LANCASTER DAILY EOTISJyteENCER. MONDAY JANUARY 29 1883. COLUMBIA NEWS. OTJK BEGULAK UUKKEHPU.NUKNUU i: vcn te Along tlie Sagqnertaniia Item of Intcrct-t In ami Around tlie Borough Picked Up by ibe Intelli gencer's Keperter Te day the invitations wcre issued for tlie ball of the II. D. T. club. Over 800 poisons liava been invited. Every ar rangement will be made for the conveni ence and pleasure of tbe guests, commit cemmit tws having been formed which will attend te the vatieus details. Iuvitatiens J.avn been sent te Harrisburg, Marietta, Middletown, Maytown, Mt. Jey, Mount Mile, Lancaster, Yerk, Hauever, Delta, ami IJaltimerc. The list, of course, in- c tides a lare number of Columbia people . i t ;ei sons rebiuing in this vicinity. 1 he dance Will be the event of the season ler this if the weather is at all fav fav e.ahlc. i:ieugli Uriels. Miss Julia Lentz, of Lancaster, is visit ug ( harlcA Pager's family. The ice is liiiiifey combing and the coasting is ruined. - Kail read 1 ) ispatcher Smoker's daughter, I'.icil, with Ne. GUI, drew the dell en ex hibition at Kurdel's grocery. St. Paul's I'. E. church public sociable at Mrs. C. C. K:eii.u(ls' next Thursday evening. " At-!':.i-,on,rt.TelliU's," booked for Feb. 12. Anion;; the Churches. Th-' churches were nearly all well attend ed, yesterday, although the walking was vey hud, even daugereus, quite a number i-T persons having received severe falls The Methodist church was crowded in the 1'ivvcr part of the auditorium, intuy persons i ulse occupied the gallery. A large num inrf poisons were connected with the iurJt as prohatieuists at the morning . ml evei'ing service, and several persons weic united in full sncmber.sbip. The re will be continued every evening of this week, Saturday accepted. The E. E. Lutheran ketuie wariweil attended. A (huuken tn.tti strayed into Triuity liefenncd church last night and fell into such a profound slcep that he was awak ened with difiiculty at the close of the services. He was finally made te under stand that the church was about te Le closed and left. A young mcti'ii prayer, meeting has li en started at the Presbyterian church. Tin Mt'ctiiigciire gradually increasiug iu numbers, as mere interest is manifested'in them. JIllicer'K of the "yjiiigrapltlcal Union. At. a meeting of Typographical Union Ne. ), the following officers weie elected for the ensuing year : President, J. L. Vegan ; 1st Vice President, J. A. Hei n: 7. ; 'Jd Vice President, O. S. Fcaglev ; liecenliui; Seeictary. 11. S. Kauffman ; Fi i uncial Bceretnry, J. 0. Haus ; Treas uier Jeseph Uuintucr ; Sergcant-at-arms, IS. J-' Hehlctt ; Trustees, II. Pinkcrten, Francis JJrccht, 11. S. Kauffman. A Street I'lglit. M. F. Traegand Gee. Itcamsnyder quar relled ever a game of peel at Zcch's Girard k-jUhO en Saturday evening, and after l"avi:ig the saloon camcte blows en North Queen street near the railroad, lleara snyilcr puni&hcd Traeg rather severclj', and the latter sued him for assault and battery. Uc.imsnyiler entered hail for a hearing before Alderman Samson to morrow evening. Arm Urelten. Minnie, an eleven jear old daughter of Mrs. Jehn Roenoy, living at Ne. 3 East Frederick street, fell en the ice ou North (Jucrri street abeve Chestnut, aud frac tuicd her left arm abeve the wrist. Dr. Welchans set the broken limb, and the Fiittle girl is doing well. A IlrqutstlJen Honored. A special dispatch te the Intelligent rA sayn : " Tite requisition of the gov ernor of Missouri for the remanding of Jehn 14. Dounis, arrested at Lancaster for fraud in Si. Leuis, was granted by the governor this morning." AimiKCiuciilH. ''J lie II 'lute Xlavr." Te-morrow night Mr. Rtrtlcy CuinpbeH'.s recent successlul play of The White Slave " will be given in Lancas ter jer the first time. The piece Is a melo drama abounding in startling situations and ilrainutie climaxe. while the story, which is I located in the .sunny Seuth, is described as one of touching luauty and uncommon fore -. All that !-ceiiic ellt'ei and mechanical con trivance can de in the way of enhancing the pre-entalien has l-een i.dded, and the papers of the large cities speaV in high praise of the performance. " 77ie Musketeers." The lively and jiepular couiifepcni et " Tha Musketeers," which i- te have its initial representation in this city Wednesday eve.niiig. by the famous llosten Ideal opera ceninany. is comparatively un known here, never having been sung in pub lie, but it is c. -,il j-ene of the brightest and tunnicst of recent operatic productions, the inu-iic being of a sprightly clnracter, with beuufilul airs and vigorous choral efl'ects, while the story is tunny in the extreme. Sonic of the be-t talent in this tine company is .illed into sequisitien in the performance of thuep.-ru. tin; e:isi including Tem Karl, Mr JlaeDenal I, Miss Marie Stene, Mi-w Gcraldlue Ulmaraud oMierset .similar wide and laver able lepule. HIT.VIAI. miVltiKH. Why. what are you putting that en my feet for." iis'ecd a man with a heavy cold. Why, te draw the cold out of your head," answered the considerate nurse. "The deuce you say, I would rather have it stay where it is than be drawn the whole length et my l)i-dy." At any there is a mere pleasant method than that, go und get me a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. 'lnr. nuiiitive properties et Celden's Liquid Hi I Tonic su-taius the body without solid loed. Celrfen'x; no ether. 129 lwdeed&w llACKMirr.M'ic," a lasting and flagrant per limie. 1'iiee -i" and W) cents. Fersale at Cocli Cecli nuiV. ding "tore. 1 7 North (jucen street. II. 11. Fiieic, Muyil-'ld Farm, Somerset Ce. I'.i., says : Brown's Iren rtittcrj, attested by, p.-rsenal expunenee, is tliu King et Tonics." Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and Vi'. North Que. n street j-201wdtw SihlphN Ce-ign and Consumption Cure is Mld by us en a guarantee. It cures consump tion. Fer sale by II. it. Cochran, druggist, 337 and 3;i North Queen St. myl-lwdcewAw Fer valuable information, read the udver lisemc-nter Simmons Liver Regulator. Ge te II. 1! Ceicliran'- drug store for Mrs. jVccmixiCx ?'cw National Dyes. Feir bright-2ic-s and t ui-abllity et color, are unequaled. Celer ft em te 5 pounds. Directions lu Eug Jl-hand (iernian. l'rice. IS cents. i;rnwit'A tioiiHcneid fanacea Is Urn nie-t c.IIeelive t'ain Destroyer in the v.-i-rii!. Will iiiiwt surely quicken the ulexxi, whether taken internally or applied cxl m :'lj,anel t.u-reby mere certainly rellev pal::, whether chronic or acute, t linn any ether pain idleviafer. ami ills varrnnfed double the Btrc-ngl'i e' any Flmllur meparatien. It cures pam In die. sme, R.-u k or Rowels. Sere Threat, Kheuinaltsm and jli. aeuih. and Is THE URLAT KELlEVEIt OF PAIN. "Ukewn'3 Hovs'jkelj !au.ei:a" should be in every lnmi'.y. A '.iv. -.poeniul of the 1'anacea in a tumblvitjj ret water sweetened if preferred J, taken at bed time, will r.auAK vv a cold. 25ets a bottle- tanll-lydM.WAS&w The best, the cheapest tremedy in the world , see advertisement et .Simmons Liver Regulator. v When heirt and brain Linguisliesand th majesty of perlcct human nature is conquer ed by a liclzle temper and tendency te sorrow, the nerves are faulty. Give sympathy te the sufferer and teach him tlie virtues of Dr. Ren son's Celery and Ch ineuule Rills. ji'Jlwd&w ItErCUE with Hale's Honeyed iioivlieuudand Tnr, befere the baby strangles with croup. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure In one minute. jXMwilced&w Wide Awake Delta. Messrs. Sargent Bres., druggists.Delta, Ohie In ordering a quantity of Themas' Eclectric Oil, write that they never sold anything that gave such universal satisfaction in curing coughs, colds, bronchitis, rheumatism, . neu rnlgin. etc. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, arug- gist, j:;t und 139 .North yueen street. Fer Thick Head, Heavy stomachs, bilious conditions, " Wellt' May Apple rills anti-bilious, cathartic. 10 and 23 cents. Had taste in the mouth, unpleasant breath and impaired hearing, when resulting from Catarrh, are overcome, und the nasal passages which have been closed ler years are made tree by the uye et Ely's Cream Ratie. Price 50 cent.". Apply iutu nostrils with little linger. Only Twe ISettles. Messrs. Jehnsen, Jlolleway & Ce.. wholesale druggists el Philadelphia, Pa., report that some time age a gentleman handed them a dollar, with a request te send a geed eatarih cure te two army eJlicers In Arizona. lie cently the sume gentleman told them that both tlie eulcers and the wife et Gen. Jehn C. Fremont, Governer et Arizona, had been cured of catarrh by the two bottles of Ely's Cream Balm. Jll-2wdM,WF KKSCUKU JFKUM UKATU. The tollewlngsiatementot William J. Cough in, el Semervlllc, Mass., Is se remarkable that we beg te ask for it the attention et our read ers. lie says : "In thu fall et 1S7SI was taken with a violent bleeding of tlie lungs, followed by u severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite anil llesh. I was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer el 1S77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. Whiletlicre the doctors said 1 had a hole in my lelt lung as big as a half-dollar. I expend ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors und med icl nes. 1 was se lar gene at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope bnt a irlend told me et DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOIi THE LUNGS. 1 lauglie at my friends, thinking my incurable, but 1 get a brttle te satisfy them, when te my sur sur priseu d gratification, I commenced te feel better My nope, once dead, began te revive, aud tr fay I ieel in belter spirits than i have the past three years. " I writelhis hoping you will publish it, se that every one siftllctl with Diseased Lungs will he induced te take Di:. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FORTHE LUNGS, und be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN I5E CURED. 1 have taken two bottle-' and can positively say that It bus done me mere geed than all the ether medicines I have taken since my sick ness. My cough hua almost entirely disap peared and 1 hliall seen bi; able te go te work.' s-old by II, 15. Cochran, li7 erth Oucen street A Ceugi , oem or .-".ire i .ireat slieiilii ue ElOiibit. .Neglect frequently resells :i: an In cumhii. Lung Disease or Coiisumplien. ISit.wii's i.renciilal Troches de net dt--erder thetHtemacli like ceu;jli nvrup0 and inNams, butact .liiectlyen iheimiamed i.i u-.sIUyiiig lr:tatIen, give .eb'-t in Autliii-a. Ilrenchlai Coughs, Catarih, and iii.) Tloea! Treuhle.-' which SincrsaiM! i'libllcpijikiii.- aresubject te. I or thirty year- Iirevif& I!rer.eli!i:l Treclr-M lnve iisen rcceuimcnded !y physi cians, ami i'.I'Viiic give perfect .satisfaction. iluviuf tieen test'il by wl:le and constant n.-e feriicaily ii'i en'; re ge..ei-:lien, they Iumi at taineil weN.neriied i-ankuniiin.r tl.i!wstHpl remedies et thr age. Scld at. i'.i Mils a box uv.-n n lieie itiv-iv-i :"'!.. v F,t i'W llenry'B CarbeHe Salve. The best Salve in the world ler euts,briiisea sores, ulcer-i, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te give perfect patisfactien in every ease or money refunded. He .sure you getIlr.NiiY'8 Cakuolie Salvi:, as all etheis aie but imitations and counterfeits. 1'iice "." cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug store. 