...! ii i , ! n'"F'"j i en. r n LANCASTER DAILY INTELL1GEKCEB, MONDAY. JANUARY 29. 1883. 1? ILaticastcr Jntellfgencet. MONDAY FVENING JAN. 29, 1883, hOMr.THING ABOUT WHEAT. MEDICAL. Seme Srprllng Statistics Frem iCnglanrt. Phll'a Recerd. A geed maBy farmers iu this country will be somewhat surprised te hear what one of their number, E. A. Merritt, -who occupies the consul generalship at Londen has te say respecting the superiority of Great Britain ever tui country iu the production of cereals. IIe says that the standard average production of wheat, for example, in the United Kingdom is 29i bushels per acre, while in the United States, according te late official figures, the average is only 12.4 bush els. Maize is net raised in that country, and rye is of se little importance that its acreage is only one-half per cent, of the land under cereal cultivation ; but the returns given for barley and eats also ex hibit a larger yield per aero as compared with corresponding returns in American agriculture, and they bear testimony te the high cultivation of the land and the skill ..,i lnlmr nf the English farmer. The agricultural statistics of the United King dom for the year 1882 eIiew the wheat acreage te be 3,003,915 ; eats, 2,833,815, and barley, 2,255,139, a gain of acreage in wheat of 7.1 per cent The average yield of wheat is given at about 80,000,000 bushels, and General Merritt calls particu lar attention te this point, as furnishing a contrast which may hereafter be of value te our farmers, that "with the wheat acreage twelve times greater, than Gieat Britain, the United States de net produce six times as much wheat." The crop of wheat in France in comparison of the acreage also exceeds that of this country. In 1882 the yield iu France amounted te 328,300,018 bushels, ami the average per aero was 18.37. The crop of 1881 was 274,099,335 bushels. The crop in 1881 in the United States was sheit, and amounted te only aefi nnn.000 bushels. That of 1882 is set. down at about 518,000,000 bushels. The figures show that the yield of wheat in France per aero greatly exceeds that in our best wheat-producing states. As exhibiting the wheat produc tion of some of the countries of Eurepe in the year 1831, according te late consular rcpeits the yield of Denmark is given at 3.143.92S bushels ; of Geitnany, 72,009,805 bushels, besides 15,715.805 bushels of German wheat (spelt) and 213, 850,000 of one grained wheat. In the prov inces of Italy there were harvested in 1881, 100,70S,10l bushels of wheat. The total average annual production of grain during the years 1S71-80 for Austria Hun gary was D7,Ulj"MJ MiBiicis, an average of 12.1 per acie. The average anina' production of Keuuiuuia is estimated at 43,000,000 bushels. Acceuling te the es timates of a government commission ap pointed te investigate the condilieu of ag riculture in Uusnia, the yield of wheat in that country and Poland, exclusive eT Den Cess:ickdNiiicts iu 1878 was 25)3, 702,000 bushels. In Algciia 41,017,349 bus! els of wheat wire produced in 18S0. Taking year by year. France s-eenis te be the only count jy whose yield el wheat for the last, ten ye'irs exceeds in propei tien te population that in the United States for the saine period. 1 lie area ei rrance is less than that, of the four states of Iowa, Mmssjuji, Illinois and In diana, and the population .of that country is less than that of the United States by one quarter. Most of the ether European ceuntiies sue, and niui;t remain, importers of the ceieals, execptingper haps Kussia. And as the United King dom, with a population of 37,000,000, re quires besides its own wheat pieduct about 110,000.000 bushels iu addition te supply home nerds, and this supply must principally be from this country, it is cvi dent that our agricultui alibis will he fully repaid for laboring te bring the soil