figv "!. If 13 - G.-K.e ?t it- 5 &? Ke rr fe fv -W I; 1 JF iM J T b !- IV til. c. I It l& 1 5; ii IC li. It If F l& It II: m KV - r' COLUMBIA NEWS. OUB REGBLAK OOBBESPONOEHCB Event Alene tbe SasqaefeasBS Items or Interest In and AreBBSta Boieagh Ficked np by the IntelU- fencer's Reporter Antheny & Ellis' "Unde Tem's Cabin" will be presented here te-morrow evening. The "Corsican Brethers" will be the at traction for March 20th ; Ada Gray, play unknown, for March 27th, and " Yeung Mrs. Wintbrep," by the Madisen Square theatre company, for March 28th. Tbe latter drama, one that has gained a wide reputation for excellence, .will be played under the management of Gen. Welsh Pest, G. A. 11., and will without doubt, draw a large audience te witness its pro duction. rlre Matter. The Rainbow fire company, of Reading has sent an invitation te the Columbia fire company of this place te attend their 110th anniversary -ball, which will be held in Mainnercher-nall, March 19. The Ring gold band is le furnish promenade music at the ball, which is te be a very large one. A number of the " Celumbias " will no doubt attend te represent their company. Seme person has kidnapped a pair of boxing .gloves belonging te this company, snd new the boys are en the lookout for that individual. Boxing ex ex 'ereises are of nightly occurrence at the engine house, or rather were before the gloves were taken. The meeting of the Vigilant fire com pany last evening was fairly attended by the members. The usual routine business was transacted. Mere Houses .Needed. More houses are needed, if the improve ment te the town is still te continue. Rent is already very high, and as the demand for dwellings increases, se de the prices asked for the houses. A very consider able number of houses could be built and tenants quickly obtained. A number are te be buili in the spring, but what are people te Ce meanwhile ? Religions News. The Rev. J. P. Funk, at present pastor of the United Brethren church at New IleUand-Jias been appointed pallor of the church this place by the late conference which met at Cuainbersburg. It is net yet known when tbe new pastor will assume charge here. The Rev. Jehn Graham, pastor of St. Paul's P. E. chuicb, at Manheim, will preach in St. Paul's chuicb, this place, to morrow evening, ssi vices beginning at 7:30 p. ni. Atneng me Farmers. The tobacco raisers of this section have been vitited by a comparatively small number of bujers this winter, and the prices offered have net been such as te induce many te sell their last year crop. Theso who did sell wese principally small pieducer3, men who needed the money urgently. "A lai go tale of farming implements and stock was held jesterday at Michael Sea Christ's faim near Silver hprings. Four mules bi ought $970. The giaiti iu ibis neighborhood is re ported te be iu a geed condition gcnerally. The icixer ana the Weather. A slide of auew fieai a beuse en Walnut street this morning covered tbe hand cart of William Gilbeir, milk dealer. The owner managed te ctcane the ciush but was obliged te leave his property te its fate. The latter was but little injured, however. A few boys J rij.l te have a geed tiine coasting yesteiday, but the spDrt was rather dull ou account of there net beiu 1 snow enough te allow tbe sleda te ruu readily. The scant snow aud ram and cold weather has a, ua coated the pavemeuts with ice, rendering walking disagreeable and dangerous. The Susquehanna is covered with float idg "slush " ice and presents a winter" sh apnea; auce ones mere. nil4C3l!aneeu8 Milter. Last night at 1 o'clock a ft eight car was. thrown fieni tbe track in the west yaids of the Pennsylvania railroad company here, by the flange of one of its wheels break ing. The track en which the accident ec currcd was blocked but for a short time. Te morrow evening the regular monthly meeting of tbe school beard will be held in the council chamber of the opera house. Seme impeitant business will be attended te. Mr. Coepei Tliuentugler, who will re move te Hanibburg te moirew, was given a farewell party by Mr. Geerge Tille, las! evening. . Fifty valuable law books have been added by Mr. U. C. Kauffman te bis law library. NiSIUUlJOKUOOD KEWS. Kvcnts AcreiB the County Line. Many Barks ceuntians aie removing te Dakota te settle. The ucw Keystone National bank will be epeu for business in Reading en the 10th, with Isaac McUobeas president. The Pennsylvania agiieultural works, located at Yeik, have a contract te build seventy pertablj eugines for parties iu, the Seuth. An order has been issued at the Read ing railroad hheps, Readmsr. prohibiting the issuing of passes te employees in the shops. A charter has been issued at Uarrisburg te the Sewer gas mercury seal company, of Philadalnhia. for the manufacture of a patent sewer trap. The capital is $60,000. Sheriff Sheesley yesterday sold the Staats Zeitung newspaper office, at Har risburg, te the bondsmen of the late pro prietor for $373. The publication of the paper will be continued. Wilsen Bres, rcceutly purcbaspd a farm in the vicinity of Edge Hill, Montgomery county, en which they noticed indications of iron ere, and they are new realizing ero te the value of $000 per month cash, clear of expenses. rellci) Caves, Mayer MaoGenigle bad but two cus tomers this met ning one of them being drunk and diseiderly was sent te jail and the ether being sick was sent te the alms house. Alderman Spurrier sent James Mc Marra te jail for ten days for drunken and diseiderly conduct. Charlie Kuhns et drunk yesterday and entered the houWef Jno. Rohrer, en High street, aud