LANCASTEBDAILY INTEJifclENCER, MONDAY, APBIL 23. 18-3. Lancaster Sntelltgencct . MONDAY EVENING, APBHj 23, 1883. GOOD JUDUKS Oe WUISKV. An Anecdote Showing That Twe Noted Men Would Have Made Fine Samplers. Louteville Ccurlcr-Jenrnal. One day Senater Beck aud ex-Governer Magoffin visited Majer Daviess, near Harredsbarg, and the major brought out some prize whisky. Beck 6am pled it straight first, then sought for its merits in a teddy and again tried it with a little ice and mint added. Meanwhile the governor sipped it in the shaps of grog. They would agree in regiid te only one point, that the liquor was ceed, in fact very superior liquor. The henater pro nounced it Mcliraycr, the governor insisted that it was the D. L. Moere, known as the Celd Water brand. The senator said it was fully niue yeara old, the governor limited it te six. The .'enater imagined it tasted jussalittle of iron, while the governor thought if there was any foreign llaver it was that of leather. At this point the he3t observed : " Gentlemen, there's only about a gallon left in the barrel ; there was nearly three when you came, and I will have it brought up aud opened aud let you hce for your selves there is no adulteration in my whisky." The barrel was bieught up aud the head knocked out, and after straining the rem nant of whisky there was found in the diegs of charcoal a small iron key with a leather htrinjr tied te it. The major exclaimed again: "By Gecrge, gentlemen, you are the best judges of liquor in the world. Theie's a key proving there was iron in it, and there's leather bhewmg that Magelliu was right, and as for the brand, you sec it's a D. L. Moere barrel, but I recently poured a five gallon jug of 7-year-old McBrayer into it, se you are both lighteutlemeu, in e-.ery paiticular, except in legard te its age. and .u didn't miss thit very far. Let's smile again." And tbey smiled again. Sonie Searching lequrles. The state beard of reveuue comtaksiou cemtaksiou comtaksieu ei s have organized by electing Mr. Stengcr, secretary of the commonwealth, president of tJ:e beard. It was agreed te heud a circular letter te county assessing beards askiug the following questions : First, aie the it-turns of money invested aud the in terests bearing bends of corporations held by individuals in your county cer rcctly made by the assessors ei yeui county, se far as yen knew aud believe, andifuet, hew much below the actual value arc the assessments made ? Second, are the retui us et household furniture, including geld and silver, pleasure carriages, watches and ether personal prep erty, taxable fcr state purposes, fully aud correctly made by the asscsieis of your county, se far as you knew and believe, and if net, hew much below the actual valne are the assessments made '.' Third, cm you give any ether information or make any suggestions which may be useful te this beard in the discharge of its duties in equalizing the assessment of the several counties acceidmg te the value of the taxable property ihetein '.' If se, state and give the same, as if specially iiiteiro iiiteire g.ited in loference thereto." F:irincis ai'd J'roe 1'ijie I'hiUrieliihi.i Puss. Among bona lido Lauiei s theie iu:i be, and very piebably is, the natuial feeling of opposition te free pipe Hues which atises from the desire te be let aleuc and thedislikote having their y dis turbed in even the slightest dogice. This dosire and dislike are common te all pieperty ewneis They arc as strong in the city as m the country. The 1'hil.idclphian submits te the cutting of 'streets through his subur ban lets of gieund. or te the seizuie of his country place for the use of the path, net because he lilies