j; Volume XIX-Ne. ItiO. LANCASTER, PA. THURSDAY. MAKCH S, 1883. -.. m &.3. VBflH 'B-TB . H ''B . - "!i $ DrT & A K & . ki-r ?' "?. '&. 5?f. - & e l& B li I- I - V r I l& ik ' IK e V V L.3 3Wj sr sasK-' IT Esw - . UOVBV FUItNISOINO HOODS. B AKCAINS IN TIIAEE. riiii old rumor flinn & Imsy for l!ic past two week?, in Down Prices en iUUIiUU And also en IDc LAKOL STOCK bought at FORCED SALES In NEW they are selling at UNHEARD OF Weed and Willow-ware, Kitchen Goods, Steves and Ranges, .Lamps and Lamp Goods, AT BARGAINS. Flinn & Breneirian, We. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., , LANCASTER, PA. CLOTUIXG. E .1. KlllSMAlf. l mm. J, e clitics Slllr I!ndl'i chiefs, Silk and Cash mere Mulll'-i-. Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, li r.lT7.,r, Fur Spring Tep (loves, C.istei Gloves.Collnw.Ciilli. Suspender, Pocket Heeks. Curd Cases. Ladies' fca:liels, J'he legruplt ami Autograph Alliums, Perfumery,, Cigar Case, Sciii I I'iiiH. Skeve Ilulleng, Ac. CJONT TAIL lO SKE TUB ilRAND HIS PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, .NO. M NORTH QUEEN STRLKT, n ,: JHlVTKTrKtl r SON. SPECIAL REDUCTION -IN' Ocld Coats- ?,50 Men and Youths' Odd Coats, Reduced Exactly One-half. 10.00 COA.TS REDUCED TO 5.00. y.oe 8.00 o.eo i r,e. i.oe. o.eo. AVeVwelull llu'eiitflnal mail.' en Uia ki' ki' laeiUs.e that jeit ran ; and "i iU Hit ! rtactieii ioryeuie!f. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. !. TII1WU .V K.,,T,1KK- LAST MARK DOWN OC 50 SBOVLUCOA'l.i A I - 40OVfci:COATSAT ' S7 OVlJtCOAT.s AT 0 () LIU'OA'I'S AT 3 00 Weilii lU t lie money. Wcimi-I haw the renin tni i tit i' liiiiueusu Dteck -f)K SPRIKll CLOTHING, -'UI;ll VK AIM. SOW aiANDI'Ai TUIUNC. FITTY DOZEN 1ELEAYY OVERALLS, r()UT SINHCKNT5 A I'AIU, wei:tii 7. ci:nt. '.'n'l'aiK ! our V.'lXTLl". .STOCK vciy p1k1,:h "" ifO.ii tln-y occupy is what we jn-Pd OAl-.Fi AT ONOM AT HIRSH & BRO., The Penii Hall Oiflthmg Heuse. 'iis.2ainIa.Qm'', aep3 ivd 3J.m KUAKT. Special Mice! lhciehyneiiij my tiicuiNand iwlrflils thtf T 1in,-n iiiet. vpee!vtil n I m-ci Qsqnit, UOllLet 1I1C 1 tllum weigh' suitintj ler ll.e KAltL V SI'ltlNtJ J TRAOK. Alse, a Choice Me.k ; Sl'ItlNG ovi'.ll evi'.ll COATIN'C e: fie XcwegMlnAwi. I hava also new ready sample caiflsel w.y Foreign Importation ter tiiehl'ltlKCS 3'UAOK. and anyone le-lreua of scouring- OhoUe Styles an de se mii". AU Heavy Weight SUITIXG and OVKi: COATING will he undo up toer.ter until t tie Z7tU0t MAIiCH ate-t Piicc. H- GERHART, TAILOJi, V SO. 6 EAST KING $TKEE'J JJ. II. HUPiuiiUl i Owl BRUKUMAN have lafcenanewdepartuie and have been TirrcrarG of Their Own Make. YORK". These Goods IXyW PRICES. CLOTIIIXO. ft s. it.vrnvex. OVEROOA T'reps Suiis, linsiness Suits Pantaloons, Waistcoats, In desirable winter material, made prompt ly te eidcr ler men and boys, at bottom prices ler I lif niivt two months, at 8. S. RATIITOM Merchant Ne. J2.!-liueed fTePr TaueriDg .;siaDiisflmeDt, 101 N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. R i:.-iY reitsi'iMNO. tiij: choicest syeck or 8 w a u& iN THE CITY. NOIL A I LV. S?Jll.r. l'ltlCKS: MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS At $1.(0, $". 00. f;.0', W.W, SI2 00 up te 113 Of'. BOY'S SUITS At j2 1 0, iSSA, US ', up te 0 (). CHILDREN'S SUITS At il .75, ;", fJOIl.fi.O-l, up te jfiO). HEROD AWT TAILORING. Wi- h.i' a vcrv Lai-' :ji ' ."-Pleet Asoit Aseit ' ,i,.isi i:(,eH in Hit' ril'.CL', ar.l liinkc them te nvU: .,t !' mi'sl a "t-hlngly I.O'.y I'RICKS. iEisr, tiujn : c i:t)er. a jiic-, tu.iw, fH..M. SKO- up i and ii. ,. n vlndewft a h"..' nai!. I m plafn iluuif.-Ji i pairs or ivint. l:i ili'lrant htylt,s, vlslah - fiaki'toerdf r l,e' e fj0". A leiig-talASifiit "f l-i'-l". ei ivn el.tbeiate liiieoiaihtiiiwnt.t-'iei i.ci ui te renvinte tiies" Wie li'ii""'' e"i ." icndld ilnuet Cloth Cleth In" and l'iuee ,'f -, ..! iwirn lln t-xci'i-d-ui")yJ OW yUlf 1-S at whlPii w. aje -elllng 'emfsand th-.t wt aie etiVrls.g f-vlr.iniilin'iry bargaiiw W (icr, Kind et g.i inenl" AT- L. Gansmaji & Bre., ;;.