" S, J" - - - v. . . k ,. ?:-".. y VllVl- Price Twe, Ceite LACASTEK, PA. SATURDAY. MAY 19, 1883. Volume XIX- Ne 222. rS V PLVMBINH AXD ?UMN BKGAEUAN. PURE PAINT, AND WHERE TO BUY IT. There ia no advantage in buying and using 1he common mixed p lints that are new flooding the mark9ts. They can ba bought at any priee you offer for them, but you only waste your money and the work expended en putting them en Wadsworth, Martinz & Longman's Paints cost mere at first, but they go farther , leek better and last longer than any ether goods in the market. Don't buy paint till yOu have inquired into the merits of these goods. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. ItlllN l: AKNOLU. DON'T FORGET YOUR Winter Clothing Until the Meth Destroys Them. JUST RECEIVED FRESH SUPPLY CARBOLIZED PAPER. JOHN lTaRNOLD, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. II ATT ASU N TOT1CK SHULTZ'S Old Established and Largest Retail HAT STORE IN AMERICA, HAS NOT BEEN HEMOVED, RUT IS LOCATED IN THE ELEGANT STORE ROOMS. SHULTZ BR( )S.' (OLD Nes. 31 and 33 North Queen street, WHERE IT HAS A Period of Nearly Forty Years. inayll-luid IHtY pEUKCK KAHNKST(H!K, ( BAIU'S OLD STORE. ) 14 EAST KING STPEET, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF PLAIN AND FANCY CANTON MATTING, CANTON MATTING, CANTON MATTING, PROM THE LOWEST TO THE FINEST GRADES, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES. G-EOEGE FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, WIS US AX E 7'STAlH.ISUfc.D 1785. WINES AND LIQUORS! At BEIGAET'S OLD WINE STOSE, Ne. 29 East KiB IW CALL AND EXAMINE. 1SJ We have just received direct lrein the Island of Maderia the iollewlng Wines : Verdelho, Vintage 1870 ; Sercial, Vintage 1840, Which we eflcr te our customer, tofjether with our old 1S0O, 1SU,, 1S17. 1S18 and 1SS7 MA DEIRAS; and KINK OLD SHERRIES. URANIUES us tell ws : Vintufre 1SS0, 1SW. lS'A, 1S50, 1S5S. Kine Old RYE WniSKlKS. JAMAICA SPIRITS, X. K. RUM, Ac. FRENCH CORDIALS. Kurgumlies and Clarets. We have t'.ielollewir Cli&iupugne Wines : 1'eiper Heidseick, G. II. Muuim & Ce.'s Dry Verzcnay and Extra Dry, L. Reedeiei'a Uinc .Blanche, Pemuiery Sec. Veuve Cliquot, Yellow Labei Dry, Kruj & Ce.'s, Private Cuvee, Jules Champien. And the GREAT WESTERN EX. DRY WINE, Frem the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. This is the Finest American Wine in the market, having been awarded the highest honors at the lollew ing Expositions : At Paris lbG7, Vienna 1873 and Philadelphia 1876. H. E. Slaymaker, aent. S. CLAY limit Brandies, Bis, Oil fte IMies, is, Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. ItlVEKY TT OUGHTON'S. HOUGHTON'S lew Livery and Sale Stables. FRI3T-ULASS DORSES AND BUGGIES TO DIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. DOUSES BOUGDT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Sir Rear of Old Black Herse Hetel. OAK FITTISO. VATS. STILL STAND.) HEKN FOR J. Sides. OOUVS. LANCASTER, PA. It LIQUORS. t MILLER J STAIILK. MEDICAL. nUlll'UUA. 3 THE GREAT SKIN CURES. The CUTICURATRKATMENT, for the cure et Miln. fccalp and Uloed Diseases, consists in thi internal n&e ei CTticera Reselvent, the new bleed purifier, and tin externl use et Ccticcba ami citxiccka Seap, the gieat skin cures. SALT RHEUM. Will McDonald, 2512 Deaibern street, Chlca go, gratefully acknowledges a cure et Salt heum en head. neck. lace. arms and legs ler neventeen yars : notable te walk xcept en hands and knees for one year ; net able te help himself ler eight yearn ; doctors pronounced his case hopeless ; permanently cur.'d by Cu TicritA Rkselvkkt (bleed purltier) internally ; and CUTicun. and Ccticura SeAr (thegieat Skin cures) externally. PSORIASIS. II. E. J'arpenter, esq , Hendersen, N. V., cured et Periais or Leprosy of twenty years" stanilln bj- the Cuticura. Kebelvbat ( bleed purllier) Internally and Iuticuua and Ccti ctra Seap (the tcreat skin cures) externally. Tliomeat wonderful case en record. Cure certified te before a J ustled the Peace and prominent citizens. All ultlicled with itching and wcaly diseases should send te us ler thi testimonial In full. SKIN DISEASE. h. II Drake, esq., Detroit, Mleh..funVied be be yeml all description fro-n u skin li-.e.i; whieh appeared en ills, liunds, head and face, unit nearly destroyed Ids eyes. The most caielul doctoring f.iile'l te help him, ami alter all li'iil falleil he used the CuncmiA ICpsevknt (bleed purifier) internnllv. Cuhcuka and Cuncuuv hOAP (the great skin eun-s) externally, and was cured, and has remained perleetly well te this day. SKIN HUMORS. Mm. S. E. Whipple. Decatur, MIp.1i., writes hat her face, head and some paits et her body weie almost raw. Head revered with .