' - r ' A LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCEB THSJBSPilLY MAY IT, 1883. VETERAN BEUNION. STDE 122D liEUIMENX MSNN'A. VOI. The Members Kenulte After Twensy Teats A Bketcb of tbe Kegiinent Te-aay'i Exercise. The members of tbe One Hundred and Twenty-Second regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers are te day having a reunion in celebration or tbe twentieth anniversary of tbeir muster out from tbe United States service. The regiment was organized by Cel. Emlen Franklin, under authority given by Governer Curtin, in the month of July, 1862, served in Maryland and Virginia, for nine months, and was mustered out of service at Ilarrisburg en the 15th and 10th days of May, 18C3. Ou receiving autheiity te recruit a company Cel. Franklin established a camp a ehert distance east of this city, and in a short time bad recruited no less than four teen companies. Ten of these were or ganized into a regiment and designated tbe 122d reimcut. The field officers were Cel. Emlcn Franklin, Lieut. Cel. Edward McGovern, Maj. Thaddeus Stevens, jr. .All these officers had seen service. Cel. M j Franklin had been a captain in tbe 1st yi regiment, Lieut. Cel. McGovern bad been a captain in the 7'Jtu ana Maj. Stevens a private inthe three mouths' service. The captains of the several companies were as fellows : Ce. A., Geerge Musscr and afterwards Geerge M. Franklin ; Ce. B., Samuel W. Rewo ; Ce. C, Smith P. Gait ; Ce. D., J. Miller Raub ; Ce. E., Andiew It Byerly ; Ce. F., B. F. Baer, and afterwards J. F. Hicksccker ; Ce. G., Jeffersen N. Neff. and afterwards Jehn P. Kilburn ; Ce. II., Lawis C. Audeuried ; Ce. I., Jehn M. Amweg, and afterwards Henry W. Gara ; Ce. K.,Wm. R Duncan. Nearly all the men in tbe regiment were from Lancaster county. After drilling in camp for a short time, the regiment was eulered te Washington, Pepe's disastrous campaign, having exposed the national capital te assault from tbe Confederates. Tbe regiment reached Washington August 10, 1802, and a lew days afterwards moved eat te Fairfax Court Heuso, where it was assigned te Gen. Piatt's brigade. It lay in several po sitions in front of Washington uutil December following, when Buruside being in command of tbe army threw bis forces ferwaid te Fredericksburg te at tack the enemy. The result was disas trous, but tbe 122 J suffered no less, though exposed te great hardships and bad weather. The army went into winter quarters aud the regiment did net get into an engagement until the battle of Chauccllorvil'.e en the 2J aud '.) 1 of May, 18G3, where it met the brunt of battle iu Gcu Sickles' corps aud lest 135 men iu killed, wounded and missing. Gen. A. W. Whipple, commander of the division te which the 122d belonged, was killed ou the field. His remains were forwarded te Washington, the 122d acting as an csceit te his funeral. After tbe funeial, its term of service having expired, the legiment proceeded te tiairisburg and va:, mustered out of scr vice en the 15th and lGth or May 18G3. Kl-J) . v s r. FUSION. Tlie Wieranu ftluatrriiisr tti ilie City. During this morning the veterans nius tercd te the number of 2e0, at the reiidez veus in M.'pnr.crcber hall, and were assigucd quaitcm as the different hotels, wheie they took dinner. At 1:30 this afternoon thej'aacv.'jnbkd at tbe rendcz veus, aud shortly after waids formed line iu front or Kn-ipp'a hotel, where tbey were pbotegraphid. Then, with the City oei net band at the Lead of the column, they marched ever the following loute : Down East Kin: te Centre Squat e, coun termarch te Shippeu, te Orange, te Lime, te Chestnut, te Nertli Queen, te West King, te the opera heuse Arrived at the opera heuse an address wasmalebyK. Allen Levell, of Hun tingdei!, who was followed by J. Davis Duffield of Philadelphia. A historical sketch f tbe services of the cempary was read by Dr. J. S. Smith, of this city. The company then adjourned until this eveniug, w'mii tv banquet will be served in Masnncrcher hall. The march of the veterans thieugb the streets created no little interest. An es es eoit from the G. A II accompanied them, and tbey marched by companies, Cels. Franklin and McGeveiu being at tbohead and Mayer MacGenigle aud many ether well knenu citizens in line. The news paper offices ard ether buildings displayed bunting. The men all were badges. CUUItCU GATHERING'S. Variant) DcnouMeatlons In Council. This is the season for church assemblies The 31st biennial convention of tbe Evan gelical Lutheran church of the United States met yesterday, in Springfield, Ohie. About 200 dclegatas were present. Rev. Dr. Charles D. Hay, of Gettysburg, preached the opening sermon. Rev. Dr. J. G. Merris, of Baltimore, was elected piesident ; Rev. J. S. Detwiler, of Leuis villi-, secretary, and Alexander Gebbart, of Dayton, ticasurer. Dr. Merris ad dressed the Histeiical society in the even ing, and was followed by Rev. Dr. Cenrad of Philadelphia. The cotiventieu will be iu session for a week. The 130th annual session of the Lutheran ministerium of Pennsylvania begins in Nonistewn te-day. At the annual meeting in Philadelphia j estctday the alumni association of the Lutheran theological seminary Rev. E. L. Reed, of Chiist Lutherau church, this