s&wft jmc. iaa ;VM?M is.wa Cy'B5rTS3fc3i -- V t -- f-; v : :"f- 1 PfZ MiiB Will WilMWiWWtpjifrfcjSWt amifw... up. " -! V ,. wr X Yoleiue XIXKe 219. LANCASTER, PA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 16, 1883. Price TwtCMii ?mBMRvSI9 ' I - ---... - ,, I .-,.-.. . , .., ....... .. I I, M , I , JOHN IUHM WANAHAKER'D. JOHN starts the Kay and June Sales with the unheard-of-aggregate stock of Twe and a Half Millions $2,500,000, and nowhere in the United States is there se large a stock at retail te which City and Country People have access alike, with prices marked plainly, se that 5 ALL PAY THE SAME at Jehn Wanamaker's. The certainty that besides numerous bargains daily spread en the counters the Big Stere is new known te fix the Market Prices of all the things dealt in, settles exclusively that it is the BEST PLACE FOR STRANGERS te deal. These who de net care te step ever night at a hotel, can check bags, coats, umbrellas and packages at the store deer, and can get lunch in the building. The few items below show hew things are going just new. Send postal card for samples. Frem one of the largest and best Paris houses we have some j splendid lets of Dress Goods, all told about two hundred full pieces, that were net ready for delivery until long after the time, and en account thereof were reduced twenty-five per cent, all around. This makes some famous bargains : A 41 -inch All-Weel Illuminated. Beige, 45c. A 43-inch All-wool Crepe Beige, 50c. Far under value. A 45-inch Cashmere Beige 60c. Far under value. A 42-inch All-wool Check, 50c. Far under value. A 42-inch All-wool Albatross, 60c. Far under value. A 42 -inch All-wool Albatross, 75c. Far under value. The following lets are very desirable : A 40-inch All-wool French Shooda, 50c. A 42-inch All-wool French Shooda, 75c. A 42-inch All-wool Pin's Head Check, 60c. A 31-inch Nun's Veiling (creams), 35c. The steady increase of our Dress Goods Department must be owing te the constant watch te keep our prices the lowest. We could net afford te cut off dress patterns and take them back, as our rules compel, when ethers sold at lower rates, se we are en the alert all the time te protect ourselves by marking the lowest figures going. A magnificent let of newly imported Lyens Black Grena dines, warranted all silk. The designs are rich and beautiful. Twe qualities, $1.25 and $1.50, which is said te be less than half of the cost of importation. Be fore the goods reached the counters twenty dresses were sold by the sample piece that customers saw in passing. We have some ether Black Goods at half price. JOHN WANAMAKER, Chestnut St., Thirteenth and Market Sts., WASA.JLAX.BBfB JCKW ADVMRT1BBMXXT. WANAMAKER Linen Sheetings, 2 yds. wide, value 90c, new 65c. ; value $1.00, new 75c. ; value $1.20, new 85c. 45 inch Pillow Linen, 37 c. 54-inch Pillow Linen, 50c! 40-inch Butcher's Linen, 22 c. 44Drawer Linen, 18, 22, 25, 28 and 31c. Fine Cream Damask, $1.25 ; reduced te$i. Table Cleths, 2x2, 2x3, 2x4 2x5 yards. A Tewel, 22x43 inches, weigh half a pound, 25c. A Damask Tewel, 23x48 inches, geed and heavy, price new at first hands, zyc. ; our price. 31c. Ladies' English Solid-color Bril liant Lisle Hese, 50c. Ladies' Colored Hese, 12., hitherto 25c. Ladies' Leng Balbriggan French feet, 20c, hitherto Ladies' Fancy Hese, a fifty cent quality for 25c. Men's full regular made, (Ger man) Brown mixed, i2c. Men's English Striped, full reg ular made, 18c. Children's full regular made, at 15, 20, 30, 35c, worth double. The Madras, Nottingham Antique and Tambeurd Cur tains are in usual abundance. Furniture coverings begin at T2ic, a yard, and some of our Cretonne are the cheapest we ever had. Handsome Antique Curtains, $3.50 per pair. Four styles Gentlemen's Sus penders, made in our workrooms at Oak Hall, 15, 25, 40 and 50. Balbriggan Underwear, 37c; used te be 50c. Geed Night Shirt, 75c. PHILADELPHIA. Seme lets of Buttens and Dress Trimmings at nominal prices as long as they last. New importations of Paris But But eons open. Children's and Misses' Trim med Hats, ready te put en, for $1.50, $1.75 and $2, and up wards. These come from our own work rooms. Ladies' Rough-and-Ready Bennets and Hats, all colors and black, for 25c. 1 J7 dozen sprays of fine flow ers at 25c a spray for millinery and corsage. These are about half price. There is a new counter for 9 and 1 2c. Satin and Gres Grain Ribbons, of which we have all colors. The new Waukenphast Shee is about the best thing yet that has been done for men, if com fort for the feet is considered. Only first-class workmen can make them, and, as yet, we have net been able te make sufficient quantities te get the price lower than $7 ; but this is a dollar less than, we are told, is asked else where. 