i' iSii'-;-'. fcsixU.Vi'.J?S.-S V ... MVVwj fer-a.TV-i3''-"tel )tsr . 3S . i&S i -A-.vyM;-VTv5isx?i-vM . ,rTjB'-A isH.-rkr- 'm Aif t .W;A? av.j.&. i-.-; ey, r,-..-4jw , -i.-. w . ;-. , : ..w-!,"?i.'iii 1 - '-. - 5.-S5S ersn1 ?:& tTV l-'c It I I . " Ltr ISI 8 mfe- !- 1:? tfU gixi $ & v te 21- Eg t A F- lVr r; 1-c.J Be ruW, Ir-i "7 : Is?' I. SL. & itr w i&f lic"- t IE" m w Est erf Igi ? r-iessJa r . j k i v M&: Ptfesi. 3wJ iTJm.m . ....... ? s Telnme XlXfle. 159.- nevBK rvsamsBinaaoeDB. takuaih in TINVAEE. The OLD FIRM OF FL1NN A BEENEMAN busy for the past two weeas, in jTevtn9 TV.TDT1 Prieee en Tinware of And also en tee LAUGE STOCK bought at FOECED SALEs InNEW TOEK. UNHEABD OF LOW PKICES. Weed and Willow-ware, Kitchen Goods, Steves and Ranges, Lamps and Lamp Goods, AT BARGAINS. Flinn & Breneman, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANOASTEB, PA. CLVZUINO. T? J. KBISMAM. Gent's Mil Goods. Neckties, Silk Handkerchief, 811k and Cash mere Mufflew. Mnen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirte, Underwe-r, Fur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster Gloves.Cenars,Cuir3. Suspenders, Pocket Beeks. Card Cases. Ladles' Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scart Pins, Sleeve Buttens, AC. rwiN'T FAIL TO SEE THE GBAND D1S PLAT. E. J. ERISMAN, -NO. 66 KOUTIl QOEKK STEEET, P. B. HOSTKTTEK HON. SPECIAL BEDUOTION -IN- Odd. Coats. 250 Men and Youths' Odd OeataJ Bedueed Exaetly One-half. $10.00 COATS REDUCED TO $5.00. 9.00 " " " 450- 8 00 " " " 4.00. G.00 " " " 3.00. Wew have lctt the original mark en the gar ments, se that you can see and make the re (tactien for yenrself. I B. Hostetter t Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. -pIKSU & BKOTUKK. LAST MARK DOWN. 35 OVEltCOATS AT 3 .00 40 OVERCOATS AT S.BO 27 OVnltCOATS AT. 60 OVERCOATS AT .M Werth twice the money. We must have the room ler our Immense Stock F SPRING CLOTHING, WHICH WE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING. FIFTY DOZEN HEAVY OVERALLS, FORTY NINE CENTS A PAIE. WORTH 75 CENTS. Alse balance et our WINTER STOCK very cheap, as the room they occupy is what we need. CALL AT ONCE AT HIRSH & BRO., The Penn Hall Clothing Heuse, Nes. S and 4 N. queen St. eeps ivd H. OEKOAKT. Special Mice! I hereby netlly my friends and patrons that I have just reeelved a large assortment et me dium weight suiting ter the EARLY SPRING TRADE. Alse, a Choice Stock of SPRING OVER COATING et the He west Shades. I have also new ready sample cards el my Foreign ImportatlenforthesPRING TRADE, and anyone desirous of securing Cheke Styles can de se new. All Heavy Weight SUITING and OVER COATING wHl be made up te order until the 1.7th of M AKCU at Cost Price. H- GERHART, TAILOR, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. 'X have taken a new departure and liavcbcen Their Own Make. These Goods CLOTBISQ. s. 8. KATHVON. OVERCOATS, Dress Suits, Business Suits, Pantaloons, Waistcoats, Iti desirable winter materials, made prompt ly te order ler men and boys, atbottem prices ler the next two months, at 8. 8. RATHYON'S Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., LANCASTEE, PA. I J23-lmeed E EaDV FOB SPKING. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF Sni IN THE CITY. NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES : MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS At $1.(0, $3.00, IC.00, $8.00, $12.00 up te $18 0C". BOY'S SUITS At $2.(0, $3.00, $4.50, up te J9 00. CHILDREN'S SUITS At $1.75, $2.00, $3.00, $1.00, up te $0 00. MERCHANTTA1L0M. We have a very Large and Select A83en- mentet UOOUS in tUC l-lEiUtt, HUU limnu "'"t te order at me most u-jieiiisiiiHBij .! PRICES. MEWS SUITS TO ORDER. At $12M $14.00, $16.00. $18.00, up te $25 and $30. In our windows we have marknd in plain flcurcs 1C0 pairs of pants, in dittcrent styles, A long statement of facts, or an elaborate line of argument, is net necessary te convince theso who Inspect our splendid line et Clotli Cletli ine and Piece Goods, and learn the exceed ingly LOW PRICES at "which we are selling goods and that we arc offering extraordinary bargains In every kind of garments AT- L. Gansman & Bre., .8 NOBTII QUEEN STREET, ttlghten the Southwest Cerner et Orange St. LANCASTEE, PA. 4y The cheapest and most reliable Clothing Manutacturlng Heuse In the city -pOSKNSTKlM'S. Bargains in White Shirts. ANOTHER LEADER AT ROSENSTEIN'S (ONE PRICE HOUSE), NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Having disposed of these Elegant Puff and Flat Scarfs, all silk, at 18 cents, and n.