mr. . - u-M trt'riZ. eXtl & m. it 5 Ct rm LasK. IM?" i.Cai i?" I jViJ Mfc r wa I EH. M F Wk- ,ih I?- I i - 1 I a 1 &. SP? 2W!5g5$ AyiNr Cue. Seme time age Peter Delzeit, sr.f leane his two sobs, Peter and Frederick, $5,000. and took their notes for the amounts Frederick's note being 'for $2,000 and Peter's for $3,000. The elder Peter get sick and was sent te the hospital for treat ment. While there he alleges that his son Frederick called upon him and get the key te the secretary in which he kept "his papers. When the elder Mr. Delzeit re covered his health and went te the secre tary he ascertained that the notes were missing. Being unable te find them he made complaint before Alderman Ban charging his sons with having taken them. Peter, jr., was arrested and sent te jail in default of '$1,000 bail for a hearing. Frederick was supposed te be in Philadel phia, but when an officer visited the house in which he had said he resided, he was net te be found. jIIdcm ul an. I. H. Wlegerd. Reading Herald. Fer ever a month past Mrs. D. H. Win gerd, of thiB city, has been ill, and late en Saturday evening her condition was se se rious that her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Cul Cul bertsen, of Chambersburg, were sum moned te her bedside. The latter left Chambersburg for IJarriBburg en a special traie, Sunday morning, in order te reach Reading the same day. At Harrisburg Dr. Culbertsen left his wife and returned te Cham bersburg. As he was about enter ing his home he dropped te the fleer with heart disease, and in a few mo ments was dead. He was, 70 years old and one of the roost prominent citizens of the Cumberland Valley. nUKEST JOE. " A Six Years' Sentence ler Herse Stealing. Alderman Spurrier who went te Media yesterday te testify in the case of " Hon est Jee" Hinkle, alias Win. Muthart charged with stealing a valuable team from Mr. Cochran el Chester, Delaware county, has returned. His testimony was net required, as ' Honest Jee " pleaded guilty, and wa3 sentenced by the court te an imprisonment of six years in the East ern penitentiary at baid labor. m Temperance Union. The Weman's Christian Temperance union meets te morrow (Wednesday) afternoon 2:30 o'clock, in the Moravian lecture room. A full attendance of all the members is requested, as there will proba bly be no meetings during the session of the approaching M. E. conference. The meeting is open te all, and women friendly te the cause are specially invited whether members or net ' I'ny Your Pentage. A letter addressed te E. P. Kellogg, attorney at law, West. Milten, Miama county, Ohie, is held at the Lancaster posteflicc. If the writer had put a stamp en it, it would have reached Mr. Kellogg cre this, but dear knows hew leDg it may be hung up iu the rack before it finds its dead- way cither te air. ivenegg w me letter effic3 :-ulen of com. Charles Steigerwalt, of this city, yester day commenced the sale at the auction rooms of Bang & Cj., Broadway, New Yerk, cf a large collection of very choice coin?. Tne liist day's sale was very suc cessful and thoameuut realized $1,109. The sale was centincd te-day and will be concluded this evening. . A l'enii hchelnrnulp. Wm. C Robhifcen, son of Rev. Wm. C Robiusen, pastor of Duke street M. E. church, this city, has been granted a Penn scholarship in the uuiversity of Pennsyl vania at Philadelphia. There are three of what is known as the old Penn foundation scholarship deeded in 1835 at the gover nor's disposal. l'eliC9 Cases. The mayor had six cases of drunken and disorderly conduct te dispese of this morning, and scut all the offenders te jail one for five days, three for ten, one for twenty and one for thirty days. Alderman Sampson had three cases, one of whom he committed for thirty dayp,ene for ten and one for five days. Ueal fc-otate and Slecks. Jacob B. Leng, leal ostate agent, sold te-day for Geergo M. Kline, esq., the property Ne. 238 East Orange street, te Wm. H. Bollieger for $4,500. Alse, 5 shares Lancaster county batik stock at $110 per share. Liicnl Stocks and Itenas. I'ai val. Lane 'Uy G per ct. Lean, due lfcS2. . .41 (V) ' 18hS... 100 if oe... iyi iS'.r,... loc 5 per ct. n 1 or SO yrniM.. 100 "i per ct. Scheel Lean.... ICO - 4 ' In 1 or ai years.. 100 i " in SeriWyeara.. 100 ; " In 10 or 20 years. 100 Uanl.elni borough lean 100 Lai -ale tier 107)i 120 120 iai 112 10" 102. IOC. ltri ii.25 2fi.5" 50 ISO 90 M1SGKI.Ij&j1UU BTOJM, Quarryvlile 11. It Mlllera ville Street Cur Inquirer Printing Company Watch Factory jnai.ifht.niHl Fnu! Cemnnny.... $50 00 , HI HiO 26 Slevens Heuse tee Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company 100 Marietta llollewvaro Stevens Heuse 50 Sicily lslanil East Brandy wine & WayncslVg.... 50 Mlllersvillc Nermal Scheel K1SOEIAANEOU8 BON 03 Quarryvllle-lt. It., rtuu 1KM $100 lieadini' & Columbia K. U5'h 100 Lancaster Watch Ce.. lnc 18S6 100 Lancaster Gas Light anil Fuel Ce.. due in ler20 years 100 17'J 100 4.5 16 1 $117 105 105.59 100 TjfinensterGa'iLiKlitnnd Fuel Ce. duulSSG.. .. 100 lijrt TUBNP1KB STOCKS. Big Spring Valiey.... Bridgeport & Horcslsee..... Columbia & Chestnut Hill :elnmb!a& Washington I'nitinihla . Riff Burins' SC5 f . 13X , 25 25 . 25 10. 22 18 20 18 47.2 21 te 40 i.' 60 5J 75 55 133.10 43 3J.33 S5 Lancas,ter& Ephrata -5 Lancaster Willow Street 25 Strasburg & Millport -5 Marietta .v Maytevn -5 Marietta & Mount Jev 25 LancKllzabetht'n AMlddlet'n 100 Lancaster & Frultvilla. 50 Lancaster Lititz..... 25 Lancaster .4 Willlamstevn 25 Lancaster Maner 50 Lancaster Manhelm 25 Lancaster Marietta 25 Lancaster & New Helland 103 Lancaster &Snsauehannn J01 BANK STOCKS First National saim Farmers National Bank ...lfJ ... 50 ... 100 f200.23 110 132.50 110 143.50 142 111.) liS 20) 150.75 1411 154 70.5' 130 Fulton National Uanic Lancaster County National Benft. Columbia National Banlc JSpnrata National Bank Firt National Bank, Columbia.. . First National Mit-M tftrasburK... rirsl. National IUnlv. MailPtta.. .. 