"' " y - "i&.lll - i nHili-Tri'TH ' ;t.J -- vsA.r V J -- K : -J" IMMMMMM K-Vt F.J.- - ;& SS?5tei ri- '-m Wtm '&&: C?.ftS iSs'k"' 5-y." fttfi ' m- P'sttr' rsxi t Er S?wa Sir f2C r. sse:' W?Z . rW s9v -5 , r 3K v W5 f P J'- 6i& EStf J,S lf V4ZZ. j. --! T IT iisi WS? m W jtZ W& tes- m. $?&z Krp &, &' &?J tts' .A tl-w Bctitf ' rerrf. X&vz? Sr' C-iSf-V H-TVU. ffJ2- trS&S&W. rs . 7jZ; 'SU?' t riSKfefh;- liSElt. , fsS&n fefrSSS' 9jtaL - a 5'S' prvT- ris- ,lSc!U Tfiifft-' S'Ea S. GKKSSl - rrri. r -"i,--S. !AfiH' t" ff -i!V- " vm-e- mKfifM -.'.,' -W. '.:.:-. j;3AKCH adrisaatc T. vi X0'matek. 3 .-vs.. $ JTS-TSCi', f - H ..i3- V 2Z.Vklt? V aflAnaK HftrtieaMerrt and JfeaUry iJK'.i-i!' - 'T ,utOJ,, ia . ITOftsSJPSW M WTf. KUUO&. IBS puiw awaiMiwnire au-wnejewijiaB. lAfiTweMcenUrraetf with three in mmw whe-lDTanabiT reiusea s:jaeUnufttniess assured that aa Inetbeen used en tUem. :BT4Ml 'eifctine epidemics dRfkpotrteea.. In answer te V ire may Bute in me mn piace tees u incoraeie, ana me In any way absorb it This laiitte be a sufficient reason. Bui mat M added, among which are the tfcat the poison is net applied te the ri'Wmtib the leaves above ground, and 3 jwtateea cannot get at it ; and also rjw quantity used is se minute when ever an acre, tnat tne iron wnica is all sous in far greater quaniny the poison at once as seen as the ground and before the could possibly come in contact nMkikS Millions of persona eat such easeaiiy, year iu auu year uul, of them live. IMBtng U Cherry. &?&& ' I-?J' "JE 'OTt'-nTl' cherry tree must be moderately 'm nil wThnn it rpnnirpji nninincr. And flX3;ymnz trees when transplanted, or young eat book for craftinc. must have this k dose early. in spring before the buds 7uui Bwniip.n a nartiftiA. vnnnir nnnrn 2E-L . 1 tii-j v r..." .. ., WOW nTn ueeu itJieu uy Kraik.UK wutu iw) Krafts did net grew, by being deprived Ssef their entire foliage ; and newly set -'"' 1 kttA Kaah vntnarl Vkr nf irf ViV ttxrt JeWWWIfW vcwu.uau.wi wj vuvvtug asm---. .v -i-li-lA In flnrincr. In transDlantincr. the &&l-tra requires reducing at the top as well vr"wiinuipr iruiii LmuH. uul, tii uiubl u uuuc Slwederately, and will net bear the operation ,attertbebudsnaveswellpa. we nave tried i,th experiment of cutting back early a ;v'Prt of a newly set orchard, aud left a few JStrees till the leaves bad begun te expand JpT-befere pruning. These which were timely "fe T ahftrtantu'l did well and made new sheets shortened did s&Lirem half a feet te a feet long but these fcS&sKfVOB which the operation KiJfe .., -; .nj a was deferred j;&C wmcebij survived, ana aia net grew an JSVvJmuA Ujmrinff fnvH nnmnfimpn nppd ;nmp ''iX thinning or shortening into shapa. Mr. -, PsWessup stated in tne uanieraia iruit con- f.-vebtien that a different treatment was re- qulred for different sorts ; en tue lilaek TaiarJan. fop instnnfw nrliinh crnw fall , m .11. . , V..B -...WV, ...v.. f..V.. v.... i -and npright, he always cuts se as te leave i7i. :"- me eatsiae grewtu running out or aiverg- ' t. Mmim a e 4 v nJ a vs.l a i T n n n IUK uuir uu IUU J.1AUUICUU, wuiuii uii a 'spreading grewtb, he takes out the hoi i liCi k. rtnt-1 Tirannlme nnrl Tpairpe fTmcf ivitlt ?i rCT1 kIV VMUVV V.VU UMVWW 1..V" zaore upright and symmetrical form. By tf$n. flraf Aliinrv li frppa anrl 1inrr flin TKrrtrlr ?ti x'-. time, he never makes large wounds by the removal of large limbs, lie never uses any preps for any kind of trees in his orchard, but keeps the fruit properly thinned by pruning and by net allowing long branches te run out. Eggs for Hatching. The season for gathering the eggs for the coming