n LANCASTEB DAILY INTELLIGBNCEB, THUBSDAY, MAY 31. 1883. DECOEATION DAT. CDL.UIlVII.L.K'SOl.AllUNTOTHEO.A.K A Kulegy the Soldiers Their Cause Tmjr Victories uua The Land They feugbt Fer. When the members of Gee. H. Themas Pout filed iate tbe court boese last even ing te tbn music of tbe Millersville band tbey found tbat tbe Knights' Templar festivities bad Badly interfered with much of a turn-out. By tbe time, however, that tbe Rev. James Crawford had delivered a prajer appropriate te tbe occasion and Majer Reinoehl had risen te introduce tbe orator of the evening, Cel. James M. Sco Sce villc, of Camden, N. J., about half of the scats in the room were filled. The oration occupied forty minutes in its delivery. Colonel Scevillo said tbat be bad come fiem a Bick room te fulfill an engagement en a day full of interest te soldiers and civilians ; be bad ceme te a place that in its wealth, fertility and intelligence beam te 1'eunsylvania the same relation as does tbe blue giass region of Kentucky te his native fetate. This was tbe home of three of the great mcu who figured most prom inently in the stirring times immediately preceding and during tbe war James liucbanau, who was president of tbe United States when the conflict burst upon us ; Thaddeus Stevens, whose grave I visited this morning and found there in clined in marble that noble sentiment se se worthy of a noble man ; and General Reynolds, applause te whose name many a soldier has answered te day, " dead upon the field of honor" in a war of right eous strength. It is that these graves and the graves et all our dead shall be kept gieen tbat we meet te-day Iu the geed old day of Reman power and gleiy, Scipio Afncanus went te tbe tem ples once a year te thank Ged for victor ies wen ; we meet te strew May fiewers en tbe gi.ives of comrades whose death made victory and a re-uuited country possible. Ne Sectlunullstn. Today wc knew no section. We bave put it aitide. Te tbe North, te the Seuth, te the East, te the West we constitute one people united under one flag, "new and forever." Upen many a bloody field from Roaneko te Shileb, through the thick honors of a civil strife, amid want, priva tion and exposure, with a courage no danger could appall, a resolution no im pediment could overcome, and a gallantry no opposition could resist, the boys in blue proclaimed te a startled world the power, the prowess aud the perpetuity of these United States ; and tbe boys in gray have returned their allegiance te the old flag and say, "Net yet, net yet, shall tbe Re public die." Se new we strew laurel en the graves of the blue and willow en the graves of the gray. As tbe poet says These in the reblngs et glory : Thne in the gloom et deleat ; All with tlie battle-bleed gory. In the dusket eternity lniet. a large number of fine floral pieces, which were placed en the soldiers' graves. Mr. Wilsen made an empassiencd and patriot ic address, in which he paid high tribute te the valor and self-sacrificing patriotism of the Union soldiers. The band played a dirge, and the precession returned te the village and was dismissed. At sprtDgville. There were no formal ceremonies, but a number of citizens formed a line and marched out te Camp Hill cemetery where they decorated tbe soldiers' graves with fresh flowers. There were no speeches made, but a feeling of deep respect for the memory of the defenders of the country was expressed by all present. rair aud Festival. A fair ana lestlval will be held by the ladies or the U. li. church at Gordenvllle, en Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, June 14, 15 and 10. Strawberries and ice cream, fruits and all del icacies et the season will be served. Apack Hge party will be held en the first night, June 14. Valuables will be guarantees In each package. Twe brass bands will be present. A. distribution or prizes will be made among ticket holders. A Baltimore paper says : Dr. Geerge Healing et Baltimore, the well-known Occullst and Artist, removed yesterday a piece of steel Irein the Interior chamber ct the eye et G. Hclene, by the introduction ei" a pointed powerful magnet. The steel had been ledged in the cornea and pushed by the constant en deavors ei a physician te extricate It into the Interior chamber, trem where the Docter re moved it by inserting the magnet in the slightly enlarged wound. Dr. Reuting Is net unknown in this commu nity by reputation. lie is the eccullst who periermed the delicate and highly successful operation en the oye et lien. William Ward In June last, which offered permanent relict. In the special lines ei his profession for the treatment of the eye and ear. Dr. Reulinsr stands withoutasurscrler in the United States Cliester News. HVEVIAL. yUTlVJiS. 5-Thc Diamond Dyes always de mere than they claim te de. Celer ever that old dress. It will leek llke new. (inly l'J cents ter any color. Valuable Information contained In the ad vertisement et Simmons Liver Regulator. lietter than SlO.OOO I "1 spent ever $10. o:e, in 3 years," said Mejer 11. W. Ilines, et Bosten, Mass., " In being doctored ter epilepsy. I employed the best physicians in New Orleans, St. Leuis. New Yerk, l'hlla , Bosten, Londen ami Paris, but all te no purpose. Samaritan Nervine lias en red me entirely." $1.50. Ne mere shall the war cry sever, or the winding river be red ; They bmlsheur anger terever When they laurel the craves et our dead 1 nder the sod and the dew, Waiting the Judgment-day i.eve and tears ter the Blue ; Tears and love for the Gray. Doing Their Own Tulublng. The American people de their ewu political thinking, and then as new these who attempted te establish a government en a falsohoed were silenced by popular will. Southern men said: "Give us a government of the few, a government of the privileged class ; we are tbe aristec cracy, you in the North are tbe labor Mates," and the pois-en thus tbiewu into our political system by tbe Calbeuus and Piekenses aud Davises will require two hundred years niore te thoroughly expell. Hut tbe people