137 North Uueeu si reel. inyjJ-1 Mothei-Hl itloinepRi: ltieuiersl: Are you disturbed at night and l-;r):e'n of your rest by -islcic child -u tiering and crying Willi evcriiciaMiig pain et eutliii' K-eUiV It se, p-e at once and get a bottle of y.'.i. W1N SI.OV. 'S .SOOTHING SVltlJI It will relieve the peer little sulleier iniieedfatelj1 depend upon 11: t:ere is no mlsiaki abe it il. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used il, who will net tell you at mics liiat it will regu late the bev.eis, and give ret te 'lie mother ami relief und health te the child, operating like iiiagle. It is perfectly rate te u;e in all cases, and pleasum te I lie ta.d' am! '. tlie presci iptlen ei! one et the eldest ;md beat female physicians and nurses in the. eiiited States. Seild every whole. -J'. cents u Isolde. m-My-M.W&S&w new te secure ti-all!i. It seems strange that any one will Miller from the many derangement brought en by an impure condition et the bleed, when sco sce VlLISsAUSArAKlLbAAND.STILLINGIA, erlSLOOD AND L1VEU SYlfUP will restere periei-t health te the physical organization. It is indeed a strengthening syrup, plea-ant te lake, aid ha-, proven itself te be the best ISI.OOD rUISlFIEIl ever di.-covered, efleet ually curing Scrofula. Syphlitic disorders, Weakness ed the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bil ious complaints and all diseases indicating an impure condition et the I!!oed, Liver, Kidney-", Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects indi gestien. A single bottle will prove le you its merits as a health renew er, ler it ACTS LIKE A CHAKM, especially when the complaint is of an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lensen the natural vigor et the brain and nor veus system. . rtElt'S l'AINl'ANAOKA cures a pain in man am! bea-jl. Fer use externally and inter nally. RED HOUSE l'OWDKll-J cure all diseases or ber.-e, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A I'OSlTIVECUlil-:. mayJI-S Fer sale ul II. 1J. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street. A'KIJ A UVL.UTIHIHZ ;..' 7 A'. xsrANtKi).-Twe tut niKt::; ;kntl:-- I men Hoarders in aiinvale family ; home comforts. Apply at Ne. 2-20 WEST OR -NG E ST. J2'J--,td rpiiis s 1 Lad stat v. v m i: u -r n u ui' 'x'iie lies' City Tract Society v-ill be lie-Id em Tuesday evening at 'i o'clock, in t he lecture room et St. Paul s Relermci' church. lt.I ANNIE M. GUNDAKER. OOitAKI ilJJ.l. CKMirriUiY. uii: annual meeting el the Let Helders et Woodward Hill Ccineieiy, for the election of Trustees, will be held en Meuiluy evening, Februarys, 1KS3, at Gee. P. Sprecher's office, at (i: tip. m. Kyemlcrei lliepre.ldeiil. J. H. MARTIN, ji-."5ti!M,W,S Secretary. riO THE IIKMOUICAUY. X The Democracy el the several wards of Lancaster city will meet al their respec tive voting place's en SATi'UDAY, F1CIS R'JARY 3, Ss-3, ler the purpo-e et nemfnatiug candidates ter citvelllees. te be voted ler en SATURDAY, FKHRUARY 10, 1SS1. Netice et the time and place et holding the primaries will !; given. W. II. ROLANM), J2J-SM Chairiiian City Committee. 1irr.l)hS!)iV AM) W THURSDAY EVENINGS, JAN. 31 AXI)FI-:n. 1. FESTIVAL. AND SUPPER At ROBERTS' HALL, under the auspices et the Ladie--' 1'asteial Aiil Society et St. Jehn's Five: Church. Admission, 10 cents. Supperticketi (including admission), Sects. Children's supper tickets, ets. i-9-3t CDltKKUTlON IT TYl'lMlllArHlOAL ERKOR. An explanatory note In the late annual re port of jttie Lane ster Heme Mutual Fire In surance company, published !at week, should have read as iollews, viz: The above namtd 'insurances," i.istcad of the above named "Increases," marked void, include iIiemj et three years' accumulation et policies which became void through ales et properly, &e.. which were net neiilied te the company, and we re only dlscleseel by the hue assessment. Ky .'XKUUTOK'S SAt.K Or sniCKS AND BONDS. On MONDAY the 12lh dav et FEBRUARY, 1SS.I. the undersigned executer efllieeslate et Elizabeth (ietz, late el West Hcmptlcid. deceased, will sell the lolleniug bends and stocks at public sale, viz : Ten JSiO Lancast-r City Scheel bunds, iss 5 per cent. One J100 1st MertgiigeQnaiTvviileR. '.'. bend. Feil rf UK) 1st Twe JSOO Lancaster City Reeds, 1S7S, 5 jier cent. Twenty .Shares Lancaster county National Rank Sleck. Sale at 1 et'cleek p. m.,ut Cooper Heuse, Lan caster, when conditions .vill be made known by II. G.eJETZ, Executer of Elizabeth Getz, leceiLscd. SAstunL Huss & son, Aucts j2y NJEJT AIJTJKJtTISEMEXIS. nUlLDUeOU, MANHOOD, AMI) UOABI AGE EXCLAIM IN UNISON, " BE HOLD THE COXQUEK." DrEixea briet visit te the ancient town of Warwick, K. I., recently, our agent extended his trip te the southeastern extremity et the town, te leek about among the wonderful im provements which have been made in the ap pearance of Warwick Neck during a compara tively brief period, and while conversing en this subject with Cel. BekjahisS. Hazard, the popular proprietor of the Warwick Neck Iletel, he learned that the greater part of the handsome summer residences had been erect ed Inside of a dozen years ; and he also learned that Cel. Hazard bad been agreatsuflerer from a chronic disease of the Kidneys and Bladder ever fifteen years, the most painful lerm et it being a stoppage or retention el the urine, which was se very severe at times as tedisable him forhlsaccustemeel work, and even confine him te the bed, when a surgeon's assistance would be required te rclievchim. He was being doctored a large part of the time, but could get no permanent relief. At timej his suffer ings were terrible from sharp, cutting pains till eugh the Kidneys and Bladder; and he had suffered se long and se severely that he hal become discour disceur aged et getting well again, especially as the doctor stated that it was doubtful it a man el his age, with such a complicated