XS.c.-)3,55(r .ana.:-- LANCASTER .DAILY INTEUJLGENCEE, TUESDAY. APBIL 10. 183. TOBACCO. .THE NEW YOKE MARKET. Sumatra, Seed Leal and Havana, ter the Week Kndlns Saturday. April Ttie Lecal Trade. U. S. Journal. Sumatra Sales 700 bales. Jobbers and ...nr.iihim v'.fil with, each ether in securing dark Reeds. This tobacco is doing exactly what we predicted it would de a year age. It is making seed leaf a secondary article and impererishins the dealers and growers of seed leaf. Where new are the sneers and sarcistic smiles of the "intelligent" idiots of the leaf tobacco trade and the farmers' associations who. instead of supporting the disinterested personal crusade of the editor of this paper against this hydra-headed enemy of our tobacco industry saw fit te take the matter into their own hands, and, accord ing te their own befuddled brains, aged matters be exquisitely sharp that, 'when they secured an increase of duty of 40 cents, cried "halleujah" and became convulsed at the greatness of their victory. The consequence is an almost total standstill in the seed leaf business, and a deluge of Sumatra in the near future. On the 11th inst. the first public Bale of new Sumatra takes place at Am sterdam, when 5,000 bales will be offered and told. The crop amounts te ever 120,000 bales. If the quality should prove equal te that of last year's crop, the seed leaf trade win sunnK into me most maig nificant proportions till an absolute pro hibitive duty is secured. At present fine dark-wrappers sell as high as $1.00 per pound in this market. Still higher figures will net step or diminish its consumption . If the cigar manufacturers cannot increase the price of the cigars they will curtail the quantity of Havana contained in them. Seed Leaf We might temporarily in crease the popularity of this paper among dealers and growers of seed leaf if wu were te picture te them a bright present and a blooming future. Te dwell upon and promulgate disagreeable uevrs is net apt te raise the spirits of theso interested, or make such promulgation excessively liked. Nevertheless, we shall continue te say that things arc in a bad state, if they really are, and the contrary if warranted by facts. Gur market is in the most de lapidated condition. Demoralization is visible en all sides, and we can but repeat our warning te packers of new tobacco : " Yeu can't pay tee little for the leaf you buy." These are the few sales we knew el : Pennsylvania Crep 'SO : 150 caFea, it 614c. Wisconsin Crep '81 : 100 cases Havana secd, p. t. Connecticut Crep '81 : 2.10 cases lloit lleit lloit atenic, medium winppcis, at loe Ohie Crep '80 : !500 cases, at el(,(i ,e. Havana Market moderately active. Sales 800 bales, mostly fine grades, juices for which rule at $.20( l.JJe. The Philadelphia market. Leaf. Seed Leal The pas; week's demand for cigar leaf shows a decided batter feeling. More inquiry is noticed, and manufactur er make mere searching examination el stock, and when goods are found Miitab' . a satisfactory sale is seen accompli;.' -Upen the whole, the outlook is mere . verable ; all parties talk and act under a hotter feeling. Se far, prices held steady. Sales of Sumatra leaf .itill continue, but arc quoted somewhat higher. Havau.i leaf is beginning te move actively, and all the indications point te advance, especially in wrappers, which are daily becoming mero scarce Receipts for the week 1C0 eases Cen necticut, 339 cases Pennsylvania, 