PANS, in Fine and Medium Grade Goods. Onr Trices arojew en them. JUST OPENED, another Immense Let of VICTORIA LAWNS. LINON D'INnES, PERSIAN LAWNS, FIGURED SWISSES, i c. We have them marked very low. JUST OPENED, another Let of SWISS EMIJROIDERIES, very choice styles, in all widths. Inserting and Edge te match. JUST OPENED, an Elegant Line of all silk SASH RIBBONS, in choice colorings. OurLadie3' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR is pronounced by judges te be very choice and our sale en them is large, and increasing everyday. Ladies' and Children's GAUZE UNDERWEAR, n High Necks and Leng Sleeves. High Neck and Short Sleeves, and Lew Neck and Short sleeves, in all sizes lrem KMnch up te 30-inch. Our prices range from 12c. up. SPECIAL BARGAINS in BLACK SILKS. It will pay you te examine them before purchasing. BOWERS & Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, renx s. iuvll'i: & co. SEASONABLE DEESS ALL SILK STPJI'ED AND FiGUUEI) FULL LINE OF LACES AND EMBROIDERIES FOR TRIMMING. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 Bast King Street, ij:i tiuuih N KXT IHIOIt TO -ilSKUOUKr- HUU.SK. FAHNESTOCK'S. LARUK LOT OF WHITE GOODS FOR SUMMER DRKSShS WEEK. OI'llVKIl THIS ft Iks for Waim Weather! Shawls for Warm Weather ! Dkss Goods for Warm Weather ! UAUZK AND SUMMER MERINO UNDMHTMR Fer Ladles, ye.nls and Children. All in full Assortment and Price". :il our Hsu il Iov LARGE SIOCK LAUNDR1KD AND I'NIiAUNDRir.l) its, is, S u. et a Celebrated Hey. al.'itK., 7.1c. elleie I a I Plies. M.iiiul.utiue, ler Mi n and Hid ?!.()(, I)i"jl .SlilltT ever B, E. Eahnesteck, liAN'CASTEi:, PA. NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. H Cr.K ii ISItOTUESC. E 0 ODS AND- LACES. ATTRACTIVE WHITi: GOODS IN NOVELTIES and STAPLE MATERIALS. Spanish Giiipuie l.acci, HninM:nn Spmisli Oriciilal-., 'lorclieiw, etc. Spaniih and JIull Ti-snes,.Ciepe Lisle Rucli iiiKJ, and ether Neckw car. Alse, Kid', Silk an.l L'-le Tin c.id Gloves, etc. Newport Tics. Summer Silks. Neat Checked, Striped, and Plain, rercigu and Demestic Dieji Goods, in P.cautilul New Coleiings. ' I'aiiioeli, Newpm t Tics, Lnce, Gloves, rle. lager & Brether Ne. 25 WEST KING ST. r.eutiii jufu nr.i.netir.Kl VTK1V HOOKS. FOR aUMMGR READING. " ?,lrvlsa'1'" y, s-M:ul0 Crawford. Dr. Claudius.' by S. Marien Crawfei n ni,a;i,0J!reAUm,"isll'ltien."vrRurnett. " lint Yet a Weman." ry c'ardy ' Successful Men et Te-rtaj'." And all the LalcstScasidesand Magazines at L.M, FLYNN'S,'- Na 42 WEST KING- STRB3T. J)IiT UOOVS, Jte'i GRENADINES. SUMMER SILKS. Nite'c: tf VEILINGS. IN ALL THE DESIRARLE SHADES- VICTORIA AND PERSIAN LAWNS. LINON DE INDES, IN ALL QUALITIES. FULL LINES OF tii'jtixa aoevs. J." mai;tin'& co. Summer Dress Goods. We bavr just received an elegant line et LACE HUNTINGS, NUNS VEILINGS. AI.RATROSS CLOTH, FRENCH SATIN ES, MADRAS GINGHAMS, FRENCH GINGHAMS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS. A full lineet w niT E GO OI)S. CORDED PIQUES, fc'IGURKD PIQUED, DOTTED SW1.-S. INDIA LAWNS. VICTORIA LAWNS. Onr Parasols and Sunsliartes Are pm chased direct lrem the. manufacturer, andaieefhpcci.il value. SATIN and TWILLED 3ILIC PARASOLS, with L-n'cTiliiimiiiJ, lit Natui.il Stick, linne and Fancy IImikIIc". .1 A PA NESE PA R ASOLS, SATTEEN PARASOLS, hUN UMRRELLAS, ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. X B. lAETDf & GO. Cor. WesfcKing and Prince Sta. I.AKCASTKR.PA. "VTI.W YORKSHIRE. SUMMER GOODS AT TII1C New Yerk Stere. ltare value in SUMMER SILKS In Stripes, Checks and Plain Celers, :it 4tc., .Vic. r.liZn. and T.'