up in productiveness te the highest standaid leached in ether lands. MV81CAZ UfBTXJTMMNXB. k KEMARKABLE DISCOVERY. Frem tlic Jleme Journal. A REAL SKIN CURE. THERE IS OJi'LY ONE AN D THAT WITH SIMPLE NAME. Beware of Imposters, pirates, or any old articles which new suddenly claim te be best. Tbey have been tried and found wanting, while tills lias been proved a remarkable suc cess. NO POMPOUS NAME. This curative needs no pompous or incom prehensible title et Greek or Latin te sustain it, but IU simple English name appeals di rectly te the common sense ei the people. And the p'eple are signally manilestlng their ap ap picciatten et Hits liankness by selecting and using Dr. Bensen's Skis Cure in preierence te nil ether prelessed remedies. Dr. C. W. Bensen lias long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon, and Ids Hie study has been the diseases of the ner vous system and of the skin : since he lias been persuaded te put his New Remedy and Favorite Prescription as a " Skin Cure " en the market, various things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up lrem the sleepy state in which they weic boterc, and new claim te be The Great Sf:in Cure, 45-Beware et imitations, or the vaiieus articles which have been advctls-ed for years or struggled along, having no real bold or ineiit en the public, that new endeavor te keep head above water by advertising them selves us "The Great Skin Cure." Nene is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Bon Ben son's Skin Cure. Each package und bottle beats his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In ene package. Price, $1.(0 ; get at your druggists. Kelicr for all Overworked Brains. CAUSE AND CUKE. Dr. B. W. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills me valuable ler school children who snller lrem nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their studies, and ler all classes of hard brain workers whose ever tasked nervous centics need lepair and seda tion. Nervous tremor, weakness, and paruly sUarc being daily cured by thee pills. They cm reel costiveness, but are net purgative. Price TO cents, or six bottles ler $2.50, postage free, te any uddicss Fer sale by all drug gists. Depot, Baltimore, Md., where the doc tor can be uddies-cd. Letters et inquiry lreely answered. C. N. Crittenien, el N'jw Yerk, is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. llensen's remedies. JanlS-lrmlM.W&S K1UNKY-WORT Has been proved the surest euro ter KIDNEY DISEASES. Docs a lame back or disordered mine indi cate Umt you urea victim? THEN DO NOT II KSlTAi'E ; use Kidney-Wert at once, (drug-gNt- recommend it ) and it will speedily over come the disease and restore healthy action. Fer complaints peculiar te your sex. such as pain and ueakiiisses. Kidney-Wert is unsui passed, a it will act promptly and safely. Eithcrsex. Incontlncnce, retention efurine, brick dust orrepy deposits, and dull, dragging pains, all speedily yield te its curative power. SOI. 11 BY ALL DRUGGISTS, l'rlce, SI. KIDNEY-WORT. PIANOS AND FUKNITUKE: KKkOVED at short notice. Alse, dealer in second hand and antique Furniture. Steves and Bracket Saws. $1.50. AUG. F. BEINOEHL, 326 North Queen street, dccll-Smd (Above the Northern Market.) TSTAULISHRD 18G5. H. J. ORTH, MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOB THE Weber, Steinway, Kranicli & Bach PIANO-FORTES. Masen & Hamlin, Pelenbet & Ce.'s ORGANS. Address Correspondence te Ne. 310 MARKET STREET, UARUISUUltG, PA. n23-3nni ASTMIVB. BMOS. ADTEMT1BJBMMNT. A STKICH BROTHERS ASTR1CH BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. VTUSU5 BOXES. Music Bexes, Closing Out Sale DM OOOD8, . T f IIOWKKS HURST. Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. THE BEST PLACE THE BEST PLACE TO BUY DRY GOODS. TO BUY DRY GOODS. THE BEST PLACE THE BEST PLACE TO BUY MUSLINS. TO BUY MUSLINS. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY CALICOES. BtTew Spring Stock New Open. CaTIiarge Stock of New Choice Goods New Open in Every Department. Prices Lew. - Prices Lew. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. OHN 8. GIVLKK A CO. AT HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. Ladies. This being our last sale In this city for some jears, wedsIre te sell out the entire stock heieru closing our salesrooms for the season. Te thl end wc quota the lowest possible prices, with only small advance ever cost et manutacturiug, te cover expense1. Only Unest quality High Class Music Bexes, specially made ler our retail trade, including many new styles, with latest Improvements, and of the greatest durability ; far superior te the ordinary Music Bexes generally sold in this country. The tone ei these boxes is very powerful and at the' same time remarkably sweet. Musical Bexes with Bells, Drums. Castngncts, Celestial Voices, Harp Zither, Piccale. Tremelo, Mandeline, Forte-Piane, and Subliine-Harmeiile. &c., with two and three main springs, running twice and ithree times the length et ordinary Music Bexes by one winding. Large stock ei small Music Bexes ; also, Al bums, Cigar Pallers, Decanters, &c., with con cealed music. Immense Display ! Newest Selections ! Ne home should be without one el these beautiful instruments. This is an opportunity seldom enered. pricu 11-at en application. WE HAVE OPENED TO-DAY AN ENTIRELY NEW LINE -OF WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUtt NEW LINE OF HAMBURG EDGINGS O. G-AUTSCHI & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF MUSICAL BOXES, Ste. Croix, Switzerland. Salesroems: Ne. 1018 Chestnut St., nnvl.Vlld PHILADELPHIA. LANCASTER WATCHES. Ac's at Hie same and Bowels. time en tiie Kidnuvs, Liver HHDil-etidTTSA w !.'S c HUGH nVKUT LOCHtiirS RENOWNED "). liiitls an- net taught with eluttl." Therefore seek and find the pine geldm grains tit health in Mdncy-Wtiit. Women, young or old, marred or Mngle, II out et health, will lie really bciiclllcd by taking Kidney-Wert. jRs-Hend.", Marls, libbntw ami any lancv articles can be ni-ide any color v.antid with tilt: Diamond Dyes. All the popular coleis. That hacking win-ill can lie senmckly cured hv Miilnh's Cure. Wt; guarantee it. Fer Hale Ijv II. B. Ceehr.m, Iru Queen Street. i-t I'i7 .....I W...i,!V ppl.ll, IUI OIIH J. . ........ 1.. mvl-lwdcew&w Beds -I lle'.vn Feci Hard. All beiNM'cm hard te the iheuinatic. Then haiken e peeKh Milieiei! Apply Ir. Themas1 Keleelrie Oil te your aching Jeinl. ami luti-L'Irs. Rely upon "it that you will ex perience p ed roiiel. bueh.at len-t, is the U'MImeiiy el tlie-e v. he have used it. The re medy i likewise swcc-itullv ifMirted le for threat and lung di-ea:-es, sprain--, liruiM-., etc. Ftir wile bv II. I!. Cochran, tlruggUt, l:'.7 and l:S'J North ijueeii client. Ciumr. WhoeplngCougli and Bronchitis im mediatel v relieved by blnlnli's Cuie. Fer nah: by II. B. Cechran, druggi-d. i:i7aml 139 North Oiiccn St. m.vl lwtiftiw&w Best lemcily in 111" world : see adwrliM' nifiit til Snr.iiieiis Liver Uegiilarter. A Short iieail te Jlcalili. Te nil who aie snirering Hern buiN, ulcei, seretula. failini.cle-. or oilier eb-.tinale dK pins til the liloe.l and -kin, a feur-t tl l!ur l!ur tleek Bleed llilteis will beieuiiil tobea.sie7 read te health. Pi ice !. Fer sale by II. 11. Ceehran, diugi.-t. 157 and i:'J Ninth Queen street. Cataiihii cureil, health anil -went lueath."e eured by Sliileh Catanh iteinedy. Piice.VJ rt'iit-j. .Va-al liilecter tree. ! or sale by II 1 Cochran, druggist, !:!7aui! i:r. North Queen .St. luyl-lvnleewAw HAKltWAllK. TtKAV IIAUDWAKK STOItB. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL & RENGIER, UEALEUSIN ; BUILDING and OABIMvX HARDWARE, MOVES, HKA TERS, It A NOES, PAINTS,' OILS and GLASS Heuse Furnishing Goods dWImiht'w CAJlfJSXG. AKETS, Carpet Manufactory. . Having undertaken te mr.nulaclure KAG and CHAIN CAKPKTS, wholesale, 'J,iwu yards per week, I am new prepared te sell my entire stock of Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Ca,rpets Af GUEAT BAKGAINS ANDJATUEI-OW te make room and give my entire attention te wholesale trade of my own manulacturtui goods. PIcilse call early. H.S. SHIRK, CARPET HALL, Ocr. West King and Water Ste. COUGH SYRUP lias cured thousand-'. It will cure yeui Cough or Celd in le-s lime than any ether preparation. J'JilCE!; CIJXTJS VEU 11UTTT.K, Piuparcd and sold only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KINGJ STREET, LANCASTEK. PA. 1 JMIOM li VLOTlIIltti. YriI.LIA!HliN I'OSTKK. WINTEK CAPS. Fer driving we have a lliyt-class stock el w:u in CAP- 111 SILK PLUS!!. VELVET, WIT NEY BIOAVKIland ASTUACHAN ANe a l'.AUGAIN i:i one let of Men's PE TEUMIAM ..nil CHINCHILLA CAPS reduced te r.()c. One let et Bey's Heavy Winter CAPS, Sic. One let el Peles, '2.1c. One let el Beys1 STIFF HATS ler school, 2.-,c, and one let ei Better ijualitj', r.Oc. The pi ices aie below value ler this class el" gixids, an we wish te s-U them out. .STIFF HATS, with L.iw Ciewn and iluivy Cm led Brims, arc in constant, demand. We have an excellent stock el ail styles el STIFF and SOFT HATS, ami many are cheaper new than two weekeage. Alse, FUIlMUt'FLEIlS,DllIVlNU(i LOVE", l-AP KuISES, WHIPS, UMBKEI.LAS and HOUSE l'.LANKKTS at Gieally Keduccd Pi ices. Wekeepiilull stork el CLOTHING. FUU MMI1NG (JOODS, TIIUNKS, VALISES and KIMIBEK CLOTHING always en hand. 3-Abnut APKIL FIRST we will even aOnc Piiff BOOT und. CH IDE DEPAIITMENT. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, Nes. 34,36 & 38 B. King St., I.AXOASTEK. PA. DRY GOODS. A SWARR'S, Ne. 25 North Queen Street. IMJUHU: FACED CAKTO.V FLANNKliS, PEUFECT. GOODS, Werth l"i or S'J eta., .selling at I.le.l.s. SlIEETTXOS, riciaxak', TAliLE I.TA'KXH, Ac, At Lewest Plice.i. TURKEY BED CLOTH At 4'. cia. per yaul; also, GEIIMAN NAN K KENS, CANTON FLANNELS and New Lineet HAMBUKG EDGES. Everything at Lewest Prices. JiOUUtt AX It tiTATlOXWMl. C1UKISTMAS J AMD NEW YEAR CARDS, NEW ILLUSTRATED IIOOKS, ALtlUiitH, AMI A VINE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY ARTICLES. AT L. M. VLYliV .NO. WKhT KING STREET. ..iSTKK ASIUKI. II. IMSniK, A'lTOKNEY, HAS O ltomeved his Oflice irem 56 North Duke treet te Ne. 41 GKANT STKEET, immedi ately in Kear et Court Heuse, Lnng'B New tm'ldlng m!7-tM PEI'S IMS. " A MAN, LIKE A WATOH, IS TO BE VALUED BY HIS GOINGS." William Perm. THE Lancaster Watch WELCOMES TnisTest ents Ouality 'J'tSK X JtAJLliUAltH. GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, Uuriiugteu & (juiucj K. K. Chicnije, Biirllugteu & (jniucy K. R. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVOKITE FROM CHICA0 OR PEORIA T.J KANSAS CITV, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and PEST line te St. Jeseph, Atchinaen, Topeka, Denisen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne- braskn, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zena, Mentana and Texas, This route has no superior for Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed us being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te he the PEST EQUIPPED Railroad in the world for all classes of travel. All connection made in Union depots. Try it and you will find travrlinK a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via lhis celebrated line for sale at all efllccs in the U. S. and Canada. All information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by FKKCKVAE. LOWELL, General Pasaenper Agent, Chicago, III. T. J. POTTER, 3d Vice Prea. ft Gen. Manager, Chioaeo, III. JOHN O. a. BKAS, Gen. Kastern Agt., 317 Preadway, S0G Washington at. New YenE. IIostek, Mass. mavl6-lvd&w N Off KBAOY. OUU NEW REAIi ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number of properties In city and country, with prices, Ac. Copies sent tn-t! te any address. ALLEN A. HEKR & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Ne. 10 East King Street. AND SPRINGS STYLE CARPETS. ALT, OLD PATTERNS WE ARE SELLING OFF CHEAP. Remember, we are Agents for the AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. $ We are through stock taking and are Offering Bargains te sell off stock and make room for Spring Goods. Call and sec our Goods and Prices. 