"e.kuttijul 5'jer jjrjci&wj,- sxras. -t-x -"v? jsj.? i,rc' - t - 4 T-nlT-SiS 12ri3r" 7.- ?ts8' &&" " T--S at ErA" ESS - 1 rr EZS: pa 83" miVeVF S r- lfe jj. ; av. Yelame XIXNc 168. LANCASTER, PA. SATUKDAY. MATSCH 17, 1883. MM TM OBsfKfcSS " -iri !mmmmmi5'S;B5 trf'-wrSt 2Tb? v.r''OsK JKKSBStTORl j3?w5 vTct vHirr-29lrT'aL2f"i7, -.i B-l , ivfl T .c - pHIBVfrimjB-s - &rtTff MB J"misssVmissW-frmB3mWS?0P asssilllH mB lmisWAwB 1 J r wv 'w m1- "" rr ftrf- "7 R- s. I- i lb t- I' Ihft r L c P lv ft If 17 i- It Us .. 68 j ... rii - . Slfl iv3&a. &B-Avf -sEas "&ss.r - .. -?;.t i CLOiaisa. C J.KKI8HAM. u Neckties, Silk Handkerchlels, Silk and Cash mere Mufflers. Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Underwear, far Bprlnsr Tep Glevea, Caster Gloves.ColJara,Cnff8, Suspenders, Pocket Beeks. Card Cases. Jules' Satchels. Pbe- tegrapb and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scan Fins, Sleeve Buttens, Ac. DONT KAIL 10 SEE THE GUANO DIS PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, SO. SC NORTH QUEEN STBEKT, O H. UATHVOS. " OVERCOATS, Dress Suits, Easiness Suits, Pantaloons, Waistcoats, In desirable winter materials, mode prompt ly te order ler men and boys, at bottom prices ler tlie next two months, at 8. 8. RATHVOFS Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., J23-luieed L,ANCASTEIi,FA. H. nEKHAKT. Special Mice! 1 hereby netity my tiicnds and patiens that 1 have j ust received a large nssortment'et me dium weight suiting ter tl.e EAULYSPIUNG TKADE. Alse, a Choice Stock of SPUING OVER COATING el the Newest Shades. I have also new ready sample cards of my Foreign Importation for the SPRING TRADE, and anyone dc-jlreus of securing Cheke Styles cm de se new. All Heavy Weight SUITING and OVER COATING will be in ide up te order until 1 he 17th of MARCH at Cost Price. H- GERHART, TAILOR, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. E UAJIY-MADK CLOlHING. MUST BE SOLD. A LARGE STOCK OP BEADY -MaBE CLOTHING Fer Men, Heys and Children, AT ROSENSTEIN'S, 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. As I am desii mis of closing out my Kntiie Stock of Men's, Reys' and Children's CLOTH ING by APRIL FIRST, I have made a Sweep ing Reduction. Yeu can certainly never again gctsuc'jaii opportunity te purchase All-Weel, Keliable ami Well-Made CLOTHING i.t such Lew Prices. MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS for $6 CO, worth $12.00. MEN'S WORSTEL SUITS ler $12.03, worth $22.01). BOYS' ALL-WOOL SUITS for $5 00, worth $10 CO. CHILDREN'S SUITS from $1 up. They Must Be Sold AS I PROPOSE TO GIVE MY ENTIRE AT TENTION TO THE MERCHANT TAILORING. MBROHAJST TAILORING. In this d ipartment you can tlnd the choicest assortment or Fine Imported and American Woolens which I am prepared te make te order at Moderate Prices. Having in my Employ a Firet-Clasa Cutter a Perfect Fit ean be Relied Upen. All Shades of Fine Kerseys and Meltons for SPRING OVERCOATS which I make le order lined throughout with Silk, laced with Silk and Satin Sleeve Linings for $2. 37 K0RTH QUEEN ST. "VruiiCK -XV 1KKMASS15K3 AVI) OUN- J.1 NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any or the lands et the Corn wall or J-peedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclesed, or un un lnclesed, cither ter the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands el the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWAKD C..FBEEMAN, Attorney for K. W. Celeman's Uelr-. Ol6-tfdftw T OCBKB'S rYfcS. A 5c, Package LOCHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE EGGS THAN ANY OTHER DYE IN THE MARKET. Fer sale by CHAS. A. LOCHER, . , MO. O fMAST ZING STRMT, LAXCABTUt, PA. V -)-. u-., jC . .- C-wi i u.. .-. -. . Mm siWLSa5sftsfc5tASs?ti rXOTUATO c. P.B nOSTKTWCB ft SON. B! I! A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING NOW READY FOR SPRING WEAR, AND MADE IN THE LATEST STYLES. A lew SPECIAL LOTS Of Black Cassimere and Worsted Suits, Fer Youths and Bey9, Miltable ler Confirma tion Snit, ami ranging in price FROM $8.00 TO $12.00. THE Merchant Tailoring Department la filled with the LATEST STYLKS and you are sure te be satisfied if you glve us a trial. 0 B. leslBtter 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. R i:l)V FOIt Sl'KING. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF IN THE CITY. NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES : MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS At $1.1 0, $5 00, $0.00, $8.00, $12.00 up te $18 0C. BOY'S SUITS At $2(0, $3 00, 11.50, up te 39 00. CHILDREN'S SUITS At 11.75, $2 00, $3.00, $1.00, up te $0.00. MER0HANTTA1L0RING. We have a vei v Large and Select Assort ment et Goods in the PIECE, and make them te order at the most astonishingly LOW PRICES. 3 f EN'S SUITS TO ORDER. At $12.0.1, $14.00, $10.00. $18 CO, up te $23 and $30. In our windows we have marknd in plain figures KO pairs of pants, in dillerent styles, which w c make te order ti mil $3 00 te $9 09. A long statement of l.iets, or an elaborate line of argument, isnet nciessaiy te convince these who inspect our splendid line et Cloth ing and Piece Hoedi, and leain the exceed ingly LOW PRICES at which we arc spiling goedsandth.it we ere effeilng extraordinary bargains In eery kind of garments AT L. Gansman & Bre., (5-(J8 MKTH 0UEEN STREET, Right en tlie Southwest Cerner et Oranne si LANCASTER. PA. ff-The cheapest and most reliable Clothing ManutjcUuiiig Heuse In tht city. w ILLIAMSON Sc FOSTER. SPRING OVERCOATS AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. The NEW LIGHT-WEIGHT OVERCOAT ler the SPRING is worn shorter than last sea son's. We have a complete stock el the very latest Fashions of tha indispensable garment, ler as the days get wanner the WINTER OVERCOAT becomes burdensome, and we feel the necessity of a mere suitable garment than a heavy Beaver. We arc prepared te meet this want and can supply you with a geed, lesptctahle SPUING OVERCOAT ier the MODERATE PRICE et 7, or a HAND SOME SILK-LINED FULL DRESS LIGHT WEIGHT OVERCOAT made of IMPORTED FACK1CS. guaranteed te FIT and WORK MANsniP equal te the llnest emtem made urS28. Our assortment of SPUING SUITS for the CHILDREN thlssea-onaresupciini Inqua'Ity, pi ice and excellent Uste In finish than upon any former ec asien. Our iCta of placing this Department sep irate from all ethers has met with decided favor, and oursteek of CHIL DREN'S SUITS this season is larger than heretofore. We have 50 CHILDREN'S SUITS, a litfc out of style, made or line imported Fabiie, that lermerly sold at 88 and 812 a suit Te have a clean stock, we will bell this lit tle Let at S3 a suit- Alse 19 SUITS for BOYS, who wtar LONG PANT?, 8 te 12 years of age, former Piice 4(10 te 814 We will sell them lei;$5 a Suit. Tim is an unexpected otler se don't neglect it, as there are but a ltw of them. Sole Agents for DUNLAP'S FInE HATS NECKWEAUinalltheNEWSPRINGSTVLES at the Lewest Prices. 43-BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT will open first week in APRIL. liaison & Fester, Nes. 34,36 &38 E. King St , LANCASTER PA WAX.. B. K. HABT1K, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds or LUMBER AND COAL. 49-fard: Ne. 420 North Water and P i-c treets above Lemen Lancaster. u t- yd MANUKK AND CIMI,. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herse Ma nure by the carload at reduced prices. All the BEST GRADES OF COAL, Beth for Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by tuts barre". HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Yard 315 Harrlsburg Pike. Gkkerax. Office 20if East Chestnut street. Kauflman, Keller & Ce. aprl-lyd c (OAL. M. V. B. CO HO. 9SO NOHTM WATJSR KT., Lancaster, tu. . Wholesale ami Ketall Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. UoBMCtteB With the areleptaenJcKxctiHn.tr, Yard and Office Ne MO NORTH WATE, )T&KKT iebV-lril neB, sprn irilkCW? TtEHKMBlSK THIS. IF YOU ARE SICK. It7eu are sick. HOP BITTERS Will surely aid Nature In making yen weU . again when all else falls. it you are comparatively well, but feel the neel et a grand tonic and stim ulant, never rest easy till yen are made a new being by the use et HOP BITTERS. If yen are costive or dyspeptic, or are sufleiing from any ether et the nnmer eus diseases et the stomach or bowels, it isyourewn fault It yen remain 111, for HOP BITTERS are the sovereign remedy in all such complaints. It you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, step tempting Death this moment, and tnrnlera cure te HOP BITTERS. if yen are-sick with that terrible sick ness Nervousness, yen will find a "Balm in GUead" In the use et HOP BITTERS. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a. miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge et all coun ceun triesmalarial, epidemic, bilious, and intermittent levers by the use of BOP BITTER& If yen have rough, plmply.er swallow skin, i ad breath, pains and aches, and leel miserable generally, HOP BITTERS will give you lair skin, rich bleed, the sweetest breath, health, and comfort. In fhert, they cure ALL Diseases el the Stomach, Bowels, BIoe , Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, etc., and 8500 will be paid for u case they will net cure or help, or for anything impure or In jurious ieund in them. That peer, bedridden, lnvali I wife, sister, mother, or daughter, ean be made the nicture of health by a few bottles et Hep Bitters, cestingbut a trifle. Will you let them Buffer ? Cleanse. Fnrify and Enrich the Bleed with Hep Bitters, And you will have no sickness or sutTerlng or doctor's bills te pay. ml3-TuTh&S HOP MITTEKS FOK 8LK AT II. II Cochran's Drug Stere, 187 and 139 North Queen street. mar2-3md TAKKER'S G1NUEII TOHlC. EVERY MAN HIS OWN BOSS. Hew te Promote Personal Power A Mew Radical Reformer. " There is no prevision in the Divine econ omy ter political bosses !" With a bang or his fist, and in the voice of a man who had made up his mind en the sub ject, Rev. James Chambers, et Calvary Pies bytcrlan church, Harlam, recently opened his sermon with this announcement. He was right. The only boss authorized by the Boek Is mentioned in these words : "He who rnleth his own spirit is greater than he who taketh a city." Commonly, the better side et men is subject te the despotism et the werce side Bait pas sions, bad humors, mean jealousies and base revenge are nil bosses. One et the weist bosses is bi!e. What is most depressing in philosophical or theological thought is due te it. Old Gencial Debility Is another tyrannical boss He lashes men who arc naturally geed until they become unnaturally bad or misera bly weaK. Concerning his deliverance from this bond age, Rev S. P. Lewes, pastor et the Eighth Street Baptist church, St. Leuis, Me., wiitcs: ' I was suffering from exhaustion and general debility. As an invigerant 1 used Parker's Gineer Tonic. I never met with anything se etlective. It Is an elegant family medicine. I take a bottle in my valise when I go en mv annual vacations." Parbxr's GinokbTehio neither intoxicates nor promotes a desire for strong (IrinKs. 2 he most jironeunccd temperance jjeeplc use and jtraise it for this reason alone. It cures Malarial Fevers, Consumption, Rheumatism and all Diseases of the liloed. Alse weaknesses pecu liar te women. Its action is prompt and per vasive. Test it once, and you will adept it as a home lcmedy. Price 50 cents and $1 a bottle. ltiscex & co , i e., ciicmtsts, New l eik mnrl-lyw,eew&dS HOXVS. c UCNWAI.I. LEHANON It. It. GO. & Railroad Company. 5 PER CENT. BONDS. FREE OP TAXES. THE CORNWALL & LEBANON RAIL ROAD COMPANY will receive bids, at par. and accrued interest from January 1, 18S3. Fer 5 per cent. Registered Bends, redeemable after July 1, 1892, and payable July 1, 1902, interest payable January 1 and July 1 et each year at the efiicc et the Company. 49The entire amount et BONDS te be Issued is $150,000, Secured by a First Mortgage en the Read, Rolling Stocks Depots, Property and Franchises of the said Corporation, Kxecutcd and delivered te William A. Hubcr and Jacob H. Kcdseckcr, Trustees, and duly recorded. THE BONDS Wlllbeis3UOil in amounts et .