city, picsided and was elected first vice president. Rsvs. D. II. Geissinger, of Easten, and C. E. Houpt, of this city, were elected members of the executive committee. The international convention of the Yeung Men's Christian association of the United States aud British provinces opened yesterday in Milwaukee. Five hundred delegates were piesent. C. L. Celby, of Milwaukee, was elected president, B. U. Warner, of tbe District of Columbia, first vice president, aud F. H. Hatch, of Kan sas City, recording secretary. The geueral assembly of the Presbyte rian church meets iu Saratoga te-day. Fraternal delegates will be present from tbe Southern ficseyteiiau church. The Lancaster classis of the Reformed church will convene in Lincoln, this county, this evening at 7:30 p. m. The pastors of the Reformed churches in this city will attend its sessions. ISIi'n Upeiit.fl. The water cemmittee held a meeting last night aud opened the bids for doing the trenching for the department. They were as fellows. : L'arlh per yd. Heck per yd. Peter -chiiM :.! cents Wcents German & llensler 18 ' 80 " Knmnufcl Stene 3" " K. Hinder 23 " 80 " W. Aucauip 2S " 75 " The contract was awarded te German & Henslcr. The bids for whitewashing the fences at the reservoir were as fellows : D. Scboenberger. $28 ; B. Smith, $30 ; D. Trisler, $25 ; A. Stauffer $34 93. There were two ether bids, but it was net stated what the amounts were for. Geerge Kline get the contract. There was but one bidder for the giass, aed that was Jehn Wirth at $10. Herse Stelen. J. W. Wright, of Parkesburg, telegraphs te Alderman Spuriicr, of this city, that a bay horse 15J hands high, tea years old, with the off bind leg white te : bove the pastern was stolen last night from near Parkesburg, and that fifty dollars reward will be paid for its re covery. The horse wasiightly lame in tne en mau jeg. COLUMBIA NKWS. Frem Oar uegutar Cerreipcndent. Margaret Green, a very old colored red dent of this place, dropped dead of heart disease at her home in Church alley yes terday. Her recollection dated back te events of the last century of which shehad been a witness. An inquest was held and a verdict rendered accordingly. A large crowd witnessed the endeavors of Officer Gilbert te escort a beastly drunken mau te tbe lockup last night. The fellow was safely caged after a great amount of trouble and patience had bceu expended upon him by the officer. A fractious herse managed te land Mr. Will Shcnberger en his back at 5 th and Walnut streets last evening. A few bruises was the only injuries sustained. Mr. Emlen Timlin, of this place, had his right thumb crushed at Rohrerstown yesterday afternoon while coupling cars en the Pennsylvania railroad. Osceola tribe Ne. 11, I. O. of R. M., will held its regular weekly mectiug to night. l'oraeual and Secial. A large surprise party was given by Mr. Hugh Dennelly, en North Second stieet last night te a seu who had recently passed his 21st birthday. It was a de lightful affair. A small but very pleasant birthday an niversary party was held at Mr. Justice Gray's near town, last evening. It was held in houerof his wife. Messrs. Jehn Pinkcrteu and Jeremiah McCrackcn attended the reunion of their old regiment, tbe 122d of Pennsylvania Volunteers, in Lancaster te day. Oreorge Wamuaugh will begin his duties as agent far the Harmburg Sunday Tele grata en Sunday next. A number of lady teachers of tbe public schools intend enjoying the recreation af forded bv a horseback ride this evening. Miss Kitty Shumau has leturusd home from a protracted visit te fticuds iu Cam den, N. J. Mr. Isaac Munay will letum home from a trip te Adams county, Pa., with a wife. LANDIS KISE3 TO KXPLalN. He la touted Again Iu an Attempt te rect Hlmsell. Cor Before the Heuse passed the apprepria. tien bills finally, 'the last item of business in yesterday afternoon's session, Repre sentative Jehn II Landis rese te a ques tion of privilege te set himself right upon the record. He read a long list of figures, purporting te be the bills of 1881, in eidtr te prove that the Republican Heuso was far beyond tbe prcseat Legislature iu the matter of economy, but Furth aggravated him considerably by indicating the inac curacies as Landis lead them off. The Lancastrian waxed wroth and made a charge in the lump that the Democrats were raore than extravagant they gave the revenues away. " Prove it," shouted Butlermote. Youden'L ueed te go far," answered Lan dis. "The facts arc in the present bill." Whereupon Mr. Hassou promptly compared the two bills and showed hun dreds of thousands of dollars difference "Is it tbe list of 1881 the gentleman is reading?" a-ked Landis. " Yes, sir ; the list you voted for two years age," repueu uassen. it is open for the gentleman's examination." Fer a moment Landis was non plusscd, but he rallied iu time te half apologize in tha weids : "I have prepared my list bur riedly and may possibly be a little inae2ii rate iu one or two items." "But you wanted it for campiign usj iu 1884 and should have been careful te be correct," interpolated Ammerman. "Yeu de this thing often and aren't correct when you try." l'AKTINU TBB KAISIE7T. The Assets eMhe Washington Flra Company. It has been noticed