vSi ?WT fe& fjMi.. &5SVr l?' Vtt t r r 5" Si t 2 1 5- K IV I ;r 5 ? 1ST li 4 1 l?J Is." km UK. rSS ?i 3k. '& 4 ?r' "n -r irj r:"lf:MM tr " h ,-. ,.'v Bread Street W.'Dewaey." Christian street. T..W. Mattery. EbeBecer, A. KltteaBease. Eltbteeata Street, J. W. Har- Ettwatb Btreet, G. 8. Broad Bread beat. Fiuewuter Street, W. B. Chal- tant. ' Mariner's Bethel, G. Cummins. " Messiah, B. T. String. " PsBCbalvill. D. McKee. Pitman. D. M. Yeung. " St. Paul's. 1. W. Gorden. " ' Salem, S. H. C. Smith. " Scott. If. B. Durell. " Union, M. D. Kurtz. " Wharten Street. E.Stnbbs. " Taster. 0. Masen. Avendale and Chatham, 8. W. Bmllh. Balnbridge, J. E Grauley. Bethlehem and Steny Bank. N. W. Clark. cnester Mamsen street, w. J. p axsen. Trinity. T. Kellv. Seuth Chester, M. liarnhlll. Clitton, N. Turner. Cochran ville, C. H. Berer. Columbia, B. W. Ilumpluiss. CrezervlTle, R. Smith. Darhv I w- w- McMlchael. "arDy A. Heward. Tern weed, P. t oembe. Fulton Circnlt, M. F. Brady. Kedron, E. E. Adamsen. Kennett Square and ilainoiten. Te be sup plied. Lima am! Hewcllvlllc. A.N. Mllllsen. Marcus Heek. W. K. MacNcal. Marietta, J . C Weed. Marshallton. J. bungan. Media First Church S. A. Hellner. " Seuth Media, Te be suppll d. Middlctewn, L. B. Brown. Millersville, J. M. Wheeler. Mount Hepe, G. T. Hurlock. Mount Nebo, R. C. Weed. New Londen, E Potts. Nottingham Ciicuit, W. W. Wctegaivei. Oxford. It. KalncF. Prospect Park, G. M. Brodhead. Sate Ilaiber. A. J. Amther. Slleam. Moils Graves. Steelten.J.A. Well. Strasburg, .1. Stringer. Union, Delaware County, A. L. Heed. Upland. J. W. Rudelph. Washington, W. C. Grefl. West Chester. J. T. Swindells. J. W. Jacksen, chaplain ei United States army, member et Ebenezer quartcily couier ceuier ence. G. W. MaclaiiRhlln, corresponding secretary et Pennsylvania Seamen's Friqnd society, member et quartcily cenfeience Mariners' Bethel. G. W. Lyhrand, superintendent et Bedford street mission, member ei St. Paul's qutirteily con f ere n ce I. H. Cerrcll, J. Binclcledge, C. W. Green, Abe Soze, Kawamura Kcichlre, Matusomnte Sege. missionaries te Japan. O. W. Mintzer, missionary te Mentana. Transfers. O. H Tiffany, Iranslcrrred te New Yeik conference. J. Tedd and J. II. UargH tran-jlerred te Newark centereiir'!. J. K. Beyle transferred te Wilmington con ference. (Cene) encc proceedings concluded in second edition at Up. m 1 COLKMBIA HIS IV 8. Frem Our ltegular Correspondent. A Columbia man's liens batched 5 chick ens from 108 eggs ; better eat the eggs. April 17th Shawnee fire company will held a ball Themas Haldeman is getting a due row-beat from Philadelphia. " Corsican Brethers " net produced last night as announced. Services will be held at Trinity Reformed en Thursday and Friday evenings; en Friday morning at 10:15 o'clock ; holy communion will be adminis tereden Easter. Large ball te be held in Central hall by Marietta people Thursday; Messrs. S. 1L Libhart, Clias. S. Spanglei and . . Liudcmuth, committee of ar rangements. A fair and a fan drill will be held in Marietta Monday, March 20, in Central hall. Wm. Leckard will remove te Philadelphia. Jehn Grow Grew loy and " Bud " Ilcitshue had a sparring match ; Growley lest the battle after a hard contest. A pleasant surprise party was given te S. II. Miller, en Locust street, last evening ; occasion, 50th birthday au ntversary. A geed rafting season is antici pated. Extra P. R. firemen complain of net enough work ; they want te make mere runs. Death et a Child. Anna S., the 5 year old daughter of Lewis W. and Lizzie Erwin May, died at her home en Walnut street last night at 11:45 o'clock of dropsy. The fuueral will be held en Friday at 2 p. m. Deceased had beeu ill for several weeks but was be lieved te be fast recovering. A reaction set in last evening and death ensued . She was a beautiful child and greatly beloved, and her sudden death has caused a painful shock te many. Personal. I. C. Gitt home from Gettysburg Jehn Darrycett and family removed te Wash ington, western Pennsylvania. E. W. Clark, of Plattsburg, in town yesterday, guest of Alfred Bruuer, esq. The Misses Ziegler home from Pittsburgh and Al Al Al toena. Edward Steacy in Columbia, en route from New Yerk te .Chicago where be gees te take a better position. Mis. C. W. Stevenson returned te Baltimore. Police Cases. This morning the mayor sent one drunk te jail for 10 days and another for 15. The latter was James Fester, who was arrested at Kirchner's hotel yesterday for fighting. Officers Stermfeltz and Smith started te prison with the men, the former having Fester in charge. On the way