l!Sera?R4.-WB..w.'lfcBS''l.THEKjHWH FftJ-f "UrSStt" --?$" &&' y TrPY-rtySSMfV.. rT 5 i;v ij ;--. er,rs rWfr.i : - VKl-J"."'"'-V ",""-' rj J'fli79PS'"i ' f?JT.:'.T5lJ:yvt1Tv'Vii-Ty't?l5'; fiftf- ' f . 3-J?t - 'a" CL " TSL3i --- 9" f '- 1 1! . W 4. -.. t LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCER, TUESDAY, MAY 15. 1883. E?iH ri 0 THE TOMSCO MAEKET. . IM-KKir M jO:tEJICAnrBa Tee Trade MaCpifeDS3k'iaSBBM, .8Md I oaf and '.Havana; fertHe'jWflek BbeIbc sata-rciay, MT M. " U.B..Tobacce Jen-real-; ., . '"- w , . Inlheminasbfthe leaf trade1 it is new a settled fact that next month, at the latest;;; a dend of prosperity; will, burst perpendicularly ever the market, ; and caase prices te-jump upward with the vim and agility of a suddenly released JackJn-thfrbeaCHeret was, the. parket mere Iwpef al thannpwl At the large sale of ttumatin tobacsev at Amsterdam, en Wednesday lastbrices 'were realized wuich will 'make. the" cost belaying down this tobacco' iiTNew Yerk about;$i:50, inclusiTi i orCeH5auty.,;Then, there are reports of thetenferibr colors of the stoek (quality notedyi admit) and ;.combined with this the reasonable prices at which, as a whole; the ,'82 seed leaf crop' has been beajrht, tainging'' about -the feeling de scribed.? JBaid' Mr.AT Oehn, of Wafer street, te the -writer.:'" Yeu may safely lut down that everybody who, packed '82 tobaccos, no matter of ' what growth, will make money , out .efhis, investment thiB year:'"' '.;Kew that we have. safely 'J : put dewnV'tbe etefement of our esteemed friendwe venture te dispute his, sweeping agsertiea. . :& " Te present excitement at Amsterdam regarding Sumatra 'is- merely "duertd the coming increase n duty- in this, country and the nrasence there of a handful of real and pretended buyers. Speculators, who believs that they will1 make $40 en every 100 pounds of, Sumatra which can be brought into Hints" ''country before July 1,, are therein abundance. Ne wonder that this recent sale was turned into a " grab " gamp affair.. The enorm'eusly'high-'pnces werercertauilyucrtdue tea 'short'erep or lack of fine asaortmeat.- The '-crop new offered exceeds its' predecessor by 40,000 bales. Let the present excitement sub side, and we have" .'iaUV confidence in the falling of the price thereafter, se that even when the. -increased, duty1 takes effect Sumatra; twill' be bought :here ,at prices prevailing new: '.' Te harbor expo-. tatiensthat money will de maae jusi no-, v fitiA fhn 'Mi. frnns lnvn hpftn beuirht rea-.' - penably is absurd. -Sumatra tobaeco never"- t " iuuuu a mantel, hi fcuie,, vuuuuj mwiw our own tobaccos -were toerhigh or tee low in price. That tobacco r simply ex ceeded our own crops in yield and leeks.. Hew is the82 crop "regarding yield and leeks?' Who can tell? At this time of year overy holder of 'new tobaccetis im bued with the idea or rather forces him self and tries te force ethers te believe it, that what he has is the best. And, fur thermore, holders are and have been all along tee apt, te consider a lull in the sales of Sumatra in this market as a sure indication of its rapid. extinction in favor among cigar manufacturers and consum ers. Moreover, they en. all possible occa sions volunteer the statement that their tobacco will beat.Sumatra all te splinter cenB, and whoever don't' believe it is either an idiot or a villiau. The great drawback iu the career of most of our leaf dealers ami packers is, that. they knew little or nothing about tbe manufacture of cigars as carried en te-day, though they may have sprung from the most illustrious cigar making families in this and the old country, and may, in the early days of their lives, even have subs:sted en the pro fits which arise from making cigars at the rolling beard with the usual sweat of their brews. We find that these leaf men iu our market who are either directly or in directly interested in cigar factories, and therefore are familiar with the workings of thiusrs in such establishments and the demands of the cigar jobber and consumer, I C! 4-1...