it, but bocauseexpeiioueo has taught him that he cauuet success fully oppose his peisenal interests te the inteiesU of the many. Ficepipe lir cs have beceme nece.ssaiy, like streets, reads, lailreads or cauals. The degiec of dam age done te faun lauds aud farmers by : pipe line, unless it be a monopoly fiem which farmers suffer iiulirtctly, is abmt as small as the amount of active eppjsi tien te fiee pipe 'lines from genuine fami eis Xtie World 3Ieee skill and Science Url- mnptiHiit. Our reporter rclnles tin- lolleuiii;; ii'iuiirKa- lile i-xpcilcnce olencof our most icll.iblr ami ir.iTch.iuls, Deacon Mc;Iicn (J ilasen Mr. Masen says that limn lM,') te IsM) lie sulTurcJ teirlbly fumifiiqucu'. veij sevuic attacks et iiilKtnmatery l lu'tinialKin. 'i he la-st attack In the intt r et 7J anil 'SO iuis se cveie as te lender lilin unable t' lake a st'p in lour nienth-j. His )liicUns thought th it one Ji!u el liim was paral ycd, uiul bei h km cs b 'came se stiff that lie could net bend Ilium. Tin.- doctors pioneuntcd his tase incurable, leivinUIm In a tcniblu condition lle.w.s then induced te try Hunt's- Kcincdy, by n medirul tricml who told lilin tLat hi' whole ick.nes and trouble ato-e liei i Kliliuy dls ease, and ceninced Mr. Masen Mich v. is the case, am! alter taK'n it. six wct-kb Mas entirely cuii-', and i neu in such excellent i!isica coiiuilien V. at neltbei d.iH3t weather i"ir wet leel allect linn disagieeably. Ml. J!meii un that bis cuic Is complete. :.s it ii nie:u than Useyeai.s since he has had tlifdlstar. 1 " al ii ibute my most lemarkable cum --eluiy te mint'-) Remedy, the Infallible Klduc-y and I.ivcr Medicine," saj s Mr. Masen. 'ret ih iter i'lcning 1'icss Tiie Best. ; it lim II. Wilsen. M. 1., .-pii'iIicM, l.t- ll:i;;leii Ce , Gu., bays: "I ptccilhed'- Itumnly in a complicated ea-e el Ureiisy which I had been ti eating for eig7tl jca-, and I Jlnd Hunt's Remedy is the best medicine ler Ur.i, By and the Kiunejs I h ive rvcru-ed." Owe Jtly KxlMtence. Abigails. Celes, of Moorestown, I.urhnj; I.urhnj; ten, Ce , N, J., says : " Eighteen iiiemiIh iik" X had Dropsy aieund my heait. Jly plij -Ioian ami iritiids despalicd et my ever .citing well. The flrst bottle et Hunt's 'Itemed y save me Kicat relief. I leel I ewe my very existence te Hunt's Kcmedy. mid lam deeply tlianklnl." Aladdin's lamp wrought migbty t!nn(;, but Hunt's Kcmedy -works misrhlier. 'Iivlt. !i'-li."M,WAi' HURT'S KOIhDV Flt hI,K .it h. ii Cochran's DriiK .Stere. 17 ami lyi Nei tli Queen street. iuaij-3nii l'eimiarlty. Thewfts' Eclectrlu Oil ha obtained great popularity, from its inttinsic value as a reli able medicine, in curing hoarseness, and all irritations et the thre-it. .iis-ases et the client etc. Fer these it is an ineeuipatable pulmenic! Lerx-saI.e. bX u-" Cechian, di ucRlst. 137 and J. North Queen street. See Here, 1 1 lend, read the advuitiseincnt el blmmens L,i cr Kegulater. Ne Deception Ueett. It is strange se many people will continue lesjiffer day alter day with Dyspepsia. hU cr Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach Gen eral debility .when they can piecure atom steie SHILOU'S VlTAblZKK, lm-of cost it it docs notcurcer relieve them. J'riee. 75 ccnis Sold by 11. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. fcllleedS Live and Let Live. Ijiic is net always under our own control but can be prolonged by care and prudence' Burdock Bleed Bitters as a laxative, alter i tive. and diuretic medicine tend materially te lesteie health and lengthen our days. Price $1. Fer sale bv II U. Cochran, druggist U7 and 139 North Queen street. MJCVZOAZ. TENSOM'S SKIH NK .. Frem the apringlUftJt&Vblican. A GENEROUS" AOT That Will be AgjmlMli rAll Wae vare for Tbalr CnaytezlM or BklB. It Is net generally Iebewb that the nervous system lias a wonderful Influence ever the skin, but this U a tact known te medical men who have Kven much of their time te the study et diseases of the akin. Ne one can liave e. clear ana lair complexion, unmixed with blotches or pimples wnels very nervcus. Whatever tends te a healthy condition el the nervous system always beautifies the complexion and removes roughness and dryness of the skin. Seme skin diseases arc net attended by visible signs en the surlace, but an intolerable itching that renders life miserable. We copy the lollewing deserving and inter- citing compliment from the Tribune, which gays : " lr. C. w. Bensen's Kew itemed y, skin Curb,' Is received by the public with great cenildence, and It Is regarded as a very generous act en the doctor's part te make known and prepare for general use his valua ble and favorite prescription ferthe treatment of skin diseases, alter having devoted almost his entire llie te the study and treatment of nervous and skin diseases, In which he took great delight. He was ter a number el years physician in charge el the Maryland Infirm ary en Hematology and anything from his hands Is at once accepted as authority and valuable. The remedy is fnlly the article te attack the disease, both Internally, through the bleed, and externally through the absorb ents, and is the only reliable and rational mode of treatment, Theee preparations are only put up for general use alter having been used by the doctor in his private practice for years with the greatest success, and they lully merit the confidence el all classes of suflerers .from skin diseases." This Is ter sale by all (lruKgists. xwe oeiues, internal ana external treatment, in one package. Don't be per su ded te take any ether. It costs ene dollar. OH MY HEAD! WHY WIJ.1. XOU BUFFER ? Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless less and brain disease positively cured by Dr. Hen son's Celery and Chamomile rills. They contain no opium, quinine or ether harmful drug. Sold by druggists. Price 50 rents per box, two boxes ler SI, six boxes ler $2..r.). by mail postage free Dr. C. W. Bensen, Ilalilniore. Md. C. N. Crlttenten, New Yerk, is wholesale agent for these remedies. nprlS-lindM, W.sawj DKSSOM'S SKIN VVKK AND CKLKKY LL and Chamomile Pills for sale at 1L U. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen strict. mai2-eind HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED What the gieat restorative, Hestctter's Stom ach Ilitteis, will de, must be gathered from w hat 11 bes done. It has effected radical cures in theiiNands el cases el dyspepsia, bilious dW.iidcrs, intermittent fever, nervous attec attec tiens, general debility, constipation, sick headache, mental despondency, and the pecu liar complaints and disabilities te whlehtlie lccblc arc se subject. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, al-lmdced&w JSNTJSBTJJUnUSNTH. QUAUTKK UK A UUNDBKU PiSUlrORlH INU KLEPHANTS. . ONLY O RE A TSHO W COMING ! Will Exhibit AFTERNOON and EVENING at ll and S p. m., and new en its 19th Con secutive Annual Tour et America, the Great EOREPAUGH SHOW AT LANCASTER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25. ON GROUNDS, HEAD OF N. QUEEN ST. Justac'ded, Colossal, Imported ROMAN HIPPODROME ! i UI.L HALF MILE BACE TKACK, With the First and Only THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLAR STUD ENG LISH BACE HOUSES. First mid Only Famous Troupe of FIIENCII LADY CHARIOTEERS and 11A.CE UIDEjK. BOM AN CHARIOT BACES. GIGANTIC TRAINED WUJ BEAST SHOW MONSTER MENAGERIE ! l.W) HARK ANIMALS ! l.UOO MEN AND HORSES ! 