-arly 300 of theso excellent Carter ami Dogskin Gloves at 68 Cents, We New Come te the Frent Again With the will sell Biggest Bargain ettered yet. We rOR A FEW DAYS ONLY The Well Known and Elegant Fitting WHITE DRESS SHIRT, nicely Jaundried, known as the PAEAGON, AT 58 CENTS. THE REGULAR PRICE IS 81.00. This Shirt is made in this City. The besom is made or Four-Ply Linen, and the muslin Wamsutta Mills. We have theni In all sizep. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Our Spring Styles et Suitings are new Ready for Inspection. They are nearly all Foreign Goods, and will be Made Up Ele gantly and a PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. At Moderate prices. Call and Examine our Stock and you will net only Save Meney, but you can get exactly what yen want AT EOSEBTEDPS. Ne. 37 North Queen St 00ppeslla the Grape Hetel. "MOW BEAUX. OUR NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number of properties in city and country, with prices, &c. Copies sent tree te any address. . alusnaukkkace- UeaflCstate' aud Insurance Agents, Ne. 10 JC 1st Ring Street. - Sering Overcoats LANC ASTEE, An Iieral Kvenue Offlcer saved. PBOvnwscK, August 2i;iB92. Editor ofBetton Herald : Oeab Sib : Poring my term et service In the Internal Revenue Department of the United States, at the time my office was in this city, I was afflicted with a severe attack or Kidney fiiKKise- and at the time suffered intensely. I received the medical advice et some of our best physicians ler a long time, without being benefited by their prescriptions. Being dis couraged by the failures of the doctors te help me, and being urged te use Hunt's Bemedy by a friend who had tested its merits, although reluctant te try a patent medicine. I was finally induced te try the Bemedy, and pro cured two bottles et it and commenced taking It faithfully according te directions. Rpfnm t iiai taken, it three davs the excru ciating pains in my back had disappeared, and HAinm i had naed two bottles I was entirely J ured. Whenever, from ever exertion or a violent cold, the pains in my kidneys return, afew doses of Hunt's Eemedy quickly effects a cure. Before closing I beg te mention the remark able cure of a friend et mine in New Tork city, te whom I recommended this valuable medicine. He was suffering severely from an attack which was pronounced by bis physl clan a decided case of Brlght's Disease ei the Kidneys. I obtained two bottles et Hunt's Eemedy ler him, and he commenced taking it and began te improve at once, and was speed ily restored te health, land he attribntes the saving of his life, under the blessing of amer cllul Providence, te Hunt's Bemedy. Anether lrlend et mine in New Yerk, te whom I recommended Hunt's Bemedy, was sufierlng severely from Kidney disease, and was entirely cure I et It atter using this won derful medicine only a short period. Feeling deeply gratelul for the great bene fits experienced by my friends and myself from th use of Hunt's Eemedy, I feel it te be duty, as well as a great privilege, te lurniah you this voluntary and unsolicited statement eriacts for the information ei your large number of readers, many of whom are un doubtedly sufierlng irem this widely spread ing scourge, and I believe It is the best medi cine new known, and that It will cure all cases et Kidney diseases that can be cured. I shall be pleased te center with anyone who may desire an interview regarding the state men ts herein contained, Truly yours, RICHMOND HENSHAW, m2-lwM,W,Fd&'w 99 Messer street. RKBIKOY FOU SALE AT H. B O. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North v ., miu Queen street mar2-3md TTNIVKUSAI. TESTIMONY IN TAVOE OF ;c KIDNEY-WORT." THE GREAT SPE IFIC FOB KIDNEY D1S- EASE, LIVEE TROUBLES, MALARIA, CONSTIPATION, PILES, LADIES' WEAKNESSES AND RHEUMATISM. TEBR1IILK KIDNEY DISEASE. 'Mrs. Hedges says 1 cannot tee highly pi alse Kidney-Wert," says Mr. Sam Hedges, Vvilliamstewn, W. Va It cured my terrible klctnev disease. My wire had te turn me ever in the'bed before using It." SEVEKE KIOH EY DISEASE. " I was entirely cured," recently said Mr. N. Burdick.ef the Chlcepec Bex Ce.. Springfield, Mass , " of severe kidney disease by using Kidney-eort." COULD MOT WOKK BEFORE. " l've had no pains slnca 1 was cured by Kidney-Wert." said Mr. Jas. C. Hurd.cfthe Chlcepec Bex Ce., Springfield, Mass. I ceuld't work before using it, se great were my kidney difficulties." KiiiNKY AND tlVEBTBOOBLtS. " Several doctors failed," writes N. Steepy. ui..i,i. 1'ita fa.. but Kidney- Wert cured my kidney and liver troubles of two years