4 JOHN 8. GIYLEE & CO., DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOUSE, Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET. - - J. S. GIVLER. LANCASTER. PA. O. P. RATIIVON. CLOTUIXa. M YKKS & KATUFON. General Reduction. IISERTUGS, AND INVITE ALL THE LADIES OF LAN CASTER AND VICINITY TO GLVE US A CALL AS EARLY AS POSSIPLE, AND IN SPECT THE GOODS AND PRICES, AS NO DOUUT THE DEMAND FOR THEM WILL ISE SOMEWHAT LARGE, AND THE CHOICEST PATTERNS ARE LIKELY TO PE SOLD AT FIRST. We deelarc thl.s te be positively Hie finest assortment et HAMBTJKGrS which we have ever shown te our customers, and that the Prices are Extremely Lew. Ladle3 will also please take into considera tion the tact that our patterns this season are ALL NEW, as we have sold our last year's stock entirely. One et our large show windows will for the next two weeks be devoted te the display et these goods. We will show therein a full assortment, from the narrowest te the widest, with price marks en each piece, thus giving every Lady that passes our store a chance te inspect our goods as well as their prices. GENERAL REDUCTION en all Heavy Weight Goods until MARCH 15th. The clese of this season tlees net leave us with a great deal of stock te dispese of, but what is left can be bought at a very small advance en cost. It will be te every pur chaser's interest te examine our Stock. It is superior te any ether Stock in this city in Style and Make-up. If you are a careful buyer you will be sure te purchase a Suit even if you de net wear it till next season. MTEES & EATHFON, Ne 12 EAST KING STREET, jtjir aoevs. WE HAVE ALSO OPENED THIS WKKK A SPLKNDID STOCK OK TOWELS AND TO WE LINGS, WHICH WE OFFER AT PRICES. SPECIAL LOW A FINE CROSS-PAR TOWEL, 1(5x20, at 5c. A LINEN DAMASK TOWEL, HEAVY, IKx.). at 10c. A PLAID LINEN TOWEL, 18x33, at 10c. A FINE LINEN IIUCK TOWEL, 18x31, atl2c EXTRA HEAVY IIUCK TOWEL, STRIPED, 22x10, at 15c. FINE ALL-LINEN IIUCK TOWEL, 1 8x33, ut 15c. FINE LINEN IIUCK TOWEL, 20x42, at 20c. EXTRA HEAVY GERMAN LINEN DAMASK TOWEL, 22x45, at 23c. FINE KNOTTED FRINGE TOWELS at 25c WASH RAGS, 3c. ALL-LINEN TOWELING, 14 inches wide, 5c KARRED TOWELING, 1C inches wlde, Cc. " HEAVY LINEN TOWELING, 18 inches wide. 10c. FINE QUALITY LINEN, IS inches wide, 10c STRIPED LINEN TOWELING, 15 Inches wide, 10c. STRIPED LINEN TOWELING, 19 inches w tie, vie. HEAVY GERMAN DAMASK TOWELING, 17 inches wide, 15c. HEAVY RUSSIAN CRASH, ALL-LINEN, 14 inches wide, 10c. 1(5 inches wide, 12c. A llargaln In LADIES COLORED CAMP.R1C HANDKERCHIEFS. Plaid, with Pelka Det Borders, Fast Celers, only (5c. GENTS COLORED BORDERED CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, Fast Celers, 7c. Just received, a let of LADIES PLAIN COLORED COTTENHOSE, Regular Made, te be sold at 25e a pair. One Let FANCY COTTON HOSE, at 10c a pair. F1NEP.ALBRIGGANS. Full Regular Made, Silk Clocked, 25c. pair. GENTS UNBLEACHED SOCKS, Full Regular Made, Fine quality, 15c a LANCASTER KNIT COTTON SOCKS, Seamless, two pair for 25c. LADIES BLACK MUSQUATA1RK KID GLOVES, Undressed, at CO a pair. LADIES FINE TERRA COTTA M USQUE- TAIRE KID GLOVES, Stitched Back, each pair guaranteed, at $1.25 a pair, ALL OUR FINEST. MUSQUETAIEE CASHMERE GLOVES will be sold at 50c a pair. We arc selling oil our stock of LACE COLLAKS AND