liANCASTEB DAILY INTEIiLlGENCER, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1883. Lancaster JntelKgencet. TUESDAY gVENING, FEB. 20. 1883, DKUMOttE DOINGS. Reported by Oar Kgular Falrllela Carre. dOBdeut Our orange tree has bloomed again Last Thursday morning Miss Ida M. Neel, daughter of Mr. Themas R. Neel, of Ful ton township, was made Mrs. Frank Maxwell, the happy groom being one of Urumore s lucky sons. lhe ceremony was performed in the most approved Pres byterian style by Rev. Mr. Turner, pastor of Little Britain church. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell will take up their abode in the fine new house Mr. Maxwell has almost completed, near Unicorn. The well wishes of the many friends of the made-one couple is certainly no unimportant factor in the sum of their happiness. JBstray in Maryland. Twe of our old batchelers net tee old in a recent visit te Harford county, Md., were unfortunate enough te leso their way, but were set aright (after they had slept it off pretty well) by their obliging landlord. The friends of the estrays were somewhat concerned about thcm,but they turned up in due time, like the sheep in the nursery rhyme, apparently no werse for the change of pasturage. Ilarfeid county is te have local option coon, ami probably our obliging mends desire te re duce the stock en the landlord's hands. A. MIg bnee. One of the attractive features at the fair at Chestnut Level this week, is a mammoth sb,ec, made by Mr. Cooper Peters. It is made of red sheep skin, and is two feet, four inches long, and nine inches wide en the sole. It is te be in habited by the geuuine old woman who lived in a shoe, who will have all her chil dren with her, any and all of which sbe will offer for sale. After the troublesome family is disposed of, no doubt the shoe will be donated te the pastor or some one of his congregation. The magnitude of the pedal extremities of a number of the congregation can be best judged by the power with which they put their feet down en things they dislike. Whom the i hoe fits put it en. A Literary Society. The lads and lassies of Fulteu, Riitaiu and Celcrain townships have organized themselves into a literary social society, for the purpose of intellectual culture and the advancement of the kingdoms of lit erature and matrimony. Their meetings are hcl.1 at homes of the members. A very entertaining ene was held labt Satur day evening at the residence of Thes. H. Neil. Mr. Lew Wright officiated as president, Miss Mazie Fairlanib as secre tary. The former lead a selectien entitled, " Zoke Spakliug's Bridal tour ; " the latter, a biographical sketch of Napeleon the First; Miss Hannah Morgan ie.l "The World for Sale," and Fiank Paltcr Paltcr Paltcr oeu, a sketch of Washington living. The sentiments were geed, and the meeting a success in ail its three specialties. I.ltlle Locals. The lecture of Cel. A. Frank Seltzci, at Liberty Square hall, la.stTnui.Mlay evening was net a liuaucial success. Miss Fleience Gryder, blind daughter of Dr. Gryder, of Oxford, .was buried at Chestnut Level, Tuesday. When the snow left the fields lastSatur day, the wheat looked very well it is .lime Te sutler constant headache, depression ei spirits, longing ler loed untl net being able t cilwlicn put befeie j ou, gnawing pains in thr steinacli, latitude ami a general feeling iiPjeirncM; but u capital joke te find that Iluideck llloeil Hitters ivineve all these symp toms and only cost $1. Fer wain by H. 11. Ceclirun, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen .street. The true malarial antidote; see advertise nieiit et Simmons Liver Regulator. Ne Deception Uaetf. It is stiangi: se many people will continue te sutler day after day with Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gcn I'nil Debility, when thev call procure at our stele SUILUIPS V1TAL1Z15K, lreoef cost it it docs net cure or relieve them. Trice. 7."i cents. Sold by 11. It., !.".7anil 13'.) North Queen street, Lancaster. icdl4ce15 Ft-otiemy. A let tune may be spent in using lnclleclual medicines, when by applying Themas1 Kclec trlcOil asnecdy anil economical cure e-iii be effected. In cases el lhcumalism, lame b-ick, bodily ailments or pains of every deseiiptlen, it allerds Instant leltcl. Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen .street. Walnut Leaf Ualr icestercr. It Is entirely dlllerent from all ether. It ia as clear as water, and, as ltd name indicate--, is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer It wrti Immediately free the head from all dandrutl, color and pie duce a new growth whuie it has lallcn eir. It docs net in any manner ellcet ihe health, which .Sulphur. Sugar of Lend and Nitrate of Silver preparations have, done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days te a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Eacli betUe is warranted. SMITH, KLINK &Cf., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL .VKUCKKL. New Yerk. iunfi lyd.eed&w MJSCPI.LAXJIO J7A millSACUO UUVKKS' CONTRACT BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, AND SAMPLE TAGS, NEATLY PRINTED AT THE " Intelligencer " Office. i'ji tti riieisACCu pkessi-s. MINNICH'S LATEST 1MPRON EDTOBACCO PRESSES. Fer Ca-lng an. I Haling Tobacco. Sold te lion lien lion eiuble pas lies en u Ml. Wanantcd superior In rveiy teatmu te any in present u-e. It netas lejirefcntedran be returned almyex jm'iisi:. Al'e .M.iiitue Heeks for cleaning sta bles sold en wiuie terms. Cend for circular. S. Jl. M1NMCH. Landlsvllle, Lancaster Ce., Pa. 3t-S.M,W&w riMIIIACUO IMCItliKM AND WOKKIU 1 MEN GENERALLY, Arc respectfully lnvltcii ie call and examine the Shins, GvcRiLh, Knit Jackets and (Jnilcr wear, Working Vuntx. Hosiery, Ac, new sell ing at very l educed price-, at BECHTOLD'S Ne. 52 North Queen street, (Sign of the Rig Stocking.) lS Stere Stand and Duelling for saje or rent. Alse private dwellings ami choice build ing lets en easy terms. fcb'I-lyd NOT1CK -Xf TISKSPASXEKS aNU GUN NERS. AH persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any" of Hie lands of the Corn wall or SpeedweU estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties whether inclesed or un un inclesed, either for the ptitpesc of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rlgidlv enforced uguhist all trespassing en said lands of the undersignel after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN, R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney ler R. W. Celeman's Uelr. elC-tfdftw MKI.ANCIIOIV AJin ABKKKATIOM That stuff- of a'ienatien and weakness of the mind which lundeis persons incapable et enjoying the pleasures and performing the dutlcsef life cemplelelycnrcd, and the p-iiicni restored te full and active hralth. l'articular attention given te diseases of every descrip l Ien by 11. D. LONGAKER. M. D. Office 13 Knst Walnut street, Lancaster. CONSO LTATION FREE. 1 19-3td 1 new making a light Cotten Cleth, much used for covering Tobacco Plant lied", made especially for this purpose. Te te had at our .Stores generally K. SHRODER A CO. i cbl0-3tdS Concsteua steam Mills. IUVO NHAI.L HAVANA CIUAitS, UKNU lnc art Icle. t we for A f.ts.. at JIARTMAN'H YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. HOM.K ACCOUNT. rrBE ACCOUNT -OF HUGH E. FULTON, TREASURER OF THE HOME FOR FRIEND LESS CHILDREN FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF LANCASTER. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 31. 1882. 1832. DR. Jan. l. Te balance in treasury at filinglast annual account....? 2,802 22 May In. XOCasil ruceivcu ui uum.jr treasurer en account el ap propriation for the year 1SS2, 1,500 00 May 19. Te cash received or county treasurer en account of ap propriation 2,500 00 Sept. 7. Te cash received et county treasurer as the Jnne and July Instalments et appro priation 2,000 CO Nev. 14. Te cash received of Jere miah Uite.csq.. legacy et Mrs. Elizabeth Shirk, deceased .... 02 0) N ev. 15. Te cash received et county treasurer as August and Sep tember instalment of appro priation ". 2,000 en Duc.27. Te amount received or county treasurer, balance et county appropriation 2.000 09 Total charged $12,801 22 188.'