(J8 NORTH i)VVAYS STKKKT, KlKllL"!! lll! Seutlnveit Cerner el Ol'.lllgO SI- LA.N'CASTLi:, I'A. C& I'liti cheapest and inn-it rclluble l.leiliing iiianiiljctimiig Ilonseln tin city. It .Sft3'?aJh;s Whife Shirts. ANOTHER LEADER AT ROSEKSTEIN'S (ONK 1'liK'E JIOUSK), 1TO, 37 lOIlTK QUBEN STREDT. llavin" Uispe?'ri of these Kiegant 1'ulf and Tint scarfs, all silk, at 4s rents, and nearly :'M of ih(ic excellent Carter and ncskiji O'eves it GS (JClltj, We New ('onto le the Frent Again Wit 1 tin- III sell liaiijalu etlcretl yet. We tOlt A li'KW DAYS ONLY i The Well known and Hlefjanl Fiitin,t WIII'lT. I nitF.SS SHiJiT, nicely i-iundiled, known :n ,Uie PAKA'aON, AT- 5S CENTS. ?mi BJ3GUI.AE ?Rien is 51.00. Ttucfciliirt Umaile in this C. y' 1 r L' til.. T t... n. The l)0eni tiie muslin js lllliui: .i riiui-iiv j.incji, .in. . ,,11 ai..., M'amsuKa jMHIs We have them In " ,,- " MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Onr SpiiiiB Stylci et Suitings are nev lle-idy iiv insjiectlen. They .-.re nearly all Keieisn Gods, and will hi Made Up Ele gantly and a PtaGT VI? GUARANTEED. and Kxaniinc enr Stock and you will net ''' Svei Meney, hut you can get exactly v.tiai vu "-1'1" 4 4- If AtA..i., .fny-hfi AT EOSEISTEIf'S. X'le. 37 Neriii Queen St SOppr.-Ue th Ginpu jle't1!. tv tidwy OUil KiiW BSAI. I3STJ.T3 -CATALOGUE, Centainln;; A larfje- nunt);r of properties In city cr.rt country, iU prlcei, &". CplP3 sent tree te any address. wliLLKN 'A..H3,,Ki:AC a I iveui t-tiLe auu jsarauciiHciiwi i-. " .!- ETC... .wea. . w qitlE 1'UBEST AMU BEST. Itemed? Ern Hade. It U CompeuBded from Heps, Halt, Buchn, Oan- ilraice, and Dandelion. The eldest, bsst, most renowned and valu able medicine In the world, and In addition It contains all the best and most effective cura tive properties el all ether remedies, being the greatest liver legulater, bleed purifier, and lite and health restoring agent en earth. It gives new life and vigor te the aged and Inlirm. Te clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladles, and all whom sedentary employments cause irregularities et tlie Bleed, Stomach, Bowels, or KIdnejs, or who require an ap petizer, tonic, and mild "tlmulant, It Is invalu able, being highly curalive, tonic and stimu lating, without being Intoxicating. Ne matter what your Icclmgs or symptoms arc, or what the disease or ailment Is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but It you only feel bad or miserable use the bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by se doing, at a moderate cost. Ask your drupgiat, or physician. De net selier yourself or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. II you have lameness in the loins, with fre qucnt pains and uches ; numbness of the thigh; scanty, painful and frequent discharge el urine, filled with pus, and which will turn red by standing ; a veracious appetite and un quenchable thirst; harsh and dry skin; clammy tongue, often darkly furred ; swollen and inflammed gums ; drepsical swelling of the limbs; frequent attacks of hicceugh; inability loYeld the urine and great latigue in attempting it you arc suflering from some lerm et Kidney or Urinary Complaint, such as Bkieut's Disease et the kidneys, stone or inflammation of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary srrlctuie and re tention of the urine, and Hep Bitters is the only remedy that will permanently cure you. Remember, Hep Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the purest and best medicine ever made and'ne person or family should be without it. Din'trlsk any et the highly lauded stult with testimonials et great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or physicians what Hep Bitters has and can de for you and test it. janSi-lyceaTTh&S&w ff Of IJJTTKI59 FOU SM.K AT 1). B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street. . !mar2-3nid UliOVUtprtr. Our goods are known te be superior in make and style. We guarantee everything we sell and refund the money en goods net found as represented. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & f'ixlh Sts. PHILADELPHIA. ml-lwd w ILMAMSUM & FOSTER DUNLAP & COS SPBIIft'8TTLB& I1I1A1 & CO., or Kew Verk, are acr Knewledgcd te be the best manufacturers et FINE SILK HATS in the country. Wpbave just received an elegant assortment of SILK, ctifk and SOFT IIaTS of the latest SPUING STYLES made by them. They cost a little mere money than the usual clasa et hats sold, hut they are very much belter for wear. The STIFF HATS sell ier$5.00 and the SILK ler S8.C0. We have a se a super?; stock et J. U. STET SON'S HATS, equally stylish but net quite se expensive. STETSON'S HATS arc proverbial ler SLYLE, DURABILITY and MOpEKA TIONIN PKICE. We have ether manufac turer's goods tliht sell for less money, se we are enabled te supply HATS AND CAPS AT ALL PIUCES. At present we can put our LOWEST PKIGE at J 2c, but can't say hew long we can accommodate you it Jhat figure, as there are only a lew lelL Alse a let of EIGHT DOZEN GOOD STIFF, HATS FOU BOYS ler 85cib. The $5.00 SILK HATS Ihijl are a little put of style we sell for 83.50. Clothing, Famishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, :u PHiiles3 variety. Uest Quality and always Lewest in Prise. S-JJOOT AMD BIOE DEPARTMENT Will ept,;Ji.APKIL. WUliamsen & Fester, Neb. 34,36 & 38 B. King St., LANCASTER. PA. OUOU sVROI. TiOCHER'S BENOWNEP COUGH SYRUP Tlai cured thousands. It will cure your "cnugh or Celd In lr-53 time than; any ethr preparation. JPKIOEK CENTS PER EOTTLB, "prepitreil'aiid' geld only by CHAS; A. LOCHER, MO.' O BAST 3tmOSTBBBT. : . . --.isaatfsv. . .? r r. tre . 4- THE CITY REPORTS. CONDITION Or THE WAT KB WOBKS. Saperlntendnt Halbsen'a Hepert. Our Enormous Daily GonrampiteD. The necessity for Added Steam ewer. IakiBg Banns. Following axe the annual reports of the water and fire departments presented te councils last evening; ' super In ten tendon tot. Water Works. Te the Honorable, the Select and Common Councils of the City of Lancaster Gentlemen: I herewith submit te your honorable bodies the annual report of the water department for the year end ing February 28, 1883, in accordance with the resolution of January 1, 1879, providing that an annual report shall be made by the heads of the several city departments en the last day of February of each year. I assumed the duties of superintendent of the ater works en the day following my elec! ion by your joint convention . In this report I present te you a statement of the condition of the pumping engines, boilers, pumping mains, reservoirs, plugs and step valves, en my taking charge of the works, and also detailed statements of the operations of the pump3 during the past year, giving the number of revolu tions made, gallons of water pumped, pounds of coal consumed, and the cost of same, as well as condition of pumps, les- erveirs, plugs, etc., at the present time, with statements showing expenditures in detail for labor, coal, oil for light and lu bricating, improvements and repairs. Water Pumping Power. The Geylin pump was operated during the year 2,335 hours, making 3,571,640 revolutions, pumping 71,422,800 gallons of water into the reservoirs. Birkenbine pump Ne. 1 was operated 5,050 hours, making 0,086,971 revolutions, pumping 169,781,400 gallons of water into the reservoirs. Birkenbine pump Ne. 2 was operated 4,463 hours, making 5,152,509 revolutions, pumping 134,000.000 gallons of water into the reservoirs. This pump broke down en December 28, 18S2, and is at present under contract for repairs. The following taken from the record at the waterworks shows the operations of steam aud water power pumps from Feb ruary 28, 1882, the date of my predecessor's report, te April 1, 1882 : The Wbrthingten compound was operat ed 278 hours, making 1,007,520 strokes, pumping 40,032,000 gallons of water, con suming 218.211 peundt of coal, costing $325.84, making cost for coal $7.9S par million gallons delivered into tbeir reser voirs. The Geylin pump was operated 453 heuiM, making 653,040 strokes, pumping 13,000,800 gallons of water. Birkenbine Ne. 1 was operated 549 hours, making 658,800 strokes, pumping 17,128,800 gallons of