l4ki i- v TVzra E 3 "ihbCpk. m- SlW rW-' ?ilc?C gr f1- & S l' l t ? I t r f 1 - fT ?&&& ? f COLUMBIA NEWa OUB BEGULAK OOKSXSFOKDJUIUK Kventa Alene the Stuqaehanna Items e Interest In and Arenndtne, Borough ricked up by the iBtelll- i eucer's Sepertcr. At the monthly meeting of councils lait evening, the balance reported in the treasury was $C71 70. Messrs. Smitb, Jlardnail and Patten were appointed a committee ou tbe appeal of the Columbia lire company from tbe fine imposed for disobedience at tbe Neiman fire. Repairs en Cherry street ; tbe removal of tbe crossing at u enuncn s corner were re ported. It was agreed tbat tbe market stalls should be let en tbe same plan as last year ; none te b8 leased te persons in arrears. Tbe prepeity cemmittee was directed te inquire into tbe plan of tbe entrance doers at tbe opera house. Printed notices of the market lettings were ordered. Mr. Grier's proposal te lease the chief burgess' room was declined and it was declared open for lease from April 1. The communication of Mr. Detwiler in regard te repairing Mapls street was placed in tbe proper hands. Orders te tbe amount of $825.15 were granted. Council then adjourned. "Xhe Vureugb Cnder. Teachers' institute this morning. 12 busks of Xccly stove works te be sold next Wednesday evening. M. E. ser mens te-morrow en " The Great Cloud of Witnesses" and "The Year of Jubi lee;" "Fer Thine is the Kingdom," bubject of E. E. Lutheran evening lecture Rcager & Fritz, boiler makers, have dissolved partnciship, Rsager retiring. Wright8ville foundry enlarged for ten mere meulders Charles Ranke's left arm crushed in a tobacco crusher at Bit uer's cigar factory en 5th street. The beard of trustees of the Old Columbia public ground company last night de cided te begin the formation of the public park, be long talked of, as seen as the proper season for planting trees arrives. KaUreaft Mews. Pennsylvania shifting crews will net be paid bereaftcr for Sunday, unless they de actual service hereafter. The men aver age one working Sunday per mentb, and this new rule will lese them three days wages. A special time car of a west bound freight train jumped the track in the east yards bcie jestciday. A bent axle caused the tiouble. The tiack was tern up for a distance of twenty-five yaids. Ne one hurt. At the meeting of Suawnee Encamp ment Ne. 23, 1. O. or O. F., held last night, the following officers were elected : C. P., S. C. Swaitz ; S. W., Jehn Tyler ; J. W., F. P. D. Miller ; Treasurer, Gee. W. Sheedcr ; Scribe, R. J. M. Little ; Trustee, M. Sebaiebley. Mr. E.A. Becker, who will remove from town next Wednesday, was piesented by his b: ether members of the ledgo with au elegant s:iver pitcher, as a testimonial of their appicciatien of his past services te the ledge. Or.llUA.UY. fe- Itaathl Kdward DMablenberg. Edwdid Duchman Muhlenberg, son of tbe late Dr Ficdeiick A. Muhlenberg, died this morning at 1 o'clec'-r, of Brigbt's disease of the kidneys, at his residence en Seuth Queen ttieet. lie was born in Lancaster en the 18th of May, 1832, and bpent his boyhood days in this city. After receiving a geed English education in our local bchoelb be was sent te Yale college and graduated in the class of 1850. lle adopted the piofessien of a civil engineer, and fieru the time of his graduation until 1857, he was engaged in tbat capacity en various railroads and canals in this state. Iu September, 1857, iu company with a party of railroad men he went te "Brazil, te assist en tbe line of the Dem Pedre Segucda railroad run ring from Rie Jancrie, ueaily due west, ou which there was home very heavy giading. ITe rema ncd iu Brazil until 1SG1, when, news of the rebellion iu the United States bavin; icichcd him, he resolved te ceme home aud take a band iu the conflict. On leaching Philadelphia, iu September 1SG1. he was elected Hcutcnaut colonel of a Poun Peun sylvaira volunteer legiment then forming. Soen afterwardb he received from tbe war department a commission as 1st lieut. in the 