m - ' r i rs ' Volume XIX Ne. 148. VIMTllIKO. "17 J. EKISMAW. Best's Fralii Goods. Necktie.", Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cash iiicrcMulii'sr.-. Mnen Handkerchiefs, Fine Sliiru, i7nlerwe.rr Jfur Spring Tep (loves, Caster Gloves.Cellars.Cults, Suspenders, i'ecket Heeks. Card Cases. Ladies' .Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scarl Pins, Sleeve Buttens, &e. DON'T FAIL 'IO SUE TICK GRAND D1S PLAY. B. J. ERISMAN, NO. KG NOUTH QUEEN STREET, s, S. ICATI1VON. OVERCOATS, Dress Suits, Business Suits, Pantaloons, Waisteeats, in desirable winter materials, made prompt ly te order ler men und boys, atliottem prices ler tl.e next two mOiitliH, at S. S. RATHVON'S Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., j23-lmced LANCASTER, PA. S" KVIALMOTIUK. Greatest Reduction of the Season. Te make room for our New Spring Stock we will close out Hie balance of our Clothing at Bettem Prices. SUITS. Formerly 20.00 Formerly $18.00 Formerly $10.00 Formerly $14.00 Formerly $12.00 Formerly $10.00 ..New $17.00 ..New $15.00 ..New $1:5.00 . .New $12.00 ..New $10.00 ..New$ 8.00 OVERCOATS. Formerly $18.00. . . Formerly $10.00. . . ""formerly $14.00. . . x?ermerly $12.00... Formerly $ 7.H0. . . ..New $15.00 ..New $13.00 . .New $12.00 ..New $10.00 0.00 CAM. EAKC.'i TO SEC HUE BARGAINS. THE BEST . Hesteir & Si 24 CENTRE SQUARE, J.ANCASTKU. PA. s PKCIA1. NVTMIK. TICK- GREATEST REDUCTION OF ALL -IN FINE CLOTHES, -AT-- I. l TAILOJiTNG JMTABLISUMEN1, NO. EAST KING STREET. In order te reduce stock and make room Serthe SPRING TRADE, I will make up M order ter the remainder of the season, all ilKAVY WEIGHT WOOLENS at 11 GERIART COST PRICE. n-uia Great Reduction is for cash only, and -n-n i enable cash buyers te secure a line suit et 2nYiii.ni or ii overcoat us low as they can buy tucn.r,"V-'""- If. GE11HAIIT. V l KG AT ' SWEBi'WG DEDUCTION MERCHANT TAILORG- As at this time et year PAN Trf are the prin cipal article needed amongst Gentlemen, and in order te keep our ban.'ls fully employed, we make te order PANTS at prices that defy any body te buy tins same qu.illty of goods, made and trimmed lll:e euis, ready made up. WE MAKE TO ORDER Mixed All-Weel Cassimcrc PANTS at $.1 00 Striped All-Well Cassimcre PANTS at.... :5 50 All-Weel Extra Heavy PANTS at 4 00 All Weel Cheviot PANTS at t f-0 Plain Worsted .PANT at 5 00 Fancy Weistcd PANTS at 5 :,e Scotch All-Wee! Cheviot PANTS at r. 00 K-ctni Fine Foreign Pantaloenings at. JF0.50. 7.id, $, M, SI''""- SUITS TO ORDER. A Geed Woolen P.usi 'icss SUIT...... f 12 O'J An All-Weel llcavv Civsiinere SUJ1 U 00 An All-Weel Cheviot .s HIT 15 00 An All-Weel Scotch Cli.iVielSUlT 10 50 A xine worsted -uj.j. "" An Extra Fine Worsted S HIT 20 00 A Foreign Cassimcre or Worsted SUIT... i CO JCS-Whcther you wish te purchase or net, please call and be convinced of the RARE BARGAINS we are new etrering te the public. L. Sansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE; Merchant Tailors and CI ethiers, CG-8 KOBTIl QUEEN ST'itEET, Bight en the Southwest Cerner e: . Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. Jia-The cheapest and most relia.' blc Clothing Heuse In the eti city. SAMCKL H. PKMfK, ATTOBNKI, 11A Removed his Oflice Irem 66 North Bukf street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREf :t, immedi ately In Bear et Court Heuse, Leng's New JJuilaiDg. ..nu7yd VLOIHIXU, VffltEKWBAJi, &V. A NrOUNCKMfc.NT EXTRAORDINARY. GRAND CLOSING SALE TILL MARCH 1, 1883. ENTIRE WINTEU STOCK HEAVY SUITS, OVERCOATS, Underwear, Knit Jackets, Hosiery, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS and VALISES, Rubber Coats and Hats, HALF VALUE, FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. The Perm Hall Clothing Heuse, HIESI k BRO, Ses. 2 and 4 X. Onccu St. M-p8 lvd w Il.MAMSOM KOftTKK. SCHOOL PANTS. Fer liOYS we have a lull assortment et LONG and SHOUT PANTS in geed, strong material, well sewed : jusi the article new wanted te wear out the Ceat previous te get ting a new Spring Suit. Fer MEN'S WEAK we have a lull llneet treng, cheap WORKING PANTS. ODD COA'iSand VESTS that have been consider ably reduced in Pi ice, but are decided Bar gains. The remainder et our HEAVV SUITS and OVERCOATS have Prices en tlicm that can