. LANCASTER DAILY INTELIilGENCER MONDAY. APRIL 30, 1883. THE TKMFKBAKCE UKION Large Meeting In the Conrt-Hense Address br Mm. Judith K. Fetter. M:s. Judith Ella Fester, of Iowa, de livered an address in the court house yesterday afternoon, under the auspices of the Christian Women's Temperance union, of this city. The court room was well filled, and iu tha audience were several clergymen, and quite a number of men ami women prominently engaged in temperance work. Bey. Sylvanus Stall called the meeting te order and made some prefatory remarks. Rev. Satchell, of the Duke street H. E. church, offered prayer, after which Mrs. Fester was introduced te the audience bv Rev. Stall, and de livered an able and impressive address. Her theme was total abstinence from in toxicants, and her proposed means of accomplishing it were, first by moral "suasion and secondly by prohibition. She claimed that Congress had the undoubted power te prohibit the manufacture or traffic in liquors in the territories, and that the states possessed sovereign powers ever the question withjn their several jurisdictions. She held that the traffie in alcohol wan first, a violation of the law of Ged ; second it was a violation of the con stitution of man ; and third, that it was contrary te the interests of geed citizen ship ; and therefore it was the duty of the state te prohibit it, and thusmake it mere difficult for the citizen te de wrong and mere easy te de right. Mrs. Fester held the attention of her audience very closely from first te last. She iR.cvidently a woman of very superior attainments, thoroughly conversant with her subject, reasons logically, and presents her facts in the choicest language. During her stay in Lancaster Mrs. Fos Fes ter was the guest of James Black, esq. She left this morning for Cambersburg, where she will lecture this evening. She has several ether engagements te lecture in ether parts of the state. m DROWNING ACCIDENT. A Beat tjpeet Near Safe Harber. On Saturday Mr. Lemuel Eline, of Yerk county, accompanied by his two sons, aged respectively 1-1 and 10 years, and bis brother, crossed the Susquehanna river near Safe Harber iu a battcau 'and sold a crop et of Safe in the tobacco te Jehn Tripple, Harber. About three o'clock afternoon they attempted te recrusH the river, and when in the " big sluice " near the head of Mun Mun derf's Island, where the current is very Mxeng, the beat swamped, and the men were all thrown into the water. Mr. Kline and his brother managed te get held of the swamped beat and cluug te it. The two boys were less fortunate and had te swim for their lives. One of them succeeded iu reaching a rock in the river, and clung te it until rescued. The ether struggled with the current and managed te swim about three hundred yards, when he sunk from tic;ht and was net again seen. The accident was seen from the s-hoie by Urias Waifel and Henry Hammend, who at once manned a beat and went te the rescue of the party. Mr. Kline and his brother were with difficulty get into their beat and then the party rowed te the rock and took off the boy who was cling ing te it. Search was made for the ether boy, but he was undoubtedly di owned and his body has net yet been recovered. The family lived near Yerk Furnace. The Clilcr Engineer rnotegraphed. The Sunday Telegiam, of Ehnira, N. Y., is an excellent paper and contains plenty of news. Yesterday morning's number has a very ceriect likenebS of Chief Engineer Harry N. Hewell, of the Lancaster fiie ucpaitrucnt, with the fol lowing complimentary notice : "They Keybtone statu has, in its length and breadth, many veiy crcditable and efficient lire organizations, and ene of our pictures this week is the hoadef ene of the beat departments of that state. His name is Ileujy N. Hewell, who, as chief engi neei oflhe Lancaster (Pa.) fit e depart ment, has made a grand, geed record. He was :. member el the old volunteer liil department of that city, beiujr connected with the hook and ladder company since he was 17 years. On May 9, 1881, he was elected assistant chief of the volunteer de. pai tment, aud retained that position until Feb. 1, 1832, when he was chosen chief of the paid department. The chief success fully went through a sevcre ordeal in the iutioductienof the paid department in Lancaster, as the adoption of that system was followed by numerous incendiary fires lhe suppression of which called for execu tive ability of a high elder, and Chief Hewell was equal te the emergency." VANDALISM. Mealing Fteweis and Plants lrem the Cent terles. Alieady the ghouls have commenced their depredations en the graves in the city cemeteries. Net only are cut flowers stolen and buds and blossoms picked from the growing stocks and bushes, but in some instances valuable plants are pulled up by the roots and carried off te decorate the yards or gardens of the thieves, some of whom claim te be "respectable" and would be shocked, no doubt, te see their names in print ns grave robbers. Some Seme .times women thieves rob the graves and carry the stolen plauts away in their nm luellas. Seme of the thieves are known aud will probably be prosecuted and con victed. Yesterday a gang of boys and yeuu men wero eugaged in the Lancaster cemetery in clubbing the flowers from the magnolia and ether flowering trees. The superintendent should make it a point te club the clubbers and then hand them ever te the police. Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of letters remain ing in the postefflce for the week ending April 30, 1833 : Ladies' List : Mary Brabacher, Minnie E. Brubaker, Vitta Costelie, Mary Eck, Mis. Edw. Edwards, Sarah Herbley, Mrs. Isaac Kreider, Mrs. Julia A. Kirkwood, Annie Milsen, Clara Mnraraa, Sue Stener, Mis. Newton Thcnegar, Mrs. Lizzie Wal lace. Gents' List : Jas. G. Berden, Philip Bush, Jno. H. Dechtcrman Bishop J. Dicksen, A. L. Ellis, jr., Rudelph Fen stermacher, Max Gaschutz, Benj. E. Grefl, S. P. Harris, Jno. Jehns, Jno. Lynch, Emanuel Lawrence, A. J. 