water. Birkenbine Ne. 2 vas eparated 712V hours, making 855,000 strokes, pumping 22,230,000 gallons of water. Steam Pumping Power. The Wbrthingten high pressure pump was operated 34 hours in April last, at the time bf.he bteak in the twenty four inch main;' 'making 179,520 strokes, pump iug 718,080 gallons of water, consuming 22.GCG pounds of coal, costing 33.92. The Wbrthingten compound pump was operated during the year 5,010$ hours, making 19,349,SG8 strDlrcs, pumping 722, 928,800 gai'.Nts of water, consuming 3,034,575 pounds of coal, costing $4,419 91 showing gedS of coal $6.06 par million gallons delivered into the reservoirs. Consumption or Water. The total number of gallons of water pumped during tne year was 1J098,851,08Q showing a daily consumption of 3,010,575 gallons, costing for coal, pay of assistant engineer, firemen, oil waste, packing, etc., $7,571.17, making the cost of pumpage, by steam aud water power combined, $5.98 per million gallons delivered into the reservoirs. The Conesioga. The Couestega was in geed condition for diiving the water power pumps. "When I took charge of the works there ' was about sis or eight inches of water running eyer the'dani at .hat tjeje," ljut we were unable te use this pbwer en aaceunt of the water power pumps being se much ent of repair, that it was unsafe te operate them for fear of causing serious damage te the main pipes. I called the attention of the water committee te this fact, and en vis iting the works and seeing the condition of the pumps they ordered the same te be repaired at enge. Beiler. The old set of boilers were in a very La (jonditieu. Nc attention having been ptnl towards having them. repaired after the new Bet of boilers were put in operation, the fire fronts, angle plates, saddles, dan; pers and covers were all burnt, and had te be replaced by new one?, the walls were shoved out and had te he tern down, the beijers had te be reset and the walls rebuilt, the Hues were all recaulked and the boil ers put in serviceable' condition. Sine? the repair of these beileas we have alter nated them with the new boilers, which gives an opportunity te dean them monthly and make any repairs necessary. The uew boilers will need a full new set of grate bars, the present ones having warped or sprung down in the cenlre of the bar about seven inches. When n9W ones are put in they should be made in two lengths as the cause of the present bars warping is en account of their length. The feed and blew off arrangements have given some trouble and porno slizht repairs will be necessary. Additional Steam ramping Power. . I desire te call your attention te the fact that additional s.eatn pumping power will be required at no distant day, and I think councils should serieas'y con sider this matter at an early' period. The present steam pnnip is new working te its maximum, and should anything occur that this pump could net be operated it it would be impossible te keep up the supply of water, as the water power is net te be relied upon friad the high pressure steam power is net of sufficient capacity te supply the demand. The present steam numD has new been in operation J nearly five years with but slight repairs, 1 hit after a careful examination I find that many of the working parts are worn and will have te be renewed, whieU will necessitate the stepping of it for several days. pumping Malnl. Tt-cre were twenty-seven leaks en the pumping mains in '"April last, some very bad ones. A section of the twenty-four inch main broke en Sunday, April 2d, and was repaired by my predecessor at a cost (net including 'pipes and sleeves) of $137.17 There is no doubt that all of the breaks and leaks en the mains were caused by the bad condition of the water pumps, Ne. 1 Birkenblnemere especially, it hav ing a crack in one of the valve housings about 12 inches in length, and cense quently at every streke draw In air which was pumped into tbe main and caused all the trouble. Krcerrelrs. ( The westeiasrv6hris in geed cer.dk- tiea, ewi2g ne: signs of .leakage what-1 . fVt. - m