breeds is at hand. The fowls that are te produce thorn have long since been selected, or should have been, by the careful and judicious keeper. Eggs gath ered while the fowls are iu their first vigor are the best, giving stronger, heartier chicks than these laid later in the season. Sggs that are strongly fertilized and pre dneed from healthy fowls will keep in geed condition te hatch and make vigorous ohieks, three weeks from the date of lay ing. They should be kept iu a moderately warm place and be set up en end as seen .as laid. This keeps the yelk fiem settling or adhering te the shell. These eggs should be doubly strong iu the shell iu order te withstand the rough usagj they receive from the hen during the period of incubation, liittle difficulty will be found in managing this if the fowls be of picper age and fed en feed calculated te create healthful egg production. Te have the eggs strong and perfect in all respects the fowls should net lay tee rapidly, for in this case the shells are net perfectly formed, and the ceres will net turn ent se large a percentage of vigorous chicks. Uniformity is the thing te aim at in the raising of chickens. Te secure this the laying fowls must possess great unuermity. much depends en the bicen, 'but for the majority it is batter te iiEe young, fully matured fowls. While the chicks from old fowls are stronger and better for stock birds, a smaller percent age of the eggs come out when used for hatching, and for this leusen are net se .desirable. Toe many liens must net be allowed the cock. Fifteen, and sometimes twenty, hens may be allowed with geed effect with the smaller fowls, while the Chehins and Brahmas with less activity! auenia de auewea lower nens. Silveb Chkek, N. Y., F-b. C, 18S0. Gbbts : I have been very low ami have tiled everything, te no advantage. I heard our Hep Bitters recommended by se manv and 1 concluded te give them a trial. I did and new am around ana constantly improving and am nearly as strong as eyer. aiar32-16teed W.H, WELLEK. . An enemy te Liver dicnse; see advertise- mem ei aimmens Liver iteguiater. Ne Deception Used. it Is strange se many people will continue te suffer day after day with Dyspepsia. Li vcr Complaint. Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procure at our nieru aniiiune viialikk, lrceei cost it 11 does net cure or relieve them. Price, 75 cc-nt-Selrtby H. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Qui c street, Lancaster. jpuu eedj Certificate. "I have used Burdock Bleed Bittcri with great benefit for indigestion and constipation of the bowels." c. L. kasten, "Hamilton, Out." Price 91. Fer sole by II. B. Cochran, drug gist. 137 and 133 North Queen street. Dragslst's Testimony. H. T. McCarthy, drugcist. Ottawa, Out., states that be was affilcted with clnenic bron bren 'chttls for scme years, and was nnmnioteiv ir . cared by the nse et Themas' Eclectile en. ?4"IiTS. A rr t--tab""t US North Quean street. rjLVEK MAJTOIXUB, vr. MKES W. CRY. We have opened 'te-day aneilicr CHOICE LINE OF .-- X 1 m4 " r B Three, three-and-a-half anil lenr yatds ions in Swiss. Nottingham Appleqnln, &c. ?rr- -t. - . . K- . r".M- ?" i.ai'ic i.sm KirwniiiNU 55-. -Ti,v.1;;., ouaibe, xiuifc&anu iiLD SETS. , Ash, Ebony and "Walnut Cur tain Poles, Bands, Leeps, Heeks, &e. -SSt Cernlce, In variety te fit any Window. Forty P&f DMterent Fatlerns et DADO WINDOW r'f'r!, BBTADES. in new relnrn l nn.i i ir,e inn '$? e EyiS5JariCaXK OENAMENTS, liUUr B, FRINGES, Ac. AN ELEGANT LINE OF 'WJall Papers, S.W,ArVdArlnlnn In "2IH Crnnn.lnil nn.1 jVfVi' Common Panfrfl'linrdpm'rATitr n rr?i-6.