50 100 1' 100 100 100 Kit-tit. NsitintiE.1 Hj.nk Mount Jey.. 100 Lltltz National Hank 100 ManbeiJi National U.inlc... 100 Union National 15 ink. Mount Jey. DO New Helland National Bank loe et.VIAL KOTXVES. Ducks tlmgc everybody with being a "quack," and there arc but a few who are ex empt from the gosling acsusatlen. Dr. Bull'tt Cough Syrup Is certainly an exception 10 the rule, its St is no doubt, the gicatest remedy offered te a suflciing people Hew few there are who ate aware That seen the gums and teeth decay. Unless they are brushed with greatest ciie With SOZODONT from day te day ; Fer this great dentilrice, we knew. Will keep them pure and white a3 snow. mC-lwdeed&w Nervous and fldscty peepl should read tne advertisement et Simmons Liver Regulator. Ge te II. Ji. Cecnran's drug store for Mrs. Freeman's New Rational Dyes. Fer bright ness and durability et color, are uncquaied. Celer Irem 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in Eng llshand German. Price. 15 cents.' Hasapermanentvalue; see advertisement pffUnmens layer Regulator. -: '- ...rV.., 'C0 -- - -wci! -r-i. i i i n ai !! ! -iniiBanBB " -! - .... ..nn-nnnirt mim I "" Jf MW AHTMMTtMXMMMX9. ". 'I Is tne most efleettve Pain Destroyer la the world. Will most surely quicken tt bleed, whether taken Internally or applied externallynd thereby mere certainly rcllev pain, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It is warranted double the strength et anv similar nrenaraUOTi. Itcnres pain In the Side. Back or Bowels.- Sere threat, Rheumatism and all Acmes, and Is TUK GBEAlf BELIEVER OF PAIN. "Bbote'S Household Pahacza.." should be In every tamlly. A tcaspoenlul of the Panacea In a tumbler et het water Sweetened if preferred, taken at bed time will brsak up a cold. 25 cts e bottle. febll-lvdM.W4SAw " Peer en OU. L. P. Follett, Marlen, O., states tbat he has used Themas' .Ectectrlc Oil ler burns, and has found nothing te equal it in seething the pain and giving relief. Fer sale by H. B. Coch ran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Keu Lame Back, Side or Chest use SHf LOH'S POROUS PLASTER. Price, 25 cents. Sold by II. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen treet, Lancaster. IcbllcedS Isaac Jenes, Mt. Carmcl. Pa., says "Brown's Iren Bitters cured me of sick headache, less et appetite and leul stomach." Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1T9 North Queen street. mSlwdftw CeldeVs Liquid Becl Tonic Is endorsed by physicians. Ash for Celder? s. Tah no ether. Ol Druggists. m5-lwdeedftw Mothers! 33etners!X aietbersll Arc you disturbed at night and broken el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If se, go at once and get a bottle et MRS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about iu There is net a mother en earth wne has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother and relief and health te the child, operating like magid it is perfectly sate te use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et ene et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. m2-ly-M.Was&w " Dr. BenserCs Celery and Chamomile Fills cured my wife imm edialely of severe neuralgia." II. M. Cocklin. Sheplicrdlewn, Va. 50c. at druggists. Jeb281v.dw Skin Dlseasns. "Swaync's Ointment" JCiires the most invtt invtt "Swayne's Ointment" "Swayne's Ointment" j crate cases cf skin dls 'swayne's Ointment" 1 "Swayne's Ointment" cases, such as tetter, "Swayne's Ointment" ) ., ri101,m --.ij ,.d "Swayne's Ointment" ) salt riicnm.seaiu reaa, "Swayne's Ointment" babci's itch, sores, all "Swayne'a Ointment" J rrllc... Rr.iv iiCinr "Swayne's Ointment" icrusl scalJr' "cuing, "Swayne's Ointment" skin eruptions, and "Swayne's Ointment" Jr..t ,iist,0Q5ln"' pem. "Swayne's Ointment" )ual tllsl,CSSInt. com "Swayne's Ointment" plaint, itching pllc3, "Swayne's Ointment" ., ,. , PjrPtni llrfi "S waviiM-s Ointment" ) U1- en,y eueclual cur0 "Swayne's Ointment" no matter hew obsti ebsti "Swaync'd Ointment" ) nate or lena standing. Ask for it and use no ether. It CURES whnc all else tails. Sold by 1.11 druggists, A Cengli, Jelu or Sere Threat Requites Immediate attention. A neglect ir ritates the lungs and an incurable disease is often the result. "1R. fcWATfNE'S COM POUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY " cures the most severe coughs and colds, actsdlrcctly en the lungf , thteat and chest, purifies the bleed, and ler biencliial, nsthm.a. all pulmonary al al al Jectionset lung standing, it isthebtstremeily ever dl-cnvcrcd. Piles 25 cents and $1 per bottle Tlie luigosize Is tni-meate onemical Sold by all best druggist. IP-MW&Flyd&w Te restore j,cneet taste, smell or hearing, use Ely's Cream Halm. It is doing wonderful weik. De net tail te procure a bottle, as in it lies the relict you seek. li ice 50 cents. Apply into nostrils with little linger. from B. F. Licpsner, A. M , Red Bank.N. J.: I have been troubled with Catarrh se badly ler several years that it seriously eject ed my voice. I tried Dr. 's remedy with out the slightest relief. One bottle et Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice is lully restored and my head feel 3 better than ler years. B. F. Lieivser. KIjb' cream itaiui as a cure for Catarrh and Hay Fever is evidently an aiticle of great merit. Its sale is increasing witl. wonderful rapidity. Vxry truly, Johssten. Hollewav Ce., fi02 Arch street, Phila 'elphla, Pa. m2 2wdM,W,Fw new te secure Hcaltli. t seems' strange that anv ene will sutler Irem the many derangements brought en by an iinpu'c condition et the bleed, when SCO- VILL'S 3 ARS APARILL A AND STILLINGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will restore peitect health te the physical organization. It is indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, aid has proven Itself te be the best BLOOD PUBIFIER ever discovered, effect ually curing Scrofula, Syphlltic disenlcrs, Weakness et the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria ; all