LANCASTER IDAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDENSDAY JANUAKY 24 1H3, COLUMBIA NEWS. 1K UKIIULAK UOKUESPONUKISUK Eventr- Along the MiMjueliaiiDi ItPiuw ciI lmt-rf-Hi In and Around the Borough Plcftcd Up by llie Intelli gencer's Keperter Mr. Krauk Pierce left this morning for a trip te Baltimore. Mr. Jereme Sawjcr, of Cumberland, Md., is the guebt of friends en Walnut street. Miss Maltie Toombs, of Milwaukee, is viasling relatives en Frent btieet Tliite diunks were placed ia the county j .ul by Officer rf'.ruck, last eveniu-j. Tiiey 'weie line loekiutr specimens of manhood". Mr. Walter riwartz, who has been visiting his parents here for several weeks past, left tins morning te ieturu te hi place of busiueis in Leaveaweith, Kansas. This eveuirifj the meeting of the woman's working society, of St. Jehn's Lutheran church, will be held at the res idence of Mr. Geerge Finney, en Cherry street. The members arc expected te tui u out in force. Last evening the ' Orphean " musieale met at Mrs. General Welsh's residence, en Locust stieet. The usual pregramme was gene through. It was decided te secure a loom and fit it up for the permanent use jpf the society. Te-morrow evening will be presented in the opera house, by H-co's opera company the new and beautiful epata of "lelanthe." A large number of seats have already been sold, and if the weather is favorable the heufce will hi well filled. A typographical error stated .Mr Alex. Rosenthal hail been sold out ; it should have been ' he had sold eui te William Rochrew" his oil rendering establish ment. The exteu eve weik of laying pipas for a new water plug in the west yards of the 1'euiisylvaniu railroad here, has bjeu com plet.e(', and the plug is new in position and will seen be ready for use. It is a great convenience, and lias long been a necessity. The Height business of the Pe;t Deposit railroad has been exceedingly heavy this week ; as much se as at any time since the opening of the "lead for business. There is no complaining among the ciews new, of dull tirnea ; they are kept busily enough employed te suit the most energetic. Hlc.'ghlng and Coasting. Chailes Geisler, aged 15, was thrown against a pest while ce.istiug en Locust si ieet lust night and had had his left arm dislocated at the elbow. A merry j irty of sleighers came te town last evening. iney only stepped neie long enough te get warmed and then left for paits unknown. A Jargf ciewd was engaged iu coasting en Pearl's hill last night. A boy had one of his legs broken by being struck by another sl;d after he had been thrown fiem his own upon the hill. Te see the number of broken sleds upon the dilleient coasting hilis every niht causes a person te wonder why the num ber of coasters de net decrease. Probably they are patched up the next day or a new one replaces Ike old. A large .sk'ighing p-.uty went te Mount Jey from this place last evening. All en joyed themselves hugely, except one of the gentlemen, who had au car frost bit ten, lie does think there is much fun in sleighing. One of Campbell's livery te tins, while i'l'ing '-.riven by Michael Iloek yesterday afternoon, turned the corner of Ssceud ivi,-t. at Lesiist, tee sharply aud upset the sleigh. This frightened the horse and In d.isht-d 1I0V1U Locust stieet, where he w:is f'aiii'ht in front of the Franklin In use. Thr sicige was net broken by the ueigh uvigi- it It id iee.'ivj.l but one of its late ec'i'iiians infused te net into it again ; he i.' the duver mmht upsi.t him again. a rruKiii!.;: Accietvi'. XEW AVTEKTISEMEST8. B YVKK3 St BUKST. INTO FIRE! NO KIKJ! But DRY GOODS Cheaper than WET GOODS. Oer BLEACHED MUSLINS at 5, Gj, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Cents are far better than the Wet Goods, or se-called Wet Goods which are offereShe same price, Our UN BLEACHED MUSLINS and SHEETINGS are also Better in Qual. r -d Lewer Price than these adverted as Wet Goods. In TABLE LINENS aud CHASUES we offer Nice Clean Goods at Lew PrIceS ' the damaged ones advertised. In fact, through our whole stock you will And Great Bargain Prices. We were P Auction Sale of Fire Goods of Heed, Bonbright & Ce., and as most all of the goods sold HIgher P re.jita.Ctaa Perfect Goods can be bought for, we did net buy, preferring te offer our customers Nice Clean Uoeds at our Lsnally Lew Prices. - We ceidially invite all te call for tLe purpose of Comparing Qualities and Prices. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEBat STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JOHN S. UIVLbK & CO. NO FIRE OR WET GOODS, But will sell Dry and Perfect Goods Cheaper than you can Buy Damaged Goods. ie Humbug. White and Colored Blankets at Bargain Prices. JOHN S. GIVLEE & CO., DRY GOODS Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET. .1. S. GIVLEK. AND CARPET HOUSE, LANCASTER. PA. G. F. RATHYON. A ISre.iH'sm ,l::ii-t iMtttutiy Ittilml. A tenible accident ejcuiiid just west of Dow.iing'ewn, sibeut half past one o'clock cst-riiay afjcinoen, i.i which Gtorge Sfoutsciibeier, alias Masen, a hr.ikemau attached te ngiue eS:, of the Pennsylva nia railioel, was ki.l -d. The young man --st the bed Le.n mm of bis benis and was branding -n the t-.p of a box car which was e vew-.l with icj, and in the shiftily of i ', ! pp-d aud fell elf strik ing bh L-;.. ' :i . lis skull was crushed :iinl hi.siivrauil eaa leir was broken. In stniiisiln.g "J g ' nig train 'intl dud in liir.