LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, MAY 28. 1883. LITTLK LOCAW. were aed-here an l Kverywftere. Alueiraan Samson committed "Cel." Ta-gart ler 30 days, and Charles Delan fer5 days, for drunken and disorderly con duct. . , .. . . The public schools of the city will be closed en Wednesday rrext, 30th inst., Decoration Day bein a legal holiday. The parade of the G. A. R. 'will take place in forenoon instead of the afternoon, be as net te interfere with the Knight Templar dem onstration. The Inmside base ball club have rented Peutz'8 let at Charlette street and the Harrisburg turnpike, and they will enclose it with a lence for base hall purposes. They have secured nearly all the money needed for the project. On Saturday evening Jacob and Jonas Geed gave bail before the Court and Alderman VicConemy. en tha savcral chaiges of foiciule entry against them, and were discharged from custody. The beat en the Conestoga did an im mense business yesterday, twenty or thirty trips ftem thebridge te the City Mill being made. It was ciewded en all the trips. The Prison Inspectors intended te held a meeting this morning, te take some action in legard te Jthe small pox. They concluded te held ue meeting hewever, as they think they can de nothing mere than lias alicidy been done The beard will inert en next Monday. Arrest el a iceugh This memiug Joe Haley, alias "Bahi mere Jee," a notorious rough, after being leleased Irem prison get en a drunk. Shortly before 11 o'clock he made his ap peal mice en North Queen street ; visited the City Hetel, Hrimmer's livery office and Haldy'.s mathle vard aud announced that he was a fighter and able te whip anybody. He wan very disorderly, aud as officer Herr attempted u, arrest him Joe resisted aud kicked and .struck at the officer, who in l elm n btuiek him en the head with a blackjack. This seemed te make the piiseuur weii,e, and after leguiuiughis feet he fought desperately. Officer Daily came te Huir'.s assistance aud succeeded in getting Jnc as far as Copland's, where he was placed in a wagon and taken te the btatien lieusf. The blew fiem the black-jack cut a small artery aud the man bled profusely. Jee is one ei the worst men of his kind that the police have te deal with. The last time he was ai rested he gave the officers a terrible light. He is et stout bnild and is very muscular, and treacherous, se that officers are compelled te use considerable foice with him. I'.uerhlal Scheel l'icnlc. The phildicu or St. Mary's Catholic parochial schools, about 120 in number, are holding a picnic te day at What Glen puk. Tuiee busses thronged with the little ones with smiling faces started for the scene of the festivities at 8:"30 o'clock this morning. The school, which has been in successful operation for sometime in the handsome new buildiug adjoining the church, is under the immediate super intendence of Dr. P. J. McCullagb, the luhter or St. Mary's, aud has 125 pupils en its' rolls. Ulcycle Accident. At noentodav. Hairv Zellers, son of Geerge Zellcis of Charlette street, was running acrcei West King street when he was knocked down by a bicycle ridden by a mau named Snyder. He had an ugly gahh cut in his cheek below the eye aud Dr. M'Cermick drefcsed the wound. Snyder took a header" from the bicycle but escaped with slight injury. Snoeting Accident. Yesteiday a let of boys were playing along the creek, and among them was one named Frankfeid, who had a revolver. He tiied te take the lead from the weapon when it fell te the ground and was dis charged. The ball struck a boy named Rudy in the aim, causing an ugly weuud. Wet True. About one half of the town has been excited ever the lopert that Geerge Biini- mer had died of smallpox in the prison. The repeitcis especially have been pest ered by inquisitive people aud for the benefit of the latter we will state that Brimmer is net dead nor even sick. Full (! Palmers. This afternoon, while painters were working at the house of E. Eberman, North Duke street, the scaffolding gave way eti which wcre two painters. Oue of the men clung te a lope and the ether fell te the ground. He was slightly bruised. Discharged. Jehn Thompson, who was arreste1 en suspicion of being a thief, was discharged te day. as nothing could be found en which te held him. Received tlte Reward. On Sat unlay Chief of Pelice Deichler received his icwarri from the Missouri antlieiiUes, for capturing Jehn B. Dennis. fttraHiilK lteaullful, t:iienp. Durable. While wcailly walfcingln the summer'. op prcsslve heal get beneath l lie refreshing shallow el one ei the liglitsunsbudes Just re; reived hyA. llirsn, Nes.C mil 8 North Queen3 from the celebrated Hir.-ih A. lire parasol manulactery, 1'hlhidelphi.i. Tlinv are the latest Miiuiner styles; light, attiacllvelook attiacllveleok attiacllveloek mgand vorvche.p. Mr. II. aleoimneunccsa great laducllnn et liillllnerv goods el all kinds. Our count ly Ir.ciu s vl-ltlng town thU week should call. JS-PI.A.IN Talk raex int. swayhb Te Whom It May Cencern: Itching Piles Is ene et the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Every one can tell whether he Is thus afflicted by observing the following symp toms : Intense itching, particularly alter get ting warm. It seems as it pin worms were crawling m or abent the rectum. Small lumps sometimes lerm. The private parts are of ten affected. TJie mere you scratch the worse the itching. Knewing that my ointment Is super ler te any article in the market, I guarantee 1 te cure the worst case et itching piles in exlst- 6nrSlgned, H.SWAYNE. M. D. Dr Swayne's Ointment is aIeapk asant anil enVctive cure ler tetter, itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas, barber's itch, pimples, and all scaly, crusty, itchy skin eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent for 50 eta. (in 3c. stamps), 3 boxes, $1.25. Address, lr. swayne ft Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ectU-lydTu.Th&S4w Don't Ilurry, Gentleman." Said a man en his way te be hanged, " there'll be no tun till I get there " Wesay te the dys peptic, nervous and debilitated, don't hurry thoughtlessly ter tome icmedyer deubtrul merit, uncertain of reller, when you ran get at the drmrgtsts ler one dell Burdock Bleed Bit ters almost sure te cure and cei tain te benefit. Kersalebv H. II. Cochran, drnggUt, 137 and 119 North Queen street- Bluibera ! Motherai Mothers! