(SlaafW Volume XIX --Ne 12G. LACASTEE, PA. SATURDAY. JANUATIY 27, 1883. Price Twe Cent. CLOJMJLNO, VtfltEHH'EAK, ;. E. J. KKISMAS. FMiiii Neckties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk ami Cash were Mufflers, Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Underwe r, Fur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster Glovefc,CeIIars,Cutr, Suspenders, Pocket Heeks, Card Cubes. Ladies' Satchels. Pho tograph and Autograph Albums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scarf Tins, Sleeve Buttens, &c. DON'T KAIL TO SEE THE GUAM) MS PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, NO. 56 NOUT1I QUEEN STREET. s, 8. KATHVON. OVERCOATS, Dress Suits, Business Suits, Pantaloons. Waistcoats, In desirable winler materials, made prompt ly te order ler men and boys, at bottom prices ter the next two months, at S. S. RAT HYOFS Merchant Tailoring Establishment, DKY tiOOJM. SWARR'S, Ne. 25 North Queen Street. DOUBLE FACED CaKTON FLA5NELS, PERFECT GOODS, Werth 25 or SO cts.. selling at IS cU. SHEETIXG8, TJCKISak, TABLE LINENS, tc. At Lewest Prles. TURKEY RED CLOTH At cts. per ya-d; also. GERMAN NAN KEENS. CANTON FLANNELS and a New Line or HAMBURG EDGES. Everything at Lewest Prices. N EW Hamburg Edgings, XEVICAL. I1KOWN H IRON BITTERS. SEEK Muslins, Sheetings, New Light Prints, Ne. 12.1-1 mood 101 N. Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. H'KUIAL NOT1UK. Greatest Reduction or the Season. Te make room for our New Sprint; Stock we ii 111 c!oe out the balance el our Clothing at Bettem Prices. SUITS. Formerly $20.00 New $17.00 Formerly $18.00 New $15.00 Formerly $10.00 New $13.00 Formerly $14.00 New $12.00 Formerly $12.00 New $10.00 Formerly $10.00 New $ 8.00 OVERCOATS. Formerly $18 00 New $15.00 Formerly $10.00 New $13.00 Formerly $14 00 New $12 00 Formerly $12.00 New $10.00 Formerly $ 7.50 New $ GOO CALL EARLY TO SECURE THE BEST BARGAINS. AND THE Cheapest Line of Shirt-Fronts IN TOWN, AT J. W. BYRNE. NO. 322 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. ytTATT, SHAND&UO. Great Clearing Sale, ritKvieca te inventory. Watt, Shaiid & Ce., Offer Extiaerdluary tsargaius In Every DepaitnicuL i) nnil nVllltinnV health aud avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired aud worn out, instead of Bcbes and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong '.' Yeu can contiune feeling miserable and geed for nothing, and no one but yourself can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can ehange it if you cheese. IIew ? By getting one bottle Brown's Iren Bitters, and taking regularly according te directions. of it. THE " BEDS." A Sr-ASON Ot FINK ENTERTAINMENT. D. B. Hosteller & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. OPKCIAL NOTICK, THE GREATEST REDUCTION OF ALL -IN At less than Manufacturers' Prices. ELEGANT YARD-WIDE CRETONNES Werth 12c. a yard reduced te 80. Deuble-fold Weel-faced Cashmeres Only 12jc. a Yard. REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS OF Dres Goods At less than halt their value. Ladies' All-Weel Ribbed Hese 25c. a Pair. GENTS SHAKER HALF HOSE 12KcnFair. 150 Dezen 21 Inch All Silk Handkerchiefs 05 Cents Each. AOUez. GENT'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Colored Borders. 10c. each. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN White and Colored Blankets At J1.S5, J1.50, $1.7.', $2.00, etc. We eiler the balance et our flOLLDAY GOODS AT CLEARING PRICES. NEW YORK STOKE. 8 and 10 East King Stree'. Mansfield, Ohie, Nev. S'i. 1831. Gentlemen : I have suffered with pain in my side and Uaek, and great soreness en my breast, with sheeting pains all through my body, attended with great weakness, depression of spirits, and less et appetite. I have taken several dlflcrent medi cines, and was treated by promi nent physicians for my liver, kidneys, and splecu.but I get no relief. I thought 1 would try Brown's Iren Bftters; I have new taken one bottle and a halt and am about well pain in side and bark all gene soreness all out of my breast and I have a geed appetite, and am gaining in strength and flesh. It can lastly be ca led the kiij of med icine. Jehn