in oureeuitpio cccdiugs that upon the application of Reuben Osier and Valeutine Heffman, claiming te be meuibeis of the Wash iugten lire company, a preliminary injunction has been granted agaimt the president aud ttcasuter of this company te pievent them from distributing the assets of said com. pany among its members. The argument en making the injunction permanent has beu postponed until Saturday next, after the return of counsel who are inter eited from attendance upon the supreme cuirt. Seme of the active members of the company claim that the pieceedings have been begun at the instance of sonic sivrntei-n pet sons, irregular membeis of tbe company who have been suspended for failure te pay their dues and who, be be ieg debarred from participation in any distribution of the company's assets that might new be made, have beguu these proceedings, as they allege, te make the prepet ty i evert te the state or ether public use. Ex District Attorney J. W. Jehnsen is said tehavj joined the company when he w::s olectientciiug for office aud afterwaids de clined te pay his dues ; hke many ethers, he was dropped. He and some of thorn have recently claimed te be member.', but the seventy or mero active Washingtoui Washingteui ans will net have it se. Hence these teais. I. O. O. F. In the graud ledgo meeting iu Hauis burg yesterday tbe session was devoted te the lepert of the fiuance cemmittee. It shows the revenue during the year te have beeu $21,017.80 aud the expendituics te have been $1C, 108.90. Thcre were appre priated for various items last jear $13, 219 30 of which $ll,3G5.40, was unexpend ed, leaving a balance of $1,853.90. The assets of the grand ledge ou May 10, were $14,544.47. and the liabilities $5,000, tbe increase of assets ever last year being $1,870.29. The estimated revenue for the coming year is $20,375, and the estimated expenditure $18,510. Thoerpbans' asylum fund is $17,932.09. Tbe grand ledge had under discussion the question of granting a charter te a ledge iu Susquehanna county. It was granted. Last eveniug Grand Sscretary Nicholseu exemplified the unwritten work in the presence of at l2at one thousand past guards. Au ad j jurument will possibly fellow te day. The report that M: Richards Muckle had been elected representative te tbe sov ereign grand ledgo was incorrect. The venerable past grand master, Isaac A. Sheppaid, of Philadelphia, was chosen. The fire Department 1'nraae. The parade of the city fire department took place last evening, having been post poned from Tuesday en account of the rain. The route of the parade was as fol fel lows, the companies forming according te their numbers : Formed ou Duke right resting en Chestnut. Reute, Duke te Walnut, te Lime, te Lemen, te North Queen, te Orange, te Marietta avenue, te West King, te Prince, te Conestoga, te Seuth Queen, te Ccntre Square, te East King, te Auue, countermarch te Centre Square aud dismiss. The horses looked very fine, as they are fat, sleek and lively, and old firemen who saw the apparatus say that it never looked better. The men also locked well, the drivers appearing in uniform with white canvas caps. Chief Engineer Hewell was in the parade with his pretty team. The K. efl. Fair. The hall was crowded last evening ; no chancing ; wheel of fortune did a big business ; the Goodwill band will be ou band te-uight te serenade Ne. 7, U. R. K. P. Sent out Fer a Hearing. Careline Thompson was sent out for a hearing te-morrow evening, en the charge of drunken and disorderly conduct by Alderman Spurrier. Flstel Practice. Cel. Jehn B. Markley is the owner of a breed of brown Leghorn chicks and a cat. The cat is as fend of spring chickens as Mr. Markley and for a few days past has been dining en the plumpest of the neck. This morning the cat was detected in the very act of devouring one, and it was at once determined that she should suffer death. The cat wa3 a pet one and the colonel didn't like te kill her, but the safetv of the hennery demanded it. Se be took bis trusty revolver and went out into the yard where his intended victim was sunning herself. With her bright yellow eyes she looked up at him lovingly and trustingly, but he steelea his heart against her anectienate glances, ne aimed the deadly weapon at her head ex actly between the eye3. He was net two feet distant from her He pulled the trigger. There was a deafening report, and the recoil of the weapon almost knocked the colonel ever. When he recovered sufficiently te take in tbe situation he saw the cat, unhurt, jumping ever the fence into a neighbor's yard, aud a great hole ploughed iu the ground by the pistol ball. Mr. Markley will take se.'cral lessens at the pistol gallery before he again attempts te sheet that cat. Matrimonial. On Tuesday afternoon, at the residence of IIeu. Aaroa H. Summy, near Oregon, this county, occurred ene of the most brilliant social events of the season, the high contracting parties being Miss Auna Summy, and Mr Jehn R. Burkhelder, of Manheim township. The marriage cero. raeny was performed by Rev. D. W. Gerhard, of this city, aud the happy ceu- ple were attended by Mr. Benjamin Bear, and Mis3 Keller, of Epbrata, aud Mr. Mi!e Heir, and Mis3 Mary Shelly, of Mount Jey. Guests