gtetfMhtellMenM rniftt: mt I - - - . , . Volume XIX Ne. 229. LANCASTEE, PA. MONDAY. MAY 28, 1883. Price Twe Cent PLVMBLNU AND UAB JUXTISO. TptlWN BBEMEUAH. PURE PAINT, AND WHERE TO BUY IT. Tfaere ia no advantage in buying and using Iho common mixed paints that are new flooding the markets. They can be bought at any priee you offer for them, but you only waste your money and the work expended en putting them en Wadsworth, Martinz & Longman's Paints cost mere at flrat, but they go farther, leek better and last longer than any ether goods in the market. Don't buy paint till .you have inquired into the merits of these geede. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANOASTER. PA. lOllNl.. AKNOLb. t Winter DON'T FORGET YOUR Clothing Until the Meth Destroys Them. JUST RECEIVED FRESH SUPPLY CARBOLIZED PAPER. JOHN l7arneld, Neb. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. DRY OOOliS. 1EUKE FAHNKSTOUK, ( BAIR'S OLD STORE. ) 14 EAST KING STREET, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OP PLAIN AND FANCY CANTON MATTING, CANTON MATTING, CANTON MATTING. FROM THE LOWEST TO THE FINEST GRADES, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES. GrEORGE FAHNESTOCK NO 14 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. XEDICAZ. PROPHYLACTIC A Household Article for Use. FLUID. Universal Family Eradicates Fer Scarlet and Ty phoid Fevers. Diph theria. Salivation. Ul- 1UT A T A T T A cerated Sere Threat, HlAL All lASmall Fex. Measles and all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting en the sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known te spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cnrel with It after black vomit had taken place. Thewersl ca-es et diphtheria yield te it. MATT AM CAPS. SMALL-POX and PITTING of Small pox PREVENTED. A member of my family was token with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was net delirious, was net pitted, ana was aoeui the house again in three weeks, und no ethers had it J. V. Parkinson, Philadel phia. DIPHTHERIA PREVENTED. The physicians here use Darby's Fluid very successfully in the treatment or Diph theria. A. Stoixen Steixen wkrck, tl reensbn re, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purineu ami healed. In rases et Death it should be used about the corpse it will preventany unpleas ant smell. The eminent Physi cian, J. MARION sims, m. i.. mew Yerk, says : " I am convinced Prer. Dar by's Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable dlsinlectanr." VANnitnniLT University. Nashville. Tcnn. I testily te the most excellent qualities et Darby's Piephylactlc Fluid. As n disinfectant and detergent it is jeth theoretically and practically superior te any preparation with which I am acquainted. N. T. J-uiten, Prof. Chemistry. DARBY'S FLUID IS KECOMMENDED BY Hen. Alexander II. STEPHENS, or Georgia Kev. CUA8. F. Deems, I). D., Church or the Strangers. N. Y. ... ,. Jes. LkCente, Columbia. Prof., University, S C. Rev. A. J. Battle. Prof., Mercer University. Kev. Oke. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used Inlcrnallyer externally ler Man or 15yist. The Fluid has been thorengly tested, ami we have abundant evidence that It has done everything here claimed. Fei toiler inform ation get et your Di ugglst a p .uiphlet or send te the proprietors. J II. 7.K1I.INASUO., Manufacturing Chemists. PHILADELPHIA. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, J n22-l yced&w ; Fevered and Sick Per sons refreshed and Bed Seres prevented by battling with Dar by's Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purl lied. Fer Sere Threat it Is a sure rurc. Contagion destroyed. Fer Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafings, etc. Rheumatism cured. Seft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. Te purify the breath, Cleause the Teeth, it can't lie surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved in stantly. Scars prevented. Dysentry cured. Wounds rapid ly Scurvy cured. An Antidote ler Ani mal orVegetable Pol Pel sons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid dur ing our present af fliction with Scarlet Fever with decided advantage. It