L.ANCASTEK DAILY INUEIJjIGENCER TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 1883. COLUMBIA NEWS. OLlt UKIiULAK UOBKESPONUEHUK Kvuntn aIuuk the ucqnebanna Items of Interest In and Around the Itoreugb ricked np by the Intelli gencer Reporter. Tho'eM crew of the C. D. local freight train, P. II. K. have been reunited again. The members bold a celebratien in honor of the fact last uigbt at Mr. Jehn Struck's lcsidence. The illumination caused by a large fire which occurred south of Yerk, last night, was visible at this place for ever two hours. The " blaze " must have been an extensive eue. Te obtain the brass which studded the doers at the mouth of the water reservoir in Leckard's Hellew, some scoundrel half demolished them, causiuir a less of half the water contained in the reservoir. Severe punishment awaits the wietch if caught. Improvements arc new in progress at the Washington Reiginer property en 2d street, the most prominent being the epair of the stone foundation for the iron fence, which encloses the grounds in front. The Meuntville schools have all been closed but one, that being located in a new building which was net finished until about two weeks after the ether schools had opened. The lest tinin must be made up bafeie the term is ended. A lien t the Dctienl Superintendent. Prof. B. G. B. Ames is superintendent efthn public schools of Columbia, net piiucipal of the high school, as the local columns of the Exmnincr stated last even ing, in reference te the gentleman as a candidate for the position of county su pciintcudcnt of the public schools. The gentleman, by the way, would till that wspen.'iible position admirably. Personal Mention. The A. Al. E. cbuich congregation will held a festival in Williams' hall te-morrow e .cuing. Mr. Jehn Yeakle is. visitiug near Nor Ner Nor ristewn. Pa. The llcv. S. Stanley Searing, late guest of his brother, llev. It. C. Searing, has t;one te Saratoga KpringK, N. Y. The stockholders or the Supplee steam engine weiks met yestet day afternoon and id elected the following efliecis : Presi dent, Wm. M. MeCiure ; Treasurer and Sccietarv, Jae ib It. Witmer. Ne ether itllk'prs weie ulcctcd. Amusements. Tem Thumb, wife and cempauy will apjiearhcie lo-nierrow evening. De net fail te let the childtcn go te see the little people. 'The Tramp's Inm-hltr," by Mattie tokens' comedy company, last evening, was one of the best entertainments of the i-easen. The audience was delighted, having been kept in a continued state of, laughter. Tlie.se who leve funny things had better attend the concluding perfor mance te-night. The prices of admission .ue .is usual. Clmreh Anniversary. St. Jehn's Lutheran church anniversary (elebiatien last evening was an cntire mi:cc.-.i. Tin: chinch was crowded by an .iUiIiunci) which rec-ived with satisfaction jv"iythuig thiit was dene. The music w..s line and everything passed of pleas antly and well. The money obtained Irem 1 he childicn's collection beves amounted te i.150. Runaway. The double team attached te one of Ivlair fc Risig's ce.il wagons ran away en Frent sheer, yestenlay, having been frightened by the ears. Their route lay down front te Walnut, up te 4th, ever te Locust, and down that street te 5)d, v. here they were caught. The coal was :.c.ittcicd in all directions, but no ether less ic.sulted. Street Spilukllug. Mr. F. L. Ilerr, of Laucastei, has stinted a street sprinkling machine beie. Ifpinpcxly suppeited by the merchants, as it should b.5, L icust stroet will be a pleaiant p'.we fur people te de their shop ping upon, een though it be during the heals of summer, The sum asked from each r.iei chant is small, and the fact that a spunking maehine Will be the means ei htvping exposed goods from being ceveied with iiust, which ruins them, should in (luce all te subscribe towards this much necdeil improvement. The Trouble in a Trade. Mr. A. Flcckeuiteiii made a temporary ii.ide of teams with a Marietta man, a :.iieit time age, but when he had decided net te conclude a trade and weut after his team He was coolly told that oneofhis h.nses had been sold. At a lawsuit which lesiiitcil the man swere that the trade had been a complcteouo, audasthe Columbian would net disprove the statement, as theie had been no witucs-scs te the verbal am cement, he lest the case. He new l.-.uns that the horse had been secreted for a time, net sold, but as the trade was a t. de: ably even one no further trouble will be given the Mariettian. University or rcnuylvaula. The auuual commencement of the Uui .