nervous disorders and debility, bil ious complaints and all diseases indicating an Impute condition et the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects indi gestien. A single bettle will pieve te j'eu its meiits as a health renew er, ler it ACTS LIKE A CHARM, especially when the complaint is et an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain and ncr veus system. aER'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain in man and beast. Fer use externally and inter nally. REDIIOlteU POWDER9 euro all diseases or herhC, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A POSITIVE CURE. may24-2 Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street, Tld is! t. Samples Irce at Grocers. It. Ce , Makers, Philadelphia. A Bartlett & 112 2Ctd4tW Henry'" Carbolic Salve. The best Salve In the world for cuts.bruUes sores, ulcer--, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction in every eisc or money refunded. Be sure you get Hsnkt's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers are but Imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug store. 137 North Queen street. my29-4 O-Plais Talk from Dr. Swavke "fe Whom It May Cencern: Itching Piles is one Of the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Every ene can tell whether he Is thus allllctcd by observing the lollewing symp toms : Intense Itching, particularly alter get ting warm. It seems as it pin worms were crawling m or abent the rectum. Small lumps sometimes form. The private parts are often affected. The mere you scratch the worse the Itching. Knewing that my ointment is super ior te any article in llr matfcet, I guarantee it te cure the' worst case el itching plies In exist- ence Signed, 1I.SWAYNE, M. D. Dr. Swayne's Ointment is alseaplcasant and eir.;ctlve cure .ler tetter, itch, salt rheum, ery sipelas, barber's itch, pimples, and alt scaly, crusty, itchy skin eruptions, fceld by all prominent druggists, or will be sent rer 50 cts. ('n3c. stamps), 3 boxes, S1.25. Address, Dr. Swayne & Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ectll-lydTu.Th&S&w 3 The wonders et modern chem'stry are apparent In the bcautllul Diamond Dyes. All kinds and co'era of Ink can be made from Hit 111. Mether twau'a Werm Syrnp. Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic ; ler feverishncs, restlesius-, wermr constipa tion. J5i. A. :eujjii, com or son. 1 areat sneiuu, De steyi-ed. "Neglect trcqueuuy results in an In curable Lung Ulscase or Consumption. ilrewnV i.ieiu-hlal Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, bi't act directly en the inflamed pirtc, allaying irritation, gtve reller In Abthma. Bronchial Ceugiis, C.ttarth, and the Threat Troubles cvhlch Singers and PublicSpeakers&resubJrct te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troilies have been recommended by physi cian", and always glve uerlect satisfaction. Having born i&sted by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained we) . aieritcd rank among the tew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. mv-IydTThAFAIyw . .C- '" s r 'r-- -m- m m i m i i m i m i m m I i . I " - TVAKIKU FOWDBBS. C0MPARAT1TB WORTH 0F BAKING POWDERS: BOTAL (Absolutely Pere) GRANT'S (Alum Powder) asBBBasMasMBMBasBsMSsasMBSMi RUMFOKD'S (Phosphate) frwli..... BSMisBsMsiiii" HANrOBD'S, when fresh asaMMsisMiHSMi KEUUKAD'd..... mimm CHARM (Alum Powder) mmmmmmmmmammma AMAZON (Alum Powder)... aMMiMMB CLEVELAND'S (Short Wt, OZ aMMMMMMMa' flONEEK (San Francl3f.e) matmmmmmmmm CZAR UB.PKIOET SNOW FLAK.K (Grett's, St. Paul).. .. LEWIS' COKURE53 HEOKElt'S OILLETCS H ANFOBli'3, when net fresh , ANDREWS CO. (contains alum) (Milwaukee.) "liegai."... UUI.R. (Powder sold loose). uVm.renD'8, when net iresh. KEP0RTS OP GOVERNMENT CHEMSTS. . As te Purity and Wholeaemenes3 of the Royal Baking Powder. I have tested a package et Royal Baking Powder, which I Vruaam market, and find It compeseil et pure and wholetome Ingredients. It te a cream et rtar pewaer ei a high degree et merit, and does net contain either alum or Phosphates, or ether irduriousue fitu.nc6s " v ! " It Is a sclentiilc fact that the Royal Baking Powder la a,,80lntel.?gaA,;M0TTf Pn D... 1 have examined a package of Royal Baking I find it entirely tree irem i " Hehry ; " I have analyzed ; a package et Royal Baking rewaer. ado "'i" .""-" Vi -- "juKlwmade a careful analytcll "f5r Royal Baking IMg chased by ourselves in the open markethere. and In the erlglntf fpam We And it te be a cream of tartar powder et the highest degree et strength, containingnethlng but pur j, wnoie wneie wnoie seme, and useful Ingredients. ... "Juan II. Wbieht, M. D., ) Analytrcal ChemUts, St. Leuis " ' ALBKRT MEBBnLL, M. D., S ' The Royal Baking Powder recclved-the highest award ever all competitors at the Vienna Worlds EioslUenVlW; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876; atthe American Institute, and at State Fairs throughout the country. Ne ether article el human feed has ever received such high, emphatic, and universal en dorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, and Beards et Health all eyer tne werli NeTE.-The above Diagram illustrates the comparative worth el various "" Powders, us shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made byPref.Schedler. Aone pound canei o!phpewcll.r was token, the totel leaved being as indicted. This practical test for worth by Prof, hedler only proves what every observant consumer et the Royal Baking Powder knows by practical expertence, tt. "hiw it costs a lew cents per pound mere tnan the ordinary kinds, "talar mera MonemlcaL ami. besides, affords the advan tage of better work, a single trial of the Royal Bakinir Powder win convince any fair minded person or these tacts. While the diagram shows some et the alum powders te be et a higher degree of strength than etne? Powdc.f?kedrelew them, Itis not'te taken as Indicating that they haye any value All alum powders, no matter hew high their strength, are te be avoided as dangerous. The llrstreal skin cure ever discovered was Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure. It cures all rough and scaly skin diseases and makes the skin smooth and healthy. It is an ornament te any lady's toilet. feb28-lwd4w Admomtien! Cure your cough thoroughly with Hale's Heney of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute. u5 lwdced&w M.A.VUCA.OES. HKr.8H-HiLT. On the 4th et March. 