not, fail te procure us speedy sales. In TRUNKS, VAMSKS ami TRAVELING BAGS we are prepared te supply the Public in all qualities and Prices. In the FURNISHING COODa DEPART MENT there is another SPECIAL BARGAIN in a quantity of KNIT .1 ACKETS ler II ALP A DOLLAR APIECE. The EARLY SPRINti '-TYLKS In HATS are here, bill, the chief attraction is the SPEOIA L SALE of HATS and (JAPS at l!!e. each. -BOOT and SHOE DEPARTMENT will open the. lirst week In APRIL. WILLIAMSON & F0STER; Nes. 34,36 & 38 E. King St., LANCASTER. PA K O.SKNSTKIM'3. BARGAINS -AT- 10S1NSTBHPS. THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN GffllM IB, U AND CASTOR GLOVES, Wli.l. RE OFFERED AT A. H. ROSENSTEIN'S NEXT TUESDAY. Every pair warranted and only We; price elsewhere, ?l..r.i. AI.'ARGE EOT OF Gentlemen's Medicated Underwear At Jc ; former prire, f 1.50. TOIjEN CARDIGAN JACKETS At 75 Cents. W v a FEW 5IORE OF THOSE ONJi Tine SILK, SATIN, and PLUSH At 4S COMB- OUBSERTS7 STYLES OF Fine Woeleri? Will be ready ler inspection XEXT WEDNESDAY. They cemprise all the Latest Woolens the market atlerds, MR. .TAMES S. NOWI.EN, whose reputation .. . .,. Till 1 it nut dll las a lirst-ciass cutter nas ueen i"j ' f lished, is still employed by me. JB3-My Stecket READ V-MADK CLOTHING will be sold regardless of cost. A. H. Beseastein, Ne. 37 North Queen St arOpiosite the Grape Hetel. rgldUACCO rACKKKS AHI WOKKTNU i MEN GENERALLY, Are respectfully invited te call und examine the Shirts, Overalls, Knit Jackets ami Under wear. Working Pants. He-iery, Ac., new sell ing at very reduced price-, at BECHTOLD'S Ne. M North Queen stre !. (Sign of the Big Stocking.) t Rnw. Stand and Dwelling ur?alu or rent. Alse private dwellings and choice build ing let en easy terms. iuu-ij u :nzz . va LANCASTER, riUiE I'DKKST AMU BUST. Remedy Kver Jttade.-It la Compounded from Hep, Malr, Buchu, Man- draKe, and Dandelion. The eldest, best, most renowned and valu able medicine In tlte world, and in addition it contains all the beat and most etlcctive cura tive properties el all ether remedies, being the greatest liver icgulater, bleed purifier, and lite and health restoring agent en eaxth. It gives new Hie and vigor te the aged and intlnn. Te clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all whom sedentary employments cause irregularities et the Bleed, Stomach, Bowels, or KIdncjB, or who require an ap petizer, tonic, and mild stimulant, it is invalu able, being highly curative, tonic and stimu lating, without being intoxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms aic, or what the disease or ailment is, use Hep Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but it you eniy feel bad or miserable use the bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been saved by se doing, at a medeiate cost. Ask your druggist, or physician. De net sutler yourself or let your lricnds buffer, but use and urge them te use Hep Bitters. It you have lameness in the loins, with fre quent pains and aches: r.umbnessef the thigh; scanty, paintul and frequent discharge of urine, tilled with pus, and which will turn red by standing; a veracious, appetite and un quenchable thir.-t ; harsh and dry skin ; tammy tongue, often d.irkly furred ; swollen and iiillammed gums ; drepsical swelling of the limbs ; frequent attacks of hicceugh ; inability te void Die mine and great fatigue in attempting it you arc sulleriiig from some form et Kidney or Urinary Complaint, such as Br.ieirr's Disease et the kidneys, stone or inllauimatlen of the bladder, gravel anil renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary s'rictrie and re tention et the urine, and Hep Bitters is the only remedy that will permanently cure you. Remember, Hep Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the puicst and bi-M. medicine ever made and no pei.-i.n or family should be without it. D-m'trisk any et the highly landed stull with testimonials et great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or physicians what Hep Bitters has and can de for you and test it. jaullu-lyee ITTh.tS&w MUSICAL JA'STSZUM KXTS. E nwi-AiiLisiiKO lac:;. h. c. eira-i. MANUFACTURE US' AGENT FOR TICK Weta, Steinway, Kranicli & Bach PIANO-FORTES. Masen & Ifamlm, Peleubfii & Ces ORGANS. Addre.