1 5 yard Lengths of Summer Silks, 35 te 65c. Glace Changeable". Silk, 65c. New India Silks, black grounds, small white figures, very handsome, at $i,5e. A fair Black Silk is going new for 75c, and quite a geed one for a Dellar. If you will pay$i.5e, we have a quality of the Bellen make that we recommend, and will ask you te recommend after wearing it. 2e inch Black Satin Parasol, lined in various colors, ten gilt ribs, handsome natural stick, Spanishlace trimmed. Price, $3. MEDICAL. nCTIUuKA. n uUtiGura t THE GREAT SKIN CURES. The CUTICUR A TRE ATM ENT, ler the cure et bkln. Scalp and Bleed Diseases, consists in tin internal use or Ccticura Keselveht. the new bleixl purifier, and the externa use et CunciTBA and Cuticuka Seap, the gteat skin cures. SALT RHEUM. Will McDonald, 2M2 Dearborn street. Chica go, gratelulJy acknowledges a cure et Salt Kheum en head, neck, lace, arms and legs ler seventeen yar.s : net able te walk except en hands and knees for one year ; net able te help himself ter eight years; doctors pronounced hii case hopeli-ss ; permanently cursd by Cu ticura Kkselvknt (bleed pun tier) internally ; and Ccticuka and Ccticdka Seap (the great skin cures) externally. PSORIASIS. " 11. E. Carpenter, van., Hendersen, N. Y., cured et Psoriasis or Leprosy of twenty years standing by the Ctmcniu. Reselvent ( bleed purltler) internally and Cuticura. and Cuti cura Seap (the great skin cures) externally. The meat wonderful case en record. Cuiu certltled te before a Justice et the Peace and prominent citizens. All allllcted with Itching and scaly diseases should send te us ler this testimonial In lull. SKIN DISEASE. F. II. Drake, esq., Detroit, Mich.. suffered be yond all description fro-n a skin disease which appeared en his hands, head and lace, and nearly destroyed his eyes. The most caretul oeetoring lailei te help him, and after all had tailed he used the Cuticuba Kkselvent (bleed purifier) iuternullv. Cuticura and Ccticura Seap (the great skm cant) externally, and was cured, and has remained perfectly well te this day. SKIN HUMORS. Mru. S. E. Whipple. Decatur, Mich., writes rhat her face, head and some parts of her body were almost raw. Head covered with scabs, and sores ; suffered fearfully, and tried every thing. Permanently cured by Ccticura Ub Ub selvkmt (bleed purlller) and Cuticura and Ccticura Seap (the great skin cures.) Cuticura Remedies arc for sale by all drug gists. Price et Cutictjra, small boxes. 5te ; large boxes, $4. Cuticura Reselvent, SI per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25c. Cuticura Shaving Seap, 15c. Petter Drug ana Chemical Ce., Iloflteu. Lli' A TTIII V Fer Kengh, Chapped or SDEJJ3.V X X Greasy Skin, Blackheads, Pimples, Skin Itiemishes and Infantile Hu mors, use Cuticura Seap an exquisite Skin Bkautifier and Toilet, Bath aud Nursery San ative. CUTJCUKA KKMEDIKS FOK MACK AT It. It. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen sticet. CATARRH. Complete Treatment, $1. A single dose et San lord' Radical Cure In stantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or iicuu uuiua, clears iuu iieiui as uy magic, slops watery discharges from the Nese and Eyes, prevents Klnulng Noises in the Head, cures Nervous Headache, and subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of tout mucus, restores the senses of smell, taste and hearing when alleet- ei, trees tue neau. tureat ami Drencniui tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purities the breath, steps the cough and arrests the pro gress of Catarrh towards Consumption. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and banterd's Inhaler, all in one package, et all drnggiste ter $1. Ask ler San San renn's Radical Cure. Petter Drug and Ciie.m. Ce., Bosten. COLLINS' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the relict and prevention, the Instant It is applied of Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciati ca, Coughs, Colds, Weak Back, Stomach and Bowels, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, Hysteria, Female Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaria and hnt demics, use Cellins' Piasters, (an Klectrlc Battery combined with a Preus Plaster) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere. mayl-lydW,S,w B UNSON'S CAPClMKPUKOUtt rLASTKlt THAT SETTLES IT. Brought into Competition wltb the World, the IJest Carries UIT the Honors. At the great Centennial Exhibition of 1S76, the leading breJucts of all the branches el the World's industry were assembled at Philadel phia. Te carry off a prize in the face el that tremendous competien was a task et no ordi nary difllculty. Inventions and preparations ler the alleviation el pain and the cure et dis dis case were present In the greatest posslble vailety, representing the skill and the pro pre pro leundct study of the age, aud it may Le et vital importance te you, personally, te knew that the highest aud only medal given te rub bnr Pereus plasters, was awarded te the man ufacturers et BENSON'S CAPCINE POKOUS PLASTEU, by the following Jury : DB. WM. BOTH, Surgoen-Ueneral, Prussian Army. J. H. THOMPSON, A. M., M. D., Washing ton, D. C. C. B. WHITE, M. D.. New Orleans. ERNST FLE1SCII, M. D., Austria. The decision was attcrwards centlrmcdby the medical jury at the last Parts Exposition. Knewing the value et such high aud unbiased testimony, the medical profession, both in the United States ami in Europe, quickly threw aside the old, slew-acting plasters they had been using, and adopted Bonsen's in their regular practice. That physicians ai.d surgeons of the broadest reputation did this, distinctly proves the intrinsic merit el the article. It is no mero than just te add that the aver aver age ptysician et te-day Is net dominated by the prejudices which retarded the progress and modified the successes of his predecessors el net mere than twenty-live years aee. He accepts hints from all quarters and endorses and adeps demonstrated healing agents wher ever he llnds them. The right of Bensen's Capclnc Pereus Plas ter te stand at the head of all external appli cations whatsoever, ler the mitigation or cure of disease, is no longer questioned. Let the purchaser, however, be en his guard against imitations. The genuine has the word CAPCINE cut in the middle. Scabury & Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. in8-W,S&w6in BENSON'S PL.ASTKKS FUR SALK AT H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 130 North Queen street. mar2-3md CAltMlAttJStt, SO. rriHH Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTEB COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, BEAK OF CENTBAL MABEET HOUSES, 1ANCASTEB, PA. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. All Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality of .work enr prices are the cheapest In the state. We boy ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give ns a calL All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set el workmen especially employed ler that pur pose. - nau-tlcufw RemeOies MARYLAND MORMONS. ON TUB UEKU (JBfcKK KUCBS. Revival of Meraiunlain Preaching Jeseph Smith's Kevelatteu, but Kcpudlat- lug the felygamlsts. After a lapse of thirty years ITarferd county, Md., has a return of Mormonism, and a number of its citizens are net a lit tle exercised at its reappearance. It is thought that the ideas of that creed have been working in that section of the com munity for several years, but the first public meeting since the revival of the doctrine took pbce ou Tuesday three weeks age. The second public meeting was held en May G. Beth ttiese meetings wcre held at the house of Jeseph Eckert, a shoemaker and a farmer, residing near the Rocks of Deer creek, en the southeast side of the Rocks. Thete was no meeting, but the bubject was the topic of general conversation all ever that region. The sect is known as the United Brethren of the Latter Day Saints. At the last