- tlA w.wt-n .wall. ......4-irt.. O.ll .Villi 1 I "- Lllilb MIOJ Unaw nuu muuuu euu n peculiar system, and de net trade in illu siens and trust te luck. We are audacious enough te offer the opinion that if theso leaf dealers And packers who profess te knew all about manufacturing cigars would go into the business they would make a most dismal failure of it, net be cause they could net make cigars or man man age a factory but for the reason that they would net knew'-what tobacco te buy and what te pay for it. The sales of , the week were : Connecticut Crep '82, 500 cases sec onds, at 11 te 11J cents: Crep '81100 cases wrappers, at 20 te 25 cents. Pennsylvania Crep '81, 400 cases, at 7 te 14 cents. Ohie Crep '81, 100 cases (Little Dutch) at 15 te 17 cents. Crep '82200 cases (Little Dutch), at 12 te 13 cents. Havana Market quiet. Sales 300 bales. Prices unchanged. Sumatra Market moderately active. Sale 300 bales. Speculators are buying up whatever fine, dark can be found. Prices range from $1 te $1.50. Gang Repert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported -by J. S. Gans' Sen & Ce, tbbace brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, Neweitk, for the week ending May 14, 1883: i 500 cases 1882 Pennsylvania, p. t. ; 500 cases 1S81 Pennsylvania 814c. ; 100 cases 18S1 Wisconsin Havana, p. t. ; 200 cases 1881 New England 1423c. ; 100 cases 1882 Ohie, Little Dutch ; 100 cases 1S31 Ohie, 4Gie. Total 1,500. Tbe Philadelphia Market. Lear. Seed Leaf Packers and dealers of cigar leaf, while net overrun by business, still admit of a steady, favorable and satisfac tory demand, especially for reliable old stock. Connecticut and Pennsylvania 1881 wrappers are daily becoming better ap preciated from the fact, by thorough test, that the stock fills the bill. Havani seed wrappers of A. Ne. 1 quality are becoming scarce. Old binders and fillers are difficult, te find, therefore high in price.' Sumatra Cuds admirers in a small way at anadvaucc,as Havana is moving iu fair size lets. Yuelta takes the lead. There is however, some quality Remedies in the market. Prices rule steady. Receipts for the week 281.cases Cen necticut, 3G4 cases Pennsylvania, Gl cases I Ohie, 59 cases Wisconsin, 44 cases xerlc state seed, 170 bales Havana, 39 bales Sumatra, and 323hhds. Virginia and Western leaf tobacco. Sales have been 202' cases Connecticut, 221 cases Pennsylvania, 40 cases Ohie, 59 cases Wisconsin, 33 cases Yerk state seed, 104 bales Havana, 19 bales Sumatra,' 72 hhds. Virginia and Western leaf in transit' direct te manufactories. Exported of leaf tobacco Te Liver pool, 18, 319 lbs. ; te West Indies, 3,717 de. : total, 22,026 de. The local tobacco market will be found en our inside pages. Eds. Int. MZDXCAJi. ?-T i jr rt t .': II -t I? . f . f , !i:-i '!.' -: Hf '!' .., ." i i jLl; v HOSTETTEKS CELEBRATED STOMACH Bf LJI l-lJullUt ', ' C iVi CLOT ix-J iMrA-VP irr; )'.Tai r.Tt-?