T? &-i& -- TEi J il fflg k p srrir" .v . M&Sw ILWH&tH I SKEW --TV" "'?,?! T--T ErH iZ3&Wil, wm? LANCASTER, PA. THURSDAY. MARCH 11883. . Telumc XIX-Ne. 154. mmwmmsmmfmi i-aW-KSaB.iBBr-; K".-C?5irrL!.s?Tr,-i?,'Jrt. ilhf't ,- jrrF&avuma :iBH.K"jKr4r-tM'.'BAnyc'':' kw,- ,-wamf-!?-rpv"m:m&--!G - . .l-f-L-'bibbb "-,iiv-iti:wt'Aij!--''.'iriT- -jL-'rLA.c--.Li'-. j - ,. :?i.fj.vm EM BBBBl iB aH BBsl PB BSE .bOLbBLTbB BBS! BBSs! .BSBVlBBB SBBBBBBBB'BBbI B W BBBBl 'JSBBBBSEsi J--lfe, 1 fJ Esbbbbbsssw - sssa Lav " bbbbL bbbbbW bb. VbL. A kmmmJmT JasBBBkVV'BBBW JbbbbW .sbbbbEbbbb! -. - - J 1 - - - . ' ' Ji Www S Xrf I"1 m V J.-S-. V ? p 'JPZUXBIK& AMD F LINN BBEMEHAR. BARGAS " f -IN- IITGHEN MS, STOVES, TIN Al WOODEN f ffi Having- made Large Purchases at Forced Seles in New 7c rk, we are prepared te offer GRIAT INDUCEMENTS TO PARTIES GOING TO HOUSEKEEPING. A Large Stock of GA8 FIXTURES at the Old Stand of FllNN & BRENEMaN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. t5gSIGN OP TKE TWO BIG DOGS.-fa VLOXHING. Tj"-OK OHK WEEK. y. One Let et 25 Dezen Heavy Gray UNDERWEAR At 25 Cent 8 Each. One Let of S Dezen Fairs et BUCKSKIN GLOVES At 90 Cents, Werth $1.40. One Let et WOOLEN MITTS, AKD GLOVES At 25 Cents, Web 50 Cents. 3, WebHM One Let et Blue Flannel Shirts At ST. Cents, Werth 91.35. 100 DOZEN Penn Hall White Shirts At 60 Cents. Ward's Argosy Reversible Cellars, At SO Cents. 15$ Beys5 Single Cassimere Vests At 47 Cents. Full Line et OVERALLS. SHIRTS, etc., sultable ler working at Tobacco, lust re ceived. Entire Line of Overcoats and Winter Suits Yet en band.atONE-HALF VALUE, as THEY MUST ALL BE SOLD. The Ptnn Hall Clothing Heuse, HIRSH & BRO., Neb. 2 and 4 N. Queen St, and 6 and 8 Centre Square. I ep8 d s1 1'KCIAL. NOTICE, THE GREATEST REDUCTION OF ALL -IN- FINE CLOTHES, AT E GEEHART'S TAILORING ESTABLI8UMEN1, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, In order te rcduce stock and inake room ler the SPRING TRADE, I will make up te order ler the remainder of the season, all HEAVY WEIGHT WOOLENS at COST PRICE. This Great Kcdnctlen Is for cash only, and will enable cash buyers te secure a fine sultef clothes or an oveiceat ns low as they can buy them ready-made. H. GERHART. pmKAT SWEEPING REDUCTION IN MERCHANT TAILORING. As at this tlme or year PANTS arc the prin cipal article needed amongst Gentlemen, ana In order te keep our hands fully employed, we make te order PANTS at prices that defy any body te buy the same quality of goods, made 'and trimmed like ours, ready made up. WE MAKE TO ORDER Mixed All-Weel Cassimere PANTS at $3 03 Striped All-Well Cassimere PANTS at.... 3 50 All-Weel Extra Heavy PANTS at 4 00 All Weel Cheviot PANTS at 4 PO Plain Worsted PANTi' at 5 00 Fancy Worsted PANTS at 5 50 Scotch AU-Weel Cheviot PANTS at 0 00 Extra Fine Foreign Pantaloenlngs at $G.50, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00. SUITS TO ORDER. A Geed Woolen Business SUIT. $12 00 An All-Weel HeavyCaslmere SUIT 1 00 An Ail-Weel Cheviot SUIT 15 00 An All-Weel Scotch Cheviot SUIT 10 50 A Flee Worsted SUIT 18 00 An Extra Fine Worsted SUIT 20 00 A Foreign Cassimere or Worsted SUIT... 25 00 JSS-Whctlier yen wish te pnrchase or net, please call and be convinced of the RARE BARGAINS we arc new offering te the public L. Gansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, (S6.68 NORTIT QUEEN STREET, Bight en the Southwest Cerner et Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. Mflhe cheapest and most reliable Clothing Heuse In the city. OABDKIi U. PRICK, A1TOBNEI, BAH n Removed his Office from 66 North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, immedi ately In Rear et Court Heuse. Leng's New Bnlldlne tn!7-ttrt IS OW BKAIII OUR NEW REAL. BSTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number of properties In city and country, with prices, &c Copies sent free te any address. t -. - , SAl'KatAtA mnA luamnm Annts. Ne. 10 GAB FXXXISa. CLOTBINO. E. J. KBI8MAN. Gil's Fiiiii Ms. Neckties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cash rejre Mufflers'. Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, UnOerwe.r, Fur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster Gloves,Colars,Cuffs, Suspenders, Pocket Beeks, Card Cases. Ladles' Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scart Pins, Sleeve " Buttens, 4c. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE GKAND DIS PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, NO. 