'Mills (2 for.), Peters & Bre., Samuel Parmer, Adam Patisen, Prudential Ins. Ce., Reth & Sens. David llewr. Mr. Shnftner, J. S. Saun, Jes Savidge, Elias G. Sheatfer, A. S. Schimmer, Daniel Stever, Jno. S. White, E. K. Warren, Gee. Warfle, Chas. F. Wider, Henry Werner, Edw. Zeigler. TUB REVENUE OFFICE. Large Salts or special Tax Stamps Old Stamps being Exchanged for New. This has been a bu6y day at the U. S. revenue office. Mere special tax stamps were sold te-day than en any former 80th of April since the revenue office has been in existence. The receipts ran away up into the thousands et dollars, bat just bow much is net known, as the clerks havn had no time te feet up the totals. $93,000 worth of old $0 cigar stamps were shipped te the department at Washington te-day te be exchanged for $3 stamps, under the new law. An immense number of etdershave been received by the collec tor for $3 stamps, , and te accommodate cigar manufacturers in need of them, the revenue office will be opened te-night at midnight and be kept open until to morrow evening. Bale el Hene. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at , public sale, en Saturday, at Petersburg, for Jacob S. Feltz, 17 head of Ohie horses, at an average price of $198 per bead. A Disorderly Gaag Arretted, Constable AndrewEichheltz arreBted to te day(and they were beld for a hearing be fore Alderman Spurrier), Henry Smith, Charles Martin and H. Wolf, parties from the lower end of town, for drunken and disorderly conduct yesterday in the neigh borhood of Sheenberger's park. They were very disorderly and attacked Jacob Witch and his sons, but fled upon the approach of the officer. He succeeded te-day in gathering them in and the Sunday disorders in that part of the city are te be abated. If any body is helping it along by selling beer in violation of law, they had better take warning. Waived Hearing. Jacob Bard, charged with passing at the Lancaster county bank a forged promis sory note for 91,100 purporting te have been signed by Daniel Bard since deceased, waived a bearing this morning before Alderman Spurrier, and entered bail in the sum of $2,000. 8-PJT CTAE MOTIVES. Tub most popular and fragrant Ferfume et the day HACKMETACK." Try It. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 133 North Queen street feb7-eed3 " Mether Swan's; Werm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic ; ler feverlsbncss, restlessness, worms constipa tion. 25c. Noiiedt should neglect a cough. Take Hale's lloney el Horehound and Tar initanler. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute. myl lwdoed&w The nutritive properties of Celden's Liquid Beef Tonic sustain the body -without solid teed. Celden's ; no ether. ir.yl-lwdced&w The worst forms el liver dlscase cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. Froel Positive. We have the most poslttve ana convincing proof that Themas' Eclectric Oil Is a most ef ef iectual specific for bodily pain. In cases et rheumatism and neuralgia It gives instant ro ller. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Ye afflicted why suffer longer from Ca tarrh. Hay Fever and Celd in Head when a sure euro can be had in Elys' Cream Balm ? Price 60 cents. Apply Inte nostrils with llttle linger. Fer three winters I have neeu afiiictcd witli Catarrh and cold In the head. Last winter I used Ely's Cream Ilalm.lt accomplished nil that was repiesented. T. F. MoCebmick, (Judge Common Pleas) Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 25,1880. Chronic Crtarrli. 1 have sutteicd for yearn lrem chronic Catarrh. Six weeks age I wus induced te try Ely's Cream 15 aim. Relict was instantaneous, and centinuetl nse ims result ed in an almost complete euro. S. M. Greene, Boek-keeper, Olllce N. V., CatsklU & Athens Steamboat Ce. Catskill, .V. Y., Dec. 27, 1880. alG-2wdM.W.Fv. lieury. ;arbellc halve. The best Salve In the world for cuts,brulscs sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be sure you get IlKNitY's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers are but imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug store. 137 North Queen street. my29-4 jtew te secure llealth. t eems strange that anv ene will sutrer lrem the many derangements brought en by un impute condition of the bleed, when SCO VILI.'SSARSAPARILLAANDSTILLINGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will restore perfect health te the physical organization. It Is indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, and has proven itself te be the best BLOOD PUB1FIEB ever discovered, eilcet ually curing Scrofula, Syphlitic disorders, Weakness el the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; ajl nervous disorders and debility, bil. ieus complaints and all diseases Indicating an Impure condition et the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects Indl gestien. A single bottle will prove te you It merits as a health rcuewer, for it ACTS LIKE A CHARM, especially when the complaint Is of an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain aud ner veus system. ., AER'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain in man and beast. Fer use externally and inter nally. REDHDRbE POWDERS cure aU diseases or horse, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all LIvoHiepL. A POSITIVE CURE. may24-2 Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's; drug aleie 137 North Queen street KKSCUUD FKOIU DKATH. 