stanaing. KiUNBX COMPLAINT AND DIABKTES. vnr six vears" says Engineer W. H. Thompson! eSu. M. & St. plul R. 1,1 had kidney complaints and diabetes. Kidney Kidney Wert has entirely cured me." IT HAS DONE WONDERS. t eiin ifecemmcnd Kidney-Wert te all the world," writes J. K. BIngamen, Crestline e., It hit done wonders for me and many ethers troubled with kidney and liver disorders." Constipation, Plies and Rheumatism. I have found in my practice that Constipa Censtipa tinn indulles In all ierms. as well as rueu rueu miScliens yield readily te Kidney-Wert. Philip C. Balleu, M. D., Monfcten, Vt. PILES 10 YEAIIS. ' Kidney-Wert is a medicine of priceless value. I had plies for 10 years. It cured me." Nelsen Falrchilds, St. Albans, Vt. GRAVEL, PERMANENT RELIEF. i t lmvn used Kidney-Wert ler gravel," . re cently wrote Jas. F. Reed, t)f North Acton, Maine, "and il gave me permanent relief. 20 YEARS KIDNEY DISEASE. " I had kidney disease ler 20 years," vrltes C. P. Brown, et Westport, X. Y. -I could fccarcclywalkaud ceuf.i de no work. I de voutly thank Ged that Kidney-Wert has en tirely cureame.- A GREAT 11LESSINO for RUEUMATI981. " It ii, thanks te kind Providence, a great temneril blessing," truly remarks Wm. tills, el Evans, Colerado. The gentleman leferrcU te Kidney-Wert, and its magical curative properties. Incases of rheumatism and kid ney trouble. . RHEUMATISM ON THE BENCH. A priceless Jewel. J. G. Jewell, a judge at Woodbury, Vt. says : "Kidney-Wert cured my rheumatism. Nothing else would de li." PILES. Frem Nantucket, Mass., Mr. Wrn. II. Chad wick writes: "Kidney-Wert works pi emvtly and efficiently In caes of Piles as well as Kid ney troubles. It's a most exceUent medicine." LADIES' XBOUBliM. " Ne medicine helped my three years pecu liar troubles," says Hr.'. H. Lamereaux, et Isle La Motte, Vt., " except Kidney-Wert It cured me and many of m friends, tee." OVER 30 YEARS. " I had ki.lnev and ntliev trniililA nvpv SO vears." writes Mrs. J. T. Gallewav. Elk Flat. - - ......i Oregon. 'Nothing ueipea me our. ivicney ivicney Wert. II will effect a permanent cure." A Pnyslcian'H Wife's Troubles "Demestic remedies and prescriptions by mysell (a practicing physician) and ether doc tors, only palliated my wife's chronic, two years stindliig, inflammation of the bladder, Kidney-Wert, however, cured herS These nreextiacts lrem a letter et Dr. CM. Sum merlin, of Sun Hill, Washington county, Ga. SETTLED CONSTIPATION. I have had kidney disease for 30 years," writes Mrs. Sarah Phillips, of Frankfort, N. Y nearUtica "Kidney-Wert has allayed all my pains and cubed my settled constipation." LADY DISCHARGES TWO SKBVANTS. '1 have net been able te de my'housewerk for many years until recently," writes Mrs. 11. 1', aierse, et iiyuu iai, juuu., -".. surprised all my friends by discharging my tweservants and doing their work. Kidney Kidney Wert was the cause. It cured me and Im strong. ma-lweed&w KIDNKY WOBI lTO 8MB AT M. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 1C0 North Queen street maiMmtt XiyWAJtX!, &v. Cl-KCIAL NOTICE. Kf Chandeliers AND- GAS FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS. Glebesand Shades, Geal Oil Lamps. Plumbing and Gasfitting, Hoefing and Spouting. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF H0USEKEEPING.G00DS, -AT JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, NO. 24 SOUTH QUBBN STREET, lebZMyd LANCA8TR,PA. . . , .. . ' - . x. .1.. jsK L.' A:., s-t':-. . -5'.. j''.. a" ,) :. r -... .-c A.jsj"-f - "-, ,.- . PA.. WEDNESDAY. MAUCH 7, 18S3. HIVES SPOBTS. PK05ECUTIHO 'THK.-FO HUKTBBS. ADeUcUvo"WBeput8top te tbe Destruc tion et Omm Hew tae Wlieleaml SlaagBter Wm Carried Ob. A detective Mined Lindeey, who was sett up from Baltimore te Havre de Ghujb te pat a step te the wholesale murder of ducks with big guns and pet hunters, succeeded in bringing the offenders te justice and putting a- step te their game. He arrived in Havre de Grace months age with his wife, and was thought te be an English gent'eman in search of amusement. He wen the intimate friendship of "Wash. Barnes, the king of the big-gunners, and went out and helped Barnes pick up the ducks killed with a big gun. 8e close did i.:- ranrlaliin Tipnnma that Mrs. Lindsev volunteered te teach the piano te Mrs. Barnes' children. What Mr. Lindsey didn't learn from Mr.Barnes Mrs. Lind sey learned from Mrs. Barnes. The de de de toefiva was en the bar in all sorts of weather. Once he came near losing his life by beicg swept along by drift ice. He was such an enthusiast about the sport of duck-Bhoeting that it was