"A-s.'Slr-! vt . 5SW7JL-T?! -W s6SS IsV-. ES 3iBia - .." " "-&:-:' u , - -t vi s&?5&&& I- V$g3W rs-f.ssss Z . -J '? ; " . S "H-Cr5 -. -" "STMl jr4 a-Tsasir " I tl r5 rt--fj l f, "4'fj' .i liJ -. ""TJjry . -?rx t " ks-yM ... iiiBT-jrwiShii?' -t T P"-VST "-TT '- v 3E 3 SSMfc35WWK?3aHHi r C -iv&.-w.iSK , 'H "- ' -'X IHRVi.lfflSlmKSKlSmS Kj3S ; - -: " ; I . $ - -r, WWhI -. ' i 6 Yelnme.XIX Ne. 152. PLvrnMisa jum "HUMS LINN & BBENEMAM. . BARGAINS IN EITG1N MS, STOVES, If AND WOODEN fill Having made Large Purchases at Forced Seles in New "XV rk, we are prepared te offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO PARTIES1 GOING TO HOUSEKEEPING. A Large Stock of GAB FIXTURES at the Old Stand of FLINN & BRENEMiiN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STM LANCASTER, PA. CS'-SIGN OF THE TWO BIG DOGS.-! CLOTHING. F OB ONE VTC.EK. One Let el 25 Dezen el Heavy Gray . UNDERWEAR At 25 Cents Each. One Let of 6 Dezen Pairs et BUCKSKIN GLOVES At 90 Cents, Werth $1.40. One Let et WOOLEN MITTS AKD GLOVES) At 25 Cents, Werth 60 Cents. One Let et Blue Flannel Shirts At 65 Cents, Werth $L35. 100 DOZEN Penn Hall White Shirts At 80 Cents. . Ward's Argosy Reversible Cellars, At 20 Cents. 158 Beys5 Single Cassimere Vests At 47 Cents. Full Line el OVERALLS. SHIRTS, etc., aultnble ter working at Tobacco, Just re ceived. Entire Line of Overcoats and Winter Suits Yet en hand.atONE-H ALF VALUE, as.XHE Y MUST ALL BE SOLD. The Penn Hall Clothing Heuse, HIRSH & BRO., Nes. 2 and 4 N. Queen St , and G and 8 Centre Square. E0p8 ivd OPECIAL NOTICE, THE GREATEST REDUCTION OF ALL -IN- FINE CLOTHES, AT E GEMAET'S TAILORING ESTABLISUMEN1, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, In order te reduce stock and make room ler the SPUING TRADE, I will make up te order ter the remainder of the season, all HEAVY WEIGHT WOOLENS at COST PRICE. This Great Reduction is for cash only, and will enable cash buyers te secure a line suitef clothes or an overcoat as low as they can buy them ready-made. H. GERHART. pittEAT SWEEPING REDUCTION - IN MERCHANT TAILORING. An nt this time of rear PANTS are the prin cipal article needed amongst Gentlemen, and In order te keep our hands lully employed, we make te order PANT8 at prices that dety any body te buy the same quality of goods, made and trimmed like ours, leady made up. WE MAKE TO ORDER Mixed All-Weel Cassimere PANTS at $3 09 Striped All-Well Cassimere PANTS at.... 3 00 All-wool Extra Heavy PA NTS at 4 00 All Weel Cheviot PANTS at 4 F0 Plain Worsted PANTS at 6 00 Fancy Worsted PANTS at 5 0 Scotch All-Weel ChevIetPANTS at C 00 Extra Fine Foreign Fantaloenings at G 60, $7.00, $8.00, $9 00, IL'.OO. SUITS TO ORDER. A Geed Woolen Business SUIT $12 00 An All-WDel Heavy Cassimere SUIT 14 00 An All-Weel Cheviot SUIT 15 00 An All-Weel Scotch Cheviot SUIT 16 50 A Fine Worsted SUIT 18 00 An Extra Fin Worsted SUIT 20 00 A Foreign Cassimere or Worsted SUIT... 25 CO iy Whether you wish te purchase or net, E lease call and be convinced of the RARE AHG A1NS we are new offering te thepublic. L. Gansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, -66.68 KORTII QUEEN STREET, Right en the Southwest Cerner el Orange Su LANCASTER, PA. jO-The cheapest and most reliable Clothing Heuse in the city. SAMUEL H. PRICK, ATTOKNBY, BAH Removed his Offlee rrem 66 North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, Immedi ately In Bear et Court Heuse, Leng's New Rnllrtlne rn17-tfrt IS UW KKAUX. OUR NEW REAL, ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number or properties in city and country, with prices, Ac Copies sent lree te any address. ALLEN A. HEKB A CO., Real Estate ana Insurance Agents, Ne.' 10 East King Street, eab fitting. CLOTHING. "p 3. EKIHMAM. 1 Neckties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cash mere Mufflers. Linen Handkerchiefs, Flne Shirts, Underwear, Fur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster Gloves.Collars.Cuffs, Suspenders, Pocket Beeks, Card Cases. Ladies' Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scarl fins, Sleeve Buttens, Ac. DON'TFAIL TO SEE THE GRAND DM . PLAY. E. J. EBISMAN, NO. 