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET, O S. KATHVON. " OVERCOATS, Dress Suits, Business Suits, Pantaloons, Waistcoats, In desirable winter materials, made prompt ly te order ler men and boys, at bottom prices ter the next two months, at S. S. RATHYjDffS Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Ne. 101 N. Queen St, J23-lmeed LANCASTER, PA. T K. SMALIWD'H AUl. Addenda. ifinpwna A1CMT ATlfOMi.ThtaTTinir lmllie JlTi! last chance te secure the greatest bargains in line Heavy-weignt wuuiiJSNis everenereuin this city. Remember, I am going te close them eutlf possible this season. I have handled this class et goods for ever 25 years. I am thoroughly laminar with the merits et all the leading makes et cloth In the market and de say I think the F. & H. and Johanny Edrcc'ens are sunerler in finish, mere reliable In cole and mnre durable than any cloths preduceir In the WORLD. Remember, also. I am the only man in this cltvthat has the NERVE te tackle these line, high priced goods. They can only be had in large cities at prices net less than 970 te $75. I am closing mine out at $40 a suit. I am having a great Beem In Treuserings. I am offering Heavy-weights Irem $3.50 te $10 a pair make a note of this, I have among my line the best English and French patterns, that cannot be had in Phila delphia ter less than $15 te $18 a pair. Thanking the public ter the kind patronage extended particularly since my great reduc tion In prices, I shall endeavor te give en tire satisfaction te allmy patrons. Being again able te attend te business, I will superintend every department of the trade personally and will guarantee te secure te every one the greatest value for tbelr Investment. All my productions are warranted le be of superior CHARACTER AND TONE from any ether house in the trade, having inmy employ the best skilled workmen from the city. Un less entirely satisfactory te the customer I will net allow it te go out SB-Place your orderatenoeat 121 North Queen Street. LAN CASTER, PA. Neta Bkne. I have a let of Remnants et Fine Cleths and Cassimercs, suitable ler chil dren, te which I invite the attention et mothers et small boys from flve te ten years et age. These Remnants are of the finest and best quality of goods, and can be had from 50 cents te $1.50 a Suit. K OSENSTJHN'S. BARGAINS AT EOSBHSTBIFS. THE GREATEST BARGAINS -IN- Bilii's Kid, Deg Skin AND CASTOR GLOVES, WILL BE OFFERED AT A. H. ROSENSTEIN'S NEXT TUESDAY. Every pair warranted and only C8c; price elsewhere, $1.5J. A LARGE LOT OF Gentlemen's Medicated Underwear At 90c ; lormer price, $1.50, WOOLEN CARDIGAN JACKETS At 75 Cents. ONLY A FEW MORE OF THOSE Fine SILK, SATIN, and PLUSH SOABFSLefc, At 43 Cents. OUR SPRINGSTYLES OF Fine "Woolens, i Will be ready for inspection - " NEXT WEDNESDAY. They comprise all the Latest Woolens the market affords, MR. JAMES S. NOWJ.EN, whose reputation as a llrst-claas cutter lias been fully estab lished, is still employed by me. JWMy Stock et READY-MADE CLOTHING will be sold regardless of cost. A. I. Eesenstein, Ne. 37 North Queen St. 4VOppeslie the Grape Hetel. mMK FUKEST AMU BBST. KeeJy Etct Mad. -It m Cempeaaded from Heps, Malt, Baeba, Maa- dras-e, and Dandelion. The eldest, best, most renowned and valu able medicine In the world, and In addition It contains all the best and most effective cura tive properties et all ether remedies, being the greatest liver legulater, bleed purifier, and lite and health restoring agent en earth. It gives new life and vigor te the aged and Infirm. Te clergymen, lawyers, Uterary men, ladles, and all whom sedentary employments cause Irregularities et the Bleed, Stomach, Bowels, or KidnejB, or who require an ap petizer, tonic, and mild stimulant, It is Invalu able, being highly curative, tonic and stimu lating, without being intoxicating. ' Ne matter what your leehngs or symptoms are, or what the disease or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but it you only feel bad or miserable use the bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by se doing, a$ a moderate cost. Ask your druggist, or physician. De net sutler yourself or led your friends suffer, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. It yen have lameness in the loins, with fre quent pains and aches ; numbness of the thigh; scanty, painful and frequent discharge et urine, filled