-!silyef Pennsylvania lakes place en 1'iiday evening in the Academy of Music. I'lul.i lelphi i Mr. E. I. KotTer, son of Pre;. W. 11. Keller, of this city, is ei.e ! tin- rahiating class of the dental department. The card of invitation and thupiegiamine are beautifully engraved. The commencement exercises will consist ei linin'c by the Germania orchestra, pre 1 1 ssen ny uie trustees, l acuity, alumni and graduating classes, conferring of de gie.'s, valedictory addresses, award of prices and beuodictien by Rev. Dr. Ste veUS. . M. U a. District Conference. The .sessions of the district conference en Thursday the 12th inst., will be neld in t!iu Y. M. C. A. hall Irem 10 te 12 a. m. and 2 te -1 p. ni. The evening meeting will be held in the Moravian church, com mencing at 71 o'clock, te which the public arc cordially invited. St-ite Secretary S. A.Taggart and dele gales from Yerk, Uarrisburg, Manheim and ether points will be present. A pleasant as well as a profitable titne is anticipated. Tcmporauce Aieetlng. The Weman's Christiau Temperance union will meet te-morrow (Wednesday) alternoen, iti the lecture room of the Duke i.ltcct M. IS. church, at half-past two o'clock. It is expected that Mrs. J. Ellen Fester, of Wisconsin, will be in Lancaster and hpeak en temperance en the 29th instant. The hour and place will be duly an nounced. iSadly Barned. A i.en of Christ. Brewu, ene of the lamp IighlcL, was badly burned this morning while tilling one of the lamps ou Lew Bticct. The lamp was lighted and hi; put his hands, which were covered with oil, inside for the purpose of extin guishing it. They immediately took fire as did also hisclethiug, aud he was very badly burned before the Haines 'could ba fxliiigiiidhed. Next Week'a Court. The trial list for the April quarter ses h Otis reuit, which commences next Mon day, t.hcidy ceataiu ninety cases. Te this number many will be added before Saturday, when a revised list will be put en hate et Kwal Kgtate. Henry SLuberl, auctioneer, sold at pub lie sale April 9, at the Keystone hotel, a two-story brick dwelling, belonging te Mrs. S. A. Miller, situated ou the west side of North Mulberry fctreet, Ne. 336, te Cornelias Lanigan, ler $1,450. -. JOHN B. DKMX1S AGAIN. Me is; Discharged In Philadelphia het Ke arrested. Yesterday afternoon the new requisition which Governer Pattison issued was served en Jehn B. Dennis in the prison. This morning he was taken te Pbuadel phia en the 8:10 train, en which were the counsel in the case and Detective Badger, of St. Leuis, who arrived from that city last night. The following associated press dispatch, in regard te the hearing in the United States court te-day was receive d by the Intelligencer this afternoon : Philadelphia. April 10. The case of Jehn B. Dennis, who was arrested in Lan caster Pa., for a criminal offense, and for whom the governor of Missouri issued a requisition, was heard by Judge Butler in the United States district court te day after the defendant's extradition had been granted by Governer Pattison. The latter issued a Btay of proceedings and this was declared by the court as equivalent te a discharge. The prisoner was therefore re leased, but as seen as he left the court room he was rearrested upon habeas corpus. The proceedings will be argued next week. A special dispatch from Philadelphia te the Intelligencer gives the following : Denuis was discharged by Judge Butler en the ground that the modification of the governor's warrant revoked -it. He was immediately ra-arrested en a new warraut from the governor. Anether habeas corpus has been ued out and return ordered seme time next week. Charged With Kobeory. James Hughes and Abner Patterson, two strangers, were arrested yesterday by Officer Elias en the charge of robbing Emanuel Hamp. It appears that these three men were together in Hegelgans' hotel en East King street. Hamp had beeu drinking and after gettiug away from the ethers missed his money. It is said that the accused were seen at his pockets. They were locked up for (Rear ing before Alderman Barr. Klrkby. The venerable Archdeacon Kirkby will lecture in Fulton opera house te-night, en his " 1 wentyeeveu years missionary service in the Arctic regions." The opera heuhc bheuld.be crowded. Reserved seat tickets can be had at Fen Dei-smith's bonk slore, East King street'. Foreign WerK. Neiheck A Miley have completed several very line fobs built te order te ship te dillui--en' parts el the e tilled States. They am very odd, being unlike any used lieie. One is an English Deg-Cart, having two wheels, and very strongly constructed, the sea being arranged te seat two or lour persons, auil wheii se arranged the tail-gate I used for a loot rest. The gearing Is a dark carmine, lilac Ic striped ; the body is painted dark olive in panel", and black mould meuld ing. It is trimmed in green morocco and Wilten velvet carpet, le.it her lenders and sil ver mounted. The ether is a Sarah Bernhardt Surry, gotten up and finished In the veiy latest style. Thopinelsaie worked in basket basket weed, linlilii-d wllli stripes el mahegnny meulding. It Is pu!n(e! In dark olive and black and stiiped with carmine. It Is trim med in the vet j' best niatcilal and mounted in geld. They also show seveial physician's pl-i'tens, which ler beauty, style and origi erigi nii it y . in net he excelled. These wagons run lightly and are arranged te close in case et bad wea.her. They are beautltnlly painted and trimmed, and are something that the builders may well be proud of. In addition te the above line work they have in their -hew rooms a liiudsoine business wagon made ler their own use, which is considered the illicit piece et woikei the kind in the city. It is highly ernamentcd.thejpainling and lettering