i rfc-j IH&.?JAjfcr imssz s. m & i iy i ,'"f u? C ic; u- 5 i- IS LK.V i' 3. -i. ,i j- je The following' earieaa puzzle beats the celebrated "13 14 15," and is well worth iavrstigatien. Take a atrip of paper or aardbeard thirteen iecbes lenjr and fire wide thus giving a surface of sixty-fire iecbes. New eat this strip diagonally, as true as you can, giving two pieces in the .shape of a triangle. New measure exactly fire ic.cb.ee from the larger end of each strip and cat in two pieces. Take these slips and pat them into the shape of an exact square, and it will appear te be just eigne menes eacn way, or sixty-foursquare inches a less of one square inch of super ficial measurement, with no diminution of surface. The question in. what becomes . 4-A ' w vuat incur Variestat. Mr. Ger&hel, who recently arrived from Australia, has presented Jehn A. Snyder, saloon keeper of North Queen street w'lth a let of feathers, which were taken from the lyre, an Australian bird, and are beau tiful. Frem the same gentleman Mr. Snyder has procured a sample of an egg of the emu. UbUdren'a Berne. The managers or tbe Heme gratefully ac knowledge the following donatiens: Twe copies of the Pennsylvania Scheel Journal ; L. FenDersmilh, books and toys ; Mrs. Bach miller, 1 pair scissors ; Mr. J. Fred Sencr, oranges. Free Lectures. Prel. May Chipman lectures nt the Court Heuse. Subjects : This evening" The Fallen Man and tbe Fallen Weman." Phren Phren Phren oeogical examinations will conclude each lec ture. Admission free and collection. feb28-3td BVKVIAL MOTIVES. A rather cynical lady, somewhat or a flirt says most men, like colds, are very easily caught but difficult te get rid or. Uer mis take Is apparent. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup wllj cure any cold bewever stubborn it may be. Price 25 cents. Nervous and fidgety peepl" should read tbe advertisement of Simmons Liver Regulator. 'Bough en Bats.'' Clears out rats, mice, roechcs.flles, ants, bed bugs, skumts, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drug gists. Ge te II. K. cecnran'i arug store ler Mr, freeman's Ifete National Dye. Fer bright ness and durability et color, are unequaled. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in Eng lish and German. Price. 15 cents. Has a permanent' value ; see advertisement of 8lmmens Liver Regulator. A Wise .Weman Will try and preserve her charms. She may lack classic outline et form, but she should use SOZODONT, and retain the beauty and usefulness et her teeth. A flne set et teeth Is one of the highest charms. SOZODONT will de this work. f27-lwdcedAw Brown's Hoaseneia Panacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed, whether taken Internally or applied externally,und thereby mere certainly rellev pain, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It is warranted double the strength et an v similar preparation. It cures pain In tbe Side. Back or Bowels. Sere Threat, Rheumatism and all aches, and Is THE OBEAT BKLIEVKU OF PAIN. "Brown's Household Pakacka" should be In every family. A teospeontnl or the Panacea In a tumbler et het water sweetened If preferred J, taken at bed time will break up a oeld. 25 ets i bottle. fabll-lvdM.WASAw ' Peer en Oil. ' L. P. Follett, Marien, O., states that he has used Themas' Eclectric OH ler burns, and nas found nothing te equal it in seething tbe pain and giving relief. Fer sale by H. B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Fen Lame Back, Side or Chest use SHI LOH'S POROUS PLASTER. Price, 25 cents. Sold by II. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen treet, Lancaster. ieblleedS Fer a cough or sere threat, the best medi cine Is Hale's Heney of Uoreheund anil Tar. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure In one minute. ml-lwaeedAw A ceugn, iOia or sere 'lr.reat sneuia ee stepiea. Neglect frequently results in an In. curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's jrenchlal Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying irritation, give relier in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and tbe Threat Troubles which Singers and PublicSpeakers are subject te. Fer thirty yours Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained wet) .nerited rank among the few staple remedies of tbe age. Sold at 25 cents a box evorvwherii. mv-lvdTThAFAlVW Jieury' Carbolic Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction in every cese or money refunded. Be sure you get Hknrt's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers ere but Imitations and. counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug store. 137 North Queen street, my29-4 Mothers! jHetnera 1 1 juetnerslt Are yea disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with excruciating pain of cutting teeth 7 If se, go at ence and get a bottle et MRS. W1N 8LOWS SOOTHING SYRUP It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth wne has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription of one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. m?-ly-M.WASAw J. P. Zimmerman, Spruce Creek, Pa., says : ' I have thoroughly tested Brown's Iren Bit ters and consider It equal te any emergency." Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. 12C-lwdAw DTBrarrie, nervous people, "out of sorts,' Celdcn's Liquid Beet Tonic will cure. Ask for Celder?. Ot Druggists. ml-lwdeedAw Skla Diseases. "Swayne's Ointment" 1 Cures, the most invct- "Swayue's Ointment" "Swayne's Ointment" ) orate cases of skin dls- "b wayne's Ointment" i "Swayne's Ointment" cases, such as tetter, "Iw SSS SSSSS& " rheum,scald head. 'Swayne's Ointment" baber's Itch, sores, all 'Swuyne's Ointment" ) ,, D,irr ithin "Swayne's Ointment" )cru8ty 8caly itching, "Swayne's Ointment" skin eruptions, and "Swayne's Ointment" ,h t .iistrMainir im. "Swayne's Ointment" ltcat "Stressing com cem "Swavne'a Ointment" nlaint. itcblnir niles. "IwKsSlntSent" the only effectual cure "Swayne's Ointment" no matter hew obstl ebstl obstl "Swayne's Ointment" ) nate or long standing. Ask for it and use no ether. It CUBES where all else falls. Sold by all druggists, a Cengb, Void or Sere Threat Requires immediate attention. A neglect ir ritates the lungs and an incurable disease 1b often the result " DR. SWAYNE'S COM POUND SYRUP WILD CHERRY " cures tbe most severe coughs and colds, acts directly en tbe lungs, threat and chest, purifies tbe bleed, and for biencblal, asthma, all pulmonary af fections et long standing, it is the best remedy ever discovered. Price 25 cents and $1 per bottle. Tbe large size is tbe most economical Sold by all best druggists. 