rl- ?! I"-? IiAHeASTEK PAtT.v ixwTTTftTrKTfTRTg THURSDAY MAY 31, 1S83. -f lancaster Jntelltgencct. THUBSDAY KVBNINO. MY 31, 1888. 'MCA! .XC1TI KVKNTS. A. UoreM that ffM Hurriedly Burled. Geerge Hacerman, Urine near Perrye- l peli, Fayette county, while hewing tim ber in the weeds fell from the leg with a stroke of apoplexy. He was found several hours afterwards in an unconscious "ndi "ndi tien, from which be never rallied. Next day, while his crave was being dug, the workmen found the body of a man two or tilt-en fat under the surface, who had been dumped into the hole, three feet long, with hisevery-day clothes en and without a coffin. The discovery recalled the fact, that a few years age three strangers made a short visit te the place. One of them seen afterwards mysteriously disappeared and the ethers then went away. It is be lieved this is the man and that be was murdered by his two companions, as a fire had been made ever the grave te cover up the traces. A Terrible Explosion et Uu. At four o'clock yesterday morning Jehn M. Wert, foreman of the Fert Wayne Gas company for the past twenty years,entered a small brick structure containing the main gas meter of that company with a lighted match en a tour of inspection. A nnantitv of cafi. which had escaped from the meter ignited and the building was blown te atoms, the concussion shaking buildings ball a mile distant. Mr. Wert received injuries from which he is unlikely te recover. William Lehman, a teamster, was also seriously injured. Smoking Over a Keg et Unnpewder. At Betchuan, a small village twenty miles below Point Esquimaux, fourteen men who had just returned from the seal fishery, were dividing two kegs of gun powder in one of their houses. One was smoking at tbe time, and it is supposed that a spark fell into the powder. The house was blown te atoms and two of the men were carried about one hundred yards. Seven of the party were teiribly burned, but none were killed outright. A Grand Jurer Inwne. In Wilkesbarre, Caleb Jayne, a member of the grand jury new in session, became se excited ever a case that was before that body en Monday as te affect his mind. Tin refused te iein the idry in the room, but insisted upon promenading about the Court Heuse. His actions were made knewu te the Court and he was at once exeused from further service. His friends were sent feV te take charge of him. HOSTBTTBR'S sPMure goods. CELEBRATED STOIiCH BI TTERS IIHBBSDAT-SHO WBS AND 8UOHTLY WARMER. Remants in Ribbons. A cou ple of hundred pounds have just come and are some better than last let. We have had a great many inquiries for mere of these goods, and this let is all we can find iust new. A few large full white Ostrich Plumes at $2 and $2.50 each. First counters, Chestnut street entrance. jtfHN WANAMAKER. latr goods. T B. KAKXIH GO. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THE Gents' Furnishing Department. ( 1.) ;!5dez.UnlaundrIea COLORED SHIRTS SHIRTS, at 23c. aniecA. ( 2.) 15 dez. Laundried COLORED There has never been an instance In which this sterljng invigerant and anti-tebrlle medi cine has tailed toward off the cemplalnt,wfeen taken duly as a protection against malaria. Hundreds of physicians have abandoned all the officinal specifics, and new prescribe this harmless vegetable tonic ler chills and fever, as well as dyspepsia and nervous affections. Hestettcr'a Bitters Is the specific you need. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, myl-lmdeed&w VL.OWrNU,VXVERWXAJt, AC. rpAHK NlJTK Olf THIS FOR Advertising Cheats ! ! ! " It has become se common te write the be ginning 01 un article, in an elegant, interest ing manner, "Then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such, " And simply call attention te the mcilts el Hep Bitters In as plain, honest terms as possi ble. " Te lnd uce people "Te give them one trial, which se proves their value that they will never use anything else. "The Rkmkiiv se favorably noticed In all tbe papers, " Religious and secular, is " Having a large sale, and is supplanting all ether medicines "There Is no dening the virtues et the Hep plant, ami the proprietors el Hep Bit ters have shown great shrewdness "And ability "In compounding a medicine whose virtues nre se palpable te everyone's observation. Old Sbe Die? "Ne! " She lingered and suffered along, pining . awav all the time ler years." " The doctors doing her no geed ;" " And at last was cured by this Hep Bitters the papers say se much about." "Indeed! Indeed!" " Hew thankful we -heuld be ler that medi cine." A 'Daughter's Misery. " Eleven years our daughter snllered en a bed et misery, "Frem a complication et kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility. Under the care of the best physicians, Who gave her disease various names, " But no relict. " And new she is restored te us in geed he ilt h by as simple a remedy as Hep Bitten?, that we shunned for years before using it " T uk Pareets, rather in Getting Well. " My daughters say : " Hew much better lather Is since he used Hep Bitters." " He is tettlng well alter his long guttering from a disease declared incurable." " And wc are se glad that he nscd your Bit ters." A Lady et Utica, N. Y. mll-T.Th&Sluid&w HUP IJ1TTKKS FOR SALE AT IT. It. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 ami U9 North (Jtieen stiuct. DECORATION DAY. 250 FAST COLOR BLUE COATS AT $i.00 ; ORIGINAL PRICE. $3.M. We call your Special Attention te this, as it is an Extraordinary Bargain. We are selling Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at prices which dely competition. We have fa cilities which enable us te undersell all oppo eppo oppe sltlon. G. A. R. SUITS. In Blue Flannels we keep none but the best, line in quality, pure in color and excellently made. The price is $10, and we guarantee every suit net te lido. A New and Large Let of our Celebrated PENN 11 ALL WHITE SHIRTS just received ; tliey are the best in the market, four-ply linen besom and cuffs ; New Yerk Mills muslin, ex cellently made. Gauze Underwear, Neckwear, Cellars and Furnishing Goods of all description at very low prices. Ladies, we dcslre te call your attention te the Large and Handsome Line et Novelties el CHILDREN'S SUITS, which we have Just opened, and which we are selling for one-half Uie prices asked elsewhere. Netice some lew prices In show window. liish & Brether, Nes. 2 and 4 NORTH QUEEN ST. LANCASTER, PA. L. OANSMAN St BRO. THE- An enemy te Liver disease: see advertise ment el SI unions Liver Regulator. First-Kate Evidence. " Often unable te attend business, being subject te serious disorder et the kidneys. After a long siege of sickness tried Burdock Bleed Bitters and wa itellevcd by half a bot tle." Mr. B.Turner, or Rochester, N. Y., takes i this pains te write. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen Street. I Willi ; very bed v te Knew. Rev. Geerge II. Thayer, an old citizen et this vicinity known te every one as a most Influential citizen and christian minister et the M. E. church, Just this moment stepped in our store te say, " I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ow ew ow eur lives te Shlleh's Consumption Cure." it is having a tremendous sale ever our ceuntcis and is giving perfect satisfaction in all cased et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DRS. MATCHETT Jc FRANCIS. Boubbev. Ind., May 15, '78. Sold by II. B. Cochran, d juggist, Nes. 137 and 1 39 Nert h Queen street. Lan eas tcr. lcblt t:ec 1 4 leading Clothiers. Ah we have net market' our goods up there Is no occasion tomarkihcmdewn ; therefore, we give below a list et prices of the gieatest bargains ever offered ler ALL-WOOL CASSIMERE SUITS. 