-& I -j-v- u? ' .- T J "WW" SS5SSS' is&nzr?! . -ffAtft -a si-3ai it,Fi- JT J ?i ?$'- . iij r T TLiiij ,- . t . , t 3- '!l'Eii5iir VnS-v. w.!. -. lv, -,.12';. ,Sn--rj r r- . jvvT-' 3Tj- . r -.tS: ., . - -. ,. , -. .-f- ,t . .- - . - . --- ?mi . nc j lesri ' Tfc.'- r5-a K ai 31 KS ,?' tjT!-. ik" r7JCTS'Iffl. , SS- -s;-v;sb.i - gsb;. a jj ." - fZ!i--'i'. Toleie XIX-Ne 171. LANCASTER, PA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 18b3. rm-iiMn -" ,vv.tf --t " y wMd&$& -'i" - V J -U7UI "V J !BaVy.Ba.iSBSC.BBSvnrSBn.d r B j mr"' r&. - "i3W . - rir tr -"7fE3; lst-vi .-; r-w rw r rr- P8& 5 i "fa I- S t & s. Ntf w Wi- . m f T i? i is J" & jS 'T? if h v f- r & M 4- l'c St" SJif- m&. t.9;&- ".K2&S. . -.-. 'l&z ""Erf i-. OJi FIXTURES, JtC. ?Lltm BKKMJUkAM. Fer tbe past week we have been calling your attention te our large stock of Gas and Ceal Oil Fixtures. Houses well lighted should be clean, and this reminds us of our large stock of Brushes for Dusting, Scrubbing, White washing and Fainting. These goods hare been bought at Great Bargains and we are selling them at Lew Rates. We have Shee Brushes that we can sell at half tbe Regular Price. Dust Brushes at much below the cost of makincr. Herse Brushes, an elegant article, which we will net be able te re place at thepriees we are asking for them. White Wash Brushes at Lewer prices than ever before. . We guarantee the Largest Stock and Lewest Prices en all these goods, and it will pay our Customers te lay these goods aside if net wanted for a year. JW-CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOUKSELVE8 - FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, Ne. 152 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. CLOTUIMU. H IK8U & BKOTHKK. HA VlNOJVBTRETURNBDFROMTHh. VARIOUS MARKETS WITH A tULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Worsted Goods, WE OFFER THE SAME, WHICH, FOR PRICE, STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. HIRSH & BRO., The Pcnn Hall Clothing Heuse, Nes. 2 and 4 N. Queen St. sep8 lvd H. GEBHABT. Special Mice! I hereby notify my friends and patrons that I have just received a large assortment of me dium weight suiting ler tl.e EAULY SPUING TKADE. Alse, a Choice Stock of SPRING OVEK COA11NG of the Newest Shades. I have also new ready sample cards of my Foreign Importation forthebPlNG TRADE, and auyene desirous of securing Choice Styles can de se new. All Heavy Weight SUITING and OVER COATING will be made up te order until the 17th of MARCH at Cost Price. H- GERHART, TAIL OS, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. -TTTILLIAMSUN FOSTEB. Ueckwear. Neckwear. THE WEXFORD Is tbe name of MESSRS. F. SI. WALTON A CO.'S latest production in STYLISH NECK WEAR for GENTLEMEN. This NEAT and GRACEFUL PUFF SCARF after a sharp con test for supremacy bes been successful in gaining the preference ever tbe Flat Scarf. Therefore, all manufacturers ei Dine Neck wear bave devoted their energies in the hope of producing tbe most acceptable sbape. The result bas been the WEXFORD proves the most artistic of an endless variety of shapes. The PATTERNS this season are et LARGE DESIGNS and undoubtedly will become very popular. The FIGURES nre SQUARE STRIPES, BARS and RINGS, which almost conceal the nature and color ing of the ground. The most conspicuous colors, and these intended te display an im portant part this season aie STEEL BLUE, GAKNET and OLIVE. The shades are in solid and a new combination of ether harmonious colors and the effect is very beautiful. There bas been a steady Increase in the demand for thisBtyleel neckwear, for alter all there is nothing se neat as a pretty Ecerf. In HALF-HOSE It is almost impossible te ierm an idea what is te be the style. The va riety Is bewildering. Tbe prominent colors seem te be CANARY, PEARL and FLESH in choice goods. Sele Agents for DUNLAP'S FINE HATS. CLOTHING, TRUNKS, VALI8E8 and BUB BER CLOAKS and COATS at the very Lewest Prices. JO-BOOT AND 8HOE DEPARTMENT will open first week In APRIL. Williamson & Fester, Neb. 34,36 &38 E.King St, LANCASTER. PA. 8PEUIAX. TBCAX. Te workingmen In tobacco warehouses and ethers in want of - Gente FurnlBlitajr Goods, NOTIONS, Ac all are respectfully Invited te call andsee the BargmfeH new enered at tbe PEOPLE'S 0TOCIVa STOKE. HEXET-iriBCMOLD r?p$& " lerut Tailoring. CLOTHING AC Tj1 J. KUU8MAK. I Neckties, Sftk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cash mere Mufltare. Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Underwear, JTur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster Gloves.Collars.CuflH, Suspenders, Pocket Beeks. Card Cases, Ladles' Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttens, Ac. OONT FAIL lO SEE THE GltAND DIS PLAY. E. J. BRISMAN, NO. SC NOUTU QUEEN STBEKT, J. K. HAlAMMGt) VAKU.