LANCASTER DAILY INTEIAilGENGEB, SATURDAY. APB1L 14. Is3. Lancaster gjnteUigcncct. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1883, FAMOUS I'OrDUB SONUS. Their Autnerahlp ana tue Circumstances Under Wmcn Tbey Were Composed. r" Auld Lang Syne " is popularly pup pased te be the composition of Burns, but in, fact, be wrete only the second and third verses of the ballad as commonly sung, retouching the ethers from an elder and less- familiar song. ' ' The Old Oaken Racket " was written by "Woedworthn New Yerk city during the het summer of 1817. He came into the house and drank a glass of water, and then said : " Hew mnch mere refreshing it would be te take a geed long drink from the old oaken bucket that used te hang in my father's well." Ilis wife suggested that it was a happy thought ler a poem. He sat down and wrote the song as we have it. " Weedman, Spare that Tree " was the result of an incident that happened te Geerge P. Meri is. A friend's mother had owned a little place in the country which shb was obliged, from poverty, te sell. On the property grew a large oak which had been planted by his grandfather. The purchaser of the Iiouse and land proposed te cut down thu tier, and Menis1, liiend paid him $10 for u bend that the oak should he spared. Merris heard the story, saw the tree, and wrote the song. " Oit in the Stilly Night " was produced by Moere after his family had undergone ap parently every possible misfortune. One of his children died young, another went astray, and a third was accidcutly killed. "The Light of Other Days" waswiitttn te be introduced into Balfe's opera. The Maid of Arleis. The opera is forgotten, but the song still lives, and is as popular as ever. Payne wrote " Heme, Sweet IIeau," te help lill up an opera he was preparing, and at lirst it had four stanzas. The author rover icceivcd anything for it, but though the opera was a f.iilure when played iu the Convent Garden theatre, the seug took, and ever 100,000 copies were sold the lirst year. In two years the publishers cleared $10,000 by the publication ; and the varia tiena h.m been innumerable. The melody is bclievnl te be a Sicilian air, and Doni zetti has a vaiiatieu of it in his opera Anrui BelemOf Payne was afterwards ap pointed American consul at Tunis, where he died, and whence his remains the ether day were sent te America. Setnn el his miseries may be guessed from his own words : " Hew often have I been in the heart of Paris, lleilin, Londen, or some ether city, and have heard persons siuging or hcaul organs playing ' IIenn Sweet Heme,' without having a shilling te buy uiybclf the next meal, or a place te lay my head. The world has literally sung my song until every heart is familiar with its melody ; yet I have been a wanderer from my boyhood, and, iu my old age, have te submit te humiliation ler my bread." Fester's "Old Felks at Heme," was the best song he cvir wiele. Over 400,000 copies weic sold by the linn that lirst published it. and the author is aid te have received $13,000 for his s,l;:uc 'iu its sale. Christy, the noted inintiel, paid $400 for the privilege of having his name printed en one edition of Old Felks at Heme " as the author a:id com poser. The song is thuscften erroneously attributed te him. ' Iteek Me le Sleep " was written by Mis. Allen, of Maine. She was paid $." ler it, and Ilus sell & Ce., of Bosten, who hail in three years gained $4,000 by its bale, offered her $5 apiece for any songs she might write. Seme years after, when a peer widow aud in need of money, .she sent them a song which was rejected. " A Life en the Ocean Wave" by Epes Saigenr, was pioueunced a failure by his friends. Thu copyright of the song became vi ry valuable, though Sargent never get anything from it hims-e'.f. " What are the Wild Waves Saying :'" was suggested by Dr. Carpenter by a hcene from Dickens' novel, Dembcy f- &jn, and the music was by Glevpr. '' Peer Jack" was from the peu of Chailes Dibbin. the author of The Waterman. "Peer Jack" netted $2,000 for its publisher, and almost nothing for the author. 