-e w.i.s taken i'iO i ii:.-3 leg under the mev- h-d it cut off. He ii miuut'S. The body uiubia whe: e the deceased leaves a v te and ene child. He was a Mm ia-Lift el i)avi.i Hiukle proprietor of the American house, Columbia ; was aln'iu 23 yearn of age aud came fro u " 'i:ea te Columbia, several yeais age. Puttee Case. Samuel Jv.Schecnbcrger was amstcd ou complaint of 1). B. Hostetter, who charges him with the laiceuy of horse feed from his stable. He was was held for a hearing before Aldermau Samson. James Cosjjrevo was aricstid for forging au order purporting te be signed by W. Middletown aud passing it en 5 grocer named .1. Hoever. He was held ter a heating before Aldeunan McConetny. Jehn Celeman, for diseiderly conduct, was committed te the county jail for le days by Alcrman McCouemy. The surety of peace case brought by Geerge Flick against Wesley Derwai t was settled befoie Alderman Spurrier yester day, the complaint having been with drawn. The mayor this morning bad nine cases befere him. Four diunks were sent te jail for terms ranging from 10 te 40 days, eue paid costs and four ledgers were dis charged. - m Hh'-I Insurance Company Olhcers. The Lancaster County Mutual bail in suranca company at its annual election en last Saturday, in Lititz, eiected directors for the ceiuii'g year: Petir S. Heist, J. A. Shel-er, P. J. Reebuc' , .louiifreu Miller, Jehn II. High, James Cellins, Henry S. Eberlv, Daniel Herr, Monne 31. Fiy, E. B. Brubaker, 11. Y). Keudig, Jehn Gingiicb, Andrew M. Frsintz. The new beaid ertrauized bv electing Peter S. Reist, president ; J. A. Steber, vice president; P. J. Uoebuck, treat-uicr ; and Jehnsen Miller, secretary. This company promptly met all its heavy obligations last fall, aud is new preparing for the coming campaign. Drivlni; Accident. This afternoon Ames Fenstermacher, of Millersville, and another man were driving at the corner of Chest nut and North Queeu streets, when the runner of the sleigh caught in the street car track aud it was upset. Beth men were thrown our,but they held te the lines, and although the horse ran around in a ring for some time he did net get away. The only damage was a broken Shalt. b'.y en tin- lnciea-:. Shippers et butter and jnuiul pmmIiice te tlmt city will 11ml that the C )iiiiiil-.lin lieu-e et KleiiiinliiK Mcrrlum luvi- the very bft fiellitl'-s. Their ware-hen-'euiviiilaptil i the nceils et such coni ceni niiMlitle", Hii'l the firm is one et umleubtcil eiiterprl-tt unI enei-ty- Tll,-y s,s u',,4l au" pi-rler tiicillties ter these who fle-iie te sue nesstully xt, culatu In the Cliieage grain anil piovi-ien markets. epfUHy lortlioselnvesi lertlioselnvesi lortlieselnvesi lnMiii:tllan(l iie'itiiiiii atiieunts. Thilr com pany operative Ku.inl W shows an excellent rroenl. It having pild regular monthly Olvi UciKls te its putrens ter the past twenty nientl:1-, uiel is new In t-ueci s-inl operation It IteiktOnuuty Special txeurnlen te I'lnhulelphla, en lliursilay, .Ian '. Hound trip tickets, fcf.e I ter thieeihes, only $iW. Train leaves Lancaster (K.ns; Mieel) at 5:40 h: in. i.eav.H c'e'uiiilila t 5:4n si. in. Fare, ?-'' j2t-lt AiiiiiHCineeiH. httiutlha " Te night. Fer the second time within a week we are te lnive Ulllierr Sulli van's unarming el1''"1 t " ielimtiie, ' to te nifjlit's production being by Kice's cuuiic opeiuee i.pany, v itli niiKiiicntc.l elierus and eieliestra. ttncsei'iiie cllects, liaud&eiue ces tuiues and all that uers te make a first-class perierniiince et this delirious composition. The ceinp.inj has liit;li teatin.enial.s as te its capacl'y. J'nt JiuDiKt. I.eveis et viel-ty eiilerliiin inent will sic erd n hearty welcome te Tat i:. .ei'. inn t.iineuH Irish comedian, unci his Star sp"rhtlly company, w he are le appear at h nlleii opera Iieum- te iiioiiea night, TliN is hii entirely new combination, reorganized by Jlr. Uoeney himself unil miller his own man agement it include noun et thu bsl known vaudeville and skeic i arli-ts new bctore the pu'ilie, and thegieal and only Pat will be en hand with ids illimitable Irish cemicalities. Thr Yules J'amilu. The popular Yeke lamlly, Victeria, Je.s-ie, liesslr, Faudeiiand Fled, under the manniieiiieut et Jehn I. Smith, will appcur at Fullr.n opera house en Friilay evening. The Veke-es weie theplo theple iner.s et liniit inu-leal entertainments and i remtiaiien 1. world-wide. They are ilrauluK niiwilcit litnises wbeiever they new appear. The bill ler hiiday niyht includes uuieng itsattiactien- their musical extrava K.itizn " Itclle- et the Kitchen," preceded by lluckstene's comedy et "Cousin Jee." 1'ce pie who have enjoyed "The Tourists "and similar sparkling ciiterta''iinienU should net tail te.