2.12 M en's Suits at $G 00. sold elsewheie ulSl00. 169 Men's Suits at $8.00. sold clsewhereaiJlU.OO. 173 Men's Suits at$10.00, sold elsewhere at $20 00. 103 Youths' Suits at 5.00,sold elsewhere at $10.00. m BejaJ Knits at $4 00. sold elsewhere at $8.00. 7JChiinren'aSult3at$2.00,seld elsewhere at$1.00 Antl qjl the finest giades In proportion. IN MERCHANT TAILORING We never have leen se busy betere ; as our low prices, workmanship and lit cannot be approached elsewhere. Loek at our windows ; Suits marked In plain figures lrem $12 te $25. te order. Light Colored Pants te order, a specialty. L. Gansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS & . CLOTIIIERS, G-G8 NORTH QUEEN STREET, i.lghten the Southwest Cerner et Orange Su LANCASTER, PA 43Pesltively net connected with any ether clothing house in this city. Hew Much Will De Jr. Hew much of Themas' Eclectric Oil is re quired te cure? Only a very little. A lew drops will cure any kind et ache: and but a trifle mere is needed for spains and lame nesses. Rheumatism is net te readily attect ud : an ounce and sometimes two ounces are required. Ne medicine, however, is se sure te cure with the same number et applications. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qncen street. MVSICAL. w LUOX St WHITE THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LTJCKENBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortment of the various styles con stantly en hand and for sale en the most lib eral terms ler cash or Small Monthly In stallments. Tbe nubile Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these instruments, which wBl be found te pe very superior in quality and Moderate in Price. Having tcvered my connections with the Estfiy Organ Company, I take this method te inform my friends in Lancaster county, I am new aching an Organ equal te any and sur passed by none. Please call and examine one et the most beautllul-tnned Organs manu factured in tne unuea states. Mr. Luckenbach Is ulse agent for the famous "KNABB" And several ether Desirable Planolertes, at prices from 1225 upwards. febl7-tid Apple-weed Pipes. Weeden Pipes lrem -HAJITMAN'STKLTW FRONT CIGAR STOKE. I.AHCASTEK WATOUEti WE Lancaster Mies. POPULAR GRADES. GILDED MOVEMENTS: ti NEW ERA," WEST end; FKANKLIN, -FULTON, KEYSTONE, LANCASTER." ? NICKEL MOVEMENTS. " MELROSE," " LANCASTER." The Manufacture elthe if nil Line of Favorite Movements, with the adoption et the Lineol Dust-Proof Movements, and Ladles' Watches, gees forward with Increased Energy. )TAKK MO MISTAKE, BUT POKOHAbK 1XL the genuine Yara Cigar for 6c. at H ARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIG AR STORE. Ought we net te be satisfied if we double up the sales en any one article? Well, that is the case with American Surah Silks. It is net that we are ever smart in selling, but because the goods are pure silk and wide, at $1.25 per yard ; soft te the touch, cer tain te wear and exquisite in colorings, exactly the thing for walking, traveling or seaside dresses. Silk counter, near Chestnut street entrance. JOHN WANAMAKER. The best of the news in laces is the incoming te-day of a Matelasse Guipure Spanish : 2 incher wide, 35 cents. 