-i ftrrntwtv.f)y:?.l H .J-.1KO l I M,4ia.nf. Tttilnrincr 'iteabnuBChln which every mas, betk elrt aad young. Is Interested. We want you te call aad examine us uige u .a rxr .A - ii i m ia.si Suitings, nntalfHigs p Tiffla Which wears meaHrinK te order at extreme ly low prices. Oar specialties are Suits rang ing from $15 te S2S. r r i r - " -. isvw r 8 y t BOYSuULOTMl'Na i THErKUSII for Epyaland CUlldreiW.Gloth CUlldreiW.Gleth ing. wCeflt Is gtSik. is akulfaUytriiaadlcd and cverrbfiJy lsleacd with eik stock, our attendants Land enSr-ftlcesi Lajfe and") com plete lines et buia'rnew en tendVThey are all our ewa matrutacturejL - " - s ' ' I HAGE t!jE4t t'-n- "fWiS' RrrfeKOfflHraE L Li XT H ?UH l'AS-i --- sirfe'n iJ.'.'A s-i --' irsnjl c A i . -I vV t met n "7 4 i.x k t it 34 -r v,atiitxt&'Tt lsvc-STifeH 31 .ictT X&fi-, , n b TjV l 1J i '' '' ; ' -' f .1-1 I I There has never been an instance In which lb! sterllngr invigerant aid antljtebrlle.medi. cine has tailed te ward off the cempiaint,when taken duly as a protection. against .malaria. Hundreds of phyniclana have abandoned all J the officinal specifics, and new prescribe this harmless vegetable tonic, ter chiUsfand fever," as well as dyspepsia and nervous. aecttes. Hestctter's Bittera lathe specific yeuneed. ter sale by all Druggists and Dealers fgeri . orally. myl-lmdeedw T UVBEU'tl DIKS. A 5c. Package NOTICE PBIUES IN OCR WINDOWS. V-v-f ( A Fine Line et NECKWEAB, amema which the Ielanthe. tbe latest stvle scarf for young -men ; we have them inTsvery pattern for Mc A Medium weiehtUNDEii WEAK, in esaary and we nave a tull'JIne of all cradea .' Medium weight UNDUWJAKrni mew nee- BBaaxy ana we nave a murine et ui Erautsa. I We have a few bargains In SPUING O VEB- LOGHER'S DYE WILL COLOU MOKE GOODS THAN ANY ' OW1EU DYE IN THE MAKKET, Ter sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 COATS ; they are juat theartlcleyen will need ter the cool evenings we are new having, and te close tnem out we are giving ueciueci uar gains in tnem. , , ,, TiTij ri if r nAWnr. vnBnaTJTIlK '1 X I ' J"" - PBNN HALL, WHITB JSBWLTt it you are. In aeed of any. 6WeaeUJbem for 60 cents ; they are tbe best ana cheapest! Shirt In the city, q "v " " " """ , " Special Bargains in SO dozen extra quality striped OVEBALLS, lour pockets, 75 cents. wertnii.w. rJir i ttTTti .II.vJvaJ.'w A.-iv 1 Peiiu Hall Clothing Heuse, Neb. 2 and 4 NORTH QTJBEN-'BT. ie t f A: i ft a -u a ATTliAC?JCnrBTsaJXlBS AT THB ; UOWWF , RypiSRa.: PRICIS. Hartferd Mpuquettes,Smith'sTkIeuquettes, sels, Herner tBedy BruslsBbr Parlors, Libraries, and 5-8 Borders try, MedferTa Well-known Makes, of which 'we havei AeLatest Patterns. rHarltfordfandlJeweUTliree-Piva auu xAtrct-eupert., i iiiiaucijjuiu. uicuium ,yuui ujguii.cuiufut(eii nam v.arpecs. -'t ' INOISEUM OIIL e&03rjH,AND R1JGS. Extensive Line of Paper Hangings,' Li.ce Curmins, Shades arid Shading. Bes.tSpring . . C r Jt- .., -. I V - ' Vim aw auixjuvnxji K. . thnte.vkaiuw Haiajrieavw at lea b. a UmS3kmmnw iteXr mi) at , a, sMM jOararaaltadaaiGTattaMazwfCemBwi (? fmi: OAD TIMK TAJIK tu lenJazlTea the Celaaii Ml ! it I & a t STATIOXS. the alIewtat .ims , - : Balance Fixtures in the Market. i I er.i i i :" .. EAST KING STREET. LANCASTEK. JA , . . jeicr aoeoB. MAKTIN ft CO. We cull special attention te our stock of DKHSS GOODS as we are allowing a large nd varied sleck et foreign and domestic labrica lu NUN'S VEILING, ' ALBA.TROS8 CLOTH, . OTTOMAN CLOTH,. FRENCH FOULE. FRENCH SATINE8, ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, CASHMERE -' Black and Colored iSilks, IN BUrKlUOB QUALITIES, INCLUDIMO GROSS GRAIN, RHADAMES, OTTOMAN. BROCADES, SURAHS, CASHMERE. SUMMEBSILKS In neat checks and stvles at all prices. V: il CTtK H. (1EKHAUT. If fH' SPBUTfi OPBiniG" AT H. GErRiHARTrS r '' Yl i C JL.1 j TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 6 EAST EINOlSTBEET, OF THE LARGEST AUSOIiTMJSA'l, , T : : .1 . i " -OF- J X' "- '- t v :r ffn sJ3s. & Swi - - X. S 1 i:' NQ. 25 WEST KING STREET; &:. r f ' T'J 'i t' tf A i IC n i u. . i v ;"J !'