ssbmBBBI 71 - LANCASTER, PA:. MONDAY. MARCH 12, 1883. 1HLCk flBJa k. ft Volume XIX-Ne. 163. 111W ATM lMHwb''.v2hv t3 :, , .By jjSS! I. ' : lie lapWiptel fS . .f iir C - f 8fr k5 E lis. r" I, d & rt $5 I' $? w fc V5 $S tSSiKv. tk&k OX F1XTVMJC8, &C. fJLlNN BRENEMAIf. LIGHT! Nothing adds mere te the furnishing of a house than Handsome Gas Fixtures. Formerly the prices were se high that only the wealthy could enjoy se great a luxury. This is no longer the case, and a visit te FLINN & BREN EMAN'S and an examination of their Immense Stock will surprise almost any one at the Lew Price at which Elegant Goods can be sold. In Ceal Oil Lamps, Lanterns and Chandeliers their stock is equally large and their prices are away down. Before ordering your goods, leek at FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, Ne. 152 N. Queen St.. . Lancaster, Pa. CLOTUINO. E; J. KKI8MAW. Neckties, Silk Handkercblels, Bilk and Cash mere Muffler.". Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Underwear, Fur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster Gloves.Cellars.Cuffa. Suspenders, Pocket Beeks, Card Cases. Ladles' Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scan Pins, Sleeve Buttens, Ac. DON'T PAIL TO SEE THE GRAND DIS PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, NO. CC NORTH QUEEN STREET, TKa.DY FOK SPICING. THE CHOICEST STOCK OP Spring; Overcoats ai Ms IN THE CITY. NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES : MEN'S BEADY-MADE SUITS At $.C0. $3 00, 16.00, 18.00, $12.00 up tell 8 0C. BOY'S SUITS At $2 (0, $3 00, M.50, up te $0 00. CHILDREN'S SUITS At $1.75, $2.00, S3.00, $1.00, up te f G 00. IEROHANTTAILOMM We have a very Large and Select Assort ment et Goods In the PIECE, and make them te order at the most astonishingly LOW PRICES. MEN'S SUJTS TO ORDER. At $12.00, $11.00, $16.00. $18.00, up te $25 and $30. In our -windows we have marknd In plain figures K0 pairs of pants, in different styles, -which we make te order iiem $3.00 te $9 09. A long statement of facts, or an elaborate line ei argument, is net necessary te convince these who inspect our splendid line et Cloth ing and Piece Goods, and leuru the exceed ingly LOW PRICES at -which we arc selling goods and that we ure offering extraordinary bargains tn every kind of garments AT L. Gansman & Bre., 6G-8 XOBTH QUEEN STREET, Bight en the Southwest Cerner of Orange SL LANCASTER, PA. 43-The cheapest and most reliable Clothing Manufacturing Heuse In the city. pOSKNSTKIN'S. Bargains in White Shirts. ANOTHER LEADER AT ROSENSTEIN'S Cese price hel-se), NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Having disposed of theso Elegant Puff and Flat Scarfs, all 6llk, at 49 cents, and nearly 300 et theso excellent Carter and Dogskin Gloves fit C8 Cents, We New Come te the Frent Again With the rtllsell Biggest Bargain eSsrcd yet. We FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY DRESS SHIRT, nicely laundried, known as the PAEAGON, AT 58 .CENTS. THE REGULAR PRICE IS $1.00. This Shirt Is made In this City. The besom Is made or Four-Ply Linen, and the muslin "Wamsutta Mills. We liave them In all sizes. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Our Spring Styles et Suitings arc new Beady ter inspection. They are nearly all Foreign Goods, and will be Made Up Ele gantly and a PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. At Moderate- prices. Call and Examine our Stock and yeusrtll net only Save Meney, but you can get exactly wnat yen want AT BOSMSTEIFS. Ne. 37 North Queen St -WOppeelte tie Grape Hetel. BAKUAIKH XM WATCHES, CLOCKS Chains, Rings, Spectacles, Ac Repairing et all kinds wal receive my personal atten tion. LOUIS "WEBER, Ne. l&S North Qacen street. Sesaeeaber same and .number. Dl- CKY HOtei, near rennsyivana PPPB m vLOTBtira. Our goods are known te be superior in make and style. We guarantee everything we sell and refund the money en goods net found as represented. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. PHILADELPHIA. ml-lwd T. II. HOSTKTTKK A SON. SPECIAL REDUCTION -IN- Odd Coats, 250 Men and Youths' Odd Goats Reduced Exactly One-half. $10.00 COATS REDUCED TO $3.00. 0.00 " " . " 4.50. 8.00 " " " 4.00. 