.c. a .uti. IIADED DRESS hlLK-S.r.Se.avard. COLORED DRESS SILKS, clcint iju.dily, $100 a yaul. An iiiunens-i iiuantity id LACE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. Summer Dress Goods : lN'DIA LINENS, VICTORIA LAWNS, NAINSOOKS AND DOTTED MUSLINS AteiyI.ew Prices. We pureliae our rAKAISOLS AN!) HUNSIIADES Diieet liem the largest iuannf.ictiinrs and can sive Hie best jie-siblu va'ue. TWILLED SILK PAR SOLS, in natural sticks, horn and fancy linldcM. t-ATIN PAliASOLa. LACE TRIMMED P RASjOL", SUN UMRRKLLAS. L idled', Gents' and Children's Summer Hosiery and Gauze Underwear, In all Si.e-( and Qualilii-i. We have opened aimtlii'i' choice Hue of sash riruens. laces and lace goods. emi;i:eidei:ies and fancy dress P.UTTONS, at Lewest City Prices.; Watt, 8hand'& Ce. Ne. 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. Tl rt.TKOKK ft ll.- :MHiiniAN White Dress Goods AT & CHEAP STORE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN- VICTORIA LAWNS at 10c, 1-JJ-Jc, ISc, 2flc, no., ::c., '.uy.c .IUDIA linen at aic.Kic, sic. :V.e., r.rc. SWISS MUSLIN from 12,V cents up. LACE STRIPED MUSI IV. LACE CHECKERED MUSLINS. NAINSOOK PLAID MUSLINS. CVMP.RIC CHECKERED MUSLINS. All at Lewest Prices. AT leizprMuibM, Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. (Hetwccntlie Cooper Heuse and Serrnl Herse Iletai.) A FIII.I. AH.HOKTnlKJIT nrBRIAKAWD J. Applo-treml Pipes. Weeden Pipes lrem lite Dress (joeas SC. np, :u , U ARTM AN '3 YELLOW KRONT CIGAR J STORK. ' HURST, . . . LANCASTER, PA. HURST, Lancaster, Pa GOODS. Lancaster, Pa. VLOTllimi. H. GKKHA1CT. SPRIIG OPEH? 6 -AT H. GERHART'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, OF THE LARGEST ASSORTiU.A'J OF FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING AND- SriUNU OVEKCOATINK, Ever brought te the City el Lancaster j3Those desirous of securing- CJieIce Style" are invited te call early. P." nOSTKTTKK HUN. SPRING-WEIGH r CLOTHING IN FULL ASSORTMENT FOR Men and Beys. And if the question yriili you is where te buy, give ns a trial, and we will show you one et the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of Olethinsr in the City. We have a lew et these ALL-WOOL, MEN'S SUITS AT $10 lett, and find they aie glvlnggoed sa'i-dactiin for the money. KKMEMUER WE MANUFACTURE ALL OUR OWN CLOTHING. D, 8. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. (IrNUINK MUItfltlSK! TIIE PUI1L1C TREATED TO " A GENUINE SURPRISE THE NEWS OF TIIE GREAT BARGAINS We are otTerini: in our entlre stock el Clothing and Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods Is spieadlng rapidly and we take till? meani et asking these who have net yet been te see iw te call en us anil satisly themselves el the correctness et the above. PRICES REDUCED .10 PER CENT. ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK. It being our rule te close out our entire stock at the end of each Kcagen, this year we gUeyeuthe benelltet the same three weeks earlier than ueual. LADIES, wc net only call your attention te these HANDSOME LITTLE EMRROIDERED SUITS which we have Just received, ami a rt; selling se cheap, but we are Klvlng decided bargains-in our entire stock or CI1ILDRENS' SUITS. Onr prices are scarcely CO per CLnt. el what ether stores will charge yen for the same goods. WGAUZK UNDERWEAR. NECKWEAR. SHIRTS and FURNISHING GOODS el all de scriptions are en our counters, at very low figures. Have you seen these 75c. OVERALLS and S2.00 RLUE FLANNEL COATS ? S-EXTRA RAUGAINS in MEN'S LIGHT COLORED