4th U. S. aitillciy, Ce. F., known as Best's battery. At the battle of Cbaucel Cbaucel lervillc, Ce). Ciesby, tbe commander of the batterj,was hilled and for quite a time theicalter the command devolved en Lieut. Muhlenberg, who wen high praise for his braveiv and beldieily qualities during the campaign that followed. During the cam paign terminating with tbe battle of Get tysbuig, he was attached te tbe 12th corps and was for a time chief of artilleiy of the right wing of tbe army. Afhr Gcttysbuig he went west with Hoeker and did yoed service at Chattanooga, Mission ary Ridge and ether points in Tennessee and Alabama. He lemniccd with his bat tery until December, 1804, when be was appointed adjutaut aud regimental quar termaster. Helclt the army in May, 18G0, aud icsumed his profession of civil engin eer, being employed en tbe Kansas Pacific, the Reading & Wilmington, the Texcs Pacific and ether works until about 1873, when his health became imputed and he retuined te this city, where he has since resided, being for the most of the time out of business Mr. Muhlcnbeig was a man of fine intellect, was well educated, and of gentle, courte ous mauucis, which made him a favorite in a large circle of acquaintances. He bold a high rank as civil engineer, and as a soldier he was brave aud dashing. He had a wonderful retentive mcmeiy, was possessed of a vast fund of practical in formation, was an excellent story-teller, was eminently social, bad hosts of fiicnds and no enemies. His funeral will take place en Tuesday next at 11 o'clock. Heath or Sirs. Christian Smith. Mrs Christian Smith, the eldest woman in West Willow, died la3t night, aged 83 years. She was an excellent old woman, known te everybody in the vicinity of her home and was a consistent member of the Methodist church. Police Matters. Alderman McCouemy heard the com plaint against Jehn Hedgcns, arrested for disorderly conduct in front of the opera house, and dismissed him en payment of costs. Richaid lleilcy, colored, a tram jumper, was anested ly Officer Rey, and commit ted te the county jail for ten days by Al dermau McConemy. LSzz'e Dempsey, anested by the sarce officer for dtunken and disorderly conduct iu the passenger depot of the Peuusylva jiiaraiiiead, received a similar sentence. The Northern Siarber. The stalls iu the northern maiket were sold at public auction for the ensuing year. The sale amounted te ever $4,000, which is mere than the stalls ever sold for before. Jehn Itebman v?as the auctioneer. The Btalls held at prices ranging from $20 te $37.50 each. A few sales of the stock of the market company were made for $95.40 per share. The par value is $50. The Soup Heuse. The coutiibutiens te the soup house this Tveek were $10 in cash from Hen. A. Herr Smith and two bushels of potatoes from A. M. Frantz, of Lancaster town ship. The last rations will be given from the soup house en Tuesday next. Shipment of Benes. "Piss &Deorr shipped te-day from their tables in this city. 30 bead of ne horses JBtlAted for tbe New Yerk teirtet. ' &&?25f. Dlscluuzed. Peter Robinson and Michael Kelly, who were arrested en tbe charge of stealing clothing from the almshouse, were beard before Alderman Barr, who discharged tb'em for want of evidence. major's Court. This morning the mayor sent two dis dis orderlies te prison for 15 days, one for 5 and sent a sick man te the work-house. Three bums werediscaraged. Amusements. " The Amith Oirl.nTbe play of the " Amish Girl " will be presented tbis evening at tae opera beuse, and special trains will be run en the Beading & Quarryvlllc read te this city. The play represents Amish life and the scenic effects are very geed, especially the lightning and fire scenes. The company producing it Is strong. SVKVIAL KOT1VBH. A baby was born In a cemetery at Marshal town, Iowa, a short time age, but everywhere can be seen babies borne te the cemetery be cause mother's cruelly neglect te procure Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup, a suic cure