K. Alkxandbh. Brown's Iren Bitters is composed of Ireu in soluble form ; Cinchona the great teuic, together with ether standard remedies, making a remark able non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, aud relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. Fer sale wholesale and retail by H. B. COCH RAN, Druggist, 1S7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster j261wdftw FINE CLOTHES, -AT H. GEKEART'S TAILORING ESTABLISttMENJ, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, M KTZOIOK & UAIJUURIAN K1USKY-WUKT. THE GREAT CURE FOR R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M. As it is ler all the painful diseases et the KIDNE1S, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid pol-en that causes the dreadful s'ltfcvln? which only tli victim? of Rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES et the worst forms et thtsterrlble disease have been quiekly relieved, and In short time PERFECTLT CURED. Price, 1, Liquid or Dry, Sold by Druggists. Dry can be sent by mail. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt, KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time en the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. tcp2s-eedTTbw 44 TTTIMKV BL.ASTM. 'Wintry Blasts. In order te reduce stock and make room ter tin-SPRING TRADE. I will make up te order ter the remainder of the season, all HEAVY WEIGHT WOOLENS ut COST PRICE. This Great Reduction Is Ter cash only, and will enable cash buyers te seenre a line Hiiltef clothes or an overcoat as low as they can buy them ready-made. H. GFEHART. I7XTKAOKU1 N A K V Fire ! Fire ! letzger&Iaughmaii HAVE A LARGE LOT OF FIKE GOODS ! FIRE SALE. DAMAGED, mostly by smoke and water. Frem Heed. Benbrlght & Ce.'s which nrc but bLlbiil'Li CLOSING SAl,E OF Beady Made Suits and Overcoats, FOR MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S WEAR. Fer the next thirty days we otTer SPECIAL BARGAINS, in order te clear our ceunteis and make room for our Large Spring Stock, which we arc new manufacturing. Cases et BLEACHED MUSLINS, at 10c. worth 12Kc. Bales et UN BLEACHED MUSLINS at 7c. llli-nened SHEETINGS at 25c. worth S5c. Bleachci SHEETINGS atSOc, worth 40c. Medicated RED flannel, nne quality, at 35c, never before sold under 50c. One let white BL AN K ETS at $2.50, worth $3.50. One let all-wool, large size white BLANKET3 $3.50, WOnh 15.50 te $6.0 J. 200 best quality COCHECO COMFORTS, made wlthwlitic co.ten. ter $1.40, regular price $J.O0. These are a big bnrgain. Alse, a lanse let et superior quality Marseilles COUNTERPANES fer$3.0i', the regular price ter which is 5.00. TABLE LINENS at Bargai.i Prices. Other Goods also offered te make this the BARGAIN STORE et the City. SOME PRICES. Working Pants at 90c, $1.00 at $2.00, WINTRY BLASTS UttlNU coughs; GOLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Perry Davis' Paiii Killer CUKES COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA The 1 went y-nixtli Anniversary of the Nor Ner mal Literary Society A Big Assem blage of People aud Inter esting KxerclM9. Ameag the annual recurrences that mark the exercises of life at the Millers ville normal school none are scarcely mere pleasurable aud replete with interest than the anniversaries of the literary societies, and the twenty sixth anniversary of the Nermal literary society held last evening was in every way equal te former com meraoratiens. Tiie pretty chapel room in the building was ciewded with an appre ciative audience, aud the couspicueus dis play of the societies' colors, the red and the blue, denoted hew unanimous were their members te unite in every effort te win success en these occasions. The Nermal is the younger of the two societies, but its supperteis evinced long age their detenninatieu te secure at least acommeu plane with its rival, if it could net sur pass it, and it has net labored without Ki cat success. In the assembled tlneug iu the chapel there were many Lancaster folks aud visi tors from the neighborhood of Millersville aud adjacent towns. Frem this city the street cars made the trips with net even standing room for the passenger who is always