.'': ."w ft IxANCASTER, PA, riABFETS. V. .-sr f c ni i t 7TI . sr; V FOR 3 O aA' Frem May 7th, We Will Eeifi'" ( 7 itr in- ... u - RPBTS M r ai u I .irr4! I i ;jt)i sfeVSi -k k- a .v '";r - HI' rJ - ' j aa i- r-i - - . . - K&TXB9B9I rr 1MB! Ufl uaw ujai IBM TtlM.eaek , 1UM.747 ?i .PI ..ICieMwen.... ..Sale Barber... bemk'arerrr.. .TerkrarBace... iXwMMb MaCaM'te tmnj. nwi cuay jnaUacCraak.. ni ... Ceaoree. 8:13 lwf,7'JTT:.iOet..-n,... CaiiKM .J.4 ;:;rort'ipeett.. ..errrrMle... 8? 8J88I 7: mr '791 7 7:1M 7C 03? 6:41 r.ar. 53 56 fc 4A 41 7nW.:47 4:: 4J5 4 AM 6J2J 4 6cSN 35! &41 7d 7dR 7:17 7:06 R n j , - n AKKAHSUUKTOr FAJMrjlCMITEAlJIS MOM OAT, XOVUIBBB Ms, IBM. HOKTHWAKD. aaava. Xaacaflter.KlngSt. A4BCnBwrtatttt Vfadlac. , ) h aava. As. 7JB 7:40 7 ,9:41 BOUTBWAKU. t celaatlMa;. f IK". 10 8AH r.a. KB 9:40 SdO 1:1M 1:40 A.M. ,7al JEl". V-. AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES, ,FOR , CASH. . rjn V'-i' New Styles in Mequettes. Bedy Brussels;. Tapestry, Three-Ply Exlra per IngraJmcL BaniMJc,1 Yenutian, Hall and Stair, Kag. Chaia and H(!mp Carpets, Canten aad Cocea sMattiMg& LinolMint'Certicine auu uii tiuins aii w no mm w cleanup tswcK wnne people neea ine goeas. -J ?r : fie . I, JT s-i- r' JOH1ST S GTVTKRlr CS"OALL. AND SEB FOR .YOUBSBLVBS. -S , i w Ne. 25 East King Street, JOHN S. GIVLER. QO., it' ai 4 Lancaster, Pa gee.;f r'athven? ' B OWKK8 A HUKST. '' FINE SUITING, :? j fc J. Bi MARTDf & CO., Oer. West Kins and Prince Sts. ' LANCASTJ5B.PA. l'KCIAL. ATTRACTION! NerV Yerk Stere. Anotlier IuvqIce of these Elegant COLORED DRESS SILKS, At One Dellar per yard. The quality is excel lent and llie demand usually greater than the supply. THE Mc AND 75c SUMMER SILKS Are much appreciated ly our customer, Judg ing Irem the quantity sold. OUR DOLLAR BLACK SILK Is the best we have had for the money. dOMBINATION ROBES In Great Variety a't Lew l'rltes. Juat the thing for warm weather. All-Weel Nun's Veilinge, Beautiful Shades 25c a yard. F BENCH TISSUE WOOL BEGES, 25c a yard. Oue Case ViCTOUIA LAWNS, I2)c a yard, Werth 17e. VICTOUIA LAWNS, INDIA LINENS. . NAINSOOKS AND PIQUES, At Lewest CItyPrices. Just Opened a Choice Assortment of PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, At Popular Prices. Watt, SMnd & Ge. Ne. 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. PANTAIiQONING AND Sl'BINti OVEKCOAT1MB, Ever brought te the City et Lancaster. Ja-Theae desirous of securing Choice Styles are invited te call early. P. U. HOSTKTT1SB SON. M BTZGKK HAUUHMAN BARGAINS In oed SplrlbJ. T. Walker, Cleveland, O.,- writes : " Fer the last t wel vc months I.have -suffered with lum bago :iuil general dubility. -I commenced tak ing Burdock Bleed Bitters about six weeks age, and new bave great pleasure in stating that I have recovered' my appetite, my com plexion has grown ruddy, and -I feel better altogether." Price $1. Fer sale by-H. B. Coch Cech ran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. DeIaaliaT It. That in this town there are scores of persons pausing our store every Iay whose lives are made' miserable -by Indigestion, -Dyspepsia, Sour ami distressed Stomach. , Liver. Com plaint, "Coasiipiitien,' when for 75c. we will sell them Shlleh's Vitalizer, guaranteed te cure tbem. Beld by U. R. Cochran, . druggist, JTes. 147 and 33 North Qneen. street. . feb7-oed2 .Toe .nutldleas. ' . Seme wouldbe Byrens loekon