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET, s. . ItATHVON. OVERCOATS, Bress Suits, Business Suits, Pantaloons. Waistcoats, In desirable winter materials, made prompt, ly te order ter men and boys, at bottom prices ter the next two months, at S. S. RATHV0FS Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Ne. 101 N. Queen St, JZMinced LANCASTER, PA. r- . --i. .i .i .i i i i .. i- i. ., i f TJOSENSTKIN'S. BARGAINS AT BOSEisTsnrs. THE GREATEST BARGAINS -IN 's m, Dee ul AND CASTOR GLOVES, WILL RE OFFERED AT A. H. ROSENSTEIN'S NEXT TUESDAY. Every pair warranted and only 68c; price elsewhere, $1.50. A LARGE LOT OF Gentlemen's Medicated Underwear At 9Cc ; iormer price, $1.50, WOOLEN CARDIGAN JACKETS At 75 Cents. ONLY A FEW MORE OF THOSE Fine SILK, SATIN, and PLUSH SOABFSLefc, At 48 Cents. OUR SPRING STYLES OF Fine Woolens Will be ready for inspection NEXT WEDNESDAY. They comprise all the Latest Woolens the market alterds, MR. JAMES S. NOWJ.EN, whose reputation as a flrst-class cutter has been fully estab lished, Is still employed by me. -My Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING will be sold regard lebs of cost. A. H. Resenstein, Ne. 37 North Queen St. 49 Opposite the Grape Hetel. BLEIOH3, C. CLE1GH3! SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! JGDGKERLEY & CO., MARKET STREET, Bear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN' A. We have a Large and Splendid Assert inent of Portland, Albany and Donble Sleighs. They are the best selected woodwork and the finest painted and ornamented Sleighs ever offered ter sale In this city. Our Motte : "Quick sales and small profits.' It costs nothing te call and examine work. JSWe also have en hand a full line or Flne Carriage work, in which we defy competition. AU Werk Warranted. Repairing 6f all kinds promptly attended te. n26-ttd & w "' ,. G BAITS SPEOiriO M&MUINK. TUJE Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lassi tude, Pain In the Back, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par .tlculars in our pamplct, which we desire te send tree by mall te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages for $5, or will be sent tree by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, H. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. On account et counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. Guarantees of cure Issued by us. for sale In Lancaster by H. B. Cochran, DruggtaVW and 139 North Queen street. THE OKAY MEDICINE CO., N. 1 . apxU-lYMw t Hue; LANCASTEB, qHE PUKKST AMU BEST. BMMdy Ever Made. It is Compounded from Bops, Malt, Uncus, Bfaa- drmke, aad Dandelion. The eldest, best, most renowned and valu able medicine In the world, and In addition It contains all the best and most eftectlve cura tive properties et all ether remedies, being the greatest-liver xegulater, bleed partner, and life and health restoring agent en earth. It gives new lite and vigor te the aged and Infirm. Te clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladles, and all whom sedentary employments cause Irregularities et the Bleed, Stomach, Bowels, or Kid no j a, or who require an ap petiser, tonic, and mild stimulant, It is invalu able, being highly curative, tonic and stimu lating, without being intoxicating. Ne matter what your ieehngs or symptoms are, or what the disease or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but it you en'.y feel bad or miserable use the bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds .have been saved by se delDg, at a moderate cost. Ask your drusgiat, or physician. De net sutler yourself or let your irlends Buffer, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. It you have lameness in the loins, with fre quent pains and aches ; numbness of the thigh; scanty, palntul and frequent discharge et urine, filled with pus, and which will turn red by standing ; a veracious appetite and un quenchable thirst; harsh and dry skin; clammy tongue, often darkly furred ; swollen and lnflammed gums ; drepsical swelling of the limbs; frequent attacks of hicceugh; Inability te void the urine and great tatigue in attempting it you are snfiering from some