'Stars of the Summer Night," a veiy famous sene, especially for seienadcis, was written by Aided II. Pease, the noted pianist, whose sad death iu St. Leuis a few months age was se gieutly deplored by his friends. " Love's Yeung Dream" was ene of Moere's best, but the tune te which it is commonly sung is from an Irish ballad called "The Old Weman." Moere sang his old songs se well that both the auditeis and himself wcie often moved te teats. Once when he v:is sing ing this song a lady who heaid him im plered him te step. " Fer heaven's hake, step; that is net geed for my soul." "Auld Rebin Gray" was the" work el Lady Anne Lindsay, who tells "a curious story el the ciscuin stances of the compesition: ' I called te my little sister, the only peiseu near, and said, 'I have been wiiting a ballad, my dear. I am oppressing :nv hnoine with many misfortunes. I have a heady sent her Jamie te the sea, and bieken her father's arm, aud made her m ther fall sick, and given her Auld Rubin Gray for a lever, but I wish te lead her with a tifUi sorrow within the four lines, pjer thin::. Help me te one' 'Steal thu cow,' sn'w the little Elizabeth. The cow was immn diately lifted by me. and the song com pleted." "Kathleen Maveurut'cn " was sold by Crouch, the author, for $23, and brought the publishers as runny thousand. Crouch was hepelcNsIy improvident, and in his latter days became a tramp. When Mme. Tititns ua in this country a number of years ae she Ming "Kathleen Maveuineeii'' in New Yerk, when a dirty tramp iutieduccd himself as Crouch was leceguized and thanked her for singing the song se well "Ilennie Doen"was the only English song that the Emperor Napeleon liked. "I'll Hang my Harp en a Willow Tiee" is j-aid te have been written by a young English nobleman in love with the 'Piiucw-s (new Queen) Victeria. "Annie Lauiie" is two hundred years old, and wastheptoductien of a man named Douglas te celebiate the praise of a girl named Liu is. The lady afterwaids deserted the man who made famous, and married a man named Fer Fer gueon. "Sally in Our Alley" was written by Dibdiu. SfEVJAJL NOTIVUM. F. Tewnlpy, Wiigtitsvllle, la., says: "I am suic Brown's Iren Bitters emes in every cass where directions aic'iollewed." Fer salt ,Uy II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. u'J-lwd&w Fibst a cetil, then bronchitis Muscle the flrst with Hale's Heney or Ilorcheund :intl Tar 7 Pike's Toothache Dreps cine In emi minute. a!)-lwdeed&w Decline of Man. Hcrveus Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence. Sexual Debility, cured by Wells' Health Ro Re newcr. SI. Steadily gaining favor ; read the advertise ment of Simmons Liver Regulator. Fek Lame Hack, Hide or Chest use. S11X J.OH'S POROUS PLASTER, l'rlce, 25 rents. Sold by II. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 Neith Queen treet, Lancaster. icblleedi) Me matter what may be the name or hew longstanding the trouble. Dr. Benten's Skin Cure will always euro skin discuses. Gratciul hundreds et cured patients nttest thlslact. SI aterugglsts. Jbuy Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills and introduce them wherever i go. Per tonal knowledge and experience of their effects .' en ethers prompts ttiis act." Rev. J. r. Fugett, Hecter St. Luke's Ch., Myersburg, Pa. SO eta. ' t druggists. All respectable druggists sellSlmmena Liver, Regulator. - Don't wear dingy or Jaded things when the ten-cent Diamond Dye will make them geed as new. They are perfect and cost but 11 cents. SIX.VXB CBXZE, N. T., Feb. 6,1830. Gents : I have been very low and have tried everything, te no advantage. I heard your Hep Bitters recommended by se many and I concluded te give them a trial. I did anil new am arennd and constantly Improving ami am nearly as strong as eyer. mariS-lCtced W. II, WELLE R. Nausea relieved and Sick Headache enred by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. De Yen BlieT It. That in this town there arc scores of persons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distressed Stomach, Liver com plaint. Constipation, when for 75c we will sell them Shiloh's VltaUzer. guaranteed te cure thorn. Sold by H. K.Cechran, druggist, Nes. 117 and 139 North Queen street. feb7-ced2 Jeseph Durrlnlurger, Broadway. Buffalo, was induced by his brother te try Themas' Eclectrle OH ter a sprained ankle ; and with halt a dozen applications he was enabled te walk round again all right. Fer sale by 11. 1!. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Kidney Complaint Cured. I!. Turner, Rochester, N. Y., writes : ' 1 have been ler ever a year sublect te seiieus disorder of the kidneys, and often unable te attend te business ; I procured your Burdock llloed Bitters and was relieved betere hall a bottle was used. I Intend te continue, as I teel cenlldcnt that thev will entirely cure me," Price $1. Fer sale bv II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. A specific for Change of Lire. "We are in receipt of a letter from .1. T. llumhy, esq., et Floral, Ark., in which the wi iter says: Samaritan Nervine cures female decline, and during the change et life it 1.3 a specific." Suggestive facts, truly. $1.50. alMwend&w Ce te 11. it. ceenran's arug store ler Mrs. freeman's New Rational Dyes. Fer bright ness and durability et color, are unequalcd. Celer liem 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in Eng lish and German. Price. 15 cents. Skill in Tna Workshop. Te de geed work the mechanic must have geed health. It long hours el confinement iu close rooms have en feebled his hand or dimmed his sight, let hiui at ence ami before some organic trouble appears, take plenty et Hep Bitters, lli-f sys tem will be rejuvenated, his nerve strength ened, his sight become clear, and the whole constitution be built up te a higher working condition. niarXMGtced Dyspeptic, nervous people, " out br sorts." Celdcn's Liquid Beet Tonic will cure. Asl: for Celdcn's. Ot druggists. aO-lwdeed&w - A Leap Inte Popular favor. It is net always that the world acknowledges what is right and best ; but Burdock Bleed Bitters, by universal acquiescence, have been awarded the premium for cleaning the bleed, iccuring indigestionfcenstipatlon, regulating t he bowels, and toning weak nerves. Price $1. Fer sale by II. B. Cecluan, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Mothers! Jternersil ftletnerau Arc you' disturbed at night and broken el your rest by aslck child suffering and crying v.lth excruciating pain et cutting teeth t If se, go at once and gotabettle et MRS. WIN FLOW'S SOOTHING SIRUP It will relieve tl.e peer little suUercr Immediately depend upon it: there is no mistake about it. There I- net :. mother en earth wne has ever uicd it, who 111 net tell you at once that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother a. id relief and health te the child, operating like niagle. It is perfectly sate te use in all cum's, and pleasant te the taste, and 1. thu prescription et one of the eldest and best female physicians and nuises in the United Mute-.. Sold everynheie 25 cents i bottle. mMy-M.WASSw i"I'L.MX Talk vkem Ok Swathe-Te Whom ll May Cencern: Itching Piles is enu el the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Every one can tell whether In-is thus allllcted by observing the following .symp .symp eoms: intense itching, particularly after get ting warm. It seems as II pin worms weie crawling in or about the rectum. Small lumps sometimes lerm. The private parts are often ailccicd. The mere you scratch the worse the itching. Knewing that my ointment is supci supci ler te any article In the market, J guarantee it te cure the worst ease et itching piles in exist ence. Signed, H.SWAVNE, M. I). Dr. S wayne's Ointment isalseaplcasant and effective cure ler tetter, itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas's Itch, pimples, and all scaly, crusty, itchy skin eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent for 50cts. (in 3c. stamps), 3 boxes, S1.25. Address, Dr. SwayneA Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. eclU-lydTu.Th&S&w RELIGIOUS. I lULKICAIXV UAlTbT CHiritCIt KKV. J. J I!. Seule, pastor. Preaching en Sunday at 10J4 a.m. and 7J4 p. m. Sunday school at !) a. iu. d&w CWLLKUK CUAPKL.-D1VIMK NKKVICB j at 10:30 a. m., by the Rev. .1. II. Dubb, 1). I. I.MKST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNUT ST. Ne morning service. Gospel meeting, conducted by the deacons, In the evening ut the usual hour of service. Sunday school at '1 p. m. IMKSr KEFOKMKD.-MV1NE SERVICES to-meri ew at K a. m. and 1, p. in. Sun day tchoel at a p. in. IlItST EVAnOKLIOAt CltUKCII, (tiKK . man). North Water street. Preaching at IujiU in. :md7. m. by the pastor, llev. Kd w.ird Butz. Sunday school at 2 p. m. IIKST M. E. CUUKCH, NOllTII DUKE stieet. Pleaching at I0X a. m. ami IV. p. in., by the pastor, Kev. J. T. Satchell. Sunday s"hoelat p. in. Prayer meeting en Wed nesday evening at 7)- o'clock. G1KACE EVANGELICAL I.LTII KltAN, J .Neith Queen street, corner et .lames, Itev. C. li. Ileupt, pastor. SurvJcc as usual at le a. in. ami 7J p. in. Scheel at 2 p. in MO K AVI AN.- J. MAX UAKK, l'ASTOK, 10a in.. Litany and sermon. 2 p. in., Sunday school. 