0.00 " " " 3.00. We liave lelt the original mark en the gar ments, se that you can see and make the re ductlen for yourself. D. B. is tetter & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PAl TITILLIAMSON 8l FOSTER. FIRST-CLASS We are the only Beuse in the city that keeps censtan Uy en hand a complete stock et FIRST CLASS HE ADY-MADE C LOTHING for CHIL DREN, BOYS, YOUTHS and MEN. Our stock et SPRING STYLES this year will eclipse all our lenner efforts In regard te QUALITY, MAKr,, JflT, JTASU1UK ana PRICE. The latter we guarantee te be a3 low as the same .quality can be sold anywhere else. The FASHIONS are of the very latest Parisian importation : cut and tilmmed in style, and FIT as well as the most lastldleus could wish. We are enabled, from the manner In which our READY-MADE CLOTHING is made te guar antee a perlect Fit te all. We have a very handsome stock of elegant SPRING OVER COATS new open ler Inspection. The PaU terns are marvels et correct taste and the Prices a re astonishingly low. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, UM BRELLAS. TRUNKS, VALISES. LADIES' and GENTS' WATERPROQF CLOAKS and COATS at LOWEST PRICE?. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, Neb. 34, 36 & 38 E. King St., LANCASTER. PA. JWBOOTARD8HOX DEPARTMENT wiU ppenlnAPJUJU Beady-Male Cleiiig. MKDICAZ. rpAKB Sim' Lifer Biitt Fer Dyspepsia, Cestlveness, Sick Headache, Chronic Diarrheea, Jaundice. Impurity et the Blsed, Fever and Angue, Malaria and all dis eases caused ey Derangement of Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. ' SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. Bad Breath , Pain in the Side, sometimes the pain Is telt under the Shoulder-blade, mis taken ler Bbeamatis j ; general less el appe tite. Bowels generally cesUve, sometimes alternating. with lax; the bead is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, 'with considera ble leds of memory, accompanied with a pain ful sensation et leaving undone something which ought te have been done : a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an at tendant, elten mistaken ler consumption : the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled ; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation el the skin ex ists; spirits are low and despondent, and although satisfied that exercise would be ben cflclal. yet one can hardly summon uplortl uplertl tnde te try it in lact distrusts every remedy. Beveral et the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but lew el them exlstcd, vet examination alter C eat nhas shown the Liver te have been ex tensively deranged. It should be used by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the above symptoms appear.. Persons traveling or living in Unhealthy Localities, by taking a dose occasionally te Keep tne J.iver in neaiiny action, wui uvum all llalari 1. Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness. Depression et Spirits, etc It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating beverage. If yen have eaten anything hard or diges tion, or ieel heavy alter meals, or sleepless at nieht, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator in the Heuse I Fer, whatever the ailment may be, a tho roughly sale purgative, alternative and tonic can never be out el place. The remedy is harmless and does net Interfere with busi ness or pleasure, IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy or Calomel or Quinine, without any rf the injurious after effects A Governer's Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am satis fied it is a valuable addition te the medical sclen ce. J . G ill Shorter, Governer of Alabama. Hen. Alexander 11. Stephens, el Oa, says: Have derived some benefit lrem the use et Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish te give It a further trial. "The only Thin g that never falls te Relieve." 1 rave used many remedies for Dyspepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have leund anything te benefit me te the extent blmmens Liver Regulator has. I sent from Minnesota te Georgia for it and would send further ler such a medicine, and would ad vise all who are similarly affected te give it a trial as It seems the only tiling that never fails te relieve. P.M. JANNEY, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W. Masen says ; Frem actual experi ence In the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice lhavc been and am satisfied te use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. 