-- Jr mica Volume XIX Ne 179. LANCASTER, PA. FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1883. Price Twe Cecte. 1' m "w " W il VTm' 'f& w W j 1 MOUSE W&KISHLNO UOODB. FEW WOBUS ABOUT CfflLDBElSrS CARRIAGES. We take pleasure in calling- the attention of the public te our Large Assortment of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. As these goods have been made te our own special order, we feel safe in saying that in Durability of Construction, Elegance of Finish or Beauty of Design, they are ahead of any goods in the market The styles this season are mere varied than ever. The finest goods are of Rattan, Cane or Weed-slat bodies, with gear and wheels either painted or varnished. Parasols or Canopy Tops are equally fashionable. Our finest goods are upholstered in the richest Plain or Brocaded Satins. But we have Elegant Goods in Weel, Terry, Tapestry and Rami's Cleth. Notwith standing our Carriages are better and handsomer than ever, the prices are lower. Call early and make your selections. FLINN & BRENBMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen Streat, Lancaster, Pa. uitr B ACK GOODS. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BAIR'S OLD .HO. 14 EAST KING STREET. HAS JUST OPENED A NEW AND DESIRAULE LINE OF BLACK GOODS. Including; LUPIN'S CASHMERES, BLUE ami in JET BLACK. CUT CASHMERES. LANGTRY SUITINGS. BLACK BATTISTE, NUN'S VEIL ING, LACE BUNTINGS, BENGALINES, CASHMERE COUPE. Silk Warp Henriettas, Silk Warp Drap d'Alma, Black Jcr.-ey Cleths for LADIES' JACKETS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. Frem a large importer's sale in New Yerk, being the Cheapest Gecds yet offered Geerge Fahnesteek, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, VIjOJUINH. R .1. KltlSMAN. Neckties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cash mere Altiflter. Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Ur.derwe.r, i'ur Spring Tep Gleve, Caster Gloves.Cellars.CutT-), Suspendeis, Pocket Reeks, Cur.t Cuses. J-udics' Satchels, Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Clfrar Cases, Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttens, Ac. DON'T KAIL 'lO SHE THE GRAND DIS PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, NO. 60 NORTH QUEEN STREET, H. I1KRUABT. Special Mice! 1 huieby notify my friends and patieus that 1 iMveJtisl received a large assortment of me ilium weight suiting ter tt.c EARLY SPRING TRADE. Alse, u Choice Steek of SPRING OVKtt COA11NG of the Newest Shades. I have also new ready sample cards of my foreign Importation for thchPRING TRADE, and anyone deslieus of securing Choice Styles can de se new. All Heavy Weight SUITING and OVER COATING will be made up te order until the 17lh of MARCH at Ce3t Price. H- GERHART, TAILOR, NO. EAST KING STREET. R i:.iy roil spicing. THE CHOICEST STOCK OP i IN THE CITY. NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES : MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS Al $1.00, $1.00, 90.00, $8.00, $12.00 up te $18 OC. BOY'S SUITS At $2.f 0, $3.00, 4.50, up te S9.00. CHILDREN'S SUITS At $1.75, $2.00, $3.00, $1.00. up te $6.00. MEROHANTTAILORIM We have a very Large and Select Assort ment et Goods in the PIECE, and make them te order at the most astonishingly LOW PRICES. MEN S SUITS TO ORDER. At $lift), $14.00, $16.00. $18.00, up te $23 and $30. In oil-windows we have marked in plain tlgnres 110 pairs of pants. Hi different si yles, which we make te order from 3.00 te J9 00. A long statement of facts, or an elaborate line of argument. Is net necessary te convince iheic who Inspect our splendid line et Cloth ing and Piece Goods, and learn the exceed ingly LOW PRICES at which we arc selling goods and that we are offering extraordinary bargains in every kind of garments AT L. Gansman & Bre., -8 KORTII QUEEN STREET, Right en the Southwest Cerner et Orange 31. LANCASTER. PA. S-The cheapest and most reliable Clothing Manufacturing Ue"j"i In the city. DUKVS-MAK1MO IN THIS lATEs! styles and moderate charges. The pa pa pa lonage of the ladles et Lancaster srlicited. utting rind Fitting a Specialty, at 27 EAST KING STREET. MRS. ATJTKN, et New Yerk city. mai7-lmd FnbM sp aoens. B LACK COODs. STORE.) LANCASTER, PA. VLOT111XU. s I'KINO CAMPAIUN. SPRING CAMPAIGN. We are again ready with a Stock that will surprise you, which for completeness, variety anil LOW PRICES, Cannet be equalled. All manufactuicd in this city by skilled hands. NOTE A PEW SAMPLE PRICES : MEN'S SUITS, 83.50,84. $4.50, 85, 80, 87 te 815 YOUTH'S SUITS, 83.25, 83.75, l 25, 85 te S1U. OUR SPECIALTY. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, AT REMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. Alse a Pull l.lnoet Gents' Furnishing Goods AT BOTTOM PRICES. S-Ve pay special attention teMERCUANT TAILORING. Always a full line et PIECE GOODS en hand, which will be made up at LOWEST PRICES. CALL AT Hirsli 4 Breiler's, Great Perm Hall Clothing Heuse, Nes. 2 and 4 '. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. WWc shall esteem it a favor ter ou te call and leek through enr IMMENSE STOCK. sep8 vd A B. HOSTKTIKUfiSON. II tan A LARGE STOCK OP CLOTHING NOW READY FOR SPRING WEAR, AND MADE IN THE LATEST STYLES. A lew SPECIAL LOTS Of Black Cassimere and Worsted Suits, Fer Youths and Beys, suitable ler Conflrma Cenflrma Conflrma tien Suits, and ranging In price FROM $8.00 TO $12-00. THE Merchant Tailerius Department Is filled with the LATEST STYLES and you are Mire te be &atlpflcd if you give us a trial. . Hosteller Si Seb, 24 OBNTRE SQUARE, LAN CASTER. PA. Till WARE, JZC. C'MJCIAI. NeTICK. Chandeliers -AND- GAS FIXTURES OP ALL KINDS. Glebes and Shades, Oeal Oil Lamps. Plumbing and Gasfltting, Reefing and Spouting. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP HOUSEKEEPING GOODS -AT- JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, lcbZHyd. LANCASTER, PA. 3WDIOAX. rpAKK Siuwf Liver Replater Fer Dyspepsia, Cestlveness, Sick Headaehe, CUienic DIarrLcca, Jaundice, Impuiity et the JJl.ed, Fever and Augue, Malaria and all dis eases caused ey Derangement of Li wr. Rowels and Kidneys. & JTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Bad Breath , Tain in the Side, sometimes the pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mis taken for Rheumatism; ; general less et appe tite. Rowels generally costive, sometimes alternating witli lax ; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considera ble leis of memory, accompanied with a pain ful sensation et leaving undone something whieh euKhl te have been none : a silent, drv ceuh and flushed face Is sometimes an at tendant, often mistaken for consumption ; the patient complains of wearinessand debility; nervous easily startled ; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin ex ists ; spirits ate low and despondent, and although satisfied that exercise would beben elicial. yet one can hardly summon up forti tude te try it in fact distrusts every remedy. Several et the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when bat few et them existed, yet examination after f' cat n has shown the Liver te have been ex tensively deranged.! It should be used by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear. Persons traveling or living in Unhealthy Localities, by taking a dose occasionally te keep the Liver In healthy action, will avoid all Malurii. Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness. Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating beverage. If you have eaten anything hard or diges tion, or feel heavy after meal", or sleepless ut nf ljMt, take a de-e and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keepln the Regulator in the IIouse ! Fer, whatever the ailment may be, a tho roughly safe purgative, alternative and tonic can never be out of place. The remedy Is harmless and does net interfere with busi ness or pleasure. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efllcacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any ( f the Injurious after effects A Governer's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been In use In my family ler some time, and I am s-ati.-.