'l'li- lollewingstatemontof William J. Cough in, et Seincrville, Mass., is se leinarkable mat we beg te ask for it the attention et our read era. He says : "In thu tall et 1S7G1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs, followed by a sevore cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer of 1877 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole In my lelt lung as big as a half-dollar. 1 expend ed ever a hundrod.dellars in doctors and med icines. 1 was se lar gene at ene time a repert went around that I was dead. I gave up hope but a irlend told me et DK. WM. HALL'S It A 1, 9 AM FOR THE LUNGS. I laughe at my friends, thinking my case incurable, but I get a br ttle te satisfy them, when te my sur nrlann' it irratlficatlen. I commenced te feel better My hope, once dead, began te revive, ' and te Jay Heel In better spirits than lliavet the past three years. " I writethis hoping yen will publish it, se that every one afflicted with Diseased Lnngs wUl be Induced te take DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOK THE LUNG S, and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUKED. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done me mere geed than all the ether medicines I have, taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and I shall seen be able te go te work.' sold bv 11. B. Cochran. 187 North Queen street V. S. District Attorney Speaks. Cel. II. Walters, U. 8. District Attorney, Kansas City, Me., authorizes the following statement: "Samaritan Nervine cured rej niece et spasms." Get at druggists. $1.50. a ceugii, i.eiu or sere inreat sneuiu ee Btopped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption, Brown's bronchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams. b nt act directly en the Inflamed parts, allay in g irritation, give relief In Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches nave been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained wel .nerlted rank among the few staple romcdles of the age. Sold at 25 cente a box evervwhore. mv-lvdTThAF&lvw 4S-TLAIN TALK FEOJC DR. SWA.Y1TB TO Whom It May Cencern: Itching Piles is one of the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Every one can tell whether he Is thus afflicted by observing the following symp toms : Intense itching, particularly otter get ting warm. It seems as if pin worms were crawling In or about the rectum. Small lumps sometimes form. The private parts are often affected. The mere you scratch the worse the Itching. Knewing that my olntmee t Is super ter te any article In the market, I gnarantee It te cure the worst case et itching plies in exist ence. rSlgned, H.SWAYNE.M.D. Dr. Sway no's Ointment is also a pleasant and eflecttve cure for tetter, Itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas, barber's Itch, pimples, and all scaly, crusty. Itchy Bkln eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent for 50 cts. (In 3c. stamps), 3 boxes, f 1.25. Address, Dr. Swayne ft Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ectH-lydTu,Th&saw DXA.TBB. Christ. In Lltltz, en the 27th Inst., Francis W. Christ ( Postmaster ), In the 68th year of his age. Funeral will take place en Tuesday. May 1, at2p.m. a2S-2t 1TJSW A.DVXRTISEXXllTtt. M OH DAY, APKIL 30, 1883. ONLY ONE QUESTION regarding price should be asked when buying Clothing for Men or Beys. Net hew much have they been marked down, or up, but are they the best for the'meney ? Oak Hall prices stand this test every time. What can we de te induce you te apply the test ? Yeu can easily de it by looking at die 23 lines of Men's Suits at 7.00. 8.00. Sq.oe and $10.00 ; the 18 lines of Youths' Suits at $6.00, $7.00, $9 Large Beys at $4.00 and bmall JtJeys at 3-5-. If net bargains we de net knew the, meaning of the word ; if net the cheapest we de net knew'the market. Besides these cheaper goods we have no end of finer stock. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Oak Hall, Sixth and Market, tIJSW AJyRTlSJSMKNXS. LOSTON SATURDAY KVKN1NG ON West Chestnut street, a small SCARF JJAND SET WITH PEARLS. A liberal re ward will be paid en returu et same te this olllce. H FOK RKNT.-Till! 8TOKK ROOW, NO. 30 North Queen street, new occupied by Ames Rlngwalt. Apply te TlIOS. E. FRANKLIN, feb7.8,9,104eedttd Ne. 120 East King St. 1UUY MY GOODS KKO.H FIRST HANuS for cash and sell the best goods for the money In the city at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT OIOAR STORK. 1fOTlCE THE SUlISORIBKKS TO TIIK ll stock of the Quarryville National Bank are notified te meet at Quarry ville en Satur day, .May 6. 1883, at two o'clock p. m ler the purpose of organizing, etc. a2S-2td<w C. Si. HESS. JUST KKCK1VKD, ANOTtiKK MIT OF Fountain Fine-Cut Tobacco diiect from manufacturers and only a cts. per oz., or 25 cts. per y. ft at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FIIONT CIGAR "TORE. I.IOR 8ALV OB KKNT A NKWTHKKK 1 story Brick Heuse, with back building, en West Chestnut street, two uoers west et Mary; has all the modern improvements ; het and cold water, bath tub. heater, etc. Apply te A. S. KENGIER. el Marshall & Kengier, N os. 9 and 11 Seuth Queen Street. a2G-ttd YELLOW FBOJNT Ce. HAVANA CIUAK, is the best in the city, mode and for sale at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FIIONT CIGAR STOKE. KOUKKY FOK SALE, A WELL-ESTABLISHED GROCERY STORE In a large manufacturing country town. Uouse, Stele, store Fixtures and a full linee GROCERIES. The whole can be bought ler less than $2,500. Inquire attne a4-lmd ' INTELLIGENCER " OFFICE. AFULI. LINE OF LOKKILLAKD'S Chewing Tobacco. Kebecca takes the lead at 10 cents per plug at hartman's:yellew frentwciuar STOKE. CIA 1.1. AT KKUHTOLD'S CASH STOKI5 j ami