-cabs ami sores ; sutlered fearfully, mm tried every thing. Permanently cured by Cuticura Re Re eolvent (bleed purilier) and Cuticcua and CtmcuKA Seap (the great skin cures ) Cuticura Kemeitten are for Mde by all drug gists. Price et Cuticura, Hiimll boxes. Pflc ; JUi're boxes, $1. Cuticura Reselvent, $1 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, i!.'c. Cuth-ura Sua vine Seap, 15c. Petter Drug anit Chemical Ce., IJosteu. BEAUTY Fer Keugn, Clmpprd or Gu'isy tkin. Ulackheails, Pimples, Skin Blemishes ami lntuutlle ilu ilu meis. use Citu'i ra sr an otiisite .Skin r.KAirrinci: ami Toilet, Rath and MuiseiySan atlve. C1UTICUKA KKB1KIUKS j . It. Cochran's Drug I North Queen stieet. FOK SVI.K AT teic, 117 and 130 CATARRH. Complete Treatment, $1. A single dose et Sanferri'n Ka-.lcal Cure in stantly relieves the most violent. Sneer.tnger Head Celd, dcai the Head as by magic, steps watery discharges from the Nese and Eyes, prevents Ringing Noises In the Head, cures Nervous Headache, and subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages et foul mucus, restores the censes et smell, liu-te and hearing when atlect ed, frees the head, threat and bronchial tubes et ollenslve matter, sweetens and purities the breath, steps the cough and an cits theprc giess of Catarrh towards Consumption. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent unit Sanlerd's Inhaler, all ;:i one package, el all druggists ter $1. Ask ler Kan ford's Radical Cum:. Petter Diiro and Ciikm. Ce., Bosten. COLLINS' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the relief and prevention, the Instant It is applied of Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciati ca, Coughs, Colds, Weak Rack, Stomach and Rowels, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, Hysteria, Female Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaria and Epi demics, use Cellins' V lawlern, (an Kloctrle llattery combined with a Pereus Plaster) and lauuh at pain. 25e. everywhere. mayl-lydW,S,&w B HFISON'S CAPC1NKPOIIOU3 f LASTKR , THAT SETTLES IT. Brought into Competition with the World, the nest Carries lilt' the Honors. At the great Centennial Exhibition of 1S76, thd leading breducts of all the branches et the World's Industry were assembled at Philadel phia. Te carry off a prize in the face et that tremendous competlen was a task et no ordi nary difficulty. Inventions and preparations ter the alleviation el pain and the cure et dis ease were present In the greatest possible variety, representing the skill and the pro pre pro feumlest study of the age, and It may I e el vital importance te you, personally, te knew that the highest and only medal given te rub ber Pereus plasters, was awarded te the man ufacturers et RENSON'SCAPCINE POROUS PLASTER, by the fellow ing jury : DR.WJ1. ROTH, Sutgcen-tieneral, Prussian Army. J. H. TUOMPiON, A. M., M. D., Washing ton, D. C. C. B. WHITE, M. D., New Orleans ERNST FLEISCH, M. D., Austria. The decision as afterwards cenllrmedby the medical jury al the last Pails Exposition. Knewing the value et guch high and unbiased testimony, the medical piotcssien, both in the United States and in Europe, quietly threw aside the old, slew-.icting plasters they had been using, and adopted Bensen's in their regular practice. Thatphyslci.tnsai.il surgeons of the broadest reputation did this, distinctly proves the. inli insic merit el the article. It is no ti ere than just te add that the aver age pLysician el te-day is net dominated by the prejudices which retarded the progress and modified the successes et his predecessors et notmeic than twenty-live years :i20. He accepts hints lrem all quarters and endorses and aeps demonstrate ' healing agents wher ever he finds them. The right el Bonaens Cupcinc Pereus Plus ter te stand at the head et all external appli cations whatsoever, ler the mitigation or cure of disease, is no lengc r questioned. Let tne purchaser, hewevei. be en his guard against Imitations. The genuine ha3 the word CAPC1NE cut in the middle. Scibury a. Jehnsen, Cliemists, Xpw Yerk. mS-W.S&wGw B EPSON'S PI.ASTJSU3 Hilt SAL: AT II. II. Cochran's Ding Stele, 137 and IS.) North Q iceu street. marJ-aind CUJL. B. B. MAKT1H Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds Of LUMBER AND COAL, wrard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince tree ta. above Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd MAMURK anu coal. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herse Ma nure by the carload at reduced prices. All the BEST GRADES OF COAL, Beth for Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by the barrel. HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Yard 315 Harrisbtirg Pike. Gbnerax. Office 'My, East Chestnut stieet. Kaufman, Keller & Ce. aprt-lyd c OAi., M. V. J'. COHO. 830 KORTU WA.TJ1U ST., itnruter. t a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBEii AND GOAL. OonseeUea With the Telephonic JExehanKet Turd and Office: Ne. J30NOUTL' WJITE STUEET. :al,2-Jr.l Culicura Reiete THEDIAGNOTEIANS. A VKKV 1-LEASAST ANMVERSAKI. The ferly--lgbth celeurntlen of I be Found ing of the society Fine Speaking and a Crowded Heuee. The forty-eishth anniversary of the DiaRtietbiau literary society of Franklin and Marsball college was held in Fulton epeia house last evening. The audience was an exceedingly lan;e and brilhaut one the hall being crowded. The stage was prettily and modestly decorated with llewets and plants. Frem the fieut of the stage at the top depended en either side a large j;lebe composed of a varied number of very handsome natural Rowers. Frem the centre of the dies at the Irent weie suspended magnificent detal letters, 'D. L. S." "Diaguethian Literary So ciety" of large size. At the back of the stage were a number of Tety beautiful growing plants aud flowers, ferns and ether varieties of the floral world. At 8 o'clock the speakeis el the eveuiug with the profcsseis of the college filed iute the hall aud took scats upon the stage te the strains .of a march "Marien Bluni liben." Rev. Sylvanus Stall, pastor of St. Jehn's Lutberau church, delivered a prayer, after which the tirst speaker was intieducud. Scottish PeeU. Salutatory " The Bards of Caledonia. " Gustave A. Saltwedes, Cumberland, Md. The speaker welcomed the audience in words of sineeie .a!utatien, aud re marked that while be would make the welcome general as well as cordial, gallantly demanded that he should say that te none does the society feel mere highly honored iu exteuding an especial welcome than te the fair ladies of Lancaster, and then, using an apt Scottish quotation, iu iu tteduccd by it his theme. Let us for a moment turn te Scetlantl and take a slimpse at the laud el the " Thwtle aud Heather" which se jjieatly gaiucd the leve of her hauls. Ascend te the giddy summit of yen emiuonce aud see, as Jar as the eye can reach, hill upon hill, as 'twere moving nearer and neater. Yeu will be oveicemo by tlie grandeur, and in the lcvelry imagine yourself in mid ocean. The orator then continued with a fine description et the beauty and sublimity of Scottish scenery everywhere in that land, with her percipiteus cratrs presenting au impregnable delcuse for Scotia's warriors in times of danger. Natuie herself de fends her sons thcie as a mother de3s her child. With all this in view can we won der that Caledeuia'sbjidt; arc impressed with se great a leve for their country 'I Ne ether nation eati rival Soetlau-l in lyric composition. Each may possess certain supeiioritie8, but neue cau show se large, se charming a literature of song. The history of their country may be as stirring their struggles for liberty as severe but uowhere can you find such loyalty of the people te their cause, such strengh of do mestic affection as is portrayed iu the poems of Caledonia's bards. As Psyche was beru te a dale of flowers, let us fly te the garden of Scottish bards and charm our very sense, ami there revel in the glowing descriptions of nature'"3 beauty with Thompson, aud Leytleu, and Mont gomery and Knox, aud be warmed in heait by the martial strains of 0.ssir.n and of Campbell. Scotland furnishes many fa mous poets that would well answer as representatives of their large class, but the orator considered Burns the noblest of all a gift precious indeed. Burns po pe scssed the power of beautyfying man's life, but te direct his own wisely was net given him. The successive development of Scottish poets and poetry was traced out with geed expression, and iu conclu sion the speaker said, every year as it passes will contribute additional lustre te the fame of Caledonia's -bards, nor will posterity allow