with disgust At the rhymes of Eclectri6 Oil ' poet ;" But we nave the best article known te tbe world, v . i , - And Intend that all persons sjiall knew It . It cures coughs, colds, asthma and catarrh, , Bronchitis "and cemnlaints of that kind n , ,. It does .riot' cost' much, though. rheomaUes It 'TIs best Oil Inthe world you can .flniUn'v " . Fer sale by ; Hi K Cbcnraja, druggist, 137 aad, 139 Kerth Queen street, . .77. . r i i -IN- BLACK SILKS at 50c. BLACK SILKS at ...75c, BLACK: 'SILKS at $1.00 BLACK SILKS at .1.25 BLACK SILKS at.. $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 COLOBED SILKS at 45c. COLORED SILKS at 65c COLOBED SILKS at DOc. STRIPED SILKS, in geed quality, 75c Our SILKS are acknowledged .by all that see' them te be the best goods ever offered at taePBlcES. .. - ..y.., e . Vf' r-1 MRTzfffirXHaiiffliiiian 4 . . i . 'Lm r . IZ 3 i i ' ( JTTT r JT ' 1 tff. TJ 43 WEST KIHG. LANCASTER. . .. - '- -r - r -r , -I - (Between the Copper Benae aad Serrel Hene j Hetel.) t?A FULL ASHORYMKMT OFBRlAKAHD J3i Apple-weed Pipes. -Weeden Pipes rrem K, S9i5?a Spring Ieeltie& ELEGANT STYLE3 IN French Woolens, ELEGANT STI1.ES IN Scotch Woolens, ELEGANT STVLES IN - J English Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN f' Demestic Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES ,IN :; Spring Overceatihgs, ELEGANT STYLES IN Pantaloenings. -AT- A H V BOWERS & HURST'S. ;-ny ,ttr tr."". J -f. - . J ''. T 1 ' I ....i..tlMI. ttnarrwOIa. ...... -.!.'....- Trams connect at Seadin xreaarai lentewa ftM 10:10 ItM TM. f.m xk ue TM. die ftlM fcisl 9M f A.M. 93b 5:16 6J0 is connect at Beading with trains toane alladelpWPetUvlUe, Harrtetarr; Al rlaad New.Ypfkv. via Beuad Braek ieiaaaMat wttM tan 4a mmA iwttm T rtrir. Haaerer; qettyafcarfcnynidMick ami Baltl au- wiLBOKi leaps. At tat WOHk. n SCHBDULK Um aad, after, aUKDA AY Wlh," 1888, trains em tbe Pennsyl vania Bauread wUl arrive, at and leave tt Xancaster aad VMadelphla depots aa RMIewat S l liSI PMU Mall Kzpreiw.... ............... ........ Phtladelpbia express ..u.i.... Fast Line....!: uamsDnrg nrxv'ss lorKAeeommotia.-ion arrives. LaacMtev AceeBK Uuen arrives. vi Jm - -- A -.' Fradwrlck AccoBtmedatloH arrives.. Sea 8Bere,liHU .... t......... Colombia AcceaiUiU.. Jeb........... A.U.A.M lftnt ' 3:1 fc36 sae me r.H. ittH WW I BmndavMall Barrlsbarg Accommodation 6:45 5:15 Ms9 U: W5 r.m. : OJfle K42 ! 7.2 . Ju6t opened all the Latest Novelties in WHITE GOODS, which we are Belling very fast at Lew Prices. BLACK- GOODS. .Elegant Line for MOURNING WEAR in all the Beat Hakes at Lewest 'Price'p. : nuiyun. vnctxie uiu euljhl. jinira v xjlue iu j)csi vudiibiue. - - BLACK SILKS, Extra Quality,- at $1.00 per yard. We can guarantee these goods NOT TO CUT OB .BREAK. As we fully guarantee them, and any silk net wearing satisfactorily money wilLbe refunded or a new) Bilk given in place. This is net only '.talkbut we guarantee te de just what we advertise and say. ' ' , T T l I BCWEKS & HUEST, - f ' j ,..' r 'I. Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER. PA. anexMiwa. w IKKS & RAT11TON. i A FEW SPECIALTIES A few specialties with us this season are Snrimr Suits of Clethintr ler men at S8. $10. f 12 and $14. We claim these suits te be excellent material, made exclusively by skilled Lancaster workmen and te be the cheapest and best suits in Lni'caster market.1 isenier iincu, Dciicr mauu anu eeiier inmmea tnan most cieunng seia eisewnere atf mere per suit, xnese suits snow jnst wnat taey are and will be until worn out, as there is no artificial luster en'tbe goods.' but every piec: of goods