1833, by Rev. W. T. Gerhard, at his residence. Ne. 31 Fast Orange street. Mr. Albert Hersh, te Mi's Pylvli Hilt, beti or New Danville, Lancaster county. . lt' UKATHt- Frankfort. In this city, en the 4th Inst. Mrs. Evelina Franktert, In the Mthyear et her ae. The relatives and friend et the family ate respectfully invited te attend the liyieral, from her daughter's resldenc?, Mrs. tjkank Daisz, Ne. 22 Conestoga street, en Wednesday altcrnoen at 2 o'clock. Interm nt at Lancas ter cemetery. m5-2td Lebau. In this city, en the 4th In-t.. Helen L., tidughter of Jeseph and-Tabltha Lebar, aged 1C years. 8 months and 18 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend' the funeral, from her par.nt3' residence. Ne. 227 Middle street, en Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. High Mass at St Mary's church. Interment at St, Mary's ccmetery. m5 -ltd Shutt. In tliis city, en the 6th Inst., Sirs. Slurgarct Shutt, in the 78th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully irvltcd te attend the funeral, from the residence of her son, Andrew Shutt, Ne. 653 West Orange street, en Wednesday af af af tprnoen, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. m5-2t 1 Rxikeebl. In this city, en Tuesday. March C, Leah A., wile et Augustus Keincehl, In the Clth year et her age. Netice of funeral te morrow. tlH W ADVERTISEMENTS. THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLKTE AND best assortment of euchre, casslna, poker and ethpr playing cards at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORK. XTOTICETO TAX COLLECTORS 1 Proposals ler the collection el the State and County Tax for 1883. in the East and West Wards of Lancaster City, will be received at the County Commlssiencis' Office until 12 e clock m., FR1DAT, MARCH 16, 1883 Nene but bona flde bids will be entertained. By order of the Commissioners. Attest: FRANK GREIST. m6 3t Clerk, PROPOSALS FOB BEEF. Scaled proposals will be received ler the furnishing et beet ter the Lancaster County Prison for the term el four menhta ; said pro posals te be handed in en or before the next meeting. MONDAY, MARCH 26. 18S3. m6 2M<w J. W. NISSLEY, Secretary. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCFEN FURNITURK. On THURS DAY, MARCH 8, at Ne. C37 High street, such as Bedsteads and Bedding, Bureau, Tables, Ch irs, Carpets, Steves. Tab3, Buckets, Glass and Quecnsware, &c. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. It . JACOB G USD AKER, Auct, YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE IN FURCHA8 FURCHA8 ingyeur cigars and tobacco at the Yel low Frent, as all goods are as represented at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. NOTICE IU TRESPASSERS AND GUN NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un lnclesed, either ler the purpose of sheeting or nsnmg, as 1110 iaw wui ue ri.u. " against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned after this notice. . WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney ler R. W. Celeman's Heirs. Ol6-tfdAw ESTATE OFLAN0ELIM HIMBB ELSBACH of the City of Lancaster, dee'd. Letters testamentary en saiu esiaie iiavmK uue granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in the City of Lancaster. CHAS. 1I1MMELSBACH. JOUNG.HIMMELSBACH. J no. A. Covle, Kxecnters. Attorney. JlWtdTn TjiULTON OFRRA HOUSE. SATURDAY, MAROH 10, 1883. .AIV ELECTRIC 8UCGESS: . A GENUINE HIT ! PEALS OF LAUGHTER ! SHOUTS OF APPLAUSE ! J. H. SI In JOHN D. MISSIMERE'S Peweriul Drama, in 5 Acts, entitled "TIEAMISIGIRL." EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. EVERYBODY GOING THE FATAL LIGHTNING. THRlLilNG F1RESCKNF. ADMU-SION 80 CENT. RESERVED SEATS 75 CENTS. GALLERY 35 CENTS. Diagram open at Yeeker's Office, March P, until Saturday. J. M. STEPHEN, Manager. J. M. 8CHAFFER, Stage Manager. marSSt rfvUR TOWN'S TALK. TRR 5 CENT HA- X vana and Yara cigars, at UAtkAJtAfi'O ItiljLiXjn IHUXVL KiWJL STORK, pen - 1 - s' r " k P - Poweer.purcnaMuuy ... ." -w. com- NBW A ItrHMTlHJSmjStfXS. WANTED-AN INDUSTRIOUS, SOBER working man ltliBmall capital. Wages 50 per n enth and lodging. Apply at m5-2td Ne. 13 EAST fT AWil U A t-J. PURURASE THE BEST KEUKUCA TO TO bacce. only 10 cents per plug, at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. PUBLIC SALE OK HOUSEHOLD KURN1 ture, such as Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Dishes, Tinware, etc., at Me. 547 Vet Orange street, en Thursday. March 8. Sale te com mence at 1 o'clock p. m. ,. MRS. HENRY FORREST, A . E. MeCasn, Auct. m6 2td T USX BKUKI VED ATk. THIS OErlCE ANOTHER FINE LOT OF Fancy Business and Advertising Cards. THE LATEST DESIGNS OUT. Call at the seesarnrles. INTELLIGENCER OFFICE and tfd 'I'EK COMPLICATIONS TO WHICH UL- L ccis et the Cernea may give rise are often very serious, and may even prove destructive t0Dl9eas?s'ef the EYE, EAR, TIIROAT-alse, CANCERS TUMORS, SKIN and CHRONIC DISEASKS successfully treated by DRS. II. D. and SI. A. LONGAKER. Ofllce 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation vbee. m5-3td&w B. FRANK HAYLOR HAS REMOVED HIS GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., A9- Exactly opppeslte the Old Stand. ectlHimd.twR QrlUMO-1883. JUST RECEIVED AT HARNISH & OO'S, A FINE LINE OF DRESS GOODS. Hamburg Edgings, Ribbons, Ladles and Gents' Hoscet the Latest Styles. Alseanne let et SPRING SUITINGS, ter Men and Bey's wear, which we will make up te order at Lew Prices. Wehavealsealew Ready-Made Suits en hand. CARPETS. iVAnrnnnwnrenaredteshOwa fine line of RAG CARPE1S, of our own manufacture, at Lew Prlcfs. Call Deiore purcnaeing eisc where. taipcia tiutcu mi wiuei. 1, Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended te when received. PRIME STEAMED FEATHERS always en J .' JACOB HARNISH, W1TMER HK.-S. Ne. 40 West King Stieet, Lancaster, Pa. mar5-lwdS4tw TiriLLIASlSON St FOSTER. DUNLAP & CO.'S SPRING STYLES. DUNLAP & CO., or New Yerk, are ac knowledged te be the best manufacturers of FINE SILK HATS In the country. We have just received an elegant assortment of SILK, STIFF and SOFT I1.ij.T3 of the latest SPRING STYLES made by them. They cost a little mere money than the usual class et hats sold, but they are very much better for wear. The STIFF HATS sell ler $5.00 and the SILK ler $8.C0. We have a'se a superb stock et J. B. STET SON'S HATS, equally stylish but net quite se expensive. STETSON'S HATS are proverbial for SLYLE, DURABILITY and MODERA TION IN PRICE. We have ether manufac turer's goods thht sell ler less money, se we are enabled te supply HATS AND CAPS AT ALL PRICES. At present we can put our LOWEST PRICE at 12c, but can't say hew. long we can accommodate you at that figure, as there ere only a lew lett. Alse a let of EIGHT DOZEN GOOD STIFF HATS FOR BOYS ler 28cts. The $5.00 SILK H ATS tbat are a little out of style we sell for S3 00. Clothing, Famishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, In endless variety. Best Quality and always Lewest in Price. 49-BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT will open In APRIL. Williamson & Fester, Nc. 34,36 & 38 B. King St., lAXCASTKR. PA, mum, terra aiea. or uuy uiu .nj u..u- -7,"",-" -; a.i,.inTO i Mobtex, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of yeohnelogy. . H Il.ltf. II .TKH. niHLH AHSaVCli iUO00i "i a tj r- -a -trr-A TpOKT XXKTA STORB ROOM ARO J1 DwelltBg ceHtalnlag 5 rooms, Ka 19 Seuth Queen street. Apply atthe Utnura cat office. tfd POKKKMT. Twe Stores and Dwellings. Sea. 801 and MS North Queen street, opposite Northern. Market Heuse. Apply at Ne. SOS NORTH QUEEN 8TREET. ' . d29-ttd T?ORRKIfT. x: One Stere and. Dwelling. Ne. SOS North Queen street, opposite Northern Market Heuse. Apply atNe. SOS NORTH QUEEN 8TRKKT. . d29-tfd FOR BKMT.TBR STOKR ROOM, NO. 35 North Queen street, new occupied by Ames Ringwalt, Apply te a-HOS. E. rRANKXIN, feb7.8.9,10eedtld Ne. 130 East King St. T OR SAJLR. X- Deuble Twe-Story TWELVE-ROOMED DWilLIilNO. Choice Location. Bath, Under ground Drainage, .Large TWO-STORT STA BLE and Greenhouse In rear, riult and Shrubbery In variety. Apply at dSS-tld NO. 239 EAST KING STREET. FOR RKMT. A LARUE TWO-STORX Brick Heuse. Ne. J31 North Duke St. A two story Brick Warehouse en Mifflin street, between Seuth Queen and 'Prince streets. A.J.STEINMAN, 120-tfd Ibtxluqsxcxb Office. OR REMT ON 8ATURDAT, MAROH 10 1883, will be rented at public outcry en the premises, all that Merchant and Grist Mill known as Brua's MilMituated en Fequea Creek, near the village of Paradise; Renting wUl commence at 2 o'clock, p. m., et said day. when terms and conditions will be made known by JOEL L. LIGnTNER, feb27,m3,6,8d Assignee. PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY, SAKVU 8, 1883, will be sold at Public Sale, at Ne. 37 East Vine street. Bedsteads, Bedding, one Parler Suit, two Mirrors, Dressing Bureau and Washstand, Cane Seat and ether Chairs, two Desks. Sideboard, one Walnut Extension Table. Dining Table. Dish Sink, Fleur Chest, Ingrain and Bag Carpets,' Range, Larg3 Din-leg-room Steve and Heater, Tin and Queens ware and a nnmber or ether articles. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock. m34td . MARINDA FRITZ. PUBLIC SAL.I5 OF DaSlRABLE CITY PROPERTY. On SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1888, by virtue et an order of the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, the undersigned administratrix will offer at public sale, at the public house of Albert Kohlhaus, en Maner street, Lancaster city, the foUewing described real estate belonging te the estate el Fred erick Heilman, deceased : All that certain let or piece et ground situ ated en the north side of High street, Lancas ter city, containing In lrent en said High street, M feet, mere or les3. and extending In depth that width northward, 226 lect, mere or less, te Lafayette street, upon which are erected a one-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. Ne. 637 High street, with a one-story Frame Kitchen attached. Weaver Shep and ether Improvements. There are also a num ber of Fruit Trees In geed bearing condition. Sale te commence at 7K o'clock p m. Terms Approved security te be given for the payment of the purchase money en April 2, 18S3. MAGDALENA OTTENDOEFEB. Administratrix of Frederick Heilman, de ceased. Jacob Gcvdakkr, Auct. 124,274ml.3.n 8 10.13,15,16 PUBLIC SALE OF CITY PROPERTIES. On SATURDAY, MARCH 10. 1SE3, at Michael s Hetel, North Queen street, Lancas ter, Pa., the undersigned will expose at public sale, the following real estate, situated in the city of Lancaster, te wit : Ne. 3, a let of ground en the cast side et Plum street, between East King street and East Orange street, containing In f rent23 feet, mere or less, and extending eastward 144 feet, te a public alley, en which a one-storied bilck DWELLING HOUSE, Nc. 37, is erected. Ne. 2, a Let of Ground en the north side of East Chestnut street, between Shippen and Plum streets, containing In front 16 feet 1 Inches, mere or less, and extending north nerth north waidetsad width 5 lect, mere or less, then widening towards the east.l toot 5 inches, mere or less, for the remaining distance et 56 lect 4 inches, mere or less, te a five feet com mon alley, en which a Twe-Storied BRICK DWELL1NGUOUSE, numbered 347 Is erected Alse, at the 6am e time and place, will beseld the FRAME BUILDING, Nes.362and 364 East King street, opposite Plum street, together with all out-buildings, fences, etc ; said build ing, etc., te be taken down and removed after April 2, 1883. in order te make room for the ex tension et Plum street. Sale te begin at 7:30 p. m., en said day, when terms will be made known by MARY BA1R, feb24-tsd MARY S. B. SHENK. ORFBAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1853, by virtue et an order et the Orphan's Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned will sell at public sale at the Leepard Hetel in Lancaster city, the undi vided halt part of that certain Let or Plecoef Ground situated en the north side et North street, and en the west side et Seuth Duke street, in the city of Lancaster,and containing in lrent en said North street. 