told there "is room for one mere," while many took advantage et the fiue sleighing aud turned out in force with haudserae cutters and licet horses, the cold, bracing air of the evening giving zest te the pleasures of the drive. At 7:30 o'clock the president of the as socialien, David McMulleu, e.sq.. of this city, aud the secretary, Miss Kite J. Kech, Carlisle, Pa., were escorted te and took seats upeu the platform. The entertain, niriiit was then opened by a music.il rendi tieu by Keller's excellent or cliestra, which furuihhfd the music for the evening, after which President McMulleu welcomed these present in a "Salutatory." The gentleman begun by saying : In the grand march of human progress there is no bacuwaiil step, aud while the gain may net at all timeb be; appaicnt, and the trials net always bespeak their weight', a letresncetive irlauce shows that tbe con- ditieu of humanity is bitter te day than it has ever bi en heietolen;. Uur s lupatuies are deeper and our charities broader, the lacilittes ler geed ate greater aud public satdiment is mere enlightened thau iu the past. We aie heie te litly commemorate the one quarter of a century that has maiked the existence of the Nermal soci ety. That time has been fraught with great eveuts. The-iullueu.ee of this society has been one of marked geed. Frem its iufaucy, wheu the proud position it new occupies was beyond all expectation, it has, we may hope, contributed in no slight degree te the honor of this institution of leamiug. The biightest intellects that have gene fiem this school have been shining lights iu this society, for the glory of our Alma Mater is lellucted upon the organization. The speaker then in well well cheheu aud leelintr expression welcomed the faculty, the Page society, of which he spoke as a generous rival, the tcuelars and the audience. At the cle.se of Mr. McMullcu's remaiki there was music by the orchestra aud the essayist was introduced. Essay"?" Miss Alice Stager, May town, Pa. It is unnecessary ler us tone Hue or te desciibe this character. We have all became acquainted with it lenj; age. We aie, as it were, born with in terrogation points iu our mouths. Curi esity is I he lirst impulse that actuates our motives. The boy who cuts open his drum te discover what is within, the giii who tears apart her dell, aie only showing the power which curiosity compels them te exert. This wonderful world in which nature everywhere solicits investigation is of wide extent,and curiosity net e lly inves tigates iu one place. It varies The uni- Prevlde against the evil effects e t W in- try Blasts by procuring Pkrry Datis' Pais Killer. EVERY GOOD DKUHUIST KEEl'S IT. il-lmdftw Mutzprttpiaii, A Stout Pair of i.25. SI.50. un te J1.S7. AH-Weel kerseys, ecveral style. $2.50 and $3.00. Tbe very durable Cheviot Pants at $2 50, $3.00, and $3.50. A handsome variety of Mixed Castlmere Pants at $2.75, $3.27 and $1.00. Mcn-8 suits at $1.00, $.-i.f0, $0.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, up te $15.00. Men's Overcoats at $2.25. $3.00, $4.50, $fi.00, $7.00. $9.00, up te $16.00. Beys' Suits at $2.37, $2.75, $3.25. $4.00, $5.00, C100,upte$iO,50. .,,..,.. Beys' overcoats uni.u, -, jjv, ., i Children's Suits at $1.50, $2.03, $3.00, $1.00. $5.00, up te 5 50. Children's Overcoats at $1,37. $i00, $2.. 5, up te $4 50. jas-These people who think they can'tafferd a New Suit or Overcoat will be surprised te lind hew easily tney can afford it, if they avail themselves et the bargains we are new ettering. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) BTOVKS. L. GANSMAN & BROM THE FA8HIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., RUrbten the Southwest Cerner et Orange SL LANCASTER, TA. 49The cheapest and mest.rellabla Clothing Heuse in the city. BAKUAINS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS Chains, Rings, Spectacles, &c Repairing et all kinds wUl receive my personal atten tion. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. 