. Feb. 2. By cash paid out en en warrants el the beard et trustees an'I beard et lady managers said warrants being attached te the bills el items approved by the proper committees as fellows, te wit: Te Mrs. Clara Fabnesteck, et household committee, en warrant Ne. 288, for salaries and marketing for January, en following bill: MissO. R. Cele, teacher $15 00 Miss J. S. S. Uerr, teacher 3C 50 Mrs. 11. Hamakcr, matron 30 00 .Miss Leah Conard, cook 9 00 Miss Sarah Fonts:, laundress.... 21 CO Miss Salllc Martin, lrener 13 CO MissK.Spensler, chambermaid, 13 00 MJss Susan Hcrr, care taker ler girls 15 00 MIxh Adelaide Hainaker, care taker for boys 15 Oil Miss Careline Irwin. seamstress, 17 0) Miss Klizabetu Stauiin, seam stress. ... ...... 8 4.i Miss Maggie Jehnsen, assistant, 2 en Te Jacob liautz.gardflncr 30 CO Marketing and incidental ex- CR. nenscs """ 2!K! 95 23 !S G 85 35 Oil 283 50 70 '.)!, 15 CO 25 IM 70 55 100 00 cj.r. 5e 2C. 95 3ii ::: 20 ) 98 C98 50 215 38 17 00 112 55 li 8f. 1 75 5ti.: ix Feb. 2. Ry cash paid David 11. Lan dis for hay and straw ler cows. Warrant Ne. 2!k). Widmyer & Rleksccker, fur blackboard anil repair ing. Warrant Ne 28!) ' II. R. Fulton, treasurer, ler stating trcjsurer'u annual account ter 1SSI, copies ler publication and stationery terthe year Mai eh 2. Miss Elizabeth While, el household committee, sala ries and marketing ler Feb. ' 17. Examiner A Express, ter publishing treasurer's ac count for lb81. Proposals ler coal and notices. Ne. 118.... " 20. Ames Harliish, ler cow. ea rsa 2.S. Christian II. Lelevcr, as sessment en $5,000 policy in iion.e Mutual Insurance Company ou Heme building ' 23. Steinmaii&llensel for pub lishing annual statement ler 1 88 1 , and notices. Ne. 1 1!) " 2!. Rcnjamln Leng, Jr., ter one $100 bend icdecmcil. Ne. .. Apiil I. Mis Elizabeth White, sala ries and marketing for month et March. Ne.2.l3 " 15. C. Reedmillcr for inilk. Ne. s i . ................... .......... " 15. I). S. Rursk ler groceries. IlUi aUa " 17. Gee. Goeble ler bread and flour ter January. February and March. Ne.OOC May 2. Miss Clara Fahncsteck sal aries and uiai kctlng ler Apr! I Ne. 2'JU " I. Geerge Gauss ler meat ter January, February and March. Ne.2!8 " 5. Geerge Uenec ler white washing. Ne.3()l " C. Miller AHartmaii groceries from January 1. Ne. 302 " 9. J. II. Kurtz ler vinegar. av( O. e'ivi " 10. Ruasel&Shulmyerloreeal. Ne. 121 " 13. Dr. C. A. llelnitsh ler one $50a Chiklren's Heme Jtmid, redcemcdluy authority et trie beard el tiustees. Warrant Ne. ' 13. Dr.C.A.HcInitshlortweJ.'KW Heme ISends, transferred by Henry Hcrr, with interest, redeemed by resolution et beard of trutees " 18. Flinn & Willson ter lawn niewsr. Ne. 112 June 2. Mrs. Clara Fabnesteck, sal aries ami marketing ler the month. Ne 303 " 22. C. N. Sproul, esii., ler pro fessional services in land damage case against city and county for opening Marshall street- Damages. $l,r,t0. Ne. " 27. Henry lluber. cariinlur work, lumber and barilwnrc. July 3. Mrs. Clara Fahncsteck sal aries and marketing. Ne. 301. " i;. Phares W. Fry ler wall paper, etc. No.3el '- c. (laceb ISachman ler one $500 Heme Itend, relce : cd. 3 months' interest. Ne. " IS. Gee. D.Sprecherfer Henry 'I. Hubcr's bill ler lumber, doers and labor paid by him. Ne. 121 Aug. 3. Miss Elizabeth White, et household committee, sala ries and marketing for July. " 5. Win. 11. Ratenmn,palntand painting. Ne. 125 " 5. The Lancaster Gaslight and Fuel Ce. ter bill, ending Murch 13, 1881. Ne. 120 " 8. Geerge Gauss ter meat ler Apiii, May, June and July. Ne. 310 " 8. Augustus Itheads ler spoons. Ne. 308 " 8. irenry Yeung & Sen lock and smith weik. Ne. 307 " S. D. S. Uuisk, agent, for groceries Ne. 30K " 9. Williamson & Fester, hats and umbiell'is. Ne. 315 " '.. A. A. Hubley. iirtigs and " medicines. Ne. 3!3 " 1. A. W. Raid win, ler dry goods. Ne.SU J. Widmyer A Rickseckcr, furniture and work. Ne. 312 . " 10. Geerge Goeble, bread and Heur, ler Apill, May, June and July. Ne. U)0 " 11. R.J Housten, notions. Ne. 317 " II. Michael Rash, hauling, plewingand harrowing. Nes. 12ijand.tl2 " 11. R. W. Moriew, lumber hardware and work. Ne. 127. " 12. l. 11. Hachler, water closets, gas plpes. Ac. Ne. 128 " 17, Raumgardner. Ebermau A Ce., lumber, &c. Ne. li'.l " 18. G. L. FenDeisiulth, books