3 SPECIAL BAIL WAV TRAINS. SEATS FOR FIFTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE BOLIVAR ! Lirgest and Heaviest Animal known te exist $1M COO will be lerfelted If any circus In the weild cam duplicate the unparalleled act of SUJ. LLONATI, from Milan, racing upon a bicycle up and down a spiral elevated road way mi lect in height. Or the famous French Troupe hlLIJONS. from Paris, in their bleed curding gymnastic exhibitions. Greatest Lady Elders In the World ! SENORA AGUZZI, from Spain ; LILLY DEACON, from Londen. Beheld ! See ! 109 Peerless Performers ! 20") 1'erleiming and King Horses I Hippopotami. Trained Liens, Tigers. Hyenas, Baby Cames, Wendeilul Sacred Cattle et Persia. Merciaic animals than all the shows in America! Handsome Women ! Wild Men ! Three Race Track Arenas equal te any POUR GREAT OIROUS RINGS. 5,(00 OPERA CHAIRS ON THE GRAND STAND ! PEERLESS, POETIC, PRINCE LY, GRAND. GORteEOUS. FREK STREET PARADE, Eeiy Forenoon of Exhibition Day, between '.) .W and 10:30, the Greatly Grandand Gorgeous Carnival Street Parade, in which is seen tile Wonderfully Grand and Sublime Pageants, CLEOPATRA, QUEEN OP EGYPT ! AXO Li ALL A ROOKH, Princess .of DELml With the Handsomest Weman in America! Personating " Lalla Boekh," and the Barge et Cleopatra, with Egypt's Queen, the most mag nilicent spectacle ever beheld upon the streets et an AuierIc-incity.rLlVINWILDBEA''TS LOOSE IN THE 8TBEET8. A score or sun bright, sumptuous chariots. A REAL SIMON PURE TdOUPE OF SOUTHERN CAMP MEETING MELODISTS, singing as the tro tre tro cessien moves. J'l FIVE MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS ! and the very largest, longest, greatest, grand est, gratuitous and only Millien Dellar Pa ueant ever seen en the streets. Admission, only no cents ; children under 9yeara,.35 cents Exhibition afternoon and evening at sual hours. Arcnlc Chairs. Premenadn rimmng ene hour before commencing, byine three meat bands. 3Lew Bates and Excursion Tuilim eh nil Rnilrneila tn saa t.hf ftmat- caim. I 3rFer the especial accommodation el LADIES AND CHILDREN, and all who de sire te avoid the crowd surrounding the ticket wagon en the show ground, tickets will he en sale duiing the entire day the exhibition is here, at H1USH ft BROTHERS, Nes. 2 & 4 N. Qneen St. ADAM FOREPAUGH A ADAM FORE PAUG1I, Jr., Sele Proprieters: JOHN A. FOREPAUGH, Manager ;CHakes W. FVL LER, General Director. al7,18,20,21,23Aw T OUAUCO PRESSES. MINNICU'S LATEST IMPROVED TOBACCO PRESSES. Fer Casing and Baling Tobacco. 8eld te hon orable parties en trial. Warranted superior in every leature te any in present use. 11 net us represented can no returned at my ex pense. Alse Manure Heeks ler cleaning sta bles sold en same terms. Bend for clrcnlar. t ..."S: Bi MINNICH. 3t-S.M.WAw LandtevlUe.oa,terCe.,Pa. jOUNTAw F1NB-OUT TOBACCO. BK8T r goods manufactured, 8 eta. per oz. or 62 cts. V ft at IIARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR .8TOKB. STOMUCH -BITTER . VLOTHIXa. p.- . nOSTKTTKKASON. Spring Novelties. ELEGANT STYLE3 JN French Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN Scotch Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN English Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN Demestic Woolens, ELEGANT STYLES IN Spring Overceatings, ELEGANT STYLES IN Pantalebnings. D. B. Hear & Seil, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. L. GANSMA.N & IIHO. FACTS WORTH READING. Spring Clothing. Gentlemen, if you wish tode justice te yonr yenr selt and lainily and leel like saving hard earned money, belore purchasing your Spring Clothing, call en L. GANSMAN. & BRO. Whether you wish te purchase or net get posted sous te compare our low