-lled it Is a valuable addition te the medical scion ce. .J.Gill Shekticr, Govern or et Alabama. Hen. Alexander II. Stephens, et Oia.. says: Have dei ivel some benefit from the use et Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish te give It a further trial. , "Thu only Thing that never fails te Rell-vc." 1 1 ave used many remedies for Dyspepsia, Ltcr AlUctien and Debility, but never have leund auytlilug te benefit mu te the extent Simmons' Liver Regulator has. I sent liem Minnesota te Georgia for it and would send further for such a medicine, and would ad vise all who are similarly affected te give It a trial as it seems theenly thing that never Kills te relieve. I'.M. JANNEY, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Masen say3 : Frem actual experi ence in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice 1 have been and am satisfied te use and pi escribe It as a purgative medicine. a-Take only the GENUINE, which alwa-s basen the wiapper the RED TRA'DE-MARK and SIGNATURE OF J. II. ZEIMN Si CO. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 3'i North Queen street. FOR SALE BY'ALL DRUGGISTS. laull-lyeed&w K IIJNIJV-AVORT Has been proved the surest euro ler KIDNEY DISEASES. Dees a lame back or disordered urine lndi cateihat you aie a victim? THEN DO NOT HESITATE ; use Kidney-Wert at once, (druggist-" recommend, it ) and it will speedily over come the disease and restore healthy action. 1 gieQ '01' complaints peculiar te XJCW-UtJiD. your sex, buch s pain and weaknasses. Kidney-Wert is unanrpas-ed, aa it will act promptly and safely. Either sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull, diagging pains, all speedily yield te its curative pos er. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, l'rlce, SI. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels. "My liicud, E. C. Legard, of this city, used te be drawn double trem painful Kidney Dis ease, kidney Wert cured him '.Jar, M. Klu Klu ney. Druggist. Alleghany City, l'a.. Aug. 11 82. KIDNEY-WOKT Cure for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It has specific action en this most import ant ergun, enabling it te threw oft torpidity and inaction. Stimulating the healthy secre tion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free condition, effecting its regular discharge. Malaina IJ yu ura sullerlngfrem ma XVXcUclI la, larla, have the chills, are bil ious, dyspeptic or constipated, Kidney-Wert will surely relieve and quickly cure. In the Spring te cleanse the System, every one Hheuld take a thorough course et it. Sold by Druggists. l'rlce, SI KIDNEY-WORT. "I've gained 20 Us. In two month-," viit b Mr. J. C. Power, et Trenten, 111., (Dec i-.v2)," and am a well man. I'd su tie red with liver diserdeis ince 1SC2. Kidney-Wert cured mc." Streng words from a New Yerk clergyman : "I unhesitatingly recommend Ki.lney-Wert. It greatly benefitted me,' says UeV. C. E. Kemble. of Mohawk. N. Y. K1 IDXKV-WURT Fer the Permanent Cure of CONSTIPATION. Ne ether disease Is se prevalent in tills coun try as Constipation, and no lemedy has ever equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wert as a cure. Whateverthe cause, however obstinate the case, this remedy will overcome It. Acts attbe same time en Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. "PiIqcj This distressing complaint is very XMlOE). apt te be complicated with censti patien. Hldney-Wert strengthens the weak ened parts and quickly enres all kinds et Piles even when physicians and medicines have be fore tailed. t& If you have either et these troubles use KIDNEY-WORT. Druggists scii it. ' Fer 12 vears," writes Lyman T. Abcll, of Georgia, Vt,, ,-I found no relief from plles, until I tried Kidney-Wert. It has cured ne." RIDNfcY-WOKT. THE GREAT CURB VOB R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M. As it is for all the painful diseases et the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dreadlul suffering whieh only the victims of Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES et the worst forms et this terrible disease have been quickly relieved, and in short time PERFECTLY CURED. Price, SI, Liquid or Dry, Sold by Druggists. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. "I had habitual cestlveness, pain in the back and rheumatism," writes S. J. Scott, Burlington. Vt., Kidney-Wert has cured them all," mar 23-1 wdeed&w KJDNKY WORT FOlt S4I.K AT U. IS. Cochran's Drng Stere, 1ST and 119 -North Queen street. mars md VTOT1CK 1U TKESPASKKS ASU OUN- 11 NERS. All persons are hereby lerbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or un un inclesed, either ler the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN K. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney for R. W. Celeman's Heir. el6-Udw, FAKMS AND FARMERS. AN OSTB1CH FAK3S IN AFKlUA. A Nevel Industry Grazing Lands in the Seuth Seasonable Hints for Husbandmen. In company with a crowd of dukes and right honerables, who have lately been vis iting the scenes of Lord Wolseley's "latest and most glorious achievement," a corres pondent went te see the Caire ostrich farm. Everything in Egypt has anarebreolegical settling. The village of Tel-el-Kebir the Big Mound is nothing less than the relics of the city called Pistem in the Old Testa ment that was built by the Jews with bricks without straw. The Caire ostrich farm is situated within a pistol shot of the famous Virgin s ttee, which ;s still stand ing, and under the shade of which tradi tion tells us that the Virgin with the infant JeEus and Jeseph reposed when they fled into Egypt from the wrath of Hered Quite near the Virgin's tree aud hidden among thick foliaged shrubs, is a French restaurant, that has become the faverite resort of princes and of golden youth, of comedians and ladies of the corps de ballet, and of the tourists who visit Caire. There are few indeed who de net make an excursion te the sacted tree and refresh their inner man at the conviv ial hostelry. The ostrich farm extends from the Vir gin's tree te the desert, aud comprises several acres of land surrounded by high mud walls. The greater part of the farm is desert, net because it is incapable of cultivation, but because the loose, pebbly sand is essential te the well-being of the ostrich. There are at present en the farm 120 birds of mere than a year's growth, and of these Rlteen are female and twelve are male adults that is te say they are mere than three years old, the age at which they commence te lay. Twelve of the adults are new laying and tlirre are cngajrc.1 in hatching one being upon twenty-two, one upon feurteeu and ene upon eleven eggs. Strange t") say, the male birds attend mose te the hatching part of the business laan the female, es pecially in cold or rainy weather, and in fact often undertakes the whole of that tedious duty himself, being only relieved by his better half dt meal hours. Mr. Wetter, the ostrich director, has been very fortunate in his efforts te do de do mcstica,te the ostrich in Egypt. Out. of 108 birds hatched last season eighty year lings are new alive and healthy a very successful result when it ii borne in mind that dining the late Arabi unpleasantness the ostriches were much neglected. After visiting the breediug enclosures and the3e who were the yearlings were parked, we weie conducted te the st'cubatiug house and te a wiie cage wU-.te this t-easen's birdiwere scampering about full of health aud vigor. By applying me of the egs te a hele cut in a piece of blackened caul caul beard and placing it 'against the sun the ostrich farmer showed us a young bud which had been incubated by artificial means and bad reaehid iuutuiity, actually peeking at the iuterier of the shell and struggling te break eat of prison. Frauds In Fertilizer?. The leceut bulletin of the Pennsylvania state college, issued under the cbaige of Prof. W. II. Jerdan, gives the following statement of the advantages of analysts at the State experimeut stations : "Until within a few .YtMiv, the fii',i.:',r trade iu this country undoubtedly eiieiul au easy chance ler the practice of fraud. That the chance was improved by hum dealers, is very certain. At the pic-cut time fraud is mere surely and quitkiy detected, especially iu these states where the inspection of fertilizeis is vigilant aud active. Attempts at fraud are still made. The last quarteily of the Pennsylvania beard of agriculture shows ene instance where a fertilizer wetth forty-six cents per ten was selling for twelve dollars ; and another, worth five dollars, was selling for twenty dollars. The repeit of the Connecticut experimeut station, for 1831, gives Eevcral examples of fertilizers sell ing fiem ten dellaffe te twenty three dollars per teu meve than their ical value. It is gratifying te knew, however, that the majority of fertilizers new inspected have a value