andstatieneiv. Ne. 310 Sept. !). Miss K. White, salaries and marketing ler August. Ne. " 'J. Wm. II. Ratcman,paintaiul painting. Ne. 13'j " 10. Lancaster Gaslight and Fuel Ce.. train April 1, 1882 te Sept. 1.18:2. Ne. 131 " 30. David Miles, Inrnace, lead plpc,&c. Ne. 132 Oct. 3. a. A. Hcrr. city regulator ler line of street ler tenant tenant heusi'. Ne. 13.1 " 4. Mrs. L. Miller, soap, Ac. Ne. 320 " 1. D. S. ISursk, agt., ter provi previ sions. Ne. 31! " 4. Mrs. C. Fabnesteck, salaries and marketing. No.e22 " 7. Miller & Hartman, groce ries. Ne. 321 Nev. 2. Geerge Ganss. for meat August. September and Oc- " 3. Mrs. M. F. Reed, of house hold committee, salaries and marketing ler October. Ne. 324 , " 3. Geerge Goeble, bread and Heur ler iiigust, September and October. Ne. 3 G " 3. Gee. M. Steinman A Ce.. l.oet; 12 18 00 2"H f 0 25 OJ 8 25 29.1 50 71 55 SOS 25 :e te 197 03 3 35 40 GO 307 89 1 50 10 00 29 31 70 211 0G 77 8J a: 75 38 ' 55 31 10 17 50 27 29 G4 52 41 90 1G 74 212 00 2 30 12 40 32 19 4 0) 17 f3 43 51 288 50 159 31 253 2G 308 50 277 00 71 3G 143 03 C00OJ 900 133 44 5100 8 75 hardware. Ne. 328 3. Shaub&Rre., 137 pair shoes Ne. 327 " II. Wm. Wohiseu, en account of new tenant house at home ' 21. H. 11. Rreneman for $1,050 insurance policy en tenant house and stock, 3 years. Ne. 4i... ....................... ...... ' 21. L. II. Racblcr, for plumb ing at new tenant house and old building. Ne. 13G ' 27. Jehn M. Ruck, making and repairing fences. Ne. 137 " 27. Isaac Nash ler hauling. Ne. Dec. 4. MIss'e. "whiicVsaiariesaVid marketing for November. Ne. 329 ' 4. Mrs. 8. Cox for traveling expenses and services. Ne 330 " 4. Wm. H. Uatcmaii for paint ing, etc. Ne.331 " 7. Geerge Rancc, whitewash ing. Ne. 332 299 00 100 10 38 73 350 HOME ACCOUNT. " 15. Russell A Shalmycr ler coal. Ne. 139 19 00 " 2S. Wm. W. Hensel, lumber, nails and work. Ne. 110 11 41 23. Bewers A Hurst ler dry goods. Ne. 345 2GG50 " 28. Isaac Ranck, corn, bran, etc. Ne. 346 50 30 " 28. R. J. Housten ler notions. Ne. 344 41 11 28. G. L. FonDersmith. books and stationery. Ne. 333 14 57 ' 23. Humphreville A KlelTer, repairing. Ne.337 8 70 ' OS. Miller A Hartman. grece. rics. Ne.347. 242 42 28. Sbaub A Burns, ler shoes, ' 28. Raumgardner. Ebennan A Ce., lumber and hauling. Ne. tOJtet XI Xt " 28. High A Martin, glass and queens ware. Ne. 336 10 01 " 28. Widmyer A Rickseckcr, hooks and knobs. Ne. 351 3 25 ' 23. W. D. Sprecher A Sen, for seeds. Ne. 349 2 10 " 28. Isaac Dlllcr, for boiler. Ne. 312 1 25 ' 28. D.S.Bursk. frreceries. Ne. 311 12 55 " 29. Jehn Black, -Jr., agent, drugs. Ne. 358 10 12 23, Flinn A Willson, house hold articles. Ne. 350 20 53 " 23. Mrs. Mary A. Reed, et household committee ler sal aries and marketing ler month. Ne.331 29150 23. The Lancaster county prison ter shoes, weaving and carpets. Ne. 339 15G 53 " 23. Wm. Wbhlsen en account of new tenant house. Ne. 142, 000 00 28. Baumbardner, Ebcrman A Ce.. lumber ler lences. Ne. Ill 110 GS " 23. Marshall A Renglcr, hai d- ware. Ne. 355 59 03 ' 23. Geerge Ganss, meat fei November and December. NO.3G0 194 30 23. The Lancaster Watch and Cleck Repairing Company for work. Ne.352 2 50 " 28. H. Witmer Dlffenbach ler beef. Ne. 354 31 32 " 23. Geerge Geeble ler bread and flour November and De cember. Ne. 359 171 2G " SO. C. Reedmiller ter milk. Ne. 310 29 40 ' 30. Ames Helllnger ler lard. ' 30. Ames W. Harnish ler lard. " 30. G. Schner A Seus for lum ber. Ne. SGI 95 " 0. Jehn H.Pearsel, paper, etc. " 30. Miss O. R. Cele, Kinder garten material. Ne.3G2 3 11 " 30. Shultz A Bre., hats. Ne. 357. 15 00 " 30. Mrs. S. Cox, traveling ex penses and services. Ne. Siil- 2G 00 " SO. Jeseph Hoever, repairing washing machine. Ne. 353... C 59 " se. The Lancaster Gaslight and Fuel Company for one $100 0 per cent bend pur chased as an Investment ler the Mrs. Elizabeth Shirk legacy 100 50 " 30. Ry check book 1C0 stamped checks 2 oe " 30. Ry interest paid en Heme coupon bends te date 27G Oe " Se. Ry balance in treasury G27 09 Total credited. .