is In dispensable te the sick room. Wm. F. Sanferd, Eyrie, Ala. SCARLET FEVER CURED. TOSSED BY A MAD BILL PARKER'S LIFE AHU DEATH STRUUGLE H ATe, CAPS, &c. SHULTZ BROS.' ( OLD STAND.) fles. 31 and 33 North Queen street. The OLDEST HatStere In Lancaster City, being esUbllahed J f3 AGO plate where Hats are manulaciured in Lancaster cuj. The only THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF- HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS KIDNKY-VVOKr Has been nreved the surest cure for KIDNEY DISEASES. Dees a lame back or disordered urine Indl Indl cale Mwt you are a victim V THEN DO NOT H ESITATE ; u?e Kidney-Wert at once, (drug-'ist-J rccoinuiend it ) and it wfHnpeedily over come the disease ami resleie healthy action. 1 nAina Fer complaints peculiar In iIOiUlce. your s-e?, -ucli uh pain ami weakiusscH, Kidney-Wrt i" unini passed, a it will act promptly ami :-rifely. Either sex.', retention eimine, brick dust or ropy depe-it-', and dull, drugging pains, all speedily yield te its curait vi; power. SOLD BY ALL DltUUUlS Tj. I'rlce, SI. KIDNEY-WORT Acts at the same time en the Kidney.-", Liver and Bowels. A well-known clergj man, Uev. N. Cook, et TrenipeUan, Wl., "I iid Kidney Weil aw cure ler kidney and Hwr trouble." K -AT THE- Lewest Prices Ever Offered te the Public. The entire stock neught for cash at a liberal discount, which enables us te sell cheaper than uny ether store. ' JOHN SIDES, Successor te SHULTZ hres. mayi4-lmd 1.1VKRY STABLE. TJOltGUlnN'S. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FRIST-CLASS IIORSE3 AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, Hear of Old Black Herse Hetel. HOOKS AHli STATlONFJtY. J HUN BAKU'S SUNS. JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 AND 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. IDHKY-WOKT IS A Sure (tore for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It has specific action en fid1! most impi.ri ant nrgmi, enabling it te threw oil tiriidity and inaction, bllinii'allug lue healthy secre secre lien et the Hile, ami by Keeping tint bowels in free comlltien, ellecllng lis regular dlschaige. lUTlnmn 11 veu are snlloilngfrein uni- JVLalana. luria, have tlm chills, are bil bil eons, ilyspe pt :e or const Iki1h 1, Kidnoy-Wert will surely relieve and iurk!y cure. In the Spring te tlm System, every one should lake a I borough ui:se et it. felil by Druggists, iticp, en. KIDNEY-WORT. "Last year 1 went le Europe," says Henry Wan inin i!ni tfilli Hecr. N. G.S.N. V., new living at ITS W. Side Ave.. J. U. Hlghts, N. .1 , only te ii'turn warsu from chronic liver complaint. Kidney-Werl, as a last resort, has given me better health than I've herotetoro t-'njeyi d fr many, many years." lie's cured new and censci)uentlv happy. IMUNKV-WllKT Fer the Permanent Cure of CONSTIPATION. Se ether disease isse prevalent In this coun ceun trv as Constipation, and no remedy has ever equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wert us a cure. Whatever the cause, however nhstiunle the case, this remedy will overcome it. Act at I he saint! time en Kidneys, Liver and tei1 ThisillstressiiiK complaint is very JrlieS. apttobecemplleatedwith const! patien. Kidney-Weitstreii!?uiensiie wik ened parts and quickly cures all kinds of I lies even when physicians and medicines have lie- i-!lfdn have either et lliese tieubles use KIUNEY-WOUT. Drnggistssell it. " I will recommend it everywhere." writes Jas . Meyor, Carriage Jlanulactnrer, Myers town, I'ii.. "because it" Kidney-Wert "cured my piles " JI1KKY-1VUUT. THK OBKAT CUKK FO An Alderney That wld Wet Mind Pitchfork Tines, and Tn Chsrgea Wltb Bleed- Bhet Eyes and Feam. N.Y. Sun. A savage Alderney bull en the farm of William Parker, near Irvington, N. J., four miles from Newark, attacked Mr. Parker and Geerge Seelander, his em em peoye, en Wednesday. Beth narrowly escaped death. -Mr. Parker is 53 years old, and Seelander is CO. The former is a prosperous market gardener. " Seelander is pretty badly hurt," said Mr. Parker yesterday, "no had no busi. ness te go into the barnyard when that animal was there. The Alderney would fellow any one of the family as gently as a puppy, but he