is sponged beiere It. is.werked up Inte gar ments and It retains its finish until It is worn out.' All clothing sold by agents et New Yerk and Philadelphia wholesale clothing neuses, and are purchased by retailers being compelled te pay a geed profit te them.ven can very readily see why Centre llall can furnish clothing cheaper than a house compelled te buy in the East. Our prices are these of the manufacturer.'prices less the price et middle men or agaate. Asa consequence they are such as will suit all desirous et purchasing geed clothing at moderate prices. The samples sent out this sprlBg with prices named are bringing us a great many purchasers and all go awaydelightcd'and fully convinced that Centre Hall is the place tebuy clothing for men, youths, boys or.children. In our custom department we are busy working up te eurlullest capacity. Our stock la such as every taste can be supplied, and at such prices are within reach of everybody who is in want et a geed suit et clothing mad te order.' We are getting in new styles every day, and we are watching the market and the bargains seffered; and we give the customers the advantage., Drep In, and at your leisure, and just see what a little amount et money will buy at Centre Hall.: r i ."':-.ij .-..... - . .. MYERS & BATHPON, N6.12 Kast , KintfStreetr7 JPATJBK BJUtHlHttB, C. D. B. Hosteller & Sed. 24 CENTRE SQUARE,- LANCASTER, PA. L. OANSMAN & mtO. FAC1 WORTH READING. Spring -Clothing. Gentlemen, if you wish te de Justice te your self -and family and feel like 'saving bard' earned money, bctere purchasing your Sprine CleUiing, 'call en L. GANSMAN A TJKO. Whether you wish te-purchase or-netget posted se as te compare our low prices with ethers. j- - -fr v$ j r- o,$8.5e, up NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PBICES: Men's suits at fisu, a.ue, 90.00, 97.00. te $15.00. ' A . Hen's Pants at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $00 up lO.fiMJU. - -. , j-t . - , f.j -;- - AN IMMENSE VARIETY IN OUR BOT'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT AT SPECIAL CLOSE FIGURES. ' Bey's Suits at $1.75, tti00, :$2J0, $3.00, ti.00. V3.UUUK1AU, Up VOifVU. IIS at 70c. OOd $1.00. $1.25 UD te 12.50. Children's Suits at $L50, $1.75, $2.00, $250, $3.00. $4.00, up te. $6.50. , Children's Pants at 65c, and upwards. I 1 . - OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is 'filled with the Choicest Line 61 SUITINGS AND .1 T Foreign and Demestic Treuserings. A geed and-1 geed looking suit te order a i.w. unr prices always nnaer. .we are ready te meet and te beat all competition; Our plain talk means business. It will pay you te re L Gansman :& Bre., rTHEFASmONABLEMKRCHANT e-x I -; TAILORS CLOTHIEBSvet rc. Blchtea tt8oUrJmt;GexBecjO.Oiaiige 8t eietMng Hpaselft'theclwrf?:; , -- ;. TUUrrstUJUBOUAJU.OZSHO)B. J?, ' T1W most renabte: and- rarest i cure for rTttABTMAN'STJJLLQW.FRDHTCIGAi I SSc" nr Rnr.- laallablet'TPjaaared awdwjld by - T . OTSW0fFjKKT, TJRUGGI8T, ' ' i . urange at., cer. CBrjatlajaA I , , .i:w -r -T-aaeagW.JPa. the aert,rjaniirtliaIaai. ,j-. u aS7-lydftw -pHAKKS W. 1TKY. We have opened te-day another CHOICE LINE OF LACE;CURTAINS Three.'thtceiand-a-haland fenr yards long in Swlss.'Nettinghain. Appleriulh, Ac. LACE LAMBREQUINS, SHAMS, TIDIES and BED SETS. Brass, Ash, Ebony and Walnut Cur tain Poles, Bands, Leeps, Heeks, &e. Cornice, In variety te fit any Window; Forty Dltterent'! Patterns v et "DADOWINDOW SHADES, In new colors, 6 and 7 loot long. NICKLE ORNAMENTS, . LOOPS, FRINGES, &C. AN ELEGANT LINE OF WAT.f t PAPERS, Of every desorlptlea. In Gilts,' Grenaded