out the prisoner started te run, and as the officer, who is a heavy man, could net run fast, he succeeded in getting away James Jacksen and F. C. bastings, two professional drunks, were sent te jail for live days each by Alderman Barr. Charles Rudan and Louisa Smeltz,beth residents of this city, who drank tee much were sent te jail for 15 days each by Al derman McCouemy. Ear Ultten Ofl. Oxford Press. A singular and severe accident happened te Walter a twelve year old son of Jeseph White of Coleraine township, Lancaster county, en Wednesday last. Twe or three boys were engaged in playing at ball tos sing in the entry of the barn, when the ball fell into one of the horse stalls. Walter entered the stable after it when the horse snapped at him and bit one of his ears off. He was taken into the heuse and Dr. E. Patterson was summoned as seen as poss ible who attached the severed member te its place, with the hope that it would unite. The heise was a gent!? one, usually, and very fend of the childien. Death of a Fermer Lancaster Ceuntlan. James A.Newpher, of 313 Seuth Eighth street, Reading, died Tuesday morning in his 54th year, of pneumonia, after an ill ness of one week. Deceased was born in Lancaster ceuuty, and went te Reading 32 years age, and was engaged iu beat build ing ever since. He bad two brothers and two sisters living at Fairwille, this coun ty, and one brother at Millersville. Sale et Keal Estate. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public Bale yesterday, at the Leepard hotel, Lancaster, for B. F. Eberly, execu execu eor of Abraham Eberly, dee'd., a tract cf land situated in Manheim township, con taining 5 acres and 110 perches, mere or less, without buildings, bounded by lands of B. J. McGrann and the Rudisil read, te B. J. McGrann, for $3,000. Large Kill Beard. I. B. Rinehart, stage carpenter at the opera house, and Casper Weitzel, are busy erecting large bill beards for Mr. Yeeker that are te be used by Forepaugh's circus which exhibits here in April. Yesterday they put up a tremendous beard en Mul berry strest, which reaches from West King te Grant street, being 217 feet in length and 15 in height. Testimonial te Vs. Davis. The members of common council met last night in their chamber and marched in a body te the residence of Dr. S. T. Davis, the president of that body. Mr. Cox, en behalf of the members, presented the doctor with a handsome meerschaum pipe, cigar smoker and let of dears. The Jj&fH doctor in a neat speech thanked the mem- -:y.--:Qhr and afterward antartaiajMl than in , ?i5Itaodseme style. s' .-?- fr .We take great pleasure in inviting attention te a full and un equalled assortment of BLACK SILKS: These goods are remark ably handsome and will repay a careful examination. Gres de Suez, Cetele, Otteman, Gres Grain Cashmere, etc. Colored Silks in new spring Colorings. Summer Silks in new spring styles, - 25 ATVest King treet. TUUM 8. GlVl.Jb.lt ft CO. JOHN S. GrIYLEE & CO., Are new receiving a LARGE ASSORTMENT of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES. Made of fine quality of Muslins and in the most substantial manner at Very Lew Prices. Alse a Full Line of GENTLEMEN'S UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS at 50c, 75c. and $1.00. The Best Goods in the city at the price. JOHN S. G1VLER & CO.. Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN 8. GIVLER. JL1T1L.K LOCALS. Here and There and Kverywnere. The National convention of Uniform Kuights, established society, have invited St. Michael's society, of this city, te at tend their meeting at Rochester, N. Y., en Juue 24, 23, 20 and 27. The fire committee of councils will meet te-night for the purpose of conferring with the trustees of the Washington fire company in regard te the purchase of the latter's engine, beuse, &e. Jeseph Yecklcr, a boy residing in the Eighth ward, whose parents say he is in in in coirigible iud beyond their control was anested by Chief Deichler, and he will be taken before the judges with a view te having him sent te the house of refuge. Watch Stelen. This morning Geerge Kirchner, pioprie pieprie pioprie ter of the Eagle hotel, at Iiime and East King streets, had a valuable geld watch and chain stolen. Last night when he re tired he wound up the watch, as is his custom, and laid it en the bureau. This being market morning Mr. Kirchner arose at an early hour and went down stairs. When Mi. Kirchner get up later heeund that his watch and an old bat were gene. It is believed that the room was entered, while he was asleep, by some one well acquainted, as