43-Takc only the GENUINE, which always has en the wrapper the RED TRADE-MARK and SIGNATURE OF J. H.ZEILIN&CO. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 39 North Queen street. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, lauli-lyced&w KIONEV-WOKX Has been proved the surest euro ler KIDNEY DISEASES. Dees a lame back or disordered urine lndl cate Hint you are a victim T THEN DO NOT HESITAXE ; use Kfdnoy-Wertat once, (drug gist recommend it ) and it wijlspecdily over come the disease and restore Lea' thy action. 1 oli'ea Fer complaints peculiar te J-lOiUiUe. your sex, such bs pain and weaknaascs. Kidney-Weit Is unsurpassed, a it will act promptly and salely. Either sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull, dragging pains, all speedily yield te Its curative power. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Frlce, SI. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Ben els. A well-known clergyman. Rev. N. Cook, el Trempclean, Wis., says: ' I find Kldncy-Wert a sure cure ler kidney antl llvei troubles." KIDNEY-WORT Care for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND. LIVER. It has specific action en this most Import ant organ, enabling it te threw off, torpidity and inaction. Stimulating the healthy secre tion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free condition, effecting its regular discharge. TVTe 1 e 11 e u Yu are Buttering lrem ma iXLaiicU. La, lana, have the chills, are bil ious, dyspeptic or constipated, Kidney-Wert will surely relieve and quickly cuie. In the Spring te cleanse the System, every one should take a thorough course el it. Sold by Druggists. Price, 81. KIDNEY-WORT. ' Last year I went te Europe," says Henry Ward, late Cel. C9th Reg.. N. G.S.N,.Yr.,new living at 173 W. Side Ave., J. C. Hights, N.J., "only te return worse -lrem chronic liver complaint. Kidney-Wert, as a last resort, has given me batter health than I've beretolere enjoyed for many, many years." He's cured new and consequently happy." TT 1DNEY-TVOKT Fer the Permanent Cure of CONSTIPATION. Ne ether disease is se prevalent in this coun try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wert as a cure. Whatever the cause, however obstinate the case, this remedy will overcome it. Acts at the same time en Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. "Pilea This distressing complaint is very XliUS. apt te be complicated with const! patlen. Kidney-Wert strengthens the weak ened parts and quickly cures all kinds et Plies even when physicians and medicines have be fore tailed. MO- If you have either et these troubles use KIDNEY-WORT. Druggists sell It. " I will recommend it every where," writes J as. B. Meyer, Carriage Manufacturer, Myers town, Pa., ' because if Kidnev-Wert "cur ed mypilet." KIDSKY-WOKT. THE GREAT CORK VOR R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M. As it is ler all the palnlul diseases et the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system el the acrid poison that causes the drcadlnl suffering which only the victims of Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES et the worst forms el this terrible disease have been quickly relieved, and in short time PERFECTLY" CURED. Price, SI, Liquid or Dry, Sold by Druggists. Dry can be sent by mail. WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, vt. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. " Mr. Walter Cress, my customer, was pros trated with rheumatism ler two years ; tried In vain, all remedies! Kidney-Wert alone cured him. 1 have tried itmyself, and knew that it is geed." Portion of a letter lrem J. L. WlUeft, prugglst, Flint, Mich. ml2 " lwdeed&w K1DNKY WORT C-OR SILK AT II. . Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 1C0 North Queen street. - mar2-3md &VUKB AAI SXA.TIOJStl T1A8TEB CAKD?. EASTER, 1883. Easter Cards. KASTER CARDS selected with care and la great variety, at L. MFLYBDSPS. I ye43 WSSTv KUTG BTKBT, L ANgAWXE, , HORRORS ON H0RB0RS. AH OLu MAIS '3 SUICIDE OK A TRACT. A Story of tbe Floed The StartUag Crim inal Kecerd of tbe Sad of tbe Last Week. The attention of the passengers en the West Jersey train dne at Camdem at half past 4 o'elock Saturday was attracted te an old man who seemed fall of trouble. He had been pacing te and fro the length of the car for some time, his face pale and his eyes gleaming with the light of a