52 cases Ohie, 04 cases Wisconsin, 73 cases Yerk State Seed, CO bales Havana, 21 bales Su matra aud 371) hogsheads Yiiginia and Western leaf tobacco. Sales have been 11G cases Conn icticut, 29G cases Pennsylvania, 31 cases Ohie, 3G cases Wisconsin, 43 cases Yerk state seed, 52 bales Havaua, 14 bales Sumatra, 73 hogsheads Virginia and Western leaf in transit direct te manufacturers. Exported of leaf tobacco te Liverpool, 17,119 pounds ; Baihadncs, 1,518 pounds : total, 18,037 pounds. Unas' Repert. Sales of secd leaf tobacco rejiui ted by J. S. Gaus' Sen & Ce.. tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, fji- tiie week ending April 9, 1S83 : 330 cases 18S0-1 Ohie, 4C"0l.c ; 130 cases 18S0 Pennsylvania, 7(rt,13 ; 100 eases 1831 New England, 1033c ; 150 eases Wisconsin Havana seed, 15,18 ; 100 eases sundries 4(5)18. Total, 830 cases. Lecal Tobacco Market. During the past week about 500 cas.es el '80 aud '81 tobacco were .'old by local packets. The largest feingle .-ale reported is that of Jehn F. Tripple, who sold te Mr. ReBCUshine IfiO case of '80 en piivate terms. Buyers are still actively engaged in pur chasing the new crop, which is rapidly being transferred from tliu fanners te the packers. Last week a gtca dial changed hands, most, of it. being low grade tobacco, and sold at low figmes. Indeed, firht class goods are becoming veiy .vMice. and buy ers who were late in entering the market will new have te content themselves with what they can gut. The eaej ncss with which all grades are pin chased v.5.1 ts-nd very seen te clear out the maikvt, as the farmers aie much mero reasonable in their demands than they wem earlier in the season. But little has been desic. as yet tewaidf the preparation of the ground for the crop of 1883, The spring has Heen haekwaul and less farm work of any kin i has been done thau is usual at this time ei year. Many of the farmers have net jet even sewn their seeds or urenand their seed beds, and theso who have done hoaie taking the precaution te protect them with bristles or canvas, A canvas cover has the -.e advantages : It keeps the bed moist bv preventing rapid evaporation ; the mois ture and heat cause the seeds te germin ate mero rapidly ; and the young plants are protected from the ravages of insects. On the ether hand, is the disadvantage of making the young plants mere tcuderaiid delicate and iess hardy when they conic te be transferred from the seed he'd te the tobacco field. Prudent farmers, however, always inake prevision for a superabund ance of plants, te supply the place of any that may be in any way destroyed. Becent Sales. Following are some sales repotted .since our last : C. S. Casscl, of Pcnn, 4 acres at 13, C, 4, 3 ; C. Rohrer, of Pcun, 2 acres at 1C, 7, 4. 3, and one acre at 20, 7-13-C. Erisman, Sporting Hill. 21 acieh'at 21,' 13, 5, 2; Wm. Rcu&ugar, Earl, H acres at 12, 4, 2 ; Jacob Charles, of Ceney, 8 aeics at 20, 5, 3, and 8 acres at 18, "5, 2. Jacob Ammen, Honevbreok, Chester county, has sold 1 aero te Reseiiliaum at 18, 4, 3. Around Fairfield, Drumere tewuslnp, Edward Wicks te Shindle & Ce. at 12 -2 ; Jehn Campbell te same at 14, 4 David Glachen te same at 14, 4, 2. ' ' Kendig bought of Edwaid Gregg at 15, 5, 2 ; Solemon Gregg at 11, 4, 2 ; Heward Hensel at 14, 5, 2 ; Allen Bre3ius at 12, 5, 2. N. N. Hensel sold te Kendig at 10, 4, 2. Geed tobacco yet for sale in the neigh- uuruueu. Skiles & Frey bave purchased during the past week the following lets, nearly all of them in the southern townships : B. F. Eshleman, 2 acres at 13, 4, 3 : Aeraxn H. Graff, 8, 2 ; C. Lcfevre, H acres at 8, 4. 