119-MWAFlyd Aw " Or. Benten"1 Celery and Chamomile Till cured my wife immediately of severe neuralgia." H. M. Cecktin, Sbepherdtewn, Va. 50c. at druggists. Icb28-lwd&w 49- The wonders et modern chemistry are. apparent in tbe beautiful Diamond Dyes. Ail kinds and colors of Ink can be made from them. Tld Bits. Samples free at Grocers. H.A. BabtlxttA Ce., MaJtera, Philadelphia. I12-26tdft4tw " r! Ss?3 tin v,: K2-JST, .-ajft 1 ;lBr U1U ??-J5S.V SCT-M .WlT'.-rOV tT--ii-w -M-.S- wwwsr -jprara t seems strange that ear one will suflter from Use niaay derangements brought easy an Impure condition of tbe' bleed, wbeaSCO-' TOLL'S 3 AR8 APAR1LL A AND ST1LLINGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVER 8YKUP will restore 1 perfect health te tbe physical orgswiratJea It u muueu UBUVDguieniUK syrup, yiiiii iv take, aid has proven Itself te be the best BLOOD PUB1FIER ever discovered, efleet ually curing Scrofula, SyphliUc disorders, Weakness et tbe Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders and. debility, bll loes complaints and all diseases indicating aa. impure condition et the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, 8kin, etc. It corrects Indl gestien. A single bottle will prove te you Its merits as a health renewer, ler It ACTS LIKE A CHARM, especially when the complaint Is of an exhaustive nature, bavins a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain and ner veus system. AKlt'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain In man and beast. Fer use externally and Inter' nally. RED HOUSE POWDERS eure all diseases or horse, cattle, sheep, begs, poultry and all Live Stock. A POSITIVE CURE. may2-8 Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store 137 N'erth Queen street. The first real ekin cure ever discovered was Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure. It cures all rough and scaly skin diseases and makes tbe skin smooth and healthy. It is an ornament te any lady's toilet. leb28-lwdw 49-Plain Talk from Dr. Swathb Te Whom It May Cencern: Itching Piles is one of the most annoying complaints known te physi cians. Every one can tell whether be Is thus nflllctcd by observing the following symp toms : Intense itching, particularly after get ting warm. It seems as it pin worms were crawling in or about tbe rectum. Small lumps sometimes form. The private parts are often affected. The mere you scratch tbe worse tbe Itching. Knewing that my ointment is super ior te any article In the market, I guarantee it te cure the worst case et Itching plies in exist ence. Signed, H.SWAVNE.M. D. Dr. Swayne's Ointment is alseapleasant and effective cure ler tetter, itch, salt rhenm, ery sipelas, barber's itch, pimples, and all scaly. crusty. Itchy skin eruptions. Sold by all prominent druggists, or will be sent for 50cts. (In 3c. stamps), 3 boxes, SI.25. Address, Dr. Swuyne A Sen, Philadelphia, Pa. ,ectl-lydTu,Th&8ftw Te restore sense et taste, smell or bearing, use Ely's Cream Balm. It is doing wonderful work.' De net tail te procure a bottle, as In it lies the relief you seek. PricefiO cents. Apply into nostrils witb little linger. Frem B. F. Liepsner, A. M., Red Bank, N. J.: I have been troubled with Catarrh se badly for several years that It serieusly effect ed my voice. I tried Dr. 's remedy with out the slightest relier. One bottle et Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice Is fully restored and my head feels better than ter years. B. F. Liefsker. Elys' Cream Balm as a euro for Catarrh and Hay Fever is evidently an article of great merit. Its sole Is increasing with wonderful rapidity. Very truly, Johnsten, Hollewat & Ce., C02 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' m2-2wdM,W,Fw KKSCUKO FltOAf DEATH. The following statement or William J. Cough in, et Semervllle, Mass., is se remarkable that we beg te ask for it the attention of our read era. He says : "In the fall et 18761 was taken with a violent bleeding et tbe lungs, followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. 1 was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer of 1877 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I hed a hole In my lelt lung as big as a half-dollar. I expend ed ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med icines. 1 was se tar gene at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope but a friend told me et DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I laugbe at my friends, thinking my case incurable, but I get a brttle te satisfy them, when te my sur prises' d gratification, I commenced te feel better My hope, once dead, began te revive, and te lay I feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. "I write this hoping you will publish it, se that every one atMicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, andbe convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done me mere geed than all the ether medicines I have taken since my sick ness. My cough bes almost entirely disap peared and I shall seen be able te go te work.' Sold bv 11. it. Cochran, 187 North Oueen street MAJtHLAliES. Pattibon-Ueolet. March 1, 18S3, at the resi dence et the bride. Ne. 19 East Walnut street, by Rev. J. A. Peters, Mr. James W. Pattlsen, et Breukvillc. Jeffersen county. Pa., te Miss Florence Cogley, et Lancaster. NX.W ADnSUTISJCMENXlt. ATOUNQGcKMAN WISHES TO LEAKN the baking business. Address. A. E . X&TXLLIOEHCEB OfllCC It WANTEU.-rA U1KL TO 10 OENEKAL Housework. Apply at it NO. 219 EAST ORANGE STREET. I JOB. KENT. 1 A Seven Roem Heuse, Ne 403 East King street. Kent, sua Appiyai in2-2t S 0. 