-ee the Yokes family. Janause hek There has been an early demand ler -cat ler Sat in day nijjnt'x eutertulninent at the opera house, when the eminent trage dienne, JaiKiuschek, will appear as ilie proud and I m erleus mother in the drama et "Mether and Sen," which Mine Januu-chek h Ids te he one el thf most effective In her repertoire. A'Ji'lf AlrtKTibJltSTb. k y f XT lOIK 1 THE CUUKT tHLMJ. FAHNESTOCK'S. We Have a Few Special Lets of Slightly Damaged Goods from the Fire in Philadelphia, TO WHICH WE DE31KE TO CALL ATTENTION : SEW AWTERTlSEMBVTa. m A STKICH BKOTHEKS ASTR1CH BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WE HAVE OPENED TO-DAY AK ENTIRELY NEW LINE OF HAMBURG EDGINGS Let M XKSEILLE QUILTi, $1 2e, worth $2.e0, only slightly wet en end. Let CUOCHET liUiLl'S, S7J ceut.-, worth $1 50, only aliyutiy smoked ou Om Oik Tine.; Lets Vei V Hatli'MilllO sliubtly hmcki'd ou back TT.T . , it ir t Alse 1.500 MEDICATEP UEI) FLANNEL, only wet, at Half Pr.c Alse, 950 yards UKtii t lAiNiMi-iii at 1-5 ceni.s. miiiu.ui.e. MARSEILLES QUILTS, 3 00, worth $5.50, but R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE 'JOUKT HOUSE. LANCASTER, PA The lenii-di reject, the !- iidvertiM'iiM'iitid Hinuiein I. iicf'pt iver Kc resid the 'ulsiter. 'J he luiicM 1U.W sie -own tiliiei nnirrcd by lisyrladi 't pimple.-, and markings et tetter or liecMes, which sue readily removed by u pop pep toilet (lies-infi, Uiie'a n :n lr. C. U . Ih-n-sen's Skin Cine. Keu teiotulen-. i.Keis yield te it. yjcir aw uti'i -AS i- IISERTIIGS, US A iMK i:i;ni next. Mele Apply te li,i:i.teedttlt KKini KJKST Ofc Al'KII. I(ii..ui, Ne. 17 We-1 King U cut. II It M('.J)'DMV, Aides lii.Ol. 1 iC i r mihv it liit iv ! Till.e tlir e timee ss d.iv. en'V: -I'i'thestd-vertisenient et Simmen- l.m-r l.'e;ulater. Aietlier: iilterf:s .oetnerhll Are you disturbed at nlt?lit and broken et your rest l snicK child seiilemifj ami erylnj; Willi ecruciiLiiu? paiii et enttlntr leelh .' 11 se, he sit once and j.tabeltle el MliS. W1N W1N SLeW's SOdTIIIM. -lirr U Wll n-lleve thepsH.i- little s 11 Be re r niiiuediiiiely deieue upon it : theve 1 no mMil- dumt it. Tlieie isnet jv molhereii eanh wm nste evei iwed it, v.he will net tell you at ewe tiwt it will I'.vu I'ltethe liewels, and jrive rust te the mother and iclicf and health te 1 lie child, epciunni' luce iiiiiitic. It U perteetly .-ale te 11 in all CsiM-8, and plesu-.eit te the Ui-te. stud !- the prescription ! one e! the elite-l and 1-c-t female pliy.-leiiin- nnd iinr-e- in the United States, behl eveiyvin ie US c '...- a bottle. mMy-M.W&S&w Ge TO 11. It Uectnsin- diusr -tore ei Mrs. hrrcmnn's Xew Xaliennl Dye. Fer brlsrnl. nesaandeui-ability et eolei. sire unequa'ed. Celer iiem 'I te 5 pounds. Direction- in I'.ntf lishaud I'ricc. 15 cent.-. Sl'UVlAL SOTIVH.S. A baby was born in a cemetery at Marsha -town. Iowa, a short time age but every-wheie can be seen babie.- beine le the cemetery bt -cause mother's cruelly neglect te procure Dr. Bull's Cough s-yrup. a sure cure for croup, colds snid cough". i. W. Xittriiuer, Lebanon, Pa., says : lJrewii's lien Bitters c-Ilectually cured me of rheumatism." Fer Hte by II. I!. Cochran, druirgi-t, 137 ami 1 9 Nenli (juceii street. Ji-Mwd&w Un'i Din li the Ueuce. Ilenuli en Hats'" Clears out rats, mice, reaclHM, bed-bugs. niw, ants, moles, chip munks, geptieis. l.'c. rwn-H naMiKrlieiti lH:sace 18 the most ellictive l'sun De-jtreyer In the world. Will iie-.t -urely ipaieken Hie bleed, whether taken internal or applieil exleriiiilly.ane thereby mere certainly rellev pain, whet her chronic or. K.uie.' any ether pain alievluter, and it ih warranted tleuhle the strenirth et nnv -lmtlnr preniratlen. It cures isilii In the Ssde. Back or Bewel. Sere l'hreat, lllieumutiitu and u. mhks, and 1- TllK UliKAT RKLlLVhlt OF I'AIN. " Bl.eWK 8 Hei'BCHOtu J'anacsa" -heuM In- in every lainily. A teaspoentul et the L'anaeea in a tumbler el het water .-weeteued it preteriedj, taken at bed time will isrjsak ui' a celu. ets , . itb r')ll-lvdM.WA lK (KAItl.K IHKI'K-t'hl,I.l.Mj,-iiii:it d with in .'!' i -qu:ire el fen 1 1 e -qusms ; me ern cn vcniencea , uoed loyatlen. .n 1 1 . I . i r. i . i-r- '. j-2:-2'i W.'iS Ne. -Iteuth luke-lr -'t NIITICK TO .lUlMh.-ALL .1 U "..-' S. drnnu and Miiiininm il ler the court-, leiiimcncliij; en Monday. ' numry KJ, Fidirnary .", and Febiuiiry I'-', ar- heu-by neil lleil net te intend. Bv eiiii r of l lie court. .IOI1N II. MICH, Mienll. Ism S-itIW.V2tw . . t"- BKIi'liATli; JlKITIMi. -IHUtK J ) III be u meeting el the Democratic City Oonneitecnnd member et the county Com mittee tretn the sity at the D.uneeisitii: Heiul l nsirlei s. Dee-b'" lSilildluK. en Xenli Ouecn Jtr. et. TlllTKbDAY KVKNINd, JAMAH J at S o'clock p. in., for the purpose et tixiug the time et holding the l,rmH,,,KOLAs D. j.v-4lil riialruian Dein Ce Cem. '"j'llKACl'O nUYKBS' CONTRACT BOOKS., RECEIPT BOOKS, -AND- S AMPLE TAGS, N EATCY 1'IUNTKD AT Til K "Intelligencer" Office. i?t.ttd AND INVITE AMiTIIK LADIES OF CASTER AND VICINITY TO I.1VE CAM. AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. AND IN SPECT THE OOODS AND PRICES, AS NO DOUBT THE DEMAND FOR THEM WILL BE SOMEWHAT LARGE, AND THE CHOICEST PATTERNS ARE LIKELY TO RESOLD AT I 1RST. We decllfe thU te be positively the lir.el assortment et . HAMBUKGS which we have ever shown te our custemer1?, sold tiiat the Prices are Extremely Lew. Lndli- will also please take into con-ddcr.i-tien the tact that our pattern' Ihl-sea-en sue SECOND EDITION. WEDNEbDAY SVENING JAN. 24, iS83 TALKING OX THE TARIFF. it.eti:st:.