meet ing between GO aud 100 persons were pre sent, the males outnumbering the females 3 or 4 te 1. The meetiug was organized by Jeshua Fowler, a farmer, residing in the itnmo itnme itnmo dtate neighborhood ou a farm of about SO acres belonging te his mother. He is paid te be an intelligent man, though net well educated. He was raised in Philadelphia, and went te Harford county eight or nine years age. His mother at that time was housekeeper for the late E. Stanley Rogers. at Rocks of Deer Creek. He married a Miss Matthews, of Fawn Greve, Yerk county, Pa., a daughter of Dr. Matthews, who formerly lived in Harford county, and was a Mermen preacher. This Dr. Mat thews kept a store ac Deer Park, fifth dis trict, Harford county. He preached the Mermen doctrine in Harford county until he became unpopular and ruined his busi ness. Fowler by marrying this daughter of Dr. Matthews is said te have become charged with Matthews' Mermen notions. Fowler is about twenty-five years of age, slim and sandy haired. lie is plain in dress, fair in manners, and of geed address, and if he had ed ucation would be a geed speaker. In opening the meeting he did net state its ob ject. He said that he ought te be at home, as his wife was sick, but Almighty Ged had relieved him of the charge and sent his wife's sister down te take care of her while he came te the meeting. These present, he said, were net like the Mor mons of Utah, but were opposed te pelyg amy. He belonged, he said, te the erigi nal Mermen church, net te Bricham Yeung's part of it, and was a follower of smith. He introduced his brother-in-law, Menteville O. Matthews, of .New Park, Yerk county. Pa., as the regular Mermen preacher. Matthews lives near Fawn Greve, Pa , near the Maryland line, is a clock mender by trade, and is about forty years of age. Though he has little educa tion, he has a forcible way of speaking. Matthews prayed before he began his sermon. He preached the divine institu tion of the Mermen church of the prophet Jeseph Smith, but repudiated the church of Utah, which he held had departed from the true faith in engrafting polygamy upon the original Mermen doctrine. In fact, the Harford county Mormons appear te be a small fragment of a body which is quite numerous in Iowa and Illinois. A geed deal of suspicion is, however, enter tained of the mevement lest it may cloak polygamist tendencies, such as is declared were manifested thirty years age. A MILLIONAIRE'S LUXURY. Hew Prince Vanderbllt 17111 Travel The most elegant and complete coach that was ever constructed at the car shops of the New Yerk Central & Hudsen River railroad company, at West Albany, was built lately for the use of William K. Yauderbilt, at a cost of $25,000, from plans prepared under his personal super vision. The frame work of the coach, the body of which is GO feet long and 9 feet 8 inches wide, is of choice oak timber and the fleer is of Georgia pine. The paneling of the outside is of white weed painted a straw color, and artistically striped and decorated. The body is held together with belts and is thoroughly braced throughout, with a view te strength and resistance in case of a collision. Twe six wheel trucks, equipped with the Page 42 inch wheel, support the car. The exterior is se unpretentious that it is hard te imagine au interior se elegant as that which is seen upeu stepping into the vehicle. The finishings of the interior are entitely of exquisitively carved and highly polished mahogany, except the head linings, which are of white weed. The lamps aud all ether trimmings aie of real bronze. The diniug room is an ele gant apartment and eccup'es the entire width of the car and is about twelve feet width. Barths which are set back into the Bides of the coach, making handsome panels, are let down at night and furnish sleeping accommodations for eighteen per sons. Next cemes the kitchen, with range and cooking utensils complete, and a com modious cupboard with an ingenious ar rangement for holding dishes in place. Overhead is a water tank with a capacity of 200 gallons. Acress the hall is a Btere room and a sleeping room for the porter, also a handsomely equipped toilet room. Following along the hall about the centre of the car