sec the Best Gauze Undershirts for the Price ever sold. Improved Ventilated Shirts take well. New styles or Bicycle Shirts. Ladies' Gents' and Misses' Hese cheaper than ever. New styles et Neckwear. Work ing Pants, Overalls and Notions generally at reduced prices. , HENRY UECIITOLD, Ne. 62 N. Queen Street. P. S. Building Stene and Sand ler sale. feb3-lvd A FULL AKSOKlfflfeNT OFBR1A1CAHD Applo-woed Pipes. Weeden Pipes lrem S?. up. at HARTMAN'S YELLOW STORE. FRONT CIGAR EriTHLIAL UANCEK MAY AK1SIC ON any part el the cutaneeus surface, mul it has bcu observed en these portions of uiu ceus membrane which approach most nearly te the skin In texture.sucu as the lining mem brane of the lips, month and fauces, and in tegument of the tongue, the eyelids, and ether portions of the body et the same nature. All cancer sores and tumors cured lthetit pain or using ilia Unite, by II. D. I.ONGAKER. M. D. . Otitic 13 East Walnut 9tieet, Lancaster. Consultation free. a.10 3td r RAND OPEMNG -OF Hubley's Photograph Gallery, Ne. 45. WEST KING ST., Saturday Evening, April 28, 1883. An orchestra will be in attendance. Each lady will be presented with a souvenir. a2s-2t f1 IRAUDFUtK INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets ever ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Insures Property at Current Rates. Lesses Promptly Settled and Paid. RIFE & KAUFMAN, AGENTS, Ne. 19 East inl2-CmdM,WaSR King Street. Tl ATTERS. DAVID SHULTZ. 1829-1857. SHULTZ &.BRO. 1 1 KNRV A . SHULTZ, J OUN A . SUtT LTZ. 1357-1374. SHULTZ & BRO. Henry A. Shdltz, Wm. II. Shultz. 1871-1883. Chas. N. Shultz, 1883 Harrys. Suult7. Shnltz's Sens, FASHIONABLE HATTERS, (Qundaker's Old Stand,) 144 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. mar27-lydw ESTATK OF JAM1W U. ULAKK, LATK OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te meke Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for setUement te the undersigned, re siding In Lancaster city. JOHN W. CLARK, MARTHA B. CLARK, ELIZABETH CLARK, a20-6tdeaw Executers. - 00 and, $10.00 ; the Suits for PHILADELPHIA. MAMKJllti. Philadelphia Sib&rket. Philauklfhia, April SO. Fleur firm ; Su perfine, S3 2503 71 ; extra, 93 75Q4 25 ; Penn'a Family. $5523. Rye Heur at 3 C23 75. Wheat firmer ; Ne. 1 Pa. Red, $1 25. corn in fair local uemanu. Oats firmer, with mere Inquiry; Ne. 1 White, 5155c ; Ne. 2 de, 5Jc ; Ne. 3 de. MJ$52c ; rejected, 490. itye scarce at 7042720. - Previsions Arm ; fairly active Lard firm. Butter choice well sold up ; ether kinds dulL Rolls nominal at 8i3c. Eggs quiet and unchanged ; Pa , lCKc ; West ern. 16c. Cheese linn. Petroleum dull; Refined, 77c. Whisky at $119 New Yerk Marked nkw l eus, April 30. Fleur dull and prices unchanged. Wheat 46c iiigher and firm ; moderate f peculative trudlnii ; Ne. 2 Red May. $1 20J 1 2 ; de June, 1 221 23J4; de July. $1 23 1 24J4. corn uuuanu Jit$?6c lower; iuneu west ern spot. 5GQ6Sc; de luture, G670c. Oats without quotable change. Cattle Market. Philadelphia, April 30. Cattle fair : Sales 2,500 head ; prime, iQ8c ; geed nt GKQ'yic ; medium at 66&c; conr.nen at 5gec ; fat cows, HQ5ic ; slippery cow, 2fi3c. Sheep inactive ; sales 10,C00Jhead; wool sheep 4c ; sheared sheep, 8K65Jc ; tall lamb-, 58c ; spring lambs. $3 0007 00 per head. Hogs active; sales, 4,000 head; prime, 1111c ; geed, 10Qllc ; common, lOKffl 10c. tjtecK markets. Quotations by Ueed, McGrann & Ce , Bank ere, Lancaster, Pa. 10 a.m. 12 k. :tp. m. Michigan Central 9VA 94 S4 New Yerk Central 125H it 12 New Jersey Central 76ii 76 7 Ohie Central 12'A MY llli Del. Lack. & Western.... 127 127 32i'4 Denver &Bie:Grande.... 4SJ6 49,i 50 Erle 36 37i .17!J Kansas & Texas 30 v 30 80 Lake Shere 111? 111 111 Chicago & N. W.. com.... 135 135 J3-i N.N.,Ont.ft Western.... 28 28! 28 St. Paul & Omaha 49 Pacific Mail..... .... 42 Rochester & Pittsburgh 19 St. Paul 1034i low iej Texas Paclflc 39 39y, 39 Union Pacific 971 97K 88 Wabash Common 29 29 ns. Wabash Preferred 47 47 i7 West'rn Union Telegraph 82ii 82 82 Louisville & Nashville... 534 53& 51 N. Y Chi. & St. L 12 Lehigh Valley C6 66 Lehigh Navigation 43 43 44 Pennsylvania U2 63 Xi Beading 27 27 27 P. T. & Buffalo 15 15 r Northern Paciflc-Cem... r&6 51 51 Northern Pacific Pi-of... 87 88 t3 HestonvUle 15 15 .... Philadelphia & Erie 20 20 Northern Central 56 56 .... Undcigreund Canada Southern 66V( 06 WJ Oil Of fa 57 V3 Peeple's Passenger. 7 7 ... PblUdelpbta. Quotatlensby Associated Press. Stocks steady. Philadelphia & Erie K. It , Reading Kallread Pennsylvania. Railroad Lehigh Valley Ball read United Cemnanles et New Jersev 20 27 63 66 191 Northern Pacific 51 Northern Pacific Pieferrel S8 Northern Central Railroad 7 Lehigh Navigation Company 43 Norrlstewn Railroad ler. Central Transportation Company 38 Plttsb'g, Tltusville ft Buffalo R. K 15 Little Schuylkill Railroad te New, Yerk Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks steady ; Meney, 305. New Yerk Central 1254 Erie Railroad SJ Adams Express 128 Michigan Central Railroad 94 Michigan Southern Railroad 111 Illinois Central Railroad 144 Cleveland ft Pittsburgh Railroad 134 Chicago ft Reck Island Railroad lit Pittsburgh ft Fert Wayne Railroad 133 Western Union Telegraph Company 82 roicaes waeusu , New Jersey Central New Yerk. Ontario ft Western '29V. a Lecal Stocks and Bends. Reported by J. B. Leng. i'a! VUI. .fl(i0 1 1 5 li". 105 uT- 120 I0P0 102 100 100 106 102 Lane-'Uy 6 per ct. Lean, due ls82, I8SS.. tssw.. " iaf... .5 per ct. In 1 or 30 years. " b per ct. Scheel Lean... " 4 " inler20years. " 4 " in 5 or 20 years. . tee . 100 . let . 100 . 100 . 