5jJ inches wide, 68 cents. We never offered anything better than this. We open new cases from the Custom Heuse every day, and have just get in mere Egyptian laces from our Paris man, who has distinguished himself mere than once by sending us the choicest of the foreign markets, and get the prices in reach et unextrav agant folk. Ladies' cellars from abroad are in just new in abundance. The block corner has the lead at a quarter. Seufle nets, 28 cents, and the price is constantly queted te us as 35, and yet is is just the same quality hew de people get dou ble prices ? But we can't wait en everybody. JOHN WANAMAKER. Beth sides of the Chestnut street arcade are like bee hives these days. We did wonder whether our great shiploads of foreign hosiery for Ladies,Misses and Gentlemen would ever be all wanted, and yet the way they are going new is amazing. Trust "the people te find out where the taste is, in blending colors and selecting styles. The difference may be only a little spot of color, or a slight line or striae, but it is a difference that is the making of the thing itself. Yeu knew it, as what veir were looking for but could net de scribe it. Is there net a kind of instinct that knits us te the right thing when we see it ? Rare and rich Parasols and some that are sober enough. Upholstery en the ether side withsummer coverings and awn ing stripes and their curtainings a let ei them. JOnN WANAMAKER. Excitement in China. Yester day it was mattings, te-day it is owing te four Wedgwood (English) Dinner Setts of 184 pieces each (Ivanhoe decora tion), reduced from $60.00 te Four Tea Setts, same make and same decorating, 56 pieces, reduced te $5.00; were $8.00. 15 French decorated China Tea Setts, 56 pieces, reduced te $1 1. 00 ; were $16.50. 25 pairs fine Japanese Vases for about sixty cents en the dol lar. Market street trent, west side. JOHN WANAMAKER The White Goods are a sight these days. If this rushkeep en we will require mere room and then the people will say, " they are always changinghere." What else can we de but make pro pre vision for increasing business ? The daintiest, most delicate, loveliest things in Swisse, Piques, Nainsoeks, Hamburg Embroid eries. Yeu would think our stock was a wholesale stock for quantity, and yet you would probably net find but very few of our patterns in ether stores. We work for exclusiveness in designs and obtain them by im porting for ourselves. Second counter from Juniper street entrance. JOHN WANAMAKER. A few mere of these striped Summer Skirts are in te-day the first let slipped away in no time 50 cents each. Summer Chemises in profu sion at $1 and upwards. Arcade, east side. Jehn Wanamaker. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City Hall Squaie Philadelphia. twrt iTnlldTa with r'TlfTa at. 4Sc (3,)S5dez.Laundxied COLORED SHIRTS, with one Cellar, at tee. apiece. ,, f 4.) 15 dez. COLUMBIA CHEVIOT SHIRTS, ail sizes, at zac. ( 5.) 20 dez. ( about ) et SILK TIES, includ ing Teck, Puif, Flat and Windser, at 25c. (6.) 100 dez. PEARL DRESS SHIRTS, nn eqnalea in quality, lit and workmanship, at 11.00 each. ( 7.) 15 dez. ALLrLlNEN COLLARS, includ ing the best makes, at 5c apiece. ( &) 20 dez. GAUZE SHIRTS, at 15c. apiece. (9.) LOCO boxes Raphael Reversible Llnene PAPER COLLARS, all sizes, 20c. a box. ( 10.) 1 let et Bicycle or Plain Frent, All All Weel FLANNEL SHIRT, in blue or light, at 11.25 apiece. X'Jtr OOODB. H AUEB St JUBOTHEU. HAGER & BROTHER. SUMMEE WEIGHT CLOTHING-. FOR J. B. MARTDf & CO. Cor. West Kins and Prince Sta. LANCASTER, PA. "jKW YORK STORK. SUMMER GOODS JVf en, Yeutlas and Small Children. READY-MADE AND MADE TO ORDER Frem an Extensive and Carefully Selected Stock of French, English and American Suitings. UNDERWEAR In Gauze and French Wear, Hosiery, Gloves, E. & W. Cellars and duffs, &c, &c. HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. COLORED DRESS SILKS, a yard. An immenaa AT THE New Yerk Stere. Rare value In SUMMER SILKS In Stripes, Checks and Plain Celers, at 44c. 50c.. 62&e. and 75c. a vard. SHADED DRESS silks, 5Sc. a yard, cu elegant quality, $1.00 quanuiy ei LACE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. Summer Dress Goeds: INDIA LINENS, VICTORIA LAWNS, NAINSOOKS AND DOTTED MUSLINS At Very Lew Prices. We purchase our PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES Direct from the largest manufacturers und can Rive the best possible value. TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, in natural sticks, horn and lancy holders. t-ATIN PARASOLS. LACE TRIMMED PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladles', Genls' and Children's Summer Hosiery and Gauze Underwear, In all Sizes and Qualities. We have opened another choice line of SASH RIBBONS. LACES AND LACE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES AND FANCY DRESS BUTTONS, at Lewest City Prlces. Watt, Shand & Ce. Ne. 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. rOHN 8. U1VLKK St CO. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Silks and Dress Goods. White Goods and Embroideries, Laces and Ribbons. Gloves and Hosiery. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. Satine and Zephyr Robes. Albatres and Swisse Robes. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in Carpets. Gauze Underwear. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and One Price. Ne. 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Fa M KT.OEK A HAUHtlMAN k m nOWEKS & HUKST. BOWERS & HURST, Nes, 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER. PA. OFFER GREAT BARGAINS IN Summer Silks and Dress Goods. Summer Silks at 4.jc. Summer Silks at COc. Summer Silks at Glc and $l.l"i. These Goods are tally guaranteed te wear and net te cut. N UN'S VEILING in All Shades from 2-ic up. ALBATROSS CLOTH In Black Ottomans. Grenadine-?. SPECIAL TO KNIGHTS TEMPLAR '.c We offer Special Bargains In BLACK SILK at ar.( $l.(v, und All Shades; Very llandieme Goe.H Full aa9ertment el Gleve--) new open. Itlack l.are Buntings. -HAVK- THK CHEAPEST BI.AL'K SIMCX, THE CHEAPEST COJ.OREO .VLi'V, THE CHEAPEST JtLACK CASHMERES, THE CHEAPEST BI.K. J. A CERUNTIXGS, THE CHEAPEST BI.K WOOL IS UX'J'JXax, THE CHEAPEST CAlil'ETS, THE CHE A PEST MA TTIXGS, THE CUBA PESTSUX UMBRELLAS A Xl PARASOLS, HK CHEAPEST HOSIERY l?OR MEX, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. In Fact the Cheapest DET GOODS Ever Oilere.1 In this City. BOWERS & HURTST, Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Fa, MOTIONS. J UaT KECKIVED ANOTHER LOT OF NEW TIES at the. NEW COLLARS at the. FANCY HALF HOSE.at the. NEWSUSPENUERS.al the. UNDERWEAR at the. ..BLUE FRONT. ...BLUE FRONT. ...BLUE FRONT. ', ...BLUE FRONT ...BLUE FRONT. E: J. ERISMAN'S GENTS let zprMiui Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KINS ST., LANCASTER. Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Hei se Hetel.) BLUE FRONT FURNISHING . STORE, Ne 17 West King Street a LASH AN It ItUEENSWAKll,. H,OH B MAIITIN. re. - - El AT- TKW GOODS. ASTRICH BROTHERS, Agl3. PALACE OP FASHION, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. NOW IS YOUR TIME, ter it 13 lu9t new that we are showing the largest and best selected stock of EXT DOOR TO XI1E COURT HOUSE. N FAHNEST0CK.. SEASONABLE DRYGOODS In every de partment In quantities. Our Stock never nearly s-e large, our Assortment never se complete. All at our usual Lew Prices. Silks, Shawls, Cashmeres, Buntings, DRESS GOODS AND WHITE GOODS, IN VARIETY. The unusual safes of Black and Colored Silks this season made by us must he a guarantee of their CHEAPNESS. Opened several lets et BLACK and COLORED SILKS during this week, which compare laverably with any we h ave ever sold. SUMMER MERINO AND- . GAUZE UNDERWEAR, . in all Grades, for LADIES AND GENTS. R. E. Fahnestock, LANCASTER, PA. NEXT DOORCO COURT HOUSE. CHINA MALL. A LARGE AND CHEAP LINE OK GLASSWARE. . ji a rxu t.un' ' 1 1 h t tCASTKK AMI AIII.I.KKHV1I.I.K t.. It 1 1 earn run as fellows : Leave Laucatxer (1. R Depot), at 7, 0, aud 11:30 n. m., and 2, 4, t; and :3ep. in., exc-eut