159JJ North Queen street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near rcnnsylvana railroad depot. dec 28 a AMD TO VOUK INCOME. Club 13 el the Mutual Investment Clubs eilers the surest means of making regnlar monthly prelits from investments 01 $10 te aiiinini-TiinrnilMilinir In GRAIN. PROVISIONS AN 1) STOCKS. Each member gets the benefit et combined capital of the Club. Reports Bent wklv. Dividends naid monthly. Club 13 paid shareholders back their money inpreflt in past three months, still leaving original amount making money In Club, or returned en demand. Shares $10 each. Explanatory circulars sent Ireo. Reliable correspondents wanted everywhere. Address, R. E. KBN DALL & CO., Cem'n Mchts., 177 and 179 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. J i7-3mdoedA3mw r-OUGH eYKDP. LOCHEITS liENOtVNKll COUGH SYRUP Has cured thousands. It will cure your Cough or Celd In less time than any ether preparation. PRICE 15 CENTS PER BOTTLE, Prepared and se'.d only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. OLAHU AS It QVUKIfHWARt.. H lOU S MARTIN. JNCKEA8E YODB CAPITAL. WHEAT STOCKS, $10, $20, $50, .$100. These desiring te make money en small and medium investments In grain, previsions and stock speculations, can Ue se by operating en our plan. Frem May 1, 1SS1, te the present date, en investments et $10 te $1,000 cash profits have been realized and paid te Invest ors amounting te several times the original Investment. Profits paid Hist of every month, still leaving the original Invest ment making money or payable en demand. Explanatory circulars and statements et fund W sent free. We want responsible agents who will report en crops and Introduce the plan. Liberal commissions paid. FLEMMING & MERRIAM, Commission Merchants Majer Bleck, Chi cago, 111. InD-lyd wmm pssware -AT- CHINA- HALL. We have Just received per Steamship 1111 1111 i.els another Importation of White Granite Ware DINNER, IN TEA and CHAMBER WARE. We have a Large Stock et HOUSEFUR NISUING GOODS iu our line. Henseitlres Receive Special Attention. 49-0ur Goods must prove satisfactory or will be exchanged. High & Martin's, 16 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. veise is se wide iu it is se much te gam there are wonderful caves of knowledge all around us, aud it is this power that compels us te study them. Iu all ages has this element been dominant. The uncivilized man has it within him. At first he does net sew aud comprehend the laws that iu ether nations prevail. His intellect is clouded, but there .i :.u:.. !... . is semeiuiug wuaiu i"' pels him te investigate. In his commerce with mere enlightened people he begins te ask. He wonders why? hew? where? and tears away the brush aud briars and then ascertains the whys and wherefores. His mind enlarges, we find his intellectual horizon increased, until new in this 19th century we beheld what the power of curiosity has wrought. We cauuet at first see the wisdom of the Cre Cre aeor, but inquiry opens it te u. It is the gratification of this impulse that gratities and elevates tue miuu. nme u md uuu inquiring. Deeper aud deeper he gees until he discovers me secret, iu auomei direction we beheld one interested in the relations of mind and matter ; he asks their uses ; he discovers their relation. The geologist delves deep into the bowels of the earth. He unearths the huge au: imals that inhabited the world years age, and studies their wonders. The astrono mer beholds the mysteries above. He wonders what are the sun, the moon, the mvrindR of stars, then he trazes with the t liscepe ; he makes mathematical ca'cula tier 8, and comes te his conclusions. Thus, continued the lecturer, ene might cite examples unnumbered. But, then, is there any material geed lesultiug from this spirit of inquiry ? There is, most em phatically. By it we view the beauties of nature, and enjoy the pleasures they bring. Man inquired and found out the power of steam. 