$12,694 22 LAieOASTKR COUNTY 8S. Hugh R. Fulton, treasurer el the Heme for Friendless Children for the city and county of Lancaster, beiag duly afilruicd. says that the above account, as stated, is full, true and cor rect te the best et his knowledge and belief. HUGH R. FULTON, Treasurer. Afllrmcd and subscribed before me this 15ih day et January, A. D.1333. SAM. MATT FR1DY. Prothenatory. Filed in the Commissioners' ofllccet Lan caster county this 15th dayet January, A. D. lfcS3. Attest : FRANK GRIEST, jl3 2tdT&2:w Clerk. KAlltHUAOH. rvnv. GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, llurlingteu & (Julncy JR. It Chicago, Uurllngteu ii Qninrj K. K. PKINOHML LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAGO OR PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST line te St. Jeseph, Atchlnsen, Topeka, Denlsen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Texas, This route has no superior for Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad In the world for all classca et travel. All connections made In Union depots. Try it and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line for sale at all efflceTin the U.'S. and Canada. All Information about rates of fare, Steeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. T. J. POTTKK, 3d Vice Pres. A Gen. Manager, Chicago, III. JOHN y. A. BEAN, Uen. Eastern Agt,, 317 Broadway, 30G Washington St. New Yehk. Bosten, Mass. mavlG-lvil&w UOAJU. B. b. martin; Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all binds of LUMRER AND COAL. r rard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince Ireels a'.-eve Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL AND MANURE. Best.'gtaile of family COAL, well-cleaned, weight guaranteed. Manure by the car-lead at Lewest Prices. Alse, Limestone Screenings for drives and walk. Cement at reduced prices. Hay and Straw by the ten or bale. Yard : Harrlsburg pike. Guucral Office: 20 East Chestnut Street, KAUFFMAN, KELLER A CO. apr4-lwd rOA.. M. V. 33. COHO, 830 NORTH WATER ST., Xamxuter, Jfa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange Yard and Office: Ne. 330 NORTH WATE STREET teb28-lyd UAlCnWAJtE. IN KW HARDWARE STOKE. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL 4 RENGIER, DEALERS IN; BUILDING and CABINlil HARDWAPE, 810VE8, HEATERS, RANGES, PAIN1S, OILS aitd GLASS, Heuse Furnishing Goods. sll-3mditw UOWEIU BURST. New Groeds Opening Every Day, -AT- BOEE8 & HTJKST'S, Nes: 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. FRENCH SATINES Elegant Stylas and Colorings new open. FRENCH GINGHAMS, SEERSUCKERS. PERCALES, CHINTZES and an immense stock of NEW STYLE CALICOES. SHIRTING and SHEETING MUSLINS. TICKINGS. &c. verv low. Elesrant Line of NEW CRETONNES just opened. Elegant Line of NEW T.&TYTPat j errrr.rwp,ra noerpnv : muvauu nuu vuiuiA.uM j uvuuiitx Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH JOHN S. GIVLKK & CO. OUR OWN IMPORTATION. WE HAVE IMPORTED TO OUR ORDER A FULL LINE OF THE CELEBRATED EGLINTON TIE, Manufactured by WELCH, MARGETSON & CO., Londen, England. GENTLEMEN, this ia the beat Black Silk Tie in the world. We have them In all widths. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. GIVLER. TVTVbKS & KATUVON, Cl.OTUlKKS. Havinn gotten tbreuch taking account of stock we are new prepared for the next FIFTY DAYS te sell oft TEN THOUSAND Dollars Werth of HEAVY and MEDIUM WEIGHT READY-MADE CLOTHING fei Men, Youth ami Beys. Clothing at a hacrilice without regard te cost, and among the same are Several Hundred Overcoats at Real Bargains. Remember we manu facture all our own Clothing. We are also prepared te make up te order for THIRTY DAYS Suits te Order at quite a. discount iu order te meve oue heavy goods still en hand. Excellent Styles and Geed Goods. We de this te make room for a Large Stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS we are busy manufacturing. Persons in need of Clothing, either Ready-Made or Made te Order, can de well by calling at CENTRE HALL, NO. 12, E. KING ST., Lancaster, Pa., and secure bargains. MYERS & RATHPON. I.ANCAHTKH WATCUJCB. fHTHK PATENT Dust -Proof Watches, NICKEL AND GILT, low lanitfactured II V THIS UNDER Patent of November, 1882, THERE! IS SUPPLIED A Want Leng Felt BY THE TRADE. FAfKK