form et Kidney or Urinary Complaint, euch as Brieut's Disease et the kidneys, stone or inflammation of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and re tention of the urine, and Hep Bitters Is the only remedy that will permanently cure you. Remember, Hep Bitters Is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the purest and best medicine ever made and no person or family should be without it. Don't risk any et the highly lauded stuff with testimonials et great cures, but ask your neighbor, drnggist, pastor or physicians what Hep Bitters has and can de for you and test It. J an30-lyeedTTh&S& w MUSICAL ItittTUVMJCNTS. THISTABLISIIBD 1805. H. O. ORTH, MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR THE Weber, Steiuway, Kranicli & Bach PIANO-FORTES. Masen & Hamlin, Peloubet & Ce.'s ORGANS. Address Correspondence te Ne. 310 MARKET STREET, UARRISBURG, PA. n'28-3tn.. TTTTILUOX Si WillTK. THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. A DECKER, Agent. A Full Assortment of the various styles con stau tly en hand and for pale en the most lib eral terms ter Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public is most cordially invited te call and examine these instruments, which will be leund te be very Supciier in Quality and Moderate in Price. MK. DECKKlils also agent ler the Famous "K N A B B Andsnveral ether Desliable Pianolertes, at prices from $225 upwards. fcbl7-ttd PAJfSOt, UAJiGlNGB, C. tUABKS W. JTBY. We have a large line et Lace curtains- In WHITE and CREAM, from $1.00 a pair up NOTING by yard from 12c. up. BED SETS, LAMBREQUINS, PILLOW SHAMS and TIDIES. CURTAIN POLES et every description. WALNUT EXTENSION CORNICES very low in price : $1 50 cornices ter 90c., $2 cornices for $1.60,$2.f0 cornices ler $1.75, $2.75 cornices for $2.00. Will lit any window up te live leet in width, and very easily adjusted. LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPERS and WINDOW SHADES Fer Spring In all the New Patterns and Celers ODD LOTS and REMNANTS Ot PAPER HANGINGS very cheap te clese out. Among them are some very choice styles. A tew of these light-colored Shades left fiem 15 cents up. Have your work done new before the Spring rush commences We employ first-class work men and can give your orders prompt atten tion. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA. COAX B. B. MAKT1H, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds el LUMBER AND COAL. JEprard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince treets above Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd fUAV AND 91ANUKK. j Best&rade of family COAL, well-cleaned, weight guaranteed. Manure by the car-toad at Lewest Prices. Alse, Limestone Screenings for drives and walks. Cement at reduced prices. Hay and Straw by the ten or bale. Yard: Harrisburg pike. General Office : 20) East Chestnut Street. KAUFFMAN, KELLER A CO. aprt-lwd teai.. M. V. B. COHO, SSO NORTH WA.TEX ST., Ianctuter, a.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. OonnectleB With the Telephonic Exchange. Yard and Office: STREET NO. 330 NORTH WATS - teb23-lya PA. TUESDAY, FEBRUABY 27, 1883. HGHUNG' NEW KULES. DEMOCRATS BEEDStNO TU VOTE. A Het Contest la the Meuse, Ending la a relat of He yaerma Pennsylvania SepaBlleans Vetg Wlttt Dem ocrats. Washington Dispatch te the Times. The one sided rale by which the tariff bill most either go te a committee of con ference or remain en the speaker's table was net taken np in Ihe Heuse until lata in the afternoon. Early in the session the Senate Bent a message te the Heuse requesting the return of the bill, the pur pose being te correct the clerical errors which had been discovered in it. While the bill was en tbe Senate side undergo ing repairs the Heuse proceeded with ether business. When it was returned in ship-shape order Mr. Reed's great boyish form arose. This was the signal for gen eral attention and silence. The galleries, which were crowded, became unusually quiet as Mr. Heed called up the repeit of the committee en rules, made last Satur day. It was read through by the clerk, when Mr. Blackburn, from his seat en the opposite side of the