and Common Papers,' Borders, Centres, Ac. PHARESWfFKY; Ne. 67NbrthQuoe'n:Street. " rj . . .... T i.c X.ANCA8TKR.PAi v, .d- t:-; CJMMULiJSH,V; I J ' .. . -; .... . . "X --S r . ; jrt- - r - - '. Standard Carriage Werk g , OF LANCAS'irER COUNTY.' '. . c a 'In ,-. .. !Sf. EDGERLEY & CO., f C" ! FINE OARRIAQE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, . '. ,nr KBJlB. OF, CENTBAL"MARKET BOUSES, -' LANCASTER, PA We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. AU Werk, finished In tbe most com fortable and elegant style. We use enly.tae best selected material aad. employ only tbe best mechanles. Fer .quality or work our prices are the cheapest in the states W buy. ler cash and sell en. tbe ' most reasonable terms. 'Give ns a call. All work warranted. Kepairiag promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ter that ' pnr VOM. , , - n-tldAw p KAJrar SFJCCUriO -MKJOIOtNK. Tl VJT Great English .Kemedy.r An runfidllBg: cure ter Impotency, and, all Diseases thai fellow .-lese? etr, Memery,, Universal - LassV tude. 'ParttrjrSttie' Baci, Dimness et Vision,, Prematar:i-01d Age, aad auay ether idlaeaseaitkat.Jead te tosanltyer Cos Ces Cos sumpUen and a Prematare Grave; Full par' tlculars-lnexrr'Bamplet, widck.'.we desire te vend tree by mall toevery.ene.The Spedfie pacHUMateraSi, or wlU baJMrtSaej by maUenM lacetpli eUthe 3tyjby1ad- dressm tlie'agent, VCTB: CechranTlSf and'lsr Jfertb,iaeem streets. On account .el eepnter jBR,,weBa,veaawa,u-xeuew wrapper.: .tbeenlyennlne;Gnaranteea eleare lesnedby, ut IrHaQKATiqfJurKCOH.X., n& iilUnrlMvdJrjr a e.TQ,' VliAKUAlHH tiJfiWAIWaiHSu: LJD Chains, Rings, $ectacle8,.c1 $ectacle8,.c1 et all klBda.wfltt.jrscelve .mypmrm ULOOK: Hi2AIA K1HUB MXrlHClTO .MMM V U$HHHU BftHHl tlen... LOU13MER,'Ne. liiitiierti, feew $"WM-atteatr Ml, aearifeaamwlwaa.1 rmnraaaaepec .&inu i f-.iuqmmwut rrnm I, tfgarftjfei'fce DRY GOOVS. N JCXT DOOKTU THE COURT MOUSE. . FAHNESTOCR.,. ' OPENED THIS DAY NEW AND HANDSOME EFFECTS LN T ; COLORED BROCADE '0TT0MAF SILKS. . COLORtf-Garnetr, '"Brown, Bronze'"! aia Olive. MAGNIFICENT "GOODS., New Effects, also, in , , Black Brocade Otteman Silks. Oar BLACK SILKS at 81.00, $1.12 J are beauties. Best Bilks ever offered anywhere at 1 , price. Alse, PL Am, STRIPE AND OHEOK SUMMER SILKS, at '55c., 65c., f if 75c. and$L00iin' all the New Shades. LADIES' DRESS GOODS in quantities, every, description. WHITKDRESS GOODS," in all tbe popular styles and makes, from 10c. up te 50c. ' ' iSR E.? S1 A HTESTQGK . NEXT DOOR TO'THB OOTJRTHOaSE. - - LANO ASTER, PA. y-,ISTRX STAB CX. H OUGHTON'S. n HOUGHiTON'S Jew Livery and! Me Studies;.; E'RIST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HtREl ' A'LSbrOMND3USSESF6R! PARTIES ANDPICNICS- B:ORSES BOUGHT AND . ..Hilt .TCk rfT-Vi I .'-m ' . -r t" Wrr.!. ,v. IJ J C ' 1 , !"!i ' DJUVH.k -1M1A XliUXiO. a",.v--U , Hi ' ;StablesNe.;044 !Marfeet;.,.Sreet,"; H i Rear of Old Herse HeteL HOOKS AMD BTAJTIOXS&Y. W II TSi TOHMBAlsB'S SONS. ' .: .- t 'v. JOHN BABR'S PQNSS zrjJ.'.-y'e t - yti)fi N06. 15 AND 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Writing Papers, Buvelepae, ., j (': .. ..Deeprated Oorrespendehoa Stationery, I v . e- ... :4 Bantr-Veta Rnrte. Pocket Beeks. (!l.'Ul'',' ' f" ( ,.... . .,V --l.iA. TT . V f " . t 1 HTAt tbe Sign of the Big:Boek. , , JJL, lUMXOAX :VfSTMVMJtJfTBr : V rwv.T.irB A wmiinriciwi "- Ne; 28 WHBT KTNO STBEBT,' ' .-r' tr" XiAM04BTaB PA.- J iLargest Stock of Piaaes and Organs in the City.Daeker Bres.,rHaiBes Bres., Staltz & Bawer Piaaee, Masen & HaIfa: Organ. Lawert Ca Priees. OWiatra- nwnte taken hi exchange ', ' V' 'i J "' "" : aSff v' ; yU' Line of BnnJl1 Musical' InatrnBcnM, Cerarta, Ffatea, Fifes; etJ;MY- We have Violins from $5.00,fc fW-OO'; Fluaa from .00 te .0T. 