--3u. t SHARES W. FRY, Vn" KT TTn-iH-Vi Onn cs 44 yT -y.-.uuvunuwik, .X " v fS: LANCASTER, PA z TUMJlma AMD TOBNITUBK SKStUVKD xXr mt abwrt mettc. AUK dealer In saennrl. ' i. ,7i JjTurWMfrfixtt -w-i-rww ng-tin -,JZr. IrVrVS-.-?.-'' " li.' .-.- , Hijri t M.irjumMjmm Ml'tW I !3eF etty-et ioTleeaeetwentyT years as Ad preiulMbrJn ke ,'rfuidlaff, aa clerk sad knows wbereer he affirms. kd. ' Mr. D. mm - 'Fnr hut veara 1 have suffer- 'enV intensely at times, with what Is generally called rheumatism. When first attacked I was confined temy bed and could net walk a step. 1 could net bear tne weight of the oed-cletbes se j excruciating was the agony 1 endured, l -always noticed that before these attacks came en my kidneys were affected ; before there -would be any pain In my limbs or any swell lng of Joints or limbs, the color of the secre tions from the kidneys would be very dark and the odor strong and feverish. The last attack was very severe, about five years age, and I was confined te the house several weeks and was unable te attend te business In three months. During the time I was confined at home and the time of my convalescence I employed four of the best doctors that I could obtain, but none of them gave me per manent relief, ler they did net go te work at the cause of the trouble. Having Ueen ac quainted with the proprietor of Hunt's Rem edy a long time I was Induced by him te give It trial, hoping that it might reach the seat of the disease : and alter taking one bottle I found myself very much improved, and alter taking the second I was feeling better than I had after any previous attacks. During many months previous te taklnsr the Bcmedymy bands and fingers would be much swollen and stiff every morning ; my left Hide, In the region of stomach and spleen, was very lame and sensitive ; at times I would be taken with severe cramps ever the spleen, and be obliged te apply mustard or cayenne for temporary relief ; I was very nervous nights and could net sleep ; I was obliged te be very particular In my diet, and my pnysl al system was sadly demoralized. Since I have taken Hunt's Hem erty systematically oil these things have changed : I have no swollen lianas or limbs, no pains or cramps In tne side, can eat all kinds of feed, sleep soundly and get thor oughly rested, and my kidneys are active and pcrierm their functions promptly, thus taking out of the system all the poisonous secretions which contaminate the whole system where tiie kidneys de net act efficiently. My friend e, what Hunt's Remedy has done, ler me It will color allot you. 1 believe it te be tne only sure euro ler all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary organs. Bespectfully. K. K. DAWXET. mlG-M, W&V 451 Bread St." H VIST'S CEHbDI FOK 8A.LE AT H. B Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. mar2-3md H Of UITTlt. HOP BITTEES, A Medicine, Net a Drink.) Contains HOPS. BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION and the Purest and Best Medical Qualities et all .Other Bitters. THEY CURE All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Url&ary Organs, Nerv ousness, Sleepless and especially Female Complaints. 