2 ; Henry Shaub, 5 acres at 15, C, 4, 2 ; James M. McCarry, acre at 8, 4, 2; David S. Neweswenger, 2 acres at 12, 4 ?; Henry H. Keen, at 10, 4, 2;D.'n! Newswenger, for Jacob Newsweueer 1 we at 14, C, 4, 2 ; E. Barr, jr., and Wm. Barr, acre at 13, 4, 2 ; Aldus Aument, 8$ acres at 11, 4, 2 ; Jehn M. Greff, 1 acre at 13, 5. 3 ; J. C. Grefi, 1 acre at 11, 4, 2 ; Ames Greflf, J acre at 10, 4, 2 ; Geerge W. Aument, J acre at 11, 4, 2 ; Jehn T. Au ment, 1J acre at 12, 6, 4, 2 ; L.Suter, 1 acre at 10, 5, 4, 2 ; B. F. Aument, acre at 18, C. SE.VXB Crane, X. T.. Feb. C, 1830. Gents : I Have been very low and have tried everything, te no advantage. 1 heard our Hep Bitters recommended by se many and i concluded te give them a trial. I did and new am around and constantly improving and am nearly as strong as ever. inar22-16teed W. H, WELLEB. Mrs. A. N. Frank, 177 West Tuppcr Street, Buffalo, ti. Y.. eays she has used Themas' fcc leetrlc Oil for severe toothache and neuralgia, ired considers it the best thing she knows el for relieving palm Fer sale by IL 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Best remedy In the werld: se advertise ment el Simmons Liver Regulator. I Wlita Kverybedr te Knew. iip.it. Knonre H. Thayer, an old citizen of this vicinity known te every one us a most InrtiiP.utial citizen and cnnstian minuter pi the M. K. church, Just this moment stepped in our store te say, " I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ewe our lives te Sliileh's Consumption Cure." It is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and is giving perfect satisfaction In all cases of Lung Diseases, such as nothing else lias done. BUS. MATCHETT & FRANCE. JJonnueK. Ind., May 15, '78. Sold by II. li. Cochran, cUuggist, Neb. 137 and 130 North Queen street. Lancaster, lebllcedt A Geed Square Meal Is tee eitcn followed by a disordered stomach, symptoms el dyspepsia or indigestion. Every luiserauie uyspepue in me itum uumu uuv that he can be cured by a timely use of Bur dock Bleed Bitters. Price $1. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen atreet. OLElilOAJj. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED What the great i sterativc, Ilestctter'a Stem ach Hitters, will de, must be gathered from what It lias done'. It has effected radical cures in thousands el cases et dyspepsia, bilious diterdc!!, intermittent "lever, nervous affec tiens, general debility, constipation, sick headache, mental despondency, and the pecu liar complaints and disabilities te which the lceblc arc se subject. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen- ernlly. al-lmdced&w H ei mrTKits. HOP BITTERS, (A Medicine, Net a Drink.) Contains HOPS. BUCIIU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION and the Purest anil Best Mcdlc.il Qualities et all Other Bitters. THEY CURE All Diseases et the Stomach, Bowels, Bleed Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs. Nerv euness. Sleepless and especially Female uempiainis. Si, 000 in GOLD will be paid ler a case they will net cure or help, or ler anything impure and injurious leund in them. Ask your druggist ler HOP BITTEUS and try tnem ueiere you sleep. Take no ether. 