$100. $500, and $1,000, As subscribers may prefer. Apply te HUGH B. MAXWELL. Secretary and Treasurer, Cornwall. Pa. Or at the Lebanon Dime Saving Bank. Leba non. Pa. mlO-4wdW&S4tw CAJtBXAIiJSS, 4tV. rywK Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, BEAR OF CENTRAL MARKET BOUSES, LANCASTER, PA. We make every style Bugey and Carriage desired. All Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality et work our prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give ns a call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ler that pur pose. n26-tldftw PIANOS AMU KUBNITUKK BKMOVE0 at short notice. Alse, dealer In second hand and antique Furniture, Steves and BracketBws,aij8l AUG. F.KKINOKHL... " . ' 99ft Werth Onnan itiwiL dll-SMdAboTtte;BTerUwni Market.) Cornwall Lebanon ,v,& ji:cz ufuA- HIS LAST COURT. A PATHETIC AKKaHSAS TALE. A Case of Father and Daughter Appealed te a Higher Cear t Tne JBecalt of a Decision Out or Court Arkansas Traveller. Old Judge Grepsen, a. justice of the peace, was never known te smile. He came t6 Arkansas years age, 'before the "carpet baggers" began their sway, and year after year, by the will of the voters, he held his place as magistrate. The lawyers who practiced in his court never joked with him, because every one seen learned that the old man never engaged iu levity. Every morning, no matter hew bad the weather might be, the old man took his place behind the bar which, with his own hands, he i had made, and every evening, just at a certain time he closed his books and went home. Ne one ever engaged him in private conversation, because he would talk te no one. Ne one ever went te his hemp, a little cottage among the tress iu tba city's outskirts, because he had never shown a disposition te make welcome the visits of these who even lived in the im mediate vicinity. His office was net given him through the influence of "electioneer ing," because he never asked any man for his vote. He was first elected because, havieg been summoned in a case of arbi tration, he exhibited the executive side of such a legal mind that the people neminat ed and-elected him. He eoen gained the name of the "Hard Justice," and every lawyer in Arkansas referred te nis decis ions. His ruling were never reversed by the higher courts. He showed no senti ment in decision. He steed upon the platform of a law which he had raade a study, and no man disputed him. evcral days age a woman charged with misdemeanor was arraigned before htm. "The old man seems mere than ever unsteady," remarked a lawyer as the magistrate took his seat. "I don't see hew a man se old can stand the vexations of a court much longer." "I am net well te-day, ", said the judge turning te the lawyers, ' " and auy cases that you may have you will please dispatch them te the best, and, let-me add, te the quickest of your ability," JSvery one saw that tm en man was unusually feeble, and no one thought of a scheme te prolong a discussion, for all the Iawyeis had learned te almost reverence him. "Is this the woman?" asked the judge, " Who is defending her ?" "I have no delense, your honor," the woman replied. " In fact, I de net think that I need any, ler I am here te confess my guilt. Ne man can defend me," and she looked at the magistrate with a curi eus gaze. I have been aricsted en a charge of disturbing the peace, and I am willing te submit my case. I am dying of consumption, judge, and 'I knew that any ruling made by the law can have but little effect en me ;" and she coughed a hollow, vacant cough, and drew around her an old black shawl that she were. The cxpres sien en the face of the magistrate remained unchanged, but his eyelids dropped, and he did net raise them when the woman continued : " As I say, no man can defend me. I am tee near that awful approach, te pass which we knew is everlasting death te soul and te body. Years age I was a child of brightest premise. I lived with my parents in Kentucky. Waywaid aud light hearted, I was the admired of all the gay society known in our neighborhood. A man came and professed his love for me. I don't say this, judge, te excite your sympathy. I have many and mauy a time been drawn oelero courts, but 1 never be fore spoken of my past life." She coughed again aud caught a flew of bleed en a haudkercbief which sbe pressed te her lips. " I speak of it new because I knew that this is the last court ou earth before which I will be arraigned. I was 15 years old when I fell in Jove with the mau. My father baid he was bad, but I loved him. He came again and again, anil when my father said he should come no mere I ran away and married him. My father said I should never come home again. I had always been his pride 'and had loved him se dearly, but he said I must never again come te his home, my Jieme, the home of my