81,000 IN GOLD will be paid for a case they will net euro or help, or ler anything Impure and injurious leundln them. Ask your druggist ter HOP BITTERS and try them before you sleep. Take no ether. it. I. C. Is an absolute and irresistible cure for Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send for Cibcular. All the above sold by druggists. HOP BITT.fc.ltS MFC. CO., Rochester, N. Y., and Terente, Ont. m22 ICtced HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED CH BITTERS. Invalids whu arc recovering vital stamina, declare in grateful terms their appreciation of the merits as a tonic, et Hostetter's Stem ache Bitters. Net only oees It impart strength te the weak, but it also corrects an Irregular acid slate of the stomach, makes the bowels act at proper intervals, gives ease te these who suffer fiem rheumatic and kidney tieublus, and conquers as well as prevents fever and ague. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, ml-lmdced&w UAJtDWjUtm. J KW HABDWAKK HlOKf. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL & REMER, DEALERS IN! BUILDING and CABIN! HARDWARE, 81 OVES, HEATERS. RANGES, PAIN1S, OILS and GLASS louse Furnishing Goods. wll-3uidfcw FOtt 8AZ.JS. F OB HALE. is FOB S4.LE. The undersigned offers for sale the lets of ground adjoining his residence, en Charlette and Walnut streets, In the city et Lancaster comprising 211 teet en Charlette street and 2Cifeeten Walnut street These lets will be sold en easy terms. In the whei or in parts, te suit purchasers. THOS.E.FBANKEIN, OFFICE-NO. 120 EAST KING STREET. m83wdWThFftS MIBCrtttAXXOUB. LORttlLLABD'S BK1SEOOA TOBACCO only 10 cents per nine at HARTMAN'8 YELLOW FRONT "CIGAR aiuuE. T O CHER'S UXJM. A 5c. Package LOOHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE EGGS THAN ANT OTHER DYE IN THE MARKET, Fer sale by CHAS. A. LOCHER, n.fl4MifcitiritMi --i 'MMMaaMfMaMfnvtt -""y-. 2cffjff'iiw BMBW IM UK STOMA valii City Beli u .' fc-v?" - J- J. B. MART1U & CO., Cor. Prince and West Sing Streets. LANCASTER, PA. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. The Best Made, Being Three-Ply Linen Bosem and made Wamsutta Muslin. of X B. lARTTff & CO., Oer. Weet King and Prinee Sta. N EV OOODS. Watt, Shand & Ge. ARE NOW OPENING NEW SPRING GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. NEWDRESS GOODS In all the favorite shades and most desirable fabrics at LOWEST PRICES. PLAIN AND SB1PED SUMMER SILKS IN BEAUTIFUL COLORINGS A SPECIAL BARGAIN. 10 PIECES COLORED SILKS At 50c a Yard, worth 76c. We new offer an Elegant Line et our Stand ard. BLACK SILKS At 75c, 87KC, tLOO, $1.23, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.23. Womakea Specialty of BLACK CASHMERES And claim that our line is the best imported. jRInspcctlen is cordially invited. New Yerk Stere, 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. M KTZGEK & HAUlUIMAlf CARPETS FROM AUCTION. Hetzpr & Hanghman IIAVJS NOW OPEN A LARGE AND HANDSOME VARIETY OF INGRAIN. RAG, HALL AND STAIR CAEPETS, BOUGHT AT AUCTION FOR CASH AND TO BE 80LD CHEAP FOR CASH. CARPETS at. CARPETS at. CARPETS at. CARPETS at... CARPETS at.. CARPETS at.. CARPETS at.. CARPETS at.. .....He. .'.sixc. ...65c. inCm ...ttic. ...30c. ...cee. CARPETS at. CARPETS at. ..75c. CARPETS at ftOO. & eheap store; 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER (.Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) ZAAS AUD QUEENS WARM,. H lOH B MARTUt. AT CHINA HALL. We new have open a very large line et White Granite Ware. . White Porcelain Ware, Decorated Granite and Porcelain Ware -. IN DINNER, TEA and CHAMBER SETS. We have selected these Reeds from the Best Hannfactnrera. WE GUARANTEE THEM. 43-Goods net satlslactery will be exchanged. High & Martin's, 16 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. 'I' HULL HAND-MADK HAVANA t. ixi?' aear nnvana niiers, for S cts.. at HARTMAN'S YELLOW rRONT CIGAR "TORE. SEAX.BO PROPOSALS 1TOB BK-BUIuC . inorFeor-HonseBurn will be received at the office el the County Commissioners. Lan caster. Pa until 12 o'clock, m.. MONDAY MARCH 20. 