7 p. m., evening service. All eeidially invited. OLIVET IIAIT1ST CHVKUU Y. M. C. A. Reems, Kev. M. Frayne, pastor. Pieiclilmr at 10:30 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. 1)KESBYTERIAN SKIIV1CES AT THE i usual hours, morning and evening. Preaching by Kev. Kebert Gamble. PKESKYTEKIAN MEMORIAL CHAPEL. I services at Vi p. in. Preaching by Kev. James Crawford. Sabb.ith school atl:45 p. m. OT. .J AMI) HOLY UUMMUNlUN AT 8 O and I1& reing Ser at 7'ip. n Service at 10 a. in. Kvcn- mg prayer m SECOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH (English), North Mulberry street, above Orange, Kev. L. N. Werman, pastor. Pleach ing at 10Ji a. in., subject, "A True Israelite." Sunday school at 2 p. m. preaching at 1 p. in., subject. " St. Paul's Conversion." Prayer and Class en Tuesday and Thursday evenings at IV, o'clock. S1 T. LUKE'S REFORMED CHAPEL. Marietta Avenue, near West Oraiuie sti ect. Itev. Win. F. Licliliter, pastor. Divine service. at lu a. in. and 7' p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. in. ST. PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH, 8. QUEEN ST. Kev. A. I. Cellem. pastor. Preashltig at le;- a. m. and -754 P. m. Sabbath school at ii p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. SALEM CHUKC11 OF GOD. FRKACUINO morning and evening by the pastor, Kev ll.elgcntuss. Evening subject " Examina tion of K. G. Ingcrsell's Hepe." Suuday scuuei in iji p. in. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED. DIVINE SKiS viccs at 10 a. m. and "PA p. in. Prayer meeting at C p. m. Sunday school at IU p. in. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing by the pastor. Rev. Sylvanus Stall. Iu a series en the book of Daniel, In tins morn ing en the prophesies" The Great Image and the kingdom ei the Little Stene." In the evening, en the lite ana character or Daniel "The dissenting Hebrews." All arc invited. Seats free. Sunday school at lJi p. m. Gol Gel wald mission school at 2 p. m. WHK MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION A. will meet en Monday next at 10 a m.. In the vestry room of the First Reformed church. M. FBAYNE, Sec'y. UNION RETHEL CHURCH OF UOD Rev. G. W. Selihamer, pastor. Preaching at 10K a. in. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting en Monday evening. Lecture en Wednesday evening. Sabbath school at 1J p. m. GEND1MIC HAVANA AND YAKA. UIUAKS only 5 cents at UAHTMAN'S YKLLOW FEONT CIOAK UTOJIX. MEDICAID TEXSONS SKIN CUBE. Frem the Springfield Republican. A GENEROUS AOT That Will be Appreciated by All Who care for Their Complexion or Skin. It is net generally known that the nervous system has a wenderlul intiuence ever' the skin, but tills is a tact known te medical men who have given much of their time te the study of diseases of skin. Ne one can have a clear and fair complexion, unmixed with blotches or pimples who Is very nervcus. Whatever tends te a healthy condition et the nervous system always beautifies the comploxien and removes roughness and dryness el the skin. Some skin diseases are net attended by visible signs en the surface, but an intolerable Itching that renders life miserable. We copy the following deserving and inter esting compliment from the Tribune, which says : " Dr. C. W. Bensen's New Remedy, skin CtJEH,' is received by the public with great confidence, and it Is regarded as a very generous act en the doctor's part te make known and prenare for general use his valua ble and favorite prescription for the treatment erskin diseases, atler having devoted almost his entire lite te the study and treatment oft nervous and skin diseases, in which he took great delight. He was ter a number et years physician in charge et the Maryland Infirm ary en Dematolegy and anything from his rhands is at once accepted as authority and valuable. The remedy is fully the article te attack the disease, both internally, through the bleed, and externally through the absorb ents and is the only reliable and rational mode of treatment. Thee preparations are only put up for general uv. after having been used by the doctor in nis private practice for years with the greatest success, and Insx? fully mettt the confidence J all classes of sufferers from fkin diseases." This is ter sale by all dniKgistp." TwoLettlis. internal and external treatment, in one package. Don't be per su i ded te take any ether. It cons one dollar. OU MY IIKAD! WHY WILL VOU SUFFER? Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless nessand brain disease positively cured by Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They contain no opium, qulnlne or ether lnuinliil drug, bold by druggists. Price 50 cents per bev, two boxes ter it, six boxes ter S2.5U. by mail postage free Dr. C W Bensen, Baltimore. Aid. O. N. Crlttenten. New Yerk, Is wholesale agent for tticse remedies. uprl51uid3I,W,S&w I-UCNSON'S SKIN CIIKK AND (JULBKY and Chamomile Fills for sale at II. B. Ceciuan's Drug stoic, 137 and 139 North Queen stixet. ;umi2-3nid Tp.VKKtil'S UINCK1C 'lOrtlC. Fer the Happiness of Heme. Prem a Clergyman's Heme O. mes a Message Containing the Wis dom of Experience. Heme is the centre et the social system. Frem it piecced the best and purest influences felt in the w irlil and towards it gravitate the ten dercst hopes et humanity. Fer it all geed m n labor while their working days last, and around it their last thoughts linger lovingly when these days arc done. Yet home does net usually apmeachln prac tice its own ideals. The mother is evertaxed with household duties and the rearing and training et her children, while the fathcrtlghts the outside b ittle te win the wherewithal te meet expenses. Seener or later care and toil leave their marks. It is true enough, as King sley sings in the "Three ishers," that " Men must work, and women must weep," but tee much working and weeping brush all the bloom from life's truit. .Mental anxiety and lack of rest and pleasure irTtluce physical diseases of many kinds ; whence the need et a trustworthy tonic te give health and strength In times et need. Among the geed women et the Jand who have found such a sure anchor is Mrs. A.C. Geerge, wile et Kev. A. C. Geerge, D. D., pastor et the Centenary tX. E. Church, of Chicago, whese words we have her permission te te quote : " 1 use Pakkuu's Gikebr Temc In my lamily and can say that we are highly pleased with It as a tonic. Frem my experience of its value. 1 lecemmend it as a reliable family lnedictne." Please nete : First, Barker's Ginger Tokie is net a mere essence of Ginger ; second, it con tains nethiiiff te create an appetite for intexica -tiny rtrinJcs .' third, i7 is ci splendid health res tarulive for all who suffer from disordered JAver or Kidneys or any disease arising from indigestion and impure bleed. Accept no sub stitute ler it. Priees, 50c. and $1 per bottle. It is cheaper te buy the larger size. Hiscox & Ce., New Yerk. pr2-lycew4dS sritisti (tee us. T!.AUK OF FASHION. 5- r . Astrich Brethers' 13 EAST KINO STREET. We arc daily receiving Something New in our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ; andln our SUIT ROOM we are continually making up New and Stylish Costumes and people visiting us may see something new every day. Having a uuyer constantly in New Yerk and Philadelphia, we arc thus enabled te show our patrons the Novelties et the season as they ap pear, and also have an opportunity for pick ing up bargains which ether merchants in this city have net. We have received this week a let et BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES that are all wool and ever a yard -wide, which we are etleiing at 50c. a yard; cannot be matched elsewhere under liijc. Special Bargains in BLACK AND WHITE STRIPED AND CHECKED SILK at 45c a yaid. Bargains in PLAIN COLORED SILK at rc Seme Extraordinary Bargains in BLACK SILKS. Our line of URKSS GOODS must be seen le be appreciated. Order Department. In our Suit Roem we make a specialty el making up any of the goods selected In our steie, te order. Having tlrt-class dressmakers we guarantee, satisfaction in every respect. New in com sent preparation a let of dresses that we will h ive displayed In nur Suit Roem iii' t week, commencing APRIL 16. CALL AND LOOK AT THEM. Have just received a Fine Stock et REAL TORCHO LACa.b, which we offer at most reasonable pi Ices. Alse a large assortment of LACE TIDIES. New Patterns In HAMUURG EMBROID ERIES at Lew Prices. INFANT'S LACE CAPS la all the New Styles. Alse a large llnq et imam's Cloaks. Shawls and Dresses. 