-s Correspondence ' Ne. 310 MARKET STREET, HAUKISCSURG, PA. niS-;Jnii. A riSA'OX W1IITK. THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Wareroenis, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. A DECKER, Agent. i A Full Assortment of the various styles con stantly en liand and ter sale en the most lib eral teini3 for Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public is most cordially invited te c:ill Slid examine these instruments, which will be found te be very Superior in Quality and Moderate in 1'iice. M R. DECKER is also agent ter the Famous "ENABE" And several ether Desirable Pianolertes, at prices from $2i" upwardc. iebl7-tld 1I.31EO OU1' SAIifi. IUSIG BOXES, Closing Out Sale AT REDUCED PRICES. This being our 'ast sale, in this city for some ears, we lit. sire te sell out the entire te k betere closing our salesrooms ler the season. ''.- this OIKI we. oueie vne hiucm ihissiuu- price, with only small advance ever cost et munutaeturinr. te cover expense.. Only aneat quality High CIkss Music llexe?, specially made ter our retail trade. Including many new styles, with latest improvement?, and of the greaW-nt durability ; far superior te the eidinary Muio Rese-" generally Feld in this count rv. The tone et these boxes is very pewcrlnl and at the same time remarkably sweet. Musical Rexes with Bells, I'rums Castagnets. Celestial Voices, Harp Ziil.cr, Piecale. Tremelo, Mandeline, Forte-Piane, and Subliine-Harmenle. Ac., with two and three niuJil sprinnP. running twice and .three times the length of ordinary Mii3ic llexcs by one winding. . Large stock et small 3Iusic Bexes : also, Al bums. Cigar Parlors, DecantT, &c, with con cealed music. Immense Display ! XcweslSeleciieus ! iie home should be without one et these l beautiful instruments. Tills ia an opeortunity seldom ellered. Price list en application. C. GAUT3CHI & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL BOXES Sic Croix, Switzerland. Salesroems: Ne. 1018 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. OPPOSITE THE OPERA HOUSE, nevir. tfil MJSV1VA.L. rinjk" avKcitric Hlb.WiCJNK. THE T Great English Reniely. An unfailing r.i.v'. tnr imumencv. u:i ' jincJiBn u. loliew les el Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Tain In the Rack, Winners el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity .or Con sumption and a Pre.matnve Grave. Full par ticulars in our paruplet, which we desire te send free bv mail te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all d niggists at 1 p.jr pck are, e-sis packages Ier-. or will be sent tree by mail en the receint et the money, by ad dressing t he auent. if. B. Cochran. 137 and 1SJ North tjnec-ii stieet. On account et .vmnter feits, we have :y looted the Yellow Wrapper tUoenlygeiiiiine. Guarantees etcure issued by tii. Fer side in Lancaster by H. B. Cochran. ! DrugcHt, 27 and 130 North Queen street. THKUliAY MEDICINE CO,, N.. - j apnz-ivdsw FA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 32, 1883. TWO GE0KGIANS- KOU. TOOMBS Al AI.KX. H. STKPiiES: iirapbtc Sketches or Twe Famous Men Analysis of Their Character aud S Ketenes or their Persons Atlanta Cor. '. Y. Sun. Yesterday an old and rather lilewern looking figure walked slowly into the hotel office, and, without appearing te netice anybody or anything about him, sat down in a cushioned chair, drew his breadbrim slouched hat ever a mass of gray locks that always go uncombed, champed the uulighted cigar held half it3 length concealed between his lips, and" seemed se utterly oblivious te the remarks and gazes that were directed toward him that one would suppose he had fallen into a deep reveile. Fancy him sitting there, hi head slightly bent toward his chest, eyes nearly closed, legs crossed, euu hand crasping a plain geld headed walking stick and the ether hanging limp ever the knee that supports his arm, a black coat and waistcoat that reveals beneath his unshaven chin a shirt of the olden times that is, with cellar made te it and fitting close and high up around his neck, around which is tied a plain black cravat with the ends hanging down uoen his besom, aud you have a view of Itebeit Toombs of Georgia. Such is the imperious leader of secession, and the new