whispered he ras a crank. But there's net a man, woman or. child in Havre de Grace who thinks se new. In the testimony it was brought out that Lindsey in his operations after the big gunners had violated the wild-fowl law himself, hence charges were filed against him before Justice Adams for' two viola tions of the law. The cases were tried at once, and he was fined $25 for the first offense and $50 for the second. The fines were paid. The big gunners are very bitter ever the detective's work. They say that if the !. ekmiirt Via mmdfifl se as te Dermit them te gun at night from Jan. 1 te April 1 they would net gun at any ether tims. It irequently occurs, they say, that the bay in this vicinity is frezan ever after Christmas, and it is difficult as well as unprofitable te sheet from boxes. At night the ducks bunch and feed. Then it is the big gunners sneak upon them and bang away. One shot from a big gun Kmmrtitiinwn!).,i dneks this season. Te get two shots a night is geed luck. The guns are put m bkiiis waicu are yiawu uu runners when necessary. The gunner is shrouded from head te feet in white can vass, se as te escape detection. Sometimes he moves along en skates. The big gun ners urge that if a man cannot make his living in day-time in frozen weather, aud is willing te undergo any amount of dis comfort for that purpose at night, it i neither fair nor right te deprive him of the privilege. The owners of shore-side property, say that if the big gunners are net stepped, wildfowl will be frightened off permanently after while and their property become comparatively valueless. They say that the legitimate gunners, who greatly outnumber the hie gunners, make a very geed thing of the business through out the ducking season, and there is no reason why ethers should net de likewise except it be that nothing less than whole sale slaughter will content them. Ducks have been plentiful this season. The champion legitimate gunner is Wm. Dobsen, who has been known te bring down 300 iu a day's sheeting. Tne money spent in Havre de Grace by visiting sports men, and their liberality in paying for the services of hunters, has done a great deal for the place aud its inhabitants, and is one reason why se many persons side with the sportsmen in desiring te prevent the V.-,,. ..nnnnrs frnm driving tllO ducks aWaV. There are no visiting yachts at Havre de Grace new and but few of the' sportsmen owning property along the shore, as they come earlier in the season, which begins Nev. 1 and ends April 1. The enforcement ei ine taw againi ug .,a" Vma ttpnn vprv beneficial. An ex perienced hunter, who has made ducking and fishing the business of a long life time, states that en Friday last mere ducks were killed en the flats ei the Sus quehanna than were shot during the whele month of Mareh last year. Usually the warfare is se active by the ' big gun ners" that by the time. Mareh arrives only a few birds linger en the feeding grounds. It is said the acute Philadelphia detective who figured se conspicuously in the cap ture of " big guns" and gunners, spotted nearly every man engaged in illieit hunt ;.. htr 1 ei. which the hunters them- selves gave, unconsciously. It was a sort of trade mark, and subsequent develop ments proved the accuracy of the deteo detee tive's preliminary observations. It should b8 remerabsred the big gunners ply their vocation only at night when the birds arc feeding. Sometimes the flats are covered for inaDV miles with myriads of birds Eettled.c'omfertabJy after dark where they can procure choice 100a. ine uuuu ui their feeding, like the whir of their wings en rising, 'may ba heard a long dia--,na n(T TJvj, linnter annreachius in his tiny craft mas'; lie flat en hi3 breast.. He is directed in the darkness only by the sound of the feeding, which may be great or small in proportion te the size of the fleck en the flats. Listening intently for guidance, -the hunter is found te have contracted a permanent habit of aiding the hearing by the use eGhis hand against his ear. Such a habit would net be necessary in day light, when the pursuit of the game is directed wholly by sight. The detective mingled freely with hunters, big and lit tle, in the bar rooms and resorts of Havre de Grace. He privately, noted the name3 of all who enlarged the range of the organ of hearing by the use of their hand, and it is said that in nearly every case the indi vidual having this habit was afteiwards ascertained te be a " big gunner" or pet linnfal " A O.CKER CHARACTER. A Dutch Baren at Nice. Philadelphia Evening Tclegrapn