-Addenda. FBI ENDS AND PATRONS This may be the last chance te secure the greatest bargains in line Heavy-Weight WOOLENS ever ettered In this city. Remember, I am going te close them eutlf possible this season, l have bandied this class of goods ter ever 25 years. I am thoroughly familiar with the merit? of all tbe leading makes of cloth in Hie market and de say I think the F. & II. and Johanny Edreens are superior in finish, mere reliable in color and mere durable than any cloths produced in the WOULD. Remember, also. I am the only man In this city that has the NERVE te tackle these fine, high-priced goods. They can only be bad in large cities at prices net less than S70 te 175. I am closing mine out at J0 a suit. I am having a great Beem In Treuserings. I am offering Heavy-Weights from $3.60 te $10 a pair make a note of this, I have among my line the best English and French patterns, that cannot be had in Phila delphia ter less than $15 te $18 a pair. I Thanklnir the nubile for the kind natronae-o extended particularly since my great reduc- tlen in prices, I shall endeavor te give en- tire satisfaction te all my patrons. Beine again uuiu w uirauu 10 Dusiuess, i wui supenniena every department of the trade personally and will guarantee te secure te every one the greatest value for their investment. All my productions are warranted te be el superior CHARACTER AND TONE from any ether house in the trade, having in my employ tbe best skilled workmen from the city. Un less entirely satisfactory te the customer I will net allow it te go out. 49Place your orderatencoat 121 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA. Neta Bkitb. I have a let of Remnants of FineCIeUis and Cassimercs, suitable ler chil dren, te which I invite the attention of mothers of small boys from five te ten years of age. These Remnants arc of the finest and best quality of goods, and can be bad from 50 cents te $1.60 a Suit. I have en hand a Jarge let of LINEN AND CLOTH LINED COLLARS AND CUFF8 for Gentlemen and Youths which I am closing out regardless of cost, te make room rer my new Spring Stock. It will pay dealers te ex amine these goods, there is certainly a great bargain in them. TJEAUY-MADK CLOTHING. MUST BE SOLD. A LARGE STOCK OF READY - MiDE CLOTfllG Fer Men, Beys and Children, AT ROSENSTEIN'S, 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. As I am desirous et closing out my Entire 8teck et Men's, Beys' and Children's CLOTH ING by APRIL FIRST, I have made a Sweep ing Reduction. Ten can certainly never again get such an opportunity te purchase All-Weel, Reliable and Well-Made CLOTHING at such Lew Prices. MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS for 98.00, worth $12.00. MEN'S WORSTED SUITS ler $12.00, worth $22.00. BOYS' ALL-WOOL. SUITS for $5 00, worth $10.00. CIULDREN'SSUITS from $1 up. TiieyffliistBe Sold AS I PROPOSE TO GIVE MY ENTIRE AT TENTION TO THE MERCHANT TAILORING. MERCHANT TAILORING. In this d3pertment you can find the choicest assortment of Fine Imported and American Woolens which I am prepared te make te order at Moderate Prices. Having in my Employ a Firet-Olass Gutter a Perfeet Fit can be Relied Upen. AU Shades of Fine Kerseys and Meltons for SPRING OVERCOATS which I make te order lined throughout with Silk, faced -with Silk and Satin Sleeve Linings for $25. nff 37 K0RTH QUEEN ST. T OCBEB'S U1KB. A 5c Package LOCHERrS DYE WILL COLOR MORE EGGS THAN ANY OTHER DYE IK THE MARKET, Fer sale by CHAS, A. L0CHER, 4 NO. 9 (KAV8T KING STRMBT, T-5T-:?? -r- w jS4--,t. ...:; as . Wfr&i WL iei33i!i3iBSS&?s!B &:: i3SSr3$ MJBDIVAZ.. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Hoesebold Artlelfl for Uulvetsal Family .Use. Eradicates Fer Scarlet and Ty phoid Fevers. Diph theria, Salivation, Ul 1UT A T ADIA cerab'd Sere Threat. lUilJLiiilliiSinall Pox, Measles and all Contagious Diseases. Persons waiting en the sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever bas never been known te spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cure i with it after black vomit hadtakenplace. The worst cases et diphtheria yieiu. uj iu Fevered and Sick Per SMALL POX and PITTING of Small pox PREVENTED.; A member of my family was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was net delirious, was het pitted, and was about tbe house again in three weeks and no ethers had it J. W. Pabkinsex, Philadel phia. DIPHTHERIA sons refreshed and Bed Peres prevented ey Darning wiin Dar by's Fluid. Impure Air m:ule harmless aud purl fled. Fer 8ore Threat It Is a sure ure. Contagion destnyed. Fer Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Piles, Cbaflngs, etc. Rheumatism cured. Seft White Complex ions secured vy its use. Shle Fever prevented PREVENTED. Tbe physicians here Te purify the breath,! Cleanse tne xceiu. it can't be surpassed, use Darby's Fluid very Catarrh relieved and successfully in tbe cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved 1 n stantly. treatment ei vipn theria. A. Steixeh- werck, Greensboro, Aia. Scars prevented Dvsentrv cured. Tetter dried up. Wounds healed rapid uneiera prevented. Ulcers purified and ly Scurvy cured. An Antidote ler Ani mal erYcgetable Put sons. Stings, etc. healed. In cases of Death It should be used about the corpse It will preventany unpleas ant smell. The eminent Physi I used the Fluid dur ing our present at flic-tien with Scarlet Fever with decided advantage. It Is in dispensable te the sick room. Wh. F. cian. J. MARION SIMb, M. D.. New I eik. savs : "I am Sabfesu, Eyrie, Ala. I convinced Prof. Dar by's Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable SCARLET FEVER CURED. disinfectant.' Vakdkrbilt University, Nashville, Tcnn. I testify te the most excellent quaUtits et Darbv's Piephylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is oeth theoretically and practically superior te any pieparatien with, which I am acquainted. N. T. Lurreif, Prof. Chemistry. DARBY'S TLUID IS RECOMMENDED BY Hen. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia Re7. Chab. F. Deeiis, D. D., Church of the Strangers. N. Y. Jes. LeCente, Columbia, Prof., University, S.C. Rev. A. J. Battle. Prof., Mercer University. Rev. Gee. F. Pierce, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used Internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoretigly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it lias done everything here claimed. Fei fuller inform atlen get or your Druggist a pamphlet or send te the proprietors. J n. ZKILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists. PHILADELPHIA. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Jan22-lyeedAw K IDNUY-WOKT. SIGNIFICANT SPBING. A Dissertation upon its advent, and Its effect upon mankind. "The green leaf of the new come SpringS'ShaL. Everybody recognizes spring, when It Is once upon us, but many persons are net fa miliar with the exact date of its appearance. Webster, the world-renowned lexicographer gives us a definition, which may net be inap propriate here. "Spring," says he "Is the season et the year when plants begin te vege tate and rise ; the vernal season, comprehend ing the months et March, April and May, In the middle latitudes north of the equator." Thomsen, in his "Seasons,' and Shakspcare in many of his works, have, perhaps, no peers in describing it, and yet "etherlal spring" is freighted with malaria, "that insidious fee, lurking unseen in the very air we breathe." It spreads ever the fairest portions et our land ; brings death and disease te thousands ; cuts oft scores upon scores et our children and youth, as well as theso In advanced lire. A pestilence Is regarded, with little less appre hension, and reeple everywhere are asking, " what Is It ?" " Whei e dees 1 , come from ? "What will cure it?" Kidney-Wert, as a Spring Medicine. When you begin te lese appetite .have a headache, a pain in your side, back, and shoulders ; te toss about at night In lcstlcss dreams ; wake in the morning with a foul mouth and furred tongue ; feel disinclined te go about veur work, heavy In body and op pressed in mind; bave a fit of the blues, when your urlne gets scanty or high-colored J te Buffer with constipation, diarrheea ; or Indigestion ; have a pasty, sallow face, dull eyes, and a blotched skin ,one or all of these common complaints will certainly be evi dences that your liver is disordered, torpid, or perhaps diseased. A bottle of Kidney Kidney Wert is, under such circumstances, a price less been te such a person. Bare assertions of proprietors have come te possess less force than they frequently merit. The cause of this condition et popular skep ticism is, in the main, te be found in the tact that charlatanism covers our bread land. Meritorious articles are tee frequently found in bad company. Tbe proprietors of Kidney-Wert always prove all their assertions, touching the meiits of their preparations. When we afllrm, there fore, that Kidney-Wert is a specific for just such disorders as have been mentioned in this article, the proof, tee, belongs te and shall, fellow this statement. A Physicians Experience. Dr R. K. Clark, a regular physician of ex tensive practice in Grand Isle County, and a worthy deacon et the Congregational Church, at Seuth Here, Vt., has used Kidney-Wert for several years in his practice, and before the present proprietors purchased an interest in it, he had given his unDiased opinion in its favor. This opinion has net changed. " It has done better than any ether remedy I have ever used," says the Docter, and, further en he writes : "I de net recollect an Instance where the patient te whom I have given It bas failed te receive benefit from its use, and in some severe cases most decidedly se." These are strong words. They are from a representa tive, conscientious, ever-approachable