there were several men in the house. Among these who were at the hotel ever night last night was Jeremiah Leary, who says he resides in Baltimore, but is believed te be a tramp. He left suddenly this morning and was suspected of being the thief. Prem information received Officers Leman ana Eioheltz believed that he had gene te the country. They followed and caught him en the Lampeter read near Senater Mylin's. They found the stolen property en him, and brought him te Lancaster. Alderman Spurrier committed him for a hearing en Friday. m LarceDy Cases. Augustus Reist, of Lime Reek, near Lititz, was arrested en the charge of steal ing quarrying tools from J. G. Peisel. He waived a bearing and gave bail for court. Geerge Gerlitzki was te have been heard before 'Squire McConemy en the charge of stealing clothing from his brother, but the prosecution failing te appear he was discharged. Dlacnargeden aWrir. Charles Reden, who, as is noticed else where, was committed te prison this morn ing for 15 days by Alderman McConemy, was released en a habeas corpus this after noon. The person who complained did nec wish te have him sent back te prison and there was no objection te the dis charge. Waived a Hearing. Peter J. Delzeit, charged with defraud ing the internal revenue, waived a hearing belere United States Commissioner 'Slay maker this morning and gave bail in the sum of $400 for trial at the United States court. HFEVIAIj notices. Ducks charge everybody with being a "quacks," and there are buta lew who are ex empt Irem the gosling accusation. Dr. Hull's Ceu;h Syrup is certainly an exception te the rule, as it is no doubt, the greatest remedy oi ei lerea te a suffering people. Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Fills contain no opium, or ether harmlul drug and are highly recommended ter headache, neu ralgia and nervousness. 50 cents, at druggists. Hew Mew! What Is It? The great system renovator is Burdock Bleed Bitters. Try it and be convinced. Prlce $1. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. " I had Salt Rheum for 19 yean. Four pack ages of Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure entirely cured me." F. P. Lavellc, Mercer, CaL si at drug gists. Triumphant. Mrs. Selglrled, Marien, 0 says Themas' Ec lectric Oil was triumphant in her case ; she used it for a severe cold and pain inside, and was relieved in a few minutes. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. The new Duchess et Westminster, wife et one et the richest men in Kurdpe, was mar lied in a dress et white foulard, costing seventy-live cents a yard. This certainly is economy, and economy it is te use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup the great remedy for coughs and colds. ltEA.TU.lf. Deewabt. March 19. 18S3, in this city, Jacob .Leenard Derwart, aged it years, 3 months and 17 days. The relatives and frienas of the family are rcspectlully Invited te attend the' funeral. from his late residence, Ne. 523 North Qceeu street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment at Lancaster cemetery m20-3td Pewdkn. In this city, en the 20th int, Helen, wile et the late Charles Pewden, and daughter of Israel and Margaret Kantz, aged 26 years, 10 months and 10 days. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from the residence ether parents. Ne. 422 .La fayette street, en Friday afternoon, at two o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ceme tery, atd" HAGER & BROTHER. HEW AVVrttTlHEMJCKTB. N BXT DOOKTOTHK UllVKT UODSG. FAHJSTESTOCK'S. BARGAINS IN CARPET Our Stere has never been pets, as at the present time. Stoeked with Stock Never Nearly se large ! Prices Never se low! EW These in want should see them before purchasing. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. TLACK GOODS. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, . ( BAIR'S OLD STORE.) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. HAS JUST OPENED A NEW AND DESIRABLE LINE OF ' BLACK GOODS. Including; LUPIN'S CASHMERES, BLUE and in JET BLACK. CUT CASHMERES, LANGTRY SUITINGS, BLACK BATTISTE, NUN'S VEIL. ING, LACE BUNTINGS, BENGALINES, CASHMERE COUPE. Silk Warp Henriettas, Silk "Warp Drap d'Alma, Black Jersey Cleths for LADIES' JACKETS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. Frem a large importer's sale in New Yerk, being the Cheapest Goods yet offered Geerge Fahnesteek, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. TJ EMOVAL. Removed te Ne. 46 EAST KING FON BERSMITH'S Will be removed te Ne. 4G E AST KING Street, directly opposite the Court Heuse, where there will be found a Complete New Stock of Heeks, Stationery and fancy Goods. G. L. FON DERSMITH, Bookseller and Stationer, mar20-tfd NO. 46 EAST KING STREET. NEW ADFEBTltiEJUENTS. LITTLE UHICKS FOR BALE. Persons wanting te raise chickens can have eggs hatched N. VV. corner et Lime and Chestnut streets, Lancaster, Fa. m21-3td P OR REM.