began appropriating te his own use spectacles, scissors, padlocks and ether things that he found lying around loose. He was arrested by Officer Har man aud locked np until this morning, when Alderman McConemy sent him te jail for 30 days for drunken and disorderly conduct. Fire Matter. Last evening the committee or councils en fire engines aud hose, held a meeting. David Beard, who for eome time past has been tempeiary heseman, was appointed permanent heseman of company Ne. 1. The trustees of the "Washington fire en gine aud hose company. Ne. 4 called upon the fire committee while in session and s?.mj) Aen11 t-Ynv 4Vi ofeim nnirinA. An- gine house, and let of ground en which it f-j t sr, r.fin Th committee will re- commend city councils te purchase the property at that price. Appointed Commissioner of Deeds. Chas. H Nauman, formerly of thia city, new of Tallahassee, Flerida, Las been appointed a cemmisMuuci ui '" Pennsylvania. Paid the Costs. T.astnini nnr a woman who WAS COB1 plained against by a neighbor female had hearing before Alderman Barr and was diagbajsad en payment of cesta. Pss IANC WSKlBSTS.tbGrad Bef "Wiggins, the weather prophet, would like te have people think that the boister ous wintry weather we are having is the beginning of tbe storm he predicted for the middle of March; but Wiggins would never have ventured such a prediction had he net known that the ground hog saw his shadow en Candlemas day, Feb. 2d, and that, in consequence, there would be severe weather for six weeks, with a grand blew out at the end of that time. Wiggins is guilty jf false pretense in attempting te ride into pepu- larity ny naDgicg ou iu me win i mw ground hog. Waived Bearing. Jehn M. Mehn, charged with forging the names of Wm. Sales and Leander J. LJhdemuth te two promissory notes, was te have been beard before Alderman Spurrier this afternoon, but he waived a hearing and was committed te answer at court. Market Heuse Meeting. Thia evening the stockholders and ethers interested in the erection of an eastern market house will again meet in the orphans' court room te take further action. Proposals for Carrying the Mall. Proposals will be received up te March 10 by Postmaster Marshall for the carry ing of mail en the route between this city and Rawlinsville, a distance of 20J miles, from March 20, 1883, te June 30, 1885. Going te Jein Uarnum. Tem Daily, the well known bill pester of this city, will Ieave for New Yerk at 8:10 te-morrow morning te join the Bar num-Londen show with which he will travel as a boss bill pester. Geed Band. Barlew, Wilsen & Ces.' street narade at neon te-day. band gave a It is an ex- cellent musical organization and was headed by the stars of the party. Amusements. The " Amish Girl " Saturday. This play written uy a resilient et Heading, is te be pre sented in Fulton opera liouse Saturday even ing. It deals with the peculiar manners ei the religious sect known as the Amisl), and this one fact should give It credit ler origi nality. It is said te be a well constructed piece, abounding in line situations and lull of intcicst. Concerning its production in Head ing, the News et that city says : The light ning belt in the third scene wa3 lealistlcand evoked rounds of deserved applause ; the fire scene In the fourth act was vocifeieuly ap plaudeil, and the curtain ioae again in re sponse te the plaudits in both scenes. Mr. S) ephen was recalled at the clese or the second, third and Jeuith nets."' The Minstrels Te night. Last evening Bar Bar eow, Wilsen, & Ce. 's minstrels append in Uarrisburgte a trcmcn.ieus huuse. The re ceipts wtc ?G0O, and people had te be turned away ler want OI stnn ilng room. The troupe Is an excellent one and they carry every man advertised en the blls The names of the pioprieiers ate fainillar te cvciy one who knows anything about entitalnmenis, an.l the ether comedians, vocalists, dancers, murt clans, ic, btand in the front line of their pro fession. BVt.VlAL. XOTlVt.ll. "Mis. I'urtlngten, what de jeu use fera very bad cjld?" askci Mrs. Dull. "Handker chiefs, ma'am," answered the aged dauie.look dauie.leok dauie.loek ing ever her spectacles. Handkerchiefs arc a desideratum in the eventef a cold, but a bottle et Dr. lSnll'a Cough Syrun is a necessity, be cause it net only lellevi's. but curci the wcrst cold or cough. Mether Swan's AVerm Syrup, lnlallible, lastcless, harmless, tathaitic; ler fevcrlshncsa, restlessness, worms, censtlpa lien. ilc. ie te H. 1J. ceenran's nrng stoie ter Mrs. freemaa's New National Dyci. Fer bright iess' mobility et color, aic unequaled. oelrr ein 2 te r pounds. Directions in Eng iljhaud (Jcrniaii. ;'i:cp. lSwnts. A eau'.', c.eii or a-:rf i.;i.)ai uieuta uc k;ept.i. tf cicct trciuwuiy icsuita .n an In In "URible L-is.g Dlsuc c-i Consumption. iipsp.': i,!cntKxl Tr--!n- de net disorder i.u"-tOii.atu like iugh eyiup" and balsams, but ct directly OM lb i"fituied pirts.allaylng IrrituUun. gr.e r.-lii t Ui Asthma, T.rewniai Ceu'vlv', Cat 'nh, "r.i tlm Threat Troubles liieh 'li'gu'.aii.l I'ull!cSreakra aresub.'f-ct 'e. rer thliLj yaiM Urewn'd Bronchial Ir'-tnj tiav bswn rocemsaonded by plysl ciaii'. u'id tawny- e'.ve ncri.-a satisfaction. Hasni5 ueci' UMied fry vrtiU, and constant use for tiesily an erxiie generation, have r.l taini'd rui .in-ritcl run !c unions theluwstapl. rmed'H e: ilc i"ji. -old at .". rpr.fc a box v... . u ! - 1 v-t. dTTl.A K.Vlvw 3-The Scarlet, Caidinal Ked. Old Geld, Navy Blue, seal Brown, Diamond Dyea give perfect icaults. Any fashionable color lOcts. Araosmes! Cure your cough thoroughly with Hale's Heney cf Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute. m5 lwfltediw Mothers! .llernnrsi! rtlerlierrt!! Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a aicK child suffering and crying with excruciating riin of cutting teeth ? If se, go at once and get a bottle et MKS. W1N SLOW'Sj SOOTHING SY UUP It will relieve the peer little suflcrer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There li net a mother en earth wne has ver used it, who w ill net tell you at once tliat it ill regu-1 late the bowels, and give rest te the mother aud relief licf and health te the child, operating a-Ie. U la perfeeUy sale te Ube in all like ma: .! nnii nlj-isant te tue tasie, auu w rue prescription et ene et the eidest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, bold every who e. 25 cents a bottle. niMy-M.W&Sftw Feu Lame Hack, Side or Chest use S1I1 S1I1 Len'S POROUS PLASTER. Pilcc, 25 cents. Sold by II. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen treat, Lancaster. tublicedG Isaac Jenes, Mt. Carnscl. Ta., says "Brown's Iren Bitters cured ine of eick headache, less et nppetitc and foul stomach." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street ni5 lwdtw Net veu3 and fldaely peepl should read tne advertisement et fcimmens Liver Regulator. Celdes's Liquid Beet Tonic is endorsed by physicians. Ash for Celtle:i's. Taks no ether. Qf Druggists. m5 lwdeed&w Te restore senc et taste, smell or hearing, use Ely's Cream Balm. It is doing wonderful work. De net fall te procure a bottle, as in it lies the relief you seek. Price 50 cents. Apply into nostrils wttti little iinser. lfrein II. F. Hepsner, A. M , Red Bank, N. J I have been troubled with Catarrh se badly ler several years that it seriously eject ed, my voice. I tried Dr. 's remedy with out the slightest relief. One bottle et Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice U lully restored and my head feel better than for years. B. F. LiErsxEB. Elys' Cream Uatui as a euro ler cararrn ami Hay Fever is evidently an article of great merit. Its sale is increasing witt wonderful rapidity. Very truly, Johkstek. Hoixeway & Ce., 602 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. m2 2wdM,W,Fw Tld Kits. Samples lree at Grocers. II. A. Uabtlktt & Ce , Makers, Philadelphia. 112-2Gtd44tw vruwu's ciuascneid i'anacca s the most ettective Pain Dcstrojer In "' J 1 ,)loeU Y.ncu' Will met surely quicken me bleed, tasen lniernauy or upiuiew esu-rn:illy,and thereby mere certainly reliev psrin, whether chronic or acnte, than any etner pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the Blreimtu 01 anv stmuar pronsranen. it curia pain in the Side, Back or Bowels. Bere Threat, Rheumatism and all Aeina, and Is THE GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "Bnewa'S HocsEEeEa Pasacsa" should be In every f-.mily. A leapoenful of the Panacea In a tunrt.ier et !.et w ater sweetened If preferred J, tal;en at bed time will sbeak up a cold. 25 cts r iMUtle , tdbll-lvdM.W&Sftw t ' - , J uasa permanent value; see advertisement of Simmons Liver Regulator, OJUtTINTEIXI OOWBBS IIUBST. 26 and 28 North Queen Street. GENTLEMEN We have new open a large let of FINE PERCALE SHIRTS, which e have just bought, and which we offer at the LOW PRICE OFe.-oe .They are felly worth si. 50. One pair Cuffs and two Cellars gees with each Shirt They are net common goods, but are choice and fine, and are what we say, fully worth 1.50. We also offer the Best $1.00 White.Shirt in this City. BOWERS & HURST, ' Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH TUBH 8c G1VIJSK ft CO. BLACK CASHMERES at BLACK CASHMERES at BLACK CASHMERES at BLACK IN JET BLACKS AND BLUE BLACKS. BEST GOODS IN THE CITY FOB THE PRICE. JOHN S. G1VLER & CO. Ne. 25 EAST KING STREE JOHN S. GIVLER. " Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills for the cure of Neuralgia aie a success." Dr. G. P. Helman, Christiauburg, Va. 80 cts , at druggists. " Five Dr.'s ; no enO of medicine ; no rell'J Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure has driven away alt erup'Jensand Tm nearly well." Ida C. Yeung, Hamilton, 111. Druggists keep it. $1 per package. Slaking a Kaise. Jehn Hays, Credit, P. O., aays that ler nine months he could net raise hlsliand te hl3 hpad through lameness in the shoulder, but by the ue et Thetmis' Eclectric Oil he was entirely cured. Fer sale byH. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Skin UlMtasM. "S wayne's Ointment" 1 Cures the most invet invet "Swayiie's Ointment" ..... "Swayne's Ointment" cratecases of skin dis "swayne's Ointment" 1 Swayne's Ointment" cases, such as tetter, "Swayne's Ointment;; ) ,t ruenm 8caid head, "Swayne's Ointment" 1 "Swayne's Ointment" babei's itch, sores, all "Swayne's Ointment" ) -. RCav uchin" "Swayne's Ointment" )crusty' scaly' ucn,n' "Swayne's Ointment" skin eruptions, and 'Swayne's Ointment" ,,. iliticssin"' com cem "Swaync's Ointment" tat uuncs8in" com "Swayne's Ointment" plaint, itching piles, "1 wayns SiSffiSS lte only effeCtaal CUre "Swayne's Ointment" no matter hew obstl ebstl "S wayne's Ointment" ) nate or long standing. Ask for it and use no ether. It CUBES where all else lails. Sold by all druggists, A Conch, Celd or Sere Threat Requires immediate attention. A neglect ir ritates the lungs and an incurable disease is often tbe result. " Ut. SWAYNE'S COM POUND SYUUP WILD CHEBBY " cures the most severe coughs and colds, acts directly en the lungs, threat and chest, purifies the bleed, and ler bienchial, asthma, all pulmonary af fections et leng standing, it isthebestremedy ever discovered. Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle- The large size is the most economical Beld by all best rtrnggfats. 1P-M W&FIydftw xi ew te seenre Health. t seems strange that anv one will sutTer from the many derangements brought en by an impu'-e condition el the bleed, when SCO VILL'S 3ABSAPAB1LI.A AND STILLINGIA, or BLOOD ANDLIVEB SYltUP will restore perfect health te the physical organization. It is indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, aid has proven itself te be the best BLOOD PUB1FIER ever discovered, cttcet ually curing Screlula, Syphlitic disorders, Weakness el the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bil ious complaints and all tliseases indicating an Impure condition el the Bleed. Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects Indl gestien. A single bottle will prove te yen its meiits as a health rencwer, ler it ACTS LIKE A CBABM, especially when the complaint is el an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain and ner vous system. .. aEB'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain in man and beast. Fer use externally and inter nally. RKDHOUbE POWDEBS cure all diseaees or horse, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A'POSITIVECUUE. mayat-3 Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store KS7 North Queen street- VJSJlTUH. Steieerwalt. In this city, en the Cth Inst., Aiiu.rr. H.. son el Samuel C. and Alice E. ritei- gerwalt, in the 10th year el his age. Tue re( relatives ana rrienu3 ei iue miuuy uu r.-anefMinllv invited te attend the funeral Jrem tbc M. K. Ml8slen church, Charlette 3treeten Friday attemoen at 2 o'clock. Inter - mentat Woodward Hill cemetery. !(XIeehx. In this city, en Tuesday, Mnich 6, Leah A., wife el Augustus Reinoehl, aged 6J years, 4 months and 30 days. Funeral en Thursday, March 8, at 11 o'riee'e a. in., lrem the residence of her son, A. C. Reinoehl, esq., Ne. 422 North Duke stie it. Rel atives and friends are respectfully invited te attend. Burial at Lancaster cemetery. Sueirr. In this tity, en the 7th Inst., Walter Henry, son el HeHry and Elizabeth Short, aged S months and 1G days. The relatives anu'frlends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the luneral, lrem the par.nt3' residence, Ne. 28 East Frederick street, en FriJay alternoen at 2 o'clock. Interment at zien's cemetery. nuuEB.-March 7. 1833, in Lancaster, Pa., Margie E. Huber, daughter of H. H. Huber, aged 22 years, 10 months and 21 days. Netice et luneral hereafter. XX.W ADVtSKTlaJBMKXTI!. 4 COONXKYG1KL. WANTS ASl'lUATXON J. te de general liousewerK. -appiy m. ttj r THIS OFFICE. iiu LCNUH-! LUNCH 1 , . , At the 8chlller Heuse this (Wednesday) evening. Sour Kreut and Speck. The Finest Beerln the city en tap. & M ATTEBN. I?OK RKKr.-i THREK-STOKV BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Ne. 45 Seuth Duke street. All the mcermrejements. in7tfdR Ne. 110 West Lemen Street. I1HE BEST 5 CENT CIGABS I THE City, the leiiew rrenis, at ARTM AN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR HAR' STORE. WAMEU. A GOOD HONEST BOV between the ages el 13 and lfi years, te act ss an assistant te a blind person traveling withgeeds. a suitable boy will be well paid. References required. Ad-jres Bart, Lancaster Ce., Pa. m7-3tdft3tw TOBACCO BUYERS' CONTRACT BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS AND SAMPLE TAGS, NEATLY PRINTEDIAT THE "Intelligencer" Office. - r" .;.aS- r - ". ("" XMW.AM -3 QUEEN STREET. - BLACK CASHMERES at BLACK CASHMERES at BLACK CASHMERES at 50c. 75c, 90c. CASHMERES at XJS' AUrHBHISEXlSXXS' mrv cae WlIX BUI THE OMfcTniKU 3bZOUU interest in a well-paying new business In this county. Fer particulars ap ap nlvte JOHNH. METZLEB. u5 M.W&S Ne. 9 Seuth Duke Street. DKESS AND CLOAK MAKING. MBS. AUTEN. et New Yerk city, has opened Dress and Cleak Waking Beems at Ne. 27 EAST KING STBKET, and solicits the patronage of the ladie3 et Lancaster city and vicinity. Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, mar'-lmd PUKCB.A3E THE BEST KEBKCCA TO baec e, only 10 cents per plug, at HARTJIAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STOKE. BAUSitf AN & BUKNP. GENERAL INSURANCE An REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Ne 10 West Orasge Steebt. LAMCAtTER, Pa.. f21-CtdeedR T FRANK SAYLOIt HAS REMOVED HIS GALLERY OP PHOTOGRAPHY TO- NOS 42 AND 44 WEST KING- ST., 4- Exactly opppeslte the Old Stand. ectll-fimdAwIt ri'HK TOWN'S TALK, THE $ CENT UA- J. vana anil Yara cigars, at UABTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. T OBACCO PRESSES. MINNICH'S LATEST IMPROVED TOBACCO PRESSES. Fer Casing and Baling Tobacco. Sold te hon orable parties en trial. Warranted superior in every- leature te any in present use. II net as represented can be returned at my ex- Sensc. Alse Manure Heeks for cleaning sta les sold en same terms. Send for circular. S.B. MINNICU. Landisvlllc, Lancaster Ce., Pa. 3t-S,M,W&w OIirHAN'S CIURT MALE OF VALUrtKLE CITY PROPERTY. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 18S3, by virtue et an order el the Orplian's Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned will sell at public sale at the Leepard Hetel in Lancaster city, the undi vided hall part of that certain Let or Piece el Ground situated en the north side et-Nerth street, and en the west side et Seuth Duke street, in the city erLancaster.and containing in lrent en Eald North street. 143 let, le inches, mere or less, and extending in depth along a line of ground, new or late el Jehn Sener. deceased, northward 207 leer, mere or lesa. te Locust alley, thence east along said alley, 63 feet, 10 inches, mero erless, te ground new or late et Jehn F. Leng, thence south. 