LANCASTER DAILY INTEMJLGENCER, MONDAY, JANUARY 22. 1883. Hancaster Jntelltgencet. MONDAY EVENING JAN. 22, 1883, THE, FIFTH A.VISNUK UOTKL SUED. A Family Wne "Were ejected Frem Uie Hetel Soaking Heavy Damages. In New Yerk, this week, in the cenrt of common pleas, the case of Matthew Neville against the Fifth Avenue hotel will come up. Neville sues the proprietors of the hotel for $50,000 en account of assault and battery, which, he says, was com mitted en him in his forcible ejectment from the hotel. His wife, who was w.ith him, sues also for $15,000, his sister for $10,000 and bis sister-in-law for $25,000. The date of the alleged assault is June 1, 1881. W. G. Wilsen, of Chicago, was stepping at the hotel. That evening he was a guest at Mr. Neville's house. At 11 o'clock he said he would go for his letters, and invited Mr. and Mrs. Neville, Miss Neville and Mrs. Gould, Mrs. Neville's sister, te accompany him. They drove te the hotel, went te Mr. Wileen's room, ordered cbampacne, and the hotel people say became very noisy. The hotel detective put 3Ir. Neville out, the latter says, with violence. Then the ethers weie told te fellow, and they did. Hence the suit, which bids fair te be interesting. A UONTKST FOR KIUIlT OF WAY. A Railroad Track Tern Up and Kilty Bien Ledged lu tlall. The contention between the Lehigh & Lackawanna and the Pennsylvania, Slat Slat ingten & New England railroad compan ies near Banger continues. Saturday morning Superintendent Pish, of the Le high read, went with 159 men te the scene of the late difficulty te relay the track tern up by the New England company's men a few days age. The latter company seen had a large force of men te step the re pairs and during the confusion that ensued one man had his haud hurt by a pick and was otherwise injured. The Lehigh party then had a warrant issued for the arrest of the New England paity and fifty of the lattcr's gang were ledged in the Gasten jail. The New England men then had the Lehigh employees arrested, but bail was promptly furnished, when the work of relaying the track was resumed and finished as far as Banger. "They who cry loudest arc net always tin- most hurt." Kidney-Wert dens it work like tin- (Joed Samaritan, quickly, nnoMcn nneMcn nnoMcn latleusly.lmt Willi r,:it;tlioreii(;lin('.'"4. A New Hampshire lady wiites: "Mether has been atllicted ler years with kidney diseases. Lat Spring the was veiy ill and h id an alai miiif; pain and nunibni"--, in one Mde. Kli'ney-Wert proved a ureal blessing mid has complete!) cured her." &S Ne woman re ill niacin cs economy un less she u-es the Diamond Ujes. Many" del lars can be saved every year. Ask the druj; Klst. Fen DTerxrsiA ami Liver Complaint, you linvr a printed Kiiamiitce en every bottle et Shiloh's Vltullzcr. It never fails te em e. Fer sale by H. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 159 North Queen street. Kidney Complaint Cured. 15. Turner, Rochester, X. Y, writes: '! have been ler ever a year subject te sciieus disorder of the kidneys, and eiten unable te attend te business : I precuied your llurdeck Itlned Kittcis and relieved betere halt a bottle was used. I intend te continue, as I lccl confident that thev will cntiicly cine ice." Ii Ire $1. Fer s.ile by 11. IS. Cochran, drupf-Ist, l:J7and 1S!I North Queen street. Ana you made miserable by Indigestion, Con stipation. Less of Appetite, Yellow hi: in ? Shiloh's Vitali7cr is a positive euro. Fer sale by II. I!. Ceehran, druggist, 137 and 1.7) North Queen street. Fer an em ami valuable remedy see ad vcr. ti.sementet Hiumnn. Liver Regulator. A lluptlst minister's Kxporlcnce. I am a KnptWt MinMcr, and befern