with pus, and which will turn red by standing ; a veracious appetite and un quenchable thirst ; harsh and dry skin ; clammy tdngue,' often darkly furred ; swollen and lnflammed gums ; drepsical swelling of the limbs; frequent attacks of hicceugh; inability te void the nrlne and great fatigue in attempting It you are suffering irem some form et Kidney or Urinary Complaint, such as Brieht's Disxasb et the kidneys, stone or Inflammation of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and re tention of the urin t and Hep Bitters Is the only remedy that ill permanently cure you. Remember, Hep 1 fttcrs is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the purest and best medicine ever "made and no person or family should be without It. Don't risk any et the highly UuJed stuff with testimonials et great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or physicians what Hep Bitters has and can de for you and test it. Jan30-lycedTTh&S&w MVMCAIj INHTKVMKNT8. w imjexa white: THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. A DECKER, Agent. A Full Aesortmentef the various styles con stantly en hand and for sale en the most lib oral terms for Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public is most cordially Invited te call and examine these instruments, which will be leund te be very Superior in Qnalltyand "loderatoin Price. Mil. DECKER is also agent ler the Famous "KNABE" And several otl.er Desirable i'ianotertcs, at prices from $225 upwards. febl7-tfd VAriSit JJANOINUS, at. "pilABES W. CRY. We have a large line el LACE CURTAINS In WHITE and CREAM, from $1.00 a pair up NETTING by yard Irem 12c. up. BED SETS, LAMBREQUINS, PILLOW SHAMS and TIDIES. CURTAIN POLES of every description. WALNUT EXTENSION CORNICES very low In price : $1 50 cornices ler 00c.. $2 cornices for $1.50, t2..r0 cornices ter $1.75, $2.75 cornices ler $2.00. Will fit any window up te five loot in width, and very easily adjusted. LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPERSand WINDOW SHADES Fer Spring in all the New Patterns and Celers ODD LOTS and REMNANTS Ot PAPER HANGINGS very cheap te clese out. Among tnem are seme very cnoice styles. A low of these light-colored Shades left from 15 cents up. Have your work done new before theSpiing rush commences We employ llrst-class work men and can glve yenr orders prompt atten tion. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. OBOCJBUWS. 1- BUKSK'tf, That Elegant Syrup AT 10 CIS. A QUART OH, HOW IT GOES. Customers come from the south, east, north and west. We sold It le go te Erie. They come for it from Chester county. ' , These 7c. Tomatoes en inat wiiv this la lust what I want, the can is net qnite se large. Think of it, 1 he New Yerk wholesale orlce is 95 te 1 per dozen and we sell them only 7c, a can or 84c. per dozen. SMOKED SALMON IN QUANTITY TO SUIT CUSTOMERS AT BURSK'S, - Ne. 17 East King Street. JLATB ANt) OAJfJ. H ATS, GAPS AND FOBS, Hats, Caps and Furs. - JOHN BIDES-has purchased the entire stock et Hats, Caps-ahd Furs lately belonging te the flrmet 8hult'Bre., fashionable hatters, and new offers thetaV4er sale, retail and whole sale, at greatlvjttfaced prices at Nes. 31 and 33 NORTH QtHuW ST., the well-established Hat Stere of"tb;teto firm et Shultz A Bre. Special inducements offered te country mer chants. Mr. Sides will continue the liat busi ness and constantly keep en hand the latest and best styles. "He has employed Henry A. and Wm. Snultz. of the late firm et Shultz-& Bre., who are experienced hatters. " JOHN SIDES, (SUCC ESSOR TO SHU LTZ ft BRO.) fl3-tfd BAKUA1N8. IN WATUUES CLOCKS Chains, Rings, Spectacles, Ac. Repairing et all kinds will receive my personal atten tion. LOOIS WEBKR, Ne. 1H North Queen' Htreet.- Remember name and -number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsylvaaa xaureaaaewv. uvoxeivu 0H7S MONOPOLY. THE STANDARD DEVIL FISH. Its JKed et Opwatlaaa Hew it Baas Legis- latarea mad Newspapers Its Bleb Manager. ToaNewYerk2Ynwrespondent at Oil City, a well-informed gentleman said : 'Inside of seven yearsj the Standard snent S325.000 in Harrisbnnr. In five years it spent ever $60,000' in Columbus. In the same length of time, bnt covering different years, it spent $35,000 in Albany. Here are nearly $500,000 gene te whom ? Who knows ? Dees Mr. Rockefeller him self? Dees Mr. Flagler, or Mr. O.H. Payne ? I suppose they knew in general results just what legislation, direct and indirect, was had for their benefit,'' and can form some idea as te what farther legislation- and investigation that they did net desire was prevented- Bnt no one supposes for a moment that any of these gentleman could name the persons te whose pockets the money might be traced. Their dealing has all been with agents. The Standard plan has always been te select its agents . and deal with them in general terms. 