des perate resolve, when he suddenly entered a compartment. This was near Weed bury. Although it was noticed by some that he did net come out again nothing serious was suspected. After the train had pulled into Camden station and tbe car cleaners were about te commence work the deer of the compartment hap pened te be opened. Then the reason for his prolonged stay was developed. There in a semi recumbent attitude lay his al most lifeless body. His threat was cut from ear te ear, and from the terrible gash flowed a stream of bleed that had com pletely saturated his clothes and formed a peel upon the fleer. Still sticking under his right ear was the weapon of self destruc tien. It was a small penknife, having a broken blade but little ever an inch in leugth. He had apparently, while stand insr, thrown back his head and with one stroke struck himself first under the left car and then fairly tore his threat open all the way round until the right jugular vein was also severed, when his fingers released their grasp upon the knife and he fell sense less upon the fleer into the position in which he was found. Although still alive when first discovered, his heart ceased te pulsate before any assistance could be rendered. The police and the coroner were netified'and the body was removed te an undertaking establishment en Tay Tay eor avenue. Papers found npen his per son showed that the suicide was Charles W. Green, 4521 Mitchell Btreet, Roxbor Rexbor Roxber ougb, and a member of I. O. O. F. ledgo Ne. 5G. In appearance Mr. Green was about sixty-five years old. Information concerning what bad led him te de the deed was very meagre. One person who had a slight acquaintance with him ad vanced the opinion that the suicide was the result of despondency ever an unsuc cessful business transaction in which he had recently been engaged in the neigh borhood of Atlanta city. A TKAOEUI OK THE CXOUD. A Touching Story or tbe Death or TV. B. BnrdlcK, of Cincinnati. The laborious search for the human bodies bnried in the debris of the South ern railway depot at Cincinnati, which was wrecked and buiied in twenty feet of water and mud during the great flood, was rewarded by the fluding of the body of W. H. Burdick. The wreck occurred se unexpectedly that nothing definite was known as te hew many were drowned or who they were. Burdick had that morning accompanied his young wife te the Lebanon depot te see her off for a visit te friends. Twe days later she wrote te him, and two or three mere letters were written by her before her apprehension 8 were aroused. Then, becoming alarmed at net hearing from him, she telegraphed, but there was no response At the end of ten days her auxiety as te why ha did net wrjte brought her back te the eity. The deer of their home, Ne. SO West Seventh street, was found locked, and a neighte helped her force it open. Her letters were lying en the fleer by the deer where the postman had pushed them in. The house was musty from having been shut se long, and the pet deg, the canary and the robin were dead from starvation. Everything else was just as she had lett it, aud it had net before been known that Burdick was missing. The suggestion was made that after seeing his wife off he miuht have gene down te the depot of the Southern railroad te see the flood and had tft-nn wni't'.alrAn Viw tlm Thn thnnwlit drove his wife almost frantic and ln was j sent away te her friendf. Burdick's body was well preset ved, and 8140 was found iu oue of bis pockets. There are at least twelve ether missing people, whose friend a believe te ba under the same enormous mass of mud aud timbers, ATBOUIODS CKDELTY. The Snirerlngi ql a Little Girl at Her Parents' Hands. At Leominster, Mass., last fall a boy named James Carney was arrested and sent te the refcrm school at Westboro, for acts of atrocious cruelty committed upon a small boy named Geei'ge Fuller. Patrick and Bridget Carney, the father and mother of James, have new been ar rested for excessive abnse acd extreme cruelty practiced upon their twelve-year-old daughter Ellen. The complaints were entered by neighbors. When the police visited the heu3e they found the girl Ellen clothed very scantily, having en a thin bummer dress. 