AiAAibJ ilih 2ttiam s ,1 ssip 'tjiiub nsrfeirrvaB. !. ui.dvv tember (previous te the erection of the stand point pipe) at a cost of $247.50. The eastern reservoir is leaking en the north bank at the same place where it hat leak ed for several years previous te repairs being made, and also en the southeastern bank where the break occurred in Feb ruary, 1879. Staaa Pipe. In June last I submitted te the water committee a plan and specification for the erection of a stand pipe, for tha purpose of furnishing a better supply of water te the high portions of the city. The water committee, after approval, submitted the same te your honorable bodies, and by your direction the stand pipe was erected at a cost of 82.luG.6s. It was completed and put in operation en September 11. The pipe ha3 given entire satisfaction te the high part of the Second, Seventh and a great portion of the Sixth wards, and has added considerable mere pressure te the high portions of the Fifth and Ninth wards, but owing te the small calibre of the mains through which these portions get their 'supply, it has net proven entirely satisfactory. This can be remedied by putting dewn seven squares of eight-inch mains. Receipts from Water. Tha following are the receipts from water since 1874 and the annual pumpage by water and steam and average daily con sumptien for tbe past four years 187L. 1675.. 1876.. 1877... 1378.. ..$24,000 00 1577 1880 1831 18S3 .$31,378 07 . 35,1)3019 . 38 328 91 . 41,21710 . 41,270 83 ... 2I.&IU U0 ... SC.4S3 6S ... 'J9.2X 89 ... 30,126 83 Annual PumDaee. Water power. By Steam. Total Dally av. gals. gals. gals. gals. 38S0..4W.351.013 595,583,100- 746,937,113 2 010 811 1S81..2GS,0S4,567 700,703,450 989,838,017 2,903,700 1882..339,CG3,8C0 799,337,300 1,188,976, 10 J 3,257,474 1S83. .365,201,200 72J,e46,880 81,093,551,080 3,0X0,578 Mew Renter, During the year 196 ferrules were in serted and water was taken for the fellow ing purposes : One-Story Dwell'gs..Cl Twe ' " V02 Three " " 31 Pave Washes CO Private Stables.,..,. 5 steam Engines....... 4 Steam bell'rs ler heat 4 Bakery 1 Four " " 5 Bath Tubs 70 Water Closets 97 Pumping Kxpensea. The following are the pumpiug expenses in detail and account of supplies en hand March 1, 18S3 : 1.517 tens 575 It 3. el pea coal for steam $1,119 91 10 tens stove coal ter heating 49 75 Pay of engineer and firemen 1,012 0 jcepatr 01 pumps, Doners, etc Smith work, lass tubes, matches, etc Cotten waste '. Packing, hemp and gum , .Lit HOW Ceal oil for lights 121 30 CO 20 12 4S 2135 30 77 52 9S 2i) S) Lubricating oil Cylinder oil..... 13C 12 $6,57117 Supplies en Maud Maroti 1, 18S3. 15 tens of pea coal (a) $2.C0. 1 nr.O 125 lbs. of tallow (al 8c. 10 0) 32 gallons lubricating oil, 40c. 30 fiis.hemp packing, 353 15 ft 3. gum packing, 302 2-2 gallons headlight oil. 15c... 10 gallons cylinder oil, 75c. .. . One new set air pump valves.. 12 fcO 10 50 4 50 130 15 10 22 00 $ 122 CO Kxpendlturcs. The following are the expenditures for improvements and repaiis : St and pipe and connections $2,191 C3 Cevering cylinders steam pipes, etc, v. ith patent covering 179 10 n moving rfnd replacing lagging 70 7tJ Nev steam trap 24 75 One ai't of air-pump valves 22 00 Repairs en old boilers 017 70 Kopaliden Ncs. 1,2 and 3 pumps TOO te Putting in new Heed gate 9 45 rpw invnrfn fnr fltmliOTi4 irr J A 1 New ten lor2l-inehstenat work-. ... 41 55 ' Repaiiingbieaken2I in h main 1.7 17 Cleaning western reservoir 217 .W Whitewashing reservoir fence 30 10 Omnibus hire for committee 17 fiU Pay of repairmen in pity 792 -'J $4,193 13 Pipe Extension. During the past year the pipes wero ex tended en tbe following streets : EastNew street 12271eetet Cinch pipe Seuth Mulberry street.. 330 " " " North LIme street 815 ' " " East Frederick street.. C27 " Lew and Chester streets 955 " " " North Duke stre3t 129 " ' ' East Chestnut street... 465 " " " West Grant street 321 ' " " Church street lC2rt3etef t in. pipe Filbeitalley 210 " Fer Fire Plugs 22J ' ' IUumand Orance streets 2t P.. 20 In. pi c Totals 4519 593 2-ift linking total length et pipes laid te date in the city, 1,310 tcet, or nearly There wp:e set during the year. ,t i " . 