-ic: .iff iS"r.. iwMt nuiv. In the hick " may be probably -a.oytnitem el diinKereiis kidney OHei-e ! thefrluhtful Brishf- Di-eu-e, perhaps ? Don't " tool " with 5iieli ympteiii'. reader, lift Hunt's Remedy, and with itsi-"ure.l sat ty. at once. Many nian hsi- tr.r:et witb :i pdn In the hack en Memlsiv ineriiiiiir. and Leeu laid I" the aritve w ita lliishfa Du-c isc bctere Saturday night. j24-eoe4w Senater Cmeron freeiu rlsi Petition or reiisiithJiil-i Ireu WerKer.- Srnttter tJIIIr Sliifc1 si t:-j under. Washinc.tex. I). C Jan. 24. In the Senate Mr. Cameren presented a I ime number of petitions of iron worker of Pennsjlvania against lower duties en for eigu luanufactuicil puius.t.s than these recommenced bv the tariff commissioner. At the close of the meruiut? business the tariff bill was taken up, the peudiuu ques tion beiiiK en 3lr. Cameren's amendment te make the duty ou iron ere sixty cents a ten. Mr. Miller (X. Y.) addrced the Fenate aud read a letter fiem James Burden, ei the Trey iron work-, stating that New Yerk is a ei cater it en state than Penn sylvania ; that the Xew Yerk ores arc well adapted te the productieu of Hosso Hesso Hosse mer steel without beiiif: mixed with foreign ores, and that the duty en foreign ours eutiht te be increased. The lleit'e .-ecm after as-emb'.itu: iu pumed consideration of the navy appro priation bill in committee of the whole?. Thleviii5 In the Ufs Trust. PiiUiAUELVHiA. Jan. 21. A meeting of the linauce committee ei the ;as trust was called this r.iernius for the purpose of censultins: with the dis trict attorney in ie;ard te matter of a criminal natuie. The full object of the proposed conference could uet ba learned, but it is supposed te be in reference te sundry peculations en the part of the clerk of the gas trus-. As several mem bers of the tru-t were absent and the dis trict attorney failed te appear at the tip pointed time tbe meeting was postponed. tleutHiiint Ui-lpn III trrml r.zpqflltlnti Londen, Jtn. 21. S .me of the '. Petcibbiiij; liewsipapiis state that the bodies of two ineinbiss of Lteuienant ChippV paity have been found at Chatai bay and that tin v will pa-s thietxs.'U l Petersbin-ir in IVlmiary en the w.y te XewYeik. I'rehaiilv tlim lt-p.nt has il.e t-amc eiieiu as the sMre'iie'it of theli'id jpjr of two cerp-es el teiilei-, of the s,n: paity which piibl'.sln.l iu the Xew Yorkp.p.t.-efthcTc'ii-is- ail wis li--credited. liKbesi" Corpus ir Ihi- IIiniciirlHiit Easten, Jan. 2-I.-Judc M.-(us this mernitie; awarded a habeas erpuH hearing in the "case of the lifty Hiiu.uians who . .. . i..- ..S.l. il.n aie m jail ler tiuciieiini; "" "'" relaying of the Hack by the Lehi'i it Lickawanna rat'iead eemp;iy at li.ii li.ii ger en Sat.iKiav last. The heaiim: wi:i Take place en Saturday ne 'it ai.d the n-leiis-e of the liseriiN p'.ebably be effected. The T..k:iwiinii:i iMinpany i new l tinning tiains en the 'li.-jutcd line. Dls.ip'.r'in-l.'siv-l" s WIlKfubArrr. " Pa.. Jan. 24. An ex tensive took pi i '. this morning in the Delaware ite Hudsen mine, thiseitj. On the surface ct. a-c visible for acit s iu everv direction. A ..iiinbtr of s . - inches te rv; e hae il 'd in . i ae in extct.'ds ev. r t"i in. n- is new li'.le I r i.up'i ihle te ie X'i one injured. .1JKKBT4. New Yerk Market. Ssw i e8K, -lan. :. flour State mid West ern ii-. nettve and prices without murkeil chsine. -eutlu-rn steady. Wiient ' .-v lower, dull unit lieavv: Ne. 1 White. 1 145.;: e.2 Ke.l. Kf b.. 1 1 i.V-;jBI 15J; de sisircn. 1 l7VC5t UK : de Aprir, U 194 1 19 Il-lii ; de Mav, 1 ltfl-l''4. Cen: dull and tisli-ule lewer: Mltrd Weat ern pet, i.4a7Ic : de futures. HffVJgtWc. Oats ijiWeiewiT; ssit, 4135.1c : Wratern. 47ar5c : Ne. '-'. Feb., 4SK : Mar., 4Sc. 1'htUdelphln -Market. Pbil&dblvuia, Jan. 'J4 Fleur firm iiutl lulr i'nuittnd. itye tlenr at W C23 75. Wheat easier;. Ne 2 Western Kf.l.$U3Vf: Del. and I'n lied, il l'ffl 13 as te quality ; LeturDcrrv Ked ami Amber, 1 16f21 17. corn ilull and lower : Steamer, iRJe : Yellow. t;y(S70c: Mi.x'd fJSPS'Kc, all ler local use; .se .4 JllXfll. i)7c. )-it tlrm and In fair demand : Ne. I V hlte. Mf; e. de. t'JgW&e; Ne. 3 de, 43e ; Ne. 2 mixed. ItiVj'e. u ye lirm at iSc. lre i-lens stcaily. Hetter weaK : l'tt. Creamery extra, .fcc. Ilell- dull : IV nn'a ami Western. 15ffi'.MC. K-sis -toady : I'enn'a, 27c : Western. 2Ce. ClifCs.1 steady and unchanged. Wht-ky in $12ii. -eeil-- Clever Irresrnlar $12 50?Blt SO for new; Tlmetlir Srm at $2 2032 35; Flaxseed tlrm a' il i."21 47. (rain and lTovimen ouetsitlons. OneoVlecKouotuttousolRraln aud prevl? l i:n. iTirnl-hed by S. Iv V limit. Brefciir.irj .it Mns street. Ctie as;e. Oat- f'ern JitB Wheat K..ii I ii"... .:r.i MV.... 1.0-'. '': "',, - I'eir-.'