I even thought of being a clergyman, I graduated in medicine, lint lelt a lucrative practice ter my present piofe-jen. 40 years age. 1 was ler many years a sulleicr fiem quinsy : "Theinu-.' KelectiicOit curedtne." I was also troubled with hoarseness, and Themas' JCelcetiic Oil al ways rcliuvcd me. My wile and child had diphtheiia, and 'Themas' Eclcctric Oil cuicd them," and II taken in time it will cine seven outettcn. I am confident itisa cuieferthe most obstinate eeld or cough, and il anyone will take a small teaspoon and half Hit it u ith the Oil, and then place the end et the spoon in one nostril ami draw the Oil out of the spoon ihtethelicadbysniJlingas liaid as they can, until Uie Oil tails ever into the tin eat, and practlcethat twice a week. I don't caie hew ellcnsive their head may be. it will clean it eutandcuictheircatairh. Fer deafness and earache it has done wonders te my ceilain knowledge. It is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that I have ever lelt like ic ic eemmeiuling, and I am very anxious te s-ee it In everyplace, ler 1 tell you that I would net be without it in my house ler any considera tion 1 am new fluttering with a p.iin like rheumatism in my light limb, and nothing le lieveu mc like Themas' Keleetric Oil. Hr. i:. F. CRANE, Cerrv, Pa. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and UN North Queen street. WHY WILL YOU COUgll Wild! SllilOll'S ClirO will i;ive immediate lellet. Price, 10 cts., .10 cts. nnd$l. Fer sale by II. IS. Cochran, drug gist. 1.17 and 138 North Queen street RAILROADS. T HE GREAT Burlington Reute Chicago, Uurlingten & tyiiucy II. K. Chicago, lisirlliigten k tyihicj 11, 11. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAGO OK P E 0 B I A TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and REST line te St, Jeseph, Atchlnsen, Topeka, Denlsen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Tosas, This route has no superior for Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAli LINK. Universally conceded te be the BEST EQUIPPED Kailread In the world for all classes et travel. All connections inade In Union depots. Try It and yen will find traveling a luxury Instead of a discomlert. Through tickets via this celebrated line for Bale at all offices la the U. S. and Canada. All Information about rates of 'fare, Sleepint) Cars, etc., cheerfully given by FKKCKVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chioaeo, III. T. .1. POTTKK, 3d Vice Pres. ft Gen. Manager, Chicago, III. JOUNO.A. ISKAN.Gen. Katern Agt., 317 Broadway, 306 Washington St. Nkw Yewl Rosteh, Mass. navlC-lvd4w BOOHS AMD STATIONER,.' CUBISTMAS AKD NEW YEAR CARDS, NEW ILLUSTRATED ROOKS, ALBUMS, AHD A PIKE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY ARTICLES, AT L. M. FLYNKv, NO.42 WEST KING STREET. Li-i, tSTKlt TOK ALDKKMAN.l W. D. STAUFFER, jS-Ud SECOND WAKD. MEDICAL. A KEMAKKAHLE D1SCOYEKY. Frem the Jletnc Journal. A REAL SKIN CURE. THERE IS OXLY ONE AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAM E. llewarc of Imposters, pirates, or any old articles which new suddenly claim te be best. They have been tried and found wanting, while tills has been proved a remarkable suc cess. NO POMPOUS NAME. This curatlve needs no pompous or incom prehensible title el Greek or Latin te sustain it, but IU simple English name appeals di rectly te the common sense of the people. And the p eplcarc signally manifesting their ap ap picciatien et this liankncss by selecting and using Dr. flensen's Skijt cure in preierence te all ether pretcssed remedies. Dr. C. W. Bensen has long been well known as a successtul physician and surgeon, and his