1 here was a time when u a t atead in awe of the mysteries of electricity, hut new his intellect has taught mm its use and potency. It will, indeed, be strange If we of this nineteenth century de net show that we appreciate these discoveries. New we live in a rushing, hurrying age. In every department of science we beheld progress. In every way de we Bee the stores of nature utilized and made subser vient te inau. But this age is net the apex et civilization. Every race aud na tion has contributed its share, every one which fellows must also aid in the great work. Civilization will net be perfected until every false fact is shown, until every knee shall bow aud every tongue confess that G-Td is the Lord. Then we may pic ture the release of the soul, see it taken from this sphere and beheld it grew mere like the Father who gave it being while the eternal cycles roll en. This admirable composition was read with excellent modulation and effect and wen prolonged applause. Music-" Prestissime" E. Waldteu'e! orchestra. Nermal Oration "Influence of Lecal Associations" A.Hedge Woodward, esq., Clearfield, Pa. The data upon which the human mind acts is both external and in ternal. Enclosed within the soul still finds material upon whieh the mind may act. But withal the greater part of our knowledge comes from without. Ihe knowledge we see present becomes pait of our mental stock, and as we acquire it it is transferred into the mind itstlf and becomes part of the mind and individual power. The orator then showed hew the mind is afteeted by its immediate sur roundings of nature. The great mountains bathed in the rays of the sun, the bread ocean, the placid river, all bespeak a glorious influ ence. Here upon these wilds of mountain aud in quiet dalee poetry was born. The power which local surroundings has ex erted upon poetic natures was then deli niated. It was among the classic hills of Reme, the glorious Alps aud, tee, in the wilds of the Alleghenies that poetry wen her laurels. It is among the mountains that natures preserves the immutability of her kind. "While the history of the world has been only one of changes, while goern geern meuts have arose and have beeu swallowed up, nature is ever the same. This then is the language of mountains. Ne wonder the ancients worshipped them as the abode of the gods. But the pre sentations of nature are wonder fully varied ; we cannot understand her various forms, yet everywhere we see the power of the Creater, and we comprehend the words : " Day unto day uttereth knowledge; night unto night uttereth speech." Happy is he who can recognize the laws of Ged, and can leek upon the glories which surround him aud beheld the greatness of his Creater. But natural forms are net, continued the speaker, the euly forms by which we are influenced. There are also artificial forms of instruction. The artificial and natural forms are, however, opposed. The one can clothe itself with the exhuberaut strength of the imagination ; the ether comes only from robust action. They act in opposite directions, and yet each is el equal utility. Together they lend variety te Hie, aud form all the ranges of intellec. from a Shakespeaie down. But theie are ether influences that produce ether results. They play fctr-mgly upeu the emotions, though they are the deeds of mortals. Who can wander ever the plaius of Marathon aud Luctra,and netcatch theinspiiatien of the gleiies of Greece ? The speaker then showed hew the mind is influenced by the Hurlit. nf sind near association wilh historic .sM)ts and personages, depicted their affects upon the mind, speke of the lessens they teach aud told of the veneration held by one generation of these things in the arts and sciences left by the generation before. But there are still ether aud dearer asso asse niutiniiR tha fondest and best iu life. They are these which linger around the hours of iufaucy aud childhood. These are the liuks in the golden chaiu that wraps itself ' around the human heart. There is, indeed, music iu the memory of these thoughts, and while ether hnpies hnpies siens may die, these still linger te leaf! us up te that better world there te wander a'xmt these beautiful scenes that fancy has painted but tever realized. This effort was delivered with geed effect and was received with prolonged applause. Music" Medley Overture " M Carl Orchestra. Reading "A Chapter from Barnaby Rudge" Charles Dickens by Mrs. Sarah J. Wilmer, Baltimeie. Md. The lady read this-admirable selection from the great