thought for themselves. The mere tbese men built their toy house en the back of the black, aud the mere Chief Juatirn Taney decided that a " black man had ti rights which a white man was bound te leppect," the mere the un t table foundation shook beneath the weight of the rliniy stiuctuie and finally eainc'l it t the ground. Illustrative of hew swilt Ncmesis sometimes is in deal iug out i etiibutive justice, Colonel Sceville j-aVd that when sent te England ty Lin coln in 1804, be found the soldiers of Ouccu Victeria singing "Jehn Brown's I'.edy" en the banks of the Thames. What Made Our Heroes Possible. The two greatest efforts of modern times te euslavothe human race culmin ated in disaster at Marsteu Meer and Gettysburg. And while this latter victory was fought and wen en Pennsylvania soil, aud is thcieroie a great honor and a famous victory for the old Keystone state, it must be icmembercd that the valor, the privations and tbe patriotism of the rug ;ed Continentals el enu hundred years age made possible victory at Gettysburg. Vir ginia and Massachusetts ! Jeffersen aud Adams ! tbe ene with bis dying breath admonishing "Re en Guard," the ether i.ink'mg te bis long rest with " Indepeud Indepeud auce forever." Frent such as these sprune that ":-L:ll t-tieug man in a blatant land," Geueial Geoige II. Themas. Even Phil. Kearney, whose meiiwry we will keep for ever anil aye, might net have been possible without the patriotism of our forefathers. The Cradle or Liberty. The family and tbe home niake tbe cradle of liberty. It. was bore iH the besom of home, in the midst of the family circle wheie our dead comrades' youth was eberibhed that the liivs of freedom and patriotism weie first set ablaze. It was here that the stars and bars of our ceuutrys flag whose glorious beauty fcprang fiem thettaecry of woman's gentle band, fust excited the admiration and wonder of infancy's eye. And it was te the home of his youth and his early man hood that m:iny of our comrades, wrapped in the embrace of this cherished bannerj return', te fiijht no mero. Te-day many a mother, the last of tbat home circle, whose baiting limbs forbid a journey te tbe cemetery, is thinking, of the little mound we decorated in memory of ber son who died tbat this nation might live. Neble Women. Ged gave tbe country te men who can defend it and te women whose virtues, as Richard Cebdeu puts it, give rise te our forces. There never was anything geed or great tbat did net ceme from woman. "If woman lest us Paradise," said Jehn Randelph, of Roanoke, " she gained us Heaven." Thejnan who gave up his business, who tetn himself from his yeuug wife aud his little babe and who faced death at bis country's call is a greater here than Grant or Sherman or 'Sheridan ; but the gentle woman who said te her hus band, " Ge, it is your duty " and who threuah leurr and dreary years suffered untold cares, fears aud sorrows, what of her? It has been said tbat "the finest fruit earth holds up te Heaven is a man;" let it rather be, "the finest fruit earth holds up te heaven is a woman." urn T bey Die In Vain ? Oh ' no, our soldiers did net die in vain. When bayonets begin te think despotism begins te die. Four hundred thousand men aud Abraham Lincoln died for me and for you, and the shedding of their bleed gave us a country " redeemed, re generated, disenthralled." While the Grand Army lives let it teach fraternity, charity, patriotism, and then our princi ples and Government shall live the incar nation of freedom ; they shall live the em. bediment of pewer and tbe majesty of the the people " Till the sun grows cold. And the stars are old. And tbe lcvres et the Judgment book unfold." At Meuntvllle. At Mountville, Wm. A. Wilsen was orator of the day. At G o'clock a preces sien was formed by the citizens and ex. Beldicrs, and with the Mountville band at the head of the column marched te Mountville oemetery, carrying with them Won't Barry. Uendeinan." Said u man en his way te be hanged, there'll bone tun till I gctthcie." Wesay te the dys peptic, ner.-eus and debilitated, don't hurry tlieughtlpsslv ler lome icinedyef doubtful nieiit. uncertain efrelier, when you can get at the drutrglsts ter ene dell Burdock Bleed Bit ters alrne-it sure te euro and certain te benefit. Kersalebv II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13!t North Queen street. Small doses and large bottles ; sec advertise ment el Simmons Regulator. " Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills are worth their weight in geld in nervous and sick headache." -Dr. II. II. Sehllchter, et Bal timore. " Five doctors ; no end of medicine ; no re lief. Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure has driven aivay all eruption's and I in nearly wellS'iaa. C. Yeung, Hamilton, Ills. been puri- lKer.EDCMTY exists, but nobody has heard te deny the wholesomeness ami lying effects et Glenn's Sulphur Seap. my23-lwdcedftw Tim most popular and tragrant l'eitumeef the day "HACKMETACK." Try It. Sold by H. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and lS'.l North Queen street leb7-eed3 Skin Ulaans. "Swayne's Ointment" 1 Cures tueiuest lnvet "Swayne's Ointment" v "Swayne's Ointment" Seraleeases et tlrlii dis " wayne's Ointment" i "Swayne's Ointment" Jeae-, siteii as tetter, "Swaynis's Ointment") ., -i...,.,., er-ihi iiend "Swayne's Ointment" lsan m ,,,l.sr11" llf a "Swayne's Ointment" babel's itch, soma, all "Swayne's Ointment" ).,, SP!liv ltchln" "Swayne's Ointment" )CIUsI' bcul ' I,CIlm' "Swayne's Ointment" skin eruptions, and 'Swayne's Ointment" S,., .ii-jirexsln" coin cein "Swayne'sOintment" ) u al ""l" s,l, c,,ul "Swaync's Ointment" S plaint, itching piles, SwayncM Ointment;; ) u m cllectna! cure "Swayne s Ointment" ) J "Swayne's Ointment" J no matter hew obstl ebstl "S wayne's Ointment" nate or long standing. Ask for it and use no ether. It CUUKS whete all else (alls. Sold l.y all druggists, a Cough, Celd or Sore Threat Reqijics Immediate attention. A neglect lr l'lUUs the lungs and an incurable disease is often 'the- result. " Dlt. SWAVNK'S COM POUND SYltUl WILD OHKItUY " euros the most severe coughs and colds, actsdireetly en the lungs, threat and chest, purities the bleed, ami ler bienchial, asthma, all pulmonary ut ut ut toctlensot long sUmdinu, ills tliu best remedy ever discovered. Price 'Jj cents and I per bettle- The lurge size is the most economical Sold by all besl druiruisls. H'l-MW&Klyd&w Wells "Keugli ou corns." Ask ter Wells' "Kough en Coins." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent eur Coins, wniis, bunions. 1'uvsiciAKS attest : " Celden's Liquid Heel is particularly usetul In Dlphtlieiia, Fever, and evcij depressing disease." liiyiS-iWdeedaw JtVPLAiv TAWtTBexDR.SWA'nrB Te Whom It May Cencern: Itching Piles Is one et the most annoying complaints lcnownte physi cians. Every ene can tell whether he is thus afflicted by observing the iollewlng symp toms : Intense itching, particularly alter get ting warm. It seems as IX pin worms were crawling in or about the rectum. Small lumps sometimes form. The private parts are often affected. The mere yen scratch the worse the Itching. Knewing that my ointment is super ler te any article In the market, J guarantee 1 te euro the wjirst case et Itching plies iu exist ence. Slgncdl, H.SWAYNE. M. D. Dr. Swayne's ointment Is olseapleasant aud eficctive cure ler tetter, Itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas, barber's Itch, pimple", and all scaly, crusty, Itchy skin eruptions, held by all prominent druggists, or will be sent for 50 cts. (in 3c. stamps), 3 boxes, $1.23. Address, Dr. Swayne tt Sen, Philadelphia,. Pa. ectl4-lydTu.ThAS&w De Met move Blindly. Ge carefully In purchasing medicine. Many advertised remedies can work great injury are worse than none. Burdock Bleed Bitters area purely vegetable preparation ; the small est child can take them. They kill disease and cure the patlen. In a sate and kindly way. Fer sale bv H. It. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 130 North Queen street. Mothers! Alothera: Mothers I Are you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? If se, go at once and get a bottle el MUS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING SYKUP. it will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, op erating like magic. It Is perfectly sate te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of the ehicst and best lemale physicians in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. mayl-M,W,S&w KKSCUJSD 1TKU31 1IKATU. The iollewlng statement ei William J. Cough In, et SemervlHc, Mass., is se remarkable that we beg te ask for it the attention et our read crs. He says : "In tha lall et 1870 1 was taken with a violent bleeding el the lungs, followed .by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was ?,e weak at e:ie time that I could net leave my bed. in the sum mer ei 1877 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. Whilethere the doctors said I had a hole in my leltlung as big as a halt-dollar. I expend ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med icines. 1 was se tar gene at ene time a report we:.t aieund that I was dead. f. gave up hope but : mend told me el Dlt. WM. UAM.'S I'.AISAM FOItTIIK LUNGS. I laughe at my Irlenils, thinking my case ii.curable,hut I getabi ttle te satisfy them, when te my sur prise a' ii gratification, 1 commenced te 1 eel better My hope, onee dead, began te revive, a'idte lay 1 leelln better spirits than I have the past three years. " 1 wrilethls hoping you will publish it, se thai every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take DR. WM. HALL'S 1IALSAM FOItTHE LUNGS, and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. 1 have taken two bottle and can positively hay thai It has done me mero geed than all the ether medicines I heve taken since my sick nean. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and 1 shall seen be ablete gote work.' Sold bv 11. It. Cochran, 1S7 North Oueen street Henry'- Carbolic Salve. The best Salve in the werid ter cuts.brutses sores, ulcers, salt rheum, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, treckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te give ported atishictien in every case or money ifiiinded. I5 sure you get Hknry'b Caubolie Salvk, as all ethers are bnt imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Htei". 137 North Queen sired my2;i-4 MAlUUAUJ2i. SuissLUR Milled On the 29th et Mav, 1833, by the llev. W. T. Gerhard, at hisiesider.ee, Ne. 31 Hast Orange .street. Mr. A. It. Shissler, et East Petersburg, te Mi-s U7Zle E. Miller, et Mount Jey borough. H NX.W ADVlMlTISEMlSXTlt. JTMW AJtrMXVOI. I ,'OKSAI.K. A MSW " WOODS SWEEP- rake' Price, $70. mSKEIeeil Reaper. I!:i Apply ie i. s never been tn use. ISOMUERGER, Lllltz, Pa. 1 OST KSTKHDA V A YKI.I.U W UAftAKl Bird. A lowaulel il.eiu'i'.l be paid by returning it alive, te JOHN SCHOENUKIt GER'S EXCELSIOR HALL, East King St It STKAWUKKRY ANO ICK UKTKABl lestlval is open at Si. PjiiI's M.E.chnrch, Seuth Queen street, te con Hums until Saliu dav evening. Tickets et admivdeii, which are sold at ten cents, will be l.il.en ter ten cents lu exchange, ter anything en i he tables. 31-11 Brown's Household Panacea Is the most, oilecilve Pain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied exter nally, ami thereby mer certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted dou ble the strength than any ether similar prepa ration. It cures pain In the Side, Rack or Uewels, Sore Threat, Rheumatism, Toethaclio, and ALL ACHES, and is The Urent Kollever el Palu. " BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA" should be in every family. A teaspoon tul et the Panacea in a tumbler et het water sweet ened, ir preferred, taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. mayl-T,Th,F&w ITASTKI.