their names te languish. Music wait. " llighlaud Echoes" Demarre. Capital and Lab jr. Oration "The Iutimate Relation Be tween Capital and Laber "J. Q. Adams, Shamektn, Pa. Tiie miud of man, began the orator, is ever unwearied. There alwavs have been and always will be mighty problems, the solution of which demands the highest efforts of these who stand out prominently in the age in which they live. At the pieseut day we grapple wiih profound questions. In this sphere we are coulrented with the introduction of electricity as a motive power ; locomo tion through space, besides ceuutless sim ilar difficult projects. Te the solution of these problems the political economist aud the scientist bend their energies. Like unto these who attempted te read the rid dle proleunded by the sphinx of old, some approach with confidence in their ability ; ethers tieadiug with uncertainty where se many have been baffler, and among these questions chiefest is the relation between labor and capital. Every man, whatever his social status, has some qualities upon which he congratulates himself aud from which he hopes te derive pleasure aud profit. There are these be longing te what is comraeuly called the higher class, intelligent only in their own estimation, who, iu their narrow minded ncss and bigotry, despise the laborer, treating him as a sort of unavoidable nec essity. Te such, wounding the fine skin of vanity with the sting of truth, comes the words of a creat philanthropist : "I had as leave gaze upon the drops of sweat en the biew of honest labor as upon the gems of a kingly coronet." Page upon page might be written upon the dignity of labor in itself. The wonder working magician gees lerth iutoresiieus unbabited aud waste. Bcfote his manly strength the desolation nives place te a scene smil ing with golden hai vests ; the busy lur lur furuace blazes lerth; the anvil rings cheerily. The pessimist denies the possi bility of a harmony that gives mutual trust aud confidence. The optimist is tee apt te be deceived by the hope of a suddeu cuange for the better. We who occupy a middle ground leek forward te this desirable end with full confidence in its ultimate iulfilnienr, but knowing full well that time must work great changes, by way of preparation for it. There may be tumult and confusion new, but the time will come when society will be united, when strong iu ihat unieu the majestic stream of manful industry shall flew te the accompaniment of the highest human end the betterment , of the race. Music Lanccra " Iolanthe." Thoughts Abent Society. Oration " Secial Tyranny" J. Nevin Bauman, Zwingle, Iowa. Secial progress has ever been at the expense of social 1 freedom. Men rise iu the social scale by complying with new laws and customs. Modern society proves its superiority ever ancient by pointing te its luxuries and the curtailed roll of things which maybe done with propriety, and standing in the civilization of the nineteenth century men are apt te leek back with scorn at the simple manners of their ancestors. Yet there are times when we would gladly lay aside the livery of responsibility te tread their paths of innocent enjoyment and wander in their clysian fields of ignorance. Society has beceme te a great degree burdensome. Custom has set her iron heel upon the neck of humanity and de mands compliance. Meu must de an ethers I are doing or become the snbjecls of ridi cule and contempt. Houses must all be lurnished alike irrespective of individual tastes. The home, instead of being an ex pressien of the characteristics of the familj I is but the mirror wherein we read the latest oraze in household arrangement-. The world is moving away from the truth ful and natural toward the shallow and artificial. The common pine is made te resemble the mere costly waluut, and brick houses are made te leek like stone. Yet this compliance with social law is net without its benefits. The show of re spectability, 07en though h j pecrisy te the cerej serves as a veil te cover up the de formities of humanity. Were this te be drawn aside the world might seem but an organized system of deception, and man but a " whited sepulchre." In vain we try te picture man free from all social tyranny. The very means we would adept te free ourselves from our present bondage would place another equally burdensome en our actions. But for a better age, let us hope for a better social system, when true excellence shall be the passport te preferment, and each shall liud in" each a brother. Music Waltz " Scheidcn.