was cress te strangers. We bought him when he was a httle fel low, and a prettier animal I never saw. IIi8 color was a fawn, his eyes wero as bold and prominent as a bulldog's and his horns were long and stuck out straight forward. lie was a beauty. In the centre of the yard steed a large wagon in a mud puddle with soft bot tom. It was the soft ground which was the salvation of Seelander. IIe went alone into the yard, and the bull bounded at him while his back was turned, The animal's horns went ou each side of the old man's body. One horn went nearly though his right arm. He was thrown against the wageu wheel and stunned, and fie dropped unconscious into the pud deo. While lying there the bull kept geting him, but his body sunk se dcep into the mud that the thrusts of the bull did net harm him except te keep the wind knocked out of him. Fer five minutes th animal attacked liim and had he net fcllen partly under the wagon he must have been trampled te death. " A man whom I get from Castle Gar den thioe days age saw the whele affair from the beginning and, instead of trying te drive the brute away, he ran te the house and told my'wife what was going en. Her screams brought me and my son Walter from the field, and at the sound of our veices, as we rau up te him, the ani mal stepped and listened, and after seem ing te think about it, walked away. We carried Seelander te the house aud restored him te consciousness. IIe is badly hurt internally. "Then we tried te get the Alderney into an outhouse. I carried a long hickory- handled thrce-tiued fork, and was circling about the brute when he turned square round in his tracks and flew at me. I didn't stir but I let him have the fork the whole lencth of the tines in the side of his head. Bill didn't mind it a bit mero than if a straw had touched him. He tossed me upon a high pile of fonce pests, t scrambled off. fork in hand, but befere I could raise it Bill was en me again werse thanbolero. He pitched me into the shed between the shafts of an old wagon aud while was trying te climb into the wagon he fished me out and flung me against a solid beard fence. ' It all happened quicker than you could say Jack Kobinsen. The rerk was splintered in my hands and I dropped it. I thought my time had come, for he had me tight against the fence. lie was covered with dirt and mud, his eye-i weie bloodshot aud foam dropped from hi-; mouth. As 1 was about te shut my eyes in desnair. tnv seu Will, who had been chasing the animal all the time, ran up behind him and jabbed a long-lined fork into him three or four limes. The beast shuddered, diopped me te the gieiind and ran bellowing like the bull et liashau tu the ether end or the yard. W get out. pretty quickly. The nct day we dievti him away ami had him killed al a slaugh ter heuse." Mr. Paikcr is able te be out, but he caiinet draw a drop breath without pain. ANTI-IMSClSlMlNATIOrt. terms of the injustice of the United States te the Nez Perees tribe a tribe that never took a white scalp and never raised their arms till driven from their lands in violation of treaty. An overture was presented front several presbyteries re garding the Indian policy of the govern ment ; recommending that citizenship be conferred en all who ask for lands te be held in severalty ; that intruders be kept from Indian territory and the reservations, and that inviolable faith be kept with the Indians in every respect. Rev. Or. John John Jehn eon explained that the report was in uni son with the action of the Episcopal gcueral convention and the Methodist gen eral conference. On motion of Dr. Heward Cresby the subject was referred back te the committee en overtures. An overture from the New Castle (Del.) presbytery asking the sanction of the as. sembly for a fund providing a memorial of the Rev. Francis Mackemie,the first Pres byterian pastor in the United States, in 1CS3, drew forth a statement from the Rev. Dr. Oakey, secretary of the histori cal society, that the Rev. Richard Denten, the ancestor of the Rev. Dr. Jehn Wood Weed bridge, a commissioner sitting in the as. sembly, was pastor of the Presbyterian church of Hemp8teed, L.I., at an earlier date. The matter