16M. epecincaUens can beseen Jt VUUUUUHUUUQl B MIllCO, BT URDKS Of'Ttris nn mn. Attest fnBX Gbxist,- Clerk. m9-2wd BAJKAU'SL. " WAXMKS, BLOCKS t -I? vS?.? Ki?,?8' Spectacles, Ac. Repairing et aU kinds will receive my peraeiiaTatten- raadeSSslilvf1 .TsMMg-HAJtttO -Mr TBUB A xws 'ana moderate nhirm - 3' "Jfc and- Oneensw wx . mm... . "m i- ?i r - . tJB Hrsse R - j- - jrr rr i i r- TaBISTtfSa-S, ,tvtJB!S, .-. a . h . . . - r-iirs.ii-i r iZXLiuzsiirr - --OjlelaiMi 28 NORTH QUEEN STJMMEB 8ILK8 ! " Large Let Bought Very Lew and will be Sold at a Very GREAT BARGAIN. Summer Sffln at' 60 eta., wmth .65 or 76 eta. Black Brocade SOka at $1.00. worth tL50, Black Oaahmwea very low, all obeioe goods, Blaek SUka at 75e., 86e $1.00 and $1.25. ELEGANT GOODS.. Theae Goods are proneaneed VERY CHEAP. The MOME ANTIQUE RIBBONS at 8 and lOCeats Per Yard are Going Fast x BOWERS & HURST, Neb. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - LANCASTER, PA. JOHN S. OITEJEK ft UO. JOHN S. GrIVLEE & CO., Are new receiving a LARGE ASSORTMENT of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES. Made of fine quality of Muslins and in the most substantial manner at Very Lew Prices, Alse a Full Line of GENTLEMEN'S UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS at 5ec.;75c. and &i.oe. The Best Goods in the city at the price. JOHN S, GIVLER & CO.. Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. GIVLER. We take great pleasure in inviting attention te a full and un equalled assortment of BLACK SILKS: These goods are remark ably handsome and will repay a careful examination. Gres de Suez, Cetele, Otteman, Gres Grain Cashmere, etc. Colored Silks in new spring Colorings. Summer Silks in new spring styles, 25 "West M VERS BATHFUN New Offer the Greatest Bargains in READY-MADE CIOTHING, All Our Own Manufacture. Examine Cards sent by mail, enclosed in the PICTORIAL. The people are coming and all go away suited and well-pleased. If yen should net have received a Card write us, giving your address, we will send you one. Our Stock of CLOTHING for MeD, Youth, Beys and Children was never se Complete and PRICES LOW. Our Stock of PIECE GOODS is full and ready te be shown te the trade. The styles are all that could be desired, and the pnees are within the reach of everybody, and we are new taking measures rapidly and the prospect for a geed trade this Spring is assured. BaTCeme early and make your selection from one of the Finest and Best Selected Stock of Goods ever exhibited in Lancaster city. Call and save money. MYERS & RATHFON, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 E. King St., LancasterPa. RATT,KUAUS. T HI GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, BnrHngtOB & Qainey R. B. Chicago, BarllBgten & Qalncj B. B. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAGO OR PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST line te St. Jeseph, Atchlnsen, Topeka, Denlsen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Texas, This route has no superior ier AieertLea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the ORE AT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad In the world for all classes el travel. All connections made In Union depots. Try It and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line ler sale at all offices In the V. 8. and Canada. All Information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PKBOKVAL LO WEUL, General Passenger Agent, Chtoaeo, III. T.J.POTTKB, 3d Vice Pres, ft Gen. Manager, CmaAOe, III. JOHN Q. A. BEAN, Gen. Kaitern Agt, 817 Broadway, 306 