SUITS. Hirst- & Brether, PENN HALL CLOTHING HOUSE. Ner, 2 & 4 North Queen Street. SAMUEL H. eiUVB, A'JCTORNBl, UAH Removed bis Office from 66 North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STKEET,1 1mm edi ately In Rear et Court Heuse, Leng's New RelfdlnK. fpl7-i.' IfAHE NO MISTAKE, BUT FOKCHADE LTA tne genuine Yara Cigar tei Sc'at HARTMAN'3 YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORK. TMArjKJKXS' OVJUk LANCASTER AND IHILXlKKSVILL; i. K Cars run as lollews : Leave Lancatser (P. R Depot), at 7, 9, una U:30a.Hl.,and 2, 4, B and 8:30 p. in., exwnt en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9U p. in Leave MlllersvlUe (lower end)at3,8,and,13 a. M., and 1,3, 5 and 7 p.m. Cars run dally en v time except en Sun r dtv. COLOMBIA rOBT DEPOSIT KA1I. KJ ROAD TIME TABLE. Trains new run legnlarlv en the Columbia Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: SQCTnVAKP. I STATIONS. KORTHWAKIh r.x. 6:20 6:35 6:42 70 7.-0S 7:09 7:12 7:17 7:23 7:37 7:11 A.V. P.K. 1030 Columbia.... ...Washington... ....Ciesswell.... ...Sate Harber... ..Shenk's rerry.. Peqnea ..Yorkrnrnace .....Tncqnan .McCall's t'erry. ...Fite'aEddy... ..rtehinsr Creek.. ..Peach Let tern.. ...Conewino... 10:33 10-9 10-J UM UHB UM U:10 11:15 1L26 U-J30 msa 7:30 7d0 737 7:37 8:0S 1VJH T.U. 7:36 733 7:17 7:05 3:13 8:25 12.-03 ..OcU. Pert L; 12:15 12:30 8,-00 8:20 ...Pert .Uspesit., Perryvllle. R KADINU COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 18S2. NORTHWARD. XJUVX. guarryvUle ancaster. King St.. . Lancaster Columbia. AMUV. BAadlair A.K. P.M. 8.-20 5:35 8:09 5:25 S.02 5:20 7:45 5:05 7:40 5:01 7J8 4:58 7:34 46 738 4:51 733 4:47 7:10 4:36 7:06 4:33 6:57 4:26 6:41 4:12 6:32 4.05 6:20 3:55 A.M. 73 'J:1C I.-2U SOUTHWARD. LUTX. Reading...-. ABBTVX. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. King St... Uuarryvllle A.K. r.X. 7.M. 6:20 .... 30 7:30 .... 3:10 7:10 1:00 3:50 7:30 i:iu 3:10 9:45 3:20 5.50 r.n 5:15 535 xrains connect at Heading with tralm teitnu from Philadelphia, Pottsville, Ilarrlsburtr, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Ileund Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from leik, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti Haiti mere. i. WILSON. Sunt. T)EH!)VLVANlil ICAII.KUAD NKW i SCHEDULE On and after SUNIUi MAY 13th, 183, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia dupetaaa fellows : Levi Ar LanPhil Eastward. A. 12:1 A.M 2-JiU 5:15 7:50 10:20 Mall Express Philadelphia Express 18 fc J-j1I1u Harrlsburg Em-033 Yerk Accomrceda.Mnn arrives Lancaster Accent laiZen arilves.... Columbia Accnni . , - den Frederick Accommodation arrives.. Sea Shero Express Sunday Mail....... Johnstown Expiess Day Express... .. ... Uarrlsburit Accommodation 3:12 8:10 8:10 B-S& 0:00 11:15 r.M, 12:53 12:58, 3:15 r.K. 5:15 5:1 15 7.25 9-15 2:12 230 r.3Ti 6 45 Hanover AccemmcMliit Ien Hest, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Expiess at 01 will run through te Hanover dally, escort Sunday. rietiericK AccoiiimeUiition, wet,ceiiiii ;in 1? at Lancaster with fust Lim:, we:.t,.il 1:35, wtl run through te i'-ederick. Wkstwaad. Le. Ar. hilLan A.M A.M. 0:25 U::!0 '30 9:35 0.15 9 50 P.M. 1:35 l:5t) 5:20 2H) 7:30 7:10 il:10 1:10 News Express Way Passenger Blafl Train. Ne. 1. via. 51t..lev 1-30 7:00 Midi Train, Ne.2,vlu Columbia, leaves Tii" niajrjrar.xpre.ss Hanover Accomiueiiutlon leaves.. USL X4IUU Frederick Accommodation leaven . Harrisbnrg Acci.uimoiiutleii Lancaster Accommodation leaves.. Columbia Accemtrrd 111011 Harrlaburg