UANaiNOU, Cc. paAKKS W. JTY. We have a large Hue et LACE CURTAINS In WHITE anil CREAM, from $1.00 a pair up NETTING by ynrdlrem 12c. up. 15ED SETS, LAMBREQUINS, PILLOW SHAMS and TIDIES. CURTAIN POLES of every description. WALNUT EXTENSION CORNICES very low In price : $1 50 cornices ler 90c., $2 cornices for li.M.Sif.e cornices ler $1.75, $2.75 cornices ler $2.00. Will nt uny window up te tttfe teet in width, and very easily adjusted. LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPERS and WINDOW SHADES Fer Spring in all the New Patterns and Celers ODD LOTS and REMNANTS el PAPER HANGINGS very cheap te clese out. Among them arc some very choice styles. A lew of these light-colored Shades left from 15 cunts up. Have your work done new before thsSpilng rush commences. We employ lirst-cluss work men and can ive veur orders prompt atten tion. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. BZEIOJIB, AC. OLK1UUS! SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EDGERLEY fc CO., MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We have a Large and Splendid Assert mentef Portland, Albany and Deuble Slclglis. They are the best selectee1 woodwork and the finest painted and ornamented 'Sleighs ever offered ler sale In this city. Our Motte : "Quick sales and small profits.' It costs nothing te call and cxamine work. 43We also have en hand a fnll line or .Fine Carriage v.'erk. In -which we defy competition. All Werk Warranted. Kepalriug of all kinds promptly attended te. n26-tldw -T7MSL.I.OW FRONT. IELLOW FUOMT l ueauquurierH ier me uesiciRarH in town at IIAUTM AK'S YELLOW PUONT CIGAU STORE. fi7ljl Lancaster Watch Ce., DJtX HOODS, Me. uuir upsuiujj. BOWERS & HURST, QUEEN STREET. ... CLOTHING. liitr s PK1NG 1883. OAEPET8 We respectfully invite an examination of CARPETS for the SPRING SEASON of 1883, which will consist of Cheice New Styles, and be sold at the Lewest Ruling Prices. Hartferd Mequettes, Smith's Meqnettes, Bigelow Bedy Brussels, Herner Bedy Brussels, Fer Parlors, Libraries, Chambers, Hall and Stair, etc., with U in., 2-4, and 5-S Borders te match ; also, ltOXIiUUY TAl'ESTV, SAJCONV1LLE TAl'ESTUY, SMITH'S EXTKA. TAl'KbTltY, ME11- FOKD TAPESTRY, HIGGINS' TAPESTRY, AND SANEORD'S TAPESTRY CARPETS, AH the Best aud well-known makes, of which we will have the latest Spring Patterns. Hartferd and Lewell Three-Plys and Extra Supers, Philadelphia Medium Weel Ingrains and Cotten Chain Carpets, Lineeum, Oil Cleth and Rugs. HAGER fc BROTHER, Ne 25 West King Street. - - Lancaster, Pa. VTKXT DOOR TO THE CODKT UOUSK. FAHNESTOOK'S. BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS AND CARPETS AT FAHNESTOCK'S. CyNext Doer te the Court Heuso. We are new receiving and will open almost daily during the coming Spring Season, large lets of Cheap Goods, amongst which may be found many rare bargains at all times in every de partment of our immense stock. DRY GOODS AND CARPETS. R- E. FAHMESTOCK. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FLVMltHiti ANlt P HUM A mtKNKMAN. GO FLINN Se BRBNBMAN FOR HOU8ESTIRE8. Steves, Heaters and Ranges. Fleer and Table Oil Cleths. Knives Ferks and Spoons. THE LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN. Lancaster, Pa. ISTPlnmbinfr, Gas Fitting, Tin Reefing and Spouting, specialties. FOK JOHN L. ARNOLD. FOE SALE. Five New two-storied Brick Houses, Nes. 419, 421, 423, 425, 427 West Marien Street, 16 feet 6 inches front; let 109 feet deep ; suitable te put stable, smithshep, butcher shop, etc., en rear. Price, $900 $400 cash, balance can remain en property. Cheapest Houses in the city . JOHN L. Ne. 11 East Orange Street, LOCKER'S RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Has cured thousands. It will cure your Cough or Celd In lesa time than any ether' preparation. PRICE tS CENTS PER BOTTLE, Prepared and sold only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST BONG STREET, LANCASTEIt, PA. CORSETS new open. Eleeant Line of ""'" &" uw LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PENN'A. GEO. F. RATHVON. aoeits. LANCASTER, PA. UAH FITTING. TO HAW.E. ARNOLD, Lancaster, Pa. BAKUAINS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS Cliains. Kines. Spectacles. Ac. Kenairinc Clialns, Kings, Spectacles, Ac. Repairing et oil kinds will receive my personal attcn- tien. LOUIS AVEBER. Ne. 159W North Oucen street. Remember name anil number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Pennsylvan a railroad depot. dcc231yd IS OW RKAUY. OUR NEW REAL. ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number or properties In city and country, with prices, ftc. Copies sent Irce te any address. ALLEN A. HERK A CO., Real Estate and Insurance" Agents, Ne. le East King Street. TMATXLKilti' OUIDM LANCASTER AND M1LU2B3VUXK K. Cars run as lollewa : fjAfLVA TiATlCAtAOT IP R TlArmtl at- T a ...t.4 11:30a.m., and 2, 4, 8 and 8-Jbp. m.. ex'ceet en uuuniuy, wueu uie iaau car leaves at a-.ju p. m Ieave Mllleravllle (lower cad) at 5, 8, am!U a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and7 p. in. Cars run daily en u jve time except en Snn ar. COLOMBIA A rUKT IJEFOS1T RAII. HOAX TIMK TABLE. Trolnanewran lCRUlarlven ttin Celnmbla Pert Ccpeslt Bailread en tlie following Ume: BOCTinyARD. i STATIONS. bertuward. P.M. 6:20 6:35 A.X. A.K. X.M. P.M. 8.-90 5:35 8:09 5:25 8.02 5:20 7:15 hSf 7:10 61 7:36 4:58 7:1 i-M 7:28 41 7:23 4:47 7:10 4:36 1M 4:33 6:57 1:26 6:11 4:12 0:32 4:05 Grit) 3:55 10:20 .... Coin in bl:i.... ... Washington... ....Cie-'swell.... ...Sale Harber... ..Shenk'sJTerry.. I'cquea ..Yerk Furnace.. .....Tucqunn .McCull's Ferry. ...Fite's Kddy... ..Klshiiii: Creek.. ..I'euch llntlnm.. 10:33 6:12 7:00 7:05 10:3U 10:55 11:00 11:03 11:06 11:10 11:15 7:09 7:1 7:17 7:23 7:37 7:11 1156 11:30 U:3S 11:51 P.M. 12:03 12:15 12:30 7:50 8:0 8:13 8:25 ":10 7:50 7:36 7.-2S 7:17 7:0T. ...Conewlngo... 7:3 Octmara. 8;00 8:20 ...Pert Deixisit.. ... rerryvnie. ni:AuiKeuU.uMiiu u.iu AUUANGKMENT OrPASSENOEKTllAIN?. MONDAY, NOVEMBEU 13th, 1SS2. NOUTHWAKU IAVB. A.M. Quarryvllle 6:20 Lancaster, King St 7:30 Lancaster 7:40 Columbia. 7:30 A.M. 7:30 IhlO S.-.20 ARRIVX. Ue:allng 9:15 SlIlfTIIWAKU. Z.ATB. A.M. Jf. P.M. Kea-Ung 755 12.-O0 6:10 ARRIYB. P.M. Columbia 9:10 2:10 855 P.M Xiancaster. 9:30 2.10 s:l:l 5:15 Lancaster, King St 9:10 .;.. 8:25 5:25 Quarryvllle 10:10 .... '.KB -jai iraina connect at Heading with train found trem Philadelphia, Pettaville, Harrlsbiirg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Hound Broek Keute. , At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and ItiUtl ItiUtl mere. 1. WILSON. Suid. PENNSYLVANIA 1L.V11.KUAU NW SCHEDULE On and aftur SUNDAY OCTOI1EK 1st, ISitt, ti.iins en the Pennsyl vania llallread will .irrive at unit leave tLe Laucastei and Philadelphia, depetsas fellows.: r.M. P.M. '.'.'.'. S:40 10 3:50 1:10 3:10 3:20 5.50 Levi Ar LanPhil A.M. A.M 12:11 2A1 515 7:50 8:10 1030 8:10 8;55 9.00 11:15 P.M. 12:55 ilia "Sai P.M. 2:12 WAX 2:20 5:(.' 5:25 7::-5 6.15 9.45 Eastwaud. Mall Express 1131 J jI lit.. .. . Ilarriiburg Expresi Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster AtxoiiKxIiitlen arrives... Columbia Accommodation Kiederlck Accoinmedation arrives. IOfik Haven KpretH Sunday Mall Johnstown Express Day Express llarrlsburg Aceoininedatlon Hanover AcconiiiHxIalleii ueHt, connecung at Lancaster wllh Jllagani Express at 10:15, will run through te Hanover flatly, except Sunilay. FiederlekAccoiiiiiDHliitlen, west, connecting at Lancaster Willi Fu-.L !,lnc, wwl, at 1:10, will run threiuih te FrtwIiTiek. l.e. Ar. Phil Lan WE8TWHI. A.M. A.M. 6:27 6:27 9:35 9:10 10:15 10:20 P.M. l:le i:5e C:20 2Ji 7::bi 7:1') il:ld 1:15 News Express Way Passenger Mail Train, Ne. 1. vl.i. Ml. Jey Mail Train, Ne. 2,via Cel 11 nibl j,Uiivcp Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation leaves.... Frederick Arcominedation leaves... llarrlsburg Accommeilalloii Lancaster Arcoinmeflafniii leaves... Columbia Accommodation llarrlsburg Express Western Express Pacific Express 1:30 4:30 7:00 "b:3 11:05 P.M. 2:11 'l":il 5:10 9:05 llrJO llarrlsburg Exprtws,, at 5:10 p. m., has direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when Haggcd, will stopatDewnliigtmvn.CoatosvilIu, Parkcs hurg, Mount Jey, EllzabethUiwn and Middle town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Kxin ess. Mail Train, Ne. 1, Western Kxpn:ssand Paeirlc Kx prcas run dailv. T (1CAI. .MAIL AUlIANUKMKNTS. HOUIIS FOIt CI.OS1NC THE MAILS. IVy Jlallreuil Nu'.v Yeiik nir.oueii mail, 7:."0 a. 111.. 