were present from all sections of 1 he county, and Jehn Spaetb. of this city, was caterer. Mr. aud Mrs Burkhelder were brought te Lancaster the same evening aud took the 5:25 train for an extended trip east. A Wire Melted by l.tutnlns. On Tuesday night tbe wire cenuectiug Lamparter's glue works with the telephone exchange was struck by lightniug and the stroke was se severe that although the wire was of galvanized iron it was melted entiicly off. Asauult and flattery. Emma Russel was held by Alderman A. F. Dennelly for trial at court te answer the charge of surety of the peace preferred by Elizabeth Reed. Netaiy Public Appointed. Dr. L M. Peters, of Quarry vilie, been appointed a notary public aud firmed by tbe Senate. has cec- et I'lve llitya. Amanda Tayler, colored, for beiug diuuk aud disorderly, was sent te jail for live days by Alderman A. F. Dennelly. ai'KciAi. nerivJis. skinny Men. " Wells' Health llcncwcr" restores health ami vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex ual Debility. SI. Never Falls. Mr. J. I.uist, warehouseman ler Iautz lJie-., itultale, it. Y says lie hau a swelling en the font which he attributed te chilblains. He used Themas' Kclectric Oil, and is troubled no looser. Fer sale by II. 1J. Cochran, ili-ug-(jlst, 137 anil lS'.i North Queen street. UrTLAiN rAiKPCOsr lm Swayne Te Whom It May Cencern: Itching J'ilcs is one of the most annoying complaints known te phjM cians. Every ene can tell whether he is thus nlUIcted by observing the following syui syui tems: Intense itching, particularly alter get ting warm. It ecms as it pin worms were crawling in or about the tectum. Small lumps sometimes :erm. The private parts are often allected. The mere you scratch the worse the itching. Knewing that my einttnect is super ler te any article iu ths marltet, T guarantee it te cure the worst case of itching piles in exist ence. Signed, ILSWAYNK, II. 1. lr. S wayne's Olntini-Jit. lsalseaplcasantar.il clli'clivc cure ler totter, itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas, barber's itch, pimple, and all t-ealy. crusty. Itchy fckin ci options, i-elil by nil prominent (IrugglitH, or will bCM-nt ler.Mlets. (in ."c. stamps), :i boxes, $1.25. Address, !i Swayne ft Sen, 1'lul (dolphin, l'a. ecl l4-lydTa.Th5.SSw i:reunN iiougclield l'annce;: Is the nid-a cilective Tain Dcstieyer in tin weild. will nie-i eurely quicken the bleed whether taken inturmlly or applied exter nally, ant: uici.by mein certainly ItKI-1 1-VK I'A IN', whether c-htenic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is wai muted dou ble the htiength than any ether similar prepa ration. Itemed p..iu in the Side, Hack or dowels', Ren Tlueat, ithcumatiim. Toothache, anil AL.Ii AClli-S, and is The Ureat Itellercr et I'alu. "UKOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA" should be in every family. A tcv-poentul et the Panacea In a tumbler et het water f weet ene.l, if pieleried, taken at bedtime, will IlKKAK ITPAOOI.D. 23 cents a bottle mavl-T.TIi.K&w Ue te 1(. i:. cecnriur-) drug stoic te: J!ra Freeman'. A'ew National Byes, r'er bright ueu3and urab'.lity et color, am unequa'ed. Celer from -2 te 5 pounds. Directions In Ihig ithhamt (ieiu.un. Price. 15 cents. "Dr. llonsen'a Celery and Chamomile S'illa, are wer.h their weight in geld In nervous and Mek Iseaila.he.1' Pr. II. II. Echllchter.et lta' t lnii II. Your kUn Cure is super ei cellent. Jt h fast curimj my daughter's ring worm, which has ."jirtaU ail ci cr her body.'1'' Sirs. E. I.. D. Jlcr riam, BIue Hill, Ma3s. Druggists keep It, $1 per package. SThe Diamond Dyes for lamily u-e have no equals. AU popular colors easily dyed, last and beautiful. .0 eon's :i pa'-kage ter any color. .v; AJriiKTisvMi:sTs. w A N T I'. It. go-id I an feij:c ;tAKMAKi:ity, s and leady work. Apply te J. (J. C,OODJ!A. Ne. 112 Beaver Street. ml7 w rANTICtJ A hTOUT IIUI 10 OK 17 I yens et aire te learn Carriage SRiithiny-. Apply at ence at PHILIP DOHISSOM'SC MllUAGEi'ACTOKY, IS! a. l.S Kast hlnjj street. It Lancaster, Pa. Y F.S.I OU- ;! fie. HAVANA U1UAK, is the best In the city, made and for sale at HAKTMAVb YKLLOW KliON'T CIGA I' STU1CK. 1,M?K SAI.K. V A TOOL TAI'.LE. Apply at NO -Ji; WKST KING bTUEhT. maylMld STfVKIvS iieusr. SHAVING AND HAUL DUKbSING & A LOON. Gecd .loin neymen and pi Ices same as ether saloons. II. WAGNEK, m15-ttd Manager. A STATKOMEErtNG OF THE WASH- Incten Fire Company will be held Te- MOllitOW (Friday) fcVKN ING at S o'clock, in w asii.muen Assembly nan, third noer of the Girar.1 Heuse, North Queen street. It A. H. HAM MOND, secretary. F UBSAL.K THK UOOD WILL ANOF1X- delng a geed business. The lliturcs consist or extension ladders anil ether ladders and a flic-proef Sate, paint kett'e, Ac. Apply te MRS. McCULLON, mlC-3ld Ne. CO Seuth Lime street. ArilLL. i.iNE OK r-OKKILLAKD'S Chewing Tobacco, llebjcca takes the lead at 10 cents per plug at HARTAIAN'S YELLOW r'KONTOIGAU bTOKK. IN UliltO.MC SUfPDKATlOJI, UK A CON Stant discharge of matter from the ISai, the general health of t':e. paltintis usinlly im paired, even !f none et the serious conse quences have occurred. Such a drain upon the system is net tolerated with equanimity by nature. All diseases et JCye. Ear and Threat perma nently enred by DRS. H. D. and M. A LONG AKEK. Treatment Office Ne. 1 Kast Wal nut street, Lancaster, consultation free. myl7 3td&w ITXW JLltTXMVUXMMXIM. MAKJSSO MXSTAJKK, BUT VOKOHAbE the genuine YaxaCiRar let Be. at HAttTM AN'3 TKLLOW MMNT CIGA& 8TOBK. GUAHA3I FLOCK. It you want te feel geed use no perk and use ,.,.. BUSHONG'S GUAHAMFLOUU. Fer sale at , . . . mylt-lwd Xe. 23 WEST WAIAUT ST. "pVKCOUATEt DEUOKATE!! Knights Templar Parade, MAY 30th. COMMANDERY FLAGS AND BANNERS -Al- THE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. PASSION CROSS, MALTESE CROSS, CROSS AND CROWN, EMBLEMATIC CARDS. 