rapidly fading rem nant of unreconstructed confederacy. Hew changed his aspse.t new from the fieiv aud lordly form aud face that fanned theflame of discoid into the oenflagratiou of war twenty years age ! Fer, I vciily bt-lieve, no man in the Seuth had a stronger held upon his people th.iu he, and certainly r.ena wielded meie influ ence with mere ardor aud vahemeuce. Frem tbe time that hu telegraphed from Washington te Georgia the appalling mes sage : " I havu submitted prepositions, and they vc-te heated with derision and contempt. It is di-cisivn against you new. 1 'ell yen upon the faith of a true man that all Utrther looking te the North for L-ecmity of your censtituti-Mial rights ought "te be" instantly abandoned and sscossien thundered from the billet box," Gen. Tenmb-s has no; changed one whit in his estimation of the Federal govern ment. He is pulleu and deliiinc, and will be while life lasts. He will net become a citizen of the United State?, but declares he lives only for hU native Geetgia, and (iwes allegiance only te her and her icsti tuliens. When asked why he refused the pardon offered him by the government, his wrinkled face were a leek of .scorn as he replied : " Parden me ! Why, d n 'em, I haven't, pardoned them yet." He had beet) seated in the heUsl only a few minutes when, r. is always the case when be is in the city, a number of gen tlemen aunroaehed him, saying: "Hew d'ye de, general ?" and shook him by the hand. Soen a citc'e ei friends gather around him te hen.- him talk, and as dif fercnt topics arc brought. uuder discussion and conversation begun by some allusion i.e an incident of a speech or champaign of some politician, the old fluency and vivacity return te him, aud, instead of a sour and gruff old man, he proves te be full of menial life and activity. It is a common sight te see him, flushed with wine for he drinks steadily sitting wit h this crowd, e.igeily catching every weid, .siul occasionally giving forth a vclk'-yef laughter at some queer expres sion el vehement profanity. Tiiere seems te be no limit te tiic range of his knowledge, especially en affairs of political history and hi general relations of governments te each ether. Though this remarkable man is G7 year-1, old, aud has been drinking ham for nearly Uaii that, time, the power of his intellect .has steed the shock seemingly unimpaired. He is wealthy new, an-1 does net care for professional work, yet se confident are railroad and ether corporations in the ac curacy of his counsel that they seek him at his home in Washington. Ga. aud pay princely fees for legal advice. Wenucriui comemauuu ei numb ness and depravity! Nearly every sen tence is embellished with low and gross profanity, yet his learning and reasoning, :m.l tliR ustre e! a miguty intellect com mawl admiration front these who deplore J his infirmities and condemn ms reienucs. animosity te the United States govern ment. "I deem it no honor," said he " te be a citizen of that government which was tool enough te give te a million of ignor igner aul and liberated negrees all the rights and privileges of American citizens, in cluding the ballet box, which, when placed in the reach of the iew and ignor ant, will overturn any gevid government.' But for a man te study, Jer an object te leek at, for a political receid te admire, go te the executive mansion at.u :ce iiiexaii der II. Stephens, and then muse ever his career. " His frail form ami wrinkleil face," says ene who has been his associate !r a leug time, " leek pretty much as they did forty years age " .And it iBtrn.?. Fer mere than thirty ycats Stephens has been an invalid, " with only a few weeks te live," s&y the lepertcrs ; but the faith ful servant who c'anicK the plain little man about the house in his arms, says he feels a little " heavier new dan he ure ter " This is a queer sight te one first visiting him, te see a young negre take the governor eS Georgia in his arms, and lift him across the street aud into his car riac like a baby. But this ninety pounds of bone aud llesh (mostly beuc) has been through a terrific ordeal. A peer farmer's boy, college student, Foheol teacher, law yer, congressman, vice prcnidens ei the Confederate states, author, historian and governor, he