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your i est by a sick child suffeiing and crying with the excruciating pain or cnttlng teeth? If se goat once and gctabsttleelMRS. WIN SLOW 'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will lelieve the peer little, sutterer imme I lately depend upon it ; there 1 no mistake about it. There is neta mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell yen at once that it will regulate the bowels uml glve lest te the mother, and rellet and health te the child, op erating like magic. It is perfectly sate te Use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription of one of the eUct and best female physician-! in the United State. Held everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. iuayl-M,W,Siw 'The best is the cheipes'." is an old and true maxim. Tliu Celluloid Eye-Glasses are tlte best ter these who need artificial aid for the eyes. Fer sale by nil leading Jewelers and Opticians. iny2I-lwdeed&w De Net move llllndly Ge carefully la purchasing medicine. Many adverllscd remedies can work great injury are woise thannone. Burdock Bleed Bitters area purely vegetable preparation ; the small est child can tike them. They kill disease and cure the patten' In a sate and kludlv way. Forsalebv II. It. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 Nei t li Queen street. Brown's Household Panacea Is the most eilective Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied exter nally, ami theieby mere certainly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than auy ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted dou ble the itieii;;!h than any ether similar ptepa ptepa ratien. it em cs pain in the Side, Hack or Rowels Sere Threat, Rheumatism, Toothache, and AM. AOIILS, and is The Oreat Kellever ut Pain. " ISKOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA " should be in every rumily. A teaspoentul et the Punacca in a tumbler et het water sweet eneil, il prelerred, taken at bedtime, will BREAK UP A COLD. 2." cents a bottle niavl-T.TIi.t'&w jinw te Secure Health. I sci-nis strange that any one will sutrer from the man ylerangements brought en by an impure condition et the bleed, when SCO VILL'SaARSAPARILLAANDSTlLLlNGlA, or BLOOD AND LIVER SVKUP will restore period health te the physical organization. It is Indeed n stieiigtlienlng syrup, pleasant te take, aid has proven itself te be the beat BLOOD PURIFIER ever discovered, etleel uully ruling Scrofula, Syphlltic disorders, Weakness et the Kidneys, Krysipelas, Alala iUi all neiveus disorders and debility, bil. Ions ceuiplalutsand all diseases indicating an iuipuiu condition et the Bleed, l.iver. Kid nejM, Stomach. Skin, etc. It corrects indl gestien. A single bottle will prove te you Us mei its as a health reneyer, ter it ACTS 1.1 K K A CHARM, ewpeciall when the complaint ts et an exhaustive naiure, having a tendency te lessi'ii the natnial vigor el the brain and nf.i eus system. ., ii EU'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain In man ami bcust- Fer use externally and inler n-illy. RttDJIOKfrE POWDERS cine all ilNeaes of horse, cattle, sheepr hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A POSITIVE CUK P.. mavSI- Fer sale at II. 1!. Cochran's ding -teip l-i Nei th Queen streel Wells "Keugli en t;;irus." Ask for Wells' " Ueugh en Com Cem Quick, complete, permanent cine, warts, bunions. ' 15c. Cern", Itutlillng Lets Fer Sale. A. W. Russel lias eight beautiful buildiug lets en North Lime stieet, opposite Lancaster ceuieleiy, which are the most eligible lets available en which te build handsome resi dences, lie also has lets en Frederick street that are ve-y desirable ter building purposes. Call en A. W. llusei'Il.'-'Z North Queen street, It you want a nice building let. m20 St Keys found, Otllcer Wlnewer leund at the Plew tavern en Saturday evening, a bunch of keys secured by a patent safety ring. The owner can have hem by calling en the officer. KKSCUICD Iflteni UKAfH ThetollewingotatomentofWIlUainJ.Cough In, et Semervllle, Mass., is se remarkable tnat we beg teask for it the attention et our read ers. lie says : "In tha lull et 1S7C 1 was taken w Ith a violent bleeding et th lungs, followed b use veie cough. 1 seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was se weak nt ene time that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer et 1877 1 wasadmil ted tot he City Hospital. Whllcthere the doctors said I had a hole in iny loll lung as big as a halt-dollar. I expend ed" ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med icines. 1 was se lar gene at one time a report went around that I was dead. 1 gave up hope but a friend told me et DU. WM. HALL'S KAISAM POIt T11K LUNGS. 1 laughe at my friends, thinking my case ii.eurable,but I get a brttle te satisfy them, when te my sur prise u' d gratification, 1 commenced In feel hotter My hope, ence dcbd, began te revive, aulteifayl feel In better spirits than J hsive the past tlnee years. " ; wrllethis hoping you will publish It, se that everv one alllicted Willi Diseased Lungs will be Induced te lake DK. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOUTIIE LUNGS, and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN UK CUltKD. I have taken two bottle ami can positively say that it has done me mere geed than all the ether medicines 1 have taken since my sick ness. My cough lias almost entirely disap peared and 1 shall seen be able te go te work. sold bv II. it. Cochran, 137 North Oueen streel SVECTAL NOTICES. Seekei s after hea'th can find It. See adver- Ucmentet Simmons Liver Regulator. Fast, brilliant and fashionable are the Dia mond Dye colors. One packare colors 1 te 4 tts. et goedn. 10 ccnls ter any color. Direct results health and digestion. Read the adveillseuient of biuiniens Liver Regulator. Physicians attest: " Celdeu's Liquid Beet Is particularly useful In Diphtheria, Fever, and everj depressing disease." my23.iwdeed&w &XBB1AGS. LvTK-GniFWTn -On May 20. 18S3, at the res idence et the bride's father, Themas Ortfiltli. csn. Ebensbnigb, Cambria county. Pa., by the Rev. T. B. Jenes. Francis l.yte. et Minne apelis, Minn., and Mtes Annie K. Griffith. 1HCA.TU8. Watt. In this city, en the 27lh Inst., Lizzie Lcarmentb, wife el P. T. Watt. Netice of lnneral hereafter. XJSW AXtyiStiTlSHMEftJt. "1 IBUV MY GOODS FKOM FJ1WT HANnS fercaah and sell the best goods for the money In the city at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT 1 1(5 Alt STORE. OTANTKn-A SHOKMAKKK AT THJE W Kagle Shoe store, Ne. fl North Queen street. JOHN I1IEMENZ. ANTKU.-TO BUY A GOOD COW. Address, it. t. sa .n ujsus. m2C-2t Kinzers, Lancaster Ce., ia. w THK I.ADIKS' CITY TRACT SOCIETY 1. wi:l meet In the vestry room et St. Paul' Rnlermed church en TUhaOAY EVENING al IK o'clock, ANNIK UUNDAK ER, it Secreiary. BO AUDI NO FOOIl OK F1K YOUNG men wanted te beard at Ne. iir. Maner stieet. Geed bearding and pleasant rooms en reasonable terms. .,..., inv.-J3td.M,W&S :5 by lJOR UKKT.-TUK STOlti: KOOM, NO, f North Queen street, new occupied Ames Rlugwait. Apply m . . , 1HOh. B. FRANKLIN, feb7.8.9,llleedtld Ne. 120 East King St. ANY Pr.KSON VrANTlKO Till! I5UD welser Beer, or Ginger Ale, can be ac ac ac coinmet'ated by cilliiig en GEO. WALL, 225 Seuth Queen street. Oi ders lcceivtd by telephone promptly at tended te. m2C-2t aTKK JIBNT NOT1CK-ONUY A KKW niore days te pay yenr water rent. Wed nesday being a legal holiday the oflice will be closed. Bung your notices with you te save trouble. 5 per cent, abatement It paldbelore June LISA C.F.MYERS. m2i;-3td Treasurer. riMlKKKOUI.AU MONTHLY MRKT1NU OK I the American Mechanics' Building unit Lean Association will be held this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock at W. II. Keland's office, Ne. 20VJ Sonth Duke street. Meney for sale. E. J. ERISMAN, It Secretary. A1TKNTKJN, KNIOIITS TKMl'l.Altt The escort ami guar.Set Lancaster Com Cem maudery. Ne. 13, K. T., will meet at the Asvluni, te-morrow, Tuesday atternoen, at 4:30 p. m., fei escort duty. By order et ' E.ORAMLYTE, Eminent Commander. 11. S. Gaka, Receider. It 1 KNEKAI. MO. 1. JT Latjeastek, May 28, 18SI. Unassigued Infantry Ce., Attention The members et the Unassigued Infantry Ce., N. G. et Pa., will meet at Excelsior Hall, East King street, en TUESDAY EVENING at h o-clec , shai p. W. .J . FORDNEY. Captain. C. U. Heffmiur, IstSeigeant. It G IKAKll FUCK JN!KANCK COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets ever ONE MILI.IOi,. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Insures Property at Uunent Rates. Lesses Piemptly Settled and I'al.l. RIFE & KAUFMAN,. AGfc.NT', Ne. 10 Ea3t. ml2-CmdM.WiSi: King Street. TANAMAKF.K & KHOWN. TV1 Fer Slimmer Sales. The advent of warm weather brings forward our thin stuff. Linens, Alpacas, Marseilles, Pen gees, Seersuckers and Cottens. On Clothing of this class, as en all light woolens, the prrces are at the minimum. Mere te tell you in the early future. Wanamakeii & Brown. Oak Hai l, S. K. Cor. rM-Wli aim Maiket, I'M I HI) El. I'll I... NEW AJrMBTIBXMMNI8. c AKPF.T HA I. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN lN l- IT t'ONCKKNS EVERYBODY. i w'sOlfliieiiPaiie S2.C00 vertni SI. CO. " I spent fi.SOa, with ether doctors," writes Mr. .1. W. Thornten, of Clalbern, Miss., " Sa maritan Xervine however alene cured my son et fits." 1 his is en a par with hundreds el ethers, peedy but thorough. Dr. C. W. llensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills aie prepared expressly te cure and will cure Headache et all kinds, Neuralgia, Nerv ousness and Dyspepsia. Pievided and en dorsed by physicians. "Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure eradicated vty pimples. They used te break out continually.'1' Steve T. Harrison, Rochester, N. Y. $1, at druggists. nenry' CarbeUc Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, braises sores, uleer-f, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te ive perlcct satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be sure you get ILenuy's Cabbolie salve, as all ethers are but Imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug store. 