1 hl?i miles is plugs 2)-ine'i steps 2G-inch steps CI inch steps " ..1 . M 11 II II Malting total number et plugs set 378 325 i sieps Cost or Pipe Extension. The following is the cost of pipe cxten 8ien: 51)1 feet of pipe $2,72t 21 3CS 20 i7 ST 237 h3 26 21 52 90 32 00 8 25 Special castings, branches, etc. Plugs aud steps i.eau. . .............. PacilnQ .......... 4... ............. Hauling pipes, etc Daniascs en Lew and Chester streets. Ceal for melting lead Digging and filling trenches Laber, laying pipes, setting steps and t)1ti tjs Step bexe-J, weed plans, etc .... S untitles 383 97 2"J7 59 99 99 38 0 Total $55S 02 Cved.tby stock en hand 275 00 Cost of laying SiHteetet pipe $4,783 02 Stock en Iland. The following is the account of stock en hand February 28, 1883 : 10 pieces et C inch pip. 2 pieces et 24 inch pipe. 1 piece of 20 inch pipe. 1 piece of 12 inch pipe. 112 inch Y pipe. 2 24 Inch sleeves. 1 28 inch sleeve. 3 12 Inch sleeves. 2 8 inch sleeves. 4 G inch sleeves. G 6 inch branche? 2 4 Inch branches. 2 plug branches. 1 10 lneh bend. 1 12 Inch step. 2 6 Inch steps. 1 4 Inch step. 6 tire pings. All el whtch is respectfully submitted, Jacob Mausacu, Superintendent Water Works. Lancaster, Feb. 28, 1883. THE KIBE5-EN. Annual Repert of the chief of Fire Depart ment. The second annual report of Mr. II. If, Uewell, chief of the Lancaster tire depart ment, which was presented te city cenn cils last evening, is a very elaberate and interesting document. It contains a full list of all the employees attached te the department, together with the name, age, rank, residence and occupation of each ; a list of all the Arcs and alarms during the year schedules showing the property of the city in charge of tjie several compan ies ; besides a fuil and correct zcoeunt of the cost incurred in organizing the call department. The receipts from all sources during the past year were $25,798 85, and the ex penses, including the purchase of horses, hose carts, the Hayes truck, salaries, 11 te alarm telegraph, &i.. was a little ever 825.000. - - " The total less from -fifty-three flres from March 1, 1882, te March 1, 1883, was yi,370,15, and the insurance paid tbercen 41,843.56. This less is less by $72738.85 than was incurred by fires during the pre ceding, year, the 'figures from .said year being from thirty eight fires I1401E. and The smaller less of the past year speaks well for the efficiency of the department. The department as at present organized consists of one chief engineer, five fore men, four engineers, nine drivers, one tillerman, sixteen hesemen and three lad. dermen total 39 men. The drivers and tillerman are permanently employed ; the remainder of the force are call' men. The men are divided into four engine compa nies (each having a steam engine) and one hook and ladder company, which is furnished with a new 'Hayes truck. The department has also 4,000 feet of gum hese, fourteen fine horses, four four wheeled hose carts, and a very fnll outfit of harness, tools and implements of every, variety belonging te a well regulated de. partment. In the course of his report Chief Hewell refers with pleasure te the absence of fires for some time past, there having been no alarms during the past month ; he com mends the vigilance of tbe firemen, and congratulates citizens that the reign of incendiarism has ended, life and property are sife, and the youth of the city are no longer corrupted by meeting bad company while lounging about the engine houses. The chiefs report is accompanied by reports from the foremen of the five com panies, each of whom gives a detailed inventory of the men and property belong ing te his company. In a book prepared especially for the purpose, Chief Hewell has made a record of the day and hour of every afarm or fire that has occurred since his appointment, together with the number of the box that struck the alarm, the location and charac ter of the building burned, the owner's