1. I. O. is an absolute and irresistible cure ler DruiiKcnness, use of opium, tobacco and nnrcetics. Sbkd roil Circular. All the above sold by druggists. HOP HITTERS MFG. CO., Kechester, N. Y., and Terente, Out. mSMCteed TTP HITTERS FUK BALK AT II. IS JLL Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North ijueeu street. IJAIR HAI.SAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A bcnetlcl.il dressing preferred te similar ai Helen because of its purity and lich per fume. It RESTORES TO GRAY HAIR 1IIK YOUTHKUL COLOR and prevents dandruff ami tailing ei te:; nair. &uc ami ji.eu. IIISCOX A CO., N. Y. FLOREST0N. Excels tin1, ilncst flower in rlclines-i. Deli cate, very lasting. Ne odor like It. IJe sura von get KLORESTON Cologne, bignuttire el Hixcex A Ce., N. Y., en every label. 25 and 75 cents, at druggists ami dealers In pcrinmc. COLOGNE. UJ-lyweew&ilTii riUIKIIAT T1IK UKU1NAKI EXCITING 1 causes el sere thieat are: Sudden or pro longed e pesiire le the inclemency et the weather or change of temperature - i. e., "caching cold" when overheated, or becom ing overheated atter hayirip been chilled; partial exposures (neck, leet, head.) of the same kind; he promiscuous use of het and eeld feed and drinks during the same repast. All diseases of Threat, Ear and nye success fully treated by H 1). A M. A. LONG aKER. Ofllcc - Ne. 13 East. Wblnut stieet, Lancaster. Consultation free. a7-3td UA.KDWAKK. Xl EW HAKUWAUK HXOKK. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL & RENGIER, DEALERS IN UUILDlNGand CABINi1 HARDWARE, S2 0VJSS, HEATERS, RANGES. painis; OILS and GLASS. Heuse Furnishing Goods. Hll-8mdw VUJUU. a IS. ABTIR Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. Wfarrt: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince treats above Lemen Lancaster. niMyd MANUKK ANU DUAL. ,.,...Vc.vf Yexkftnl rhlladelphia Herse Ma nuie Dy tne carload at reduced prices. All the BEST GRADES OF nne, i?.iimHan.a S,Cilm Purposes CEMENT by the barrel. HAY and ; by the ten or bale. STRAW Yard 315 Ilarrisburg Fike. OitniniAL Office-'JO; East Cliestnut street. Kauffman, Keller & Ce. anrMyil pOAt. M. V. B. COHO, XSO MOHTJt WATBH ST., Lancaster, fa., nnoiesaie and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Kxchan. Elnd fflce: Na 330 NORTH WATE ECU1IKE, FOKBB, OASSINA AMD A ITULL Hne et Hart's and Deujjhertvsnlavinir Doughertys playing I IV earns at - ' ' HABTMAN'S JLLOW FBONT CIQAS OlUitJS. STOIARH wm "f?7"- rr iwnr aoejoa. J. B. MAKVTTN te CO. Our pu realises in Sew lerk have arrived and we are showing a large and varied stock DRESS GOODS. In BLACK! and COLORED blLKS we have OTTOMANS, BROCADES, GROSS GRAIN SURAH, VASJMERE, RHADEMAH, XARYELIEW, SUMMER SILKS IN ALL. THB NEW SHADES. SATIN SOLZETS, NUNS VEILING. FRENCH NO VELTIES, FRENCH SA TINES, MADRASS SUITINGS, FRENCH GINGHAMS. Full Line of SPRING CLOAKING CLOTHS for Ladies Wear. J. B. MAETH & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. O1' UMNO ANNOUNCEMENT. Watt, Shand & Ce. Ilave visited the market weekly during the past month and new eiler an Immense line of new goods at prices te suit the times. New Dress Goods, New Summer Silks. New Colored Silks, New Black Silks, At lowest possible prices. SPECIAL NOTICE. Cerit'CcsCOLOIlEDandSTItlPKDSILKH, !W cent9 a yard. An Elegant Line et COLORED DRESS SILKS, $Mi0a Yard. Special Value In BLAOK SILKS At 7Sc.Il.C0, $1.25, $U0, $1.75 ami $2.00 a yard Elegant COMBINATION SUITS at $5.00 and $0.00 each. E3IBR OIDER1ES, 5,000 yards HAMBURG EDGINGS," 10c. and i-$c. a