3hu had neither shoes nor stockings. In this condition, it is said, she bad been compelled te go about all winter. Many times, it is stated, she has been forced te de chores about the house and yard with hardly sufficient feed and clothing te sustain life. The police took the unfortunate girl te the town farm. Her body was found te be covered with discolorations, caused, appa rently, by kicks and blows administered by her father and mether: The parents were arraigned in court and held for ex amination. AN CNHAPPV CLERGYMAN. tie Attends Court te Listen te a DUcnulen et His Daughter' Hener. Themas J. Edwards, superintendent of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad col lieries in the Ashland district, was en Saturday convicted of a serieus crime against Mary A. Griffiths, daughter of the Welsh Baptist church of Ashland. Miss Griffiths, who is new but 18 years old, went te Edwards' house about two years age as his housekeeper, his wife being an invalid, and seen afterwards she died. It was while Miss Griffiths was serving Ed wards in the capacity of housekeeper that she claims te have become his victim under a promise.of marriage. He denied her charges and attempted te shift her seduction upon his son and a young man who kept company with her regularly for ten months, until he learned of her condi tion. A number of witnesses were called upon both sides, and a great deal of in terest was manifested in the trial en account of the social standing of tbe parties. Edwards is a man of 40 years of. age. He has always taken a prominent part in the affairs of the church of which the sirl's father is pastor. The latter waa present during the trial, aud was deeftei moved by the proceedings, and excitwLl much sympathy among tbe spectators ANOTHER SUICIDE. A Weman Wb. .Preferred Death te Imprls- eameat. While a policeman was escorting a wemaa named Ann Leahy Sunday morning up the stairs of the Fifty-seventh street court house, New Yerk, and hadgene in front of her te open tbdea efthe" court room, whiehJa ea the ateajid story, she turned bank, iraykl dMeyiged a few steps-and f?V XGlnifJlP2P-4l- -. r-. K. -' threw herself eat et a window that had been left open by the workmen who are painting the building. She alighted en her feet, bat immediately staggered te the ground, and a faint stream of bleed poered from her nostrils, tinging, the melting snow upon the stone pavement of the nrisen vard into which she felL The war den of the prison immediately brought her into the office; She moaned faintly and in a few minutes her under jaw dropped. She was dead. It was learned that she was arrested the previous evening at the re quest of a well-to-de sister, who made a complaint that she was a vagrant and a lunatic, and that she was afraid of her. UCBNED TO UJSATH. Twe Little Children Perish In a Conflagra tion Tbe Mether's Grief. At Pittsburgh, Saturday morning, Are was discovered iu a row of frame houses iu the Twenty-third ward, one of which were occupied by a laborer named Jehn Crawford. When the fire broke out Mrs. Crawford and two children, a boy and girl, aged respectively three and five years, were in the house, the mother in the kitchen and the children in a room up stairs. Mrs Crawford managed te escape, but although several attempts were made te rescue the children the little ones perished. When their charred remains were found the mother became almost wild with grief, and was with difficulty restrained from taking her own life. EFFECTS Or THE STOBM. A Schooner Wrecked off Sandy Heek. The twe-masted schooner Annie E Moere, 126 tens register, Captain Cordrey with a cargo of corn, bound from Norfolk, Va., te New Yerk, struck "en the wreck et the steamer Nankin, off Sandy Heek, N. J., at 3 o'clock Saturday morning. The captain, finding her leaking fast, ran her aground off Pert Monmouth, eight and one-half miles west of Sandy Heek. The captain and the crew of four men were saved by taking their yawl and bearding a schooner. Beth the vessel and the cargo will probably prove a total less. High easterly winds prevailed at the time of the wreck. AHerrtDle Case of lnfantclde In a Chicago Hetel. In Dubuque. Iowa, a horrible case of infanticide occurred en Saturday morning. At about' 6 o'clock one of the employees of the Jeffersen house, while passing near a vault heard the cries of an infant. He gave an alarm, when a search was insti tuted, and a child was found lying at the bottom of the vault. As seen as possible the body was raised, was found