100 .100 " 0 " in 10 or 20 years. Manheim borough lean 100 100 WSOKLLAirMOCB BTOOKU. QuarryvUle R. R. '. $5i Millersvllle Street Car , 50 Inquirer Printing Company 50 Watch Factory. lift) Gas Light and Fuel Company : 26 Stevens Heuse (Bends) 100 Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company. Susquehanna Iren Company....... 100 Marietta Hollowware ".. 100 Stevens Heuse............... 60 Sicily island................ 50 East Brandy wine ft Waynesb'g.... 60 MUlersvUle Nermal Scheel Northern Market KI80KLLAHBOU8 BOH DS. Quarryville R. R., due 1893 sioe Reading ft Columbia R.R.,6'8 UK) 111 M.25 4) at w; 2 170 225 5 IB 1 21 100.55 $120 105 115! KM 113 Lancaster Watch Ce.. due 188H 1 00 Lancaster Gas Light and Fnel Ce.. due In ler 20 years 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., duel8S8 . 100 Tcaxriu BTOOKH. Big Spring ft Beaver Valley $ 25 Bridgeport ft Ueres hoe 13 Columbia ft Chestnut H1U ,.... 25 Columbia ft Washington 25 Columbia ft Big Spring 25 Columbia ft Marietta 25 Maytown ft Ellzabethtewn 25 Lancaster ft Ephrata. 25 Lancaster ft Willow Street 26 Straseurg Millport 25 Marietta ft Maytown. 25 Marietta ft Mount Jey 26 LancEHzabetht'n ft Middlefn 100 Lancaster A FrultvlUe. 60 Lancaster A Lltltz 25 Lancaster 4 Wllllauistewn 25 Lancaster Maner 60 Lancaster Manheim 25 Lancaster A Marietta 25 Lancaster A New Helland .. 100 Lancaster ft Susanehanna....' 300 10. 22 US 20 18 30 10 47.26 40 21 60 31 60 54 75 90 133.10 41 35 78 276.20 1206 110.25 135.50 110.25 148.10 107 143 14I.SU 148 200 160.25 140 bakx aroen. First National nan. 1100 Farmers' National Bank 60 Fulton National Bank 100 Lancaster County National Bank. . 60 Columbia National Bank 100 Christiana National Bank. 100 Ephrata National Baak 10( Kiret National Bank, Columbia.. ... 100 First National Baajc, straseurg. ... 100 First National Baak, Marietta 100 First National Bank, Mount Jey.. 100 Lltltz National Bank 100 SECOND EDITION. MONDAY EVENING APBEL 30, 1863, THREATENED IEELAND. TO FEEL THE STRONG HAND UF LAW. Tbe Lefty Language of the Londen "Times7' IU Opinion of the rbHadelpbls Con vention Other Features of tbe Irlih Troubles. .Londen, April ae. The limes in an editorial says : "The Irish convention at Philadelphia began with a clap-trap of felly and malignity and closed after the same fashion. The whole scene," it says, "would be painful were it net supremely ridiculous. The only practical suggestion made by the convention for injuring Great Britain is the advice te the people of Ireland te buy nothing from England, unless they are obliged te. It is a confession of impotence when Irish malice is driven te such a paltry expedient, which if tried would only injure its adoption. The lessen for Great Britain is te ignore irishmen,and abandon the hope of bringing them a better frame of mind by a continuance of unmerited favors. They have already convinced tbe rest of the world that they are unfit te have national independence, and they must be made te feel the strong hand of the law." " Skin the Geat " en Trial. Dublin, April 30. The trial of Pitz Harris, known as "Skin tbe Geat," one of the alleged principals in the murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke, was begun te-day. The man Nevin, arrested here en Saturday en the charge of being concerned in the conspiracy te the murder, has turned informer. Farnell's Testimonial. The testimonial which is being raised for Mr. Parnell has reached the amount of 0,000 pounds. Mere Alleged Conspirators Arrested. Clifden, Ireland, April 30. Twe merchants of the town named O'Keefe and Conn have beeu arrested en a charge of being connected with tLe conspiracy te murder. According te information given te the authorities by an informer, a num ber of apparently respectable persons were implicated in the murder conspiracy. KKV. l.KLACHKUK'3 TIUUUl.ATIONS. Charged With Hrcacb of Church Discipline He Leaves the Church. Lewiston, Me., April 30. In the Maine Methodist confereuce te-day, the commit tee reported sustaining charges of breach of church discipline against Rev. D. W. Lelacheur and recommending his suspen sion for one year. Mr. Lelacheur decided te withdraw, but the bishop stated that he cenld net de se while charges were pending. Mr. Lelacheur thereupon de clared his intention of preaching the Gospel and of withdrawing; from the jurisdiction of conference, and left the church. A Fatal and UlHtreaslug mistake. Bosten, April 30. Albert II. Bials of tbe firm of Bials & Perley, spice dealers, shot and killed his partner,Frickett Perley en the Fall River steamer Bristel last night. The two occupied the same state room. Perley get up te leek out of the window, when Bials, supposing some one was trying te enter the room, drew a revolver and shot him dead. Bials deliv ered himself te the police en his arrival at Fall River. The Unpopular civil Service I xamlner. Washington, April 30. The presideut has net jet signed the commission of D. B. Randelph Keim as chief examiner under the civil service commission. It is stated at the White Heuse te-day, how hew evcrjtbat the appointment will net be with drawn unless the commission express a desire te that effect. It was made upon their recommendation and will probably stand unless they ask ft te be withdrawn. In Hunger of being Lynched. Tucson, Ari., April 30 There was strong talk last night of assaulting tbe jail and lynching Jeseph Casey, who, in an unsuc cessful effort te escape from custody, shot and killed Jailer Ilolbreok yesterday morning. The jail is strongly guarded. Casey is in prison for murder and highway robbery. He has murdered three men. He broke jail three times before his last attempt. Where the Ligar Manufacturer Refused an Advance. Albany, April 30. The cigar manu facturers have agieed net te pay the ad vance asked for by the cigarmakers and te-day all shops are closed, except these