having been dene by their well known artist. Sir. Kugene Norbeck. M'JbVIAI, MOTJt'J'.S. A baby was born in a cemetery at Maishal Maishal tewn, Iowa, a short time age, but everywhere tan be seen babies borne te the cemeterv be cause mother's cruelly neglect te procure Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, n sure euro ler croup, colds and coughs. An Aromatic Fragrance Is imparted te the mnutu$y the use el SO.O DONT. It is beyond doubt the cleanest, pure-tand best wash ever offered te the pub lic. SO.ODONT nndcoiutert are synonyms. It cleanses the cavities in the enamel et the teeth. al lwdeed&w Skill in Tnu Workshev. Te de geed work the mechanic must have geed health. It long hours el cennneinent In close rooms have en feebled his hand or dimmed Ills sight, let him ut ence and before seme organic treuble appears, take plenty el Hep Bitters. His sys teih will be rejuvenated, his nerve stiongtli stiengtli eneil, his sight become clear, and the whole constitution be built up te a higher working condition. manEMGtcnd KiasT a cold, then bronchitis. Check the (list with Hale's Heney of lloreheund and Tar? IMke's Toothache Dreps euro in one minute. a'j-lwdeed&w IiYsi'Ei'Tic, nervous people, "out of sorts," f..i.i..n' l.tmiid Beet Tonic "will euro. Ask for Celden's, Ot druggists. nUdwdeedXw F. TewiisTeyT Wrlghtsvllle, i'A., says: "1 am sine Brown's Iren Bitters cures in eveiy casa where directions are followed." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and lSONeitli Queen street. aO-lwdftw 3-Millions et package el the Diamond Dyes have been sold without a single com plaint. Everywhere they are the favorite Dyes. Ne Matter What Happens Yeu may lest assured that you are sate in Ing speedily cured by Themas' Ecleetlic in be- cOil in nil cases et rheumatism, neuralgia, loom ache, etc. One trial only Is necessary te pieve its efllcacy. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and l.".D North Queen street. ker valuable Inloruiatien, read the adver tisement el Simmons Liver llegulater. Dr. Bensen's Skin Cine is without a peer It consists et het h external and Internal 1 lcat meutand costs only (1 per package, at drug gists " wouldn't be without Dr. JSensen's Celery and Cliamemilc pills if they cost 1 a pill. They cured me of neuralgia, of 9 years standing." Jeseph Snyder, Paxle.is, la. 10 ct9. per box, at druggists. Feu Lame Back, Mde or Chest use SUI LOH'S 1'OIiOUS l'LASTEli. Price, 25 cents. Sold by II. II. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen trcet. 1 nncastcr. lebUeedfi Almest Innanc and Cured " Most et the eminent doctors in the East, aswclla.ssever.il et the mcdleal faculty in New Yerk City," writes Kev. I. P. Shirley, of Chicago, " falltil te help our daughter's epi lepsy, which began te show signs of lurniug into insanity. By the geed providence of Ged we tried Samaritan Nervine, and it cured her." Your druggist keeps it. $1.50. -CS-I'laijj Talk fkem Dr Swayne Te II7iem It May Cencern: Itching l'iles is one of the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Evciy ene can tell whether he is thus afflicted by observing the lollewing symp toms : Intense Itching, paitlcnlarlyalter get ting warm. It seems as it pin worms were craw Hng in or about the lectum. Small lumps sometimes form. The private parts arc often i atl'ccicd. The mere you scratch the worse the 1 ltchinsr. Knewing that my ointment is super ier te any article in tin- mai kel, 1 guarantee it te cure the worst case el itching piles in exist ence. Signed, H.SWAVNE, M.D. Dr. Swnyne's Ointment is also a pleasant and effective cure for tetter, Itch, salt rheum, ery. sipelas, bat bcr's itch, pimples, and all scaly, crusty, itchy skin eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent ler 50 cts. (in 3c stamps), 3 boxes, $1.25. Address, Dr. Swayne ft Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ectll-lydTu.Th&S&w Decline of Alan. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence. Sexual Debility, cured by Wells' Health Be newcr. $1. Ue te 11. II. ceenran's drug btore ler Mrt. Freeman? A'evf Rational Dyet. Fer bright ness and Curability et color, are unequaled. Celer Irem 2 te 5 pounds. Directions In Eng lish and German. 1'rlce. 15 cents. A ceugn. com or sura lcreat snome ee 8tepjd. Neglect irequentiy results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's i.renchlal Troches de net disorder the stomach llke cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the imiainedparu, allaying Irritation, give relief In Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and The Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty yeara Urewn'9 Bronchial Trochee have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perlect satisfaction. 11a. Ing been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an ontite generation, they have at tained wel - merited rank ameai; the lew staple remedies of the age. held at 2.1 cent aJiex Hvervwherf nriV-lvdTTfc&KAlvw The best, the cheapest remedy in the world ; 9ee aiiveitisemeut of Simmons Liver Regu later. Tld rum. Samples tree at Greceis. 