are two bed rooms, each seven and a half feet wide and six and a half feet long. They are supplied with stationary bedsteads of mahogany, beauti ful plate glass mirrors, while connected with both compartments is a toilet and bathing room, with all modern conven iences, including a shower bath. Under each bedstead are drawers for clothing, and in the hallway, just outside, is a polished marble washstand. The parlor adjoins the sleeping rooms and will be furnished in the most elaborate style of art. The windows are all of plate glass, and at the ends of the coach the glass in the doers and windows extends almost te the floors. Ice tanks and coal bunkers are Bet in the fleer, as is also a receptacle for tools, which will be at hand iu case of accident. The platforms are furnished with gates at the. sides and ends, and covers can be lowered ever the steps, making the platform the full width of the car. The steps are jointed and can be folded out of the way. A new style of Baker heater is suspended beneath the coach te supply the steam pipes with which the coach is provided. The West West ingheuse automatic air brake and the Miller coupling are used. A Marvelleus Invention. New applications of electricity multiply of late years. Dr. Guidab, of Victeria, claims te have be far perfected an instru ment called the electroscope as te be able te transmit by electricity vibrations of light, and thereby te reproduce scenes te the eye from a distance many times be yond the range of human vision. Accord ing te the Londen papers, a tiial of this instrument took place recently at Mel bourne, in the presence of scientific and public men : "Sitting in a dark room, they saw nre- jected en a large disk of white burnished metal the race course at Flemmingten, with its myriad of aetive.beings. " Minute details steed eat with perfect fidelity te the original, and as they looked at the wonderful picture through binocular glasses it was difficult te imagine that they were net actually en the ceurse itself and moving among these actions they could se completely scan." it is te be nepea, says tue mew ium Sun, that this wonderful invention will be exhibited at the Electrical congress in Vienna the present summer, in order that its capabilities may be made widely known and its benefits promptly reaped. Already the highest reach of imagination in the age of fable is everpassed by the realities of modern science. It seemed, when the magnetic telegraph enabled meu te com municate instantly, though scores of miles apart, that no mero could be added te that achievement. But they already hear each ether's voices through the telephone, , ii l. -.1 :i. .i. ana naiv tuey can aue uacu uiuui wnu iuu electroscope. Mr. Jay Ueultl'a Mausoleum. N. Y. Sun. It is well knewu that Mr. Jay Gould takes stock iu the beautiful doctrine of immortality. He is a Christian with neo nee neo I'latenist leanings. As such he cherishes in a peculiar degree the sentiment whieh requires that the liual restiug place of the body should be made an agreeable subject of contemplation te the living soul. Ac cordingly, while ether rich men have been putting up gaudy palaces in which te enjoy this life, Mr. Gould has been engaged in planning the abede in which his body will remaiu when he is doue with it. It is iu appearance an iron temple, of the variety styled in autis ; that is, it has columns in front only, and the side wa'is are carried forward te help with the columns in form ing the vestibule or pronaes. Engaged pilasters with Ionic pilasters are built into the side and rear walls. Being about thirty feet long aud wide iu proportion, with a flight of steps in front, it will be exterierity, the handsomest edifice of its kind iu Greenwood cemetery, if net in America. The interior is divided into two long blocks of arcoselia, the openings of which will be sealed up as they are filled, and a narrow passage between. At the end of the passage there- is te be a fine stained glabs window, iu which a crowd of angels and saints are represented singing. The interior reef of this part of the temple will be formed of bronze rafters, with panels of glass mosaic in classic designs between. Similar panels will occupy the triangular