novelist with exquisite skill, enunciation aud expression, and received uubeunded applause by her rendition of the words. Music Cornet pema ey tue oruueen.i. A nniversarv Oration " Meuey" A. F. Scltzer, esq, Lebanon, Pa. The speaker began by saying that in all walks of hie the subject of money is et great interest iu fact as much as lrem fi te 12 p t cent. Ne.h Webster spent seme forty years in perfecting his great work, and iu all these years nothing se perplexed him as the de finition of this subject, aud heat length came te the conclusion that it was meuey. Far back in the dark age thcie was no money. The speaker thought it might seem absurd te go back se far, but, as everything must have a starting point, he was inclined te believe that time was as geed as any. The orator then spoke of hew universal has ever been the creed for wealth, aud thcu delineated the different ways of securing it new. All that is re quired te make money is te knew hew. If you knew hew you could walk out into your streets aud turn up the steaes that the commissioners have left uuturned aud convert them into geld you might cveu go se far as te make a mine of riches out of an old maid's bonnet, if you knew hew. Upen the various privieges, Veglect old friends ter the sake of new am! lese both." But remember that Mdney Wert Is a friend you cannot atlerd te nnglect. Plasters may relieve, but they can't cure that lame back, ter the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy te act directly en their secretions, te purify and restore their healthv condition. Kidney-Wert has that specific action. JO-Diauiend Dyes are se perfect and se beautiful that it is a pleasure te use them. Equally geed for dark or light colors. IQcts. Snn.OH'8 catarrh KKMKDT a. pesitive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Meuth. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Uuuen street. E..H. Snyder. Mt. Carmel, Pa., says. "Brown's Iren Bitters cured me effectually el general debility and less of appetite.' Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 13. and 139 North Queen street. 122-lwdAw Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible ceu--h. Shlleh's Cure is the remedy ter you. Fer sale by H. B . Cochran, druggist 137 and 139 North Oueen St. mvMwdeewAw Being made lrem fibrous material, the Cel luloid Ey- Glasses will out-last ten pair et rubber. The lenses are the best known te science Fer sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. J22-lwdeed A Heavy Swell. Jacob II. Bleemer, Virgllle, '. Y., writes: " Themas' Eelectric Oil cured a badly swelled neck and sere threat en my son in forty-eight hours : ene application also removed the pain from a very sere tee : my wile's feet was also much inflamed se much se that she could net walk about the house; she applied the Oil. and in tweiitv-leur hours was entirely cured. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and l'fg North tjueeu street. Noting the Effect. R. Glbbs, et Buffalo. N. Y.. writes : Hear ing your Burdock Bleed Bitters favorably spoken of. 1 was induced te watch their effects and find that in chronic diseases of the bleed, liver anil klduuvH, your bitters have been sig nally in irked with success. 1 have used them myself with the best results, for torpidity et the liver; and in the case of a friend of mine suffering from dropsy, the etlect was marvel marvel eous." Price $1. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, drngglt. 117 and I.K) North Queen street. Sbileh's Vitnllzer Is what yen need ter Cen- DlZZincvs nun nu ami i5 cents ..!.... .!.,.. per hetrie. rorsaie ny ii. i. v.ii, " gist, 137 and i: North Oueeu St. myi.w MlLOH B uuuzer is hul"ii "t stipatien. Less of appetite, Dizzii symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 1 per bottle. Fer sale by H. B. Cec Waluut Leitf Hair Kesterer. It la entirely different from all etheis. It is as cleur as water, and, us its name Indicates. U a. perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer It will immediately tiee the head lrem all dandruff, restore gray hair te its natural color and pro duce a New growth where it has fallen etl. 11 does net in unv manner etlect the health, which sulphur. Sugar of I.eel and Nitrate of Silver preparations h: e done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days te u beautiful Kle-,sy Drewn. Ask your druggist for it. Kaeh bottle is warranted. SMITH, KLINE A C ., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia, and HALL A RUCKEL, New Yerk. iuni; lyd.eedAw CLOTJUSO. lAKOAlNS: KAKGAIHSt STILL A FEW LEFT. Having sold a Great Many of our OVERCOATS Since the Great Reduction in Pi ices, we have vUt .