has made thousands, was never ciarried,yct te day he is a peer man, barely able te keep up en his salary. lie has given away mere money and educated mera young men and children (some of them negrees) than any ether man in the Seuth. He has had fertuues offered te him for a trilling effort en his part, but he ro re f.ised tuenfall because he was honest and e..:iKcientieus. Calm, thoughtful and Gomnassienatc, he forms a striking ecu trast with Toombs, who notwithstanding his clashing views and diverging policies, has always been the warm and devoted friend of " Little Alec." While Stephens pleaded for the Union, Toombs urged its dissolution, and when it was all ever Stephens hastened te accept the situation iu geed spirit, and has until this day labored te restore confidence and acceid aud allay bitterness and strife. These two men were boys together, nun in the zenith et their manhood were often arrayed against each ether at the bar. " Let us adjust these grave difficulties by methods of neace." said Stephens. "Net by human sacrifice aud flame. This se cession is an act. of madness and felly de f,ined te overthrew the government under which wc have been lestcrea, ana it uas neither my vote nor sanction." Tombs wanted te " trust in the Ged of battles and the bleed of the brave for security aud tranquillity." -The Seuth followed the fury of Tombs, heedless of the cool insen of Rhnnlinna. and lest Sill. Frail and aged, Alexander II. Stephens arm-Ire rAn hours pae.h dav. He has JUSI j completed a lengthened address te be de ! iivcredatthe approaching sesqui-uenten-I nial celebrated at Savannah. But the most striking characteristic of the little lgoerner IB his frugal and plain way of living. The mansion inside is the same old " Liberty Hall " of Crawfordville se often described as the home of everybody that chose te come. Ne pompons cere mony, no glitter of wealth, but se simple and free and easy is everything, that the visitor feels comfortable and ready for a chat with the bright old man. The home of Toombs is magnificent, but net ostentatious or garish. Plain rich furniture, costly library, and ceremo nious servants .te obey every order like pages at court. " Intensely devoted te his family, he cares nothing for public criti cism, glorying in his attitude of the lone, single unpardened rebel. He is a fossil of a great epoch in our history, but repre sents absolutely nothing new. His wor shipped image, the Confederacy, fell, and his power and influence fell with it. Stephens has climbed along slowly aud surely for fifty years, and it is only new, in a ripe old age, that he reaches the zenith of his career, both in the public estimation aud his statesmanship aud in the love and confidence of his people. Toombs, by the grand flight of a daring spirit, steed upon the summit of his life's greatness twenty years age, and that monument is new of the past. It stands net in the pale of recent years. His life, 3s a citizen, is aimless ; as a public man, his name can live only in the narrative of a fierce convulsion. Stephens was conservative. Toombs rebellious. The storm of war came thtin deiing upon the country, aud Toombs was its genius. Peace came again, and Stephens was its festering agent ; both survivors of a cause that fell while in their hands. CONNECTICUT JHAsONS SIXCITEW. An Unrecognized Bedy or Seceeerw Couter- rltiB High Degreea el tne Order. New Haven Dispatch te the Times. Great indignation prevails among high er degree Masens heie aud elsewhere in the state because of the doings of an alleged clandestine Masonic organization that has been conferring degrees up te the thirty-third, despite the fact that they are net recegnised by the highest Mtusenic authority in the land, the supreme council of the Northern Masonic jurisdic tion. The irregular organization is headed by five advanced M iseus, who were re cently expelled front the supreme council te which theybolenged because they had assumed power that did net pertain te them. What are known as the Quinni piac bodies have been formed, and thes3 proceeded te confer all the higher degrees of Free Masonry, despite the pretest of the icgul.tr bodies. The Quiunipiac bodies started iu New Yerk state a year or two age and seen gained a foothold in this city aud then spread te Massachusetts. aid a prominent Maieu here te day : ' Thsy confer the degrees from the third te the thirty-second iu an evening or two for abeuj; fifteen dollars, while te go through the regular bodies takes ;.bout two months and costs one hundred dollars. 