hall, said he would raise a point of order against the proposed amendment te the rules, but would re serve it te allow the question of consider ation te be raised. A Plan of Resistance. A.8 if by precencerted arrangement. Mr. Carlisle arose in his seat and made the motion. All this was done as if each member bad a particular role te perform and had rehearsed it many times before. It was quite plain that the Republican leaders were confident of the support of their side and also that the Democratic side has agreed upon a definite plan of re sistance te the adoption of the new rule. The only drawback te the pre arrangement was seen developed in the conduct of the Pennsylvania members, who seemed te waver at the last moment. They could net quite agree among themselves what te de. They were evidently afraid that by some hook or creek the Senate bill would be submitted directly te the Heuse for its action. They talked together in little knots and when it came te voting voted and then changed their votes, as it in the greatest doubt what te de. Bayne, of Pittsburgh, was the only one that had the courage of his convietions and te the last voted with the Democrats. There was an unusually large attend ance of members. The result showed that the vote was nearly partisan. The Republicans, of course, voted for and the Democrats against consideration. Net a single Democrat voted with the Repub licans except Mr. Tucfccr, of Virginia, who first voted in the negative and then changed his vote in order te be able te move a reconsideration. Messrs. Bayne, Brumm and Miller, of Pennsylvania ; Darrell, of Leuisiana,aud Prescelt, of New Yerk voted with the Democrats. Messrs. Campbell, Fisher, Parker, Soranten and Urner first voted with the Democrats and then changed their vote te the affirmative. The vote steed 134 te 120. A Point of Order. Then Blackburn raised the point of order against the report and spoke at some length in favor of it. He said the Republican leaders were evidently net dis posed te allow the Senate tariff amend ment te be submitted te the Heuse. Net being in favor el it they were fearful if a vote was taken the amendment would be concurred in.. A paper had been circulated binding the majdrity te vote for the report of the committee en rules, se that the bill could be sent te a committee of confer ence. He doubted whether such a propo prepo sition as that could be considered as a rule of the Heuse and tried te show that such a proceeding en the part of the majority was revolutionary in character. In the course of his speech he raised the ques tion of the constitutional 'prerogative of the Heuse te originate revenue bills and urged that this prerogative bad been dis regarded by the Senate. Without further discussion the speaker ruled upon the point of order. As te the question of pi cregative it was net before the Heuse and he hud nothing te de with it. He held, howevor, that the pending rule had been reported as a substitute for several prepositions referred te the com mittee. It was clearly the -right of the committee te report any kind of substi tute, and it was proper for the Heuse te consider it, as it had already determined te de, Voting Down an Appeal. Then Blackburn moved an appeal from the decision of the chair. Reed moved te lay the motion upon the table and the fili bustering tactics of the Democrats were resumed. Reed, however, anticipated Mr. Tucker's pregramme and made the usual clinching motions, en which the Democrats called the yeas and nays. Mr. Reed's motion prevailed by a partisan vote. Anether yea and nay vote was taken en a motion te adjourn, made en the Democratic side. This was also voted down. A yea and nay vote was again ordered by the Democrats en Reed's mo tion te lay Blackburn's appeal en the table. Again the Democrats were slaughtered. These proceedings brought the Heuse within a few moments of the special order for taking a recess for the night session. The confusion in the Heuse during these few moments beggars description. Over two hundred members were upon their feet at one time. Many of them crowded the area in front of the clerk's desk and all seemed te