ler croup, colds and ceugiig. IsBATOH. uemvART. In this city, en the 8th inst, Anna K, wile elsKuianuel C. Derwart, In the 69th year et her age. The relative? and fiicnds of the lamllyare respectfully Invited te attend tha funeral from her husband's residence, Me. 333 Vest King street, en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. Muhlenceee. In this city, en the 10th inst., Kd wurd D. Muhlenberg, in the 51st year ei his age. The relatives and friends et the lamily are respectfully invited te attend tlie funeral, lrem the residence et his brother. Dr. B. S. Mublrnbcig, Ne. 17 Seuth Queen street, en Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment at Woodward 1U11 cemetery. mlC-2td NKW AVrjZKTUtEiaENTtS, WANTED.-HOUSK CLEANING, SOKCB blnjr. Washing, Ac, by the day. Apply at Ne. 034 Beaver street. ltd GKANU SOUR KKOUT LTJNCII atihoGlUAUDaeuaE, Ne. f?G North Queen Bticct. The. best beer en tan in the city. ' C1IAS.Z ECU, Prep. GUANO LDNCJH THIS JiVKNINO. SOCK Kreut and rig's Feet atthe Plew Tavern. MIC1IAKL SNYDER. Proprieier. Lurch every Saturday night. ltd T n LIST ON SHARKS OK FOB A MONET Kcntal. Thrce Acres anda Half of Ground. with a Heuse and iSarn, sltuatei -nithin the city limits. Apply te JNO. A. COYLE, It Ne. 112 E.King St. CHOICE UANGKS, GRAPES AND BAN anas, plenty et Oysters, fresh and tat. Alse a let et Genuine Diamond liack Tena pln (full comets) less than the market price At KCKEltT'S. Ne. H! East Kins Street. BUOWKIiS IS AN OL.D TOWN IN Bo hemia, whole ler a thousand years a most excellent beer a made by n. process diller cnt ft em the ordinary way of making beer, and was call the lludweiscr process. The same piecess is used in making the " Budweiser Itcer." I ha e also en hand a Large Stock et Fine Old Whiskies, ISrundiea, Gins, Pure Ja maica Itum and all kinds of Bitters. ml0-2t GEO. WALL. "PEUOVAI.. II Y JACOB J!. LONG his lomeved his Offlce tiem 22 XOItTH QUi:EN ST It GET te C. WEST KING STUBET (Second Fleer), ever Jew elry fcleie or 11. ., Hlieatls. wlieie lie will con tinue! te transact a General Commission Itusl Itusl iiehs in I! K A U ESTATE. KIBE and LIFE IV SUBANCK. MOBTGAGES and oilier SECU UIT1ES, LOCAL STOCKS and BONDS a spe cialty, and -old either at public or private stIc. N.U. Public Sale et Stocks and Bends at Coepei's Hetel. MONDAY at 2 p. m. dl-tmilSli C"JLTON ei'i:it. house. eni: X1G1IT ONLY. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1883. Engagcmcr.let the Eminent Acter and Auther, ROBERT leWADE, Suppeitcdby a Superb Company, under the minagemortef C. W. KIDDEB. In his Bciiistlc Creation of RIP VAK WINKLE, Vagabond of the Oatskills. T'cltth Season an.l Unabated Success In evciy city of the United States and Great Biitain. Prcneuncd by leading metropoli tan journals as the only correct isnpersenaj tien et living's famous legend. "BeDert AlcWade's dramatization and im personation et BlpVan Winnie, In Its entirety, is supener te any we have ever seen." A'. Y. lit raid. POPULAK PBICES : Admission 75, 0 and 31 Cents. Ucseivcd Scats, 73 Cents. New en sale atopei.iiieuseoince. , C. PATBICK, Business Manager. irlOSt EL ESS SF11SN. A raie opportunity for parties going te housekeeping. CLOSING OUT PUBLIC SALE -ON Thursday. March 15, 1883, Will be sold at public sale, at Ne. 220 Wcs King stt cot, the entire stock et Furniture, te close out the buslncs', consisting of Parler Fmnltisie. Walnut Maible Tep Cham ber feuits. Aeliand Elegant Cottage Painted Suits. Walnut and Ash Extension Tables, Breaktastand Dining Tablus, Mnk Benches, Walnut Ash aud Poplar Side Beards. Straw, Husk, Palm. Cotten, Weel and Hairi Mattiesses, Woven Wire Springs, Lounges, llieii'j An1 In clinrh n frnnprrtl VJlllltV Of Chairs. And in short, a general vailetv or stock found in a flist clasn Furniture Stere. All geeds must and will be sold without re serve, as the stei e must be vacated beteie the 1st day of April. A reasonable crtdit will be given. . , , Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. m., or said day, and continue en until all is seM. HESS & PI.INN. ml0-4td N' KW STORE, SKW GOODS. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, Ne. U East King Street, (BAIB'SOLD STAND) Besppcltully announces te his Friends and Patiens that he will open en WEDNESDAY MARCH 14, A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF Dry Goods and Carpets, BOUGHT FOR CASH AND TO RE SOLD AT VERY LOW PKICES. Black and fciiii Ms A SPECIALTY. LUIUN'3 CELEBRATED MAKE OF BLACK CASUMERES, SILK WARP, HENRIETTAS, DRA PD'ETE, " C0UVTAULDS CRAPES," In all Widths aud Qualities. BLACK SILKS Prem 75c. 1;c $2.75. J3-Any Goods notprevingsallsfactory may be returned and the money will be rettindcd. Geerge Eatosteck, .' Ne. 14 Bast Xing Street. jnlO-lydiw 1. .-.r .TX.-t.-.tJ S2V:'J' SSX '"T .Jr t"f LAHOAOTEB t-ts- n ? - nil $ vf 7ILOTHIS(G DEPABTKKNT. ' A 1 V Fer Men, Beys, Youths, arid Children. Fer the-Opening Season of Spring we beg te call special notic.tetfcs. branch of our busineai'.-whenne efforts have been spared te make the stock -most desirable tepurchasers. l ,.,, Although we are net entirely ready for the coming Season's Trade, and are offer ing Medium, and Heavier Weight Clothing at much reduced rates; yet we are preparing te place upon our counters complete new lines of Spring Clothing for Men, Beys, Youths . and Children, which are being manufactured from carefully selected material, well trimmed and cut after the latest patterns. The Prices we Guarantee invariably te be the Lewest. NO, 25. WEST KING STREET. JOHN 8. GIVLUK & CO. SILKS! We havelepenek this wek a Full Line of BLACK SILKS of one of the most Reliable Makes in the market, and which we guarantee te give satisfaction in every particular. ALSO A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT STJMMEE SILKS- In Neat Stripes and Checks, in all the Desirable Shades and at Lewer Prices than they have ever before been sold. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING JOHN S. GIVLER. STREET, IIOWEHS HURST. 26 and 28 North Queen Street. GENTLEMEN We have new open a large let of FINE PERCALE SHIRTS,, which we have just bought, and which we offer at the LOW PRICE OF $1.00. They are fully worth $1.50. One. pair Cuffs and two Cellars gees with each Shirt. They are net common goods, but are choice and fine, and are what we say, fully worth $1.50. We also offer the Best $1.00 White Shirt in this City. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ... HtS'i A.H mjtTISJSMSCN TA- rimx THK SMALL UAND-UADE UA 1 vana cigars. 2 for 5 cents. at HABTMAN'S YELLOW FKONTCIGAB STOBK. STKCIAI. ATTENTION TOHOUSKSTUtrS from the cheapest te the best, te suit all, the peer as well as the rich, at the lowest pos sible cash pi ices, at HOFFMBIEB'S, ltd Ne. 0 East King Street. NOTIUK ALL MlLLEttS AND CHAIN Dealers or Lancaster county are respect fully Invited te attend ameetingen MONDAY MABCI1 12th, at two o'clock p. m., en the second fleer et Kepler's haidwaie store, this city, te organize a beard et trade of Lancaster county ler the sale of flour and Grain, ltd COMMittee, S1 EALKU PROPOSALS FOB KK-BUILU- ine Poor-Heuse Barn will he received at the office et the County Commissioners. Lan caster. Pa , until 12 o'clock, m., MONDAY, MABCH 20. 1883. Specifications can be seen at Commisslenei's Office. BY OBDKB OF TUB BOABD. Attest : Fra.sk Gbkist, Clerk. m-2wd ITVaKHBKS, LUUKTO TOrBlKIEBEST. " On and alter MABCH 19, 1 will have at the Keystone Heuse bale and Exchange Stables, 40 head et the flnest 3 and 4 year elc Mules tnat nave uewn snippeu le.tnis iaurset, and will sell or exchange tn hem ler Horses. m9 2t ffJI. A. MYEBS. PUBLIC 8A.LK OF HOIWES.