1111 G LOVES in 3-button, 5-hook lacing and Mesqui'taiie. AH the New Spring Celers In all sizes. We will s-ell none but Hrst-class goods and guarantee every pair. A Large Assortment et LISLE GLOVES at very Lew Piices. Towels, Toweling and Nap kins vcrv cheap. Rargains in Table Linen. HANDKERCHIEFS White and Colored Borders, at all prices. New Styles in ISuttOns NEW READ LACES Novelties in our -MILLINERY DEPART MENT received daily. A Large Selection et TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. We in vite inspection. va hal, a. 1?OR KKNT. A LAKOK TWO-8TORY Bi iclc Heuse. Ne. 131 North Duke St. A two story Brick Warehouse en Mlfllln street, between Seuth Quee-i and Prince streets. A. J. STEINMAN. 120-Ild Intkixiqisnekr Office. IHUUfcKV FOR SALE. A WELL-KSTAI1L1SHED GROCERY STORE Iu a large manufacturing country town. Heuse, Mere, store Fixtuies and a full line et GROCERIES. The whole can be bought ter less than $2,500. Inquire at the a al-lmd " INTBLLIGKNCER ' OFFICE. F OR SALIC. is FOR S4.LE. ,Tliet untlershjnedSeflers ler sale the lets of Rieufld adjoining his residence, en Charlette unil Walnut streets, In the city et Lancaster comprising 211 feet en Charlette street and Jfii feet en Walnut street. I These lets will be sold en easy terms, In th whole or In parts, te suit purchasers. Apply te TH0S.E. FRANKLIN, OFFICE NO. 120 ,K AST KINO STREET. ''I? V .t j l , mMwxlWThr&fr CAMUEL u. fkii;k, axteknki, hab O Removed his Ofllce rrem 56 North Duke street loNei OK ANT STREET, immedi. I ately In-Rear J of Court Heflse,' LOngV New I Building.- i I . un-tld I palace mam valii City Bniii Le . . N: W HAT STORE. M J) c .J- A i i 8- H. OHAS. N. SHULTZ, M TRIM RATHFON New Offer the Greatest Barcains in READY-MADE CLOTHING, AH Onr Own Manufacture. Examine Cards sent by mail, enclosed in the PICTORIAL. The people are coming and all go away suited and well-pleased, lfryeu should net have received a Card write us, giving your address, we will send you oue. Our Stock of CLOTHING for Men. leuth, Beys and Children was never se Complete and PRICES LOW. Our Stock of PIECE GOODS is full and ready te be shown te the trade. The styles are all that could be desired, and the prices are within the reaeh or everybody, and we are new taking measures rapidly and the prospeet for a geed trade this Spring is assured. t3TCeme early and make your soleetien from ene of the Finest and Best Selected Stock of Goods ever exhibited in Lancaster city. Call and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 E. King St., Lancaster. Pa. LANCASTER WATVHEn riHIE Lancaster Watcbes. THE PROPOSED of Interests having been Kneeled en a IJasis Mutually Satisfactory te Reth Companies, it was ordered at a Meeting of the Beard et !! rectors et the Lancaster I tick Ce. held Thursday Alteriioen, April 12, that Werk Should be RESUMED in All the Departments el the If actery at 7 a. m. Monday. April Id TheManutactureef the Full Line of Favorite Movements, with the addition et the Line of HustrProef Movements, and Ladies' Watches, willbe pushed forward with Increased Energy. DUX OUODB. O l'ENINO AMSOCNUEMKNT. Watt, Stand & Ge. Have visited the marketweekly during the past month and new etler an immense line of new goods at prices te suit the times. New Dress Goods, New Summer Silks, New Colored Silks, New Black Silks, At lowest possible prices. SPECIAL NOTICE. 20 Pieces COLOREDand STRIPED SILKS, 60 cents a yard. An Elegant Line et COLORED DRESS SILKS, Jl.OOa Vard. Special Value in BLAOK SILKS At 75c, $1.10, $1.25, l.t0, $1.75 and $2.00 a yard Elegant COMBINATION SUITS at $5.00 and $C.oe each. EMBROIDERIES, 5,000 yards HAMBURG EDGINGS, 10c. and 12Xc. a yd., worth from 2$c. te 20c. a yd. TA SSAMENTERIES. We etler a choice line of BEADED TRIM MINGS at 25c, 33c, 37Sc 50c, 02c. These arc much under present value. New Yerk Stere, 8 and 10 BAST KING STREET. MUSICAL JXl CMRJfTS. TTTILUOX & WHITE THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Wareroeras, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. A DECKER, Agent. A Full Assortmentef the various styles con stantly en hand and for sale en the most lib eral terms for Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially invited te call and examine these Instruments, which will be found te he very 8-iporier in Quality and Moderate In Prlce. MK. DECKER is also agent ler the Famous "KNABB" AndsPral ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from 9225 upwards. Iebl7ttd A H.EN A.' BBKB ft CO.'S Real Estate and Insurance Office BEHOVED TO NO. 108 BAST KING STRBBT. luppesiw leopard Hetel.) RELIABLE INSURANCE 'AT LOWEST ''''BA.TJBJ. ' W"JK'X mn.r3l.1mrl (Opposite Leepard Hetel.) Collation JTJSW BAT BTOBJS. SHULTZ'S, Tl 1 TJ THE HATTERS, 144 