'Produce,' says Mr. Rocke feller, 'certain desired results that I shall name te you, and a certain named sum of money shall be yours. I de net want te knew anything about your ex pense account. I de net want te knew the rTame of a man with whom you have deal. Don't de anything that will involve you in trouble, or that will be in violation of law. If you de, the entire responsibility lies with you. This action that we fear is te the injury of our business, and we desire te prevent it. New go and use your moral ne influence te prevent action, and when you have succeeded I will pay you the sum named for expenses and for your time.' The agent understands what all this meaus and gees te work. His profit lies between the price Mr. Rocker Recker feller Has agreed te pay and the sum that it will cost him te bribe, banquet, coax and entrap the members of the designated Legislature into casting their votes and using their influence in the direction that the Standard agent desires. Sometimes in one state capital three or four paid agents have been at work without any one of them knowing that the ethers were hold ing a Standard commission. " One winter, when it was the desire of the standard that a threatened or at least expected legislative investigation should net occur, or at least that in case it did the proper kind of a committee should be appointed, the company had in its diract employ a member of the Heuse, a mem ber of the Senate, an ex-member of the Heuse, and three outsiders, one of the last named being a newspaper man. And Qf all this collection of agents only two, and they were the outsiders exclusive of the newspaper man, knew that they were net the only paid lobbyists en the ground. I may add that the committee was ap pointed, but it was composed of men of such moral and financial capacity as suited the Standard te a dot. Of course the whole thing ended iu a farce, at the ex pense of the state that this thrifty com mittee represented. "Mr. Rockefeller is an autocrat within his own sphere. He allows no interfer ence with his plans, and although he reaches a cleved hand toward his asso ciates and subordinates it does net need two grasps for them te learn that within is the grip of iron. Twe or three slight differences of opinion at te matters that Mr. Rockefeller bolieved issential te his successful conduct of the Standard be tween that gentleman and Mr. Samuel Andrews, one of the original proprietors of the Standard, led te that gentleman's selling out and his quitting the business. Mr. Andrews believed that his interests demanded that he should knew a little mere of the details of the business. Mr. Rockefeller believed that Mr. Andrews knew enough. Mr. Andrews was opposed te any mere expansion of the company. Mr. Rockefeller had ether views. Se Mr. Andrews sold out, his stock passing into the hands of the men who were then as new the real brain and bone of the Stand ard. When Mr. Andrews went out he was met by certain oil operators who be lieved that with him as a mentor a rival te the Standard could be built up. But Mr. Andrews could give little- advantage te himself or te ethers by risking his new safe millions in a struggle the result of which could net but be doubtful at best, se the great opponent and rival te the Standard did net appear. " Commedore Vanderbilt was in full control of the New Yerk Central when he first met Jehn D. Rockcfellor. By some meaus the latter gained a wonderful held en the old man, and could get terms out of him that no ether man would dare te ask. The story gees that Vanderbilt once said that Rockefeller was the only man in the world who could dictate te him. As that may be.the Standard had its way with the New Yerk Central aud the Lake Shere from the start. William H. Vanderbilt has a suspicieu of the Standard, and watches with au eagle eye every deal that is proposed te him from that direction. But year in and out the Standard has had chances in the way of low freight and re bates that no ether concern in the country could dare te cxpect. Vanderbilt and the Standard president de net take each ether into confidence te anycreat extent, and in their closest dealings are ever in a state of armed hostility. 