public citizen, however, and better still they are true. Kidney-Wert will bear all the onceniums lavished upon It by Its friends-and their name is legion. " I will swear by Kidney Kidney Wert all the time," writes Mr. J. B. Kaufiman, of Lancaster, Pa. We will supplement this by asserting, as a matter of fact, and one capable of demonstration, tbat all honest patrons of this remedy are its friends and advocates. ml6 lwdeed&w 1DHKT WOKT FOB SALE AT If. if. Cochran's Drug store, 137 and 189 -North Queen street. mar23md GRAY'S SPKCIFIO J1KDIOIKK. TUB Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure ter Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain. In the Back, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases tbat lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. - Full par ticulars In our pamplet, which we desire te send tree by mail te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages ter $5, or will be sent free by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, H.B. Cochran, 137 and 138 North Queen street. On account et oounter eounter oeunter Salts,' we nave adopted tbe Yellow Wrapper: ttteenlygesalM. tttuuantees of cure JssiMd by tm. iw weuiJuuwwnBj e. voearan, ea uvjiara WMsm (-- at MJUUcUraceN.i. : -- VJ ."Irf1 Ji r-MflHMAt'v -s. TC.rv...'&.'3? i aiieBuar tasaa hm v .--TT7rTE;4KsAKJ THE VAtfDEBBILTS. SUMK SPKCJttKNSOrTHKlKSrLENDOK Tbe Last New Dining Boen Unexampled Bf agnlficeece im tbe Hense of Cor Cer Cor Beliea Vanderb.lt. The dining room of the new house of Cernel iaaVanderbi.t will be a marvel of art and handiwork. A correspondent writing of it says : We mast enter the front deer and cress the hall before look ing at tbe dining room, and there the har monious effects of color and the treat -te the sense of sight will make us linger a moment. The deer which has closed be hind us is a glory of glass jewels, studded together with the network of" lead which holds them, forming in arabesque pattern, one of Lafarge's triumphs in stained glass. On the right is a small reception room, the woodwork of unpolished ebony, pan elled eight feet with a mosaic frieze above. A small window in this room cost a fabu leus sum, though it measures only nine inches by twelve. We ascend three oaken steps in tbe hall and find ourselves in the main hall. Oppo Oppe Mte us is tbe solid oak staircase, partially hidden by a reproduction of Uebelin tap estry, for which, it is said, lu. Vandcr bilt paid $30,000. In front of this stands an old marriage chest of black oak and brass. A few old chairs, covered with old Dutch leather, complete tbe furnishing of the ball. A portiere which is te hang at the dining room deer is net yet in in its place, but will bear mentioning. Upen an oaken bar with rings of geld is te hang a precious fabric measuring six by four feet. It is literally a piece of cloth of geld. Te prove that it is a cloth of geld it is only necessary te state that Tiffany & Ce., the jewelers, under the direction of an artist, spun from pure geld a thread which comprises this hanging at a cost of $20,000. Miss Tillinghast, whose work of design and embroidery is at tbe head of that particular art in this country, and possibly in the world, undertook, with her assistants, the embellishment with the needle of this cloth of geld. Worked in J silver mad delicate blue and sea-green metal threads are the scenes of the aeid. Inte the late hours of tbe night were these busy fingers working te accomplish their work at the premised time. If the hours spent upon it were reckoned by the eight hours a-day system, four years and a half would be tbe result shown of the time consumed. This is the way of the nine teenth century in America. If we bave the money we must have what we desire at a moment's notice. Te wait a year is such a. long time ! Passing witbin the deer we find that it is in fact two months ever A year since the decorator and the interior finisher began their work. It is a large oblong room, with a spacious conservatory at the end, which will be filled with raie exotics. At the ether end an arch separates the break fast room from the dining hall. One thing that is the most noticeable is the absence et windows around the room. There is no light except through the glass of the con servatory, and that will be partially ob. scured by a screen et stained glass. This portion of the house is but one story high, and consequently a jeweled glass skylight of immense size forms a large part of the ceiling. The room is high studded, and the woodwork, which is of oak, darkened te give an antique appearance, is panelled with heavy meuldings of hammered brass, making a dado of about five feet around the room. The heavy beams, a feet in thickncs3, intercept each ether en the ceiling, allowing the stained glass skylight te fill the different centre panels. But