49-CALL AND SEE OUK STOCK. Intelligencer Office, PKIL 1 7, 1883. He Believes It flew. A man said in Oak Hall the ether day : " I thought your ad vertisement of a Millien Dellar Stock all humbug, but I was finally induced te come te-day and buy a suit of clothing, and having been through Oak Hall I believe it new." That is just the verdict all render that give us a chance te verify our advertised state ments. Wanamamer & Brown. Oak Hall, S. K. Cor Sixth and Market, PIULADELl'lllA. J. U. MARTIN & CO. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN EXTRA LARGE QUANTITY OF PERCALE SHIRTS In neat checks, stripes and all the latest pal leiiia. iiiust; jfuuua were purcuuseu m luiye quantity, direct from the manufacturer, and will be sold at a very close margin. A special job let of French I'ercale Shirts, with two col cel lars, at $1.00. Best patterns. OUR STOCK OF CALICO SHIRTS In checks. All the desirable patterns et this season, andare madcetthebestqualilyprlntj. In these we have two special job leta iidezsn Calice Shirts, two cellars, at file.: 2.1 dozen Calice Shirts, lanndticd, a: 40c. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PEARL SHIRT J. B. MARTDf & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Ste. LANCASTER, PA. GHOLEltlES. v tsfJiteit'.s It is Really True I'll AT WE ARK SI'LI.ING QUART CANS FKKKU TABLE PEACHES AT 15c A CAN. e hardly tlilntv it pesslblu, tliey were ever packed ter tbe money we bought tnern at. SOMEBODY'S LOSS 18 YOUR GAIN. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. Think et It, only 13c. a cam ; they will surely fro like het cakes at that price. ThenThose Tomatoes At 4 falls ler Sic., every can giiarantcel, aic a Bargain . Bargains in Canned Goods Te Reduce Meck, At BURSK'S, Ne. 17 Bast reng Street. ISSTJSUTAmMJSNXS. CUI.TON OI'KltA HOUSK. Saturday Evening, May 19, 1883. The management take unusual pleasuic in announcing the engagement, at great expense ter one night enlv. et the GREAT COMIC OPERA SUCCESS OF THE DAY, "Dutch Pinafore," MR. ALF. CHAS. MOSS' BURLESQUE TRANSLATION of Pennsylvania German el Gilbert & Sullivan's Charming Comic Opera, which will be i endered by a company et Re ding's cultured amateurs under the per senal direction or Mr. Mess. A IJRILLIANT SOLO CAST. A well-balanced and carefully drilled CHORUS OF FORTY VOICES. A FINE ORCHhSTRA, comprising ten et the best instrumentalists et Reading, selected from the Germania Orchestras. MAGNIFICENT SCENERY prepared ex pressly for " Dutch I'lnalere." ELEGANT C03TUMES also prepared ex pressly ter these presentations, at great ex pense. SCALE OF l'RICES-ReserveU Seats, 75c.; General Admission, 50c : Gallery, 35c . DIAGRAM opens at Bex Office, Fulton Opera Heuse, Monday morning. May 14. ml2-lwd nAUl'KXB. w rnAT JV1AKKS YOU LOOK SO HAITI-I T "WHY, I HAVE JUST BEEN TO SHIRK'S CARPET HALL AND BOUGHT A CARPET AT HALF-PRICE:" "YOU WERE LUCKY TO DISCOVER THAT PLACE. I WAS THERE, TOQ, THE OTHER DAY, AND I WOULDN'T HAVE BELIEVED ANY PLACE IN LANCASTER HAD SUCH A VARIETY OF CARPETS IF 1 HADN'T SEEN THEM ! " Brussels, Ingrain, Chain and Rag Carpets, Oil Cleths and Cover lets, in all the Styles and at all Prices, at Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cerner West King and Water Sts., LANCASTER, PA. MOTIOMB. WK SsW sraK KBCOTBES GO TO XBISMAN'S CLUE FRONT. UR PLAIN AMU FANCY HOSIERY GO TO THE BLUE FBONT TjlORTHE BEST FITTING SHIRT GOTOEK1SJIAN, THE SHIRTMAKKR, AT THE BLUE FRONT, Ne. 17 WEST KING STREET. w ILLIAMSON rOSTEK. The Revolution Made this sca30ii in CHILDREN'S SHORT 1'ANT SUITS is apparent te the most casual observer, the Coats and rants being made much shorter than formerly for Beys of Nine Yeara old and upwards, the smaller Children wearing a longer Jacket Pleated back and front with a very neat belL The SAILOR SUITS are made with a Yeke irent and back with flat pleats te the waist. We fcave paid especial attention te the JUVENILE DEPARTMENT thi season te procure none but the most indestructible ma terial. Fer BOYS' WEAR at the same time we have net lest sight et strength in making and matchless fit and finish. We court criticism en these especial Points, and whether purchasing or looking we shall esteem it a pleasure te show yen OUR HAND SOME NEW STOCK et CHILDREN'S SUITS. Fer LADIES who are looking for HAND SOME SLIPPERS the Shoe Department can supply them with the most perfect fitting and durable slippers et all Minis. Alse NEWPORT TIES In FRENCH and AMERICAN KID at price that will net hurt their Pocket Beeks. The BOSTON SELF-ADJUSTING HAT seems te have taken our Stylish Yeung Men quite by surprise, asitseeuuuuita impossible ter a Hat se flexible te keep its shape as per fectly as this Hat does. In FINE SILK and DERBYS we are SOLE AGENTS for R. DUN LAP & CO. 