1 don't knew why these scceders ate act iiif as thev are. excent that some have gtievanca against; thcreguiariycensiuuicu i ---r- . ' .. ... ., authority, bthets want te get the higher j degrees :s cheaply ana as uuicKiy us muy can, and ethers again sce no hope of gaining the coveted' thiity-third degree by remaining with us, and te they branched out and formed this bastard audchindesiiiie organization. We recognize them re far as the three Blue lede degiecs of entered aimrentice. felIescralt aud master Masen ase rDnesrdcd. hut attar the Quinnipiac boili"sge aud confer degrees en their own hook they are recognized by no tiue Mesons. In Massachusetts, however, the maud ledge of the state has declared that any enp who tball have anything te de with tlie-3 Qu'nnipb 3 bodies shall forfeit all the rights and privileges of a Masen, wiiieh would threw the members out of the Blue ledgo. We shall come te that yet here and in New Yerk. These bogus bodies am recognized by no supreme council at all, while our bodies are fully recognized by twenty two supreme coun cils of the world." The speaker went en te say that Ma Ma eons young iu the order should be warned agaiuht joining the objectionable offshoots from the regular bodies, upon inquiry, however, it was learned that quite a uum her of men tiremillCUt PS CltlZCMS. ll het CS Free Masens, had become identified with the Quinnipiac bodies and that they weie constantly growing, notwithstanding the anathemas of the te called regular bodies. Shu Didn't Uare De It. The ether day a man and a woman came te a sudden halt en Grand Hiver stieet, and the wemau dropped the bu.ket she was carrying aud called out : " I will ! I will ! I'll uet live with you another day !" " You'll leave me, will you ?" he ealmlv asked. Yes, I will !" " When ?" " New right off this minute !" "You'll go away :"' " Yes, sir !" " I wouldn't if I were you." " But I will, and I dely you te prevent me !' I have suffered at your hands as leug as I can put up with it." " Oh, I shau't try te step you," he quietly replied lil simply report te the police that my wife has mysteriously disappeared. They will want your des des ciiptien, audi shall give it. Yeu wear Ne. 7 shoes ; you have an extra laif,e mouth ; you walk stiff in your knees; your nose turns up at the end ; hair the color Of ! brick tarra celta, the newest in ion : eyes rather en the squint ; partakes of--" " Wretch 1 you wouldn't dare de that ! she screamed. " I certainly will, and the description will go into all the papers." They glared at each ether for a miantc likfl outs Then he walked en. She looked up and down the street, gritted her teeth te gether, and then picked up her basket and followed en after. He had what they call the dead weed en her. The Latest Wrlukle in Ladies Pets Clam Hell's New Yerk Letter. I fell in with a milliner and dressmaker yesterday, who bvA come directly from Paris, and I didn't mi;s the opportunity te get the news from that great centre of fashion. "What was the strangest fashionable novelty that you saw ?" I asked her. "A deg wit'i a natural handle," she re plied. "Go'lensr!" said I. "True as preaching," Baid she. "The Parisian ladies, don't you knew, are wild en dogs for pets. They are hardly ever seen in the street without one. The brute is led by a string, aud grabbed up at each crossing te be carried ever tbe pavemeut. "When shaggy dogs wcre iu vogue the habit was te pick them up by the:r hair, and they were trained net te yelp. Well, pugs as smooth as new-born pigs are new the taveriics, anu ei ceursu tuej unu u hair te be lifted by. At first they were provided with harness that had a kind of handle, like you have seen watermelons fixed, with a wooden haud-grip for pur chasers te lug them off by. But a clever surgeon cut the end from a little deg s tan, of his made an incision m iuu miuuje back, stuck in the tailtip let it heal fast, and there was as handy a handle as ceald be