Washington St. Naw Yeax. Boereir, Mass. mavl6-lvdw OKOCERLE8. TBURSK'S. OLD TIMES MW ORLEAM SUGAR. The first hogshead of -New Orleans we have had for fifteen years. Yen will want some. ACIRAMA COFFEE. Equal te Java and Mecha combined, for less money than Java GIVE IT A TRIAL. These who have tried it sneak in th htr)ut terms of it. Our Tomatoes at 7 Cents a Can Are moving off. Give them a. trial, Thevare geed and the cheapest in the market. Just received, a fine Let of EDOM 8b DTJTOH-HBAD OHBESB. At BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. tobt'jbjeexivkd Av'jnuvenriux -AND OTS3Tllr.!LOT.OL' r m-. ? T" '"" " ' ' " ----- . Ifr 5 r j . F"7 t t - - - i it. - "5 FK. . - "T HAGER & BROTHER. g Street. CLOTUINB. BUT N XT DOOR TO THE COUKT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. BARGAINS IN CARPET ! Onr Stere has never been Stocked pets, as at the present time. Stock Never Nearly se large ! Prices Never se low ! These in want should see them before purchasing. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. PHVXBINO Aim rOHN Xi. AKhOLD. PLUMBINa AND GAS PITTING, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, GAS FIXTURES AT REDDCED PRICES- JOHN L. ARNOLD, Ne. 11 BAST ORANGE STREET, REMOVAL. DEHUVAL, i Removed te Ne. 46 BABT KING STREET. After April 1, 1883. FON DEBSMTTH'S BOOK-STORE Will be removed te Ne. 46 EAST KING Street, directly opposite the Court Heuse, where there will be found a Complete New Stock or Beeks, Stationery and Fancy Goods. G-. L. FON DERSMTTH. Bookseller and Stationer, uiar20-tfd BATH AND CAPS. TTAT8, CAHJ AND TVR-, HatB, Caps and Furs. JOHN SIDES has purchased the entire stock et Hats, Caps and Furs lately belonging te the firm et 8hnlts tt Bre., fashionable huttera. and new offers them for sale, retail and whole sale, at greatly reduced prices at Nes. 31 and 33 NORTH QUEEN 8T the well-established un store ex tne late nrm et Bhnltz A Bre. s cl ipedal Inducements offered te country mer hants. Mr. sides wfll continue the Hatbusl- ness and constantly keep en hand the latest unu een nyies. lie nss empieyea iienry A. and Wm. Shnltz. of the late 1 firm et Bhnltz & Bra, who are experienced hatters. JOHN SIDES, (SUCCKMOJtTO EHULTZr BRO.) '&7i 5" "- -. W J mifmmtmmmmim v -, STREET. STJMMEE SILKS! LANCASTER, PENN'A. GEO.F.RATHVON. OOOV8. BARGAINS IN CARPET ! with se Large and Complete a Stoek of Car- LANCASTER, PA. GAB FITTING. LANCASTER, PA. NO. 46 EAST KING STREET. OCCIDENTAL. D1FUTHKKIA CORK. Reader, have von a sere threat 7 Take OCCIDENTAL. Are you troubled with hoarseness phlegm in the threat T Take OCCIDENTAL and Have you diphtheria or scarlet fever in your family? Don't hesitate te try the UUU11IJSHIAL at once. It never tails if taken In time. A decided change Is seen after three or four doses have been taken. Tht OCCIDENTAL GflnhAh&d Of U1T flrnararfaf: In T.niwi.4.. . i ji7u -jTt rr:-oe- " vei v cvcaauiLinper DCHie. JJOn't- tail te H. B. COCHRAN, Nes. 137 andl39 North fall te try It. iQuren street, aiways nas it en Hand. e2-CmlTn,Th8 N OTIOK XV ISK1PiMHB) AND GUN NERS. All neraeiia aia herabr erblddan te trespass en any of the lands of the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in. Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether laelesed or ua ua iBClesed, either for the purpose of afeeetta or -aMag. as the te ."wm b rlcldly eaienea against aU trespasstag en saki lands et the r f;Jg sar SSS&fc 'V atsv Atmrnrjuay J.iCarTaaalanews: -.fc-.-rr-.j".-- n a. hu aad 1. 