-A MAN WHO IIAS ItttEN with a tobacco hen-e, well acquainted in this county, one able te buy himself. One with his own team preluned. weed references required. Address. " li. " Ne. :'. E. Iltith St., New Yeikelty. iiiuytt-iitd&liw w OKKINUMKN MllOlJI.lKJOTO BEOHTOLD'S Te buy tin ir Wearing Apparel. A Iresh sup ply iust jeeelvecl, at very moderate prices. Iluiltllug Stene anil sand delivered at short notice. Rye Straw, ted mid Leaf Mould iei llerisls and elheis ler ssie. HENRY ItECHTOLD, Ne. '! N. Queen Street. S-Store and dwelling ler sale or rent. Im mediate possession. feUS-lvd e XFOUDSPKINU l'AK. Oxford Asricnltnml Society, 3. OXFORD.CHESTKR COUNTY, PA., will held their SPRING FAIR, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. JUNEG,7&3, 1SS 'Ihe Agricultural. Machinery, Floral, Fruit aud Mimical Instrument Departments will be well filled. Horticultural Exhibition. Live Steek. Thirty-live noted trotters entered. Trettingatid Bicycle Races each day. Lirire Incubtlnr in process et hatching. Goedmusic by the ' itizens Brass Band el Oxford, Amuse ments, .tc. Excursion tra'us en railroads. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. ISAAC ACKER, Pnsldent. Theodere 1C. Stubbs. Secretary. m3I-2t iiewtc Secure Health. t seems fctrange that, anv ene will suffer lrem the many derangements brought en by an lmpu'-e condition et the bleed, when SCO VILL'SSARSAPAUILLAANDSTILLINGIA, or BLOOO AND LIVER SYRUP will restore perlect health te the physical organization. It is indeed a streiigthcnlrg syrup, pleasant te take, aid has proven imelf te be the best BLOOD PURIFIER ever discovered, efleet ually caring Scrofula, Syphlltic disorders, Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bil. ions complaints and all diseases indicating an impure condition of the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects indl gestien. A single bettle will prove te you its merits as a health rencwer, ler It ACTS I.IKE A CHARM, especially when the complaint is et an exhaustive nature, havim; a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain and nor veus system. ..Elt'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain in man and beast. Fer use externally and Inter nally. RED HORSE POWDERS euro all diseases of horse, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A POSITIVE CURE. may24-2 Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street mM M. T.A1tCAHTKlCKIilTABY OUMPAXT L will held their meetiag .te-morrow (FRI DAY) evening at e oxieck, uiaieaa ei inis evening, it CAPT. WM. J. irORDXET. WAWTICD-AK APirBBallOBTO LBABN U 53 Wert Chestnut St. FOB SALE A DK8IBABI4K COUNTRY residence, known as "ABBEVILLE" one mUe west et Lancaster, en the Columbia turnpUe, with land containing; about 12$ acres. 5 acres el which are In Lawn, Garden and Orchard. Choice fruits In full bearing and an abundant supply or Spring Water. Fer lurthcr particulars, terms el : sale, etc., apply te. .KB. LONG, Seal Kstata Agent, mawtd e. 6 West Xing 8t. THE DISEASES OF XHB SHIR ABE OF ten dependent en certain constitutional states et diseases et tbe ether parts, and the skin, when extensively diseased, leads te mor mer bid conditions et parts net anatomically re- aAH skin Diseases, Cancers; Tumors and jPrf. vate Diseases permanently cured by EBS. H. dT and M. JL. LONGAKEB. Offlce-13 East Walnnt street, Lancaster, Pa. CoMuttatlen free. mal-8tdAw KOPOSALS niB'STONK AMU STONK- WOBK Proposals will be received up te 7 o'clock p. m. en Monday, June 4th, for build ing stone per perch, delivered en the ground et the Eastern Market company. Alse ler hauling stene per perch from the Almshouse quarry. , Alse ler laying stone per perch, either in cluding or net including the mortar. Alse ler lime per bushel and sand per lead. Bids te be lelt at Allan A. Herr & Ce.'s office, Ne.108 East King street, where plan and specl specl ficatlens can be seen. J. 1 KtD si-neb, m29-5tK Chairman Building Committee. lTTaTed PKOPOSALS FOfc SEWER. Sealed proposals for grading, guttering and bulldinga sewer en Derwart street, between Maner and Poplar streets, will be received by the street committee up te 5 o'clock en MON DAY, JUNE 4, 1883, and are te be deposited in the Street Committee Bex, at Alderman Ban's office and endorsed "Proposals ler Sewer." Proposals te be In accordance with plans and specifications, which can be seen at the office of Colonel Gerhart. City Kegnlater, Graut building, en and after Wednesday evening, May SO, 1S8J. By order et tne street uemmu tee. m29.30,31&J2d J K. BARR, Clerk. IVENAWATtt UlVENAWAT! A Beautiful Oil Chrome WITH EVERY TWO POUNDS OK COFFEE, AT THE AMERICAN TEA OO.'S STORE NO. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. Best Granulated Sugar, 9c. White Sugar, 8c. Light Brown Sugar, 7&c, at 0 AMERICAN TEA CO.'S STORE. iu2U lwd Ne. 26 Centre Square. (-1 IK AUD FIKE INSURANCE CO0IPAN Y J OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets ever ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Insures Property at Current Kates. Lesses Promptly Settled and Paid. rife & Kaufman, AGENTS, Ne. 10 East King Street. ml2-6nidM.W&SK jKAPJKJC MAJtumus, c pUAKESW. FRY. Phares W. Fry's SLIDING ADJUSTIBLE Patented May 22, 1883. We are prepared te take orders and put in position our PATENT WIRE WINDOW SCREEN, get up In Urst-clasa style In Walnut and Poplar Iramcs, Plain ami Landscape Wires. We have them also finished with wire en, complete, very easily adjusted tout the window. Phares . Fry, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. t:cuusieSf. Ely's Cream Balm reduces inflammation Seres in the nasal passages are healed in a few days. Catarrhal headaehe is dissipated. Senses of smell.taste and hearing are restored. Price 50 cents. Apply Inte nostrils with little linger. Only Twe Bettles. Messrs. Jehnsen, Holleway& Ce., wholesale druggists of Philadelphia, Pa repert that soine time age a gent'.emau handed them a dollar, with arequet te send a geed catarrh cure te two army officers In Arizona. Recent ly the same gentlemen told them that both the officers and the wife el Gen. Jehn C. Fre ment, governor et Arizona, had been cured et catarrh by the two bottles et Ely's Cream Balm. myl6-2wdM.W,FAw The Ammunition is net exhausted. Oak Hall has plenty left. The Cassimere Pantaloons at $2.00 are less nu merous, but still abundant. The forty-two lines Men's and Youths' Suits at $7.00 te $10.00 are very full yet. The Oak Hall stock is tee big te be easily exhausted, and the Oak Hall pluck forbids any better 15ar- e-ains te be ettered elsewhere. Fer these reasons you will miss it if you pass Oak Hall when buying Clothing. Wanamaker & Brown. . Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. rpiIK i.XCUKSlON SEASON OF 18KU. TO THE SUMMER RESORTS AND EXCURSION POINTS- ON OK VIA The Shenandoah Valley Railroad. THE CAVERNS OK LUKAY. THE NATURAL URIDGE. THE VIRGINIA SP1DNGS, Ac-., &e. Perlect provl-lens at LURAY ler the ac commodation et Excursion. Parties el all dzes. Transportation Kates arranged ler parlies et various numbers from 5 te SOU. Correspondence' invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, ter the in rangementet Special Rates and Excursion Days. Transnortatlen lurnished en SPECIAL TRAINS when the size et the party justifies. Application through the General Passenger Agent or Superintendent of the Read en which the Excursion Party originates, te either et the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LUltAY INN can also be cared for by similar application. Round Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPRINGS and 3O0THEKN SUMMER UE SORTS en sale en and alter JUNE 1, at the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. SUMMERTOURIST GUIDE BOOKS and all lnlormatien furnished en application te tbe t'asscnger Agents, Shenandoah Valley R. R. or the Virginia, Tennessee A Georgia Air Line. A. POPE, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt, O. HOWARD ROYEK. Lynchburg. Va. Division Pass'r Agt.. Hagerstown, Md. may3a3md oeajj. SECOND EDITION. THUBSDAY BVEOTNQ MAY 31, 1868 AFTERNOON TELEGKAMS. THK BKOOKLYN BRIDGE DISASTER. Parents Inquiring Fer Children supposed te Have Been VictimsWestern Pistol Practice. New Yerk, May 31. A number of persons inquired at the police headquarters te-day for children or friends supposed te have been en the bridge at the time of the accident yesterday. There was, how ever, in only one or two cases reason te suppose that the missing persons might have been en the bridge. These who were injured in the disaster and are still at the hospitals are all doing well, and in no case is it thought that the injuries will result fatally. HABKZSBUKG NEWS, The Appropriations in tbe Senate. Special Dispatch te the Ixtelliqksckk. Harmsbubg, May 31. The Senate had under consideration this morning the gen. era! appropriation bill en third reading. When the prevision was reached providing for the payment te clerks and empleyes of the Senate pre-rata compensation for services beyond the hundred days, Gorden opposed it en the ground that the act allowing the pay was uncon stitutional. He had Gov. Heyt's objections of two years age read in support of his position. Mr. Gorden offered an amend ment te strike out the clause, but it was defeated. Mr. McKnight moved te in crease the amount proposed te be appro priated te the public schools from $1,000,000 te $1,500,809. After a long discussion and at the reading of a communication from the auditor general's department showing a probable deficiency in the state treasury, if the Jenkins bill te divert tavern and ether licenses from the state te the county treasuries were passed, the amendment was defeated. The consideration et the bill will be re sumed this afternoon'. The Seuate insisted en its amendment te the cengres sienal appoitienmeut bill. The resolution was finally adopted, authorizing the application of unexpended balance of fish ery appropriation of 1879 te improvement of fishery at Columbia and construction of fishery at Clark's Ferry. In tbe Heuse. In the Heuse the Pittsburgh city chat ter passed finally yeas, 129 ; nays, 13, with proviso of Weihl that it shall be submitted te a vote of the people before becoming operative. Tbe free pipe bill was defeated en final passage of the rejec tion of several ameudmeuts offered by its enemies. The vote was di for, te S3 against it. The bill lacking seven votes te pass it, the vete will probably be recon sidered. The Senate bill, giving power te the courts of Lancaster county te seuteuce prisoners either te the Eastern penitenti ary or county prison, passed finally. VVKSTEKN WAYS. Prompt Use or Weapons. Sai.ida, Cel. 31. Twe drunken miners last evening created a disturbance, and City Marshal Stingley attempted te arrest them. One of them named Evans attacked the marshal with a knife, and the latter shot and killed him. The ether miner, Themas Miuemeyer, theu shot the mar shal, Deputy Marshal Bathurst and a man named Guuueu. He then started for tbe mountain with a party of cttiizens iu pursuit, and before he was captured he shot aud killed William H. Brown, ene of the pursuers. Gunuen has siuce died and Bathurst and Stingley are iu a critical condition. There is strong talk of lyuch iug Minemeyer. THK THOMPSON 11UUKIIV. Mrs Thompson Denies rue stories Against tier Hener. Ciscinnatt, Ohie., May 31. A state ment by Mrs. Philip B. Thompson, the first she has made for publication, of the matters that resulted in the killing of Wal ter Davis by her husband, appeared here this merning.She denies pointedly that she was drunk at the St. Clair hotel, aud calls " Ged te witness that Walter Davis was innocent of auy wrong towards her when she went into his room that niht." She says that she could net waken Miss Bnck ucr and therefore she went into Davis' room. Her story was told at Mrs. Davis' house aud iu her presence. Civil Service In rhlladelpula. Philadelphia, May 31. Dertnau B. Eaten and Dr. Gregery, of the civil ser vice reform commission, audE. W. Clark, an advisory member of tha beard, be gan au inspection of the custom house aud pest office here this merniug. After consultation with Post master Huidekoper the beanl selected three of the departmcut