wished for." One can call a woman a liar, plainly enough te be understood, and run no risk of getting knocked down for it. Se I did it. But she looked me straight in the eyes and said it ever again, adding that she hoped te die if a fancier hadn't gene into the business of producing dogs with their tails thus turned into handles, i ae net insist upon my readers believing her re port. A WIFE'S CONSPIRACY. Her Uugband Mnrderect and Hla Bedy Placed en a Kallruad TracK. About a week age the dead body of a colored man named Daniel Walker was feuud en the track of the Richmond, Fredericsburg & Potemao railroad, about eight miles from Richmond, and it was then supposed that he had been killed by the fast mail train. His remains were interred and nothing mere was thought of the matter. Fer severai days past, how ever, rumors have been in circulation in the neighborhood that Walker had been murdered aud that his body had been placed en the track in order te make it appear that he had been killed by a hain. An investioatiea has been made by the comity magistrate, which has resulted in the arrest ef Barbara Walker, the dead man's wife, aud Charles Lee, a negre, who it is asserted was intimate with the woman, en suspicion of conspiracy te get her husband out of the way. Mary Walker, a daughter of the deceased, states that about a week before her father's death she heard Lee, in talking about her father, threaten te kill him, and that en the last day her father was alive he and Lee had tome difficulty. These facts, together with some developments con nected with the finding of the body, led te the arrest. The man and woman have been brought te Richmond. m i Farmers wishing te be successful with sheep should auaid them njjuinst exposure. Rutit in sheltci infills sheep the tanner exposes himself ami catches cold, he must use Dr. Hull's Ceuh Syrup. V. II. Sticker. Sit. Cuniel, Pa., says: " Rrewn's Iren Hitters h:s done mere ferme than anv medicine I have ever u-ed." Fer wile by II. R. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. fl'.tlwdftw Faiutncs at theStemacliand Debility cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. See advertise ment. Trouble Saved. It is aremavkabletact that Themas' Ecleetric nil Uue "oeil for internal as external use. Fer di-seases et the lungs and threat, and for rheu matism, neuialiria, crick in the back, wounds andwues. It Nthe be-d. known remedy, and much i reuble N saved by having it always en ham!, r r sab! by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, I.;; and i.v.l North Queen -ireet. The finest lenses m:.de tire beintr mounted in Celluloid frames. They are handsome, light, and strong and give better satisfaction than ether Eye-Classes Fer sale by all lead ing Jewelers and Opticians. f 10-lwdeed Visible Improvement. Mr. Neah Rates, Elmira, N. l.. writes. " About four vcars age I bad an attack of bil ious fever, anil never tully recovered. My dl- irecllVI' OrilllllS WCie UU;ili:ili:il. inl i wutii uc,;om,,icu;iypiestratedfor.iays, After using two bottle e"t your Rurdeck Rloed Itinera the improvement was se visible that 1 was aston ished. I can new, though (11 years of age, de a lair and reasonable day's work." Price $1. Fer sale U- II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and !:'.') Nei tli Queen street. AVe Clialleiige tbe World. When we say we believe, we have, evidence te prove that Shiloh's consuniDtien Cure is decidedly the b-sl bung Medieine made, in as much as it will cure a common or Chronic Cough in one-halt the time and relieve Asth ma. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Hhew mere cases of Consumption cured than all ethers. It will euro where they tail, it is pleasant, te take, harmless te the youngest ..i.:i.i .....t in. f.i..ir.inlMu'h'it wty uiv. t'ripi 10c., 50c and j 1.01". If your J,ungs are sere. I Chest or Back lau.e. use Shlleb's Pereus Plus- I ter. fold by II. 15. Cochran, uruggisi, ixes. in and i: North Qneen street. fcb7-cedl Wiiluut Leaf Hair Kesterer. It is entirely different from all ethers. It Is as clear aa water, and, as Its name Indicates, is a purred i-etahle Hair Restorer it will imniediatelv tree the head from all dandrull, restore gray hair te Its natural color anil pro duce a new fci'ewth where 11 has fallen etr. It does net in anv manner elleet the health, which Sulphur. Sugar of Lead and Nitrate el Silver propitiations luve done. It will change light or faded hair m a few day.