'f '!- ,) Fall Let of OrganettesT Harmenettee, Maaic toss, etc. All tbe Latest Sheet - r ' axv-xmacviyw. .. n' r? XlEauyAU. a - T -crrTfr1 w.1 S-! ie 'IkkVjBtr T j 'IT ; f ? ! -f I ' mmmm u r rcrsi ct. ' -- tot jf ?.' ! ,j ttAJp4akltt'UAtAIA etsrat :fte OM fttaaa. - f " . IJ tOvjtf- t -.- ' - T - . a a .L-iii mmwmrrm anpaaaM temevea te no. Hxymei: lunu exsuavarxi rM; cLI I f'ONBMSiltB'S I BOOK-STORE ! Will be removed te He. 4S AST KINO Street, directly eppoalte-tawCeaTt Hoase. where there wfll be fewaji a complete wew tec or goeas, aiaoeaary 'raey easdar ' ' r J ,POi , ttfl , ' After AtjrU 1. IMS, - . i . S 4 .. "7... t" i ... . . . - ' . ' " - fr. wjW3iSTHf -tvIj U' Cri.TON DERSMITH, BX)lttel?f and i' Hanover AcoenuBoilatloB west, oeanecttna' at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 94l wlU ran itoreagk te Haaever dally, except Bnnday. ,..,, , Itedertck AeoemmodatlOB, wast, ceanectujr at Ijaaeaster with Fast Line, weat,- at 1:36, will rua thTeash le V rederlck. Wmtwwb. iLe. I iPnuj: Ar. MOWS SJEpr800a jeeee4 TTCajTiA 0DVBIvA . Man Train, he. l. via. hl jet. MIlTralH,Ha2,vlaC'elBblaeave niaga' "'pieei Hanover Accommodation leaves... rastZJae.; : ..;.....;..;.-. rredertek AoaeauBodatloa teaves . HarrisBirg Aceomaieilatloa Lancaster A4ommeuhtom leaves.;. Celamela. AaaomtfeUaQoH........... Harrtsbttre Kxpret weeverH mi Padfle , A.M. 4d0 4J0 7 AV. 36 7:4M 9 980 HP.K. IIMLSB ue r.x.1 14f fc 4:41 5:40 fl IU TM, 7:49 ild- 10. ass awsite Harrl&bnrtc JBxnreas. west, at 5:40 n. dlreetcoanecUene (wltboatcsangeef uoiaBtDHanaxerx. -fs. . Fast' Line. veut. ewSundav. wb will stonatDewnln(rnTSli.CoateavllIe. Para ban. Metrat Jey, EllsabethtewB and Middle- town. v- . - ' Day JExpress, Fast Line, NewaKxpreaa. Mall Train, He. 1, western Rxprees and. Facile Kx ptiM rnn aallv. -"- ' -- i ZAirOAIITmHWATOHJUt 1 raa ! T X- I. ft , .t r Lancaster Watches. ' i r: U ..! - 1 ! 'sWi'I ' '1 T72-J POimAR CrRADKS. GILDED MOVEMENTS: 4k it NEW ERA. WET 'ENS). MANKLIN, f" t 1- .f . EEYSOE; "INOASTEKf w M JJ1-UJ cji'jini (. ' NIOKEL MOVEMENTS: I' nurte -. !.' ; ' , , -- df'" ," MELltOSE. 11(810 b" ji 'v t if M t' Ji. - f C ThnMaaBJracttireel taeVall liaeef Favorite Movement; wltataeadoptleWe tbeUaeet Driat-Proef Meveiaeata. aart 'Lalei, Watekes, Keca forward with Iacreasea Jtaergy: -. J TJAirAJtJJ.r rOHMiF. BVBUkVM. fi I "7 V BARGAINS. JIIBT t . rrftr'j . .. 1 . . D. AJSOTM LA1WC W . T OHANDKLIE'ftS-. -AMD GAS i id t - ( XWk - 5 i.ierjn.ijr !47J.0r. lv 1-r yrii f if. J'. ' J 7TCTtr CiL COAL Flwfiiig 4nl(MiiBKtg -'MM'BBOMMMmrr" '- r"rIemiT- Pus' c. j. r -if -' tf j r.J '.mei ifc ttl'Al J v ftrtv&UA 0!J vifiJV ' i - r- i.- -'-. . .. iUNMr.1 I XAHCASTMK PM. -t-u T" j ,.). f . . , 7n fa h JilHN riitiis; rraiEKAiL-nK re: I'JLJ 1 HriTMMiim.. -MirmflBtet seartBK la eases af enremle apmrauea of. the ear-WTerrTarlaMe. It dBdBDOB.ler evaaiaie..thii ssadtttea et the enstaejblaa tirbeaatavaiaemBtet dle- '1 tyiBBaaaaT. htg hI11. Tt'it vr u -. r -HatM-amu-i .-EV-uaer saw xareax u ivnmhfTMJLW. D.aa m;a; long- Ali die AKMT8 treatsaeafeJriOJiae" Kav?M Aata"isl..I asta-r.- ca-aialtaalsi ,""4': :eTthe teaae ii i t.tiiA Arti nft, 'iT .. pjia.WBw pi t& Vfy '$&. saj tsxf i itn.d - ! i t.Si- "'v.V 'lit ..i .T.ii, . "?' ri f U -rf -'t "?i:j-j , - i,Yf t ' -Vif- v sjaixejiAts. .T .1 j' r;w f-esia; ! WP5 ,-;y.M. sri-ya. -.-J ...V.ft-i- ? j-.feff. 'ys 'jgg f pijtf '&:f --?Wj.ii jX-i-tV .'.. f, a..&.'3y,3REg4 Tfr-r -. .-v ...