the delight of any one looking upon this room will he centred upon the panels which constitute the " style " or that space between the walls and the skylight en the ceiling. Here art has triumphed. Four of these panels represent the seasons in bass-relief figures, three quarters life size, and ethers of a classic design. Te attempt te describe thorn will be te fail, but a mere suggestion of autumn may be the foundation of a dream which the writer will vouch cannot equal the reality. Ilere is a partially nude figure, the flesh parts cut from solid ivory and the drapery chiselled from a greenish stone known as serpentine, standing against vines and leaves carved from the solid oak that con stitutes the whole background, with the left hand raised above the bead grasping a heavily carved grape branch, from which hang in clusters of varied hues bunches of grapes carved from mother-of pearl. The right arm is extended, the hand holding a bent circle of inlaid mother-of-pearl and ebony ; the deepening of the flesh tints has been given te the ivory with acids, shading it into the browns and ecru color ing. Hammered brass and cast bronze are also utilized in the hair. Although Mr. Lafarge reaps the praise that new is and ever will be given te these, there is one te whom a great deal of the praise belongs. While be is a great colorist, Mr. Lafarge is, alas ! a peer draughtsman, especially where the human figure is concerned. These panels must have been a failure had net the hand of St. Gaudens medelled them. Within this room there are no ebande ebande liers, but above the skylight a row of gas jets, will cast a mellow light through the stained glass jewels upon tne silver and glass of the table below. The heavy beams of tbe ceiling are inlaid with the Grecian pattern in mother-of-pearl, and the high mantel has an exquisite inlaying of pure silver, ebony, mother-of-pearl, and ivory, forming vases, birds and foliage. The breakfast room is in white and geld, and the ceiling is panelled with places for ten pictures which are new being finished in Mr. Lafaige s studio. It is estimated tbat these rooms will cost $100,000 when finished. The Vanderbllt Ball. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt will seen give a fancy dress ball, some of the arrangements for which are thus ierecast : The Mether Geese quadrille had its last rehearsal at Mrs. Butler Duncan's en Thursday, and its members weie pronounced perfect in all the stately movements and intricate windings of the dance. The ladies pre siding ever some of the ether quadrilles have net been se fortunate in their corps de ballet, and in one case an open insur rection bas occurred among its members, and a determination te substitute the lancers for the quadrille figures has been announced. Of course, as in all great undertakings, there are occasionally troubled waters, upon which no one will pour the tradi tional oil, and blocks in the read requir ing some skill and cleverness te surmount. It is rumored that a heavy cloud has gathered ever Mrs. W. Aster's starry fir mament, and that one of her brightest lights has disappeared en account of the scantiness and transparency of the dress. A disappointment bas also occurred lrem a quarter where it was least expected, from the immortal Werth. The eestumes of a Reman and a Venetian princess, which he bas sent out for Mrs. Vanderbilt and-Lady Mandeville respectively, de net meet with approval, and the'fair mistress of the revels is said te be sd dissatisfied that she proposes to.threw "aside Werth's creation and appear aa etoetrkriitht. mere wm prebaMy bat rawaiateri? tl eharaeurs Vtai il at tMa ball. WKmmm sT'IJXi-JSSsW. "V;: yS: - V ..vr --"-. -i ... jfciAJ .-.. a -- Ur? impersonation of insectf, flowers, bird?, or even animals. Mrs. Buehanan Winthrop is going as peacock, and her costume is said te be extremely fanciful and becom ing. Mrs- Seward Webb will represent a hornet, without its objectionable nest. The dress will be in black and yellow stripes, with gauzy wings. Anether lady with a very small waist, we presume, will represent a wasp, and ethers are 'going as swallows land hummingbirds. The courts of Leuis -XI Y, and XV. will, of course, be largely represented, and hairdressers are in such demand that many ladies will be obliged te rise an hour earlier than usual that their hair may be powdered before breakfast. On the occasion of the great balpeudre at Buckingham palace,a cum ber of aristocratic heads were dressed en the previous day, and a court hairdresser wen undying fame and gratitude by con triving a padded pasteboard arrangement in which the edifice of puffs and cushions was protected from damage while the wearer snatched a few hours' repose. The flower quadrille, about which but little has been heard or said, will preba bly be one of the prettiest, and the roses, heartease, morning