137 North Oueen street. my29-4 Skin Dmnanes. "8 wayne's itntment" ) Cnre-i the most invet- "Swayne's Ointment" "S wayne's Ointment" Jerate cases of skin dls- "s wayne's Ointment" i "Swayne's Ointment" S eases, sucn as tetter, "I wage's 8iSK -1 rl.eum.scdd head. "Swayne's Ointment" baber's itch, sores, all "Swayne's Ointment" t . nrhine- "Swayne's Ointment" lcrU9ty scalYi Itching, "Swayne's ointment" skin eruptions, and 'Swayne's Ointment" ,, ,iNt,Min nm "Swayne's Ointment" ll R1 ""tiesslng com cem cem "Swayne's Ointment" plitlnl, itching piles, 'Swayne's Ointment" ., . neimi mm "Swayne's Ointment" ) l,, ,u eIlei-lual ""re "Swayne's Ointment" no matter hew obstl ebstl obstl "Swayne's Ointment" ) nate or long standing. Ask for il and use no ether. It CURES where all else tails. Sold by all druggists, A CeueIi, Celd cr Sere Threat Requires immediate attention. A neglect Ir ritates the lungs and an incurable disease is often the result. "DR. SWAYNE'S COM POUND SVRUP WILD CHERRY " cures the most severe coughs and colds, actscllrcctly en the lungs, threat and chest, purifies the bleed, and ter in encliial, asthma, all pulmonary af fections el longstanding, His the best remedy ever discovered. Price a" cents and $1 per bottle. The large sise is t!.e most economical Sold by all best iiriuielsts. ll'J-M WJtFlyd& w WEST KIN'tf & WATER STS., Wen the reputation ei being rellaule by sell ing nene but geed carpeta at the Lewest prices that a geed c-irpet can be bought ler and en the met idlabie terms. Cal' and see the stock, or, IT en c m'l come, send, ter price list. THK BUST I'.AltliAINS IN TUllClT. Shirk's Carpet Hull, rerner West King aud Water St. LANCASTER. PA. Kly'H Cream Halm reduces Inflammation Seres in I lie nasal passages are healed in a few days. Caturi hat headache is dissipated. Senses el smell.taste aud hearing are restored. Price 60 cents. apply Inte uetttrtls with little Uuger. Only Twe UeiilPH. Messrs. .lohnsen. Holle way & Ce., wholesale druggists et Philadelphia, Pa., lepert that some time age a gentleman handed them a dollar, with a reque-t te send a geed catarrh cure te two army officers in Arizona. Recent ly the same gentlemen told them that both the officers and the wltoet Gen. Jehn C. ie ment, governor et Arizona, had been cured et catairh by the two bottles et Ely's Cream Palm mylfl-2wdM.W,Fw Inciikdulitv exists, but nobody has been heaidtedeny the wholesemcncss aud puri lying effects of Glenn's Sulphur Seap. my23-lwdeertAw TTTOBKINuaiJSN gHOOLDOOTO BEOHTOLD'S Te buy their Wearing Apparel. A fresh eup plv just received, at very moderate prices, building Stene and Sand delivered at short notice. Rye Straw. Sed ana Leaf Mould ler florists and ethers Kgge. Se. 62 N. Queen Street. 45Stere and dwelling for sale or rent. Im mediate possession. feb3-lvd G. A. K. COMRADES OF GEO. B. Tliemas Pest. Ne. 84. will assemble at G. linii nn WEDNESDAY MORNING atS o'clock, in lull uniform, ler parade : also en Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock te escort the oiater te the Court Heuse, when the annual address will be delivered by Cel. Jas. M. Sce- vlUe, of Camden, N. .1. JlyeKK Commander. Jenu Black, .m., Adjutant. It ACUTE CATARRHAL INFLAMMATION et the middle ear Is indeed a very com mon disease. It Is difficult te Una an adult who has net at ene time or another suflered from "ear-ache." Kar-ache is the popular uaine for acute catarrh of the middle ear. All diseases et the EYE, EAR and THROAT pcrmanenUy cured by DRS. n. D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Treatment OfBce 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation lree. my2S-3tdAw BURSK'S. WANTS SUPPLIED. Fer Fresh Durkee Salad Dressing. Fer Fine Olive OH. Fer Pickles and Sauces. Fer Petted Meats. Fer Whole Rolled Ox Tongue. Fer Flavoring Extracts (Just received a fresh let.) Fer Pie Peaches, large cans, 12 cpnta. Fer Table Peaches at 15 cents. Fer Canned Pears at a) cent-. Fer 4 Cans of Tomatoes, 25 cents. Fer Tomatoes-Red Seal, 10c; Beet Steak, 2 for 25c Fer a Cans el Cern ler 23 cent3. Fer Fells Sugar Cern, 10c.; Baker., 12c; Wins low, 15c . 4 Fer California Cherries. Apricots, etc. Fer Comb Heney at 20 and 23 cents a pound. Fer New Orleans Melassc3 geed, 15c; choice, 20 cents. Ger Geed Table Syrup at 12 cents. Fer goods tee numerous te mention. GOTO BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East Kins Street. :jitui.TZ's sons. s SPECIAL NOTICE. We aim te give the most complete satisfaction te all who may favor us with their patron age. Our goods are purchased from the most reliable houses, and while guaranteeing them te be of the best manufacture and the latest style, we feel satisfied that an examination of our prices will convince all that they are sold at the most reasonable figures. We have a large stock from which te select, and have always en hand a large assort ment of the latest styles of goods in the market. SIULTZ'S SOIS, Ne, 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET. mai27-lydw OUA KES W FRY. Phai'es W. Fry's SLIDING ADJUSTIBLE Patented May 22, 1883. We aie predated te take orders and put in position our PATENT WIRE WINDOW SCREEN, get up In tlrst-clasi style in Walnut and Poplar names, I'laln and Landscape Wiies. We have them also ilnished with wire en, complete, veiy easily adjusted te lit the window. VTKW VOKK SreltiC. SUMMER GOODS AT TUE New Yerk Stere. Rare value in SUMMER SILKS In Stripes, Checks und Plain Celers, at 41c., 50C. ti2ic and 75c. a vuid MIADED D It ESS SILKS, 5S. a vard. COLORED DRESS SILKS, elegant quality, $1 en a aid. An iinmenstt quantity of LACK BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. Summer Dress Goeds: INDIA LINENS, VICTORIA LAWNS, NAINSOOKS AND DOTTED 11 USLINS SECOND EDITION. MONDAY EVENING MAY 23, 1883. THE SCAFFOLD. THE THUtD VIOTI3I OF LAW. Anether of th Phrenlx Park AliWIei Hang This Morning A Mether" Vain Appeal te the Queen- Dubltx, May 2S. Mtcliael Facran, who was convicted of the murder of Mr. Burke in Phejnix Park, was hanged in Kilmain ham jail this morning, Fagan since he received his sentence has been very at tentive te the instructions of the priests. In an interview recently with his relatives he declared that he had net hart a hair of Mr. Bark's'bead. His mother, who was confident of the innocence of her son, wrote te the