that compares favor ably with the selling price. The last report of analysis, made under the direction of the beard of agriculture,! hews that out of 117 samples of fertilizers, the " estimated value " of G9 either nearly equaled or exceeded the selling price, and iu mauv ether cases the selling pi ice was only about $5 tee high Many ether of the fertilizers were found te be selling at prices much abeve their value, indicating the need of constant and caieful inspection. In Connecticut, where an experiment station has for several years kept a cle.sa aud ex tensive supervision of the fertilizer trad", f.umeia can buy commercial manuies with a geed degree of safety. The last published report from the New Jersey .statieu indi cates that in that state also the same kind of supervision is fcccuriag the larmers against fraud. The advantages of such inspection, both te farmers and te all honerablo dealers, is beyend question, aud se far experience has shown that an ex periment station is the most efficient or gauizatien for securing it. A loed Move and lioed Adlce Baltimore Sun. The purchase of grazing lauds iu Vir ginia by a number of gentlemen who bave recently come here from Europe is referred te with approval by the New Yerk limes as a departure from the usual custom e( " going half way across the continent " te open new grazing farms at the far west. " Agricultural and miueral reseuices al most without number," f-ays the Times, " are neglected in the elder states that luck may be courted in the extreme iuter iuter eor." Virginia has long been a favorite state for English settlers, nearly all of them being persons of education, and bringing with thenr mere or less means. Some of them are younger sons of geed families, who have taken te farming in the valley aud at ethor points iu the f-tate, and who still retain their old ceuutiy fondness for dogs and horses. The introduction of late of large amounts of English capital which have been invested in the purchase of ere beds, and in the construction of seme of the finest furnaces in the state for the making of iron, will tend very materially te draw ether English emigrants in the same direction. And new we have the present account of English capital te be used in buying up many acres of these fine grass lands of Virginia, from seme of which the choicest cattle new sent te market are driven. Such a movement, well begun, premises te extend te the border states of Tennessee and North Carolina, and it is one in which Maryland herself may reasonably expect te share whenever the proper steps are taken te set forth the advantages of our soil and climate, our mineral resources and our facilities for transportation te market and the seaboard. In the meanwhile we join with the 'ftfnes in expressing the hope, for the sake of Virginians as well as the gen tlemen who propose te go into the grazing business en a large scale in that state, that the company they represent " may suc-J ceed handsomely, and teach our people that they are throwing away geed chances in their ambition te go West. Pumpkins Anions Cern. Germantown Telegraph. Although seme farmers reject the long and well-sustained practice of planting pumpkin seed among corn, en the ground that it detracts as much from the corn product as in the profit it adds te the stock of provender still it is the general method pursued te get a crop of pumpkins. Besides, from our own experience and ob servation, we have had and seen as geed crops of corn with as without the pump kins. It may appear at first thought as if the land could net sustain two full crops of anything ; but this is net se in all cases, as in these where the two crops de net require the same manurial stimulants, inasmuch as a portieu at least that one will take np will net be required by the ether. Of course it requires very geed land te raise pumpkins : but even in this case, though an extra crop "of manure may b? needed te be applied te the corn ground where pumpkins are te be planted. there will be a saving in the element of time, as instead of one crop from the land in a year, we gather two. The objection that seme make, that the vines shade the 'ground while the corn requires all the heat it can get, is net well founded, as the corn