youth and happiness. Hew I longed te see him. Hew I yearned te put my head en his breast. Al y husband became addicted te drink. I e abused me. I wrote te my father, at king him te let me corne home, but the answer that came was ' I de net knew feu 1' My husband died. Homeless and ' rretched, and with my little boy, I went -out into the world. My child died aud I; bowed down aud wept ever a pauper's grave. I wrote te my father again, but be answered : ' I knew net theso who disobey my com mandments.' I turned away from that letter hardened. I embiaced sin. 1 rushed madly into vice. I spumed my teachings. I was time and time again ar rested. New I am here." Several law years rnshed forward. A crimson tide flowed from her lips. They leaned her lifeless head back against a chair. The old magistrate' had net raised his eyes " Great Ged !" said a lawyer, " s'ae is dead." The woman was his daughter. MSW8 NOTES. Condensed Frem the Herning Malls. Cera Barker, a Lynn (Mass ) Tailored, has sued J. C. Phillips, a son of Ebuti Phillips, the millionaire, for 820,000 for breach of premise. Ex President Daiz and party arrived at St. Leuis yesterday and were cordially welcomed by the municipal and mercan tile authorities. F. Tayler & Ce.'s paper mill, at Seuth Hadley, Mass., was burned en Fiiday, with a large amount of. raw stock and ether material. Less, $15,000. Rebert Jenkins, a sewing machine agent at Chattanooga Tenn.. committed suicide by sheeting himself. He was short in his accounts. The Cbapin paper and pulp company, at Springfield, Mass., has filed a petition in insolvency. The liabilities are reported between $25,000 and $30,000, It is reported at Nashville, Tenn., ,and generally believed, that the attemejs of ex-State Treasurer Polk had made a preposition for the full settlemnt of his deficit te the state. Hnlda Schmul, the missing emigrant girl who was a passenger en the ill-fated Cimbria, has been found, married te Gus Gus taeo Beeck, a fellow passenger en the lest steamer. A fire at Wabash-, Minn., caused by spontaneous combustion, destroyed the warehouse of the Wabash elevator com pany, containing 8,000 bushels wheat, and damaged the Herald printing office and the general store of Lucius Eehn. Total les., $21,000. In the suit of Matthew F. Neville, at New Yerk, against Messrs. Hitchcock & Darling proprietors of the Fifth Avenue hotel, for $50,000 damages, for ejecting him from -that hestchy, was ended in the court of common pleas by a verdict of $220 for the plaintiff. , A fire originating in Rehn Ss Tanne baum!a clothing store, at Bloomington Ind., destroyed that Wilding and also the following : Shoemaker's drag atom : Cela, oeoaMSttuoBary: jt'ertue, ftoeta and shoes; Jesh Hewey, jewelry; the Ameri can express office, and Jehn Graham's real estate office. Total less, $75,000. The president has, suspended Judge WitoertS.. Hoever, associate justice of the supreme court of Arizona, pending an investigation by the department of justice of charges preferred against him of cor rupt practices in accepting bribes. Jndge Hoever is well known from his connection with the Dicksen Star Reute bribery eases. In Trey, N. Y., Sarah A. Dann, daugh ter of James Dann, attempted te kill her father by administering poison te him. She bought a quantity of strychnine which he placed in a cup of tea intended for her father te drink at breakfast. Mr. Dann's suspicion were aroused by the bitter taste and appearance of the bever age, and, upon being questioned, the woman admitted her guilt. Ne cause is assigned for the act. A - fire in the mining town of Ferest City, Cal., started below Scullen's hotel, and spread se rapidly that in a very short time all the business houses were ablaze. A strong easterly breeze was blowing. E. Miller, a hotel keeper, was burned te death in Huntzen's store. The losses run in'te the hundred thousands, but are heav ily covered by insurance. Only a few dwellings are left. At last accounts des perate efforts were being made te save the Bald Mountain works. SIL.YKK-MOCNT1CO PRIZE FIGHT. Twe iteu&hs Battling In a Gentleman's Battling In ratier. An Alteena special says : A most re markable prize.fight'toek place in the par ler of a private residence about three