143 feet, 10 inches, mere or less, and extending in depth along a line of ground, new or late et Jehn Setter, deceased, northward 207 leer, mere or less te Locust alley, thence east along said alley, 63 feet, 10 Inches, mere erless, te ground new or late et Jehn F. Leng, thence south, 20 feet, mere or less, along the line et ground of said Leng, thence along the ground et said Leng eastward. 00 feet, mere or leas, te Seuth Duke street aforesaid, thence along said Seuth Duke street, southward 187 teet, mere or less, te North street aforesaid, whareen Is erected a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE 20x28 feet, with a two story Brick Kitchen 12x22 teet attached. Alse, a one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, 28x18 feet. Frame- Stable, 16x16 teet apd ether iprevementa. Bounded en the west by property new or late of Jehn Sencr, deceased, en the north by property of Jehn F. Leng and Locust alley, en the east by Seuth Duke street, and en the seut) by North street aforesaid. This property Is situated in a very desirable portion of the city, and otters a line opportunity for investment Sale te cemmence nt 7 o'clock p.m., when attendance will be given and terms made knewhby JULIAA. HEPTING, Executrix et Charles A. Ueptine. Hbkrt Shcbbrt, Auct. 113-3tdTu&m5&7 H TKBTAUiDLENTS. PULTON OFERA ROUSE. WEDNESDAY, MAROH 7. ENLARGED I IMPROVED ! PERFECTED I ) Fifth Annual Tour of the PEOPLE'S CHOICE, 1 the World Famous Barlew, Wilsen & Oe.'s MAMMOTH MINSTRELS. Barlew, Wilsen & Ce., Sole Preprs. The Worst's Grcate-it Minstrel Organization in an Entire New Pregramme. New surpas sing our own previous record. Mere Famous Comedians, Mere New Features, Mere Refined Novelties and the FINEST COSTUMES and COSTLIEST WARDROBE ever worn en the Minstrel Stage. AN AVALANCHE OF NOVELTIES ! A WORLD OF TALENT ! PRICES AS USUAL. Reserved Seats new en sale at Opera Heuse Office. D. B. HODGES. BvsnrESS Manager. ra3 4td GROCERIES. A T nVRSK't?. CANNED VEGETABLES OURSTOGKCONsISTED OB" THE FOLLOW ING: 1993 Cans Fell's 2-pound Tomatoes 7c 1200 " " 3 pound 10c. 600 " Beet Steak Tomatoes 15c. 600 " Superb Brand Tomatoes 15c. 360 ' Red Seal Tomatoes 12c. 2100 " Fell's Sugar Cern I0z. 600 " Baker's I'ern 12c. 3G0 " RedSeal Brand Cern 12c. 2(0 ' Ferest City Cern ISc. SfiO " Winslow Cern 15c. 330 " Fell's Early June Peas 20c. 40 " Marrow Fat Peas 12c 60 " Superb Peaa. Fine 10c. 50 " Champien or England Peas 2.c. 210 " String Beans 12c. 100 ' French Peas i 25c 9728 Cans Tomatoes, Cern, Peas and Beans. The above goods arc selling rapidly and could net be sold at the above prices it we had te purchase them new. Yeu would de well te buy what you need -for the season. EVERY CAN GUARANTEED. At BURSK'S Ne. 17 East King Street. TRY THE SMAIA HAND-MADK BA vana cigars. 2 for 5 cents, at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. SOMETHING HKW VOR WORKINGS! KK. New styles of Shirts and Overalls et supe rior make. Alse Working Pants, lined; for 50 cents and up. A lull line et Seamless Hoses, Cellars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, ftc F. 8.-A :0 ACRE FARM, with Grist and Saw Mill, 2 Dwellings, Barn, and ether out buildings, for sale or exchange en city prop erty. Alse, a 2 ACRE tract, with Frame Dwelling, large Barn and geed fruit, online of Railroad. Terms easy. Apply te HXNRYRECHTOLD, 18-lya Ne, n North qaeea Street. SiCOM) EDITION-. TUESDAY BVKNINO, MAROH 6, 1963. NEW JERSEY JUSTICE. A REPORT ON THE BRIBERY CASS.' The Committee Obemb te lavestigata tke Affair Consider JSgmaGalUy, aad Recommend Tbat He bs 'Faalsaed. Trenten, N. J., March 6. The com mute investigating the bribery charse of Mr. Armitage against ex-Speaker Egan, reported in the Heuse this mernine," as fellows : " The committee have investigated the said charges as far as lay in their power, and have come te the conclusion, from tes timony here reported, that Egan visited Mr. Armitage of his own free will without representing anyone, and the committee believe that he has com mitted a wrong by approaching one of the members of this honorable body in an unlawful manner, and would recem mend that the said Egan be denied the privileges of this Heuse, and receive the censure of the same. We hereby report said testimony and request that it be read te the members of this honorable body and that they take such action as in their judgment they may deem proper and just. " Signed James C. Clarke. Jehn Bryant. Peter R. Wortendyke. James N. Arbccle. 