12:30 p. 111., 5:00 p. 111. and 11:00 p. in. Way Mail, east. 7:3m a. 111. Ciikistiana, Pai kesburg ami Dowiilngtewii U:3()p. 111. GoueoKVir.i.E, Downlngtewn, Place and Cap, 6:15 p. in. PlIlLAUULVIlIA THHOCflll mail, 7:30 a. m ., 8-r a. in., 2:30, 5:00 and 11:10 p. in. PllTSlUntdll AN!) WK.ST, '.lOialld 11.00 p. 111. IlAKitisnuiie mail, law ami u.oetu in., l:r. au.l 1100 p.m. Way mail, west, r. 00 and '.'.COn. in. ISaltimekk anu WA.siiiMiruri, vl.i Philadel phia. 5 00 p. m. Haltimehk ami Wabjiimitek, via Yerk, 1:30 p. m. i:LTiMer.i: ami Wasiii.noten, via llarils burg, 11:00. COATBSVILLK,5:()0 p. ill. Columbia at 9:ti0 a. v l:"J) ami 1:3.". p. in. Yebk aud Yeiiic way, 1'M ami ll:t p. III. NertIikhx Cektral. '.':C0a. in., and ll:(H) i. m. Ueaiie, via. Kkadimu a Celvmiiia K. t., 7:e a. m. ami 12:30 p. in j:eai)ini, via llarrlsburg. 5:15 anil ll:M) p. m. Kkapine way, via Junction, Lititz. Man heiui, Kastlleniplield and Kphrata, .":15p. m. Quakryvillk. Cainarge, New Prevhlente, West Willow, Martinsville, lteiten and Lime Valley, 9:15 a. in. and 5:() ). m. New Helland. Cliuichtewu, Ciecnbank, llluu Hall, (Joedville. lleartewu and Spring Greve, by way of Downingtown, at C:l." p. m. andll:(M)p.m. SAirullAiiueit, via Celiimbi.t, 8:.',0 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. Ity StaK blackwater and iale Harber, daily, at 1:10 p. in. Te Milleisville. 8 and 1 1:30 a. m., and I p. m. I'.lukley's Kildge, l.t-aceck, llaievll.'e, New Helland, 2::Wp. in. Willow fctreet, Smithvillr, Iliick, Chestnut Level, Gieen, Peteis Ciek, Pleaxant Greve, Keek Springs, Fairmont mid Uewlandsvllle, Md., daily, at 7:00 a. m. Landis Valley, Oregon. West Karl, Farnieis ville, Neirsville, Hlnklctewn, Terre Hill. Mar tiudale, dally, at 2:30 p.m. Grcenland, Fertility, Lampeter anil Wheat land Mills, UiMriLsbiirg. daily, ut 4:oep. in. New lianvi:le. f.Viiehliigii, Martlcvillc, Cele luanville, MoiiutNebe,l:awliiisvllIe, Uethi Hila and Liberty Square, daily, at 2:30 p. in. On Sunday evening, mails east and west close at le.iiO'p. m. WHEN OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Arriving by Hail Eastern mall, 6:30 a. in. 10:Cea. in., 3:00 and K:.le p. in. Eastern way mall, le.i e a m. Western mail, 6:.M) nd le-ttl a. in., 2.00 and 7:00 p. in. Reading, vU Reading and Columbia, 2.-30 p. in. Western way mail, SOu. in. Reading way mall. I0:n a. m. Quarryvllle JSraucli, hlS a. in. and 1:00 p. m. Arriving by Stage Frem Sale Haiberaml Slackwater. at 9:00 u..m.. dailv. lrem Mlllcrsville, 7and '.(a.m. and t p. in. Frem New Helland, at 9:3e a. in., daily, Frem Rewlandaville, Md . :itl:(x p.m. Reading way wall, al 10:30 a. in., daily. Frem Strasbnrg. at !i:3(i a. m., dally. rretn-Rawlinsville at 11:00 a. m. Frem Terre Hill, at le.O) a. in. DELIVERIES RY CARRIERS. There are tbrcfi mall deliveries by Letter Carriers each day, and en their return trips they take up the inuil matter deposited in the letter-boxes. Fer the Hret delivery the Carriers leave the ellice at 7:00 a. in.; second delivery at I0.( 0 a. in.; third delivery at 3.10 p. in. SUNDAY POST-OFFICE HOURS. On Sunday the FostefiJco Is open front Apill 1st te October 1st. from s te 9 x m., aixl Irem 6 le 7 p. in.; fiem October Isl te April 1st, frr.m 9 te 10 a. m. and from 6 te 7 p. m. CAMPXIB. S1 tUKK'S CAKPET HALL. " The Old Reliable.5' This is the Title which Shirk's Carpet lall, Cor. W. KING & WATER Sts., Has obtained by selling the Rest Goods at the most Reasonable Prices with THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK te select from. In addi tion te the Largest Stock of Carpets ever car ried in, we have new THE LATEST AND BEST KINDS OF Brussels, Ingrain and Chain Carpets, Ever brought te the city of Lancaster. ter Call before purchasing elsewhere AND BE CONVINCED. H. S. SHIRK, Carpet Hall, West Kin? and Waiter Sts. - CARPETS WOVEN TO ORDER. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended te when received. 1 1