disease of long standlngceuld be cured. But last sum mer, when he was suffering intensely irem one et these attacks, a gentleman who was bearding at ms hotel, urged and persuaded him te try a bottle of Hunt's Remedy, as he had known of some wonderful cures effected by it. Mr. Hazard says he had no taitli In It. but consented reluctantly te try it ; and after tuk ing it only two days, the intense pains and aches had disappeared, and he commenced te gain strength rapidly, and in less than a week was attending te his accustomed work, and has never had a icturn of the pains. Mr. Haz ard is ever seventy years of age, and en the 'Jothet Nev., 13:2, when our agent met him, altheimh it was a very cold and blustering day. be was in the Held with his team at work pulling and leading turnips, as hale and hearty a man as you could wish ler, whereas last August lie wits unable te stand up te over see the 'verlctlicn going em iu this same held. Hunt's Ruviimr had given him health aud strength again, and lie recommends it te his relatives and friends, several of whom are new taking it, as he considers it a most excel lent medicine- ter all diseases of Kidneys or Bladder. jiU-M.W.F 7OK ItBST. - a I..AICOK TWO-STORY J1 Brick Heuse. Ne. 131 North Duke St. A Twe and admit story Heuse Ne. ! West Chestnut street. Apply te A. J.STEINMAN. JJSMfd JvrKLLKlKNCB't Oll'lCC. riWUAUCO 15UYERS' CONTRACT BOOKS RECEIPT BOOKS, AND- SAMFLE TAGS, NEATLY PRINTED AT THE " Intelligencer" Office. j-'J-ttd A T miicsu 'si. Reached Reck Bettem ! That Elegant Syrup. Tliu Kiiinc kind that we had such an liu liu leciifcc sale en, und sold Iasl l.dl al 15 cents a quart, and lately tit UJiccnl, DECLINED in price ut the Rciincry, STHL'CK ROCK HOTTOMt And we wen: en Ittind.tuid rnirchiv-cd a Car Lead. -IU, ortitieut 2.(K)!t gallons, FOR CASH ! Our Customers shall have the henctit of our viiirehaf c. And here It gee- at 10 CENTS A QUART. New i.riiiKa'eiifj your !: llles jus, cans or anything else that will held molasses. SECUKK THE ISAIUUi N ! GOOD GOODS AT LOWEST PJilCKS, BURSK'3, Ne. 17 East Kiug Street. Oit .iAI.L. I .itMl KS5M. One Stoic and Dwelling. "- ',:; North Market QUEEN d2J-tld Queen sticet, opposite Northern lien-'. Apply ut Ne. ."t NORTH STREET. tPOK HKNY. B' Twe Sinsd and Dwelling-, Ne-i. :!'l and :;n.'5 North Qiivcn street, opposite Northern Market Heuse. Apply at Ne. old NORTH QCEEN STRliET. dil-tlii i)Ui:i.lC SALV;. ON triUISAY KVr.KINO, FEItRUARY,'J,at.7o'elerk. ut the Leop Leep ard hotel, the Two-idery Rrlck Hen c. Ne. 1C3 Chtircli street, lerincrly occupied liy the Mlcs Clrvin. Tci uis siy. j-27-lwd -I. R. WARFEL. T.OIt SALE. Jt' Deuble Twe-Story TWELVE-ROOM el) DWELLING. Choice Location. Rath. Undor Under Undor crennd Drainage. Ltirjic TWO-S'l'ORV STA ISLE and Grccnlioii&e in rear, Fiult ami Shrubbery in variety. Apply at A-IU Id NO. 23.) EAST KING STREET. Pudlic satk et ik-u;aki.k city PROPERTY. On FRIDAY, FKRRCARY li;, 1S.-3. by virtue et an alias order et the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, the undersigned trustee; te si II vlL eiler at Public Salcut the. Leepard Hetel, the lollewiiifj dc sciibud real estate, leruicrly belengiii(i te the eatiite et Peter Kubv, deceased. All that certain two-story RRICK DWELL ING II OUSI. und let. or piece et ground, situ ated en the south side et Fulton street, Ne. 2:e. between Lime and Shippen streets, in the city of Lancaster, eenlainisijc in front en said tueiiiniii depth et that width 1.0 r. -t mere i or !e, bound en the eawt t.j property of A W. tin .d, en the west hv prerertv et Win , f UllOIl hllUL'L I. ILUb UiHlU Fl H-3. .lll,( l".Y- Lenir. en the mrtli 1 the alerei-.iitl Fulton strcutand en the south liy t-iieivi.f Kineline Heffman property new or Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., of saM day. TERMS Approved -.eeurilv te lielven for payment el purehase money en , ju 11 2, 1S55. Fer intonnatien eenieridtu? thw property Inciuire of Allen A. llcrr. Ne. iMJ Last Einjr Htteid. FRANKLIN G. 11ARPLE, Tinstce te Sell, J27 -eedta P.arovllle P. O. ASSIGNKK'SSAI.ICHK VAMIAIK.K KKAL ESTATE. On SATURDAY, FERRUAUY 17, 1SS1. under an order of the Court et Com mon Pleas of Lancaster county, will ue&elu Mt the Leepard ilr.tcl. in the Ci'y et Lancaster, the following real estate, viz : Ne. 1. Itelni; a v.'duahlc new two-story I5R1CK DWELLING HOUSE, and let et ground attached, Hituated 011 East Orance street, between Lime street and Shippen street, and numbered Ne. 2CS East Orange street. In said city. The said property lrents en ald East Orange street 22 feet, 2,J inches, and extends in ilepth te Grant str- t, 215 leet. The said house has a brick biiek .tddinc iit tached and contains i:S rooms and a store room. On said let i-i also a substantially built GREEN HOUSE, lSxr.7 feet, and ether improvements. Ne. 2. Reinga let et ground, without lin prevements, situated en the 1 erth side et East Walnut street, near Franklin street. In the City et Lancast v, containing in trout ou East Walnut street 22 lect, and extending In depth 120 tect, te a 10-leet wiile alley : the -aid let being numlieicil in the general plan of the Chestnut street tract. Ne. :t'.tS. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in., when the conditions will he made known by CHAS. I. LANDIS, Assignee of Geerge O. Ilensel and Wife. II. SnunEivr, Auctioneer. J17-tsdWAS JtOOTS & SIIOhN. F. HIKMENZ. CLOSING OUT ! Beets and Shoes AT AND BELOW COST. MUST UE SOLD BY MARCH SOT1J. CALL AT ONCE AND SECURE BARGAINS. F . HIEMENZ, Ne. 105 North Queen St. VMT BOODB. 