-A 8TOKK BOOH AND Dwelling containing 5 looms. Ne. 10 Seuth Queen street. Apply atthe Intblliokn Intblliekn cer office. tfd - GENUINE HAVANA AND Y AKA CIGARS only 5 cents at IIAUXMAN'S YELLOW FEONT CIGAR STOKE. rpnis LARGEST BOH IN THE UOUNTV, X weighing M0Q, will be slaughtered atthe Cress Keys hotel en THUBS DAY MOUNING, MARCH 22, at 9 o'clock. The public are in vited. J. F. SMITH. m20-2t FOR BENT. One Stere and Dwelling, Ne. 303 North Queen street, opposite Northern Market Heuse. Apply at Ne. 303 NORTH QUKEN STREET. d-tfd FOR RKNT. THE STORE ROOM, NO. North Queen street, new occupied 35 by Ames Ringwalt. Annlv te lllOS. E. FRANKLIN. feb7.8.9,10teedtfd Ne. 120 East King St. TkOOMS rUR KENT, XV Pleasant and convenient rooms te let. furnished or unfurnished, without beard, at zau .norm uuxu btreei. tra DKESS-HAKINO IN THIS LATEST styles and moderate charges. The pa pa renage of the ladles et Lancaster solicited. Cutting and Kitting a Specialty, at 27 EAST KING STREET. MRS. AUTEN, et New Yerk city. mar7-lmd FOR BENT. A LARGE TWO-STORY Brick Heuse. Ne. 131 North Duke St. A two story Brick Warehouse en Mifflin street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streets. A.J.8TEINMAN. 20-tfd IjrrxLuaEXeas Office. EUCHRE, POKER, CAS3INA AND A FULL line et Hart's and Dougherty s playing cards at UARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. BAUSMAN & BVfcCNS. GENERAL INSURANCE AXD REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Ne. 10 West Obasex Stbzkt, Lascaus; Fa. 124-6tdeedR PUBLIC SALE ON MARCH 22, J 883, Ne. 310 East Orange street, a large let et HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting of Parler Suit, Chamber Salts, beds and Bedding, a let of Glass and Qneensware. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, when attend ance will be given by . , ELIZABETH JfcAKANKY. BAirLBaMasev.Aucts. vuanajUA LANCASTER, PENN'A. GEO. P. RATHVON. ! BARGAINS IN CARPET ! se Large and Complete a Stock of Car- LANCASTER, PA. TLACK UOODa. STREET. After April 1, 1883. BOOK-STORE NEW ADrtSMTIHEMBNTtt. FOUNTAIN FINE-CUT TOBACCO, BEST goods manufactured, 8 cts. per oz. or 25 cts. 4 B at UARTMAN'S YELLOW KRONT CIGAR STORE. B OOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. CHEAP AND GOOD AT THE- EAGLE SHOE STORE, Ne. 51 North Queen St (Inquirer Building.) Children's Shoes, half sole and heelinjr, 25 and SO cents. Bey's half sole and 50 cents. and heeling 40 Men's half sole and heeling 50 and 70 cents. All Werk Dene Promptly and Neatly. OHN HIHlMWf V-?i .-. MB 11 eKjasMa sm . "" 6'rv myr? r k- ---LTrT rf 'm' v C Cutieura Remedies. Caticer Reselvent, tbe m bleed partner lateraally, mad Cnticara and Cetiears Seap, the great skin car, externally, clear tbe Complexion, cleanse tbe 8kln and Scalp, and purify the Bleed of every snecles of Itching, Scaly. Pimply. Scrofulous, Mercurial ard Cm cereus Seres, Humors. Ulcers. Swellings, Tu mors, Abscesses, Bleed Poisons, Scurvy, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas and all ether Torturing uuiigumueiu, emid niemisues ana Humors or Childhood, when nhvsiclans. hesnltalR and nil ether means falL Vatican Reselvent operates with energy upon the bowels, liver, kidneys and pores of the skin, purifying the system of all humors and diseases arising from impure bleed, in herited weaknesses and mercurial poisons. CoUcera, a medicinal jelly, clears off all ex ternal evidences of bleed, skin and scalp humors, cats away dead skin and flesh, in stantly allays ltchings and irritations, softens, seethes and heals, worth its weight in geld ter any itching humor, itching piles and deli cate Irritations of either sex. Caticura Seap, fragrant with delicious flow er odors and healing balsams, contains in a modified form all the virtues et Cuticura, and is indispensable in treating skin diseases, in fantile and birth humors, rough, chipped or greasy skin, black heads and skin blemishes, and is an exquisite sain Beautlner. Tbe CunctntA Remedies are the only real curatives for diseases et the skin, scalp and bleed, and may be used from infancy te old age. Price. Cuticura Kesei.vent,1 per bottle. Cuticura, SO cti. per box ; large boxes, $1. CUTICTHA SOAF, 23 CtS. CUTICURA SHAVINO SOAP, I5cts. Sold by all