4. Sasd Saterday, when the last ear Mavw at Mi Leave MlUenrUleHde war tmdS a- a. a. a. XU and 1, a. 5 and 7p.m. ''rt'' Cars ran dally em shjve i1wm exes-t i w.V ay. -"v. rWlXJXBtA VOKT DSFOS1T VJ , WAD T1MK TABLE. r- . Tratea nev run legalarlT en the Ceramaia. Fert Ecpeslt Railroad en tha fellewlng time: aOPTBWABO. STATIONS. I r.x. A.JC A.X.I A.K. r.x.lr.v. WHO Columbia.... ...Washington... ....Cresswell.... ...Sale Harber... .JShenk'a Verrr.. Sim SSSIm... 163 fcs 7H less DfcSS U.-00 11KB HUO 8.-S 7:46 y 7:4 Mi SS Jcquea t3 738 738 7d'i 7:17 7ra . . x ere x urnsce. , ...Tucquan.... .McCail's Ferry ...Kite's Eddy.., ..Fishing Creek. ..Peach Bettem. .J. Conewjngo... U05 11:96 11:30 11:38 11-54 r.x. 12:03 12:15 12:30 4L-47 tat 43 7SJ 7:10 7:08 7:41 7:30 7d0 737 6:57 6:41 6J2 630 4.-3B 76 7-JS 758 7U7 7.-05 402 AM 335 8:13 K25 71 8.-00 , ..Oderara. . ...Pert Deposit.. .. Perryrllle.... 3:41 J KAUINO COLUMBIA. AKKANeSMENXOr PASSENOER TRAINS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 188. NORTHWARD. uuvn. A.K. 6:20 7J0 7:40 7-J0 A.V. le. 7:30 9:10 Sde caster. KlneSt. Lancaster Columbia. Aaaivm. Beading.., 9:45 SOUTHWARD. UAva, Beading... ABKIY. r.x. r.x. .... 430 .... 3:40 10 30 1:10 3:40 3:90 5J0 rji 755 Columbia 9:40 Lancaster. g-je Lancaster, King St 9:40 Quarryvllle 10:40 SOft &30 iTains connect at iteadini Unir with trains teand from Philadelphia, PettsvUu UUTlsbnrg, Afc Bound Broek' lentewn and New Yerk, At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk. Hanever, Gettysburg, Frederick and BaiU. mere. l, m. WILSON. Sunt. TJKXXSTLVAHIa RAILROAD Ml A SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY OCTOBER 1st, 1883. trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancaster and Philadelphia depetsas follewsp ILevI Ar LanPkU EasTWAxn. A.X. 1-44 Mall Express. Fast Line Uarrisburg Express Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Accomedation arrives... Columbia Accommodation 28 7d8. 636 8U0 8d0 85 9 103B U:45 r.x. Frederick Accommodation arrives.. Leck Haven Express 1225 18 2:42 230 5:25 645 830 r.x. 5:45 6:05 735 9-45 Sunday Mall .'. Johnstown Express Day Express Harrlsburg Accommodation. Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:15, will run through te Hanover dally, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:40, will run through te Fi Pilcrick. (Le. I Ax. Westwabd. IPhlllLan A.M. 4:30 -.X. NcwsKxpres3 Way Passenger Mail Train. Ne.l. "via. Mt. Jev 6:27 637 35 9:40 10:15 1030 r.x. 1:40 1:50 5:20 2:30 730 7:40 il:10 1:45 40 7rt "8:13 M arl Train, Ne. 2,viaCelnmbla,leaves xniagsra aixpresa Hanover Accommodation leaves.. Fast Line Frederick Aceomraedatlon leaves. 11K r.x. Harrisbnrg Accommodation , Lancaster Accommodation leaves.., 2U4 Columbia Accommodation, 'i-ii Herrisburg Express.. Western Express Pacific Express 6:40 9:05 1130 Harrlsburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn, Coatesville, Parkes burg. Mount Jey, EUzabethtewn and Middle, town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express, Mall Train, Ne. 1, western Express and Pacific Ex press run dailv. r OCAL MAIL AKRANOISMENTS. HOURS FOR CLOSING THE MAILS, Uy Knllread-XEW Yens through mail, 7:30 a. ...a, . w tr. ...a, . wv ,.. .ua ...... ...w .. ..a. Way Mail. eat. 7:S0 n. m. Christiana, Parkcsburg and Downlngtewn lz:30p.m. GoRDewnLLK, Vev, ningtewn, Leaman Place and Gap, 6:15 p. in. PHILADKLI-EIA TIIT.OCOU MAIL, 70 S. m 8:45 a. m., 1:30, 5:00 and 11:10 p. m. PrrTsucBen akd west, 'J 0j and 11:00 p. m. Habrisbcbe hail, C:0e and 9rf)0 a. m., 435 and 1100p.m. Wat kail, west, 6 00 and 9:00 a. m. Baltdcebk amd Vashimoteit, via Phtladel. phla, 5 00 p. in. BALinteRK AD V ghimgtew, via Yerk, 130 p.m. Baltimore aud Washihg-tes, via