spaces above the deer and window. The design for the stained window is by Mr. Herbert II. D. Pierce ; and in its general composition, and particularly iu its scheme of color, it reminds one of certain works of Fra Anne 1 ice. The architect is Mr. J. II. Freuch. Mr. Gould has net yet chosen his particular niche. m m WOMAN'S FRUSNU. Having been troubled ler many years with kidney disease, with severe pains in my back and limb' my ankles were at times very badly swelleu I was advised te ke te the hos pital for treatuieut, which 1 did en the advice et a friend, but found no lellet, at least only et a temporary natuie, and I had given up all hepe el a care until my husband was advised te ube Hunt's Remedy by a lrlend that had used it and been cured of a severe case of dropsy and kidney trouble. I procured a bot tle, and had net used one-half of the bottle before I began te be better, no pain in the back, aud thuswellingetuiylimbs commenced te go down, and my appetite was much hotter, ler 1 had become se bad that all I ate distressed me veVy much. 1 1 was really dyspepsia, com bined with the ethur troubles, aud Ihaveused four bottles, and am able te de my work and attend te household duties which befere had been a burden te me, and 1 can only thank Hunt's Remedy for the health and happiness whice I new enjoy, and esteem it a great privi lege and duty te gi3 you this letter in behaltel many suffering lady friends in Ilos Iles Ilos ten and the country, and can only say in con clusion that it you once try it you will be convinced at I was, even against my own will, thut Hunt's Ucuicdy is indeed a woman's friend. Yeu are at llbcity te use this for their benefit if you se choeoo. Bespuctfully yeui'd, Mas. WM. UUAY, Hetel Geltliuiitli, lllii Tremont street, liosten. ArRiLSe, is.-;. Mr. II. llAiuir, baggage-master en Ea tern railroad, liosten, sajs : " I have used Hunt's Kcmcdy, the great kidney and liver medicine, in my family ler months. It was recommended by friends in Portsmouth who have been cured et kidney troubles, and I find it ju&t as represented and worth its weight In geld. Blywlte is using it for dyspepsia, and has improved se rapidly that I cheerfully indorse it as a family medi cine el real merit, and I would net be without it." Avril 27, 1883. inll'lwdM.W.F&w HDBT'H KKllfcDV FOK HALE AY U. B Cochran's DrugSteiu. 137 and 139 North Queen street. mar2-3md The Celluloid Eye-UIasscs will stand ten times mere abuse than any ether Eye-Glass, and furthermore, they are Richest. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. myl4-lwdced Wm. JlcCurtney, bi Lloyd street, liutlale, S. Y., fell and sprained Ids ankle. Ills employer, H. Andersen. 91 Mala street, procured some Themas' Eclcctric Oil. and he says that a lew applications enabled him te go te work as usual. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 13'J North Queen street. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shiloh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made. In as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, ltrencbitis. Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where they tail, it Is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10a, 50c and (1.00. If your Lungs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 und 139 North Queen street. fet7-eed 1 l'liyslcal Suffering. Ne one can realize, except by personal ex perience, the anguish et mind and body en dured by mi lie re rs irem dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, and ether diseases of the stomach. Burdock Bleed Bitters arc a positive cure for this direst of all diseases. Price$l. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Nervous and fidgety people should read the advertisement of Simmons Liver Regulator. A Dangerous Counterfeit. There are dangerous counterfeits in circu lation purporting te be " Walnut Leat Hair Restorer." The strongest evidence et Its great value is the lact that parties knowing its great efficacy try te imitate it. Each bottle of the genuine has a Jae simile of a walnut leaf blown in the glass : and a Green Leat en the ou cslde wrapper. The " Restorer " is as harm less as water, while it possesses all properties necessary te restore Hie, vigor, growth and color te the hair. Purchase only from respon sible parties Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle Is warranted. JOHNSON. HOLLOW AY CO- Philadelphia, and HALL A KUCKKL. Naw Yerk. Iun6-lvd.ftOdAw IMU Y MY GOODS FKOM FIUST BAHuS for cash and sell the best goods for the money in the city at IIARTMAN'3 YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. THK EAB.