Correspond ence. There are queer people in this world, and one of the strangest was certainly a resident at Nice, who died seme time age, and whose superb villa, with its spacious grounds, still forms a point of attraction te these who pass it in their drives. He was a Dutchman who had made a gigan tic fertune in Russia as a railway con tractor, by name Baren von D . lie had settled down at Nice te enjoy life thoroughly, and he did enjoy it alter his own fashion. He was passionately fend of music, and net only caused a charming j little opera house te be constructed as an appendage te nis vma, dug -get up anu maintained, at his own expense a private orchestra, numbering some twenty musi cians, this trifling luxury costing -him $60,000 per annum. He also had a prima denna in his - 'pay, , who dwelt with her husband in the chalet en his grounds. With these adjuncts as a nucleus for a tnnrm lta nanfl n out rin ntMraH in find style, the choruses being supplied by the leading choral societies of Nice, and he would, issue cards of invitation te these entertainments. The invitations in question were immensely sought after, as tne numeer was necessarily umiwu, iu baron doing things moreover en a gran- diese scale, and: supplementing the attnntieM of the nnuie by these Oi a but leuna no reuer unmiusee gliemas- x;c x;c x;c aioacueiM ."" .- Jr(27 ZlJl lectricOU, which entirely cured jane altera Buperb- Supper.- All the guests were applications." H. B. Ceckraa, druggist, fxneewav"tpr sv9mBj isu inuu ., ..JV. n.. a'sect J?Qfa -.i --t. nr- v t; ih .--- a-iTv - .j .-. v jv j -m and the coup d'ceil of the dainty little theatre, crowded with ladies in fall ball dress and blazing with diamonds, is said te have been very brilliant. The baron was anything bat a courteous or attentive host. He always occupied one of the precenium boxes, never issuing from it te speak ex te receive any of his guests. Any request for an invitation, even en the part of the best known or most distinguished of his acquaintances, was greeted .with marked rudeness and almost invariably refused. Once or twice this style of ao ae ao tien met with its own punishment as, en one occasion when he had sent an invita tion te Prince Oscar, of Sweden, and afterwards received from that gentleman's chamberlain a request for cards of invita tion for the Count de 8 and his daugh ter. " I have no cards te threw away en wandering tourists." was the curt response te the request, 'inereupen rnnce uscar sent back his own card of invitation, an action whieh induced the Baren te leek a little further into the matter. What was his horror en discovering that the so se called Count de S was no ether than the ex-king of Hanover, then travel ing incognito with his daughter. The baron made profuse and abject apole--gies, and forwarded a whole pack age of invitations, but no notice whatever was taken of either. On another occasion he sent se insolent a response te a similar request made by the wife of the then governor of Moscow, that the lady's hus band sent him word that if be did net at once apologize he weuldneverbe allowed te set feet in Russia again. The baron disdained te apologize or, indeed, te take any notice whatever of the message. Un luckily he happened te be at the station when the governor arrived at Nice, and the indignant Russian instantly fell upon him and thrashed him within an inch of liia life a ennrsA nf anf.inn which actually brought forth the apology that up te that A.!.k t... J 1j.mh AWMnwmA it 09,11 TCnll lfl blUlU IIiU UOTU UUUiOUUCU IU T ...... - - spite of all this, and ether drawbaeks tee numerous te mention, the baron continued te be immensely popular at Niceby rea rea sen of the splendor of his entertainments, and, above all, the superb and succulent character of his sappers. The final end of this unsympathetic personage waB in congruously touching and pathetic. His eldest daughter died very suddenlyat Montpellier, whither she had gene with her mother te be treated for a malady of the threat. On receiving the telegram that announced her death the baron was stricken with apoplexy and died in a few hours. THE HOWGATE SCANDal.. Seme Strange Rumors from the Capital. The "Howgate Combination." New Yerk Sun. Lately the belief has gained ground that Captain Hewgate is still in Washington, and has never been out of the city limits since he disappeared. Wherever How Hew gate is, he is a power. There is little doubt that he holds net a few in his grip. The amount he stele is put at about $200, 000. If it does net prove te be five times that sum