life study has been the diseases of the ner vous system and of the skin ; since he has been persuaded te put his New Itemcdy and Favorite Prescription as n " Skin Cure " en the market, various things have sprung up Inte existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state in which they weie boterc, and new claim te be The Great Shin Cure, 49 IScware et imitations, or the various articles which have been adveitised for years or struggled along, having no real held or mciit en the public, that new endeavor te keep head above water by advertising thein selvisas "The Great Skin Cure." None is genuine and reliable, except Dr. C. W. Ren son's Skin Cure. Each package and bettle bears his likeness. Internal and external lemcdy, two bottles iu ene package. Price, $1.(0 ; get at your druggists. Relief Ter all Overworked Rrains. CAUSE AND CUKE. Dr. 15. W. Kenson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable for school children who suiter from nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain in their studies, and ler all classes of hard brain workers whose ever tasked nervous centres need lepair and seda tion. Nervous ticmer, weakness, and paraly sis arc being daily cured by these pills. They correct costiveness, but are net purgative. Price i 59 cents, or six bottles ler $2.50, postage free, te any address. Fer sale by all drug gists. Depot, Baltimore. Md., where the doc tor can be addics-cd. Letters of inqulry Ireely answered. C, N. Crlttenten, of New Yerk, Is wholesale agent for Dr. C. W. ISensen's remedies. lanlS-lmdM.W&S XT" IDNKY-IVOKT Sure Cure for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It lias specific action en this most Import ant organ, enabling il te thiew ett torpidity and inaction. Stimulating the healthy secre tion of the Itile, and by keeping the bowels in tree condition, cttecting Its regular discharge. TVTe fa -me II you nre suflerintrtrem ma lVJ.cU.aiJ. Xct. larla, have the chills, are 1)11 ion", dyspeptic or constipated, Kldncy-Wert will surely relieve and quickly cure. Iin the Spring te cleanse the System, every one should take a thorough course et it. Sold by Druggists. Price, 81. KIDNEY-WORT. scp27iyd&wMW&F 41 M US1 CAI. IXa TR U31ESTS. piSIAHLlSUkD 1863. H. J. OllTH, MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR THK Weber, Steinway, Kranicli & Bach PIANO-FORTES. -Hjiseii & Hamlin, Poleubel & Ces ORGANS. Address Correspondence te Ne. 310 MARKET STREET, IIAllltlSKUKG, PA. nas-3mv M USIC 1UJXES. Music Bexes, Closing Out Sale AT HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. This being our last hale In this cily for some ears, we di alie te sell out the entire stei k before closing our salesrooms for the season. Te this end we quote the lowest possible, with only small advance ever cost of niaiiutuctuiin . te cover expense-". Only tlncst quality High Class Music liexes, Hpeciallymade toreurictail trade, including many new styles, with latest improvements, anil of tlu gieatest durability ; far supeiier te the etdinary Music Kexcs generally sold in this country. The tone et ilnse boxes is very pewerlul anil at the same time lemarkably sweet. Musical liexes with Hells, Drums. Cnstagnets. Celestial Voices, Harp, Piccale, Tiemole, Mandeline, Korte-Pia'ie, and Sublime-Harmonic. &c, with two and thice main springs, running twice and .three times the length et ordinary Music Kexes by one winding. Large stock el small Music Kexes : also. Al bums. Cliir 1'niler.s. Demnti-r n witli .nn. cealed music. Immense Display ! Newest Selections I Ne home should be without one S i'nese uranium instruments Tills is an opportunity seldom ettered. Price list en application. C. GAUTSCHI & CO., MANUFACTUKEUS OF MUSICAL KOXES, Ste. Croix, Switzerland. Salesroems: Ne. 1018 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. nev!5-tfd OLASS AJfli QVEENSHARh. H 1UU AS 0IAKT13T. i . AT CHINA: HALL. We have Just received per Steamship Illi nois another Importation et White Granite Ware DINNEU, ITEA and CHAMBER WARE. vIv?i."va.Vv-V,!lKe stock of housefuk heusefuk MblUNG GOODS; In our line. Heuscstircs Reeeive Special Attention. 