-j te a beautiful -lesv brown. Ask your druggist for It. Each Bettle is warranted. fcMITH, KLINE CO ., Wholesale Agent", Philadelphia, and HALL A RUCKKI-. Nw Yerk. )unS lyd.eed&w LANVA a TKK it A TVltEa. P THE PATENT Dust -Proof Watches, NICKEL AND GILT. low Manufactured HX THE UNDER Patent of November, 1882, THERE IS SUPPLIED A Want Leng Felt BY THE TRADE. TJ ATS. CAl'S AND TUKS, Hats, Caps and Furs. JOHN SIDES has purchased thecntlrc stock et Hats, Cat3 and Furs lately belonging te the firm et ahultz & I5re., fashionable hattc. and new eners them ler sale, retail and -wholesale, at ijreatlv reduced prices at Nes. 31 and n. tt..i.iiii Wn.'W si'l Tit.. frill...t'1ill4hil Hat Stere et the late llrm et Shultz & Ure. Special Inducements ellered te country mer chants. Mr. bides will continue the Hat busi ness and constantly keep en hand the latest anil best styles. He has employed Henry A. and Win. bhultz.et the late llrm et Shultz & I5re.. who are experienced halters. JOHN SIDES, (5UCCKSSOUTO SHUITZ BEO.) Ilj-tfd T -..a HT--1, fl sal i ,ri n asm- wh 1.11 UUUUtiliilll. ,... w-.. Price Twe Cemts; MXJtXCAH. TiKewmi ikeic inru'i Noted Men! Dr. Jehn F. Hancock, lata President of the National Pharmaceutical Associa tion of the United States, says : "Brown's Iren Bitters lias a heavy sale, is conceded te be a Hue tonic ; the character or the manufacturers Is a voucher for its parity and med icinal excellence." Du. JesEpn Roberts, President Balti more Pharmaceutical College, says : " I inderse it as a line medicine, reliable as a strengtbenlnfr tonic, free from alcoholic poisons." Dr. J. FarrisMoere, Ph. D., Professer of Pharmacy, Baltimore Pharmaceutical College, says : " Brewu'a Iren Bitters Is a sale and reliable medicine, positively free from alcoholic poisons, andean be recommended as a ten te for nse among theso whoepposo alcoholic." Dr. Edward Earickson, Secretary Baltimore College et Pharmacy, says : "I indorse it as an excellent med icine, a geed digestive agent, and a non-intoxicant in the fullest sense." Dr. Ricrard Sapinoten, ene of Balti more's eldest aud most reliable physicians, says ; "All who have used it praise its standard virtues, and the well known character of the house which makes it is a sufllcient guarantee- et its being all that is clalmed.ter they are men who ceul 1 net be induced te etler anything else butarollable medicine for public use." A Druggist Cured. ltoensboro. Md., Oct. 12, 1SSO. Gentlemen: Brown's Iren Bitters cured me of a bad attack et Indi gestion and fullness in the stomach. Having tested it, I take pleasure in recommending it te my customers, ami am glad te say It gives entlre sat Jsfactlen te all." Gke. V. UerFMAN, Druggist. Ask your druggist for Brown's Iren Bitters, and take no ether. One trial will convince you tliat it is just what you need. Fer sole wholesale and retail by II. B. COCH RAN, Drngglst, 137 and 139 North Qneen street. Lancaster IlB-lwdAw H A CHINO NKKVE9 CAUSE AGONY! PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER BRINGS RELIEF! NEURALGIA SCIATICA '"" TOOTHACHE EARACHE ( And tUo.whele noxious family of ncrve diseases aie eared by Perry Davis's Pain Killer SURE! ALL RESPECTABLE DRUGGISTS KEEP "PAIN KILLER ri-lmd&w GLAUS AND QUHBHSWAMti. r OH AIA11TIN. AT CHINA HAUL. We new have ODen a very large line et White Granite Ware. White Porcelain Ware, Decorated Granite and Porcelain Ware -IN DINNER, TEA and CHAMBER SETS. We have selected these Reeds Irem the Best Manufacturers. WE GUARANTEE THEM. -(Joed.iuotsaUsfaotory will be exchanged. High & Martin's, 15 BAST KINO STREET LANCASTKH. PA. HAKDWAKC. IS KW HARDWARE STORK. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL & RENGIER, DEALEBS IN! BUILDING and CABINft.1 HARDWARE, 8JOVES, HEATERS. RANGES. PAINTS, OILS and GLASS tiense Furnishing Goods. 8ll-3mdtw PIANOS AND FCBN1TUKB RKJMevD at short notice. Alse, dealer In second hand and antique Furniture. IStevts and BracketSaws. 31.S0. AUG. F. KBIHOJSUX, 325 North Quee Htrcci, dccli-3md (Above theNertmm Mwkst.) Qneen