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Gundaker's Old Stand). ALL STYLES AND PRICES. HARRY S. SHULTZ. CJjUTUINO. DRY WHIM GOODS. TT7-H1TE GOODS. GEORGE FAHHESTOOK. ( BAIR'S OLD STORE.) Ne. 14 EAST KING STREET, HAS NOW OPEN A NEW AND LARGE STOCK OP Wash Dress Goods Fer SPRING and SUMMER, and calls particular attention te the following : Swiss Mulls, Victeria Lawns, j-iinen de lade, French Pique, Linen Printed Lawns, Plaid and Plain Nanzoeks, Figured, Striped and Plain Swiss. Tbose are all new ; bought directly from the Importer anrl will be offered REMARKABLY CHEAP. GEORGE FAHNEST0CK, NO. 14 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WIXES AUD LIQUORS. TfSTAUI.ISUfcD 1785. WINES AND LIQUORS! At REIuABH OLD WINE STORE, 1 29 1st Kii H m CALL AND EXAMINE. "1 We have Just received direct from the Island of Madcrla the iollewing Wines : Verdelho, Vintage 1870 ; Sercial, Vintage 1840, DEIkIs; and J5HTeiSt8IlI,SkMS!tller Wlth T Ul " 1S" MA' BRANDIES as follews: Vintage 18S0, ISiO. 1SU., 1SC0, 1SX. Fine Old RYE WHISKIES. JAMAICA SPIRITS, N. E. RUM, Ac. FRENCH CORDIALS, Burgundies and Clarets. We have the following Champagne Wines: Peiper Heldscick', G. II. Muniui & Ce.'s Ury Verzenay and Extra Dry, L. Recderer's Carte .Blanche, Pemmery Sec. Veuve Cliqnet, Yellow Label Dry, Krug&Ce.'a Private Cuvee, Jules Champien. And the GREAT WESTERN EX. DRY WINE, Frem the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. . .Tn,.s !? tne F,Hest American Wine in the market, having heen awarded the highest honor. at the following Expositions : At Paris 1SG7, Vienna 1S73 and Philadelphia 1876. S. CLAY MILLER, Wines, Branflies, liins, Oia Bye WMskies, &c, Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. 3ILJj1NRJC. O PEN1NO OF M. A. HOUGHTON'S NEW STORE. NEW LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS. All the Latest Styles of PINE MILLINERY GOOD3 received daily and Beld at the LOWEST PRICES at M. A. HOUGHTON'S, Ne: 105 West King Street. OPPOSITE STEVEN'S HOUSE, LANCASTER. PLVMBINO AND J OUN b. AKROL11. PLUMBING AND TIN ROOFING, SLiTE ROOFING, GAS FIXTURES AT REDDCED PRICES. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Ne. 11 EAST ORANGE STREET, BOOKS AND s ION OF THE BIO BOOK. JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 AND 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. BLANK BOOKS AND -STATIONERY. LAR GE ASS0RTMEN1 ! LOW PRICES ! QUARTO IAMLZT BIBLES ! BOOKS AT MARKED-DOWN PRICES! CSTAt the Sign of the Big Boek. MXMOVAL. pKMOVAL, Removed te Ne. 46 BAST KING STREET. After April 1, 1883. FON DERSMITH'S BOOK-STORE Will be removed te Ne. 46 EAST KING Street, directly opposite the Court Heuse, where there will he found a Complete New Stock or Beeks, Statfeuery and fancy Goods. G. L. FON DERSMFTH, Bookseller and Stationer, inar20-tfd NO. 46 EAST KING STREET. THK, MOST JfKKOUJSHT HITK OF CAM I cer is en the border ground, between skin audnracens-membrsne; perhaps it would be mere accurate te pay upon the mucous mem brane. whCre it loins the skin, ler It la nnen the mucous surface, rather than the cutano cutane cutano ens, that the cancer is flrst observed. Cancers and tumors of all kinds permanently cured, i without giving pain or using the knife, by - H. D. LONGAKER. M. O. ! Office Ne. 13 East Walnutstreet, Lancaster. Consultation tree. al2-3tdw rrHK BEST 6c. OIOAB1N THK CITY, HA- JL vana or Tara fillers, at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORK. GOODS. H, E. Slaymaker, AGENT. HAS 1'lTTlNtl. GAS FITTING, LANCASTER; PA. STATIONARY. BOOKS AND STATIONMMi VTKW UOOK.S. ME. ISAACS. THE COLONEL'S DAUOHTEK. THE ADMIRALS WARD, SOCIAL EQUALITY. THE LA TEKT MA QAZINEX aid JYEW STA TIONER Y, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STRUT. CAMFXIB. riUFSUBDM, SON CO. CARPETS AT Philip Schum, ISen & Gos, NO. ISO SOUTH WATER ST. LANCASTER, PA. We have a full supply of RAG AND FILL ING CARPETS, varna. We en only use the best et It you want a Geed. Serviceable Carpet, please come and examine our stock betere purchasing elsewhere, as we will sell as cheap as.t he cheapest. Come and see ler yourself and be cemvlnced, as we always have the repu tation et making FIRST-CLASS CARPET. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. COVERLET8, COUNTERPANES. BLAN KETS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING Y ARM, Ac. Jtfr- Dyeing done in all branches at short notice. COAL! GOAL! Or the Best Quality, expressly for Family Use TRY A SAMPLE TON. PHILIP SCHUM, SON JtVO., Ne. 150 Sentb Water St, Lancaster, Pu. mar22-lmd-M,W.AS OHOCKKIES. TU8T KKCK1VKD. PHILIPPE, CADEAW Jt FII.'S FINEST FRENCH PEAS, SELLING AT 23-. A CAN. REMEMBER, Our Lancaster Cennty EARLY JUNbJ PEAS, 1. 