queen, repeating this declara tion, but her letter was net answered. The black flag announcing that the execu tion had taken place, was heisted ever the jail at 8 o'clock. A strong force ei penco anu military was present, aud everything went off quietly. A small crowd of persons col lected outside the prison, a few of whom knelt in prayer for the repese of the soul of Fagan. The condemned mau was pale, but appeared te be resigned te his fate. Death was instantaneous. KX-JCSTIOE 9HAKSWOOD Ills Deain In PMlaaelpnia Te-day. Puiladelphia, May 28. Ex Justice Geerge Bharswoed died at his resideuce en Seuth Thirteenth street, at C:45 o'clock this morning. lie had been uuconsciens Biuce last Friday. Judge Sharswood's death has been anticipated for some time, and though net unexpected, will be nene the less generally mourned. After eminent services a? a jurist and iu the law department or tue university et renusyivaum, no . mu as the Democratic caudidate for governor in this state in 1803 and was defeated by Curtin. In 1867 he was elected judge of he annreme court, setviug with great distinction a full term of fifteeu years. He was the author of Snarswoecrs uiaoK uiaeK uiaoK stene's commentaries, tbe present most popular edition of this standard legal text book. His services as a judge are familiar e the people of the state. Ed3. Intcllt- OKNCER. p - WAICItINO UAII.UUAD3. Fighting Over the Wight te Tuayl'rack en au AUau:eseJ Keute. Buffalo. May 28. A few days age the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western rail road company oblaiued au injunction restraining the Itochester & Pittsburgh company from layiu tracks en the Hum phrey farm, which the latter had recently abandoned. Thetiacksef the Rochester company were thou tern up aud replaced with Lackawanna & Western rails. Yes terday afternoon 300 employees of the Rochester & Pittsburgh company ditched the cars of the ether company and relaid the tracks which were again tern up by the Lackawanna company. The read master of the Rochester com cem pauy was arrested, but was released as no charge had been preferred against him. The Rochester tracks were thou again re laid aud a large force of men wera en guard all night te resist an attack. The Leng Strike. Pittsbureu, Pa., May 28. The state of affairs between the iron manufacturers aud weikmen is y. itheut a marked change, aud it is generally believed that a piolenged suspension is inevitable. Thursday next will witi.ess the expiration of existing 'scale of prices, ami work will then be stepped in all mills which up te that time have net signed tbe new scale. That the steel mills continue in operation is generally understood, aud it is ceuceded also, that a few iron mills will sign the scale; with these exceptions; however, the prospects are that tbe iron mills in the West will .shut down en Friday next te continued closed for an indetinite period. At Very Lew 1' rices. PARASOLS AND We purchase eifr SUNSHADES The most popular and flagrant Pe-tumeef the day '1IACKMETACK." Try it. Sold by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street feb7-eed3 Direct from the largest? manufacimeis and can give the heat pebslbln a'ue. TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, in uatuial slicks, Hum aud lancy holders. s-ATIN PARASOLs. LACE-TRlAlMEDPARASOL-, SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladles, Gents' and Children's Summer Hosiery and Gauze Underwear, In all Sizes and Qualities. We have opened another choice line or SASH RIBBONS. LACES AND LACE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES AND FANCY DRESS BUTTONS, at Lewest City Prices. Watt, Shand & Ge. Ne, 8 And 10 BAST KING STREET. Phares . Fry, Ne. 57 NORTH OUEEN STREET. JKtfPllSAl.l VOR EL.ECTRIO LIGHT, GAS, COAL. OIL. or Other Material f r Lighting, and LAMP POSTS. The Lamp Committee et ttie City et Lancas ter will receive sealed proposals ler tlic light ing et the city ( two miles squaie ) with Elec tric Lfcht. The party luruishin the llaht will Did ler tue complete Pfant, memumx Poles, Wires, Lamps and Power ready te run. Alse, sealed proposals ler the tarnishing et Oas per thousand cubic feet ter the Mavei's OtllLC, Trejsmet's Office. Council Cliambeis, Market Houses and Station Heuse, and, a se, ler Street Lamps, at a tixed price per lamp, with a live root burner, ter a petied et one year, trem and ensuing July 1, 1853. The com pany furnishing the gas shall light all the jtieet gas lamps every night throughout the year ut sunset, mm Hutui Keep iuu &nuiu uieau and in repair, cleaning them at least once a week, make ail connection? te the lauiD pests at their enn proper cost, and disconnect the same at the expiration or their contract with out charge te the city. Alse, sealed proposals for the furnishing et lamp-pests and lamp for gas, complete and ready ler use, which may he needed during the year. Pests te be .f the same style and length as tliec new in us-j in Centre Square, and Lamps of a styleslmtlar te these In ether sections et the city. Bidders are required te give me length and weight of pests they pro pose te furnish. Pests te he et iron and weigh at least 21 pounds. Alse, sealed proposals ler the lurnishing et Ceal oil or ether mateiial ler lighting all the streetlamps, or any portion thereof, at a fixed price per lamp, ler the period et one year irem the ensuing Julv 1st. 18SX The person. individuals or eeuipmy, who bid te supply Ceal Oil, Gasoline, or ether lighting material shall light all the street lamps te be thns sup plied, every night throughout the year at sunset and all lamps must burn until sunrise, and the contractor shall keep the same clean and in repair, and clean them at least once a week. Bidders te