11. A IJahtlett & Ce., Makers, Philadelphia. ' H2-2Gtd4-ltw HA.TJIS. Bendek In I.eaceck township. AprU 8, 1S33, William Bender, in the C3d year et his uge. Ui3 relatives and Iriends are respectfully in vitcd te attend the funeral irem his late residence in Lcaeecl: township, en Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment a Christ church. a9 3td ISevi). In SU'clten, I'a., en the Mh inst., Dr J. O. Boyd. The relatives ami liieinis el ll.ft family arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral from the rcnnsylvania railroad depot, this city, en Wednesday morning at S:10 o'clock. Hlgn mass at St Maty's chinch. IntcYmcntnt St. Mary's cemetery. 2l DiUHM.-On April !i, 18S.1. In Warwick Lan caster county, lu , Christian Diehui, in the 83d year el his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited le attend th" funeral from his late resi denceen Thursday morning at 1U o'clock. It Hassen. AtSalisbury, Aprils, 18Si, Jeseph 1). Ilassen, in the C81h year et his age. A'Ji ' Alil'XlfVISISHlCKTM. WATKII-in CIUAKMAKKIM AT HO 405 Seuth Water street. ".Nene but geed workmen need apply. ltd SITUATION WANTiai. A COllNTKV Girl wants a situation te de general house weik., Apply at the Imkllii.kmxr Ok kick. 1 1'IANO FOK S.1I.L CllliAl'. INQClIti: AT THIS OFFICE. al0-2t AM) HKAIl TIIK AUCIIIIKACON Ivlltlvin I,K(.TIJUK, Ol'EBA UOlibK, TlJi:lAY. Al'lllL Will KN. flUVIl SMALL IIANU-JIADi: HAVANA 1 elg.n s, clear Havana fillers, for 5 els., at II lUTMAN'S VEU.tlW FltONT CIGAB teki:. I?tUINTAlN KINK-CI1T TOttAL'UO, HKST : ets lur . or 01 J gfieds maiuilactuici!. cts. IS Hi at IlAllTMAN'.S 1 KI.LOW FBONT ClCAIt STOUK. GIOTO SWAKIIN. r .lust opened One Case et DIIKfeS GOO US, wei tn at least 20 cents selling at 10 cents. One Case et BhbT I'itiNTs at b cents AT hWAlti'.'S, r,0 North Queen St. I!7-lyds&Tii 1OIt I!K".T TIIK KOlM rOKMKKLY 4 occupied by Chas. Brimmer. Alse4t!i fleer joem in thi building Se. 6 WEST KING sTUIJBT. It II. -. UIIOADS. HAKUA1S IN WATliHM, CLOCKS Chains, itintfs. Spectacles, &c. Kpairing et all kinds will leceive my personal atten tion. LOUIS WEBKK, Ne. 159 North Queen street. Kememlier name and number. Di re ally opjiec Ite Cltv Hetel, near Pennsylvana railiead depot. dec'iSlvd N1 V.W IIKI'.SS KIAKIM! :OO.tlS, Ml. J K-ist ICin.'Htieet. Dress and (JlOiKmaK- iiin in ttm latent, st vies ami moderate eh irgcu. Satistavtlen guaranteed. Tim patronage et the Ladie- of Lani.-.ster solicited. Cutting ami Fitting a Specialty. 31 . AUTKX, mT-liud el New erk City. (hai:ti:u so'iujii-seiick is hi-..k-j by given that application will b made te the Court if Common Pic is et in,.,.,ei cnniitv. en MONDAY. Al'itlL "(I. 1883, ler a charter te incorporate an associa tion te be known as the Epluata Union Chapel Association. li. I. Ui i -, Attorney ler Applicants. alO-Iltdeavv 1)UKLIC hALK Of IIODSKHOLD AMI Kitchen fumltuie at Ne. 132 High street, TO-MOUUOW (Wednesday) Al'JtIL 11, con sisting et 0 Jenny Lind i'.cdsteii'is, uca.lj new : 1 enclosed Washtands. 2 splendid Bu lcaus, 2 Lounges, smiled Kerkiug Clialr, I Reception Chairs. Cane Seat and ether Chair. Hplend id Sideboard, huge Miner, 2 Uoem :.nd Cook Steves, let of Wine Cad.s. Glass and Queeiiswaie. and many ailieles net mentioned. Sale Ki commence at I o'clock. JACOB GUNDAKKI!, It Aucllei.i ( r. lULTON OJMOICA SlOllSK. Thursday and Friday, April 12 and 1. Ninth consecutive ycaref the leieui'ist Amer ican Character Acter. MILTON NOBLES, Assisted by Ihoyeunand girted Comedienne and Vocalist, DOl.MK NOBLfcS. and a Dra matic Company et nmisiiiil excellence. THURSDAY. A IMtlL W,IS8::. will be the Hist production heieet an Aiuci ii-an Corned v. in four acts, written by Milten Nobles, entitled INTERVIEWS. Quillerd Drivcrteii.ii born Bohemian, MIL TON .NOBLES. Fleience Wolverton, an heiress. DOLLIL NOBLES. FltlPA V, AlMtlL lMh. will lie .ie-ellteil the. unique Ameilcau Mcle-in-ama, wiittcn by Milten Nobles, called THfl PHCENIX. Can oil Graves, a New Yerk Bohemian, MIL TON NOBLES. Sadie, the Flewci Girl, DOLL1E NOBLCS. ADMISSION, 35, .10 and 7.1 Cents. UK; SElt'EISKAT, fi Cents. Fei s'dc at Opera Heuse nllicc. ulOItd w ILLIAMSOM A: iO'tlC. Suits for Beys and Children. We have new upon our counters in the CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT ever FORTY DIFFERENT PATTERNS In f-UlTS te lit SMALL HOYS from 2-J te 11 YKAKS OF AGR, made in the very late-it stj les wed-sewed and handsomely finished, every suit guaranteed a perfect lit We aleo have CHILDREN'S SHIRT WAISTS et all kinds liomthe very Cheap ones te n line article ler Dress. The BOYS and YOUTH'S DEPARTMENTS aie lull te their utmost capacity with suits et all grades, from a strong, cheap wei-kin;; suit te an elegant French Worsted et the latest de sign. In MEN'S SUITS we have a very large number of artistic and beautiful fabrics, cut in the most annreved stile. There aie sevcial made te our express order, notably the FOU R. TEKN DOLLAR SUIT, which we teel conll cenll ilent cannot lall te meet tiie approval el our many friends ami patien. TheSUiK nr.PARTMENTlsnei thorough ly organized and we shall Like great pica-one In eacnitingany of our cu-deinurs through It who have net paid it a vi-dt et iiwi.ei-tlen. TRUNKS. TRAVKLINlt UAtiS and VA L1SKS, FURNISH INC tlOOIW, RUBBER COATS and CLOAKS, at prices alwajs the lowest. Sole Agents ler li. DUN LAP tf CO.'S FINE HATS. Williaisen & Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 38 East Kiiwr St., LaNCASJDEH. iTA. NBW AHYMMT1BMMMSXB. X AUKSDAY, APiUl. 