glories, and lillies will for once quite outshine Solemon in all his glory. And tbe mention of Solemon very naturally suggests his wealthy neighbor and visitor, the Queen of Sheba, whom Mrs. Frederiek Neilson has elected te pro duce. Her costume will, of course, be regal, and her jewels worthy of the name she assumes. Indeed, the display of diamonds en the occasion of this notable ball will probably be something never before Been in the city. An elderly club man, who has been a ball giver in his day, and who is of mathematical turn of mind, occupied a leisure half hour the ether evening in calculating the amount of money that it will probably cause te change hands. Fifty thousand dollars he estimated would net mere than cover the cost of tbe entertainment, with the money that had been expended in the purchase and hire of cestumesj without, of course, including either lace or jewels. The one item of champagne alone, by Mr. Vander bilt's own calculation, will amount te nearly $2,000. And the contents of his house en the night of the ball, including furniture, pictures, bric-a-brac, and jawels worn by his family and friends, was valued by this veteran calculator at net less than $5,000,000. DKUMOKE DOINGS. Our Regular Fairfield Correspondent. W. Smith Hastings has two English cents, the elder of which was made in 1729, when the geed " Georgius H. Rex" was en the throne. Tbe ether was made during the reign of our old and particular friend, Geerge III, in 1775. Beth speci mens are in geed condition and would be very entertaining if they, like some of our old men, could tell what they have Been. Mere cattle are being fed in this part of the county than have been for years, and some of them are beauties, as we buy geed stock and have some excellent feeders. Mr. James G.MeSparren, of Fairfield, has a let well worthy of mention. But our champion let,in regard te qua!ity,uniform qua!ity,uniferm ity of size and color, and all the ether points going te make up a first class steer having had the best attention, is owned and fed by Mr. Hugh . Leng, near Fuseyville. He bas eighteen of them, and will turn them out against any of that number in the cennty. The commissioners appointed te divide our township into two election districts, met at Drumore Centre last Saturday and agreed upon the division given te the read supervisors. The eastern end will held its elections in tbe tobacco house of Mr. Swarr,near Mechanic's Greve ; the western likely at Hess' mill. . Mrs. Hannah Cook an aged lady of Pleasant Greve, Fulton township, died last week suddenly. Ge te H. U. ceenran's drug store ter Mrs. Freeman's New National Dyes. Fer bright, ness and durability et color, are uneqnaled. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in Eng lish and German. Price. 15 cents. Net tomorrow, but te-day, read tbe adver tisement of Simmons Liver Regulator. Celluloid Eye-Glasses have steed the test, and tbe thousands who new wear them pro nounce them the best. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. m!9-lwdeed E. A. Waltman, Wrlghtsville, Pa., says: "A few doses of Brown's Iren Bitters will satisfy any one of its remedial effects." Fer sale by u. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. ml0-lwdw A Kenevattng Kemeay Is te be found in Bnrdeck Bleed Bitters. As an antidote for sick headache, lemale weak ness, biliousness, indigestion, constipation, and ether diseases et a kindred nature, these bitters are invaluable. Price $1. Fer sale by H. B. Cochi&n, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. We Challenge tbe World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove tbat Shiloh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, In as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one-half the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where tbey tail, it is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10c., 60c and $1.00. If your Lungs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Qneen street. feb7-eedl A Vriend In Need. TIme ever and again Themas' EclectrlcOil has proved a salutary friend te the distressed. As a reliable curative ter croup In children, sere threat and bronchial affections, and as a positive external remedy for pain,. It is a never-falling antidote. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Walnut Lear Hair Kesterer. It Is entirely different from all ethers. It Is as clear as water, and, as its name indicates, Is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer, it will Immediately free the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair te its natural color and pro duce a new growth where It has fallen off. It does net In any manner effect the health, which Sulphur. Sugar of Letd and Nitrate ei bilver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days te a beautiful flossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each ettle is warranted. SMITH, KLINE ft CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL A RUCKEL. New Yerk. jun6-lyLeedw CAMMM-A&MB, JtV. rpHK Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY". EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, BEAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOUBES, LANCASTER, PA. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. AU Werk finished In tne most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material and employ only the beat mechanics. Fer quality of work our prices are tbe cheapest in tbe state. We buy for cash and sell en tbe most reasonable terms. Give us a call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ler" that-pur-peee.- r p9tttacw riwre ir SMALL v E.HATAVA .'l-cbrars. clear Hav ,fiirreta.;at , rHAKTMAVHTBi MUttAit WX .." fc -. . MM r iji "Xt JiZttVfr&zrssSZ - ;JSA irw.'st.vjr! 1. "i-Ti- .- aULNMULlMS MAVAMA, I band masnlletB.erS'ata,7Bt I Jraeket8awa.SLML ATJO. r, JCXOlOnLVf ... AowvaemxuiAK I - - - -, -a ;.- , m wei iav Qn miit KaBTLvr- . iiiVVxl pm-- A-l-WJ-a-.. iW - - - - & aa3gayW&5a3iPPBg fc!re!MP""AF!!B 4MF '- ss- r?S2B3S J- vsiii2.Mc!se&i 'jl.- -sttf j"' '-rw-p-'i, ' ,, v -s -'ssr; VrfTi T rWiWfll 1 SI Willi Ml IhlWI I I I ll h IWI I I Jfci' .- -. -Vi.ViA' Hear what one Hkeuber of tne yiftla testifies regarding the scMatiae prepara tion -of a brother member. Mb. Da wlkt has been In the drug business in the city et Providence twenty-nve years as clerk and proprietor In geed standing, and knows whereof be affirms. Ed. Mr. D. says: "Fer many years! have suffer ed, intensely at times, with, what Is generally called rheumatism. When first attacked I was confined te my bed and could net walk a step. I could net bear tbe weight of the bed-clothes se excruciating was the agony I endured. I always noticed that before these attacks came en my kidneys .were affected ; before there would be any pain in my limbs or any swell ing of Joints or limbs, the color of the secre tions from the kidneys would be very dark and tbe odor strong and feverish. The last attaek was very severe, about five years age, and I was confined te the house several weeks and was unable te attend te business In three months. During the time I was confined at home and the time of my convalescence I employed four of the best doctors tbat I could obtain, but none et them gave me per manent relief, for they did net go te work at the cause of the trouble. Having been ac quainted with the proprietor of Hunt's Rem edy a long time I was Induced by him te give It trial, hoping that it might reach the seat of J the disease : and after taking one bottle I found myself very much improved, and after taking the second I was feeling better than I had after any previous attacks. During many months previous te taklnir the Remedy my hands and fingers would be much swollen and stiff every morning ; my left side. In the region of stomach and spleen, was very lame and sensitive ; at times I would be taken with severe cramps ever the spleen, and be obliged te apply mustard or cayenne for temporary relief ; I was very norvens nights and could net sleep ; I was obliged te be very particular in my diet, and my physl al system was sadly demoralized. Since I have taken Hunt's Rem edy systematically all these things have changed ; I have no swollen hands or limbs, no pains or cramps in tne side, can eat all kinds et feed, sleep soundly and get thor oughly rested, and my kidneys are active and perform their functions promptly, thus taking out et the system all the poisonous secretions which contaminate the whole system where the kidneys de net act efficiently. My friend e, what Hnnt's Remedy has dene for me It will oe for allot you. I believe it te be the only sure cure terall diseases of the Ktdneys, Liver, and Uiinary organs. Respectfully. E. R. DAWLET. ml6-MW&F Oi Bread St." HUNT'S SEMbDI FOK SALE AT H. K Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. mar2-3md VLOTUWH. We keep net only fine cloth ing, but also tough things te knock about in, geed working suits and goods for roughing it, suitable for the sportsman. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & ftxlh Sts. PHILADELPHIA. mae-lwd papxm njunmraB, jte. -prlABES W. f BY. We have opened te-day another CHOICE LINE OF LACE CURTAINS Three, thrce-and-a-half and four yards long in Swiss, Nottingham. Applequln, &c. LAC E LAMBREQUINS. SHAMS, TIDIES and BED SETS. Brass, Ash, Ebony and Walnut Cur tain Poles, Bands, Leeps, Heeks, &e. Cornice, in variety te fit any Window. Forty Different Patterns et DADO WINDOW SHADES, in new colors, 6 and 7 feet long. NICKLE ORNAMENTS, LOOPS, FRINGES, Ac AN ELEGANT LINE OF Wall Papers, Of every description, in Gilts, Grounded and Common Papers, Borders, Centres, Ac. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 67 North Queen Street. LANCASTER. PA. OOAlm B EABT1H, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds Of LUMBER AND COAL. Jkvrard: Ne. 430 North Water and Frtnee treets above Lemen Lancaster. as-lyd MANCKK AHO GOAL. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herse Ma nure by tbe car lead at reduced prices. All the BEST GRADES OF COAL, Beth for Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by the barrel. HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Yard 315 Harrisburg Pike. Gsxzbai. Omcx 20 East Chestnut street. Kauffinan, Keller & Oe. apri-lyd pOAL. M. V. B. COHO, 330 XOMTH. WATMU BX Immhmv, 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. QgMiaaw With the TelevbaaleateeBaav Yard and Office: Ha 3M NORTH W ATE 8TRJCKT. .jsMMyA THAlfOfl AHO a-OKHlTU; X at short notice. Alse, dealer andantkiue Fnrntture. Stevami jfraeket8ain.LM. aug. f. joane: -& .;,? "ljwih i yr s M9MA, -.j;Hysvfr ,- nBOWHI IKON WTT! - a Kiel? - tses? a& " - -SLllSsi . tv-iiir'': 1w-.i,v:i NewLiffJl .X.rErv --g4j.T VP UftV Zgg&r.' -Mm ima. wSS" . . ,. - -kfr?fc a-?vv?fi-'i is given ey using enwii um isgg-5f ters. In the Winter it and warms the system ; te tki9jftig0; it enriches the bleed and temvmn.tmiP'L. ease ; in the Summer it givw teimtf tne nerves ana ana aigasuv ;V:-3m in the Fall it enables the 35? stand the shock of sudden sat: VSEK-1 In no way can disease be te Mirl prevented as by keeping the tjmm 1mlM& "1 perfect condition. Brown's Ixesr'BilHS ters ensures perfect health OatmkJ tee changing seasons, it nHsraaf tUt'.rfU danger from impure water nil miisji, . matie air, and it prevents- lien. Eidnev anti Liver DImsss ateu-'iASi'jl - '-yr5?: - ..ssrs B. 8. Berlin, Esq., of Um Mffi&5t known firm of H. 8. Berlin A Cfip. Attorneys, Le Droit BniWiag, Wssfcsl ingtea, D. C, writes, Dee. 5th, 1881' ntntUt,.,tl,nM...l O . 1 .t-r- !V--: DtOUU fcUaiilWVO UBVUaViVWaV, J K&?5 WWU .Ulbwia 1UC IMSaiTlH SSM xi3? . nervous troubles, cuted W0$vj5Jj overwork, suits. with excellent re- - t T7.;.-j Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iren Bitters, and insist eb1 having it. Don't be imposed 0 wish .' r jziite- something recemmended as "jvstt geed." The genuine is mads only sysFJN$j the Brown Chemical Ce., BaKhsectv. I-. S "" "iS Fer sale wholesale and retail by B.B, COCK- RAN, Druggist, 137 and 130 Nerta aireei, .uuncaswjr. mie ivaaav Yvy -rv$t. n rypnTUKKiA. DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANGS WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Ellei This wonderful remedy has many, many children who wen almost dead with "IV'.Tm -r- i xi $m 1 jiririi.nfifijssE ir?i S. Henry Wilsen, Lawrence, s&l "The sunreens pronounced mv thria and decided that no imiiaill reach It. Perry Dt.vis'8 Pain lUIteMTSASsjns Llbeeus Leach, Nashua, N. H., says : mllmAM Tiainrar-a ceiic uia eidliuiiq marm szhk r- unter's ceiic ana at B very severely. Pain . ...jc . :- a. v leraroTeBeatawBr, ; DRUGGISTS ml-lmd&w ALL KEEP IT. MAILMUJLDB. rwmm GREAT 1T . ' mm Tl t j. TI- iLm mi ri hilt (j 11 1 rcniiTp - jj iu uum wvu ASTV aSiwamb- CsJcags, BarllagtM Qai-qr sV"-, rfcfeaM. KarHavtaa A ffcalamr Ml mMifJ " .?88m PRINCIPAL IiINS3 &? AND OLD'FAVOKITS VBOat &fe 3 aift: . -v "'. nnin a en atj bvavt sts TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALUKMM)ti " ' The SHORTEST, QDlCXXBTl te St. Jeseph,- AtchlBsen, Dallas, Galveston, and all petals la Iwjs i-i brassm, Missouri, sinsss, new MtMtMt'MBtf . sons, Mentana ana Texas. , TWV"' Tms route naa he superior Minneapolis and St. PauL as being-the GREAT THROUGH GAK : TJnlversaUy oenceded ts 1 KeniPPED Saflread la tha classes et travel. - ?fe All connections made In Cnlem jvi,j rsj Try It and yen will and Instead of a discomfort Through tickets via this "?&&!&& sale at aU offices la tae U.S. sad AU lnf ormatlea abeat rates of Cars,et&, c&eerfnllygtramsy General Passenger Acsat, .. SdVleeFrs.Gea. drOHHQ.A.BXAIf, 817 Broadway, Naw Yi mavls-lvdJiw MAX AND CAT. TT ATS, CAPS AXD WV. m&& uaiB. jstjb ana mn. z e'r$? z juea bxdS nas pmrcsssM et Hats, Caps and Furs laWrjt flrm et Snaltc a Brofuateai new eaers them for sale.nl ale, at jreaUy redueed pnsss Hat Stere of the late arat at Special ladneemeats oOSneVla cnaats. Mr.Wdeswui eea ness and eeastaaUy keep and beat strlea. ffir nssi and Wm. Bhult. of the tats Brew, wae an BTPsrleaeea l f "TW ' . v'--i - inuN WwAAaT X f J-? "f- -!,.' isHfirisasai iyi K&.-&M SB!S:--3 ? STit. -r&W'VtttsJZsSi:,-'''' j. -5?jiSfJSSr' iiV-tf'-,j. t"j- ifrW---a f J .-sa ' ViSsL '- -.T5. T"- '-r- -fc- B1?T- JmL- J SJaw"fe riia a "laikv (waiiggff ,CasaSStaV-'' rsfllBL'''. 3 WWaamtaataar ''?.' s ww aaaaaassavsvsswa sassv ri3 !'":.' FiuffiJCI . .at.? &srJI -SwS? Xitsn'A :isr. Jrra $$ Vfj .ai 'Hi H' B3-. c rf&i j- -swi' 'S" --S3 - j3 - 3L( fj 'ym BSE S fcr?u -J& -!arT" &iCrl aSi--'J-3'A iKtt?.- s' i H3 .- 1i.Tt