and occupants' names, hew ecenpied, the the cause of the fire, the less sustained, the amount cf insurance carried, and the amount of insurance paid. The number and causes of false alarms are also care fully recorded. Chief Hewell certainly deserves a great deal of praise for the care and skill he has shown in the preparation of his report. m When Heward -wrote : " I find a pity hangs upon his breast." the fellow had evidently a cole and had net yet been Informed that Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup was the only safe remedy. Fei assistance te sight alrcadv impaired, there is no artificial aid equal te the Celluloid Eyc-Glas cs. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers anit Opticians. mO-lwdeed Daniel Cosgrove, James' Creek, Pa., says: " Brown's Iren Hitters entirely cured me of a distressinc case of dvn39la." Fer sale bv II. J5. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. mS-Iwd&w IX you are bilious, t-ilce faimmens I Iver Iteg Iteg ulater. It Head the List Ol all ether preparations or medicines. In cases et nausea headache, dizziness or irregu larities et the system, Iturdeck Bleed liltturd havenerquitl. They never fail In affording Immediate teller. Pilcefl.OO. Fer sale by II. I!. Cechi-.m, druggist, 1..7 ami 139 North Queen street. We Challenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence toprevo that Shiloh's cousumelion Cure Is decidedly the best Ljng Meillclne made, in as much :w it will euro a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time anil relieve Asth ma, Kreucliitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases et Consumption en red than all ethers. It will curowhere they tail, It is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10c., 50c and $1.00. It enr Lungs are sero Ciiest or Back lame, use bhilel.'s Pereus Plas ter. Sold by II. 1$. Ceelmtn. r.rg0'st, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street rel)7-cedl AH Ja TVetl T!wt EnUS Well. Oiln Catlin. 13 Peail street. r.uHale. N. T., siy.i: "1 tiled vaileus remedies ter the piles hut found no relict until 1 used Themas' Ke leetiic Oil, which entirely cured me altera fv applications." fl. I!. Cochran, druggist, 1$, and i39 North Queen street. livea.'i jni smj'JBji ma "ClASTKti C4KD'. EAST3R, 1883. Easter Cards. EASTER CAltDS selected with care nnd in gieat variety, at L. M. FLYNN'S, NO. 12 V.'KST KING STREET, LANCASTF.lt. TjlASCCK 1S83. NOVELTIES FOR THE EASTER SEASQI ! PLAIN AND FRINGED EASTER CARDS, EASTER BAftNERET. EASTER BOOKS. AT TIIF. BOOK-STORK OF J0NN BAER'S SONS, SIGN OF THE BOOK, W03. 15 and 17 North Que9H Street. feb3-ttd 'If. ASS AKD QUJUOfUtrATSA. e KSli & 5JAKT1S. P!f fl AT CHINA HALL. We new have open a very large line et White Granite Ware. White Porcelain Ware, Decorated Granite and Porcelain Ware -IN- OINNER, TEA and CHAMBER SET3. We have nclecled these goods from the Best MtintilHCttirer-i. WE GUA11A.NTEE THEM. S-i.oedsnotfeatisfactory will beexclianged. High & Martin's, 15 BAST KING STBEET LANCASTKR. PA. N'UTICK -XO TKlWASiiKKS AND OUN N IS RS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands-et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or un un Inelesed, cither for the purpxne-ef sheeting or Bshing, as the law' wlU be rlgldlv enforced against all nespas-teg en said lands el the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN I'KKEMAN B. PERCY ALP EN. EDWARD C. FKKKMA.N Attorney for it, W. elB-ttdiv Ceh;nian'.H lieln. A FEff.1iai(B UFTK$ STOOIKi AT 1 JK per hundred at LABTM AN'a.TEJSLLOWrarAOSX CISAli - . jt - tmrrm warn, ie ut( s t QneeBSware HT.?rsL?. rtU,-.., s B KOW.-S'.H IRON BITTERS. .