-THK PDIt He sale et Illinois Horses, advertised te take place sit the Merrimac Heuse, 115 North Prtnce street, Lancaster city, Pa., en Monday, March 12, 1883, has been postponed until Sat urday, March 17, 18S3. I will, however, have a flne let of Canada Horses, which I will sell at public sale en Monday. March 12 1883. m9-2td UEOEGE GBOSSMAN. . SPECIAL TREAT. m. .iimaa m 4aKaaaa wovnlmnaea nn1 IO WUlklU5I"r, " wuatvw . ,mv ethers In want of Gents' Furnishing: Goods, NOTIONS. Ac. all are respectfully invited te call and see the bargains new eflered at the PEOPLE'S STOCKING STOBE. HENBY itECHTOLD, Ne. 52 N. Queen Street. TXaHInB THE OLOSK-TIMK PATENT Compound Regulator NOW MADE BY THE Lancaster Watch Ce., AND USED ONLY ON THE Lancaster Watch. Onr Lew-Grade ts well as High Grade Move ments ALL have the Expansion Balance and Mean Time Screws ; and all Movements are fitted up, as desired, wlther wlthouteur PAT ENT COMPOUND REGULATOR, which is pronounced by Experts te be tbe Best In the World, as it la absolutely withoutlest moUen, and the Movementcan be "regulated by hand until It closely approximates accuracy, when, by one tell tern et the Screw, ie rate will be changed Twe Secendifbi Twenty-tour Hetm. ,.s V ."-. LL-- -. JbTjy x-r?;' "'. .V vc..:- Jw kteS&ffi!SaaSfcs33S riOTLWLeENCEIL 9ATI XMW . I: m BtyBryry sf m " 'I HAGER & BROTHER. t v.rt. - a JA k i SILKS! OF S. G1VLER SICW AWXMT18EMMNT&. N TlfXT DOOKTOTHi; OOUKT UOUSK. FAHNESTOCK'S. BLACK SILKS ! BLACK SILKS ! COLORED SILKS ! Large Stock of BLACK AND COLORED NOW OPENING. Decided Bargains in Black Silks at 91.00 and $1.25. These in want should net fail te see them. LUPIN'S HAKE OF JET MEDIUM BLACK CASHMERES. BEST CASHMERE R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. J OHN I. AttNULI). PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING, TIN ROOFING, SLaTE ROOFING, GAS FIXTURES AT REDUCED PRICES- JOHN L. ARNOLD, Ne. 11 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. NKW AUVMRTIHMSaUSNXa. rpe LE1.-A LARUE, HANDSOMK BOCSK ' in a very desirable locality, well adapted for a first-class bearding beuse, ler which a number et boarders have already been se cured. Part et present lurniture can be bought cheap. Bent low. Address, " OPPORTUNITY," m9-2td41tw Istkixieevcbb Office. rOTIGKT TAX COLLECTORS 1 Proposals ler the collection el the State and County Tax for 1883. In the East and West Warda of Lancaster City, will be received at the County Commissioners Ofllce until 12 e clock m., FRIDAY. MABCH 10, 1883. Nene but bona fide bids will be entertained. By order of the Commissioners. Attest FRANK GREIST. m63t Clerk. PUBLIC SAL.K ON THUKbOAY, MARCH IB. at 325 East Chestnut street, HOUSE HOLD AND KITCHEN lfURNlTCBE.Tablcs, Chairs, Bureaus, Settee, two Ranges, Kg and Jewel Heater, Extension Tabl. Sink, Chest, Tin, Olaas and Queensware, Tubs, Buckets and Stands, Blinds, Cider Vinegar, about 70 yards et geed Rag Carpet, together with a variety et ether articles net enumerated. Sale te commence at 9 o'clock a. m. ; terms made known by MRS. LYDIA BARE. II. SnOBKBT, Auct. H. L. Frailby, Clerk. marl0-4td PUBLIOSALK OF CITS' PROPEKTIIUJ. On SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1883, at Michael s Hetel, North Queen street, Lancas ter, I'a., tbe undersigned will expose at public sale, the following real estate, situated In the city or Lancaster, te wit: Ne. 1, a let or ground pn the east side et rinm street, between East King street and East Orange street, containing in lrent23 leer, mere or less, and extending eastward 144 feet, te a public alley, en which a one-storied bi Ick DWELLING HOUSE, Nc. 37, la erected. Ne. 2, a Let et Ground en the north side of East Chestnut street, between Shippen and I'jum streets, containing in xrent is leet l inches, mere or less, and extending north-1 ward et said width SS teet, mere or less, then widening towards tbe east 1 loot 5 Inches, mere or less, for the remaining distance et 56 tect 4 inches, mere or less, te a five teet com mon alley, en whleh a-Two-Sterled-BRICK DWELLlNGUOUSE,nnmbered347 is erected Alse, atthesame time and place, will be sold tbe FRAME BUILDING. Nes. 382 and 364 East King street, opposite Plum street, together with all eut-buldlngs. fences, etc ; said build ing, etc., te be taken down and removed alter April 2, 1883. in order te make room for the ex tension et Plum, street. sale te begin at 7J8 p. m.; en sua day, wnen terms wBl be made knows by ftb-ict - XAJlTBjCttUUIK. MMMsM 'sB " V"ir "MP JLBf.SBBB.L-BBB-:'M.riiBMsBm ' J-v SST Tt-E.