dealers. Tetter Drce ahd Chemical Ce., Bosten. OTTTTCDRA SOAP. V-UX hlffblv medic Abselutelv nure. highly medicinal, indorsed hv physicians, preferred by tbe elite. Sales, 1881 and 166-2, 1,000,000 cakes, Sold everywhere. CATARRH. SANF0RDS RADICAL CURE. Tbe Balsamic Dlatlllatlen of Witch Hazel, American Fine, Cauadlan Fir, aiarl- gela clever Blessem, etc. Fer the Immediate relief and Permanent cure of every form et Catarrh, from a biuiple Head Celd or Influenza te the less et Smeil, Taste and Hearing, Cough, bronchitis and Incipient Consumption. Relief in five minutes in any ana every case. Xethinir like 11. Grateful, fragrant, wholesome. Cure bfging from first application, and is rapid, radical, permanent and tipvnrtnlHnf I One bottle Radical Cure, one Bex Catarrhal Solvent and Santerd's Inhaler, all In one pack- I age, forming a complete treatment, et all I druggists ter $1. Ask ter Sanfeud's Radical CURE. HOTTER 1JRUO AHD CHEMICAL CO., JlOStOn. COLLINS' ic FMi Fer the relief nnd prevention, the instant It is applied of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Suia'i ca, Coughs, Colds. Weak Rack, Stomach and Bowels, Sheeting Tains. Numbuess, Hysteria, Female Pains. Palpitation, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaria and KpL demics, use Cellins' .natters, (an Electric Battery combined with a Ferons Flaater) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere. mar21-lydW,S,&w IIGIOAU THE BIVEB. BEYOND THE RIVER. Away Acress the Mississippi la Held a Con vincing Conversation. " I tell you sir. that they are one of the neat est combinations ever produced, and my ex perience of that sort of thing has been wide enough te entitle my judgment te some re spect." "Oh, I don't knew," respended the first speaker's friend, with a little yawn, as tbeuga he didn't take much Interest in the subject, " I have never been able te see much difter ence In these things. They are all pretty nearly the same size, and madeet about the same stuff." The talk, et which the foregoing is a frag ment, took place in Gallatin, Missouri, net long age, in the snug office et Dr. M. P. Flow ers, one of the leading physicians et the state, who followed np the vein in which he had in treduced it substantially in these words : "Nonsense, that Is the rigmarole et a boy, or rather of a man who either doesn't knew or doesn't care what he says. These things, as you call them, are just as different as the moon is from green cheese. New, Umments, lotions and ointments are very geed in most cases for the relief of pain and inflammation. But, in the first place, they are unclean. They soil the hands and the linen, besides being always out of reach when they are most wanted." " Well, my dear doctor," sighed the traveler from the Nertli. "what would you have? This is a wretched world anyhow, and nothing is ever at hand when it is wanted, Yeu can't suggest anything " ' Yes, I can," broke in the doctor, thump ing the table with his first. ' 1 can suggest BKWSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. I have tried it en my patients, and have tried it en myself for an attack of Neumenia, and in all cases relief has followed in from three te lerty-eiglit beura, The old plasters arc stage coaches the Capclne Is a telegraphic dispaf.h. Fer instance. Incases et Neuralgia. Muscular Rheumatism. Lumbago, retarded action of the Kidneys, and," " I give it up. doctor, and in case of need I'll buy Bensen's," said the traveler, pleasantly. In tbe centre et the genuine is cut the word CAPCINE. Seabnry & Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. mar20-2wdW,S&w FIHST-CLASS PENNSYLVANIA CIGARS 15 for 25 cts &t HARTMAVS YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. T HE ACCOUNTS OK THE KOLLOWING named estates will be nresented ter con firmatien en MONDAY, APRIL 1G, A: D 1883 : soiemon Leccn's Trust Estate, ir. Benjamin Musser. Trustee. Jehn Hitter's Trust Estate, Walter Haldeman, uumiuiuuu. Levi Breneman's Trust Estate, Wm. B. Given, T 111 H te( Attest : SAM. MATT. FRIHY, Prothenotary. PROTnONOTART8 OFFICE, MARCH 19, 1883. m21-ltdWA3tw piBABDI'IBK INSURANCE COBFaBY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets ever ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Insures Property at Current Rates. Lesses Promptly Settled and Paid. RIFE & KAUFMAN, AGENTS, Ne. 19 East King Street. ml&6mdM,W&SR F OR SALE. is valiiGitrBiKLg FOB BATiR The undersigned offers for sale the lets of ground adjoining his residence, en Charlette and Walnut streets, In the city et Lancaster, comprising 2H teet en Charlette street and 283 feet en Walnut street - These lets will be sold en easy terms. In the whole or In parts, te suit purchasers. Apply te TH08.E. FRANKLIN, Q-fICX-KO. 1 JUST KQfQ 8T&UT. , b. VftaWawtf aWalBrAat r-vr STC? "srjws ?J!X23'Z? rt ft SECOffl) ' - r. WXDNBBDAT KVXHAlO, MAB, 31. 