20 feet, mere or less, along the line et ground of said Leng, thence along the ground el said Leng eastward, 90 feet, mere erless, te south Duke street aforesaid, thence along said Seuth Duke street, southward. 187 leet, mere or less te North street aforesaid, whereon is erected a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE 20x28 feet, with a two story Brick Kitchen 12x22 leet attached. ,rTT Alse, a one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. 28x18 leet. Frame Stable, 10x16 leet and ether improvements. Bounded en the west by property new or late of Jehn Sener. decoded, en the north by property of Jehn F. Leng aud Locust alley, en the east by Seuth Duke street, and en the seut'i by North street aforesaid. This property is situated in a very desirable portion or the city, and otters a fine opportunity for Investment Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., when attendance will be given and terms made known by J U LI A A. HEPTING, Executrix el Charles A. Uepting. HEintT Shubbrt, Auct. 113-3tdTu4m5&7 -TOrj AKK NO MISTAKE IN PUKCHAS- 11 feed ,ar 'arepresentedat 1 UARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. ZEGAL XOTICES. ESTATE OK FREDERICK 1IIEL5IAN. late of the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te jftc undersigned, all per sons indebted te satdPttecedent are requested te make immediate settlement. and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the eity et InAeggSiBHA OTTENDOUFEK, Administratrix. B. F. Davis, Attorney. 114-Gldeaw ASSIGN KD ESTATE OF GKORGE O. Hensel and wife, et Lancaster city, Lan caster county. Pa. Geerge O. Hensel and wife, et said Lancaster city, having by Jeed of vol untary assignment, dated J AN U ARY 12, A. V. 1883, assigned and transferred all their real estate and effects te the undersigned, ler the benefit of the crediteis et the said Geerge O. Hensel, he therefore gives notice te all per sons indebted te said assigner, te make pay ment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te CHAS. I.LANDIS. Assignee, Residing In Lancaster City. L. EtxstAKwi, Atty. lanlMtdeaw ASSIGNED ESTATE OF WUXUM HEN sel and wife, erLancaster city, Lancater county. Wm. Hensel and wife et Lancaster city, having by deed of voluntary assign ment, dated January 27, 1833. assigned and transferred all their estate and effects te the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors or said William Hensel, lie therefore glve3 no ne tice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te JFREP'K. SENER Assignee. Euebnb U. Smith, Att'v. i.l.MJtdeew ESTATE OF JOHN P. DUSTMAN, LATE of Lancaster City, deceased Letters et ad ministration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, au persons ln ebted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the un dersigned without delay, residing in Lancas ter City. HENRVWOLP, teb21-6tdeaw Administrator, ESTATE OF ANN THOMAS, LATE OF Columbia, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement, aud these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay. - STEPHEN SANDERSON, JOHN JKLLt, B. F. Davis, Atotatatraters. Attorney. JMCWeaw? Hgwyaam "t jt -r -yj ' V- -s... LANCASTER, PA. 65c. 87c. $1.00. V $1.25: LANCASTER. PENN'A. GEO. P. RATHVON. JOB HAX.B. FOR RENT. A STOKE BOOM AND Dwelling containing 5 rooms. Ne. 10 Seuth Queen street. Apply at the Ihtelliqbs ceb office. tfd Tf OR UK.NT. and Dwellings, Sei. 331 and 303 North Queen street, opposite Northern i wu aiuica uuu incuiuKO . Market Heuse. Apply at me. OIM AUIUU d29-tfd 303 QUEEN STRbET. FOR RENT. One Stere and Dwelling. Ne. 3?3 North Queen street, opposite Northern Market Heuse. Apply at Ne. 303 NORTH QUEEN STREET. d29-tfd FOR SALE. Deuble Twe-Story TWELVE-ROOMED DWELLING. Choice Location. Bath. Under ground Drainage. Large TWO-STORY STA BLE and Greenhouse in rear, Fiuit and Shrubbery In variety. Apply at d23-tld NO. 239 EAST KING STREET. FOR RENT. A. K.A.KGE TWO-STORX Brick Heuse. Ne. 131 North Duke St. A two story Brick Warehouse en Mifflin street, between Seuth Queen and, Prince streets. A. J. STEINMAN. 20-tfd INTELLIQEHCBB Office. PUHUO SaXK OF HOUSEHOLD l'URNI tnre. such as Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Dishes, Tinware, eta, at Ne. M7 W 3t Orange street, en Thursday, March 8. Sale te com mence at 1 o'clock p. m. MRS. HENRY FORREST. A. E. MeCahn, Auct. m6-2td PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY, MAKUU 8, 188.1, will be sold at Public Pale, at Ne. 37 East Vine street. Bedsteads, Bedding, one Parler Suit, two Mirrors, Dressing Bureau and Washstand, Cane Seat and ether Chairs, two Desks, Sideboard, ene Walnut Extension Table. Dining Table, Dish Sink, Fleur Chest, Ingrain and Rag Carpets, Range, Larg Dining-room Steve and Heater, Tin and Queens ware and a number of ether articles. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock. m3 4td MAIUNDA FRITZ. PUBLIC SALE OF CITY PROPERTIES. On SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 38S3, at Michael s Hetel, North Queen street, Lancas ter, Pa., the undersigned will expose at public sale, the following real estate, situated In the city of Lancaster, te wit : Ne. 2, a let of grr.und en the cast side et Plum street, between East King street and Ea.t Orange street, centainingin front 23 feet, mere or Itss, and extending eastward 111 feet, te a public alley, en which a one storied bt ick DWELLING HOUSE, Nc. 37, is erected. Ne. 2. a Let et Ground en the north side of East Chestnut street, between Shippen anil Plum streets, containing in front 16 leet 1 inches, mero or less, and extending north nerth wp i dot said width 35 leet, mere or less, then widening towards the east 1 loot 5 inches, mere or less, for the remaining distance et 5G leet 4 inches, mere or less, te a live lect-com-inen alley, en which aTwo-Ste-icd BBICK DWELLlNGHOUSE,numbered3i74s erectt d Alse, at the same time and place, will be sold the FRAME BUILDING, Nes. 3C2 and 304 East King street, opposite Plum street, together with all out-buildings, fences, etc ; said build ing, etc., te be taken down and removed alter April 2, 1883. in order te make room for the ex tension et Plum street. Sale te begin at 7:30 p. va., en said day, when terms will be made known by MARY BAIR. feb24-t3d . MARY S. B. SHENK. JSXTBUTAIAMJiXTH. UULTUS OPJSRA HOU5K. r " WEDNESDAY, MAHOH 7. ENLARGED ! IMPROVED I PERFECTED I Annual Tour elthePEOPLE'8 CHOICE, the World Famous Barlew, Wilsen & Oe.'s MAMMOTH MINSTRELS. Bablew, Wilsen ft Ce., Sele Prep'rs. The World's Greatest Minstrel Organization in an Entire New Pregramme. New surpas sing enr own previous record. More Famous Comedians, Mere New Features, Mere Refined Novelties and the FINEST COSTUMES and COSTLIEfeT WARDROBE ever worn en the Minstrel Stage. AN AVALANCHE OF NOVELTIES ! A WORLD OF TALENT PRICES AS USUAL. Rpservcd Seats new en sale at Opera Heuse Office. D. B. HODGES. - Busisess Manager. m3 4td T7ULTOM OPEKA HOUSE. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1883. AN ELECTRIC SUCCESS! A GENUINE HIT ! PEALS OF LAUGHTER ! SHOUTS OF APPLAUSE ! J. I Mi Geiiiti. In JOHN D. MISSIMERE'S Powerful Drama, In 5 Acts, entitled "tie ahisi my EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. EVEKYBODY GOING THE FATAL LIGHTNING. THRILLING FJRE SCENE. ADMISSION 50CENT3. RESERVED SEATS 75 CENTS. GALLERY.. ........................... 35 CENTS Diagram open at Yecker's Office, March C, until saiuiuay. J.M.STEPHEN. Manager. J. M. SCHAFFER, Stage Manager. marG 5t THE LARGEST, MOST CUHPL.V.TE AND best assortment of euchre, cassina, poker and ethr playing cards at HARTMAN'3 YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. PKUPOSALS FOK BEEF. Sealed proposals will be received ler the furnishing et beet ler the Lancaster County Prison ler tbe term et lour menhts ; said pro posals te be handed In en or before tbe next meeting. MONDAY, MARCH 0. 18S3. nuVitdftltw J. W. NISSLEY. secretary. XTOTICKTO TAX COLL.ECTOKS 1 Proposals ter the collection et the State and County Tax for 1883. in tbe East and West Wards of Lancaster City, wUl be received at the County Commissioners' Ofllce until 12 e clock m., FRIJDAY.MARCH 16, 1833. Nene but bona lido bids will be entertained. By order of the Commissioners. Attest: FRANK GREIST. me 3t -- Clerk. TDST RECEIVED A THIS OFFICE ANOTHER FINE LOT OF t Fancy Business and Advertising Cards. THE LATEST DESIGNS OUT. Call at the INTELLIGENCER OFFICE and see samples. tfd r j.5 3,. .-), EDITION. WEDNESDAY EVBNDJG, MAS. 7, 1883. ESEE PASSES. CONTKNTION XN THE STATE SENATE. Tfie Law Against Taera Leaded Dew Wltfc Amendments Said te be ratal te IU Passage. Special -Dispatch te the IsTKixiaxscxE. Habrisbubg, March. 7. In the Senate this morning the time from twelve te one o'clock was taken np with undoing what was done daring the previous hour. The Senate went into committee of the whole en the Everhart anti-free pass bill. Laird get iu his amendment providing that it should net impair the validity of contracts. Cooper fixed it se that passes are permitted for benevolent-purposes and for soldiers going te encampment or war, and Geerge Handy Smith had it improved some mere by providing that officers and attorneys of railroad companies are net included in the privileged list of employ ers. The radical supporters of the bill opposed all these amendments. On the question of adopting the report of the com mittee of the whole, Stewart, Lee, Hall, Adams and Wallace made a strong fifht in opposition, claiming that the amendments were added with the purpose of killing the bill. Cooper and Davies replied. The report was defeated by a tie vote, 21 te 21, and the bill remains exactly as it was two days age. Senater Stehman, who voted for the report of the cemmitter, moved te refer the bill te the railroad com cem mittee and the Senate adjourned with his motion pending before taking up the pas bill- , a The following bills were passed finally : The bill te provide for the distribution of unelaimed human bodies for medical pur poses ; te prevent waste by the production of petroleum from lands in controversy in. an action in ejectment. Ilease Proceeding. In the Heuse, Beers, of Clarien, intro duced another congressional apportionment bill aud Latouche, of Lackawanna, a bill te establish a miners' orphan school for the children of miners who have lest their lives in coal mines. The remainder of the session was exhausted in discussing tha bill te exempt building and lean associa tions from taxation, without coming te a vote. a. Cnarter Granted. A charter was granted te day te the Clearfield, Chest Creek & Western rail road : te run lrem Clearfield te the mouth of Chest Creek, en the Susquehanna river, a distance of thirty miles ; capital $300,000. The effice will be at Williams Williams pert. William Seaman is the president. AT WASHINGTON. A Meeting or the National Union Leagne te ba Called. Washington, D. C, March 7. Gen. J. S. Negley, or Pittsburgh, the president of the National Union League, has called a meeting of the executive committee of that body, Te take placaat the Continental in Philadelphia en the 