0. S. Heffman." The report was unanimously adopted and en the motion of Mr. Yeung,of Essex, the Heuse unanimously decided te transmit, a copy of the report te the prosecuting attorney of Essex county for presentation te the grand jury. Mr. Egan, who has bsen in attendance at every session of the Heuse since the charge has been made against him, was net pre. sent when the report was submitted this morning. STATE UArtTAL NEWS. Telegrapn Properties te Escheat te tne state x nor ree r-ass rm. Special Dispatch te the Intklligencer. Harrisburg, Pa., March 6. The Senate te-day passed the bill te escheat te the state the property of telegraph companies which consolidate with competing lines by a unanimous vote, after a brief spezch by Hall, giving a history of the absorptions of the Western Union telegraph company. A resolution was adopted, providing for the appointment -of a joint committee, looking te the construction of a fire proof building te protect the works in the state library. Nearly two-thirds of the session was taken up in discussing the free pass bill. An amendment, permitting passes te be issued for charitable and benevolent pur pur peses,which had been withdrawn by Laird but reinserted by Cooper, was adopted, but the Senate adjourned without taking action en the original amendment as modified. Tne Heuse Froceedlegs. In the Heuse, from the general jadiciary committee was reported a concurrent res olution for the appeintment of a commit tee of three senators anil five members of the Heuse, te investigate the alleged bribery of E G. Patterson by the Stand ard oil company. The following biL'3 passed finally : Regu'ating the lia bility of eraplejers for personal in juries suffered by workmen in their service ; providing for the care and treatment of indigent insane; prohibiting the receiving and detaining of children iu almshouses; compelling payment of costs en appeals from aldermen and justices of the peace ; providing for evening schools at the public expense ; increasing the pay of assciB3rs from one te two dollars. Tin bill te suppress the growth of the wild daisy was passed en third reading, yeas 81, nays 75. The railroad feneing bill was defeated ; yeas 68, nays 86. The Senate bill abolishing the office of sealer of weights and measures was passed en second reading. The Smull handbook joint resolution was defeated, roeeiviag less than the constitutional vote. Chester County's Special Election. Lieutenant Governer Blaek te-day is sued a proclamation designating the 3lst of March ler holding the spacial election in Chester county te fill the vaoauey caused by Senater Everhart'a resignation. TUB MURDERbDCUlKAMEN. A Let et Roughs Held for Implication In the Crime. Philadelphia, - March G. An inquest was held te day en the body of Chang Ah Yeu, the Chinese laundryman, who died en Sunday Irem injuries alleged te have been inflicted by roughs in the laundry where he was employed. Several Chinamen testified that Ah Yeu was stiuck with iien knuckles by Themas W. Lyens and that Jehn D. Clark ard Samuel H. Broush also participated in the attack en Ah Yeu. The three men named are in custeay. wnue witnesses testified te seeing Lyens, Clark and Breugii coming from the laundry aud the Chinamen following them with clubs and flat irons. The jury found that Ah Yeu died of a fracture eflihe skull received at the hands of Themas Lyens, and tbat the two ethor priseneis were accessories. The three prisoners were then committed te await the action of 'the district attorney. AT WASHINGION. The Japanese Visitors Seme Inlormatlea te These Inquiring About Cheek Stamps "Washington. March C The Japanese envoys te Hawaii, who are new en a short visit te this citv. were formally presented te the president te day by the secretary of state. The comptroller of the currency has re ceived many letters in reference te the re demption of the two cent cheek stamp. He says that the two cent check stamp is net required by law te be used after July first next. Tbe law provides for the redemption of stamps net used, provided they are presented for pay ment withiu three years from the time of purchase from the government. Deatn or an Aged and Respected naltlmor naltlmer eD. Baltimore, Md., March 0. Samuel G. Wvman. the head of one of the eldest dry goods commission houses in Baltimeie,dicd of heart disease this morning, aged about seventy five years. He had been in his usual health up te yesterday, and attended church last night. Mr Wyman was a man of very large means and his charities were large. He held the respect of the whele community. round Burned in a Rsra Worcester, Mass., March 6. William Braman's bam, at Winchinden, was burned Sunday morning and the body of Russell Hale was found" in the ruins. It was supposed Hale bad come home drunk and set. the bar en fire, but later develop ments point te foul play. Investigation is being made. The "ft Thlaker" Force geateaeed te Bard Laber. , Londen, March 0. Sentence of im prisenment, passed yesterday en the editor, proprietor and printer of the Free Thinker, for blasphemous libel, also carry with them hard labor. WCATUUR INulOATlONS. Washington, March 6 Fer the Middle Atlantic states, cloudy rainy weather, southerly veering te northwest wind, stationary or higher temperature, lower Prearart. as ' i H I ' 9TM VIUM ZMK' VHIBmVBRX Philadelphia, Marek 6. Preriden if Patterson of tke Unten Trek company ' states te-day that he will have no dimeel- ty in niacins' tke entire block of 1450.600 I worth of Philadelphia and .Reading rail. ruae. car trust wnica nave seen' declined by the Philadelphia savim fend and that all will be disposed of bs-N fore 3 o'clock this- afternoon. Tke error was occasioned by a teckaieality kt tke method of investment of tke smviafn fnad and it will, President Patterson says, kave no effect en the receivership. "- ' MAMKM1S. Philadelphia Marttt. Pnrr.tnar.TOA. Harch 6. Fleur dell eat steady ; Superfine, M 7SOJ 09 ; -extra, at xm t 82; Pean'a FamUy.lS 15aj623. Bye flour at ttMi 12. Wheat quiet ; Del. aad Pa. Red. $1 1S1BV; Longberry Bed and Amber, II Sl123r Cern steady. Oats firm, with Ught supply. Rye dull at 68e- Previsions In fair Jobbing demand. Lard. quiet. Butter dull and weak; Penna. Creamery extra, 3 m?ge: firsts, 31033c; Western de, 38 35c : firsts, 28030c. Rolls dull. Egs quiet and easy; Pennsylvanla,30Wc ; Western, 2 c. . Cheese steady demand and firm. Petroleum duU ; Refined, 7w:?c. Whisky at 91 18 Raw Yerk Market. Naw Yeaa, Mar. C. Fleur dull and an changed.! Wheat opened V4fs higher, anbeeaneatly lest advanca and fell off XQWlHe. aRedu -March, SI 2201 22J: de April. tl ? 1 UK i de- May, f 1 26Q1 26 ; de June, 1 X 12B. Cern opened XQ better ; afterwards lest advance ; Mixed Western spot, 64974c ; da future, 7a73c. OatsOc better; Ne. 2 April. 