yi., worm irem viyqc te ajc. a, yd. PASSAMENTERIES. We eiler a choice line et BEADED TRIM MINGS at 25c., :c., 37Kc., 50c, G2c. These are much under present value. New Yerk Stere, 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. jlTETZfiKK & UA .MIUI131AN itzger & Hanghman HAVE SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TICKINGS, Frem S Cents up, te the BEST FEATHER TICKINGS, which we have at 5 and C Cents under the Regular Price. OUR SALES OK THE BEST STEAM CUREDFEATHERS Have been very large, and give general satis satis taetlen. WE HAVE BARGAINS IN Counterpanes from Auction. Al .We, C 75c, $1.00, $1.35, $1.50, $2.00. TABLE LIIEIS, FROM AUCTION. At 2.1c, 22C, 2".C, Eilp, :!7c, 50c, C5c, 75c, te $1.25 BARtJAlNS ALWAYS AT & CHEAP STORE. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER (Between the Cooper Heuse ami Serrel Herse Uetel.) UAilVHTa. OHIKK'.S UAKI'KT I1AI.L. " The Old Reliable. ' This is the Tltle which Shirk's Carpet lall. Oer. W. KING & WATER Sts., Has obtained by selling the Jlet Goods al the most Reasonable Prices with THE LAHGEST AND BEST STOCK te select from. In addi tion te the Largest Stock et Carpets ever car ried in this city, we have new WELATESl AND BEST KINDS OF Brussels, Ingrain and Chain Carpets, Ever brought te the city et Lancaster. BBONVINCED1,UrehaSlnB elsewhore AND H. S. SHIRK, Carpet Hall, West King and Water Sts. S- CAUPETS WOVEN TOOKDEU. Orders rcspectlully selicitcdkand promptly attended te when received. OitOCIUtlES. TTJST KECEITED. PHILll'PE, UADEAW & EIL'H FINEST FRENCH PEAS, SELLING AT 25 -. A CAN. UEMEMBEU, Our Lancaster County EARLY JTJNfl PEAS, at 20c. a can. Tncse give satislactien. And MARROW FAT PEAS. JUSTEECE1VED : FINE OLIVE OILS. MUSHUOOMS. QUEEN ING. Alse, a line line of bottled TICKLES and SAUCES. Our S1IAKEB COON at 12c. a quail is con cen sidered cheap. FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR. Levan's Best, Minnesota, GrelTs ( Willow St. Mills) Best, and Choice llanhclm rat- ent iteller Precess, AA Bli and i lour el the entire wheat.; At BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. BNDINK uaTaha asd Yaua uieaRS only 5 cents at IIAKTAIAN'S YELLOW KKONT CIGAU STOKE. QCBTJUM DKFAKTMENT. Curtain Department. igc2uaitf 2SJE! and trimmiDK8 are new in a Department by themseIves' with BntBiSfUZlyiKa)rtrnt j'JfCE CURTAINS (from the least expensive at $1.00, te ele. ganciirusselsLaee at 965.00 per pair), in Nottingham, Antique. Tambeured. Madras Brussels Lace &a .fen t rT4h?n ?arch t$tahlB SPRING and SUMMER CURTAINS, we "flSa'liM TlfaSS CurtaS'aud Madran Lace for Half-Windows and VcsUbules, They are the leading novelty of the seaVen. Curtains and Madras Raw indJSt -P""118 andby the ard f Portieres, Draperiesand Lambrequins. Persian Cress Stripes, t Together with the above will be found a great variety of CURTAIN POLES of all lengths and sizes Brass with tr at extremely LewPnces. Drapery Leeps, Bands, Paney Cord Leeps, Drapery Chains and various fixincs and trimmings. Estimates made en the best terms for Curtain and Lambrequin work aud Dremntlv executed the ehe)ftwPGpLA?CrE 8HA?Er ?X . exeept?en thKtffitTffiraL SHADING the cheapest in the City. Perfectly satisfactory work is guaranteed. . wiS?2tSS2SS,,SS.fl,r mft"Bl'inB Carpete' Wan " and Csni ""y HAGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, HO. S. GIVLEK & CO. JTNTO. S. GIVLER Sc CO Ne. 25 Jno. S. Givler. B OWEKS Sc HDKST. Ne. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. New Line Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries. New Line French, Spanish and New Fancy Laces. New Line of Spring Gloves in all the choicest styles. New Line Kid Gloves. We offer Special Bargains in this line of Goods. New Line of Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. New Line of Ladies' Skirts, in all choice styles. Ladies' Muslin Underwear in Full assortment. Elegant Line Summer Silks, away down in price. Come anil soe them. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH N EW IIAT STORK c A 8 H. OHAS. N. SHULTZ, "yfEBS & KATUFON ew Offer the Grealest Ifcircamg in ttEADY-MADE CLOTHING, All Our Own Manulaclure. Examine Cards sent by mail, oncleso.l in the PICTORIAL. The peeple are eeminc and all se awav suited and well-nleisn-If yen should net have received a Card write us, giving your address, we will send jeue OufsLcWuLOTHING fS! "Sn leuth, Beys and Children was never se Cemn cte and PUTfiTCS T.OW " in Me"' Om. SfnnV if PlfflP nnrna :.. r..n prices are assured. Lancaster city. Call and save mencv MYERS & RATHFON, LANVJLSTEIi WATVUJSlt T 'BE Lease Having Terminated UNDER WHICH THE Lancaster Watch Ce. HAS BEEN CONDUCTING US OPERATIONS, the property reverts te the company owning the works. It was resolved at meeting by the Twe Companies, held March 0, 1S33, te effect an Immediate Consolidation et all Interests in a Chartered Stock Company. In order te carry forward the work mere vig orously, and largely te increase the product of Lancaster Watcbes. The Factory will be closed ler a Tew day?, pending the necessary arrangempnis for the Ge-organization of the Company, when work will be at once resumed. The organization of the Numerous Departments of the Factory has never been se geed as at present, the average product being One Hundred Watches per Day. within 7l,n rTnh n? XKn V i . " l "10 lrai'- ' II0 ht'es iU0 a,i lbat ceuId be Jesired, and the SSXS,!!? t1:, S!2" !m iV''-l-espeet for a :ed trade this Spring- DMT OOODB, Jte. HAGEE & BEOTHEE. CARPETS. East King LANCASTER. QUEEN STREET. SEW SAT HTOJttH. SHULTZ'S, THE HATTERS, 144 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Gundaker's Old Stand). AJJ STYLES AND PRICES. HARRY S. SHULTZ. VLOTUINa. " l ' ...i i .. . Centre HaU, Ne. 12 E. 1HIY iiiu.ii'iuiiuini ,,,... nv..,, ....... .,... ... uie rinesi .inn i.esc .suiocted Stock of Goods ever exhibited ii. GEORGE FAHHESTOCK, ( I! AIR'S OLD STORE.) Ne. 14 EAST KING STREET, HAS NOW OPEN A NEW AND LARGE STOCK OP Wash Dress Goods Fer SPRING and SUMMER, and calls particular attention te the following : Swiss Mulls, Victeria Lawns, Liinen de Inde, French Pique, Linen Printed lawhs. Plaid and Plain Nanzoeks, Figured, Striped and Plain Swiss. These are all new ; bought directly from the Importer and will be offered REMARKABLY CHEAP. GEORGE FAHNEST0CK, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOOKS ANU OIQN OF THE UIO HOOK. JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 AND 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. LAR GE ASSORTMEN1 ! LOW PRICES ! QUARTO FAMILY BIBLES! BOOKS AT MARKED-DOWN PRICES! E3At the Sign of the Big Boek. KKM.OVA.C. nEMOVAL. Removed te Ne. 46 BAST KING STREET. After April 1, 1883. F0N DERSMITH'S BOOK-STORE i.n,iJiHei?,ovc,lt9,Ne-6KA?TK1NGStreet.lirectly opposite the Court Heuse, where there will he jeuml a Complete .New Stock or Beeks, Stationery and Fancy