where girls are employed, aud one shop whorean advance was given.The man ufacturer say they will net accede te the demand, and that they have cigars enough en hand te last some time. Three Urethers Arrested for Murder. Pittsburgh, Pa., April 30. Philip Maguire, an old man who was found in an unconscious condition en Pennsylvania avenue en Saturday night, having been attacked by unknown parties, died lust night from injuries leceived. Three brothers named Bulger have been nricsted en suspicion of having committed the murder. Discouraged Hungarians. Readine, Pa., April 30 Forty Hun garians, employed at tbe Reading iron wejks, against whom there has been con. siderable opposition from workmen of all classes because of their cheap labor,te day became discouraged and drew their wages and lelt the city. They say they werp en ticed here by immigration agents. Fatal Wreck. Fert WeRTn, Tex., April 30. A con struction train en the Texas & Pacific railroad yesterday ran into a cow. Twe cars were thrown from the track and T. A. Simmons, a civil engineer, and two train bands were killed ; three ethers were badly injured. WKiYTHER INDICATIONS. Washington, April 30. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, slightly warmer fair weather, northerly te easterly winds, sta tionary or lower barometer. Shet by a Hebber. Jacksen Court Heuse, O., April 30. Andersen Leckey was murdered at his home here en Saturday by a robber, who entered his house and shot him dead. A Nickel Washing " Plant " Seized. A nickel washing " plant " has been seized iu Nashville. A half bushel or mere of the newly Issued "V" nickels were lying in a bureau drawer placed upon the top of a deal table. A large pet of geld and copper alley rested upon a fur nace and the charcoal fire having gene out the metal was congealed in the vessel, while from wall te wall a network of wires was suspended te which a large number of nickels that had taken their alley baths were attached by little wires with click-jaws ou the end of them. The half bushel or mere of nickels that were waiting te be bathed as well as theso that had undergone that process, with the moulds, tools and ether implements of the business were seized by the detectives aud taken te St. Leuis with them, where they will be used upon the approaching trial of the counterfeiters. An Arizona Uvatery. The Arizona man with the thousand dollar watch and chain, the thousand dol lar diamond stud and the pocketbook Bluffed full of mining stocks fell among thieves again in Chicago the ether day. It is a somewht'remarkable fact that, says the San Francisce Pest, these Arizona men with thousand dollar watches and chains and thousand dollar diamond studs are never seen in Arizona, but are only heard of from some Eastern city. I The Fenian Watch in Londen Philadelphia Telegraph's Londen Letter. The vigilance of the police just bow in Londen is extraordinary. I am told, and can quite believe, that there are 'nearly as many men en guard in I plain clothes as iu uniform. Their eyes aro(cvery are(cvery where. and a geed deal of inconvenience te perfectly respectable people, guileless of conspiracies te blew up anything, is naturally the result. The ether night, at Bread street station, I happened) te be carrying two small leather bags. jBeing encumbered also with a handful of papers and an umbrella, I had te put my lead down while unbottening my coat te take out and consult a pocket time-table. As tbe hour was late iew people were about, and the railroad company, en economi cal thoughts intent, had turned the gas down te that point which just serves te "make darkness visible." Knewing the dexterity of Londen sneak thieves. before nuttins my bass down I glanced around very cautiously te aee that no prowlers were about. Net a soul ap peared visible within 50 feet, but hardly had my hand relinquished; my property before a firm hand was laid en my arm, and its owner, a well knit, muscular man, asked me who I wa3. Net realizing the situation for a moment, I angrily demanded what he wanted, at the same time attempting te wrench myself free. Anethor man was at my side directly, whose grab was se professional that I was reassured. ' We want te knew what you have in theso bags, " was the demand. A light dawned upon me and I burst ent laughing at tbe idea of being taken for a "Dynamiter," and bid them leek for themselves. Twe minutes suulced for a neat; and thorough but poljte examination. Neth ing mere dangerous te tne juione peairu than a few books being found, the dotec detec tives apologized and left me, feeling much amused at the iudicent. The whole affair did net take five minutes. It isoue of scores of similar cases which go te show the eager vigilance of tlie-poliee at the present time. A Yeung Indlan'b K-cape. This story is told by Dr. Kdwaid Eg Eg glesten : A baud of Indians emigrated in a body from the Slir.ihtuk legion te avoid a malign genius of the place. A party of Senccas chased a young Catawba warrior for five miles, lie succeeded iu killing seven of them heiO'iUliey captured him. The next day, when he was led out te be tortured, he escaped by a sudden dash, leaped into the river amid a shower of bullets and swam under water like an otter, only rising te take breath. Ou the opposite side he made iubtiltiug gestures at his enemies and lied away. Of theso who pursued him he slew a party of five while they slept, mangled and scalped them, and then retumingin the uight dug up and scalped the seven whom he had slain at first. A solemn council of his fees decided that he must be a wizard and that pursuit would'thcrefero be useless.'' l.ive Mede Market. Chicago Hogs Uecelpts. ."j5C0 lu-.ul : ship ments, 4,'JOJ head ; market fairly actl e und prices llrui ; mixed, 7 007 40 ; heavy, 7 -se ffl 75 : light, 17 007 Ki ; skips, JSC ". Cattle Kecclpts. l.CO'Jhead; shipment :W head ; market fairly active and brisk te the pxtent or the supply; prices llrm ; eDeiti-. $j30SI CO; geed te choice shipping, 5 'JOg C 20 ; common te lair, $5 40.ri Se. Sheep licceipts, 400 head ; shipment., 40e head ; in fair demand at firm prices : common te lair, $44 75 ; geed te choice, r W. m Vital Questienal Ask the most eminent physician Ol any school, what is the best thin;; mtl.e world for quieting and allaying nil IrritiiMeu et the nerves and curing all forms of ntrv u complaints, giving natural, childlike reiie n ing sleep always ? And they will tell yen unhesitatingly "Some form et Heps !" CUAt-TEU I. Ask any or all et the most eminent pi.