.si . -Oil CitV "4'i- Jan. 21. Perk iH2l 17.37!i 10 77K 17 'A". U.12JX l.lve stock Market. I.A-T Lui-uirv. fl'ittle UO'-elpt-. t7'i Imul msiiket -den at about yesleid.ij's prices. Iln tieceipt''. 2.21H1 heud : tnirket aetive : I -ilsTdelphisi-sil $ 7- -70l: llalliuieret at sjlilll yji". C ; YerUer-st 'ii ."xiljtl". -hei p Heeelpt-. 4,1M market tall ut j'.-lerd ij.Vs prices. CUK-M.o-llesis Ueceipt", !.l'( head ; ship-ineiil-, 3,110 liesul : inarle" weak -enl slew sit .iDesst 'iiftuiv liites : inKeil. t" NialiS) ; heavy, ti: -Jil j'' - : Unlit. ." S.",fti". .15 ; skips 4ttS -ri. i i Hi Uieisipt-. I.-ihi head: .-hipuients.; ni-irsrt nclivesind 10i- higher; no piliiu-eiT ed : ( noted :il ( 10 lit". :; keimI te ehi.ii e. t-i lii-Tii ih : common te tuir, $1 2"i8." 30 ; butei.ei-' In fiir demand and limn r : vile-nt t,4.i: e:inninC.$2.Vi'TI : -teek-rt and teener- in ineilei-.iie supply ami lair deiuand ; p' tee- -te.tdv at -3 4Ufiil r. l,.-ep ICteeipt-. 1K) head: shipments, none : et iimnd f.ilraml pi lee steady; com cem com iiien te liiir. $:9l 10; meillum to;;eHl, $130 Vj.15 : ehoic'jte extra, $3 235 50. N- v a'-e Stunk itlttrkew. t-.ri. l'hilitd"lpniii antt Lecal dtecuu et id S'SOes llemi- ropeMtjd dally by n :t. i.eHO, 22 N'eilh ijaeen strtset. .Ian. 21. 10.00 1:1"' A M V M ALL NEW, si- we have -ield our Issst yesir's mock enliiely. Uueel our l.ugndiew windows will ter tits next two weeks be devote.! te the display et the-CKieds. We will !hew theiein n lull as-erlmt uf, fiem the narrewc-t te the witle-t, wltlipilce uiarkfi in each piece. tluwKlviii every Liulj tint p'i-e-eur stoma chance te in-prct our goods us well in their piice. ;,A 1 t.KTA I KM EX TA. Will you suner wtiu ityspepsia snd Liver Complaint? Huleli's Vltallzer is gimniulced te e.uiv you. Fer ssile by H. II. Cochran, 137 and Neith Queen street, myl-lwdeew&w tHiLOH's cuke will liiiinedistif ' relieve Croup. Whoepins; Ceuli ami lsrencliiti-, Fir sale by 11. II. echran, druggist. 137 and 1S9 North" yu'ien street. ltnd t.iRtein the mouth, unplea-ant breatn and Impaired hearing, when resultinsr from Catarrh, are overcome, :md the nasal passages which have been closed ter years are made tree by the u-e et Ely's Cream Halm, l'rice 50 cents. Apply " neHtrim with little fiuser. Duly Twe Bettle. Jlcssr-. Jehnsen, Hellew ay & Ce . wholesale druggists et 1'iiUadelphl.i. I'a., report that some time age a gentleman limded them a dollar, with a request te send a geed catarrh cure le two army elllcers In Arizona. He cently the -ame geiitlenian told them that both the etllcers and the wife et Gen. Jehn C. Fremont, Governer et Arizona, bad been cured of catarrh by the two bottles of Elv's Cream Halm. ju-swaji.iwvr Hale's Heney el norelieuud and Tnr cures coughs, bronchitis and consumption. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure In in one minute. j22-lwdeed&w Physicians Examined. Drs. ClingerandMowery, the physicians vche madn an autopsy of the body of Mrs. IJeitzticld who died under rather mys terious circumstances atConestega Centre some dajis a;e, were examined by the coroner te-day. Their testimony was le (iuccd te wilting. Beth testified that they found a large quantity of arsenic in the stomach, which they "have in their posses sien. Chicago Gra'n Market. The markets in grain and previsions in Chi cago ai c becoming mere active et late. There s-eem- te be an Increased demmd irem ship pers ter wheat and corn, and prices have mn ji rially advanced this past week, l rices or general produce held their own. The ware ware beuse lacilities which enable commission men there te handle produce te advantage is neta- l'urlly;tne mood. " bWATNE'S riLLS." " SWAYKE'8 TILLS." " SWAYNK'S PILLS." ACTS AS A HEART CORRECTOU and by cleansing, legulatlng and strengthen ing the orsranset digestion, secretion and ab ab M.iptlen. cme Apoplexy, Fits, l'aralj-sls, Ner vousness. Dizziness, Debility. Ilillleusness, it ..i itriMith. .Tiiniiillce. Llverand Kidney Cem plaint, Lack et Appetite, Lew Spirits, Indl-s;e-tleii or Dyspepsia, Headache. Constipation, Fevers, Malaria and Contagion, Fever an Ague, Dlarrhcea. Drep-y. Colds. lUieumsitistii, Neuralgia, Gout, Female Weakness, Urinary Disorders, nnd all Irregularities of the Spleen, Stemiich, Bladder and liewels. RESTORING TO HEALTH when all ether remedies fall. They keep the system In a healthy condition by arousing the torpid liver te healthy action, and expelling by the bowels and kidneys the msitter that poisons the loundatlens el life. Ue psirtlcular te obtain " Swayne's Till l'rice 25 cents u box el 30 pills, or 5 boxes $1. l'repared only by DR. swatnb is eejt, i -"-delphla, i'a. Ask your druggist ter them. Sent by mail te any address. ecti ced&wM.W,F KKMJIjKI rlHl.ll 1KATH Tlieiollewiiigstiitemcntol Wlllisnn I.Ceuuh Semcrville, Ma., i- -e lemaikulile Hiat we beg teasl: for it the attention et our read ers. lie savs : "In thu lsdl et ls7(il was taken with a violent bleeding et the lung-, tollewed by a -evere cough. 