51 NORTH QUEEN STREET. IAUSMAN & UUiCNH. GENERAL INSURANCE ASH REAL ESTATE AGENCT, Ne 10 West Orange Street, LAXCAbTEit, Pa. f21-6tleedR. ATTENTION, S.'Or V. OAMP 19, SONS or Veterans, will dri'l THIS (FRI DAY! EVENING at 7H O'clock, in Rebert's Hall. A full attendance is desired. By order of I It THE CAMP. : I F n. . m w j nnM. ...m..r arrrf .i..'1 UI& .7A1.E. tUCl UWA 11AUJJ A.JL Fixtures et a Barber Shep, situate in a geed location. iTer terms, etc, apyly te JOHN H. MET2LER, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, m2 2t Ne. 9 Seuth Duke btreet. IMPORTANT MOTIVE. A meeting et the Journeymen Tailors of Lancaster will be held at Jes. Dersh's Saleen, Ne. 115 North Queen street, en SATURDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Business et vital im portance te tbe trade. By order el the com mittee of It TRADES ASSEMBLY. . PUBLIC SAL.E OF OLD LUMBER. TO-MORROW AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock, at Hetel Franke, Prince street, will be s Ida let et old lumber, such as Girders. Joists, Frames, Sasb, Shutters, Blinds, Gas Pipe and Old Iren. It MiENNERCHOR HALL ASSOCIATION. SALE OF ILLINOIS HORSES. UN MON DAY, MARCH 5. 1883. will be sold at the Mcrrlmac Heuse, 116 North Prince street, 20 HEAD OF ILLINOIS HORSES, suitable for driving or work. Will be sold at public or private sale. Public sale at one o'clock. m2-2tR GEORGE GROSSMAN. PUBLIC SALE. A LAKGE ASBORTMlENT of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUR NITURE will be sold at Public Sale en MON DAY, MARCH 5. at the southeast angle el Centre Square, consisting et Eight Beds and bedsteads, large let of Chairs, Cupboards Large Cook Steve, two Parler Steves, first class Peel Table, nearly new. Large Gilt Frame Mirror, Cleck, Bar-room Furniture, Glass and Queensware, and many ether arti cles. Sele te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. MRS. H1LLA1RE Z AEPFEL. J. Guhdakbk, Auct mar2-2t T FRANK SAYXOB HAS REMOVED HIS GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPH! -TO- NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., 4V Exactly opppeslte the Old Stand. ectll-6mdwR TEPORTANT NOTICE. GIVEN AWAY! GIVEN AWAY ! Japanese Teapots, AT The American Tea Ce.'s Stere, 26 CENTRE SQUARE, Which Is HEADQUARTERS in Lancaster for Coffees and Sugars, and where tbey present each customer purchasing a 6-pound package or their Gelden Rie Coffee ler $1.00 with a handsome Japanese Teapot, manufactured at Sakanache, Japan. We cordially invite the residents of Lancaster te visit our store and examine our goods. We sell best Staudard Granulated Sugars, 9c.; Pure White Sugar, 8c.; Light Brown Sugars, only 7c. American Tea Ge.a Stere, ieb27-lwd ' 98 CXJilSK SQUARE, wmmwmMgmwmmmwm?m' VJiQ W JLXrMUTlBBMmnTH. LOSmH.f.aIMB RKHBSCCA TUBACVO i ealyWcta.perplnicat HAKTMAN'd YELLOW MONT CIGAR STORK. TM)AKUINU-TWO PtKABAMTUOMMrjH- X testing Reems te let te adults, with beard. Apply at 250 North Duke street, Lan caster. feb2G-lwd TOBT BEGKKVXD AV THIS OFFICE ANOTHER FINE LOT OF uej Business and Advertising Curds. THE LATEST DESIGNS OUT. Call at tbe INTELLIGENCER OFFICE and see samples. tfd FOB RENT. - A MKttE TWO-STOBY Brick Heuse. Ne. 131 North Duke lit A two Rterv Brick Warehouse en Mifflin street, between Seuth Queen and Prince! streets. jl one-story Heuse, Ne. 39 West Chestnut street, A large two story Brick Heuse, Ne. 131 North. Duke street. A. J. STEINMAN, 120-tid Ihtkllieekceb Office. rWMMKKUlAL COLLEGE. DAY AND EVENING. Sessions at the LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Instruction given In Single and Deuble Entry Bookkeeping, Business Ferms, Arithmetic Plain Business Penmanship and Correspondence. Call at tiie rooms for clrcu- lir giving lull information, or address H. C. WEIDLER, Principal. ml-StdB ke. e west ning street. ESTATE OF B. ITlUlMK TADUNY, UTX of Lancaster citv. Pa . deceased. Letters et administration en sold estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te meke imme diate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te tliouuder tlieuuder aiened. residine in wild citv. WILLIAM WEAVER, 126-6tdP Administrator. . pvISSOLUTlOJM HOTIOK. " Tbe paitnersbip heretofore existing under tbe-tltie of Supplee A Owens, at Ne. 6 Centre Square, Lancaster, nas this day been dissolved by mutual censeV- All parties indebted, or having claims against, the firm, will please settle with Steve J. Owens at the old stand, immediately. A. H. SUPPLEE. STEVE J. OWENS. The business formerly carrled en "by the above firm, will be continued at the old stand by Steve J. Owens, where he will be pleased te meet the patrons et the former firm as well as all ethers who may see fit te patronize him. STEVK J. OWENS. March 2, 1883. mar2-3t A T BUBSK'S. CANNED VEGETABLES. OUR STOCK CONSISTED OF THE FOLLOW ING: 1992 Cans Fell's 2-pound Tomatoes.. 7ca 1200 " " 3 pound ' 10c. 600 " Beet Steak Tomatoes 15c. GOO " Superb Brand Tomatoes 15c. 360 " Red Seal Tomatoes 12c. 2100 " Fell's Sugar Cern 10c. 600 " Baker's corn 12c. 360 " RedSeal Brand Cern ..12c. 240 Ferest City Cern 18c 360 ' Winslow Cern 15c 3M " Fell'sEarly June Peas 20c 240 " Marrow Fat Peas 12c. 50 " Superb Peas, Fine SOc 50 " Champien of England Peas 2uc 240 " String Beans 12c 100 " French Peas 25a 9728 Cans Tomatoes, Cern, Peas and Beans. The above goods are selling rapidly and could net be sold nt the above prices it we had te purchase them new. Yeu would de well te buy what ycu need for the season. EVERY CAN GJARANTEED. At BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street. TXTILLIAMSON & FOsTEB. SPRDTG GOODS ! EVERY DEPARTMENT in our busy receiving Its complement et Heuse is NEW SPRING GOODS. Semet difficulty is experienced te find room for the fresh arrivuls. as all .the WINTER GOODS are net quite gene, but that will net trouble us long. The prices put en them will seen clear' them away. We will net keep them, se new is the time te get SPECIAL BARGAINS in FURNISHING GOODS. HATS CLOTHING. CAPS AND There has been placed upon the counters In the CLOTHING DEPARTMENT one of tlic most complete and handsome assortments of SPRING OVERCOATS It was ever our pleasure te present. LIGHT and DARK SHADES In KERSEYS, MEL TONS and OXFORD MIXTURESat prices that are remarkable for their moderation. Just the coat ter business wear, but ler a Hand some FULL DRESS SPRING OVERCOAT We Have Seme Elegant LONDON CORK-SCREW. TWILLS and TRICOT-LONG In OLIVE, TABOR, anil the Favorites AG K UREISN. They are lined all through with silk, miide up In Elegant Style, and tit as perfectly as any custom made Spring Overcoat that coots twice the amount et money we are selling ler. Any gentleman wishing te leek through our stock we shall esteem it a pleasure te show him. 49-Every Garment MarKed in Plain Figures and no Deviation from the Price. : Hi a uis oil & Fester Nes. 34,36 & 38 E. King St., LANCASTER. PA. TUHN HIEMENZ;. rs, RUBBERS, RUBBERS, RUBBERS, AT THE EAGLE SHOE STORE, Ne. 51 North Queen St., (IKQUIRXB BUILD1MO.) GREAT REDUCTION -IN- We have Styles. the Largest Stock of the Latest ' LADIES' RUBBERS, 40c. and 45c MEN'S RUBBERS, 65c. LITTLE BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS, 1.2ff. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, 93.00. Biters Pale Alse a Large Stock or BURT'S FINE SHOES In all the Latest Styles; JOHN HIEMENZ. aprl-ewr-lytLF , " rBjBnam m rrJKsrjxarmcrrcB. "! BAND MUBUE KHTBKTAIKBtEKT BYTHsV YOUNG FOLKS OF LANCASTER. Consisting or Music, Dialogues, Recitations. Tableaux, AX, te be held in FULTON HALL,' SATURDAY EVE NING; MARCH 3, 1S88. Admission, 35 and 25 cents- 'Ne extra "charge fer.Reserved Seats, These purchasing and having purchased tickets can have them re served en and after March L lebSS 3t npULTONiOPEBA HO USE. " MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1883. THE CELEBRATED WILBUR OPERA COMPANY, IN Their Original New Yerk Success, "THE KASCOTTE." WITH ALL THE OBEAT ORIGINAL CAST. New and Elegant Costumes Fine Effects and Grand Chorus OF FIFTY VOICES. Tall Orchestra and Scenic Effects. ADMISSION 25, 50 and 75 CENTS. RESERVED SEATS 75 CENTS. On Sele at Opera Heuse. ml-3t XEOAI, NOTICES. AKSIUNKD KS TATK OF WILLIAM UKN sel and wire, et Lancaster city, Lancaster county. Wm. Hensel and wife of Lancaster city, having by deed or voluntary assign ment, dated Jannary 27, 1883. assigned and transferred all their estate and effects te the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors or said William Hensel, he therefore gives no tice te all persons indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te J. FREP'K SENEE, . Assignee. Eueewbg: Smith. Att'v. 130-6tdeew 1T7STATE UK FREDERICK UlELHAN, XHi late of the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons Indebted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate el said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, residing in the city et Lancaster. MAGDALENA OTTENDORFER. Administratrix. B. F. Davis, Attorney. 114-Ctdeaw ASSIONBD ESTATE OF GEORGE O. Hensel and wife, of Lancaster city, Lan caster county. Pa. Geerge O. Hensel and wife, et said Lancaster city, having by deed of vol untary assignment, dated JAN UARY 12, A. D. 1883, assigned and transferred all f heir real estate and effects te the undersigned, ler the benefit of the crediteis et the said Geerge O. Hensel, he therefore gives notice te all per sons Indebted te said assigner, te make pay ment te the undersigned witbent delay, and these havingclalins te present them te CH AS. I . L ANDIS, Assignee, Residing in Lancaster City. L. Ellmakek, Atty. ianl&-6ideaw ESTATE OFLANOELTMHUUMELSBACH oftheCItyef Lancaster, dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in the City et Lancaster. CI1AS. HIMMELSBACn. JOHN G.H1MMELSBACH, J no. A. Ceylk, Executers. Attorney. J16-6tdTu ESTATE OF JOHN P. DUSTMAN, LATE of Lancaster City, deceased Letters et ad ministration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te make known the same te the un dersigned without delay, restdlnir in Lancas ter City. HEN R Y WOLF, leb24-6tdeaw Administrator, ESTATE OF THOMAS H. COX, M. ., late of Lancaster city. Pa., deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the un dersigned, residing in Lancaster city. JOHN Q. MERCER. JACOB GABLE, Administrators. W. A. Wilsen, Chas. A. Landis, ". Attorneys. jll-6tdTh ESTATE OF ANN THOMAS, LATE OF Columbia, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters et administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per" sons indebted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement, and these hav ing claims or demands against the estate et said decedent, te meke known the same te the undersigned without delay. STEPHEN SANDERSON, JOHN JELLY. B. F. Davis, Administrators. Attorney. 126 StdeawF MKDICAIu nATAKKU. HAV-FEVEK. CATARRH. Ely'sGreamBalm POSITIVELY CURES O &TARBH, COLD IN THE II LVD HAY FEVER, Catarrhal Deafness, Heals Seres in Nasal Passages, Subdues Ca tarrhal Headache. MICK 50 CXMTS. Ely's Cream Balm Ge. OSWEGO. N.Y. HAYVER. Ely's Cream Balm Effectually cleanses the nasal passages el Catarrhal virus.caus Ing healthy secre tions, allays Inflam mation, protects the membrane from ad ditional colds, com pletely heals tbe sores and restores the sense et taste and smell. Beneficial re sults are realized by a few applications, A thorough treatment will cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, Ac. Un equaled ter colds in the bead. Agreeable te use. Apply by the little finger Inte the nostrils. On receipt el 60 cts. will mall a Sackage. Sold by II. :. Cochran, Druggist 137 A 139Nertb Queen street, Lancaster,Pa ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., Oswego, N.