24th of March, for the transaction of important political business. Secretary Felger's Denial. Secretary Felger denies the published statement that he had said it would be a Ien" while before any mere bends would be called. He says he had expressly ro re frained from talking en the btibjcct of bends and has certainly net intimated that no call would be made for soma time. ClJClNr,ATI A WAKEN ISO. An Organization ifermert te Promote Honesty iu Municipal Kloctlenp. Cincinnati, O., March? About thirty gentlemen representing both political par ties, after holding several private meetings have published the organization and object of the municipal reform as sociation. The object is declared te be te promote the election of honest men te the municipal eflkes of the citv of Cincinnati without regard te party. The operations of tha society a-e te be confined strictly te offijes and municipal elections. The membership is te be com posed of alfeitizans willing te promote the above object. A Mether and Daughter huffacated In a Mre. New Yerk, March 7. A fire this morn ing in the Cambridge lists, EastClth uef ...qri Mm death of Mrs. Wake- man, agtd 5G, and her daughter Rese, by suffocation. The less en the building is 70,000. and en the furuiture $40,000. Mrs Waketnan wa3 the wife of Abrara Wakcman, ex surveyor of this pert. She was an invalid, one side being paralyzed and her daughter was also ill Many mer-3 lives would have been lest but for the fiie cscape in the rear. A "Wealthy Stock Man Shet. Galveston, Texas, March 7. A special dispatch te the News from Hubbaid (Jity says that J. H. Laud, a wealthy stock mat), formerly of Wisconsin, hasbeen shot and killed by a man named Varnell. The latter made improper advices te Laud's i.,imitfr at a uartv and when Land ordered him te leave the prcmifiea he shot him. Tne Dead Trlzs Klslitcr Taken te New Yerk New Yerk, March' 7. The body of Jim Elliett, the prize fighter who was killed iu Chicago byJerre Dunn, arrived here thi3 morning and was met at the de pet by a large number of sporting men. The remains wcre taken te the residence of Elliett's sister. The funeral will take place en Sunday afternoon. Deat'i of a Promlee'kt Man. West Chester, Pa., March 7. Dr. William B. Brinten, a prominent physi cian nnrl Kiirfreet). president of the county ,. . . ... -j - i .:.:... r ilia medical society, resiuruu ijujejiu Pennsylvania railroad, a Master Masen and borough councilman elect, died this morning alter a brief illness. Minnesota Fleur Mills te Snut Down. St. Paul, Minn., March 7. The great flour mills in Minneapolis and througheui the state are net producing te the extent of one third of their capacity. A number new running will shnt down this week, because of the scarcity and high price of wheat. Arrested for Violatles the ExcUe Law. New Yerk, Marcb 7. Malt Grace, in whose saloon the prize light took glace last night between FuDjames and Gallagher, was arrested this mm ning for violating tbe excise law, and was released en bail for trial. Dyroe's Extradition Delayed. Paris, March 7. The rendering of a decision in the case ei Frank Byrne, whose prtrarlitien is asked by the British govern ment, has been postponed until a meeting of the cabinet council te be held en Friday. Failure or a Foreign Cotten Manufacturer. Londen, March 7. Mr. Licbteller, a cotton manufacturer of Bolten, has failed. Liabilities, 80,000. rifclp for tbe Irish. WATEnBCRT. Conn.. March 7. Rev, Lawrence Walsh te day cabled $1,134 for the Irish relief fund and $903 for the Land League. -. .. ' German Honors te tue Prince of Wales. Berlin, March 7. The Prince of Wales has been created a field marshal of the German-empire. Flenr Mills liurned. Teledo, Ohie, March 7 Herrick's floor ing null burned te-day. Less, $30,000. SS.-tfy,. -v; Ye. dXn.. Mtddlebubg, Pm., Harab 7. CTeVJI Mever wm haaged ia the Jail yard bar at eight, miautea past akvam'o'eleaar taia morning', for tha .aardar of Qrateaan Kintzkren Dee. 8, 1877. Ha patted a quiet night, aleepiag well. When led eat of his cell te the scaffold he stepped up firmly and exhibited great nerve. The prisoner gazed calmly upon tbe crowd of 250 people and stated that the Berder waa committed en Friday evening by him aad Emanuel Ettinger, that he and ak brother Jonathan and Ettinger robbed aad burned the body and the prenuaes ea Saturday evening. He said, te, that it had been said that his brother Jeseph was also present aybut that waa net se. Prayer waa thea offered, te which the condemned man made re, spenses. After thia the sheriff pinioned his arms and ankles and the rope was ad justed, the white cap placed ever hk head and the 'drop fell. He died without a struggle in about seven minutes. An EngUafcHlatertaa Dsad. Londen, March 7. J. B. Green, author of the history of the English paeple, has died at Menter. WEATHKK INUlCATlONS. Washington, March 7 Fer the Middle Atlantic states, colder fair weather, north westerly winds, higher pressure. MAJtKXia. FblUdelpbla Market. c'uii.adm.iiiia. March 7. Fleur, dull "bat steady ; Superfine, S3 7331 00 ; extra, S3 asm G 62; P enn'a Family, S3 aaa's. Rye flour at t4 1. Wheat dnll and weak; Del. and Pa. Bed, $1 19 01 3K ; Longberry Red, 91 2301 23V. Cern quiet and easier; Steamer, 67567Kc Oats steady and fair demand. Ryoscarce at 68072c .as te location. Previsions steady. Lard quiet. Butter dull and unsettled. Rolls dull ; Penn'a and Western, 11018c as TO OUlllltV. Eggs dull and weak; Pennsylvania, 20e ; Western, 195420c. Cheese quiet, but Arm. Petroleum dull ; Refined, 7Q7C Whisky at 91 18 New Yerk Market. N ions. Mar. 7. Fleur dull and slightly In buyers' favor. Wheat unsettled, y, Kc lower : active spec ulative trading; Ne.l, White, 91 16; receipts 40,5 0 HU9 ; sales, 32,00j bus ; Ne. 2 Red. April. $1 231 23K, l-'O.OUO bus ; de May, 91 25X9 1 IG'A, 1GJ 000 bus : de .Tune, 1 2tQl 27 ; de Mnrcti, 41 21 bid, 91 SIX asked. CeTaiiia lower and lairly active: re ceipts, 99,0 i bus ; sales 160,0 0 bus : Mixed Western spot. G3S7e ; de future, 70e)72?c. ' Oats 'kc lower ; receipts, 39,734 bus ; sales, 280,000 bus : Ne. 2 March. 