1 seen begitn te leie my appetite and flesh. I w a- se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the miiii- tni.r el 1S77 1 w SLslilllllii tell tO tllC City Hespitlll. Whilcibere the doctors ssiiil l htul : hole in my lett lung us big as a half-dollar. I expend ed" ever a hundred dollars in doctors ami medicine.-. 1 was se tar gene at one time a report went around that I was tlesitl. 1 nave up hope but a liien.l Sold me et UK. WM. HALL'S UALSAM FOItTHli LUNGS. I l.uighe at my friends thinking my case incnrable,but I get a In ttle te satisty them, when te my sur-pri.-eu il gratillcatlen, 1 commenced te feel better My hope, eiu-e d-ud. began te tevlve, and te layllcelin better t-pirits than I have the past three years. I writethi-heping you will publi-h it, se that everv one mulcted with Di-en-ed Lungs will be induced te take lilt. W M. HALL'S BALSAM rOKTHIC LUNGS, and beeenvinccd that CONSUMl'TION CAN HE CUUK1). I have taken two bottles and can positively -ay that it has done me moie geed than all the ether medicines 1 have taken since my sick ness. My cough ha- aline-t entirely di-ap-peared nnd I shall seen be able te go te work.' oeld bv II. H. Cochran. ISi North Oueen street yilLTIIM Ol'KKA ISOUSK. Wednesday Night, January 24. Fer whlc i occa-ien tlie luaniigeincnt have se cured the Sensation et the S usen, KICE'S 0PEKA fOJIPANY, Organized by K. K. KICK. UHAS. E. HICE, Proprietor. In a Supetb Production et GILBEKT A PI'LLIVAN'm Latest Comic Opera, m two Acts, entitled, IOLANTHE; Or. the Peer and the Peri. Tim Opera will be inagnlttcntly mounted Willi ni" iiint ucauiiiiii evv-i- -i La Me-s, elaborate ami costly co-tunics. b Charles fleiben et Paris, New Yerk and lles- 3Aliulsoien. 3.'i, .'0 and 7." cents: Ke-erved Seats, 73 cents. Fer Kile sit Opera lleu-e Otllce. lJI-4ttl WE HAVE ALsO OPENED TIUS WEEK A SPLENDID STOCK Or TOWELS AND TOWE LINGS, WHICH WE OFFE I T PK1CES. SPECAL LOW UHATHe: JlAKxrra In this city, en the 22d mst., ll llsim Frank, son of the late llev. .1. C.antl Ann Csithailne Barnitz, In the)ili year et his age. The relatives and friends et hutamilyaie icspectfully invited te attend the luneral, en Thursday afternoon at2V o'clock, lrem hU lute residence. Ne. 5.15 Ea-t King stieet. In terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. jlJ 2td IUITUN FKKA MOUSE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1883. PAT ROONEY'S NEW YORK STAR COMBINATION. Themoststupeiideusshowon the luce et the gloee. Everything new. Jresh ami spat kling. Hebeid the weudei tul cemedv K''lt,r,nJ.,-1 by the great, original and only PAT KOON r.t . The win hi renowned bicycle riders, hllrk Family. The talented Irish cemedlun. Dan Sully. Knock about song ami dance urtists. Teckackantl Steele The ttlstlngulshcd mnsi cil teuni.Sh.irpley and West. The empress or melody, Hattle Gillette. The most retlned ac robatic song seid tlsiiice artist-1. Du-Bcll twin Ki ethers Amencsi's greatest Germsin team, Moie-co and Gardner. Th- champion Club swinger. Chailrs H. Hoey. The pocket edition iu imitation et the greatand only PatP.oency, ... .. .. ....... ..."..,1- ml... in.l t.t fflllli. Jll kaiic, uijSii. " iuv,.....i ...." and matchless olio, cencliu.lng with nan sully s new-, renued ami laughaiile ceinedy, entitl it. ' L. A. F. F., or Larry's Ambition Fultllled." Full brsiss bantl and eichestw pkiue :'-' e 7eCL,T- i:eervetl .-eats ler -ale at epeia house eHlce. lt-5.T,lATh A FINE 'JllOSS-BABTOIVEli, HiAtS.atftC A LINEN DAMASK TOWEL, HEAVT, lfixSH, at 10c. A PLAID LINEN TOWEL. 13x11, at 10c. A FINE LINEN HUCK TOWEL, 18x31. at 12c EXTRA IIKATY HUCK TOWEL. STIIIPE1), a 22x10, at isc. FINE ALL-LINEN HUCK TOWEL, rurp i.tvkv HITfMC TOWEL. 20x42. at 202. FXTKA IlEAVVGERMANLINEN DAMASK TOWEL, 22x4.1, at 2.1c. PIE KVOTTED FRINGE TOWELS at 2.1c tl WASH It AGS, 3c. ALL-LINEN TOWELING. H Inches wide, .1c. BARKED TOWELING, IS Inches wide, (": HEAVY LINEN TOWELING, IS Inches wltle. 10c. FINE QUALITY LINEN, 18 Inchei wide, lDe- STRIPED LINEN TOWELING, 15 Inches wide, 10i. STRIPED LINEN TOWELING, 1'J Inches w d..-, 12c. HEAVY GERMAN T) AM ASK TOWELING, nincbc-i wide, lie. HEAVY RUPSIAN CRASH. ALL-LINEN, 14 Inehes wide, Hic. 10 luche- wide, 12c have sett ii-vl i'ewsj ! feet anil the maiaif It is lepeileil I he twenty acies hut with -s i'.nit : i'tiriber part'cula. -. Aiieilser !)u'i.i Ajj-iPi-i " "peri-tltm IIaiiki-hi mi. I'a. -I-i'i- -ii-Thii Dauj.hiu coutitvceuit. this ni'Miini;; in ii'i opinieu in two cases of ti. -litis vs. Ce'-. miiunir ceiiipiuy. er.t'ien jirimmn, . or eiitcivil asiains t!i-.i ce'sspuiy for cl -Sli ft."). Thu Mtit was for the pavmei.t r ellice, the eomiMey claiming th.d it wr..s exempt ou the'! that the sec riei. iintler wh'uh ".he tssc ri l-'vic 1 w: ;, ami th r it c )! ll'-'tf I wi h n si ; of Gendii - I'min-jiihiiiii esiislaliiie. liAuiiisr.L-uc Pa.. .Tan. 2-1 The S-natu te day took up tbiieiiiiii.ili.iii of V. H. Smith, te he iPCfidi't of Philadelphia, at.d after some discubsieti it wai-icfctied te t.e committee of t lie judiciary m.ucial. The biiMiics et the Heme te-day was cenfiued te the consiilcivtien of bills ai.l receiving cenunit'ee -epert.'