-Y. auglSeod.eewd&eoww . pAKKEK'S GINUEB TONlO. EVERY MAN HIS OftN BOSS. Hew te Promote Personal Power A New Radical Reformer. u There is no prevision In the Divine econ omy ter political bosses !" Witb a bang or his fist, and in the voice of a man who bad made up his mind en the sub ject. Rev. James Chambers, et Calvary Pres byterian church, Harlam, recently opened his sermon with tills announcement. He was right. The only boss authorized by the Boek is mentioned in these words : "He who ruleth Ills own spirit is greater than he who taketh a city." Commonly, tbe better side of men is subject te the despotism et the worse side Bad pas sions, bad humors, mean jealousies and base revenge are all bosses. One et the worst bosses is bile. What is most depressing in philosophical or theological tbeught is due te it. Old General Debility Is another tyrannical boss. He lashes men who are naturally geed until they become unnaturally bad or misera bly weak. Concerning bis deliverance lrem this bond age, Rev S. P. Lewes, pastor et the Eighth Street Baptist church, St, Leuis, Me., wiltes: " I was suffering Hern exhaustion and general debility. As an invlgerant 1 used Parker's Gikexr Tonic I never met with anything se effective. It Is an elegant family medicine. I take a bottle in my valtse when I go en my annual vacations." Parker's GikoerTeitic neither intoxicate nor promotes a desire for a'reng drink. The most pronounced temperance people use and praise it for this reason alone. It cures Malarial Fevers, Consumption, Rheumatism and all Diseases et the Bleed. Alse weaknesses pecu liar te women. Its action Is prompt and per vasive. Test it ence, and you wlU adept it as a home remedy. Price 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Hiscez & Ce., Ce., Chemists, JJew Yerk. marl-lyw,eew&dS TTAIB BALSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A beneficial dressing preferred te similar articles because or its purity and rich per. fame. It RESTORES TO GRAY HAIR THE YOUTH ITUL COLOR and prevents dandruff and falling et the hair. 60c and $1.00. H1SCOX A CO., N. T. FL0REST0N. Excels the finest flower in richness. Deli cate, very lasting. Ne- odor llke It. Be sure Seu get FLORESTON Cologne, signature et lxcex A Ce., if. Y., en every label. 25 and 75 cents, at druggists and dealers In perfume. COLOGNE. aMrweewJWTn. 'J i . - ''.... ' ' . , ' .. - r 1 -- - -J- ---' ".. - ;& 1 SECOUD EDTTTON. FSIDAY VHINO, UABCH 3, 1863. MLUEE AERESTED. TAKEN AT BAKJUSBUBG FOK UBEE. Splrltea Debate la tkaSeeat The UoTera UeTera sr'B Massac Usdw JExasmlaattea Dl aaey's Gaac Sbrlaktnc Saex. Special Dispatch te tbe IvrxxuasacKB. Haebisbubg, March 2. Then was a spirited debate in the Senate te-day en the governor's message suggesting a com mittee investigation en the conduct of the Standard oil company in tue state tax eases. Senater Emery defended Patterson, who is alleged te have been bribed te sap press the testimony, stating that he had done mere than any man in the state against the corporation ; the proposed in vestigation he thought was buncombe. After a speech by Mr. Hume, in which he said Patterson had received $9,500, after he had threatened te re-open the case against the Standard, Mr. Gorden offered a resolution for the reappointment of a committee in accordance with the sugges tions of the governor. Mr. Steward said it was net clear that the' investigation should proceed, and moved te amend by referring the message and accompanying documents te the general judiciary com mittee. Mr. Gorden, who had made ob jections te the amendment, after a long debate withdrew them and the whole matter was referred te the judiciary com mittee. Among the bills introduced were the following : Sherman, fixing the salaries of county officers in counties containing one hundred thousand and less than one hun dred and fifty thousand inhabitants, and requiring the payment -of the fees of such officers in the county treasurer ; also validating and confirming the chart ers of building associations ; Stehman, empowering the court of Lancaster county te sentence conviets te the penitentiary. Everhart's free pass bill was discussed at length ; after a speech by Everhart in its defense, he resigned as a member of the Senate te accept the office of congressman. Lee, Cooper, Smith, Gorden, Stewart and Herr paid high tri butes te Everhart. Ne action was taken en the free pass bill. The Smull hand book bill was passed en third reading and the resolution te give the printing investigating committee power te summon witnesses etc, was also passed en third reading. The Grangers tax, general revenue and congressional apportionment bills were favorably reported. The bill abolishing the office of recorder in Phila delphia passed finally by a unani mous vote. The anti-discrimination bill passed en second reading. Heuse Proceeding. In the Heuse bills were passed te print 10,000 extra copies of Smull:s handbooks, and te ascertain what retrenchment could be made in public printing. The bill te abolish the recerdership et Philadelphia was also passed. ABBKSTED FOB LIBEL. And Gallagher tbe Subject of it. Harbisbure, March 2. Cel. A. K. McClure, of the Philadelphia limes, en his way home from a lecturing engage ment in Perry county, stepped off here te testify in the Delaney investigation. Te day he was arrested en a charge of Hbel en the oath of Jacob Gallagher, a watchman at the capital. The suit is the out-growth of articles published in the Times in reference te the Irish Catholic circulars distributed during the recent gubernatorial campaign, purported te have been signed by Gallag her and ethers. Cel. McClure will enter bail this afternoon. AX WASHINGTON. The Conference Committee Beach a Com plete Agreement. Washington, March 2. The Republi can members of the Senate held a caucus this morning and selected Mr. Edmonds as their candidate for president pre tern. te succeed Mr. Davis. There was no op position. In Congress. In the Senate Mr. Merrell obtained the unanimous consent for the printing of the conference report en the internal revenue and tariff bill, preparatory te presenting it in the Senate. Xbe Heuse. In the Heuse at the conclusion of the morning hour the Senate amendments te the sundry civil appropriation bill were non-concurred in. The conference report enjthe Distrtct of Columbia was agreed te. The conference report en the posteflice appropriation bill .was also agreed te by a vote of 125 te 117. The latter bill as passed retains the appropriation for special mail facilities te a clause-limiting compensation te be paid te subsidized railroads for mail transpor tation is stricken out. A Complete Agreement Beached. The conference committee en the tax and tariff bill reached a complete agree ment about half past twelve this afternoon, and forthwith sent their report te the government printing office in order te be able te present it te both Houses of Con gress in printed form before adjournment te-day. The report will recommend the adoption of the Senate bill with very few changes of general importance, except in the metal schedule, in