Expie&t Western Express Pacific Express 11:05 P.M. 2:11 "lUi 5:10 9:05 I13U Harrlaburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., baa direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Hugged, will 8topatDewnlugtowii,Coate'jvillu, tukcs. burg. Mount Jey, ElizubithUWn and Middle, town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express, Mai Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Paciilc Ex press run daRv. JHOTIONS. VElVUOODS " ASTRIGH BROTHERS, AeUm PALACE OF FASHION, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. IXAUGURATIONTrSUAIMEIt GOODS. WHITE GOODS. We have a very iargu assortment el Kinu While Goods, cempi Isiut; VICTORIA LAWNS, TYER1A LINEN, LINEN D'INDIA, R1SHOP LAWNS, And PLAIN and DOTTED SWISSES. Alse, a full line of FIGURED LAWNS at rem 8 te 12J$c. NUN'S VEILINGS in all et the new and ile ile sirable shades, at25e. ami 50c per yard. BLACK and COLORED HUNTINGS at very low prices. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Our stock of these, goods is new complete, and we areolferlngseme really great bargains. Plain Hand Chemise, 25c. Chemise, three rows et llamburglnserting.aud trimmed with Nar row Edg'.ng, 50c De-p Rullleil Skirt, weed muslin, 56c. Twe-Rutlled Skirt, lief i.iirdin, 75c. Twe Rullles of Hamburg, 1.25, and many ether cheap goeils in tills line. LADIES' SUITS. We have new en hand an elegant line el La dles' and Children's Suits et all kinds et .sum mer wear, comprising Figured L-wn s-ults. White Suits in large variety. Nil. ""Illng Suits, all colors, and, in f.ict. el all ki...Lsel materials. Call and leek through our stock, whether you wish te buy or net. FANS, PARASOLS, LACE CAPS, SWISS CAPS. Cream and Rlaek Spanish 1 aces. Colored Spanish .Laces, Cluny laces, Mattles'-cc I.aces, Russian Laci s. Oriental Luces, i;te. All new goods, at lowest pi Ices A large line et Lace Goods, such as Cellars, Tics, Fichus, etc. Linen Cellars all the nov elties in white and colored. Linen Handker chiefs, new styles. In fancy borders, at 6c. GLOVES in MsloerSIlk all the new color", licrllu Gloves as low aside : two bands. Fine Lisle Gloves. 2MC. 2jc and 30c. A full stock of Ladies', Gents' and Child'.s GAUZE UNDER WEAK, In Leiigaud Short Slf evs. CORSETS-all el geed make, at low prices. Ladles', Gents and Clill Is' HOSIERY, Plain and Striped. Imported Hose in Cardinal, Game', Pink, Blue, etc , at lowest prices Infants' Cotten and Woolen Hese MV RIVAL. w ILUOX WHITE THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LUCKENBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortmentef the various styles con stantly en hand and for sale en the most lib eral terms ler Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. TnepUDiicjs mini curuuiuy inviieil te (mil and examine these instruments, which will be found te be very Superior In Quality and Moderate In Price. Having fevered my connections with the Estcy Organ Company, I take this method te Inform my friends in Lancaster county, I am new selilne an Organ equal te any and sur passed by none. Please call and examine one et the most beautilnl-lencd Organs manu factured in the United States. a.m. i. r.v. 7:25 12:00 6:10 r.M. 0:10 2:10 8.25 9:30 2:10 8:13 9:40 .... 8:25 10:10 .... 9-55 Mr. Luckenbach Is tdse agent ler the famous "KNABE" And several ether Delrable Pianofortes, at prices from $225 upwards. febl7-tfd STfcVKM H.UVSK " SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journeymen and prices same as ether saloons. H. WAGNER, nylS-Ud Manager. rrt