. Ainen the hills upirfeil iavinbly was one te 1 tiet'ch the civil seivicc of the r.tate. rsit-Inc C'iniiterlelt -llevej. KEwrer.T. Yt., Jan 21. P. M Field.,. a prominent business liitiu of th;s j)lace,ai.d a wclI-Unewii rathead cenliaetei. hasbe-n arrested for p:isin:: ceuiiteiicir, iU.-r half-dellaiJ. 'lie cl;-:m :nn-e ns-e. A Diuuknn Jtan'h lleiribtt) Drt.i'li. MOReANTOWN'. l'l'l Jill. 21 XuWtell Smith was f.itatly buined c.iterday whi'e drunk. He wir.inti a h vy left and i-.t. tire te the t-table. lnr-cs rec burned. Denver ft 'tle Grnnde W. Y.. Lake Krle .t Western Ksei-a-i ami Tiisaa Li.:e "-.. ii'i' ...........-.--.. "- ew .lemey Centnil N -.-.' 1 erk. Ontario .t. W :-l j'.iiil. M. Xi Omali.i 11 'tic Midi U-t.-bester . Pltt-biirgn vis PncitW; ...... it:),l- -t Loul- A Pacillc . IV't-Mii t nloiiTel.l'e Pun n-y I vsiuisi Central PeilUdelph- 1 A ilMui'lll.. ' f . 1 here I" .c:ne I'esn " l'rtiri-iMl i.iirf .'-. 1-ltt.p A West.... 4.1'j r. M, 4 K :a 3' ni nii iin u;i'; ... w 1-C 4" W'i 40' i .T'.'S ! ?-';' 4i st4 is' 7:! !'4 fll S'-tJi 2D4 4 h :ti Kl?i ev 4S St!i is' 721 26 Si! ) 7,r t,,.! 10 :m una tfetiil Par val. .8100 . KM . 1IK . ML . Ultl . PM lM 1IKI l!0 . 100 NEW AVYEUVlSEStENTS. irOirKKNT-TWO-SIOKYBKICItWAKI - I; heu-e 28x40 leeten North Christ i in street. Alse an attached brick building 2Gi.12 feet, two-stories and high basement, well lighted: eight her-c power engine in ba-ement. In quire et ', R KUSSK L. j'l-4td Ne. 131 North Queen Street. Wide Awake Delta. Mesrs. Ssirgcnt Bres., driiggist,DclUi, Ohie In ordering si quantity et Themas' Eclectric Oil. write thsit they never sold anything that nave such universal satislactien in curing ceuKlis. colds, bronchitis, rheumatism, neu raliria. etc. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, "rug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. 13. KKAiNK SAYt.OK HAS REMOVED HI" GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., jIS- Exactly opjipeslte the Old Stand, ectn-emii&wit Mi.riltl Ol'Mt.V UOUSK. 3-0NE NIGHT ONLY.- Friday Evening, January 26, 1383. PERFECTION OF FUN, THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY VOKES FAMILY, VICTORIA, FRED, JES'IE. FA DON, BESSIE. Under the management of Mr. -lelm I. Smith, will pre-ent ter the llrst time, in tni- city their own Oiiginal, Musical. Salutsi.erlal. epeiatie, .Tragical, Comical Extravaganza, entitled tlie Belles of the Kitchen, Preceded bv the eharmins Comcdlee, NAVAL ENUACiEM'ENTS. A lull orchestra iinder the celebrated Musical Dhecter.SIU. OPERT1. VDMISSION, - - - 315 and BOCcnts, RESERVED SEATS, - - - 75 Ceuls. 3-Sale et Seatswlll cemm'-nce en Tuesday morning, January 23, at the Plejr A ll'irgaln in LADIES COLORED CAMISItlC HANDKERCHIEF?. Pinid, with Pelka Det Berden, Fast Celers, only Ci. GENTS COLORED HO" DhRbD CAMBRIC HANDKE-iCIUfc S, Fa-t Celers, 7c. Just received. a let of LADIES PLAIN COLORED LOTTEN HOSE, Regular Made, te be sold at 2.1c a pair. One Let FANCY COTTON HOSE, sit l'Jcapair. FiNKBALBRlGGANS. Full Regular Made, hilk Clocked, 2.1c. GENTS UNBLEACHED SOCKS, Full Regular Mude, rine Quality, Lie a pair. LANCASTER KMT COTTON SOCKS, seamless, two imlr ter 2ec. LVDIKS BLACK MUSQUATAIRK KID GLOVES, Undressed, at 00 a pair. LADIES FISE TERRA COTTA M USQUE TAIRE KID GLOVES, Stitched BaCc,each pilr guaranteed, Ill91i u Mil-it, ALL (4pt FINEST. MUSQUETAIRE CASHMERE GLOVES will be sold at Mc a pair. We nre selling off our stockef LACE COLLARS AND HAVE PUT THEM UP IN LOTS. One let, termerly 15 and 20c . new 103 a piece. UPC IO', 10rillUl' lin.i "". .' - .. i-- Oue lotet FINE COLLARS newsiti.c a piece. We are also celling a let of LACE AND EMBROIDERED TIES at loc a piece. One let et FINE LACE TIES at 2.1c a piece- Orgnii t'ltctery DniiiHs;eii by fc"te. Bosten, J.u. 24 mitti's eran man man ulacte yen Fiement street, had tlie upper steiy and reef dest:eve.d by lire thi tuoru tueru ing. aud the entire buildie dieuchuil wit.i water. It cenLvut-i "ver e' hit ldre I instruments. A Kiic-sae Town lH'-ss'.-.teil hjFiie Vienna. .T.iu 24 Ir. is rep ufed th..t the whole cential portion e! th-i town et Nicelieff, ltus-ii. been dcstreyid 1 y tire, involving some liis-s of li.c. A l uslsier Arrtnte '., K. V.. Jan. 21.-u-nrv Bernard, late cashier of the dafu-iut City bank, was nrrcstcd e:i a i indictm-nt to day. lircalter itiirnet!. SfMiAXTOS. P.i . Jau. 24. The Elk Hill coal aud Iren company's breaker, at Dick Dick eon City, was luuuul lastniht. A lare number of lalmieis are thiewn ( ut of wok. ..!' Mytf.ici et. Lrr.n,dr.el'-Q2.. I'M.'... lf".l .. ' IK-.'... , per et. n 1 or :tn iyr d. school '.fi'.n... 1 " - in 1 or -i t-se-s. .. 4 - " in rr; ears. i (; lii I" or 'in . i-i;-ft ri..s.'.elisi '-oieisgh lean HANK hTOtlLli. . .i V-ltlllll'Ll IkHll . .....-. '.f rsieM-.' v il'ensll V k i.Il'ill Nsitt' --.." ..........