-' A Great Man. Eulogy " Alexander Hamilton Ste phens " E. Everett Perterfleld, Falling Water, W. Va. The speaker traced up from his birth the life and achievements of this remarkable man, and considering his character said whatever bis laults may have been ene need never despair of a republic that produces such men as he There was never a mere illustrious exam ple of the command that sheer will may have ever matter ; of the power of a great soul te make a feeble body de its will, aud live en through mere than seventy years ei disease and suffering. The story of his private virtues is one ou which the mind cau gladly linger. As a man he was above reproach and above suspicion. Though he had been a successful lawyer and was long iu public life, he never in creased his income beyond his salary by seeking side avenues of remuneration, but preferred te give all that was net needed for the subsistence of charity. His good ness of heart is a proverb. He educated several uegrecs and provided generously for bis former slaves. The negre race is lavish in praise of him and they unani mously place him among the fore fore meat of their friends. As a statesman, a patriot, a philanthropist, he has uncon sciously ta en possession of the hearts of all reed citizens. Where is there amau iu the history of our country who, en a comparatively limited income, has done h much for his fellow meu ? He was a man of intense honesty of purpose and had executive ability of a high order. Feeble in body, as he surely was, he commanded the highest places of the state and the honor and leve of all who knew ; aud, above all, he lived and died a devout Christian and an oxemplary mm. Musie March " Die Kemis jheu Spiele "Carre. A ltlfleg Natien. Oration" Italy at Werk ".I. W. Brown, Lancaster. The foundation upon which every linn ami ntable govern ment rests was built upon her own untir ing exortieus The fair and beautiful laud of Italy, ouce the proud mistress of the world and at the mention of whose name nations quaked with fear, through her own indolence and lack of unity fell. She it was who opened new paths in every science, only te be tredden by ethors. She has fallen like a star from its place in the heavens ; she has seen her harvests trod den down by the horses of the stranger and the bleed of her children wasted in quarrels net their own. Conquering or conquered, in the indignant words of her poet, still alike a slave. Divided and de pendent she never looked with favor upon the old but true motto, " In union alene is strength." It is by uniting the many parties into two forces that Italy new hopes te bring back these days when she steed at the head of nations. With her the period of imotien is passed aud she new wakes as a young giant from sleep te dis cover that she posses :es all the requisites te become a great and mighty nation. If she will but continue te improve her indus tries, ever keeping in mind the fact that only through them can she arrive at any prominence, her future is indeed bright. Progress of moral and social character alone can give the energy that wins, and the constancy that preserves the sweet trust of these who accept with earnest conviction the greit lessen of history is found in the fact that liberty is the reward of virtue. Music Waltz "Lebensbest" Trem- plcr. Seber Cognitiens of the Ceuilc. Oration "The Idea of the Comic" Francis E. Schroder, Lancaster. Of all cognitiens in the world of reason the comic is at once singularly unique and wholesome in its peculiar relation te the human race. It exercises a marked in ilueuce upon the manners and morals of the nations, all of which are affected in various degrees by its subtle presence. Its true appreciation is shown mere strongly in the temperament of one people ever against that of another. Frem national thought and development it comes into being, and displays its manysideucss in its varied localities. In the German it is sincere, in tue insuman, naive, iu mu Euglisman, jocular." It is, tee, urged that the comic has its root in the baffling caprices of human feeling, and that it Is net coextensive with individuality. Whether this is se or net, it is yet most certain that the idea of the comic is a living and' leavening force in the daily life of man. The elements of the comic as iu humor and wit were then analyzed by the speaker, and the cenclu