5c ; April and May, 5ii53c: June, 3253c ; state. 66363c ; West ern, 52359c.' Grain and Prevision jnotatlens. One o'clock quotations e! -raln and provis previs ions, mrnialied by S. K Ynndt, Broker.lSX Kust King street. Cbicage. Mar. 7. WhPHt corn Oats Perk Mar..... l.(85 5S4 Miy.... 1.13 .G24 MJi lttf5 Petrelen-i. OU City..... 92. Lard li.45 Llve stock Market. CnioAGO-Hegs Receipts, 1,2000 head ; ship, mi-nts, 5,000 head ; market unsettled ; steed te prime heav 5gl0c higherat 9730780; geed mixed, steady ut $G 503715 ; light easier and a shade lower at $6 107; quality peer; all sold out Cattle Receipts. G.00) head; shipments. 3,100 head ; market active oft shipping and ex ex eort grades ; butchers' and canning- grades unchanged ; stockers and i feeders weak ; pxperts, 10108045; peer t- prime shippers. t 036 25; butcher cows, 92 50214 23 ; steers, $1 fi0510; stockers, $3 5034 GO ; fcedeiy,4 4 520 all sold. Sheep Receipts, 4,300 head ; shipments, 2303 head ; inquiry tairand offerings liberal ; mar ket steady and unchanged : peer te cheice natives, J3 50?G. East I.ibkrtt-Cattle Receipts, 881 head ; market fnir at yesterday's pricsa. Hogs Keceipts. 2,070 head : market lairly nctlve: Philadelphia-, 97 GOffl 00 ; Yorkers, 17 20S7 "-"5. Sheep Receipts, 2 000 head; market fair ut yesterday's price. Stock .Haricots. SU'T v0r:, t'ni.wltslphta. and Leem rttOCij S.eO U.-iltfcd Str.ti-4 Bendi rr.pjjtal .Lilly '? -; V. f.crsa. 22 North 0"-i""O struet. Mar. 7. 10.00 1 1 Wfl. A. af P TIsT T a :nvn- & Ble Grande 44K 4Ki i 4 Y..I.-ike Krieft Wtslem.... 37 38 37 K annas and Tuxbj 31V 3Ui 2ll 31 31! 2U 1 94 KWf mil .... 7lU 7IK 72 I.a.Tf -iiiore Vew Jersoy Central New Yerk. Ontario le W. ' St. Paul, M. & Oir.aiu v I'acific Mull.... Rochester Pittsburgh IVtziis Pacific ............... . 6,baH! St. I.euU ft Pacific.... Western Onion Tel. Ce Pennsylvania Central Philadelphia ft deadlu , N'erihern PactneCein . ' " PreferrBd... Butrule Pitt-s. 8 VfK-t it 43 48 4'l 19 39 28,i 83 G1J 26 lif 15 19Vi 39 2S'i 82 61?2 SG)2 48 85 1 3. & 82K U 26f 48 85.'& Lecal stocks and Denas. Par val. t.:ii- 'ijrS pirct.Lean,duel882...fl09 L vr.H 120. 12a ler 112 102 102. , 10H. 102 n.25 ayw. GO 190 90 2 17fi 10O 4JS 1 I " 1SS... IW TOO... 100 18j5... 1UC 5 per ct. n 1 or 30 yean.. 100 'y per ct. Scheul Lean.... WO " t " in ler 'Hi years.. 100 " 4 " In 5 or 20 ycirs.. 100 " 6 ' inlOerSOyeurs. 100 Manhelui borengh lean 100 mscin.4insec; stocks. Oi.arryvlHe It. K.. $S0 Millersville Street Car 50 Inquirer Printing Company 50 Watch Factory...... 100 Gas Light and Fuel Company. 26 3teven) Heuse........................ 100 Columbia Gas Company Columbia WattrCempany Susquehanna Iren Company 100 Marietta Stevens Heuse........................ 50 Sicily Inland................. 50 East I5randywine Wayncsb'g.... 50 MUlcrsville Nermal Scheel lUS0BLLAWn0t3TKnH Uutirryvllle R. 1C. dueUSs 4100 leading & Columbia R. i:5'8 100 Lancister Watch Ce.. due 1888 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce.. due in ler 20 years 100 L inciter Gas Light and Fnel Ce., due 1SS8 ICO TtnnrpiKK stocks. Cl'rSnrlnzft Beaver Valley. 3 25 ie6 r vjn ISO 10c 5 K. itruifrenert & Horcshee 3H 22 18 20 18 Columbia & Ctiestnnt Hill 25 'Jelumbla &-WashIngten 25 Columbia & Big Spring 25 Lancaster & Rphrata 25 Lancaster & Willow Street 23 Strasnurg & Millport 25 Marietta & Maytown 25 Martatta ft Mount Jev 25'n ftMiddletV. 100 Lancaster A Fruitvllle. 50 Lancasterft Litttz 3& Lancaster WlUlamstewn 26 Lancaster ft Maner 50 Lancaaterft Manheim............... 25 Lancaster & Marietta 36 Lancaster ft New Helland 100 Lancaster & Snsauehanna. 300 47.3) 21 UL79 00 a 75, 9 i 33.-S 110 no iJ 14a IS 20 BASK STOCZB first National uaiiK tlOQ Farmers' National uanK co Fulton National Bank 100 Lancaster County National Bank.. SO Columbia National Bank ICO Kpbrata National Bank 10P First National Bank, Columbia.. .. ICO First National Kanx, trasburg.-.. 180 First National Bank, Marietta ISO First National Bank. Mount Jey.. 100 Lltitz National Bank ,.... 100 ManheiJi National Bant:...'. 100 Union National Bank, Mount Jey. if! New Helland National Bank loe iv 1. Hoesebeia narker. daixt. tfutterfis.... enpeneese, aenps. . Cottage cheese, 2 pieces. Dutch cheese ft 1uibd..4. , SOTOTBT. Chickens H pair (live) ' Vpleoe (cleaned) Pigeons. Apr Wild Ducks ft pr. .MSjpSW xuTKeya, irve " cleaned, ft ft.. xjucks cieaneu.... ....... ueese live. Jill VXOBTABIJB Beans. Lima, ft qt. II ''- carrots jt Duncn..., a lyUUUHj0, T1 W . ....... ...... ll;ad sal ail. ................. ;.. Potatoes ft $pk. ., Sweet Potatoes $pk ..ila unions v 7 P- ' uadisi 90UD SHlaitvll Turnips JtfDk, Celery pr.buncli ii((iit,ittftft,' lies y Duncn.. ....... . .... .a Be&us V Qt.MiittMMtiMt.tiniP' '1 Duncti. . .. jpt' " 1 m e A5" "r r" i ' r sqr 7M -, r X -&T "? "XI ,ai 3 v AT Jzr jPSfl "sftS S3 .. , -3sj -rM M -"!sa vj$9 .1 m vs- R V elw 'V, je ' Jrii V.i &-: m.t ! ...fLHB f i : 5.! T. sr:e. : m. ?r 'L' 9V "& : 5 'rj -, ite " SAK .& .v r-?4! iifefiilk! ?&! ?M WSyCSIffi &u&!li&&&&&&&&&& k.SJfe'lK &Sr& -ss; Jf ? ;.'izi-eL JtfSPji jj i&P: : JbxJZSl