1883. AFTEEN00N TELEGRAMS. TO-DAY'S NEWS OVER THE WIRES. Tbe Contlneaaee of the Inqaestia tneHav-eratlck-CeBkllag Tragedy era. Uhler Still Macs Prostrated. New Yerk, March 21. The inquest in the case of Wm. H. Haverstick, who was shot en Monday evening by Gee. W. Conk Cenk ling, was resumed te-day. Several witnesses were examined bat no .new facts- were elicited Mrs. EmmaUbler, sister of Conk Cenk ling, is still in the hospital suffering from nervous prostration, and .was unable te be present as a witness. It is reported that she will have recovered sufficiently by to morrow te permit her attendance and tbe inquest was adjourned until then. J. Clement Uhler, Mrs. Uhler's husband, is in Pennsylvania, and could net be sub poenaed. THE DUKES CASE. Disposition et It at Harrlsbarg. Special Dispatch te the Ihtkujgkkcbk. Habbisbure, March 21. The Heuso judiciary committee this merninjf, through Mr. MoReynelds, reported that the seat of Dukes should be declared vacant, it olli elli cially. ascertained that he has failed te be qualified as & member and that he has been guilty of such immoral and infamous conduct as would render him unfit te oc cupy a seat iu the Heuse. This report was supplemented by a reso lution asking the Heuse te empower the committee te investigate the failure of Dukes te report, and te inquire into his conduct. The committee's request was granted and the resolution offered by Am merman was adopted, that tbe oath was net te be administered te Dukes pend ing investigation. In the Senate. The Senate was engaged ever au hour in considering the free pass bill. Mr. Laird offered au amendment, which was adopted, that the issue of excursion and commutation tickets be permitted. Mr. Cooper offered an amendment, which was adopted, that nothing in the act shall be construed te prohibit companies from issuing passes for charitable and benevolent purposes. In this shape the bill passed second reading. The following bills were favorably reported : Te prohibit traincing within one mile of religious gatherings, such as camp-meetings ; for the mere effectual punishment of public lewdness. A copy of the Heuse legislative appor tionment bill was introduced. The Heuso bill te equalize taxation for school dis tricts formed from parts of mere than one county was passed finally. The Heuso considered the Philadelphia piletage bill ever au hour. A LACTEAL WAR. Unflavored Tea-and Ne Milk Pnncbes in New Yerk. New Yerk, March 21. There was greater scarcity of milk in this city this morning than en any clay since the war between the farmers and the milk dealers began. Milkmen were willing te give any price for milk, but it was impossible te supply their customers. A great portion of the milk that did reach here came down the Hudsen en barges. NOT OUT OI DANGER. The Victim of the Philadelphia Servant Girl Suffers a Relapse. Philadelphia, Mareb, 21 Tbe favor able symptoms iu the case of Mrs. Lizzie May, who was assaulted two weeks age by her servant girl, Catherine Metzjcar, are reported te have changed. The inj'ured woman has, it is said, experienced a relapse and while she is net considered te be in immediate danger her condition gives rise te some solicitude. m EX-PRESIDENT DAIZ. A Senthern Paper's Opinion el His Tour. St. Leuis, March, 21. The Globe-Deme, erat in an editorial says : " There is a significance in the present tour of General Daiz : that he is in hunt of a syndicate which is endeavoring te secure his re-election te the Mexican presidency and obtain control of the valuable concessions which Mexico has bestowed en certain railroads." round Dead In His Burned Heuse. Byres Station, Ohie, 21. The house of Duncan Deles, near here, was burned en Monday night and the dead body of Mr. Deles, who was 98 years old and lived alone, was found with a rope around the neck. It is thought that he was strangled by robbers, who then set the house en lire. Mr. Deles had a large amount of money about the house. Sentenced in the Supreme Court. Newport, R. I., March 21. In the su preme court te-day, Kate A. Jenes was sentenced te twenty-five years imprison ment for arson, and Geerge Rounds te three years imprisonment for burglary. Beth pleaded nete centendere and received their sentence unmoved. Believed te be Concerned in the Jadsen