ou Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9:30 p. :u Leave MlllersvlIlM (lewur end) at S, S. ami, 11 a. St., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 l. in. urn run dally ou ' ivtt lluiixc--.pl ou Sim dn C tm.UDlUIA ft 1-OKT DKl'OSIT 1CA1I -t ROAD TIME TABLE. TraluHnew run legulurlv en the Columbia ifr Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time : . BOUTHWAKP. STATIONS. MORTUWAKlT. CRAQLE, CUT AND ENGRAVED U LASS WARE AT High & Martin, 15EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. MILLINERY GOODS. TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS and BONNETS in large variety, at really LOW PRICES. LARUE STOCK OF FLOWERS. Sprays. Buds, Violets, Pansics. etc. BLACK, WHITE and COLORED TIPS cheaper than ever. The het weather is coming, and anyone wish ing te buy a GOOD PARASOL-one that will last long and give geed satisfaction will de well te call and examine the quality of our Thcyareasgoedascanbcmadc. W A l I S eUrrJilii!lJ. We have positively the largest assortment ) xl11 "' wul XJI""' ami tue lowest prices in V.M. 6:20 6:35 6:42 7:00 7:05 7:09 7:1'.! 7:17 7:23 7:37 7:41 7:50 8:06 8:13 8:25 A.H. 10:20 10:33 10-.39 10:55 11:00 11:03 11:05 11:10 11:15 11:26 11:30 11:38 11:51 r.x. 12:03 12:15 12:30 7:10 7:27 7:37 8;00 8:20 ...Columbia.... .Washington... ..Ciesswell.... ...Sate Harber... ..Shenk's Jfcrry.- Pcquea ..Yerk Furnace.. .....Tucquan .McCall's Ferry. ...Fite's Eddy... ..Fishing Creek,. ..Peach Bettem.. ...Conewino... .....OCtw4....... ...Pert U3p..slt.. ... Perryville.... A.M. 8:20 8:09 8.02 7:15 7:10 7:38 7:34 7:28 7:23 7:10 7:0C 0:57 V:4I 6:32 6.-2U P.M. P.M. 6:35 6:25 5:20 .... 5:05 .... 6:01 4-M 4:K! 4:51 4:47 4:3t' 4:33 ...v 4:2 7:5u 4:12 7:3rf 4.05 7:2U :;:55 7:17 3:11 7:K. R KADINU CO I. CM BI A It. It ARRANGEMENT Or PAeSKNfciKK't iCAlsa MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th. lii NORTHWARD. OHOVERIES. BURSK'S. 1-kAKUAlNS X Chains, Bins 124 WATCHES, CLOCK; i. Spectacles. Ac. Repairing nt nil kinds will receive rnv nersenal atten tien. LOUIS JWEBER, Ne. 1595J North Queen street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsvlvana railroad depot. dec 28 lvd BLAK and CREAM SPANISH LACES. We invite examination. COLORED SPANISH LACES in all the New Shades Crushed Strawberry, Raspberry, Cardinal, Garnet, Navy, Bronze, Myrtle, etc. Black Beaded Laces. W hlte Trimming Laces. Real Torchon Laces lrem 5 te 50c. a yard. Elegant assortment of Lisle and Silk Gloves. KID GLOVES a complete stock. SPRING UNDERWEAR ler Ladles, Gentsand Children, In Gauze or Merine. Child's Lace Caps. Dresses, Shawls and Cloaks Full line el Children'9 Calice, seersuckers, Chambry and White Lawn Dresses. A large assortment, from 95c. apicce up. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Wc have new en hand a very large line el these goods, made up in first-class manner, and for the prices en thesamc we defy competition LADIES' READY-MADE DRESSES. These goods we manufacture ourselves, and every day shows something new in this de partment. We make any and all klnda et goods te order at shortest notice, and guaran tee lit and workmanship. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Wc show something new in Dress Goods nearly every day. Te day we received a let et hambry Combination Dresse3-3emethlng very neat and new selling them at $1.C2 apat tern, and they are going fast; also, a New Line et Sattecns at 25c. per yard, and lets of ether goods In a stock like ours It is very difficult te enumerate each article, but would simply say call anil see whatounlneet Dress Goods comprises. Fer Fresh Durkee Salad Dressing. ForFMneOllvoOll. Fer Pickle3 and Sauces. Fer Petted Meats. Fer Whole Rolled Ox Tongue. Fer Flavering.Extracts (just received a Iresh let.) Fer Pie Peaches, large cans, 12 cents. Fer Table Peaches at 15 cents. Fer Canned Pears at 20 cent?. Fer 4 Cans of Tomatec, 25 cents. Fer Tomatoes Red Seal, 10c; Beet Steak, 2 for 25c. Fer 3 Cans et Cern ler 2T. cents. Fer Fells Sugar Cern, 10c; Baker?, 12c; Wins low, 15c. Fer California Cherries. A prlcets, etc. Fer Comb Heney at 20 and 25 cents a pound. Fer New Orleans Molasses geed, 15c; choice, 20 cents. Ger Geed Table Syrup at 12 cents. Fer goods tee numerous te mention. GOTO BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. a.m. r.M. r.M. Cri ... 