itself furnishes perfect shade without the vines, whieh really can add little mera te injure the crop. It is far mere probable that the objectors te this double crop who fail iu getting all they want, ewe their lack of success te peer land, or negligent cultivation, aud we suggest that they should change their system by manuring and cultivating mere and then wait and see. The Mixing of Potatoes Theory. Cermautewn Telegraph. Is there one thoughtful, censible farmer who really believes that potatoes planted iu the same row or hill will mix ? We knew that, like the chess question, some writers contend that they de. That is te saj, that the simple fact of their being together makes a chauge ; that if we plant white potatoes and red potatoes iu alter nata rows through a field, the plants in the white rows will sometimes yield red potatoes and the red potatoes white ones. We have never fcen any evidence that this is really the case ; and indeed much of the "evidence is no evidence at all Fer iustance, it is known that plants will often change when there l.ut one variety anywhere near. If there fore a change is noticed when seme ether is near, it is no mero than can be observed when the plant is alone, se that there is no evidence of mixing. The matter has seme importance, as there is no doubt the belief in this mixing is often laid held of by ingenious fellows as an excuse for neg ligence in selling a mixed seed, just as a lazy fellow who takes little trouble te get the seed of wheat clean is usually readiest' advoeate of the chess theory. The mys tery is that things libe these which can be readily tested by expjriment, should se long be discussed. The botanist tolle us that the pistils of the potato protrude be be feru its own pollen is ready te fertilize it. Why then de net theap interested take ad vantage of this fact, and plaoe the pollen of a led kind ou the pistil of the white ene, and then note the potatoes when mature? It is a qucstieu easily tested. Lawyers will gladly learn that Bi eugham, the i eat English barriitur wai always care ful et his tin eat. and further that ir. Hull's Cough Syrup Is the bes remedy for bion bien chltis and ether llneat troubles,. When reading your paper, mark the adver tisement et Simmons Liver Regulator. The Celluloid Eye-Glassos aie the most per A ct artificial help te the buu an eye known te science. Try a pair and be convinced. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticitns. m2C lwdced N. R. Ilusyl. Sliamekin, Pa., says . "I have taken Brown's Iren Bitters for dyspepsia and heartburn and it has done me ?;eiid." Fer sale by II. JS. Cochran, druglst, 137 and 130 North Queen street. iu201wil&w K early a Miracle. E.Asenith Hall, Biii?liamten, N. Y writes: 'IsiilTurcd for several months with a dull pain through the left luiifj an:! shoulders. 1 Iet my spirits, appetite and color, anil could with difficulty keep up all dav. My mother procured some Buideck Bleed Bitters ; 1 took them as directed, and have felt no pain slnce first week after using them, and am new quite well." l'rlce SI. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. An Important Discovery Has been made whereby a successful vegeta ble combination has been Introduced, which acts upon the bowels, the liver and thekid nevs. and at the ame t Inte Imparts strength anil vitality te the entire system. Burdock Bleed Bitters cen-tl ute this Important ilis ilis eeverv. l'rlce $1. Fer sale by II. I J. Cecluan, drugKlst, 137 and 13!) N'eith Q ueen street. AVe UhaleiiK the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shlleh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine mnde, in us much as it will cure a common or Chienic Cough in one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, "Bronchitis Whooping Cough. Croup, and show mere ease-, of Comumptien curd than all ethers. It will cure where they fall, It Is plnu-ant te take, harmless te the youngest 1 child anil we guarantee what we say. l'rlce, I 10c.. Sue and l.ua. If your Lungs are sere. Chest or Rack la'i.p, use Shlleh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and '39 North Queen street. feb7-eedl Walnut Leaf Hair Kesterer. It Is entirely dillerenl lrem all ethers. It la as clear as water, and, as its name indicates, is it perfect Vcgetable Hair Restorei It will immediately tree the head from all dandruti, restore gray hair te Its natural color and pie pie pio duce a new growth where ft ha lallen etf. It does net in anv manner effect the health, which Sulpluir, Sugar of Lead and Nitiateet Sllvtu: preparations have tlene. It will chanfie light er'laded hair in a few days te a beautiful iiWijdi hniern Aclr -rili l.llfyliat fT it Kunll r.