superintendents as a beard of examiners, whose duty it will be te examine the quaificatiens of all ap plicants for places in the respective de partments of the posteffice.after July ICth. The commissioner then visited the custom house whete they had .i private conference with Collector Haitrauft. J M. M1KTIN Wholesale ane ttetut: Ueater In atl kinds Of LUliKb AND COAL. 9-ram: Ne. 120 North Watt-rand Prince treets above Lemen I .uncasier. n3-lyd Indignant Workmen. Chicago. May 31. The striking briek lavcrs claim that after the agreement be tween the cemmittee of bricklayers and master builders was signed en 1 uesday, the document was altered by the president of tbe Master Builders association. An indignation meeting was held last night. The men are very bitter aud refuse te be bound by the agreement. They did net resume work this morning. An Drunken Man's Deed. Bosten, May 31. Bartholemew Nea Nea len attempted suicide last night by cutting his threat, but was dis covered and taken te the hospital. This morning the dead body of Nealen's wife was found in their apartments. She had been murdered by her husband iu a drunken frenzy. Nealen then went te his father's house, where the attempt at suicide was made. Tbe Kecjrat OatbresJt Against the Jews. Londen, May 31. The outbreak against the Jews which, eccurrea at Rosteff en the 22d inst, en account of the murder of a Russian by a Jewish publican was quelled the same night, after 130 houses belonging te Jews had been destroyed. Fifteen of the rioters were killed by the troops who were called ent te suppress the disturbances. Tbe Laber Conference. Pittsburgh, Pa., May 31. The final conference of the Iren Makers' and Amal gamated association committees has been called for this afternoon when it is be lieved a settlement will be effected and a strike avoided. Mr. Evans Installed. Washington, May" 31. Mr. Walter Evans, the new commissioner or internal revenue, was fully installed in office this morning. Mr. Raum, the rotired commis sioner, was present and introduced the chiefs of the several division of the bureau te their new chief. Tbe BUI Investigation. . Washington, May 31. The Hill inves tigation began this morning. Se far nothing of importance has been done. WKATHKK INUlOATlONS. Washington, May 31. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, local raius, followed by colder clearing weather, southwest veer ing te northwest winds and higher pressure Thinning Garden Vegetables Germantown Telegraph. It is generally a fear with sewers that their seeds will net all grew, and many mero are sewn than necessary. This is all very well, only it requires se much after-cultivation in thinning out, which very few properly de, or if they de it is net done in time te be much benefit te the growing crop. Any one who sees a field of turnips in the autumn will understand what we mean. Hthe harrow were drawn through when young ever ene-half the turnip fields the final yield would be one third mere. Beets, carrots, salsify, pars nips and similar garden crops should be looked te in in season, and reduced se that the plants stand two or three inches apart. This will be found profitable if carefully dene. If it is leund that the crop is smaller than was anticipated almost any of these will de transplanted. We have seen crops of parsnips and beets se set out that made better roots than these from seed in the regular way. m i Poisoning Destructive Insects There is no question that Paris green properly used, may be employed te kill nearly all noxious insects which take their feed in solid form. The precautions te be observed are, net te poison the wrong ani mals or human beings ; net te injure the crop te which the poison is applied ; te give enough te kill the depredaters, and te allow time for the rains te wash it off One great advantage is that as the quautity of poison is nearly in proportion te the bulk of the animal, the minute portieu which is fatal te small insects has no effect whatever en a man, who weighs a hundred thousand times as much. Yet we would net advise auy ene te swallow this minutest portion, and it is net iudced necessary iu any case. The smallest do:e e( arsenic safely ad ministered by a physician, would be iu stantly fatal te a multitude of small beet les. A statement has been, published in some of the papers, that a cultivator pro tected his grapevine.1: from the rose bug by applying the same mixture of Paris green in water that he used ter potatoes. A second application was made after the rain washed oil' the first. It com pletely cleared the viues of the rese-bug and the viues wcru unhurt. The same water mixture may be used for the squash and cucumber bugs, only about half as strong, or else it will injure the yeuug plant:;. I'r insects which suck juices in stead of eating solids, it is of little or no account. MANUBK AND COAL. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herse Ma nure by the carload at reduced prices. All tbe BEST GKAOES OK COAL, Beth for Family and Sieam purposes. CES1ENT by the barrel. HAY and STBAW by the ten or bale. Yard 315 Harrisburg Pike. General Office 20 Kast Chestnut street. Kaufflnan, Keller & Ge. aerl-lyd F KEY'S UBAKCUAL LOZKNQES, The most reliable nnd surest euro for Hcauache. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Bad Breath and all diseases arising lrem u disordered stomach. Price 25c. per Bex, mailable. Prepared and sold by ANDREW G. FKEY, DRUGGIST, 29 E. Orange St., Cor. Christian, Lancaster, Pa. Drugs, Chemicals, etc., always en hand at tbemest reasonable prices. a27-lyd&w OAl.. M. V. B. CO HO, ,i0 HtlHTH WA.1BH HI., Jiuuuter, Ira.. Wholesale and detail Dealers In. LUMBER AND GOAL. Ikmnoctten With the Telephonic Exchange Yard and ethc Ne. 330 NORTH W ATE L Prison Mystery. Jeltet, Ills., May 31. Jehn Andersen, a convict from Chicago was found dying in bis cell last night with bis threat cut. His cell mate Michael Mooney is suspected of the man's murder, but he asserts that Andersen committed suicide. STUEET. teMS-ljd BOVKB Aim BXATIOXZMlr -VTEW BOOKS. .MB. ISAACS. THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTEK, THE ADMIRAL'S WARD SOCIAL EQUALITY. THE LA TSttT MA (MIZINBS AWB NEW STATIONERY, I. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KINO; STBMT; A Train Falls Through a Bridge. Bosten, May 31. A freight train en the Grand Trunk railway fell through the iron bridge at Statford Hellew this morn ing. Engineer Havanagb.and the fireman, whose name is unknown, were killed and a number of cars wrecked. The accident was caused by a broken rail. A. Bitter Warfare. Calcutta, May 31. Fighting between the forces of the Ameer of Afghanistan and the Shinwarris has been renewed. The losses have been heavy en both sides. Raft leads of dead bodies have been brought down the Cabul river. they visit the yard. The proper mating of the breeding stock is the most important priaaiBle oeaaeoted with the breeding of poultry, and yet I will venture te say, that it is less studied and experimented with than any ether matter connected with the profession. Breeders as a rule will select what they consider the beat specimens they have, but te give a reason why, they place a certain cook or coekerell in a pen with a givea let off hens. and pullets, net one iu twenty can de it. They take chances of raising nice fowls out of a large number, and still they will claim in their advertise ments that they are mated for the best results. True they hope te have the best results, but are unable te give a reason for tbe faith within them." 3CAMKX13. Philadelphia Market. PrnxADELPHrA. May 31. Fleur steady: Superfine, $312503 ft); extra, 13 7S4 25, Penn'a Family. M 90&5 1?. Kye flour at 13 73. Wheat Arm: Ne. 1 Western Red, $1 Jl)ei '2C; Ne. 3Ked,fll6X9U7. Cern quiet and steady. Oats firm and fair demand : Ne. 1 White, 51c; Ne. 2de,493Kc; Ne. 3 de, 4Mc; Ne.'.: Mixed. 45Kc Rye scarce at 70c. Previsions steady. Lard quiet. Butter dull and weak; Pa. Creamery ex tra, ac: western, asc Bells dull at 7ai2c. as te quality. Eggs quiet : Penna. 19c : Western, Cheese steady for choice. Petroleum dull ; Kenned, TMc Whisky at $119. ! New Yerk Market. Skw Yerk, May 31 -Fleur State and West ern rather quiet; Superfine State, S3 av i 25 ; Extra de, $4 1304 35 : Choice de, St i 7 00 ; Family de, 7 1037 1" ; round hoop oh!e,4 13Q4 75 : choice de, $t 8033 75 ; Super fine Western. S3 6004 25 ; common te geed extra de. S4 15Q4 60 ; choice de, S4 7097 : South ern quiet and steady; common te fair Extra, $4 355 20 : Geed te choice de, 5 25S 75. Wheat !4(?Jc lower, heavv and irregular ; less doing; Ne. 1 White $t 16: Ne. -1 Red, May. $1 2JK ; June, $1 22K01 22-Ji; July. 1 21 1 24; .tug., l 2Cl 26; Sept., $1 2T 123. Cern ,mc better and qu et. Oais Vayp better; Ne. 2 July. 4C.K04':c ; Sept., 4nc ; State, 5039c ; Western, 4tf 57e. Mew KerK Quotations by Associated Pien. Stocks dull and lower. New Yerk Central irie ltaiireti..... ............. Adams Express Michigan Central Railroad Michigan Southern Railroad , Illinois Central Railroad .- Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad , Chlc.igeJt Keck Island Railroad Pittsburgh A Kert Waynu Railroad.... Western Union Telegraph Company.. Teledo ft Wabash New Jerdey Central New Yerk Ontario & Western.. -. , .... X .... !:!& ... I'M .....I I2 J ....ix: KilS. ... f-sa .... 2i: .... 7! Philadelphia. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks steady. Philadelphia & Kile It. R Reading Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad.... Lehigh Valley Railroad United Companies or New Jersey... Northern Pacific. Northern Pacific Preferred Northern Central Railroad Lehigh .Navigation Cempuuy Norristown Railroad Central Transportation Cempanv.. Plttsb'g, Tltusvllle & UutlUle tt. It.. Little Schuylkill Railroad ,!K biecK niariceis. Quotations by Reed, McGniun & Ce, ors, Lancaster, Pa. 10..m liu. llet ttttter lur tnnet'tt. Country Gentleman. Application of hoi water te kii! ilcstnu; tive iusectM has the impertaul advantage that it docs net cover edible plants with auy foreign or poisonous matter, as may take placu when ether roinedies are used. We have successfully used heated water for many years te do de do stiey the cabb.ii;i) worm, if applied after the head has formed, tha het water only affecting the auter I-mvch, and net even injuring these if p'-i'pi' i ly applied. There are two essential tellurites te be observed, namely, te have the water at the right degree of heat, and te continue the show ering just long enough. As a general rule we find it best te apply the water rather het, and but for a moment. Seme experience ami judgment are required te make these two requisites meet, aud by net doing se many persons fall in the use and proueunco the remedy of no value. What we want is a series of experiments, iu counectien w ith the use of the ther mometer, te determine what temperatures, and for hew many seconds will be re quired te kill the' different destructive iusects, aud te ascertain hew high a de gree of heat may be applied te plants without injuring thorn. Seft larva: may be mere easily disposed of iu this way, doubtless, than hard shelled beetles ; ami old, matured foliage and growth will be less souaitive te het water than yeuug and tender growth. The Cabbage pest. Fer two or three years past the cabbage crop has greatly sullVred from the worm, which has become a most destructive enemy of this valuable vegetable. Many attempts have been made te get rid of it by resorting te half a score of different appliances ; but se dense are the leaves and bulky the head, that it is uext te im possible te disledge all the worms, con cealcd as many of them are, iu the com pact layers. The best remedy one indeed that seems te be as cf fectual as, under the circumstances, it can be is te take a half pound each of hard soap and kerosuue oil, dissolve in three gallons of water, with which te thoroughly sprinkle thelheads. A single application may be sufficient, but as it may net always be, a second, and psruaps even a third, may be necessary. This preparation has been tested ever and ever in the most careful manner, and it is re garded, though very simple, as a positive remedy. We print it new in brief, iu order that tbe cultivators of the cabbage may bave ample time te be ready for the enemy. Michigan Central New Yerk Central.... New Jersey Central.. Ohie Central.....' Del. Lack. & Western. Denver & Rie Grande f.i'ie. ........ ........... ii'iiisas X Texas Lake Shere Chicago & N. W.. com.... I'i'J N. n out. a western.... St. Paul .V Omaha Pacific inail................ Rochester & Pittsburgh.. 31, A till ! Texas Pacitle Union Pacitlc Wabash Common Wabash Preferred Wcst'rn Union Telegraph Louisville & Nashville... N. Y., Chi. St. J. Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Pennsylvania Reading.... I. T. & Rutrale Northern Pacific Cem. . Neitliern Pacific Pref... Iliwtoiivllle Philadelphia A Kri.i Northern Central Underground Canada Southern OU .......................... People's Passenger..". 1'2I4 7S,'i 2S; 1074i 44 41 20" 101 4lt 4S?i ri 12 IK 7! 47 35 2S4S m 2.-.JS 4IK 42 20 1U1 ; 9ii 41K sty 4SS 42' i 2t; ::-lu 4MJ 4i,i 49J4 t;i no e,i 11'. i'.i s-ii: 57; iw,i wy. . 42' . a; . 14 . 5'IVi liank tp. M. iVyt 12I-H 79 12:t 4U?i .'! 23 fc; Kid CM 255 41 . 20' i I'll'.. :a 2i? 4li - H2h 4.14 IUi" 4 i'i Mi M IISVS l.erai stecKs and Bends Reported hy.l. II. Leng. Par vnl. ..JUKI .. 100 .. loe .. I'll . IOI .. 1U KM) .... 100 tse 50 . 50 . loe . 2b , tee 100 100 , se 50 5U ..1MI .. . ion nw Ce.. 100 Ce., 109 One and Inseparaele." Little Reck, Ark., May 31. Many ex Confederate soldiers were present at the memorial services here yesterday. Beth Federal and Confederate graves were dec orated. 1 he Walking Match. Baltimore, May 31. The score in the walking match at 2 o'clock te-day was as fellows : Hnghes 382 miles, Neremac 354, Panchet 351, Hart 319. Breed I dc or liaising Poultry. A Texas correspondent of the American Poultry Journal makes the following very pertinent remarks en tbe difference be tween breeding and simply raising poultry : " There is a wide difference between the breeder of poultry and the person who simply raises poultry. There are hundreds of persons raising thoroughbred poultry, who knew nothing of tbe principles of mating their fowls; they make up, perhaps, their breeding pens with se many hens te a cock without any idea as te their affin ity, or relative qualities, and yet tbey advertise themselves as breeders. Many make no selections at all, but put all te breeding, sell and hatch eggs from them promiscuously, from one year te another, and when they offer te sell eggs at one dol lar a setting, the ordinary purchaser will wonder why some people will ask from $2.50 te $5 for a setting of eggs from the same variety of Yowls, and in most cases they will buy eggs from the poultry raiser, and net the breeder. I find, however, that the better class of people can see the difference as as seen as ;.. 'tt v e peir ct. Lean, due is!. " 1SB5. S!W. w 1ST. " per ct, lit I or JO ye it ' rijmret.S3he.il Lean.. l tn 1 or 20 years " lu 5 or 20 years.. 100 tf " In 10 or 20 years. 100 VlHiihelm lioreuglt lean MlUOItLLAMKOUlt OTOUKM. Q'larryvllle IC. R. MilliM'JVtllu Street Car tniiiirei- Printing Cempuuy Wateh factory (las Light ami Kiinl Cetntianv..... Stevens Heuse (l.euds)..... Cnlu'iilita iiw Company . Columbia Water Company. SuHiiehann:i Iren Ceuipunv .. Marietta !Iotlewwtre Sle. vena Heuse.................... Sicily Island iCast llrandywlne A Wayuesb'g. Uillorsvllle Nermal Scheel Northern Market MISOKLLAKKOU- HltNIM yu.irryviiie R. i:., due law iie'iding U Columbia It. IC5S. Lancaster Watch Ce- due H; .. i .aneaster Uiw Light and Kite; due iu ler 20 years Lancaster Uaa Light and fuel it lit) ltV.-. TUBNPIKB STOOKH. Ulg Spring Reaver Valley.... Ilrtdgepert & lloresbeo Columbia & Chestnut illil ':elumbIa& Washington Columbia ft Big Spring Columbia & Marietta Mavtewn s. Kiizaoetntewn. Lancaster a; .pnraia.... ze Lancaster & Willow Street 25 Straseurg Millport 25 Marietta Maytown 25 Marietta Mount J-v... 25 IiancEilsabPtht'n AMIddlet'ii 100 Lancaster Frultville. -. -'" Lancaster Lltitz 25 Lancaster Wllllamstewn Lancaster Maner.'. 50 r.'incastnr & Manhnim 25 Lancaster Marietta 25 Lancaster New Helland.. 100 Lancaster ft Susctiehanwi.. ......... TOO BANS STOCKS. Klrat National nan. tlOO Farmers' National Rank 50 Fulton National Bank 100 Lancaster County National Bank.: 50 Columbia National Bank 100 Christiana National Bank luu Kphrata National Bank loe First National Bank, Columbia.. .. 100 First Vatienal Bank, Strasburg.... 100 h'ii'i" National Rank, Marietta 100 First National Bank. Mount Jey.. 1U0 Lltlt. National Bank Manlmim National Bank..... Union National Bank. Mount Jey. New Helland National Bank (iap National Rank ' "X I bSt ct-Ie. roll. ll.' lev" ll J Oil 111.' 102 C b :k ,r. 4'. 120 90 2 2 5.C5 2211 '6 IB I 21 "iV.85 tl'JO 1 l"2 100 te: $ if. 25 23 95 100 100 50 1U1 100 IS ts .11 M 47. 40 21 tit - :n m 54 7r 90 133.10 41 X, 70 27f.M -15 ica.e 140 110.25 1IH.2T. 118 142 141.31 I4S 200 150.25 140 151 75 i:r. I2U T lOBAUUO PKKSSK9. MINNICH'S I.ATKST 1MPROVEDTOBACCO PRESSES. ' Fer Casing and Baling Tobacco. Soldtohon Seldtohon Soldtehon oi able parties ou trUl. Warranted superior lu every feature te any In present use. It net as represented can be returned at my ex pense. Alse Manure Heeks for cleaning ca bles sold en same terms, send for circular. S. B. MINNICH. I.andlsvllle, Lancaster Ce., Fa. .U-S.M.WAW JOXIt5K. NOTICE IS' HKKEUV QIVbN JN that application has been made te thu Court of Common l'lsas of Lancaster count v , te amend or altar the charter of the " Evan gelical Lutheran church of the Hely Trinity, el Lancaster, Pa.," limiting the cieatien ei debt by or en behalf et ealcf congregation and incorporation te three hundred dollars in ex cess of Its Income. And the same will be granted en JUNE 13, A.D. 1883, at 10 o'clock, . m., unless ctfhse'be shown te the contrary. N. ELLMAKKR, Solicitor. M IT 21, 1883. m23-3tdeawT