5353Xe: May,53v53kc: June, i3USSc ; State. & 60c; Western, 52957c Stock Market. New Yerk, Philadelphia and .Lecal Steci also United States Bends reported dally b? Jacob B. Lews, 22 North Queen street. Mar. G 10:00 10 B:(,0 Oenver ft Rie Grande 44 "-.." N. Y.. Lake Erie ft Western.... 37W 37 .... Kansas and Texas 31 31 ..., Lane Shere U9j 109H --. New Jersey Central ...... 72H 72 .... New Yerk. Ontario ft W....... .... .... .... St. Paul, M. ft Omaha X Pacific Mall 41 Rochester ft Pittsburgh 10- xxxuae cnuiiu.,,, ...... ...... w W7a wauein. sLLenisx i-acine.... 2ts xk western union xoi.tie tjx as Pennsylvania Central 61 61 Philadelphia Reading. 26j 2 Northern Pacific Cem 49 49 " " Preferred.... 86 86 BulTale Pitts. A West 15 15 Qraln-and Prevision yaotatleB. One o'clock quotations el grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K Ynndt, Breker, If K wt King street. CnirafiO. Mar. C. Wheat Cern Oats Perk Mar..... 1X0 .59 May.... 1.11 .62 .444 18.33 Petreleun. OR City..... 94. Ijiru 11.45 Western Grain Market. Milwaukee. Wheat was tame ; Ne. 2 Mil waukee hard at $1 15 ; soft for cash at 91 08 t March at tl 07 ; April at II 08 ; May, U lHit" Ne. 3 Milwaukee, f 3c ; Ne 4 de, 78c. Cern was stronger and higher : Ne. 2. 59c. Oatsstrady; Ne.2,43c: White, 4lQ45c. Rye higher : Ne. 1, 62e : Ne. 2, 60c. Barley stronger but quiet ; Ne. i Spring', nominal ; Ne. 3 Spring, extra, 51c. Dktbeit. Wheat easy: Ne- 1 White, faUV cash and Marcn, $1 10: Ne. 2 Red, Winter? SI 13; receipts, 65,000 bus; shipments. 23,00 b is Cern was firm. ' Oats were firm : Ne. 2, 45c ; Ne. 2 White, Live Stock Market Chicago Hogs Receipts, 1,2000 head ; ship ments, 4,500 head ; market steady at uneven prices; quality poer: heavv. $8259775: light, is 40787 10. mostly at SC 9097; mixed, SO 50 7 ; skips, $380 25. Cattle-Receipts, 7,0a) head; shipments, 1,600 dead; market active and firmer: de mand for expert grade- strong nnd tC10e higher; t5 9aaa &5 ter steers weighing 1.1.0 te 1.500 pounds; peer ti choice shippers, $t 75 6; butchers' firm ut $2 7534 23 ter oews and $1 7536 for steers ; Mockers and feeders at ?3 oe a.'-. Sheep Receipts, 2,300 head : shipments, 2309 head ; market steady nnd firm ; Nebraska, sheep, averaging 95 ttj, sold at $3 ; peer tr prime natives. W 75QG. The Journal's cable advices report geed American Cattle c lower nt 10c, estimated dead weigh.t Sheep lower at 15319c. East Libebtt-Cattle-Receipts, 2.622 head: mtrkct fairly active and prices 10 te 28e higher than last week's; best grades In de mand. Hogs Receipts, 6.093 head; market slew; Philadelphia. $7 603790; Yorkers, $7153726. sneep Receipts, 7,000 head ; market fair at las . week's prices. Pniladeiptua cattle Marker. Monday, March 5. The arrivals or live stock t the Philadelphia stock yards were : Fer the weeK Beeves, 3,300 head; sheen. 8,500; he s, 3,503. Previous week-becves, 2,900 head ; sheep. 12.C00; begs, l0O. Ueet cattle were active and prices remained about the same as last reported, although in seinf instances a concession of c was made. te effect sales. We quote as fellows : Extra. O07c;Goed. 096c ; Medians, fiaC'fc ; Common. !95c ; fat cows. 4fi5& Milch Cows were Inactive at $30970. Sheep were in moderate request and prices oentinucd high, although the quality et tha stock was poorer tli-m for sometime past. We quote as fellows : Extra, 667e ; Geed. 63633 ; Fair. or Common, 5Q5c : Culls, 4$5e ; Lambs. 4 8c ; Veal Calves. 7fi9c- , Hegawere In full supply, and although theruT was only a moderate demand, prices advanael c perlb.. in simpattiy with the Western markets. . We quote as fellows : Extra, 103llc ; Geed, 10910c ; MeOIaav-909-kc ""-. salss or bbkvbs at tub wsst- rarLADaLreiA STOCK TABDS. Martin Fuller ft Ce., 481 Western, wholesales 5S6c. Reger Maynes, 125 Western, 5Q7c A. ft J. Christy. 75 Western 66c K. S. McFillin, 150 Western, 6WQ7C r iinii'iiiin i- .w t nHMrtH James Clomsen, 41 Cumberland county, ae cennt Levi Sensenig, 13 Lancaate Lancaster county, account X. Burt, summit'. c Scbambcrg ft Paul. 123 Western and W. Vr-, SKQGXc : 20 Pa. cows. tS5c. G Schambcrg ft Ce.. 270 Western, G07c Levi Lewenstein 129 Western. 5ec Isaac Adler, 79 Western, Sg6c M. Ulman.W) Western, acct. et J. P. Sadler Ce. 67c; 40 Lancaster cennt)". acct. Levi Sensenig. G36c : 23 Lan caster co. account Lindsay ft Liv ingstone, ej0j; 83 Western, a 6c. T. Ifnril 51 Afnntflrnmni-trfirt nnvm AlsAKts s K 19 lLCnain, Jr., 59 Western and Pennsylvania, T1 W Hlnnlit a VW V. aAnn t l. "i E. Rogers, C"47C. Jehn McArdle. iflO western and Lancaster cv 607c Daniel Smyth ft Bre., 125 Western and Lancat Dennis Smyth, 50 Fa,, 5ec Lewenstein ft Heiibren, let Western, f)i ewj. Bachman ft Levi. 100 Western. GR6a M.LevI,85 Weuern. Caec Daniel Murphy, 170 Chicago, 6lg6c. H. Chair, 10 Penn'. cows, 49e. jarnea Eustace. 23 Western. 6MKe. j. Y. Latta. 40 ChesterCe.. 46e. Abe Osthclm. 19 Western, H6e ; 20 Bucks cows. 49Mc. J. P. Sadler ft Ue, ICO Western, wholesale, eco. V. Scheetz.34 Western. 6A7c Henry Miller, 15 Penn'a mixed, 506c: piiin Main. City Dressed Beeves were active and close4 firmV 7c . , , fc, . .. Western areacu imin wiu3wi uiimsn Themas Bradley sold 61 head chelee extra : city dressed at 10c, but these areaetlaeiadeA in our quotations BAuaresTwaHC Themas Bradley, Cl head et Wert dressed aft ' 'Jehn Tayler, 131 head of West dressed ai Ha QOWc- , . e ' AJUiHwaipewi""" v. ..w,.-....-. fltflRQVC R Mnm ft CO. 184 head City at 9ee. ?3 The. Bradley. 135 beau de at A. A. BesweU va neaa ae C. S. Dengier, w newt ae y u.i.n Stni. 101 head de at ww f. iiMh.,ii Ml tmmA. SJSfC; sjim(&. unu . jTr;'u.wdeB,ianeadeateWie: r -J $ - ibiwn were active. .. -?. Samuel Stewart eldl.ew hejdJtaflftftaatV m head of drd lambs at jeMfcjfti jri -j, -. HsL- C 3 rf ? -. -M 383 i 1 "5J vei i m m "t5l 1 a jj rsn . w a a rs- "5T-. & -'&hTi SfsX ' JZrsrv 3K f-V . iA 5 ergs S' LS5tfefeSSlt&fer?iEfeA ,.?w- r"j!JW- MtMMMMd. -S2- m KsSI E?issaiiKjs!'-, V jjTWW", e )&&M&&&.&$Xss&. -VS 6BajsFg&SB mmm -AS.-tOi'. -'JSC'cASUOASaxfAi. aauKAi7; 3fJ2