was indefinitely post poned. By unanimous consent, Captain R. H. Pratt, United States army, introduced sis Indian students from the Carlisle (Pa.) school. They were two Creeks, a Co Ce Co manche, a Kiewa, an Arrapahoe and a Navajo, respectively. Coming upon the platform they sang, in geed time, " My country, 'tis of thee." Rebert Stewart, a Creck, made a brief address, asking why they could net live here aud work at trades they had. learned (he being a printer), instead of being forced back te the reservations and a demeralising influ ence, when colored men and European immigrants could Iivo where they pleased, A motion te take up the report of the committee en the Boek of Discipline and te continue it until finished was carried. The work accordingly proceeded, and the most important of the amendments adopt ed was that ministers, elders and deacons suspended for immoral conduct shall net be restored, and that withdrawing mora mera mora bers joining another church shall be dropped from the rolls without action unless charges have been presented and then prosecuted. A Bey Attacked by a Catamount. The inhabitants of Fountain Springs, a small village near Ashland are very much alarmed by the appearace of a large cata mount, which has been reaming around the weeds for some time past. About 9 o'clock, as a 13 year-old boy named Wil liam Fetterman was returning from ash land and when within five hundred yards of the Miners' hospital, ha was suddenly pounced upon by the catamount, which, lie says, is fully ten feet long from tip te tip. It felled him te the ground and was sinking its fangs into his leg when a teamster, named Westenheffer, attracted by the boys screams, rushed te the scene and after a desperate struggle saved the boy. The catameuut made its escape. Man and boy are soriensly injured and it is feared that the boy oannet recover. The inhabitants have sent au armed band out te slay the terror, but as yet have met with no success. MBniOAH. IEBKK DAVIS'S FAIN, KtLLKK THE TESTS OF 40 TEAES prove beyond;,detjbt THAT PEKRYDAVIS'SPAINKILLER 13 THE GREAT HEALTH KEErElt. THE KELIEVKR OF DISTRESS. THE COMFOKTElt KOU PAIN. The Enemy of Disease and a Friend of the Family, which should always be at hand. EVERY DRUGGIST KEEPS Perry Davis's Pain Killer. mayl-lydAw CX.OTHUH1. KR FAILS. NKY SAMARITAN NERVINE, 'I he Great NERVE CONQUEROR. A SPECIFIC FOR U3T EPILEPSY, SPASMS, CONVLSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPIIILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLYBLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAK NESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGU LARITIES. H3T$1.50 1er bottle at druggistsltl The Dr S. A. Richmond, Med. Ce.. Prep's. ST. JOS El 11, MO. Correanendonro lreuly answered by riiyal clans. C. H. CRITTENTON, Agent, New Yerk, allyeed&w Writing Papers, Envelopes, Decorated Correspondence Stationery, Bank-Nete Beeks, Pocket Beeks, New Leather Hand-Bag s EST At the Sign of the Big Boek. NOTJCK 'It TKKSrASSKICS AND GUN NERS. All persons are hereby lerbldden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates. In JLouanen and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un- inclesed, enner ier me purpose m auuuung ui nsnine. as uie law wui ue VAUMAUJCH, MO. rigidly aiiainst all tresnassintr en said lands rpHK Standard Carriage Werk Or LANCASTER COUNTV. EDGERLEY & CO., ROT 8 ALS. THK UNDRttSIGNKU I . :K.a2?iF "LUPINE UABKIAWU J5UiL,Ll!iK&, enforced of the imdnridfriied nttur this notice WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney ler li. w Celeman's Heir. e!6-tfdw r committee et Scheel Beard of Drumere township will receive caled proposals en or befere JUNE 4, 1883, according te specifications In the hands et ltcnjamin Cutler, Xleerty huuare, ler the building of two scnoei neuses in said town ship one near Centreville ( Fairmennt ) the ether near Quarryvttle ( Resshlll ). Proposals J ter eacu neuse separately pre-ierreu. BENJAMIN CUTLER, JACOB H WARE, JAS. O.SIeSPAREAN. mlG-3tw Committee. K1 R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M. As it Is ler all the painful diseases of the KII)NES, LIVER AND ROWELS. It cleanses the system et the acrid pol-eu that causes Iho dreadful sulTering which only the victims or Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OE CASES et the worst f erm? of this terrible disease have been quickly reneven, ami in siien iiuie PERFECTLY CURED. Price, SI, Liquid or Dry, Sold by Druggists. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, RICHARDSON I. CO., Rurlinglen, Vt. EIDNBY-WOP.T. Acts nt the same time en the Kidney3, Liver and Bowels. - Mr. Walter Cress, my customer, was pros trated with rhenmatlsm for two years ; tried, in vain, all remedies; Kidney-Wert alone cured him. I have tried it uivsiilt, and knew that it Is geed." Portion et a. letter from J. L. Iru5g.Sf, '!iVllM,W(t.F&w The I.nw Which Has l'usded the Slate Senate. Section 1. That :my umlue or un re a souable discrimination by auy railre.ul company or any ether common carrier, or a:iy officer, Kitperiutciulcnt, malinger or agent tlit-rcif in charges foreriii facilities for the transpoitatieu eT freight withiu this utsile, of coming from or going te auy ether state, is horeby dnulareil te he mi lawful. Sec. 2. Ne railroad company or ether common carrier engaged in the transpor tation or property shall charge, demand or teccive from any poison, company or cer poralien Ter the transportation of prep city, or for auy ether sorvice, a greater sum than it shall charge or receive from any ether person, company or corporation for a like service from thesama placa upon like conditions and under similar circnm stances, and all concessions in rates ami drawbacks shall be allowed te all persona, i-Aiinv.inieK or corneratious alike ler Hich transportation aud service upeu like con ditions aud similar circumstances and during the same period of time ; nor shall any such railroad company or common carrier make any undue or unreasonable discrimination between individuals or be tween individuals and transportation com panies in the lurnishing of faoilities for transportation npen like conditions and under similar circumstances. Any viola tion of this prevision Bhall make the offending company or common earner liable le the party injurea ier uauiagcs treble the amount of iniurv snflered. Section 3. Ne president, director, officer, agent or empleye of any railroad or canal company shall he interested, directly or iadireetly, in the furnishing of material or supplies te such company, or in the business of transportation as a com men carrier or freight or passengers ever the works ewued, leased controlled or worked by such company. Any such pres ident, officer, agent or employe shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and en conviction thereof in the court or quarter sessions of any county in which auy overt act of such offense is committed such person ee offend effend inff shall be fined in anv sum net exceeding $2,000, and shall be imprisoned net mero than two years in the proper county jail or penitentiary of the prepar district." Net te morrow, but te-day, read the adver tisement et Simmons Liver Regulator. Twenty-five pair el Celluloid Eye-Glass frames weigh only one omice the lightest known and the best aud most comfortable Unit can he. worn. Fer sale bvall leading Jewelers and Opticians. my23-lwdeed Ne Deception Used. It 1 strange se many people will continue Id sutler dayafter day-wjth Dyspepsia. Liver t.'emplaint. Constipation, Sour Stomach, (ien eral Debility, when they can procure at our store SlULOH'S VITALIZER, Ireeef cost if it. docs netcurc or relieve them.- Price. 75 cents. Sold by II. H. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. I.ancaster. leilU-eedB A Newspaper Kelter. O. M. llolcemb, of Rloemville. Ohie, rises te explain : " Had that terrible disease catarrh. ier iweniy years ; reuiiin'i lasie nrsuiun, nun hearing us tailing. Themas Ecleclric Oil curia inc. These are iae.ts voluntarily given :igainst. a former prejudice et patent medi cine. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1C!) North Queen street. A Dangerous Counterfeit. There are dangerous counterfeits in circu lation purporting te be " Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer." The strongest evidence et Its great value is the fact that parties knewlngits great clllcacy liy te imitate it. Kaeh bottle or the tjenuiiw has a Jac simile or a walnntJkat blown In Uieglais : audatlreen Leaf en the nnlMde wrapper. The " Restorer" is as harm less as water, while it possesses all properties neces-arv te restore life, vigor, growth and color te the hair. I'urchase only Irem respon sible narlies AsIc your druggist for it. hacb betll't Is wari-iinled." .IOIINSON. llOLLOWAV & Ul'., Pliil'idulpnta, and II A LI. A RUCKEL. New Yerk. JunfJ-lyd.eedAw ltitY uoeva. .1. If. H AUXIN a CO. Uepeml Upeu It. Mether-hi ilon'sprepho3ic3 and Leulslara elections aie very uncertain things, but Themas' Electric Oil can be depended en al ways. It cures aches anil pains or every de scription. Fer sale by 11. li. Cochran, drug gist. 137 and 103 North Queen street. SPECIAL, BARGAINS IS THE Gents' Furnishing Department. ( 1.) .r.dez.Unlannclrlnd COLORED SHIRTS at 5c. apiece. (2.) 15ilez. Laundrled COLORED SHIRTS, two cellars with l nil, at 13c. (:;.) .Tdi). L-mndried COLORED SHIRTS, with one Cellar, at 4lk apiece. ( 4.) 15 dez. COLUMBIA CHEVIOT SHIRTS, all sizes, at 25c. ( :.) 'ii uez. ( aoeui j ei nii.iv xics, lncmifr InirTeclr, Pull, Flat and Windser, at 25c. (li.) 100 dez. PEARL DRESS SHIRTS, un equaled in quality, lit and workmanship, at SI 00 CllCll (7.) l.riez. ALL-LINEN COLLARS, includ ing the best makes, at 5c. apiece. ( S.) 20 dez. GAUZE SHIRTS, at 15c. aplece. (9.) 1,000 boxes Raphael Reversible Limine PAPER COLLARS, nil sizes, 20c. . boy. (10.) I let et Ricycln or Plain Kienl, All All Weel t'LANNEI.SIMRTS.In blue or light, at $1.25 ..piece. J. B. MARTDf & CO. Oer. West. King and Prince Ste. M LANCASTER, PA. KTZGKK A IIAIHIHIVIAN B1V&ICAL. w U.t;i)XWUlTR -THE CHURCH COUNCIL. The (Sunem! Assembly Jt Saratoga The Government's Indian Policy Criticised. SAMUEL. H. FB1UK, ATTORNBV, fiAd Removed his Office trem 66 North Duke etreet te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, Immedi ately in Rear et Court Heuse, Leug'p New tfnllding. nl7-t.'rt MARKET STREET, BEAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOU3h, LANCASTER, PA. 1 We make every style Ruggy and Carriage ! desired. AU Werk finished in Hie most com fertable and elegant style, we nse emy uie best selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality el work our prices are the cheapest In the state. We bny ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give ua a calL All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set el workmen especially employed ter that pur pose, nas-tldtw KIONKT WOKT roil S1.K AT H. If. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 .North Queen street. mari 3um WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, .H. H. L.UOKENBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortment of the various styles con stantly en hand and ter sale en the most lit eral terms ler Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these Instruments, which will te leund te be very s-pcrler in Quallty.and Moderate In Price. Having severed my connections with the Estey Organ Company, 1 take this method te inform my friends in Lancaster county. I am new selilnc an Organ equal te any and snr nnssed hv none. Please call and examine one et the most bcantllul-lened Organs niann-J lactured in tuc uniicu aiaics. Mr. Luekenbach Is also agent ter the famous "KNABB" 6. A. R. SUITS. In Blue Flannels we keep but one kind and that the best fine in quality, pure in color and ex cellently made. We will furnish with each Suit, when desired, an extra set of regulation " Grand Army" Buttens. We will stand by every Suit we sell and war rant them net te fade. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth t& PHILADELPHIA. y inj2Mwa TMTVKIW KATHVON ASSTJKE YOU PERFECT FITTING CLOTHING. DURARLE CLimilNO. RELIABLE CLOTHIftU. CORRKCT PRICE CLOTHING. When your wardrobe supplies come from us you are positive or THE GOODNESS OF THE MATERIAL, THE CERTAINTY OF THE KIT. THE STRENGTH OF THE HE WlNli. THE HAND-MADE EUTTOV HULKS. THE FREEDOM OF EXCHANGE WITHOIT QUIBBLING. MEN'S SERVICEABLE SUITS", YOUTHS' ATTRACTIVE SUITS. BOYS' EXCELLENT WEARING SUITS, CHILDREN'S HANDSOME SUITS. ALL AT FIGURES WHERE DOLLARS AND CENTS GO FARTHEST. S-G1VE US A CALL. -5 lyers & Ratlrfen, Leadiug Lancaster Clothiers, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. R It. HOSTKTTKBftSON. GLOTHINfi. - CLOTHING. SPRING-WEIGHT T fOBAOCO PKKSSKS. MINNIOH'S LATEST IMPROVEDTOBACCO l"JiE.53r.3. Fer Casing and Baling Tobacco. Sold te hon orable parties en trial. Warranted superior In every leature te any In present use. it net as represented can be returned at my ex pense. Alse Manure Heeks ler cleaning sta bles sold en same terms. Send for circular. S. B. HINNICH. LandisvHle, Lancaster Ce., Pa. St-S,M,W4w The Presbyterian joneral assembly Rpent its first hour Saturday morning in thanks giving and prayer, led by Kev. W. C. Yeung, or Louisville, Kentucky, for the cemplete establishment of fraternal rela tions between the Northern and Southern churches. Kev. Dr. Herrick Jehnsen presented the report of the cemmittee en bills and overtures. The assembly adopted an overture from the Cayuga presbytery recommending tnattne t resoy resey terian historical society and the general synods and presbyteries take measures te best observe the four hundredth anni versary of the birth of Martin Luther. An overture from the Emperia (Ne braska) presbytery was adopted ask ing President Arthur and Secretary Lin coin te grant the petition from one hun dred and fifty Presbyterian members of Chief Jeseph's baud of Nez Perees Indians iu Indian territory te return that band te the Nez Perees reservation in Idaho. Rev. Geerge L. Spinning spoke in scathing Andseveral ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from t225 upwards. febl7-Ud LFULI. ASSORTMENT OFBRIAKAND Apple-weed Pipes. Weeden Pipes from "i'lvYli'MAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR Sl'ORE. METZul k HAU6HHAN II AVE THE CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS, THE CHEAPEST COLORED SILKS, THE CHEAPEST BLACK CASHMERES, THE CHE A PESTBL K. LA CEIt U NT IN OS. THE CHEAPEST BLK WOOL BUNTINGS, THE CHEAPEST CARPETS, THE CHEAPEST MATTINGS, THE CHE A PESTSUN UMBRELLAS A ND PARASOLS, THE CHEAPEST HOSIERY FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. m In Fact the Cheapest DEY GOODS Ever Ottered in this City. CLOTHING IN FULL ASSORT B1ENT FOR Men and Bpys. Audit the question villi you Is where te buy, give in a trial, and w will show you mc et the Largest and Beet Selected Stocks of Olethintz in the City. V lnv a lew et these ALL-WOOL, MEN'S SUITS AT $10 lelt, ami And I hey are givtnggoed sa'.Isfactien for thoineiify. ItKMEMI'.EE WE MANUKACTURE ALL OUR OWN CLOTHING. L B. Hostetter t Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOASTER. PA. ULAHH AHli O.UJZKNBWA.K. H 1H MARTI. TK1CKS, BRICKS, BRICKS. The LARGEST, CHEAPEST and REST BRICKS In the market are at my yard, Charlette Street, north of James. Tne3e contemplating hullding should call and see them. Ne hand-made brick can equal them. - H. MARTIN. Yard connected with Telephone. m24-lwd Metzpr & Eau a liniaD ie. AT CHINA HALL. ALAROE AND CHEAP LINK OF GLASSWARE. Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. : itetween the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) CRAQLE, CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS WARE AT YELLOW FROJNT 5c. HAVANA UIOAK, Is the best In the city, made and for sale at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. IKKV'S UHAKCUAL LOZKNOK8. JC The most reliable anil surest cure for Headache. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Rati Ereath and all diseases arising Irem a disordered stomach. Price 25c per Bex, mailable. Prepared and sold by ANIlltKWH.FREY. DRUGGIST. 29 E. Orange St., Cor. Christian. Lancaster. Pa. Drugs, Chemicals, etc., always en hand at the most reasonable prices. a27-lyd4w High & lartin, 15 KASTKINB STREET, . LANCASTKK.FA. PKOLONUED SUPPURATION OT JXUK canal et the external car, or eren suppu rativa action that has been el abort duration, but violent, mar nrednce Pelypi, r Granula tien, in the external auditory canal.) ..J Disease Meye.-Kar ana Threat treated by DRS.U. O.andM.A LONUAKER. Offlce-M East wainnt street, u&ncasier. Censul tat ion free. mytt tbtl W