'Oil is all right when one gees into it steadily and makes :t a busi ness,' said Mr. Vanderbilt te a gentleman one day, but I don't care te take much risk in that direction.' Mr. Rockefeller was once sennded as te his relations with Vanderbilt. ' Oh, yes,' he replied coolly, ' I believe we de ship seme oil ever his lines !' In fact, coolness of expression is one of Mr. Rockefeller's distinguishing characteristics. He had en empleye whom he suspected of having given certain in formation that afterward appeared iu print. He said te his private secretary : ' Suggest te Mr. Blank that he would de admirably aa a newspaper man, and that ws shall net need his services alter tne j close of this month.' The Standard pres ident was ence at a watering place suburb near Cleveland when an ex-member of the Ohie Legislature came up and, introdue iug himself, said : ' I did what I could in that little matter at Columbus, and am glad that the Standard came te no harm.' ' I am glad te knew yen, sir, personally, said Mr. Rockefeller, but I have no idea what veu have reference te in the matter of legislation,' and entering his carriage, took up the reins and drove away." " Hew much is Rockefeller worth ?" "I don't knew. Seme say five millienr, and some say fifteen. Nonliving man knows hew much he does feet up, but six or seven millions will cover it. Yen see, his great investment is in the Standard, and a shift may come any day te run him up a million or down two. He never talks of his possessions, and 'I should net be surprised if he had a snug' fortune laid away where he would find himself rich in case the Standard trust property should be swept away from the face of the four states in which it is situated. Yen see,' he is a Scotchman and ceir.es of a thrifty stock. He was alrcadyrich before he gave any signs of it inhis way of living. His house en tne eoraer et caw ana Jiiuena "r"sv. ..j u- ii . ? aveuuw i -juvgauii luaiuc, vui uujr uupus iBg outside. A oeapany seae yean age built a magnifieent stone castle en the hills beyond Lake View cemetery for the purpose of creating a gilt-edged sanata sanata riem. The projeetfailed, and the estab lishment fell into Rockefeller's hand at a sum less than the material of the house cost delivered en the ground. He lives up there in the summer, overlooking the city, the lake, Wade park, Lake View cemetery, and the Northern Ohie fair grounds. .He gives te the church some what liberally, and is net counted par simonieus,- although by no means free handed." " Hew much is Flagler worth ?" "I don't knew. Perhaps .four or five millions. He came in when Rockefeller, Clark and Andrews had made a fair start in the refining of oil at Cleveland and had began te see what opportunities were ahead of them in case they had the capital needed. He brought that capital and things went with a dash." "Who stands next?" - "Oliver H.Payne; I believe he is treasurer, but I am net certain of that. He is worth three or four 'millions new, and will get a million mere when his father's estate is divided which won't be for sometime, as Henry B. Payne is a very young old man. The executive work, or a geed share of it, falls into the bands of Oliver Payne. He is the only one of the Standard people who have taken a hand in politics, and there are few men in with Rockefeller who would be allowed te go as far in that line as Payne has done. Every time the Standard's name is hitehed te that of the Paynes' and politics it makes Rockefeller uneasy. I don't believe Rockefeller would stand it very long. Cel. Payne knows this and this fact has had no little te de with keeping him out of politics person ally." " Who are some of the richest Standard stockholders ?" " S. V. Harkness is one. Jehn Hunt ington has a small share or se that keeps him in geed shape without any need of work. He get in with them years age when he was a boss in the Cleveland city council, and aided the Standard in getting some" very valuable legislation through touching the dredging of the river and ether improvements about their works. He used te be in with the Standard plans very deep, but of late years has done little mere than draw his