2u 7:3u .... 3:44J 7:K 1:00 3:50 7:30 l:l(i 3:40 9.46 33k 6.50 iitt). A.M. 7A '.III' .LBAVX. Uuarryvllle Lancaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia. ARBIVH. Kaadtafr seti '!:; ARD. .1AV. goading.. ABSTVX. Columbia Lancaster. ...... Lancaster. King St. Ouarrwllle Trains con M-ci til ::iutiuu wiui munii iuhiw lrem Philadelphia, 1'olteVilTo, Harrlsburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Bre.ik Keute. At Celnmblu vltii trains te and lrem Yeik, Hanover, Cieuyeinliy. Vn-derlck and Balti more. ' M. WILSON. Run. A.M. V. V.M 7:2ft 12:00 6:10 P.M. 9:40 2:10 8:25 9-.80 2.10 8:13 9:40 .... 8:25 10:10 .... 9-55 p. 6:1. 5:26 r.jta PKKHiS VI. VA M I Jl KAIL.ltO.1D N1-:W SCHEDULE On und after SUN1 MAY 13111, I&3. trains en the rennsl van!-; Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia dupetsas fellow- O.tt'fVARl). Lev Lan ila" 2Xxprtvitt Philadelphia Kxpicse Fast x.ine........ ....................... Harrlsburg Ex".hs Yerk Accemr.MiHiiniAjirrlvcB Lancaster Acu.nn la An arrives.... Colombia Accem e'. 'Jen.., Frederick Accommodation arrives. 881 t Shere Kzpre A.M. 12:42 3:12 5-X 8:10 8:lt 8,5 9-.lt P.M. 12:53 1258 Sunday Mail .lohnstewn Express; Dav Exnress i Harrlsburg Accemin odatlen . ""42 2.-20 5:25 6.45 Af Phit A.M 2.5ft 5:15 7:5e iei 11: U 3.15 r.M. 5:45 6:05 7.2.5 9:15 UAVLP&lrS piAKPET MALL. T OCHER'S DVKS. A 5c. Package LOOKER'S iDYE WILL COLOR MORE GOODS THAN ANT OTHER DYE IN THE MARKET, Fer sale by CHAS. A. LOCHER, NO. 9 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. STKVKNS HOCSE SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journeymen and prices same as ether saloons. H. WAGNER, myl5-tld Manager. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND IT L'ONChKNS EVERY1SODY. t)liirrsOWliiiii'arpll; WEST KING & WATER STS., Wen the reputation et being rellaele by sell ing none but geed carpets at the Lewest prices that a geed carpet can lie bought for and en the mast tellable terms. Call and see the stock, or. If ieu can't come, send ler price Hat THE BEST BARGAINS IN THIS CITY. Shirk's Carpet Hall, ! Cerner West King and Water Sts., . LANCASTER, PA. Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9 45, will rnn through te Hanevbr dally, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, cenubellus at Lancaster with Fast Line, went, at 1:35, win run threufch te Frederick. ' Le. iai. Westward. PhllLan A.M. 6:5 a se 9 35 M5 9 50 r.n. 6 'A) :Wi 7-30 7-40 rtle V0 News Express Way Passenger Mall Train, Iio. l.vla. Mt,Jey. MaUTralu,No.'AVlaCeluinbia,leaves Niagara Express.. Hanover Accommodation leaves.... Fast Line Frederick Accoinuiedutlon leaves. Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves... Columbia Accomiredat'on Harrlsburg Expre. Western Express. Pacific express... A.M. 4:30 4-S0 7:ft ;-49 11:06 P.M. fcU 4:44 6:40 9:05 llr20 Hftrri-burg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m ha direct connections (ithontcbangeefcar9)to Columbia and Yerk. Fart Line, wst, en Sunday, when fKirred, wUl stepat Downlngtewa,Coate9Vllle, . burg. Mount Jev, hllznblhtewn und Middle. '"Day Express, -st llTi:-,"Nes K-Tr?8. Mai Train, Ne. 1, W tern txpress Mid Pacific isx press mn dallv. 5 5M3Jja3aCMqSJLlU gaSg3CTigS3reg -,f-rfirrvwrwr. agrcsagyrTVrggySS