3-Our Goods must prove satisfactory or will l)e exchanged. High & Martin's, 16 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. Qnsware Qaeensware CLOIHING, UNDERWEAR, JtV. in J. KKIS KKISMAM. Neckties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk and Cash mere Mulllcrs, Linen Handkerchiefs, Flne Shirts, Undcrweir, Fur Spring Tep Gloves, Caster GIoves.Cellars,Cutrs. Suspenders, Pocket Heeks. Card Cases. Ladles' Satchels, Pho tograph and Autograph Alliums, Perfumery, Cigar Cases, Scart Pins, Sleeve Uuttens, Ac. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE GRAND D18 PLAY. E. J. ERISMAN, NO. 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET. TJKKE AGAIN! STILL A FEW LEFT -OF THOSE Overcoats and Heavy its. On which we are ettering most extraeulinary inducements. They must be sold as we must have the room they occupy for the huge SPRING STOCK which we nre new manufac turing. UNDERWEAR, KNIT JACKETS, NEOKWBAB, AND ALL FURNISHING GOODS, Suitable ler Winter Wear at ONE-HALF of Fermer Prices lfO Dezen WHITE SHIRTS, Extra Quality, lour-ply Linen liosem and Cutis, 80c. About 35 Dezen Pairs et GLOVES at Extra Inducements. About 45 CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS at Hair Value. Alse PRICES REDUCED m our Merchant Tailoring Department. 3-New is the Time, and the Tlace Is Hirsh & Brether, Penn Hall Clethinsr Heuse, Nes. 2 and 1 Ji. (Jiicen St., and ( and 8 Penu Square, Lancaster, Fa. sepS lyd ri M.i MStH & FUSTiiK. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS. THE EFFECT OUR Mark Down en Overcoats Has reduced our Stock beyend our expec tations. Tile few net yet sold aie all New Stylish Overcoats. The prices maiked en tliem will pay the put chaser ler a luture Invtstment. Te make a quick turn we have marked down a let et SCHOOL SUITS FOR BOYS That came In late all llrst-class goods, well made and sewed strong. We give you the advantake et thN stock. We will net carry them ever. The PAJNTS STOCK Has been filled up. New is the time te liny yeurselt a geed pair et pantf. Any kinii of CO AT and VEST will de under a geed overcoat, but the ant-, must be geed. IJuy jenn-clf agoed pair of pants new and von have all is de-dralile in CLOTHING" ter outdoor wear. FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS. UM- I5RELLAS, TRUNKS and VA L1SES At Lewest Prices. About APRIL 1 we will open a ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. 34, 36 & 38 E.King St., LANCASTER. PA "TIOSKNSTKIN'H. HEAVY GASSfflERE SUITS FOR Men, Beys ami Children, AT SACRIFICING PRICES. Ift order te close out my Entire Stock et I have MARKED THEM DOWN Less than the Raw Mateiial can be bought for. MEN'S ELEGANT ALL PURE WOOL SUITS, Ker $n.O0. Fermer Price, $10,00. MEN'S EXTRA ALL-WOOL SUITS, Fer $12,00, sold rapidly heretofore for $18.00. BOYS' SUITS Frem $2.50 up te $7.09. Only Half the Fermer Prices. MEN'S OVERCOATS At such prices heretofore unheard of AT ROSEMEIFS, No.37Nerth(JueenSt. LANCASTER, PA. 3-Ncxt Doer te Shultz & Rie's Hat Stere PIANOS AND FUBNITUKK ICKtaOVKO at short notice. Alse, dealer in second hand and antique Furniture, Steves and RracketSaws. $1.60. AUG. F. REINOEHL, , , , SX North