14 TCST BE SOLD. In the Next Thirty Days, REGARDLESS OF COST MY ENTIRE STOCK OF " Dry Goods and Notions. JS3- CALL SOON". - DAVID BAIR, Ne. 14 B. King St., Lancaster, Pa. j27-2td j-KW Hamburg Edgings, Muslins, Sheetings, New Light Prints, AND THE Cheapest Line of Shirt-Fronts IN TOWN, AT J. W. BYRNE. NO. 322 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. B UY T1IK CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT. 3-PLY LINEN BOSOM, WAMSUTTA MUSLIN, REINFORCED R0S01I, eUAHANTEED FIT. FOR SALE ONLY BY J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince. Streets, LANCASTER. PA. WATT, SUANU&CO. Great Clearing Sale, l'P.UVIOUa TO INVENTORY. Watt, Sliand & Ce,, Offer EstruertUnary isnrains in Every Department. Ladies' ai OiiilU Coats At leas thau Maunlaclurers' Prices. ELEGANT YARD -WIDE CRETONNES Vcrtll12c. a yard reduced te 8c. Deuble-fold Weel-faced Cashmeres Only 12c. a Y'ard. REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS OF Dress Goods At less than halt their value. Ladies' All-Weel Ribbed Hese 25c. a Pair. GENTS SHAKER HALT' HOSE 12KCc.aP.ilr. 150 Dezen 21 Inch All Silk Handkerchiefs 25 Cents Each. 00 Dez. GENT'S LINEN IIANDIvEKCHl EFS Colored Ilerdera, luc. cacli. SPECIAL RARGA1NSIN White and Colored Blankets At $1.25, $1.51), $1.7."., $2.00, etc. We ener the balance el our HOLIDAY GOODS AT CLEARING PRICES. NEW YOllK STOKE. 8 and 10 East King Street. MK T7.GKK & UAUUHMAN Fire ! Fire ! TlTnrmn-ii St ITniimll'mn'n IVIR bZSlBI iSJ JlajllfffllI13ll -"-V UJWX M JJ.UJUgXJ.JJJ.tUXi. HAVE A LARGE LOT OF FIEE GOODS ! Frem Heed, Renbright & Ce.'s FIRE SALK, which are but SLIGHTLY' DAMAGED, mostly by smoke and water. Cases et RLEACIIED MUSLINS, at 10c. worth 12Kc. Bales et UNULEAC1IHD MUSLINS at 7c. Bleached SHEETINGS at 25c, worth 35c. Bleaclie I SHEETINGS atSOc, worth -10c. Medicated RED FLANNEL, line ueiUHy, at 33c, never before sold under 50c. One let white BLANKETS at $2.50. worth $1.50. One let all-wool, large size white BLANKET3 $.1.50. werdi 15.50 te $0.0). 2C0 best quality COCHECO COMFORTS, made with white cotton, ler $1.40, regular price $2.00. These are a big bargain. Alse, a large let et superior quality Marseilles COUNTERPANES fer$X0! the regular price ler which is $5.00. TABLE LINENS at Bargai.i Prices. Other Goods also offered te make this tlie BARGAIN STORE of the City. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) "POB ALDEBMAN, W. D. STAUFFER, jS-tld SECOND WABD. B. VKAXIS. SAYLOK HAS REMOVED UIS (jALIiEKY OP PHOTOGRAPHY TO NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., MS- Exactly opppeslte the Old Stand. egtU-emdawU lutzgerwpMii XSXJSMTAZirjCEItTa. TJWI.TUX OPERA. HOUSE. 49-OXE NIGHT ONXY.-S Tuesday Bveninar, January 30, '83. THE "ELECTRIC SUCCESS," BARTLEY CAMPBELL'S LATEST AND GREATEST TL AY, iiTTTTTTIllTI flT I TTTI 3! J A Streng Dramatic Company. Sew and Picturesque Scenerr. WONDERFUL MECHANIC AL EFFECTS. POPULAR PRICES EESERVED SEATS ..75, 50 & S3 CENTS. je CNjrs -On sale ut Fulton Opera Heuse. i23-5td "C'Ut.TOX OPEKA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 31, 1883. THE GREATEST MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON. BOSTON IDEAL OPERA CO., IN THE MUSKETEERS, The above Troupe Includes such famous ar tists as Tem Karl, Chits. Whitney W II. Mac Donald. Gee. Frothingham. Marie Stene. Ger- aldine Uliner ; supported by a large chorus and full orchestra of twelve pieces. ADMISSION 50, 73 & $1.00 RESERVED SEATS $1.0) Forsale at Opera Heuse. j2C-5td T.EUAI, NOTICES. ESTATE OFAVILLIAM II. FINNEY, LATK et Lancaster, Pa., deceased. Letters et administration en said estate havinir been granted te Hie undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make imme diate settlement, and th"9e having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed. W. LEAMAN, Administrator. dia-liter.wdTu Centre Square, Lancaster ESTATE UK MALVINA S. 8TKWAKT, lateet Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te tlie undersigned, all persons in debted 1 hereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or demands against the estate et the decedent, will make the same known te him without delay. ELAM D. HURST. Executer, Residing in Lancaster City. B. C. Ivrbady, Attorney. d28-Ctdeaw Ab.S!(iNl:U ESTATE OF tiliuKUK II. licnsel and wife, el Lancaster city, Lan caster county, Pa. Geerge O.IIensel and wile, et said Lancaster city, having by deed of vol untary assignment, dated JANUARY 12, A. D. ISSa, assigned and transferred all their real estate and effects le the undersigned, ter the benefit of the crediteis et the said Geerge O. ilensel, he therefore gives notice te all per sons indebted te said assigner, te make pay ment te the undersigned without delay, and these havingchiims te present them te CHAS. I. LANDIS, Assignee, Residing in Lancaster City. L. Ellmakeii, Atty. janlS-Oideaw J! VKLLAUHO US. V AUATION F.XCUKsIONS BATIOID'S utiBfl EXuIlilull THIRD ANNFAL TOUR TO COLORADO AND CAMFORNU. A parlY will U-ave PHILADELPHIA, THUBSuAT, AFBIL, 19, 1883, FOR A Grand Trip of 50 Ways, Through the GREAT WEST, KANSAS, COL ORADO, NEW MEXICO. ARIZONA, i;ALI FORNIA. NEVADA. UTAH, WYOMING, NEBRASKA, Etc., Etc. There will be nu merous steps by tile way with siile-tiips, car riage drives and ether aids te sight-seeing, ineludiug an extended tour among t tie Great Scenic Wonders of Colerado. AN INCIDENTAL TRIP TO THE Yosemite Valley amd Big Tr.e Greves AT A SLIGHT ADDITIONAL CO&T. 2F-end for Descriptive Pregramme et 8) page, which gives full particulars. H. F. SHIELDS, NO. 836 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. a-enice Philadelphia under Continental Hetel. & Rea'liug R. It., :S,T,Th ITRAWIJJUDGK & CLOTIU EK EVERY LADY HHour.e suiiscatni: roil Strawbridge & Clothier's FASHION QUAPxTERLY. EVERV NUMBER CONTAINS : Nearly i no thousand engravings, lUii-trul-ing the new things in every Oepartmenl et fashion. EVERV NUMHEE CONTAINS : Four pages of new music, in iliri-t case- i original, either vocal or lustrum- ntal. EVERY NUJIEERCONTAINS : Th') prices of all kinds of Ovy get her with descriptions and en rOOd-, .vin; te- te show what they leek like. EVERY NUMRER CONTAINS : Vulu'ibioeiiginalniLc!e. mostly illu-t rated, en subjects that treat et Hi-- adornment et the person, tlie beaulifyingef home, anil the new est things in art needle work. EVERY NUMRER CONTAINS : Instructions hew the distant consumer can shop aspatisfacteiily and a-s economically a residents of the city. PRICESO CENTS PER YEAR. SPECIMEN COPIES, 15 CENTS. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. Eighth and Market Mtraets, iba'a, i.'l utilTiutJtw F tlCiKK'S GlNlittK TNJO. Winding Up the Cleck, When the Weary Wheels Were Almest Still, A Lucky Accident Ro Re ve als the Lest Key. " Hew long did you say you had it '.'" " Twenty-live years." "What! u bad cough, with occasional at tacks et heinmerrhage, tertwenty live years? Why, iran, it's u mercy that there's a dozen pounds lettet you." Abraham Orner, of Ilighsplre, D.iuphiu county. Pa., stuck te his statement, and when the exclamations et wonder ceased, he added: "Exactly. You're right. It is a mercy. Hut the greatest mercy et all is that, before I actually couched myself out of existence, I get held of Park kr's Giseca Tonic, and :i lew bottles of it cured me." " Cured you ? Relieved you, you mean ?' " I mean what I say : it cured me," said 31 r Orner, simply. "I leel like another man." Please take especial notice : Paukup.'s Gis eei: Tesic is net u mere essence of ginger ; net a mere stemachic. Tiioerdinaiyprcparatioui of ginger are beneficial ter transient aches, but at that point their value ends. Pakksk's Ginger Tonic covers a lar wider and totally dIUeicnt Held. It attacks and dissipates ;adi Cil and chronic diseases et the Lungs, Kid neys, Liver and Nerves. It is as delicious te the palate as it is prompt and cllectivc in operation. Ginger is only one among many powerful curatives which the Tonic holds in combination. Teat Its virtue ter that cough of yours, or ler any of the ills which rcijulre an invlgerant ler the whole system. Anil, above all, de net permit yeuiselt te be mUled. Parkkk's Gikeki: Tenie stands alone. ' Nothing else is "just the same," or "just as geed." Prices f( cents and $1. Economy In buying the larger size. Hiscox & Ce.. New New Yerk. jIMmwcew&dS THE WHTKX.AVK Vac SECOND EDITION. MONDAY EVENING JAN. 29, 1883. THE CONTBOLLEBSHIP. WHO SHALL HAVE PATTISON'3 SHOES? -Mayer King Approves the Ifend or William M. Tagsart A Legal Flgbt Probable In the Court. Philadelphia, Jan. 29. Mayer King te-day signed the ordinance approving of the sureties of "William M. Taggart, who was recently elected by the eity councils te the office of eity controller te succeed Rebert E. Pattison, elected governor, claims that this case the office Governer Pattison, who the appointing power in lies with the governor, beinr a county office, has already appointed S. Davis Page, whose name is new before the Senate for confirmation, Should the Senate confirm Mr. Page's nomination the whole matter will be referred te the courts for adjudi cation. A MOKDEKODS WI1TE. Sheeting Her liusUand Dead Did Net Approre of Ills ltecause She Medical JUetlieds. OKEMOsn, Mich., Jan. 29. Iu Bath township, Clinten county, ou Friday night last, David Clark, a farmer was shot and iustautly killed hy his wife. The parties had lived unhappily for some years, often coming te blows. The disagreement en Friday arose from the wife's determina tion te administer medicine ether than that prescribed by the attending physician te oue of the children. The child's illness continued and giew werse until it was supposed te be dying, while Clark was endeavoring te realore the child te con sciousness the wife get a revelver from an adjoining room and deliberately shot her husband through the back. The mur deress wan arrested immediately after wards. TnE KAILItOAli WAIL Prospect nt an Amicable Adjustment. Easten, Pa , Jan. 29. Tiiis morning when the time came for the argument of the injunction against the Pennsylvania, Slatiugteu & New England railroad com pany, counsel for that company and for the "Wind Gap & Delaware read asked the court te continue the injunction until Monday next. They explained that a meeting of both companies will ba held iu New Yerk, en Wednesday next, and that it vaK thought that the difficulty would then be adjusted. One of the attor neys said that tlie New England people had made the overtures te the Wiud Gap and Delaware read. Proceeding u In Beth Houses. Jan. 2i). The Senate, Washington, seen after assembling, en motion of Mr Hale, went into executive session. In the Heuse, nuder the call of states, a large number of bills were introduced and re ferred. Among the bills introduced was ene by Mr. Robeson, granting a pension of fifty dollars per month te the widow of the late Commander DeLeng. The Heuse then wet into a committee of the whole oil the t;;i ill bill. At 12:03 the doers i'f the Senate were reopened and the taiilt bill was taken up. Many Lives Lene at Sea. Londen, Jan. 29. Ten bodies have been washed" ashore near Penarth. A steamer is supposed L. hava foundered with all hands, twenty iu number, near Parth Cewl. The stnai still continues. Londen, Jen. 29. A vessel supposed te be the steamer Dl.