-- I, iiefi"t C Mini" vs' tonsil linis;. Oeluiidd'i atl'"H' in ui. .......... 1 i.i'.'isi iitiei,- -'- k...... ..... .Tii-i N-iiiiiesiI Uan-c 'lelninhla.. . I'f-t Niiti'Miat hiiiik, Htrasliiirg.... FnlN'itiend IS eik, .eh.icuu.. .., r!i-t N.itiend Hsmli. Mount. ley.. Lititz 'X itien-il ititiik. jji,ili' 'i ilienid Ilstik I'liiuii Nau'snal Hank. Mount Jey Niiw Hellund Nsa'enal Rank MlSCSI.LAI'EOCfl STOCKS. l':irs villtt R. R. ..-..-...- Millciville-)tret t l'l'l' Ii'ijii'i-er Pi luting Company -1 ilci r' lelery ...........-- I- ,- !.-'ht'iml Fuel Company v even- lleu e.. ................ ...... CeluinhiaGsi.i Company 'eluiiii '.si Wsttei? Company u-qiieli.tTiiiit Den Company 'l.incttii HoHewwaru Stevens Heuse. ...... .... Itsily Wand ,","" Kisst llrsui'lywtni- Wsiynesb g... Mtlti-vsvl'ltt Nermal Scheel MUCCLt-ANUOCS BONDS. it-mir, villi- IL R.,diie iww .- lit suling ft Celniiibiii R. R.Vh 100 t. tn(-ie.tfl ilehC".. ilms ISM- 'OU t,iim-;i.-ler tj.ia l.igl't antl Fuel Ce.. due in I e; Jl y nr- VA'" L.nest-ter ess Light antl Fuel Ce., due I-w- lw TURNPIKK BTOCKii, mg. uI-ik l'--'vt-r Vnliey r.ndgetmil ft Horeshetj .hitn.ift Chestnut Hill '.liliimbiaft Wsisiiingien (.(.liiiiii.hift Rig hprlnir Ijim-ii-terft Kphratii L.iiii-a.-.ti;i ft Willow Street Slnnetir,: t Millpeit M.i riot i Msiytewn M-irtwni.V Mount Jnv '.sine .EII.abi-.tlitii A'llnl'n UuiciL-.tei-A Fruitvllle. L mesf-terft LltUz L-iiiciister ft Willlitm-tewii.... L iiiesiler ft Miiiier... .......... Lnr.caj.ter ft Mituhelm Line.e.ter ft Mariet'a... Liincsisli'rft New Helland Lsincatte.r ftSusiiueh-innsi .ilOC .. lix) Ml UK) UK' 100 1W l'JI 100 . urn loe .10 100 im w . W) . 100 . 25, . ioe 100 1 fiO M Last ssile fl05 107K 120 120 101 112 H 102. ' ii;. . 102 (filiVil 1. H..10 isvtse no 160 112 li urn s.H.30 2ut UV7L lte 1.11 70.58 137 12.25 arwe CO 120 90 I net ioe 10 1 1117 105 105.50 100 105 . 2.1 10. 2.1 i 2.1 2.1 2 100 2Ti 25 .10 2.1 25 100 2 IS 47.23 21 10 40.1C IA S3 75. 1.13.10 43 .13.33 85 275.2 MIS VEIsLA SEO US. I lAFr." rlll SAW! , . r. .et'entt-hanil Fsirrel A Herring Sare, in ,! c-on.litlen, "In K. Klng St. F'Fre'iVApiil 1, 1&, room suitable forelTlco te-two chairs, en tirst iloer. Inquirnut MM LOW'S tiWAIl SIORE. Ne K Uentre Square. '' Less, $23,000. 'lhe Cede In l'riince Pahis, Jan., 24 A. duel with swenis has been fought bet wren M. Ddert, the painter, and Cel. I'atnmayr.ic. Delett w..s wounded in the breast. Tlieatr tsinrtgiT Alnrenil. San FuANCi-r.). Jan., 21. Tiie Gi.iud nrnrj llellS,! WaS ClOSC'! hist lllsfhl. il tl'ltlCO en the doers s'aMi tli-.a t!m manar, Atdre-wsi & Steckwcll, ha I abcewLd. siudeiitt -xit:ll'.l ler Hazing BrcnsWU'K, Maine Jan. 21. Five mem bers of the sophomore class of Bea deiu cel lege were indefinitely suspended yesterday for hazing. Senater aicetxtnaa Ki-ole tJ l. Tm-vmv .Tsui. 24. Jehn H. MoPher- son was today reelected Uni'el States senator in joint couventiou ea first ballet by two majority. E-.TATKOK CHAKLKH fill.l.K.lMK, LATE ,! Lssntiister City. Lancaster county, de-e"si-e.l.-I.etteiritestsenentiiry en ssild estate. Veiving been granU-tl te the undersigned, ail I,,,,,, indcbtctl te -aid decedent are re m,ete.l te umke iinuiclhite wetttlement and ino-e having claim- antt ihsurinils against the ettateefs.iitldece.tent, te msike known the chub te the undersigned without delay, re M.llng in "''tfA's. j. GILLESPIE. d20-mdW s.'l West Orange street. fl'O WHOM IT MAX WINffcKN. I Netice is hereby given that application v. ill be made at the nresentsc-'slt.n of the Leg Mat utcel Pennsylvania, ter thpa?sagceran ue .euiiCcd An Act ler the Relict or the Lan castcr County Prison, theebject etwhich will 1,0 te confer upon the Courts et Criminal .lu .lu riMllctien In ssiitl county power tosentence all per-ens convicted et any crime or mUde- I ' r. ...... th niiiiiahment of !iieiner in ssiie cu-jh.-, --" i"" ' , ,..i vlileh would be imprisonment In the pcni tf lary. in any otherceuntyir. . ii n V,.ri ssiitl punlsnment either In the state pen itent i.irv or In the Lancaster county prison, X discretion et the court, mid te repeal all Lew orirt8ef acty.JnrewtMjwlUi. President of the Kesir.l of "j?.1,"18 I.smctister county Prison 12.4tdAltw s. N. ICATHVON. j- We again extend an invitation te the ladlea te honor us with their call. ASTRI0H BROTHERS. Tlie Weather Moderating. Chicago, Jan. 24. The weather this morning has greatly mederateil aud is still growing wanner. WCVrilKlt I.M-lt-'ATIO.N-'. Wsiir.r.TDN, Jan. 21 Fer M-c .Mi.Idle Atlantic states uieieisiiij: cleudine-s fol fel inH.I l.v local snow, warmer seathcrly, veering te westerly wiii1, ami lower tem perature. A cure ler " Crick in tlie IJack." The prescription Ii very brlnt : Take Hnnt's Kemetiy. the great kidney ami liver medicine. It infallibly cures. Ve you knew tnit a "cric OVERCOATS, Dress Suits, iHisiness Suits, Tantaloens, Waistcoats, I , . 'e-liaMe w iui'T material", made prompt, lv i" enier ter men ami boy, at bottom prlcen ter the next two months, it 8. 8. RATUV0IT8 ' Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., jiMmced LANCASTER, PA.