10, 1883. PLAIN TALK AND SQUARE. When Oak Hall came it came te stay, and its staying power is truth first, last and all the time. In our callow days we may have "gushed" somewhat ever the Oak Hall clothing and methods, but we de net take back a word of actual statement If we knew the tone of the business te-day there is nothing se offensive as advertising " bosh," and therefore principle and policy both say tell your story tersely and simply. Through all the Spring and Summer business we will have a daily newspaper talk, which we want everybody te read. Our stock of adjectives is small, but we have plenty of plain English en hand in which te say our say about the inwardness of Oak Hall, the Clothing for Men and Beys and the prices and all .that. Put your time against our advertising bills. It will pay you. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL. PHILADELPHIA. S K If AH VKH TIMS BUS KTH. "IVIKST-CLASS PENNSYLVANIA ClOAKS Ml 15 ter 25 Ctfl at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT CIUAU J8TOUE. "tO AND UKAK TttK VEN. AHCHUEACON KIRKBY LERTUUE. Ol'EBA HOUSE, TUESDAY, APKIL 10th. ri'MK BEST 5c. CIOAK1N THE CITY, HA- JL vatm or Yara fillers, at HAKTiiAN'S YELLOW FRONT C1UAK STORE. WANTKD-A GIKL'TO COOK ANO OO general housework. Geed reference required. Apply at a'J-3t Ne. 38 SOUTH QUEEN STKEET. r OIlttlLLAKD'S KKUKUUA TOBACCO I J only hi cents per plug at UAUTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT C1G All STORE. B. FKANK SAYLOU HAS REMOVED HIS GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO- NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., Jff Exactly opppejlte the Old Stand, eeill-tiuid&wlt N O TICK. APPLICATION WILL UK made te the Governer et the Common weal th ter a Charter Incorporating the Farm ers' Western Market Company, et Lancaster city, Pa., under the previsions et the Act el Assembly, entitled " An Act te provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved the 29th day et April A. D. 1874, the character and object el which corporation shall be the establishment anu maintenance or a Market Heuse In the city et Lancaster. B. C. KRE AD Y, a3-atdTu&3tw Solicitor for Applicants. TINWARE, ScC. SCUAUM. JOHN V GREAT BARGAINS. 1UST UKCKIVEl ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF Chandeliers AND GAS FIXTUEBS, GLOBES, COAL OIL LAMPS, i lumbiiig ;uid Gasfittiiig, Reefing and Speutiiig. AT JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH leb'27-lyd QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. fAI'MJt UANWITtUa. tee. puAUKM IV. KY. We have opened te-day another CHOICE LINE OF LACE CURTAINS Time, thrce-and-a-hall and tour yards long in Swiss, Nottingham Appleqnln, Ac. LACK LAMBREQUINS, SUAM8, TIDIES and BES dETS. Eraaa, Ash, Ebony and Walnut Cur tain Poles, Bands, Leeps, Heeks, &e. Coinlce, In vaiiety te tit any Window. Ditlercnt Pallet ni ei DADO W. Forty DADO WINDOW SHADES, in new colors, i; una 7 leit long. SICK LK ORNAMENTS, LOOPS, FRINGES, Ac. AN ELKO ANT LINK OF "Wall Papers, Of every description, in Gilts, Grounded and Common Papers, Borders, Centres, Ac. PHARES W. FRY. Ne. 67 North Queen Street. LANCASTER. PA. MUSICAL INHTKUMJUNTa. w ILUOX & WHITE THK . WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. A DECKER, Agent. A Knll Assortinentef the various styles con stanily en hand and ler sale en the most lib eral terms for Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these Instruments, which will be teund te be very S-.perier In QuaUtyand Medemlein Price. Mtt.DECKKR la idse agent ter the ramous "KNABB" Andsveral ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from $223 upwards. fcbl7-ttd SIXTH AND MARKET STS VhOTUlSU. nB HOSTKTTKK SON. SPRING GLOTHIf. CUSTOM TAILORING. With fine weather come the wants et meu el CLOTHING, and the question where te buy. We have spared neither time nor money te get the beat Workmen. The CUTTER Is the most Important. A simple trial is all we ask. Our Stock et PIECE GOODS contains all the Late and Popular Shades. THE GOODS ARE THE FINEST, THE PRICES THE LOWEST. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, Merchant Tailors and Clethierc, 240ENTRE SQUARE, UAWSMAN K 1SRO. SPRING. We are filling up rapidly with everything that Is new, beautiful and thoroughly well made and reliable in every way. A larger, better selected and mere moderate priced stock we have nevci before been able te dis play. SUITS AUD PASTS, AND SPRING OVERCOATS, IN GRKAT VARIET?. AT REMAKKABLY LOW PItlCES. NOTK A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: Men's Suits at W.OO, $5.00. tC.OO, 7.C0, $8.i0. up toiiu.eo. Pants at 75c, $1 ue. 1.25, $1.73, 2.uu, f2.50, $3.00, up te $5.00. Beys' ana Chita's Soils. The largest, most stylish, aud altogether the handsomest stock in the city. We start at $2.50 with an article that will open your eyes with wenaer. and our $3.00. $4.00, 5ce, $G00,$7.0J $3 00 and $J.O. Suits are the cheapest ler the money. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. A very extensive and elegant display et Spring Fabrics te measure, at very close fig ures. Suits te order from $12.00 upwards. Should you have the least shade et doubt as te the best and cheapest place te buy your Clothing Just call anu examine our magnifi cent fcteck and compare prices with ethers, ami yen will una our low prices cannot ue approached elsewhere. L. Gansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS CLOTHIERS, 6J.(J8 NORTH QUEEN STKEET, Bight en the Southwest Cerner et Orange St. LANCASTER. PA. SOK HAZ.R. TOOMS fUR KENT. LV Pleasant and convenient rooms le let, furnished or unfurnished, without beard, al 250 North-Duke street. tfd F IOK RKHT A ONB-bTORx FKAME house. Ne. 35 West Chestnut street. Apply te A. J. STEINMAN, aO-tfd urTKUiaxKOCB uracc. FUR 8ALK. The geed wilt and Fixtures of one or the eldest and best oyster saloons in the city. Wishing te retlre en account of peer health. Apply te Ne. l CcntreSquare, Lancaster City, p, a93t FOK BET. A LAKUK TWO-8TOBV Brick: Heuse. Ne. 131 North Duke St. A two story Brick Warehouse en Mifflin street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streets. A.J.STKINMAN. 120-tld Imtxixiebhcxb Offlce. p KOUKitY fOKHALB. A WKLL-E8TABLISIIKD GKOCERY STORE In a large manufacturing country town. Heuse, Stere, store Fixtures and a full line et UBOCEU1ES. The whole can be bought ter less than $2,500. Inquire attne a4-lind - INTELLIGENCEK "OFFICE. PUBLIC BALE-ON WKDNK8DAT, APKIL ll, at the Leepard Hetel, a two-story Krinir iiwpliim- Heuse. Ne. 259. situated en the north side of East Walnut street, between North Lime and East Lemen streets. The said Brick Dwelling fronts en Kast Walnut street 19 feet 7K Inches with the right te use and enjoy a 3 leet 2K Inch alley en the east side and let et gjeund 112 leet te 10-toot alley. There is en the west end el said let a two story brick planing mill, 28x24 feet, and a two story frame stable, and a two-story frame building attached te the brick planing mill. There are a nu ber el grape vines growing en tbe ground. , Sale at 7K o'clock, when terms et sale will be made known. hABBIET T. FOLMEU. Hehby Shtbbbt. Auct. apr7-4td f O AND UKAK TUK VKN. ARCHDEACON KIRKBY LECTURE, OPERA nOUSE, TUESDAY', APRIL 10th. SECOND EDITION. TUESDAY EVENING, APBIEi 10, 1883. AT HAEBISBTJEG. TODAY'S SUBJECTS OF LEGISLATION. The Attention e( the Senate Directed te Various Bills Proceedings In the Heuse. Special Dispach. te the Istklucexcxr. Harrisburg, April 10. Tbe session of the Senate was directed almost entirely te tbe consideration of the bill requiring material men te give notiee within twenty . days after tha delivery et material te the owner of his intention te file a lien against his property, and the bill te repeal the Quay recorder ace The supplement te the me chanic's lien law was defeated, yeas 28, nays 19. The .Senate bill granting the right of way te gas light and head com panies was passed finally ; yeas 26, nays 6. On a test vote en the recorder's bill the friends of repeal had a majority of five, tbe vote standing 15 in favor of an amendment empowering the recorder and'state treasurer te appoint five mercantile appraisers, and 20 against. The bill had net been disposed of when the Senate adjourned. Heuse Proceeding' In the Heuse a bill was favorably re ported authorizing the beard of charities te investigate the hospitals in which in sane are placed. The Heuso, bill giving the right of appeal in case of the arrest for cruelty te animals was passed finally ; Heuso bill fixing tbe salaries of officers of Philadelphia was passed finally : Heuse bill te abolish the prison contract system passed finally yeas, 16 ; nays, 3. There was a spirited debate en the legislative apportionment bill en final passage ; no vote was reached. Speaker Faunce has received a letter from Philip C. Garrett, of the state beard of charities complaining of the inefficiency of Ditlcr Luther, gen eral agent and secretary of the beard, and recommending the situation te a younger man. He also complains of the inatten tion of seme of the members te their duties. THK iTLAfllKS. Terrible Fire at Westminster, aid. Westminster, Md., April 10. At 2 a. m. a disastrous fire is raging in West minster. It is of inceniliaiy origin and started hi Thompson's livery stable. Eigh teen buildings have been burned and are still burning. Less, $100,000. Later accounts say thirty houses were burned, but the fire is new under control. Several people were burned te death. Disastrous Prairie Fire Lincoln, Neb., April 10. The most destructive prairie tire that ever occurred here is new devastating the country a few miles north of here. One fatal and many ether accidents are reported. The fire covers fifty square miles. Hetel Burned. Ansonia, Conn., April 10. The Atiseria hotel burned this morning. Twe of the guests were slightly injured. Less, $12,000; insurance, $7,000. TUK PKESIDEM'S TRIP. He Disports Hinmeir at Picnic. a Sunday