prices with ethers. NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: Men's Suits at $4.."0, $5.00, $;.oe, $7.00, S8.00, up te $15.00. Men's Pants at 75c, $1 00, tl.25, $1 .50, $1.73, $1.0 ,u p te if a ue. AN IMMENSE VARIETY IN OUR BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT AT SPECIAL CLOSE FIGURES. Bey's Suits at $1.75, $J.C0, $2.50, $3 00, $1.00, $5 0), ill 00, up te $9 00. Bey's Pants at 70c, 00c, $1.00, $1.25 up te $2.50. Children's Suits at $1.51, $1.75, $2.00, $2 80, $3 00. $4 10, up te IC.50. Childien's Pants atC3c, and upwards. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is li'led with the Choicest Line el SUITINGS AND Foreign ami Demestic Treuserings. A geed and geed looking suit te order a $1Hhi. Our pi ices always under. Wc are ready u iiieei una 10 ueai, an ennipetuien. unr plain talk means business. It will pay you te re member it. L. Gansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS A CLOTHIERS, Gtf-8 XORTII OUEEN STREET, Right en the beuth west Cerner ei Orange SL LANCASTER, PA. 2fWe have no utnnectlen with any ethev Clothing Hou"e in trie city. -riii.i MSON Jc I'OsTKIt. The Objection The Public universally make te READY- MADE CLOTHING la Its liability te rip. This is ti ue with a ccuiln class el goods these be low the stantlaid the kind that are net flrst- class. Our stock consists et none but theso el standard excellence, sewed strong and war mi ted net te rip, trimmed equal te Custom- Miidc, and cut ever patterns that are the Per- icctien et 1- IT, STYLISH and ATTRACTIVE. The Pi ices aie made low in order te keep np a lively naue. our SPECIALTIES In MEN'S SUITS ler Si 0 00, SlS.OOand 1114.00 are in advance of anything we have offered at theso Figmes. The assortment el CHILDREN'S SUITS comprises upwards ei FIFTY USEFUL a. d ATTRACTIVE STYLES, in KILTS, f'LEATEI) WAIST, PLAIN SACK and .SAILOR SUITS at Prices absolutely the low est. The ROY'S SUITS cannot be surpassed ler superior workmanship and general at traetiveness. In addition te a large stock et LADIES' and CHILDREN'S BOOTS aud SHOES we have a SPECIALTY in a FRENCH KID GAITER, made upon the host Spanish model, ler Ladief, wltliarched instep. In GEN'JS' UNDERWEAR we have AUS TRALIAN WOOL in FANCY COLORS and a variety el SUMMERMEIIINO NORFOLK and NEW' BRUNSWICK and Imported LISLE THREAD. RUIlBhR CLOTHING, TRUNKS, VALISES and UA1BRLLLAS. Sole Agents ler R. DUNLAP A CO. and J. B.'JTETSOX A CO.'S PINE HATS. Williamson & Fester, 32, 31, 30 & 38 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. OlUHjEltlES. T KUKMK'S. THINK OP IT! A CANS FELL A SON'S 2B. TOMATOES, 25c. Every Can Guaranteed. TWO Mb CANS, BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES, 25 cents. Splendid Small White PICKLED ONIONS In .lars, 10 cents. ' Remember the DURKEE'S SALAD DRESS ING and ou r FINE TABLE OILS. Sulad Season Is at Hand. Call and see our assortment of BOTTLED PICKLES, SAUCES, OLIVES, etc. SPLENDID MIXED MUSTARD by the Gallen or Quart. HONEY by the Quart or Gallen. CALIFORNIA FRUITS In Cans, Somethln New. Desslcated OAT ME AL and HOMINY. Give it a Trial. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street "OIICK XU XKKSPASSEKS AND GUM- 11 NEKS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall, or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or nn nn inclescd, either iq: the purpose et sboetlnar or fishing, as the law win be rigidly enforced against all lies passing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice. . WM. CO LEU AN FREEMAN P.. PERCY ALDKN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN. , . . attorney ter r. w. Celeman's HetM. JKESS UOODS, LACKS, c IAGIIB, ft BROTHER. DRY GQODsTlACES, &C. KEW WOOLEN FABRICS. Foreign andJDemertic in Entirely New Shades : rre?gIu,ei effle8 French Penle', Caahmeres, Melanee Feule', Albatreei Cleths Nnn'a Veilimr q.u.m t,a 7,1,. (French and American), Combination Suits aidPneh EiAreiS Rbe.. ' ' &aM- " ZpUW KID, SILK AND LISLE THREAD GLOVES (Btaek md Colored), in Jra., Mo.Wetelr and Rel.c 8t,l. NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, TOHN . GIVLER & CO. JOHN S. GIVLEE & CO, Ladies' Light-Colored Jackets, Ladies' Jerseys in all Shades, Sun Umbrellas and Parasols. ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 25 East King Street, JOHN S. GIVLER. B OWBKS ft HCKST. BOWERS & HURSTS, Ne. 26 OUR BLACK SILKS, UUK JNUJH'S VEILING8, OUR NEW DRESS GOODS. Are Seiling Rapidly, which convinces ua that our Prices Are Lew, and the Qualities the Best for the money that are offered. Kememeer we handle only such makes of goods that we can fully guarantee te our customers te give entire satisfaction. Re member also, that in every part of our room you have plenty of light te examine goods, as we have just had two large windows put m which gives us an abundance of light. Come and deal with us once, and you will then come again, as we will be sure te please you in something you buy. BOWERS & HURST. Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH N Kff HAT STORK OHAS. N. SHULTZ, YEB8 ft RATHFON New Offer the Greatest Bareains in READY-MADE CLOTHING, All Oar Own Manufacture, Tf JSMiSt Mnt by.maj, enclosed in the PICTORIAL. The people are coming and all go away jraited and well-pleased. VnE?h wSrffeTS Mee,Ted a Card ?" giTingyenr address, we wiU send you one. Oni Stock of CLOTHING for Men, Youth, Beys and Children was never se Complete and PRICES LOW. rf j2?BiSS-Otfi.PIE0? 900DS. M1 ad ready t "hewn te the trade. The styles are all that could be desired, and the 1??. lEPn rea,ch ol.8w?bedy. nd we are new taking measures rapiliy and the prospeet for a geed trade this Spring is tL.!. Ceme1.ear1 and make yar selection from one of the Finest and Best Selected Stock of Goods ever exhibited in .Lancaster city. Call and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. CA.jtrBir. PIL,IP 8OHCM, SON & CO. CARPETS Ar Philip Schum, iSen & Ce.'s, NO. 150 SOUTH WATER ST. L.ANCASTEE.PA. We have a faU supply of BAG AND FILL ING CAKPETS. We only use the best et yarns. It yea want a Geed. Serviceable Carpet, please come and examine our steck: before purchasing elsewhere, as we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Come ana see ler yenrselJ and be cenvlncel, as we always have the repu tation et making FIRST-CLASS CARPET. CUSTOM BAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES, BLAN KETS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING TrARtf, Ac. 49- Dyeing done In all branches at short notice. GOAL! GOAL I Or the Best Quality, expressly for Family Use TRY A SAMPLE TON. PHILII SOHUM, SON & CO., Ne. 150 Seuth Water St., Lancaster. Pa. mar22-lmd-M,W,&S HATS AND CAPS. H ATS, OAFS, C. IATEST SPRING STYLES. SHULTZ BROS. (Old Stand.) Largest and Best Assortment ever ollered te the public at lowest prices. FINE DRESS SILK HATS. STIFF FELT HATS French and English PulI-Oversv Seft Felt Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Ac. All el every quality and variety. All kinds of hats made te order. The only Hat Manufactory In the city. Con stantly en hand my own manufacture. JOHN-SIDES, (SUCCESSOR TO SHULTZ A BRO.) tI3-ttd B". WATCUKH, UI.OOKB . -1? Wn B,n.f8' 8Prtacles, 4a. Repairing et all kinds will receive my personal atten tion. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. lMftNerth Onecn street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsylvana railroad depot, dec & lyd dmt moons, St. 1 - -m rnr"--E SELLING RAPIDLY AT and 28 NORTH QUEEN 9PJ pOLOBBD SILKS, OUR SUMMER SILKS, OUR BLACK CASHMERES. QUEEN STREET. SEW MAT BTOBX.' Everything .in HATS AND CAPS can be found at SHTILTZ'S SONS' NEW HAT STORE, Gundaker's Old Stand, 144 N. Queen St. HSTRICTLY CASH.Sfr csezHzire. DMT N KXT DOOR TO THB OOUKT BOU8K. FAHNESTOCK OPENED THIS DAT large lets of Table Which were bought at forced sales, in large QUILTS ! nm.ARIKSS 9JPPS at about their vaIuB- WHITE and COLORED HONEY COMB and JACQUARD QUILTS, with or without fringe, at a great sacrifice. 41 .rrK?518 i Q0SSAMERS for Ladies, Gents', Beys and Girhi at $1.25, $1.50, 91 le ana $00, made te our own order, with our name en each garment. 8S"EVERY GARMENT WARRANTED. E. E. FABlNESTOGK, NBXTDPOBTO THB COURT HOUSE. tvmieAj, 1N8TBUJLENT8. ELLEK ft WUUOWABUli ' ' ' " ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, TBE ONLY ONK-FRICE HOUSE IN THE BUSINESS IN 'LANCASTER. Ne, 38 WEST KING STREET. FULL STOCK OF PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS AND ALL SORTS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. the atteStten toeTR,0rTHreI8TON'5T5anotte8ani1 Musical Cabinets. WewUhtecaU iid Tw ?tn,i.f 5r i1?10.1?11 "Perte3. German, mechanical musical Instrmnent, de th)mpSnfiPSrfite -PricM m1c Bexes. Its execution is the most accurate ei aU mMi?. p TiimSfl2Jns,rimB?t8r?,ay8 any nber et pleees-sacred. operatic, dance nmn T paragon et musical Instruments we sell at $15.00. Full line of Chudren'S urganettes, etc. al7-8mdlyw -DBMUTAL. " Removed te Ne. 40 EAST KINO STREET. After April 1, 1863. F0N DERSMrnrS BOOK-STORE thi?eiremoTflt?.Ke'1D?AfING Street, directly opposite the Court Heuse, where there will be found a Complete New Stock of Beeks, stationery and Fancy GeeSi. 0. L. FON DBRSliTTH, Bookseller and Stationer, mar20-tfd tfe. 46 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA, r" Lancaster, Pa. GEO. F. HATHVON STREET. LANCASTER. PA. HARRY S. SHULTZ. v " OOODB. Linen s lets at much less than Regular Prices. QUILTS ! LANO ASTBB, PA. tOTAC vitjt rrt,tttte HvutB LANCASTER AMU .1II1XKKSVILLK K. Cars ran as fellows : Leave Lancatser (P. R Depot), at 7, 9, and IU90a.m-,and", 4, 8 and ft3u p. m.. exennt en Bstnrdar. when the last car leaves at 830 p. xm Leave Mlllersvuie (lower end) at 6, 8, andjit a. M and L X 5 and 7p.m. m .Cars ran dally en ive time except en Snn ear. fWMMU rOKT DKPOS1T KAIL J ROAD TIME TABLE. jSSS1 Spwnn Tegularlv en the Columbia rLE"1 l1? Wsllreart en the following timet aetrmwABD. STATIONS. vekthwaxu. r.x. A.X. A.K. 8,-ae &3i 10 MAS p.x. Columbia.... ...Washington... ....Ciesswell.... ...Sate Harber... ..SbenlfS JTerry.. Pequea . .Yerk Furnace. . Tncquan .Mccail's ferry. ...rite's Eddy... .fishing Creek.. .Peach Bettem.. ..Conc'tne... ..vlCt..M. .... DM 75St 7M tM 7SM m I hm U:10 11:15 11:30 1138 U:M P.x. 12KS lfclB itae 7U0 77i 7:5t) 7:3tf 7iM 7:17 7:05 3 737 BiSDi ...Pert i;jpelt.. Perryvule.... R KADIHtt M COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT Or PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1882. NORTHWARD. fcVB. A.X. p.x. S.- 535 8KS 53 8.02 5:90 7:45 5:05 7:40 5:01 73B 4:58 734 436 7:38 431 73 4:47 7:10 4:36 7.-06 433 637 4:36 C:ll 4:12 632 4 05 &30 335 ..... 3:41 A.M. 7J) 9:lf icaster. King St. icaBter....TT.... OelkmWa. gwartlng. IsAvm, eaOlng.... Uauva. Columbia.. SOUTHWARD. a. x. r.M. r.M. e:'J0 .... &J0 730 .... 3:40 7:40 1:00 330 7:30 1:10 3:40 9:45 3:20 530 KKD. AJL K. PJt P.M 75 1200 6:10 .... T.M. 9:40 S:10 8:25 .... 930 2:19 &18 6:15 9:40 .... &2S 5:25 10:40 .... 