HAVE PUT THEM UP IN LOTS. One let, lermerly 15 and 20c, new 0s a piece. One let, formerly 23 and 80c., new 17e a piece. One let et FINE COLLARS new at 25c a piece. We arc also selling a let or LACE AND EMBROIDERED TIES at 10c a piece. One let et FINE LACE TIES at 25c a piece- 9- We again extend an invitation te the ladles te honor ns with their call. ASTBIOH BROTHERS. TTAGEK & 11ROTUEK, Hamburg Embroideries. CAMBEIC EDGINGS AND INSEHTINGS. NAINZOOK EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS. S WIS S EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS. l'LOUNCINGS, In Sets of Various Widths te Match. WE WILL OPEN en MONDAY, JANUAltY 29lh our new SPRING IMPOR TATION of EMBROIDERIES a complete line of medium and fine qualities, as well as seme of the most elegant designs imported, te which we invite. Special Examination. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, - LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PA. 'HAitt. frt'-irStiHt N KXT 1JOOR TO TUK COURT HOUSK. FAEDSTESTOCK'S. Wc Have a Few Special Lets of Slightly Damaged Goods from the Fire in Philadelphia, TO WHICn WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION : One Let MARSEILLES QUILTS, $1.25, worth $2.50, only slightly wet en end. One Let CROCHET QUILTS, 87$ cents, worth $1.50, only slightly smoked en edge. Three Lets Very Handseme MARSEILLES QUILTS, $3.00, worth $3.50, but slightly smoked en back. Alse, 1,500 yards MEDICATED RED FLANNEL, only wet, at Half Price. Alse, 950 yards GREY FLANNEL at 12V cents, worth 20 cents. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. LANCASTER, PA. TJO-IHr & WILLSON. HOUSE FURNISHING UOOVS. GO TO PLLNN & WILLSON -FOR HOUSE8TIRE8. Steves, Heaters and Ranges. Fleer and Table Ferks and Spoons. Oil Cleths. Knives THE LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES. FLINN & WILLSON. Lancaster, Pa. tSFTlumbing, Gas Fitting, Tin Reefing and Spouting, specialties. J'OJt SALE. JOHN I. ARNOLD. FOE SALE. Five New two-storied Brick Houses, Nes. 419, 421, 423, 426, 427 West Marien Street, 16 feet 6 inches front; let 109 feet deep ; suitable te put stable, smithshep, butcher shop, etc., en rear. Price, $9003400 cash, balance can remain en pieperty. Cheapest Houses in the city. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Ne. 11 East Orange Street, - Lancaster, Pa. NOT1CK IU XICKSI'ASSKKS AN'l) GUN NERS. All persons are hereby fei bidden te trespass en nny of the binds et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in .Lebanon anil Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or un un inclesed, either ler the purpose of sheeting or Hailing, as tlie law will be ricidlv enforced against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice, uiiuirs t wm COLEMAN F BE KM AN, K. PEBCY ALDEN. KDWAUD C. FKEEMAN, Attorney ler B. W. Celeman's Heirs elfrtfdftw I A1)IU.S'1IAIK DKKSSKK. MRS. C. LILLER, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, Manufacturer and dealer In Hair Werk, La dies' and Oents Wigs ami Toupees. Comb Cemb Iiiks straightened anil made te order. Hair Jewelry et all kinds made up. Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed. Alse Ladles' SbNOS?225& 7 NORTH QUEEN STBEET, -Four doers above 1. B. B. Depot. ectl0-3md LAMCAvrKi: ,in iiii.i.Ktwv:ti.!. ;. Cirs run as tollens Leave Lancatser U". B Depot), i.t 7, , .m.i 11:30a.m., and 2, 4, 0 ami SiCi p. in., e.wi.i ; Saturday, when the lant car leaves at !i:."5e p. in Leave Mlllersvil'.u , lower end) ntr. K. and I'l a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 . 111. Cars run dally en :i'- tv tftnnerivpi 011 Srn av. Cen.ur.jniA sc reirr uki'ehit kaii. KOAl) TIME TABLE. Tr.iina nef ran lcgularlyen thn rnlnmliia & text i-epealt Railroad en the following time : BOUTUWAllD. I STATIONS. I MOIITIIWAUU. r.ir. C:20 6:35 0:42 7:00 7:05 7:09 7:1 7:17 7:23 7:37 7:41 7:50 U:U) 8:13 8:25 A.M. 10:20 10:3:; 10:39 10:55 11:00 11:08 11:05 11:10 11:15 11:20 11:30 11:33 11:51 P.K. 12:03 12:15 112:30 A. II. 7:10 7:27 7:37 8,00 8:20 Columbia.... ...Washington... ....Ciessr.ell .... ...Safe Harber... ..Shenk's Ferry.