- i- '. " V "V. " ---- -v- iwiti.AVVir4sBBi timmzmmm ; waKiKvsy.a,aT4T,r' a &'-',-? -'. ? '3Ref9RSK1SiSsi'-- " . C -V .. -. -. ..-. - .. .. i. k-"TJ.- - j ;- f -. " a i r w -w 7 l - - - - mj-zmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' - - T -- ' ' - w-- x- J"-n-fcfc. Tl & CO. LANCASTER, PENN'A. GEO. P. RA.THVON. LANCASTER, PA. BLA.CK SILKS ! . BLACK SILKS ! COLORED SILKS SILKS Best ever offered at price- BLACK CASHMERES. BLUE-BLACK CASHMERES. IMPORTED. - LANCASTER, PA. N&tr ADVtSHTISlSMENTH. O &(f WILL BUY THE OMIS-THIBV tQ)i,iJUU interest In a well-paying new business In this county. Fer particulars ap ply te JOHN H. METZLEBT ie5 M, WAS Ne 9 Seuth Duke Street. S KKK NO JTURTHKR. Watt, Shand & Ce. INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR BUCK CASHMERES. At 45c, 50c., 62C.,67c., 75c, 87C., 11.00. $1.25. These Goeila-are roaJe by the most celebra ted French Manufacturers, are all Pure Weel. tbe Best Celer and Finish, anO give entire satisfaction In wear. We new offer an Elegant Line of BLACK DRESS SILKS At 75c, 87XC, $1.09, 91.25, 11.50, $1.73, S2.00, f 2.21. We claim that these goods are the best valne In the market, and cannot iba surpassed In New Yerk or Philadelphia. Just opened a Choice Line et COLORED DRESS SILKS, FANOY SUMMER SILKS, NEW TRIMMING SILKS. BROCADED SILKS AT VERT LOW PRICES. " .t ,v l :' 'I New Yerk Stere, 8 and 10 BAST KINO STRUT. W ' -T -rm--w- - - - - - - I . I ThrrtTiT -inn tmirutrilnrmnraTfl rsfrrs "- SJW0NT) RI)TTI-(FJ. " 1 - a4tUSDAY EVKNIHQ, MAB. IO. 1863. I COMmG ALONG. ABEIBSI WIGGINS' W1HDS AFTER ALL' Snow and TVlBd in Mny ParU or taa ; northwest The Blast seemtasteba , , , Coming Tnls Way. ' A private dispatch from New Yerk te this city says tbat this morning a Halifax the wind was blowing at the rate of 80 mUes an hour. Chicago, March 10. Special dispatches from all parts of the Northwest report a light snow and winds at many points, bat no very severe storms. The weather in Dakota is clear. In Western Minnesota there are high winds and threatening snow. At Iakpenuing, .Michigan, it is snowing and drifting badly, and at Mar quette it is blowing a gale and the snow is drifting badly. ' Rough Winds at Bosten. .Bosten, March 10, 1:30 p. m. A north east rain storm set in here at 11:45 a. m., and still continues. The velocity of the wind is 29 miles per hour-; the tempera ture 29 degrees ; the barometer 29:32 and Blewly falling. A. Heavy Bain Storm at Newport. Newport. R. I.. March 10. 1:30 p. m. A heavy rain storm set in at 11 o'clock, a. m. The wind is rising and at neon was blowing very fresh. Raining at Asbnry Fark. Asbury Park, N. J., March 10. It has rained hard since 8 o'clock this morning. The wind is blowing from the northeast. Snowing at Rlmlra. Elmira, N. Y., March 10. It has been snowing here sinca early morning ; there is no wind. HAKUISBURG NEWS. Little of Interest in the LtgUlature. Special Dispatch te the Iktelueexcbk. Harrisbure, Pa., March 10. Among the bills read the first time te-day was Landis' prohibitory political assessment; the general revenue bill .and the bill te prevent the placing in peril the lives and limbs of performers at places of amuse ment. An Arbitrary Speaker Fre Tern. The session of the Heuse thi3 morning was devoted te the presentation of peti tions and reading bills. The first time when the calendar had been relieved of about thirty bills, and tbe clerk was in the midst of reading that relating te the gev ernment of cities of the fifth class, cover ing G5 pages, Representative Brown, of Erie, speaker pre tern., arbitrarily ad journed the Heuse until Monday evening. THK FLUUUS. The Mississippi Still Declining, but the Situa tion Precarious. . Helena, Ark., March, 10. The river has declined half an inch aud will probably continue te fall slowly for several days