be demanding recognition. An effort was made te vacate the special order in order te allow the Heuse te settle the question of the new rule, but every time the preposition was made fifty voices exclaimed: "I object." In vain did the speaker hammer the desk with the gavel and call for order in the Heuse. Every turbulent member was determined te ob tain his purpose. Miller, of Pennsylvania, from a 1 emote part of the ball, with his shrill, loud voice insisted upon being receg nized te move te adjourn, but the fleer was net accorded him for the purpose, although he persisted again and again in making the motion. The great confusion was finally brought te a close by the ar rival of the time for recess. The Scene at Night. Anticipating a dead lock en the new rule reported by the committee en rules, a steady stream of people wended their way te the capitol te witness the fun. The public galleries seen overflowed and it was found necessary te keep the doers open se that strangers might be accommo dated. In the private galleries the holders of passes were promptly en hand and oc cupied net only the seats but the steps in this section. The diplomatic gallery was L kept intact for some time, but the crowd assumed such proportions that it was finally deemed best te open this exclusive space and it was quickly tilled. On the fleer a busy scene was presented and the first roll-call en the appeal from the decision of the speaker showed that two hundred and eleven- representatives were present. Each was armed with a copy of the digest, and the admiring constitu ents in tbe galleries will probably leave Washington mere impressed than ever that their member is a hard-working,ever- tazed statesman. The Previous QaMtten Ordered, The TOteontbliDCttes .appeal wa 1 te 95. Tbe previous question was the ordered, 121 te 105, and then the debate began. In the course of the debate Mr. Robeson, of New Jersey, created consid erable merriment when he termed the word " it " a preposition and persisted in his bad grammar, although corrected by his associates, who informed him that " it " was a pronoun. Sunset Cox called this rule a fraud in parliamentary law and revolutionary. After the various states men bad finished their war of words the speaker brought them back te business te vote -en the passage bf the resolution. The Dem ocrats generally refrained from voting and the result Was 120 yeas te 20 nays Messrs Bayne, Beach, Campbell, Ermen trout, Darrell, Fisher, Ferd, Hardenbergh Harmer, Hazeltine, Ladd, Miller, Merse, Rice, of Missouri ; Ritchie, Speer, Walker, Whitthorne, Wilsen, and Wise of Pennsyl vania. The point of no quorum was raised. A call of the Heuse was ordered and disclosed the presence of 225 members All further proceeding under the call were dispensed with. Then at 10.55 a motion te adjourn was carried by the close vote of 97 te 96. JOHN UAZLETT DBOWNED. The Herse Jumbo, Which Me was Driving te New Yerk, Drags Htm Inte mind Broek. Jehn Hazlett, a well-known horseman of 863 Eighth avenue, New Yerk, With his son Jeseph, 12 years old, set out from Stamford, Conn., te drive te New Yerk the horse Jumbo, belonging te Dr. Rewell of Stamford. At neon Mr. Hazlett drew up his horse near Blind Broek, a narrow stream running under the post-read and through the village of Rye, Westchester county, New Yerk. Here it was decided that the horse should be permitted te drink, and accordingly it was driven down a slight descent te the brink of the brook. Mr. Hazlett said te -his son that the brook was tee much swollen te risk driving through it, and when he thought that the horse had had sufficient water he pulled en the lines with the in tention of backing out. The horse made a spring and bounded into the centre of the stream, where the water was at least ten feet deep. The current being strong, the horse and wagon, with Mr. Hazlett and his son, were seen carried several hundred yards down. Seme men who were near hastened te the rescue. One man threw a rope within reach of the boy, and he seized it and was drawn en shore. While rescuing the boy the men say that they saw the lifeless body of a man, face downward, floating