'S, et NEW YORK. GENTS' GAUZE UNDERWEAR in all qual ities. TRUNKS, VALISES and RURRER CLOTHING of all grades. & Fester. 32, 34, 36 & 38 East Kini; St.,' i. A.N CASTER. PA I1ATS JJVil VAVB. N KW-HAT STOltK. Ghas. N.Shultz. Harry S. Shultz. A FULL LINE O K TAYLOR'S Baltimore Mackinaw Hats. YOUMAN'S New Yerk Pearl Stiff Hats. FINE AND COMMON STRAW GOODS AT spun SOSS. (Gundaker's Old Stand) Ne. 14 NORTil QUEKN STJtEET. mar27-lyd&w PAMMt HJLNHtjf, xt. We havoeponc.: te-day another CHOICE I.INb lit LACE CURTAINS Three, thrce-and-a-halt and tour yard." long In Swiss, Nottingham Applet uln, &(.: UCh LAMBREQUINS. SHAMS, TIDIES and K SETS. Brass, ABh, Ebony and Walnut Cur tain Poles, Bands. Leeps. Heeks, &c. Cornice, in variety te til any Window. Forty Different Patterns et DADO WINDOW SUADES, in new colors, ti and 7 tout long. NICKLE ORNAMENTS, LOOPS, tRlNGES.&C. AN K.LEGANT LINE Of WALL PAPERS, Ol every desciiptlen, in Gills. Uieuudcd and Common Papers, Berder.-. Certres, Ae. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 57 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. a LASS AJfli UUKKNSWAltt.. UWM MAUTIX. -AT- CHINA HALL. A LARGE AND CHEAP LINK OK GLASSWARE. CRAQLE, CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS WARE AT High & Martin, 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. J VST RECEIVED AT BEOUTUKJJ'S, A Fresh Supply of LADIES' AND GENTSr FURNISHING GOODS Williamson Cempiislug in pirt New Styles et Hese. .Neckwear made te order. Shirts of any kind. Gauze Underwear, Working Pants. Overall. Hats, Umbrellas and Notions generally. PJease call and examine before you buy. HENRY llECHTOLD, Ne. 52 N. Queen 8treet. 49 Clean Bye Sfraw by the bundle. febS-lyd SECOND EDITION. THTJBSDAT KVKNINO MAY 17, 1888 AFTEBNOOtf TELEGKAMS. LATEST VI1ASE UP 1BISU AFFAIRS. Anether PUaenlx Park Murderer te be Hanged Te-morrow Tbe Guberna terial Contest In Georgia. Dublin, May 17. James Mullett, Edward O'Brien, Edward McCaffrey, Daniel Delaney, William Mareney and Themas Deyle, all of whom had pleaded guilty te the charge of conspiracy te mur der, were arraigned for sentence this morning. The first flve mentioned were each sentenced te 10 years' penal servitude and Deyle te five years' penal servitude. Mcuaflrey'd charge Dropped and Brady Ulacbarged. The crown decided te drop the criminal eharge against McCaffrey of having parti cipated in the murder of Mr. Burke. Matthias Brady, who was charged with threatening the foreman of the jury which convicted his brother, Jee Brady, pleaded guuty, out tee crown and the person threatened assented te bis discharge. Mere Drlilsu Justice Te-morrow Daniel Curley,anether of the condemned Phejnix park murderers, is te be hanged te-morrow. His father and wife visited him te-day and bade him farewell. They were very much distressed, but the pris oner was firm. UAUKISIIUKU MKAYS. Tbe Heuse Agrees te Adjourn J nua (itli. Special Dispatch te tnu Iutelliqbnckr. Harrisbuiig, May 17. Iu the Senate te-day an effort te pass tbe Heuse bill pro viding for tbe payment of laborers em ployed about manufactories and mines was defeated. A icsolutien was adopted te 'consider tbe legistative apportionment bill tbis afternoon and congressional appor tionment bill te monew morning. The Sen ate then proceeded te consider the prehibi tery liquor amendment. Cooper and Laird opposed tbe measure aud Stewart advo cated its passage iu view of the alleged fact that 250,000 voters had petitioned for its submission te the people. An hour was consumed in tbe discussion, when Kennedy interrupted further talk by calling the order of the day. the Senate having decided te consider the pilot bill in tbe time being tued en the discussion of tbe prohibition question. The pilot bill was indefinitely postponed en motion of Mr Grady. In the Heuse. Zeigler, Democrat, called up the reso lution te adjourn finally ea the (tli of June. A motion by Jenkins, Democrat, te amend by fixing final adjournment a week later was defeated. A motion te postpeno the question was defeated, when the original resolution was adopted yeas, 124 ; nays, 51. The consideration of tbe bill te tax crude potieloum was resumed. Ammerman otTered an amendment that ue pipe line company shall charge mero than twenty cents par lurrel ier transporting, carrying or piping petroleum The Ammerman ameudment was adopted, taxing pipe line companies instead of pro ducers, after which the Heuso adjourned. Kiteiti I'lrr.inuiajii. Fatal Ctve-ln ut'AIIegbeny Uiy. Pittsburg ii. Pa., May 17. While a number of workmen were digging a trench ou FajeUe stieet, Allegheny City, this merniug the gieuud caved iu, in stantly killing Jehn Smith av.d seriously injuring Matthew Gelden and James Hughes. A seller et tbe - euerr " Arrested P. B. Smith alias EV. Fe.lis, who has been flooding the region Jwitb circulars offering te tend $500 for $5, was arrested this morning by L'nitcd States Special Dotective Parkinson en a charge of using mails for fraudulent purposes. The ac cused was committed te jail in default of bail. TIIK KKNTUCKYGOVBKNORSHU. de Clioice Yet Emphatic Resolutions Leui3vili.k, Iv., May 17. Ne cheice for governor was reached in the ballot ing for governor at the Democratic state convention last night and the convention adjourned until te-day. The resolutions which have been agreed upon by the com mittce dcuounce the tariff act of the last Republican Congress " as a monster piece of injustice," and demand of the next Dem ecratic Congress "a measure of relief and reform, based upon I Iio organized law or tbe Democratic party, declared at St. Leuis in 187C and affirmed at Cincinnati in 1880, which requires that all custom heuse taxation shall I12 for revenue only." BRUTAL. 