sien was reached that the comic comes te man as a softening influence in his daily life as he meets ene by one the various issues which go te make up the current of his life, and that lacking this tmrifvimr idea life would be cold and heartless. Music Pelka "Alpenblumcn" M. Carl. Art and Civilization. Diagnethian Oration" The Influence of Art en Civilization" Chas. D. 3Ieycr, Freeburg, Pa. The pages of history, said the speaker, glow with the achievements of a civilization which challenges the ad miration of every earnest man. Frem the time when civilization was just emerging from barbarism, down through the ages we can trace the gradual awakening te a consciousness of the power of mind, and find its expression in speech and action. The kinship of man, the common feel ing which pervades humanity,early asserts inself in arc, whose end and object is the support and exaltation of human life. Te understand why art has beceme a leading factor in civilization is te recognize the meulding influence it exerts en individual and national life. The artist, with searing imagination, discovers ideas which are net retrained by the fixed boundaries of men, but are as wide and universal as the race itself. Iu the sculp ture of the Greeks, in the masonry of the Remans, and iu the pictures of the Tus can and Venetians masters, the highest charm is the universal language they speak. Thus utterance iu art has through out history reflected the liberty and intel ligence of the nations. But why are the aborigines of our country Bilent '.' Why are despotisms which stretch across Asia from the Euxine te the Pacific filled with such a degenerate and wretehed popula tion. Compare with them the astonish ing energy and enduring power of the Grecian civilization when guided by the ennobling influence of Buch masters as Hemer and Phidias. The most striking feature of our times and the index of the most enlightened civilizations is the diffu sion of education, the greatest of arts. With it in the end art will become mere glorious, approaching still nearer te the Divinity itself and rendering mera beauti ful the pathway of life aud our worship of the Most High. Music Waltz "Nir Mit Dir" Meyer. The anniversary in every way was a great success, The orations were excep tionally well delivered, comprised well chosen and timely topics, showed fine ex presssien and solid thought, and were given with splendid oratorical effect. The presents received by the speakers were many and appropriate. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. Thes. G. Apple, a galep was ren dered by that fine mtiB:cal organization, the college orchestra, and the large audi ence was dismissed. The committee of arrangements compris ed the following : Messrs. U. P. Wanner, chairman ; S. M. Miller, J. II. Applp, J. Cassel, G. E. Ifft, J. C. Leiter, A. M. Kifer. Advertising Cheats ! 1 ! "It has become se common te write the be ginning ei an article, in an elegant. Interest ing manner, Then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such, " And simply call attention te the merits of Hep Bitters in as plain, honest terms as possi ble. " Te induce people "Te give them one trial, which se proves their value that they will never use anything else. " The Remkhv se favorably noticed in all the papers, " Religious and secular. Is ' Having a large sale, and is supplanting all ether medicines "There Is no denjing the virtues of the Hep plant, and the proprietors et Hep Bit ters have shown fcical Khrewdncss "And ability "In compounding!! medicine whose vli'ucs nie ae palpable te eveiyeue's ebscrv.ittnn. Jld She Die? " Ne ! ".Shu lingered and stiiK-ied along, pining away all the time ter years'." " The doctors doing her no geed ;" " And at last was cured by this Hep Bitters the papers say se much about." "Indeed ! Indeed !" " Hew tlMiikiul we should be ler that medi cine." A Daughter' MIery. " Eleven years our daughter suffered en a bed et misery, " Frem a complication et kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility. Under the cue et the best physicians, " Who gave her disease various names, " But no relief. And new Mho is restored te us in geed he ilth by as simple a remedy as Hep Bitters, that we shunned for years bctore using It." Tiik Parents. rather ia netting; Well. " My daughters say : " Hew much belter lather Is sluce he used Hep Bitters." " He is getting well alter his long sullcring f-em a disease declared incurable." " And we are se glad that he used your Bit ters." A Lakv et Utica, N. 1'. liiH-T.Tli&Slind&w HOP HITTKKS FOR SALIS AT H. B Cochran's Drug Store, 137 aud l.i!) North Queen street. mar2-3md The Celluloid Eye-Classcs will stind ten lime mere abuse than any ether Eye-GlasM, and fiirtheiiimre, they are the licit. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. myH-lwdoed II you are bilious, take Simmons Liver Reg ulator. Wm. McCartney, 8a Lloyd street, Biillule, N. Y., tell and sprained his ankle. His employer, H. Andersen. 01 Main street, preruied some Themas' Eclcctrlc Oil. and he says that a few applications enabled him te go te work as usual. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Nertli (Jueen street. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shiloh's uonsumntlen Cure is decidedly the bnst Lung Medicine made. In as miieii im it. will euro a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time and rellove Asth ma, Bronchitis, W hoeping leugu, croup, unu show mere cases or Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where they tall, it U pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child ami we guarantee what we say. Price, in. Bfm mill l-fm. If veur Langs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Pias ter. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggNt. Nes. 137 and I3U North Queen sireeu iulh-cixi i Physical SulTerlug. Ne one can realize, except by personal ex perience, the attguNh et mind ami body en dured by sullerers Irem dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, and ether diseases of the stomach. Burdock Bleed Bitters are a pe-dtive cure ler this direst of all diseases. Price $1. Ker sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud 13a North Queen street. A DangereiiH Counterfeit. There are dangerous counterfeits In circu lation puiperting te be " Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer." The strongest evidence el tts great value is the tact that parties knewinglts great efficacy try te imitate it hach bottle of the tjenuine bus a Jac simile of a walnut haf blown in the gla-s : and a Green Leaf en the outside wrapper. The " Restorer" is as harm less as water, while it possesses all properties nece3uary te lestere life, vigor, growth and color te the hair. Purchase only from respon sible nartiei Ask your druggist for it. hach bottle is warranted. JOHNSON. HOLLO WAY & CO., Philadelphia, and HALL Jk. RUCKEL. New Yerk. iun6-lyd,eed&w T1SWARJ-; &v. JOHN P SUUAUM. GREAT BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF CHANDELIERS AND GAS FIXTURES, GL.OBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, Vlnmbingl and Gasfltting, Reefing and Spouting. AT JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Icb27-lyd LANCASTER. .PA. A1 l.LI'N A. IIEKK CO.'S Real Estate and Insurance Office REMOVED TO NO. 108 EAST EJNG STREET. (Opposite Leepard Hetel.) HELIAifLE INSURANCE AT LOWEST jxm Si-1 mil DMOAL. tERKT DAVIS'S FAIN K1U.KB. THE TESTS OF 40 TEAES PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT pinm'SPAiNKw IS THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER. THE RELIEVER OK DISTRESS. THE COMFORTER VO&TXVX. The Enemy of Disease 'and a Friend of the Family, which should always be at hand. EVERY DRUGGIST KEEPS Perry Davis's Pain Killer. mayl-lydAw VVOTH1SO. The Leng and Short of the story is, that we are fully pre pared te meet every exigency occasioned by odd-sized people, and havei n stock Clothing te fit the Fat as well as the Lean Man. A. C. YATES & GO. Lelger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Ste. PHILADELPHIA. mylHwd A b. HOsrjsTTjsicaseir. Spring Novelties. ELEGANT STYLES IN French Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN Scotch Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN English Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN Demestic Woolens, ELKGANT BTYLK3 IN Spring Overceatings, ELEGANT STYLES IN Pantaloenings. 9. B. Hosteller & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. H. UKBHABT. SPBIM OPEHHG AT H. GERHARTS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 6 EAST lSXm STREET, OF THE LARGEST AU80RTMEM OF FINE SUITING, PANTALOONING . . AND srmxu 0YEKC0ATLSG, Ever brought te the City et Lancaster y These desirous of aecurlag Choice Style are Invited te call early. r rpWO S1UALC BAND-MADK. HATANA A CJtrMfcler&CW.. rouwuenu,- UAlVrilAN'S YJELLOW FRONT QlOA. -ftTOftE, A r 4 ) 1