Queen meet, dccl1-3md (Above the Northern Market.) Msiiii Williamson & Fester, Beauy-Hu Ming, ABXRJVU BROlf. AVYKRTIBBMKVT. STKICH HKOTHKKM ASTR1CH BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WE OFFER THIS WEEK IN EVERY ONE OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. They are tee numerous te be raentioned. We therefore only call attention te a few. OUR STOCK OF HATS and BOIEETS IS GREATLY REDUCED. THE I5ALANCE LEFT WILL RE Sold at Less Than Cost, Beaver Hats at 50c. Felt Hats at 50c Satin Plush Hats at $1.00. Children's Scheel Hats at 50c. FEATHERS AND TIPS BELOW COST. ALLOURF1NE LARGE COLORED PLUMES AT THE UNIFORM PRICE OF ONLY SS2.00 APIECE. ALL OUR FANCY WINGS AT HALF PRICE. WE HAVE REDUCED OUR WHOLE STOCK OF THE MOST ELEGANT SASH RXBBQXS. TO THE UNIFORM PRICE OF 50 CENTS PER YARD, Thus efferniff Ribbon formerly sold at $1.00. $1.23, $1.50 and even at $J.O0 per yard, at ONLY VELVETS and PLUSHES GREATLY REDUCED. ONE LOT OF FANCY WATERED VELVE TEENS AT ONLY 31 CENTS PER YARD. OUR STOCK OF READY-TRIMMED Hats and iSennets WILL BE SOLD AT ASTONISHLY LOW PHICES. OUR STOCK OF COATS and DOLMANS IS VERY LOW. The few left will seen be sold. Take held of the opportunity and don't neglect te purchase a t Ine Garment at exactly halt Its value. We are expecting wlthlu a week or two an entirely NEW INVOICE OF CHOICE Hamburg Edgings AND Insertings. Te make room for these we offer the balance lelt of our last years stock at HALF-PRICE. Yeu can buy an Edge wertli 10 cents for 5 cents a yard. Yeu can buy an Edge weith 15 cents ler 7J ccnlsayard. ' Yeu can buy an Edge wertli 20 cents ler 10 1 ou can buy an Edge worth 23 cents ler 12J cents a yard. ' Y'eu can buy an Edge worth 50 cents ler 25 cents a yard. Yeu can buy an Edge worth $1.00 for E0 rents a yard. ALL OUR Infants' Short and Leng Dresses, neues ana sups, AT half-price. OTHER BARGAINS IN Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Worsted Caps, Handkerchiefs, Lace Goods, &c. LADIES' FELT SKIRTS REDUCED. 3 Novelties and New. Seasonable Goods leceived as usual and marked very low. S-It will pay every one te call and exam ine the bargains offered. Unpreceaented Barga ins B OWEla b MUKST. NO FIRE! STO FIRE! But DRY GOODS Cheaper than WET GOODS. Our BLEACHED MUSLINS at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Cents are far better than the Wet Goods or se-called Wet Geed JM. are efferedattbe same prices. Our UNBLEACHED MUSLINS and SHEETINGS are at ZZ ZXItlauTtt Price than these advertised as Wet Goods. In TABLE LINENS and CRASHES we offer Nice Scan gLI .t T L. P 1 the damped ones advertised. I fact, through our whole stock you will find Great Bargain JSJS Auc ion Sale of Fire Goods of Heed, Bonbright & Ce., and as most all of the goods sefd at Higher Prices 7ha SeTpe S Goods can be bought for, we did net buy, preferrins te offer our customers Nice Clean Goods at our Usualiy Le Prices CSWe cordially invite all te call for the purpose of Comparing Qualities and Prices. Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH JUMN S. GIVLKK CO. NO FIRE OR DAMAGED GOODS! We have just Finished Taking Stock, and will sell DRY JlNT PERFECT GOODS At BARGAIN PRICES all through Our Stock. E-Just received from Louden. Eugland, a Full Line of WELCH, MAREGTSON & CO.'s Genuine Black Silk Ties. JOHN S. GIVLEE & CO., DRY GOODS, CARPET AND MERCHANT TAILORING HOUSE, Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET. J. S. GIVLER. M VKKS & HATUFON. New effects m Imported Worsteds in Basket, Diagonal and Birdeye weave, in Blue, Green and Black. New effects in Silks Mixed English, Cheviots in all fashionable colors. New effects in Scetcn Cheviots, in all fashionable colors. New effects in Imported Overceating, in Londen Beavers, English Meltons, Kerseys and the popular "Ni-'gerhei. " MYEE8 & RATHFON, FINE MERCHANT TAILOBS, Ne. 12 East King Street. Lancaster Pa. DRY H AUKK Si BROTHER, JAN. 1883. FRESH DRY GOODS, FRESH DRY GOODS, FRESH DRY GOODS, FRESH DRY GOODS, At VERY LOW PRICES. HAGER & BROTHER have in stere all the best makes of Bleached and Unbleached MUSLINS, SHEETINGS and PILLOW MUSLINS. 