-.ek Watch was sunk to day off Mu rabies Head. Twenty-six per sons were drowned, she belonged te Cardiff. Frightru: Reller Explosion. Pine Greve, Schuylkill county, Pa., Jan. 29. At 0 o'clock this morning a boiler at Lincoln colliery, operated by Levi, Miller fc Ce., exploded with terrific lorce. The boiler was hurled about 1500 yard:: down tlie .side of the mountain. Seven ether buiiers wcre displaced and a complete wreck was made of the boiler iieiiM. Geerge Hummel was .severely hurt ly living timbers. .tli.rjhiMl'it Whipping Test. Baltimore, Jan. 29. The term of im prisonment ei Chas. L''oeto, recently con victed ferbiutallv hc;ilimr his wife.exeircd I te d.iy and he was then given seven lashes t at tliu whipiiiug, pest which his seutence ! eahed for. ' his was the first whipping under the net providing for the whipping of wife beaters. Over a Milium Cene Up In Smoke. New Yerk, Jan. 29. Early this morn mern .ing lire broke out in the third-story of Bahr Biethciu iz Ce.'s piano factory, ou Eleventh avenue. The building is six st-viits high ami built of brick. It was damaurd te the extent of S2e,000. The less en the stock is estimated at $e0,000. Ti:c French Cabinet I!reak-up. Paris, dan. 20. At the meeting of the cabinet this morning, 31. F.illiercs was ap pointed pivMficut of the council and ad interim minis? r of foreign affairs. The ministers of war and of marine will be neinitiiiti'd later. The ether ministers re main ar, their psis. I'"!oetl lii JtPKt Itrituln. Londen. .Tan. '-'.) The heaviest Ileads that have occurred in the British Lake district, ler twenty j--.trs w.w prevail. Lakes Dui-.wut, Wa.r.atl Bassentywaite ue.v j-uii, and a p-; li.iii el' ICcv.vick is su meracil. i J In- i:ciutli,; jt.cclvertl:ip I'im.AwKr.piiiA Jan. 20 President Gewc;., ei the Philadelphia & Beading railroad company, ilcnicn the repeit that some opposition has been developed en the part ei bondhelder1; te the :enuv.l of the icci is'er.ship. I'otetlice Coutlrieat:oD. Wamiinc.ten", Jan. 20. The Senate in executive session cenlirmed among ether nominations thesa of Wm. Graham te be Petmastnr at Rochester, Pa., and Mary E. Itnbrie, at Heaver, Pt. Found Kri;.3n. Ali.entewn, Pa., Jan. 20. Jehn Fry, who lived alene at Guplay, was found frozen te ch-nth in his room this morning. He was last seen en Tuesday, when he wa slightly intoxicated. ! 'Iiuineus Wnriiliig. Yien;.a, Jiin. 20. A jilacar'i was posted a fev,- days ai;e in a public garden at St. Petirsbunr ei joining people te avoid places frequented hy the court lest they should be hurt by anything that might happen. Pmue factory Humeri -New Yerk, Jan. 23. Hazleton Broth Breth ers' piano mnnufacteiy, Ne. 34 and 30 University Place, was destroyed by fire this morning. Less estimated at$110,000. WKATIIEK INDICATIONS. Washington, Jan. 29. Fer the Middle Atlantic slates, partly cloudy weather, with rain near the coast, winds mostly ucntherly, stationary or lower tempera ture. MAKKH.TH. Nctt Yerk Murker. . r.v !.:.!-. .Ian 'i'J. Metir dull and prices wliheiit quotable change. Wheat epem-d 'ic lower ; subsequently recovered and advanced a trifle : trademoder trademeder atc; Ne.'i Red. Jan. $11; de Feb., II 11 11j; deJlarch, ?1 I'v'val IT 3-Ilf. Cern dull and a shade lower : Mixed West eL!p?tJ,f?7Cc ; de futures. 66H63Je. ,3!?XXcl0'"er'' State.49aMc; Western, 4.053c ;Ne.2Feb., 46Jg47c ; March. 47K47ic! rhUadelpbla Market. PaiLASBLPHtA.Jan.29. Fleurflrm and in leir ile,m,an,rt.: fcnpcrnne, 3533 50; extra. 50 4 r?, a i amily, $j ou : Ohie and Indiana oe,$5Q5 25: de Straight. 5T5C 50; Winter Patents, tGQO S7 ; Spring de. te 1 50. itye lleuratl3S7. Wheat firm; Ne. 2 Western Ked, $113; Del. and Pa. Ked. $110gll3; Leugberry Ked and Amber, f 1 161 17. Cern dull and easier for local use ; Steamer. ec ; Yellow, 67368c ; Mixed t7c ; Ne. 3 Mixed, G3e ; rejected. 6iae. Oats dull : Ne. 1 White. 50c ; Ne. 2 de.SHc'; J 0. 8 de, 4747Kc ; Xe. 2 mired, 46c Kye none offered. 5.Sl3,en2.Sleai.,y ; 3Ie3S Pert- 13 7519 ; Beet Hams, f 13 73)1023 ; India Mess Beet, $2650. Bacen Smoked Shoulders. SKc ; salt de. "M. Q7KC; Smoked Hams, 12X13c; pIckldde, InUy cured, li;iail?ic. v ' Lard steady ; City KetUe. HMSHc ; loose utcher?, 10)c ; prime steam. $11 ViQix 20. Butter very quiet and prices favor buyers; Pa. Creamery extra, 37c ; Western de. 3453Ge ; firsts. 30c; B.C. AN. Y. extra, 28c; de nrsta, 24026c ; Western extra, 25e ; de geed te choice 20ai3c. K0II3 dull ; Penn'a, 15Q20C : Western, lsai-'c. Eggs steady ; Penn'a, 2Sc : Western, 27c ; held lets. 131922c : limed. 13c. Cheese dull but steady ; New Yerk full cream, HSUJc: Western de, 1313Xc ; de fair te geed. 12gi3c ; Penn'a. part skims.Sffi Jc : de lull skims, 36ic. Whisky at $1 2e, Grain and Prevision notations. One o'clock quotations et grain and prevls Ions, furnished by 8. K. Yundt, Rreker.lfK East King street. Chleagn. Jan. 29. Wheat Cem Oats Perk Lard Feb 1.02k: ja?i 17.33 10.T1H May.... LOSJiJ .57. .3VH n.j:i 11.10 Petreleu'i. OU Clty......!&. Cattle Market. Pmr.ADEi.rniA, Januarj' 29. Cattle market inactive : sales 2.500 head ; prime iyi7c ; geed nt eac;mediumat5ij5ic; common at 4JiS5c ; lat cows. SJWic. Sheep aetive : sales. 10,000 head ; prime, KJiQ GJic: goeil. r.'ifl6!ie; medium, 4854c; common, 4tJ4kc. Hogs in active demand ; sales. I.S00 liuad ; prime. OJiSItV : reed. Dji39Kc ; mcdluin, syi69c ; common. 8i8c. Live Stock .llurket. CniCAOO Hcg.s Receipt?, 2j,O0O head; ship ments. 4.4C0 head ; murKct somewhat uneven hut generally steady; mixed packing, $Ti80Q 6 i" ; heavy, ( 15g 85 : light, 5 7."if5t: 35 ; skips, $4 OOJ"' 10 : closed steady, with all sold. Cattle Receipts. 15,500 head; shipments, 4.600 head; uncommonly heavy run ter Sat urday and market glutted ; pens full et stale anil Ireeh cattle ; market exceedingly weak and bids 25c lower ; prime, ?(5 OOQd 25; geed te choice, $5 15(J5 SO; common te tair neg lected at $HH:: butchers' at SI 'I'titiH 30 : bteckers and leeders iu liberal supply und light request at i3QI 33. Sheep Receipts. 