Scheel Jacksonville, Fla., April 10. A spe cial dispatch te the Times-Union says that the president left Sanferd for Kissimnae City yesterday morning en a special train. He stepped at Winter park and again at Orelande te attend a Sunday school picnic. Fieni KisMinmce a steam yacht will carry the party down the river about forty miles te au island where black bass are plentiful. Fatal Kesults et a Hurricane. Het Springs, Ark., April 10. ItepeiU of the late huiricane at points remote irem railroads and telegraphs t,hewthat gteat damage was deue beyond Ouachita river. There was considerable less of liie. Jehn Neusch and wife were killed by falling timber, and Theodere Wilsen's house fell en and killed him. Watching SuplcIetiH Characters. Ottawa, April 10. Police aie wide awake and are watching all strang'rs aud surpicieus characters. Detectives have come here from Terente. There is eon siderable uneasiness manifested among the members of Parliament. Princess Louise's return will be delayed . Turns uut te be a Crank. Pittsburgh, Pa., April 10. Ileuiy Menefv. the self-confessed murderer of Lord Leitrim, was released from custody this morning, having been identified as a harmless crank living in ene of the outer wards of the city. Lucky Wllliamspert. Washington, April 10. The secretaiy of the treasury has appointed Messrs. T. J. Ingham, Arthur G. Olmstead and Chas. G. Mayer, a commissioner, te select a site for the new public building at Williams Williams pert. Cuttuu Aim Imrnetl. Providence April 10. The Lyman cotton mill in North Piovideuee ws burned this morning. Less, $75,000 ; in Biirance $32,000. Fifty operatives aie thrown out of employment. Train UanilH Mrlke. Littlk Reck, April 10. Tiain hands en the Iren Mountain raihead stiuck yes terday against a reduction of the fercu. Ne freight trains are running. The strikeis are interfering with these who would work if allowed. Fatal Kxploslen. Bosten, Mass., April 10. An explosion occurred in one of the buildings of the American powder cempauy Ut Acton this morning, killing a Mr. Ryder and another young man, The Iebs is net heavy. Light Heuse Keepers Drowned. San Francisce, April 10. Light Heuse Keepers Colburn and Ashley, together with two visitors, were drowned last even ing. Kscape ana itecaptare of I'ruencrH. Galveston, April 10. Twenty-four persons escaped from the Fert Werth jail yesterday, but all but four were iecaj tured. Murder Most Feul. Berlin, April 10. At Cham, Bavaria, a repemaker killed his wife, mother-in-law, two sons and then poisoned himself. WKATIIKK INDICATIONS. Wasuinoten, April 10 Fer the MitMlt Atlantie states, threatening weather and rain, east te south winds, lower barome ter south of New Yerk, alight rise in tem perature in the southern portions. MAHKETS. Mew Yerk Market. km rear. Anril 10. Fleur -Stale aud an .. . ....I.. itilltriif lliumrii Un ntM i I State $3 40 J 80; Extia de. ". 15 -10 ; Choice te Fancy de, $7 10Q7 25; .Superfine w esieru, . iuj v . uihuiuh i. v...... ....u. de J3 7.rn4 40; Choice de, $1 5flf7; Choice While Wheal, 46 25Q7. Wheat Klc higher and firm; mesterate speculative trading ; Ne. 1 White. (1 II : Ne 2 Red, May. 1 171 17'. ; de June. i H'alil ISft: dd July, 51 lCijl 17 ; de April, tl 15 bid. Cern Mic higher and fairly active : Mixed -Western spot, 55S65Kc ; de future, C46.c Oats VJOMfi better; ttate, 52?5c; Western, G0a5Cc; an 2 April. 50J58c; 3Iay. 50& .W4c; June, 4995ec. Philadelphia Market. Philabmlphia, April 10. Fleur market dull; Superfine, S3 253 72; extra, $3 7304 25; Penn'a Family, 4 8765. Kye flour at 1362. , Wheat steady ; Del. and Pa. Red. $1 131 11G; Ne. I Red nnd Amber, $1 1301 2D. urn in lair local inquiry. AO.1 wnitc.55ct e. a ue. XSZC33KC : Rye nominal at (L-.fSKS. f Previsions quleL Lard quiet. Butter dull nnd weak ; Pa. Creamery extra. 30a3lc ; firsts. 259230 : Western. 299306 ; first Rolls dull; Pa. ami Western. 991CC as te quality. Eggs scarce and firm ; Penn'a and West ern. 18c ; Southern, 13jc. Cheese firm, and fairly active. Petroleum dull : Kenned, 8J3SVc. Whisky at 91 19 l Western Oram Martaet. Detroit. Wheat was firmer : Ne. 1 White. fall. May. $1 0l ; Ne. 2 red. Winter, 107f ; receipts. I5000hus: shipments, 9,000 busk Cern dull ; Ne. 2 at Wc Oats were steadv : Ne.2ut43Wc- Ne "whit at43c " Milwaukee. Wheat was feverish, weak, at a decline ; Ne. 2 Milwaukee hard nominal ; de seit. cash, at I10OX: April nominal ; May at $ 1 02JS ; J une ut 1 OtJic. Cern was quiet ; Ne. 2 nominally at 67Kc. Oats wera In fair demand ; Ne. 2 at 42 ; Ne. 'J white at 40c. Rye was quiet ; Ne. 1 at 57c; Ne. 2 at 55c. Barley was easier ; Ne. 3 spring; extra at S.1V: S53ic. J Peebia. Cern was weak and Inactive ; new high mixed at 472ft21Sc ; mixed at 47K948c. Oats were weak and Inactive ; Ne. 2 white at 42S43JSC. Rye was dull ; Ne. 2 at 57c. Live Stock Market. Chicago Hogs Receipts. 6,500 head; shlD ments, 3.9C0 head ; market active and lOj higher : mlxert. $7 15Q7 50: heavy, ft 6J3S ; light. 7 2597 70; skips. 