4-4 WAMSUTTA BLEACHED MUSLIN, 12!c. 4 4 WILLIAMSVILLE BLEACHED MUSLIN, lie. Pride of West, Fruit, Hill, Semper Idem, Lonsdale, Forrestdalo, Cabet, Utica and ether makes of lileachcd and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings and Pillow Gasingp. LINENS. New Designs in TABLE DAMASK, with NAPKINS te match, in Cream and White. F IRK I MRKI FAHNESTOOK. (NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE) will open today, Large Lets of DAMAGED DRY GOODS. Damaged by SMOKE and WATER, from the late fire in Philadelphia. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. Checks Tickings, White and Colored Flannels, Canten Flanuels, Quilts, Crash, Tewels, Calicoes, Cottenadcs, Kentucky Jeans, &c.,&c. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. - . LANCASTER, HOUSE FURNISHING UOODsi PJH.If & WILLSOW. GO FLINN & FOR HOUSE8TIRE8. Steves, Heaters and Ranges. Fleer and Table Oil Cleths. Knives Ferks and Spoons. THE LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES. FLINN & WILLSON. Lancaster, Pa. S-Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Tin Reefing FLUMIIINO AJfD JOHN L. ARNOLD. WHY NOT BUY A FINE GAS FIXTURE FOR YOUR PARLOR, DINING-ROOM OR HALL, FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT ? LOOtSSKSlSr' WelTvValew6"11 yU COU,dmake- Ihavethem from Sconces with Beveled Mirrors. Jardineres for Window FIewcss. STANDING MIRRORS. Largest stock of Fine Glebes, Newal Ltgbts, Reading Lights. Call and see the Fine Window Display. EXPENSES LOW. PRICES LOW. JOHN L. N03. 11, 13 and 16 East Orange NS? '.;, KSSFASKI AND GUN EUS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Corn wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclesed or un un incleseu, either ler the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidlv enlerccd against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN, R. PERCY" ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, , Attorney ler u. y. Celeman's Heirs. Ol6-tfdftw. BRX GOODS, Cr. BOWERS & HURST, QUEEN STREET. CLOTHING. MEECHANT TAILOEINGr. GOODS. JAN. 1 PA. TO WILLSON and Spouting, spccialti tics. CAS EITTINU.' ARNOLD, Street, Lancaster, Pa. M WAV UKAIIY. OUR NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number of properties In city and country, with pricei, Ac. Copies sent tree te any address. ALLEN A. HERR A CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Ne. 10 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. LANCASTER. PA. G. F. RATIIVON. vit J-.j.czt.f 'tVll'r. IASUAfcTKIl A:NI .IIJI.I.KIUVII.I.K K. i Cars run as follews: Leave Lancatscr (1 11. Depot), at 7, 9, nn.l 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4, c anil 8:30 p. in., exeunt en Satunlay, when the last car leaves at 9:30 j. in Leave Aiillersville (lower end) at 5, s. anilrlO a. M., an 1 1 , 3, 5 ar. d 7 1. m." tura run uaiiy en 3" ive time except en Sun av. COC,U?.3Ii!A & rOKT IIKI'ONIT KAIL liiiAD TIME TA1JI.K. Tniinnnevrun legularlyen the Columbia l'0'.