-i-cians : 'What is the best and only remedy that can be relied en te euro all diseases et the kidney j and uiinary organs ; such as Brlg'it's disease, diabetes, retention erinability te lel.iiu mine and all the diseases and aillments peculiar te Women " "And they will tell you explicitly and em phatically "Buchu." Ask the same physicians "What Is tbe most leliihlu and buicj.eiuti lerad liver diseases or dyspepsia, consiipt censiipt consiipt tlen, biliousness, malail.it tever, ague, ,"U-," and they will tell you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion !" Hence, when these remedies art' combined with ethers equally valu ible And compounded into Hep Hitters, such a wonderful and mysterious curative power is dovelepcd which is ae vailed in its operations that no disease or ill he tlth can possibly exKl or resi-t its power, and yet it is Harmless ter the most trail woman, weaKe-it inva'id or snuilltst child te use. CIIAlTKitll. "Patients "Almest dead or nearly dying" Fer years, and given up by physicians et IJrlght's and ether kidney dNe.i es, Ii .'or com plaints, .severe coughs cillel consumption, have I een cured. Women geno nearly crasy ! Frem agony et neuralgia, nerveu-ntis. wakelulnes and vrulm.s I'i-eise peoiiKtti-ie women. People drawn out et sh ipu trout ccnitiii ting pangs of rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or sunViing lrem scrofula I Erysipelas ! Salt rhum, bleed poisoning, dyspepsii, hub gcs'.ien, nnd in fact nlineit all :kea-es trail Nature Is heir te Have been cured by Hep Hitters, proof f.r which can be found in cvriy neighbothend In the known world. :iniH-lmdT,TIitS HOP KITTKKS FOK SA1.K. AT H. It Cochran's Dmg Stere, 137 and VV) N'ertli Queen street. marS-Timd JjHOATj notices. ESTATEOr UATHAKINKMcKVOY, LATK of the city of Lancaster, deceased. Let ters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all person Indebted te said decedent arc requested te make Immediate settlement, anil these having claims or demands against the estate or said decedent, te make known the ame te the un dersigned without delay, residing In thecilv et Lancaster. WILLI SI K. i.ANT, Executer, m!4-Gtdeaw Lancaster, Pa. NOTICK. APPLICATION WILL HK made te the governor et this common wealth for a charter Incorporating the East ern Market Heuse Company et Lancaster City, Pa., under the previsions of the Act et Assem bly entitled " An Act te providefer the incor incer incor peiatlon and regulation of certain corpora tions," approved the 29th day et April. A. D , 1874 the character anil objectet which corpor ation shall be the establishment and mainte nance et alnarket house. D. P.KOSENMILLKU, Attorney ter Applicant.". Lamcastkr, Pn March 1., 1SS3. morl9-4tdeaw ESTATK OK Hit. J. O. BOVII, LATK OF the City of Lancaster, dee'd. Letter et administration en sold estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent urc requested te make Immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same, will pro pre sent them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, or te Dr. Daniel McCormick, Lancaster City. SLATER K. UOVD, Administrator. J. Hay Brown, Steeiten Pa. Attorney. al3-tdP ESTATE OF MaKTB A .1 AMI'S, LATE OF Salisbury township. Lancaster county, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appoint ed te distribute the balance remaining in the hands of William James, administrator of said deceased, te and among theso legally en titled te the same, will sit for that pnrpOHOen SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1883, at 10 o'clock; a. m in the Library Roem el the Court Heuse, in the City et Lancaster, Pa., where alt per sons Interested In said distribution may" attend. BENJ. F. DAVIS, a25-4tw Auditor, JLEJDICAZ. TAKBX'S PR0PHYUCTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Vn. TiTraHllnT'jafii Fer Scarlet and Ty JUctUUscLbeS p0l(i Severs. Dlnu- . theria. Salivation, Ul MAT A T T A ceratud Sere Threat. iUAJ-irl.lAJLrlbmaU Pox. Measles and t. ... all Contagious Diseases. Persons waiting en the sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known te spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been euro! with it after black vomit had takenplaee. The worst cases et diphtheria yield te It. Fevered and Sick Per SMALL-POX and sons refreshed and Bed Serea nrevented PITTING of Small pox PBEVKNTED. uy uaiiung witn ler- by's Fluid. Impnre Air made A member of my family was taken with SmoU-pev. I used thu Fluid : the patient was net delirious, was net Harmless and purl- 11UU. Fer sero Threat it is a sine euro. Contagion destroyed pitted, and was about Fer. Frosted Feet, ice uouse azatn in (.nuDinin, r iies, Cbaancs. etc. three weeks, and no ethers had it. J. W. .Rheumatism cured. Pakxinsev. Philadel Sett White Complex phia. ions secured by Its use. Ship Fever prevented. Te purify the breath, DIPHTHERIA PRKVJSNTED. The physicians here uicinse xne xeetu, it can't be surpassed. use Darby's Fluid very successfully In the treatment of Diph theria. A. Stellkn- Catarrh lelleved aud cured. Erysipelas cured. Hums relieved In wkbcx, Greensboro, stantly. Scars prevented Dynentrv cured. ia. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and Wounds healed rapid. iy Scurvy cured. An Antidete for Anl uial erVegetable Pel sons. Stints, etc. healed. In cases of Death It should be used about the corpse it will preventuny unpleas ant smell. The eminent Physi I used the Fluid dnr-j lnsrnur riresent Rt tllctiuu with Scarlet Fever with decided advantage. It is in cian, J. MARION SIMS, M. V New nispensuble ie the sick room. Wx. F. Svkpobe, Ejiie, Ala. SCARLET FEVER CURED. l qtk, says : 1 utu HVlnced I'ref. I:ir y's Prophylactic luld is a valuable disinfectant.-' Vandkrbilt Unwiiusitv, Nasuviixk. Tenn. I testily te the most excellent qualities el Darby's Prophylactic Fluid. As :i dlsIiit- Hint and detergent it is oeth theoretically mul practically superior te any preparation uith which I am acquainted. JJ. T. Luirrejf, Prof. Chemistry. DARUY'S FLUID 13 RECOMMENDED BY Hen. Alkxandbr II. STKruu.NS. oflleeigl.t Rev. Chas. F. Dkbhs, D. D., church, nt tl.e Strangers. N. Y. i Jes. LuCentk, Columbia. Pre!., IJntversi!'., S. C. Rev. A. .1. Battle. Prof., Mercer University. Rev. Uee. F. PimtcK. Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally ler Slan or Itcast. Thu Fluid has been thoreuglv tested, and we have abundant uvideuce that it basil. .mi everything hcrcclaimed. Hei luller inform atien get et your Druggist u pamphlet or sen. I te the proprietors. J H. ZKIL1N&CO.. Manufacturing Chemists. PHILADELPHIA. Eer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, 1.17 and IT) .North Queen street, j m22-lyeedAw K' IINEV-WOBT Has been proved the surest cure ler KIDNEY DISEASES. Dees a lome back or disordered urban in. II ca(e that you are a victim? THEN' DO Nih' HESITATE ;use Kidney-Wert at once, (drug gNt recommend it ) and it wlllspeedlly over come the disease and restore hen thy actie-.'. 1 .C).r?icia 'or cempiainH peculiar ti wJOiVUOO. your sex,, cucli z pain and K.'iiknassca, Kidney-Wert Is unsurpassed, un it will act promptly and salely. Either sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, I rlclc dust or ropy deposits, and dull, drugging pains, nil speedily yield te its curative power, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, rrlce. SI. KIDHEY-WORT. Actsatthc same time en the Kidneys, Liver and lieweis. I have prescribed Kidney-Wert with very great success in a score or mere ohstiuati-ca-cset Kidney and Liver Trenbles, also ler feuiaie weaknesses. Philip C. Ballen, M. D., .Monkton, Vt. " My wite has been much benefitted lrem the nseet lCUney Wert. She h:ul kldni-v unci oilier c.u:ip!uints,'r,v7ritca'Rcv. A. it. Celeman, ray etteville.Tcnn. ir IDNKY-WORT ! 18 A Sure Cure for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. 1L has spiclllc action en this most Impert unt ergi.ni, enabling It te threw oil terpidlty unil Inaction. Stimulating the healthy secre tion of the Bile, and by keeping thu bowels In iiw condition, effecting Its regular discharge. TVTalaTne lt ya are sntleringtreuj liin J.YLCUCM.K. larla, have the chills, are btl btl Ieus, dyspeptic ob constipate-1, Kldnoy-Werl will surely relieve and quickly cuie. In the Spring te cleanse the System, every e.ie should take u thorough course of lt. sold by DruKglKtP. Price, !. KIDNEY-WORT. lam a living advocate of the virtues tl Kidney-Wert. I sullcred untold agony tiem liver disorder, ft cured vie " .Ine. 1. Nevins, bpilnglkld.Ohle. J'lD.VKY-WURT Fer flie Permanent Cnre el CONSTIPATION. Ne ether dbcara is se prevalent In this eniin try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wert us n i-uie. Whatever the cause, however obstinate the case, this lenicdy will overcome It. Acts at the saniHtiuie en Kidneys, Liver ami i:nwci3. Piles. Thisdlstressing complaint Is n-iy apt tobeceuiplit-iiti-d with cou-el patlen. Kidney-Wert &tieugth:ns the weak ened partsand quickly cures ul' Muds et I'lUs even when physicians and medicines lri- lie lie let e tailed. jCSj It you have either et these trouble.-. u- KlDNEl-WORT. Urugglstsscll It. "Corstlpatien, In all Its forms, yields te Kliluey-Wert. In female diseases it is vera lucccsiul." Dr. Philip C. i: illeu, MouMen, VU Apr. 20-S2. KI l KY-1VOKT. THE OKEAT CURE FOR R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M. As it is ter all the.paiulul diseases el the KIDXE1S, LIVER AND BOWELS. lt cleanses the system el the acrid pol.-en that causes the dreailtul sufferiiiK which only thu victims or Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES et the worst forms et tfcistrrribledlsea.se have been quickly relieveil, and in short time . PERFECTLY CURED. Price, 51, Liquid or Dry, Set. t by Drngglptn. Dry ran be sent by mail. W ELLS, RICHARDSON 4 CO., Burlington, Vt. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. I cenld find no remedy for my kidney complaint mid rheumatism," writes Mr. A. B. Burr, et Temple's Mill. Flerida, "until JT jmit cmvd by Kidney Wert"" Exposure, incident te lumbering, caused Mr. Burr's diserders. u27-lwileedA w K1DNKY WOKT FOR SAI.K AT H. If. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and B .North Qneen street. mart 3uul 320 ACKBS I'BKK! IS TUB Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain And Meuse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA. Tributary te the United States Land Ofllce at GRAND FORES, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL MAP and FULL particulars mailed FREE teanyaddress by H. O. DAVIS, Assistant General Passenger Ascnt. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba R. R., m21-lmw ST. PAUL, M1NS,