miles beyond here. The place where the fight came off is owned by Colonel Rehme, a gentleman who is very wealthy. The parlor fleer was covered with an elegant Brussels carpet, and the walls were hung with handsome pictures. In the centre of the room, a very large one, a twenty-feet ring was marked out with chalk en the carpet, and en the top of this chalk mark silversand was spread. . In a room adjoin adjein inp this all kinds of liquors could be had. About fifty persons were in attendance. At fifteen minutes east 1 o'clock the principals in the fight, Pat O'Neil of Pittsburgh, and Kehne, of Philadelphia, came into the parlor. They both were trunks and long stockings. Before begin ning hostilities Colonel Rehmo offered a present of $50 in geld te the winner. Thirty-six rounds were hotly contested. In the thirty-third round Kehne knocked O'Neil down and split his left ear. The next three rounds were fought desperately and virtually ended the fiht in favor of the Pittsburgh pugilist. Kehne failed te score for the thirty-seventh round. The right was for $100 a side, and about $300 chanced hands between the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia men in attendance. A FATAL U4SK OF SUFFOUATION. Aletber aud Sen Suffocated by Kscap'ng Ceal Gas. In Hamilton, Ont., a series of miner mis fortunes te Alexander Allan and family was crowned la&t night by a sad calamity. On Monday Al lan's eldest son, Jehn, aged fifteen, was caught in the machinery of the Untane cotton mills and next day the father had an arm fractured. Yesterday morning the daughter, Lydia, aged thir teen, upon catering the room in which her father, mother and brother slept found the two latter dead and the former gasp ing for beatli. A suffocating smell of coal gas pervaded the room, and it was seen learned that the deaths were due te asphyxia from gas escaping from a base burning stove iu a small unventi'a ted room Mrs. Allan was found sitting beside the body of her son. She had net gene te bed, but remained up te attend te the wants of her disabled son. Three small children, besides Lydia, slept up stairs and escaped uninjured, though they complained of pains in tbe head and stom ach befere reaching fresh air. The father is still unconscious, but may recover. The latest news from Africa H that the Zulu King has the croup ; this news is doubted by many, butnetwithstanding, the friends or the Rtng have sent him a case of Dr. Bull's Cough syrup and consequently knew his cuie Is cer tain. Celluloid Eye Glass frames representing tLc choicest selections of tortelse-snell and amber are last becoming the meat popular. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Optici ua ml2-lwdeei Net te morrow, but te-day, read the adver tisement of Simmons Liver Regulator. Incredible. F. A. Scratch, druggist, Ruthven, Ont., writes : " 1 have the greatest confidence in venr Burdock Bleed Bittern. In one case with which I am personally acqntinted their suc cess was almost incretlible. One lady told me that halt a bett:c did her mere geed than hun dreds of dollars' worth et medicine she had pi evleusly taken." Price $1. Fer sale by II. ll. Cochran, druggist, 137 anil 139 North Queen street. L. Weitzel. Wilghtsvllle, Pa., says: "Brown's Iren Hitters is giving relief te many suff'-rlng invalids in this partet the country." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, dru;;gM, 137 and 139 North Queen street. ml-lwd&w We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shlleh's (onsumetion Cure Is decidedly the bpst Lung Medicine made, In as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the lime and relieve Asth ma. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than all ether". It will euro where they tail, it Is plcasaht te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10a, 50c and $1.00. If our Lnngs arc sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Qneen street. feb7-cedl Unrivalled As being a certain enre for the worst forms of dyspepsia, indigcstion,censtipation, impurity et bleed, torpid liver, disordered kidneys, etc., and as a medicine ler eradicating every species el humor, from an ordinary pimpk) te the worst ulcer. Burdock Bleed Bitters stands unrivaled. Price SI. Fer sale bv II. B. Coch ran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Walnut Lear Hair Kesterer. It Is entirely different from all ethers. It is as clear as water, and, as its name Indicates, is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will immediately free the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair te Its natural color and pro duce a new growth where It has fallen off. It does net In any manner off ect the health, which Sulphur. Sugar of Lead and Nitrate ei Silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days te a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle Is warranted. SMITH, KLINE & CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL A RUCKEL. New Yerk. Jun6-lyd.eedAw MATS AJiD CAM'S. TT ATS, CAPS AND FURS, Hats, Caps and Furs. JOHN SIDES has purchased the entire stecsr of Hats, Caps and Purs lately belonging te the firm et Sbultz & Bre., fashionable lwtters. and new offers them ler sale, retail and whole sale, at greatly reduced prices at Nes. 31 and 33 NORTH QUEEN ST., the well-established Hat Stere of the late firm et Shnltz ft Bre. Special inducements offered te country mer chants. Mr. Sides will continue the Hat busi ness and constantly keep en band the latest and best styles. He has employed Henry A. and Wm. Shultz. of the late firm etfihuUX & Bre., who are experienced natters. JOHN SIDES, .; (SUCCESSOR TO EHULTZ MO-)- .. tr "" i S w -" . -. . Lt Ir'JZ Jlrf.- WS3MASftAa5gSSA. & MUUUCAI TDKOWN-S IRON BITTERS. fV New Life is given by using Brown's Iren Bit ters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spring it enriches the bleed and conquers dis ease ; in the Summer it gives tone te the nerves and and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system te stand the shook of sudden changes. In no way can disease be se surely prevented as by keeping the system in perfect condition. Brown's Iten Bit ters ensures perfect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and mias matic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Disease, &c n. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well known firm of H. S, Berlin & Ce., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Wash- . ingten, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, 1831. Gentlemen : I take pleasure in stating that I have used Brown's Iren Bitters ler malaria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent re sults. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iren Bitters, and insist en having it. Don't be imposed en with something recommended as geed." The gennine a made "jUSt (18 only by the Brown Chemical Ce., Baltimore, Md. Fer sale wholesale and retail by II. B. COCH RAN, Druggist, 137 and 159 North Queen Street, Lancaster. mlO lwd&Aw f D ll'ttTUEKIA. DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANCE WIIICN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer. This wonderful remedy has saved the lives et many, many children who were almost dead 7.'lth Diphtheria. S. Henry Wilsen, Lawrence, Mass., says : " The surgeons pronounced my case Diph theria ami decided that no remedies could reach it. Perry Davis's Pain Killer saved my lite." Libeous Leach, Nashua, N. If., says : "I had painter's colic and diptheretlc ere threat very severely. Pain Killer drove both away." DRUGGISTS ral-lmdftw ALL KEEP IT. til. ASH axjd QumarswABA. H 1U MAKT1S AT CHINA HALL. We new have enen a very large line of White Granite Ware. White Porcelain Ware, Deerated Granite and Porcelain Ware dinner, "" TEA and CHAMBER SETS. We have selected these goods lrem the Best Manufacturers. WE GUARANTEE THEM. 43-Uoedsnotsatis factory will be exchanged. High & Martin's, 15 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. OKOCJEMIKS. AT BVRSK'jj. -OUR CH0C0LATE&C0C0A DEPARTMENT. BAKER'S Ne. 1 Premium Chocolate. BAKER'S Breakfast Cocea. WHITMAN'S Instantaneous Chocolate. WHITMAN'S Commercial Chocolate. WHITMAN'S Plain Chocolate. ALKETHBEPTA, a preparation or Pure Chocolate. , EPP'S P RE PARED COCOA. - We can say et Epp's Cocea, that It makes a delicious and healthf uldrlnk. We have tried it. Give it a trial. FRESH SMOKED SALMON. In quantity te suit purchasers. We still have that splendid 10 CENT SYRUP. At BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. HAKUAJNS IN WAXVUn, CLOCKS -Chains, Rings, Spectacles, Ac. Repairing et allrklHds wnl receive -ray personal attea attea tlea. LOUIS WEBKE, Ne. lUHNerUiQnee street Remember name and naaaber. -W xeuyomesluoty Hetel, sear Peaasylvaxar ft- Sk irf- i tfctw - "-e-aL-LSL a . .'J?'