when the truth comes out it will be strange. Realestate in Howgate's name has been' discovered amounting in value te about $200,000. While he flourished he lived at an expensive rate. He owned his yacht, costing a geed round sum. Its yearly ex penses amounted te a comfortable income. The yacht, however, was only one item of his yearly budget, tits guests were lav ishly entertained. He made nothing of spending $1,000 en a single entertainment. He had no apparent income-but his salary, and yet few men in Washington spent se much money. Where did the money come from ? The $200,000 said te be the limit of his stealing from the signal ser vice is accounted for in the real estate he owned. Vastly larger sums which he spent, in the face of every one are yet te be accounted for. His extravagant expendi tures went en for years. Scores of men in Washington de net doubt what the truth is. They never did doubt what was going en when Howgate flmirialmd Rn extensively. He had an open hand for everybody, and his hand always J had money in it. He- made friends who have net deserted him. The belief is cur rent that there are theso who cannot afford te desert him, and that the circamstances of his career have rendered his living in Washington new and for an almost indefi nitn nprinri a matter of enmoarative ease. A settled conviction exists that if the Hewgate combination has npt closed the eyes of justice, it has at least turned them in the wrong direction. "Call the Iiexl Case, Sir" Eatenton (Ga.) Messenger. Forty years age Eatenton was a fast town. Gambling of all kinds, cock-fighting and horse racing was the rule as it is the exception new. Why, sir, at ene term of the court 1845 or 1840 the grand jury 1 nt nvnpil nn true bill aeainst forty persons. Jehn W. Ashuter, solicitor-general and a number of prominent lawyers included, ia one batch for gambling. It was in this case that it i3 said Judge Cene made him self famous. When the case was reached all of the defendants arese and pleaded guilty. Judge Cone fined each of them $10,uud cost ind'w.tiired them severelv unen the use lessness and immorality of such habits and the vicious example which they were setting for the youth of the country ; then commanding the defendants te take their seats, with a solemn face, but a merry twinkle in his eye he turned te the clerk, and said:'New,Mr.Clerk,enter after these nespe 'State of Oenrnia vs. Judze Cene: gaming special information by his honor pleaded guilty,' and fine him 8100 and cost. Callthe next case, sir " Byren never uttered truer words :han when he said. "Phvslclans mend or end us." But while doctors disagree, all the world has agreed that there is no remeuy cquai 10 ur. Bull's Cough Syrup. F01 assistance te sight alreadv Impaired, there is no artificial aid equal te the Celluloid Eyc-Glas es. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers ana Opticians. ms-lwdced Ttnnlnl ffarrfT .TnTTlOa PTAftr Pfl flRTQ Brown's Iren Bittern entirely cured me of a distressing case of dyspepsia." Fer sale ty H. i VA.nKwi.k imno1et ll7nTtl 131 Kni-th Onwn ii vuviutaiif "faft-Jt " - Av , uv.. street. m5-lwdaw Sensible suggestions;- read advertisement and take Simmons Liver Regulator. It Heads the List Ol all ether -preparations or medicines. In cases et nausea headache, dizziness or Irregu- , ... . .!. .n.nn HnwllAlf RY.il lUttnlM mnura ui luu b)ekiu,jiiuuvjw..... have no rquai. a ney never jiui m 11m immediate relief. Price 81.00. Fer sale li. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North street. T Wish everybody te Knew. Rev. Geerge H. Thayer, an old citizen of this .vicinity known te every one as ame3t Influential citizen and christian minister et the M. E. church, just this moment stepped in our store te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ewe our lives te Shiloh's consumption Cure." It t ..!.. lMmanitniiBtnlAnvmmirMniitM 19 UailUq .........? ..-Maw w w. vu.w ..... and is giving perfect satisfaction in all -cases OIvJ.UUlf UVM2UBC9, DUU11 OS 11UUUUK CJBO 1UU1 done.