Goods. G. L. FON DERSMITH, Bookseller and Stationer, mar20-tfd no. 46 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA, Street, Gee. P. Rathven. LANCASTER. PA. King St., Lancaster, Pa. iHH)l)S. WT rHITK UUODS. STATXONJTJtY. TKA.TMLKKH' iiUJUK LANCASTER AMU nJILLKKSVII.i.K i.. Cars run as lollews : Leave Lancatser (P. R Depot), at 7, 9, and lliSO a. m., and 2, 4, 8 and 8:30 p. m.. excent en Baturday. when thti i;ust car leaves at JhSO p. w Leave MUUrsvllle (lewr end) atB, 8, andd a, M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en i jve time except en Sun av. tOLL'MllIA I'OKT ItKPIlSIT KAIL- J KOAU TIME TABLE. i . TjfaJnsnew run legnlarlyen the CelumDia iff I'd! HenAult l'lillfAAil n h.a fAllnnflnK "-! v.m uuiilMiu t'U tue ivuvn lilt time: BOCTUWAKP. I STATION fe. KOKTUWARD. P.M. 6:20 635 6:42 7.-00 75 7:09 7:12 7:17 7:33 7:37 7:41 7:50 8:0e 8:13 A.M. 10ri) 10:S1 10:39 105 11K 11:03 11 K UU0 11:15 11:26 1130 113S 11-JM r.u. 12:03 12:15 12:30 A.X. A.M. P.M. 8.-30 5-JS 8:09 5r25 8.02 50 7:45 5:05 7:40 5:01 7:36 4:58 7:34 4:56 738 4:51 7:23 4:47 7:10 4:36 7:06 4:33 6:37 4:26 C:4I 4:12 632 4:05 6:20 3:55 uUl (.Vtumbia.... ...WaMilngten... ....Cieswell .... ...Sale Harber... ..Sbenk's Ferrj.. Pequea ..Yerk Furnace.. Tucquan .BlcCail's Ferry, ...Kite's Ktlily... ..KishitiK Creek., ,.1'e.ieli L'ottem.. ...Conevtiio... ...1'ert J.ap.kit.. ,.. I'ulTfviHe.... 7U0 7:27 7:37 8:20 8:25 OKAIUNti (JULUailIIA K.R. IKU.VNUKMENT O PAS3K.NUKRTKALNS MONDAY, XOVEMBEU 13th, 1882. NOETinVAKU, LIAYB. A.Sf, A. K. lev 9:10 9rf! UuarryvIUe Lancaster, King St Lancaster Jeluiubla , ARRIVK. l?H(llng 6:20 7:30 7: 7:30 9.45 aeiiTtiwAUu, S.IA.VB. I A.M. r. m. p.m. .... 230 1:55 3-50 1:10 3:40 3:20 6.60 P.M BttaUln... ARRIVH. Celuuihla. Lancaster.. 9:40 9:30 lh40 Lancaster. King St, tinarrrvllle , 10:40 inuns connect ut Ut'inJIiiK with train tmtu.l from rhllailelphia. J'otMville, llarriabuiK, At At lentewn aut New lerk, via Iteuml Broek Beute. At Columbia with trains te and Ireui Yeik, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti. mere. M. WILSON. SmM. PENNSYLVANIA KA11.KOAH NKW SCHEDULE On and after SUNJ)A OCTOBKUlst, 18rt2, trains en the l'unnsvl vani:i Kallread will arrive at and leavt the LiiiiC-UjUi: and rhlladelphia depetsas fetlnwsi: I Lev I Ar Laariill Kahtwahd. A.M. 12:41 5:35 8:10 8:10 8,55 9-.00 P.M. 12:55 VM', A.M 2:55 7:50 lOSl Mall Kzpresa Fast Line , ilarrisburg Exjwsa , Yejk Accommeda.Mnn arrives LnHeaster Accoreo latlen arrives..., Columbia Acceiuni- '.Ien , Jfiederlck Accoinnumatlen arrive.". Loek Haven Kxpresa 11:15 3-jl r.M. Sunday Mail Johnstown Kzpress Day Express........ Ilarrisburg Accommodation 2:! t;4.r, Hanover Accommodation west, eenneeltiiK at Lancaster with Niagara Kxpress at 10:15, will run through te Hanover tlaily. excent 1 Sunday. rrcdencjt Accommodation, west, ceniif(:tiig at Lancaster with Fast Line, wet, at 1:10, wilt run tbreuzh te K-dei iclc. ILe. IAr. Wise fARD. l'lillLan A.M. l::i A.K. 6:27 0:27 9:.i 'AM 10:15 l(:2i P.M. l:te 130 5.ii 23ii 7::W News Kxprc3 Way l'assenger Mall Train. Ne. 1. via. ML.lev 4:30 7:00 Mail Train, No.2,viaCeliunbla,Ii-avc.s xiiagani express Hanover Aeconenoilallon leaves.. 8:i: ' ast tiiue..... ..... Frederick Accoiuuiedatlou leaves. 