. Qneensw aEemnrv. - , ' i- -, Please Shew Me Ortrceatt ,., - Aas xiua reqqess aeneiOBtn HUMQII"" and prudent man. who will wtibimrk t)OSe himself nnnmtnnt n fciAW, fcTAftVh A-rrma tUTaMl. n.u-l. r i-ki - w fHM. juaw,jg; weignt overeoata, splendid u ment, from $10.00 te $30.00. A. I YA KStt III M - -. . -m. &v M WWB -79 Ledger Building, Chestnut & ftxlh Sts. PHILADELPHIA. mlMwd s MIZJjINJtMY. A NEW DEPARTURE. Astricli Brethers, PALACE OF FASHION, 13 EAST KING STREET. NOTICE : A NEW DEPARTMENT t On or about Anrll 1st wc will enen a new de- rairlmmt. ("nmnrlqlntr nn pleimnh and mrmtr " 'j?-t complete assortment el LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BEADX-M ADE DRESSES, which will be made np in first class style and sold at our well-known low prices. Alse, an entirely NEW and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS. We shall make it enr special aim te offer these Goods at verv low prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS will be offered la BLACK SILKS. De net purchase until you have seen our Goods. We have received this week the first let of NEW SPRING HHAPE8. and are new dally receiving NEW GOODS In our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. A large and well-selected stock of RIBBONS hi ways en hand. Novelties In Ladles' Neck wear, Lace cellars, Ffchus, Ruchlcg. SpanfeB. Ties and Fichus, In-Cream and Black. Large Assortment or Ladies' Linen Handkerchlels, In White and fancy. Special Bargains In All-' Linen Handkerchiefs at Sc. and 10c. Taacy Bordered Handkerchiefs et latest designs at Gc : warranted fast colors. Ladles' Lines Cel lars, -we Keep none nut tne best make." BARGAINS IN LINEN TOWELS. at 8c. and 10c All Linen Napkins, fringed, C Q; Linen TABLECLOTII.M Inches wide, atSBe. J"J& yard. - 3 CHILD'S COTTON AND WOOLENHOSMRY at almost half their mice. i".iC rnuacTa w. hev. tb. iu.t e.w... '.J'A the lowest prices. mDIUUTVna T inve nirmnfiwe v. KMRRmrtlCRTRS A lgrm liul Una mtnrtenf V. tha naMf tiaffara. stl a. .hA r.r reasonable prices. -vSvl LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. jS fiurr.ntaniiireafla --r v...iu UUUUOOllO, ,, EMBROIDERED SHAWLS., uitaaie' iii.niflu liiiUAAa. 4,j PIpjLqn ?1vn no a. mill nml a will 1ia AemaA .39 te show you our goods. T -.. .. v ..... hw u.. iiww-v. A ,J iuuri-iyii V5?a TlltWAMX, JtC. C fecial, notice. " ;."Pst, . -es i&m Chandelie: -AND- i pipis '-Jt'n-' l TiS--.i hrr ', ) WSj GAS FIXTURES! OF ALL KINDS. GlebesRand Shades, Geal Oil iAmrnL I'lnmhifK anil flaaQiitner ""-- and fiiuinltne v CUAU UUVUUJIgt a i-e CDnMfftiivnfn in HnnFfffi'FPiNrc nnnn &: LXX U MWWW,-Vg AT JOHN P. SCHAuirSi -Zitf? xrr ea. aewttvuM 01 ihhut eubwksivi W. WWA W-A, W '-A-Srs iuriju 9 ue4vvauaii vm,, nTtOT1il MVPattWsT' a.ii JViVwr MUblCAL INbTKUMMMTB 0ZA "rv&d 1 hj Jl ' w ILVOX WMITK fZS'i - ""3c -THE-- " .P wurnY j& white .&n V A m-sfVs r fs Vi v T MMm Ja sm J.r VJ?i. Parler Organ v WareroemsJ 'jTj.'S NO 152 EAST KING STREET, r 5; rZ " i' 1 M A .M.-.MMB.K ETf r-$ A Full Asaortmentef the various style. stantly en hand and ter sale em Uw.vtkKHsV: era! terms ler Cash or Small MeatMrJ siaumcnts. ,'jr. . .. r- . -Jfcii The public is most ccrdlally laviteil te- 4 and examine these I nstrameats, wblek.wfH: I found te be very -:perler la Qtuuflraa auuctikw .u s ltw. jB . rsE'im - L!zyiir UK. DECKER l-i:dse agent for tae 1 ,& "K N A B BS lx:1.."sm sz'-itSt. tf, SadsKvmi ether Deslrabl Mlsas from nawarda. -lOOII-WU a. a umuMMK, Jageas. '?jf'Si r-W .-V TJS33 &&Q . i a &i v ?.' .& ji erfj. x -5tf m CfvM m . ,?i! t a? JS&&5 " &$ ;33 t -J 'v-s srJ '.-"fJS. "J:f. fcs?y j?tj siesl 6ki SfeSra m, -H-r r-" r--wiiirfyT-iitfianri i .iriiTi'-fi -- - -it c .rsieit- - ,v-...v" -t-' WiS-lB?. if t TJTJw-aI -Li.-ie.c't-f-r,"; -jr-it i.'T.'? ,x"" --""V M-if&&M&l l.?'-- f i p.f-cav.aijMyK,aa...-v.r.,.T--i-f,-j-! ,iJiJcfc--ijj-sv-rT-"-T;''.i'uiS? k.-r .7k;-.T.'i't'J-