15 tl PLOY KIM 11 ew the SIt.il In 1 icar IManutactei lfs me made te Werk. Chicago, May 17 The executive com mittce of tbe Cigar Makers' union ycstci day afternoon heaui the testimony of six young girls employed by one Bebruian, en Einzie street. It was shown that tbey worked from six a. m., te nine p. m., and en tbiee nights of tbe week till eleven p. .'. m., making bunches for cigars, majority of them receive $3 per in.,. xuv week. and in order te make a preut from tliw scanty pittance he ..charges tbem a cent a minute for lest time. When the health inspector visits the place the proprietor manages te secrete such children as ar: under age. Other tyranical practices arc alleged, and it is said the place is en'y a type of ethers in the city. A SENSATIONAL HANfJINO. A Cendeuiued Man Nearly Succeedit i Committing suicide en the Scaffold. Jacksen, Miss., 17. Ilenry Fleming was banged at Pittsburgh yesterday afternoon in tbe piessuce of an immense crowd, for a murder committed teu jcars age. "When at the gallows Flem ing attempted te kill himself with a small pocket knife, and succeeded in indicting a wound in his threat. When tbe drop fell his neck was breken and death was almost instantaneous. Fleming had been respited four times by the governor. Casualties at a Small Fire. New Yerk, May 17. Fire broke out tbis morning in the tenement heuse at .1!) Suffolk street, but did little damage. The inmates who were in bed, were greatly excited. Mrs. Reta Schnikzer, aged 21, in trying te reach the street from an upper fleer by tbe Are escape fell te the ground. She was in a delicate condition and it is thought her injuries will prove fatal. A German occupant also fell from the fire escape and broke his leg. Tlie Irlenlc of the Veterans. Washington, D. C, May 17. The United States steamers Talapoesa and Ewing and the steamboat Geerge Leary te-day conveyed the mem bers of the seciety of tbe Army of the Republic and a number of invited guests te Mount Vernen. Te-night a grand banquet will be given te the society at Abner's ball. convicted of Murder. Fert Wayne, Ind., May 17. In tbe case of Samuel McDonald, who has been en trial here for the murder of Leuis Terent, the jury last night returned a verdict of murder in tbe first degree, and affixed the penalty at death. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, May 17. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair, followed by clearing weather, light variable winda, shifting te warmer southerly, stationary or lower pressure. A WMMttmiw Mntfamr lm Haltnrr BAxifax, N.a, May 17. At Djgby, yesterday, Rogers Amtr, who is charged with the murder of Mr. Carletoe at watertewn, Han., was committed. Amen has fifteen days in which te apply for his discharge under the habias corpus act. After that time he must be extra dited. It is generally believed that he is guilty. The High License Uaeattea B the Ullao a LestsUtare. Springfield, 111.. May 17. The Har per high lioense bill, providing for all. cense of $150 for beer saloons and $500 for whisky saloons, has been ordered te a third reading in the Heuse, after a hard fight. MAMKM1H. Pnltsdelphl Market. PirtLADiarHiA, May 17. JTlenr quiet and $3 i54 25 ; Penn'a Family, $52525. Rve flour at 3 9"4 CO. Wheat dull ; Ne. I Pa. Red. tl 21(81 2G. Cern scarce and firm for local use. uars euter: ne.i wmta-x 52 651 live scarce at 7ea72c. Previsions steady with fair demand. Lard steady. Rutter mederatelv active and east ; Creamery extra, 2329e ; Western, 27c. Pa ueus nominal. Eggs rtrni and geed demand ; Pa , M'iQ l$Xc ; Western. lTISc. Cheee steady and under Unlit supply. Petroleum firm; Reflned, 7JC Whisky at $1 19 New Yerk Market. New erk May 17 Fleur dull and declin ing. Wheat heavy and unsettled; k0c lower; fair trade In options. Ne. 2 Red. June, fl 21 (Bl 2I; de July, II 2J1 2; de Ang,$i2l 1 -H'. Cern JKc higher and quiet : Mixed West ern sper, eji c : (leininre, kkkc Ultl 4S35C Oats a sliade better ; State. 49853c ; Western. iaa;c;tNe.2 .innc, 48i04c; July, W Wc; Alia ,-, I.lre stock Market. CnicAGO-Hegs Receipts! 17.000 head ; ship ment, 1 500 head : market weak, slew and lower; mixed, at id !U07 25 : heavy, at 17 35 m .-. ; light at i; 9037 W; skips. $3 fOa? tl 40. Cattle Rccclpta. 5,50) head; shipments 2.40O head : fair, mederatelv active and atcadv. but weak; experts steer . fC 25QB ; geed te choice shipping, $r 90tl 20; peer te tnlr $; :je 5 00. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head: shipments. 200 bead : market slew, easier and suiuly: com mon te fair, Jigs ; geed, $5 75 ; clielcu, ' 9J. East Liberty Cattle Receipts. 