- DBS. MATCHETT A FRANCE. RecBBOir. Ind., May 15, ."78. Sold by H. B. Cochran, diugglst, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, f eblleeul ... ,. w.n Thmt -- We nHn C(1Hin.49 Pearl street Buffalo. N. T.. gays: "I tried various remedies for the piles .jifuauiawwitwiiiiHWh DICAH. B1 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A HoeMkold Article ter Uatvanal FaaaUy VM. Eradicates Fer Scarlet and Ty phoid Fevers. Dlph-hei-a Motivation. TJ1- TUT A T- A T T cerated Sere Threat. M.AL AKIA'Small Pox. Measles and aUContagieua Diseases. Persons waiting en the sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known te spread where th Fluid was used. -Jeuew Fever has been curel with it after black wmt had takenplace. The worst cases et diphtheria yieia u iu Fevered and Sick Per SMALLPOX and sons refreshed ana Bed Seres prevented by bathing with Dar by's Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and puri fied.. Fer Sere .Threat it la a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. Fer Frosted Feet. Chilblains. Piles, Cbaflngs, etc. Rheumatism cured. Sele White Complex Ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. Te purify the breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Ervsinelas cured. PlTTIVO nf Small. pex.PKEVKNTED. A. member of mv family was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was nnt rtallrtnnfl. was net pitted, and was about' tne neuse again m three weeks.. and no ethers had It J. W.. PABxraseN, Philadel phia. DIPHTHERIA 1'KlSY H.A'r.l. The nhvatcluna here nu nurliv'H pinid verv successfully in the treatment of Diph theria. A. 5T0LLXS- Burns relieved in- wikck, Greensboro, RtimtlV- Aia. Scars prevented Dysentry cured. Tetter dried up. We eunds healed rapid- Cholera preveniea. . Ulcers purified and Rmirrv enred. healed. An Antidote for Ani mal or Vegetable Pel- In cases of Death it should be used about the corpse It will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The' eminent Pbvsl- sons, sungs, eic. I used the Fluid dur lncrenr nresent af flictien with Scarlet Fever with decided advantage. It is in dispensable te the sick room. Wx. F. Sahtebd, Eyrie, Ala. SCARLET FEVEB f!ITUED. clan, J. MABlON SIMS, M.. D.. New Yerk, says: "I am convinced Prof. Dar by's Prepnyiactic Fluid Is a valuable disinfectant.-' V i wnmimT . nviwnaprT W AAT1VIC.T.S. Tcnn. I testify te the most excellent qualities ei Darbv.'s Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is oeth theoretically and practically superior te any preparation with which I am acquainted. N. T. Luttow, Prof. Chemistry. DARBY'S' FLUID IS RECOMMENDED BT Hen. Alexander H. STKPHMts, of Georgia. Rev. Chab. F. Deems, D. D Church of the Strangers. N. Y. , Jes. LbCeutb, Columbia. Pre!., University, S C. "Rev. A. J. Battle. Prof., Mercer University. Rev. Gee. F. Piebee, Bishop M. E. Chnrch. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally ler Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoreugly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it hasdene everything here claimed. Fer fuller inform ation get or your Druggist a pamphlet or send te the proprietors. ...... .. J H. ZEIL1N&CO., Manufacturing Chemists. PHILADELPHIA. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 133 Merta Queen street, j in22-lyeedw VLVTHINQ. Our goods are known te be superior iu make and style. We guarantee everything we sell and refund the money en goods neb found as represented. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & f'ixlh St3. PHILADELPHIA. ml-lwd J.K HJtlAJLIG' CAKV. Addenda FRIENDS AND PATRONS This may be the last chance te secure the greatest bargains in line Heavy-Weight WOOLENS ever eflered in this city. Remember, I am going te close them eutif possible this season, lhavebaudled thoroughly familiar with the merits et all the leading makes et cloth in the market and de say I think tne F. ft H. and Johanny Edrctfena arc superior in finish, mere reliable in color nniltnnmilnnililn thannnv cloths nreduced in the WORLD. Remember, also. 1 am the only man in this cltythat luw thu NERVE te tackle thesenne, high priced goods. They can only be had In large cities at prices net less than S70 10 STO. I am closing mine out at tlO a suit. I am having a great Beem in Treuserings. I am offering Heavy-Weights lrem S3.80 te $10 a pair make a note et this. I have among ray line the best English and French patterns, that cannot be had in Phila delphia ter less than $15 te $18 a pair. Thanking the public for the kind patronage extended particularly since my great reduc- Lien in prills, X amuj. euuTui wgus - lire sails. aunt' .w.m. y..e. .m ..p... able te attend te business. 