1 0c. a can. TIi.m' ive satlsUclteu. And MARROW FAT PEAS. JUST RECEIVE I) : FINE OLIVE OILS. MUSIlltOOMS. QUKKN OLIVES, DUKIIEK'S SALAD DRESS ING. Alse, it tlne line of bottled PICKLKS and SAUCES. Our SHAKER COUN at 12c. a quait Is eou eeu sulcred cheap. FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR; Levan's Best, Minnesota. Greirs (Willow St. Mills) Best, und Choice Manhelm Pat ent KeUer Precess, AAA BB and Fleur et the entire wheat. At BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East Kins Street. UA iKiDS. riuic. T GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, KarllHgtea & qnlucj It. K. Ciikage, KarllBgten ft (tnlacy K. H. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAUO OR PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CAL1FOKMA LINCOLN AND DENVER The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST line te St, Jeseph, Atchlnsen, Topeka, Deulsen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points in Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Tet as. This route has no superior 101- Aiixirt Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad In the .world ter nil classes et travel. All connections made Iu Union depots. Try it and you will find travelings luxuiv Instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line ter sale at all offices In the U. S. and Canudii, All Information about rates of fare.SleeieuM Cars, etc., ctieerfuily given by PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. T. J. POTTEK, 3d Vice Pre:). A Hen. Manager, Cihoaeo, III. JOUN y. A. ItKAn.Uen. Kaatern Agt., 317 Bieadway, :wt; Washington St. Nbw Your. Uosteh, Mahh mavl6-lvdw VAKMlAUEa, &V. Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, REAR OF CENTRAL SIARKET HOUShS, LANCASTER, PA. Wemake eveiy tyiu I5ugy and Carriage desired. All Werk finished in the mositcoin mesitcoin mositcein fortahle and elegant Htle. We use only tlitj best selcetei1 muteriiil and employ only the best uicchanhM. Fer tiuility el work our prices aru tlie cheuiif-it In the state. We liuy ler easli and sell ou the most leasenuMn terms. Give us a cull. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ler that pur pose. n3fS-t!d&w MEIHVAU ikayh si'KCirn; mhjiuim:. -TUB VX Greut KiiKltili ReiniMly. An unfailing enre ler lmpeiuircy, and oil Discuses that loUew less et Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain In the ISack, Dimness el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Cen sumptien and a I'remature Grave. Full par ticulars In our pumplet, which we desire te send Irce by mull te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all di uggists at II per pack age, or six packages fcr5. or will te sent Irtu by maU-Mi the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, II. li. Cochran, 137 and 13 r North Queen street. On account of counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper thoenly genuine. Guarantees etcure Issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by II. B. Coebran, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Til EG RAY MKIUCINKi .. N.'k. erlWvd- T OCHKK'rf UYfcS. A 5c, Package LOCHER'3 DYE WILL COLOR MORE GOODS THAN ANY OTHER DYE IN THE MARKET. Fer sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. NOT1CK t TKKsrAS!KK! AND GUN NERS. All penens are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands el the Corn wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster ceuntle.", whether Inclesed or un un Incleteri, either ter the purjiose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rlgldlv enforced against all trespassing en said lands et the underfill d after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R.PKRCYALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney ler K. w. Celeman's r. Ir . elft-tMAw T MJUACCO PKESSCM. MINNICH'S LATEST IMPROVED TOBACCO PRESSES. Fer Casing and Baling Tobacco. Sold te hon orable parties en trial. Warranted superior in every leaturu te any In present use. II net as represented can be returned at my ex pense. Alse Manure Heeks ter cleaning sta bles sold en same terms. Send for circular. S.B. MINN1CH. LandlsvUle, Lancaster Ce., Pa. 3t-S,M,WAw '