- -."" ,. - -i. v - -J -m SUFFER no longer from Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, want of Appetite, lese efr Strength, lack of Energy, Malaria, ' Intermittent Fevers, &c. - - Brown's Iren Bitters never fails te cure all these diseases. Bosten, Nevember23ri33fc-. Bews CnxxicAL Ce. Gentlemen: Fer years I hvc been a great autlerer from Dys pepsia, and could get no relleL (having tried everything which was recommended) until, acting en the advice et a friend, who had been benefited by Brown's Iren Bitters, I tried a bottle, with most surprising results. Previous te taking Brown's Iren Bitters, everything I ate dls tressed me, and t suffered great ly from a burning sensation In tbe stomach, which was unbear able. Since taking Brown's Iren Bitters, all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any dlsagreeable re sults. I am practically another person. ilns. W. J. Flynw, J0 Maverick St., E. Bosten. Brown's Iren Bitters acts like a charm en tha digestive organs, re moving all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the feed, Belchiug, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net blacken the teeth or give headache. FOLD BT A. 'J. WIUQOISTS, Brown Chemical Company. P.ALTIMOKE. MD. .'ee that all Iren Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Ce., Baltimore, and havccrescd red lines, and trade mark en wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. 1 r.; dale wholesale ami retail by H. 11. COCff UAA, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen sUvc Lancaster m'Mwd.Sw l lyPMTIIKKIA. DIPHTHERIA. MEDICAL. 7 "ti HAS NO CHANCE -5 WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer. Tl.- .verdcrfni emedj- has saved tholtvreot niiiiy, many children who were almost dead vlth Diphtheria. S. Henry Wilsen. Lawrancp, Mass., stays: 'The surgeons pronounced my rase Diph theria ind decided that no reii'ed'r.s ceuUL much It. Perry Davis's t'ala Killer -aveil my lite." " Lihcnns Leach, Nashua, N. II., says : "I hart painter's colic aud diptheretlc -erc threat very severely. Pain Kilier drove both away." DRUGGISTS ALL KQEP JT. ml-lindJkw LJLKUslbTiCti HA1VUEH Tf.'XAr.llSK TIIB HTISftl-WIMU . PATENT Dust -Proof Watches, NIOKBL AND GrtLTJT,' NOW MADE BY THK Lancaster Watch Ce VarJlAlLKOAn MEX, tABUKRS, MILLERS, MINERS, TAILORS MECHANICS GENERALLY, AND ALL PAR1IES WHOSE EMPLOY MENTSNECESSITA TE EXPOSURE TO DUST, WILL FIND IN THIS PA TENTD USTAND DAMP-PROOV SUCH A SATISFACTORY MOVE MENT AS HAS NEVER EEFORS ItEEN PRESENTED TO THE TRADE AND TO THE WATCTT EUYJXQ PUUTjIC. Our Iiw-G rale us well as HlghGrade Meve ments ALL have the lixpan-ien Balance una Mean Time Screws ; and all Movements ani fitted up, as desired, wither withent our l'AT E1T COMPOUND UEGULATOll, which h pronounced by Experts tebe the Beat in lh World, as Itls absolutely wlthoutlest motion, and the Mevementcan be regulated by hand until it cleselv annreslmatcs accuracv. when. by one full turn et the Scre'w, the rate will be 2h changed Twe Seconds In Twenty-lour Heur. 4 . -.-.-. .... ...-. ... V 1 "T I!..., Vnwllatr ITm.1.. In nnfAlllm. r .iirft inr Imiintenmr nn.l . niiu..av. tf,Mt. tm fellow Ieta of Memery, Universal Law)- v tiu'.f. Pain In thn t'ack, Dlniaca.i etJW'j Vision, Prcmntnre Old Age, and jainy-S ether diseases that lad te lusanltf or Cea-"-S -, :.........,. .. f.n .. ,-".a i5Hi.il4Lrii i,mi n t tciui;uui m;,., j. m. uu ymw tlenlan in enr nulnnlft. wlilch -we dcslr nzfi rend treeby mall te fivery one. Tba SpeeHt-iJfc tge, or ilr packages lor5.-er will fc8,aertr"ttr; t.y- reau en tne receipt 01 mc eia tlresdtns the agent. II. B. Cochran. 1 North Oiicen. street- On account ett felta, we have adopted the eUew".Wimbttrvtii t!i4enlya&ulnc.Uurantees4)tcureIsMMJr', " i lirngglst, JOT and 139 Nertfc Oneea street ir sT iTr tX3 l .KS m nivVS f Vka j3k .-t -3 .i yi ytfri&l &3 ;vTVfi ism-v Vf i v.- VTSSM Jfttf 3g3 -ji , " t'. ac5 "j i ifjsa 551 -5::: Sw iy5,-Jt m ASl -wOSb-l Tia T-siri "aj r?j ? .. ,? y- 1?i3 J&& -. j -.? J- - '..S HLIZ WI "V52 .va m -isa m m jrx r-jTJi 'j im -3 -'&sa 4!f9J 'M 1 ;-;-.-"V mmmams&gmm . j&- j.iv-ais "' ' ' - ,' mwmw4Mmrim "mmKMtmmmsrjM JI-Cirffc JZzzrrJ . m&&&& rtmZ , Twrr,. ."lis m. -Lrrz rii i r.-t an - -.trt .huh' 'kj ijj -l-t.--t; m . ui. i'u . tia'"jwi- ffaitafc'S?JB5iAr 5re'-.,?J -.MX352.WrwwjLKifi jexkam.l -i. r ir miMi ..t'aJ-Jia-'- 4hftasalSSaJJ-M'r.-iji V?-C7irt5C!IaViE-:ThaeS?.i.i" ."SLiTr5?i kv-riiw mv i. iKrr.-r -rr iminr-niMf in n - t tth