1 will superintend every department of the trade 'personally and will guarantee te secure te every one-the greatest value for tbelr investment. ' All my productions are warranted te be et superior CHARACTER AND TONE from any ether house in the trade, having in my employ the best skilled workmen from the city. Un less entirely satisfactory te the customer I will net allow It te go out. -WPlaceyeur orderatenceat 121 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA. Neta Bhe I have a let or Remnants bt Fine Cleths and Cassimeres, snltable ler chil dren, te whichllnvltetheattentien Of mothers of small boys from five te ten years et age. These Remnants are of the finest and beat quality of goods, and can be had from 50 cents te $1.00 a Suit. T)IAN08 AND FTJKNIXUKB RKHOYJC0 X at short aotlee. Alse, dealer ia second hand and antique ' Furniture, Steves mad jsracKci eawa, wuan.. aib.i. aun uu aa Kertfc Omasa stret, iiiiiriMii Keciew WMImh L -m. . i. ' '.' '"a.l' a"'' U ' ?r'Trf. j -.... -. - ?. " . -. 'aft "-.- -w I .' HCAZ, iiewN'.1) iaex : & ,?rk Twe Ctiti L-zm SUFFER ,no longer from Dyspepsia, Iadigsx tien, want of Appetite, lest af Strength, lack et Energy, Malaria,, Intermittent Fevers, &c Brown's Iren Bitters never fails te cure all these diseases. Bosten,'Novcraber96,188I. Baeww Chxkicai. Ce. Gentlemen: Fer years IIMvei been & great sufferer from Dys pepsia, and could get no reUel (baying; tried everything wbieli was recommended) until, acting en the advice et a friend, who had been benefited by Brown's fi Iren Bitters, I tried a bottle, ?, with most surprising results. Previous te taking Bre wna Iren Bitters, everything I ate die tressed me, and I Buffered great ly from a burning sensation la the stomach, which was unbear able. Since taking Brown's Iren Bitters, all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re-' suits. I am practically another person. Mas. W, J. fL-rax, 30 Maverick St., K. Bosten. ' Brown's Iren Bitters acts like a charm en the digestive organs, re moving all dyspeptic symptoms, saek as tasting the feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren. Preparation that will net blacken tifeteeth or give headache. COLD BT ALL SBUaOISTS. Brown Chemical Company. BALTIMORE. MD. See that all Iren Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Ce., Baltimore, and have crossed red lines, and trade mark en wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. fr ei sale wholesale and retail by H. B; COCB BAN, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Qneem street. Lancaster m2 iwdftw 5 TIPHTUKKIA DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANCE WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer. This wonderful remedy has saved the Uvea et many, many children who were almost dead Trlth Diphtheria. H. Henry Wilsen, Lawrence, Mass., y: " The surgeons pronounced my case Dip-, theria and decided that no remedies could reach It. Perry Davis's Pain Killer saved my lite." " Llbeeus Leach. Nashua. N. II., says : "I had painter's colic and dlptberetlc fore threat very severely. Pain Killer drove both away." DRUGGISTS ml-lmd&w ALL KEEP IT. VLVXUimt me. TTT'lt.MAMSOS & FOsTEK. DUNLAP & CO.'S . SPBJUG STYLE a t- m ii iiunuar s ;-., ei new inn, ra nt-,- frs knewledged te be the best manufacturer e 4- divk Rll.lf HATS In t.hn ennntrv. W avi'irja just received an elegant assortment of SltiKjiggtjgjS STIFF and SOFT H aTS of the lateSVTRKtNO J&EBi STVLESmadeby them. They cost' a luuii&j(f j but they are very much better for wear. Tae STIFF HATS sellier $3.00 and the SILK ter $3.(0. We have a'se a superb stock et-J. B.' aWST- ivia ITATa ennallv ntvllith Tin notnalte be' eTi'TflnU'S IT ITS in nrnvmrMal '-'"fSs for HLYLB, DURABILtTT and MODERA-.y TION IN PRICE. We'liave ether maanaie .; turer 8 gOOUS lliui sen iuc ivaa uuuucjr, iv ww '.'rZI m.j....i. uitq A-wn I'iPiiT' -srm ALL PRICES.' At present we can pat earrij XjUVTUax vaiu. ai ii.,uunau.njnuw;, long we can accommodate yen at that agave.'! as there are only a few left. , . "1 Alse alet of EIGHT DOZEN GOODSxirj1.,; HATS FOR BOTS ler 35cu. The $S.M SlUT.rti HATS that are a little out et style we seUfsr 'in 93.S0. &S Trunics ana vriims, In endless variety. Best Quality and alwafiMg Lewest in Price. -4 ?x Br ilUU AXMJOUJD 1..ijiii1 w..; ..m. . unatifif. nDlU UI1 open In APRIL. f "Z?Hl - - i-ri Williamson & Feil - -.,$ Nes. 34,30 nm. Jung a., LANCASTKK. PA. fMtvau sXKer. LOCHEB'S RENOWnED! COUGH Has cured tBeasaadt. It wRl Cough or Celd la leas time preparation. MIT Dernvu rrmprra PVR I'SSC--.' P. i. . mmA mnltt Ml ItW iSSJ en i'iwv3 ..iCUi. a. ivywww . .4 CHAS. A. L0CHER. -V' un a AHT KTII0 ''HnMf , : -. &'3&- LAKCAVTJUrA, v . ; K .-." ? ... ., i ?- .....liArr". Sm g?m VS r "waff vpm : w w ,. $m a J- f fWS (St J ' ,-32 "-Si m 3 r,zz t rrT"! s&'J .as "-vIS -tin .j IT" m "T5S fi . ?j M5 m -fa 15 m -i -j i -w rrA - I "Sifssal -HI s.J -. . :if iis. hSZi 2&i 'js: SSi t M r-m ; ,i:m&ABv!$&3M&tt3 fA-&z$im s . mmmm'sHMwmm