supply Ceal OH or ether lighting material are required te accompany their hlils with a proposal ut which they will furnish during the year the me oILamp-pests and Lamps, complete, wherein oil or ether lighting material aside from gas may be burned ; said Pests and Lamps te remain the property et the contractor, and te be removed wiuie'it expense te tue city at tue expirauuu el the contract. Bide shall state also the can dle power et the light proposed te be fur nished The Lamp Committee reserves the right te reject any and all bids, and the successful bidder or bidders shall give geed and ap- proved security ler the faithful performance" of the contract. All bids for proposals mus:be made en or before June 1st, 1S83. at G o'clock p. in., and addressed te HARRY A. DILLER, Chairman Lamp Committee, Mayer's Office. Lancaster, Pa., and te be Indorsed " Proposals ler Light ing City." By order of the LAMP COMMITTEE. Attest, David L. Dbkn, Clerk. 5 3tSR DUcententCtl ami Turbulent Strikers. St. Leuis, May 23. Reports from CoT CeT CoT liusville. III. say that the striking miners were quiet all day ycsteiday ami mani fested no disposition te create a disturb ance. Secret moetiugs of strikeis wcre held iu Belleville and neighborhood yes terday. Most of the miuers will attempt te resuuie operations te day, tbe t.beriti having assured full protection te all men who desire te work. iMilitia will be con centrated at East St. Leuis from which place they cau be promptly distributed. Shet by a Watchman. IJeuDENTOWN, N. J., May 29 Charles Clayten, aged 2-1 years, was found in au intoxicated condition last night en th grounds of Mrs. Grtibb, and net obeyiug the eidcr te leave was shot dead by Jacob Fireng, a private watchman. Fireng was committed without bail. Cuyie'H Flgnt for Life. IIakiusuuku, May 23. The supreme court began its sessions beie te-day. An application has been made te them for a writ of erier in the cave of Jehu Ceylo, jr., who was convicted in Adams county of minder in the first degree for killing Miss Emily Myeis in 1881. Au Investigating Coiuuiltlee AiijuurDH. Washington, May 23 The committee appointed te investigate the affairs of the supervising architect's office of the treasury department, met this morning aud adjoin ned uutil Thursday te allow Mr. Murch mero time. An Old Iren Master Gene. Reading, Pa., May 28. Jeseph Bailey, for forty yeais proprietor of the Pine iron works, died at Pine, this county, te-day, aged 88. Mr. Itailey was the eldest iron manufacturer in Berks ceuuty. Yerk full cream, 13a ; AVestern, 12Jc; de lair tofgeod, 11KQ12C; Pa. part skims, 7Q3C; ue rau skims, 4tjtc. Petroleum quiet ; Keflned, Tc Whisky at $1 19 ZUw Ter Market. Nkw Yerac, May 23 -Fleur State and West ern dull and declining. Southern dull and weak. Wheat KGlc lower, heavy and unsettled , moderate speculative trading ; Ne. 1 White $1 13 : Ne. 2 Bed. May, SI 21MQ1 2' : J une. II 21X Ql 22 ; July. SI 23Kl 244 ; Aug., $1 25Jil 26!. Sept.,$l2Cei27VS. Cern XQfic lower and fairly active ; Mixed Western, spot, 4!)3C5Kc : de mtuie, CiJO 6SJ4C. Oats WQHc lower ; Ne. 2 June. i5i,QtSc ; July, 4i6lC.c ; State, 50a5!)c ; Western, 4'iQ 07C. OMT SOOJM.- t Sieck markets. Quotations by Beed, McGrann A Ce., ers, Lancaster, Pa. IU A. 31. 1- X. V m CC Xm -J . . Michigan Central 93 New Yerk Central 1-SS4 New Jersey Central 79 Ohie Central 11 Del. Lack. Western.... 124.!,$ Denver Rie Grande.... 47 a!F1u 74 Kansas & Texas 29 Lake Shere 109 Chicago & N. W., com.... 13M5 N. N., Ont. A Wester n .... Vii St. Paul .tOiualia i.v.j Pacific Mall 42 Rochester & Pittsburgh.. -11 St. Paul le: Texas Pacific : Union Pacific 93 Wabash Common 3 Wabash Preferred 42 West'rn Union Telegraph S2 Louisvllle & Nashville... 4H N. Y., Chi. ft St. L 12 Lehlgh Valley C6K .Mmigu .navigation viy Pennsylvania 57 Reading 2t; 7- P. T. & Buffalo 1475 Northern Pacific Cem... 51 Northern Pacific Prof... SVA llestenville .... Philadelphia ic Erie Northern Central 50 Underground Canada Southern (Mi People's Passenger. 93V 12l IP 12-7S 5?tt 4i 2iHi 101 2& -- IC aiK 4S 12i 67K 20 5-lfi 15 49 1 Bank 91 121 73K 123 40 34 2S iesk 129 4 m 20X mi 3t !2'i 2CMi K S2S ish 11 CMC ru iesi 25 " ! 5 eiK Phlladalphis. Quotations by Asseslatcd Press. Stocks steady. Philadelphia & Erle R. R 19 Rcadlnir Railroad ": Pennsylvania Railroad 57 i.eiugn vauoyietnroad m. United Companies of New Jersey 1U2J Northern Pacific. V.Hi Northern Pacific Pieferrel SC Northern Central Railroad 50K Lehigh Navigation Company.. ...i 42 Mornsiewn uaureau ids Central Transportation Company 35 rittsu'g, niusvuiea; unnaie it. ii i: Little Schuylkill Ballread rayA New lern Quotations by Associated l'rei-. Stocks dull and weal: New Yerk Central Erle Railroad. ........... ... Adams Express Michigan Central Railroad Michigan Southern Kailreail Illinois Central Railroad Cleveland & PittsburjTh Railroad.... Chicago & Reck Island Railroad .1-14 . :r. . 931, i 10S .143 .133 l.i Pittsburgh & Peit Wayne Railroad 131 Western Union Telegraph Company. Teledo & Wuliash New Jerey Central NewYe-.k Ontario & Western s: ..-. 2i ... 