931 6:e0 lSi a Qaarrvvllle ......... Trains connect at Reiillnir trlth trulny tnnnil from Philadelphia, Pettsvllle, Harrlsburg, Al Al Untewn and New )erk, via Bound Broek Kemte. At Colombia with trains te and from Yerk, UaaOTsr, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltl "Ota. M. WILSON. Suyu I PKKKI9V1.TAM1A. KA1LROAU-NKW 1 SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY OCTOBER 1st, 1582. trains en the Pennsyl aula. Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depots as fellows,- I Lev I Ar LanPhlt Eastward. A.X. 12:44 A.M 235 7:50 1020 Mall Express fast Line Hanteburg Exf-esa Yerk Aecemmdda.Jnn arrives Lancaster Accenn lailen arrives... Columbia Acceuu.. Hen frednrlck Accommwiatlen arrives. Loek Haven Express Sunday Mall Johnstown Express Day Express Harrlsburg Accommodation 535 8:10 8U0 835 930 U:6 P.M. 1235 13 2:42 2.-20 525 6 45 3:20 r.M. 5:15 6:05 7:35 945 Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:15, will run through te Ilanever dally, except Sunday. frederlck Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with fast Line, west, at 1:40, will ran threush te f.-ederlck. Le. IAr. WS6f. ABO. PhllLan HI A.M. A.Jf. 6:27 0.-27 935 0:411 10:15 10:20 News Express , Way Passenger , Mail Train. Ne. l. via. ait. Je v. 430 4:30 7:00 8:13 Mall Train, Ne. 2, via Cel u mbla,leaves xiiagsra express , Hanover Accommodation leaves., P.M. fast Line frederlck Accommodation leaves. 11.0C 1:40 130 6:20 2:B0 730 7: til P.M. Harrlsburg Acconnnedatlon , Lancaster Accomiiieia:ton leaves... Columbia Accomirlat'en Harrlsburg Express Western Express 2:14 414 6:40 9:05 il:l jracine jsxpresa... HriW 1:45 Harrlsburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged, will stopatDewnJbigtown.Coatesvlllu, Farkca burg, Mount Jey, Elizabethtown and Middle town. Day Express, fast Line, News Express, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacific Ex press run dailv. MAJLMUjMOS. 'HI GREAT Burlington Reute CkJcag, BaruagteH k qalaej tt. K. Vlileage, Birllagtea ft qalacT B. K. PKINCIPAL SANK AND OLD fAVOEITK f ROM CHICAGO OR PEORIA TO HAN8ASCITY, OMAHA, CALireiiNlA LINCOLN AND DENVER The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST line te St. Jfcseph, Atchlnsen, Topeke, Denlsen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, An ions, Mentana and Texas. This route has no superior ter Aioerf Lea. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINK. Universally conceded te be the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad In the world for all classes et travel. All connections made In Union dopeta. Try It and yen will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated iin.j let sale at all offices In the U. S. and Canada. All information about rates et fanvSteepn.ii Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PEKCEVAL LOWKLL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. T. J. POTTKB, Sd Vice Pres. A Gen. Manager, Chicago. 111. JOHH (J. A. BKAlf.Oea. Eastern Agt., 817 Broadway, 30S Washington St. Naw Yewl Bosteii, Mas. mavl(Wydw IV81CAL ItiHTMVMJCNTS. -nriLvex white THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. A DECKEB, Agent. A full Assortment et the various styles con stantly en hand and for .-ale en the me.,t llli era! terms ter Cash or Small Monthly in stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these instruments, which will be leund te be very Superior in Quality and Moderate In Price. Mtf. DECKER Is also agent ler the famous TNABE" And several ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from 1228 upwards. febl7-Ud A L1.EN A. HEKR CO.'S Real Estate and Insurance Office REMOVED TO 1HO. 108 BAST KING STR1ET. (Opposite Leepard Hetel.) RELIABLE INSURANCE AT LOWEST BATES. martMmd; -:;