-. nn hand, et Different Kinds. TUE1 "MUST ALL BE SOLD. We have them in mtraoevs. PRICES FROM S2 00 TO $15.00. New is the time ter any ene who wants te buy a GOOD CHEAP OVERCOAT te call. JUST RECEIVED, THIRTY DOZEN KNIT JACKETS, Which we will sell at 70c, 90c, $1.'25, $l..-0, $2.00 and $2.M. OUR STOCK OF GLOYES W! aie selling BELOW CO?T as they must all be sold. Fme Neckwear, Silk Suspenders and Underwear, AT DECIDEDLY LOW FIGURES. We are Closing Out our Line et TRUNKS AND VALISES As they are in the read and we need the space they occupy. CALL AT Hirsh & Brether, ri-'ht aud wrong, which are attainable by the piwer of money, the speaker dwelt at some length, and showed iu his lemarks what unscrupulousness is used te gain them. By a felicitous mede of expression, the orator as he continued his words, de picted the vices that money engenders and then brought out the ludicrous points in the subject. Iu considering the different epochs or agea of the world's history, he thought we were net se far removed from them new. As in the age of rocks, we are new very much aided by "rocks;" also, there is much resemblance in the present te the age of " brass." There is, continued the speaker, euly one way te make meuey but make i honestly and at all events make it. it has been saiu, and very unjustly, that the American peo ple are worshippers in the greatest degree of Mammen. But, although stocks and ether speculations have a fasoinatien for thein, they beheld with profoundest dis gust men like Vanderbiltaud Gould. There is a class of people te whom money is dearer than anything else, but the Amerieva people de net ueiu en te it with us fortunes are made iu a day and lest in an hour. Mr. Seltzer's remarks were rather extended, and that fact and the many appropriate anecdotes which he told will net allow a repert that will c e them justice. He closed amid great ap plause, Music, vocal sole" Magnetic waltz L'Arditi" Miss Maie Clese. This mu sical selection was rendered with consum mate skill and artistic feeling aud expres sien, which, uaited with the pleas ing and highly cultivated voice of the singer called forth the most unstinted applause, which would net be stilled un til the lady responded with another song. Readings "The Death of Little Joe" Peleg Arkwright and "The Enchanted Shirt" Jehn Hay by Mrs. Wilmer. These selections were read with fiue ef fect and were heartily enjoyed by the large audience. Then followed a selec tion from Straus' " Merry War," by the m-nhnstra. the call of sentiments, and a march from F. Hermann by the orchestra, and the assemblage dispersed well satis fled with the pleasing exercises of the evening, and feeling secure in the belief that these anniversaries are net only a means of enjoyment, but of great benefit. These who responded te the call of sen timent were : Miss Hattie Sener, Miss Emtna Whitson, Miss Katie D. Miller, Miss Alice Smith, Miss Augusta Bushong, Miss Phebe Way, Miss Carrie Myeis, Miss Fannie E. Fitch, Mrs. McJ. Lyte, Mrs. Eliza G. Westlake, M. E. M. I'en nell, Mr. I. J. Rojer, Mr. J. H. Pickle, Mr. W. A. Kuhn, Mr. W. W. Parfet, Mr. B. A. Greves, Mr. G. W. Flounders, Mr. F. B. Eberman, Prof. Westlake, and Dr. Brooks. m m The a3thet!c movement in England hus entirely died out, because well because pee i ile think there is mere geed common sanse 1 1 taking a bottle or Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup thin in carrying a lily. Step dosing and drugging; take advice from advertisement el Simmons Liver Regulator. aepS Perm Hall Clethinsr Heuse, IS'es. 2 aud i X. (Jucen St. ivd 1OSKNSTElHS. HHWI GASSIIERE SUITS FOR