which the commit" tee recommend some increase of rates, es pecially in regard te steel. The Wages et Lebbylam Is Sometimes Im prisonment. Columbus, Ohie, March 2. The jury in the case of J. D. Watsen, the lobbyist, charged with attempting te bribe Repre sentative Black, ef Cleveland, last winter, this morning returned a verdict of guilty. The penalty is from three te ten years in the penitentiary. Sentence has been re served. Tne Werk of Mexican Uanchmen. Elpaso, Texas, Mareh 2. Last Tues day a party of ranchmen west of Chipua hua, Mexico, raided an Indian camp and killed 12 books and captured 20 squaws and papooses. The ranchmen then marched through the city of Chipuahua- with the scalps of the Indians strung en long poles. Halt a Bleck nursed. Columbus, Ky., March 2. A fire broke out at midnight last night en the north side of the public square and burned hall the block, including the Lyken's opera house. The total less is estimated at $42,000 ; insured for $30,000. Shet Dead In a tferroem. Springfield, Me., March 2. Jehn P. Conrey, a stone cutter, was shot dead in a barroom by Jack Griffin, a gambler, with whom he had just had some harsh words. The murderer escaped. Heavy Damages by Fire. Terente, Ont., Mareh 2. Cobban & Ce.'s picture frame gallery was damaged by fire tbif. morning te the extent of $10,000 less. Failure of a Sheaaadeab Firm. Shenandoah, Pa., March 2. The fail ure of C. Helderman, a jeweler of this place, is announced. The liabilities are heavy, bat the amount is net yet known A Warrant lamed for Ne. I," Dublin, March 2. The Londen corres pondent of the Freeman' $ Journal says that a warrant has aotnallyeeen issued fnr ihn an-mri-. nt tha man Irnnwn aa If "NVv li." - T " -' - -' e. -!. "- -. m 1. dfi " , " m BAAHaB b AbaA - 9 " . t J A Wtn i Magamia CMy Pees &, MaclaMKJiJaaTtwWB......... . 'eMi--.-? Monenoahela Cfrr, Pa., March 3. The most disastrous, fin that ha eves visited this city occurred this morning shortly before daylight. The fire started in Cooper's peel room, en May street, and spread both ways, en tirely consuming the magnificent schoeol house, McFarland's carriage sneps, Ley- de's meat market. Coopers peel room, a photograph gallery and the Recerd print ing office, also badly damaging ten ether houses. The less is $50,000, with an insur ance of about two thirds of that amount. Returned tbe UUL Albany, N. Y., March 2. The govern or has returned te the Assembly the bill reducing, the fare en the elevated reads, with a message giving his reasons there for. Fleer Mill Baraed. Milwaukee, Wis., March 3. Lawrence & Ce.'s flour mill at Sturgeon Bay burned yesterday. Less, $25,000. WKATUKR lNlflCATlONSi Washington, March 2 Fer the Middle Atlantic states, light local rains, followed by partly cloudy slightly cooler weather, northwest te southwest winds and higher barometer. uoverner Cleveland's Courtesy. A letter-writer says that the easiness of access te Governer Cleveland has become proverbial, and has dene no little in in creasing his popularity. While he bears himself with that personal dignity at once characteristic of the man and due te the office he holds, he is always affable and courteous. The governor maintains a modest establishment m tbe mansion pre vided for the chief executive of the state by the state. There is a story current, and probably true, tbt Governer Cleveland was strongly inclined te close the mansion during the terra and assume quarters bet ter fitted te his bachelor life. The life within the walls of the executive mansion is as quiet as is that of any private resi dence in that city. Ne liveried driver trolls a magnificent barouche threugn the streets, displaying the governor's equip age. In seem te be and is a return te the geed old days when the governor was simply a citizen singled out and chosen temporarily te administer the affairs of all the citizens, and who always kept in view the faet that his elevation was but for a short time and the day net far distant when he should take his place again in the common ranks of his fellow citizens. Jury Troubles. Erie Observer. Jury Commissioner Phillip's says there hasn't been a legal jury drawn in Erie county for 55 years until yesterday. The jury commissioners took the ironclad oath for the second time yesterday prier te drawing the jurors, and they believe that all the lawyers in Erie county cannot smash that panel. MAKKEia. New Yerk Market. Nbw retiE.Mar 2. Fleur State and Western quiet; SuecrUne State, $.'! 75100; Extra de, $1 004 30; Cheice de, $1 407 00; Fancy de, $7 10&7 25 ; Round Heep Ohie, $1 0j 4 7fl: Choice de,$l 807 25; Superfine Western, J 704 05 ; Common te Geed Extra de 1 00 450; Choice de. $4 G07; Choice White Wheat IC 25Q7 ; Southern unchanged ; common te fair extra, $i 003 30 ; geed te choice, $5 40 715. Wheat opened J4c higher, subsequently lest the ail vance and loll off a shade; Ne. I White, ai S117 ; Ne.p Red, Marcn. l 2341 23k; de April, $1 5il 26 ; de May, SI 26 1 273-10 : de June, 1 27J1 27. Cern a shade easier and quiet ; Mixed West ern spot, 6l74c; future, 72Jf?57:c. Oats ltlAc better; State. 52ffi57c; western, 5156c : Ne. 2 March, 52c ; April, 5253c ; May, 5253c ; June, 6iJi53c. Philadelphia Market. PaiL4.DBl.rHiA, March 2. Fleur quiet but firm ; Superfine, S3 75784 00 ; extra, f 1 254 GJ ; Penn'a Family, $5 1235 25. Rye flour at $4t li. Wheat unsettled. Cern firmer ; geed demand ; Steamer, C7 67Jc ; Yellow, 71c ; Mised, 70c : Ne. 3 de, 62 64c Cern firmer and mere active. Rye scarce at 7072c. Previsions steady. Lard steady. Butter dull and easier ; Pernie. Creamery extra, 3738c ; firsts, 2830c. Rolls dull ; Penn'a and Western, HtglSc as te quality. Eggs dull and lower ; Pennsylvania, 20c ; Western, 20c. Cheese quiet but firm. Petroleum dull ; Refined, 7c. Whisky at $1 IS Grain and Prevision unotatlecs. One o'clock quotations el grain and prev Is Ions, fnrnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, l.'J East King street. Chicago. Mar. 2. Wheat corn Mar..... 1.19 67X May.... 1.1 IK .62'4 Petreleu'i. Oil City.. Oate Pert Lard .41! ...9. 