-t iepOdit Railroad en tlie following time : BQCTIIVAHO. STATIONS. KOllTllWAIUJ. P.M. A.M. P.M. 6:20 6:33 6:42 7:00 10:20 Columbia... ...Washington... ....Cie-.swell ... ...Safe Harber... ..Slienk'.s Ferry. l'equea..... ..Yerk Furnace.. Tncquan..... McCall's Ferry. ..Fite'a Kldy... .Fidhinu Creek.. Peach Ilotteni.. . . Conewltyo... ....Octerara ..Pert Pepnslt.. ...Perryville.... lOSJ 10:39 10:55 11:00 11:03 7:05 7:09 7:1 11:0.') 7:17 11:10 7:23 11:15 11:26 11:30 7:37 7:41 7:50 11:3b 11:51 P.M. 12:03 12:15 12:30 7:10 7:27 7:37 8;00 8:20 7:5 7:: 7.-2S 7:17 7:1 5 8.-05 6:13 8:25 I KAUINU at COLUMBIA K. K. AUUANGEMENT OfIpaSSENGEUTKAINI?. MONDAY, NOVEMIIKK 13w, 1882. lIOltTHWAKI). J.BAV8. gimrryville ancaster, King St... Jjan caster Columbia ARIUVB. a.m. H.-20 5:35 8:09 5:25 8.02 5:3) 7:15 5:05 7:40 5:01 7::i 4:5H 7:31 1:36 7:2S 4:51 7:23 4:17 7:10 4:.i 7:0C 4:3:! 6:57 4:2ti C:tl 4:12 6:32 4:05 rit) 3:55 3:41 A.W. 7U10 9:10 9:20 iteadlng ., SOUTHWAItil J.BAVB. Reading AIUUVX. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. King St... Unarrwllln A.M. P.H. P.M. .20 ... aai 7:30 .... 3:10 7:40 1:00 3:50 7:30 1:10 3:40 9:45 3:20 TiAe P.X 5:15 5:25 6:30 j.rcnsceunectat Heading with train. I.utud Irem Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Iteund Rroek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick am! Rait! Rait! mere. m. WILSON. Sunt. PBflNSYLVAKlA 1UILKOAD- HtA9 SCHEDULE On and afti-r SUNDA 1 OCTOUER 1st, 1882, trains en the l'enn-,yl vani.i Railroad will arrive at and have tl.c Lancastm and Philadelphia (lopel.saa fellows : Levi Ar LanPhll Eastward. A.M. A.M 233 1030 Mall Express Fast Line liarrlaburg Express Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Accomedation arrives... Columbia Accommodation Fiederlck Accommodation arrives. J.k Hu ven Express Sunday Mail Johnstown Express Dav Express 12: 9:10 8:10 S;.V 0.00 11:15 P.M. 12:5.1 VM 2:12 2:20 635 3:2!) r.M. 5:45 5:05 7-35 Harrisburf Accommodation. C45 If 15 llanever Accommodation west. cenni-ciMnir at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:15, will run through te Hanover dally, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:40, will run tbreuKh te Frederick. Le. Ar. PlillfLan W8TWAM. A.M. A.M. C:27 6:27 JA5 9:40 10:15 10:20 P.M. 1:40 1:50 5 20 i30 Tfli 7:40 il:Je 1:15 J1GW8 isxprcss Way Pafsenger Mail Train, Ne. 1. via. Mt. Jey Mall Train, No.2,viaCelnmbia,ieavcs Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation leaves 4:30 4:30 7:00 8:13 Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leaves. 11:05 P.M. 2:14 Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accommodation Uariisburg Express Western Express Pacific Express '4:14 5:40 0:05 11:201 Harrlsburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (witheutcliange of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, Will 8tonatDewningtown,Coat-svilie, I'urkes nurg. Mount Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Middle town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Exnrcn VMall Train, Ne. 1, W eslern Express and PaciHc Ex press run dallv. COAX. B. u. IAKTIII, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all klnda or LUMBER AND COAL. JWfard: Ne. 420 North Water and Print e treets above Lemen Lancaster. nS-lyd lOAL ANU MANUKK. j Bcstlzzntie of family COAL, well-cleaned, weight guaranteed. Manure by the car-lead at Lewest Prices. Alse. Limestone Screenings for driven and walkc Cement at reduced prices. Hay and Straw by the ten or bale. Yard : Ilarrisburji pike. General Office: 2e East Chestnut Street. KAUFFMAN, KELLER & CO. aprt-lwd pOAL. M. V. B. COHO, 830 NORTH WATER ST., Inneeater, la., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange Yard anil Office: Ne. 330 NORTH WATER STREET. Ieb28-l7d A.M. H. P.M. 7:25 12:00 6:10 9:40 2:10 8.-2T. 9:30 2.10 8:13 9:40 .... 8:25 10:40 .... 9:55 r