Men, Heys and Children, -AT SACRIFICING PRICES. Wanei naker's. Silk novelties innumerable and indescribable. Everything that ladies or dressmakers have occasion for in matching, deco rating, combining. What we are remarkable for, mere than for anything else in silks, is va riety ; or, at least, we are re puted se. Yeu hear it said by everybedy: "If you want te match anydiing, or find a rare silk, even an unexpectable one, go te Wanamaker's." The ether peculiarity that everybody expects te find here is less pleasant te speak of; lower prices. We put it second, because there are people who don't credit us with lower prices. Still, we imagine that if one should assert the con trary, almost everybody in Phil adelphia would believe it. Oftener we speak of ether aspects of our trade ; aspects less obvious or less recognized. It is well occasionally te give old news. Nexkeuter cfrcle, south entrance te main building. Warm skirts for ladies, and leggings for ladies, girls and lit tle girls. The warm skirts are satin, s'atin-and-cleth, satin-and-felt, satin-and-Italian -cloth, and Italian, all quilted; cloth, flannel and felt prettily trimmed, net quilted, warm enough without. The leggings are all sorts ; one very useful and fairly pretty sort, woven, at two-thirds value, 25 te 65 cents. West of south entrance te main building. Furs have te be thought ei. We're busy enough as te mak ing. If we advertise at all, we ought te say what will net op press us with tee much making. Perhaps this it is. A great many seal coats and fur-lined circu lars are ready-made. Mere sizes are ready-made here than anybody expects ; especially the unexpected sizes. Ready-made work we can make in July. Why shouldn't we make all the shapes and sizes ready-made ? 1 S03 Chestnut. Black satin rhademaes and satin de Lyens, 25 te 35 cents below our own recent prices, of all grades from $1 te $2 ; and we guess our prices haven't been very high ; have they? NeTt-nutr circle, south entrance te main building. 'Weel serge embroidered with sitk dots that ought te sell for $1.50 no that isn't the way te put it; it ought te sell according te our theory, for just as little as we can afterd ; and that is 75 cents. Loek out for such new. It's time for ever-buying and all sorts of mistakes te show them selves. We try te keep ready te turn ether folk's mistakes te account for ourselves and for you. Third circle, southeast from CMitre. In elder te close out my Eutiie Stock of IbA-IiIb ClethM JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut. Thirteenth and Market streets and City-hall square, Philadelphia. I have MARKED THEM DOWN Lesi than ihe Raw Matei ial can be bought for. HLEllillB, AC. 'LEIGHSt MEN'S ELEGANT ALL PURE WOOL SUITS, Fer $9 01. Fermer Price, 116,00. MEN'S EXTRA ALL-WOOL SUITS, Fer $12,00, sol d rapidly heretolere for $13.00. I BOYS' SUITS Frem 12.50 up te 17.00. Only Half the Fermer Prices. MEN'S OVERCOATS At such prices heretofore unheard of -AT- EOSENSTEDPS, Ne. 37 North Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. -Next Doer te Shultz ft Bre" Hat store SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EDGEKLEY & CO., MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PBNN'A. We have a Large and Splendid Assert ment of Fertland, Albanj and Deable Sielgks. Tbey are the best selected woodwork and the finest painted and erna&ianted Sleighs ever offered ler sale in this city. Our Motte : "Quick sales and small prents.' It costs nothing te call and examine werlr. 49rWe also have en hand a full line of Fine Carriage work, in which we defy competition. All Werk Warranted. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended te. n26-tldAw jjiuveita, e. HUUHEAt. GO'S HEW LIQUOR STORE, He. 43 North Qeeen treat, LancMtar, Fb. The very best and finest qualities of Foreign and Demestic WINES and LIQUORS, con stantly ter sale at wholesale and retail. Straight Old Rye Whisky of the distillation of 1875. Pure unadulterated uastem Ueuwt Brandy, warranted el the .vintage et 188& Kept especially for "i'na'jyj.'Pg!??- ? Old Helland Gin, and ether WhlaWea, Bran dies and WInet suit the trarte. feb3-lyd U0U8AI le.