4 509700. Cattle RccetptP, 4.00J head ; shipments l.ieu head; market better, except ler experts, which continue dull and weak : expert at iti 5030 SO ; geed te choice shipping. $6 CO iid 45 ;commeu te fair. $5 1095 90. oncep ueccipts, 4,'juu ueau ; snipments, 2.100 head ; market fair, bnt largely local trade ; Eastern buyers eperatlnir sparingly ; common te fair, $3 7535 ; geed te choice, $5 509673. East Libebtt Cattle Receipts, 570 head ; nothing doing. Hogs Receipts, 4.U25 head ; market steady ; PliiljulelphUis, $S 15Q8 25 ; Yorkers, 7 70 Sheep Receipts 1 000 head ; market slew ami unchanged. Philadelphia cattle Market. Mokeav, April 9. Tiie arrivals ef live -took at the Philadelphia stock yards were : Fer the week Reeves, 2,fi'W head ; shrep. 7,000; hogs, 3,300 Piovleus week Reeves', 2.40J head ; ulieoe. 9IK0; Hogs, 3.SW. Ileet cnttle were dull and prices were un settled. A few eholce Extra steers brought be. hut this is un outside rate. We qneti as fellows : Extra, 7,a8c; Geed. 7J07c; Medium, r,'4l$7c : Common. r&&tiK ; fat cows, mfy Sy.e; slippery cows, 3'cttc. Mileh Cowd were rather inactive at 135970. Sheep weie in lighter -upply ami prices In sympathy with the West advanced c. We quote :is fellows : Extra, 7S75ie ;Uoed.7J7i,'c ; Medium, 5; 0?iJ75c : Common, 4ft5-c:Fal Lambs, 6j M:; Spring Lambs, MS3 : Veal Calves, 4V 8c. i!e"s were in fair demand and prices continued steady. We quote us fellows : Extra, li;iHKc; (Jeed, llfflllj.e; Medium, 10M10.Kc. SALES 07 KICCVBS AT THK WEST rHlLADSLPUl A. STOCK YARDS. Reger Maynes, l'.O Western, 5lEc. A. & J. Christy, Hi) Western, 67S'c i:. F. McKillin.Ci Lancaster Ce., (37Kc. K. S. MeFillln, 7' Western, 79ic. Schaniberg A Paul. Wi Western and Penn'a, SH&TJe ; CO bulls, cows and heitci.i, Q Scliarnberg A Ce.. 15 Western, 697?c. Levi Lewenstein, Si Western. 0?ii74c. Isaac Adler. SI lenn'a,5-X7c. hi. Ultnan, 17.1 Lntu aster county and Western. 11. Chain, jr.. At Western and western Pcnna. 5Vli7e. O-.-en Smith, 35 Western, account of Lehman llres. ; 21 Lancaster county, account Daniel Diller; 20 Penna , account II. C. Seymour, 6ft7c. .Jf)!in McArdle. 150 Lancaster county, G(97c. Daniel Smyth A lire.. 125 Western andLancan- ter co. CSc Dennis Smyth. 72 Western and Delaware, i'aclunan A Levi, le Western ami Lancaster county, C,5i7.c. M. Levi, 125 Penn'a, 0Xia7Me. J. Y. Lnttm 2C Chesterce.. 0X7Jic. Hippie A llre.,90 renn'a cows. 3X5Xc .fames KuHticf!, i" Western. 097c. .faint s Mill, 55 Western, 71e. I, II rn, 50 Pa. and Delaware, inixeil, 43(5c. II. Ch.dii, 15 I'enn'a cows. lJ5j5c, DnSSID MEATS. City Drcsed IJ-evcs were in fair demand ami cIem'iI at S?llic,thu teriner for cows. Western dreseil Reeves were fairly acllvu at !10Xc. BALKS LAST WBBK. Themus Rradley, 13U head et West dressed at lefaiic. R. Maynes X. Ce.. 140 head City at Slllc. A. A. lleswell 127 head le at 9911c. Harlan A Rre.. U heail de at 10KHc. II. U. i:cckuian.40 head,8&IOc. .1. F. Lowden, .J' I head de at KtfjUlWe. ' :. S. Dengler. W head de at V 49113c. TI103. Ilnulley. 99 head de at 9JiQ10Kc. .lehu Tayler, 91 head de at h910Kc Dressed sheep were fairly active. Samuel Stewart cold 917 head at 8910c. and 112 head of dressjd lambs at 10912XC Philadelphia. Stock steatlv. Philadelphia A Krie R. it Reading Railroad.. Pennsylvania Railroad Li high Valley Itailread United Compinlesef New Jersey Northern Pacific... Northern Pacific 1' inferred. Northern Central Railroad Lehigh Navigation Company..... Xoiristewn Railroad Central Transportation Company Pitt-h'g. Tltiisville & ItuttUlO It. R I.lltli-Schuylkill Railroad . 2f; 274 . M . rAJl .l9j2 . 87'4 . gi . 4:: .Hi; . 31 . Wi . 10 New Yerst. .Stocks quiet; Meney, 59''C. New Yerk Central Eiie Itailread Adams KxpreMs.. Michigan Central Railroad Michigan Southern Itailread Illinois Central Railroad 1K .129 . 96li .lllfv .14CA. . .1 t a. ..I...1 .1. Ilnil.n...l tmi l' Cidciue.t Reek Island Railroad 125 Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne Railroad 131 Western Union Telelegr.iph Company... 83 Teledo & Wabash 3IK New .leiey Central 74J New Yerk, Ontario A Western 2CJ4 JiTl TKK 1 A 1NXENT&. (1 ANU IILAUTMK T VKN. AUCIIDKACON KIRKRY LECTURK, OPERA HuUSE. TUESDAY. APRIL 10th. lyiNT FOKOKT HENRY V7ARD BBEOHBR'S NEW LECTURE, " Evolution and Revolution," The Rest Mr. Weedier Ever Gave. ADMISSION - - - 50 CENTS. UHSERVED SEATS - - - 75 CENTS. Diagram of hall new ready, nnd tickets fee sale at ;. L. ON DERSMITH'S Bookstore. Ne. 40 East King Street. FIJIION OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY; EVENING, APRIL 11, 1883. 85 4td il'nttm AJfJi HTATIONJCHi- ATKW HOOKS. MR. ISAACS. THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER, TIIK ADMIRAL'S WARD, SOCIAL EQUALITY. THE I.ATExT MA GAZINEH -AKD- XE YT ST A TIONER V, AT L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET- HATH ANU VAf8. Ji Al S, CAPS, Sc. LATEST SPRING STYLES. SHULTZ BROS. Mild btane.) Large t and Uest, Assortment ever eilered te the public at lowest prices. HS1.; RKSS SILK HATS. STIFF 1'KLT HAT3 Ficneh nnd English PuU-Overs -oft Felt Ilati, Caps, Umbrellas, Ac. ...Hr., All el every quality and variety. All Wnda of hats made te erutr. The only Hat Manufactory in the citj. stantly en hand my own manufacture.. Cen- JOHN SIDES 1 SUCC ESSOR TO snULTZ & BBOA 113-ttd