when a mere rapid decline is expected. The levees are still being strengthened and will be made thoroughly secure in tbis vicinity. The backwater is still rising in tbe overflowed districts below. This will continue until the de cline in the river is great enough te draw the water back through the crevasses Most terrific currents, the rear from which can be heard bcic during the still.heurs of the night.are tear ing through the country below, carrying destruction with them. TUB S7.000 BuBUfcHY, Several Men Charged 171111 the Crime Given Hearings. PniLVDELPUiA, March 10 Geerge P. Adams, alias A flick, and Jehn McLaugh lin, charged with complicity in the theft of a valise containing $7,000 in geld, belonging te Jesse Williams, at the Bread street station, en Monday last, were given a hearing at the Central station this afternoon. Adams was positively identified and committed in default of $0,000 bail. McLaughlin was released from tbe charge of robbery, but was held in $1,000 bail en n charge el larceny. IN THIS SUPKE.VlK COURT. Litigants In a Suit Made te Enter $50,000 Security. Philadelphia, Marcb, 10. The su preme court heard argument this morning upon the question of accepting the security of the Hale and Kilburn manufacturing company in appealing the suit lately de cided against them and in favor of Elisba E. Everitt te the supreme court of the United States. The court decided that the bend of $15,000 which the firm bad filed was insufficient, as it did net cover the reassignment of the sixEveritt patents and an order was made that tbe firm should en Saturday next enter real estate security in the sum of $50,000. Chicago's Cnt Telegraph Wires. Chicago, March 10. Judge Drummeud, of the TJ. S. circuit court, this morning rendered his final decision in the case of thn Mutual Union telegraph company. He emphasized his for mer opinieu that the mayor's action in cutting the wires was unlawful and ac tienable, but held that as mutual rights had terminated under the charter the court could net order wire3 repaired or prevent the city from carrying out the ordinance which prohibited stringing wires. A IViZe Fight in Trenten. Trenten, N. J., March 10 Jehu West and James Mai tin, employees in Roebling's wire mill, fought a prize fight last night in Lever's Lane, a byway in Chambersburg. A large number of iron workers and friends of the parties were present. Twelve rounds were (ought; eccuping 35 minutes. At the clese of the twelfth round Martin, who was badly pun ished, went down and the fight was given te West. An lllnstrieus tlan's uesceeaants Fer a ienslei:. ueggtug Reme, March 10. Twe ladies, tbe last descendants of Amerige Vespucci, who gave the name of America te the Western hemisphere, are new begging that the pension of ten crowns per month, which was assigned te their family by the repub lic of Fiorcnce in 1G90, borestered te them. Sentenced for Election fraud. Philadelphia, March 10, Themas Malier, jr., Isaac L. Street and Jeseph Myers, convicted of making a fraudulent return as election officers, were each sen tenced te-day te three months' imprison ment, fined $100 and disfranchised ler the period of four years. A Greek Statesman Dead. ATHEKS,March 10. M. Coumenndonres the well-known Greek statesman, is dead WKATUKIC INMlUATlONd. Washington, March 10 Fer the Middle Atlantic states, rainy followed by clearing weather, winds shifting' te northwesterly, stationary or lower temperature, follewo'l by rising barometer. JUAKKISlti. PbllAdeipbla Olarket. PSIX.&&KLT3IA, March 1(1 Flenr mere active and firm ; Superfine, t 7501 li ; extra, $1 25Q 4 62 ; Penn'a Family, 13 1025 25 Kye flour at jt4l'. Wheat qniet and nnchangctl. Cern steady, but quiet. steamer, C7c: Sail Yellow and Mixed, C Kc ; Ne. 3 Mixed. G1Cjc. Oats dull and weak. Rye scarce at 68e, Previsions steady; jobbing demand. Lard steady. i i.