Harrls burg, 110. COATKSTILLE, 5:00 p. m. Columbia at 'J:00 u. n., 130 and 4-33 p. m. Yerk and Yerk w at, 1-30 and 11:00 p. m. Northern Central, :0O a. m and 11:00 p. m. Reading, via. Heading 4 Columbia. R. R., 7-e a. in. and 1&30 p. iu Readine, via Harrlsburg, 5:15 and 110 p. m. Kkaping wat, via Junction, Lltltz, Man helm, East Hempflcld and Kphrata, 3:15 p.m. Quarrtvillb, Cumarge, New Providence. West Willow, Martinsville, Relton and Lime Valley, 9:15 a. in. and 50 p. m. New Helland, Churchtown, Greenbank, Blue Ball, Goedvllle. Beartown and Spring Greve, by way or Downlngtewn, at 6:15 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. v Bin Harber, via Columbia, 80 a. m. and 5:15 p.m. Uy Stage Slackwater and Safe Harber, dally, at 4:00 p. m. Te Millersvlile, 8 and 1130 a. mn and 4 p. m. Helland, 230 p. m. Willow Street, Smithvllle, Buck, Chestnut Level. Green, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Greve. Reck Springs, Fairmont and RewIandsvUle! Md., dally, at 730 a. m. Landls Valley, Oreaeu, Wst Earl, Farmers ville, Neffsville, Hlnkletewn, Terre Hill. Mar tindale, dolly, at 230 p. m. Greenland, Fertility, Lampeter add Wheat land Mills, te 8trasburg, dally, at 4:00 p. m. New Dauvl.le. Conestoga, Marticviile. Cole Cele manvllle. Mount Nebo, Kawlinsvllle, Bethesda and Liberty Square, dally, at 230 p. m. On Sunday evening, mails east and west close at 10-00 "p. m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Arriving by Rail Eastern mail, 630 a. a. 100 a. m., 30 and 630 p. m. Eastern way mall, lfct0 a. m. Western mail, 630 and 100 a. m., 20 and 7:00 p. m. Reading, via Beading and Columbia, 230 p. m. Western way mail, 830 a. m. Reading way mall. 10-.30 a. m. Quarryvllle Branch, 8:15 a. m. and 40 p m. Arrivieg by Stage Frem Sale Harber and Slackwater, at 90 a. m dally. Frem Millersvlile, 7 and 9 a.m. and 4 p. m. Frem New Helland, at 930 a. m.. dally. Frem Rewlandsvllle, Md . at 40 p. ml, Reading way mall, at 1030 a. m., daily. Frem Strasburg. at 930 a. m daily. Frem Rawlinsvllle, at 110 a. m. Frem Terre Hill, at 100 a. m. DELIVERIES BY CARRIERS. There are three mail deliveries by Letter Carriers each day, and en their return trips they take up the mall matter deposited In the letter-boxes. Fer the first delivery the Carriers leave the office at 70 a. m.; second delivery at lfeee a. m.; third delivery at 3.00 p. m. SUNDAY POST-OFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the Postefflce is open from April 1st te October 1st, from 8 te 9 a. m and from 6 te 7 p. m.; from October 1st te April 1st, from 9 te le a. m. and from te 7 D. m. OAMTM, m. CHIKK'8 OAKFJCT MALL. " The Old Reliable." This is the Title which Shirk's Carpet HalL Oer. W. KINO & WATBBSite.,-. x. rjc 12.-00 6:10 TJt. 2:10 ft25 aae 8U3 .... 8:25 .... KOe lias ODuuaeu uy eeuingine ueetuoeas at tM--wtit5. 1 .. . . ... .. . - i- r-.L.'J mostKeasenaoie jrnces with THK LAKGE8lir-.-1l AMDAE8T STOCK te select from. In lut.iSutfiK ''I Uen te the Largest Stock et Carpets ever car-1?? K l iiui iu uuB.uii.jr, e uave bow ! - i?5f " IBS LATEST AND BEST KINDM ' 1 T 3 m - a r J?i-r wessus, Ingram ana uiui Ever brought te the city of ayCa)l before purchasing, BRCONVINCKD. BlswkesaAiriv fefe H, 8. SHIBK-S " . I w Stx $82$ "5:!-.rrt I SftVl - J&-M iTi.-!? T" HIIIM iw smi H.M. ,AUO. r.MKIHOKHL. a PjMsiajtratKASg Mmi $&-Z&1JKtt&6&& & S?.Vfe !. . - vtM ---P .t - , ..T.Ji Mtv i :1hk.v.-.i.hm iimiiii mn&mm&9& ?mitiWrM, ;B&2iSrt ESgaswgy'ggfyisygfeegaH " iMt j 3Z " - "" '5.f3:i-' r-- vi Ml4aKaqae..FurnlrBre, Steves and v mii"J"p' wr -- ''. s '- ' imvMmmmmmmmmmammmirmim n