-THE deekkb or the im pairment et ncaring in cases of chronic suppuration of the ear is very variable. It depends upon, ler example, the condition el the eustachian tube and the amount el dis ease el the structure in the cavity et the tympanum. AU diseases et Eye, Ear and Threat Imme diately cured by DRS. H. D. and M. A LONG AKER'S treatment. Office Ne. li Kart Wal nut street, Lancaster, consultation free. myM StiUbw MMDICAH. DKNSUN'S 8KIW CUtLK. Frem the New Haven Register A BS CELERY Sr AS A REMEDY FOB NKtVOUS DISEASES. WHAT THK MEDICAlf FBUFESSIOR SAY AUUUT IT, AND THE UOOO KJCSULTB ATTEN1JINU ITS USE. HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, NER VOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS AND DYSPEPSIA. " OR. BENSON'S preparation et Celery and Chamomile ter nervous diseases latheaest important addition made p the materia mct- tea m tne last quarter ex a century." ur. j. W. J. Englar, et Baltimore. " Dr. Bensen's Pills, are worth their weight in geld in nervous and sick headache," Dr. A. U. Schlichter, et Baltimore. " These Pills are invaluable In nervous dis eases." Dr. Hammend, et New Yerk. " Dr. Bensen's Pills ter the care et Neural gia are a success." Dr. G. P. Helman, Chrfi tianburg. Vs. These Pills are a special preparation, only for the euro, of special diseases, as named, and for these diseases they are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They are prepared cxpiessly te and will cure sick headache, nerv ous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paraly sis, sleeplessness and dyspepsia. Sold by all drugg'sts Price, 30 cents. uepet, iug North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes ler f I, or six boxes ler 11 M. te any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S NEW REMEDY AND FAVORITE PRE SCRIPTION. SKIN CURE. Is Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS. RUMORS. INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST. ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS. DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCEUS, TENDER ITCHINGS, and PIMPLES en aU parts of the body, it makes the skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckle?, ana Is the BEST toilet dressing IN THE WORLD. Elegantly put up, TWO bottles In one package, consist ing et both Internal and external treatment. AH nrst-class druggists have It. Price $1 per package. C. N. Crlttcnten, Sele Wholesale Agents for Dr. C. W. Bensen's Remedies, 115 Fultea St., New Yerk. mayI-M,W,SSw KNSOWS SKIN (JURIS AND UELBKY and Chamomile Pills for sale at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. ;mar3md TEBKY DAVIS'S FAIN KlLLKU. THE TESTS OF 40 TEAR!S PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT PERRYDAVIS'S PAIHKILLER 13 THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER. THE RELIEVED OF DISTRESS. THE COMFORTER FOK FAIN. The Enemy of Disease and a Friend of tbe Family, whieh should always be at hand. EVERY DRUGGIST KEEPS Perry Davis's Pain Killer. mayl-lydw CLOTHltHJ. The Leng and Short of the story is, that we are felly pre pared te meet every exigency occasioned by odd-sized people, and havei n stock Clothing te fit the Fat as well as the Lean Man. A. C. YATES & CO. Leiger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. PHILADELPHIA. mylMwa BOUHn AJTD XA.TMMi N JEW BUOKd. mi la ra THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER, THE ADMIRAL'S YTA&D SOCIAL EQUALITY. THE LATENT MAGAZINES AJfl NKW BTATIONlUtT, L. M. fTyNH'S, Ne. 42 WIST .KINO STRUT: T TOT BKOEIVBD AT BKCHTWJPS. LADIES' ANDFrGENT5Pl7FURMlSHWG coons e ,.Vrmt, Neckwear made te erdtK. jFf""HL,f,' Gauze Underwear, wewang- "&:- SK-S Hats,UmbrellagandHoUengeBerally. Please call and examine beloreyem dbjt. HKNKY J5ECHTOLD, vi M) W Oiimb Htumt- 49 Clean Eye Btraw ey tne bawUfc ,.. ek