Murder. Harford, Conn., March 21. Brooks Jehnsen, the colored servant of the Misses Judsen, of East Hartferd, was arrested this morning en suspicion of being con cerned iu their murder. A Centenarian Dead. Newark, March 21. Mrs. Peter Jack Jack eon died last evening, aged 101 years, 1 month and 21 days. Burned te Death. Newport, R. I., March 21. The house of Dr. Fisher, en Church street, was burned early this morning and Mary Barry, a domestic, was burned te death. Felger's Return. Washington, March 21. Secretary Felger returned te Washington this morn ing from Fortress Menree, en the revenne cutter Ewing. He is much improved in health. WEATHER INDICATIONS. WASHiNGTON,March21 Fer the Middle and Seuth Atlantic states and lower lake regions, generally fair weather, variable windp, mostly from north te east, station ary or higher temperature and pressure. MAJiKEllf. Philadelphia Market. PHM.ADtrHiA.March 21 Fleur market dul. Superfine, S3 253 71; extra, f3 7534 25; Penn'a Family. $5 0035 10. Rye flour at 3 753 81. Wheat steady : Del. and Pa. Red, $1 13 1 19; Ne. 1 White, S12O$012O.- Cern quiet: Steamer, C2c; Sail Yellow and Mixed, 65Wc ; Ne. 3 Mixed and Yellow, 6SQ61c, as te location. Oats dull but steady. Rye quiet at CSc. Previsions steady. Lard steady. Butter dull and prices favor buyers; Pa. Creamery extra, S335c ; firsts, 30c ; Western, 3233c ; nrsts, 25c. Rolls dull. Eggs steady and fairly active ; Penn'a, 2fXQ 21c : Western, 2121c ; Southern, 21c. Cheese firm, with fair demand. Petroleum fl rmer ; tteflned, 8CJ8c. f Whisky at $119. t Grain and Prevision raotatteo. One o'clock quotations el grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, UV last King street. CBleaca. Mar. 21. Wheat Cexa Oats Perk Lard -ILK I MaT.... LWfc MA .48 AlUlUak AJaaP3"a aiB3B IMS Ti.i-i.i.... "nit ntZ. . t aars - fe.--. St&ZZ I: r-xi a? , v -jfMfy-if., mm. fence Mwemtmii Ma. . EaeL.lfaiea: af StMaWMU : de Mil 1 aflMJlfi til a. jM.v.mr ' ' - -t --, -r -- 317KBUJB. 'VVt'" Cen KtHfe lower mad la mMtaftt,t.. mand : Mixed Wesura spot, 87aNBr: -tore. 85KeMMe. '-.-t Oats JiXc lower; net, MMMr Wesna Wesna Bemsecitia. 2 April, 53X0 ; Say. ilgMjili Juae,UXUc. - aSSV - TW nuuera Cun cheese. Senna. eeeeeaee Cottage cheese. S pieces,, Mf )! -.v.uvn. t....,,. reuirar. sni ciucxens v pair (live). " V plete (cleaned).. ttl Pigeons. V nr. Wild Ducks ft pr....... Turkeys, live , " cleaned, ft a. Ducks cleaned Geese live , Vr5: Beans. Lima, fl qt carrem n Duncn Cabbage, fl head. Head salad , Potatoes fl Xpk. " buS... Sweet Potatoes pk uuiuua fi j$ pK.... Radishes fl bunch. aeup iieans ft qt. saisuyfi nuncn. Turnies W)nk. ............ ............-.. . y ...............................sjav . ........................., M.MdA tM.titiii.,t,,i,tMMlsr z ?j& .--'c; ' r, v -. JHHsf , ';i : ::::::::r: ii(ksiatstiiMawg. .M iaar.- Palnvtr n Vik VAWAJ re '" aaiaaejaaaiaiaaa -t58&S xiscaujunetn. Apple Butter fiqt. IH!&; Lard fl a J: .mince Meat fi a num. Apples, fl H Pic, I!!!!!!!!!-fBi1?,i,r uauanasft nor. nhAetnn.T a . ""-ila":KJ.' Cranberries, qt -V.6 ' fnAtn,..... AAA,. .4 Currants, dried, fl a. Dried Apples fl qt... " Peaches fl qt.. uemens fi aez Oranges fldez KSH. Black Bass, fl ft..... , Cattish fl a Ced fl ft Mullets, fl ft reran Reck. UM Smnlta V !h Ua. Salmen fl ft ......:.:...4&W .'. Snn , jav Suckers Halibut Pike.... Shad.... mm XKATS. zm&S: iieei at. iron t Maaqfe-vv Beet Steak, ft JmM$&-. u Beast (lib) V ft it M fnVn,ntr U. . V.vj j ''a corned, fl a " Dried, fl ft "-'..!, Bologna dried, Bacen M ft JiMrfctfK caives iiiver . ' S't3 Ham, sliced, fl ft.... Ham. whole $ ft.... Lamb fl ft Mutten W ft Perk fl ft Shoulder fl ft Sausage f) ft 1S smeKeu p a .is Veal fl ft 10at Pudding ,...mb Whole Heg fl ft ,9c ORAIK. Cern fl bus 8088 Cleverseed, fl bus M 86M Fleur V qr. 73He Cern meal, f? qt ,5e Oatmeal fl ft te Hay Timcthy fl ten 917WIB " Clever fl ten 5 Oats fl bus ...Sta aye bus Timethy Seed fl bus S3.I Wheat bus tLlBL9i) Flaxseed, fl bus $t Ot Hungarian, f( una si a Orchard Grass, fl bus ...Si M Hemp, fl bus SS 59 Herd Grass, fl pus ....91 59 Rape Seed, fl bus $3 5C9JS e Stock Market. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Steelte also United States Bends reported dally by Jacob B. Lohe, 22 North Queen street. ' atar.lL UKOB A.X. uenver uie Grande , N. Y.. Lake Erie A Western.... 37? Kansas and Texas Xl2 LiaKoanero neu New Jersey Central ....... 7131 New Yerk. Ontario W 2514 St. Paul. M. ft Omaha iVA Pacmc Mall 40 Rochester A Pittsburgh 19 Wabash. St. Leuh Pacific.... 2S& Pennsylvania Central 6l PhUadelphla A Reading. 