380 head ; mametslew; prime, it! 40QC.GO , lair te geed, $5 75i?U 25 ; common. $4 505 Sheep Receipts. 4.000 head ; ma-ket fulr; prime. $5 ilfiSW): fair te re.d, $1 5035; com mon, $i .wax Hogs Receipts. 575 heat I : market actlv Phlladelphla, $7 7037 UO; Yorkers, $7 4(lJ70. fetei-K aiarKeta. Quotations by Reed, McGrann & Ce., bank ers, j,anc-i.sier, l'a. 10 a.m. 12 m. V. M. K D2H l--0 77 l'?4 4B ' m Ob j Michigan Central New Yerk Central New Jersey Central Ohie Central Del. Lack. & Western... Iienver A Rie Grande... 4t- fa ( Kansas A Texas Lake Shere Chicago & N. W., com... N. N.,Ont.ft Western... St. Paul ft Omaha Pacific Mall..... 9'$ 121,i 771 UK IMS mi myH I32'i 41 9i 120 77 1241 '2Sii 108 132 27 1CS 13l(i 25 4G'i 40k lfl :e2 92 H V te 48JS 10Vi rcji 4.14 53 2C1-1C 4! 8GK 41 102 371 93 4Ui Rochester & Pittsburgh.. 20'4 St. Paul 103 Texas Pacific 37Vi Union Pacific 9I Wabash Common .'i:k Wabash Preferred 42 West'rn Union Telegmpli 82J4 81 Leuisville& Nashville... 4!) IS? ISS'f W a (. HI cC S)L Jj Lehigh Valley ; u: Lehigh Navigation 41 4;t Pennsylvania 58 5i Reading 27 I-lll 27 P. T. & Uuirale 15 14 Northern Paclflc-Cem... 50"4 4U Northern Pacific Pref... 87 " 87 G3tOHVIIIO Philadelphia & Erie Northern Central Underground Canada Southern U5 People's Passenger. 102i 102 fbliadetphia. Quotations by Associated Prcs. Stocks steady. Philadelphia AErleE. R 19 Reading Railroad 2C?i Pennsylvania Railroad 5s Lehigh Valley Railroad m United Companies orNew.Iers.jy I'M Northern Pacific. 4t,7i Northern Pacific Preferrel.. Nerthern Central Itailread Lt-high Navigation Company Norristown Railroad Central Transportation Cempan''.... Plttsb'g, Titnsvilleft RutlUlu It. R.... Little Schuylkill Railroad.. New xerk. Quotations by Associated Piess. Stocks weak ; Meney, 3c. New Yerk Central Eric Railroad , Adams Express Michigan Central Railroad Michigan Sontliern Railroad Illinois Central Railroad Cleveland ft Pittsburgh Ratltead Chicago , Reck Island Railroad .lcs . 35 . 14 'i ..120'i .. 34, ..Ijr. .. Vlii . KM'2 ..144 ..130 ..123 Pittsburgh & Jfert Wayne Railroad Western Union Telegraph Company .13S siJ: roieeo x waua.sn New .ln-sey Central New Yerk Ontario A Wi-stern. ... -x. ' AN .N OKliXNANUK fKOVlUINO rill: A Clerk te Cemmittee en Eire Enelnc and nose companies. Section 1. Re it ordained by the select aud Common Councils et the 1 Kv et Lancaster, in Councils assembled : That from and alter the pasiogcet tliisordlnancethecommiiifMoi! Kire Engincsand Hese Companies, immediate ly arter their appointment and organization, shall electa clerk, whose duties it shall be te attend all meetings et the committee. and - . ... ... ... 1 Keep 1 1111 am: correct tuiiiuuu or tne same. wi10 sliu.il be paid 1 one hundred (1100) dollar salary, per annum, in quarterly payments 01 tweiity-flve ($25) dellan each. ske. 2. All eidlnnnccs aud parts et or 1- uances inconsistent herewith are hereby re ii"aled. GEO RUE M. BOROER. President Select Council. .1. II. LlfHTV, Clerk belect Council. IIKKl Et N. I1UUST. Piesident Common Cemiill. David L. Oickx, Clerk Common Council. Approved : J NO. T. MaeJONICLE. myl2 .'It Mienr. AXORDlNANOK AffKOPRIATINuTHK Public Honeys of the City or Lancaster te the several departments thereof for I In; lbcal year commencing ou the 1st day of June. A. 1)., 1883 : Sixtien 1. lie it ordained by the Select aud Common Councils et the City of Lancaster, that the sum of $103,900 be and the same It especially appropriated te the several objects hcrciiiatle named . Te pay interest en leans including the sinking lund 4 38,610 ui Principal en leans required bylaw.. 12,000 e State tux en leans 2,875 wt Street damages 10,000 mi Repairs el streets 8,000 Oi Grading, guttering aud macadamiz ing streets C.500 fj Watcrweiks general 9,500 Laying water pipes 5,100 e. Salaries. ...- -- 7,050 0e Police and turnkey 11,910 On Lightingcity. !-Ve oe Lamps and pests................... . .j0 01 Uelicienclcs in lighting. SLSiO, and lire department, $2,250, te June, Fire department general 5,5 00 Apparatus and real estate ter lire department... ..... ... 6,CC0 (X) Salaries of engineers, drivers. 4c, et lire department 7,525 CO Deficiencies in lire department sala ries te June, ldS3 1,000(0 Abatement ter prompt payment et city tax 2,050 (0 Ditte water rents 1,750 00 Percentage ter collection el arrear ages et city tax .".00 00 Contingencies 9,650 en Total $103,900 ui GEO. BI. BORGEB, President Select Council. .1. B. Liciity, Clerk Select CnuncP. II ERVEYN. HURST, President Common Council. David L. Debx. Clerk Common CennMI. ,, ,. Apnreveil : J NO T. MACltONIb LI., May 12, 18S3 Mayer. xteticb or Ditwotimew. IN Tim partnership heretofore existing be tween Wm.-Kabl and Ilenry Martin under tbe Arm name and style of Kahl A Martin, brick manufacturers, is this day dissolved by mu tual ceuasnt. AH persons having cutnn against the paid firm will present them, and all persons Indebted te paid Arm wilt makA payment of same without delay te Henry Martin, who will continue the business et manuiiicturlng brick at the yard en Charlette street, north or James street. Wlf. KAHL. i HENRY MARTIN. LAKCASfwn, May 5, 18S3. myie-swu A n i'A m e ! Ml K -tjf irj 2J-, :.ivr. j.,i