18.6'J 11.67H Live Stock Market. Chicago Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head ; ship ments, 8,600 head ; market slew, weak and 5c lower; mixed, $C25Q6); heavv, $6935700; light, $6 257 00 ; skips, $1 4036 28. Cattle Receipts, 6.003 head ; shipments, 3,500 head ; market fairly active and 5l0c higher : general demand improved ; experts at $5 856 20 ; geed te choice shipping, (5 20 5 75 ; common te medium at $1 505 70 ; butch ers and canning In lair request and firm: common te fair, $2 5033 75 ; steckurs and feeders at 4 85, Sheep Receipts, 3,300 head ; shipments, 2,000 head ; market very weak and overstocked with low grades ; common te fair at $334 00 ; medium te geed at $4 255 CO ; cheice te extra, S5 256 00. East LiBKirrr Cattle Receipts, 969 head ; market firm ; prime at $66 25 ; lair te geed at $5 255 75 ; common at $45.; Hogs Receipts, 1,955 bead; Philadelphia.1), $7 207 90 ; Yerkers, $7 2537 50 ; market was firm. - Sneep Keccipta, 1,300 head ; market slew prime ut$66 25 ; fair te gee. I at $5 5)5 75 ; common at $.104. Bteck Markets. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stecb also United States Bends reported dolly by Jacob B. Lene, 22 North Queen street. . Mar. 2. 10:00 LOU 3:00. A. 3C. P X X X Denver & Rie Grande 44 44!, 44; N. Y..Lake Erie Western.... 37 3-.' 3f Kansas and Texas 30$ 30 30 Lake Shere 1 V m 109 New Jersey Central 71 71 71 New Yerk, Ontario & W 23 St. Paul, M. & Omaha 48 47 48 .Pacific MaU , 4154 Rochester & Pittsburgh 10'4 19 19 Texas Pacific 2S Wabash. St. Leuis & Pacific... 28 Western Union Tel. Ce 82 Pennsylvania Central 61 Philadelphia Reading. 27 Northern Pacific Cem 48 " Preferred.... 83 Buffalo Pitts. & West 16 33 28 Lecal Stocks and Bends. Par ynl Lanc-CUy 6 per ct. Lean, due 1882.. .1100 " 1885... 100 1890... 100 u 1895... IOC 5 per ct. n 1 or 30 years.. 100 5 per ct. Scheel Xean...; 100 " In ler 20 years.. HX " 4 " In 5 or 20 years.. 100 e M in 10 or 20 years. 100 Manheim borough lean 100 WSOXLLAirEOUS STOCKS. Qnarryvllle R. R $50 MUlersvllle Street Car 50 Inquirer Printing Company 50 Watch Factory 100 Gas Light and Fuel Company...... 25 Stevens Heuse 100 Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company. Susquehanna Iren Company 100 MeriAttu. Hollowware Last sale 105 120 120 105 112 102 102. 106. 102 $2.25 2&50 50 120 90 2 1701 10? m IS 1 Stevens Heuse 50 Sicily Island...... ............... ...... 50 East Brandy wlne ft Waynesb'g.... 50 MillersvUle Nermal Scheel WSOBUAJIBOUS BOKDB. Qnarryvllle B. R., due 1893 Reading A Columbia R. R,,5's.... Tncanter Watch Ce- due 1886.... .1100 . 100 $117 105 109.60 100 -108 tee Lancaster uasLignt ana jruei uc due in 1 or 3) years 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due 1836 100 TU a MAX STOCKS. Ri? Snrimr Beaver Valley S 26 SUV Bridgeport A Heres hoe... 13 S3 18 20 3836 28 &nsr mj 48 49 83 f5 16 15 Columbia at cnestnui uui a kltunbla& Washington 35 Columbia A Big Spriajr. 25 Lem XMI AMlddleVB... W LaseastsrA nltvlil6.............s Be LancasterJsLittta.... ....... ......... SB Lancaster A WUUamstewB M Lancaster Maner... aa Lancaster Maabeiaa Lancaster marietta........... s Lancaster A New Helland 10 Lancaster A Sum Behanna. 3W First National ww MM Farmers' National Bank...; ee Fulton National Bank MS Lancaster County National Bank., n Columbia National Bank............ Ml Kphrata National Bank. 1M First National Bank, Columbia..... we First National Vmmx, Strasburg..... MS First National Bank. Marietta. MS First National Bank. MountVey.. MS Litltx National Bank. MS Manheim National Bank...... 100 Dnlen National Bank. Mount Jey. 80 New Helland National Bank....... MB arexajira sc. J. K. Silt AUNG'S VAK1. Addtmcte. FRIENDS AND PATRONS This may be U U lest chance te secure the greatest bargains 1m fine Heavy-Weight WOOLENS ever efteredla this city. Remember. I am going te clea them out if possible this season. I nave bandied this class of goods ter ever 25 years. I am thoroughly familiar with tbe merits et all tae leading mekes et cloth In the market and de say I think tbe F. A H. and Jebanny Kdretfeaa are superior In finish, mera reliable In color and mere durable than any cloths produced, in the WORLD. Remember, also. I am the only man in this city that has tbe NERVE Ur tackle these line, high priced goods. They earn . only be bad In large cities at prices net less than $70 te $75. I am dosing; mine out at $40 a suit. I am having a great Beem In Treuserings. I am offering Heavy-Weighta lrem $8.50 te $10 a pair make a note of this, X have among my line the best English and! French patterns, that cannot be bad In Phila delphia for less than $15 te $18 a pair. Thanking the p Alie for the klBd patronage extended particularly since my great reduc tion In prices, I shall endeavor te give sa tire satisfaction teallmy patrons. RelJur again able te attend te business, 1 will superintend every department or the trade personally and will guarantee te secure te every one the greatest value for ttelr Investment. All my productions are warranted te be et superior CHARACTER AND TONE from any ether house In the trade, having i my employ the best skilled workmen from tbe city, un less entirely satisfactory te the customer I will net allow It te go out. 49Place your orderatenceat 121 North Queen Street LANCASTER, PA. Neta Bimu-I have a let of Remnants et Fine Cleths and Cassimures, suitable for chil dren, te which I invite theuttentlen of mothers et small boys from five te ten years et ago. age. These Remnants are of the finest and best quality or goods, and can be bad from 50 cents te $1.50 a Suit. FOK SALE. PUBLIU BALK.