te be extinct. Friday night a strange woman arrived at the Jeffersen house and engaged a room. Next morning at an early hour she asked for the ley te tbe ladies' retiring room, and shortly after the discovery was made. On going te her room it was found te be vacant, and but little doubt exists that the inhuman mother en the birth of her child threw it into the vault alive. She is supposed te be still in that city, and every effort is bejug made te find her. She is described as quite a handsome woman, well dressed, and has been seen within the past week in company with a large, dark, heavy set man. In answer te an inquiry she said her destination was Manchester. A Wreck en the Maine Coast. The schooner J. W. Sawyer, 115 ten owned by J. W. Sawyer & Ce., of Port land, is a total wreck, near Southwest Harber, Mount Desert, Maine, Three seamen were lest, their names being Nathaniel Snow, Frederick Smith and James Smith, all of Portland. Snow leaves a wife and three children. The captain, Jehn Orchard, was injured in landing, and James Butler had bis leg broken. The schooner sailed hence en January, 2G for the Geerges Banks. She was partly in Bured. The crew numbered sixteen, of whom thirteen were saved. A Deuble Siurder In Indiana. News of ttfe horrible murder of two women living en a farm feurte ?m IndianapeliB has just been fourteen miles received. The victims were Mrs. Lueinda Ferman, a widow, aged nicety, and a maiden daughter, aged fllty-ene years. The vic tims lived alone. One of the bodies was found outside the house under a pile of straw, the ether in the kitchen of the dwelling. The weapon used was an axe. There is no cine te the murderer. The coroner has gene te investigate the affair. A Colored Weman Burns Her Intant. At Washington, a colored woman named Lucy Williams gave birth te a child en Thursday. Next day she told the physi cian she had sent it away te ba cared for. His suspicions were aroused and investi gation showed that she bad thrust her living child into a large stove, where it burned te a crisp. The woman's husband is a failer and is away at sea. Mrs. Wil liams was removed te a hospital under arrest. We walk m the midst ei secrets, we are en compassed with mysteries, but it Is an open secret that, there is no remedy in the world se wenderlul as Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup for coughs and colds. Celluloid Eve-Glass frames renresentlng the choicest selections of firtelse-snell and amber are last becoming the meat popular. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. m!2-lwdced L. Weltzcl. Wrightsville, Pa., says: "Brown's Iren Bitters is giving rellclte many suffering invalids in this partet the country." Fer sale by H. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. m!2-lwdaw If you are bilious, take Simmons 1 iver Reg ulater. It Headd the List Otall ether preparations or medicines. In casei et nausea headache, dizziness or irregu larities et the system, Burdock Bleed Bitters have no equal. They never fail in affording immediate relief. Price S1.0Q, Fer sale by u. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 North Queen street. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shiloh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, in as much as It will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases or Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where tbey tall, it is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10c, 50c and Si.QO. If your Lungs are sere. gs are sere, Pereus Plas cnest or uacK tame, use anuen's isiieab ur uuck lame, ube suueirs x oreus Pias ter. Sold by II. B. Cochran, druggist. Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street. fcb7cedl AU 1 Well That Ends Well. Oiin Catlin.49 Pearl street, Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I tried various remedies for the plies but found no rcllet until I used Themas' Ec lcctricOll, which entlrely cured me altera lew applications." IL B. Cochran, druggjat, 7 and 139 North Queen street. Walnut Leaf Hair ttesterer. It is entirelv different from all ethers. It la as clear as water, and, as its name Indicates, is a perfect vegciame Hair uesterer. it will immediately free the head from all dandruff. rtetore gray hair te its natural color and pre duce a new grewui wuere it nas nuien en. It does net in any manner eflect the health, which Sulphur. Sugar of Lead and Nitrate et bilver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days te a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle Is warranted. SMITH, KLINE A CC, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL, ft KUCKEL. New Yerk. inn8-lyd.eedftw DKESS AND CLUAK MAKINO. HUBS. AUTKN, et New Yerk city, haa opened Dress and Cleak Making Beems at Ne, 27 EAST KINO STBKKT, and solicits tbe patronage of tbe Iad(3l Lancaster city and vieuirty. nreagana wituuf a waenaity. rzz?