swiftly down tbe stream. It was some minutes before the boy, who was black and blue from bruises, was able te articulate. He said that he had told his father that he could swim, and would take care of him self. His father then tried te save the horse. It is supposed that the horse, in struggling, kicked Mr. Hazlett and stunned him. Dr. Rewell says that Hazlett had in his pockets when he left Stamford $500 and a geld watch. Blind Broek runs through Milten, in the town of Rye,and empties into Leng Island Sound, and it is feared that the body has been carried out into the sound. The brook and river are being raked for the body. The horse and wagon have been recovered. The horse is slightly bruised. MAIL M1SOEL.LANV Striking News Condensed from the Morning Newspapers. Nine Americans are suspscted of com plicity in the robbery of $50,000 from the railroad company's vault at Panama. Though the evidence, it is said, " seems te indicate their innocence ." they are de tained in prison without a hearing, and U. S. Censul Turpinis interfering in their behalf. The First national bank of Union City Erie county, closed en Saturday. Its capital was $50,000 and the deposits amounted te $165,000. It is believed the depositors will be paid in full, the stock holders losing something. The whole town of Vaughan, Miss., was burned en Sunday night, excepting the hotel and the depot. Steamships arriving at New Yerk from European ports report terrific storms, im mense fields of drift ice and icebergs en the Atlantic ocean. The cargo of the lest steamer Glamorgan was valued at $200,000. There is an in surance of about $100,000 upon it in Bos Bes Bos eon companies and agencies. The village of Hillestad, near Lund, Sweden, has been burned, only thirty-two chimneys remaining. Suicide from Anticipated Trouble. Mrs. Careline Marquart, wife ef a prom inent farmer residing a few miles west of Williamsburg, committed suicide by twisting a sheeting into a rope and hang ing herself in the smoke house. Her for mer husband, it is claimed, was suddenly killed some years age by a falling tree, and the peer woman was afraid some dreadful catastrophe might overtake her second husband before he could pay the debt en his farm. Her broediogs ever the the subject drove her te take her own life. The ;c3thetic movement in England has en tirely died out, because well because people think there H mere geed common sense In taking a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup than in carrying a lily. The lenses used In the Celluloid KyeGlasses are ground with scientific accuracy. They are free from chromatic aberration, and pro duce brightness and distinctness of vision. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opti ciana. lBMwdeed Visible Improvement. Mr. Neah Bates, Elmira, N. Y., writes. " About four years age I had an attack of bil ious lever, and never lully recovered. My di gestive organs were weakened, and I would Be completely prostrated for days. After using two bottles et your Burdock Bleed Bitters the improvement was se vislble that 1 was aston ished. I can new, though CI years of age, de a lair and reasonable day's work." Price $1. Fer sale bv II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Neith Queen street. Falntness at theStemachand Debility cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. See advertise ment. Trouble Saved. It Is arcmarkable fact that Themas' Eclectrlc OH Is as steed for Internal as external use. Fer diseases of the lungs and threat, and ter rheu matism, neuralgia, crick In the back, wounds and sores, it is the best known remedy, and much trouble la saved by having it always en hand. Fer sale by H: B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. We cnallenge the World. When we say we believe, we have evidence te prove that Shiloh's consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, in as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in ene-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mere cases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will cure where they tall, it Is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. Price, 10a, 50c and $1.00. If your Lnngs are sere. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pereus Plas ter. Sold by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Qneen street. feb7-eedl Walnut Leaf Hair Kenerer. It Is entirely different from all ethers. It is as clear as water, and, as its name Indicates, Is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer, it will immediately free the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair te Its natural color and pro duce a new growth where it has fallen off. It does net in any manner effect the health, which Sulphur. Sugar of Lead and Nitrate of fellver preparations have done. It will change " or faded hair in a few days te a beautiful Ey brown. Ask your drnggist for It. Each e is warranted. SMITH, KLINE A CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL RUCKELTNewYerk. fan6-lyLoed4v Israel Jenes, Mfc Carpel. Pa-, says:, '-Brown's Iren Bitten relieved ray wife la sick headache and weakness la the stomach." FersalebyH. B. Cechrsji, druggist, 137 aad 133 North Queen rtreet. f36-lwdaw JtMX GOODS, J. B. MARTIN GO. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN OUR Dry Goods Department, Gents' Furnishing " Upholstering Goods " Carpet Wall Paper Queensware fi K Give ns a call and we will convince you at ence that we have the LARGEST 8TOCK and LOWEST PBICE8 in the city Even H you de net wish te purchase call and examine enr stock, as we consider it no trouble te show GOODS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. T1TATT, SBAND A VO. SPECIAL SALE -OF Linens and Housekeeping Goods OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Watt, Snand & Ce. Are new showing the largest and best-selected stock et BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED TABLE LINENS, TURKET-RED DAMASKS AI1U TAUE. CUViilta, TOWELS, NAPKINS and D'OYLIES, " That has ever been shown In this city. SPECIAL BARGAINS : ICC dez. TOWELS at 4c. each. 60 dez. All-Linen TOWELS at 10c. each. 50 dez. Extra-Large TOWELS at UKc. each. 25 dez. Knotted Fringe DAMASK TOWELS at 95c. each. 50 dez. mere et these famous G R A FE-BORDER TOWELS at 35c. eacn. Wc are offering the balance el our Stock el Blankets, Comforts and Felt Skirts WITHOUT REGARD TO THEIR COST. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT TH New Yerk Stere, 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. TITETZGEK & DADuHHAN, & OHBAP STORE. BLACK CASHMERES 12Jc. BLACK CASHMERES 20c. BLACK CASHMERES 25e. BLACK CASHMERES 37Jc. BLACI4CASHMERES 45c. BLACK CASHMERES 50c. BLACK CASHMERES C5c. BLACK CASHMERES 75c. BLACK CASHMERES 871c BLACK CASHMERES $1.00 BLACK CASHMERES $1.25 THEY ARE ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERY ONE TO BE THE BEST. GOODS EVER SOLD AT THE. , PRICES. (CHEAP STORE.) 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) saiS CELT. AN BO US. FOUNTAIN FINK-CUT TOBACCO, THE best grade manufactured, 8 cts. per oz., or 25 cts. !4 ft. at HARTHAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. BAKUAINS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS Chains, Rings, Spectacles, Ac Repairing et all kinds will receive my personal atten tion. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. 159f North Queen street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsylvana railroad depot. dec 28 lvd rilHK EYE, FROM XTS DELICATE AND A, complex structure, and diversity of its diseases, was formerly much netrlected. Diseases of the EYE, EAR, THROAT also, CANCERS. TUMORS, SKIN and CHRONIC DISEASES successfully treated by DRS. H. D. and-il. A. LONGAKER. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation vbsb. 128-3td pAPlXALI3l8 AND'BUlLDEttS Are respect! ully Invited te call and learn locution and prices of a 63 ACRE FARM, STORE and DWELLING HOUSES for sale or rent. Alse Choice Building Lets in geed loca tions. IVS. Choice Building Stene and Sand equal te River Sand, for sale. HENRY BECHTOLD, 13-lyd Ne. 62 North Queen Street. T FBAMK SATLOft HAS REMOVED HIS GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY -TO NOa 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., J9 Exactly opppeslte the OldlStand. ectll-6md&wB7 THE LARGEST ANU MOST OOMPLKTE assortment of euchre, casslna, poker and ether playing cards at HAttXJI Ali'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR, Mzprtaii . Sfjw- ssfts Cfc-,rTggSi tr r v f ,, B1 Kewavi jobeh m. "'P'Cstit&.