-ON MONDAY KVEMIMG, March 5, 1883. at the Franklin Heuse; the two-story seven roomed Brick Dwelling, situ ated Ne. 707 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. See bills. JOHN M. METZLER, WAS Ne. 9 Seuth Duke Street. EOK KEHT-ON SATURDAY, MARCH 19 1S83, will be rented at public outcry en the premises, all that Merchant -and Grist Mill known as Brua's Mill, situated ou Pequea Creek, near the village of Paradise. Renting will commence at 2 o'clock, p. m., et sali day, when terms and conditions will be made known by JOEL L. LIGHTNER, feb27,m3,G,8d Assignee. PUBLIC SALE OF DESIRABLE CITS' PROPERTY. On SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1883, by virtue et an order of the Orphans Court et Lancaster county, the undersigned, administratrix will offer nt public sale, at tbe public beuse of Albert Kehlbaus, en Maner street, Lancaster city, the following described real estate belonging te the estate el Fred erick Hellman, deceased : All that certain let or piece el ground situ ated en the north side of High street, Lancas ter city, containing in front en said High street, 54 feet, mere or less, and extending In depth that width northward, 226 feet, mere or less, te Lafayette street, upon which are erected a one-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. Ne. 637 High street, witb a one-story Frame Kitchen attached. Weaver Shep and ether improvements. There are also a num ber of Fruit Trees In geed bearing condition. Sole te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. Terms Approved security te be given for. the payment et tbepurcbase money en April 2, 1883. MAGDALENA OTTENDOKFEB, Administratrix el Frederick Hellman, de ceased. Jacob Gcsdakeb, Auct. f24,27Anil,3,6,8,10.13J5,16 ORPHAN'S COURT MALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1S& by virtue of an order et the Orphan's Ccr.rt of Lancaster county, tbe undersigned will sell at public sale at tbe Leepard Hetel in Lancaster city, tbe undi vided belt part of that certain Let orjFleceei Ground situated en the north side et North street, and en the west side et Seuth Duke street, in the city of Lancaster, and containing in front en said Nertb street. 143 lest, 10 inches, mere or less, and extending In depth rilens? ii line of irreuiid. .new. or lata of Jehn Sencr, deceased, nertliwaru aiiet mei-fcr less, te Locust alley, thence east along said alley, 53 feet, 10 inches, mere or less, te ground new or late et Jehn F. Leng, thence south, 20 feet, mere or less, along the line et ground of said Leng, thence along tbe ground et said. Leng eastward, 90 leet, mere or less, te Seuth Duke street aforesaid, thence along said Seuth Duke street, southward. 187 feet, mere or less, te Nertb street aforesaid, whereon Is erected a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE 20x2S feet, with a two-story Brick Kitchen 12x22 feet attached. Alse, a one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. 28x18 feet. Frame Stable. 16x16 feet and ether improvements. Bennded en tbe west by property new or late of Jehn Sener, deceased, en the north by property of Jehn F. Leng and Locust alley, en the east by Seuth Dnke street, and en the south by North street aforesaid. This property is situated In a very desirable portion of the city, and offers a fine opportunity for investment. Sale te cemmence at 7 o'clock p.m., when attendance will be given and terms nude known by J U LI A A. HEPTING. Executrix et Cbarlea A. Heptlng. HehrvShubbbt, Auct. H3-3tdTuAm547 EXECUTOR'S SaLE of valuable city PROPRTY.-On FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1883, at Michael's Hetel. North Queen street, Lancaster, tbe undersigned executrix of the wUi et Jacob M. Leng, deceased, wiU expose at Public Sele, tae Real Estate of said de ceased, situate In tbe city et Lancaster, te wit " " no. 1. The undivided enethalt part of (r Tract et Land in tbe westernlaartetsald city, bounded and described as fellows, viz : Begin ning at a corner In tbe middle et CeUsga avenue and en the south side of a public reaif," known as Bacbman's Lane, thence west along' said public read, 78 perches, mere or lees, te a corner en the east side of a public read. lead-. ing from the Marietta turnpike te the Harris burg turnpike, thence south along said last mentioned puuiic nnu, tn -iv porcine. v m corner en the north side et the Marietta tore-, A.XttUa'ft eTCHTa. .. 9ft pike, thence east along said Marietta turnpike, v4 59perche8, toaceinerof land el P. Ignatius ' - hospital Hf L-aeicv, x ,,.. rrr-- iiamiF RTPn;iu!L te a cenur. tbenes neraa. along lands of Jehn C. H&ger ana Jaceo waW S ""?."" V"5 Xt :ZZ' jTjT wlh' iTTSkV .hAa trt e nnrtiPfin th middle of tfftUftlCgfgV - -' lege avenue, thence north along tne nuaaieex.,0, UU1,UC0 v m 71 Tm m - i-- . -" -f- said college avenue,szpercnes,mowexies,ie " the place of beginning, containing ay aum, and i50 PERCHES.mere or less. The said Caet el Land is very favorably situated la the dlree tlen of the western growth of thecityi and earn be divided throughout Inte eligible fenlkUat; s2.Alotef ground situate en the north side of East Orange streeet, between North QaeeB street and North Dnke street, containing te front en said East Orange street 91 feet, 2 inches, and extending la depth 24 leet. te aa. alley 14 feet wide, adfeialng property et Chas. E. Wentx en the east and of A. I. Dltmer a the west, en which Is erected a Urge SUCK DWELLING HOUSE, tbe main portion, et which 4s three stories la height and hasa front el 29 'leet, 10 Inches ana a depth et 36 leet inches ; the rear portion Is two stories - and a garret-In height with a depth of Si testa ?nMiM Mil n. Width fOTtbA distance et 42 Met et IS feet 3 inches, and tbea. narrowing te 12 feef 9 finches. The beuse Is eeaetraetw laa substantial and elegant manner, and ;artf tended by the late Jacob M. Leng Jer ale jgf. vate residence. .wwa 3. A let el ground oataewest- aider' of JSlt va tr- hatwMe. Wast Oman nad-Weav King street, containing in front esaatd "- $ ; ket street, 2 feet, 2-inches, mera ee ' g? extending in aepau, j , rwJ?JtI?ff joining property of Union fkJhs$at&, HUSO WWBWMJ w. mtnr mww Z1T-. 2. i& Mnnlenbew. deceased, en the west, ama caW Eilwinl Kclirnrlv en the KOrtB. OK .' blacksmith SHOP lerected,neweee hi Mn1 Walten- ' J' -' Sale te commence at 7 P. wben attendance wM-bilveavj made known by ;-JLai.c.tia, Executrix el the war of. Jaeoej 1 eeatea. "- v- sal ajL-.'i ' ? KiVf;' mmmm'z.z ,&3 -", ?d si jt vLTd :M s t2A rfti j,'M y ?i - vm & .&" rlSSJ j htr &32 tu&i n L - 3fej --.-' "sr ?i &i W" ' ii. jtQ . -a 1 ssv -' -MSSmwmiiMMMMm- ,. v r-- v a Vre'-j'' ". j j V L.LTVJ !3&5SkdfeBS3k& Wtm? .. t'-ifc- jf" a' f ij. r"L-- c.-trz-. iv r z irf-fc a-m-m r-i v.-TJi-j;jw".u ii-v lt,. .'i jt-hjt.j' -& M'iTMhrifiN-'- '" r "Tn ii nafftrhrtn-TrWttTft iffT"7 -1 .r mil ' - r i .-... .. . . . K 5$355S ." S25- . . ." "A. ..'..i-f-V ?t-CV " Ka2es?i2y