-t TVfcZt' A vwt. Msa nKSr' flata,'! I 10k-all .lw & "- ra i ieaiw Wetan48Ki9e. ' Me; I Raw Tat Jtarkac Nxwreax,Mar. lft Fleur In buyers' farer and dull. Wheat heavy; JOKc lower; less delna:: nu. x rrmie, iie: no. :mu, .Marce, si .31 as 30X : de AnrlL 1 23X01 WK : de Hit. ainu . u. -i-Z. . Air. w J" " Cern iiaue lower and dnil Mixed Weatara spot, attisc ; de lnture, 7O072vie. ' -Oats H9Mc lewer;State, 569c: Westcra. June, 52iQ5Sc Grain aad Frevutea gtMtauaa. One o'clock quotations ei (rram aad'yrevl toea, mraisnw uy a.a. xunat, Jfn KastKlntr street. i x : u Ckieata, Mar. lft, Wheat Cern Uata April... L(S( 87 May.... 1.13 .62X .44 Petroleum OU City.... 3. Perk iUiex Lai' Stock Market. - New Yerk, Philadelphia an t Lecal ateeka also United States Bends re;, .zted dalrr by Jacob B. Lewo, 22 North Queen street. - ' Mar. W. lfcOS L-00 8.-ML . a.x. r x r.it. Denver & Rie Grande Hit 45 .... - N. r..Lake Erie ft Western.... 37k Kansas and Texas 3196 31 Lake Shere 110 111 New Jersey Central 71J 7l? New Yerk, Ontario ft W St. Paul, M. ft Omaha.......... ; A BC1TJO datul Rochester ft Pittsburgh 19 Texas Pacific..... .'. 40- Wabash. SLLOuis Pacific... 29 Western TjnlonTeLCe 84 PennsylvanlaCentral.. .'....... 62 Philadelphia ft Reading-. 26K Northern Pacific Cem 49W " " Prelerred.... 85J5 Buffalo Pitta, ft West IS 19t O 2a .... 8? S5 .... 86 1111, 16 XXW ABTJBJtTiaMMMUtXB, PK1VATK HALE. The STOCK and FIXTURES of the late Harry J. Schneider, Confectioner, such as TWO COUNTERS. TWO SHOW CASKS, . Shelving, large number et Jars, etc. Ice Cream Machine and Freezers, as also Chairs' and Tables belonging te a firs'-class led Cream Cream Saleen. Apply te J. ULRICH SCHNEIDER. m3ftlOR Ne. 366 West Orange Street. ' T FRANK. SAYLOR HAS REMOVED HIS GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., jfr Exactly opppeslte the Old Stand. ectll-cmd.twR -1TETZGKR ft HATJUHMAN C A R PETS' FROM AUCTION. IIAVR NOW OPEN A LARGE AND HANDSOME VARIETY OF INGRAIN. RAG, HALL AND STAIR CAKPETS, BOUGHT AT AUCTION KOR CASH AND TO. BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. CARPETS at. . . .12c. C A IIPETS at S)c. CARPETS at 33c. CARPETS at COc. CARPETS at 15c. CARPETS at S5e. CARPETS at....37Xe. CARPETS at CSe. CARPETS at 90c. CARPETS at 7Jc. CARPETS at $100. MTZGI & HADuBMS CHEAP STOBE. 43 WEbT KING ST., LANCASTER (Bclwceu the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetol.) P'JUNWALL ft LEBANON K. K. GO. & Railroad Company. 5 PER CENT. BONDS. FREE OF TAXES. THE CORNWALL ft LEBANON RAIL ROAD COMPANY will recetjre bios, at par. and accrued interest lrem January 1, 1883. Ter r rer cent. Registered Bends, redeemable after July 1, iK,auu payable -duly 1,1902 interest payable January 1 and July 1 01 & each year at the oflice et the Company. -49-The Issued U entire amount et BOND3 te be $150,000, SecureU by a First Mortgage en 1 10 Read, Rolling Stocks Depots, Properly and Franchises of the 1 said Corporation, Executed and delivered te William A. Hubcr and Jacob II. Redsecker. Trustees, and duly recorded. THE BONDS Will be issued in amounted $100. $500, and $1,(300, s V As subscribers may prctcr. Apply te HUGH It. MAXWELL. Pccrctary and Treasurer, Cornwall. I'a. Or at the Lebanon Dime Saving Bank. Leba non, Pa. mlMwdW&Sft4tw JSXTEMTALNMJatTa. XpULTON OPKISA UOUSK. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1883. AN ELECTRIC SUCCESS.' A GENUINE HIT! PEALS or LAUGUTEKL SHOUTS OF APPLAUSE? l J. I. Stii GeiMlitttil in JOHN 1). MISSIMER'S Powerful Drarea. in 5 Acts, entitled "THE AMISH .eiUL . Metzger & Hangeman Cornwall Lebanon EVERYBODV DELIGHTED. , 5" , EVERYBODY'UOISS- - ' iJ ' THK-AT AILIGnTNING. , - -a? -j.TIKlLt,TNG FiE&SCKXlv&J ADiK8ieN"....'.;.-'.:.r.r.....j.fc:sKC25 RESERVED SEATS. J5CEN1 AVI 17I V OtDbklM -"? T UAUUbni ... r v?; ui a grain even ap lccsers uihec, JHHfu, ;vj until atuiaay. -W" . XM emilVVVV Hta tf aaaJMa ". v ,Sr ?r m. (V?4 t.5SI - s Ail , is Vyfl ? - -sa S&iJ --1 - f "i 4 m K . .33 " sa T1 i - m s-i t Ji 3 T 1 iVVl "TZJZi ri. . m il-vJ jswig:'. Ma. , '& .' .J&r.86S&gfcms&&S y t r.fMVi :&&& 1?- J-vr'5- rt J. JT lift Hfr- ' zdjmaitrji-:. .i-i.". " tfSWL -SP? ?3K VAv - .i