--jj tt..... -w.. j . .'...t". .. : .. oettie is warranted, smith, tiuaK a ui -., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL it RUCKKL. New Yerk. !une-lyd.eed&w Uf.AlM Alili QUJHSN&WAKH.. H KIH S MAKTI. ass re AT CHINA HALL. We new have open a very large line el White Granite Ware. White Percelain Ware, Decorated Granite and Porcelain Ware IN DINNER, TEA and CHAMBER SETS. We have selected these ceeds from the Rest Manulactiirers. WE GUARANTEE THEM. A3Uoedsnotsatls!actory will be exchanged. High & Martin's, 15 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTKR. PA. SAMUKL. H. Vl'.lV.K., ATTOJUJKY, UAS Removed h!a OtHce from 5G North Uuxr sticet te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, lmmedi atcly In Rear of Court Hejs. Leng's New Uuildluir ml7-tf(t Til S3 lSEsT 5c. CIGAK1N THIS CITY, HA vana or Yarn illler", at IIARTMAN'S YKLLOW KRONT CIGAR STORK. HBSWa Unr Reporter's Vacation Mete. Durixe his rambles this season, our Mr. M. has taken upon himself the task et satisfying our numerous readers that whatever goods are manufactured In enr goodly city et Reger Williams, are et as high a grade and as fine In quality as can be produced in any spot en the glebe. Especially is this se when the skilled Pharmacist el many years experience resolves te extract lrem the finest botanical specimens el the vegetable world the potent cure for some Special disease. In proof et his aseer tien that Providence, B. I., affords the best, he relates an Interview with an acquaintance. given him while sojourning temporarily at her residence. She says. "About a year I suffered severely lrem Rheumatism in my limbs, and Neuralgia Id the head, which I en dured two or three months with as much pa pa tlence as possible, being under the treatment et an excellent doctor, and trying many kinds het medicine without any marl ed effect. At lust u xueuieiti menu uuviscu iu vj try xium s Remedy, hecause he attributed my sovere suf fering te the bad condition el my kid neys, which were net performing weir proper lunctlens. and I commenced taking it, and in a lew days the neu ralgia had departed, my hoadache bad en tirely disappeared, the swelling in my llmb. and Joints had gene, and I have net had a touch of it since. More recently I was troubled with impurity of the bleed, which showed Itse'f In severe eruptions en my lace. I atjain resorted te Hunt's Remedy and after taking it a short tlme was completely cured et that complaint. Huut's Remedy has proved very beneficial te me In attacks el sick head ache,' which it always alleviates, and I notice the improvement as seen as I take the Remedy. This Remedy has strengthening elements, for t has made me feel much stronger and has been very beneficial te my general health. I most heartily recommend It te all sutlerers llKO myself. Mrs. L. G. Tanker, Ne. 138 Pearl street.'' Great Fralse. Albert G. Mass, of Cettage Heme, 111., says: "I have been prostrated for three or mere years with Kidney disease; at times 1 was net able te put en my beets ; my wife has often pulled them en for me. I was net se bad as that all the time, but 1 never knew what it was te be without pain In my back un til I commenced usin Hunt's Kcmedy. Since I began te taUe Hunt's Remedy I have been free lrem all pain, and take pleasure In saying that It is the best medicine that I ever knew ter Kidney and Liver diseases." m23-lwdM,W&r'&w :Rl VftT'H KKMV.OV FOK SaLK AX H. 15 Cochran's Drucr Stere. 