dividends and go te Columbus when some unusually delicate piece q work was te be done. " A great deal of the public dislike of the Standard and distrust of its purpeses iu Western Pennsylvania which at one time was at such a pitch that Jehn D. Rockefeller would have been mobbed had he been found in the oil territory was created and festerod by the newspapers of this region. Rockefeller called in a trusted and discreet agent and told him what he wanted. The man came down into the oil region, making his first step at Oil City. He represented himself as a capi talist and through the proper channels opened negotiations for the purchase of the leading paper, perhaps the Derrick and perhaps some ether, I could net find out which. It was net paying very well and the sale .was consummated. Gradual changes were made in the staff and in the tone, and finally the paper was willing te admit that perhaps all the villanies et the world were net commercially grouped under the head 'Standard Oil.' The same policy was carried out at Franklin, Titus ville, Bradford, Meadville and Erie. Some times it was successful and sometimes it was net. The venture did net cost less than 800,000, but Mr. Rockefeller always felt that the money was well expended." SAMUEL J. TILDEN'S MANSION. Transforming tbe Twe Uramercy Parte Houses Inte One. N, Y. Telegram. The exterior of the mansion of ex ex Governer Samuel J. Tilden, which is new being finished in Gramerey Park, is almost completed, but inside considerable work remains te be done. One year age, when Mr. Tilden decided te transform the buildings, Nes. 13 and 15 Gramerey park, into one house it was his intention te spend about $50,000, but it is said that be fore the work is finished several hundred thousand dollars will have been spent. Traces of the Gothic style of architecture are noticeable in many parts of the struc ture, no conventional rules having been followed. The work has been done nnder the personal supervision of Mr. Til den, who several times a week visits the mansion and carefully ex amines the work, often suggesting alteiatiens. The house has a frontage of 60 feet and a depth of 110 feet, The front is based en Jersey brown stone, with a superstructure of delicate pink Scotch sandstone. Narrow belts of Maine granite separate the native and imported sand stone. The Maine stone is highly polished. There arc two entrances te the house, the main one being that which formerly led te Mr. Tilden's old building. At this en trance four columns of polished granite support a handsome perch. Above the columns are four half length figures repre senting the seasons of the year. A slab of polished granite forms the top of tbe perch. Between the two bay windows which run up te the third fleer, in a large panel of brown stone, the heads of Shake speare, Milten, Geothe. Dante and Frank lin are cut, the latter occupying the centre, while the ethers are at the corners. The inside of the building is very attractive. The parlor and library occupy the centre between the two halls en the first fleer, one of the bay windows affording light for each of the rooms. The library tbe largest r03m in the house is 20 feet wide and 60 feet long. The twenty thousand volumes which constitute Mr. Tilden's library will fill this apartment. The par lor is 30 feet long and 20 feet wide. The dining room is in Mr. Tilden's old house, back of the parlor. It is 35 feet square. The structure will probably net b com pleted before May. A yenng girl in Philadelphia who for three years, has been-,patient sufferer with sore sere sore threat, has D&.Cyen"ectually cured by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Israel Jenes, Mt. Carmel. Pa., says: "Brown's Iren Bitters relieved my wile in sick headache and weakness In the stomach." Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, drnggfst, 137 and 139 North Oueen rtreet. fK-lwd w Hew elten persons have been annoyed by burrs clinging te their dress or clothing, and hew seldom have they, when cleaning them, given it a thought that Burdock Reet is the most valuable bleed cleanser and purifier known, and Is sold by every druggist under the name of Burdock Bleed Bitters. Price SI. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, .137 and 139 Neith Queen street. The lenses nsed in the Celluloid Eye-Glasses are ground with scientific accuracy. They are tree from chromatic aberration, and pro duce brightness and distinctness of vision. 'Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opti cians. f2S-lwdeed X Wish JSveryBedv te Knew. Rev. Oeorge U. Thayer, an old citizen of this vicinity known, te every one as a most influential citizen and christian minister et the M. K. church, Just this moment stepped in our store te say, ' I wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ewe our lives te Shiloh's Consumption Cure." It is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and is giving perfect satisfaction In all cases et Lnng Diseases, sach as nothing else has done. DBS. lATCHETISnUKUK Bourbo. ind.. May la. Te. Beld bv IL B. Cochran. iLiun-ist. Nes. 137 and 1 138 North Queen street, Lancaster. febUeedl i t ASigatfieaatract. The cheapesS medicine In use Is The-asas' Eclectrle Oil, because se very little et it Is re quired te effect a cure. Fer croup, dlpatke ria, and diseases of the lungs and threat, whether used for bathing the chest or threat, for taking Internally or Innaltmr, It Js a matchless compound. FersalebyHzB. Coch Cech ian, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Sensible suggestions; read advertisement and take Simmons Liver Regulator. WalB iaf Hatar It is entirely different from all ethers. It Is as clear as water, and, as Its name Indicates, is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will Immediately free the head from all dandrax, restore gray hair te Its natural color and pro duce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does net In any manner effect the health, which Sulphur. Sugar of Lertd and Nitrate of Mlver preparations have done. It wBl change light or faded hair in a few days te a beautiful glossy brown. Ask yenr druggist for It. Xach bottle Is warranted. 6MITHTKL1NK ft CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL &BUCKKL. New Yerk. ans-lyd,eedw MEDICAL. DKOffS") IRON HITTERS. 1 My Back' That's a common expression and has a world of meaning. Hew much suffering is summed up in it. The singular thing abeui it is. that pain in the back is occasioned by se many things. May be caused by kid ney discr.se, liver complaint, consump tion, cold, rheumatism, dyspepsia, overwork, nervous debility, &e. Whatever the cause don't neglect it. Something i'l wrong and needs prompt attention. Ne medicine has yet been discovered that will se quieklyand surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iren Bitters, and it does this by com mencing at the foundation, and mak ing the bleed pure and rich. Logansport, Ind. Dec. 1, I860. Fer a long time I have been a sufferer from stomach and kid ney disease. My appetite was very peer and the very small amount I did eat disagreed with me. I was annoyed very much from non-retention of urire I tried many remedies with no success, until I nsed Brown's Iren Bitters. Sin ja I used that my stomach does net bother me any. My appetite is simply im mense. My kidney trouble Is no mere, and my general health Is such, that I feel like a new man. After the use et Brown's Iren Bitters for one month, I ,. have gained twenty pounds in weight. O. B. Saimikst." - r j: i.nn::nna .i ,Th,, ,, ,. i use and recommend Brown's BtaivC Bitters. It has cured ethers sufferiafl as yen are, and it will euro you. .' or sale whelesale and retail by H. B. COCH RAN, Druggist, 137 and 1S9 North Queen street, Lancaster 123 lwdftw T "pwIPllTHEKIA. DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANCE WilBN TREATED WITH Perry Davis's Pain Killer. This wonderful remedy has saved the lives e many, many.children who were almost dead 7,'ith Diphtheria. S. Henry Wilsen, Lawrence, Mass., says : " The surgeons pronounced my case Diph theria ami decided that no remedies could reach It. Perry Davl9's Fain Killer saved my lite." Libceus Leach. Nashua, N. H., says : "I had painter's colic and dlptheretlc sere threat very severely. Pain Killer drove both away." DRUGGISTS ALL KEEP IT. ml-lmdw UOJJL. B. II. R1AKTI2I, " bole-tale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. 3rrard:Ne. 20 North Water and Prln' trceta above Lamen Lancaster. nJ-ly.' MANCKK ANU CKAI.. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herso Ma nure by the carload at reduced prices. All tbe BEST GRADES OF COAL, Beth for Family and Steam purposes. CEMENT by the barrel.. HAY and STRAW by the ten or bale. Taiu-315 Harriaburg Pike. Gbnkkai. Office S0& East Chestnut street. Eiuffinan, Keller & Ce. aprl-lyd 10AL. M. V. B. COHO, S30 JfOSTJI WATKB. ST., lannuttr, t-a. Wholesale and Retall Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic JSxehaac Yard and Ofllre: Ne. 330 NORTH W ATE STREET tb2Myil MJSDIOAJj. G KAY'S SPeCIFJU MCDMUNB. XttK Great English Remedy. An unlaUlng cure ter Impotency, and all Diseases that loUew less et Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain in the Back, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave Full par ttculars In our pamplet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. The Spedae Medicine Is sold by all druggists at fl per pack age. Or six packages ler 95, or will be seat free by mall en the reselpt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, H. B.Cechran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. On account el counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper theenly genuine. Guarantees of care Issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Qneen street. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. N.I nTrlMvdw m PIANOS AND FUBN1TUKK BEHUVKO at short notice. Alse, dealer In second hand and antique .Furniture, Steves and Bracket uaws.iioie. AUu:r.juuMuaiu -MS North Qneen street. itecll-Smd (Above Uae Northern Market.) Bwrmemm a i -nTATT. UAMI1 A (DO. SP10IAL BUM Limns tii Heisikiifiig Sm4s n.niriiririHHiMinAr ''- ?i Watt, Uhnnil - IVk ,-l suinuu a ; Are new showing the largest and stock of BLSACHKD AND UNBLSACHXD TAXlI' MAOTJUnW --i?! TURKY-RBD DAMASKS And TABLBkCOTsV TOWKLS, NAPJONS sad D'OYLUB, Thaf ItaM a-w f4Aa Stilus a a tm Ikta sll m aswi Ass-a-ei -.- tOTM-s, mvwm mss j SPECIAL BARQAMS: ICO der. TOWKLS at c each, se des. All-Liaen TOWXLS at Me. seek. 60 der. Extra-Large TOWELS at Ufca. seek. 25 dez. Knotted Fringe DAMASK TOWKLS at 36c each. 60 der. moreot these lameasQKAPK-BOKDKlt TOWKLS at c each. We ate offering the balance el ear Steek et Blankets, Cemfbrta ui Felt Skirti WITHOUT TCKRARn TOTHnaPOiT- PM BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT TOT New Yerk Stere, I 8 and 10 BAST KING STBBMT. M KTZGKR ft HAUUHBLAK , metzgi & iiemrs CHEAP STORE. BLACK: CASHMERES 12e. BLACK CASHMERES 30c BLACK CASHMERES..... 25c. BLACK CASHMERES 37Jc. BLACK CASHMERES 45c. BLACK CASHMERES 60c BLACK CASHMERES 85c. BLACK CASHMERES 75c BLACK CASHMERES 87Jc BLACK CASHMERES 11.00 BLACK CASHMERES M $1.95 TIIEr ABE ACKNOWLEDGED UY KVKKY ONKTOBKTHK . BEST GOODS KVEK SOLD AT THE PRICKS. letzpryaiiae (CHEAP STORE.) 43 WEST KING ST. LINCiSTK (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Hene Hetel.) Sl KAXJUKUADB. rriui GREAT Burlington Re CMcag0 BarllagtM ft (Jalacy B. mL Chicago, Barlfngtaa QbAmt K. fc PRINCIPAL LIN AND OLD rAVOBITK FROM ' CHICAGO OR PE0R1 TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIVC, LINCOLN AND DKNVJEK. The SHORTEST, QU1UKJCST and V. te St. Jeseph, Atchlnsen, Tepaka, Dallas. Galveston, and all points tali brnska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mi zena, Mentana and Texas, i-1 -b??, J 1 This route has no superior far Albets Minneapolis and St. PauL Nationally as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR Universally conceded te be EQUIPPED Railroad la the wet) 1 la classes of travel. All connections made In Unlea Ja att- Try It and yen will and travi Instead of a discomfort; v Through tickets via this celebrated' Si sale at all offices la the U. 8. sad Canada,, All Information about rates of fare. Cars, etc., cheerfully given by FKKOKVAX.-LOT' (Jeneral Passenger Agent, Cmak' T.J. 3d Vice Pres. Gen. JOHN H. A. BKA1-J, 317 Broadway, Nbw Yenc navlft-lvdjrw OAMMXAUJUh MO. rrmu. Standard Carriage OF LANCASTER COUT EDGERLEY ffien .i FINE CARRIAGE AJmBM$l SEAR OF CENTKAL-MABKBT' LAKCASTKftrA. We make every style : desired. AU Werk aalsl fertable and elegant style. best seieeted material saM 'We as best- mechanics. Ter'q lllj, prices are the cheapest taOesS ler caaa ana wen e-a iaa- . nmu a.aKlLr an Repairing preesnslT sttnussa Mu. workmen especially eipleyea.lsr pose. - s'-al i a TtMtO BSLnld. MAYAMA. J. ineartlekvtwefierSetsut HAKTMAN-B YELLOW FE vsf n 1 1 1 JIB1 m 'MnH'"! Y -SI (a St. l -iX m CmJm&t 4n """"km."! XTBM wager, CsiwrwB" BBBst Mr"samiassssW 1 9, lj . aemtam, gr." "y-w FI'ES i i i Jl S.1 i Jl J '! s I Ail PJ ' 4 r-w-?! jf m i S3 pmn mnm ? sk-.:s. IV -" -. v-iS?," " - .w ... Zi5s - irz-i.-jLZi, f, . ."v.t Stus SiK . Ji