1,200 lieaii ; sliipincnt-i, 1.200 head; market slew und dull ut a de cline of 23k!. from the mMdle et tliu week; common te talr. $.5 00 0.); medium te geed, $4 ifni I de ; choice te cxtni, $3 O0?i5 50. East Liberty. Cattle Receipts, 1,i)0j head ; market lower and weak ter shipping grades ; native steers, 1,200 te l,5fK .s, $t 80.', 23 ; cows, i'i 7."?S3 73 ; steckcrs mid teeeers. $3 7524 00. Hogs Receipts, 1S00 head; market steady at. $(5 ((5 -10 ; bulk et sales ut $! tegt! 20. Sheep Receipts. 1,00 1 head : market steady ; muttons, 92 te 102 B.s sold at $3 7'Q4. m Stuck Marker. New ) erk, Philadelphia und Lecal Sleccs also lrnileil States Reml repoited dally Op Jacob If. Lei,K North fuecn street. Jan. 29. 10:tw A 31 . 4'J'i . 32J4 . 111 71? 50J . 20" 39 . Wi 27 . 4!) S15S- t:e 3:i(. r. m 39. r .a a Denver & Rie Urande T... N. Y.. Lufce Erie A Western... Kansas and Teii'j Lake Sheiu.... New Jersey Central New Yerk, Ontario A W St. Paul, 11. & Omaha Pacific Mall Rochester & Pittsburgh Texas Pacific Wabash. St. Leuis & I'acllle... Western Union Tel. Ce Pennsylvania Central Philadelphia Read!n Northern Pacific Cem 11 " 1'reterred... UltRuIn Pitts A West 'il 32K WA 111, 71 4U'i 20 'MX e4 27K 48 81?h is4 4055 'ay, fie.y 85 18 Lecal stocks und llends. Par Lust sale SI OS 107K liO 120 103 112 val. HO KM IOC ilM) . l'JO lid 1(3 :cn RiO Lunc-' 'il v 1; pur ct. Lean, due lfc2.. " 1883.. laue.. ' 18-J5.. ftperct. n I or 30 years. ' 5 per ct. Scheel Lean... " I " in 1 or 2C years. 11 4 " fu u or 20 y card. " C " In 10 or 20 years Manhciiu borough lean 102 Il)2,rf 102 JOt 1.25 l'i.s.50 132.50 iitT IWJ 142 ui.:ie I3I..V) 20-I 1 15.7!. 110 151 70..W 137 $2.25 2(1.50 50 HANK STOCKS. Eirst National nit 11 k jlOl! Eariners' Xiit'enal - "i ru Fulton N'utleititi ;-. - Inn Lancaster County Vatiena! Rank.. .Vt ColuinhiaNutleUHt vtik 100 Ephrata Nfttfera' V:- !c IK' First National llw CtIuiii!)!a.. .. Hit First National isiuih, .ifrasliurg.... i(ii) First National Ran!:, darietta tee First National Rank. Jienr.t Jnv.. 100 l.ittt. National I5,tnk .... 100 Munhei.11 National Rank lfx.l tlnlen National R.111I-. Mcimt Je;. St Nev.' Helland National Rani: Km MIC1SLI.:.''0UH RTIXJiB. tjuarryvllle It. R $50 MillcrsvHleStreet ,'ur 50 Imiuirer Printing Coin imny 50 Watch Factory lim Gas Light and Fuel Company 25 120 Stevens Heuse 100 90 Columbia (Jus Company Columbia Water Company... Susiii(diiuinn Iren Company Marietta llollewwure 1 1701 100 4.t5 1(J 1 100 50 50 50 Stevens Henso SIcllj' Island Ktl Urandywiue.1c Wnjnesb'g. Mlllersville. Nermal .Scheel 31ISUKr.LACOCH KtlJ3. (Juarryville R. R.. tine IK ,5ieu 1117 105 105.60 Reading &. Celutnbla R. R;Vs i;xi Lancaster W.iti'li l;e.. Hue iw, Lancaster Gas Light :md Fuel Ce.. due in ler 20 jiaw L.iuc:eder 'Jus Light and Fuel Ce., tlue IfSij... ...... ............ ......... TUtHtflKH STOCitH. Rig Spring & ileiver V-itiey Rrldgcperl tc llereshne Columbia ."c Chestnut Hill "eliuiibla A Washington Celuuiliia. Rig Spring Lancaster A Kphrata Lancaster & Willow street nlnisburg . Millport rd.srii'tta .ic Maytown Marietta A Mount .lev Lane, KilKab.-t'it'ii A Mhldlut' L-t!U,atcr A hruitvlRe. Uinai-'.re&l.Ulix Lanca-tif ft V!l!iaintewi: Lanea-lec A M-tiku L.mea-ti.r A "ttiin'.i'irn L..:c::ster M-irt ttii Lan.ster A Ni a iielland I.'iWiiel'T ,v '- fiiia 100 100 100 100 1015 25 lu. 135 22 25 18 2i 'Ji r. is 25 47.2s 21 10 P." VJ 25 25 50 'At k: 75 55 I33.10 13 .13.33 85 75.2 1011 .U VJ(TICK I'LT.I.IO Ni !i;E IS Itr.KClIY l given tha: the account et tnc treasurer et the Lanea'itir fiunty pri-fiii hat been tiled in the Register' Ollice. and will lie open ter inspection ami exception te alt taxpayers, ter tlie sp.t'13 et lliirty eays, as provided ter by Aettif Av!i!:!d. ii):imvcn April 1, A. I ., 1870. (.. N. .il'lleUI,, Selieimr. Laniastki: Jan. I, 183. JMtdTuAltw UitTt VtJDJt IWCMJitlE. Club 13 et the .Mutual Investment Ciub.i etrers the s-nrest means el making regular monthly prellts Irem investments ni $10 te f 1000 or mereitealing iu CHAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Each member gets the b-.-nelit of combined eapital of the Club Reports sent weekly. IMvldt-nds paid monthly. Club 13 paid shareholders l:i k thci money inprejlt.t iu past three mei.ths, still leaving original amount making money In Club, or returned en deinane. Shares $10 each. Explanatory circulars stmt tree. Reliable correspondents wanted everywhere. Address. It. E. Ki-.N HALL & CO.. Cem'n Mchts,177 anil 17.) Lu Salle St., Chicago, 111. 17-3mdcedA3mw TTAIE IIAKSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A beneliclal dressing preferred te similar articles bcciiutn of Its purity and ilelipcr firnc. It RESTORES TO (SR.VY II AIR HIE YOUTHFUL COLOR and prevunU dandruu and falling et th hair. 50a anil $1.00. II ISCOX A CO., N. Y. FL0REST0N. Excels tlie llncst flower In richncs'4. Deli cate very lasting. Ne odor like it. He sure you get FLORESTON Cologne, signature et illxcex A Ce.. N. Y., en every label. 25 and 75 cents, at druggists and Cealers In perfume. COLOGNE. dli lyweew&dTu rM AVIIO.n IT MA OOJiCEKN. J. Netice ia hereby given that application will be made at the presentsessit.n of tliu Leg Leg Matuieef Pennsylvania. ler the passage of an act. entitled An Act ler the Relict of the Lan caster County Prison, the object et which will be te confer upon the Courts et Criminal Ju risdiction In said county power tescntencc all persons convicted et any crime or misde meanor in said court?, the punishment et which would be Imprisonment in the peni tentiary, in any ether ceuntyin thestate.te un dergo said punishment cither in the state pen itentiary or In tlie Lancaster county prison, ut the discretion et tlie court, anil te repeal all acLs or partset acts incnmdsteiit therewith, JOHN O. WEAVER, President of the Beard et Inspectors el the Lancaster County PrHen 2,4ldW&itW