-.a V -tS ivntA j..jjm i I? Back' 'a: TTtl-fc 1 JST S-,J. .. S67S --i--v- Kfc3M .tmm Thnt'a a w fM nMaHlfllli?. - - " -. rzs sv.f. hah a world of aeaauur. - nam suffering is summed mv it .-A-.i.:-, . .rTr-tiTLv. rS: . S5? y.w "5&S? .'".MWj.ll , Th. nnmlu- tMm mhern-. it fa.TeaaT ' pain in the backki naMi'wii.W W'Vj many things. May eeeaekrW ;I0 ney disease, liver oeaatem, tlen. cold, rheumatism. ;i uveinui, uniDwimuni) w- .ia" ......1 a.A.AMM jhUIUw . - - r?:i" &&&ri te uasever tee ou uum awneeia.i Something is wrong attention. Ne aediebi haa' discovered that will se surely cure such digest Iren Bitters, and it does this T mencing at the foundattea, mi : mg tbe bleed pure and iien VX.: . j 1 , .. i TncnraiiriArt- Tad. TJa. 1. ISSSiys. T-vJ.v ,., t-t--wt : Fer a long timer, ave ; .- sufferer from stomaeli aim iM-yj-, ney disease. My ast,ws vnrv noer and the verr matti-?''- " . -.., . . lia5,5.' ilia. A hhwiuvjim .v.j mm ' r-; ..vim hah-mImMa. Af arilL' YtHltr- trlnd manv remedies with ae-'ir-; ri'sKAS'-i success, unui x nseu acewwmsfhiw Iren Bitters. 81nce 1 used tsmt Jj;, my stomach does net DOtaeem&E any. ny appeuw is swwjrw-' s mense. aty xiumj .ixwtuam m,Q no mere, and my general hesllst is sucu, mat x ieei use a mw man. After the use of Browm'S 'hIA, Iren Bitters for one mentn, I a S have gained twenty pound t "$$ weight. O. B. SABsmrr. T.- Leading physicians and taetgjmm Bitters. It has cured ethers suflsriaY4?i1 .. nut and it .silt nnm VU1. 5.S-. i juu iu i t..w.w jw . ,rW3S k'it- ..la whnlAanlA and rntall bv H. .GOCSK"?V, WAV rtrnmrlat.. 1117 hd US Nertk QsisSI SSf-H 'l ' - WO ", " ' T M S- BtMAt T.efl(ifltm. - - i?752. mv. abAVU.. im.....,. . i- -r i rawwa- !Ti5 4 CHINO NKUVES OAUSJB 1 "AJSV ?$&. AGONY! 'mi ju. '? i-tUS??l . .V-'rlSia-wr riTinnw Twiric'cr niiH nun, :.ipl;. farm I UAUae imum muemm.tic ' ij :-!& -' brings: I'&dm RELIEF:! s . ' 'J Vei2T2! &Wh -it.lfv:zi?Qii NEURALGIA' SOIATIOA TOOTHAGHB EARAOHB : &$ And the whole noxious family et nerve diseases are eared by Perry Davis's Pain EHer SURE! ' : vSKs&a -- ? ' s.J'irtAV-' - .., . ... ,T-T1I W- ALL Kb&r-JiHABLE. wnouuieiog ; Vb'b'U - 1IAIH II.I.M.H 1 i K-I-.-T' 'SfeS huh iVO aVMMMMWAMMJt-t..if' ri t SMP-& TTIOH M MJJCXUr. Ola, Glass ail. riCC'!iv?1rt &&" -AT ?&!&&" ?&?'.' SWSS; -Zir2. CHINA HA . ie$&r&& We new have open a very JWl HMC?'- j White GiteTr4 ,gif . i JkmimimUvAVeKimlfm -t rF-r f TjZ i DINNER, TEA and K,xti-i?! . tan.. B ilSFiCSi. rb CHAM! s 'VSSitl We have selected these goods treat i T",- " r.i Manufacturers. . f22'iS . kt:-..: TXTV. fUTA-RA-WTWl" TfTURTg-i yN" ,?. "?-$&-i SM SVGoedsnotgausiactory whj Means . . ,fiii riign & is bast maKakwrtam ' LsA.nuAwxwm.-rMdjTyi jr i .-w. 9B waw !. -, ?t A TBVKSmVB .?? -el . s J&'sffesn ! j -aC'jHMW That. NWaTif. Ri mm a i xv cisa. jl, uuab.uvi ' . r-;:Tv n a -A M. nWT A. ' .V:V. ' .1 Jjfc3 OH; HOW IT GO) Customers come from the seatk. and west. We sold it te go te Xrle. for it from Chester county. ? s - vM5 These 7c Tem1k&Mz . -JE aJst'-w' 2 Ge fast. w uy tnis tsjust waas j waavass Is net qnlte se large. Think of R, r.iaaj Yerk wholesale price la 95 te VI per at we sell them only 7c, a eaa or e.mer 'KS'' ........r. n . . .j.r. v.t v.. .mwvmmp H. mmmmtm CaF DUUlkJbJJ DiUiJUUa IXI IUAAIUI 1VVVJK -tr uuaiuaBM it "JSts, - T3T TDCITJCL- jjuiuftjaftig; . -rsa?v NO. .17 tlasi TiiAHes Alie uawim r at short notice. amp, li&nd and antiaue Fara KracketSawa. sXiO. AUO.F. . SMKekMi decllSanlL(A.bevets, ji u. I M . J1 , Jl L ---fTWTTi. r i: ise:r .-jK?. i5?i B3S z: 7.i &&&A 'aria iwy t,. trt- rfij I ifsJ "l Mt-J ; sjiL. 33&! '. vwssei: s2f& && .TV. F'JS ?& flK j imhM, ?. - Stj, f- ?-- ... . i . r m. "'. . ..'j! mr A&. s lsikiSbiSmssMissxBmd t r- T J '- tv f& . &A -.. - .:.. ;-wfe-Lia -JZ3-, nLr msmsasswsaem & ?,L-Jz&. &t. ?c.s -y& i., sLLSJ...&SK?Sai5 "H.4 S"hs ? jxi-:? ti :SA lj JZt -: .- - -. r-r. " -s