11:05 P.M. 2:11 "':U 5:10 ilarrisburg Accommodation Lancaster Acco::mi'niu:ten leaves. Columbia Accnmir Jat'en Ilarrisburg Kxprc-.t Western Lxpresa Tacltlc Express 11:20 Uarrisbuig Kxpi-ess, west, at 5:40 p. m., tias direct connections (witlieutcliangu el -ars) te Columbia ami Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Rugged, will stonatllewninglown.Coatesville, rarkeo rarkee burg, Mount Jey, Elizabethtewu and Middle town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Kxnie-s, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Kxpressand l'aeitlc. 1.x press run dailv. HAU,itUAOH. T UK GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, Unriliiteu & (Juiiicy K. It. Chicago, Jtnrllugteu k. (jnincy K. K. PRINCIPAL LINK AN1 OLD FAVOIUTK FICOM C H 1 C A li 0 OR PEORIA TO KANSAS Cm. OMAHA. CAMKOK.MA LINCOLN AND DKNVEU The bHORTK.ST, QUICKEST and iSKI'l M.i M.i :e st. Jeseph, Att:hln.-en, Tepck, li'id-e:i. Kallas.Ualve.'den, an.i !! points In leua, NV eiu4ka, Missouri, Kunsa., New Me.Ticn, Arl Arl ?.ena, Mentana and Tfxn.", TI1I3 reul- has no-upener ier Aiuvit Leu, Minneapolis and St. I'aul. Nationally tepat-! as being the (iKElTTIIKOlCII CA: L1SK. UniversalJy cenc-enud te !;. tlm iSFsr EQUiPIMID Halliea.! In the wnrlil let .t, classcu et travel. All connections mad- In IJnten drints Try it and you wit! ilnd tmveltug a in vur, iusleadefa ilLscnmlert. Through tickets via tnl-t Lel-hra:d itn. , sale at ail elHces in tti- It. s. and Caiiadu.. All Information about ratt-a et taic,,-!i-i-i'nl Care, etc., cneerfully given !iy I'KiCOKVAL I.OWKL1, Ucneral rassenger Ag:nt, CiniiAoe, li.:.. T. ,1. rOTl'KIC, 3il Vice I'res. A Ce;:. .Manager, Ckioake, li.r. JOHN y. A. Itr.AM.Oen. Kasteni ArI., 317 Broadway, :W Washington si NKW YOKE. I'.OfltON. MAr mavlivdJi-w t,AJtltUli btt, JZfJ. rpHK Standard Carriage "Werk OK LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., PINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STRKfcT, REAR OK CENTRAL JIAKKBT lllIJSK-, LANCASTI-.R, PA. - We make every style i:nggy and Carriage desired. All Werk llniih d In the me.tt com cem com fertablo and elegant st j le. We u.-e only tliu best selected niateiial and employ only tlm best inechanle-4. Ker iiality et work 0111 prices are the cli'ii"'t in the state. We bnj ter casn and .sell 011 the most reasonable .....,. fimrr ... ... .ill .til Tl-rt.!. n...MH. ... ijusl iiii.eiiiiiiit;. rci .ji.itiit.jr ft ntiitv iiii" WO hliy Ifeniilili, LVl UI3. unuui .t ' . ... t.vt.v nut i;unfi Repairing premidl v attended te. One het workmen esjiref.iliy employed ler that pu terms. Give m a ill. All work warranted. et r n2-tldA.v UKUIVAL. x. r.x. 12:00 6:10 P.M. 2:10 8:25 2.10 8:13 Hi i .... 95 GKAYV, SPKCIF1U M KDIUINK. TIIK Great English Remedy. An untaltiii," enre ler Im potency, anil all Diseases that fellow Iemm el" Memery, Universal l.a i liide. i'ain in thu ilack, DlniKcia et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te insanity or Con sumption and a 1'remature Grave. Full pur tlrultrs in our pumplet, which we desire te send iree by mall te every one. The Sptclhc Mediclne is sehl by all druggistsatfl per pack age, or six packages ter te. or will te sent iree by mail en the recelnt et the money, by ad dressing the agent. 11. 1;. Cochran, 137 ami Vs) North Queen stieet. On account et countvr ceuntvr felta, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper Wrapper Wrapper thoenly genuine. uaraiit.cs eleure issued l.v us. Fer sale in Lancaster by il. it. Cechrai. Druggist. 137 and 139 North Queeu btrecu .prllya2wOKAyMKDIC,N,SCO-N-i- 7:50 7:3i( 7Ai 7:17 7:0.'. 5:13 5:25 5:16 7::l (i 15 in 1:1 1-45