264 Northern PaclUc Cem cej rreierrea.... Buffalo Pitts. A West ....... Lecal Steeka ana Bends. Reported by J. B. Leng. Far vaL Lanc-'Uy B per ct. Lean, due 1883.. 418 " 1885... 100 van... m u 1895... 10C ' 5 per ct. In ler 30 years.. 109 " 5 per ct. Scheel Lean.... 199 " 4 " in ler 20 years.. 100 " 4 " in 5 or 20 years.. 109 " 6 ' in 10 or 20 years. 109 Manhelm borough lean 100 MBOMXAWaOUS BTOOKm. Quarryvllle R. R. $N MUlersvllle Street Car. SO Inquirer Printing Company 00 Watch Factory 100 Gas Light and Fuel Company...... 9a Stevens Heuse (Bends) 100 Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company......... Susquehanna Iren Company...... 100 Marietta Hollowware ... Stevens Heuse 00 SlcUy Island 00 East Brandy wlne Wayneab'g.... 00 Millersville Nermal Scheel Northern Market xiafflciXASBODs aenis. v Last vm V 8 4 9 - 100 1..- &i- Quarryvllle R. R.. due 1893 .MOO 'w? Reading A Columbia R. R,,5's 189 Lancaster Watch Ce.. due 1886 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 years 100 W0 Mg r x. r.x. 46 4S MK 2 asK S7i2 1 9 38K lore iMX 71X 7l T tfSi 2 Vgi 19 S3 61g' 5et SM. i5? vjl mi i.onpaeTiiri.na i.itrnr. nnn rnai m:r . .-. i vrrs "" "" -. ... "as- uueum row warn - -ijv Big Spring A Beaver Valley 9 90 $ M.' J riugepviri ccxiucvguvia. .... ...... u luiuuiuia ab iiuceuiub uui., ........ i Columbia A Washington .... 90 Columbia ft Big Spring 90 Columbia ft Marietta 96 Maytown ft Elizabethtown 25 Lancaster ft Ephrata 90 Lancaster ft Willow Street..... J Straseurg Millport................ 90 Marietta s Maytown................. 90 Marietta ft Mount Jev. 90 Lanc.Ellzabetht'nftMIddlet'n..... 199 Lancaster ft Fraitvllle. 00 Lancaster ft Lititz 90 Lancaster ft Willlamstewn 90 Lancaster ft Maner 00 Lancaster ft Manheim 90 Lancaster ft Marietta................ 90 M MllCji mY'i s!'??- .1 A TT . " jrVJJ ei." ' "2, lr i-JJh JJ Lancaster ft New Helland........ .. 100 252F"5S Lancaster ft Susauehanna..: .. BARK STOCKS. First National BanK. Farmers' National Bank 00 Fulton National Bank MO IU " Lancaster County National Bank.. 00 Columbia NatieualBank... ......... 190 Christiana National Bank. 180 Ephrata National Bank :....... M" ' First National Bank, Columbia...... M0 First National Bank, Strasburg.... M0 First National Bank, Marietta...... M0 First National Bank. Mount Jey.. M0 Lititz National Bank................ M0. Manhelm National Bank............ M0 ITnlen National Bank. Mount jay. 00 New Helland National Bank....... M0 Gap National Bank M0" j9 wiSwV la jSSTxes -iS iv . tHvT. i. J mwitt. ,100 - &ms Llvesteek kec. Chicago Hogs Receipts. 13,099 bead ; ahead; aalp BvrercMl aad lira;afaai weak;Balaafl menu, 3,3uu neaa ; quauiy lam imi the market was fairly active and 1 n,ikM. abahIvim 4 dklah701 ai 97Q7 65 ; heavy, 97 65Q8 05 ; light, 97 M0J7 W SklDS.at95SS75. , ' about steady: quality only lair: expert-aft Ts 98 507 ; geed te choice sMpplng, 0 MOP 49: vfr, : VUiuiuuM vim .1..., ,wi,h w, w.M,in. wmm m wm- yv. a 96 ; stockers and feeders steady at 009OeJ(v 485. -.-t Sheep Receipts, 4,700 head ; sUpaMate, 9J00 bead: tcenera! market strtnur: all saMf choice te extra. 36 60:goedtooHoiav 0009- i Ct.R. tvwnmnn In foil 11 T TH f-.T Vv f VWIWWWM V , .-J-- . ' . , Jv- a unusn came te tne jjt ever worn mm .- uj ports tbe cattle trade dull at lee for aaac jaanv- Sheen are selling weU : tone, lsanw -II JliaWUUCaU KCJ.UI. Ji'CJF" ix Au4 ?9m9 mmi sm rj sast LrBrBTT-uatue aeewpia, 9 aaaat market slew aad prices a bade eaT fteam theaa Ot yesterday. , 'V.j..J-,: -Hees Keceints. LB65 iieaataaveaw'mva' Fhlladelpnias, 97 850a 99; Tedeaaf ItOtf - 7 0S. fLr5.' sneen Receipts. 5.000 headVr anu prices sac en ireaa. ineae ex llaKUAISIt) IM Jj Chains. Rinks. St et all kinds wm receive mi tkm. LOOIS WEBKB,S treet. Imnrnilwr aaam a reetly emesite CJty HetaLaaar 3 rsAiregaaejwf, :$ VJ Si rfl "J-V.Jti r&Sii '&? jami'fSs '""TOP' SBc- -KKCii. J1B a eeajpawViS? kVaVi "-"kftf-r "na Tlat3VWtJ .i-, 1 ' 't-t -JI" IT . v.y- . a VT 1 ii"&l?vt lT- Ji&i "."Sflfl 1 2:n .5 :. "eSSfel ?ll -,Mm ,- . - 7t -!s2 eat i isy LZ 'TS '-l Vwji j&s V6I v&? ?A r -. .m 5 aa :ts .,3M Jii -"ass p-ti.s .l92 --fe .3 -iSSl i' SUV'S W2J "ww 'f-.-3ri risi-J r&$ OfleX 1j,JSX 11 :m Wi ju"tf.J 1 . "Jfr'i W?5" k yt-jtss.1 -'"ass .ii .:vv-! is?a v J?tr '-.S'T-i, jfes ?! J?-vJr ,- --s-.. i Tli ". 16r-i 1 A K? " -Sfta. tM "rl: li 1fj.i - -t "" TiA. c " &Z' - JS'M ?ssr?i 5'' &3 - S" U ' -i"1 -JUL '".-- . . -', MzM, V-v 1WHRHI-VII ll,,MiW, rr JTp-'z. -rvr rt .. &F7.r-'zzzr:. 3- t ?.. ffilv -... rsfr $ 4 Jb. A-, Sa! mMMr-iAMvmPJ f-SJsJi' Xn!t ,Z nUiLK:djUBiM9utTKrir iV-.- j-WTMtiitt