- 1 4 'Hlftl ..Yerk Furnace.. Tucriuau .McCall's Ferry. ...Fite's Eddy... ..Fishing Creek.. ..Peach Bettem.. ...ConewiiiKo... Octerara ...Pert Deposit.. ....Perryville.... A.M. r.M. 8.-20 5:3.1 S:tU 5:25 8.02 5:31 7:45 5:05 7:40 5:01 7:30 4:5H 7:31 4:5i; 7 4:51 7:23 4:47 7:10 4::a; 7:x; 4:33 C:57 t:2fi 0:41 4:12 IKS! 1:05 0:20 3:55 3:41 ::: :: 7:ri 7:3tf 7.-2S 7:17 7:0.1 I)KAUlNOSUOI.UIUlllA K. 11. ARRANGEMENT OF PAhSENG KB TBA IH.C MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, li NORTHWABU. A.M. F.M. P.M. B:20 .... 2:30 7:30 .... 3:4! 7:40 1:00 3:.Vl 7:30 1:10 3:t: 9.45 3:2l! 5-K1 A.M. 7::iU !):10 '.:20 UAVB. Uuarryvlllc Lancaster, KlngSt.... .Lancaster Columbia. ARBIVB. Beadlnir... SOUTHWARD, LHAVB. A.M. Beading , ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. , Lancaster. King St, Ouarrwllie Trains connect ut Keiidln with tr-.iln- 1' from Philadelphia, Pettaville, Hairisl.urt;, Al Al lentewn ami New Yerk, via Bound 1:kmi KOUtc At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick und Bui'U mere. M. WILSON. Sin-:. 9:40 9:30 9:40 10:40 M. P.M. 12:00 II: te P.M. 2:10 8:25 2.10 8:13 .... 8:25 .... 9:65 P.M 5:1.1 5:2.1 icM" PENNSYLVANIA KAILKO.lll-.'ihW SCHEDULE On and atter SUND OCTOBER 1st, 1882, trains en the fenn-yl-vunl:. Railroad will anivit at tunl le:ie ti.e Lancaste nnd Philadelphia dopetsa.-. fellow I Lev I Ar Lan 1'hlt Eabtwauu. Mall Express 13 L Ajllltj. Harrlsburg Express Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Accomedation arrives... Columbia Accommodation yieiierlck Accommodation arrives. Jxx.k Haven Express Sunday Stall Johnstown Express Harrlsbnrg Accommodation , a.m. 12:41 5:35 8:Iii 8:10 8;Vi P.M. 12:55 1.03 2:12 2:20 5rii t; 1.1 A.SI 2:5? 7.0 l&rJi 3:20 P.M. 5:1.1 5:0.1 I5 9.41 Hanover Accommodation west, connect!; at Lancaster with Niagara Express at Hi-irJ, will run through te Hanover dally, tixcepi. Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, we-t, at 1:40, will ran through te Frederick. i.e. Ar. Wbstward. I Phil I Lan News Express Way Passenger Mail Tralu, Ne. 1. via. Mt. Jey Mail Train, No.2,viaCelunibla,lcavcs Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation leaves.... Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leaves. Harrlabnrg Accommodation , Lancaster Accommodation leaves... Columbia Accommodation , Harrlsburg Express Western Express Pacific Express A.M. 4:30 4:.-;e 7:00 "sail 11:05 P.M. 2:14 4:11 5:40 9:05 11:20 A.M. 0:27 B:27 9:35 9:10 10:1.1 10:20 P.M. l:lu 1:5!) 5.20 2ii 7:30 7:40 il:IO 1:4.1 Harrlsburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. in., has direct connection. (willioutchangcef cars) te ueiummaami ierK. Fast Line, west, 011 Hmnlay. when flagged. wiu aiopaiuewnincioiv n.ueaMisviue, i-nrnes-burg, Mount Jey, Elizabethlewu and Middle. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express, Mall Train, Ne. I, Western Express and PhcIHc Ex press run tlallv. vuai B. . martih; Wholesale ami Bctail Dealer In all kinds Ot LUMBER AND COAL. M- fard : Ne. 421 North Water and Prluc! treats abeve Lemen Lancaster. n:wyd (WAI. ANO -1IANUKB. j Bestrgrade of family COAL, well-cleaned, weight guaranteed. Manure by the car-lead at Lewest Prices. Alse, Limestone Screenings for drives and walkp. Cement at reduced prices. Hay and Straw by the ten or bale. Yard: Harrlsburg pike. General Office: 20 East Chestnut Street. KAUFFMAN, KELLEtt. CO. . apr4-lwd -4 piOAt. M. V. J3. COHO, 33 NOKTU WAT Kit ST., Lancaster, Jfe., Vliolesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Kxchm;r, Yard and Oflice: Ne. 330 NORTH WATER STREET, leu2S-lra i 3i