1D7 and 13U North Queen street. mur2-3md vLeriuxu sc. Shall we speak of our great variety of Spring Overcoats and our low prices ? That would be nothing new. Everybody ad vertises " great variety," etc. Gall in and see for yourself. A. C. YATES & CO. Leiger Building, Chestnut & ixlh Sts. PHILADELPHIA. m27-lwil pEAUV-JIADK CI.OlUJNU. MUST BE SOLD. A LAUGH STOCK OF MDY-MDE GL01HII Fer Men, Beys anil Children, AT ROSENSTEIN'S, 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. As I am desirous of closing out my Entire Stock of Men's, Ueys' and Children's CLOTH ING by APRIL FIRST, I have made a Sweep ing Reduction. Yeu can certainly never again getsucb an opportunity te purchase All-Weel, Reliable and Well-Made CLOTHING at hiicIi Lew Prices. MEN'S ALL.WOOL SUITS ler $C.C0, werlli $12.00. MEN'S WORSTEU SUITS ler $100, worth lieYSALL-WOOL SUITS for S00, worth tio.ce. CHILDREN'S SUITS lrem tl up. TheyHustBe Sold AS I PROPOSE TO GIVE MY ENTIRE AT TENTION TO THE MERCHANT TAILORING. MERCHANT TAILORING. In this dipartmcnt you can find the choicest assortment of 1'ine Imported and American Woolens which I am prepared te make te order at Moderate Prices. Having In my Employ a Firat-Clasa Cutter a Perfect Pit can be Relied Upen. An Shades of Fine Kerseys aul Meltons for SfRlJfQ OVERCOATS which Maake ie order lined throughout with Silk, laced with Silk and Satin Sleeve Linings for 125. 37 MRTH 0UEEN ST. MKD1CAX. OROWWS IRON BITTKRS.J Ne Whisky! Brewu's Iren Bitters is one of the very few tonic modieines that are net composed mostly of alcohol or whisky, thus becoming a fruitful source of in temperance by promoting a desire ler ram. Brown's Iren Bitters is guaranteed te be a uou.intexicant stimulant, and it will, in nearly every ease, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time absolutely kill the desire for wntsky and ether intoxicating bever ages. Rev. G. W. Rice, editor of the American Christian Review, says of Brown's Iren Bitters : Cin.. O., Nev. 1C, 1881. Gents : The loellih wasting of vital force In business, pleas ure, and vicious Indulgence et our people, makes your prepara tion a necessity: and It applied, will save hundreds who resort te saloons forte nperary recupe ration. Brown's Iren Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, in digestion, biliousness, weakness, de bility, overwork, rheumatism, neu ralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &e., aud it never fails te render speedy and permauent relief. Fer sale wholesale and retail by II. R. COCIl it AN, Druggist, 137 and 129 North Qu.en Street, Lancaster. m."0 lwd&.tw 1J TVtiUTtlKIUA. DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANCE WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer. This wonderful remedy has saved the lives et many, many children who were almost dead Trlth Diphtheria 8. Henry Wilsen, Lawrence, Mass., says : " The surgeons pronounced my case Diph theria and decided that no remedies could reach it. Perry Davis's Pain Killer saved ray life." Llboens Leach, Nashua. N. 11., sav : "I had painter's colic and dlptherctlc "?tre threat very severely. Pain Killer drove both away." DRUGGISTS ml-lmdiw ALL KEEP IT. UUK AMtt BTATMOHtSK TJ1A8TKK CAltDS. EASTER, 1883. Easter Cards. EASTER CARD3 selected with care and In great varle, at L. M. FLYNN'S. NO. 12 WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER. Tf AST Kit-1883. SOUVENIRS FDR THE EASTER SEASON ! . PLAIN AND FRINGED EASTER CARDS, EASTER BANNERETS, EASTER ROOKS. AT THE ROOK-STOKE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS. SIGN OP THE BOOKj Nes. 15 and 17 North Queen Street. feh3-tt CAJtl'JtlB. OUfKK'fi CAKFKT HALL. " The Old Reliable." Thfs is the Title which 'Shirk's Carpet lall, Cor. W. KING & WATER Sts., Has obtained by selling the Best Goods at tht most Reasonable Prices with THE LARGEST; AND BEST STOCK te select from. In addi tion te the Largest Stock et Carpets ever car ried in this city, we have new 1EE LATEST AND BEST KINDS -or- Brussels, Ingrain and Chain Carpets, Ever brought te the city of Lancaster. 49 Call before purchasing elsewhere AND UK CONVINCED. H. S. SHIRK, Carpet Hall, W'c-sl Kins and Water Ms. -CARPhTS WOVEN TO ORDER. O.iVri respectfully seliriietf.anrt promptly atendd te when loecived c 1AP1TAI,IITS AM OTHKICM Seeking Safe Investments Arc respecttully invited te call and leant lo cations, which arc ?oed, and prices et prep, ertles paying ever per cent. clear et all Taxes and Water Reins. Rents guaranteed. HENRY uECUTOLD, Real Estate and Insurance Agem. Ne. 52 N. Queen Street. P. S. Choice Building Lets lrem 115 teSG perfect, S