&ii We preeeai no preteadea Miracle. '-Tratfc is HUghtT and mast praralL" Ne sophistry, cam wlthstaad the power et Its heaeat at teraaee. Editor of Evening Press: Dxut Sib, Feeling deeply grateful for the great benefits which I nave received lrenvthe use. of a very valuable article which has Its Origin and home in our beautiful city, and hoping that ethers who are afflicted as I have been may find like relief lrem its use, I beg the Indulgence of a few lines in your valuable paper ter the privilege et communicating te you a brief statement of facts, ler the benefit of the multitude of sufferers te be met with en every side. Many of my friends well knew that I have been very severely afflicted with heart disease ler a number et years, and have suffered from it as only these can suffer who have that disease ; it reduced my strength se low that I could scarcely walk across my room, and the least exertion rendered me se short breathed that I dared scarcely move, and Hie seemed very burdensome. I was treated ler my malady by the best pbyslclans,and derived no benefit from their treatment or prescriptions until I was advised by my family physician te use Hunt's Bemedy, as my trouble was caused by inaction of my kidneys, which affected very seriously the action et my heart. I com menced taking it (having little faith in it or any ether medicine), and it has helped me wonderfully, and I am new a great deal bet ter, and have been ever since I began its use , In fact I have taken no medicine that has bt n flted me se greatly. My breathing is easy, andi I have gained in strength se much that I am able te de my housework. I cheerfully rec emmend Hunt's Bemedy te all who may be afflicted as I have been, or who are suffering from general debility and nervous prestra tien. Bespecttully, MBS. A. O. ROCKWELL, Pearl Street, Providence, B. I. A standard mediclne for curing Brlght's Disease, Dropsy, Kidney, Bladder and Ulan dular Maladies Is Hunt's Bemedy. Female Weakness, Pain in the back and loins, Gravel, Diabetes, Intemperance, Excess and Prestra tien of the nervous system are cured by Hunt's Bemedy. Hunt's Bemedy Imparts health and vigor te the constitution when it has become debilitated, nunt's Remedy 're stores the invalid te health. m9-M,WAFiw HI, ASH JLHD QUJSEJfSWASt,. H IOH S MARTUI. AT CHINA HALL. We new have open a very large line el White Granite Ware, White Porcelain Ware, Decorated Granite and Porcelain Ware -IN-OINNER, TEA and CHAMBER SETS. We have selected these goods lrem the Best Manufacturers. WE GUARANTEE THEM. 3UoeiIsnotsa.ti9(aciory will be exchanged. High & Martin's, 15 BAST KINO STREET. LANCASTER. PA. UJlXI.KOA.XJS. wn GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, Burlington 8t (Jaincy K. B Chicago, Burlington & Qainey B. R. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE 1PBOM CHICAGO OB PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA. LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST line te St. Jeseph, Atchlnaen, Topeka, Denisen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, .No .Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Texas, This route has no superior ler AiDcrt Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINK. Universally conceded te he the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad in the world for a'l classes et travel. All connections made in Union depots. Try it and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomlert. Through tickets via this celebrated line for sale at all offices in the U. S. and Canada. All information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, eta, cheerfully given by PKKUEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chioage, III. T. J. POTTKK, 3d Vlce Pres. & Gen. Manager, Chicago, III. J OHM . A. BEAM, Gen. Eantera Agt, 317 Broadway, 806 Washington St. New Yebk. Bostejc, Mass. mavlB-lvdw VAJCMAUJCB, JtO. rpHK Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, KEAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOU8E9, LANCASTER, PA. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. All Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selectee' material and emnlev enlv the best mechanics. Fer quality et work our prices are the cheapest in tbe state. We. buy ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms, trive us a can. au work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ler that pur pose. nas-ttdAw VOWBKAur OUR NEW REAL. ESTATB CATALOGUE, Containing a huge number or properties In city and country, with prices, Ac. Copies sent tree te any address. . ALLEN A. HERE CO., Ucai Estate and Insurance Agents. Ne.i K;ta t King Street. QAMCKL H. PRICK, AVTOKXKX, HA niiiMl'Ul VUHTl, nitHB.' LMUPt Mf fc.Lt--i ar y 3-' Qaeenswars M9V Jt.S HalliMMM CI iHEa;MJi . V . Ei. .a.eaHAeK MMPICAZ B BOWN.vnmirxa - --;ri j irr&3 ' 1 .3sa '- .4tf ";-& .-Sfl FHLDJG! That is what a great many people are doing. They don't knew jt what -, is the matter, but they hare exmbi exmbi natien of pains and aches, and csek month they grew worse. The only sure rented? vet - q Brown's Iren Bitters, and tbJ bwS rapid and thorough assimilatiem with P,we! the bloed.Durifies and enriches ik aaaVV ?'- vinTi Btmrttr tilnvrl HitmXrttm - -" - iWI '"i - - uu.s --mixi .jgiyu part of tbe system repairs Umwss(m 3 tissues, driven eat disease sad give ' health and strength. ""-j. This is why Brown's Iren Bit ters will cure kidney and. liver die-" eases, consumption, rheumatism, neu ralgia, dyspepsia, malaria, intermit tent fevers, &c .. 203 S. Pace St., Baltimore. NdV.28,M81. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several week8itt could eat nothing and was grew1 ing weaker every day. I merfm Browb's'Ibex Brmss, taH-tm.j happy te say 1 new have a goejjf"" appetite, and" am" gettlag stronger. Jas. McCawlvt. Brown's Iren Bitters is net a drink' and does net contain whisky. It is. L10 only preparation of Iren that causes no injurious effects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed en with imi'atiens. r 01 sale wholesale and retail by H. B. COCB i:AN, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Qaeea .trcet. Lancaster tne lwdAw 9 TVIPUTHKICIA. DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANGE WHEN THE ATE D WOOL? Perry Davis's Pain filler. This wonderful remedy has saved the lives et many, many children who were almost dead "with Diphtheria." S. Henry Wilsen, Lawrence, Mass., says: The surgeons pronounced my case Dibit. 'theria and decided that no remedies cealtt. reach it. Perry Davis's Pain Killer saved my llle." - Llbeeus Leach, Nashua, N. H., says : "I had palnter'H colic aud dlptheretlc fore threat very severely. Pain Killer dreve both away. DRUGGISTS ml-lmdftw ALL KEEP IT. TJJlWASJB, JtO. OMSCIAL MUTICE. ID Chandeliers " AND (3-AS PLXTTJRBS OF ALL KINDS. Glebeeland Shades, Geal Oil Lamp Plumbing and Gasfltting, S and Spouting. . : -m A LAUGE ASSORTMENT OF & ' TZ unncvvwTiifjn. rifiT&,r,riiiu ni 11 11 j.--i. ... wt TATTVl 11 fl 1 1 1 1 1 I HKiCT As-." srj. ' W-sS NO. 24 SOUTH leU27-lyd QTJMN8T. iSTZ B., "J&Si LANCASTER, .i-lS "ifs: ' ' "j MUSICAL INSTMUMjarTB. w 1LCOX WHITE I -THE WILCOX & WHITE'; Parler Organ Wareroewf ."V VA 1&9 T1QT TTV dSSUMII MimxjM. aaauvi eijuuci - -sc - . - "-Vr u m mi ill m h- - rw. " "llp a vnii a. ...- ..- . -. ":7ri ....... wmuiKiiviuiiiTinsaiifHicni; muuy uuuuauaierHM OS tUSMKIv enu terms ier casu. or Small MeaUlyJa suuimenis. - -s The public Is most cordially Invited te'tett and examine these Instmsaea ts, whlek wOrj leund te be very Superior la QaHtraa Moderate In Price. 2S v A XwZ tf f MR. DECKER Im also agent ler the" Fi jWi "K . tn -e- - v- 7 JSrKl- And s vera! ether ; prices from W npwantel tarJ. AW&I-HU TaTV 7-ODMAKC0BirAaMUI J. wffyevr eican ana JimTM aw Telluw.i m ?fd vTj HP .83 5-SWA' m ";? :,ca . s; tASl vi 1.- a ."fca 1. ya 'VXI a 37 '&. j aa m ,-4-II r".Tis 51 .t-xh? -r j ir2L rV ".' w. rtU ""CKd &? s? T-, -yrsj a M .-V-" r-w : tt-' mi ;, i3S..'l'SJ -J3V.".'3--c .TS-t E?-... v, -. JFvfe.. .... ' - "?! --k wV u .,J.!Wnc!S.U1i5.VXrtf v'S ' A .i'J,E,-,'C iLi JJr H.i.-.'f -J:.' efJSitWt-TSM.-' A .Zr&&', . -. a-. - : , . j 1 i- . - jjt - 9 mmt rz a .i . . j ;. .. t. WM2&K&m&&r&