7b r.i Live SteeK Market. Chicago Hogs Receipts. C.OC0 nead : ship ments, 1,9G0 heail ; lair gradts net streng: prices net quetablv changed ; mixed, $G 80 7 15 ; heavy, 7 2007 te ; light, C 90Q7 3.): skips, $3 50gG 50 ; market closed weak ; offerings fairly cleared. Cattle Receipts. D head; shipments, 3.PC0 head : market quiet at unchanged prices ; de mand limited ; experts, 5 !K)f3(; 15 ; Keed te choice shipping, ?5i;5 tK); common te lair, 5S5 50. Sheep Receipts, l.ianj head : shipments, :ice head ; quality poer: low grades dull ; choice strong ; common le fair, i-".;jl 5i); geed, $5 50 : choice, $3 75. Cattle .tlurket. Philadkumua, May 2SI. rattle inactive: receipts. -'Wi head : prune. lVJHtVtf : geed ut GJi7e; meilium at r.Jfie: . iiu non at 5,' Sheep market Inaciive ; icceipls 11.100 head : prime, caile ; geed, .r'',5c; meilium, liij 5'Jc ; common, 44S4lJc: culls' :ii$Vic Hogs dull ; luceipN :t,u h head; selling at 1010e Lncal 4terkfi and Reperteil by. I. it. Leng. Par vai. . let . !l H"l IK . IIH . list M'l . Iivi $60 511 , Ml . I'M , 26 100 100 100 Decoration Orator Selected. Philadelphia, May 28. Majer Wni. II. Lambert, of the 33rd N. J. regiment aud new of Philadelphia, will make the Decoration Day oration at the Arlington national cemetery,Arlington Heights. Oen. CroeV Net Heard Frem Washingteh. May 28. Ne further in formation relative te Oeu. Creek's move ments has been n chived at the war de partmaut le-day. Nearlug the Kuil. Washington, May 28. Mr. Merriek began the c'esiug argument for the gov ernment in .be Star Reute trial this morn ing. WIUIUKU INl.-lCATIONS- Washinqten, May 23. Fer the Middle Atlantie states, partly cloudy weather, oc casional light showers, westerly, (shifting te southerly winds, stationary tempera tine, stationary or higher pressure. s.-inc ''U v : pir n. Lean. tine l'sS". " ls . sl.VK . isr, 5 parct. In 1 or 30 year " & pur el. S( IhmiI l.eiii... i " In l Ol 'Jl JCll" 4 " In r or '"! yn-s-M " " In I0i.r20yv.iir) Manhelui Imreugh lean MltieaLLANKtll'i) BTOUKU. Quari'vvllltt It. . iilllersvllleSliecl ":ir Inquirer Printing Company Wilt::)! Fitetei '..... Uiw Light and Fuel Company Stevens Heuse (Hen. Is) Columbia Oas Company Columbia Water Company.. Susquehanna lreu Company. Marietta llollewware Stevens Heuse SO Sicily Island 50 East uraniiy wine re naynesu'g.... mi Millersville Nermal iiuhoel Northern Market MISOSrXANKOtH C0M03. Quairyvllle K. R., iiu! ! UW Reading .V Celuinliia It. R5's ft Iin; Lancaster Wau-li Ce.. due 18S0 Itui Lancaster Uas Light ami fuel r,e due in liii'J' years Lancaster Uaj 1 ":!lit and i"Hil Ce. lilt) 1886 TUBweiK-e r roeEs. Big Spring: ft i:'t".ei v-i:t.y ltrlilgcpert ft Hensli.-e Columbia ft Chestnut Hilt 'Jelumblaft Waslilngteii Columbia . Big Spring Celumhiaft Marietta , Mayiewn ft Ellzabcthtewn Lancaster ft Ephrata Iincasterft Willow Strtet , Strasiiurg ft Millimrl Marietta ft Mayiewn Marinll-tft Mount 4'.v Lane.. Kil..ibrtht'n Mlddlft'ii. Laucttster ft Krultvllle. Lancasterft Llillz '. Lancaster ft Willlamstmvii .... Lancaster ft Maner Lancasterft Manhelm Lancasterft Marietta Lancaster A New Helland Lancaster ft Susi i aehaunu BANK STOCKS. first National iian k Fanners' National Hunk Fulton National Bank Lancaster County National Rank. Columbia National Bank Christiana National Bank. Ephrata National Bank 10" First National Bank, Columbia.. .. 100 First National Banc, Strasburg MM First National Bank, Marietta MM First National Bank. Mount Jey., mm Lltit7. National Bank loe Manlieiai National Bank km Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 5t New Helland National Bank Mm Gap National Bank MM) 100 In' ? i' I. '.V .. tf) llf) 'JT. 50 . UK) . il .fli . .10 llKI 0 MM 10-J Last M:ile. t l.i;i il7 120 IIK'.'O 102 mi Mm !' 55.ri 45 KM 9J 2 2 5.25 220 5 MS 1 21 imUtf rt'ji 1(C 100 f I'. in is ii iu i. in i HI :i u 'I 7'i M IK'.lO I! IS 7:i 7.20 lift 109.0J 140 H0.25 1H.23 US 14' 141.30 Mil am 15C25 140 151 7ft 135 120 1-EXT DOOM tO IHI OO VXT HU VMK. FAHNESTOCK. SEASOKARLK DRYUOODS In every de partment in quanUUes. Our Stock never nearly e large, our Assortment never se complete. All ut our usual Lew Prices. Silks, Shawls, Oashmeres. ' Buntings, DRESS GOODS AND WfilTI GOODS, IN VARIETY. The unusual sales of Black and Colored Silks this season made by us must he a guarantee of their CHEAPNESS. Opened several lets et BLACK ami COLORED SILKS during this week, which compare favorably with any we li ave ever sold. SUMMER MERINO AND- ln GAUZE UNDERWEAR, all tirades, for LADIES AND (JESTS. E. E. Mnesteck, LANCASTER, PA. NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOTJ3H. 3KlilCAL. IlUNSON'.i UAI'C'INKPOKIIUS 1'I.AMTKR THAT SETTLES IT. Brought tutu UuuipetUleu wltU tbe World, me Heat Carrlea UIT tbe Uogeri, At the great Centennial Exhltltlen of 187G, the leading bie.lucls of all the branrhes et llie World's Industry were nnseniMed at lh 1-nlel- phia. Te carry en a prize In the face et that trtni'T.deut compctien was a task el no erdi nary dilllculty. Inventions and preparations ter the alleviation et pain and the euro et dis ease were present la the greatest possible variety, lepreseutiug the skill ami the pro pre pro feun!cst study of the age, aud it may I et vital Importance te you. personally, te knew tliat the highejt and only medal given te rub ber l'oieus plasters, was awarded te the man ufacturers el RENSON'SCAPCINE POROUS PLASTER, by the lollewlng Jury : OR. WM. RO I'll, Surgeon-General, Prussian Army. J. II. THOMPSON, A. M., M. II., Washing ton, V. C. C. B. WHITE, M. O.. New Orleans. ERNST I'LEISCII, M. O., Austiiu. The decision was afterwards continued by the medical jar vat the last Parts Exposition. Knewing the value of such high and unbiased testimony, the medical prelesslqn, both In the United Slates and In Europe, quickly threw aside the old, slew-acting plasters they liud been u-dng, and adopted Hansen's In their reguh.rpraclice. xnrgeens et the bro litest reputation did this, distinctly proves the intrinsic merit et the article. It is no ii. ere than just te add that the aver age physician et te-day is net dominated by the prejudices which retarded the progress and medliled the successes of his predece&seis et notmeiu than twenty-five years aire. He accepts hints from all quarters ami endorses auila-'opsdemonslratO' healing agents wher ever he llnds them. The right of Bensen's Capclne l'orens Plas ter te stand at the head of all external appli cations whatsoever, ler the mitigation or cure el disease. Is no longer questioned. Let the puichasur, en his giini.i against Imitations. The genuine has the wei. I CAPC1NE cut In the middle. Seabury ft Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yeik. mS-W.Sftwtiui BKNMOM'S FIjASTKKS FOR SAI.K AT U R. Cochran's lirng Stere, 137 and 139 Neri! Queen street. mar2-.imd p,ICK KK'S TON IC. HIS S0tfr AND HIS NILVEK. ' Your asking me hew I came te use It, re minds me el the story el the Scotchman who, en his deathbed, after a life et iueaiuie-n, wanted te n. ake things all right with the Leut by leaving some money te the kirk.'' ' Will the Almighty pass me into Heaven if l glve 10.000 pounds te the kirk, d'ye think: Mild he." " ' l can't piemlse ye thet men,' answered the minister,' but I advise ye te try llmespfi ninnt." Laughing heartily at the story. Rev. F. b. O-shorne.el Ne 27.iOgdenavenne, Jersey City, pxster of the First Riptist church. West Hit Hit behen, continued : "That's what idle' Willi I'AiiKER'a Tonic; I tried the exjierlineiit. It mere llun met my expectations, and 1 am very glad te testify te HM excellence. It geei atencu te the root of all illgestlvoandnerveii'. deraiigemeiits se common among men of my prolesslen. for women and chronic luvulM? the Tonic Is a perfect lnvlgerant, and li-i-tlned te supplant all ether leuii'dles for tl.i' Xiurpflsc. A single dose pi eduies the gt-nili-perspiratien and sense et life which eri.ll e it cs disease. It seems te reuse every eipun ' into activity. Iadmlrelt, tee, ler its p,wei te antagonize thu held et. the liquor habit ewr Inebriates." This preparation, which has been knemt as Parker's Uiuekr Toxic, will lie real t r be called simply Parker's Tonic. As unprinci pled dealers are constantly deceiving their customers with Interior articles under I In: name of ginger ; and as ginger Is really an un important liaverlng lneredlent we drop ilie misleading word. There will be no change, however. In tin preparation Itself, and all bottles in the lrtn.u et eeaicrs, wrapped unuer tue name ei i at.;: er's GikokbTekic. contain the genuine medt cine It the tac-simllu signature of IIiscex a Ce. is ut the bottom el t hu euL-ddu wrapper. uiuyl-lvcewds 14 AKK NO MISTAKE, BUT POKOHASE the cennine Yaraniear ter 5c. at A.RTMAN'3 YELLOW FBONT CIGAR STORK. HAliKKln. PlilladeliilitM Market Philadelphia, May 2S. Fleur quiet, but steady: .Superllne, 3 2Sg3 fO; estra, 13 7561 25; Penn'u Family, jl!Xa51.'. Rye flour at 3 S0g3 no. ' Wheat dull and easier: Ne. 2 Western Red. -120$; Ne. 1 Red, $1 iilQI 20 as te quality; no.nue. ci iu. Cern quiet and easier; Steamer, COc Sail Yellow and Mixed, CB..7c, as te location ; Ne. 3 Mixed, GUjGic. Oats dull and weak ; Nn. 1 White, 50c; Ne. 2 de, 49c; No.3de.49;;; Ne. 2 Mixed, 45c. Bye at 70372c. Previsions quieL Lard quiet. Butter dull aid piices iaver buyers; Pa. Creamery extra, 2.1c ; Western, 23c. Bells dull at 710c, as te quality. Eggs quiet ; Penna. 19Q19&C; Western, 13c. Cheese steady, with lair demand; New PUBLIC SALE ON SATUUDAY, JUNK , 1883, at the Keystone Heuse, Lancaster, Pa., by an order of the Orphans'Cenrt of Lan caster County, Pa., will be sold at public sale the following real estate belonging te the es tate of Mary M. Danner. deceased, te wit : All that certain ONE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, situated en the east side et North Queen street, in Lancaster city, with a let of ground Irentlng 32 lcet 10 inches en Nertn Oiinnii street, and extending In dentil 21.1 feet. mere or ltss, te North Christian street, mi me en joining the property or Jeseph Marks en north anil prenei ty et Jehn N. Brubaker the south. . . Sale te commence at a o-cieok p, nt., wnen ir.riiu will i h made known I) ........ ,.-.-- ..... , .... r.. .. .... niir.ii'r.u own by WM. E. myl4,19,2(lAjO,0 Trustee te Sell. ASSIGNEES' SALK Or VALUAUI.K U1T1' REAL ESTATE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 23. 1SS.J, under an order et the Ce nrt of Common Pleas et Lan caster county, there will be sold at the Leop Leep ard Hetel, in said city, the following desirable prepc-tle'i.vlz. : Ne. 1. A Large Deuble Two-Slei led BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with :t Twe-Storied Brick Back Building attached, and the Let et Ground adjacent thereto, fronting about 42 feet en the north side or Ksst Orange street, and extending in depth '.'l leet te Marien street, in said city, the house being numbered 711 East O ran ire street. A choice variety et Fruit Trees and Grape Vine are growing en this attractively located let. Ne.2. Twe adjelniiur LOIS OF GROUND, situated en the north side et East Walnut street, near Franklin street, In said city, con taining together in irent 44 leet, and extend ing in depth 120 teet te a ten feet wide alley. The said lets being numl ered 393 and tee In the general plan of the Chestnutstreet tract. Sale te commence at 8 o'clock In the even ing, when the conditions will te made known by J. FREDERICK SEN ER. Assignee et William Hensel and wile ' may2-W3tl. N KV ULOTUINU KIKLOK. Jno. J. SmaJing, E WITH HOYT ft QLKAH TAILOR, (LATE WITH HOYT ft QLKASO.Y.) We.tld ie pleased te have PARLOR. yen call at rls Ne. 22 North Queen St., V TO EXAMINE THE Latest Novelties FOR , Men's Wear, Imperial direct-for our trade. SECOND FLOOR. MARBLK FRONT.,. may9-Iy.lW'S " i ri'WU SHALL UAND-MAUK UAA?.A 1 cigars, for 5 eta., at the Old Stand. " IJAltTMAN':-: YELL.OW FRONT ClOAR uTORK- lr Ue, AruLL LIRE Or I.ORKII.tUAIW'S Chewing Tobacco. Rebecca nakfcs.tlie icivj ab au umim v3 VUA DIUfCBb , . HARTMAN'S YELLOW ITKOMT.CtU AX vnmv --' j-- - ." n-t .j '.VI